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The report summarizes investigations on the load-settlement behavior of axially loaded drilled shafts in intermediate geomaterials, which are at the boundary between soil and rock. Two predictive models are proposed and the models are recommended for use pending local calibration.

The report summarizes investigations on the resistance of load-settlement behavior of axially loaded drilled shafts in geomaterials at the boundary between soil and rock, termed "intermediate geomaterials."

The two predictive models proposed in the report are a finite element model based on drilled shafts with smooth and rough interfaces in cohesive geomaterials, and a model based on an approximate elasticity solution and correlations of geomaterial properties with standard penetration test results in cohesionless geomaterials.

Load Transfer for Drilled

of Transportation
Shafts in Intermediate
Geomaterials 0 }r:5 '{:~ r~ r~. nrr::J r]'
Federal Highway
L'::-:J l " . ~- . .. '~ l

JAN 2 3 1~97 -
MAl C...l\ir\Lv LAB

Publication No. FHWA-RD-95-172

Research and Development November 1996
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
6300 Georgetown Pike
Mclean, Virginia 22101-2296

G &Lft3 r

This report sutnmarizes investigations on the resistance of load-settlement behavior of axially loaded
drilled shafts in geomaterials at the boundary between soil and rock, termed "intermediate
geomaterials." Two predictive models were developed, namely, a finite element model based on
drilled shafts with smooth and rough interfaces in cohesive geomaterials, and a model based on an
approximate elasticity solution and correlations of geomaterial properties with standard penetration
test results in cohesionless geomaterials. The models are recommended for use pending local

Charles J. Nemmers, P.E.

Director, Office of Engineering
Research and Development


This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the
interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for the contents
or use thereof. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.

The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trade and
manufacturers' names appear in this report only because they are considered essential to the object of
the document.

1. Report No. 2. Governme llluull llllllllll I

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!eport Documentation Page
:atalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
6. Performing Organization Code

) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a. Pe~rmingOrgan~at~n Report No.

M.W. O'Neill, F.C. Townsend, K.M. Hassan, A Buller, P.S. Chan 91143.10
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
PSC Associates, Inc. 3E3a
1185 Terra Bella 11. Contract or Grant No.
Mountain View, CA 94043 DTFH61-91-Z-00041

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

Office of Engineering and Highway Operations R&D Final Report 1991-1995
Federal Highway Administration
6300 Georgetown Pike 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
Mclean, VA 22101-2296
15. Supplementary Notes
Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR):
Carl Ealy, HNR-10

16. Abstract
This study investigated the resistance and load-settlement behavior of axially loaded drilled shafts in geomaterials at the boundary
between soil and rock, termed "intermediate geomaterials." The primary objective of the study was to develop or adapt simple
design-level models to predict resistance and load-settlement behavior. Two models are proposed. The first is based on finite
element modeling of drilled shafts with smooth and rough interfaces in cohesive geomaterials, while the second is based on
approximate elasticity solution and correlations of geomaterial properties with standard penetration test results in cohesionless
geomaterials. Loading tests on seven full-scale drilled shafts were considered as a means to verity the accuracy of the design
models and to develop recommendations concerning the inputs to the models. The models are recommended for use pending local

Materials Laboratory Library .

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'"} r'\ 47365
G~y t\"Jia, vVA 98504-7365

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

Drilled Shafts, Design Soft Rock, Hard Clay, Residual Soil, No restrictions. This document is available to the public through
Glacial Till, Load Testing, Load Transfer the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia

19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21 . No. ofPages 22. Price

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In order to complete the research study presented in this report, the authors were assisted
by numerous generous individuals and organizations who received the authors for personal
visits, reviewed materials, permitted access to data bases, and made test sites available and
accessible. These individuals and organizations are listed below.

Clyde Baker, Jr.

Jean-Louis Briaud
John Carter
Ian Johnston
Chris Haberfield
Robert Horvath
Fred Kulhawy
James Long
Reniere Majano
Paul Mayne
Michael McVay
Priscilla Nelson
P. J. N. Pells
Harry Poulos
Lymon Reese
Kerry Rowe
Julian Seidel
Keith Tucker
Willem Van Impe
Adrian Williams

ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling

Georgia Department of Transportation
Haley and Aldrich, Inc.
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Southwestern Laboratories, Inc.
Trow, Inc.

--- -- - _______ ...._ ------- ------ --------------------------------- -------
Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol Ill Symbol When You Know Multiply By To Find Symbol


In inches 25.4 millimeters mm mm millimeters 0.039 inches 1n
ft teet 0.305 meters m m meters 3.28 feet ft
yd yards 0.914 meters m m meters 1.09 yards yd
mi miles 1.61 kilometers km km kilometers 0.621 miles mi

in' square inches s..5.2 square millimeters mm2 mm2 square millimeters 0.0016 square inches in2
ftl square teet 0.093 square meters mz mz square meters 10.764 square feet ft2
yd' square yards 0.836 square meters m m square meters 1.195 square yards yd'
ac aaes 0.405 hectares ha ha hectares 2.47 aaes ac
mi' square miles 2.59 square kilometers km2 km2 square kilometers 0.386 square miles mi'
ft oz fluid ouncea 29.57 milliliters ml ml milliliters 0.034 fluid ounces fl oz
gal gallona 3.785 litera L L liters 0.264 gallons gal
It' cubic teet 0.028 m~ m~ cubic metera 35.71 cubic feet ft3
cubic meters
Ill yd' cubic yards 0.765
NOTE: Volumea greater than 1000 I shall be ahown In m3 .
cubic meters m~ m~ cubic meters 1.307 cubic yards yd'

oz ounces 28.35 grams g g grams 0.035 ounces oz
lb pounds O...s4 kilogram a kg kg kilograms 2.202 pounds lb
T short tons (2000 lb) 0.907 megagrams Mg Mg megagrama 1.103 short ton a (2000 lb) T
(or metric ton) (or r) (or n (or metric ton)
OF Fahrenheit 5(F-32)19 Celcius oc oc Celcius 1.8C + 32 Fahrenheit OF
temperature or (F-32Y1.8 temperature temperature temperature

fc foot-<:andlea 10.76 lux lx lx lux 0.0929 foot-<:andlea fc
fl foot-L.ambertl 3.426 candela/m1 cdlm' cdlm 2 candela/m1 0.2919 foot-Lamberta fl

lbf poundforoe 4.45 newtons N N newtons 0.225 poundforoe lbf

lbflin' poundforoe per 6.89 kilopascals kPa kPa kilopascals 0.145 poundforoe per lbflin2
square inch square inch

* Sl Ia the symbol for the International System of Unitt. Appropriate (Revised September 1993)
rounding should be made to comply with Section 4 of ASTM E380.
Table of Contents

l. Introduction .................................................................. ... .. ................................ .... 1
Background .... ... ... . . . . . .. . .. . .... .. ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... . . 1
Intermediate Geomaterials ..................................................................... 2
Study Objective .......... :......................................................................... 2
Study Methodology ............................................................................... 3
Documentation of Details .............. ................... .... ........................................... 5
Organization of Report .. ........................ ..................... ....... .............................. 6

2. Literature Survey and Visits ................................................................................ 7

General . ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .. . . . . . . ... . .................. ............................... ......... 7
Examples of Design Methods for I GM' s ........................................................ 8
Design Method of Williams et a/. .......................................................... 8
Design Method of Kodikara et a/. ........................................................ 14
Design Method of Horvath et al. ........................................................ 17
Design Method of Rowe and Armitage ............................................... 17
Canadian Foundatzon Manual Method ............................................... 20
Method of Carter and Kulhawy ........................................................... 21
Method of Me Vay et a/. .. ... .. .... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... .. ... .... ... .. ... ... 29
Method of Mayne and Harris ............................... ............................... 31
Long-Term Settlement of Drilled Shafts in Intermediate
Geomaterials ... ... . ..................................................................... 36
Comparison of Methods ................................................................... 36

3. Data Base .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 41

General Information . . ... ... .... .. ..... .. ... .... ... ... ... .... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... . .. ... ... ... . 41
Contents of Data Base ... .. .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .... ... .... .. .... .. ... 41
File Format ...... .. .. . .. .. .. .... .... . .. ...... .. .. ... .... .... ....... ........ 53
Correlations Developed Using Data Base . . .. ..... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .... .. .... ... ... ... .. 53
New Design Methods .... ... ..... . .... ... .... ... ... .. . .... ... .... .. ..... .. ... .. .. .... .. .... ... .... . .. . 63

4. Design Models for Axially Loaded Drilled Shafts in Intermediate

Geomaterials .......... .... ............... .......................... ..... .. .................................... ..... 65
Background . ... . . ............................................................. 65
Model 1 (Category 1 and 2 IGM' s) ............................................................... 68
Finite Element Analysis .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .... . 68
Stress Distribution Around Interface and Defined Value
offmax 75
Effect of Borehole Roughness . .. .. . .. .... .. 78
Effect of Disturbed Geomaterial ("Smear") on the Face
of the Borehole ............................................................ ' 78
Calculations for Design Model .... . ..................................... .. 80
Direct Load-Settlement Simulation ........................................ . 80

Table of Contents

Commentary on Direct Load-Settlement Simulation Method .... 92
Example Calculations for Direct Load-Settlement
Simulation Method ............................................................. 92
Example 1. Rough Socket ........................................... 92
Example 2. Smooth Socket ......... .. .............................. 94
Simulation by Load Transfer Function Analysis ...................... .. 96
Construction of f-w and qb-Wb Relations ............... ........ 97
General Procedure ............................................ 97
Example 3. Unit Load Transfer Function
Formulation ........................................... 99
Model 2 (Category 3 IGM' s) ......................................................................... 102
Example 4. Model2 for Category 3 IGM' s ........................................ 104
5. Field Test Sites .................................................................................................... 107
Purpose ......................................................................................................... 107
Geomaterial and Construction Data ................................................................ 107
Details of Test Sites .......... ................. ............................................................ 110
Dallas Site .......................................................................................... 110
TAMU NGES Site ................................................. ......................... ... 113
Owensboro Site .................................................................................. 116
Coweta County Site ........................................................................... 129
Boston Site ....................... ...................... .................................. ......... 13 2
Tampa Site ......................................................................................... 137
Toronto Site ...................................................................................... 13 8

