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"THE TRUST FREQUENCY: 10 Assumptions For A New Paradigm." Introduction.

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Ten Assumptions for a New Paradigm

Andrew Cameron Bailey & Connie Baxter Marlow
Grandfather, Creator of all that exists,
With this Sacred Pipe, hear my prayer:
As the new day dawns,
Let all people begin anew
To walk the Good Red Road of Life.
May we forget our differences,
May we remember our likenesses,
Let us hear what we have not heard,
Let us see what we have not seen,
It is the spark of the Universe,
The Oneness of all Life.
In such a way may we be blessed,
Blessed, in a sacred manner.
Wayne Eagleboy
Our senses enable us to perceive only a minute portion of the
outside world. If you want to find the secrets of the universe,
think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
Nikola Tesla
The Universe is wider than our views of it.
Henry David Thoreau
To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.
Bertrand Russell
Just as every drop of the ocean carries the taste of the ocean,
so does every moment carry the taste of eternity.
The upwising has begun!
Swami Beyondananda, comedian
The Trust Frequency paradigm is a readily-accessible scientific and spiritual construct built
upon a visionary, original understanding of the nature of the Universe. Drawing from
quantum science, indigenous cosmology, Eastern mysticism and the authors own intuition,
this book presents a world-view that, once adopted and acted upon, leads inevitably to happy,
peaceful and successful individuals and communities.
The synthesis underlying this vision is well-supported by the leading thinkers of the
human species, from as far back in time as the Vedic philosophers of ancient India, Emerson,
Thoreau and the American Transcendentalists, Goethe, Einstein, David Bohm, Teilhard de
Chardin, and in our own time, Ervin Laszlo, Jean Houston, Fritjof Capra, Alan Watts,
Barbara Marx Hubbard, Stanislav Grof, Rupert Sheldrake, Bruce Lipton, Dean Radin, Gregg
Braden, Brian Swimme, Ken Wilber and many others. In addition to these well-known
cutting-edge scholars, spiritual teachers and philosophers who are profoundly influencing
humanitys emerging planetary world-view, this book, perhaps uniquely, acknowledges and
integrates the cosmology of the indigenous peoples of the world, the Bushmen of the
Kalahari, the Australian Aborigines, and the Native Americans - the Hopi, Lakota, Maya,
Toltec and others. Brief quotes from many of these visionary way-showers are woven into the
text of this book.
In all affairs its a healthy thing now and then to hang
a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.
Bertrand Russell, PhD, philosopher
This book presents a radical non-dualistic way of seeing the world, and a way to integrate the
experience of undivided Unity into the real world. In other words, here is a practical
strategy for the reader to implement a fundamental upward shift in his or her own
consciousness, by intentionally choosing to vibrate at a higher frequency. A good metaphor
for the latter action would be the elevation of ones frequency from the lowest or root chakra
(corresponding color: red) to the highest or crown chakra (corresponding color: violet) by the
focused application of ones conscious attention and intention.
What emerges is a vision for the imminent appearance of the true human, or
Humanity 2.0, a vision distilled from the collective wisdom of our entire species. This wisdom
is then broken down into a realistic method of applying these ideas to the vibratory state of
the individual, and ultimately, to that of society as a whole: the Ten Assumptions. A profound
upward shift in the collective consciousness can be initiated by examining and replacing
certain outdated, erroneous assumptions about the nature of reality. The result is nothing less
than a major upgrade to the human operating system.
Information, when combined with experience, becomes
knowledge. When this knowledge becomes the frequency
upon which we base our thoughts, words and deeds, then
we are entering the resonance called wisdom.
Michael Brown, The Presence Process
We are approaching the end of the Age of Reason, the Age of Analysis, a rather grim 400-
year era of logical, left-brain-dominated, reason-based mechanistic thinking which developed
in the 17th Century courtesy of Isaac Newton and Ren Descartes, and triggered the
Industrial Revolution, the last great paradigm shift.
