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Ademco Alarm Output Codes

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Appendix E

Alarm Output Codes Produced by the MultiNet receiver Alarm Output Overview:
For many events that occur in the MultiNet system, alarm messages are created and communicated to an automation system. Communicators (Subscribers) in the MultiNet system, IP-Links (RF Receivers) and the MultiNet Receiver (Server) generate these events. This appendix is a list and description of those messages. The MultiNet Receiver supports two different alarm output formats. The output formats available are the AES Ademco 685 compatible format, and the AES Radionics 6500 compatible format. The communication parameters of the MultiNet Receiver can be configured to most available standards. Current suggested and new default parameters are 9600 BPS, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit, Software ACK/NAK and will use DSR/DTR connection hardware handshaking. The previous default parameters were 1200, 7, Odd, 2. The communication parameters for Alarm Automation are programmed during the creation or editing of a Business Unit. In our emulated Ademco 685-output format, the raw signals received from a subscriber are translated into an appropriate Ademco 685 formatted message. IntelliTap messages are passed through as received only changing the receiver number and line card as discussed in this section. In Radionics 6500-output format the signals received from a subscriber are translated into an appropriate Radionics 6500 message. This format attempts to translate Ademco Contact ID (CID) codes passed through an IntelliTap, to an appropriate Radionics 6500 message. Be advised, Radionics output emulation is not supported at this time.

AES Ademco 685 compatible output format:

This mode will provide output using 3 line cards; line card 1 is for AES subscriber, IPLink and receiver messages, line card 3 is for Contact ID messages received through IntelliTap, and line card 4 is for 4+2 messages received through IntelliTap. Line Card # 1 AES signals from Subscribers and Receivers. Signal format: <LF>RLsACCTs18sQEEEsGGsCNNNs<CR> Key to codes used in signal format above:
<LF> R L ACCT 18 Q EEE GG C NNN s <CR> = Line feed code. = Receiver number, user programmable. Between 1 - 9 and A - F. Receiver numbers are tied to and identify the Business Unit. = Line card number, Line card is selected by software. 1 - 4 = Unique four digit Receiver, IP-Link or subscriber ID. = 18 for AES signals. As received for others. .18 means CID format follows. = Event qualifier, will be an E for new Event, R for Restore of event or a P for a Prior event not restored to normal, during a Status or Check-In = Event code (See Event Codes on following pages) = 00 for AES signals. As received for IntelliTap. Group or partition = C for AES signals. As received for others. U = user. = Zone/contact ID, Status or Fault code = Single <Blank space> = Carriage return code.


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Event Code 110 130 200 300 General Alarm Enclosure Tamper System Trouble

Universal Description Fire Burglary Fire Supervisory System Trouble

Event Code Usage for Ademco 685 Output Emulation AES Suggested Description Notes and clarification Fire Alarm from Subscriber Zone designated for Fire Burglary Alarm from Subscriber Zone designated for Burglary Supervisory Alarm from Subscriber Zone designated for Fire Supervisory System Trouble Fire Trouble from Subscriber Zone designated for Fire Trouble

140 145 300

Alarm Expansion module tamper System Trouble

301 302 305

AC Loss Low system battery System reset


Self Test Failure

AC Trouble Low Battery System Reset Diagnostic Fault

309 Battery test failure Charger Voltage low Notes on Event Code usage: Universal Description is likely the default wording in automation for Ademco 685 Event codes AES Suggested Description more closely describes our use of the Event Code. If possible, editing the default Event Code descriptions to Suggested Description, in your automation for the AES receiver will produce a clearer description for users. These event codes are for use with the 7750-F series, 7744 and 7788 Subscribers when Zone usage is selected in the Zone Programming Menu for the Subscriber. They are selected on a Subscriber-by-Subscriber basis for each ID (Account). The default event code if no specific usage is available or selected will be 140. This means a Subscribers zone one alarm, if no usage is selected will be E140 C001. If Fire is selected, it becomes an E110 C001. If Burglary is selected, it becomes an E130 C001. (Zone/contact) Is programmed at the ID or Account level. Using a template for the Zone/contact codes listed here should simplify adding new subscriber accounts into the alarm automation system. There are no individual restore messages for code 801-809 Faults. A restored Fault is reported by reporting all prior faults with the restored Fault excluded from the list. Example: If an AC Fault and Low Battery exist, and a report comes in with only the Prior low battery, AC has restored. R800 00 C800 is reported when all faults have restored or in response to a Status request when no Faults exist.

