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Vision-Based Location Positioning Using Augmented Reality For Indoor Navigation

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954 IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 54, No.

3, AUGUST 2008

Vision-Based Location Positioning using Augmented Reality

for Indoor Navigation
JongBae Kim and HeeSung Jun

Abstract — In this paper, we propose a vision-based lifestyle enhancing results, and it is currently used in several
location positioning system using augmented reality technique applications [3]. AR is an effective means for utilizing and
for indoor navigation. The proposed system automatically exploiting the potential of computer-generated information.
recognizes a location from image sequences taken of indoor AR techniques are applied to systems for applications
environments, and it realizes augmented reality by seamlessly including monitoring, remote intelligence, military
overlaying the user’s view with location information. To applications, and location positioning [3-5]. More recently,
recognize a location, we pre-constructed an image database AR technology has been actively studied for indoor
and location model, which consists of locations and paths positioning applications. Indoor positioning systems currently
between locations, of an indoor environment. Location is use GPS-based [6-8], sensor-based [9, 10], and RFID-based
recognized by using prior knowledge about the layout of the systems [11-14] to establish user location. Among them GPS-
indoor environment. The image sequence is obtained by a based systems are the most common.
wearable mobile PC with camera, which transmits the images
In this paper, we propose a vision-based indoor location
to remote PCs for processing. The remote PCs perform
positioning system that uses the AR technique and does not
marker detection, image sequence matching, and location
recognition. The remote PCs transmit the recognized location require any additional devices. Our system employs the AR
information to the wearable mobile PC. The system provides technique to provide location information to persons
the ability to identify similar locations in the image database unfamiliar with the layout of an indoor environment. In
and display location-related information. Accurate and vision-based methods, locations in indoor environments can
efficient location positioning is achieved by using several be recognized by first characterizing each location with
vision-based techniques. The proposed system was tested in special identifiers. Alternatively, as with previously
an indoor environment and achieved an average location mentioned systems, location can be established using the
recognition success rate of 89%. The proposed system could signal strength of RF(radio frequency) bands of the IR echo
be applied to various consumer applications including the distance [15, 16]. The RFID-based system characterizes
door plate system, notice board system, shopping assistance location by measuring the strength of a signal received from
system, and bus service route guide system, among others1. an RF sensor attached to known locations. In our system,
however, specific locations are each identified by a marker and
Index Terms — Location positioning, Indoor navigation, with color information and prior knowledge. Here, each marker
Image sequence matching, Location model. has a black and white colored square with a characteristic
pattern. And topographical information of the indoor
I. INTRODUCTION environment is established from the prior knowledge of
Computers, from simple calculators to life-saving location, and it is represented in the location model by a
equipment, are ubiquitous in modern society. In many areas, hierarchical tree structure. Our system has several distinct
computers increase human efficiency and save time. Thus, advantages over all other location positioning systems. First, it
humans have come to expect rapid access to important is an economical solution because the marker that identifies
information through computers. The rapid development of each location is a simply printed on paper, and the mobile PC
computer technology has yielded the shrinking of computer and camera are general devices that can be implemented in
size and increasing of processing power. Such progress is well software. Second, although our system has inferior performance
realized by wearable computers [1-3]. Wearable computers than other systems such as the GPS or sensor-based location
are small, worn on the body during use, and intended to positioning systems, it is not limited by signal propagation and
provide information not directly detectable through human multiple reflections. To increase performance, it adapts via an
senses. Wearable computers that seamlessly overlay real-time adaptive thresholding method [3] to detect markers under
information regarding the human environment may contribute illumination changes, and it uses the location model to reduce
to a convenient and efficient human lifestyle. The augmented execution time during image sequence matching.
reality (AR) technique has been developed to achieve human The paper is structured as follows. Section Ⅱ describes
researches related to the location positioning in indoor
environments. In Section Ⅲ and Ⅳ, we present an overview
JongBae Kim is with the School of Computer Engineering, Seoul Digital and a detailed explanation of the proposed system. Section Ⅴ
University, Seoul, S. Korea.(e-mail:
HeeSung Jun is with the School of Computer Engineering and Information of this paper contains a discussion of our results. In Section Ⅵ,
Technology, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, S. Korea.(e-mail: we present the conclusions of this paper.

