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Adv Logs Tutorial 8

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gINT Tutorial

Advanced Log Report Design


The information in this publication is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of gINT Software. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software must be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. Printed November 7, 2008

Disclaimer: Every effort was made to ensure accuracy. However, gINT Software makes no warranty as to the correctness of this information or the supplied files.

All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of gINT Software. Comments are welcome and become the property of gINT Software. gINT is a registered trademark of gINT Software. All other products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective producers. Copyright 1985-2007 by gINT Software, Inc. Printed in the United States of America Web Site: E-mail: Sales:

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Table of Contents
Using this Tutorial...................................................................................................... 1 Setting up Sample Files ............................................................................................. 1 Smart Report Forms ................................................................................................... 2 Copying the FINAL SIMPLE LOG Report for Exercises........................................................... Conditional Visibility of a Header Text Item .................................................................... Conditional Visibility of N-Value and Refusal Penetration .................................................... Conditional Font Changes to Data................................................................................. Conditional Visibility of Log Columns............................................................................. 2 3 5 7 8

Variable Depth Scales on Logs ......................................................................................12 Default Depth Scale Behavior ..................................................................................... 12 Customized Depth Scale Behavior with a Calculated Expression............................................ 13 Specifying Depth Scale on a Per-Project or Per Borehole Basis ............................................. 15 Using Depth Scales other than Depth-Per-Page ................................................................ 16 Using Depth Units per Page Unit (Feet per Inch)........................................................... 16 Using Numeric Ratios ........................................................................................... 18 Test Pit Log -- Using Photo Fields and Multiple-Page Setup ..................................................20 Creating the Borehole Photos Table ............................................................................. 20 Creating the Test Pit Report ...................................................................................... 23 Creating and Configuring Private Blocks ........................................................................ 30 Variable Graphic Legends on Reports.............................................................................33 Log Report Legend.................................................................................................. 33 Fence Report Legend............................................................................................... 36 Graphic Text Doc Legends......................................................................................... 39 Symbol Legend Positions........................................................................................... 45 Appendix A -- Sorting Boreholes using a GintPointSort Field ................................................47

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Using this Tutorial

This tutorial is designed for intermediate-to-advanced level gINT users, and is intended for self-study. It covers the options for creating various kinds of Smart Report features, such as report columns that disappear when they have no data, with other columns enlarging to take up the space. Another topic explored in this tutorial covers various ways to customize depth scales on a report-by-report, projectby-project or borehole-by-borehole basis. Finally, a complex log report with standard column entities on the first page followed by photos from the database is created, demonstrating Bitmap File type fields and Private Blocks. You should be familiar with log report design before working through this tutorial. We recommend you work through the Log Report Design tutorial or take the gINT University class gINT 004 - Log Report Design if you do not have that familiarity.

Setting up Sample Files

Before starting the tutorial, you need the following:

gINT Version 8 installed on your computer Sample files installed in the appropriate subfolders of the \gINT\ installation folder (usually C:\Program Files\gINT\)

To obtain and install the sample files, do the following: 1. Go to 2. Click on the link Data Files for Advanced Log Report Design (006) Tutorial only. 3. Extract the following files to the indicated locations:

training.glb training.gpj test pit data.xls all files in \photos folder

\gINT\libraries\ \gINT\projects\ \gINT\projects\ \gINT\photos\


You will have to create this subfolder of \gINT\

Note: If these files are already present in the indicated locations because of working on another tutorial, you do not need to replace them.

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Smart Report Forms

A smart report form automatically adjusts its format based on the data, utilizing decision logic in properties in the report design and its entities. Some examples:

Having a surface elevation label and data appear in the report header for boreholes that have elevation data, and not for those without it. On a log, if a sample has refusal, displaying the refusal penetration in inches after the final blow count, separated from it by a slash, as in 25-55/3". If no refusal, displaying the blow counts and N-value. Highlighting data that is outside tolerances with bold or colored font. On a log, Including or omitting specific columns depending on whether data for them is present, and enlarging the other columns to take up any vacant space. Setting the depth displayed per page based on a value in the borehole record, if present, and using defaults if not.

This section will demonstrate how the above smart report features are implemented, but this should be considered only a sampling of the possible smart report features. Most entities are configurable to appear or not (or to move) depending on the result of a calculated expression. Also, most entity properties can hold expressions in place of explicit values, and these expressions can use specialized functionsboth system and user-definedand programming logic to arrive at a result. This makes it possible for gINT reports to be heavily manipulated at output time by the data they are reporting. To find out additional ways to configure smart report features, we recommend that you study the reports provided in the training.glb library and custom libraries that you can download from the Downloads page on the gINT website. We will also use some smart report features later in the course when we build the test pit log with photos, and implement legends.

Copying the FINAL SIMPLE LOG Report for Exercises

You may have created the SIMPLE LOG report during the Log Report Design module. In case you have not created this report, or there are errors or omissions, well replace it with a final version from the library. Do the following: 1. Go to REPORT DESIGN Logs.

2. Select FINAL SIMPLE LOG in the object selector. 3. Select File Copy Page.

4. In Page Name to Copy To, enter SIMPLE LOG, and click OK. This creates a copy of FINAL SIMPLE LOG, and calls it SIMPLE LOG (replacing the existing SIMPLE LOG, if present).

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Conditional Visibility of a Header Text Item

You can set up a specific text entity to appear only on the pages that meet the criteria you define. For example, if you are recording surface elevation data on your reports, but not all test sites have surface elevation, you do not want the text to print on the forms without the data, so you would configure the text entity as conditionally visible. First we will add a Surface Elevation entity to the header, and then make it conditional. Do the following: 1. Go to INPUT.

2. Ensure that the training.glb library is active (File Change Library) and the current project is training.gpj (select File Open Project and browse to the project). 3. Select the Borehole tab. Notice that all points have an Elevation value except TP-1. 4. Go to REPORT DESIGN 5. Create a text ( Logs and open the SIMPLE LOG report.

) entity with the following properties in the Main tab:

Field Name
Text Expression Height Horz Align Vert Align X Y

Surface Elev: <<POINT.Elevation>> 0.08 Right Top 5.97 8.97

6. Click OK to place the entity on the form.

7. Go to OUTPUT and preview the report.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 8. Using the object selector, go to page 1 of the report (borehole B-1) then page 8 (TP-1). Youll need to zoom in on the upper right corner using the Quick Zoom tool. Notice that the B-1 page displays Surface Elev: 126 and the TP-1 page displays Surface Elev: followed by a blank. 9. Close the preview and return to REPORT DESIGN. 10. Double-click the entity to re-open the Text Properties dialog box and expand the Text Expression field by clicking on the Expand
Surface Elev: <<POINT.Elevation>>

button. Initially the following appears:

11. Highlight the contents of the line, select Functions in the System list in the Data Tool and HasData in the Items list. Then right-click the Paste button above Items. Right-clicking the Paste button inserts the highlighted expression into the selected function:
<<HasData(Surface Elev: <<POINT.Elevation>>)>>

The HasData() function needs two arguments to achieve the desired behaviorthe field or expression to test for the presence of data, and the text to print if the expression has data. We have the second argument, which is the expression to print. What we need to add is the field to test for the presence of data. Note: The Output Condition field in the Configuration tab represents an alternative to using HasData() in an expression. See Help Index Output Condition (Property). 12. Click to the immediate left of the word Surface, select POINT from the Table list and Elevation from the Field list, then click the corresponding Paste button. Enter a comma following the field expression you just pasted. Your complete expression now looks like this:
<<HasData(<<POINT.Elevation>>,Surface Elev: <<POINT.Elevation>>)>>

13. To improve the formatting, add the continuation character (the underline symbol, _) followed by a line break (press Enter) after the comma, and another one just before the final )>>, and indent the second line:
<<HasData(<<POINT.Elevation>>,_ Surface Elev: <<POINT.Elevation>>_ )>>

This expression uses the HasData() function to say, if there is data in the Elevation field in the POINT table, then print the label Surface Elev: followed by the contents of that field. 14. Click the Configuration tab. Set the Design Mode Text Display property to Surface Elev. When you create a text entity with just an expression, you need to set a Design Mode Text Display or you will not see the entity displayed on the form in REPORT DESIGN. 15. Click OK to save the entity. Notice that * Surface Elev appears in the upper right corner. 16. Go to OUTPUT Logs and preview the report. View the contents of the upper right corner on pages 1 and 8, using the Quick Zoom tool to zoom in. Notice that page 1 has the same text as before, but the surface elevation text is missing from page 8, which is the desired behavior. 17. Close the preview.