In the hundred years since 1905, science has undergone a profound expansion, and
partly as a result of that expansion, humanity as a whole is now entering an age of synthesis, a
time of convergence of opposites, of holistic thinking, and resolution of the paradoxes and
contradictions which have puzzled, depressed, and divided us forever. With the few
exceptions mentioned above, our most brilliant thinkers, our greatest scientists, religious
leaders and philosophers, those most of us entrusted with the task of doing our thinking for
us, have painted a picture of a bleak reality that has us imagining that we are separate from
the rest of the Universe, that the Universe is a gigantic, lifeless, unconscious machine which
somehow also contains (or is contained by) a separate super-conscious something called
God or Jahweh or Allah, that there are two invisible (but real) destinations called
Heaven and Hell, that we have to die to get to either of those places, and that each of us is
split into a higher and a lower self. Over the centuries, these somewhat irrational
concepts have developed into a set of unquestioned fundamental assumptions, a paradigm, a
consensus reality, that governs the lives of the vast majority of individuals in the developed
world. As a direct result, homo sapiens has become the most schizophrenic species in the history
of the Universe, and few, if any, of us has any idea of what to do about the situation.
That is about to change. Humanity possesses a vast untapped potential. We are
entering into a time of awakening, of spiritual healing, where our divine selves and our
egos re-combine at a higher point on the evolutionary upward spiral, and the confusions of
the past are resolved once and for all. We will no longer be psychologically divided beings,
with higher and lower selves, but will be mature, fully-integrated individuals
simultaneously experiencing our unlimited, universal selves and our connection to the
Unified Field, All-That-Is, while at the same time living our everyday existence from a higher
vibratory place, a place of trust and love. The world we will then experience will be very
different from the current one, which is built on a foundation of erroneous, fear-based
beliefs. It is the most amazing time to be alive!
You are not your present structures of understanding.
You inhabit a multi-dimensional reality far beyond
any structure of thought that could ever be created
by your human mind. Know that you are not your
thoughts, you are not your ideas, you are not your
descriptions of the world around you. You are a being
of pure consciousness who has chosen to manifest on
the physical plane. You have incarnated to bring out,
develop and enjoy the beauty of the created realms.
Ken Carey, Return of the Bird Tribes
The human species, in the opening decades of the 21st Century, is presented with an
unprecedented challenge and an extraordinary opportunity the possibility of a radical re-
visioning and re-invention of ourselves, the possibility of conscious evolution.
Our old, distorted assumptions, the beliefs that we inherited from our predecessors,
have inevitably given rise to the world we see around us, with all of its absurdities and
contradictions. As we shall see, humanitys prevailing paradigm, its consensus reality, is based
on flawed, limited, fundamentally erroneous assumptions about the universal laws that
govern our existence. These universal laws will be referred to in this book as the true nature
of the Universe and will be described in detail in the forthcoming chapters.
The rational-mechanistic model of the universe, while highly effective in terms of
technological progress, has resulted in the loss of some of humanitys most precious abilities.
Our erroneous belief systems stem partly from the reductionist scientific materialism
of the past several centuries, but the roots of the human predicament go much deeper, to the
very beginnings of our social systems and the origins of the doubt, fear and separation that
have plagued mankind from the start.
Man has doubted the Creator since the
beginning, and that doubt has plagued him.
Wallace Black Elk, Lakota Elder
We are at a critical moment in the development of our species,
a turning point. Our most brilliant, courageous and visionary thinkers are discovering and
unveiling our true nature, our purpose, our destiny, and our intimate, connected relationship
with the rest of existence. Recent advances in astrophysics, quantum science, anthropology,
cosmology, psychobiology, the contemplative practices and communications technology have
engendered a vast expansion of our understanding. For the first time in its several hundred
thousand year history, humankind has the information and the perspective it needs to stop,
step back, gaze up at the stars, go inside, and ponder the big picture: where did we come
from, what we have become, where are we going, and why?
If we dont like what we see, what can we do to change the situation? Who says the
current consensus reality is the only possible option, the only game in town? We have, a small
percentage of us at this point in time, become aware that we humans, as a species, are still
evolving. We are also beginning to realize that we can (and indeed must) get involved in our
own evolution. While there are some who are still struggling with the very idea that our
species is a work in progress, evolving physically, mentally and spiritually over time, others
are in the process of a great awakening. Conscious evolution is now a real possibility. In fact,
it is inevitable. Like the caterpillar transforming into the butterfly, the metamorphosis is
already underway. It is written into our DNA. Our imaginal cells have been activated. The
process is unstoppable. Having begun to awaken, we will not readily fall back to sleep.