Manuscript received June 21, 2008 0098 3063/08/$20.00 © 2008 IEEE

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JB. Kim and HS. Jun: Vision-Based Location Positioning using Augmented Reality for Indoor Navigation 955

II. RELATED WORKS beacons. A single transmitter emits a magnetic signal to track
Indoor positioning systems provide location information of the position and orientation of numerous sensors. The location
indoor environments using various sensors. Previously error of these sensors is typically within a few meters.
developed systems are shown in Table I. As shown in Table 1, However, these techniques require extensive wiring, which
previous systems have recognized user location in indoor makes them prohibitively expensive and difficult to deploy.
environments with a sensor. These systems work by More importantly, these techniques only allow for room-scale
measuring the angle of signal arrival, the time difference of location, and are therefore not suitable for wide-scale
signal arrival or the signal strength of the sensor. However,
the performance of previous systems, including their accuracy
and efficiency, is highly dependent on the number of sensors C. RFID tag-based Location Positioning
and the structural characteristics of indoor environments. The RFID-based location positioning method uses the RF
Below is a brief description of some of the location tags and a reader with an antenna to identify user location.
positioning technologies that have emerged in the past few Tags are generally affixed to places or objects such as
years to aid in navigation. consumer equipment so that the objects can be located without
line of sight. Tags contain circuitry that gains power from
radio waves emitted by readers in their vicinity. Tags then use
System Technique Usability
this power to transmit their unique identifier to the reader. The
Smart Sight [17] GPS outdoor
detection range of these tags is approximately 4-6 meters.
Cricket [9] RF + Ultrasonic indoor Therefore, this technique offers room level precision. As
Active Badge [10] Infrared IR indoor result, the use of the RFID tag method requires a great
RADAR [11] RF indoor infrastructure in order to be highly precise and effective at
Drishti [18] GPS + Sensors outdoor, indoor location positioning. Additionally, the use of sensing
CyberGuide [19] GPS + Infrared IR outdoor, indoor equipment for indoor location positioning results in exorbitant
SHOSLIF [20] Vision indoor costs. Likewise, the installation of RFID sensors on ceiling
H. Aoki’s method [21] Vision indoor tiles or walls can be costly. Thus, there exists a need for a
location positioning system that overcomes the shortcomings
associated with current indoor positioning methods while still
A. GPS-based Location Positioning being economical. The development of such a method is
Major developments of location positioning systems have discussed herein.
been focused on enhancing positioning capability in open
outdoor environments. The most obvious way to determine III. OVERVIEW OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM
location information is to use GPS receivers, which can
determine their positions to within a few meters in outdoor A. System Design
environments. Therefore, the GPS-based location positioning Location positioning systems for indoor environments
systems are used for precise applications such as aircraft or should have minimal weight and consistent performance.
vehicle navigation systems. Unfortunately, GPS radio signals Therefore, our location positioning system comprises a mobile
have difficulty in penetrating building walls. Thus the relative tablet PC, wireless camera, Head Mounted Display (HMD),
distances between the reference points and the location device and desktop PCs with a wireless LAN interface. Fig. 1 shows
cannot be easily calculated. This difficulty arises because the a front and top view of a user using our system. The mobile
communication paths of the GPS radio signals are long and PC is used to input the destination and to display the location
not always empty. So, the GPS-based location positioning information and map. The HMD is used to annotate the
devices do not work well indoors, or in many outdoor areas, direction sign on the user’s view with location information.
because the satellite signals are not strong enough to penetrate The camera, which is mounted on the user’s cap, captures
building walls, dense vegetation, or other obstructive features. image sequences and transmits them to remote PCs via a
wireless LAN. The remote PCs estimate location information
from the received image sequences and transmit the result to
B. Sensor-based Location Positioning
the user’s mobile PC.
Sensors, IR, electromagnetic wave and other sensors have
been adapted for location positioning systems. Sonar or IR
sensors placed at fixed positions within a room-scale space B. Overview
receive sensor signals and, through software analysis, make A process diagram of our system is shown in Fig. 2. Given
the sightings available to services and applications. To operate an image sequence taken as input from a cap-mounted
effectively, sensors require the deployment of large arrays of wireless camera, the proposed system annotates the
hundreds to thousands of IR beacons on ceiling tiles. The recognized location information. Our system mainly consists
position and orientation of the IR sensor are estimated by of two parts: wearable units and remote PC units. The
sighting the relative angles and positions of the ceiling IR wearable units capture and display images. The remote PC

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956 IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 54, No. 3, AUGUST 2008

an asymmetric, black and white color square pattern is used.

