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MMS For Household Uses (Chlorine Dioxide Biocidal Spectrum)

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MMS for Household Uses

What is MMS?
Sodium Chlorite  Chlorine Dioxide
Part 1 - What is this stuff ?
by Steve Pardee

MMS (22.4% Sodium Chlorite Solution)

Jim Humble's Miracle Mineral Solution for Household Uses
(PREFACE: While the author is not a chemist, or a health care professional, he has worked extensively
for years with the manufacture of sodium chlorite solutions, and chlorine dioxide solutions for
consumer use as well as industrial use. He is familiar with the handling and characteristics of the
chemicals mentioned in this article. The author has also talked with 1000's of people who have used
MMS for a variety of applications, some approved, some not. While this article is meant to be
informative about the nature and characteristics of the solution known as MMS, this article will not
address any unapproved or medicinal use of this product.)
MMS: Just what the heck is this stuff?
MMS was originally an acronym for Miracle Mineral Supplement. This phrase was coined by Jim
Humble after he developed the formula. Later on the word "Solution" was generally substituted for
the word "Supplement".
Other names have included, "Faith Drops", "Advanced Oxygen Therapy", Water Purification Drops
(WPD), and more recently, Master Mineral Solution. MMS is in all actuality a 22.4% solution of
sodium chlorite (NaClO2). The remainder of the solution is water, and inert salts. When added to an
"Activator" of weak acid, MMS releases a gas called Chlorine Dioxide.
Regardless of what it is called, MMS has caused a sensation since 2006 when Jim released the first
book, "Breakthrough - The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century", and it's popularity and
the movement behind it has continued to grow.
This is not the case for most "fad" health products. Very few things in alternative health have the
lasting power, and faithful followers and believers that MMS has. While the pro-MMS movement has
grown, so has the anti-MMS crowd. Websites and Forums dedicated to both sides of the coin can
easily be found with a simple search.
In this article I will try to answer some of the most common questions and misconceptions about
MMS, Sodium Chlorite, and Chlorine Dioxide, take a look at Jim Humble and the Genesis 2 Church,
and tackle some of the most often debated statements made about MMS.
In Part 1, of this continuing article, we will briefly discuss Sodium Chlorite, (What MMS is as bottled),
and go into some detail on Chlorine Dioxide, (the gas produced through activation).

MMS: What it Is and How it Works.
In the first part of this series, we will look at the actual material that MMS is made from, Sodium
Chlorite as well the Chlorine Dioxide it produces.
The questions I am most often asked are :
What exactly is MMS? What's it made out of? Is it Natural?
MMS is a solution made from 22.4% Sodium Chlorite and Distilled water.
There will be some inert salts that were used as buffers in the raw material, which is usually a
technical grade of anhydrous sodium chlorite.
This may be in powder or flake form, depending on the manufacturer.
The amount and type of these inert ingredients can vary depending on the raw material used, but will
generally not exceed 5.6% in the MMS solution.
Typical inert ingredients found in the raw material are Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Carbonate, and
Sodium Chloride (salt).
There may be traces of Sodium Hydroxide, and Sodium Chlorate left over from the manufacturing
process of the raw material.
Industrial Grades for non EPA approved uses may contain traces of lead, mercury, and arsenic.
The term 28% Sodium Chlorite used by many people is a misnomer. It includes the inert salts, as well
as the actual sodium chlorite when one uses an 80% raw material. This can vary if one is using a
different raw material. For instance, if one use a 90% Sodium Chlorite as a substrate, the 28% figure
would produce a different result.
Sodium Chlorite is not a natural product although some websites would like you to believe it is. It is a
manufactured chemical not found in nature. Sodium Chlorite itself has no real viable uses.
It is manufactured solely as a precursor to the generation of Chlorine Dioxide. (CLO2). It is most
often manufactured by what is known as the Hooker R2 Process.
Toxic Sodium Chlorate is mixed with Sodium Chloride. Sulfuric Acid is added to this, and chlorine
dioxide, as well as chlorine gas is formed. The gases are separated by absorbing the soluble chlorine
dioxide in chilled water towers. Sodium Hydroxide is used as well as. Hydrogen peroxide to form the
Sodium Chlorite, and remove Sodium Chlorate .
There has been an article circulating for years on eHow and Yahoo answers, about making sodium
chlorite from a brine solution through electrolysis, that can be done at home. This actually produces
toxic sodium chlorate and should not be attempted. There is no simple method to produce Sodium
Chlorite at home.
Anhydrous Sodium Chlorite and Sodium Chlorite Solution can be safely shipped as opposed to
Chlorine Dioxide Gas which can not be shipped safely, or economically. Once on site, the Sodium
Chlorite is put into solution. This solution has a high pH, usually 12 +. An acid is added to lower the pH
and Chlorine Dioxide is produced.