6. Comparisons of Field Test Results with Computed Behavior ......................... . 141

General .......................................................................................................... 141
Dallas Test ..................................................................................................... 141
TAMU Test ........ ..................... .................................... ............. ..................... 14 5
Owensboro Test .. ... ........................................................................................ 147
Coweta County Test ...................................................................................... 149
Boston Test ................................................................................................... 150
Tampa Test .................................................................................................... 153
Toronto Test ....... ............................................................ ............................... 155
Discussion of Results ..................................................................................... 156
Example Spreadsheets ................................................................................... 15 7

7. PlugTests ................................................................................................. ......... 171

General .......................................................................................................... I 71
Principles of Plug Testing ............................................................................... 171
Results of Plug Tests ...................................................................................... 171

Table of Contents

8. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations ............................................. 175
Summary ...................................................................................................... 175
Conclusions ... .. . ......................................................................................... 177
Recommendations ..... . . . .. . ..................................................... 178
Application of the Design Models ..................................................... 178
Further Research . .......................... ............ .................. .............. ....... 178

References .............................................................................................................. 181

List of Figures

Figure 1. Schematic of a Typical Drilled Shaft Foundation ............... .... ...... .. ... ........... 1
Figure 2. Variation in Factor a Based Only on Geomaterial Strength ......................... 3
Figure 3. Influence Factor I . ... .................................................. ...................... ......... 10
Figure 4. Qbe I Qe .... ................................................................................ 10
Figure 5. a vs. qu ..................................................................................................... 11
Figure 6. f3 vs. Mass Factor ..................................................................................... 11
Figure 7. Design Curve for Side Resistance ............................................................. 13
Figure 8. Base Bearing Capacity Factor Ns .............................................................. 13
Figure 9. Design Curve for Base Resistance ......... .................................................... 14
Figure 10. a vs. Borehole Roughness ........................................................................ 16
Figure 11 . Definition of Terms in Equation 13 ........................................................... 17
Figure 12. Design Chart for Rowe and Armitage's Method ........................................ 19
Figure 13 . Bearing Capacity Factors for Bell's Theory ............................................... 22
Figure 14. Ncr vs. SID ................................................................................................ 23
Figure 15 . 1 vs. R oc k D.tscontmUtty spacmg .............................................................. 23
Figure 16. Conceptual Load-Settlement Curve for Rock Socket ................................ 25
Figure 17. Schematic of the Interface Dilatancy Phenomenon .................................... 28
Figure 18. Hypothetical Load-Settlement Relationship for Method of
Mayne and Harris ...................................................................................... 33
Figure 19. Potential Soil Modulus Variation for Computing Settlement in
Granular, Decomposed Rock (Category 3 IGM) ....................................... 35
Figure 20. Predicted vs. Measured Side Resistance in Mudstone ................................ 60
Figure 21 . Predicted vs. Measured Side Resistance in Clay-Shale ............................... 61
Figure 22. Predicted vs. Measured Side Resistance in Limestone ............................... 62
Figure 23 . Loading and Boundary Conditions for Finite Element Analyses ................. 69
Figure 24. Finite Element Mesh for Rough Socket Analysis ..................................... .. 70
Figure 25 . Finite Element Mesh for Smooth Socket Analysis ..................................... 71
Figure 26. Idealization of Rough Concrete-IGM Interface ......................................... 72
Figure 27. Displaced Mesh in the Vicinity of Concrete-IGM Interface at 25-mm
Settlement at Top of Socket ......... ............................................................. 73
Figure 28. Contours of Mean Normal Stresses, crm, at Settlement of 25 mm ............... 76
Figure 29. Contours of Shear Stresses, trz, at Settlement of 25 mm ............................ 77
Figure 30. Fracture Pattern in IGM Indicated by Finite Element Analyses .................. 77
Figure 31 . Example of Effect of Interface Roughness on Load-Settlement
Behavior in Finite Element Analyses .......................................................... 78
Figure 32. ~chematic of Smeared Interface in Finite Element Analyses ....................... 79
Figure 33 . Relative Behavior of Rough Smeared Socket and Smooth Socket ............. 79
Figure 34. Factor a for Smooth Category 1 or 2 IGM's ...... ....................................... 87
Figure 35. Factor M vs. Concrete Slump ................................................................... 89
Figure 36. Factor n for Smooth Sockets for Various Combinations ofParameters ...... 90
Figure 37. Example 1 for Direct Method, Model 1. .................................................... 93
Figure 38. Load-Settlement Relationship for Example 1............................................. 95

List of Figures

Figure 39. Comparison of Solutions from Examples 1 and 2 ...................... ........... ..... 97
Figure 40 Example 3 for Unit Load Transfer Method, Model 1 ............................... I 00
Figure 41. f-w Curves for Example 3 ................................................................... I 03
Figure 42 qb-Wb Curve for Example 3 ......................................... ............... ............ 104
Figure 43 Conditions for Example 4 . .... ... . .... ............................ ................... 105
Figure 44. Load-Settlement Relation for Example 4 ....................... .......................... 106
Figure 4 5 Plan View of Dallas Test Site .. .. .. .... .. ..... .. ... .... .. .... ... ... ... ... ... .... .. ... .. ... . Ill
Figure 46 Profile ofT est Shaft at Dallas Site . . .. .. . ... .... ... .... .. .... ... ... .... .. ... .... . ... ... 112
Figure 4 7. Roughness Profile for Dallas Test Shaft . ... . .......................................... 114
Figure 48 Schematic of Instrumentation for Dallas Test Shaft .. ... ... .... ... ... ... .. ... ... . 115
Figure 49. Plan View ofT AMU Test Site .. .. . . .. . ................................ 117
Figure 50 Instrumentation and Geomaterial Profile forT AMU Test .......... ............ .. 118
Figure 51 Caliper Log for T AMU Test Shaft Borehole . . .. . ................................ 119
Figure 52 Undrained Shear Strength Profile forT AMU Site ........................ 120
Figure 53 Typical UU Triaxial Compression Stress-Strain Curve for Navarro Clay . 120
Figure 54 Location Map for Owensboro Test Site . .. . . ... . .. . ........................... 122
Figure 55 Layout of Test and Production Shafts for Pier 9, Owensboro Site ........... 123
Figure 56 Elevation View of Shaft 9-42, Owensboro ... .. .. .......................... 124
Figure 57. Schematic of Instrumentation for Shaft 9-42, Owensboro ....................... 125
Figure 58. Caliper Log of Shaft 8-43 , Owensboro .................................................... 126
Figure 59 Caliper Log of Shaft 9-42, Owensboro.. . . ... ... .. . . ... ... .... 127
Figure 60 Unconfined Compression and Moisture Data for Shaft 9-42, Owensboro 128
Figure 61 Location Map for Coweta County Test Site ..................................... 129
Figure 62 Shaft and Geomaterial Profile at Coweta County Site ........................... 130
Figure 63 . Instrumentation Schematic for Coweta County Test Shaft ..................... 131
Figure 64 Location Map for Boston Test Site . . . . ... . ................... 13 3
Figure 65 Elevation View of Boston Test Shaft and Geomaterial Profile .............. 134
Figure 66 Instrumentation Schematic for Boston Test Shaft .................................... 13 5
Figure 6 7 Cali per Log for Boston Test Shaft ... ... ... .... .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... . ..... . ...... .. ... .... .. ... 13 6
Figure 68 Profile of Tampa Test Shaft .................................................................. 13 7
Figure 69 Profile of Toronto Test Shaft ......................................................... 138
Figure 70 Caliper Log of Toronto Test Shaft . ......... 139
Figure 71 Computed and Observed Load-Settlement Results for Dallas Test .......... 143
Figure 72 Measured Load vs Depth Relations for Dallas Test . ... .. .. . .. . ... . 144
Figure 73 Computed and Observed Load-Settlement Results for TAMU Test ....... 145
Figure 74 Measured Load vs Depth Relations forT AMU Test . . .. . ... 146
Figure 75 Computed and Observed Load-Settlement Results for Owensboro Test . 147
Figure 76 Measured Load vs Depth Relations for Owensboro Test ...................... 148
Figure 77 Computed and Observed Load-Settlement Results for
Co~eta County Test ............................................................................ 149

\ ' Ill
List of Figures

Figure 78. Measured Load vs. Depth Relations for Coweta County Test ................... 150
Figure 79. Computed and Observed Load-Settlement Results for Boston Test .......... 151
Figure 80. Measured Load vs. Depth Relations for Boston Test ................................ 152
Figure 81 . Computed and Observed Load-Settlement Results for Tampa Test .......... 153
Figure 82. Measured Load vs. Depth Relations for Tampa Test .. .. ... ........................ 154
Figure 83 . Computed and Observed Load-Settlement Results for Toronto Test .. ... .. 15 5
Figure 84. Schematic of Plug Test ..... ...................................................................... 172

List of Tables

Table I. Characterization of Borehole Roughness ................... ..................... ............ 15
Table 2. Summary of Methods Reviewed ............................................................ 37
Table 3. Estimation of fmax from Additional References ............................................. 38
Table 4. Summary of the Data Base Load
Tests ....................................................... 42
Table 5. Example Data Base File ...... .. ... .. .. . ....................................................... 54
Table 6. Range of Values for Parameters for Finite Element Analysis ....................... 74
Table 7. Estimation of Em/Ei Based on RQD ............................................................ 84
Table 8 Adjustment of fa for Presence of Soft Seams .............................................. 88
Table 9. Computations for Nonlinear Part of Load-Settlement Curve, Example I ..... 94
Table 10. Computations for Nonlinear Part of Load-Settlement Curve, Example 2 ... 96
Table 11 . Summary of Computations for Unit Load Transfer Curves, Example 3 ...... I 03
Table 12. Numerical Computations for Load Transfer Factors, Example 4. .. ......... I 05
Table 13 . Average Geomaterial Properties in Test Sockets ..................................... . I 08
Table 14. Construction and Concreting Data .. .. .... .. ..... ... .... .. .............. .. .. .. .... 109
Table 15. Primary Input Values for Design Models ................................................... 142
Table 16. Error Metrics for Design Models .. . .............................................. 156
Table 17. Formula Sheet for Category 1 and 2 IGM's (Smooth Socket) ................... 159
Table 18. Values Sheet for Category 1 and 2 IGM's (Dallas Test) ............................ 164
Table 19. Formulas Sheet for Category 3 IGM's ..................................................... 166
Table 20 Values Sheet for Category 3 IGM's (Coweta County Test) ....................... 169
Table 21. Plug Test Results ... .. ... . . . .. .............................. ......... ............................. 173


Drilled shafts are foundation elements for bridges and other transportation structures that
are often cost-effective alternatives to driven piles or spread footings . They are commonly
constructed by excavating a circular borehole into a geomaterial (soil or rock), setting a
reinforcing cage, and then placing concrete; and they can be designed to carry axial load,
lateral load, or a combination of loads. A schematic of a typical drilled shaft foundation is
shown in figure 1.

