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MMS For Water Purification Complete MMS

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MMS For Water Purification Complete MMS Packages Combination MMS Packages MMS Bottles Back to MMS Media

Water. We depend on it every day. Our bodies are made up of 70% water. Two third s of our earth is covered by water. Many people take for granted that the water we drink is free of pathogens and pollutants. But this is less and less true as we push into the 21st century. Water purification is a very most important use f or miracle mineral supplement and it is very easy to accomplish. MMS cannot remove everything detrimental from water in the same way that a power ful filtration system can. For this, we recommend two solutions. The first is th e Berkey Light, a simple gravity filter made by New Millenium Concepts. This com panys filters have set the standard for water filtration. They are amazing filter s and the water they produce is outstanding. The second company we recommend is EcoloBlue. They have a ready-to-use atmospheric water generator that can make up to seven gallons of pure water a day from the humidity in the air. Expensive (w e don t own one) but very groovy. Even though miracle mineral is not a water filtration system, it does do importa nt things that improve the quality of your water, no matter what your water sour ce is. MMS is a sensible treatment for people who want to improve the quality of their drinking water without breaking the bank. And for places where convention al water treatment is not an option, MMS truly lives up to its name as a miracle mineral! Municipal water Because virtually all tap water in the United States is treated with chlorine, t he chances of a pathogen surviving in municipal water is generally small. Howeve r, pathogen outbreaks in municipal water do happen from time to time. Treating m inicipal water with MMS eliminates the possibility of this taking place. The more important issue at stake in municipal tap water is the contaminants fou nd in practically all water supplies in our country. Municipal water contains a wide variety of chemicals and metals. In fact, the list of additives in municipa l tap water is frightening, particularly in and around major cities. Everything from birth control and antibiotics to heavy metals and pesticides are floating a round in our countrys water supply these days, and municipal treatment plants are only minimally effective at filtering out these contaminants before they reach you through the water supply. As noted before, MMS does not have the ability to filter all of these contaminan ts out. What it can do, however, is neutralize many of the harmful substances in your water by oxidation. Heavy metals in particular, as well as other harmful s ubstances, carry with them an electric charge, which enables them to interact wi th the human body in harmful ways. A small amount of miracle mineral solution ca n oxidize these harmful molecules and compounds, rendering them unable to intera ct harmfully, whereby your body can pass them through more easily with less poss ibility of advers effects or buildup. If you use well water, you probably have a filtration system that takes care of possible pathogenic contaminations in your well. You may also have a UV lamp con nected to your line to treat the water as it comes in. MMS is an excellent well treatment that helps reduce the work of your other treatment methods and can hel p improve the overall quality of your water. Use miracle mineral directly in your well to treat the water at the source and k eep your well nice and clean. Use about a drop per gallon of unactivated MMS eve ry week or so in your well. Many well owners do not know that even thour their w ell is capped, there is an intake pipe or valve on the well cap that allows them to access the well. If you are not sure about your well, explore it to find out what you can see, or call the installers of your wellhead and ask if they can h elp. Spring, rain, river, and other natural water sources

MMS is truly a miracle mineral solution when it comes to removing pathogens from untreated water. Every day, people all over the world become sick from drinking untreated water. MMS is the most simple and safe means of treating water from a ny natural source. Pathogens such as giardia and malaria are transmitted to thousands of people eve ry day because they drink untreated water from rivers, lakes, streams, and other sources of water. While these pathogens are simple to kill, they can cause ever ything from nausea and stomachaches to fatigue, debilitation, and even death, if they are not removed. One drop of activated miracle mineral solution added to untreated water will des troy water-borne pathogens in a matter of a few minutes without creating any tox ic byproducts. A four ounce bottle of MMS can treat thousands of gallons of wate r and potentially prevent thousands of people from contracting diseases from pat hogens carried in the water. You might think that drinking untreated water only applies to people in developi ng countries who do not have the convenience of municipal water districts delive ring treated water to their homes. However, many Americans drink untreated water regularly because of the lifestyle choices they make. For example, campers, hik ers, survivalists, and other people who pursue adventure sports are all likely t o drink water from streams and lakes. In these situations, treating water can be a difficult process, which usually in volves an expensive portable water filter that can be difficult to operate. Mira cle mineral, on the other hand, is both inexpensive and easy to use. A 2 ounce s et of MMS and activator is the size of a pack of cards and fits easily into any backpack or gear bag. It requires no set up and can be used at a moments notice t o make drinkable water in just a few minutes. Most importantly, it is wise to have a supply of MMS on hand as a means of survi val. There is certainly no way to know the future, but there are things that can be done to prepare for worst case scenarios, and having a kit of miracle minera l supplement is absolutely essential for emergency preparedness. It is simply th e best and most versatile product of its kind for anyone who is serious about a survivalist lifestyle. Most of us (ourselves included) take for granted that water comes out of our fau cets when we turn them. If there ever is a time when this is not a guarantee, ma ny people will turn to untreated sources of water for their needs. We certainly hope that this kind of situation never occurs; but if it does, anyone with a mir acle mineral supply will be guaranteed disease-free water for a long time to com e. If there was ever a place where MMS lives up to its name as a miracle mineral, i t is in water purification. Not only is MMS effective; it is also affordable and goes a very long way. We encourage you to get yourself or your family a supply of MMS so that you can put it to good use in your water and your life.

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