from Subscriber (Input Off-Normal when none of above enabled) 7170 IP-Link Transceiver tamper Zone/contact = 906 MultiNet Receiver LCD offline Zone/contact = 902 MultiNet Receiver LED offline Zone/contact = 903 AC input failure IP-Link Zone/contact = 912 IP-Link low battery condition Zone/contact = 911 Watchdog or Pushbutton Reset Zone/contact = 901 Power-on Reset Zone/contact = 902 (Zone/contact = Fault Code, See +2 pgs for codes 801-809) (R307 with Zone 800 = Restoral of ALL Prior Faults ) IP-Link Charger Voltage low Zone/contact = 910


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Event Code 336 350 351 353 354

Universal Description Local printer failure Communications trouble Telco 1 Fault Long range radio xmitter fault Failure to communicate event

AES Suggested Description Printer off-line RF Interference Telco Fault Multiple IP-Links same ID Com Trouble IP-Link RF Ping Failure Acknowledge Delay Zone Trouble Supervisory Check-In Notes and clarification MultiNet Receiver, Zone/contact = 904 IP-Link Carrier Detect > 20 seconds, Zone/contact = 906 IntelliTap detected phone line cut, Zone/contact = 905 Zone/contact = 906 TCP/IP Supervision Failure, Zone/contact = 906 MultiNet Modem Failure, Zone/contact = 907 IP-Link Modem Failure, Zone/contact = 908 Subscribers NetCon is 6 or 7, Zone/contact = 915 Unit failed to Check-In, Zone/contact = 906, Generated by Receiver on failure to receive message within specified period Zone/contact = 906 Communication timeout, Zone/contact = 903 (Zone/contact ID = 001 to 008) 7744F/88F Battery Charger Trouble, Zone/contact ID = 009 7744F/88F Ground Fault, Zone/contact ID = 010

355 356 370

Loss of Radio Supervision Loss of central polling Protection Loop

602 Periodic test report Notes: on previous page Several new trouble messages reported by Subscribers use zone trouble to report the fault. This was done for backward compatibility to use an existing packet type rather than create a new code for an existing packet type. Examples: The AES 7744F and 7788F report charger fail as a Zone 009 Trouble E370 00 C009 The AES 7744F and 7788F report Ground Fault as a Zone 010 Trouble E370 00 C010

These are only generated when the MultiNet Receiver is configured to Supervise Check-In messages. This is configured on a Subscriber-by-Subscriber basis through IPCtrl under Programming / Automatic Supervision.


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Zone, Fault, Status and Trouble Code Usage (Zone information): AES Subscribers: 001-008 Subscriber Zone inputs usage will be installation specific, standardization allows use of templates 009 = Battery Charger Trouble 7744F or 7788F with Event Code E370 010 = Ground Fault 7744F or 7788F with Event Code E370 800 = No Faults, Unit OK or Restoral of all Prior Faults. 801 = Low Battery Voltage less than 11.0V 802 = RAM Data error or RAM corrupted Zone activation will not be reported (Sub. V1.71 &+). Reprogram Unit 803 = EEPROM corrupted or not present 7050-E Family U11 RAM Chip Internal Battery Bad 7050 Family 804 = A to D Converter Faulted 7050-E Family , Zone activation will not be reported (Sub. V1.71 &+). External Device failed 7050 Family 805 = Modem Chip Failed or missing U9 in 7050 Family 806 = Timing Error between CPU and Modem 807 = Ram Chip Read/Write test Failure U11 in 7050 Family 808 = Modem Loop back Failed U9 in 7050 Family 809 = AC Fail DC voltage supplied by AC has dropped below 12V, 7050-E Family 901 = Watchdog, Remote or Pushbutton Reset 902 = Power-on Reset 903 = Acknowledge Delay with Event Code E356 905 = IntelliTap detected phone line cut with Event Code E351 906 = Unit failed to Check-In, Generated by MultiNet Receiver on failure to receive message within specified period ( previous page) 915 = NetCon > 5, MultiNet Receiver detected Subscribers NetCon reported as > 5 (6 or 7) with Event Code E354

