p.31 Flower-Pattern Clock: Enlarge To 180%
p.31 Flower-Pattern Clock: Enlarge To 180%
p.31 Flower-Pattern Clock: Enlarge To 180%
31 Flower-pattern clock
Enlarge to
How To Make A Clock
Materials for the clock a… Long hand Materials for the paper cutout b… Cardboard
c d b… Short hand A circle of card 27 cm in diameter
a b
b for the middle layer. Make a hole
a c... Second hand at the centre.
d… Movement c… Mounting (back)
d c
h mechanism A circle 26 cm in diameter in the
g e... Ring nut same paper as the front mounting.
e Make a hole at the centre.
f... Hexagonal nut a... Mounting (front)
* Commercially available clock
d… Clock Cutout
parts. You can buy them individ- g... Rubber seal Here I’ve used scissors to make
ually, but I’d recommend that you Here I’ve glued some purple paper
(Accessory) 1-cm slits at 1-cm intervals around
look for them sold as a set.
h... Dry battery the edge of a circle 29 cm in to the back of the flower and
d i a m e te r to c re a te a f l a p fo r made a hole in the centre of the
pasting. Make a hole at the centre. cutout.
1 2 3 4
Assemble The Mounting Glue Together The Mounting When Stuck Apply The Glue
Lay the cardboard over the Add paper glue to the Now glue around the edge
front mounting, aligning the cardboard and fold in the Stick the pasting flap on of the stuck-down pasting
centres. pasting flap to stick the two section by section until you f l a p to a t t a c h t h e b a c k
pieces together. complete the circle. mounting.
5 6 7 8
Attach The Back Mounting Apply Glue To The Paper Assemble The Clock Attach The Metal Fixtures
Stick on the back When the glue on the face has Place the ring nut and then the
mountinag, aligning the Apply glue to the back of dried, place the rubber seal hexagonal nut onto the shaft
position of the centre holes. the paper cutout. Dot the on the movement mechanism and secure the face tightly
glue on section by section and pass the shaft through with the hexagonal nut.
over the whole area. the hole in the face.
9 10
Add The Needles Check For Bending Place the clock upright on An Arrangement
the wall and you’re done.
Add first the short hand, Look at the clock hands Using a strong Japanese
then the long hand, and from the direct horizontal to paper 15 monme (approx.
then the second hand to the check that they’re parallel, 56 gsm) thick for the paper
mechanism. and make any adjustments. cutout will allow you to
put the clock up without a