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The key takeaways are that the author believes every being has the innate ability to heal itself and adapt to challenges, both physically and metaphysically. The text will explore this concept of self-healing from the perspective of the creator.

The author's perspective on self-healing is that every being, from single-celled organisms to humans, has the innate ability to actively exchange energy with its surroundings to exist and handle disturbances to its identity. The text will observe beings through the eye of the creator.

The two rules of herbalism according to the author are simplicity (not mixing many herbs to avoid counter effects) and using herbs picked personally without disrupting the plant.

Vladimir Pendovski


This text originates on the basis of personal experiences of the author in the area of complementary
medicine and practicing various methods of holistic diagnostics and healing.
The idea to transmit those experiences into practice came spontaneously, as a result of the increased
health problems that the modern human faces. The practices are direct, either from personal
application of the knowledge in complementary medicine, or from assisting other beings to recover
their health state.
The interest in this area came spontaneously, after an intensive yoga practice (of 1-2 years), when
significant positive changes in the health of the author began to appear.

Upon the many questions connected to the change, the “authorized” had no answers, so the author
began his own personal journey in a search of the cognition of the medical science, but also for the
cognizance of the “alternative” solutions. That search followed by joining the School of Universal
Energy, whose founder and mentor was Master Dang.
The horizons of this widen area has grown as a result of the collaboration established with ITEM- USA
in the field of aura and chakra research, SNHS -London in the field of acupuncture, iridology,
herbalism and hypnotherapy.
The membership in the Academy of Human Universal Energy and Spirituality, which is an official
faculty at the Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo, OIUCM in
Colombo, Sri Lanka, has enabled more profound understanding and verification of the knowledge in
this area.

The author is a certified doctor of Traditional medicine at OIUCM and holds a PhD in Oriental
philosophy. The author sincerely hopes that the knowledge which will be shared in the text, shall find
its utilization in the reader’s life, resulting in steady health and wellbeing.

May the suffering reasons of all beings come to an end...

The author

Om Ah Medicine Buddha Namah Aum

The mere title of this text, “Self-healing” state the basic premise of the author about the
capabilities of the being to handle all challenges from the surrounding, in a sense to adapt, but also to
actively respond to all disturbances of his identity, both physical and metaphysical.
The Medicine Buddha, presented in the Preface, is not some distant deity from the “pagan” traditions
of the Orient, but simply an embodiment of the very ability, present in every being, from the simplest
– one cell organisms, to the most sophisticated creation in the material world – the human body,
composed of 50.000 billions of cells.
It is the ability of the being to exist, i.e. to actively exchange energy with its surrounding at all
frequencies, from the densest one – the matter, to the highest one – the principle of consciousness.
In the text, the being shall be observed by the eye of the Creator, a term that does not belong to any
kind of belief system exclusively, but simply refers to the intelligent energy which designs, procreates.
Seen from this angle, the approach is a holistic one, because it does not limit itself only to the physical
“visible” reality and its exponent, the human body, but on the “invisible” reality as well, a reality that
increasingly becomes a subject of scientific verification.
So, there is a belief that the Creator (we may use the term She Creator as well) loved himself/herself
so much that (s)he had created the human being as his/her embodiment and had bestowed upon him
all powers to co-create the physical reality.
The human being is a microcosms which possess all the qualities of the macrocosms, one self -
organizing universe, governed by the exact same laws as the ones in macrocosms.
Just as one drop and the vast ocean body, they share the same vibrations, regardless of our concepts
for dimension.
In the text that follows, all mechanisms of existence shall be described at equal length, from the
physical body as a means of existence in the physical reality, the energy body, as its supporter and
mover, the body of mind as a conscious body driver, the body of sub consciousness as a summation of
all experiences form the previous incarnations, and finally, the body of bliss, the unshaped heart
consciousness that is the highest frequency of the principle of consciousness, whose embodiment,
among others, is the Medicine Buddha, described in the Preface.
While explaining the phenomena connected to “health”, the terms used will be the ones from the
classic medical science, but also the ones from the complementary medicine as well as from
spirituality, the science of the “invisible” world, the metaphysics.
The principle theory of the “self - organizing Universe” will be the starting point of orientation. Taking
into account, at all times, part of the universal laws mentioned in the text that follows, enable the
reader proper understanding of this theory. Some of the laws are:
– the law of impermanence (entropy);
– the law of attraction (mutual bringing together) of similar frequencies;
– the law of moral retribution (karma);
– the law of reincarnation;
– the law of free will;

The first law of impermanence is the foundation for suffering which all perceivable beings face
Each and every creation in the Universe, starting from the most sophisticated one to the densest one,
is a subject of this law, due to the very nature of the creation, being a temporary thickening of the
basic consciousness principle. Temporary, because of the fact that at the very point of composing, the
creation itself begins to face the powers in the Universe that have a tendency to decompose it into
the elementary substance it has been formed of.
Taking this fact into account, it follows that all perceivable beings have their own temporary integrity
(5000 years in Deva Loka, one day the one – cell organisms), their own shape. Also, part in the
spiritual space, in which the universal consciousness, thickened at certain frequency, gathers
experiences in that limited window of time, and adds them to the vast collective memory of the
universe that is manifested.
The suffering of the perceivable being, begin by identification with that shape, at the same time
forgetting its impermanence, temporariness, relativity.
The pure identification with the temporary shape gives birth to the consciousness of the small ego, I-
body, I as a separate being. At that very moment the fear of losing or disturbing that identity begins.
This fear, through the experiences of the countless reincarnations is transferred into preformed
consciousness, an instinct, with a primary goal of protecting the body at any condition.
Losing the form is inevitable with the act of death, when the components of the temporary shape
return to their original natural frequencies, because the force that holds them together is no longer
Here, the law of attraction comes in force in the most precise way. Even prior to the act of death, the
body components as expressed in the four basis aggregate states, have tendency to attract similar
frequencies from the “outside” world. Hence, the principle of consciousness communicates with
corresponding frequencies from the surrounding, but, also the other elements in the physical body
poses the identical tendency, expressed through the energy flow in the energy body. All elements, i.e.
aggregate states are only provisional thickening, starting from the thinnest, the gas element, up until
the thickest – the solid element. The solid element vibrates as well, it is named solid due to the tactile
perception of this state. However, since this vibration is out of reach for the tactile capacity of the
human, it is considered to be a solid, steady one.
This attraction of similar frequencies is a precursor for the troubles of the physical body, by attracting
low vibrations from the surrounding that are not always adequate to the physiological harmony of the
physical body.
If the user of the physical body himself does not “steer” it consciously, in harmony with the universal
laws, he will soon clash with opposite forces, which will cause a feeling of pain on a physiological
level, (that being) a legitimate signal of the controlling systems inside the physical body, pointing that
some of its parts does not function properly. So by redirecting the attention of the steer commander,
the mind, to that area, will enable enhanced energy flow toward that point.
Every event of that kind is registered in the subconscious body of the user as an experience, positive,
negative, or neutral, so the mind forms its opinion as pleasant - unpleasant, attractive - repulsive etc.

Here, the law of moral retribution (karma) starts to operate, grouping those experiences in karmic
sections whose energies determine the further mind operating, in sense of tendency of creating
positive, pleasant events and avoiding events with a negative impact.
After the expiration “date” of the physical body, the principle of consciousness, or the popular “soul”
in the western belief systems, leaves the physical body carrying along all of the experiences from that
incarnation in a form of a magnetic ball; thus, the consciousness itself continues to function at much
higher levels than the incarnated one (9 times higher according to the experiences of the Tantric
Buddhism – “The Tibetan book of the Dead”).

“Orb” energetic ball

The bardo state begins, by reliving the current karma, the intermediate state of consciousness
uncertainty, which lasts up until the moment when the average vibrations of the “being” are
forwarded into a new direction, to a process of creating again, to search for a new body in order to
complete either the lessons left unlearned or the aspirations from the previous incarnation. Another
bardo state begins, a quest for new body, the body of yearning.

According the law of attraction, the “being” is attracted from a parenting couple, in time and place
that match its average frequency, so in the moment of egg fertilization, the being is being
reincarnated. After a nine month period, again begins the process of collecting new experiences,
carrying with it all inclinations from the previous incarnations, which may sometimes manifest in the
new body as defects, inborn deficiencies and so on, the causes of which the medical science tends to
presuppose is the hereditary genetic factor.
Unlike the animal world, where the instinctive preformed consciousness completely domineers the
being, with the humans, being of a higher frequency, functions the law of free will, a choice of how
the new experiences will be gathered: either in a reactive manner – under the control of the body of
sub – consciousness or in an active way – in harmony with the universal laws.
The will, which according to some definitions is described as a “limited energy contingent at
consciousness' disposal”, is often insufficient to cope with powerful energy systems of the instincts or
the generated energy of the karmic sections in the body of sub consciousness. Nevertheless, this
contingent may, through correct and persistent labor, be raised to a level where it will successfully
parry the uncontrolled instinct or karma streams, or in its active form, become a co-creator of reality.


This short description of the universal laws has been made for the reader to grasp the author's
starting points in elaborating his thesis of self-healing.
In this introduction we shall address yet another issue that clarifies the dilemma about the human
physical body.
That is the moment of the current civilization, which is fifth in line, or better known as Aryan
civilization. From the previous ones, we shall mention the third one known as Lemuria and the fourth
one, the Atlantis, both civilizations where the consciousness had been incarnated in a physical form of
a much sophisticated kind.
Ernst Muldashev, a world renowned Russian ophthalmologist, in his piece “Where do we come
from?” describes in details the bodies of the previous civilizations who are still kept in a hibernation
state in the caves clusters in the Himalayas.
We strongly recommend reading the book of H.P (Helena Petrovna) Blavatska “The secret doctrine”,
which thoroughly clarifies these processes on a collective scale.
In this text, we shall begin with the end of the Atlantis civilization, the last remaining inhabitants
settled in today's Egypt, when after a series of planetary catastrophes attempted to adjust themselves
to the conditions that had started to domineer on the planet Earth. While striving, they discovered a
being that was capable of receiving the human consciousness; they cultivated it, bred it and, finally
created the ancestor to the modern human.

Evolution of the human body

They thought him of two activities that the human beings differ from the animals: an upright walk and
an articulated speech.
Just to remind ourselves that even today, these activities are absent from the preformed human
consciousness, so, after the birth, the baby starts to move by crawling, but in order for it to stand up
and walk on two legs requires assistance, help, teaching etc.
The same goes for the articulated speech, so if the child is not taught how to speak, it will only be left
with the capacity of the vocal cords, without their usage for articulate communication.
In this text, we shall look upon the act of upstanding and the consequences it has made on the body,
which the modern human has been facing with ever since.

I – The nature of the human body

As seen through the eyes of the Creator, the effort of the people of the forth civilization to replace
him/her as co-creators is exquisite and without a doubt successful, because it enabled the continuum
of human souls incarnations even after the cataclysms that had permanently changed the ambience
on planet Earth.
The main emphasis in that transformation was given to the brain i.e. its adaptation towards the
developed (emerged) human consciousness.

Brain evolution

The brain, his human part – the cerebral cortex is the main tool for the manifestation of the human
discriminative consciousness, free will, creation and so on.
Unfortunately, the animal structures have remained strong enough to persist in their domination over
the consciousness of that being, so even today the contemporary human uses only 4-5% of the brain's
This particularly refers to the “reptilian complex” with structures in the vertebrate brain (medulla
spinalis), cerebellum and medulla oblongata which is the location of all centers in charge of sustaining
the physical body. It is in regards to the primary instinct of self - preservation. For example, the signals
of the cerebellum are 20 faster than the signals of the cerebrum so that, if there is a conflict, the
human consciousness does not have a chance to overpower those instincts.
The same goes for the mammal parts of the brain, expressed mostly in the limbic system structures,
basic ganglion system etc., where the primary instincts, such as mating etc., are functioning in a more
subtle manner. So, we can truly claim that the nature of the human body dominantly is ananimal one,
example of which are body parts serving that type of consciousness, where violence is the dominant
way of communication.

This especially refers to the nails that are a weapon of every animal for defense/attack and canine
teeth as well, serving as a weapon.

All of these traces from the past are still present, but without their usage in everyday life, they
gradually rudiment and their efficiency for the primary goal of violence, attack or defense in the
primary function of self - preservation is diminishing.

By standing up on two legs, the normal functioning of the organs and organ systems are considerably
disrupted since they were designed for a being that moves on two plus two legs, occasionally using
the front pair to carry out a task of an instinctive nature.
We will corroborate this thesis with a brief insight into the anatomy and physiology of the physical
body, but also with an insight in the energy body as its originator and supporter.

Location of the organs in the body

The image shows all organ systems in the torso. It is easy to imagine how the gravity, the Earth's
force, affects such positioned organs. The pelvis, in this position – being the bottom, is distressed the
most by the weight of the organs above. In slightly better position is the digestive tract in the
abdominal void where as the heart and lungs do not suffer from such obstacles.
It is obvious from that the main circulatory system, the arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels are
situated behind the organs i.e. between them and the spine.
The above also applies to the kidneys, the urogenital tract, which is responsible of processing the
liquid element that is dominant in the physical body with 70-75% in comparison to the other
In the normal position when the torso is parallel to the ground, these systems, blood vessels and the
kidneys are above the other organ systems, which enables them proper activity and carrying out the
functions, thus providing the best vitality benefit for the physical body. In this position, the organ
systems themselves float in the void without any obstruction from the other organs, with normal flow
of fresh arterial blood and drainage of vein blood and lymph liquid.
So, in the thorax which is the most protected are, the hearts floats freely and its function is not
hampered by the G force.
The vein blood flow from the vein system is uninhibited, coming from plain above the heart and
pouring into the right vestibule without any strain. The uninhibited vein flow is a prerequisite for a
quality arterial flow, meaning when there is no hinder in the vein system, the new fresh blood easily
flows into the tissues and cells of the organs and organ systems.

Artery and vein system with capillary bed

The lungs as well, are in relaxed position and their prime mover, the diaphragm, performs its function
normally, moving freely in the horizontal plain, thus allowing deep, effortless breathing which is a
basis of a body function. These two processes, the breathing and the circulation are the essence of
correct functioning of the physical body.

By standing up, these vital processes are fundamentally disturbed, mainly because of the earth's
gravity force which naturally tends to “pull” down.

The Creator, in order to intercept this obstruction, has created valves in the veins, i.e. one way pistons
that prevent the vein blood to drain down. The problem is that it did that only in the leg veins, but
neither in the pelvis nor the abdomen where the veins are without those tools. According to it, once
you are in upright position, there is no need to additionally assist this vital flow.

This construction oversight is even more evident in the system that is being quite neglected by the
contemporary human and the medicine as well. It is the lymphatic system, the system in charge of
internal “cleansing” of all tissues, organs and organ systems from the byproducts of their metabolism.
Not only the drainage of these byproducts is the main goal of the lymphatic system, but also the
neutralization of all potential body aggressors in the form of microorganisms, through the system of
lymphatic nodes, which operate as lymph purifying stops. Hence that the purified liquid pours in the
vein system in two places in the shoulder area. There is nothing in a form of a suction pump to assist
the lymph on its voyage, so it must overcome the long trip from the feet to the shoulders by itself. In
a horizontal position this trip is effortless due to the fact that the lymph vessels also have valves just
like the veins, but only in the legs and not in the pelvis nor the abdomen.

Lymph Capillaries in the tissue spaces for drainage Lymph capillary

The lymphatic nodes, in coordination with the other lymph organs, are the basis of the body immune
system, i.e. a system in charge of defending the body against any invaders that can harm or threaten
its normal functioning.

Lymph node structure
Its functioning is mostly depending on the undisturbed lymph flow. In the horizontal position the
Creator has set it up perfectly, but does it function in the vertical one?

Lymph system Immune system

It does function, but with limited capacity, obstructed by the Earth's gravity. In these modern times by
the “urban” way of life, lack of activity and so on it even more slows down this vital flow. The legs are
in the most critical position, but also the organs in the pelvis and abdomen are affected by the slow
lymph flow, which through the thorax finally pour itself into the vein system. As a result, legs are
swelling, pelvis and abdomen organs are swelling, filled with waste liquid and various organisms that
are not always amicable to the body. That is why the upright position is only a temporary one,
because the body cannot withstand the drastically decreased flow in the vein and lymph vessels for a
long time. This, on the other hand, creates a pressure and resistance for the arterial blood flow to

regularly provide the tissues with nutrition, oxygen and energy. Therefore, the modern human tires
quickly, so s/he needs to sit or lie down in order for these flows to finds their way and perform their
job under those strenuous conditions.

For example, the body vein system may be compared to water sewerage of a city, while as the
lymphatic system to a sewer. In case of a jam, it really does not take a lot of imagination to anticipate
the problems the inhabitants of the particular city start to face, in this case, the body cells.

These problems are obvious for the vein system in the pelvis but especially in the abdomen zone.
They refer to the system in charge of processing materials that the digestive system has already
extracted from the food and beverage intake through its main organ, the liver. All of the extracted
materials are taken in the vein system of the small intestine and partly in the large intestine and are
then redirected towards the liver for processing through the so called hepatic portal blood system.
From the picture bellow, it is obvious the resistance this flow needs to overcome in order to enter the
liver, and even bigger one to get out of the liver through the veins passing through the diaphragm, to
be able to pour itself into the large hollow vein that leads to the heart.It would appear that the liver is
the most affected organ by the act of erecting with apparent dysfunctional problems and diseases.

Portal blood system Positioning of the liver, stomach

and pancreas

If you look at the configuration of the other organs, it is clear that all of them more or less suffer from
the same problem, the most unfortunate probably being the endocrine pancreas (the head of the
pancreas) pressed by the duodenum, resulting in impaired functioning which in the modern times
leads to a massive scale of diabetes mellitus.
As far as the intestinal system is concerned, the large intestine probably was affected the worst,
which, by the act of erecting, acquired a strange task to “push” the material received by the small
intestine “upwards”, to overcome a very sharp corner under the liver and then continue its bowel

movements in more or less bearable conditions. The large intestine extracts the water and minerals
from the “digested food”, but this function is twice impaired, by the slowing down the movements of
the “material” due to the position and also by the insufficient vein blood flow which is to take the
reabsorbed material into the liver. The repercussions are obstipation, increased body toxicity,
flatulence, constipation etc.
Probably, all of the body organs have been affected by the act of upstanding, but we have mentioned
only the most drastic ones.

The energy body (Pranamaya koshasans.) is a system of the being that is in charge of supporting the
physical body and enabling all of its functions.
Invisible to the eye because the human eye has a perception range of 400-700 nanometers
wavelength, blind for anything above and below that limit.

Human eye Electromagnetic spectra of the sun light

The energy body operates between the frequencies between 150-500 megahertz and has being set by
the Creator in that manner for its energies to correspond to the body building elements, keep them in
a (closed) system, but also move and change them from one type into another, etc. This is made
possible through the chakra system, energy centers with a vortex energy flow, because of which, in
the chakra spot the energy channels are crossing, the energy channels carry opposite energy charge –
predominantly electrical or predominantly magnetic.

Chakra system – en – face and profile and areas of energy influence

Generally, the magnetic channels run at the front side of the body while as the electrical run at the
back side. Through the limbs, these channels run in pairs, the magnetic from the ground to the body
and the electrical from the body to the ground.

Meridian system of the hands and the feet

This refers to the hands, where yang (electrical) meridians radiate out and the yin (magnetic)
meridians – inward. This is yet another verification of the Creator's concept to provide the body with
an uninterrupted energy flow with regards to two main sources: the Earth’s as a magnetism source
and the celestial universe as an electrical (yang) energy source. So, according the concept, by touching
the ground with two limbs, that being would, without any difficulties, release itself of the excess
electricity which had performed a certain activity and should leave the system into the ground, and
vice versa, with a continuous magnetization of the body, providing optimum ambience for its

uninterrupted functioning and energy flow.
In this position, the front energy channel (yin) is closest to the ground and through it the chakra
activators operate immaculately to attract new electrical energy from the universe, to process the
energy and direct towards the organs and organ systems. In that position all chakras function
naturally, without energy blockage that the modern humans’ face.
By standing up, the main receptacle with the Earth becomes muladhara chakra positioned at the basis
of the spine, while the main receptacle with the universe is sahasrara padma at the crown of the

Energetic body, channels Positions of the chakras

and chakras on the spine

We can come up with a hypothesis, that was the primary motive of the co – creators of Atlantis, to
drastically energize the brain of the being they cultivated, to become capable to receive the human
consciousness, by erecting, while sacrificing the natural vitality the being had had up till then with the
natural energy body functioning.
These energy blockages manifest as joint pain, where the residual energy creates a spasm of tendons,
thus reducing the energy flow even more. This results in a surplus of unnecessary energy inside the
organs, which leads to their convulsion i.e. dysfunction. Besides the disrupted flow of the liquid
element in the physical body, the modern humans also face disturbed energy flow in the energy body.
The harmony in the energy body results in a harmony of the physical body with absence of pain,
diseases and other suffering. The reduced body magnetization causes its fast “depletion”. Hence
instead of a normal human life age of 160 years according the Chinese ancient wisdom, the being only
reaches up to 80, in a bitter struggle for more or less normal functioning.

The second part of the energy body is shown as the human aura, the electromagnetic field that
surrounds the human body at approximately 30 cm around it. As seen through the eyes of modern
technology that can register electromagnetic waves outside the limited eye capacity, it is presented as
large luminous egg. The aura emerges from the radiation of the chakras and the brain and it
completely corresponds to the electromagnetic movements of the planet Earth.

The Aura

In fact, every object has its aura, because, as we mentioned at the beginning, the core of any creation
is the energy, in different density and frequency.