Drilled Shaft

L Os max= fmax 1t DL

(0.3- 2m <1> typ) :

Ot max =Os max + Ob max

Figure 1. Schematic of a typical drilled shaft foundation.

Drilled shaft foundations are particularly attractive for use in "intermediate geomaterials,"
or geomaterials at the boundary between soil and rock; since boreholes in such
geomaterials are relatively stable, the geomaterials are not usually difficult to excavate,
and the geomaterial provides excellent resistance to load. Driven piles, the most common
alternative to drilled shafts, are often more difficult to install and are sometimes damaged
in intermediate geomaterials. Drilled shafts in intermediate geomaterials are most often
constructed so as to provide most of their resistance to working load by means of side
resistance, as opposed to base resistance. This report recommends methodologies for
estimating axial (side and base) resistance and settlement of drilled shafts under axial
loading in these geomaterials. Ordinarily, the unit shaft resistance at failure fmax is
estimated by an appropriate method, some of which are described later; the unit base
resistance at failure qmax is estimated by an appropriate method; and the ultimate capacity
Ot max is computed as indicated in figure 1

Intermediate Geomaterials

For purposes of this report, three categories of intermediate geomaterials (IGM's) will be

1 Argillaceous geomaterials heavily overconsolidated clays, clay shales,

saprolites and mudstones that are prone to smearing when drilled.

2 Calcareous rocks: limestone and limerock and argillaceous geomaterials that

are not prone to smearing when drilled

3. Very dense granular geomaterials. Residual, completely decomposed rock and

glacial till with SPT N values between 50 and I 00 blows I 0.3 m.

Geomaterials in Categories 1 and 2, above, are cohesive For purposes of definition, the
compressive strength range qu of such geomaterials will be taken to be 0.5 to 5.0 MPa.
Geomaterials in Category 3 are primarily cohesionless and will be considered to possess a
standard penetration test (SPT) blow count of 50 - I 00 blows I 0.3 m. Since soils and soft
rocks in these three categories behave differently, separate design procedures are
recommended for each category

Study Objective

Design of drilled shafts in IGM' s is currently problematical For example, figure 2 shows
the variation of the proportionality factor (a.) between the shear strength Su (normalized by
atmospheric pressure Pa), or one-half of the compressive strength qu (normalized by
atmospheric pressure Pa), of cohesive geomaterials and the maximum unit side shearing
resistance in drilled shafts (fmax = 0~ I nDL, figure 1), obtained experimentally from loading
tests It is clear that correlation to geomaterial strength alone, which is currently common
practice, will force designers to employ very conservative methods for estimating side
resistance It is obvious, therefore, that design methods should be identified that relate
more closely to the controlling parameters in the shaft/geomaterial system and yet be
simple enough to apply in practice For example, Kulhawy and Phoon recommend that a.
be taken near the upper bound of data in figure 2 for rough boreholes and near the lower
bound for smooth boreholes <2> They also point out that it is critical to use recommended
values of a. together with appropriate laboratory tests for defining Su or qu The
isotropically consolidated, undrained compressiOn (CIUC) triaxial test is probably the
most appropriate test for such correlation, however, only unconsolidated, undrained (UU)
data are commonly available in most site investigations, and such data can be used
conservatively The objective of this study and the primary focus of this report was to
identify the controlling parameters and to describe methods for the design of drilled shafts
loaded in compression that are appropriate for IGM' s Designs for dynamic loading,
loadmg due to downdrag or swelling soils, and uplift loading are not considered explicitly.

Study Methodology

This report is a succinct description of the design methods .recommended for

transportation structure foundations developed using the following methodology.

I . The technical literature on the subject was reviewed, and personal visits were made to
researchers and practitioners in the United States (University oflllinois; Lymon C.
Reese and Associates; Keith Tucker, Consulting Engineer; University of Texas at
Austin; STS Consultants, Ltd.), Canada (Trow, Inc.; University of Western Ontario;
McMaster University; University of Toronto), Australia (VicRoads - the road authority
of the State of Victoria; New South Wales Road and Traffic Authority; Coffey
Partners, Ltd.; University of Sydney; and Monash University), and Belgium
(University of Ghent) to discuss their perspectives on design and to obtain loading
test data. Informal discussions were also held with representatives of the Federal
Highway Administration, ADSC (The International Association ofFoundation
Drilling), and several state departments of transportation in the United States.

Figure 2. Variation in factor a. based only on geomaterial strength.<l)

(Reproduced by permission of ASCE, New York)

2. Trial design methods were selected from among those identified in Step 1.

3. Geomaterial characterization and loading test data were extracted from numerous
papers and reports that were found in the literature search and provided by human
contacts. These site-specific loading test data were input into a data base. Results of
139 load tests were used in further steps:

4. Predictions of side resistance at failure (Qsmax) were made for the tests in the data base
using nine commonly used design methods identified in the literature search that
prescribe side resistance based on geomaterial strength, and values of Qsmax that were
computed were compared to the measured side resistances. In the loading tests in the
data base (Step 3) there was a low degree of correlation between predictions and
measurements for all nine methods, not surprisingly in view of the information
presented in figure 2. Although this substudy included only side resistance, the general
conclusions (lack of correlation to geomaterial strength) can be assumed to apply to
total resistance (sides plus base).

5. In order to provide a basis for developing an improved design model, the effects of
such variables as shaft/geomaterial interface roughness, geomaterial smear, depth and
geomaterial stiffness on load transfer, and load-settlement response were quantified
through a systematic study of drilled shafts in cohesive geomaterials that was
conducted using the finite element method. Based on this analysis, new predictive
procedures were developed tor estimating both resistance and load-settlement
behavior of drilled shafts in cohesive (Category 1 and 2) geomaterials. Parameters
were verified, and in some cases optimized, by comparing results of the finite element
analyses directly with selected load test data from the data base for argillaceous
geomaterials. The results of this step apply to Category 1 and 2 geomaterials.

6. A method for estimating the resistance and load-settlement behavior of drilled shafts in
Category 3 intermediate geomaterials was adapted from a method developed by
others, partially from field data gathered for this study (Step 7, below).

7. Full-scale loading tests on instrumented drilled shafts were conducted or observed in

Category I and 3 geomaterials. These tests included a shallow drilled shaft in clay-
shale (Dallas, Texas); a deep drilled shaft in clay-shale (College Station, Texas); a deep
drilled shaft in sandy shale (Owensboro, Kentucky) ~ a deep drilled shaft in completely
decomposed rock (Coweta County, Georgia); and a deep drilled shaft in glacial till
(Boston, Massachusetts). Two other tests conducted by others outside of the scope of
this research were also documented in detail.

8. The design procedures were tested against the loading tests referenced in Step 7 and
were modified slightly where necessary to provide better predictions.

9. A design procedure for ultimate side resistance based on the analogy between a small-
diameter plug and a drilled shaft was also investigated. Grout plugs were installed at
each of the test sites referenced above, except for the site in Boston, and at other sites
at which drilled shaft loading tests had been conducted. The results of these tests were
compared with measured unit side resistances in order to evaluate the accuracy of this
direct method of estimating unit load transfer.

10. Final conclusions were drawn, considering the results of Steps 1 through 9, and
recommendations are provided in this report.


Details of the literature search, data base study, finite element analyses, and field loading
tests are not provided in the main text of this report. They can be found in Appendices A
through D , which are bound separately, referenced as follows :

Appendix A. Load Transfer Between Drilled Shafts and Intermediate Geomaterials:

A Literature Review.

Appendix B . Evaluation of Skin Friction Design Methods for Drilled Shafts

Socketed into Intermediate Geomaterials.

Appendix C . Finite Element Analyses and Field Tests for Drilled Shafts in Soft,
Argillaceous Rock.

Appendix D. Results ofDeep Loading Test in Glacial Till- Boston Central Artery

Separate reports describe the field plug tests. These reports, summarized briefly in
chapter 7 of the present report, are as follows :

C . Dunkelberger, F . C. Townsend, D . Bloomquist, and B . Johnsen, "Pullout Tests on

Drilled Shafts, Dallas Site," FHWA Contract DTFH61-92-01211, Federal Highway
Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, McLean, VA, June, 1992.

B . Johnsen, F . C. Townsend, D . Bloomquist, and C . Dunkelberger, "Pullout Tests on

Drilled Shafts, Coweta County, Georgia Site," FHWA Contract DTFH61-92-01211,
Federal Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center,
McLean, VA, October, 1992.

F . C . Townsend, P . Hirshman-Cox, D . K . Crapps, and J. W. Goodwin, "Pullout and

Osterberg Load Cell Tests on Drilled Shafts- Owensboro Bridge, " FHWA Contract
DTFH61-92-01211, Federal Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway
Research Center, McLean, VA, May, 1993 .

F. C. Townsend and M. W . O 'Neill, "Pullout and Load Tests on a Drilled Shaft-
National Geotechnical Site- Texas A and M,, Progress Report, FHWA Contract
DTFH61-91-Z-00041, Federal Highway Administration, Turner-Fairbank Highway
Research Center, McLean, VA, June, 1994.