Chlorine Dioxide
Chlorine Dioxide is the 'Active Ingredient" of MMS so to speak. It exists as a greenish gas at normal
temperatures. This is what is created when MMS is activated with an weak acid solution. The
concentrated gas being formed in the mixed solution gives it an amber aspect. Chlorine Dioxide is a
small, volatile molecule, that reacts with other substances by means of oxidation.
Depending on the use, and how it is formed, it is an FDA and EPA approved pesticide that can be used
in food service, municipal water, mold treatment, odor treatment, medical use, mouthwashes,
toothpastes, eye care, and in personal water treatment products, among other applications. It is
considered to be a more "Earth-Friendly" alternative to many chlorine applications.
Isn't Chlorine Dioxide the same as Bleach?
Bleach is a relative term. Many chemicals including oxidizers such as Hydrogen Peroxide (H 2O2), can
be considered a bleach. Bleaching means they remove color, and yes, Chlorine Dioxide will remove
color, like most oxidizers. One industrial use for Chlorine Dioxide is as a bleach for wood pulp, (used in
conjunction with sodium hypochlorite), and as a bleach for flour in some countries including the US.
The reason it is used in paper mills is because of the fact that chlorine dioxide gas prohibits the
growth of biofilm, rather than for it's bleaching properties. When people say bleach they usually
mean Sodium Hypochlorite (common household bleach).
The real question is: Is chlorine dioxide (ClO2) the same as chlorine (Cl) or hypochlorite (ClO). The
short answer is a resounding NO!
However, before we look at why they are so different, let's look at why people tend to equate them.
It does smell a lot like chlorine. It can also irritate the eyes and respiratory system if the concentration
is too strong. It disinfects, and kills micro-organisms.
Then of course the name.... Chlorine Dioxide..... and yes, Chlorine dioxide does have a Chlorine atom.
But.... so does table salt; in fact the only elemental difference between table salt, sodium chlorite
(MMS Solution), and common bleach is the number of oxygen atoms attached to the molecule.
1 Sodium Atom + 1 Chlorine Atom = NaCl Sodium Chloride. (Common Salt Molecule)
1 Sodium Atom + (1 Chlorine Atom +1 Oxygen Atom) = NaClO Sodium Hypochlorite Molecule.
(Common Bleach)
1 Sodium Atom + (1 Chlorine Atom + 2 Oxygen Atoms) = NaClO2 Sodium Chlorite Molecule.
(MMS, used to generate clean Chlorine Dioxide. (ClO2)
1 Sodium Atom + (1 Chlorine Atom + 3 Oxygen Atoms) = NaClO3 Sodium Chlorate Molecule.
(Used to make other chlorine compounds. Used as a pesticide and defoiliant, Toxic.)
1 Sodium Atom + (1 Chlorine Atom + 4 Oxygen Atoms) = NaClO4 Sodium Perchlorate Molecule.
(Non-reactive electrolyte often used in molecular science for DNA extraction and hybridization.)
This is to demonstrate the difference a single atom can make in a molecule. Pure sodium would ignite
in your mouth, and pure chlorine has been used as a chemical weapon, yet table salt, a necessary
mineral, is just a combination of the two. In fact these 2 elements, Sodium and Chlorine make up
about 0.2% of your total body chemistry each.