Kirilian photos of leaf and stone from the Grand pyramid in Giza

This energy field in the human being has two layers, so, the layer at 10 cm from the body is
dominated by the frequencies of the physical body, and at the distance of 30 cm the layer is
dominated by the frequencies of the mental and emotional life, which are, on average, 50-100
megahertz stronger than the “physical” ones.
The second layer may, tentatively be divided into: a “recipient” which reflects the frequencies of
perception, the Aura of reality, and is situated on the left side of the field, while on the right side the
reactive part is positioned, i.e. how the being reacts to the environment. In that field every thought,
emotion, act, etc. is registered as a magnetic transcript of the energy aspect, and “lingers” on to the
being, so that at a certain/particular moment, when the brain of the being operates itself in a similar
frequency, reminds the being again of the record, its content, but also the emotional charge the
record has had at its originating.
The aura serves as an electromagnetic shield of the being against all environmental impact and its size
and quality largely depend upon the mental and emotional life of the being, but also on the
conditions of the chakras and energy channels inside the body.
The aura directly corresponds, according the law of attraction, to the Earth's magnetosphere, the so
called “collective aura” of all beings on the Earth.

The Earth's magnetosphere

The Earth's magnetosphere is a collective shield of all the beings on the Earth, protecting them from
every energy impact from the universe, and especially the Sun, as shown on pictures bellow.

Solar eruptions and their influence on the Earth’s magnetosphere

The white dot on the first picture is approximately the size of the Earth as compared to the erupting
material of the Sun and clearly shown the cosmic proportion of these disturbances.

Apart from the Sun, the Earth's magnetosphere is also influenced by the Moon, as the closest cosmic
body, so according to the Chinese cosmology, each day has its own frequency with particular effect on
the mental and emotional life of the beings, both awake and in the state of dreaming.

Biorhythm and influence of the Moon

The aura condition determines how each being will face these outbursts and turbulence, which are
becoming more and more frequent due to large cosmic events in the Milky Way galaxy. These
turbulences directly affect the most vital systems in the body: the heart and the brain, particularly the
brain part in charge of regulating all body physiological processes, the system of the third brain
chamber, Diencephalon, i.e. the hypothalamus as its central structure.
Hereinafter, we will speak of this particular system furthermore, because it has the function of a
permanent (self) healer. What's more, these structures are part of yet another powerful system that
regulates the emotional life of the being, the so called limbic system.

Human’s brain as repeater Pineal gland

This communication between the brain and the outside world is called telepathy or intuitive
perception in its receiving part and intuitive (re)action in its active part, creating thoughts, words and
actions. This mechanism is especially emphasized in the last decades of the epoch, with the “flood” of
electronic “gadgets”, the most aggressive of which are the cellular phones that create
electromagnetic “smog” of frequencies close to the human consciousness and have a direct effect on
its function. These structures also have the direct “link” between the energy body and the body of
mind, a part of the consciousness principle that governs the body and takes care of it in a conscious
Operating at higher frequencies than the energy body, the body of mind controls the energies of the
energy body, either unconsciously, which is the case in 99% of the human population, or consciously,
by applying adequate techniques of mind cultivation, thus cultivating the energies of the energy body
as well.
The mind, the conscious part of the being, is activated by the act of wakening, operates through five
program packages, to use the IT vocabulary, which enable functioning in the material reality. The
mind becomes conscious about the reality by the help of the signals it receives through the five
senses, the organs in charge of reception of the energy signals from the outside world.The mind
creates its visual picture about the reality through the signals received by the sight sense, the eyes.
We have already pointed out the limited capacity of the eyes, according the medical science, with a
capacity to perceive the light with a wave length between 400-700 nanometers.

Visible light for the human eye

All other frequencies under and above this range are “invisible”, so the mind feels them as thermal
sensation (the infrared rays) or in some other way, but not visually. This blindness is the essence of
the spiritual darkness of the being, since the mind reacts to everything that can’t be perceived is
repulsion, disbelief and in the end, fear.

Solar photos – SOHO satellite, blue, green and golden light

These are photographs of the Sun, with lights far above the human eye sight, at 18 nm, 24 nm, 27 nm,
seen through the eye of the science, the SOHO satellite. Since the mind believes in science, as an
authority, it accepts these findings without any doubt, even though it can’t perceive them directly.
The mind complements its reality perception by the signals from the hearing sense, the ears. This is
the sense that never rests because even in the process of dreaming, the hearing is the “guardian” of
the body.
The ears receiving capacity varies between 16-20.000 hertz. The science refers to all sounds below
this limit as infra sound, while the ones above as ultra sound. Our ears can’t hear the most beautiful
part of the birds' song (ultra sound), but also the frightening attacking vibrations of the predators
(infra sound). The sound, as a frequency type, has an enormous impact on the mind and the reactive
parts of the mind are primarily based on sound activation.

The sense of touch, the tactile consciousness of the mind, is based upon the signals received by the
body’s surface, i.e. its envelope, the skin. On the basis of these signals, the mind creates its own
“boundary” of sovereignty, the borderline of the being, that it is prepared to defend from everything
the mind considers a hostile attack to the body. Each friendly signal, which the limbic system
interprets as amicable, activates other brain mechanisms. This idea of limited sovereignty is
composed by the spatial aspect of the small ego, as identification with the physical body.
The sense of taste, the tongue, controls the entrance of the solid and liquid elements into the physical
body through eating and drinking. The taste “assesses” what is good for the body and what is not, so
it is a barrier for everything the mind considers as harmful for the body.
The sense of smell, the nose, controls the entrance of the thermal and gas elements into the body,
controls the ambience in which the being/body functions. The signal of the smell sense travels directly
to the pineal gland, namely to the limbic system, and on the basis of the particular signal, the mind
adapts the body to the ambient energies.
Based on the signals of these five energy ports of the body, the mind shapes its reality perception
within its perception capacity frames.

The sixth sense, the pineal gland, or the so called “third eye”, operates parallel to the five senses and
dominates when the mind is not in its normal conscious position. The sixth sense functions as an
electromagnetic system in a continuous process of receiving and emitting signals. The intuitive
perception registers the signals beyond the limited capacity of the senses, and is as such, more
complete, more accurate, only under the condition that he mind is aware of its signals. Usually, they
(the signals) do not reach the surface of the mind, because they are oppressed by the force of the
“electrical” signals from the senses but, as well by the abundance of thoughts, emotions and other
sensation that are constantly on the mind's repertoire, each of them having their own electrical
charge that interferes with the signal from the pineal gland. The signals are clearest in a state of
meditation, when the mind is “(turned) off” while the being is still awake.

The second program of the mind, the conceptual consciousness, consists of active mind memories
through which it (the mind) recognizes the reality. As vast collection of terms, etiquettes, truths,
customs etc., the mind is formatted to operate in the frame of these cognitions. Anything that the
mind will not recognize within this large collection, is characterized as “unknown” with an emotional
charge as potentially dangerous.

We can see that the horizons of this cognition directly depend upon the senses' capacity, but also on
the comprehension derived from the mental command “I believe” through the upbringing, education,
science and so on.

Left – “rational”, right – “intuitive” hemisphere

The third program package, the emotional consciousness, is composed of active memories of the
mind trough which it perceives the reality. The primal instincts of self-preservation and reproduction
largely predominate on the emotional range of pleasant – unpleasant, attractive - repulsive, good –
bad. The limbic system is, in the framework of the “supercomputer” of the brain, the one in charge of
this function.

Limbic system

Observing from the energy aspect, the limbic system has the role of modulator of the brain waves,
where each emotion has its own energy code, expressed in the form of wave, frequency, charge etc.

Brain waves

Each signal received from the senses is checked against the conceptual consciousness by the limbic
system, compared to similar experiences and distinctively evaluated in a form of brain wave

Emotional frequencies

The emotions usually belong to the theta waves that are dominant in the child's brain, as well as in
people experiencing (strong) emotional conditions. Their characteristics are small frequency and large
emotional charge. Due to this last feature, the memories combined with strong emotions have a
“permanent” characteristic because of the energy this record has been noted. Childhood trauma are
particularly strong and follow the being throughout his life “firmly” embossed in his/hers aura.


Observing the limbic system, it is not difficult to notice that, even there, the hypothalamus is the
central figure as an instrument for quick reaction to the situation the limbic system has “evaluated”.
The reaction is two sided: on one hand signals towards the autonomous nervous system and through
its regulation of the work of all organs and bloodstream. On the other hand, to the hypophysis as a
commanding gland of the endocrine system. In this way, every sensation, thought, emotion or any
other mental – emotional event is “transmitted” onto the physical body. The type of energy that will
flow through this path, will mostly depend on the limbic system i.e. the memories which predisposed
the reaction of the limbic system.

Depending on the average vibration of this mechanism, the formation of the brain as an organ is
determined, being a self - organizing system adjustable to any kind of occasion. The neuro - plasticity
is a scientific branch in neurology which deals with this phenomenon: the influence of the thoughts
and emotions on the form and texture of the brain.

Computed image of the brain

At the same time, due to the central position and the physical spot of the commanding chakra, the
ajna, the reaction is conveyed to the chakra system and the energy body respectively, as a record in
the being's aura.

Through this part, we have touched the fourth program package of the mind, the reactive
consciousness that functions according to the mechanisms described above. The repeated creation of
thoughts, speech and acts is an occupation job of this package, through which the being adapts itself
to the outside world.
These four program packages operate in the mind of each sensory being, not exclusively human, so
the chain: perception – recognition – experience – reaction is a habitual manner of functioning in the
animal world.

What separates the humans from this world is the fifth program package, the human discriminative
consciousness, the consciousness of I, the being, etc., and usually functions in the frontal lobes of the
cerebral cortex of the cerebrum. The thinking, analysis of the past, synthesis, projections to the future
and so on, are the “job” description of this package, yet again, in a function of the primary instincts,
but in a slightly more sophisticated manner.

This short glimpse at the brain, the awaken consciousness of the being, is just an illustration of how
much the animal nature has an effect on it through the powerful mechanisms that we have described.
This illustration unfolds the essence of all troubles which the modern human encounters, the zone of
mental – emotional consciousness that decides on how the body will function. If this segment of the
body is left unattended, it will operate on a subconscious level as a chain of perception - recognition –
experience – reaction, so the energies that will radiate towards the physical and energy body, will

depend on the conditions of the unaware, subconscious zone of the being, predisposed by the rough
energies of the instincts, i.e. the animal consciousness.

At the end of this description of the being, we will refer to yet another segment that has still not
deservedly been recognized by the science, but is of a crucial importance for the health on all levels of
the body. It is the heart, the central organ in the body, the first organ to be formed in the embryo,
and in a metaphysical sense, the dwelling place of the highest and best quality energies of the being.
The most recent researches reveal that the heart is not just a pump, but that it also is an endocrine
organ, with its own brain where 40.000 neurons have been found, i.e. its own autonomous
consciousness. The energy explorations discover a shockingly powerful vibrations, which compared to
the ones of the brain, are 60 times more electrical and 5000 times more magnetic. It is not hard to
guess that it is those exact vibrations, that in the state of dreaming, when the mind, in fact its organ,
the brain, is disconnected, repair the body and correct all of the damage that appeared while the
brain had operated. First priority on that list is the brain itself, but also all the other systems in the

In the heart-brain communication, over 80% of the signals are sent from the heart to the brain, which
is a testimonial of its role on an energy level. The heart vibrations radiate outside the body as well, in
a form of electromagnetic waves thus forming two torsion fields in the space, the so called two “heart

Heart auras

In a metaphysical spiritual sense, those are the vibration of the Medicine Buddha, the highest
frequencies inside every sensory being, that enable the functioning of the lower, thicker vibrations up
until the thickest, the physical body. The same vibrations, if brought to consciousness, may be used to
help the being in his/her effort to humanize, i.e. in the transition from an instinctive, animal, to
conscious, awaken, human consciousness. This particularly because of their mightiness compared to
the vibrations of the brain and its modulator, the limbic system. In the following text, we will stick to
this particular topic: how to cultivate the mind as a precursor for all troubles which manifest
themselves in the energy and physical body, and at the same time with this cultivation, to consciously

use the powerful mechanisms of the body in order to respond to the tasks that the Creator has
bestowed upon (and) in the harmony with the universal principles.
The challenges the reader faces are even bigger, taking into consideration that the environment is
becoming more and more harmful on all level of existence of the being and quickly disrupts the
already fragile health.
The biggest challenge lies in the change of habits, or in the language of neuro plasticity, the nerve
paths in the brain that already operate (even) without the intervention of the awaken consciousness.
Their alteration i.e. replacement with new ones of a better quality is a process, it does not happen
instantly, so we will use the customary metaphysical period of 40 days, established in almost all
spiritual systems, as a period in which the change is possible.

At the beginning of this process, the practitioner collides with the strongest resistance expressed
through the power of habits (creature of habits), that is the energy that circulates in their
mechanisms, antagonistic to the energy of free will of the practitioner and his/her motivation force
that moves that energy. With a small effortless endeavor, if applied on a daily basis, each practice will,
by the principles of neuro plasticity, start to carve new paths in the brain and form new centers that
will at some point become stronger than the previous “tracks” of habits, so that the practice itself will
become a “good” habit, mightier from the old brain tracks, which will in time, providing they do not
have enough energy flow, transform into new paths that will correspond to the new consciousness of
the being.
The first signs of health improvement on all levels will strengthen the faith of the practitioner in the
approach for change of him/herself and the reality through this process, the faith as a spare energy
contingent at the consciousness' disposal, used in times where the motivation force fades, loses its
The knowledge and faith are the two wings of any serious spiritual practice that complement and
support each other, thus maintaining a course of stability for the practitioner towards the aim s/he
has determined and aspires to achieve.

In our case, the steady health as a basis of permanent feeling of happiness, plenitude, content etc, i.e.
vibrations, emotions with a positive note.

Skeleton Muscle Circulatory Lymph

Digestive Endocrine Neuro Urinary


The energy channels and the chakras

II – The modern human being

We will create a small simulation of an average day and night of the modern human being
regarding the environment s/he dwells, where and how spends most of the time in and has an impact
on him/her, the dominant relationships with other people, dominant thoughts from the moment of
awakening till the moment of falling asleep, their influence on his/hers health, regarding the findings
from the previous chapter. The simulation will be presented through the roles the mind identifies
itself in relations to other beings, the popular “archetypes of consciousness”. Let us refresh our
1. “A shadow” - our physiological (preformed) consciousness, active as long as there is a
(physical) body. It operates through reptilian and mammal brain as well as through the
2. A child – a being whose body develops, grows, has an energy deficiency, depended on
the energies from the parents and the surrounding. The pineal gland and the thymus
dominate in the endocrine system, the right hemisphere over the left one.
3. An animus – a being with developed body where the male aggressive energy
dominates. The hypophysis and genitals dominate in the endocrine system. The left
hemisphere takes over the right one.
4. An anima – a being with developed body dominated by the female attractive energy.
The hypophysis and genitals dominate in the endocrine system. The right hemisphere is still
more active than the left one.
5. A parent – a being in union with another being of the opposite sex, with energy
surplus, takes care of him/herself and the community. The left hemisphere dominates over
anything else.
6. A wise old man/woman – a being with depleted body, but rich in experience. The
mental part dominates over the physical. Experiences transformed into wisdom.
7. An enlightened being – a being in harmony with all levels of existence, liberated from
any kind of suffering.

This role – classification, according to C.G.Jung (Carl Gustav Jung), is most suitable for the puppet
theater in which we participate each and every day, changing the roles depending on the situation.

The shadow follows all of the other roles, except the enlightened being, where it is also a part of that
harmony, transformed and cleared of all blind, thick animal - type energies.
We will simulate one day as seen through the archetype prism, through its mental - emotional filter.

A shadow: the being opens his/her eye, the cerebrum cortex is activated. The signals from the lower
structures dominate. The shadow checks the body, if everything is all right, if it hurts somewhere,
how s/he feels, is s/he feels cold or hot. Going to the bathroom – excretion. A feeling of hunger/thirst:

need of coffee, tea, breakfast, preparation for the day, existence projections (work, home),
projections about the own health, memories-projections about survival on individual, group (family),
tribal (national) level.

A child: still sleepy open its eyes, disappointed that it has to begin functioning in the world of sharp
objects compared to the world it comes from. Looks for its parents, the mother, her attention, smile
and warm words. Goes to school, seeks attention from the teacher, the classmates, and wants to be
better, more beautiful, and smarter and to attract positive attention.

An animus: after opening his eyes, stretches the body, and feels well aware of its power. The mind
looks for the partner, the anima; domination of the limbic system, genitals, erotic fantasies, imaging
“desirable” partners, memories of this type. Checks himself in the mirror, puts on the mask how he
wants to be perceived by the females, dresses in that particular style, adjust its body posture, the
walk, gesticulations and the speech to attract attention, affection from the desired females.

An anima: after opening the eyes, she stretches her body well aware of its attractiveness, magnetism.
The mind instantly starts working on ten “channels” simultaneously, how to spend the day, with
which company, with which friends, shopping, sports, hairdresser, manicure – pedicure, celebrations
as parties, birthdays, weddings etc. On each of these events, the anima has to be in the best shape,
attractive, desirable, pleasant, and lovable.

A parent: after opening the eyes, begins the program of the community, the collective I, the close
family, or the extended family. Are the partner OK, the children, or the parents. Memories -
projections on existence, work, health, money, emotional life of family members, worries.

The wise old man/woman: after opening the eyes, consciously breaths out, slowly breaths in
conscious of each second in this process. Thankful to the higher reality for being granted one more
day in the physical world, in an already worn out vehicle that s/he is ready to leave any moment, in
peace. Recognizes the sufferings of the other beings in the family and community, prays for them to
the higher reality to make their existence easier. Advises them, teaches them and leads them to the
end of the troubles and the suffering.

An enlightened being: A new incarnation in the body with the first rays of the dawn’s light, awaken,
conscious of the present moment, here, now, in the physical reality.
Appeals the shadow, expresses its gratitude for its tireless care of the body it dwells in, to carry out
the mission in this voluntary incarnation. It thanks all 50.000 billions of cell souls which create this
vehicle. It helps the shadow to prepare the body for the new day, to perform its functions consciously,
Calls in the child, transcends its innocence, pureness, insouciance. Appeals the parents: the mother
Earth, the father Sun with a tremendous gratitude for their unconditional care and love that have

enabled all of its incarnations.
Calls in the animus, shows him respect for the power with which he leads him on the path, the
reasons to move him ahead. Calls him to assist again that day, asks for his power to help to perform
out the best thoughts, words and acts; to resist any temptation, difficulty or obstacle that the samsara
will place in front of them.
Calls the anima, shows her respect for the love and compassion that follow it throughout its
incarnation. Asks for her assistance again that day, asks her tenderness and her warmth to be with it.
Appeals the parent, reveres his care of other beings. Transcends the care into an effortless effort, and
transcend the unconditional love for all beings that it sees as his own children, brothers, sisters,
Appeals to the wise old man/woman with endless gratitude that it has awaken him from the long
lasting sleep in numerous incarnations. Honors her/his achievement for putting in harmony all
archetypes and honors that it is in harmony with all beings around.
It assists him to clean off the last remnants of the mental poisons that still linger in his aura, it hands
them over purified, transformed and released of sufferings.
In every breath perceives the life, in every picture perceives the harmony of the Universe, in every
sound the celestial symphony, here, now… In every being sees himself, his true nature, with
joyfulness for the moment, here, now…
Hands himself over to the leadership of the higher frequencies, to steer his thoughts, speech and
body to a place where they will be most beneficial to the other beings.

It is not difficult to recognize oneself in each and every of these roles. Usually, the roles are in conflict,
in a struggle for the mind's attention, for domination on the mental screen. In that fight, the shadow
is at huge advantage, as a result of the body's nature which is in charge of, and the instruments that
are at its disposal. In the process of dreaming (unconscious consciousness), it is only the shadow that
is active and watchful over the body and cares for it to operate at a minimum, thus enabling the mind
to easily restart the consciousness to takes over again and sits in the driver's seat. Its frequencies are
in the range of the lowest chakras, dominantly muladhara, and its lower vibrations. The reactive part,
in case of a negative signal, rises in a state of anger, rage, wrath or hatred, in a state of alert of the
autonomous nerve system, readiness to attack or escape. In a metaphysical sense, the category of the
most destructive mental poisons, which through the mechanisms of the brain and endocrine system,
poison the being.

The child archetype, as a state of consciousness, is not exclusive dominated only at children before
puberty. Quite often, the archetype continues to dominate over the being's mentality in the adult
age, constantly depending upon the care and the attention of others, etc. In psychology it is referred
to as an infantile consciousness, a condition of inability to face the challenges of the surrounding. In
metaphysics it is a syndrome of lunar vampirism, feeding from someone else's energy and
dependence on that energy. The mental poisons of inferiority, fear, anxiety and so on, are the most
destructive vibrations that can be created by that mind.

The animus/anima corresponds to the consciousness of the swadhishtana chakra, the energy of the
sexes, body attraction and repulsion. Close to the vibrations of the shadow, in charge of realization of
the second instinct in a row of the body, its reproduction by coupling with a being from the opposite
sex. The limbic system is the exclusive acting zone of the brain. In metaphysics, the mental poisons of
greed, compulsory commitment disorder. In the relationships between the sexes, the most frequent
term that is used is love, but only as a word. In reality, it is about the feeling of possessing other being
or being possessed. These cases the psychology science classifies as sadism (possessing) and
masochism (being possessed).

Those conditions are enhanced, when such a relationship is verified as a marriage through legal or
religious ceremony, so pretty often the parental care and the love transform into an act of possessing
the family members, the children, with the inevitable conflicts arising from that situation. Its root is in
the illusion of domination over another being, both physical and metaphysical, a situation that, at the
other end, procreates a feeling of powerlessness, jealousy, envy and so on. In societies where
violence is dominant in relations, this mental poison domineers, instantly creating its opposite end -
reaction, the fear of powerlessness. It is this particular frequency that is being used to govern the
people by the centers of power, through the system of pyramidal subordination, codes of conduct
and punishments for breaking those rules. Metaphysically, those are the frequencies of the manipura
chakra, in the brain, and 90% of the activity is in the left hemisphere.