The main body of this report is organized in the following way:

Chapter 2, which follows this introduction, reviews significant phenomena that impact
design identified from the literature review and summarizes existing methods for
analysis and design.

Chapter 3 describes the data base and reviews the data base study.

Chapter 4 describes the proposed new design models.

Chapter 5 describes the geomaterial and borehole conditions for the field tests.

Chapter 6 describes the field loading tests and compares predicted and measured
performance in IGM's.

Chapter 7 addresses small-scale plug tests as methods for site investigations.

Chapter 8 provides conclusions and recommendations.

References are provided following chapter 8.

Chapters 2 and 3 provide details of phenomena that have been found in earlier studies by
others to have effects on drilled shaft performance in hard soils, soft rocks, and very dense
granular soils. These studies comprise the general background for the new design
methods that are proposed in chapter 4 . It is recommended that these chapters be
thoroughly reviewed. However, the reader who wishes to proceed directly to the
description of the proposed new design methods may turn to chapter 4.



Rational design methods for drilled shafts in intermediate geomaterials (IGM's) require
determination of both their ultimate resistances and expected settlements. A number of
current design methods were identified in this study, in most of which the maximum unit
side shear resistance (fmax) and the maximum unit base resistance (qmax) are predicted using
empirical correlations between the results of field loading tests in the geographical area of
the agency's or individual consultant's practice and:

Su (undrained shear strength) or qu (unconfined compression strength) from rock cores

(Category 1 and 2 IGM's).
Rock Quality Designation (RQD) (Category 1 and 2 IGM's).
Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) (Category 3 IGM's).

RQD is defined in equation 1:

RQD = Llengths of core fragments of IGM ~ 100 mm long

total length cored

Although the settlement of foundations in IGM's can be significant, settlement is often

ignored in design calculations. When settlement calculations are judged to be necessary,
load-settlement response in the range of working load is determined from rules developed
from parametric fmite element solutions or analytical solutions, many of which, in tum,
employ empirical correlations with simple geomaterial indexes (such as qu and RQD) to
assess the elasticity characteristics of the rock and ultimate side and base resistances.

More advanced design methods, applied in public transportation and private practice in
Canada and Australia, include additional parameters, such as:

Interface roughness and dilatancy characteristics.

Cohesion and internal friction characteristics of the geomaterial mass and the interface.
Mass elastic moduli of the geomaterial.
Size and frequency of discontinuities and soil seams, if any, in the geomaterial.
Young's modulus of the drilled shaft concrete.
Shaft geometry.
Initial hydrostatic concrete pressure.

"Mass" properties of geomaterials are properties for the geomaterial mass as a whole,
including effects of seams and discontinuities. Mass properties are not equivalent to
properties measured by tests on intact geomaterial cores, which yield the properties of the
geomaterial between the seams and discontinuities. Intact core samples are normally

much stronger and stiffer than the geomaterial mass, making it necessary to modify the
values obtained in core tests to apply to the geomaterial mass.


Several selected design methods are described. These methods, which were all developed
from the perspective that the geomaterial is ~ soft rock or dense, residual granular
material, form the conceptual foundation for the new design model that is recommended
for Category I and 2 IGM's in chapter 4. In the case of Category 3 IGM' s, an existing
method reviewed in this chapter is recommended directly for design use in transportation
structures, with some adaptation based on the research reported here. Existing methods
require the evaluation of critical geomaterial parameters, often different ones in each
method, and the summary descriptions of the various methods in this chapter will serve to
indicate to the reader which geomaterial parameters require evaluation in the subsurface
exploration and testing program.

Some of the methods involve both the computation of capacity, or resistance, and of
settlement. The methods have some similarities and some differences, and some are even
contradictory. The reader is urged to consult the original publication referenced in this
report before applying any method in a design context in order to obtain the full benefit of
the commentary and interpretations by the developers of the method.

Drilled shafts are often installed through soil, or overburden material, into IGM' s, as
illustrated in figure 1. The design methods considered in this report do not address the
side resistance developed in the overburden materials or the effect thereof upon
settlement. Appropriate approximations of the response of the overburden soils to load
can be obtained by consulting chapter II of reference 2. Side shear reactions in the soil
overburden generally reduce the amount of load applied to the head of the shaft that
reaches the elevation of the top of the IGM. The load on the shaft considered here is the
load that is present at the elevation of the top of the IGM. It is usually conservative to
ignore the effects of the overburden soils, as is suggested in figure I , and to assume that
the load applied to the shaft is equivalent to the load present at the top of the IGM.

Design Method of Williams et al.

Williams eta/. developed a design method based on observations of axial loading tests of
drilled shafts and shaft segments in Melbourne mudstone in Victoria, Australia, and upon
elastic pile-soil interaction analyses.<3> The method is applied through the concept of
normalized elastic and inelastic side shear and base resistances to predict the load-
settlement response of soft rock sockets. This method, which allows for the computation
ofboth settlement and resistance, is most appropriate for Category 2 IGM' s and is
described here to provide an example of an advanced semi-empirical method that is used
in routine practice in Australia, both in Victoria and New South Wales. The writers 1
The term ..writers.. is used in this report to signify the authors of the report or paper being described. The term
.. authors.. is used to indicate the authors of this report.

employed the elastic solution of a pile in a semi-infinite half space to predict the total
elastic load, Qe, at a given target settlement, as:

, (2)

in which Wt = target settlement of the shaft head, Em = average mass modulus of elasticity
of the IGM along the drilled shaft , D = shaft diameter, and I = an elastic influence factor,
based on the geometry of the shaft, determined from analytical procedures for elastic
behavior and shown in figure 3. In figure 3, Ec is the composite Young' s modulus of
elasticity of the drilled shaft concrete and reinforcing steel.

The percentage of Oe that is transferred to the base, defined as Qbe, is then determined by
reference to figure 4, also based on analytical procedures for elastic behavior. The portion
of Oe carried in side shear, Ose, is then equal to Qe - Qbe The " elastic" unit side shear, fe,
and the " elastic" end bearing, qe, are then determined as:

f = Qse , and (3)

e nLD


The value of fmax (fat failure) is then determined, for example, using the relation suggested
by the writers in figure 5 for soft rock without open discontinuities or borehole wall
disturbance, in which:

fmax =a qu ' (5)

where qu is the unconfined compression strength of representative, intact IGM cores.

N ote that a 7= a in figure 2. If the IGM has soft soil seams within the matrix of the harder
material constituting the cores, fmax is determined from figures 5 and 6 using:


in which Em = Young' s modulus of elasticity of the rock mass, including the effects of
seams, and Ei = Young' s modulus of elasticity measured from the intact rock cores. Ern!Ei
in figure 6 can be estimated from observation of high-quality IGM cores by using:

o. ...
I Qt t\y

a: 0.
- L
p- -
...u0 _._
~ o. 5 'ID t
.... ~ '-... Ec

0 o. A ~ Em

"':::_, 0. ':a
....z ~..... ~
~ 0. -
.. ~
- r--...::::: t

"' 0. 1 - sooo
0 2 .4 6 8 10 12
v 20

Figure 3 . Influence Factor I. (3)

(Reproduced by permission of A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 20

Figure 4. Qbe I Qe. (3)

(Reproduced by permission of A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands)

X Tests in Melbourne mudstone
1 .0 .....................................X... e Tests in other rocks

0.8 ..: .:-

0 ... ....><.. r.................. .... ----- ..........t- . - . -... . .- . ---- ---------------
0.6 !--............................ .... ......i.......................................................r... ---.. -------------.---.----.----.-.. -.. --.-.... --
!--............................. ..................... .
................. .................-. - t................................................-

0.2 \e
1--.... ~

0.1 1 10 100
Unconfined compressive strength (MPa)
. 5 (3}
F tgure . a vs. qu .
(Reproduced by permission of A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands)
0 0.8
-- ~

,, ,,
c: :
u:J 0.6

, .,l
.......,_; ........ .1....................... ~ ....................................................................~ ........................... .
~ ~
: ; :
"'0 , l l
'- ~ 1 1
\::.1 ~ :
0.4 ............... ......... .... j .......................................
- --Q Moderately Weathered
....S - -x Highly Weathered
CJ) 0.2 .
.........--: .. :
. - - - Highly Weathered I
en 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .0
Mass modulus factor = En/Ei
Figure 6. ~ vs. mass factorY)
(Reproduced by permission of A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands)


where Lc is the length of geomaterial cored, Es = estimated Young's modulus of elasticity

of the material in the seams, ts = thicknes~ of each seam, and ti = thickness of each
segment of intact IGM. If the IGM is strongly layered (as distinguished from possessing
thin seams), fmax for each ith layer, denoted fmaxi, is computed from equation 5 or 6, as
appropriate, using properties for layer i, with thickness Li, and a weighted average is
computed as:


The elastic side shear ratio, fe/fmax, is then calculated.

Actual load-settlement behavior will not be elastic. The deviation from elastic behavior is
quantified by using the normalized graph shown in figure 7, which was derived with
empirical evidence from full-scale loading tests on rough-walled sockets in Melbourne
mudstone. Factors termed feand fp are shown in that figure. Factor fp is the loss of unit
shaft resistance that occurs due to plastic yielding for the value of settlement, Wt, selected
for equation 2. Therefore, the shaft resistance Qs corresponding to the target settlement Wt
is given by:


The ultimate unit base resistance, q 1, is defined as the net bearing stress corresponding to a
settlement of 0.01 D. For cohesive IGM free of discontinuities and seams:


in which Ns is given as a function of L/D in figure 8.

Base resistance is also decreased through plastic losses, so qe must be reduced by an

amount qp according to figure 9. Finally, the base resistance for the selected value ofwt is:


Qt = Qs (equation 9) + Qb (12)

Ideal Elasto-Piastic
Curve ~
~Q) 2
~ I Design Curve
0 1
-w Upper and Lower Bounds
, to Field Data

0 1 2
Plastic stress ratio f If
p max

Figure 7. Design curve for side resistance. < )
(Reproduced by permission of A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands)


. ................................................. 0:. ........ -.........................................

