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Unit 6 Daniela Barrientos Assignment 3

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Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos

Assignment 3: Unit 6 Issue Investigation

Daniela Barrientos

Post University

Edu 604

Dr. Virginia Metaxas

June 12, 2022

Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos

How family problems impact classroom behaviors.

Family problems, such as marital violence, drastic or sudden changes in the functions or

dynamics of the house, difficult financial situations, mistreatment of parents towards their

children or between the same siblings, and lack of communication between household

members, among others, directly affect socialization among students, concentration in the

study and school performance.

This issue is of the utmost importance since it often happens that when our students do not

pay attention in class, draw a lot of attention from teachers in the case of younger

children or have difficulty concentrating when studying, they are thinking about, for

example, the argument or fight that they had or saw their parents involved in or in that

unpleasant experience that causes them discouragement, stress, and fear.

Likewise, this issue has its repercussions in our society and more specifically in our

classrooms, because the intellectual and emotional development of children requires

family stability, which contributes to achieving mental balance. During the first years of

life until the years of schooling, the family is the most influential environment in the

child's cognitive, emotional, psychosocial, and personal development. Then we can say

that the family provides the child with signs of affection, acceptance or rejection, value,

and success or failure.

Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos

Controversies, arguments for and against

“Academic performance was obtained from school records. We found that students who

reported more anxious/depressed and thought problems were less likely to perform

poorly, while those with increased levels of attention problems and delinquent behavior

had higher risk for academic underachievement. This investigation demonstrates that

anxious/depressed symptoms, thought problems, attention problems, and delinquent

behavior are independently associated with academic performance, which emphasize the

need for preventive and treatment interventions targeted at students' mental health to

improve their psychological well-being and functioning at school.” (Pagerols et al.,


Parental involvement in their children's education is very important. When parents participate

in the educational process of accompanying their children, they generally obtain better

results in school, behave better, have more positive attitudes towards studies, and grow to

be more successful with goals in life. For this reason, when there is little participation

from families, students tend to feel a lack of support, a lack of supervision and guidance

from parents, and children become inattentive or disinterested in their studies because

they do not feel motivated. Moreover, therefore, their performance is lower than of

children who have the support and attention of their parents.

According to (Pagerols et al., 2022) “Identifying independent risk factors for academic

underachievement is of major importance given that educational failure has negative

long-term consequences on health, economic and social outcomes, such as low self-
Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos

esteem, interpersonal difficulties and antisocial behaviors, lower income, unemployment,

and greater use of social welfare”.

This tells us that when children feel that their parents do not pay attention to them or spend

time listening, they look for other ways to compensate for their loneliness such as video

games and the Internet. In the same way that disruptive behaviors are triggered in the

classroom during the school stage, causing reactions that can also be negative for the kid

themself, for example, rejection by the parents, classmates, and teachers, social isolation,

some consequences of that rejection could be demonstrated on behaviors in the classroom

as actively challenging teachers, starting fights, deliberately harassing other people,

rebellious attitudes, physically assaulting classmates, or their teachers. Challenging

behaviors are disturbing or aggressive actions that break discipline and alter the harmony

of the group, hindering the teaching-learning process and attention in the classroom.

The first and most important referent of virtue and character that a child can have, is the adult

who takes care of them. The relationships between parents, or caregivers and children are

based on the educational norms that regulate coexistence among all the members around

it. Friesen, A. (2019).

Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos

How do family problems impact classroom behaviors in society nowadays?

Family disintegration is a main cause of many school failures, in addition to emotional

disorders of students who live in this situation. Unfortunately, many parents think that

their children do not realize what is happening and that therefore it does not affect them,

when in reality it is quite the opposite, since the children are looking for a way to make

themselves seen, to say that they are there, that they feel and that also matter. In general,

this way is usually presented negatively, with inappropriate behaviors.

When family dynamics change, it is triggered at a time in the child's life in which he is

already aware or just trying to understand the situation, it represents a very hard blow for

them. If we think about it a little, the family at that moment means everything for them,

so uncertainty starts taking place little by little in the kid's life.

Adults are reacting in the same way to the situations they live in, at work, as a couple, and

many times surviving financially with a lot or with a little, and adults understand this type

of situation and analyze the factors giving reasons for them, but Not a child, for him it is

something incomprehensible and they generally seek to blame someone, often themselves

and seek ways to express their emotions, both negative and positive, as consequences of

what they experience with family problems.

Within our classrooms, we are going to find the studious child, the talkative child, the

mischievous child, or the aggressive child, the latter is the one that most affects the

interrelationships within the group, by continually generating problems to the point of

hitting or verbally assaulting colleagues, like I have lived some situations in my work
Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos

place, my classroom, which obviously exceeds the limits of acceptable behavior, but

finally, they are wanting to express what they feel in a safe place, as is school.

The first reaction of us as teachers is to repress or call their attention, but we need to give

them the task of investigating the reason for these reactions in order to give them

adequate attention and care they are needing. Teachers can conclude about some of these

family issues, for various reasons, such as divorce, abandonment, mistreatment, and

financial problems. It is important for teachers to have a general knowledge of the family

situation of their students, especially those with greater needs, whether it is behavior,

socialization, or others, in order to be able to contribute to the better development of the

students inside our classrooms.