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Conditional Visibility of N-Value and Refusal Penetration

Several standard gINT log reports indicate the blow counts for each sample. Refusal is calculated, and when there is no refusal, the N-value is presented. When there is refusal, the refusal penetration in inches appears after the final blow count, separated from it by a slash, as in 25-55/3". The library has a user data item called Blows and N Value that creates the sequence of hyphenseparate blow count values, and appends either the N-value or the calculated refusal. To see this in use, do the following: 1. Go to REPORT DESIGN Logs.

2. Double-click the column entity under the Number heading (double-click in the column, near the diagonal broken lines, not the heading). button to the right of the Text Expression property. Notice that there is 3. Click the Expand already an expression present for assembling the sample type and sample number into a hyphen-separated text string. 4. Click just past the end of the existing expression, then press the Enter key to start a new line. 5. In the Table list, select User System Data, then in the Field list select Blows and N Value. Click Paste. The completed expression should look like this:
<<ListBuildSepTrim(-,<<SAMPLE.Type>>,<<SAMPLE.Number>>)>> <<User System Data.Blows and N Value>>

6. Click OK to save the expression. 7. Check the Block Align checkbox. This is used because the text to appear for each sample is now potentially three lines long, and needs to be centered vertically to look acceptable. 8. Click OK to save the changes to the column entity. 9. Go to OUTPUT, select borehole B-1 in the Borehole ID field, and preview the report. Use the Quick Zoom tool to focus on the samples near the bottom of the report.

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10. Notice that the samples above 25' show the hyphenated blow counts on one line, followed by the N-value in parentheses on a second line. However, the sample at 25' omits the N-value and adds the refusal penetration in inches. This is conditional behavior due to the fact that the sample at 25' has refusal. 11. To see the expression that generates two possible outcomes (N-value or penetration), close the preview, go to DATA DESIGN User System Data, and select Blows and N-Value in the object selector. The expression in the Blows and N-Value user data item is explained as follows.

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Conditional Font Changes to Data

You can set up a text entity to appear in a normal font on output when the data is within tolerances, but highlighted with bold or colored font when outside the acceptable range. This makes the data stand out on the report, calling attention to the situation. We will make the output sample number bold, italic, and red if the sample type is RC, to call attention to the rock core samples. 1. Go to REPORT DESIGN Logs.

2. Double-click on the graphic column under the Number heading. The COLUMN - TEXT vs DEPTH PROPERTIES dialog box appears. 3. Create a blank line at the beginning of the Text Expression by clicking at the left of the first line and pressing Enter.

4. Enter the following text on the first line:

<<IIf(<<SAMPLE.Type>>="RC", <<B>><<I>><<CLR!255>>)>>

To create this, do the following: a. In the Data Tool, select Functions in the System list, then IIf() in the Items list. Click the corresponding Paste button. b. Select Sample in the Table list, then Type in the Field list, and click the corresponding Paste button. c. Enter the text ="RC", (an equals sign, then RC in quotes, then a comma and space). d. Select Formatting Codes in the System list, then B in the Items list, and click Paste. e. Select I (the letter I) in the Items list, and click Paste. f. Select CLR! in the Items list, and click Paste.

g. Type the number 255. 5. Click OK to save the revised text-vs.-depth entity. Note: The color code CLR!255 corresponds to Very Light Red. This can be seen in SYMBOL DESIGN Colors at the very bottom of the colors list. 6. Go to OUTPUT Logs, select borehole B-1, and preview the report.

7. Zoom in on the bottom left corner of the report. You will see that the numbers of the rock core samples are now in bold italic red, whereas non-rock-core samples are unaffected.

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8. Close the preview. Note: Most gINT formatting codes are toggles that are turned off and on by the same code; but if you are using the CLR! code, you need one code to turn the color on and a different code to turn it off. For further study, go to the Help Index Formatting Codes topic.

Conditional Visibility of Log Columns

One of the most useful smart report features is the ability to make columns disappear on pages where they contain no data, and adjust the surrounding columns to take up the available space. A sophisticated example of a report using this feature is the GENERAL BH/TP/WELL report in your library. It will suppress Recovery, Blow Count, Test/Remarks, USCS, Environmental, and Well columns in any combination, relocating the other columns and widening the Material Description column to compensate. To view this report in action, do the following: 1. In OUTPUT, select all boreholes (clear the selection from the Borehole ID field) and choose the GENERAL BH/TP/WELL report in the object selector. 2. Preview the report, and look at each page in sequence (selecting each page in the object selector). Notice that only B-1 and B-2 have well columns, CPT-1 lacks recovery and blow count columns, and TP-1 has only four columns of the eleven in the report design. We will create a much simpler smart log: a modified version of SIMPLE LOG in which we will implement conditional display of the two Sample columns, and enlargement and movement of the Lithology columns when Sample data is not present. However, the principles are the same, and afterwards you should be capable of analyzing how the design of GENERAL BH/TP/WELL works. The design approach typically will include the use of the following elements:

Private blocks to organize related entities into groups that appear/disappear and move together.

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The Output Condition in a private block to turn on or off the visibility of its component entities in response to an expression. The Offset X property in a private block that moves the blocks entities to the left or right based on a calculation. Report variables for storing expressions that are used in calculating offsets and presence of data. User system data could be used for this purpose, but report variables are local to a specific report, rather than the entire library, and can be customized to the report.

We will set up the report to fluctuate between the following two formats:

Note that we also need to move the water level symbols column 0.65" to the left (from 1.45 to 0.8) when there is no sample data. Well create two private blocks:

A SAMPCOLS block, containing the Sample Type and Number columns. A LITHCOLS block, containing the Graphic Log and Material Description columns, and the three water level symbols.

To create a version of SIMPLE LOG with conditional column visibility, do the following: 1. Go to REPORT DESIGN 2. Select File Logs and select SIMPLE LOG in the object selector.

Copy Page. The Copy Page dialog box appears.

3. Enter the following values:

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Page Name to Copy To Set Current Page To

SIMPLE SMART LOG First in Copy To List

Name of new report Opens the duplicate report form rather than the original.

4. Click the Properties 5. Click the Expand Data Tool:

icon. The LOG REPORT PROPERTIES dialog box appears. icon to the right of User Report Variables. Enter the following using the

HasSamples OffsetSample

<<CBool(<<Count(<<SAMPLE.Depth>>)>>)>> <<IIf(<<Report Var.HasSamples>>,0,0.65)>>

HasSamples is a True/False (boolean) variable that uses the Count() function to count the number of SAMPLE records for the borehole with data, and CBool() converts this to True if there is a positive number of records, or False if zero records. The OffsetSamples variable returns the amount to shift the Material Description columns to the left. If HasSamples is False (there are no samples), the value 0.65 is returned as the distance to shift; if HasSamples is True (there are samples), zero is returned. Note: A report variable only prompts for a value on output when there is no Value property specified for it in Report Properties. Report variables with expressions do not appear to the user. 6. Click OK to save the report properties. 7. Select Blocks Create Block, enter the following values, then click OK.