........... .................... :
0.020 ~-----

.. ..

....................................... ..................;......................................................... :.....................................................


. .
-- .............................................; ................................................ {- ... ...... .... .. ... . .. . .
0.010 .

. .
0.005 ...
ooooo oo ooooooooo oo oooOoooooooooooooooooooooooooo:OOoooooooooooooooOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"oooooooOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOooooooooo


0 5 10 15
Figure 8. Base bearing capacity factor Ns. < >
(Reproduced by permission of A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands)

, ,
, ,,
, ,
, ,
........- ...................................................................... :
, ,
..............,....... ..
3 ' ::
: ,


!: , ,,' , ,,'
, ,,,
ca , , ::
: ,,
'- 2 , 1........ ......;,.... ......................................................................... .
en , ,' ,,'l Design Curve
,, ,
(;) , , ,~

- 1 ..............,.~ ~...~..':. .: ..................... Upper and Lower Bounds
,' ,,' to Field Data
, ,, , ,
0 1 2
Plastic stress ratio qP/q 1

Figure 9. Design curve for base resistance. <3>

(Reproduced by permission of A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands)

In equation 11, Qt is the relaxed (actual) load at the top of the shaft corresponding to the
target settlement Wt. Other values of Wt may be chosen and the procedure repeated to
synthesize a load-settlement curve.

At this point, QJ ttDL and 4Q,htD2 should be compared to fmax and qmax = q 1 to ensure that
adequate factors of safety exist in each component of resistance. The authors suggest that
if the applied load Qt is a factored load, partial factors of safety of about 1.4 and 2.0 are
appropriate for side and base resistance when the geomaterial properties are well defined,
unless the shaft supports only side resistance, in which case the partial factor of safety for
side resistance should be at least 2.0.

Design Method of Kodikara et al.

Kodikara eta/. extended the method of Williams et al. by deriving a factors for Category
2 IGM's and stronger soft rock that incorporate explicitly, through a rational
mathematical model, the effect of roughness at the shaft-IGM interface, in addition to the
strength of the IGM.<4 > The method takes account of dilatancy at the interface, assuming
that dilatancy occurs at constant radial stiffness. The phenomenon of dilatancy is
discussed in more detail in the description of the method of Carter and Kulhawy later in

this chapter. Results from mathematical model calculations were confirmed by large-scale
direct shear tests conducted on concrete-soft rock interfaces with varying degrees of
controlled roughness under drained, constant normal stiffuess conditions. Since the
method assumes constant normal interface stiffness, due to the elastic restraint of the soft
rock adjacent to the dilating rough interface, it is necessary to characterize such stiffness
by estimating the Young's modulus of the rock mass (Em). The magnitude of radial strain,
and therefore radial stiffness, produced by a dilating interface is a function of shaft
diameter for any given roughness pattern, so that a shaft diameter is implicit in the results.
That diameter can be taken to be 0.5 m (1 .6 ft) through 2.0 m (6.6 ft) for the values of a
given here. In theory, the results will be conservative for smaller diameters and
unconservative for larger diameters.

With this method, the roughness pattern of the excavated interface must be estimated and
characterized as "smooth," "medium," or "rough" according to the roughness
characteristics in table I . The roughness patterns described in table I apply to boreholes
that are roughened naturally by the routine drilling process, not to boreholes in which
grooves or shear keys are cut by a contractor to enhance side resistance. Roughness is
modeled assuming that asperity patterns in the sides of the borehole are not regular, or
harmonic, which is typical of the natural roughness of drilled shafts in the Melbourne
Table I . Characterization of borehole roughness.< >
Parameter Range of Values for Sockets in Melbourne Mudstone

Smooth Medium Rough

im(~ 10- 12 12- 17 17-30

ime) 2-4 4-6 6-8
hm (mm) 1-4 4-20 20-80


D(mm) 500-2000
Qu (bars) 5- 100
(su = 2.5 - 50 bars)
The factor im in table 1 is the mean value of the angle between the face of the asperity and
the vertical. isd is the standard deviation of im, hm is the mean double-amplitude height of
the asperities, and hsd is the standard deviation of hm. Statistical distributions of the
asperity angles and heights are considered Gaussian in this method.

The factor a is then estimated from graphs such as those given in figure 10, using the
estimated IGM modulus, E; the unconfined compression strength of the IGM, qu; and the
roughness classification and the initial radial pressure on the interface, crno, which,
according to the writers, can be taken as the estimated fluid pressure produced by the
concrete. Elquis properly the ratio of the respective values for the IGM mass; however,
the experience of the authors and the developers of other design methods suggests that
mass values for both E and qu are reduced from their intact values by about the same
amount if seams and discontinuities exist in the geomaterial, so that for design purposes,
these can be taken as the values obtained from intact cores.

Figure 10 was developed for Elqu = 300, which is appropriate for many IGM's; however,
figures for other values of E/qu are given by the writers in reference 4. As an
approximation, the values for a are reduced to approximately 0.7 times the values shown
in figure 10 when E/qu is reduced to 100. If soil seams are inferred to be present from the
sample cores, equations 6 and 7 and figure 6 should be employed in evaluating fmax
Otherwise, equation 5 is used.

E /q = 300
~ 0.5 ~ ~

0 rouQh
uS 0.4

0 0.3 ~~~

(/) smooth
.r:. 0.2 l

0.1 ~

0 t I I I

0 50 100 150 200

Figure 10. a vs. borehole roughness.<4)

This method does not address either settlement or base resistance, so that other methods
need to be used if these parameters are to be evaluated by the designer.

Design Method of Horvath et al

Horvath et al. proposed a method for evaluating a that is applicable for artificially
roughened borehole walls, based on the analysis of loading tests in cohesive IGM' s and
harder rock in southern Ontario.<S> In this method:

I lo.45
a = 0.8 RF 0 45 = O.Sl Arr ~
J (13)

The terms in equation 13 are defined in figure 11 .

Ls =Nominal Lt = total distance

socket length along rough interface


Figure 11 . Definition of terms in equation 13.

As with the method ofKodikara et al. , this method is not intended to address settlement
or base resistance.

Design Method of Rowe and Armitage

Rowe and Armitage developed a comprehensive design method that can be used in
cohesive IGM' s for evaluating both side and base resistance and for conducting detailed
settlement analyses.<6 > The method for computing settlement allows for the implicit
consideration of both dilation at the concrete-IGM interface and progressive slip along the
interface, so that the method can simulate nonlinear behavior. Maximum unit side and

base resistances are evaluated empirically, however. The specific resistance computation
for fmax is:

I ( f (MPa) )l
fmax(MPa) =l1- S+S J

\'A qu (MPa) )j'AJqu (MPa) , (14)

where S = (L seam thicknesses) I L 5 , fs = maximum unit side resistance in the seam
material (which is equal to 0.5 Su or 0.25 qu of the seam material), A= 0.60 for clean
boreholes with roughness characterized by grooves or undulations greater than 10 mm
deep, greater than 10 mm wide, and spaced 50 to 200 mm on centers, or 0.45 for other
roughness conditions.

Because of the variability of IGM properties around a particular site, Rowe and Armitage
recommend that fmax be reduced to fm3xd, where

fmaxd = 0.5 to 0.7 fmax (15)

The maximum base resistance is computed from:


however, the maximum (working) design value for base resistance qmaxd is given by:


Equations 16 and 17 apply only to soft rock that is free of seams and voids beneath the
base of the shaft. If horizontal seams or voids exist beneath the base, a more appropriate
means of computing qmax is the base resistance equation from the Canadian Foundation
Manual (given subsequently).

It remains to determine the distribution of shaft and base resistance to ensure that neither
the design values nor the maximum values of unit base resistance (equations 17 and 16,
respectively) are exceeded. This is accomplished as follows. Reference is made to figure
1 and figure 12.

Estimate a relative shaft penetration, (L/D)max, into the intermediate geomaterial

assuming that all of the applied design load Ot is carried in side resistance. That is, let

LoJmax - (18)

Estimate the average mass Young's modulus Em of the IGM over distance L, using
equation 7 if soft soil seams are encountered within the IGM. Estimate also the

composite Young' s modulus of the drilled shaft, Ec. Finally, determine whether the
mass Young' s modulus of the IGM immediately beneath the base, Eb, is significantly
higher or lower than that along the sides. If so, the designer should refer to the
original paper ofRowe and Armitage for guidance. IfErn!Eb can be assumed for
design purposes to be 1, continue.

Referring to figure 12, construct a straight line between Qt!Qt = 0 percent and the
selected value of (LID)max and Qt!Qt = 100 percent and LID = 0.

Select a target settlement value for the top of the ((socket" in the IGM, Wt, and then
compute a settlement influence factor I:




Em constant


lnttrsKtion Potnt for

lc! 0.45

. 30

.....-- ..... ______..... __
-=-- Slip
10 l -""'---:::. ::::- -
( 0 )d mo: . E l:s~;:,?~""W-._g
(No Slip)

0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figure 12. Design chart for Rowe and Armitage' s method.<)
(Reproduced by permission of Canadian National Research Council, Ottawa)

Where the line constructed in the preceding step crosses the curve with the value of I
computed in equation 19, read horizontally across to find the ratio Qt/Qt, and read
down to find the minimum value of LID that is required to produce this ratio of Qt/Qt.
If an intersection is found, it is the design value for LID for the socket.

If no intersection is found, it may not be possible to design the drilled shaft for the
given conditions, or the behavior may be entirely elastic. To determine whether the
behavior is elastic, consult figure 3. Draw a horizontal line from the computed value
of I for the curve representing the value ofEJEm for the shaft under consideration.

If there is an intersection in this figure, draw a line vertically downward and read the
required value ofL/D. This will then be the necessary value for design. Then, consult
figure 4 to determine the ratio Qt/Qt. If no intersection can be found in figure 3, the
shaft cannot be designed for the given conditions, so a new (larger) diameter D should
be selected and the process repeated.