All of these feelings that are the parts of the archetypes create the three fundamental classes of
mental poisons, which are the moving force in the cycle of suffering, the so called samsara in the
tantric Buddhism. In the Buddhist art pieces, they are symbolized through three animals, referring to
their origin: the red cock of greed, the green snake of hatred and the black pig of ignorance.
Picturesquely is shown in a closed circle, where they bite each other's tail, thus moving the cycle of
suffering in the mind of every being.


The wise old man and the enlightened being do not seem to appear in this mess, but they merely wait
for the right moment to show up on the stage. Usually, after a strong emotional stress, when the
small ego is out of solutions that can cope with this problem, a solution which will come from the left
hemisphere, the ego experiences this emotional stress as a “problem”, an unsolvable situation. Harsh
pain, either physical or emotional, acts as a warning and reminder to the mind and its roles, to turn
inwards, towards the being, to devote attention and energy to it, with the aim to avoid similar
suffering in the future.

It is then that the wise old man comes to the steps forward with his experiences, intuition, and slowly
starts to create harmony with the opposing sides of the being. The frequencies of the highest
elementary chakra, vishuddhi, begin to dominate, which incorporates experience of all lower chakras.
If the karma of the being is bright enough, the wise old man is mightier in his action on establishing a
spiritual path that will lead toward the exit from the vicious circle of suffering. The being begins to
have interest in psychology, religion, spirituality etc., so, it is just a matter of time when that interest
will guide it into a specific spiritual practice of transformation of the being, i.e. awakening the
enlightened being inside oneself.

The Medicine Buddha is one of the aspects, an embodiment of the healing powers of the heart
frequencies, the genuine diagnostician, therapist, pharmacist and specialist for different body areas.
Even without awakening, it is always awaken and continually takes care of all frequencies of the
being, in all mind roles that it is in the background, the principle which empowers the mind to
operate. Should we join our mind we will be complete, we will eliminate the causes for our suffering,
we will be happy, in peace.

That is the critical phase of the process, how to begin, what to start with, which spiritual school
should be trusted in leading on that path.
The internet and the mass media are full of information from this kind, which can, sometimes, be
confusing, controversial, repulsive and so on. The spiritual school, i.e. the master, should be
recognized by the inner spiritual teacher, the wise old man on an intuitive level.
The formula: “to know – to want – to be able” is a formula of each and every success, from mental to
material creation, from thoughts to actions. There is certain contingent of quality energy needed to
be invested in that process, because it takes power to initiate those mechanisms.

There is a necessity to make a firm resolution, to oneself, for changing the habits that lead to
suffering. That resolution is kept alive by repeating it three times a day, silently inside oneself, with
faith, with love. In that manner, the awaken consciousness creates a sector responsible for the
changes in the subconscious space. Daily repeating of the resolution means that there will be a
constant energy flow to that area. In time, once that energy becomes equal to the energies of the
habits, the process of change begins. It is then, when the third part of the formula “to be able” comes
on stage, by converting the intentions into concrete practice.

The practical changes should be carried out by methods that are verified and that deliver results.
Depending on the frequency area, every segment of the being requires adequate methods. So, the
physical body has a need for physical types of methods, the energy body requires methods to
cultivate its energies, while the mental body requires methods to cultivate the mind.
With a systematical approach, the changes will appear on the surface very quickly, thus reinforcing
the trust in the methods and maintaining the motive (“to want”) at an optimum level.

III – Methods of cultivating the physical body

We will begin with the four building elements of the physical body, i.e. the four aggregates
which are manifestations of the condensed energy that composes the physical body. The balance of
intake and excretion is the key to body functioning, the so called metabolism in the matter exchange

As we have already mentioned in the first chapter, by erecting the body the harmony has been
drastically disturbed, but nevertheless, even under those strenuous circumstances, the body system
makes an effort to maintain as much balance as possible.

1. Solid element

When referring to solid element, usually the mind associates that to food, body intake of essential
components required for its normal functioning. It is seldom connected to the other end, the
excretion, i.e. release of waste material. As long as there is residual food in the large intestine, one
should not take in new, solid food, but, ought consciously, assist that system to carry out its task, in
the morning, when the outside energies correspond to the ones inside the body.
There are several ways to act in that manner:

- Physically - with light exercises of tightening and releasing the belly, thus activating the intestine
peristalsis, i.e. muscle tone in the intestinal system, its awakening. That means the system is
consciously activated and the troublesome flow of waste material is easily expedited.

- Taking in fluids, fresh fruit that works as natural laxative, will enable uninhibited excretion that
has been lagged in the system.

By respecting the energy or biological body clock, we put it in harmony with the “outside” forces,
which we use to body's benefit.
The biological clock or the circadian rhythm of the body is adjusted to the circumstances on the Earth,
the day – night cycle, i.e. to the direct light through the Sun or indirect, through the Moon. It is the
“key”– switch of the body, which “accidentally” is located in our most popular organ, the

The medical science and the Chinese chi system are both united on this and demonstrate the body
functioning according the energies that dominate in the 24 hours period.

It is clear from the picture that the intestinal system ceases to operate around 10:30 pm and awakes
at 08:30 am. Food intake during this period (a habit for supper) is completely inefficient and harms
the body, in a sense that it disturbs the natural energy flows, which are at that period, focused
towards body reparation, or are in a state of anabolism. This may be seen more precisely from the
Chinese chi clock chart, which provides the exact activation time of the energy channels – meridians
that pass through a certain organ or organ system.

It is obvious from the chart that the large intestine is most active between 5 – 7 am, so after the
excretion, the stomach meridian is activated between 7 – 9 am to prepare it for reception of new
food. In the period between 9 – 11 am the pancreas prepares for good quality digestion and the
digestion itself takes place in the period of 1 – 3 pm when the small intestine is full of energy.

This harmony can exist if we adapt our body to the day-night rhythm, by going to sleep when it is
getting dark and waking up with the first day light. It is only then that the biological clock will operate
impeccably. If we disrupt the rhythm, we will also disrupt the energies that flow through our body,
and they will not perform their activity to nourish the organ systems with the required energy, not
only to function but renew themselves as well.

When food is a subject to discussion, the usual topic is what to consume, what kind of food, which
vitamins and minerals it contains etc. We have explained when to eat – when there is sunlight, the
light which corresponds to the energy of manipura chakra in the stomach, responsible for digestion.
But, before suggesting what to eat, we shall remind ourselves on how the Creator has designed the
digestion, by creating the mouth, the teeth and the sense of taste, the tongue. Nowadays, the
modern humans use these organs more for articulate speech than for the function they have been
designed for, for food and beverage intake. In the mouth, a rough preparation of the food begins,
which would continue its voyage through the oesophagus to the stomach. How rough it will be, it
depends on the consciousness level of the being. The longer the food stays in the mouth, the shorter
it will stay in the other parts of the digestive tract. The mouth not only performs a general disinfection
of the food, since the saliva is the most active material of the body by far, but also breaks up the
starch into carbohydrates; in fact, the digestion process begins in the mouth.

The Creator envisioned that process as long lasting chewing, turning the food around with the tongue,
so that the saliva can enter even the smallest particles of the food brought in. The long lasting
chewing allows the pancreas to readily receive the food for further separation, as well as the liver to
excrete enough bile in order to accept the fats and break them further down into droplets suitable for
absorption. The rule is as follows: as the food is softer it takes longer time to spend in the mouth so
there is no jam in the additional digestive phases. The short term and unconscious chewing has a
devastating effect on the whole system and engages a lot of body energy to correct that negligence,
in all phases. The unchewed food will then spend more time in the stomach, which has the role of
preparing it for uninterrupted flow in the intestinal system. The stomach itself has neither teeth nor
tongue, so it will take much longer for it to chemically disintegrate the food and prepare it for the
final disintegration and absorption.

In the duodenum the food meets the bile responsible for the fats and the pancreas enzymes, active
materials that perform disintegration of different types of food: proteins, carbohydrates etc. The type
of the enzyme that will dominate depends on the type of food. At this moment, we can clearly see
what the Creator has anticipated. It has designed the digestive system for various food types, from
vegetal origin, but only when taken in separately. The human digestive tract belongs to the world of
herbivores, beings that feed themselves on crops from vegetables. The human body is not a body of a
predator. They have straight short intestine, where the pancreas secretes more powerful enzymes
that disintegrate the raw meat of the victim. When the humans consume meat, they need to
thermally prepare it in order to facilitate the pancreas's job, so that the enzymes in charge of
disintegrating vegetable proteins can somewhat do the same to the animal proteins.

We will support the Creator's idea by comparing the two essential substances that distinguish the
living world the, chlorophyll and the hemoglobin. The chlorophyll as part of the vegetation and the
transformation of sunlight into food on one side, and the hemoglobin from the animal world on the
other side, its process of taking in the oxygen and energy from the air, the basic blood constituent
which is a vital body fluid.

Their similarities in structure are astounding in the structures, in their composition with a distinctive
difference in their central part: a magnesium in the chlorophyll, an iron in the hemoglobin.
The magnesium metabolism is one of the most vital processes that is regulated by the parathyroid
glands, which clearly shows the Creator's idea on what kind of “fuel” we need to drive our vehicle, the
physical body.
The herbal world does the photosynthesis process through their leaves, acting as solar collectors, and
concentrates the food in the crop, i.e. the seed, as a natural instinct of each being for reproduction. It
is inside the seed that the concentrated sun energy is incorporated in various substances, in order to
be able to reproduce the plant.

It is not a mere accident that the cereals are an essential source for mass food, as the prayer - “give us
this day our daily bread” phrases it, the body of Christ, because it is their seeds that through
processing become bread, or any other product based on cereals. The above also refers to seeds from
other plants that provide basic food products: appropriate for oil production – sunflower, peanut,
pumpkin; and the leguminous such as beans, peas, lentils, soy etc. The energy value of each seed
variety can easily be established by the height of the plant that is exposure to the sun. In cereals, the
corn is an absolute leader with the height of over 2 m compared to 1 m in wheat; also its color directly
reflects the sun's light.

In the world of fruits, the taller trees have more intense seed as well. The official champion is the
Siberian cedar that lives for 500 years and its pine cones have an automatic healing effect.
In our climate, the nut fruits are at the top of the energy power scale in comparison to the ordinary
fruit. The walnut as a champion, then the almond and the hazelnut at the end being a bush, i.e. a
short tree. This trio dominates the herbal world and contains all materials en bloc necessary for the
The herbalism, the science of using plants, believes that the Creator has left his/hers signature on
each plant, so the animal world can recognize it and use it according their needs. In the case with the
walnut, the signature is in the form of the kernel with a striking similarity to the two brain

For these seeds, the Creator has planned to spend as much time in the mouth as possible, by chewing
and being exposed to the saliva, the most active body material. After that, the digestion runs
smoothly, and on the long way down through the small and large intestine, the body has enough time
to “take out” whatever the body requires, based on the general conditions it functions, under the
information of which are integrated in the hypothalamus as the epicenter of the autonomous nervous
With the advance of the human “civilization”, the food consumed is are becoming more and more
processed, mostly thermally, in order to satisfy different tastes and ease the digestion, that it needs
shorter chewing time. There is a vast majority of nutrients in the fresh food that are thermally
unstable, so after being treated with a heat over 60 oC, they change their molecular structure, thus

dramatically decreasing their value. Today’s’ nutrition is inconceivable without thermally treated
food, the so called “industrial” food, processed through various technological processes, pasteurized
or sterilized above 100 degrees, becoming bacteria free food but also “dead”, useless for the human

The recommendation is simple: eating simpler, slightly thermally treated (lightly poached) or
consuming raw food (fruits, vegetables). What is even more important, not mixing different food
types in one meal, which would help the pancreas to concentrate its energy into a single type of
enzyme that would carry out the process of food digestion most efficiently.
The vegetal food is easily disintegrated due to its simple structure, while the animal food requires a
larger concentration of enzymes i.e. more energy from the pancreas, to dismantle it into basic
ingredients, which then serve the liver as components for synthesis of useful body materials.
The nutrition type is directly correlated to the mentality of the human, on individual, collective and
tribal level. Big civilizations and cultures have been raised on rivers and fertile soil suitable for crop
production. The big overrun comes from regions with unfavorable climate, where hunting and fishing
are major food source (the Nordic, Mongolian, Anglo Saxons), which is food based on animal type
products that naturally lead to aggression and shorter life - time.

We have already mentioned that the human body had not been designed to be a predator; however,
the human mind possesses every tendency to surpass even the cruelest predators in animal kingdom.
Foremost, it becomes predator towards its own body, with its inadequate utilization.

Short summary on the subject - solid element:

- regular excretion in the morning

- morning consuming: fresh fruits, fluids to ease excretion

- practice light physical exercises to move the intestinal peristalsis

- not consuming “dead”, industrial, mechanically processed food

- long, slow chewing, especially of the so called “soft” food

- conscious mealtime, concentration on the food consumed, the signals from the mouth, the

- avoiding to consume large quantities of food after sunset

We shall add a light physical exercise to this, that will on one hand, facilitate the excretion, and on the

other hand provide energy effects on the body, and is an excellent prevention against hemorrhoids,
which are becoming more and more often a problem of the modern human, and are in fact swollen
vein capillaries in the anal sphincter, a round muscle which regulates anus function, the body exit port
for the solid element.

The exercise consists of rhythmic tightening and releasing of the anal sphincter, a feeling similar to
the one when one consciously withholds oneself from defecating. In this way, as is the case with any
other muscle, its elasticity and strength are maintained, but also the distracted vein and lymph drain
flow are consciously moved. The flow is disrupted due to long term sitting at work, a position where
the anus is at the bottom of the torso, pressed by the weight of the other organs. Combined with
conscious breathing, this exercise redirects the descending yang energy from the large intestine
towards the lung in yin energy.

The lungs and the large intestine are an energy couple that meets in the diaphragm zone. Their
meridians are positioned on the thumb (lungs) and the index finger (large intestine), so by lightly
holding the fingers together, we create energy redirection, or the so called mudra, that saves us

2. Liquid element

Water molecules - city water distributed Water molecule - Pyramid of the Sun located in
Visoko, B&H

The thesis about the liquid element begins with the latest photographs from the portfolio of
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, whose specialty and love was the water, i.e. its properties at
molecular level.
The photographs are made by an electronic microscope that can reach the micro world of molecules.
A drastic difference in the structure can be noticed. In the water supply, the water is “dead” with
chaotic structure, while under the Pyramid of the Sun, it is a beautiful hexagram, a masterpiece of the
“Nature” when the Nature’s energies are balanced.

Belowis shown a photo for comparison taken in Japan, a distant location. Water from the same

After blessing, the molecule takes the shape of a hexagram, the essential energy impression of both
energies, the magnetism and electricity in harmony. In the ancient writings, it looks like this:
This figure is of a dynamic character and reflects the natural energy flows shown below:

Magnetism Electricity Harmony
Energy flows

If we examine the molecular structure of all organic matters, it is easy to notice the hexagonal
structure as an energy mark in the liquid element.
The liquid element dominates in the structure of the composition called planet Earth and is an
essence of all organic life.

The physical body is an ideal replica of that correlation, so inside the physical body, there is a
domination of the liquid element with up to 70-75% of the body's mass. All physiological processes
take place in it, the metabolism, the exchange of matter and the energy of every one of the 50.000
billion cells. The liquid element creates their living ambience.
We see how only one intense positive thought, as the blessing is, changes the water's molecular
structure. That process can work in reverse as well, each negative thought can create a chaotic living
ambience with its frequency.
That, indeed was the exact intention of John the Baptist, to help people who want to change
themselves using the “holy” water. That is the essence of the Christian's baptism, to “imprint” the
noblest energy that should accompany the baby, if it abides by the ethical codex of love, which is
actually the teaching of Joshua Ben Joseph, wildly popular as Jesus Christ among the Greek – roman
public.There lies the forcibility of the “holy, christened water”, in its accurate molecular structure
which reflects the energy of the Baptist.
If we are awaken and conscious we are able, before every consummation of food and fluids, to
“baptize”, and to bless them with our thought and they will shape themselves in the precise
molecular structure that conform to our state at that moment.

We mention food as well, because, even the most dry food has a liquid element that can receive the
vibration. That is the signification of the Christian habit to pray at the table before and after meal, so
as to bless everything that is brought out for consumption.
Yet, the consciousness needs to be kept alert throughout the whole meal, because every negative
thought or word, will metaphysically “pollute” the food, i.e. embed in its molecular structure.
Generally, we are not aware of that, so the daily events with poor energy structure are dominated.

The physical body requires, on average, 2 liters of water daily, to maintain the homeostasis, the
balance of the liquid element and all its components. The question is what we put inside us and of
what quality it is. What molecular structure it is and how we pour it in.
Again, the modern human is swamped with processed, “sterilized” liquid element. The massively
consumed soft drinks are “dead” liquid elements, treated both chemically and mechanically, in plastic
and metal packaging that additionally harms the inside ambience of the body.
Appealing to the sense of taste, often “non – allowed” substances which create addiction, are
constantly offered to the modern human, with a tremendous media support, which can be
determinate as a form of mass hypnosis.
There, the biggest victims are the children, because their discriminatory consciousness is not yet
developed enough in order to be able to take care of themselves, so they are easily seduced by the
commercials and video ads.
The alcohol and the other opiates in liquid form are derived from the fractional distillation of fruit,
grape sugar, but also from sugar of plants rich in starch, such as barley, potatoes, corn etc. They are
thermally treated, with a structure that easily penetrates through fats, in this case the cell
membranes, and disrupts the natural physiological processes. Not even the hematoencephalic barrier
of the brain is strong enough to stop them, which is the reason they are classified as opiates, with a
direct impact on the nervous system.

Talking about the liquid element and the inside ambience interaction, the medical science often uses
the pH factor as an indicator of the biochemical processes in the body.

The body, or its metabolism – precisely, normally operates in a very tight range on this scale, i.e.
between 7,35-7,45. Values under 7,35 are classified as acidosis condition, while as values over 7,45
are alkalosis condition. These both directly affect the work of the all systems. In the case of acidosis,
the nervous system impulses slow down, the muscle system is in a contracting condition, thus
allowing all pathogens to enhance their activity. In conditions close to alkalosis, an enhanced activity
of all systems occur, as a result of the inability of the nervous system to coordinate and control.
The preservation of this very tight value range that allows the normal body function, the Creator has
assigned to the respiratory and urogenital systems, although the other systems, through their work,
indirectly influence the scale values.

The respiratory system has a leading role, because it regulates the momentary balance of all factors
that have an impact on it. Through the CO2 receptors, the centers of inhaling and exhaling receive a
direct command on how and how much to inhale or exhale. The sigh, apart from having a poetic
value, is also a protective body mechanism against apnea, a temporary cessation of the work of the
respiratory system. The being, then unconsciously exhales through the mouth, with enhanced
intensity and sound, which reactivate this mechanism.

When exhaling, there is a decrease in the HCO3 ion, and an increase in H+ ion in the blood, and when
inhaling, the oxygen reconnects to the free bonds of the hemoglobin in the blood. In hyperventilation,
an intensive rapid breathing, a status of respiratory alkalosis develops, with convulsions throughout
the muscle system.
In the long run, the kidneys, as a central organ of the urogenital system, “complete” the process of
resorption of the ions, which the hypothalamus has decided that are a priority to retain the balance.
The residue, along the unnecessary materials, falls down into the bladder, so that the body can relieve
itself of the unneeded liquid element through the urethra.

The modern human lives permanently on the verge of acidosis, mainly due to the unconscious
“shallow” breathing, that is, using merely 1/20 of the lungs capacity. The acidosis is an open invitation
to all pathogens to inhabit the body and completely violate the already fragile balance. As stated in
the latest studies, the acidosis is believed to be a main prerequisite for degenerating diseases, as
cancer, etc.Since its slows down the activity of the nervous system, the condition of acidosis results in
an “acidic” mentality, manifested as grouch, anxiety, depression etc., thus forming a closed cycle
where one bad condition provokes another one and vice versa.

From an energy point of view, the condition of acidosis indicates an energy imbalance of the body, in
the sense that there is still a captured waste energy which dwells in the body, being an obstacle for
new fresh energy to replace it. This is known as an energy congestion, a stasis. We have elaborated
this issue in the first chapter, being a consequence of the act of erecting. With the modern way of life,
the natural mechanisms for efflux of the unnecessary energy designed by the Creator, have
substantially been disrupted, resulting in energy congestion in the channels and their knots, the
That congestion affects not only the organs and the channels, but the systems dependable on the
energy of a particular chakra as well; and at the same time, the changed chakra function influences
the mental - emotional life of the being.
The swadhisthana chakra directly corresponds with the liquid element, it is situated in the coccyx
base in the line with the pubic bone. The urogenital system directly depends on its function, but so
does the general condition of the liquid element as a living ambience of all body cells.
Its frequency is kept at an optimum by normal energy function, this way ensuring that the systems
and the liquid element depending on its frequency, are harmonious as well.

One of the simplest exercises for its maintaining is rhythmical contraction and release of the urinary
sphincter, a round muscle that regulates the functioning of the urethra. It is the same feeling when
one deliberately withholds urination. In this manner, not only a conscious control over the urinal
sphincter is exercised, but also over every pelvis muscles, especially the ones of the prostate in men
and the vaginal wall in women. By this light massage, the stagnant vein blood and lymph are pushed
out and replaced with fresh arterial blood and energy. The urogenital plexus of the autonomous
nervous system is activated, and through that the vitality of the organs it serves. On spiritual level, the
sexual energy is put under consciousness control.
Combined with conscious breathing, this exercise redirects the bladder yang energy back to the yin
kidney energy, instead of running out and losing it from the body.