Type Name Design Mode Color SAMPCOLS Very Light Red

Private (current page)

8. In response to the Select Entities command prompt, click the Type column, then the Number column, then click OK. 9. Select Blocks Create Block, enter the following values, then click OK.

Type Name Design Mode Color LITHCOLS Very Light Blue

Private (current page)

10. In response to the Select Entities command prompt, click the Graphic Log column, the water level symbols column, and the Material Description column, then click OK. 11. Click the Zoom Paper Extents at left. icon to see the entire report, including the two block inserts

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 12. Double-click the red block insert for SAMPCOLS. The BLOCK PROPERTIES dialog box appears. 13. Click the Configuration tab, then enter the following:

Output Condition

<<Report Var.HasSamples>>

Select Report Var from the Table list in the Data Tool, then HasSamples from the Field list, then click Paste.

14. Click OK to save the changes to the block properties. 15. Double-click the blue block insert for LITHCOLS. The BLOCK PROPERTIES dialog box appears. 16. Enter the following in the Main tab:

Offset X

<<Calc(-1 * <<Report Var.OffsetSample>>)>>

Select Functions from the System list in the Data Tool, then Calc() from the Item list, then click Paste. Enter the -1 * expression manually, then paste <<Report Var.OffsetSample>> from the left half of the Data Tool.

17. Click OK to save the changes to the block properties. 18. Double-click the Material Description column entity. The COLUMN - TEXT vs DEPTH PROPERTIES dialog box opens. 19. Enter the following:

Column Width Expression (in Main tab) Column Display Width (in Configuration tab)

<<Calc(3.85 + <<Report Var.OffsetSample>>)>>

Adds either zero or 0.65" to the column width (3.85"), depending on the offset. If not specified, the column entity shrinks horizontally in REPORT DESIGN (no effect on output)


20. Click OK to save the changes to the column entity. 21. Go to OUTPUT, and preview the report. 22. Page through the report pages using the object selector, and notice that the reports for all boreholes except CPT-1 have sample data columns, but CPT-1 has no sample columns and has widened and adjusted lithology columns.

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Variable Depth Scales on Logs

The depth scale of a log report is the way you specify how many page units (vertical inches or mm measured on the printed page) are used to represent some number of depth units (vertical feet or meters of borehole depth in the field) on output. There are certain default behaviors of the software that generate an appropriate depth scale in response to you entering a fixed depth scale value in REPORT DESIGN or OUTPUT (or leaving this blank). However, users often want more control of the depth scale, such as varying it between projects and/or boreholes, calculating it based on the total depth of the borehole, and so on. We will demonstrate the default behavior first, then explain various ways to customize it.

Default Depth Scale Behavior

In LOG REPORT PROPERTIES, there is a property called Depth Units Page 1 that interacts with the Depth Units Page 1 field on the OUTPUT tab. You can set a numeric value in the report property, and this specifies the depth scale for all boreholes, regardless of their depths. For example, if you set a Depth Units Page 1 value of 30, the depth scale on the first page of the printed report will range from 0 to 30 feet, the second page (if needed) from 30 to 60 feet, and so on. The value is overrideable at output time, using the field in the OUTPUT tab, but always specifies a fixed depth scale. Alternately you can set the Depth Units Page 1 report property to blank, which calculates a best fit for each borehole that reduces or enlarges it to fit on a single page. To demonstrate this, do the following: 1. First we will demonstrate Fixed Depth Scale behavior. Go to REPORT DESIGN SIMPLE LOG, and click on the Properties opens. 2. Click the Report Structure tab. 3. Notice that the Depth Units Page 1 property has a value of 40. Click OK. Logs, select


4. Go to OUTPUT Logs. Notice that the Depth Units Page 1 field appears at center left, and displays a default value obtained from the report property.

5. Preview the report. On page 1, notice that borehole B-1 (which has a hole depth of 45') extends all the way to the bottom of the page, and the depth scale extends to 40' (you may need to zoom to the lower left corner with the Quick Zoom tool to see this).

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 6. Select page 2 in the object selector. Notice that borehole B-1 continues for another 5 feet, and that the bottom of the depth scale is 80'. 7. Select page 5 in the object selector to view borehole B-3, which has a 25' hole depth. Notice that the log covers only a little more than the top half of the page, with blank space at the bottom. Notice also that the bottom of the depth scale (at lower left) is 40'. 8. Close the preview. Change the Depth Units Page 1 value (under LOG OPTIONS) to 30, and preview the report again. 9. Notice on page 1 that the report is cut off at 30', on page 2 that an additional 15' is shown, and on page 5 that the 25' deep borehole B-3 covers most of the 30' deep page. 10. Close the preview. 11. Next well demonstrate automatic Best Fit depth scale behavior. Go to REPORT DESIGN Logs, and click the Properties icon.

12. Click the Report Structure tab, and delete the value from the Depth Units Page 1 property. Click OK. 13. Go to OUTPUT Logs. Preview the report.

14. Click through each of the five report pages listed in the object selector, and notice that each fills up one page, in spite of their varying hole depths (B-1 and B-2 are 45', B-3 is 25', CPT1 is 45' and TP-1 is 13'). When a best-fit page depth is calculated, this is computed as the hole depth plus 10%, rounded to the next whole depth unit. For example, the three 45' boreholes are placed on a 50' depth scale, the 25' borehole is on a 28' scale, and the 13' test pit is on a 15' scale. 15. Close the preview.

Customized Depth Scale Behavior with a Calculated Expression

The Fixed Depth Scale and Best Fit behaviors may be adequate for your needs. However, you may find these approaches too limiting, especially if your borehole depths range widely. Fixed Depth Scale will potentially spread your deepest boreholes over multiple pages while using a fraction of a page for a shallow hole like a test pit. Best Fit will compress deep holes into too short a log. Manually changing the fixed depth value on the OUTPUT tab and printing one borehole at a time is highly inefficient. One remedy is to make use of a calculated expression in the Depth Units Page 1 report property. The expression can utilize the hole depth of each borehole (which is available from a system variable), and generate a different depth-per-page for each range of hole depths. Well demonstrate how to set different depths-per-page for three ranges of hole depths: less than 20', between 20' and 30', and greater than 30'. Do the following: 1. Go to REPORT DESIGN 2. Click the Properties 3. Click the Browse Logs. icon, then click the Report Structure tab. icon to the right of the Depth Units Page 1 property.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 4. Enter the following:

<<Case(<<Max(<<LITHOLOGY.Bottom>>)>>,_ < 20,30,_ < 30,40,_ Else,50,_ )>>

To create this expression, do the following: a. Select Functions from the System list, select Case() from the Items list, then click the right-hand Paste button. b. Without moving the cursor (leaving it between the parentheses after Case), select Max() from the Items list, then click the right Paste button. c. Select LITHOLOGY from the Table list, select Bottom from the Field list, then click the left Paste button. This inserts <<Max(<<LITHOLOGY.Bottom>>)>> at the start of the Case() statement. <<Max(<<LITHOLOGY.Bottom>>)>> determines the maximum value in the Bottom field in the LITHOLOGY table for each borehole, which is the same as the hole depth. d. Move the cursor three characters to the right, so that it is between the )>> that closes the Max() function and the one that closes the Case() function. Enter a comma followed by an underscore, and press Enter twice. The result should look like this:
<<Case(<<Max(<<LITHOLOGY.Bottom>>)>>,_ )>>

e. In between the two lines of the expression, you add three lines, each of which specifies a condition for the hole depth (less than 20', less than 30') and a resulting depth-per-page. These are the following:
< 20,30,_ < 30,40,_ Else,50,_

Be sure to indent each of these lines by two characters, and terminate it with a comma and an underscore. The comma separates clauses, the underscore (continuation character) unites the multiple lines into a single expression. 5. Click OK to save the expression. Click OK to save and close the LOG REPORT PROPERTIES window. 6. Go to OUTPUT Logs and preview the report. Notice that B-1 (page 1) has a 50 foot depthper-page, which is consistent with the fact that its hole depth (45') is greater than 30 feet. 7. Select page 3, and notice that B-3, at 25' hole depth, has a 40' depth-per-page. 8. Select page 5, and notice that TP-1, at 13' hole depth, has 30' depth-per-page. 9. Close the preview.