7050-E Family includes but is not limited to the following AES Subscriber models: 7050-E, 7750-F-4x4, 7750-F-8, 7744F, 7788F, 7450-XL

7050 Family includes but is not limited to the following AES Subscriber models: 7050, 7050-DLR, 7750-UL, 7050-FA


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Zone, Fault, Status and Trouble Code Usage (Zone information): IP-Links: 906 = Refer to Event code Description E145 Enclosure Tamper E350 RF Interference, CD > 20 Sec. E353 Multiple IP-Links with same ID E354 TCP/IP Supervision Failure E355 RF Ping Failure 908 = Modem Failure with Event Code E354 910 = Charger Voltage Low with Event Code E309 911 = Low Battery with Event Code E302 912 = AC input failure with Event Code E301

Zone, Fault, Status and Trouble Code Usage (Zone information): MultiNet Receiver: 902 = LCD offline - Loss of communication with LCD board 903 = LED offline - Loss of communication with LED board 904 = Printer offline 906 = TCP/IP Supervision Failure with Event Code E354 907 = Modem Failure with Event Code E354


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Example Message Strings R1 ACCT 18 E602 00 C000 R1 ACCT 18 E140 00 C0nn R1 ACCT 18 P140 00 C0nn

R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1

R1 R1 R1


R1 R1 R1 R1 R1


Description of Event Produced by an AES Subscribers Subscriber Automatic Supervisory Check-In. Zone/contact ID = 000 Alarm Signal or Subscribers input went off normal. nn replaced with Zone Number Prior Alarm. Subscribers Input still active. nn replaced with Zone Number Reported during Status or Automatic Supervisory Check-In ACCT 18 R140 00 C0nn Alarm Restoral or input returned to normal. nn replaced with Zone Number restored ACCT 18 E305 00 C901 Subscriber Watchdog, or Push-button Reset. Zone/contact ID = 901 ACCT 18 E305 00 C902 Subscriber Power-On Reset. Zone/contact ID = 902 ACCT 18 E307 00 C8nn Diagnostic Fault. Zone/contact ID = Fault Code. See Fault code list on Prior page. ACCT 18 R307 00 C800 No Faults, Unit OK or Restoral of all Prior Faults. Zone/contact ID = 800 ACCT 18 P307 00 C8nn Prior Diagnostic Fault still active. Reported during Check-In. Zone/contact ID = Fault Code. See Fault code list on Prior page. ACCT 18 E351 00 C905 IntelliTap phone line cut. Zone/contact ID = 905 ACCT 18 R351 00 C905 Restoral of IntelliTap phone line cut. Zone/contact ID = 905 ACCT 18 E354 00 C906 Com Trouble Unit or Subscriber Failed to Check-In. Zone/contact ID = 906 Generated by MultiNet Receiver on failure to receive test message within specified time frame. ACCT 18 E354 00 C915 Com Trouble Subscriber NetCon is 6 or 7. Zone/contact ID = 915 Generated by MultiNet Receiver when a 7744 or 7788 reports a NetCon of 6 or 7 in a packet. ACCT 18 R354 00 C906 Com Trouble Restoral Subscriber back on Line. Zone/contact ID = 906 ACCT 18 R354 00 C915 Com Trouble Restoral Subscriber NetCon is 5 or lower. Zone/contact ID = 915 ACCT 18 E356 00 C903 Acknowledge Delay or Communication time-out. Zone/contact ID = 903 ACCT 18 E370 00 C0nn Zone Trouble. Zone/contact ID = Zone Number ACCT 18 P370 00 C0nn Zone Trouble still active. Zone/contact ID = Zone Number Reported during Status Request or Automatic Supervisory Check-In ACCT 18 R370 00 C0nn Zone Trouble Restoral. Zone/contact ID = Zone Number Note that this is a restore signal and may not cause an alert. Look in log files. Due to a code bug the line card used for this message may be 3 instead of 1.

