Seal Gas Booster
Seal Gas Booster
Seal Gas Booster
Centrifugal Compressors equipped with Dry Gas Seals (DGS) use process gas as the seal gas. During normal operation, the compressor pressure and temperature ratio maintain a positive flow to the DGS and avoid contamination and condensation. However, during standstill conditions, this auto-buffering is not possible and the DGS is at risk from contamination especially by heavy hydrocarbon condensate. To mitigate this risk, depressurizing the compressor after trip is recommended, but flaring of process gas impacts revenues and the environment. In fact, in many countries, a pollution tax is applied on released process gas. The installation of a Seal Gas Booster allows the compressor to be kept pressurized after a trip, while the DGS remains correctly buffered and ready to be restarted.
What it is
The patented Seal Gas Booster System assures a positive flow of clean, dry seal gas to the DGS during a compressor shutdown. Heavy HC Seal Gas Booster Systems can also be equipped with an electric heater to prevent expansion of the gas within the seals from creating a condensation condition.
How it works
The Seal Gas Booster System consists of a reciprocating pump driven by two instrument air actuated pistons. The booster has a unique design in which the piston is moved by an external magnetic field which eliminates the traditional rod or other mechanical link to the driver and thus creates a sealless compressor design. This simple and rugged design includes a cylinder made of non-magnetic stainless steel capped with two special flanges. Two pneumatic pistons move a taurus-shaped permanent high-efficiency magnet. The Seal Gas Booster System provides a positive delta pressure (1Bar) which creates a barrier to protect the compressor dry gas seal from potentially damaging DGS during shutdown and start up operations. The booster is provided with a purged stainless steel enclosure with a stainless steel pneumatic circuit and is installed on a skid. This enclosure protects the booster from adverse environment conditions such as high humidity, sandstorms, etc.
Product Specifications
General Process side design condition Design pressure Hydraulic test pressure Design temperature Displacement Design flow Life without maintenance Operating Condition Media Max operating pressure Max operating temperature Boosting delta P Drive side design condition Supply air pressure Actuator air pressure Air consumption Connection Process side flanged Drive side Materials: Process Side Cylinder End caps O-rings Nuts & bolts Process connection Materials: Drive Side Actuator Pneumatic components Piston seals 320 Bar 525 Bar 120 C 1900 cm3 3 Am3/h @ 30 CPM 8000 hours Natural gas (methane 75%) 315 Bar 110 C 1 Bar 4 9 Bar 4 Bar 20 Sm3/h ANSI 2500 RJ NPT NITRONIC 50 AISI 316 L Viton anti explosion AISI 316 ASTM A 312 TP316/TP316L AISI 316 AISI 316 Teflon
GE Oil & Gas via F. Matteucci, 2 50127 Florence - Italy T +39 055 4272500 F +39 055 4232800
Nuovo Pignone S.p.A.
GE imagination at work
COMK/MARK 839/II - Designed by: Studio Tre Fasi Printed by: Sagraf - 1-2008 2008 Nuovo Pignone S.p.A. all rights reserved