Each marker is affixed to a specified position in an indoor
environment such as a wall, door, stairs, corridor, or wall
board plate. The markers come with the ARToolKit [22] and
ARTag [23].
It is generally difficult to detect the marker from an image
sequence. The image sequences obtained by the cap-mounted
camera have several artifacts, such as noise from digitization.
Moreover, the image sequence records the global motion of
the user. Due to such conditions, the marker detection process
must operate in real-time. To do this efficiently, the process
requires a method to reduce the extent of each image that must
be searched for a marker. Therefore, we adapted vision
techniques to a process that aids in marker detection. This
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the system process consists of image thresholding, labeling, contour
detecting, square checking, and pattern matching. First, the
units conduct four main processes: marker detection, image input images are turned in binary images using the
sequence matching, location recognition, and location thresholding method with a specified threshold value. Then,
annotation. Once the mark detection process identifies a square regions (candidate marker regions) are distinguished
potential marker in an image sequence, the remote PC units from each binary image by the labeling, contour detecting, and
output location information that corresponds to the predefined square checking processes. The marker detection process finds
marker patterns. Then, the image sequence matching process all the squares in each binary image. For each square region, a
outputs location information by analyzing both the features of pattern inside the square is scanned and compared to pre-
the input image sequences and the image sequences stored in trained pattern templates. As a result, location information is
the location dictionary. The results of the previous two detected by matching the detected pattern in a square region to
processes and the location model are used to pinpoint the a pre-registered pattern template that designates a specific
user’s current location. Finally, the location annotation location in an indoor environment.
process annotates the direction sign on the HMD with current The image thresholding step has to be performed before the
location information. steps above because it can distinguish the pixels of candidate
marker regions from whole pixels in an image. The
performance of the marker detection process depends highly
on the performance of the image thresholding step. Currently,
visual markers are widely used in several applications [24-26].
All these systems use a static thresholding method with a
fixed value for image thresholding. Therefore, the threshold
value of those systems has to be adjusted manually for optimal
thresholding. Because lighting conditions in real environments
vary often and quickly, the image thresholding step must be
adaptable to varying lighting conditions. In our system, the
adaptive thresholding method [28] for making the binary
image is applied during the image thresholding step. In this
method, the threshold value is automatically changed
Fig. 2. Processes diagram of the proposed system according to the lighting conditions.
Fig. 3(a) shows the original image and, Figs. 3(b)-(d) are
the binary images generated by the fixed and adaptive
IV. LOCATION POSITIONING IN INDOOR ENVIRONMENTS thresholding methods, respectively. As shown in Fig. 3, the
adaptive thresholding method under various lighting
A. Marker Detection conditions is performed more efficiently. To calculate the
This process detects a marker from an input image threshold value, adaptive thresholding is conducted every 64
sequence. The image sequence shows the indoor environment frames, as to allow for adaptation to rapidly changing lighting
in front of the user, e.g., doors, walls, or hallways. This conditions.
process primarily distinguishes the candidate marker and non- After this step, each pixel with a higher value than the
marker regions (e.g., background) in the image sequence and threshold value is labeled, the contour line is extracted from
detects real markers in the candidate marker regions. To the labeled pixel with a permitted size, and then square
characterize each location, a 20×30cm marker that consists of regions are selected from the contour regions with 4 vertices

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JB. Kim and HS. Jun: Vision-Based Location Positioning using Augmented Reality for Indoor Navigation 957

by the square checking. Each square region is regarded as a

candidate marker region, and if the pattern inside a candidate
marker region matches a pre-training pattern template, then
the marker is found to correspond to the pattern. As noted
above, this process outputs the detected location information
(location ID) in the image sequence.


