What Is Origamic Architecture
What Is Origamic Architecture
What Is Origamic Architecture
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our faculty, Ms. Anuradha and Ms. Vibhavari for the valuable support and guidance they provided us. Without their support and guidance, this project would not have been successful.
This is to certify that Eesha Chaturvedi and Ritika Pahwa students of second semester of study at the department of Apparel Manufacturing and Information Technology at National Institute of Fashion Technology have successfully completed this project on pop ups under my supervision and guidance.
Ms. Anuradha
Origamic Architecture (also known as origami architecture) is a papercraft form which combines the careful folding of origami, the detailed cutting of scherenschnitte, and the precise paper engineering of pop-ups. Unlike traditional pop-ups, these paper models are usually cut and folded from one sheet of paper. They can be folded flat for storage or mailing in conventional envelopes, but when they're unfolded ... magic happens as each card pops up into an amazing and delightful 3-dimensional structure. Some models are meant to be viewed open at a 180 or 360 angle and, a few, at 0 (these are actually overlapping collages), but most origami architecture cards are designed to be displayed open at a 90 angle. The original concept for origami architecture was developed in 1981 by Masahiro Chatani, a professor of architecture at the prestigious Tokyo Institute of Technology. Many of his designs reflect his expertise in architecture, however, a background in architecture is not needed to enjoy this paper craft.
Folding Types
There are three different types of folding: 90 degree, 180 degree and 360 degree. 90 degree is made with one sheet, there is no pasting. It's pure and difficult to create but not to execute. 180 and 360 degree are more spectacular but involve pasting and cutting. 0 degree models are not folded but have overlapping pieces of paper. This is an uncommon type of origamic architecture. 90 degree models are the most common type of origamic architecture. In 90 degree models, there is no pasting. Another common type of origamic architecture is the 180 degree model. This involves a lot of pasting.
360 degree origamic architecture is uncommon. In these models, the forms can be stretched 360 degrees.
In addition to the card folding, there are two types of folds to create the actual design. Theses are the mountain folds and valley folds. Mountain Folds involve folding the paper outwards, while valley folds involve just the opposite, which is folding inwards. A large variety of interesting effects can be achieved by combining the two types of folds with cuttings at various places. To fold a card neatly and accurately, put both hands on both sides of the sheet and fold carefully to make the ridges and valleys exactly as instructed, starting with the finely parts in the center of the pattern. The card should take form. Lastly, fold it entirely and press. To fold the very fine parts of the card, use a pair of tweezers. To press cleanly, put a paper sheet on the card to protect it, and use the edge of a ruler.
There was also the eye appeal of the Pop-Ups which had to be taken care of, and this led to the aspect of use of various colors and textures in the pop-ups. All these processes were equally time taking, and on paper while writing about them, they may appear to be a meager task, but the actual execution of these steps took a lot of time and energy.
This was the general preparatory exploration done before actually starting the work on the pop-ups. As we started the work on our designs, a new aspect of making these popups faced us- a design that would be attractive as well as possible for us to draft, cut and raise. The detailed processes involved in making each of the three pop-ups are given below to explain how exactly we went about making the three pop-ups, but first an account of the materials used, and why were they used is given.
`The materials used in making these pop-ups are White Ivory Sheets Soft Colored Chart Paper Black Chart Paper as a background for one of the Pop-Up Pencil- for drafting. Eraser Paper Cutter A4 sheets for rough work and practice.
There has been a lot of variation in the material used for the pop-ups. The first one is made of a thick variety of chart sheet, the second one is of pure white ivory sheet, and the third one involves the use of a white ivory sheet with a black chart paper background.
All the papers used in this assignment were plain, and not textured, as we wanted the emphasis to be on the actual Pop-Ups. For cutting, a paper cutter was the best tool we could use, as it would lead to a neat finish.
The first pop-up was made in the first attempt at cutting and drafting.
Being the first actual fair design made, on completion of the pop-up, and seeing it pop out of the paper was an extremely satisfying and good experience.
The final pop-up was arrived at the second attempt, as in the first attempt, the sheet used did not give the desired effect and was too slinky, and fragile.
Not getting the desired result in the first attempt was disheartening, but the final product and the look it offered was much better, so it was compensated in the end.
The material used is white ivory sheet, with black chart paper for the background.
The pop-up required two attempts for figuring out the drafting, and the draft could be worked upon successfully in the third attempt, due to problems in transferring the draft to the working sheet.
The Pagoda
Knowing that the design was a tough one, we were prepared for the hardships. The multiple attempts at drafting were frustrating, but on seeing the nd result, we felt that all our efforts were fruitful.