Ensure that the base resistance, both under load Qt using both the nominal value for
shaft resistance inferred from the solution and at the shaft resistance corresponding to
side shear failure, does not cause excessive base settlement. This is done by satisfying
both equations 20 and 21 .



where ~ = cross-sectional area of the cylindrical shaft. Equation 21 operates with a

partial factor of safety of approximately 3.33 on the nominal computed value for fmax
(0.43 x o.1r1.

It is clear that the above calculations not only ensure safety against excessive settlement
but also provide an estimate of settlement, Wt.

Canadian Foundation Manual Method

The Canadian Foundation Manual method, as used here, concerns only the estimation of
base resistance.(7) Maximum unit base resistance qmax is expressed for rock formations that
are primarily stratified horizontally. The design equation is also assumed to apply to
IGM's and is given by:

qmax = 3 A K.P [qu (beneath base)] , (22)


L\ = depth factor = 1 + 0.4 < 3.4 , and (23)


in which:

sd = the vertical spacing of horizontal or near-horizontal discontinuities beneath the base,

td = thickness of the discontinuities, and the application of equation 24 is limited to 0.05 <
siD < 2, tiD < 0.02, and D > 0.3 m.

Method of Carter and Kulhawy

Carter and Kulhawy provide closed-form solutions for drilled shafts socketed into rock
that can presumably be used to predict the load versus settlement for Category 1 or 2
IGM's at the high end of the compressive strength range for IGM's.<8> Separate solutions
are given for response in the elastic range (prior to slip or initial shear failure at the
concrete-rock interface) and in the range beyond the elastic range. Separate solutions are
also given for various loading conditions, including compression loading of a full socket
(i.e., a socket that develops both side and base resistance).

This method also cites procedures for computing qmax in jointed rock, developed earlier by
the junior writer, in which the joints are vertical. If the rock has relatively uniform mass
strength below the base (e.g., there are no soil or softer rock layers below the base), three
failure conditions are envisioned:

Vertical joints are open and spaced horizontally at a distance less than shaft diameter,
D. Here:

qmax =qu (rock mass) (25)

Vertical joints are closed and spaced horizontally at a distance less than the shaft
diameter, D. Here, Bell's bearing capacity theory for shear wedge failure is used,
which assumes that no friction is developed along the joints. For practical
approximations, the gross bearing capacity can be computed as:

qmax(gross) = (1 + Nq/Nc) c Nc + 0.3 0 y N1 + (1 +tan cp) y L Nq '


in which Nc, N1, and Nq are Bell' s bearing capacity factors, c and <I> are the cohesion
and angle of internal friction of the rock mass, and y is the unit weight of the rock
mass (buoyant if the rock is beneath the phreatic surface). It is noted that the effect of

confinement at the base of the shaft provided by overburd~n material is not included in
equation 26 by the authors. The bearing capacity factors are evaluated in figure 13 .


>- 100
-0... 10

o 10 20 30 40 so so 10
Friction angle, cp
Figure 13. Bearing capacity factors for Bell's theory.<8>
(Copyright 1988. Reproduced by permission of Electric Power Research Institute
[EPRI], Palo Alto, CA)

Vertical joints are open or closed and spaced horizontally at a distance greater than the
shaft diameter, D. In this case, vertical splitting of the rock beneath the base of the
shaft will occur, and failure will be governed by that condition. The appropriate
equation is:


Ncr is a bearing capacity factor that is based on the horizontal spacing of the rock joints
S relative to the base diameter D and the angle of internal friction of the rock mass,
given in figure 14. J is a correction factor for spacing of horizontal joints, if they exist,
with a vertical spacing ofH, given in figure 15. Finally, cis the cohesion of the rock

Carter and Kulhawy also give solutions for qmax in sloping jointed rock in reference 8.



( ,)
(,) 10
m <P=O

Discontinuity spacing, SID

Ftgure 14. Ncr vs. SID .<s>
(Copyright 1988. Reproduced by permission ofEPRI, Palo Alto, CA)

.., 0.8
c: 0
(,) 0.4

'- !H
0.2 s

2 4 6 8 10

Discontinuity Spacing, HID

Figure 15. J vs. rock discontinuity spacing.<S>

(Copyright 1988. Reproduced by permission ofEPRI, Palo Alto, CA)

Note is made that qmax as used here is a gross bearing capacity for which the weight of the
shaft must be considered part of the load. If qmax is to represent the net bearing capacity,
for which the weight of the shaft is not added to the load, Nq from figure 13 must be
reduced by subtracting 1 from the value read from the figure. In all of the equations in
this method, c and <I> are rock mass properties, not properties measured from tests on rock
cores (intact rock). Carter and Kulhawy suggest that the value of <I> for the rock mass be
taken to be about one-half of the value measured from the intact rock, if <I> for the intact
rock is measured through direct shear or triaxial shear testing on rock cores in the
laboratory. Values for <I> for intact rock are dependent on the crystalline structure of the
rock, microdiscontinuities, and other factors, and are therefore difficult to generalize.
Conservatively, <I> for the rock mass can be taken as zero in the calculation of base
resistance. Equation 28 is used to estimate the equivalent qu of the rock mass.

qu(mass) =ae qu(intact) (28)

Factor <lE can be obtained accurately if the RQD, percent core loss, Young's modulus of
the intact rock, and normal stiffness of the material in the joints are known. Appropriate
graphs are given by Carter and Kulhawy to evaluate a.E for the case when such detailed
information is available for the rock. However, a simple approximation for most rock is to
take a.E = 0. 1 for RQD equal to or less than 70 percent, a.E = 0. 6 for RQD = 100 percent,
and to assume a linear variation of a.E between RQD of 70 and 100 percent.

Once <!>(mass) and qu(mass) are evaluated, c(mass) can then be computed from:

q (mass)
c(mass) = u (29)
2 tan [45 + <!>(mass) /2 ]

Carter and Kulhawy also give closed-form solutions for load-movement relationships for
five cases of rock-socketed drilled shafts:

Complete socket (combined base and side resistance) loaded in compression.

Socket with side resistance only (implying a void beneath the base) loaded in
Socket with side resistance only loaded in uplift at the head of the socket.
Socket with side resistance only loaded in uplift at the base of the socket.
Socket with side resistance only loaded in uplift at the base of the socket by jacking
upward on the base with a compression reaction against the rock at the bottom of the

Commentary is provided here only on the first condition, which is the condition that most
often concerns transportation geotechnical engineers. However, Carter and Kulhawy note
through mathematical modeling that each of the different loading conditions can produce
different resistances and load-settlement characteristics. The implication of this statement

is primarily that of caution in applying the results of one loading condition in a loading test
to that of another condition for design .

The load-settlement curve at the head of the socket is presumed to have the shape shown
in figure 16. In the initial part of the curve, both side interface and base response is linear,
and there has been no debonding of the concrete in the shaft from the rock walls. At point
A, slip begins to occur between the concrete and the rock at the sides of the socket at
some point along the shaft, and slip then progresses along the shaft until point B is
reached . In this sense, slip can be viewed as debonding of the shaft concrete from the
rock. Beyond point B, base response remains elastic, while side shear response is
frictional-dilative, rather than cohesive, as is the case for the elastic region of loading. At
some point beyond point B, collapse (fracturing) of the rock at the base can occur (i .e.,
qmax can be developed) and/or displacement-softening behavior will occur at the concrete-
rock intetface as the asperities along the interface (described subsequently) are sheared,
wh.ich will cause the curve to flatten or the resistance to decrease with increasing
&ettlement. This ultimate failure condition is not considered in this method.

Dilative Interface

A ' Transition

Completely Elastic

Settlement at Head of Socket

Figure 16. Conceptual load-settlement curve for rock socket.

Within the elastic range, the settlement at the top of the socket Wt can be related to the
load at the top of the socket Qt by using equation 30, which is shown here for the case
where the elastic stiffuess of the rock mass below the base is equal to the elastic stiffuess
along the sides of the shaft. Other, more general, conditions are described in reference 8.

I 2Qt l .J..LL
Wt =LDGm J~--::------=---::----::---~ta_n_h_(J..L-L~


The value of the load carried by the base under elastic conditions is:


Several variables need to be defined for equations 3 0 and 31 :

Gm = shear modulus of the rock mass = Em/2(1 + v).

v = Poisson' s ratio of the rock mass.
'A = Ec I Gm, where Ec is the composite Young' s modulus of the shaft material.

1-l and~ are defined by equations 32 and 33, respectively.

2 2 (32)
J.. L =-
0 A.~


The settlement of the base wh can then be computed approximately from :


in which~ is the bearing area of the base. Generally vis not measured. For most
problems, its value can be safely taken in the range of 0.25 to 0 .30 for soft rock. Em can
be evaluated according to equation 7 or by:

Em = a.e E(intact) (35)

Note that equations 30 and 31 are essentially the equivalents of equations 2 and 4 in the
method of Williams eta!. , although the analytical methods from which the relationships of
Williams et al. were derived were different from those used by Carter and Kulhawy, so
that the two methods do not give identical solutions for elastic load vs. settlement. Q1 in
equations 30 and 31 is equivalent to Oein equation 2, and Qb in equation 31 is equivalent
to Qbe in equation 4, which is evaluated from figure 4 . The method of Williams et a/. also
differs from this method in that it presumes a small deviation from elastic conditions prior
to point A in figure 16, whereas Carter and Kulhawy presume linearity to that point. It is
the authors' opinion that point A can be assumed for design purposes to occur whenever
Wt equals or exceeds 7.0 mrn or w b equals or exceeds 3 .5 mm, whichever occurs first.
Point B corresponds approximately to complete debonding of the concrete from the rock,
which occurs at:

Cs =Ct - Qb =c (interface) 1t D L (36)

Note that c(interface), the adhesive bond strength between the concrete and rock, can be
as high as the value of c(mass) (equation 29) if the interface is free of any remolded rock
or " smear. " It should be made clear, however, that the value of c for the rock is usually
less than qu(mass)/2, because the rock will ordinarily drain during loading and behave as a
frictional material. It is reasonable that equation 29 be employed using an estimate of <P
for the interface, rather than <P(mass) to evaluate c. Measurements of <P(interface) for a
clay shale were part of the original research reported herein and are described in chapter 5.
A possible alternate means for assessing c for intact rock is given in the method of MeVay
et al. , considered subsequently. Carter and Kulhawy include a method for estimating
c(interface) from field loading tests on sockets without base resistance.