Short resume on the liquid element:

- consume fresh spring water if possible;

- avoid drinking processed beverages, alcoholic or soft drinks;

- do “blessing” the water or any other beverage before consummation;

- conscious breathing, twice a day for five minutes (pH balancing);

- once a day, do an inverted body position, “candle” (sarvangasana), thirty breaths.

The last exercise is borrowed from the vast arsenal of yoga poses, the popular asanas; so are the
exercises of contracting the urinal and anal sphincters, from the mudras part.

The shoulder – stand pose is one of the most beneficial yoga poses with an impact on the complete
health, because the whole body energy is directed towards the neck - head junction, in the zone of
the vishuddhi chakra. From its energy the following organs are nourished:

- the thyroid gland, responsible for the complete metabolism of the body;

- the parathyroid glands, responsible for the metabolism of the two key body minerals, the
magnesium and calcium;

- the neck ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system, responsible of the brain and heart
functions and their coordination;

- regulation of the blood pressure in the jugular arteries.

Apart from these benefits, the whole liquid element is reabsorbed in the lymphatic system, which,
using the Earth's gravity, effortlessly carries the lymph to the shoulder zone, where it merges with the
vein system. The total body “cleanses” from the inside. It is considered that the optimal time for the
blood to make one cycle through the lungs is 3 – 5 minutes, where, with long breathing through the
diaphragm, the diffusion period comes close to the optimum of 20 seconds, when the exchange of O2
– CO2 is the highest. All of the organs under the diaphragm zone smoothly get rid of the stagnant vein
blood and lymph, particularly the most affected ones, such as the liver, the large intestine, and the
urogenital system and so on.

The pose is best when done before meal on an empty stomach, or at least 3-4 hours after a heavy
meal. The pose is forbidden for people with chronic hypertension, heart and circulation disease, acute
and chronic head conditions, injuries of the neck, spine etc.
It is done on a floor, but not on soft unstable foundation, with light mat underneath. It begins with a
full, long breath inhale while lifting up to the final position. Then, one is to exhale and continue with
deep, slow diaphragm breathing.
The optimum are 30 full breathes, but this needs to be achieved gradually, by daily increase in the
number of breaths.
After finishing the exercise, we return back in the same way. With full inhale, we bend our legs in the
knees, the arms are touching the floor and we slowly lower the spine onto the floor where we stretch
the legs.
Before performing the asanas, it is advisable to lightly warm up the neck and shoulder zone, as well as
to lay down on the back in order to homogenize the body fluids.
Once the breathing and pulse have calmed down, we can, if we want to maximize the effect of the
exercise, do the opposite pose, the so called fish pose (matsyasana).

By pressing the top of the head on the floor, the upper part of the back is in a maximum position as
opposed to the shoulder – stand, so the whole blood accumulated in the neck organs, is pushed out
and they return to normal position. The breathing is “clavicular”, with the upper part of the lungs,
thus ventilating one of the most critical zones in the lungs, the one under the clavicles, and the zone
of constant infections due to its distance from the center. The period spent in the fish pose is half of
the time spent in the shoulder – stand.

By practicing these two asanas on a daily basis, all anomalies of the erected body are amended in a
simple, natural way.

3. Fire element

The aggregate of the fire element refers to a state in between liquid and gas element, the so
called plasma. The same as with the pH factor, the body temperature has a very limited range of
“healthy” optimum temperature which varies between 36,5-37 oC. The hypothalamus considers all
values below and above this range as situations when the body self - thermoregulation needs to be
switched on, this is a sophisticated air conditioning system, so that the body can, as fast as possible,
adapt itself to the outside conditions. Failure to adapt adequately, is an open door to illness, cold,
fever etc.

The body adaptation mostly relies on the correct senses' signal integrated in the pineal gland. In this
integration dominates the signal of the olfactory pathway, which is phylogenetically the oldest part of
the brain that is the olfactory system in the cortex. The signal is registered in the upper zone of the
nose, where, the temperature, humidity, cleanness and other gas and heat parameters the body
experiences, are measured.

In the city environment with a permanent air pollution, the nose cavity is constantly exposed to it and
covered with various substances, mostly toxic ones. The body reacts to this with running nose, to help
the olfactory organ perform its function, and efficiently gather information about the surrounding. If

its surface is not clean, the signal transported to the pineal gland would not reflect the accurate
situation, which would result in an inadequate adaptation, with a series of respiratory diseases as

To prevent that, a simple nose hygiene practice is recommended, nasal wash, twice a day, will ensure
steady, precise signalization from the olfactory sensors to the epiphysis, thus enabling it to
adequately and expeditiously adapt the body to all outside conditions.
The practice is carried out by putting 2 deciliters lukewarm water in a wide vessel, a glass, in which 1
tablespoon of non-treated sea salt is melted. The best position is to lean over a bath or sink, and to
“drink” the water up the nose, to suck it inside the nose and pharynx. The mouth is semi opened,
ready to drain out. The whole solution quantity is used.

Apart from its main goal to clean the olfactory organ, it also cleans the total nasal cavity, which the
Creator, has envisioned as a central terminal for eye drain (tear duct), ear drain (Eustachian tube),
sinus, etc. The nasal wash practice is an excellent prevention against infections of these organs, as
well as infections in the respiratory system, because each pathogen, before entering the lungs, spends
at least 48 hours in the nose, and if it passes through its barrier, the path to overcoming is opened.
From a spiritual point of view, this practice directly activates the ajna chakra, the commanding chakra
that controls all other chakras, and its energy energizes the hypothalamus.
The practice has no side effects, because the body recognizes the salty water as its natural ambience,
from its treasury of experiences, back when the water element dominated the Earth and the
complete life took place inside it the water.

From our exposition about the biological clock, it is evident that the connection of body functioning to
the day – night rhythm of the ambience it dwells, is very tight.

The energy of the Sun is the energy of the fire element which is activated in the body by the earliest
moment of visible light, at dawn. We have already seen how the Creator has synchronized the
meridians work exactly to the Sun movements on the horizon. The energy of the Sun is the essence of
the vegetal food, accumulated through the process of photosynthesis by the mechanisms of the
It is fascinating that the human body, as the most perfect creation in the material world, contains all
of the memories of its evolution as a perceptible being, so among others also the ability to directly
accumulate Sun light.
There are examples of spiritual practitioners who sustain themselves solely on that energy source, by
daily concentration meditation. The popular Sun Gazing, a spiritual practice that is being spread more
and more widely, is based on these exact mechanisms.

According to one Chinese authority in complementary medicine, the human body requires a direct
exposure to sun rays for half an hour on a daily basis, in order for the mechanisms connected to this

kind of energy, to function in accordance with the Creator's conception. This particularly refers to the
hypophysis (pituitary gland), the executive organ of the hypothalamus in the domain of the endocrine
system, which task is to produce energy in the body for movement, speech, thinking, digestion etc. It
is activated by the structures of the hypothalamus, nucleus suprachiasmaticus, that operates as a
photo relay, a light switch, activator of the two basic systems that regulate the metabolism of the
body: the sympathetic nervous system in the segment of the autonomous nervous system, the
hypophysis, the thyroid and the adrenal glands in the endocrine system part, which in coordination,
regulate the catabolism, creation and utilization of the energy and other components from the solid
and liquid element, essential for day to day body functioning, and the parasympathetic nervous
system in the segment of the autonomous nervous system in coordination with the pineal gland,
parathyroid glands, thymus, the endocrine part of the pancreas in the segment of the endocrine

They together coordinated, regulate the anabolism, the regeneration of the body, the mechanisms
that have been used up during the day, especially the brain, the eyes and other organs which are
main energy consumers.When those two processes are in balance, the health comes and preserves
itself naturally, because the hypothalamus is not overloaded with unnatural situations, except for the
erected body.
On the subject of thermoregulation, the Nordic people, where the Sun is only present for a short
period of time with poor intensity, have come up with the sauna, so as to stimulate the sweat glands
to assist the kidneys in keeping the Acid - base balance. By excessive body overheating with water
steam, the body is provoked to start the thermoregulation process by secreting the liquid element
through the skin in order to cool down and response to the enhanced thermal sensations.
By sweating, the body diffusely, through the skin pores, releases itself from the intercellular fluid, the
lymph, in that manner alleviating the function of the lymph system to bring the lymph on the tedious
path from the feet to the shoulders, by overcoming numerous obstacles on its path, the strongest of
which is the Earth's gravitational force, the gravity.

A short summary on the subject of the heat element:

- adjusting sleeping to the biological clock, waking up at dawn;

- half an hour direct sun exposure daily, most preferably at sunrise;

- avoid sun exposure in its most intense phase between 10.00 am – 03.00 pm;

- physical activity, country tracking, mount climbing with intensive sweating;

- avoid wearing sunglasses which “trick” the hypothalamus;

- regular nasal wash, twice a day.

4. Gas element

The gas element and the breathing, as a vital process in the physical body, are usually
equalized with the life itself. Technically we are born with the first breath and die with the last. Unlike
other elements, which shortage can last for days until final body dysfunction, it takes only 3-5 minutes
without the gas element for the body to stop, its awaken consciousness at first, then followed by
cessation of the vital systems.

The respiratory system is one of the most sophisticated one in the body, after the heart and the brain,
with its direct impact upon those two most vital systems.

The system shares the same space with the heart in the thorax, where they work together through
the mechanism of the small bloodstream, in the exchange of the gas with the liquid element.
From the Creator's point of view, he has made additional protection by creating rib cage around the
lungs and heart that is a breastbone in front, which is one of a kind structure in the front part of the
body. If we place the body in its natural position, parallel to the ground, we can easily grasp the
Creator's logic: stability and protection of the most vital processes from any type of injuries that could
jeopardize the life.

The space between the ribs (the intercostal space) is filled by intercostal muscles which protect the
lungs from mechanical injury, but also provide rib cage elasticity adjusted to the breathing dynamics.
From the lower part, the diaphragm, on one hand, separates the respiratory from the digestive
system, but on the other hand, serves as a relay for energy exchange between those two systems. The
best indicator for that is its regulation with the phrenic nerve (nervus phrenicus). It serves as an
assistant to the vagus nerve, the executive nerve of the parasympathetic (nervous system), while
simultaneously using its motor fibers innervates the diaphragm, and by its sensory fibers innervates
the pericardium (heart membrane) and the organs in the abdomen below the diaphragm. Through
this nerve any anomaly, pain in these organs causes blockage of the diaphragm, to prevent more
damage. And vice versa, the diaphragm movement sends a signal to activate the parasympathetic, i.e.
the steady, long breathing turns on the systems of anabolism.

We are describing only few details of these vital systems to have a better understanding about the
necessity of conscious breathing.
We spend more time on the diaphragm explanation, because with the act of body erecting, its work is
naturally muffled by the contractions of the stomach muscles. We seldom breathe using the
diaphragm, the so called “abdominal” breathing, but that is the most powerful mechanism of the
respiratory system. In the diaphragm zone there is the highest concentration of alveoli, tiny air filled
sacs, where the exchange of blood and air takes place, but also the highest concentration of blood
vessels in the small circulatory system.

More importantly, the diaphragm may be consciously controlled, by the movements of the stomach
muscles which move it as a piston, upwards when contracting and downwards when releasing. That is
the basis of conscious breathing. It always starts with a conscious exhaling, through the mouth, by
fully contracting the stomach muscles. The old, stale air comes out with the sound “haaa...”

We inhale through the nose, smoothly, in a relaxed manner, without noise in the nostrils, with no
conflict, for a long time, slowly. We hold our breath for a short period, consciously dividing the two
phases, and then, with an open mouth, exhale again, this time without sound, softly, relaxed, slowly
contracting the stomach muscles.At the end, we withhold the breath with the muscles contracted,
consciously separating the exhale from the next inhale.

This cycle is repeated 3 times with mouth exhale, and then moving to breathing only through the
nose. After five minutes the whole blood would have gone through the small bloodstream, mostly
freed of toxins and enriched with oxygen and new energy.Conscious breathing is recommended after
meal, to allow the digestive tract function more effectively with the new energy. As a positive side
effect, while moving the diaphragm up and down with contraction of the stomach muscles, we lightly
massage the organs in the stomach void, which helps them get rid of stale vein blood and lymph and
leaves open space for fresh blood and energy flow.

In a more advanced exercise routine, we can also control the breath length, i.e. the inhale – exhale
ratio. At the beginning the length of both breaths is equalized by silently counting. Inhale: 1,2,3,4,
pause, exhale 1,2,3,4. Ten cycles of equal breath length. Then, we extend the exhale length: Inhale
1,2,3,4, pause, exhale 1,2,3,4,5,6. While exhaling slowly, we contract the abdominal muscles, when
inhaling, we slowly release them. Five cycles of this 4-6 rhythm. Next, we prolong the exhale part even
longer, by using the same technique to slowly contract the stomach muscles. Inhale 4, exhale 8. Five
cycles in this rhythm. Light sleepiness or intensive saliva secretion are the right sings that we have
activated the parasympathetic (nervous system), the anti-stress mechanism the Creator has fitted
into the body.

In yoga, the optimum ratio is 1-4, but for general health purposes the 1-2 ratio suffices.
In this period of time, 5-10 minutes, depending on the breath intensity, the whole blood would have
passed at least once through the small bloodstream and has been “treated” with our consciousness,
with intense disposal of all waste gas materials from the metabolism. What is left as a liquid waste, is
further more processed by the kidneys.
By doing this simple exercise once or twice a day, it will result in a stable immune system and cheerful
mentality. We can exercise it even more times during the day, especially in periods when we
experience body weakness, bad emotions and so on. The exercise will energies the body, relieving it
of toxins, both physiological or mentally.

At the beginning, we may experience intensive heartbeat, but it will eventually accept the conscious
rhythm and will slow down its heart beat into a steady, healthy rate.
As far as the outside ambience is concerned, we should tend to use our free time to stay in nature, at
a safe distance from the city gas element, which is not natural and it is absolutely unhealthy. We will
not dwell on the ecology topic, sufficiently it to say that the gas element is an ambience shared by all
beings in one community, so the collective consciousness ought to become aware of this notorious
fact and each and every one should contribute to decrease the gas element pollution. The nose flush
and the conscious breathing exercise are conscious measures to parry the more and more polluted
environment we exist in.

The complete air conditioning manner which is justified with the global warming, is yet another
source of misfortune for the body. The mechanical air produced by air conditioners is a “dead” air,
without energy and other particles necessary for the body, which are taken into by inhaling the gas
element.One more element in that cycle is the appearance of bacteria that inhabit the air conditioner
equipment, i.e. the legionella bacteria, which come in contact with our respiratory system through
the air conditioned air, and if they pass the nose barrier, may lead to serious lung diseases.
This is most drastically seen in the air conditioned vehicles, where the source of the air - conditioned
air is next to the users.

In addition, the air conditioning disrupts body thermoregulation by “tricking” the nose particles with
cold air, which is the signal they pass on to the hypothalamus that in its part, takes adaptation
measures for the body to adjust to the new ambience temperature.Furthermore, during the long
overseas flights that last more than 6 hours, we breathe mechanical air which can lead to
thermoregulation and respiratory system problems.

In our daily living or working space, it would be beneficial to have a plant, especially one from the
family of cacti, the most energy intensive plants, which, during daytime, eradiate immense quantities
of energy and oxygen and absorb large quantities of negative energy and CO 2.

Short summary on the topic of gas element:

- regular nose flash hygiene with salty water, twice a day for smokers;

- regular conscious breathing exercise, twice a day;

- avoid mechanical, conditioned air;

- longer stay in nature, outside the city “cloud”;

- as a daily routine, keep plants with intensive metabolism nearby

The fifth element, the ether, will be elaborated in the section about maintenance of the energy body,
because its presence is out of reach of the perception senses.


We shall complete the chapter about cultivating the physical body with a sincere
recommendation for practicing one easy set of exercises that help the physical and energy body alike.
Those are the popular Tibetan rites, a set of five exercises which do not require special conditions for
practicing, except for 2 square meters (21.5 square feet) of empty space and a certain contingent of
good will. It is preferable to work out in the open, early in the morning if possible, otherwise a well
aired room will be fine, standing in a east - west position, facing east.

Personal hygiene, showering etc., is to be done either before practicing or at least half an hour after
finishing, in order to keep the restored energy harmony in the body. If we take shower immediately
after the practice, the energy will start moving towards the surface, thus reducing the exercise

1. The exercise begins in an upright position, fully concentrated on the feet touching the floor,
arm spread and straight, in a “cross” shape. We move easily around our axis in a clockwise direction.
The eyes should either be opened and not focused, or focused on just one point in space, in order to
keep the body balance.

At the beginning stage, three complete circles are done.

Rite number 1

The exercise wakes up the body by activating the vestibular apparatus and the cerebellum, the
systems in charge of maintaining the body balance. It refreshes the nervous system by centrifugal
motion of the cerebrospinal fluid and its enhanced excretion from the systems in the brain vestibules.
The whole body turns into a chakra and the energy flows properly from the first to the seventh chakra
through the central channel.

2. The second rite is performed in a lying position, on the back. It consists of coordinating the
breath with two body motions, lifting the head towards the torso and lifting the legs under angle of
90 oC (to the torso).

It starts with a deep inhale, followed by the head movement and then the leg lifting. This position is
held for as long as it is comfortable, then, the legs are lowered, the head returns to original position
and the air is fully exhaled.

Rite number 2

With this exercise, on a physical level, the stomach muscles are straightened, the stomach organs are
massaged, the intestinal peristalsis is activated, the spine elasticity in the part L2-L5 that regulates the
function of lower limbs, is straightened. In yoga, the mead movement is called jalandhara banda. It is
one powerful energy practice, which on the physical level exercises the neck muscles, one of the most
critical body points of the urban human. Additionally, the thyroid and parathyroid glands are
massaged, as well as the system for regulation of the blood pressure in the jugular veins.
On an energy level, it concentrates the energy in the torso, in the five elementary chakras
respectively, so that when exhaling, the fifth chakra is fully operational as the energy starts to run
towards the head. The central energy channel is straightened, i.e. its capacity and the energy knots
are untangled, especially the knot between the fifth and sixth chakra, the knot of Shiva. The exercise
is done three times, in harmony with the previous rite.

3. The third rite is set in a manner to be in an opposite position against the second one, so in that
way, the effects from the exercise can be complete. It is done with the knees on the floor, with
straight torso, straight neck, hands back on the thighs.

It starts with a long slow exhale, and then a jalandhara bandha is done, the chin is moved toward the
breastbone (sternum). This position is kept for a short period, then, the head is straightened back to

the normal position followed by a long slow inhale. After the inhale, the head moves backward, and at
the same time, the shoulders are pulled backward. The head movement must be slow and gentle, to
keep the body balance.

Rite number 3

The abdomen and spine movements are opposite to the ones in the previous rite, so the abdomen
relieves of the vein blood and lymph. The upper part of the spine is straightened, corrected in fact,
from the constant urban “semi hump” position. The effects of the starting pose, the jalandhara
banda, have already been described in the preceding rite. It is done three times in harmony with the
rhythm of the two previous rites.

4. The fourth rite is done sitting on the floor, legs extended and slightly apart following the width
of the shoulders. The arms are in a straight position in line with the hips, palms facing forward. If we
have problems with the wrists, we can rotate the palms sideways. The breathing rhythm and the first
movement are exactly the same as in the earlier rite, we exhale completely and do the jalandhara
banda. We lift the head, inhale long and slowly, then we gently push the body forward which lifts it
up in a form of a (bridge) “tabletop”, the head tilting backwards. We remain in this position for as
long as it is comfortable, then, slowly rise the head, return the body to its starting position and

Rite number 4

This exercise is of a systematic importance for all of the muscles and tendons in the body, particularly
the ones in the “upper cross”, because all ankles are in function. On an energy level, all meridians are
opened, which stabilizes the fifth chakra. The exercise stimulates the third chakra as well, by
stretching the body into a “tabletop” position.

We have explained the effects of the jalandhar banda before. The rite is done three time in harmony
with the previous exercises.

5. The fifth rite starts in a standing position, the legs are stretched and the shoulders are widely
opened. From this pose, we move toward hanging position with palms under shoulders, arms straight
as in a position of doing push-ups. That is the starting position of the rite. We inhale, lightly move the
torso up and backwards forming a mountain position, tucking the head into a jalandhara banda. We
shortly remain in this position and then return the body into the starting cobra pose, and exhale in
the end.

Rite number 5

Physically, the spine benefits the most from this rite. All vertebrae, from the neck till the tail, pile up
as a domino in a proper cascade, thus eliminating the consequences of irregular sitting position, so
common for the urban human. The movements are opposite to the ones in the previous rite, so they
complement the effect of all meridians’ full opening and unhindered energy flow.

On an energy level, the energy circulates from the second chakra, in the cobra pose, toward the fifth
chakra, in the mountain pose and vice versa, so that all vital systems depending on this flow are
normalized. It is done three time, in harmony with the previous rites.

The Tibetan rites, as a rule, are done in the morning, and are an excellent preparation for the body to

start the day with open channels and balanced chakras. If they are done in the evening, it is
recommended that the number of rites is not higher than three per rite.

The number of rites is increased on a weekly basis by adding 2 rites per practice, up to a maximum of
21 rites; however, the practice must not be overdone, nor should the rites be forced upon oneself if
the body is not prepared to sustain the set number.

Visible changes of improvement in all aspects of the being are manifested after the period of 1-2
months, if the rites are done continually on a daily basis.

The hardest part of this practice is keeping the continuity because we clash with old habits and bad
will that are strongest in the morning, when we are half awaken.

IV – Methods of cultivating the energy body

In the first chapter, we briefly described the troubles that the act of erecting of the human has
caused on its energy body. In this part, we will explain the “anatomy and physiology” of the energy
body in more detailed manner, since it still is not a subject of the socially recognized sciences in the
western civilization, and yet, it is the basis of the Oriental philosophy with a tradition longer than
5.000 years.