Lets go back in time a few thousand years. Moses had a mission. Jesus had a mission. This
book has a mission, so lets get right to the point. Moses came down from the mountain with
a freshly-inscribed stone tablet carrying the Ten Commandments, a list of proscriptions, of
thou shalt nots, designed primarily to impose control on the Israelites of his time, an unruly,
semi-wild, warlike tribe of shepherds, artisans and philosophers with deep and ancient roots
in the libertarian goddess-worshiping religions of the region. The only thou shalts in the list
were the two enjoining the Israelites to love their god Jahweh and to love their parents. Both
deity and parent were stern and forbidding authoritarians, and therefore not easy to love, so
the first two commandments were even more difficult to obey than the other eight.
A couple of millennia later, at the peak of the Holy Roman Empire, a latter-day
Israelite named Jeshua ben Yusuf, these days known as Jesus of Nazareth, proposed a kinder,
gentler set of commandments, featuring a much greater emphasis on loving, not only god and
parent, but also ones neighbor. Ones neighbor was to be loved as oneself, perhaps the first
time in the worlds literature that we find mention of self-esteem, the self-acceptance or love
of self that we now know to be essential to spiritual and psychological health. Love thyself.
Love thy neighbor. Love everyone. Good advice if ever we heard it.
The messages of both these prophets, along with those of countless others, taken in
their pure form, have had an enormous and positive civilizing influence on human society,
no question. And yet our world remains mired in poverty, disease, greed, inequity, war and
violence. Why did humanity not simply adopt the tenets of its Wise Ones, who to this day
maintain that all we have to do is to love, honor and respect one another, and all the bad
things will go away? That would have been a no-brainer, but for some reason it seems that we
had some learning to do.
Why, one might ask? Why all the suffering, all the struggle, all the pain? The answer,
as we are now realizing, is this: we had to undergo, as part of our evolutionary learning curve,
every event in our personal and collective histories in order to bring us to this very point in
time, ready for the next step in our unfoldment. It has taken us a lot of hard work and a lot of
suffering to get to this point. We have been distracted, trapped in complacency, paralyzed by
uncertainty. Are we ready, at last, to wake up and to move into a higher reality? Do we have
any alternative, if we are to survive and to thrive?
The shift requires, firstly, that we awaken to the fact that our individual and collective
assumptions, the core beliefs upon which we base our reality, the distorted ideas which we as
a supposedly intelligent species have not questioned or examined for millennia, no longer
serve us, if they ever did.
Secondly, we must make a conscious choice to do something about it. That is where
the information in this book comes in. By assimilating the ideas in Part One, and by
deploying our innate intelligence, our intuition and our free will, by choosing to change a few
of our most fundamental assumptions, we can individually and collectively change our world,
permanently, painlessly, and in a few short years. As we come into alignment with the true
nature of the Universe, free of the fearful illusions of the past, we are enabled, each of us, to
discover and actualize our highest aspirations. We find ourselves in an unimaginably more
beautiful world, the world of the Trust Frequency, the world the Buddhists call Nirvana.
Moses, Jesus and the leaders of 21st Century Earth, despite their most visionary
pronouncements and the millennia that have gone by, share one thing in common a world
where the dominant world-view or cosmology is based to a very large extent on fear and
doubt. We are afraid of everything, including scarcity, drought, famine, wild animals,
dangerous neighbors, lack of money, losing the money we have, bacteria, old age, Al Qaeda,
disease, comets, storms, other religions, God, the Devil, computer viruses, the CIA, nuclear
holocausts, mice, communists, Americans, cat hair, religious zealots, terrorists, the police, you
name it. The list goes on and on and on. There is almost nothing that someone, somewhere,
isnt terrified of.
If our dominant world-view is based on fundamental assumptions of scarcity, competition
and separation, is it any wonder that we have created the conflicted world we see today? We
had to work with what we were given, with the belief systems that were handed down to us,
generation after generation. What alternative have we had? Now however, as unlikely, as
challenging, as the idea may seem, now that we live in a radically inter-connected quantum
world where new ideas can go viral and spread like wildfire and change everything, we face
an unprecedented opportunity: we can change our world simply by changing our
assumptions. Its up to us. We can continue to live in fear, or we can exercise our free will,
and choose to live in trust.