The Differences between Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorine
This is the real focus of the issue, and the answer is really pretty simple. While both kill pathogens,
well.... Chlorine Dioxide does it differently, and more efficiently, without creating toxic byproducts.
Chlorine Dioxide kills by oxidation, whereas Chlorine kills by substitution, (in this case called
Chlorine Dioxide has a lower oxidation strength than chlorine, but more than twice the oxidative
capacity. Reduction/Oxidation Strength or "Redox" is a measure of how strongly an oxidizer reacts
with an organic material. The higher the redox potential, the more substances the oxidizer will react
with. Chlorine Dioxide has a lower redox potential than ozone, chlorine, or hypochlorus acid. Because
of this lower redox potential, Chlorine Dioxide is more selective in what it reacts to. Typically
Chlorine Dioxide will only react with compounds that have active carbon bonds, sulfides, cyanides,
and compounds with reduced iron or manganese. Chlorine has a higher redox, and will react with a
wider range of compounds, including ammonia.
Because of this difference Chlorine Dioxide does not create toxic by-products like chlorine does. This
is why Chlorine is limited as a biocide in it's overall effectiveness as opposed to Chlorine Dioxide. The
higher oxidation capacity means that Chlorine Dioxide will remove 5 electrons from the target,
whereas chlorine can only remove 2.
Chlorine will bind to a pathogen, and other chemicals and compounds that may be present.
Chlorine Dioxide being more selective, will not bind with other compounds.
Because of this capacity, Chlorine Dioxide is more efficient than Chlorine, Ozone, or Hypochlorus
Acid when used as a disinfectant. After the reaction is complete, Chlorine Dioxide reverts to chloride
(salt). Chlorine forms Trihalomethanes from reaction to ammonia, plus other byproducts from
other chemicals and compounds as may be present.

How Chlorine Dioxide Works on Pathogens

Chlorine Dioxide kills pathogens by stopping protein formation. Viruses and Bacteria are killed by
different methods.
Bacteria is killed through the oxidation process mentioned above. Chlorine Dioxide steals five
electrons from the amino acid of the targeted pathogen. The amino acid becomes unable to produce
the proteins necessary to maintain the cell wall. The cell wall collapses and the pathogen dies. Viruses
are killed by the reaction of Chlorine Dioxide to peptone. Peptone is vital to the protein formation of a
virus. It becomes unable to function, thus "starving" the virus.
Pathogens can't build a resistance to Chlorine Dioxide. Even so called "Superbugs" that are resistant
to antibiotics have no defense. Chlorine dioxide attacks these pathogens at the molecular level, not
through poisoning.

The History of Chlorine Dioxide.

Chlorine Dioxide is discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1844. The British chemist combined
potassium chlorite with sulfuric acid. It would soon be discovered that this green gas would be a more
effective disinfectant than chlorine.