Fortunately, the new science discoveries and disciplines more and more prove the existence of the
“invisible” processes, which were described in the compositions of the Orient, millenniums ago.

Science, as the new religion comes in handy, since the modern human, or his mind in fact, is
“formatted” to unconditionally believe in anything that has “scientifically” been proved. Therefore, in
our explanation of the energy body we shall use the scientific language, its terms and concepts, in
order to communicate with the reader in a comprehensive manner.

Religiously speaking, according to the concepts of the authoritative religions, the invisible part of the
being is called soul with a rather vague status, as a common denominator for the invisible micro
cosmos in the human body. The science has discovered that the reason for this invisibility is in the
mere fact of the physical limitation of our physical eyes to register only a small portion of wavelength
in the range between 400 - 700 nanometers. The science has, by using sophisticated instruments,
already well familiarized itself with the boundaries of the invisible reality, far above and below this
tight range.

In the first column, the thin line with the spectrum colors is the range of frequencies at disposal to the
visual perception. The blindness of the other energy values is evident.

To the mind, anything that cannot be perceived does not exist, although in the conceptual aggregate,
it believes in the science and its methods to decipher the invisible, metaphysical world. So, all
frequencies given in the chart and more may be well incorporated in the term soul.
We locate the energy body in the thicker part of the soul, below the eyes' visual limit, at an average
frequency of 200 - 500 megahertz. It can simply be defined as a system of energy channels and their
“crossroads”, the chakras, where a vital energy flow is registered.
The energy moves spirally, on precisely determined tracks, nadis or meridians in the Chinese systems,
with a precisely assigned task.

The main energy fluxes are located lengthwise the spine, where the three major energy channels are
functioning, which is crucial for the stability of the energy body. The central, sushumna nadi (sans.)
that flows from the head crown to the basis of the spine centrally long ways the spine, is active in the
rare moments when we breathe uniformly with both nostrils. Usually, the energy flows through the
one side of the channels. The lunar, ida nadi (sans.) starts in the spine base to the left and spirally, as
a snake, wrapped around the central channel to enter the head center from the left.

Energy channels (schematic) Energy channels in physical body

The energy where the magnetism, or yin in the Chinese system, dominates, flows through the lunar
channel. From the center of the head downwards, flows the solar channel, pingala nadi (sans.) in the
same way, spirally like a snake, in which flow dominates the electrical charge. In the points of their
intersection, a vital energy flow is being generated. The points of their intersection generate a vital

energy flow called a chakra (sans.). From that vital flow, the outgoing energy flows through
designated channels to the organs and organ systems which use the energy of the particular chakra.
The chakras may be compared to small transformer stations in the body that adjust the universal
energy to a precisely specific frequency required by the organs and the system it serves.
The chakra frequencies are close to the four aggregates that compose the physical body, so they
differ in color which defines the “textbook” frequency of the chakra. In the following text, we will
distinguish them by using numbers, since their original names in Sanskrit are unusual and hard to

The numbering begins from the spine base to the head crown, so in that order, the first chakra is
Muladhara, the root chakra, located behind the cervix in women and between the scrotum and the
anus in men. The first chakra emanates energy that is closest to the solid element of the body, in red
color, with four output channels that handle the excretion organs, the elimination of waste material
from the body.

Second in the row is swadhisthana located under the lower cross in the sacral spine part, in the line
with the pubis. The second chakra emanates energy close to the liquid body element, through six
output channels which serve the reproductive systems and genitals in orange color.

Third one in the row is manipura, situated in the abdominal area, behind the navel. The third chakra
emanates energy close to the heat body element through ten output channels and handles the
digestive system in yellow color.

The fourth chakra is anahata, located in the thorax, behind the nipples. It radiates energy close to the
gas element, through twelve output channels and handles the circulatory system in green color.

The fifth chakra is vishuddhi, situated on the neck- head joint, behind the Adam's apple. Its energy is
closest to the fifth element, the energy of space occupied by the physical body. The energy flows
through sixteen output channels and serves the respiratory system, the skin but also the moving
function of the muscles. Its energy wraps all body forms, internal and external and takes care of their
proper correlation.

The sixth chakra is situated in the center of the head and is called ajna, the commanding chakra, so it
is popularly referred as “the third eye”. Ajna is not a classic chakra from the elementary type, but it is
the chakra of the principle of consciousness, which controls the activity of the other chakras. It has
two channels that we have described above, solar and lunar, through which it affects the activities of
the chakras. Its energy handles the autonomous nervous system, i.e. the hypothalamus as its central

The seventh chakra is located on the head crown and also does not belong to the classic type chakras.

Its name is sahasrara padma, meaning “Lotus of the thousand petals” referring to the thousands of
frequency combinations in the universe. The seventh chakra is the contact point of the human and
the universal energy. Its energy governs the whole body, especially the cerebrum cortex and its
conscious functions, i.e. the central nervous system.

The chakras operate in a system where the sixth chakra is the conductor.
The direct users of the chakra energies are the two most vital systems in the body, the nervous and
the endocrine systems, so the locations of the chakras are exactly on the main knots of the
autonomous nervous system and the endocrine glands.

Chakras - nervous system Chakras - endocrine system

That is an expected move of the Creator, to give advantage for energy utilization to the most vital
systems of the body from which the function of the other systems depend.
The work of the chakras depend on the function of their “input” channels, ida and pingala, but also on
the permeance of the output channels.

In the description of the sixth chakra, we mentioned that it controls the chakras through the flows of
the two side channels, the solar and the lunar. The control is realized through the respiratory system,
that is the nose as its executive organ.
Usually, we do not breathe equally through both nostrils. Always, one dominates over the intensity of
the other. Even without conscious intervention, approximately every two to two and a half hours, the
intensity of the nostrils is changed from one to the other, depending on the body energy needs.

When the right nostril dominates, the solar channel is active, so in the body the energy with an
electrical charge that wants to move, think, talk, digest etc is dominant. At the same time, in a
diagonal principle, in the brain, the left hemisphere is active, which is rational, calculating, manly, and

When the left nostril dominates, the lunar channel is active, with a magnetic type of energy that
repairs the body and the organs, so they can get renewed and be prepared to receive the electrically
charged energy. In that case, the right hemisphere is active, which is intuitive, creative, artistic etc.
The body does not like to move and all electrical (yang) type functions are decreased.
In yoga, there is a whole science in a discipline of studying the breath and its influence on the being,
called swara yoga.

For the modern human it is enough to know that it can have an influence on these automatic
processes through the respiratory system with conscious breathing and directing the attention to
these processes, in fact, “getting friendly” with the commander, the sixth chakra. Through its
cultivating, the energies of the lower chakras are indirectly cultivated as well.

The situation is a little bit more complicated as far as the output chakra channels are concerned, i.e.
their permeance. By straightening the body they suffer the most, because their natural paths are
dislocated and under the influence of a new angle for the two basic energies. In addition, the output
channels suffer from the irregular position and utilization of the human body, so as a consequence
they react by causing energy blockages of the chakras and the systems, commonly from an electrical
type, which causes spasms of the tendons and muscles at the blockage points. Thus muffling the
function of the channel even more.
The most critical points of this kind are located in the body joints and the abdominal void.

In this description of the energy systems in the body, we shall briefly relate to the Chinese system of
the chi energies, namely, their meridian and acupressure points. The energy principle is the same
(yang – solar, yin -lunar energy), but the approach concept differs from the one with nadis and
chakras. It is interesting to point out that the main meridians are named after the organ or the system
they serve, in order of easier recognition. The concept consists of twelve pairs of meridians which
paths either end or begin in the limbs. Compared to the nadi system, the meridians correspond to the
output channels of the fifth chakra which is located on the neck-head joint, and has sixteen output
channels, four to the head, six to the arms and six to the legs, in that way handling the whole body
and execute the commands from the sixth chakra.

The yang meridians flow from the body to the limbs while the yin meridians form the limbs towards
the body each bringing energy with an opposite charge. On the spot of their interception with other
channels, an acupressure point is formed, similar to a chakra, but with a local importance for the
organ or the system through which this meridian flows and serves.

The concept of the Creator is clear, through the touch of the four limbs with the ground, the body
permanently releases itself from the yang energy that has already “done its job” and continuously
energies itself with a fresh yin energy that will respectively repair the systems.

Nowadays, this contact is completely discontinued. By straightening, the arms hang about, so it is only
through physical work of touching the ground that these flows are realized. With the civilized way of
life and putting on shoes on the feet this flow is cut off too, especially by using artificial, synthetic
materials that are much better insulators of the energy flow the Creator has envisioned.

Palm meridians, organ connections Palm meridians (schematic)

Hand palms of a healer

Foot meridians Foot meridians - schematic

To these descriptions, we shall also add the main channels in the Chinese systems, which are not
classic channels, but serve as “reservoirs” of yang - the back channel and of yin - the front channel.

Their juncture in the mouth is interesting, the one where the tongue touches the upper gum, which in
yoga is one of the most used mudras that allows an uninterrupted flow of the energy through these
two systems.

From the above, the reader should get clearer picture about the “being”, namely, its invisible,
metaphysical part, expressed as an energy body which serves as a “glue” of the consciousness to the
physical body, through the chakras in the skull.
The energy body operates bilaterally towards the physical body as its mover and supporter, but also
towards the mind, its mental body in fact, in a sense of creating certain type of thoughts and

So, the first chakra with the thickest energy, actuates the mentality for survival, carrier, home,
ambience, safety etc. and corresponds to the lower reptile structures of the brain, in fact, their
preformed consciousness in type of instincts.

The same applies to the second chakra, but with a slightly higher frequency which overwhelms the
mind with the pole energy, the identification with the ones’ sex and its instincts for copulating.

The third chakra mainly affects the mentality of the little ego in its relations with other beings through
the power prism, the illusions of supremacy and infirmity of any kind respectively, as seen through
the manipura's point of view.

The fourth chakra mostly influences the emotional consciousness of the mind, in fact through its
limbic system as an executive organ, so through this mechanism the emotions directly have an impact
on the heart and the circulatory system as the most influential system in the body.

The energy of the fifth chakra is closest to the principle of consciousness and serves as a link between
the elementary chakras and the commanding chakra. Its energy transforms the thoughts into sound,
i.e. articulate communication, one of the two key activities that the forefather of our body had been
taught by the co - creators of the fifth civilization. Each word has its own energy because it is a
condensed thought condensed consciousness, but it is also an emotion, so together, they influence
the fifth chakra function. Each conflict, either internal or external with another being, is reflected on
the fifth chakra.

After each conflict, a sense of “bitterness” is felt in the throat which refers to the transfer of such
particular emotions on the liquid body element.

The sixth chakra, being a commanding one, is of a particular importance to the process of cultivating,
serving as a bond between the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind. Its cultivating widely
open the doors to exploration of the invisible world, the spirituality, thus expanding the horizons of
the being's awareness about its genuine nature.

The seventh chakra is the most spiritual one and is being cultivated after awakening the sixth one and
its redirecting from the world of doze, the Samsara, into the reality, here and now.

Chakras and emotional consciousness

The connection to the mind is evident, in the fact how its reality experience reflects upon the chakras,
i.e. the body lower energetics, and by that, to its physiology.

If we look at the personality archetypes, it is the shadow that dominantly operates in the first chakra,
even though the next two are also its reflexes.

In the second one, the shadow shares the space with the archetypes animus and anima, which are
present in the third where animus dominates and forth where anima is dominant and shares the
space with the child, while the animus shares the third chakra with the parent.
The wise old man functions in the fifth and sixth chakra, whereas the enlightened being in the sixth
and seventh. All real experiences as seen through the prism of these roles, reflect on the chakra
functioning, thus having an impact on the organs and organ systems that depend on that energy.
This influence works in an opposite direction too, so once we harmonize the chakras, the mind
receives smooth vibrations from its subordinate energies and reacts with calm, positive emotions.

From this point of view of the being and the causes of its troubles, it is not difficult to recognize the
modern human and his day-to-day routine:

- detached from the natural energy flows, particularly from the ground with the city

- dwells in unnatural habitat, built mechanically without any consideration of the energy flows
of the Earth;

- surrounded by artificial materials with “dead” frequency;

- in his mind, the shadow still dominates in its refined way with the basic instincts for survival
and copulating;

- various kinds of aggression dominates in the relations among the people;

- consumes mainly processed, “dead” food and beverages, and processed “dead” water;

- the body daily routine is adjusted to the social norms and not to the universal laws;

- a constant semi hypnosis from the mass media;

- continually exposition to electromagnetic waves of the mass digital technology.

These are only a few everyday situations that the average modern human faces. It is not difficult to
conclude that it is permanently stressed out, the being is in an alarming situation, which the
automatic systems of the physical and energy are aware of and they react to that with their arsenal of
In the physical body, there is a permanent domination of the sympathetic nervous system, the system
that mobilizes the body and consumes energy, and in the endocrine system “the adrenalin axis” of the
hypophysis – thyroid gland - adrenal glands, The respiratory system is in a rapid, shallow breathing
mode, the circulatory system in an increased heart pulsation and high blood pressure status, the
digestive system in a spasm followed by with indigestion, the excretion systems is in congestion,
constipation. The ph factor is on the verge of acidity.

The aggressive mentality dominates, with the thickest thoughts linked to survival, money, carrier,
In the energy body, there is a domination of the first three elementary chakras that consist of the
thickest frequencies, which are trying to correct the maleficent actions that the being inflicts upon
oneself. The same goes for the fourth and fifth chakras which are chronically with insufficient energy
The sixth chakra is: “fogged”, veiled by the thick cloak of greed and hatred, the two mental poisons
that dominate in the mind of every sensible being, including the human. Only its automatic part is
operational, distributing the energy to the chakras in order to keep the regular body physiology. The
conscious part awaits better days. The seventh chakra is in “deep sleep”, in hibernation.

The muffled output chakra channels cramp the joints, tendons and muscles as well as the organs they
pass through. The neck is constantly painful, being the main crossing point that is in the first line of
this energy malfunction.

In this way we come to realize the sad truth about the modern civilization, with more and more
advanced devices but with ever so decrepit health, mass sufferings of all kinds.

The question is whether we want to stay in this doze and accept the suffering as inevitable or we
would take steps through which we would alleviate the suffering and even eradicate it in a long run.
This book is intended for the ones who have decided to do something in order to change themselves,
become aware that the heretofore way of functioning is far from the truth which has been confirmed
by various types of suffering.

Surely, we cannot change the world and all the people, but it is more certain that we can change
ourselves, our way of functioning, knowing the causes of the sufferings we undergo.

Cultivation of the energy body will bring two benefits to the practitioner: a stabile metabolism, strong
immune system manifested in the fast and accurate adaptation to any kind of influence, thus enabling
fast recuperation from potential injuries or illnesses while in the mental part, a stabile mind with
sufficient psychological backup to act on the potential problems’ sources and not to react
unconsciously with uncontrolled emotions.
These are the most general “promises”, but the effects are different due to the will and faith of the
practitioner, his persistence and patience.
The results of cultivating the energy body are experienced instantly, but for a major reversal in the
whole system, a continuous everyday practice for 1-2 months is necessary.

We will begin with a practice to cultivate directly the focus of all problems, the sixth chakra, the
juncture between the mind, both conscious and unconscious, and the energies of the body, i.e. the
lower chakras. Cultivating the sixth chakra is a process and it requires faith in the method at the
beginning, when the results are modest while the difficulties and discomfort caused by the changes
are evident.

In the chapter of cultivating the physical body, in the part about the respiratory system we have
explained the mechanism of the nose, i.e. the olfactory path with the pineal gland which is the
physical dwelling of the sixth chakra.
The pineal gland has, for a long time, been neglected by the medicinal science in favor to the pituitary
gland due to a simple reason that the hypophysis is surgically accessible.
But, lately, the research of the pineal gland has confirmed the knowledge of the ancient civilizations
about the “third eye” and its role in adapting the brain and body in a long run.

Looking histologically, the pineal gland indeed is an eye. Even a rudiment lens turned towards the
vertex has been discovered. It work impeccably in animals, especially in the family of cats, discovering
the secret to their exceptional vitality, the so called cat's “nine lives”.

In humans, the pineal gland is repressed and functions in the background, especially after puberty,
when after the hormonal storm in the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland gains primacy with its
hormones which regulate the reproductive system as well. Up till puberty, the pineal gland dominates
in the childhood and, in combination with the thymus gland, is a basis of children’s development and
immunity. This is not a case in modern times, when straight away from an early age, artificial
medicines are prescribed for any kind of illness, so the thymus rapidly loses its vitality and its
complementary role as a central organ of the immune system.

In addition, the pineal gland wears off by disrupting the day-night rhythm in the modern human,
particularly by its inversion which is typical for the youngsters, who are often awaken at night, sleep
during the day, in which way its vitality and capacity is drastically disturbed.At the same time, it is a
part of the brain, as a central sensor relay which integrates the signals from all senses, and
simultaneously operates as a receiver of the electromagnetic waves from the environment. This
integration which is further on transferred to the pituitary gland, will determine its adequate reaction
into mobilizing the systems, either for defense or adaptation.

As a part of the endocrine glands system, its task is to keep the nervous system in an optimal form,
excreting hormones directly into its ambience - the brain liquid (cerebrospinal fluid) but also in the
blood circulation. Several hormones have been isolated, from which the best known is the melatonin
that has a soothing effect on the brain, providing rest and repair for the next awaken phase. The
pineal gland is activated by deactivating the physical eyes, their closing, when the energy of the optic
tract retracts towards it. It is directly activated with the sunset, i.e. after disappearance of the last
rays of visible light. We have explained this in the part about the biological clock of the body. After
falling asleep, when the energy retracts from the cortex to the third cerebral chamber, the pineal
gland is fully operational in an attempt to repair the brain, its ambience, in order to properly start
operating after waking up.

One of the most terrible torture methods of political prisoners in the era of the red pentacle in Russia
before the Second World War, and their spiritual cracking in Lubyanka, the KGB jail, was merely to
keep them awake, without any sleep, in fact, without the possibility of the pineal gland to do its task.
After several days, a dissociation of a person begins, and it is then that all confessions are extorted
because the prisoner's will completely vanishes. After a week of such a treatment, a death occurs in
horrible circumstances of heavy malfunction of the autonomous nervous system.

But, let's move from the human evil-doers onto real humanizing of these wonderful mechanisms that
the Creator has bestowed upon us.
With the regular nose flash, the signals of the olfactory path to the pineal gland will be forehanded
and precise, and will reflect the ambience of the gas and the heat element in which the being is in.
Through the practice, the pineal gland is activated and its alertness is kept during day time.
As an addendum, we will describe one simple exercise from the yoga arsenal, the popular Trataka,

which is gazing at a fixed object for a long period of time. Regularly, it is performed on a candle flame,
but it can done using any other object that brings content to the practitioner. The background should
be homogeneous, without any details that may draw the eyes attention, the best one is an empty

Trataka with candle light

The body should be in a steady position, feeling comfortable, in order not to attract the mind's
attention in a sense of tactile sensation or pain.

The candle or the object of choice is put at an optimum distance from the practitioner in a horizontal
line with his/her eyes, so there is no strain of the muscles in the eye apple or the ones in the lens. The
eyes are to be relaxed and fixed on the flame or the object without any effort.
The exercises star in a progressive manner, starting with short period of time, up until the practice
becomes unpleasant and the eyes begin to run. With everyday practice, the olfactory tract adopts the
situation as normal and no longer reacts to it, so the concentration time may be prolonged. It is
insisted that a candle flame is used, because the flame coincides to the heat body element, the sun
light in fact, so there is no resistance from the brain defense mechanisms.

By holding the eyes in one position, the whole optic tract is calmed down, because it only processes
one picture, with a natural, appeasement frequency. This situation pacifies the whole brain, since the
optic tract is the main activator and keeper of the wakefulness. The brain remains awake, but not
upset by various pictures that the optic tract constantly changes in the awakened period.

Optic tract

The constancy of one picture in the optic cortex of the brain focuses the concentration on it alone, so
the mechanisms of the reticular formation (formatio reticularis), in the third ventricle, begin to work.

The reticular formation is an executive organ in the structures under the cortex in directing adequate
signals to the cortex. Each nerve cell in the cortex is “wired” with two nerve strings of the reticular
formation that transmit a binary code, 1 - activation, 0 - deactivation of that particular cell. In the
position with only one active picture, the systems of deactivating the cortex are turned on, while just
a small part of the neurons in the optical cortex are active.

Then, the energy of consciousness moves back toward the “main terminal”, the third ventricle, and
concentrates itself with enhanced power, which is expressed in lower frequency and higher
harmonious amplitude, streaming to alpha brain waves mode in the range between 8-13 hertz. It is at
this frequency that the sixth chakra awakes and its energy starts to dominate on all other processes in
the brain and the body. That concentrated energy may then be canalized into a conscious route
depending on the practitioner's needs, or it may continue to meditate on this frequency, which is a
method of cultivating the mind, its aggregates in fact.

That concentrated energy from the sixth chakra will, when directed at the lower chakras and coming
in contact with their lower chaotic frequencies, begin to elevate and amend them according the
resonance mechanism.

The concentration is directed to the approximate chakra location and is kept there up until tactile
sensation from that zone are experienced, either as pulsation, thermal sensation or light itchiness in
that skin area. That is the sign that the chakra has corrected its work and has responded to the
command of the sixth chakra. The process can be even more effective by creative visualization of a
light ball in the chakra zone in accordance with the proper chakra colors, which are as follows: the
fifth - blue, the fourth – green, the third - yellow, the second – orange, the first – red.