In order to predict the load-settlement relationship beyond point B, an analytical solution

that involves frictional resistance at the concrete-rock interface is employed. It is also
assumed that dilation occurs at the interface, as is also assumed in the methods of Rowe
and Armitage, and Kodikara eta!. The dilatancy phenomenon is illustrated conceptually
in figure I 7, which shows the concrete and rock in the vicinity of the interface. Asperities,
or peaks and valleys in the rock and concrete surface caused naturally by drilling or
intentionally with a grooving tool, control the behavior of the interface. A regular
interface pattern with an asperity angle \jl is shown in figure 17. Angle \jl is also known as
the " angle of interface dilation." This angle is equivalent to angle im in the method of
Kodikara et al.(table I) ~ however, in figure 17, isd = 0, since the interface is harmonic. If
the concrete is considered to be much stronger and much less deformable than the rock,
which is an appropriate assumption for IGM' s, as the concrete shaft is thrust downward
(settles) a distance w in response to application of an axial load, the rock moves
downward by an amount flw, due to the development of shearing strains in vertical planes
in the rock mass. flw is less than w because of slippage at the interface following
debonding. The rock is forced kinematically to move radially outward by an amount flv =
fl w tan \If The rock surrounding the interface can be considered elastic, so the outward
movement, flv, produced in response to the settlement of the shaft, w, creates an
increased normal force on the interface, as symbolized by the springs. Since the interface

is frictional, the shearing resistance on the interface increases as w increases, which
explains the positive slope of the load-settlement curve beyond point Bin figure 16. As
the slip mechanism develops, it is assumed that c (interface) drops to zero. The interface
asperities in the rock and in the concrete are both assumed to be nondeformable. The
behavior of the rock in the field beyond the interface is entirely elastic.

t Spring (elastic
restraint by rock

Outward and
Interface cohesion c
Interface friction ' Spring (elastic
restraint by rock

Figure 17 _ Schematic of the interface dilatancy phenomenon.

In order to make the calculations for load vs. settlement and the distribution of base and
side resistances in the range beyond point B, which are straightforward but lengthy, the
following material and geometric properties must be estimated:

Em (along sides of socket), Em (beneath base).

v (along sides of socket); v (beneath base) .
Ec (mean value for composite concrete/steel cross-section).
c, <l> (interface).

The reader is referred to the original reference for the equations to be used in making
these calculations.

The heights of the asperities are not used in the solution of Carter and Kulhawy. Values
for the heights of the asperities (e.g., hm in table 1) are needed in any model that predicts
the complete shearing failure stress fmax at the interface, since the ultimate shearing
resistance of the rock asperities must be calculated in such a modeL This is done in the

Kodikara eta!. model, but not in the model of Carter and Kulhawy. In the model of Rowe
and Armitage, side shear failure is assumed to occur when the shearing resistance
calculated to occur during dilative shear reaches the empirical value of fmax, defined in the
section describing that model. The maximum settlement beyond point B to which the
curve in figure 16 might be assumed to be valid could be determined for design purposes
for IGM' s by computing the unit base resistance q and unit side resistance f corresponding
to trial values of settlement using the equations of Carter and Kulhawy for post-slip
conditions and ensuring that the conditions established by Rowe and Armitage in
equations 20 and 21 are met. The maximum value of such settlement would represent the
limit of the validity of the solution.

Method of MeVay et al.

McVay et al. proposed a design method for side-resistance-only drilled shaft sockets that
applies to Category 2 IGM' s and harder rock, specifically Florida limestone.<9> This
method addresses only side resistance, and it does not include an estimation of settlement
or base resistance. Base resistance is often omitted in limestone and limerock because
random occurrences of solution cavities and slots make the use of base resistance
problematical without extensive and costly probing beneath the bases of the drilled shafts.
The writers' position is that settlement is not a major design concern in these geomaterials.
If settlement and/or base resistance calculations are required, this method can presumably
be augmented with other methods developed primarily for Category 1 and 2 IGM's,
described previously in this chapter, or by the new design model addressed in chapter 4.

Through a detailed finite element analysis of drilled shaft sockets in a geomaterial that
possesses both cohesion and internal friction (i.e., a "c-<f>," or Mohr-Coulomb, material),
which is characteristic of limestone, it was discovered that the ultimate shearing resistance
at the interface was approximately equal to the value of cohesion (c) of the limestone.
Because experience with small-scale physical tests had revealed that the shear failure
surface at the IGM-concrete interface occurred in the IGM, and not precisely at the
interface, no specific interface model was used, and interface dilation was not prescribed.
Principal variables in the finite element study were c (0.5 to 1.4 MPa), 4> (30 to 50
degrees), Em (0.14 to 1.4 GPa), and Ec (27.6 GPa). The coefficient of earth pressure at
rest (Ko) prior to simulated compression loading of the socket was 0.5. The IGM was
modeled as a bilinear elasto-plastic material.

Since for design purposes fmax = c, some simple method is needed to evaluate c in a c-4>
material. Note that cis not equal to qul2 in such a case. If cores of the geomaterial can be
recovered, and if unconfined compression and split tensile tests can be performed on those
cores, then fmax (which is equal to c) can be evaluated from:


where q1 is the split tensile strength of the geomaterial. Equation 37 is derived from a
consideration of the Mohr's circles at failure for unconfined compression and split tensile

tests. Alternatively, if 4> is known or can be estimated, fmax can be determined only from
Qu, as follows:

1- sincl>
fmax = qu 2 COS cl> (38)

The writers applied equation 37 to the estimation of the average value of fmax in seven
loading tests at sites in limestone throughout Florida. Values of qu varied from
approximately 1.2 to 10 MPa, and Qt varied in the approximate range of0.6 to 1.2 MPa.
Six of the tests were pullout tests on short segments 0.15 min diameter by about 1 m
long, while one was a compression test on a 0. 76-m-diameter socket 2.4 m long, whose
base was 10.7 m below the surface. Base resistance was minimized in the latter shaft by
casting the shaft on a Styrofoam pad. The magnitude of fmax observed in the various
loading tests varied from approximately 0.5 to 1.7 MPa, and these values were predicted
with equation 37 with a standard error of estimate of about 0.53 kPa. The largest error
was less than 10 percent. It is noted that the standard error of the estimate is defined as
[:E(measured values- estimated values)2 I nt5, where n is the number of observations (in
this case, seven).

The writers caution that the variability in strength of limestones in Florida is significant
and that such variability should be taken into account when arriving at values of fmax It is
suggested that the variability in a given property, such as qu or qt, be expressed by picking
a value for design as the mean value m from among n tests minus the standard error of the
mean, O'm, not to be confused with the standard deviation of the individual test results.
Therefore, for qu:




in which tis the confidence level from a student t distribution (which is equal to 2.58 for a
99-percent confidence level) and O'quis the standard deviation of the individual unconfined
compression strengths. A similar procedure could be applied to obtain Qt (design). It is
obvious that the value of O'm decreases, and the value of fmax( design) increases, as the
number of strength tests that are performed increases. The designer must weigh the cost of
obtaining large numbers of core samples versus the cost of conducting one or more full-
scale loading tests, versus designing with very conservative values of fmax.

Method of Mayne and Harris

In completely decomposed, residual granular rock in which undisturbed samples cannot be

recovered, a relatively straightforward method for computing frnax and Qrnax based on the
standard penetration test (SPT) has been described by Mayne and Harris.<tO) This
method, therefore, potentially applies to Category 3 IGM' s. It has been used by Mayne
to predict the behavior of drilled shafts in Piedmont residuum in the Eastern United States.

At a given depth, perhaps the mid-depth of the socket, the vertical effective stress (total
soil pressure on a horizontal plane minus the water pressure in the pores) in the ground,
cr'vo, is estimated. From the blow count N 60, in B/0.3 m, from an SPT log in which the
energy transferred to the top of the drive string is 60 percent of the drop energy of the
SPT hammer (or 285 N-m per blow), or the blow count N has been corrected to N 60 , the
preconsolidation pressure of the geomaterial crp' can be estimated from :


where crp = 1 atmosphere (e.g., 10 1 kPa if cr'p is in kPa and N 60 is in B/0.3 m), and the
overconsolidation ratio (ratio of maximum past vertical effective stress to present vertical
effective stress), OCR is given by:

OCR = P I (42)

The effective angle of internal friction of the geomaterial, <t>', can be estimated from :

~ lO.M
11 I

'I N60 I
arctan~ 1 ~'l (43)
<t> = ( 1
ll12.2 + 20.3l:: )J J
The shaft-geomaterial interface is considered rough but nondilatant unless heavy mudcake
buildup has been allowed during drilling. It is assumed that if concrete is placed rapidly
after excavation, the in situ ground stresses can be assumed to be maintained ~ fmax is given
by the simple friction equation:

fmax =Kotan <J; 1



in which the coefficient of horizontal earth pressure remains equal to :K, prior to
excavation, which is given by the correlative expression:

Ko =(1 - sin <j>')OCRSincj> (45)

The use of equations 41 through 45 assumes that side shear failure occurs under drained
conditions. Below the base, undrained failure can be assumed conservatively. It is
assumed that undrained failure will occur in a full-scale loading test and that it is
consistent with present practice to design with values appropriate for loading tests. In this

Su = 0.23 O'vo' OCR 0 8 '


where Su is the operational undrained shearing strength of the geomaterial beneath the base
and cr'vo is the value of vertical effective stress at the elevation of the base. Finally, qmax is
given by:

qmax = 9.33 Su (47)

The above method is appropriate for N 6o values in the range of I 00 B/0.3 m or less. The
method should be applied with caution for higher values ofN60 .

Load-deformation behavior of drilled shaft sockets in this type ofiGM can be computed
using methods similar to those described for drilled shafts in cohesive IGM' s. A total
load-settlement method, as originally developed by Randolph and Wroth, is
recommended.<ll> This method also forms the basis for computing settlement in the
method of Carter and Kulhawy.