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Specifying Depth Scale on a Per-Project or Per Borehole Basis

By creating appropriate database fields in conjunction with the Depth Units Page 1 property, you can set things up for a data entry person to specify a default depth scale value for each project, then override this value where desired for particular boreholes. Once the database fields and report property are set up, considerable depth scale control would be provided to persons with no report design knowledge. gINT typically creates a field called Depth Log Page in both the PROJECT and POINT tables for this purpose. This field already appears in both tables in training.gpj, although it would be simple to create if it did not already exist. The Depth Units Page 1 property in REPORT DESIGN is then configured with an expression to use the POINT table Depth Log Page value first, if present, otherwise use the PROJECT table value, and if neither is present, use a fixed-value default. Do the following: 1. Go to DATA DESIGN Project Database, open the current database, and select the PROJECT table from the object selector drop-down list. 2. Click Depth Log Page in the Fields list, and notice that it has a Type of Single (floating point decimal), Units of ft, and an explanation in the Description property. 3. Select the POINT table from the object selector drop-down list, and notice that a Depth Log Page field is provided here as well. Click on the field in the Fields list and notice the property settings. 4. Go to REPORT DESIGN Structure tab. 5. Click the Expand window appears. Logs, click the Report Properties icon, then click the Report

button to the right of the Depth Units Page 1 field. An expression builder

6. Enter the following expression in the window, using the Table and Field drop-down lists in the Data Tool to specify the fields, and the System and Items drop-down lists to specify the FirstData() function.
<<FirstData(_ <<POINT.Depth Log Page>>,_ <<PROJECT.Depth Log Page>>,_ 40_ )>>

The FirstData() function returns the data from the first non-empty argument. The arguments are deliberately ordered from the most specific (use the per-borehole value) to the most general (the fixed value default of 40), stopping as soon as data is encountered. Notice that instead of 40 you could specify a different default depth-per-page. 7. Click OK to save the expression and dismiss the expression builder window. Click OK to save and close the report properties. 8. Go to INPUT Project. Enter a value of 30 for Depth Log Page.

9. Go to OUTPUT Logs. Preview the report. Notice that all the report pages have a depth-perpage of 30'. Close the preview. 10. Go to INPUT Borehole.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 11. Scroll all the way to the right to display the Depth Log Page column. In this column, enter 40 for B-1 and 20 for TP-1. 12. Go to OUTPUT Logs. Preview the report. Notice that B-1 (pages 1 and 2) has a depth of 40' (which was specified in POINT), B-2 (pages 3 and 4) has a depth-per-page of 30' (from the PROJECT table default), and TP-1 (page 8) has a depth-per-page of 20' (from POINT).

Using Depth Scales other than Depth-Per-Page

The specification of depth scale values on a per-project basis with a per-borehole override does not have to be restricted to a depth-per-page in feet. Two other possibilities are the following:

Entering a depth-units-per-page-unit default. This is for users who want a physically measurable scale on their reports, such as X feet per inch, but want to vary the scale by borehole. Entering a numeric ratio such as 100:1, also with a per-borehole override. This option is often preferred in regions using metric units.

The implementation of these scenarios is described in the following subsections.

Using Depth Units per Page Unit (Feet per Inch)

Perhaps you want to be able to set a scale that is physically measurable on the page, such as 10 feet per inch, but want the ability to set a different scale from the default for especially shallow or deep holes. Setting this up is similar to using Depth Log Page fields, but uses a different field name and different calculations. Again a field will be created the PROJECT and POINT tables, this time named Log Scale. You will set the Depth Units Page 1 value to a calculation that derives the log depth from one of the Log Scale values and the height of the report page (specified in the Page 1 Body Height field in Report Properties, and accessed via the system variable LogBodyHtPg1). To set up these fields and this calculation, perform the following steps: 1. Go to DATA DESIGN Project Database and select the PROJECT table from the object selector drop-down list. Click the New button beneath the field list and enter the following (the Description is optional):

Field Name
Log Scale

Double ft


Default is 10. Can be overridden for specific boreholes using the Log Scale field in the POINT table.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 2. Select the POINT table from the object selector drop-down list. Click the New button beneath the Fields list and enter the following:

Field Name
Log Scale



Overrides the Log Scale field in the PROJECT table. If blank in both the PROJECT and POINT tables, defaults to 10. Clone From Current, and specify

3. Replace the data template (File data entry.gdt).

New Data Template

4. Open REPORT DESIGN and click the Report Properties tab. 5. Click the Expand

icon. Click the Report Structure

button to the right of the Depth Units Page 1 field.

6. Enter the following expression in the window, using the Table and Field drop-down lists in the Data Tool to specify the fields, the System (with a value of Functions) and Items drop-down lists to specify the Calc() and FirstData() functions, and the System (with a value of Data Items) and Items drop-down lists to specify LogBodyHtPg1.
<<Calc(_ <<LogBodyHtPg1>> * _ <<FirstData(_ <<POINT.Log Scale>>,_ <<PROJECT.Log Scale>>,_ 10_ )>>_ )>>

What this expression does is the following: it 1) checks for a Log Scale value in the POINT table, and uses it if found, or if no POINT table value is present, uses the Log Scale value in the PROJECT table, or 10 if neither is present, 2) multiplies the Log Scale value by LogBodyHtPg1, which is the height of the log report body in page units. This converts page units to depth units using your specified Log Scale scalefor example, 10 ft/in x 8 inches = 80 feet of depth represented on the page. 7. Click OK to save the expression. Click OK to save and exit the report properties. 8. Go to INPUT Borehole.

9. Scroll to the far right to show the Log Scale column. For borehole B-2, specify a Log Scale value of 5. 10. Go to OUTPUT Logs and preview the report.

11. Notice that borehole B-1 (page 1) is very compressed, and has a depth-per-page of 80'. This is due to relying on the default Log Scale (from the expression) of 10 ft/in. 12. Select B-2 (page 2) in the object selector. Notice that the depth-per-page is 40', due to the specification of a Log Scale of 5. 13. Close the preview, and go to REPORT DESIGN Logs.

14. Open the properties window, click the Report Structure tab, replace the Depth Units Page 1 value with 40, and click OK. This restores typical depth scale behavior for future exercises using the SIMPLE LOG report.

