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SIA Format For The FE100 Digital Receiver: Rev Date Comments

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The document describes enhancements made to the FE100 receiver to allow it to receive and process the SIA format alarm protocol as well as additions of new computer protocols.

The main enhancements described are full support for the SIA protocol, a re-written Ademco 685 computer protocol, and a new Sur-Gard computer protocol to transfer caller ID and SIA information to an automation system.

The FE100 receiver can decode SIA format using bell or CCITT tones at different baud rates and supports features up to level 3 of the SIA standard, though some features are disabled or untested. It displays SIA messages with a standard layout.

SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver




Release Version
Added some panel testing results
Added option for not using line number for system alarm xfer.
Added more options.

The FE100 receiver has now been enhanced to enable SIA dial-up format to be received,
processed and passed to an automation system. No hardware upgrade is required just a
software download.
Because of the numerous report codes in the SIA format, the current Ademco 685 computer
protocol is in-adequate to transfer sia to an automation system. Consequently, a new
computer protocol has been added called SurGard based on the DSC Sur-Gard receiver
output protocol. This protocol allows sia and callerid information to be passed to the
automation system. Other miscellaneous enhancements have also been added.
This software will initially be offered only as beta software.
This document describes the implementation of the sia format, the surgard computer protocol
and other enhancements in detail.

Summary of enhancements

Full support for the SIA dialler format at level 3.

A re-written and more efficient Ademco 685 computer protocol.
A new computer protocol Sur-Gard, emulating the Sur-Gard receiver output.
Transfer of caller ID to computer (Sur-Gard protocol only)

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

SIA protocol
The FE100 can now decode the SIA format using either the standard bell tones or optional
ccitt tones. Implementation has been based on the Digital Communication Standard SIA
Format, October 1997.
Allowance has been made to support all features to level 3 SIA including data from the
automation system back to the panel, although because of the limited implementation found
in panels to date, the following features have been disabled or have not been tested:
110 Baud option
Data acknowledgements
Receiver callout
Data from PC to panel
Listen In
Video Channel
Voice Channel

Not tested
Not tested
Not implemented yet
Not implemented yet

The implementation places no rules on data content, meaning that as new event codes/types
and modifiers are added they will automatically be handled. Panels that do not adhere to the
format (such as using zone descriptions in the units field or not using the / separator) are
Two new handshakes have been added:
SIA (ccitt)
SIA (bell)

Receives SIA protocol at 110/300 Baud using ccitt tones at level 1,2 or 3
Receives SIA protocol at 110/300 Baud using bell tones at level 1,2 or 3

Note that these handshakes should not be placed on the same line as any other modem format
Five new format identifiers have been added:

Un-verified SIA (currently not used)

SIA using ccitt tones at 300 Baud
SIA using ccitt tones at 110 Baud
SIA using bell tones at 300 Baud
SIA using bell tones at 110 Baud

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

VIEW screen format

No FE100 programming is required for the display of SIA format because like the Contact ID
format all report codes meanings are fixed. (See SIA documentation for the meaning of the
various SIA event codes.)
All versified SIA messages follow the basic layout below:

T <data>
T <data>


Receiver and Line number

Format E1, E2, E3 or E4
6 digit client code (leading 0s if required)
Block Type
Actual message content

Note that a special character can be displayed just prior to the block type:

This block requires receiver acknowledgement

This block signals that data can now be accepted by client.
This block requires acknowledgement and client can now accept data

VIEW screen Examples

11 00:02:58 01/01/91 11 No Caller ID
11*00:03:06 01/01/91 E3 CLIENT 004567 N ri1/
N OP40/
N OR00
This sequence indicates that a panel has rung the FE100 and no caller ID information has
been detected. Communication has occurred in SIA using bell frequencies at 300Baud. The
client has been identified as 004567. The block type is N indicating a new event. ri1
refers to area 1, OP40 is an opening by user 40. OR00 indicates that the opening is a
recent opening. Note that the / character is a delimiter indicating that more information is
present. The FE100 will display the next item on a new line.

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

The New event block type is the most common. Other block types are possible depending
on the panel type. If the display all blocks special option is turned on then account blocks
(#) and control blocks (0 to 9) are also displayed. For example:
11 01:21:49 01/01/91 11 Time: 26/11 14:35 Caller: 0413018649 Name: MOBILE
11*00:03:06 01/01/91 E3 CLIENT 000000 # 4567
11*00:13:26 01/01/91 E3 CLIENT 004567 N ri1/
N BA01/
N BH01/
N BV00
11*00:13:26 01/01/91 E3 CLIENT 004567 .0
A SIA call has been received from a mobile phone. The # 4567 is the account block
received from the panel telling the FE100 who the client is. The client has reported New
events, burglary alarm, restore and verified on zone 1. The .0 is the end block received
from the panel informing the FE100 that there is no more data.