Who would disagree that there has to be a better way to manifest as humans? We all know
that the world as it exists today, with its wars, poverty, disease and distress, is lacking
something critical. It is simply not right, in some fundamental way. We all agree that a world
based on love and trust would be infinitely preferable to the one we are living in. But how
can we bring about such a profound change? The answer, to drive the point home again, is
this: we humans need to change our assumptions. In order to change our assumptions, we
need to examine our existing ones. If necessary, we need to root them out and replace them
with more accurate ones.
We need be willing to remodel the very foundation of our reality. If we find our
existing beliefs inadequate or outdated, we must come up with a set of alternative
assumptions to take their place. That is the goal of this book: to discover and propose ten
basic assumptions to replace some of the existing beliefs that have dominated and distorted
our world for thousands of years.
Wild, utopian thinking, you say? Absolutely! Its the only way. Anything less will not
do the job. Virtually every society has a myth or folk-story about a long-ago time when we all
lived in harmony, in a paradise of balance and abundance. What if that paradise, that Garden
of Eden, lies in the future, not the past? What if weve had it all backwards? What if it has
been here all along? What if its right here, right now? What if we can get there, simply by
changing our minds, our beliefs, the way we think about things? Its worth a shot, dont you
In a holographic universe there are no limits to the
extent to which we can alter the fabric of reality.
What we perceive as reality is only a canvas waiting
for us to draw on it any picture we want.
Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe
So, dear friends, unless youre completely satisfied with the status quo, why not join us
in the greatest adventure ever undertaken, a conscious paradigm shift for the whole of
humanity? The key to the shift lies here, in the following Ten Assumptions, in the Trust
Frequency. Its basically a matter of choosing the vibratory frequency in which we exist, and
as we shall see, its all in our thoughts, the only things over which we have truly independent
control, once we wake up and get beyond the limitations of our conditioned minds.
Love vibrates rapidly. Fear has a slower rate of vibration.
Those who channel fearful energies find that as time passes,
the fear vibration grows heavy, depressing. Eventually it brings
sleep, gloominess, discouragement, despair.
The love vibration brings enthusiasm, energy, interest, perception.
Ken Carey, Return of the Bird Tribes
We may not be able to change our outer circumstances immediately, but our inner landscape
is ours to re-design and re-decorate as and when we choose. With a more positive world-
view, we see our circumstances in a more positive light. We realize that, far from being
victims of circumstance, circumstance is in fact our best friend. It is our unerring guide. Once
we accept the ideas in this book, and integrate them into our beings, we can create a future
beyond our wildest dreams. The only question is: do we dare? Do we have the courage?
Turn the page, read on, and find out whether these ideas resonate with your own
inner knowing. At first, we suggest that you try them on as an exercise, and experiment.
Apply them to your life as absolutes and see what happens. Be forewarned: this process
triggers a deep cellular cleansing of old habitual thinking. It is not going to feel good
sometimes. Its going to be a wild ride. Its going to take all the courage, all the trust you can
muster, and thats not always easy. But, heres a secret. The process is extremely liberating -
emotionally, psychologically and spiritually liberating. Your fears, your worries, your
anxieties, your stress, melt away like the illusions they are, and you find yourself with a
brand-new and much more positive perspective on life. That alone is worth the effort. Is it
Henry David Thoreau, the nineteenth-century Transcendentalist author, visionary and
activist, had an important realization during his famous stay at Walden Pond, one which
summarizes our vision eloquently, one that can set us all free once we grok it.
I learned this, at least, by my experiment:
that if one advances confidently in the
direction of his dreams, and endeavors to
live the life which he has imagined, he will
meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

He will put some things behind, will pass an
invisible boundary; new, universal, and more
liberal laws will begin to establish themselves
around and within him; or the old laws will
be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in
a more liberal sense, and he will live with the
license of a higher order of beings.
Henry David Thoreau, Walden
This book is about to take you on a journey of deep, personal discovery, during which you
can apply Thoreaus visionary insights to your own life and you can begin to live with the
license of a higher order of beings, starting right now, this very moment.
The spiritual power I wear is much more
beautiful and much greater. We call it
wisdom, knowledge, power and gift, or love.
There are these four parts to that spiritual
power. So I wear those. When you wear that
power it will beautify your mind and spirit.
You become beautiful. Everything that
Tunkashila creates is beautiful.
Wallace Black Elk, Lakota Elder

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