REC# = MultiNet Receiver ID IPL# = IP-Link ID n or nn = variable number, rang as specified Page 108 Rev 4.2d July 16, 2009

ACCT = Subscriber ID


Example Message Strings R1 IPL# 18 E145 00 R1 IPL# 18 R145 00 R1 REC# 18 E300 00 R1 REC# 18 E300 00 R1 IPL# 18 E301 00 R1 IPL# 18 E302 00 R1 IPL# 18 E307 00 R1 REC# 18 E354 00 R1 IPL# 18 E309 00 R1 IPL# 18 R309 00 R1 REC# 18 E336 00 R1 IPL# 18 E350 00 R1 IPL# 18 E353 00 R1 IPL# 18 E354 00 R1 REC# 18 E354 00 R1 IPL# 18 E354 00 R1 REC# 18 E354 00 R1 IPL# 18 E354 00 R1 IPL# 18 E355 00 C906 C906 C902 C903 C912 C911 C80n C907 C910 C910 C904 C906 C906 C905 C906 C907 C907 C908 C906

Description of Event Produced by a MultiNet Receiver or IP-Link Transceiver Enclosure Tamper, 7170 IP-Link Transceiver ID = 906 Enclosure Tamper, Restore 7170 IP-Link Transceiver ID = 906 System Trouble LCD offline, MultiNet receiver, Zone/contact ID = 902 Loss of LED, MultiNet receiver, Zone/contact ID = 903 AC Failure at IP-Link. Zone/contact ID = 912 Battery Trouble at IP-Link. Zone/contact ID = 911 Diagnostic Fault. Zone/contact ID = Fault Code. See Fault code list on a following page. Com Trouble Modem Interface Test Failed at MultiNet Receiver. Zone/contact ID = 907 Charger Trouble at IP-Link. Zone/contact ID = 910 Charger Trouble Restore at IP-Link. Zone/contact ID = 910 Printer off-line, MultiNet Receiver. Zone/contact ID = 904 RF Interference at IP-Link. Zone/contact ID = 906 Multiple IP-Links detected with same ID. Zone/contact ID = 906 Com Trouble Phone Line/Modem Fail at IP-Link. Zone/contact ID = 905 Com Trouble IP-Link Supervision Failure. Zone/contact ID = 906 Com Trouble IP-Link RF Offline. Zone/contact ID = 907 Com Trouble MultiNet Local Modem failure. Zone/contact ID = 907 Com Trouble IP-Link Modem failure. Zone/contact ID = 908 IP-Link RF Ping Failure. Zone/contact ID = 906

REC# = MultiNet Receiver ID IPL# = IP-Link ID n or nn = variable number, rang as specified Page 109 Rev 4.2d July 16, 2009

ACCT = Subscriber ID


Line Card # 3 Signal format:

Contact ID received through IntelliTap. <LF>RLsACCTs18sEEEEsGGsNNNNs<CR>

See Line card #1, Signal format in Ademco 685 compatible output for Key to codes used in signal format for Line Card #3 above.

This Information is passed through. Receiver number is set as programmed in the MultiNet setup. Line card is set to 3.

Line Card # 4 Signal format:

4+2 received through IntelliTap. <LF>RLsACCTsCC<CR> CC = two digit zone code.

See Line card #1, Signal format in Ademco 685 compatible output for Key to codes used in signal format for Line Card #4 above.

This Information is passed through. Receiver number is set as programmed in the MultiNet setup. Line card is set to 4. Input Signals: In Ademco mode the receiver will respond to 3 inputs or signals from the monitoring system. S receiver reply will be - <LF>00sOKAYs@<CR> <0x06> or ASCII code 6 receiver considers last message acknowledged <0x15> or ASCII code 21 receiver will re-send last message (if not acknowledged)


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