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Using Numeric Ratios

Particularly in countries where metric units are used, you may wish to use a scale ratio such as 100:1 or 50:1, such that the measurements on the page are a specific fraction of the measurements in the field. Setting this up is very similar to the previous two approaches. A Scale Ratio field is created in each of the PROJECT and POINT tables. You will set the Depth Units Page 1 value to a calculation that derives the log depth from one of the Scale Ratio values and the systems log body height value. 1. Go to DATA DESIGN Project Database and select the PROJECT table from the object selector drop-down list. Click New beneath the field list and enter the following:

Field Name
Scale Ratio



Numerator of the log scale ratio. For example for 100:1 scale, Scale Ratio would be 100. Default is 100. Can be overridden for specific boreholes using the Scale Ratio field in the BOREHOLE (POINT) table.

2. Select the POINT table from the object selector drop-down list. Click New beneath the field list and enter the following:

Field Name
Scale Ratio



Overrides the Scale Ratio field in the Project table. If blank in both the Project and Point tables, defaults to 100.

3. Open REPORT DESIGN tab. 4. Click the Expand window appears.

Logs and click the Report Properties icon. Click the Report Structure

button to the right of the Depth Units Page 1 field. An expression builder

5. Enter the following expression in the window, using the Table and Field drop-down lists in the Data Tool to specify the fields, and the System and Items drop-down lists to specify the FirstData() function.
<<Calc(_ <<LogBodyHtPg1>> * _ <<FirstData(_ <<POINT.Scale Ratio>>,_ <<PROJECT.Scale Ratio>>,_ 100 )>> / 1000_ )>>

What this expression does is the following: it 1) checks for a Scale Ratio value in the POINT table, and uses it if found, or if no POINT table value is present, uses the Scale Ratio value in the PROJECT table, 2) multiplies the Scale Ratio value by LogBodyHtPg1, which is the height of the log report body in page units (millimeters), then 3) divides the result by 1000 to convert from millimeters to meters. This converts page units to depth units using your specified scale ratiofor example, a scale ratio of 100:1 = 18 meters of depth represented on the page, since the log body height is 180 mm.

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Note: This example is intended to show how a user with metric page units and metric depth units would specify a typical scale ratio. In the provided sample files, however, you have English/Imperial page units, so the above example wont actually work on your system. If you want to convert depth units of feet to page units of inches with a scale ratio, youll use 12 instead of 1000 in the above expression. 6. Click OK to save the expression. Click OK to close the report properties. We will not preview the report.

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Test Pit Log -- Using Photo Fields and Multiple-Page Setup

In this exercise we take the SIMPLE REPORT log form and convert it to a test pit log that displays photos on the pages following each log. We will set this up so that if there are no photos, no additional pages will print, but if photos are referenced by the borehole, they will be printed two to a page. We will take the following approach:

Create a new table to reference multiple photos for each borehole, with a Bitmap File field in the photos table Add two bitmap symbol entities to the side of the report to display the up to two photos per page Move the column entities to a block, and set a condition to suppress the printing of this block after page 1 Set an output override X value for the photos so they move over to the left to replace the column entities on page 2 and beyond.

Creating the Borehole Photos Table

The first step is to set up the database to hold references to multiple photos. If you knew you only wanted a fixed number of photos per test pit log, you could place a specific number of Bitmap File fields directly in the borehole record. However, to have the flexibility of including as many photos and diagrams as exist for the test pit, the best approach is to create a child table. We will call the table PHOTOS, and each record will hold the link to one photo, along with its description. To create the PHOTOS table, do the following: 1. Go to DATA DESIGN Project Database. Open the current project (training.gpj).

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2. Select Tables

New or the New

button in the toolbar. The New... dialog box appears:

3. For the Name, enter PHOTOS. 4. For the Key Set, select PointID, ItemKey. To establish a one-to-many relationship between the POINT table and the PHOTOS table requires that the PHOTOS table be keyed on a combination of the POINT tables key (PointID, or Borehole Number) and a key of its own. The name for a child tables key is always ItemKey (or ItemKey2), unless Depth, Reading, or DateTime is used as the child key. We will caption ItemKey shortly with a more memorable name.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 5. Click OK. The field list and properties appear.

6. With PointID highlighted, specify a Caption of Borehole Number, and click OK. 7. Click on ItemKey in the field list. Specify a Caption of Photo ID, and click OK. 8. Click the New button beneath the field list. Specify a Name of Photo File and a Type of Bitmap File, and check the Required checkbox. Click OK. 9. Select File filename. New Data Template Clone From Current and specify data entry.gdt for the

Remember, always save to the corresponding template when you make changes to tables or fields in a project! The Photo File field will hold two pieces of data for each photo record: the name and location of the bitmap (JPG, BMP, TIF, etc.) file, and descriptive text. Well see how this works in INPUT. 1. Go to INPUT. Notice that there is now an additional tab, Photos. 2. We need to import data for a new test pit. Select File Import/Export Import From Excel File. In the IMPORT FROM EXCEL FILE dialog box, specify an Excel File of test pit data.xls from the \gINT\projects\ folder and click OK. 3. Close the import status window. The data entry grid should now have data for test pit TP-114 in addition to the pre-existing boreholes. 4. Click the Photos tab. Drag the right edge of the header of the Photo File column so that the column extends to the right edge of the application window.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 5. Select TP-114 in the object selector. Enter the following in the empty bottom row (you will need to click the Expand button in the Photo File column to specify the photos filename and description, then click OK):

Photo ID

Filename (Load Raster File)

\Photos\TP 114 bottom.jpg

Bottom of Test Pit 114.

Notice how the combined file path and description are stored to a single grid cell, separated by the vertical line character.

A Bitmap File field does not contain the bitmap graphic, only a link to where it resides on your computer or network. If you move or rename the file, you will need to update the link in INPUT.

Creating the Test Pit Report

The test pit report will be a customized version of the SIMPLE LOG report that was previously created. To create a copy, do the following: 1. Ensure that you are in REPORT DESIGN and SIMPLE LOG appears in the object selector. 2. Select File Copy Page. The Copy Page dialog box appears.

3. Enter the following values:

Page Name to Copy To Set Current Page To


Name of new report Opens the duplicate report form rather than the original.

4. Click OK. The SIMPLE PHOTO TEST PIT report has been created and appears in REPORT DESIGN. We are going to force a specific number of additional pages to print for each borehole past the number of pages required for the log. We want up to two photos to print per additional page. So if there are 2 photo records for the borehole, we want 1 additional page. If there are 5 photos we want 3 additional pages. To accomplish this, we create an expression in the Number of Additional Pages Expression property. 1. Click the Properties icon. The LOG REPORT PROPERTIES dialog box appears.

2. Select the Report Structure tab. 3. In the Number of Additional Pages Expression property at the bottom, enter the following:
<<Calc((<<Count(<<PHOTOS.ItemKey>>)>> + 1) \ 2)>>

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN The <<Count(<<PHOTOS.ItemKey>>)>> sub-expression counts the number of PHOTOS records for the borehole being output. The backslash symbol performs integer division, which rounds off the remainder from the result, so the calculation adds 1 to the number of photos, divides by 2, then discards the remainder. 4. Click OK. Next, we will add two bitmap symbol entities to the report, each one for display of a photo, along with their descriptive text blocks and a divider line. In the report design the bitmap symbols and their associated text and line will be placed to the right of the right margin rather than at the X coordinates where they will print at output time. This is for ease of report form maintenance (it would be too messy if we overlaid the photos on the column entities). We will create and configure blocks shortly that will cause the column entities to print only on page 1, and on subsequent pages for these to be suppressed and the photos, descriptions, title and line to print at the correct distance to the left. Well include a subtitle, PHOTOS, to appear on the photo pages beneath the main heading. 1. Select Draw Text Text or click the Text icon. The TEXT PROPERTIES window appears.

