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Transition Plan

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Rhea Matar Rahkyung Kim and Julie Pickens SPED 444 November 7, 2012 TRANSITION PLAN Student Name:

I. Susan Rogers (hypothetical student)

IDENTIFY THE STUDENTS POSTSCHOOL VISION Susan wants to attend community college after graduating from high school to complete here general education courses and take some art and photography classes. She will then decide where she wants to transfer to finish her degree. Susan wants to live at home with her parents during her time in community college to save money and transition from high school to college, in addition to serving as a volunteer for her high schools photography club to continue her mentorship with her current photography teacher and facilitate her mentoring younger students. After transferring to a college or university, Susan will then move into a college dorm to experience structured yet still mostly independent living and after a year, move into her own apartment with one or two roommates. Susan will work or volunteer for both schools newspapers as a photographer and would like to be a professional wedding photographer after graduation and live independently in an apartment (but still near her parents) in the Chicago-land area. II. IDENTIFY THE STUDENTS TRANSITION GOALS 1. Career and Economic Self Sufficiency 1.1 Employment Goal: - Susan will take a web design class to fulfill her required technology credit for graduation to learn more about the basics of how to create and maintain her own web page for her potential wedding photography business. (2nd semester Junior year) - Susan will initiate the completion of the tasks expected of her at her part-time job (McDonalds) for 80% of the occasions within the next school year. 1.2 Postsecondary Education Goal: - Susan will begin developing her photography portfolio with the help of her photography teacher to be used when applying to university photography programs. (Beginning at the start of junior year and continuing through graduation) - Susan will work with her guidance counselor to develop a list of photography programs she is interested in applying to and what classes she needs in high school to make the most of her time in community college and her transition to the photography program. (By December of Junior year) - Susan and her family will meet with the local community colleges Department of Disability services to discuss the steps she needs to take to receive services in

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college and how to prepare for the transition during her senior year. (meeting will take place before the end of 1st semester, Junior year and Susans case manager will request a representative from the office to be present at all of Susans upcoming IEP meetings following this initial meeting. 1.3 Financial/Income Needs Goal: - Susan will continue her part-time employment at McDonalds to continue saving up money for college unless she finds another part-time job that is of more interest to her. - Susan will work with her guidance counselor to explore scholarships and other financial aid options and develop a plan with her and her family of how postsecondary school will be paid for. 2. Community Integration and Participation 2.1 Independent Living Goal: - Susan will open her own personal savings and checking account with the help of her mother and develop a budget for herself based on the money she makes from her part-time job at McDonalds starting at the beginning of her junior year. - Susan will independently follow cooking instructions on a frozen dinner box and safely prepare the food using the microwave or the oven by the end of 1st semester Junior year by preparing her lunch ad least once a week in the Foods classroom. 2.2 Transportation/Mobility Goal: - Susan will complete in school drivers education and the required driving hours to receive her license before the beginning of her senior year. - Susan will use a CTA map to determine what train she needs to take when traveling independently in Chicago and will practice this during her weekend trips around the city with her mother or brother. 2.3 Social Relationship Goal: - Susan will join ad least one club in addition to photography club and attend meetings and events regularly. - Susan will become a tutor in the Learning Center twice a week during lunch for Freshmen and Sophomores taking Geometry and work with her speech teacher to develop social and relationship skills with her younger, unfamiliar peers. 2.4 Recreation/Leisure Goal: - Susan will attend Live Music Fridays at the local coffee shop with ad least one other person that she has personally invited each weekend. - Susan will attend photography club each week to develop her experience developing color film and using high-tech digital cameras. 3. Personal Competence 3.1 Health/Safety Goals: - Susan will be responsible for independently taking her morning and evening medications by checking off days on a calendar in her bathroom that will be monitored by her mother. - Susan will independently identify a safe stranger to ask for directions when Transition Plan p.2

she is traveling in the community and practice this during trips into the city with her mother or brother.

3.2 Self-determination Goal: - Susan will attend all of her upcoming IEP meetings and voice her opinions, hopes and concerns with the team regarding her education and upcoming transition in order to increase her active participation and self advocacy skills. (Effective immediately) - Susan will identify for herself if she wants to continue her employment at McDonalds and if not, will independently put in a two weeks notice before the end of her junior year. III. STUDENTS COURSE OF STUDY Junior Year 2nd Semester Photography 1 (1.2) Intro to Web Design (1.1)

Junior Year 1st Semester Introduction to Photography (1.2) Drivers Education (2.2) Intro to Journalism (1.3) Food Science (2.1) Resource (2.2) Senior Year 1st Semester Senior Foods Photography II (1.2) CBI (2 periods) (2.2) (3.1) McDonalds/part time job Initiating completion of tasks (1.1) Continuing employment (1.3) (3.2) Family training Using CTA map (2.2) Open bank accounts and make budget (2.1) Attending Friday concerts (2.4) Medications (3.1) Meetings with Guidance Counselor (bi-weekly) Explore financial aid (1.3) Participating in IEP meetings (3.2) School extracurricular Photography Club (2.4) Club of choice (2.3)