By the 1930s Chlorine Dioxide is being used more frequently for disinfecting areas. Because of it's
gaseous form, it filled spaces evenly. The volatile gas was impossible to ship safely, so Sodium Chlorite
began to be manufactured as a relatively safe precursor chemical, and the industries using chlorine
dioxide would then generate the gas on-site as needed. Because of Chlorine Dioxide's solubility in
water, it starts being used as a water treatment.
In 1944, Chlorine Dioxide is used by the City of Niagara, New York, to control odor and remove
phenols from the river water used as the municipal water supply to good effect. The city soon
changes to Chlorine Dioxide exclusively. The water is cleaner, tastes better, and has no odor compared
to the use of chlorine.
In 1956 Brussels Belgium makes the switch from Chlorine to Chlorine Dioxide for it's municipal water
It was discovered that Chlorine Dioxide would destroy algae biofilm, a feat which Chlorine could not
accomplish. Through the 1960s more cities and swimming pools start to change to Chlorine Dioxide.
In 1967 The United States Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A) registers an aqueous form of
Chlorine Dioxide to be used as a sanitizer and disinfectant. Chlorine Dioxide starts being used
commercially on fruit and produced as a sanitizer.
In the 70s and 80s the EPA begins recommending Chlorine Dioxide over Chlorine for water treatment
and other applications. This is due to the fact that because of their different chemical properties,
Chlorine Dioxide is more efficient, and does not produce toxic trihalomethanes like chlorine.
In 1988 the EPA registers Chlorine Dioxide as a sterilizer approved for hospitals, laboratories, and
health care facilities.
In 2001 FEMA and other government agencies use Chlorine Dioxide to decontaminate buildings
contaminated with Anthrax. Chlorine Dioxide is completely effective against the tiny Anthrax Spores.
The buildings, walls and furnishings suffer no damage from the treatment.
In 2005 FEMA again uses Chlorine Dioxide. This time to eradicate mold from damage caused by
Hurricane Katrina. A restaurant in New Orleans was able to re-open after being treated for just 12
hours without major repair.
In 2006, a man named Jim Humble releases a book called "Breakthrough - The Miracle Mineral
Supplement of the 21st Century" in which he details that in desperation, he used a sodium chlorite
solution in a chlorine dioxide water treatment product in an attempt to alleviate a man's severe
malaria symptoms. The man was in fact cured. Jim went on recount many other illnesses he has
discovered that chlorine dioxide could be used for. He develops MMS which is a system to generate
small amounts of chlorine dioxide at home.
In 2010 the United States Food and Drug Administration issues a warning on using MMS according to
the Jim Humble protocols. They label it as industrial bleach. In the mean time they will have approved
the use of Chlorine Dioxide for use in mouthwashes, toothpastes, and as a food service disinfectant
among other uses, citing it as being a better alternative than chlorine.
The products, uses, and applications for Chlorine Dioxide continue to grow. More and more
mainstream health and home related products are using chlorine dioxide.

Chlorine Dioxide Biocidal Spectrum
As mentioned above, Chlorine Dioxide in different products has been registered since 1988 as a
sterilizer. The EPA definition of a sterilizer is the ability "to destroy or eliminate all forms of microbial
life including fungi, viruses, and all forms of bacteria and their spores."
More specific tests have been done that prove Chlorine Dioxide's ability to destroy the following:

BACTERIA Salmonella Mouse Parvovirus type 1 (MPV1)

