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A Novel Light-Sensor-Based Information Transmission System For Outdoor Tracking Tothe Indoor Positioning System

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I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue.

A Novel Light-Sensor-Based Information Transmission System for Outdoor tracking tothe Indoor Positioning system

Dr.Shaik Meeravali, 2S.VenkataSekhar

Depart ment of Electronics and Co mmunication Engineering, RRS Co llege of Engineering and Technology, Muthan gi, Faculty of Electronics and Co mmunication Engineering, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Un iversity, Hyderabad, India

The objective of this project describes a novel light-sensor-basedInformation transmission system for indoor positioning andNavigationwith particular benefits for mob ile and wearable co mputers. It canseamlessly extend outdoor GPS tracking tothe indoor environment.In a novel manner, fluorescent lightis used as the mediumto transmit information. The userreceives the encoded light informat ion through a photoreceiver. The information ispassed into the wearable or mobile computer after the data aredecoded. This informat ion allows positioning informat ion to be given to indoor mobile and wearable co mputers.The proposedsystem can be used in indoor guidance and navigation applications.An embedded system is a comb ination of software and hardware to perform a dedicated task.Some of the main devices used in embedded products are Microprocessors and Microcontrollers. Microprocessors are commonly referred to as general purpose processors as they simp ly accept the inputs, process it and give the output.Itusing PIC16F72, PIC16F877A microcontroller is an exclusive project which is used to find the position identification for the different blocks in the organization by using the Zigbee module. This info rmation is provided by the GPS with the help of the data it receives fro m the satellites. Index TermsAug mented reality (AR), electronic ballast, fluorescentlamp, navigation, wearab le co mputer.

I. Introduction
MOBILE or wearable co mputers and augmented realitytechnology are finding applications in human positionguidance and navigation [1]. Co mmonly, GPS sensors havewidely been used with these interactive technologies for navigationand positioning. For example, GPS-based positioningfor wearable co mputers has been used in the applicationof outdoor augmented reality (AR).AR merges virtual objects or text informat ion into a realenvironment and displays this combination in real time. Unlikev irtual environ ments , AR supplements reality, rather than completelyreplacing it. This property makes AR particu larly wellsuited as a tool to aid the users perception of and interactionwith the real wo rld. The info rmation conveyed by the virtualobjects helps a user perform real-world tasks.Although AR technology combined with wearable GPS is mature, t he informat ion transmission method for wearable GPScannot provide informat ion indoors or in crowded urban areas since the signals from the satellite would be shielded by thearmored concrete structure of the building. One might instead use active badges or beacon architectures, but installing and maintaining such systems involves substantial effort and high expense. Hen ce, indoor tracking system develop ment becomes useful to seamles sly extend outdoor tracking into indoors. Some fo rms of indoor positioning, such as magnetic and ultrasonic sensing, are also available, but they are normally for a short range and expensi ve and require complex hardware installations. Thus, there is a prob lem that such commercially availab le sensing systems for indoor tracking of mobile and wearable co mputers are accurate but impractical and expensive for wide areas . This project aim is to identifying the different blocks in the organization by using the Zigbee module. And the emp loyer can be able to find where the employee in the organization. All the mult inational companies are having more than 50 blocks in a single building those are working for different projects. So it is difficult to find by the new emp loyee to know which b lock is belongs to which category. For this we are going to develop a new project which is apt for the new employees to know the different blocks in the organization. II. Comparison with Other Systems To extend GPS data for indoor applications, some researchers used computer-vision-based tracking algorith ms to perform the tracking. For instance, put fiducialmarkerson the walls and used a marker -based tracking algorith m fo rindoor tracking of a mobile user. Although this kind of trackingis only software based and there is no need for any specialhardware, except for the paper markers, if we want to use thismethod, we need to have many different markers and put themin every place to cover the whole area, and in the state of artin computer vision tracking systems, we can detect less than100 markers at the same time. Furthermore, all the markersmust be predefined for the users, and the users mobile devicemust know which position each marker is located, which is notpractical when the user arrives to a new building.
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I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8

Other proposed methods for indoor tracking aremainly basedon ultrasound, radio frequency, and IR. In addition to these technologies, because of the popularity of wireless networks inrecent years, many works have been done to infer the locationof a wireless client based on Wi-Fi technology on the IEEE802.11 standard. For instance, the Finnish company Ekahau has developed a software-basedWi-Fi location technology.In their system, they only need three wireless stations for theircalculat ion, and the rests are done in software. Although eachtechnology has its own advantages and disadvantages, in general,there is a tradeoff between the accuracy of the tracking andthe total cost of the system. For example, ultrasound trackingcan be highly accurate, such as the IS-900 system developed bythe Intersense Company, with a price of over 15 000 USD,or it can be designed in a cheap way like the system proposed by Randell and Muller, wh ich costs about 150 USD withan accuracy of 10 25 cm. In Table I, we listed the cost andaccuracy of different indoor tracking systems in co mparisonwith our system. As can be seen in this table, the proposedsystem has the lowest tracking performance (on the order ofoutdoor GPS), but it is the cheapest one as well. As a result, oursystem is not suitable for applicat ions that need highly accuratetracking, such as virtual reality applications, and because it is one of the cheapest methods for indoor tracking, it is a goodcandidate for applications such as navigation and guidance(which does not need highly accurate tracking). In comparison with different technologies for indoor tracking , the proposed system is similar to IR tracking systems such as the method used in [14], wh ich used an IR tracking systemin an AR applicat ion.
Intersense IS 900 Randells system Ekahau Proposed system Cost in USD Over15000 150 100-200 Less than 10 Accuracy 1mm 10-25cm 1m 3-4 m Technology Ultrasound Ultrasound Wi-Fi light