Family problems are usually transferred by the child to the school environment, either in the

form of learning disorders or behavioral disorders. Unstable homes are the most harmful

for children since they present a certain hostility between the couple, and if the child

receives aggression or mistreatment from the parents or caregivers, possibly there will be

changes in the relationship with society.

Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos


Today more than ever we continue to join our efforts so that the education of our children

and adolescents continues, understanding that each family has its own context and

cultural diversity, as well as very complex situations in terms of finances.

Who said being a parent or guardian would be easy? No way! Especially in a country like the

United States, where the father and today the mother, are placed as provider figures, due

to our culture where the man keeps the house and we do not manage him as an affective

figure, so that it is important to turn this role around for our future generations.

Fathers' Involvement is important for children growth, according to the National Center for

Health Statistics analysis of the 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth looked

closely at several measures of fathers' involvement with their children, and these are

some of the statistics that the investigation showed:

Among fathers and children who lived apart:

• 16% of fathers talked with their school-aged child every day about things that had

happened during the child's day.

• Younger fathers (age 15-24) were more likely to have eaten a meal with their child in

the previous four weeks than were older fathers.

Among fathers and children who lived together:

• 65% of fathers talked with their school-aged child every day about things that had

happened in their child's day.

Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos

• 70% of black fathers had bathed, dressed, or diapered their young children, or helped

them use the toilet, every day (compared with 60% white fathers and 45% Hispanic


• Black fathers (27%) of school-aged children were more likely to take their children to

or from activities every day than were white fathers (20%).

• 41% of black fathers helped their children with homework every day (compared with

29% Hispanic fathers and 28% white fathers). (Jones et al., 2022).

Also, “While parenting can be stressful, only 11% of children have parents who say they are

usually or always stressed from parenting. (Jones et al., 2022). Most parents of teens (age

12-17) feel they can share ideas and talk about things that really matter very well (63%);

only 5% felt they could not communicate well. (Jones et al., 2022). Parents of three out of

four teens feel that their family can talk about and work together to resolve problems,

knowing that they have strengths to draw on and can be hopeful even in difficult times”

(Jones et al., 2022).

According to Katherine Schaeffer from the Pew Research Center “Working moms in the U.S.

have faced challenges on multiple fronts during the pandemic. In the early months of the

pandemic, there was an increase in the share of mothers who said they preferred not to

work for pay at all.”

“ In an October 2020 survey, about a quarter (27%) of mothers with children younger than 18

at home said that at that point in their life, the best work arrangement for them personally

would be not working for pay at all, up from 19% who said so in a summer 2019 survey.”

(Schaeffer, 2022)
Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos

The share of mothers who said working full time would be best for them dropped from 51%

to 44% during that span, while around three-in-ten in both surveys said they would prefer

to work part-time.” (Schaeffer, 2022)

It is important to highlight the importance of a good relationship and communication

between teachers and parents, not only so that both parties are in communication, but also

so that in case there is a family problem that is affecting the behavior and performance of

the child can realize in time and be able to help the students have an integral


Understanding that one of the challenges of today is to improve the educational level, for this

reason it is considered important that the work of the teacher is focused not only on the

work of the students within the school, but also to know a little about the family

environment of this to understand the reason for the different behaviors that students

present at school, which can affect their school life.

Something interesting and very significant is that parents and caregivers have the duty to be

well informed about the problems that afflict their children in order to help them, advise

them, since the help and guidance that parents offer to develop the child's potential is

essential and above all to participate in the intellectual and personal development of their

Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos


Baqli Al-obeydi, S. F. A. (2022). The Culture of Violence against Childhood - An

Anthropological Study in the City of Hilla. International Journal of Early Childhood

Special Education, 14(1), 1122–1127.


Friesen, A. (2019). Generational Change? The Effects of Family, Age, and Time on Moral

Foundations. Forum (2194-6183), 17(1), 121–140. https://doi-

Hervalejo, D., Carcedo, R. J., & Fernández-Rouco, N. (2020). Family and Mental Health

During the Confinement Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain: The Perspective of

the Counselors Participating in Psychological Helpline Services. Journal of Comparative

Family Studies, 51(3/4/2020), 399–416. https://doi-

Jones, J., & Mosher, W. D. (2020). Fathers' involvement with their children: United States,

2006-2010. National Health Statistics Reports Number 71

Pagerols, M., Prat, R., Rivas, C., Spines-Martín, G., Puigbó, J., Pagespetit, È., Haro, J. M.,

Ramos-Quiroga, J. A., Casas, M., & Bosch, R. (2022). The impact of psychopathology

on academic performance in school-age children and adolescents. Scientific Reports,

12(1), 1–12.

Schaeffer, K. (2022) Working moms in the U.S. have faced challenges on multiple fronts

during the pandemic. Pew Research Center.

Assignment: Unit 6 Issue Investigation Daniela Barrientos



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