Each chakra is attended to as long as it takes for the explicit tactile sensations from that zone to
begin. The chakras may also be cultivated by cultivating the two input energy channels, the solar and
the lunar, mainly through their switches which are located inside the nose. In yoga, there is a separate
discipline which main aim is to cultivate the energy through breath, called Pranayama. Here, we will
use one with its simplest techniques of cleansing the side channels (nadis).
The exercise is done in an open space, with fresh air, where there are no olfactory disturbances. The
body should be steady, in a sitting positions, with spine and neck straight up. The left hand forms a
chin mudra, the thumb and index finger lightly touching, the palm gently relaxed on the knee, the
right hand on the forehead, the index and middle finger gently pressing a point between the eyes,
while the thumb and ring finger regulate which nostril will be open.

Pranayama position

This exercise, like the exercise of conscious breathing, begins by ventilating the lung, contracting the
abdominal muscles, exhaling through the mouth, inhaling for a long time through the nose. Several
circles are done until one feels that the lungs have cleared themselves of the stale acid air. Then, the
eyes are closed and the attention is diverted to the nose, to the air flow through the nostrils. The
breath intensity soothes to noiseless, there is no sound to be heard neither in inhaling nor in exhaling.
The diaphragm is active the whole time, with conscious contraction or release of the abdominal

Once the breath intensity is calmed down, its modulation begins, i.e. equalization of both breaths by
silently counting, with our inner speech: inhale 1,2,3,4, pause, exhale 1,2,3,4. Five to ten cycles are
done in that rhythm.

Then, a pranayama position is taken up, as seen on the picture.

After exhaling, we close the right nostril with the thumb and the breathing continues only through the
left one: inhale 1,2,3,4, pause, exhale 1,2,3,4 through the left nostril.

We stay in this rhythm for 10-15 cicles.

After that, we enhance the exhale phase, still breathing through the left nostril: inhale 1- 4, pause,
exhale 1 - 6. The diaphragm is constantly active, both during inhalation and exhalation. 10-15 cycles in
this rhythm are done.

Then, after exhaling, we close the left nostril with the ring finger and open the right one. We carry on
the same pattern with the right nostril: inhale 1 - 4, pause, exhale 1 - 6. 10-15 cycles in this rhythm
with the right nostril.

Afterwards, we increase the exhaling to 8 times. Inhale 4 times, pause, exhale 8 times through the
right nostril. The diaphragm is continuously mobile. 10-15 cycles in this rhythm.

Throughout these cycles, the breath intensity remains the same, effortless, noiseless.

After the next inhale, we shortly keep the breath in, close the right nostril with the thumb and open
the left one through which we exhale 8 times. After exhalation, we inhale 4 times through the left
nostril, shortly withhold the breath, open the right nostril and close the left, exhaling 8 times through
the right one. We breathe alternately, inhale 4 times through one nostril and exhale 8 times through
the other one. We do 10-15 cycles of alternating breathing.

Upon finishing the cycles, we put the arm down and stay in peace, here and now, aware only of the
air flow through the nostrils. We observe how we feel after the exercise.

We return to the physical reality by contracting the abdominal muscles and intensifying the breath
intensity. We direct our attention to the touch, hearing, smell, taste and finally we open the eyes.

In pranayama, this exercise works on cleansing the energy channels, as with their optimum openness,
the chakras harmonize their activities as well.

A balance between the hemispheres is created by alternately switching the breath centers on and off.
In fact, the imbalance of 90:10 in favor of the left hemisphere is amended. At the same time, there is
a harmonization of the two body sides, the left, the lunar, with the right, the solar, so the basic
energetics is balanced which works both ways: on the physical body as a harmonious metabolism and
on the mental body as a harmonious mentality. It is most effective if the exercise is done in nature,
near steady water or next to a coniferous tree where naturally there is a lot of high quality energy,
but even in city environment, the practice gives outstanding results.

Should an increased saliva excretion be experienced during the exercise, it is a good sign that the
mind reacts to the practice and activates the parasympathetic nervous system as a system for
reparation and rest.

The practice is not to be done if one is under an emotional or any other stress situation. In order for
the practice to give best possible results, it requires for the practitioner to be calm, with a focused

If any discomfort in the chest or head is experienced while performing the exercise, it is stopped and
the practitioner lays down on the floor to relax the body.

The pranayama position itself is a correct one from the energy point of view, because a closed energy
circle is formed in the body, that is, the meridians which flow through the legs are redirected towards
the first chakra, while as the meridians of the hands are in mudra, in fact they redirect the energy of
the large intestine to the lungs and at the same time, the meridians in the right hand of the triple
burner and the large intestine toward the sixth chakra.
In combination with the concentration exercise, the trataka, this exercise personifies a mighty
instrument in the transformation of the energy body, from an energy chaos into a system
administered by consciousness, which performs its task designed by the Creator in the best possible
The exercises for cultivating the physical body indirectly affect the “form” of the energy body, mainly
in the channel opened part as a prerequisite for quality chakra work. A number of these exercises are
also suitable for the energy body, especially the exercises for contracting the anal and urinary
sphincters. They, except for the physical part, act as redirectors of the output energy from the two
excretion ports back into the body, not in a sense to get stack somewhere and cause suffering, but go
back into the vital systems in order to enhance and improve their function.

In yoga, the contracting of the anal sphincter is called ashwini mudra (gesture of the horse) and is a
powerful energy tool for redirecting the output yang energy from the large intestine to the lungs.

The contraction of the urinary sphincter in yoga is called vajroli mudra (the diamond mudra), by
which the output yang energy from the bladder is redirected to the kidneys.
We will add another exercise from yoga arsenal, one intended to maintain the energy flow in the
most impassable zone, the abdominal void. In the first chapter, we have described the troubles
caused by body erecting in the physical and energy sense. With this exercise, these troubles are
alleviated, and with even eliminated with regular exercising. This exercise is about conscious
contraction of the abdominal muscles in coordination with the neck forward - contraction, the
popular uddiyana banda.
It is done either in sitting or standing position with palms placed on the knees. It is practiced in
coordination with the process of conscious breathing, namely, after the exhale phase. First the neck is
bent by moving the chin downward towards the sternum followed by conscious contraction of the
abdominal muscles to the maximum. One remains in that position for as long as it is comfortable,
concentrating on the third chakra, the yellow light ball in the center of the abdomen. Then, we
release the abdominal muscles, lift the head up to a normal position and inhale through the nose,
lightly and in a relaxed manner. The exercise alone is repeated 10-15 times and in combination with
the conscious breathing, may be inserted between the two phases of exhaling and inhaling. The two
conscious movements, of the head and abdomen, physically massage the vital organs in the neck
area, especially the thyroid and parathyroid glands as well as the arterial and nerve knots in that zone,
rapidly removing the vein blood and lymph so that fresh arterial blood and energy can come in.

The abdominal contraction pressures all organs in the void and releases them of stale vein blood and
On an energy level, it is an excellent exercise to stimulate the third chakra and keeps its ten output
channels open. It is exercised when the stomach is empty, i.e. when hungry, best before meal, and it
will prepare the digestive tract to carry out a quality digestion of the new food. The exercise is
forbidden in cases of chronic or acute diseases of the digestive tract, but also in conditions such as
hypertension, heart or brain conditions.

Uddiyana bandha - standing positions The three bandhas

The exercise also, has a mighty impact of widening the capacity of the central energy channel, i.e.
removing the energy flow problems in the diaphragm zone, the popular knot of power or the knot of
Vishnu as it is referred in yoga.

In the North of the Himalayas, a tradition of harmonizing the energy in accordance with the Tao
philosophy is harbored.
In the exercise of cultivating the energy body, we will consider the Chinese chi systems a little bit. The
system of meridians and acupressure points through which the meridians may be influenced, the
energy flow in particular.
We will cover seven acupressure points that are accessible for self – healing and treat a major part of
the modern human problems.

The first two points are situated on the yang meridian of the gallbladder which flows from the head,
alongside the body to the fourth finger in the foot. That pair “depletes” the two hemispheres and
moves their energy down to the ground. Two points are most critical along that path, one being GB –
20 on the head neck juncture and the second one GB-21, halfway between the head and the shoulder
(image one on the figure shown below).

Usually, they are the ones responsible for majority of the headaches and the malfunctions in the
upper part of the body. If they are impassable, the yang energy stagnates in that area and contracts
the tendons of the neck and shoulder, resulting in a physical pain.

They are treated by a light round movement in the point zone, in order to disperse the lagged energy.
The points are stimulated by a light pressure, slightly moving downwards in the direction of the
meridian's flow. These problems are becoming more evident with the electronic outbreak, through
overuse of personal computers.

The third point is B-23, situated behind the belly button from the L-2 vertebra side. It is used to
unclench the yang meridian of the gallbladder which flows alongside the spine to the feet and
empties the back part of the brain (image 2 on thefigure shown above). It is used to straighten
general health after suffering from illnesses or infections, or as a prophylactic to boost the general
energy alertness of the body.

The fourth point of a wider significance to the body is LI -4, located in a dent between the roots of the
thumb and index finger. In this point, the yin meridian of the lungs crosses with the yang meridian of
the large intestine (image 3 on the figure shown above). It is stimulated by light pressure with upward
movements towards the shoulder. It is generally used for all kind of pain in the upper part of the body
(from the diaphragm and up).

The three remaining points are located on the legs and refer to the digestion tract, the reproductive
systems and the liver, which may be the pain in the lower parts of the body under the diaphragm.

In the image 4, the point CT-36 is shown, which is located at a distance of four fingers horizontally
placed under the kneecap (patella bone) on the outside part of the bone of the shin. The point is
situated on the yang meridian of the stomach which empties the energies of the brain's front part. It
passes through the stomach and lowers down to the front part of the leg towards the foot. It is
stimulated or relaxed depending on the condition of the digestive system.

On figure 4, the point LIV 3 is also shown, belonging the yin meridian of the liver (hepar). It is used to
stimulate this meridian by pressing and lightly moving upwards in direction with the energy flow.
Apart from stimulating the liver, it is also used for problems in the lower part of the body. It is paired
with the gallbladder meridian, so their imbalance implies imbalance in this vital body system as well.

The seventh point is SP-6 on the inside part of the leg, four fingers horizontally placed above the joint
in the rear part of the shin bone. It belongs to the yin meridian of the spleen which ends in the base
of the tongue. On its way, the meridian passes through the pancreas and spleen, but prior to that,
through the uterus in women, so it is mostly used to diagnose and stimulate the yin energy that
energizes the uterus as a central organ in the woman's body. It is paired with the yang meridian of the
stomach, so any energy imbalance reflects on the function of the organs these two meridians
These are just short remarks about one of the most developed systems of a complementary medicine
with tradition of 5000 years, but the knowledge and usage of these points may largely relieve the
suffering of the physical body caused by energy constraints in specific meridians.
Further on this topic, we shall also mention the period of absence of the waking consciousness, the
period of sleeping. This as well may be used to consciously harmonize the energy body and assist the
pineal gland and the hypothalamus to amend the body and its adequate preparation for the next
awaken period. This refers to the body's position as per the basic energy flows on the Earth. Roughly
speaking, the magnetic energy of the Earth or its yin meridians flow from south to north whereas its
yang meridians flow from east to west. Should we position our body parallel to these flows, their
force will influence the internal flows in a similar way, because while sleeping the aura is missing.
Since its projector, the brain, is switched off and only operates on an unconscious level.

The most optimal position is the head of the body to be set toward north and the legs facing the
south, which will enable natural flow of the legs yin meridians. It is recommended to dispose of all
electrical “toys” from the bedroom, especially the cell phones, computers etc, or at least, keep them
at a distance of minimum 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) from the body. It is not advised to nurture plants in the
sleeping space as their night rhythm is identical to the humans', so they will additionally influence to
the energy consumption in that space. If there is a socket close to the head, the cable should be tied
with an electrical wire in order to cut off the electromagnetic radiation that is present inside the

As far as the energy body is concerned, the Creator has designed two mechanisms inside the
preformed consciousness, by which the body defends itself against damages. Thither, we shall
comment on one reflex, unconscious motion which we make at an instant pain signal. It refers to
movement that covers the pain area by hand. The Creator has inserted it as a program in the
unconscious part of the brain as an energy of first self – aid. The pain directs the attention toward the
malfunction zone, and through that, directs the best quality energy from the sixth chakra straight to
the problem source in order to resonate it and amend the vibrations. The hand motion is an
additional energy aid with the fifth chakra’s energy, being the first assistant to the sixth in the domain
of the physical body. The mighty meridians bring energy to the spot contributing to its speedy
recovery. If this preformed consciousness is transformed into an awakened conscious activity, with
good thought and quality energy, we will multiply the effects and shorten the period of suffering.

Both palms are placed on the zone of discomfort, one on top of the other, in case of an energy surplus
which causes spasm, convulsion the left palm is underneath while the right is on the top. And vice
versa, in case of weakness, weary i.e. lack of energy, the right palm is under and the left over it. The
mind concentrates to the point of contact with the body, with a good, positive thought and faith in
healing. We keep the palms for 5-10 minutes on the area of pain.

We will comment on another reflex motion the Creator has inserted into the body, to react quickly in
cases of potential body damaging, especially physical injuries, open wounds that are bleeding and so

on. It is the movement with the lips when we place them on the wound particularly on the upper
limbs which easily accessible. The lips are the ending points of the two vast energy reservoirs, the
upper of yang and the lower of yin energy, so the Creator has put in this notion in order for these
energies to immediately start running to close the wound quickly. Licking with the tongue administers
the saliva over the wound. As most active matter in the body, the saliva disinfects the wound. In
Russian traditional medicine, with the first morning saliva all skin conditions are treated, since the
used liquid is with the same structure as the tissues it dampens without unnecessary side effects from
the chemical, artificial preparations. By the way, observing the animal kingdom, licking is their
habitual way to maintain hygiene with the help of the most active substance in the body.

We shall conclude the chapter of cultivating the energy body with a short summary with some
practical advices and reminders:

- a regular nose flash hygiene with salty water, preferably twice a day;

- a regular practice of one spot concentration, the trataka, preferably every day, two times a
week at least;

- a regular practice of energy channels cultivation, the pranayama, preferably every day, after
the concentration exercise, or at least twice a week;

- a periodical check of the seven acupressure points and their stimulation or sedation;

- a regular practice of uddiyana bandha (abdominal contraction) before meals;

- sleeping in south – north position;

- self – restraint from conflicts and bad emotions.

In this last chapter we will explain the methods of cultivating the mental body.

V – Methods of cultivating the mental body

At the beginning, in order to avoid any confusion, we shall explain the terms that will be used in this
chapter, since the categories in question are unreachable to the senses, so that interpreting the term
in one's own concept may lead to a confusion. The term “the mental body” is a spiritual term deriving
from the oriental philosophy and is difficult to be comprehended by the modern western human.
Therefore, we shall divide it into two categories, the awakened mind and the non-awakened mind,
which describe the processes, taking place in the most subtle part of the being.

In religious terms, these are higher vibrations of the term “soul”, but not the highest.

We shall use the psychology terms as it is the scientific discipline that deals with these processes, as
well as terms from the oriental philosophy for categories which the western psychology is either not
acquainted with, or refuses to explore.

Here, we refer again to the universal principles as described in the introduction, which are, except for
K. G .Jung, negatively perceived by the modern psychology, being proclaimed as religious - “non-
scientific” category. Some branches though, such as the Trans – personal psychology, intermediary
prove the interaction of these principles, especially the prenatal regression, a therapy used to obviate
the root of psychological disorders.

In this chapter we will particularly pay attention to the law of moral retribution, or the popular karma
(sans), which operates blindly, automatically, thus determining the non-awakened mind, the sub
consciousness, i.e. the collected memories from this and previous incarnations.

Its operating is simple. Anything that is being thought, spoken or done, is manifested on the being
performing these acts. As a principle, everything is mental, because, the speech is a condensed
consciousness transformed into sound, while the acts are a consciousness in physical action preceded
by a mental impulse. We begin with this law, with the sub consciousness, it determines the behavior
of the awakened mind, particularly its reactive part, the one where the being reacts to similar
situations with similar experience and a corresponding action.

The cultivating of the mind initiates by cultivating its awakened mind, in a sense of straightening the
sixth chakra as its task. Still, if this concentration is not being focused towards the sub consciousness
and its cultivation, the being will continue following the same paths determined by the old karma.

Here, the emotional consciousness of the mind occupies a special place, as a mechanism of
modulating, shaping the brain waves, the energy of the brain in fact, which does not always
correspond to the natural processes that take place in the being and according to which it has been
designed by the Creator.

The mind, generally, is identified with the brain, which is partially true, since the brain is its executive
organ, the one that steers the “vehicle”. But the mind itself is not a result of the physiological and
electrical processes in the brain, on the contrary, they are the consequence of the mind's activity on
the brain, as its being the intensifier and transmitter toward the lower vibrations in the physical and
energy body. The neuroplasticity is a direct scientific evidence that the brain is formed according to
the train of thoughts and is modified respectively, because everything is in a continuous movement,
in constant vibration, subject to change. It is these exact mechanisms that we will make use of in
cultivating the mental body. In other words, transforming the existing patterns of experiencing the
reality and reacting to it. In order to achieve this goal, we need to turn to ourselves a little bit,
undergo a process of a permanent introspection, which will help us to recognize the sectors of the
non-awakened mind we wish to amend, so they would not cling onto us and generate more suffering.

This, indeed, is the crucial step in the process of cultivating the mental body,focusing the attention
and energy toward oneself, and there, searching for the causes of suffering one experiences in various
ways. As long as we are convinced that the causes are in the outside world, we remain in a process of
self - delusion, one of the most powerful abilities of the small ego. It is only when we earnestly devote
ourselves to us, in getting to know our true selves and the parts we do not wish to perceive, we can
initiate the actual process of cultivating and this will soon result in a way of a modified reaction to
similar events.

In the first chapter describing the mind, we briefly depicted its operating aggregates, the program
packages through which the awakened mind functions.
The chain of perception – recognition – experience – reaction is constantly active from the moment of
waking until falling asleep.

We shall direct our attention to the third link in this chain, the experiencing of reality, as the most
substantial link for this text, the Self-healing, that is the root of all troubles in the energy and physical
body. In metaphysics, the emotional consciousness of the mind is called the karmic glue, due to the
fact that it shapes the energy waves of the consciousness which then pass through the mechanisms of
the chakra system to reach the physical body, but at the same time, they are also emitted from the
sixth chakra in a form of a ray to the “outside”, in order to be placed accordingly in the recordings of
the being's electrical magnetic field, in the aura, where they persistently vibrate and are energetically
“alive”, even though they belong to the past. This is the shortest portrayal of the mechanisms that
describe the functioning of the law for moral retribution on the being in two directions, one towards
the denser elements of the energy and physical body and the other one, in a form of a record in the
body of sub consciousness, i.e. the non-awakened part of the mind. Should these recordings remain
there up until the moment of discarnation, or death in medical terms, they follow the being in its
incorporeal existence, in the three intermediate stages of experiencing the metaphysical reality, and
based upon their average vibrations, the being either has a possibility to choose a new incarnation or

is compelled to a one that corresponds to this average.
Here, we describe the mechanism of the universal law of reincarnation, that is, the popular “circular
souls movement”, which along with the law of moral retribution, are the two pillars the oriental
philosophy is based on.

But, let us move from philosophy into practice and see how we can act to remove the causes for all
the suffering we experience in our lives, or more precisely, the manner we experience reality, i.e. our
emotional consciousness. In the first chapter, we have learned that on the physical level the acting
zone in the nervous system is the limbic system, a structure underneath the cerebrum, which belongs
to inheritance of the higher animal forms, the warm - blooded mammals. The task of the limbic
system is to select the signals from the senses as pleasant - neutral- unpleasant, where the neutral
signals are treated as irrelevant, so the attention is focused on the substantial signals. Through this
mechanism the being perceives the reality, so by its awakening and transforming, we are able to
directly influence the root of all suffering.

Scientifically speaking, the emotions are type of energy with specific frequency and texture of the
The pleasant emotions have a regular shape in a form of equal amplitude and steady frequency,
whereas the unpleasant ones have an irregular shape with changeable frequency. Since the
hypothalamus and the pineal gland are an integral part of the limbic system, those exact waves are
transferred onto the physical body by the autonomous nervous system. They are also transferred
onto the energy body, they go through the pineal gland, the physical dwelling point of the sixth
chakra, which commands all other chakras, i.e. their energies. In the part about cultivating the energy
body, we have seen to which areas of the being's life affects each individual chakra, in fact, how
experiencing the reality in those areas influences a specific chakra through the sixth one.

Those very same emotions, events etc. are being emitted out of the physical body and found their
place in the aura, the electromagnetic field around the physical body where they are memorized.

At the moment of incarnation, the being carries along memories from all of the previous incarnations
conveyed as an average frequency which is the starting point of the new incarnation. The most
graphic description of this condition is provided by astrology in a form of a natal chart, that is the
aspects of the planets and houses which show the energy charge of the old karma and the lessons to
be learned in the new incarnation.

Usually, the squares and oppositions are the lessons, while as the bright karma is manifested in
trigons and sextiles. Upon such susceptibilities, the emotional life of the being and its experience of
reality begins. The mechanism of generating new karma we have described previously.

The best part is that we can act, we can change that mélange of vibrations which have a chaotic effect

upon the awakened mind and determine the life quality of the being.
We may act in accordance with the universal law of impermanence and free will. The karma, like any
other manifested phenomenon is impermanent, susceptible to change, provided that we focus our
energy which may bring modification, onto it. The act of directing the awakened consciousness
towards the karma is an act of free will as opposed to the chaos of the turmoil of the non-awakened

But, before we begin looking for the cause of troubles, we need to know what to look for and where
to look for it. We are searching for memories from the past which are soaked in emotions from the
mental poison - type. They are called so because their effect is similar to the one of poison in the
physical world. They disintegrate, devastate, paralyze and leave permanent repercussions unless they
are met with an antidote, a serum. The serum for the mental poisons is our concentration, awaken
consciousness with a steady frequency of an alpha wave (8-13Hz) and regular texture displayed in a
standard amplitude. This activity mechanism is well known to the science of electromagnetism.