2. Click Reset, then enter the following values:

Text Expression Height Horz Align Vert Align X Y 3. Click OK. 4. Click the Zoom To Extents PHOTOS 0.14 Center Middle 11 8.25

Text size.

Text to print. Center-aligns at X coordinate vertically Center-aligns at Y coordinate vertically.

button. Notice that the PHOTOS text entity is at the far right.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN To place the upper bitmap symbol, do the following: 1. Select Draw appears. Graphics Bitmap Symbol. The BITMAP SYMBOL PROPERTIES window

2. Enter the following values, then click OK:

Bitmap Symbol

<<User System Data.Photo File Page Top>>

Do not click the Browse icon click in the field, then use the Data Tool to select User System Data from the Table list and Photo File Page Top from the Field list. Sets the height of the bitmap. Otherwise may be too small or too large for the space Sets the width of the bitmap. Note that whichever of Override Height or Width results in the smaller figure is the one used. Both are not used, because the figure would distort. Photo is center-aligned to X coordinate Photo is top-aligned to Y coordinate Actual X coordinate plus 8" offset Height of photo alignment point 25

Override Height Override Width



Override Horz Align Override Vert Align X Y

Center Top 11 7.9

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN Notice that a small double-triangle marker symbol appears beneath the PHOTOS text heading. The expression in the Bitmap Symbol property points to a user system data item called Photo File Page Top. You would normally create such a user data item yourself, or merge it from another library then customize it, but we have provided these in the library to save time. The Photo File Page Top item has the following definition:
<<Let(PhotoNum = <<User System Data.Photo Number Top>>)>>_ <<User System Data.Photo File>>

which in turn references the Photo Number Top item:

<<Calc(((<<PgAddl>> - 1) * 2) + 1)>>

and the Photo File item:

<<ProjectSymbol(<<RecordItem(<<PHOTOS.Photo File>>,<<Get(PhotoNum)>>)>>)>>

So, what these calculations collectively do is the following:

Determine from the PgAddl system data item which page is being printed, and compute from this the record number of the photo that should display at the top of this page. This calculation is performed in the Photo Number Top data item and is assigned to the temporary variable PhotoNum (in the Let statement in the Photo File Page Top data item). Get the value of PhotoNum, and obtain the Photo File bitmap field value in record PhotoNum of the PHOTOS table for the current borehole. Extract the bitmap symbol reference from it using the ProjectSymbol() function.

This is illustrated below:

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 3. Click OK to close the dialog box and place the entity. To create the first photos description entity, do the following: 1. Select Draw Text Text. The TEXT PROPERTIES dialog box appears. Enter the following values in the Main tab:

Text Expression Height Horz Align Vert Align X Y

<<User System Data.Photo Description Page Top>> 0.08 Center Top 11 4.5

See discussion below

The Photo Description Page Top user data item extracts the description portion of the Photo File bitmap field from the appropriate PHOTOS record to display at the top of the current page. The logic is similar to Photo File Page Top, and uses the following user data items:

Photo Description Page Top:

<<Let(PhotoNum = <<User System Data.Photo Number Top>>)>>_ <<User System Data.Photo Description>>

Photo Number Top:

<<Calc(((<<PgAddl>> - 1) * 2) + 1)>>

Photo Description:

<<DelimitData(_ Figure <<POINT.PointID>>.<<Get(PhotoNum)>><<cr>>,_ <<ProjectSymbolDesc(<<RecordItem(<<PHOTOS.Photo File>>,<<Get(PhotoNum)>>)>>)>>_ )>>

The Photo Description data item generates, prior to the description, a figure number from the borehole number and the record number. For example the third photo in test pit 12 would be labeled Figure 12.3. 2. Enter the following value in the Configuration tab:

Design Mode Text Display

photo description

Labels the text entity in REPORT DESIGN.

3. Enter the following value in the Wrap tab:

Column Width Expression 6


Maximum width of the text.

4. Click OK to close the dialog box.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN Next we create a dividing line between the upper and lower photos. 1. Click the Line tool or select Draw Points and Lines Lines.

2. In response to the First Point prompt, enter 8, 4 in the coordinates box at lower left, then press Enter. 3. In response to the Second Point prompt, enter 14, 4 and press Enter. Then press Esc to get out of line entry mode. The dividing line will appear. Now we duplicate the upper bitmap symbol and text entity using Offset Copy and modify the properties in the duplicates. 1. Select Modify Offset Copy. The Select Entities prompt appears in the Command Box.

2. Click the graphic symbol entity to select it. 3. In the yellow Chg X,Y box at lower right, enter 0, -4, then click OK. A copy of the graphic symbol entity appears beneath the dividing line. The Select Entities prompt reappears. 4. Click the photo description text entity to select it. Click OK. You do not need to change the Chg X,Y value, which is still correct. A copy of the text entity appears near the bottom. The report design appears as shown:

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 5. Double-click on the lower bitmap symbol entity. The BITMAP SYMBOL PROPERTIES window appears. Change the following properties in the Main tab:

Bitmap Symbol

<<User System Data.Photo File Page Bottom>>

Extracts the file reference portion of the bitmap field in the appropriate PHOTOS record. Use the left half of the Data Tool.

The Photo File Page Bottom user data item extracts the bitmap portion of the Photo File bitmap field from the appropriate PHOTOS record to display at the bottom of the current page. The logic is similar to Photo File Page Top, and uses the following user data items:

Photo File Page Bottom:

<<Let(PhotoNum = <<User System Data.Photo Number Bottom>>)>>_ <<ProjectSymbol(<<RecordItem(<<PHOTOS.Photo File>>,<<Get(PhotoNum)>>)>>)>>

Photo Number Bottom:

<<Calc(<<PgAddl>> * 2)>>

6. Click OK to close the dialog box. 7. Double-click on the lower description text entity. The TEXT PROPERTIES window appears. 8. Change the following property setting in the Main tab:

Text Expression

<<User System Data.Photo Description Page Bottom>>

Extracts the description portion of the bitmap field in the appropriate PHOTOS record.

The Photo Description Page Bottom user data item extracts the description portion of the Photo File bitmap field from the appropriate PHOTOS record to display at the bottom of the current page. The logic is similar to Photo Description Page Top, and uses the following user data items:

Photo Description Page Bottom:

<<Let(PhotoNum = <<User System Data.Photo Number Bottom>>)>>_ <<User System Data.Photo Description>>

Photo Number Bottom:

<<Calc(<<PgAddl>> * 2)>>

Photo Description:

<<DelimitData(_ Figure <<POINT.PointID>>.<<Get(PhotoNum)>><<cr>>,_ <<ProjectSymbolDesc(<<RecordItem(<<PHOTOS.Photo File>>,<<Get(PhotoNum)>>)>>)>>_ )>>

9. Click OK to close the dialog box. 10. Click the Save icon.

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Creating and Configuring Private Blocks

We will place the page 2 and beyond entities (everything associated with the photos) in one private block, and the page 1 only entities (all of the column entities and the water-level indicators) in another. Private blocks are very useful for displaying or suppressing a group of entities together, as well as for moving a group of entities a specified distance in response to a specified condition. To create the two blocks, do the following: 1. Select Blocks Create Block. The CREATE BLOCK dialog box appears.

2. Enter the following values:

Type Name Page Range Design Mode Color

Private (current page) PHOTO PAGE Additional Pages Very Light Magenta

A private block. Blocks name. Restricts the output of this block to page 2 and beyond of the report. The identification color for entities in the block.