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 3. Results of image thresholding using the fixed and adaptive

threshold value. (a) original image, results of threshold image using the
threshold values θ =70 (b), 150 (c), and 112 (d) (b)

Fig. 4. PCA (a) and LDA (b) distribution of the first-two features of each
B. Image Sequence Matching
This process estimates user location by analyzing features must be used to characterize each location for
between features of the input and pre-stored image matching. Although they are obtained at consistent
sequences. The location dictionary is constructed from the locations, image sequences may differ widely since they
video sequence captured by a user walking in an indoor are acquired from different camera viewpoints. Therefore,
environment. The video sequence used for the location to operate effectively, the image sequence matching
dictionary was recorded over a period of 30 minutes at 12 process must be able to characterize whole frames of an
frames per second. The video sequence was then sub- image sequence with features of the image. However,
sampled to 8 frames per second to create the location more features do not necessarily result in more accurate
dictionary. Subsequently, the user annotated the sub- location recognition. Instead, each feature must have
sampled frame number and location ID at each location strong location discrimination power [20, 27].
where he stepped into a new area. At each of these Color, as a component of visual context, is an important
locations, features of the sub-sampled frame were source of information for image matching. Therefore, many
calculated and stored in the location dictionary. Each researchers have used color information to match images.
location in the dictionary is represented by a bundle of 64 H. Aoki used a hue histogram with 32-bins to match frames
frames. Therefore, this process compares every 64 frames [21]. However, the use of a hue histogram to match features
of the input image sequence to the 8 frame bundle has several limitations. When large variation exists between
representing each location in the location dictionary. frames, prominent hue features and the global contrast
After constructing the location dictionary, features of regions may not be stable. In response to this deficiency,
input image sequence are calculated and matched to the proposed method identifies features as the variation of
features in the location dictionary. When the input image color information between frames in an image sequence.
sequence is adequately similar to the pre-stored image However, the dimensionality and number of image
sequence in the location dictionary, the image sequence sequences is large. Thus, a dimension reduction method is
matching process shows the location information. The applied in real-time in our system. Linear Discriminant
recognition task is difficult because indoor areas are often Analysis (LDA) is used to effectively reduce the dimension
of that includes similar features such as hallways, rooms, of the image feature space and to successfully discriminate
and lobbies, often have similar features. Therefore, each location [27].

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958 IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 54, No. 3, AUGUST 2008

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is generally used DXY n

( ) used to calculate the similarity is shown as
to reduce the feature dimension. But, PCA extracts the
most expressive features in an image due to their having
the most significant variation in the feature distribution. ⎡d ( x1 , y1n ) d ( x2 , y1n ) L d ( xi , y1n )⎤
⎢ ⎥
Fig. 4 shows the PCA and LDA distributions of the first– d (x , yn ) O M
DXY n =⎢ 1 2 ⎥
two features of 10 frames at each location (total 7 ⎢ M M ⎥
locations). Fig 4(a) shows the PCA features to be ⎢ n n n ⎥
⎢⎣d ( x1 , yi ) d ( x2 , yi ) L d ( xi , yi )⎥⎦ (2)
scattered, and the features of different locations are
mixed. However, the features identified by LDA are
grouped, and the features of different locations are not DXY n
The distance matrix ( ) has the value of the minimum
nearly as mixed as those identified by PCA. Therefore, to n
discern the location, this process applies the Euclidian sum of elements between the d ( x1 , y1 ) element and the
distance function of the LAD features. d ( xi , yin ) element. H. Aoki’s employed the same method [21].
The color information obtained by a camera is influenced Two example distance matrices are shown as Eq. (3).
by many factors (ambient light, object movement, etc.). The
color information of two images taken under the same lighting ⎡ 8 2 12 4 ⎤
⎡ 3 8 12 4 ⎤
conditions may be significantly different. Also, the color ⎢ 7 2 1 9⎥, ⎢18 2 9 22⎥ (3)
space is sensitive to illumination color changes. One way to DXY 1 =⎢ ⎥ D 2 =⎢ ⎥
⎢ 3 9 16 15⎥ XY
⎢ 4 10 7 15 ⎥
increase resilience to changes in lighting intensity is through ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
the use of chromaticity features. Therefore, the image ⎣20 16 21 0 ⎦ ⎣20 2 35 0 ⎦
sequence matching process transforms the input RGB space
into an HSI space, and the first-five LDA features are To find location, the shortest path set and minimum sum of
extracted from the hue space. To determine the current the path are calculated from (1,1) element to (4,4) element in
location from the input image sequence, it is most simple to each matrix. In Eq. (3), the shortest path sets of each of the
measure the Euclidean distance between features. Therefore, distance matrixes are (1,1)-(2,2)-(2,3)-(2,4)-(3,4)-(4,4) and
this process calculates the similarity between feature vectors (1,1)-(2,2)-(3,3)-(4,4), and the minimum sums are 30 and 17.
( xi ) of the input image sequence (X) and feature vectors ( y i ) In this case, the test image sequence is similar to the 2nd
location in the location dictionary because the path and the
of the image sequences ( Y n ) in the location dictionary with
sum of the distance matrix are short and minimal. After the
nth locations. The similarity calculation process is shown in
distance matrix between features is calculated, function f()
Fig. 5.
outputs the location ID from the location dictionary that is
most similar to the input image sequence (Eq. (4)).