That is a situation of an encounter of two energies, two vibrations, which after a certain period of
time continue to vibrate according the rhythm of the stronger vibration. And there is no stronger
vibration than the one of a steady concentrated mind, determined to act and to (self) heal. In
psychology, this process is referred as a regression, where in a state of hypnosis, the patient is being
lead to the event from the past that had caused her/his problems, aiming to revive and eliminate.

EEG of brain waves on particular emotions

We can carry out this process by ourselves, in a state of meditation, which is a case of extra high
awareness and if practiced regularly will start bringing results very quickly in a form of a different
emotional response to a situation similar to the one from the past.

Brain - heart coherency

In short, we will refer to the classes of the mental poisons that are our scope of work.

The most devastating mental poison, from which all other mental poisons originate, is the ignorance,
the illusion about one's true nature. The egoism, identification with the temporary form in which we
exist in the physical world, the consciousness of the small ego. That functioning goes through the
brain aggregates, especially the third one, the emotional consciousness which starts to differentiate
between pleasant - unpleasant, attractive - repulsive, good - bad etc. That spot is where the mental
poisons, so to say, are situated: compelled repulsion and compelled attraction. The two types are
directly connected to the two basic instincts of the physical consciousness: the instinct for survival
and the instinct for reproduction.

In the type of poisons with negative charge, the most prominent place is reserved for the fear, the
most ruinous vibration which the mind can create, that can paralyze, slow down or lead to aggression,

Influence of emotions on breathing, heart beating and blood pressure

We begin with this type, because it dominates the relations among people at every level, physical,
emotional, intellectual, sexual etc. Since the violence is the basic characteristic among the beings,
which in this civilization it is, its root is searched in the illusion of power that is the capacity, capability
of the being to successfully respond to the needs of the essential instinct of existence, the survival.
The violence is a basic mean of communication in the animal’s world, but clearly, we, as a humanity
have not been “unstuck” too far from those low vibrations.

The illusion of supremacy over another being is the “curse” of humanity, due to which the four
previous civilizations had perished, and the fifth one has been on the path to follow their destiny. The
illusion of supremacy is immediately followed by the fear of powerlessness, the inability to respond to
the needs of the basic instincts. The fear itself is a reactive condition of the mind, when the integrated
signals from the senses and the concepts cannot be recognized as “friendly”, so a mind projection
follows to the nearby future, a projection of an unfavorable event, projected pain, suffering and so
on. Even though it refers to the future, the suffering takes place in the present, because the fear
frequencies are one of the unhealthiest ones in the mental poison spectrum. Unfortunately, the
whole civilization is based on fear, a punishment threat in fact, inflicting pain, and suffering. Starting
from a very early age, the fear, in a big way, is “installed” in the being. The first moments of educating
by the parents, the school education process and further on in life, are all burdened with fear, since it
is put on a pedestal as a motivational force that makes people act in accordance with the concept of
the creators of those rules. The system of reward - punishment is a system of upbringing, formatting
of the child's brain. The fear of punishment, from an already experienced suffering, begins to function
in the child's mind and follows the being throughout the life in different forms. At the same time, the
demonstration of supremacy expressed in form of reward, “feeds” the small ego, the self -
identification, that is the illusion of supremacy over another being.
From here the other mental poisons begin to branch out, begotten in this axis.

The illusion of powerlessness, except for the fear and its derivatives, the panic and horror, also brings
about other mental poisons such as jealousy, envy, malice and so on. The illusion of supremacy gives
rise to greed, compelled attachment, aggression etc.
The two illusions feed themselves because they both have similar wave length, the one of the power,
in fact its manifestation - the violence.
The oriental philosophy, or rather its appliance in spirituality, starts with the principle of ahimsa
(sans), the principle of renouncing violence, i.e. a conscious determination to abandon the low
vibrations of the animal world as a generator of dark karma and suffering.

The direction one is to aspire in the practice of cultivating the mental body, namely, its two
components, the awakened and unawaken mind.

It begins with oneself, renouncing violence upon oneself, in a sense of self - condemnation, remorse
and so on, in fact starting to harmonize all archetypes of the personality into a normal relationship of

respect and consciousness. For starters, we should accept ourselves the way we are, at this present
moment, here and now. We should embrace ourselves, revere the moment we are in. That is an act
of reunion of all archetypes and an oath to join forces in order to move forward. That acceptance also
means approval of every archetype to undergo change, for better.

Most probably, the shadow will resist the most, since the genesis of the problems is in its field, in the
preformed animal consciousness expressed through the basic instincts. But, if we dedicate enough
attention and love to it, the shadow will begin to glow, to receive the higher vibrations from the wise
old man and the enlightened being, so this derogatory term will no longer be suitable for it, but it will
become a basis of a new being. Renouncing violence will not pass easily through its filters, but if we
can convince it that nonviolence is the only way for a quality survival, free of sufferings, the shadow
will amend its rigid attitude and the energy which dominates in the body, will be at disposal of the
awaken consciousness.

The child should “abandon” the feeling of dependency on someone else's energy and stand up on its
own feet which partly applies to the anima as well.

The animus should “surrender” its rough, instinctive, aggressive energy and transform it into creative,
moving force which co - creates the being's reality.
The anima, the female principle, should transform its attractiveness, magnetism, from an instinctive
act for mating into a wisdom, in creating a peaceful environment for the being, freed of the fear of
change, an ambience that will easily be adjustable to nowadays changes.

The parent should, his/her love for the children, transform into universal love and compassion to all
beings, for which he/she has the knowledge, the wisdom of the old man/women always at his/her

The old man and the enlightened being should find a way to execute that without any conflicts,
internal or external.

All archetypes in consensus need to bring order in their mutual relations and relationships with other
beings.That implies making a fundamental decision in front of us, meaning we start walking on a
different life path, awaken, conscious, with faith that the changes we are making will eliminate the
difficulties, sufferings we come across.

This resolution is very important for every practitioner, because with it, the hidden self-healing
potentials of the being are being mobilized. In order to straighten its position as opposed the power
of the already formed habits, we repeat it every day silently, at the beginning of the day and at the
end before sleeping. The content of the resolution should be short, precise, clear and positive, in an
affirmative manner. The practitioner may even write it down, in order not to get distracted in the

moments of practice, whether she/he is saying it correctly, has missed something etc. The resolution
is pronounced either silently or out loud, depending on the circumstances, in a calm position,
vigilantly, consciously, with faith and love.

In yoga, this practice is called san kalpa while in psychology, autohypnosis.

The functioning mechanism is simple, but very powerful. A point is formed in the subconsciousness
which receives the energy of the resolution. By everyday repetition, the energy in the point is
enhanced up until it becomes equal to the ones of the habits, and then it starts to influence their
vibrations upon the principle of resonance. Since that is an outcome of a conscious action, with
controlled waves, its energy is superior to the ones of the chaotic habit energies, which are the
customary frequencies of the mental poisons.
In psychology, it is used as a powerful instrument to eliminate the harmful habits that the patient
cannot, under normal circumstances, overcome by his will.

An example of san kalpa is the following statement “Every day, in every way, I am getting better”.
For the practitioner it may seem like a naive game at the beginning, but after a while, when the first
results are present to themselves, the faith in the practice will straighten, thus boosting its power.
Therefore, initially, it is necessary to have a certain contingent of faith in the practice, just until we see
the primary results.

This practice, seemingly naive and simple, has a direct impact on the sub consciousness, in a sense of
nurturing the good will and foremost, the motivational force which moves us ahead to act. It is the as
a last guardian of the “new course” of action we take upon to transform ourselves.
The exact same mechanisms are used in the religious practices, as a permanent repetition of a prayer,
on a daily basis, at an exact time, resulting in a spiritual peace and stability.

We even do not have to be a “believer” in a traditional sense, to use the mechanisms of this practice.
All it takes is just a certain faith in the method up till the initial results are shown, which will “justify”
the effort in front of the discriminatory consciousness of the being. It usually takes 1 - 2 months of
continuous practice before the first visible results emerge.

The essential method of cultivating the mental body is meditation. As a term, it has been quite
exploited in the “new age” trends, often not correct, in a completely different sense than its original
aim. A meditation is a spiritual practice of perceiving the invisible reality and is not linked to any
religious belief system. The meditation provides the practitioner with a direct insight into the invisible
reality, thus becoming closer to his/her true nature. The methods of cultivating the physical and
energy body facilitate the meditation, enabling a flexible physical body that can remain in a still
position for at least half an hour, as well as providing steady energy which calms the body down, i.e.
does not upset the mind.

The place for meditation should be pleasant for the practitioner, in his own space, well aired, freed of
disturbances of olfactory and sonorous kind. It is best to meditate near steady water or under a tall
tree, but even in city conditions, it gives results.

The time of meditation largely depends upon the daily routine of the meditator, but if we are able to
choose, the best time is between 08 -10 pm when the energies of the Earth facilitate meditation.The
body, its face in fact, should face either west or north. The physical body should be put in one of the
meditative positions, designed to mobilize the whole energy of the body to assist the meditation.

Sukhasana Sidhasana Padmasana

The picture above shows the three most common positions used in meditation, according the
capability of the physical body. The easiest one is sukhasana, the easy pose, while siddhasana is
mostly used during the energy exercise, the pranayama. Experienced practitioner mediate in
padmasana, the popular “lotus pose” which provides biggest effects with the spine and redirection of
the energies of the legs and arms toward the central energy channel.

For practitioners with back problems, the diamond pose, vajrasana is recommended.


Regardless of which asana we are in while meditating, the basic rule is that the spine and the neck are
straight, in order to enable the unhindered energy flow. The magnetizm from the ground to the head,
and the electrical from the head to the ground.

The arms are placed on the knees, which will help the beginners to hold the torso straight and not to
bend and lean forward. In the advanced phases, the arms are put together in a meditative mudra that
allows the redirection of the arms energy toward the central channel.

Just by sitting in any of the meditative positions the mind calms even without meditating.
At first, due to the habits and the urban lifestyle, the spine, the neck and the joints will put up
resistance in a form of pain, but gradually, the body will adapt itself and accept this position as

Because of that, it is advised to use pillows below the posterior in order to ease the bevel of the spine
as to the pelvis.
In city conditions, it is advisable to play a quiet spiritual music that will buffer the city noise.

Once we position the body, steady and relaxed, we relax the shoulders backwards, the face is relaxed,
the eye ball backwards, relaxed.

We close our eyes, and direct our attention to the touch of the clothing with the body, from the feet,
calves, thighs, abdomen, thorax, arms.

At the next exhale, we send a mental command to the mind: “I exhale – I remove the energy from the
body periphery towards the spine, the chakras.”

We focus our attention to the head, to the brain outer edge, the frontal lobe, the left hemisphere, the
right hemisphere, the top of the head, the nape. At the next exhale we send a mental command: “I
exhale – I retract the consciousness from the brain edge to the center of the head, towards the sixth
We visualize it as a white luminous ball, in clear vibration, here, now.

As soon as we stabilize the attention at the sixth chakra, we slowly direct it to the nose, the lungs, as
an observer, a witness of what is happening in the body, here, now.

We watch the air coming in us, we watch it going out. With our inner speech, we utter “I inhale… I
exhale… here, now.”

We watch the breathing rhythm, its depth, its swiftness. With our inner speech, we conclude: “I
breathe deeply, I breathe lightly, I breathe slowly, I breathe rapidly... here, now..”

We watch the air touching the body, along the breathing pathway, in the nose, pharynx, trachea,
bronchi, and diaphragm. With the inner speech we reckon: “I inhale – I go inside the body – I exhale –
I go outside the body, here, now...”

At inhaling, we observe the air as it cools the nostrils, at exhaling, it makes a soft sound in the vocal

We observe how, at inhaling, the lungs spread, while at exhaling they contract. With the inner speech,
we reckon: “I inhale – I expand, I exhale – I compress, here, now ...”.

We observe breathing through the skin. Through each pore, the air comes in, from every pore it goes
out. The head breathes, the neck breathes, the shoulders, the arms breath, the thorax breathes, the
abdomen, the pelvis breathes, the legs breathes.

Upon inhaling, from all sides the air comes in; when exhaling, from all side it comes out. We breathe
diffusely, with the whole body surface area, here, now.

The time frame of each of these phases may be adjusted to the individual rhythm, the key point being
to provide the mind with a position it can direct to, a position that happens in the present moment,
here, now.
After 5-10 minutes of focused attention to the breath, the mind is fully concentrated on the sixth
chakra, in a steady frequency of the alpha brain waves at 8-13 hertz.

It is with such a state of mind that we may carry on meditating.

At the next inhale, we visualize that, besides air, a white light comes inside us, the universal life
energy. At exhaling, we visualize that apart from the air, a red-black light, all waste materials, poisons,
lower energies, come out. With the inner speech, we utter: “I inhale white light, I fill the body with
white light, I exhale red-black, from the nostrils, from every pore”.

This phase may also be held for as long as it is comfortable, but it would be good to “see” the whole
body filled with white light.

We continue with psychical breathing.

By every subsequent inhale, together with the air, we breathe in peace, calmness.
By every following exhaling, together with the air, we breathe out all our worries, anxiety, fear. With
the inner speech we utter: “I inhale peace, here, now ...”

Likewise, we may hold this phase for as long as we please. It would be advisable to remember the
events of the day that has made us worried, or have aroused anxiety, fear. We “take out” their energy
by psychical breathing.
We continue with the psychical breathing.
With the next inhaling, together with the air, we breathe in pleasure, joy, happiness. With the

following exhaling, together with the air, we breathe out sorrow, pain, unhappiness.

With inner speech: “I inhale, happiness, here, now...”

We hold this phase for as long as we desire. It would be good to remember events that have made us
sad, caused pain, suffering. We breathe out their energy together with the air.

We continue with psychical breathing. We inhale the strongest vibration of the universe, the love. We
exhale the thickest mental poisons, anger, wrath, rage, hatred, jealousy … With inner speech: “I
inhale love, here, now...”

Like the previous phases, we hold on to this meditation phase for as long as it is comfortable.

Then, we redirect the attention from the breathing process to the center of the thorax, towards the
heart, its vibrations. We equalize with them, the sixth chakra and the heart in coherence.

We visualize the heart waves spreading from the center to the periphery as fine concentric circles
filled with love.

We feel them in every part of the chest.

We feel them in the neck, the head, the brain, on the face.

Through the left shoulder, we feel the left arm going down, through the right shoulder down the right

From the chest, through the diaphragm, the waves spread downwards towards the abdomen.

Organ after organ, we feel the heart vibrations in every one of them.

Further down, the pelvis, the genitals. Through the left hip, the vibrations spread down the left leg,
through the right one down the right leg. We feel the whole body vibrating in one vibration, in love,
here, now.

Inside the empty space of the body, we visualize billions of little stars in constant motion: in the head,
the neck, the shoulders, arms, chest, the pelvis, the legs. All body cells receive the heart vibration,
here, now.

We aim the vibrations of the heart to the organs, systems suffering repercussions from illness, injuries
etc. We speed up their regeneration with the strongest vibration in the universe, the love, here, now.

We remain in this harmony of the micro cosmos, in peace, joy, love for as long as it is enjoyable, here,

From the meditative, we gradually return to the “normal” mind position.

From the heart, we bring back the attention to the sixth chakra. From there, we retrieve the
consciousness to the brain's frontal lobe, the left hemisphere, the right hemisphere, the top of the
head, the nape of the neck, the spinal brain.

From the sixth sense, the pineal gland, we regain consciousness of the five body senses: the smell, the
taste, the touch, the body surface. The neck, shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, pelvis, legs. We
become aware of touching the ground, the gravity, the weight.

We softly contract the abdominal muscles, exhale, then inhale, we activate the energy body.

From the pineal gland we redirect the consciousness to the hearing, from the third eye to the two
eyes, we slowly open our eyes, into the material reality, the world of sharp objects, here, now.


There is a joke in India used as an answer to how long one needs to meditate: “As many minutes as
one's number of years” that being the benchmark of the benefit the meditation gives the “more
experienced” beings with depleted bodies.

We believe that, an everyday half an hour meditation is sufficient for a quality maintenance of the
mental – emotional hygiene of the being.

Through meditation, the energy of the mind is being modulated in the most natural frequencies the
body has been designed for, and especially in coherence with the heart, as well as its potency to
handle one's problems of any kind increases exponentially.
Even though meditation is a spiritual practice, its mechanisms may abundantly be utilized on the
subject of this text “the self-healing”. Through meditation, the being self-heals oneself directly in the
root of the problems, the mental-emotional area.

Gradually, by the mechanisms described in the previous chapters, these mighty frequencies will,
rectify the frequencies of the lower “elementary” chakras through the sixth chakra, thus correcting
the energy flow towards the organs and the systems they energize.

Through the mechanisms of the hypothalamus and the autonomous nervous system, the whole body
goes into an anabolic status, self-regeneration, similarly to the one during one's sleeping process. Due

to these effects, the meditation may be defines as an awaken sleep.
Fortunately, these effects have not gone unnoticed, so despite the resistance of the official science,
the meditation is being spread out more and more, thanks to the effects it achieves. Here are some
short excerpts from the press worldwide on this topic:

“The meditation very quickly finds itself a way to the leading businessmen in Norway”
Norwegian TV-2, National TV Nine o’clock news

“More and more companies fight against their employees stress using meditation”

“How to succeed in your work? Meditate!”


“The meditation can make you more intelligent because it enlarges the brain, claim recent

Meditation decreases the risk of a heart attack by 50%”


“The lawyers turn to meditation to beat stress and become more efficient”

“… the two most powerful new “business tools” for the managers of the 21st century are meditation
and intuition”

“As of recently, Google is one of the companies that allows their employees a break for meditation”

“Meditation increases learning capability in students … as well as short term, visual memorizing”

“If you want to reduce stress, meditate!”


“Mediation can be an effective way to treat insomnia”


Although they appear to be bombastic advertising messages, the excerpts are pretty accurate and
refer to eliminating the suffering of the modern western humans.
The stress, insomnia, memory, coworkers relationships, the efficiency are the targets of the western
media, in order to parry in the most suitable way. The meditation is able to provide it as a tip to the

Unfortunately, none of the articles mention the true cause of the sufferings: the rat race competition
where any means are allowed in the battle for power, the greediness as a basic moving instinct of the
western civilization, the fear of failure, powerlessness, bankruptcy, inferiority etc.


The meditation simulation presented above is just one of the many variations of how to meditate.

The preparation for meditation and the “result” of it should always be kept up, so there are no shocks
to the nervous system in a sense of an abrupt change of the brain waves.

In the text, the mental rest meditation is described, with a simple mind concentration on the
breathing process, as an observer. With the beginners, that may be constituted as a quality
preparation for deep meditation by calming the mind to alpha waves. The meditation might end
there, without going into an “active” phase of visualization or psychological breathing. It is sufficient
for the mind to calm down and reach alpha state. The light saliva secreting in the mouth may be one
of the signs that we are in that state.

With an appeased mind, in alpha state, the practitioner may continue in actively changing the reality,
and focus the energy of the calmed mind to the causes of suffering. Usually, those are in the non-
awaken mind, the sub consciousness of the being, in the memories of events soaked with mental
poisons, intensive emotions. Generally, the awakened mind tries to suppress them, not to think about
them, forget them, but as we have seen from the mechanisms described in the energy body part,
those are live electromagnetic recordings in the aura, which, upon an adequate signal, become
resonant with the brain, so the being once again relieves them or reacts in a similar manner, with
similar emotion, enhancing the karmic record.

Instead of suppressing those memories, we can transform their energies, their recordings, through
the mighty harmonious vibration of the meditative mind.
Before we commence with this type of meditation, we need to make an action plan, to identify the
problems that have been bothering us, which personal memories are connected to that, what kind of
a mental poison they belong to etc., so once we enter the meditation state, the mind will have a clear
target to aim its energy at.
Usually, it is meditated on events connected to the people we have communicated the most in the

past, family members. The parents, siblings, children, relatives and so on. There is an abundance of
memories in that area, different situations, mixed feelings.

It is meditated on the most evident memories soaked with the thickest mental poisons, anger, rage,
fury, hatred etc.
After preparing and calming down the mind through prolonged concentration upon the breathing, the
sixth chakra is fully capacitated, awaken, stabile to direct its energy towards the past.

With our inner speech, we utter the name of the person whose emotions connect us with. The
memory images we have, begin to appear. On the mental screen, we keep the memory we want to
transform. We watch it again, in peace. We watch our personal emotion of anger, rage, fury and so
on. Regardless of the fact who was right, without condemnation from the conceptual consciousness,
we simply forgive that person who had aroused that emotion, who had hurt us in any way. We also
forgive ourselves for the ignorance. We slowly dissolve the image, clean off the screen.

Next memory comes along, another situation of a similar type. We repeat the same protocol, we
forgive that person, honestly, from our heart, we forgive ourselves.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” were the words of Jesus Christ as
a reply to the torture brought about by the Pharisees and Romans. In that way, he did not succumb to
the horrible sufferings, but he upraised above it, praying for the souls of his executioners.

In a serious spiritual practice, any given day is good for forgiving, and not just one day in the year. The
earnest forgiving, from the heart, is an act of spiritual maturity and not of naivety, it is an act of deep
inner hygiene that cleanses the invisible part of the being.
We emphasize the part “from one's heart” referring to the power of its waves, 60 time stronger than
the electrical and 5000 times more powerful that the magnetic brain waves which memories have
been written down with.