3. Click OK. The Select Entities prompt appears in the Command Box. 4. Draw a crossing rectangle from the upper right of the group of page 2+ elements to lower left. This should include the two graphic symbol entities, the two description text entities, and the dividing line. 5. Click OK. A magenta block insert tag appears, and the contents of the block are also magenta. 6. Double-click the block insert. The BLOCK PROPERTIES dialog box appears. Enter the following property setting:

X Y Offset X 11 10 -8.0


Places the block insert directly above the block in REPORT DESIGN. No impact at output time. Same as current value. Moves the block 8" to the left on output.

7. Click OK to close the dialog box.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN Now we create the page 1 block. 1. Select Blocks Create Block. The CREATE BLOCK dialog box appears.

2. Enter the following values:

Type Name Page Range Design Mode Color FIRST PAGE

Private (current page) Not Additional Pages Very Light Red


Restricts the output of this block to the test pit data, typically just page 1.

3. Click OK. The Select Entities prompt appears. 4. Draw a crossing rectangle from the upper right of the group of page 1 elements to lower left. This should include the seven column entities, but not the header. 5. Click OK. A red block insert tag appears, and the contents of the block are also red.

Everything is in place for the report to generate additional pages of photos. Do the following: 1. Go to OUTPUT. 2. Click the Browse button to the right of Borehole Number. Select borehole (test pit) TP-114 and click OK. 31
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3. Click the Preview


4. Notice the borehole log on page 1 of the report. Select page 2 (and subsequent pages) in the object selector, and note the photo pages.

5. Zoom in on one of the photo descriptions. Notice that the figures have been successively numbered using the borehole number as a prefix, and the description has been extracted from the Bitmap File field for the correct photo.

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Variable Graphic Legends on Reports

A variable legend entity creates a legend displaying the material, sampler, well or other symbols in use in a single log, all boreholes on a fence report, or throughout a project (displayed in a graphic text doc). This is a useful visual aid on a report. The legend is called variable because the set of symbol boxes that appears will vary from log to log or fence to fence, depending on which symbols are in use. We will create variable legends on a log and a fence, and create a graphic text document showing all material and sampler symbols for the project.

Log Report Legend

First we create the log, which will have a legend for sampler graphics. 1. Ensure that the current library is training.glb. 2. Go to REPORT DESIGN Logs. In the object selector select SIMPLE LOG (or FINAL SIMPLE LOG if SIMPLE LOG is missing or incomplete). 3. Select File Copy Page. Enter the following, then click OK:

Page Name to Copy To Set Current Page To


4. We need to create a footer for the legend, and shorten the body height (where column entities reside) to make room for the footer. Click the Properties Structure tab. Enter the following: icon, then select the Report

Page 1 Body Height Page 1 Footer Height 7.5 0.5


We only make these changes for Page 1. On subsequent pages the legend will not appear. 5. Select the Columns and Lines tab. Check the Bottom of Body checkbox. 6. Click OK to close the Properties window.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 7. Select Log Variable Legend. The VARIABLE LEGEND PROPERTIES window appears.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 8. Enter the following in the Main tab:

Field with Data


The field containing symbol names. Its values determine which symbol graphics print. Use the Data Tool. Determines which kind of symbol is displayed in the legend. One row of symbols will appear in the legend (we have limited vertical space, and there will be few sample graphics per log). Ignored in a 1-row legend. Maximum number of columns of symbols displayed. Note that num_of_columns x column_spacing should be the width of the report body, 6" in this case. Distance from the start of one symbol to the start of the next. Can also be thought of as column width. Rectangle height of each symbol. Distance from the right edge of each rectangle to the left edge of its description. Character size of description text. X coordinate of legend alignment point (which is at upper left corner of legend) Y coordinate of alignment point.

Symbol Type Number of Rows

Sampler Graphics 1

Row Spacing No. of Columns

0.4 5

Column Spacing


Rectangle Height Rectangle Width Gap Between Descriptions and Rectangles Text Height X

0.4 0.15 0.05

0.08 0.05


9. Go to the Configuration tab. Enter the following:

Output Condition


Restricts display of the legend entity to page 1. Use the Data Tool (right half) to paste the Pg system data item.

10. Go to the Symbol Descriptions tab. Enter the following:

Name and/or Description


Specifies what (from the Symbol record) will appear next to each symbol.

11. Click OK. The variable legend entity is added to the report.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 12. Go to OUTPUT, and preview the report.

Notice the legend at the bottom. 13. Close the preview.

Fence Report Legend

We will create a material graphic legend for a fence report next. In a fence report, a legend displays all symbols used of the specified type (material in this case) in all boreholes of the report. Do the following: 1. Go to REPORT DESIGN Fences.

2. In the object selector select SIMPLE FENCE (or FINAL SIMPLE FENCE if SIMPLE FENCE is missing or incomplete). 3. Select File Copy Page. Enter the following, then click OK:

Page Name to Copy To Set Current Page To

SIMPLE FENCE WITH LEGEND First in Copy To List icon. The

4. Some modifications are required to the data frame layout. Click the Properties FENCE REPORT PROPERTIES window appears.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 5. In the Data Frame tab, enter the following settings:

Frame Y Frame Height 0.95 5.25


Elevates the frame bottom by .45" to make room for the legend. Shortens the frame by .25" so it doesnt run into the header.

6. Click OK to save the property changes. 7. Double-click on the Distance Along Baseline (ft) entity. The TEXT PROPERTIES window opens. 8. In the Main tab, enter the following, then click OK:

Y 9. Select Fence 0.7


Elevates the text entity by .6" to keep it just beneath the elevated data frame.

Variable Legend. The VARIABLE LEGEND dialog box appears.

10. Enter the following values:

Field with Data Symbol Type Number of Rows Row Spacing Number of Columns

<<LITHOLOGY.Graphic>> Material Graphics 1 0.4 10

The data source will be the Graphic field in the LITHOLOGY table. Use the Data Tool. The legend will collect all material symbols used in the fence report. We use a single-row legend to avoid having to compress the data frame too much. Ignored in a single-row legend. A maximum of 10 symbols can be displayed. To increase this we would have to narrow the column spacing or add a row. We use a narrower column than in the log. Same as the log. Slightly wider than the log reports .15" Same as the log. Character height. Same as the log. Alignment point is .05" to right of the report border. Alignment point is .5" above the report border. This allows room for the .4" high graphic rectangles and a reasonable amount of text.

Column Spacing Rectangle Height Rectangle Width Gap between Descriptions and Rectangles Text Height X Y

1 0.4 0.2 0.05 0.08 0.05 0.5

11. Click OK to save the legend properties.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 12. Go to OUTPUT Fences and preview the report. (Cancel the User Report Variables window if desired.) The report appears as shown:

13. Close the preview.

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Graphic Text Doc Legends

A good use of the Graphic Text Doc report type and variable legends is to report all the material, sampler, well, and/or general component graphics in use throughout the project. We will create the report from scratch, and include two legends, one each for material and sampler graphics. 1. In REPORT DESIGN, select the Graphic Text Docs tab. 2. Click the New icon or select File New. The New... dialog box appears.

3. In the General tab, click Reset, then enter the following:

Name Description Left Margin Bottom Margin Page Size Orientation Template Key Set

SIMPLE LEGEND Legend of material and sampler graphics used 0.6 0.425 Letter Portrait data entry.gdt Project


Specifies the level at which data is consolidated.

4. Click OK. The empty report is created. 5. We will use the TITLE PORTRAIT block from the Drawing Library to create borderlines and header text. Select Blocks Insert Block. In the BLOCK PROPERTIES dialog box, click Reset then enter the following:

Block Source Design Mode Color X Y 6. Click OK.