Display of errors
If the FE100 detects an error in decoding the SIA format, the error data will be displayed as
raw hex digits. Unverified information is not sent to the automation system.
The basic format is as follows:
Raw $09: SSnnffffaaaaaaaaaaaaHHttdddddddd.

Error Summary code

SIA Packet size
Account information
Sia header
Sia type
Sia data

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

The Error summary byte gives information as to the nature of the error:
SS < $80 means no data received
Non-Fatal Errors .
$01 = Timeout for speed sync
$02 = Timeout for steady tone
$03 = Timeout for any bytes
Fatal Errors .
$11 = Carrier > 12 secs
$12 = Carrier loss
$13 = Too many Naks
$14 = Abort block Rxed
$15 = Got tonal ack when no data sent
$16 = Too many re-sends
$17 = Got tonal ack when not required.
$18 = Rxed ack/disconnect from Tx
$1f = Maximum online time exceeded

SS => $80 means had data

Bit 0 set = Had LRC error
Bit 1 set = overrun error
Bit 2 set = parity error
Bit 3 set = framing error
Bit 4 set = Byte timing error
Bit 5 set = Too many bytes error
Bit 6 set = Lost carrier error
Bit 7 set = Got data

The FE100 Data-base & Auto-acknowledge

The SIA format can use up to 6 digits for the account code, however the FE100 database only
supports 4 digit client codes. This means that although up to 6 digit client codes are received
and displayed, only client codes less than 009999 are mapped to the FE100 data-base. If a
client match is found then the client details will be brought up to the screen, however any preprogrammed zone descriptions will not be used in the display.
In the operation of Auto-acknowledge, all block type N data will be regarded as alarm
events. All other block types will be regarded as Info type events.

Transfer to an Automation Computer

SIA format information can only be transferred to the automation system using the Surgard
computer protocol using the S header. Note that only the account (#), New event (N)
and the Old event (O) block types are transferred at this time
See section on the Surgard computer protocol for more details.

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

Special Options
The SIA format is controlled by parameters, which may be altered by special options. Special
options should only be set on advice of the distributor/manufacturer, as performance can be
adversely effect by the wrong settings:

Bit 0 set
Bit 1 set
Bit 2 set
Bit 3 set
Bit 4 set
Bit 5 set
Bit 6 set
Bit 7 set

Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set


Bit 0 set
Bit 1 set
Bit 2 set
Bit 3 set
Bit 4 set
Bit 5 set
Bit 6 set
Bit 7 set

Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Save all blocks regardless
Save raw initial data

1BD2XX to

These options contain various timing

and control criteria and should only
be altered on advice.

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

Changes to the Ademco 685 computer protocol

If you currently use the Ademco 685 protocol (very likely) then there have been some
changes which may effect you. Changes have been made in the following areas:

Receiver No./Line Number special options cleaned up

The special options effecting the way RL is transferred to the automation system have
been cleaned up. See Special Options section below.

System alarms now transferred as 4+2 format

All FE100 system alarms are now transferred in Ademco 4+2 format. This will mean
re-programming the way your automation system handles system alarms. See SurGard
computer protocol section for description of report codes.

IR Compatible option sends data in Surgard protocol

The IR Compatible output protocol has altered to be the same as the Surgard type
I protocol - See SurGard computer protocol section. This is only relevant if your
automation system interprets native Irfast format.

ModemII Compatible option sends data in Surgard protocol

The ModemII Compatible output protocol has altered to be the same as the Surgard
type 6 protocol - See SurGard computer protocol section.

Special debug format allows easier interpretation

A special option allows an address header to be output to allow it to be related to a
particular buffer entry. See Special Options section below.

Concept 2000+ on Earthnet now transferred as Contact ID

Previously alarms for C2000+ panels on EarthNet were not transferred. This has been

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

Special Options

Time to wait for an ack back in 100ms increments.

Default is $14 hex = 20 decimal = 20 * 100ms = 2 secs
Bit 0 set
Bit 1 set
Bit 2 set
Bit 3 set
Bit 4 set
Bit 5 set
Bit 6 set
Bit 7 set

Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Dont use Line number in system alarm transfer
Map 4+2 Open/Closes to an Ademco fast string
Use RL under line handshake programming for the Receiver/Line
number (RL)
Use RL to transfer a Tecom V1 & C&K format to 6 digit client code


Do not use

020AXX Bit 0 set

Bit 1 set
Bit 2 set
Bit 3 set
Bit 4 set
Bit 5 set
Bit 6 set
Bit 7 set

Do not set
Turn on debug format
Do not set
Allow C&K commands for callback clients.
Turn off automatic baud-rate refresh
Transfer Caller ID in modified SurGard format. (See iface.doc)
Transfer ModemII formats as a Surgard type 6 string
Transfer Irfast formats as a Surgard type I string.