III. Hardware System Design

In this section, we will outline the hardware system used forconstructing novel and economical navigation and positioningsystems using fluorescent lamps. The whole system is dividedinto two parts: the transmitter and the receiver. The transmittersends out messages encoded by the fluorescent light whoseflicking is imperceptible to hu man vision, while t he receiverdetects the light using a photo-detector. In the transmitter section, in formation can be encoded intothe light through arc frequency variation [see Fig. 1(a)]. Here,we use a fluorescent lamp for our system since, first, it is highlyused in office build ings and, second, nowadays, it is triggeredby electronic ballast circuits, so there is no need to design acostly circuit for controlling the arc frequency of the lamp,and by simp le modifications on the current widely cheap andavailable circu it, we can furnish our goal.We add a simp le lowcostmicrocontroller chip to control the light frequency fro m 35 to 40 kHz. The receiver circuit [Fig. 1(b)], with a photodetector detectingthe fluore scent light, processes the data that are eventuallyfed into the wearable computer. With the information received,the wearable co mputer can tell the user what the surroundingsituation is. In the rest of this section, we detail our t ransmitter andreceiver circuits, and then,we exp lain the wearable computersystem in terms of how the receiver and other components areintegrated together. A. Transmitter Circuit The hardware for the developed transmitter is shown inFig.2, and the schematic circuit diagram is depicted in Fig.3.As shown in this figure, the electronic ballast circuit used for the transmission purpose consists of three parts: the acdc rectifier,t he dcac converter (inverter), and the resonant filter circu it.

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I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8

Fig: 1Simple schematic scheme of the system. (a) Transceiver. (b) Recei ver.

A Novel Light-Sensor-Based Information Transmission System for Indoor Positioning and Navigation
1. Transmitter section

Regulated power supply

Zigbee GPS Receiver

RS 232 Interfacing RS 232 interfacing Reset

LCD driver

Micro controller

LCD display

LED indicators

Crystal Oscillator

Fig 2: Bl ock diagram of transmitter section

Fig 3: Trans mitter hardware.

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I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8

Fig 4: Schematic di agram of transmitter section B. Recei ver Circuit The receiver detects the fluorescent light and transforms theanalog signals to the digital ones that can be sent to the users mobile/wearable device. Fig. 5 shows the block diagrams of thereceiver part with a wearable co mputer. The core part of this receiver system is the receiver circuit, wh ich is shown in Fig. 6. As can b e seen in Fig. 5, the main parts of the receiver circuit are as follows: a) B andpassfilter: The bandpass filter is designed to removenoise that is received together with the Manchester-codedinformat ion in the light. b) Zero-crossing detector:Th is block converts the analoginput signal to digital signal. Note that only the frequency of the signal contains information and not itsamplitude. c) Phase-locked loop (PLL): This block converts the incoming dig ital signal to an analog voltage proportional to thefrequ ency of incoming signal.
A Novel Light-Sensor-Based Information Transmission System for Indoor Positioning and Navigation
2. Receiver

Regulated power supply

Push Buttons Reset Micro controller

RS 232 Interfacing


Crystal Oscillator

LED indicators

Fig 5: Bl ock diagram of recei ver section

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I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8

Fig 6: Recei ver hardware.

Fig 7: Schematic di agram of recei ver section. IV.EXPERIMENTS OFS YSTEMAPPLICATIONS AND RES ULTS In the previous sections, we discussed the hardware of the indoor navigation system in detail. The indoor system can seamlessly be activated by simp ly switching fro m the tra-dit ional outdoor GPS system to this indoor system.a GPS signal is no longer received, a fluorescent lamp data code is sought after by the wearab le computer. The data codes of the fluorescent lamp are directly t ied to a GPS position relat ive to the outdoor GPS read ing. Thus, the indoor fluorescent lamp position is direction correlated to an outdoor GPS position. Fig. 9 shows the transition fro m the outdoor environment to the indoors and the screenshots on the HMD at the users different positions (outdoor and indoors), and Fig. 9 shows the selected screenshots at outdoor and indoor locations. The messages and informat ion appear on the left bottom corner of the HMD, which does not affect the users eyesight range, providing the user with real-t ime environ mental informat ion. Fig. 10 presents the data flow of the proposed indoor tracking system. What is more, in the large urban indoor environment, a 3-D digital map stored on the wearable computer can be developed to display on the HMD. The user exactly knowshis or her location by watching his or her place on the map,with the position recognized by the fluorescent light tracking system.
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I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8