A special emphasis should be given to the childhood memories, before puberty, because the energy
they are written down is a couple of times stronger than the one in post-puberty.
The children's mind operates on theta waves, between 5-8 hertz with a powerful amplitude which
brings a large electrical charge and irregular wave. The same condition is seen in adults who have
suffered a severe emotional shock. Here, we should look for the memories of fear first, which are a
product of the reward – punishment system of upbringing. The same applies to the school system as
well as to the relations among peers etc.

The fear of punishment, mockery, humiliation, degradation conceived in childhood, follows the being
throughout life.
On the other hand, the reward stimulates the feeling of power, superiority against other being, and

future projections in a form of wishes, ambitions and so on to achieve this feeling, so they bring forth
greed. The greed causes compulsory attachment to the power source, the source of pleasures,
toward people, material goods etc. Inability to accomplish those wishes brings suffering upon the
being in a form of disappointment, powerlessness, jealousy and so on.

Intimacy is also a powerful karmic area that requires special attention, since that is the zone where
the energies of the second instinct in a row, the coupling, are reflected, i.e. the compulsory body
attraction that manifests itself after puberty.

Unfortunately, the modern human is getting far and far away from the natural ways in that area, thus
inflicting emotional sufferings upon oneself. After the sexual “revolution” in the sixties and freeing of
the “sin” that has been propagated for centuries by the false western morality systems, we have
witnessed a sexual electronic “counter-revolution” in the nineties, especially with the mass spread of
the Internet and its nestling in the pocket of the modern human in the cellular phone.

Cheap pornography sites of any kind are the most visited domains on the Internet, stimulating the
primitive instincts in the limbic system and keeping the modern human in a state of semi – animal
being, one slaved to his basic urges. In that way, the limbic system of the modern human is being
“bombarded” with video signals which constantly keeps it active, so every relation with a being from
the opposite sex passes through this filter and actives the discriminatory mechanisms of attractive-
repulsive. In all western countries, the polls about males’ priorities in everyday life, put the sex, the
physical relations, on the first place, which is then followed by other values that gravitate towards

Furthermore on this subject, are the memories of the sub consciousness of the first signal by the
hypothalamus in the modification of the interest, from child's neutral into sexual consciousness.

The child's energy thickens into a procreation instinct, while the focus of the energy changes from the
fourth chakra that dominates in children to the second one, with powerful thick vibrations that
overflow the mind. There is an activation of the animus/anima archetypes will all of their attributes,
focused on fulfilling the mating instinct. The affection of the being is formed even before the puberty,
with a prenatal karmic connection with the parent from the opposite sex and the hostility toward the
parent from the same sex. During childhood, if those energies of the parents are not harmonious in
the family, so only one parental energy dominates in the upbringing, a miss – balance is created in the
energy body of the being, which affects the emotional life even after childhood. The rivalry with the
parent from the same sex becomes prominent after puberty through various forms of conflict which
leave a trace on the emotional part of the being and the future relations with other beings.

With the first relationships with beings from the opposite sex, begins a new experience of that type in

the incarnation predisposed by the experiences from the previous lives embossed in the natal card
and the upbringing, i.e. the exposure of the two types of energies from the parents.

The first traumas in that area come from the unrealized wishes for relationship with another being,
amended projections towards future which the being had created in a sense of realization of this
urge. The rejection, infidelity, manipulation etc. leave a lasting mark in the emotional memories,
which even properly treated by the awaken consciousness, will remain a permanent focus of
psychological problems.

A vast array of means for sexual stimulation and tranquilizers are an enough indicator about the
general values of the western civilization in that matter, which are on a low instinctive level, woven
with the power as a basic value of that civilization.

Seen through this prism, the relations are shaped in a form of possessing another being, possessing an
object as a source of pleasure, and not as a mature relation of sincere love and care for another
being. The idea of possessing another human being in psychology is called sadism, while the idea of
being possessed by another being is masochism. The usual romantic mantra of the ones in love: “I am
yours, you are mine” directly reflects the unconsciousness and the desire of possessing or being
possessed. Those relations are, in the western terminology, called love, although they are anything
but the true meaning of that word.

Those relations are often present in the family, especially in the preformed instinctive consciousness
of the mother to protect her child, but also in the rough aggressive energy of the father as the
guardian of the weak ones. The overprotecting and “suffocating” the children by their parents, with
the premise “for their own good”, may result in a serious psychological deviations in a sense of
infantilism, i.e. inability to cope with challenges of any kind. On an emotional level, the excess
meddling in the emotional life of the children may bring up to opposite effects as a revolt and doing
things that would hurt the parents, as a revenge for the dictate and aggression on their intimate.

All memories of this kind request full attention from the practitioner, because they are written down
in theta waves much like the child's mind, act instantly with powerful energy charge once they receive
an adequate signal from the brain, either sensory or mental.

So, after reaching the state of peaceful mind and alpha waves, we direct our attention to the
memories of this kind, possible traumas, whether experienced or inflicted on another being, in the
darkness of ignorance.

We watch them once again, with an awakened mind and mighty stabile frequency, so the records will
begin to change thus eluding the need to suppress them, which as a process is temporary, superficial
and does not solve the problem, i.e. the source of suffering. This type of sufferings may be recognized

as frustration, displeasure, insufficiency and as for the physiological habits, as psychological hunger
and thirst.

Quite often the traumas in this area are also caused by the widely accepted moral norms of the
society in which we live. The “original sin” of Adam and Eve still seems to be hovering over the
societies which belief system are based on, founded by Judaism, and accepted by Christianity and
Islam, regardless of the variations in various denominations.

When meditating on the memories of this type, we sincerely, from our heart, forgive the person who
appears in our memory as the cause of this suffering, regardless of the fact whether we were right or
not. We just clean that thick charge which is a generator of harmful, painful frequencies that poison
the being on every level and result in physical pain. Likewise, deep inside, we seek forgiveness from
the persons that have suffered because of us, due to conscious or unconscious acting on our part.

Watching over our emotional sub consciousness and its constant “rinsing out” with the powerful
energy of the calm mind, it will bring about emotional stability and spiritual peace, a general
consciousness condition from which arises the best feeling that the being can feel. The joy,
compassion, love will no longer be short term incidents caused by an outside signal, but they will
become our lifestyle, a relation toward ourselves and others, a relation of an awakened being, aware
of his/her nature and the nature of other beings, liberated from the veil of mental poisons which blur
the spiritual sight.

It is that state which, in the holistic systems, is called “health” and not just the proper functioning of
the physical body. It is a state where the being is freed of pain, sufferings of any kind. The state that
directly depends on the being oneself, on the extent of his/her spiritual growth, i.e. the
comprehension of one's true nature.


At the end of this chapter, we would like to say few words about the highest vibrations of the being,
the most luminous part of the soul, the vibrations of the “fountain of life” in the center of the chest,
the altar in the temple, if we can perceive our physical body as such.

In the oriental systems it picturesquely is referred to as “the body of bliss”, anandamaya kosha
(sans.), owing to the fact of the feelings that the being experiences if he/she functions on these
vibrations. The love, compassion, joy, harmony, the peace are merely various angle points of these
vibrations. At the same time the wisdom of its infinite and cognition, the ability to distinct between
the substantial and insignificant outside the concepts and emotions of the mind, are its direct impacts
on the mind of the being.
Its power, expressed in the traditional language of the electromagnetic science is 60 times more

powerful than the vibrations of the mind in the electrical part and 5000 time more in the magnetic

It is that power which enables all of the changed we have talked about, if it is correctly awaken and
directed towards the desired goal. The Medicine Buddha is the embodiment of these vibrations and
he dwells in the altar of every being whose heart vibrates.
During the day, he is covered by the chaotic vibrations of the brain which, as a young monkey, jumps
from one branch onto the next, curious, greedy, and hostile to anyone/anything that may endanger
this game.

During the night, the Medicine Buddha comes out of the altar a patiently amends all the stupidities
the monkey has made during the day. Being 5000 times stronger than the monkey, he cleans the
temple with ease and prepares it for service in the next day, patiently waiting for the moment when
the monkey will, out of curiosity, knock on the altar's door to see what is inside.

These are the usual comparisons of the two states used in the Orient, to picturesquely show the
relation of the two consciousness levels of the being.

During meditation, the monkey lies down in the arms of the Buddha, calm, content and obedient, and
effortlessly carries out any order given to it, aware that it is for its own good and its own benefit.
Gradually, in that company, the monkey begins to look like a human being, so it behaves in the same
manner even without the instructions from Buddha. It begins to request new cognizance of its nature
from the Buddha, and the new wisdom in a form of higher vibrations overflow and transform it, so
one day it realizes that the Buddha is gone, but has not left it. The Buddha has merely dissolved into
his primary vibration, in its heart.

This moment is the moment of enlightenment, perceiving one's true nature and the nature of the
whole Universe.

Mediation is the path to that state.


This is the mantra with which the “gemstone” of the Oriental philosophy, the well – known Heart
Sutra ends. Literally, it goes like this:

“Go, go, go beyond, go fully beyond, let an Enlightenment be!”

This is the recommendation from the Master to his spiritual discipline, how to transform the mind,
how to get out of the vicious circle of sufferings. Going beyond is actually going beyond the barriers of
the mind restricted by the limited senses, constrained from the scanty concepts and knowledge of the
brain's left hemisphere, limited by the fog of the mental poisons of the emotional consciousness.

Even though the aim of this text is not to propagate the path to enlightenment, the self – healing
comes along by going on that path.

Let peace follow the reader of this text and all sensible beings

Om, shanti, shanti, shanti. Peace individually, collectively and universally.

Salam Alaikum. Peace be unto you.

VI – The vegetal world

In the last chapter of this text, we will cover the so called second dimension of the
consciousness, the vegetal world and its role in supporting the consciousness of the third dimension,
the animal kingdom and eventually the fourth one, the human world.

The vegetation is a link between the creations of the first dimension, the mineral world and its
elementary energies, and the third dimension of the being with a freedom of movement and a
relative freedom of choice, the two not available in the first and the second dimension.

The vegetal world is the one combining the elementary energies into compounds that are of a vital
importance to the animal world. The food chain always begins with the vegetation which the vast
majority of animals are oriented to.

The predators into their kinds are incorporated by the Creator to regulate the population, thus
keeping the balance with the nature's conditions. The world of cats, wolves, bears in mammals, the
plunderers in birds, the sharks, whales in the water kingdom are all type of beings that regulate the
balance of the individual species.
The human body does not belong to this type, neither by its outward construction nor the inside one,
and it is especially noticed from the design of its digestive tract. But the human mind is a completely
different thing and occupies the “honorary” place of a super predator in the animal kingdom. Every
kind of animal avoids the human and attacks only if it is in a life - threatening situation, or if its hunger
instinct overpowers the instinct of facing the human

As for the human digestive tract, the intake of meat or any other animal type of food is a shock to it, a
hostile act, which mobilizes a lot of energy from the energy body to deal with that kind of situation,
and push out the unnatural intake as fast as possible.
On the other hand, the food from a vegetable origin is accepted as a normal act and the digestion
tract takes a little energy to do its function to decompose the vegetable food into its basic
components, their absorption and later, easy synthesis of the liver into substances that are necessary
for the body.

In herbalism, the science of using plants and herbs for healing purposes, there is a belief that the
Creator has signed each herb with a sign, a symbol, an association, for the animal world to recognize
the herb and its assignation in keeping up the physical body. Even in city conditions, the cats often
“eat grass” even though they are predators, but they can recognize which plant to consume at a
specific moment to maintain their vitality.
The vegetal world in herbalism is called “the pharmacy of the Creator”, because there is a herb for

every problem that needs to be treated. All it takes is to know what the herb is used for, how to
harvest it, what part of the herb can be used, what quantity and in which manner.
Basically, the energies of the herbs are used in two ways in order to heal: to elevate the energy level
of the consumer, the so called tonics, or to sooth the consumer, to sedate, i.e. to re-magnetize the
Predominantly, the fruit falls into the first group, while the vegetables to the second. From the
Creator's aspect, the fruit grows on “higher” frequencies, far away from the ground and closer to the
Sun, so the leaf capacity to process the sun energy into food is larger. The nut fruits, the nut, almond,
hazelnut hold the primate, because their yield is directly concentrated in the seed.
The vegetables are closer to the ground, usually of a seasonal character, and their energy share the
frequency of the mineral world, especially the plants where the root is the main reservoir of
generating nutritious materials.
It is widely known that the beet root is beneficial for any kind of blood issues, the carrot has a wide
range of usage, and combined with apple, one of the most beneficial fruits. These three plants are a
standard treatment in every type of degenerating diseases.

Without any pretension to impose or provide with different recipes and treatments, the idea is to
swing the attention toward the vegetal world as a basis of proper preservation of the physical body,
but at the same time, to take care of it and act as co-creators and not as super predators. Destroying
the forests for commercial purposes means that we are cutting down the branch we sit on.

Fortunately, the ecological and environmental protection consciousness has rapidly increased in the
last decades of the past millennium and, as such, taking care of the vegetal world is becoming a task
of every person.

The above said not only refers to maintaining the body in the feeding part, but, also applies when
disruptions in the function of the organ and organ systems occur, bearing in mind that, those would
be drastically more scarce and milder, should we feed on vegetable food.
With no aspiration to call on vegetarianism, these premises merely serve the reader to use his own
head, outside the advertising hypnosis of what is good for him and what is not.
We live in a region ideal for growing vegetables of various types, with high coefficient of efficiency
and nutritious value. Unlike the Nordic people, who were forced to turn to fish and meat due to lack
of sun and harsh climate conditions, we do not have to.

It takes a little effort in order to change the enforced habits to consume animal type of food. The
body will instantly respond by increasing the vitality, because a large quantity of its vital energy is
focused in correcting those unnatural acts. That energy will be released and be at disposal to the body
in coping with other issues more efficiently, i.e. the immune system will reinforce and perform its
activity with ease.
Combined with the biological clock, explained in the chapter of cultivating the physical body, the

proper nutrition and well-suited selection of “alive”/raw, energy active food, are the best prevention
against all diseases.
In the morning, when the excretion energies dominate, green tea or some of the diuretic plants, will
ease the excretion of the liquid element. Consuming fruit in the mornings will boost the body's energy
and awake the peristalsis of the small intestine as a precursor for excreting the solid waste element.

This especially is important during the winter season, when the body naturally lacks energy and the
metabolism is oriented towards preserving the energy as fat, so, the fruit is an excellent choice to
maintain the body energy balance.
On the other hand, in the summer when the body has an energy surplus, consuming vegetables will
release that excess energy, and will calm down, sedate and demagnetize the body.

The popular “harvesters snack” of crushed garlic and vinegar, has kept the harvesters active in spite
the heat of the August sun. The garlic and grapevine are one of the most useful plants with a vast
possibility of usage.
All of the usual ingredients that we consume from the animal or processed food are also found in the
vegetal world with higher quality and compatibility to the physical body.

The fats, as a basic source of body’s moving energy are present in abundance in every seed, and from
the crops it is most present in the olive, plants that grows on our territory and which vibrations are
compatible to ours. The vegetable fats, which are not treated thermally, belong to the unsaturated
kind and once the digestive tract absorbs them into the blood, they will bind themselves to the layers
of saturated fats and assist the body to release itself of the burden. In the same way, they “degrease”
the liver, the central body laboratory.

As a main material to metabolize proteins in the body, the vegetable proteins are with a simpler
composition and easily degradable for the pancreas enzymes, compared to the complex and
energetically harder constructions of the animal proteins. The legumes, beans, peas, lentils etc. are a
rich source of vegetable proteins, as are the “forest meat”, the mushrooms.

The carbohydrates, as a main “fuel source” for the nervous system, largely prevail in every fruit,
especially in grapes, because the grape sugar has such a composition that the body only needs a
minimum amount of energy to adapt it for subsequent processing in the liver. This is opposed to the
candy industry, which products are filled with chemical components that the body identifies as
poisons, and has to engage in an extra energy effort to get rid of them as fast as possible. This also
goes for the soft drinks we have discussed in the first chapter.
An effort is ought to be made to avoid thermally processed food, especially the one fried in oil,
because the thermal process degrades all useful ingredients in the food and turns them into an
unusable material which the body recognizes as such and fights with it to expel it out as soon as

From the “Creator's Pharmacy” into everyone's own home pharmacy, we recommend a few plants
with a wide range of effect on the health, with respect for the rest, for which we would need to write
another book.

Our selection begins with the plant that we can meet anywhere and which we, as a rule, tend to
avoid. It is the popular nettle (Urtica dioica). Because of its resistance and a powerful adaptation
system, it grows everywhere, which one of the indicators for its salubrity. It is used as food, but also in
other instances, either fresh or dried. When fresh, the formic acid it contains is a remarkable
stimulant for joints, which experience a histamine reaction, bringing an abundant blood flow into the
joint, in that way improving its functioning.


When dried, the plant is used for tea preparation that purifies the blood. Rich in iron, it strengthens
the eritropoiesis, i.e. increases the hemoglobin quality as a key factor for blood quality, so, through
the blood it has an ability to “systemical” operation throughout the whole body.

The sage (Salvia officinalis), in the middle ages, was known as the “red saint”, and is also a plant with
a powerful systemic influence upon the health. The Latin name: savior of anything that can be saved,
refers to its wide spectrum of applicability.

The sage
The nickname “the red saint” is due to the belief that sage can repel the low, negative energies, so it
had been grown in every yard for protection, much similar to the legend of the garlic against the

It has a mighty effect on all inflammatory processes in the body that is on their causes. It offers a
quality assistance to the immune system in its fight against pathogenic bacteria, viruses etc.

St. John's wort (Hipericum perforatum), in the western part of the world is also known as the herb of
St. John the Baptist, lavishly spread on our fields and mountains in yellow and red variety. In the
farming areas it is called the “flesh shrink”, since the balm made of freshly cut St. John's wort would
close up the cut wounds in the exact moment. It has a strong regenerative effect on the cells, so it is
used both externally, as an extract in olive oil, and internally as tea to repair the digestive tract.

St. John's wort

The milfoil (Achillea millefolium) is the most appreciated herb in the pharmacy of the mountain
It has a wide effect on all types of wounds, disease and so on. It is a common tonic to boost the body’s

The milfoil

Its Latin name is given after the hero of the Greek mythology Achilles, the invincible Troy warrior.

The chamomile (Matricaria recutita) was known to the healers even in ancient Egypt. With its
soothing effect on the nervous system, it is a natural sedative for all kinds of tension and stress.

It is an antiseptic used against every infection, external and internal, especially the ones of the
respiratory system.

The chamomile

Apart from this quint, the arsenal of the herbs is a vast one, particularly in our region which abound in
all kinds of various plants.
The basic rule in herbalism is to use locally grown herbs that share the same vibration with the human
Except for the huge choice of local herbs, we strongly recommend the plants that do not grow in our
region, but have an outstanding powerful effect as tonics, body energizers: the ginseng root
(popularly referred to as ren-shen) the Aloe vera cactus and the cinnamon spice.
The second rule in herbalism is simplicity. If we are not experts in herbalism, we should not mix up
herbs trying to enhance their effect and shorten the disease duration. Sometimes, the herbs can have
a counter effect on each other, and we will not achieve any result, in fact, we would brought an
opposite effect to the desired one. Every herb possess enough active substance that can handle the
cause of the difficulty, but it also possesses a counterpart substance which creates balance and does
not allow unwanted side effects.

It would be ideal if we use herbs picked by us personally, carefully, without disrupting the plant and
causing defensive vibrations.

In ancient times, when humans were close to nature, after inserting the seeds in the soil, the people
would stamp the soil with their bare feet, thus providing the seed with information about their body's
condition. Based on such information, the plant would attract vibrations that would parry the possible
negative vibrations of its co - creator, the human, as a gratitude for his care. Besides, as a custom,
before planting, the seed is spat on, i.e. moisten with saliva so even in that way, the plant “knows”
the condition of its master and will thus create a yield that suits him best.

Our relations in the modern “civilization” is anything but a relation of living beings.
We systematically destroy the herbal world, and as self-absorbed creators, we create a genetically
modified monsters which reciprocate with the vibration they have been created with. The GMO
hysteria is a genocide upon the herbal world, caused by human greed for higher yields, higher profit,
lower prices etc., but against the universal laws. The consequences of derogation of the human health
in the wealthiest countries are visible by appearance of new diseases, unknown to medicine, which
are labeled as autoimmune diseases.

The suffering is a common denominator in all of these trends. The herbal world suffers, but alongside
in the food chain, so do the animals and humans.
We sincerely hope that this text will contribute a little bit to easing the suffering, by sharing the
personal experience of the author with the readers.

Post face

The humanity finds itself in a critical phase of the existence of the fifth civilization, at the end of the
epoch of evil, Kali juga (sans.)

By Earth's entering the photon belt at the end of the last millennium and aligning with the center of
the Galactic center in 2012, the vibrations of all elements on Earth are constantly rising.

For example, the solid element which had vibrated at 7,83 hertz for millenniums, has rapidly risen to
above 10 hertz at the beginning of the millennium. With this abrupt alteration, the processes in the
human body, particularly in the domain of the energy body are in continuous rise as well, causing new
phenomena unknown to the orthodox medicine. The energy channels are overloaded with stronger
energy and unnatural way of life. Those reflect on the physical body in a form of pain, disease, and
suffering. If we do not eliminate the root of suffering, but just address the symptoms partially, we will
only achieve a short term effect, which will soon be disproved by the reality with a new pain. Because
of the root, a new “plant” has grown up.

Throughout this text, we have tried to turn the attention of the reader to the very root of suffering,to
his/her mind as conductor of that wonderful orchestra which the Creator has bestowed upon us, the
physical body. If the conductor is not familiar with the piece, if she/he does not know the capacity of
each individual member in the orchestra, a chaos of sound and a cacophony occur, instead of the
divine symphony we are created for.

We sincerely hope that the conductor has been provided with a nice musical score to reign the
orchestra and effortlessly lead it to harmony.

May the mighty Manjushri protect this creation, the one who reads it and all perceptible beings!


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