S = min f (D XY n ) (4)

In Eq. (4), n represents the sets of moveable locations

connected to the previous recognized location. The sets of
moveable locations are determined by the location model.
Therefore, this process does not have to match all of the whole
image sequences from the location dictionary.
Fig. 5. Similarity calculation process for image sequence matching
C. Location Recognition
The location recognition process recognizes the current
In this figure, the first-five LDA feature vectors of the input
location using the results of the marker detection and image
image sequence and the image sequences in the location
sequence matching process and the location model. The
dictionary are noted as
location model presented in Fig. 6 was designed for an office
at our university. Several of the locations that are shown in
xi = yi = {LDAk }, k = 1,...,5
(1) Fig. 6(b) are in indoor environments. The lines in the figure
X = {xi }, i = 1,...,64 represent potential paths of a user. It is assumed that
Y n = { yin }, i = 1,...,64, n = the sets of moveable locations movement between nodes that do not have lines is not
impossible. The location model is represented by an array of
For matching, the Euclidean distance between two feature locations. Each node is connected to every node by the
2 potential paths of the user. Therefore, the location model can
d ( xi , yin ) = xi − yin
vectors is calculated as . The distance matrix be easily constructed and efficiently modified by an operator.

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JB. Kim and HS. Jun: Vision-Based Location Positioning using Augmented Reality for Indoor Navigation 959

In our case, location models were made for every building image sequence matching processes. However, if the
at our university. The location model for a specific building is moveable locations do not include one of the results of the
selected by inputting the destination of a user. By using the two processes, then the location recognition process outputs
location model, the range of image sequences searched for in the previous recognized location.
the location dictionary is narrower, which allows for low In the third case, if only one of the previous two processes
matching error. has a result, and if the moveable locations include the result, it
the location is determined. However, if the moveable locations
do not include the result, then the location recognition process
outputs the previous recognized location. The location
recognition process is performed as detailed in Table Ⅱ .

D. Location Annotation
The location annotation process annotates the location
information on the user’s view. To annotate the location
information on the user’s view in a seamless manner, we used
the OpenGL graphics library. Location information is
provided using virtual 3D direction sign graphics and text
such as “go straight”, “turn left” and “turn-right”. The location
information is received by the remote units, and the location
information is annotated by the wearable unit. The wearable
unit annotates the 3D direction sign on the top-left position of
the user’s view. The user can see the 3D sign on the input
(b) image sequence through the HMD. The distance to the
destination, according to the office layout, is also displayed
Fig. 6. Layout of the (a) laboratory area and (b) location model
through the HMD.
Three potential location recognition output scenarios must
be considered. The first is in the case where the results
between the marker detection process and the image sequence In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed system,
matching process are outputted. The second is the case where an experiment was performed using indoor image sequences
the difference between results is outputted. The third is the acquired by the cap-mounted camera. Images were captured at
case where only the result of the image sequence matching a rate of 8 frames per second and were digitized to a size of
process is outputted. 320×240 pixels. The experiments were performed with a
To determine the current location in the first case, the Pentium Mobile 1.8GHz tablet PC with Windows XP, a
location recognition process constantly checks the moveable wireless camera, desktop PCs (P-3.2GHz, 2GB RAM), HMD,
locations connected to the previous recognized location. The and the algorithm was implemented using a MS Visual C++
process moves to the next location when the result is found to development tool. Fig. 7 shows the interface and system setup
be one of the moveable locations. of the proposed system. The top-left side of the interface
The current location is determined in the second case if the shows the input image overlaid with a direction sign, the
moveable locations connected to the previous recognized bottom-left side shows the office map overlaid with the user’s
location include one of the results of the marker detection or current location, and the right side consists of buttons to set
the departure and destination locations, as well as text boxes
that display the recognized location. This interface is
a –- the result of marker detection process
displayed on the mobile PC, and the HMD displays the top-
b –- the result of image sequence matching process left image of the interface.
pl –- the previous recognized location in the location model
{cl} –- the set of the moveable locations connected to the pl in the locati
on model
⎧a ∈ {cl}, output a
-if a=b ⎨
⎩a ∉ {cl}, output pl
⎧a, b ∈ {cl}, output a location shortest distance
⎪a ∈ {cl} ∩ b ∉ {cl}, from pl