Senior Year 2nd Semester Photography Senior Portfolio (1.2)

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Tutoring in the Learning Center (2.3)

NEEDED TRANSITION SUPPORTS AND SERVICES Fall semester 2013 Graduation Spring 2015 1. Instruction - Sped teacher will cooperate with Photography teacher throughout Susans participation in Photography classes to ensure that Susan is receiving the supports and accommodations she needs in the class (visual prompts, written film developing instructions, etc.) Sped teacher will also monitor development of Susans photography portfolio and be in communication with the photography teacher about her participation in Photography club. (1.1) (1.2) (2.4) Duration: throughout participation in Photography classes; teacher meets with photography teacher 1x week Sped teacher will also similarly coordinate with the drivers education teacher to ensure Susan is able to receive a drivers license before the beginning of her senior year. (2.2) Duration: 1x per week during participation in class Sped teacher will co-teach with Web Design instructor using universal design learning to ensure Susan and her classmates with and without disabilities can fully participate with the demands of the tech based class. Sped teacher will also help Susan use what she learns here to relate to her future career (a website for her photography business). (1.1) (2nd semester Junior Year). Duration: co-taught daily Sped teacher will encourage Susans attendance of all upcoming parent teacher conferences and IEP meetings to facilitate her participation in the decisions made by the team about her future. Duration: all of Junior and Senior year Sped teacher will also prep Susan a couple days before each meeting of ways she can participate in the Provider Person

Start Date End Date Primary: Case Manager (SPED teacher) Secondary: Photography teacher Web Design Instructor Doe High School SPED Dept

Provider Agency

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meeting, self advocate and voice any opinions or concerns. (3.2) Duration: 10-30 min meetings a couple days before scheduled IEP meetings 2. Related Services - Speech teacher will cooperate with Photography teacher and director of tutors at the Learning Center to teach Susan strategies for social interactions between same age and younger peers with and without disabilities. (2.3) Duration: effective immediately upon the start of Junior year, 2x a week to fulfill speech minutes - Guidance counselor from the high school counseling office will work with Susan to develop once a month to explore secondary education options in the area of photography and the steps she needs to take to best fit these goals. (1.2) Counselor will also use this time to help Susan explore financial aid options to start thinking about how she and her family are going to fund her secondary education. (1.3) Duration: starting December of Junior year and continuing through graduation, 1x per month 3. Community Experiences Susans mother will assist her in opening her own personal savings and checking account and teach her how to keep track of a budget with the money she makes and has saved from her part time job. Susans mother will take Susan to the local bank ad least once per month to practice depositing and withdrawing money and using a most to least prompting procedure, Susan will eventually manage her bank account independently (before the end of Senior year). (2.1) Duration: 1x per month Sped teacher will teach Susan how to use a CTA map on paper or online to determine what line she would need to take to get to various destinations in the city biweekly during resource. Susans mother or brother will also practice with Susan when they take their weekend trips into the city (2.2) Duration: Provider Person Provider Person

Speech teacher Guidance Counselor Speech Department Provider Agency Counseling Office

Susans mother Sped teacher Home Provider Agency SPED department

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biweekly during resource 4. Employment -Vocational coordinator will meet with Susan and her supervisor once a month at McDonalds (or other part time job) to discuss goals regarding Susan completing tasks without prompting and strategies used to meet this goal such as completing a list of expectations, awareness of spontaneous initiations to complete task, etc. (1.1) Duration: 1x per month Vocational coordinator will also help Susan find another appropriate, part time job if Susan decides that she no longer wants to work at McDonalds. (1.3) (3.2) Provider Person Provider Agency (Coordinator) is a District Office of Vocational Service Employee Vocational coordinator

5. Adult Living and Community Participation - Susans mother and the Sped teacher will teach Susan the strategies to identify a safe stranger to ask for directions while she is traveling in the community (a police officer, employee at restaurant, etc.) and this will be practiced during classroom simulations with the Sped teacher and practical applications with her mother on their weekend trips to Chicago. (3.1). Duration: 1x per week -Susans mother will facilitate Susans participation in Live Music Fridays by encouraging her to invite someone early in the week and coordinate transportation to and from the coffee shop. (2.4) Duration: 1x per week - Sped teacher will give the information to Susans family so they can get in touch with the local community colleges Office of Disability Services to set up a meeting to discuss Susans possible future at their school. Duration: Sometime during 1st semester Junior year Provider Person Provider Agency

Mother Sped teacher Home Sped department

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The Sped teacher will contact the local community colleges Office of Disability services to invite a representative to attend Susans future IEP meetings following her familys initial meeting with their office. (1.2). Duration: contacts made as often as needed 6. Daily living skills - Sped teacher will assist Susan in preparing a variety of frozen dinners using the microwave or oven using graduated guidance to ensure safety and proper following of directions. (2.1) Duration: 1x per week during lunch for as long as needed - Susans mother will monitor the calendar in the bathroom that Susan will use to keep track of her medication as she assumes more independent responsibility for taking morning and evening meds. (3.1) Duration: daily Provider Person Provider Agency

Sped Teacher Mother Home SPED department

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