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

Surgard Computer Protocol
The Surgard Computer protocol allows SIA dialler format information and Caller ID
information to be transferred to an automation system. In addition Radionics ModemII can
also be transferred without a Contact ID translation if desired. The first digit sent in the
Surgard protocol is termed the report type. The table below shows all report types currently
used by the FE100. The s letter represents a space character.


RR = receiver number
L = Line number
AAAAAA = Account code
X = Event Code (default = space)
G = Area Number
YY = Zone number or user number

Note 1

sia blocks are transferred to the automation system as they

were received from the panel

SRRL[#AAAAAA|sia blocks]

Caller ID

TT = Telephone number
(Leading spaces are used if telephone number is less than
10 digits)


Contact ID

QXYZ = Contact ID event and message

GG = Group
CCC = Contact ID point


Modem II

Not tested yet


Ademco High

CCCC = Channel data


Acron Super Fast

Not tested yet



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dddd = IR native data (see ademir.doc)

SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

Note1 Client codes less that 6 digits have leading spaces
Alarm codes of 1 digit have a leading space.

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

System Alarm Transfer

System Alarms are transferred as a 4+2 type 1 signal, where the 2 alarm digits represent the
type of system alarm according to the table below:
Alarm Digits


System Alarm
Printer status alarm
Printer status restore
Low Battery
Battery restore
Computer status alarm
Computer status restore
Computer timeout alarm
Computer timeout alarm
AC fail
AC restore
Dial Test/Direct in/Direct out/Switched out line fail (L = line #)
Dial Test/Direct in/Direct out/Switched out line restore (L = line #)
No connect alarm (L = line #)
System reset
No scanning alarm (X = line #)

The client code used for the computer is 9999 but may be changed by special options
$01EE for the 1st digits and $01EF for the 2nd two digits.

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

Special Options


Time to wait for an ack back in 100ms increments.

Default is $14 hex = 20 decimal = 20 * 100ms = 2 secs
Bit 0 set
Bit 1 set
Bit 2 set
Bit 3 set
Bit 4 set
Bit 5 set
Bit 6 set
Bit 7 set


Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Do not set
Use RL under line handshake programming for the Receiver/Line
number (RL)
Do not set
Common event code used for type 1 messages.
Default is space

Bit 0 set
Bit 1 set
Bit 2 set
Bit 3 set
Bit 4 set
Bit 5 set
Bit 6 set
Bit 7 set

Do not set
Turn on debug format
Do not set
Allow C&K commands for callback clients.
Turn off automatic baud-rate refresh
Dont send CallerID type 4 strings
Do not set
Transfer Irfast formats as a Surgard type I string.

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

Panel Implementations of the SIA format.

The SIA format was designed by a committee and as such presents a number of alternatives
on how the format may be implemented. This section discusses some of the implementations
seen so far. Note that the panels may have additional functionality not discovered during

DSC1565, DSC Power 832

Uses tone acknowledgements, no configuration block sent.
Reverse channel not enabled on any blocks no data accepted from receiver.
Concatenates blocks together (data groups). Maximum characters sent appears to be about
64 (SIA allows 500 maximum)
Uses / separator within N blocks.
Sends 1 data group per phone call then hangs up, even if got more data to send. The last
block in the data group is the end block (0) block with the ack request bit set.
Uses modifiers within an N block
Legal SIA except initial marked carrier tone marginal (130ms)
By using data groups the panel saves time in sending multiple alarms. (1 second for 8 alarms
compared with 15 seconds with individual acks (see below). Although only sending one data
group per call keeps the on-line time of a panel to a minimum, it forces multiple phone calls
when there is more than about 8 alarms. A better idea may be to send the end block separately
when as many data groups have been sent as is desirable.

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SIA Format for the FE100 Digital Receiver

C&K Sierra 5010

Uses tone acknowledgements, no configuration block sent.
Reverse channel not enabled on any blocks no data accepted from receiver.
Sends 1 block per round, i.e. all blocks have the ack request bit set.
Only sends 1 event per N block.
Sends about 10 blocks maximum per phone call then hangs up, even if got more data to
send. This means about 8 alarms can be sent per call.
Will use modifiers within an N block with separators specifically da, ti and ri
Legal SIA except uses illegal address field characters under some circumstances. (Within
the ti modifier, the ri modifier and within some event data codes)
By not using data groups, or allowing multiple events per N block with separators, this
panel is a lot slower than it need be for sending multiple events, in fact only marginally faster
than Ademco Contact ID. If the date/time/area are sent then multiple events is slower to send
than Contact ID.

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