Dwglib!title portrait Very Light Red -2 8.5

Click the Browse icon, select a Type of DWGLIB and a Block of TITLE PORTRAIT. Color in REPORT DESIGN for the block insert and contents. X coordinate of alignment point for block insert. No effect on output. See X.

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7. The report needs a title. Select Draw then enter the following:


Text or click the Text

icon, click Reset,

Text Expression Height Horz Align Vert Align X Y 8. Click OK. 0.14 Right Top 7.5 10.1


9. We need a centered title above the first legend, which is for Material graphics. Select Draw Text Text or click the Text icon, click Reset, then enter the following:

Text Expression Height Horz Align Vert Align X Y 10. Click OK. 0.14 Center Top 3.8 8.85

Material Graphics

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 11. Next we create a variable legend for material graphics. Select Graphic Text Legend, click Reset, then enter the following: Variable

Field with Data Symbol Type Number of Rows Row Spacing Number of Columns Column Spacing Fill Order Rectangle Height Rectangle Width Gap Between Descriptions and Rectangles Text Height X Y

<<LITHOLOGY.Graphic>> Material Graphics 4 0.6 6 1.25 By Row 0.4 0.4 0.04

Source field for symbols. Use the Data Tool. Type of symbol to display. Four rows of symbols. Row height. Needs to exceed rectangle height by some small distance for spacing. Six columns of symbols. Width of each column. Symbols populate the legend from left to right. Symbol rectangle height. Symbol rectangle width.

0.08 0.06 8.6

12. Go to the Symbol Descriptions tab and specify the following:

Name and/or Description

Name: Description

Specifies whether the Name (symbol code), Description or both appear, and if both, in what format. Were printing the code first, then a colon, then the description.

13. Click OK. 14. To add a centered title above the sampler graphics legend, select Draw the Text icon, then enter the following: Text Text or click

Text Expression Height Horz Align Vert Align X Y 15. Click OK. 0.14 Center Top 3.8 6.0

Sampler Graphics

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 16. To create a variable legend for sampler graphics, select Graphic Text click Reset, then enter the following in the Main tab: Variable Legend,

Field with Data Symbol Type Number of Rows Row Spacing Number of Columns Column Spacing Fill Order Rectangle Height Rectangle Width Gap Between Descriptions and Rectangles Text Height X Y

<<SAMPLE.Type>> Sampler Graphics 2 0.6 6 1.25 By Row 0.4 0.4 0.04

0.08 0.06 5.75

17. Go to the Symbol Descriptions tab and specify the following:

Name and/or Description 18. Click OK. 19. Go to OUTPUT

Name: Description

Graphic Text Docs and preview the result.

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20. Close the preview. A useful variant is the vertical project symbol report. To create this, do the following: 1. Go to REPORT DESIGN 2. Select File Graphic Text Docs.

Copy Page. Name the copy SIMPLE VERTICAL LEGEND.

3. Double-click the Material Graphics text entity, change the following values, then click OK:

Horz Align X Left 0.06


4. Double-click the Sampler Graphics text entity, change the following values, then click OK:

Horz Align X Y Left 3.8 8.85


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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 5. Double-click the material graphics variable legend entity, change the following values, then click OK:

Number of Rows Number of Columns Column Spacing Fill Order 14 2 1.5 By Column


6. Double-click the sampler graphics variable legend entity, change the following values, then click OK:

Number of Rows Number of Columns Column Spacing Fill Order X Y 7. Go to OUTPUT 14 2 1.5 By Column 3.8 8.6


Graphic Text Docs and preview the report.

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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 8. Close the preview.

Symbol Legend Positions

The Variable Legend entity in logs, fences, and graphic text documents, by default, prints the symbols in the order that they were encountered in the output. You can override this default behavior for sampler, material, well and/or general symbols using the Symbol Legend Positions feature in SYMBOL DESIGN, which enables you to assign rankings to symbols for display in legends. For example, you might want to order material symbols to show gravel symbols first, followed by sand, silt, clay, rock, and all others. To do this you would assign an integer to all gravels you use, a higher integer for all sands, and so on. You can skip values. It is only the relative values that are important, that is, 5 will sort before 8 and it doesn't matter that there are no 6 or 7 values. Also, you can have multiple symbols with the same legend position values, and symbols with unspecified values are placed at the end of the list. Well assign the following values to material symbols used in our project:


USCS Low Plasticity Clay USCS Low Plasticity Sandy Clay USCS Well-graded Gravel with Clay USCS Silt Sandstone USCS Clayey Sand Siltstone USCS Silty Sand USCS Poorly-graded Sand 4 4 1 3 5 2 5 2 2

Legend Position

To demonstrate the feature, do the following: 1. Go to SYMBOL DESIGN and select the Material tab. 2. Select File Symbol Legend Positions. The Symbol Legend Positions dialog box appears.

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3. Enter the legend position values in the corresponding rows from the list above, then click OK. 4. Go to OUTPUT Graphic Text Docs. Preview the output. The material symbols are now in gravel-sand-silt-clay-rock-other order.

5. Close the preview.

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Appendix A -- Sorting Boreholes using a GintPointSort Field

By default, POINT records are sorted based on the alphanumeric borehole numbers you assign to them in the PointID field, and the sorting follows standard character sort order. This affects the order of output of log reports, of records in graphic and text tables, and of boreholes in object selector dropdowns. There are situations in which you need to specify a custom sort order for boreholes so that they output in a different order from the default. This is accomplished by adding a GintPointSort field to the POINT table. To demonstrate this (using training.gpj and training.glb from the Standard Data Files for All Tutorials), do the following: 1. Go to INPUT Lithology and click the object selector drop-down arrow. Notice that the order is B-1, B-2, B-3, CPT-1, TP-1 (followed by TP-114, if present). Press Esc. 2. Go to DATA DESIGN Project Database and open the current project (training.gpj). Select POINT in the object selector. 3. Select Tables Point Sort Field. Notice that GintPointSort has been added to the bottom of the Fields list. 4. Highlight GintPointSort and move it up by repeatedly clicking the Up Arrow between PointID and HoleDepth in the list. 5. Go to INPUT icon until it is

Borehole. Enter the following values in the GintPointSort column:

Borehole No.
B-1 B-2 B-3 CPT-1 TP-1 TP-114 (if present) 3 4 5 2 1 6

GintPointSort Value

6. Click the Lithology tab. Click the object selector drop-down arrow. Notice that the listing order is now TP-1, CPT-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, TP-114. 7. Go to OUTPUT Logs. Click in the Sort 1 field.

8. In the Data Tool under the FILTER heading, select a Table of POINT and a Field of GintPointSort, then click Paste. [POINT].[GintPointSort] appears in the Sort 1 field. 9. Select ENVIRONMENTAL BH in the object selector and preview the report. Page through the report pages using the object selector, and notice that the order of output is TP-1, CPT-1, B-1, B-2, B-3, TP-114. Close the preview. 10. Go to REPORT DESIGN Logs. Select the Properties icon. Notice the Sort Field 1 property. You would enter the same value here as you used in OUTPUT, namely [POINT].[GintPointSort], to make this sort order permanent for the report. We will not do this at this time. Click Cancel. 47
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ADVANCED LOG REPORT DESIGN 11. Close the preview. Note: If you have many reports within a particular report type (such as logs), you can use the File Page Copy Page Properties command to copy the Sort Field 1 property value to the other reports. Note: A gINT Rule can be written to insert the values into GintPointSort according to some predefined scheme. Download and install from for an example of how this can be done. The gra007.txt file provides an explanation and implementation details.

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