-if a≠ b ⎨ output a
⎪a ∉ {cl} ∩ b ∈ {cl}, output b
⎪⎩a, b ∉ {cl},
output pl
(a) (b)
⎧b ∈ {cl}, output b
-if only output b ⎨
⎩b ∉ {cl}, output pl Fig. 7. Interface (a) and system setup (b) of the proposed system

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960 IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 54, No. 3, AUGUST 2008

A. Evaluation of the Marker Detection appearance of frame. The 32-bin histograms are calculated
The marker detection process is applied to every frame of and recorded for every frame. The FPR is the proportion of
the input image sequence. To show the robustness of the negative instances that were erroneously reported as positive.
marker detection process, we performed the detection process The FNR is the proportion of positive instances that were
for a total 53 locations on image sequences captured at day erroneously reported as negative. The optimal case is when
and night. We followed Eq. (5) to test the performance of the values of the FPR and FNR are set to zero. For this test, one
location detection system. video sequence with 64 frames per location was stored in the
location dictionary, 10 test image sequences per location were
1 n ⎛c ⎞
R = × ∑ ⎜⎜ i × 100 ⎟⎟ (5) obtained, the number of locations was 53, and the best result
n i =1 ⎝ Ti ⎠ was obtained when the Euclidean distance between features
Here, n is the number of locations included in the captured was at a minimum. Because the test sequences were obtained
image sequence, T i is the number of frames that show the ith during 24 second intervals, the test image sequences had a
total of 192 frames per location. The measures of the FPR and
location in the image sequence, and C i is the number of times FNR are shown by Eq. (6), where # represents the number of
that the ith is recognized by the system. The robustness of the each component.
marker detection process was tested with a motion blur
sensitivity test. In our system, the movement of the camera # false positive # false positive
FPR = =
follows the user’s view. A blurry image, which may decrease # location × # test image sequence 53 × 10 (6)
the success rate of marker detection, may result from a user’s # false nagative # false nagative
quick movement. The robustness of our marker detection FNR = =
# location × # test image sequence 53 × 10
process under increasing motion blur is shown in Table Ⅲ . Table Ⅳ shows the FPR and FNR results obtained using
For this test, the term “ground-truth marker” is used to denote several features for image sequence matching. As shown in
the ground-truth bounding square marked around a region of
each marker. For the test, the images were blurred in one Table Ⅳ, LDA is suitable for image sequence matching, and
direction (the camera is moving from the left to right) using a the performance of image sequence matching is higher than
9×9 motion blur filter. The fixed threshold value was set to PCA.
100. The marker detection success rate gradually decreased
with increasing blurriness. Still, the detection success rate was TABLE Ⅳ
maintained at over 92% using the adaptive threshold method. THE RESULTS OF THE FPR AND FNR USING SEVERAL FEATURES FOR
TABLE Ⅲ FPR / #false positive FNR / #false negative
Color histogram with 32-bin 0.200 / 106 0.115 / 61
METHODS Hue histogram with 32-bin 0.136 / 72 0.075 / 40
Image sequence (286 frames) PCA first-two features 0.092 / 49 0.030 / 16
Blurring factor 4 6 8 10 12 14 LDA first-two features 0.045 / 24 0.017 / 9
with FT(=100) 87.3 82.6 73.9 68.9 63.9 57.2
with AT 93.7 92.3 92.0 81.6 75.1 60.8
C. Evaluation of the Location Recognition with the Location
B. Evaluation of the Image Sequence Matching Process
The location recognition process could be evaluated by
The image sequence matching process analyzes the comparing the measured positions after they were calibrated with
difference between features of the input image sequence and the content of the location dictionary. For this evaluation, we
features of the location dictionary. The process uses LDA assume that the user walked in the middle of corridors and
features to match features from both image sequences. As followed the nodes of the location model. Fig. 8 shows the
mentioned, LDA performs dimensionality reduction while location recognition results obtained using the fixed and adaptive
preserving as much of the class discriminatory information as thresholding methods with the location model. As previously
possible. To evaluate the image sequence matching process, mentioned, location recognition was performed with a better
we measure the false positive rate (FPR) and false negative success rate by using the adaptive thresholding method instead of
rate (FNR) using the PCA and LDA features and color and the fixed thresholding method. Two measures were used to
hue histograms as features for the image sequence matching evaluate the accuracy of location recognition: average probability
process. The PCA and LDA features are used in the first-two and average execution time. Table Ⅴ shows the results of the
features. Color and hue histograms are the most widely used location recognition accuracy assessment. Daytime- and
for color feature representations [21]. The histogram nighttime-captured image sequences were used for this test. As
information is partially reliable for matching purposes even in shown in Table Ⅴ , the rate of incorrect recognition and
the presence of small variations in the frame’s visual execution time were decreased by using the location model.