Blakeslea trispora Salmonella spp. Murine Parainfluenza Virus Type 1
Bordetella bronchiseptica Salmonella Agona Newcastle Disease Virus
Brucella suis Salmonella Anatum Group E Norwalk Virus
Burkholderia mallei Salmonella Choleraesins ATCC 13076 Poliovirus
Burkholderia pseudomallei Salmonella choleraesuis Rotavirus
Campylobacter jejuni Salmonella Enterica (PT30) BAA Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Clostridium botulinum Salmonella Enterica S. Enteritidis Coronavirus
Corynebacterium bovis Salmonella Enterica S. Javiana Sialodscryoadenitis Virus
Coxiella burneti (Q fever) Salmonella Enterica S. Montevideo (Coronavirus)(SDAV)
E. coli ATCC 11229 Salmonella Enteritidis E190 Simian rotavirus SA
E. coli ATCC 51739 Salmonella Javiana Theiler’s Mouse Encephalomyelitis
E. coli K12 Salmonella newport Virus(TMEV)
E. coli O157:H7 13B88 Salmonella Typhimurium C133117 Vaccinia Virus
E. coli O157:H7 204P Salmonella Anatum Group E
E. coli O157:H7 ATCC 43895 Shigella BACTERIAL SPORES
E. coli O157:H7 EDL933 Staphylococcus aureus Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris
E. coli O157:H7 G5303 Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 Bacillus coagulans
E. coli O157:H7 C7927 Staphylococcus faecalis Bacillus anthracis
Erwinia carotovora ATCC 344 Bacillus anthracis Ames
Franscicella tularensis Tuberculosis Bacillus atrophaeus
Fusarium sambucinum Vancomycin Bacillus atrophaeus ATCC 49337
Fusarium solani var. coeruleum resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE) Bacillus megaterium
Helicobacter pylori Vibrio strain Da Bacillus polymyxa
Helminthosporium solani Vibrio strain Sr Bacillus pumilus ATCC 27142
Klebsiella pneumonia Yersinia enterocolitica Bacillus pumilus ATCC 27147
Lactobacillus acidophilus NRRL B1910 Yersinia pestis Bacillus subtillis ATCC 9372
Lactobacillus brevis Yersinia ruckerii ATCC 29473 Bacillus subtillis ATCC 19659
Lactobacillus buchneri Bacillus subtillis 5230
Lactobacillus plantarum VIRUSES Bacillus thuringiensis
Legionella Adenovirus Type 40 Clostridium. sporogenes ATCC 19404
Legionella pneumophila Calicivirus Geobacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 12980
Leuconostoc citreum TPB85 Canine Parvovirus Geobacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 7953
Leuconostoc mesenteroides Coronavirus Geobacillus stearothermophilus VHP
Listeria innocua ATCC 33090 Feline Calici Virus
Listeria monocytogenes F4248 Foot and Mouth disease PROTEZOA
Listeria monocytogenes F5069 Hantavirus Chironomid larvae
Listeria monocytogenes LCDC Hepatitis A Virus Cryptosporidium
Listeria monocytogenes LCDC Hepatitis B Virus Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts
Listeria monocytogenes Scott A Hepatitis C Virus Cyclospora cayetanensis oocysts
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus Herpes Giardia
(MRSA) Human coronavirus Encephalitozoon intestinalis
Multiple Drug Resistant Salmonella Human Immunodeficiency Virus
typhimurium (MDRS) Human Rotavirus type 2 (HRV) MICROSPORIDA
Mycobacterium bovis Influenza A Encephalitozoon intestinalis
Mycobacterium fortuitum Minute Virus of Mouse (Parovirus) (MVMi)
Pediococcus acidilactici PH3 Minute Virus of Mouse (Parovirus)(MVMp) FUNGUS/MOLD/YEAST
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Mouse Hepatitis Virus (MHVA59) Alternaria alternata
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Mouse Hepatitis Virus (MHVJHM) Aspergillus aeneus

Aspergillus aurolatus Candida parapsilosis Pichia pastoris
Aspergillus brunneo uniseriatus Candida sake Poitrasia circinans
Aspergillus caespitosus Candida sojae Rhizopus oryzae
Aspergillus cervinus Candida spp. Roridin A
Aspergillus clavatonanicus Candida tropicalis Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Aspergillus clavatus Candida viswanathil Stachybotrys chartarum mentag
Aspergillus egyptiacus Chaetomium globosum Verrucarin A
Aspergillus elongatus Cladosporium cladosporioides
Aspergillus fischeri Debaryomyces etchellsii BETA LACTAM ANTIBIOTICS
Aspergillus fumigatus Eurotium spp. Amoxicillin
Aspergillus giganteus Fusarium solani Amplicillin
Aspergillus longivesica Lodderomyces elongisporus Cefadroxil
Aspergillus niger Mucor circinelloides Cefazolin
Aspergillus ochraceus Mucor flavus Cephalexin
Aspergillus parvathecius Mucor indicus Imipenem
Aspergillus sydowii Mucor mucedo Penicillin G
Aspergillus unguis Mucor rademosus Penicillin V
Aspergillus ustus Mucor ramosissimus
Aspergillus versicolor Mucor saturnus CHEMICAL DECONTAMINATION
Botrytis species Penicillium chrysogenum Mustard Gas
Candida spp. Penicillium digitatum Ricin Toxin
Candida albicans Penicillium herquei dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
Candida dubliniensis Penicillium spp. microcystin LR (MCLR)
Candida maltosa Phormidium boneri cylindrospermopsin (CYN)

Keep in mind this is not the full spectrum, but specific tests done against many of the most common pathogens. Included in this
list are MRSA, HIV, E. Coli, Staph, Anthrax, Salmonella, Parvo, Aspergillus, Candida and many other pathogens that most people
will have contact with throughout their lives. Chlorine Dioxide, when used as a water and surface treatment, vegetable rinse, and
environmental cleaner, can help keep your home a cleaner, safer place than using chlorine based products.

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