Fig 9: Selected screenshots from the HMD when a user is at outdoor and indoor locations The project A Novel Light-Sensor-B ased Information Transmission System for Indoor Positioning and Navigation was designed such that to identifying the different blocks in the organ izat ion by using the Zigbee and GPS modules.The locations are displayed on LCD when the person reaches those particular locations.Main Applications, This system can be used by blind people in order to know the present location.The system can also be used for tracking the locations

Fig 10(a): Indoor tracking displ ay

Fig 10(b): Indoor tracking displ ay

VI. Conclusion And Future Works

This paper has addressed the problem of enabling economical indoor tracking systems, which are similar to GPS, available with seamless transition function fro m outdoor GPS tracking environment to indoor. We have focused on the task of indoor navigation and positioning, where the particular aspect of the users state that is of interest is the users physical location. Byusing an economical light sensor to build this indoor tracking system, we have been able to infer the users location in anindoor environment. For examp le, we can put the system on both sides of the doors of each room in a building; then, a user will receive the proper data by entering or leaving the roo m. When data, which are encoded in the fluorescent light, is receivedby the receiver and analyzed by the wearable computer, it will provide location and navigation messages. Specifically, this light -sensor-based navigation and tracking system
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I nternational Journal Of Computational Engineering Research ( Vol. 2 Issue. 8

is robust and much cheaper than those using electromagnetic ultrasonic sensors. Furthermore, the receiver circu it is light an d small, and it can be well suited to wearable computer applications. Aside from thetechnical achieve ments of our work to date, it is significantto point out that the application of this system provides an innovative and economical form o f indoor positioni ng and navigation method. It must be noted though that the proposed system has limited bandwidth and is therefore more suitable for transmitting text messages to the users wearable co mputer rather than images or graphics. Integrating features of all the hardware components used have been developed in it. Presence of every module has been reasoned out and placed carefully, thus contributing to the best working of the unit. Secondly, using highly advanced ICs with the help of growing technology, the project has been successfully implemented. Thus the project has been successfully designe d and tested. The project A Novel Light-Sensor-Based Information Transmission System for Indoor Positioning and Navigation is mainly intended to alert the person through location names displayed on LCD when he enters into a particular location by usin g GPS and Zigbee module. This system consists of a GPS receiver, Zigbee modules which are interfaced to the micro controller. The location names are displayed on LCD. The micro controller is programmed in such a way that depending on the satellite informat ion of location the predefined location name will be announced and also displays on the LCD and also GPS receiver. This project can be extended using high efficiency GPS receiver and a GSM module. The GSM module g ives the intimation of the person with this system through SMS. REFERENCES [1] C. Lee, A. Wollets, H. Tan, and A. Pentland, A wearable haptic navigation guidance system, in Proc. 2nd Int. Sy mp. Wearable Co mput.,1998. [2] T. Moore, An introduction to the global positioning system and its applications, in Proc. Develop. Use Global Positioning Syst., 1994, [3] B. Thomas, V. Demczuk, W. Piekarski, D. Hepworth, and B. Gunther, A wearable co mputers system with augmented reality to support ter-restrial navigation, in Proc. 2nd Int. Sy mp. Wearable Co mput., 1998, [4] B. Thomas, B. Close, J. Donoghue, J. Squires, P. D. Bondi, and W. Piekarski, First person indoor/outdoor augmented reality application: ARQuake, Pers. Feb. 2002. [5] T. Caudell and D. Mizell, Augmented reality: An application of heads -up display technology to manual manufacturing processes, inProc. Hawaii Int. Conf. Syst. Sci., 1992. [6] A.R.Gold ing and N.Lesh,Indoor navigation using a diverse set of cheap, wearable sensors, in Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. Wearable Co mput., 1999. [7] D. K. Jackson, T. T. Buffaloe, and S. B. Leeb, Fiat lu x: A fluorescent lamp dig ital transceiver, IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 34 , May/Jun. 1998. [8] S. Bjork, J. Falk, R. Hansson, and P.Ljungstrand, Pirates! Using the physical world as a game board, inProc. Interact, 2001. AUTHORS DETAILS: FIRST AUTHOUR:

Dr. S HAIK MEERAVALI, Professor and Head, Depart ment of Electronics and Co mmunicat ion Engg, RRS College of Engineering and Technology, Muthangi, Andhra Pradesh, India. SECOND AUTHOUR:

S. VENKATA S EKHAR, Post Graduate Student, Depart ment of Electronics and Communication Engg, RRS College of Engineering and Technology, Muthangi, Patancheru, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.

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