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100 Fix thresholding applications, such as the door plate system, notice board
Adaptive thresholding system, shopping assistance system, and bus service route
Recognition rate(%)
guide system. The main purpose of our system is to insert
computer-generated graphical content into a real scene in real-
time. Such a system could be beneficial for shopping, for
example, as it would be possible to check prices of goods with
out spending time visiting shops and walking around every
1 2
single aisls. This is beneficial for both consumers and shop
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 owners because less time and money must be devoted to
Location ID investigating and advertising which products are carried. The
processed system could be applied in a shopping environment
100 Fix thresholding by putting a marker on each product in a store.
Adaptive thresholding
Recognition rate(%)



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Location ID


Fig. 8. Location recognition results obtained using the fixed and adaptive
thresholding methods with the location model, recognition results of (a)
daytime- and (b) nighttime-captured image sequences

Fig. 9 shows typical indoor navigation situations: passing Fig. 9. Results of indoor location positioning
through a corridor, moving to another floor using an elevator
and going up or downstairs. The system was found to have an The proposed system could also be beneficial as a bus
average recognition rate of 89%, and the average execution service route guide. At each bus stop, the system user could
time for location recognition was 2.3 sec. Incorrect location see all of the destinations on each bus route at the bus stop.
recognition occurred in corridor locations connected to an The proposed system could inform the user of the proper bus
outside environment because of rapid changes in illumination. route and number to reach a specified destination. Generally,
The proposed system can be applied to various consumer due to space limitations, bus service route tables shown at bus
stops only show the destinations of each bus line. Visitors
unfamiliar with a city may not know the destinations well
enough to select a bus line. However, with the proposed
system, the user would only have to input the final destination
DAYTIME-CAPTURED IMAGE SEQUENCE and the bus service route and bus number would be annotated
Average recognition rate (%) and processing time (sec.)
on the user’s view. To be employed in an economical manner,
Location ID our system could be installed at each bus stop. Transit
Non-using time Using time
authorities would also save money due to not having to reprint
1 85.1 0.31 87 0.19 maps when bus routes are modified. Various examples of
2 87 0.30 91 0.21 consumer applications of our system are shown in Fig. 10. To
3 78 0.35 84.3 0.21
characterize each appliance, a 9×9cm marker is used. Fig. 10
(a) shows the price along with the publication company and
4 85.8 0.29 87.5 0.19
the author of a book. And, Fig. 10(b) shows the price,
5 92 0.29 92.1 0.16 manufacturer and data about a manufacture of an electric
6 92 0.27 96.6 0.15 heater.
7 91.5 0.31 90.4 0.16
8 89.7 0.30 90 0.20
A vision-based location positioning system that uses the
9 84 0.29 85.7 0.19
augmented reality technique for indoor navigation has been
10 90 0.27 92.5 0.16 proposed herein. This system automatically recognizes a
total 87.5 0.29 89.7 0.18 location from image sequences taken of indoor environments.

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