In the following, only the load-settlement behavior of the socket is described. Elastic
shortening in the overburden (generally 0.25 to 2.0 mm, depending on load and socket
depth) will need to be added to the computed settlement to obtain the settlement at the
shaft head .

As shown in figure I8, the socket load-settlement relation is a three-branched curve. For
a given load Ot at the top of the socket, the corresponding elastic settlement along
segment I , Wt, is computed from equation 48, which is equivalent to equation 2, except
for a slight change in notation:


Here, EsL is taken to be the Young' s modulus of the granular geomaterial along the sides
of the socket at the base level (as distinguished from the geomaterial below the base.)

Based on correlations between energy-corrected SPT tests and Young's moduli

determined from dilatometer testing in Piedmont residuum, Mayne and Harris suggest:


Segment 1 I
wt1 ----- I
Segment 2

Wt1 + Aw - - - - - - - - - - - -

~ Segment 3



Figure 18. Hypothetical load-settlement relationship for method ofMayne and Harris.

Es =22 cr p Nso0.82 ) (49)

in which N 60 is again in B/0.3 m. If pressuremeter, dilatometer, or seismic data are

available at the site, more accurate estimates of Es (and Ko) might be possible.

Mayne and Harris provided a closed-form solution for I for straight-sided shafts from the
original solution of Randolph and Wroth, given in equation 50:

1t A-(1 - v) ~ (J.J.L) D
1= 4(1 + v) (50)
41t E tanh(J.J.L)L
---+ sl
(1 - v)~ <; (J.J.L)D

Several parameters appearing in equation 50 require definition and interpretation:

v= Poisson's ratio of the geomaterial, which can be taken as approximately 0.3 for
intermediate geomaterials unless evidence indicates otherwise.
L = socket length.
J..LL = a lateral extent influence factor for elastic settlement, which can be taken to be
2 (2 I ~J..)0. 5 (LID), in which
~= In {[0.25 + (2.5 (EsmiEsL) (1 - v)- 0. 25)~] (2L/D)} .
'A = 2 (1 + v) EJEsL
Ec = Young's modulus ofthe composite (steel and concrete) cross section ofthe
drilled shaft.
Esm = Young's modulus of soil at the mid-depth of the socket. [Where the
decomposed rock becomes stronger with depth (N increases with depth along
the socket), Esm!EsL can ordinarily be taken to be 0.5.]

~ = ~:L , in which

Eb = Young's modulus of the geomaterial beneath the base of the drilled shaft, which
can be different from EsL In modeling drilled shaft load tests in Piedmont
residuum in the Atlanta, Georgia, area, Eb must be taken to be about 0.4 EsL
to obtain an optimum match with the measured load-settlement relations. That
is, ~ = 2 . 5 .

A schematic of the variation of soil moduli for this method is shown in figure 19.

Equation 48 is used to model load vs. settlement only until the maximum side resistance,
Qs max, has been reached (segment 1, figure 18).

Qs max= fmax (7t D L) , (51)


Qt (end of segment 1) = Q.1 = --,..---------~ (52)
1 ~ I
l (~cosh(J..LL)] ((1 - v)(1 + v)]

Equation 52 is valid approximately for~ < 20. wu, the settlement at the top of the socket
at the end of segment 1, can be determined by letting Q1 = Qt1 in equation 48.

Equations 48 and 52 define the end of linear segment 1 and the beginning of linear
segment 2. At this point, Qb 1 (load on the base at the end of segment I) = Qu - Qs max.

Ground surface or top of socket


L v =constant

. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. ..................... .

Base of socket

Figure 19. Potential soil modulus variation for computing settlement in granular,
decomposed rock (Category 3 IGM).

The load at the end of segment 2 is the maximum total resistance of the shaft in the given
geomaterial, Ot max= Os max + Qb max If the side resistance is perfectly plastic (no load-
softening or hardening after a movement ofwu), then:

l x0 2 l
Qtmax = fmax (1t Ol) + qmax l 4 J (53)

The corresponding settlement at the end of segment 2 is approximately wtl plus the base
settlement, ~wb, due to the increment of base load Otmax- Qu, which is given by:


Finally, the end of segment 2 is defined by Otmax and (wu + ~wb). Segment 3 is a line
defining continued settlement at no increase in load, which is probably conservative for
most decomposed rock.

Long-Term Settlement of Drilled Shafts in Intermediate Geomaterials

The preceding methods address resistance and short-term settlement. Long-term

settlement is also possible in some IGM's. Such settlement is produced by consolidation
and by creep. The former can be estimated by standard methods found in textbooks.
There is relatively little information on the latter effect; however, Horvath and Chae
provide some guidance on creep settlement of predominantly side-resistance drilled shafts
in soft, natural shale. CIS> They define normalized settlement SN by:

SN = 2Q socket W socket '

where Em is the secant mass modulus at one-half of the compressive strength of the soft
rock, and the subscript "socket" refers to load (Q) or deflection (w) at the top of a rock
socket with diameter D. If creep settlement is defined as the settlement occurring in the
period after 1 day of sustained load, ~SN can be expressed as:

ASN = cnrp log10 [tp (days)] +Cnrs log10 [t(days)-tp(days)] (56)

In the above expression, Crup is a normalized primary creep coefficient in mm/log cycle of
time in days, Cnrs is a secondary creep coefficient in the same units, tp is the time required
to achieve primary creep (approximately I 00 days for the tests reported), and t is the time
after application of the sustained load for which ~SN is desired. If t < tp, only the first term
is applied.

Test results indicated that both creep coefficients are dependent on the roughness of the
borehole wall. For smooth interfaces [RF(equation 13) = 0.025], Crup is approximately O.I,
and Cnrs is approximately 0.03 . For rough interfaces (RF > 0.08), Cnrp is approximately
0.06, and Cnrs is approximately 0.0 I, which indicates that rough interfaces are less prone to
creep. Further research is necessary to establish the validity of these expressions for a
wider range ofiGM' s and for situations in which substantial load is carried by the base.

Comparison of Methods

Eight published methods for the estimation of the performance of drilled shafts in
intermediate geomaterials have been reviewed. These methods are different in their
approach to the problem, although some have common attributes. Table 2 provides a
concise summary of the attributes of the methods that have been reviewed.

Numerous other methods can be found in the literature for estimating fmax in rock sockets,
which can be assumed tentatively to apply to IGM's. Virtually all of these methods apply

to Category 1 and Category 2 IGM' s and involve correlations of measured shaft resistance
to qu of rock cores or to SPT N values. Expressions for estimating fmax from these
additional methods are summarized in table 3.

Table 2. Summary of methods reviewed.

Method Williams Kodikara Horvath Rowe CFM Carter MeVay Mayne


IGM category 2 2 2 1,2 1,2 1,2 2 3

Primary method of
sampling IGM:
Cores X X X X X X X

Method for assessing

Empirical X X X
Analytical X X X X
None X

Method for assessing

Empirical X X X
Analytical X X
None X X X

Explicit interface N y N y y N N
dilation and friction?

Interface degradation? N N N y N N N N

Empirical X
Elasticity/FEM X X X X
None X X X

Load versus settlement Y N N N y y N y

to failure?

~ Kodikara developed a method for estimating deformation that is not covered in the referenced paper and
is not considered in this report.

Table 3. Estimation of fmax from additional references.

Reference Expression for fmax in tons per square fooe

Horvath and Kenney<12> 0.67 QuO.S

Carter and Kulhawy< 8>

Rosenberg and Journeaux0 3> 1.11 Qu0.51

Reynolds and Kaderabek< 14> 0.3 Qu

Gupton and Logan 5 > 0.2 Qu

Reese and O'Neill<2 > 0.15 Qu

Toh<16> 0.25qu or 10 N (B I 0.3m)4

Crapps<17> 0.01 N (B I 0.3 m)

or- 5.54+0.41 N (B I 0.3 m)

In the first three entries in table 3, and in the methods of Williams et al., Horvath, and
Rowe and Armitage described in more detail earlier in this chapter, the relationship
between fmax and Qu is a power function of Qu, while in the next four entries, a linear
relation exists. All of these expressions were developed from back-analysis of loading
tests at locations in which at least some cores were recovered and tested in unconfined
compression. Whether an expression is a power function or is linear depends mainly on
the range in Qu represented in the data base that was used by the writer to develop the
expression. For example, the linear expression of Reese and O'Neill is specified to apply
only to a range of Qu of approximately 1.7 to 2.0 l\1Pa ( 18 to 21 tons per square foot),
predicated on load tests in three midwest clay-shale formations. Power function
expressions such as that of Horvath and Kenney apply to a wide range of Qu. In the power
function relations, a = fmaxiQu reduces with increasing values of Qu. Properties of the IGM,
such as the angle of internal friction, the angle of interface dilation, the formation stiffness,
and the initial coefficient of lateral earth pressure~ factors related to construction, such as
interface roughness, the cleanliness of the interface, the initial lateral concrete pressures,
and the length of time that the borehole remains open prior to concreting~ and factors

Units are given as presented in the references. Values for quare also in tons per square foot. 1 ton per
square foot = 95.8 kPa.
Units in Toh 's method are kPa for both quand fmax

related to the way in which the loading test was conducted, such as socket details (length,
diameter, destroyed or intact base resistance), method of loading (uplift, compression,
jacking upward from the base) can affect the expression. Because these factors are not
considered in simple correlations with qu, it is not surprising that the various methods give
widely different expressions. Under these circumstances, load testing of representative
drilled shafts remains an essential element of design. Further details of construction
effects are given in reference 19.

There is clearly a need for improved methods for computing both resistance and
settlement in axially loaded drilled shafts in all IGM categories. It is also clear that any
such method, to be successful, must include as a minimum some quantification of borehole
roughness, geomaterial degradability, and strength and stiffness of the geomaterial.



A data base was developed by reviewing the literature and reports of loading tests that
were obtained by the research team. The purpose of this data base was to provide
measurements against which the various methods documented in chapter 2 could be
investigated. The particular data base that was chosen for use was originally developed at
the University of Florida for drilled shaft tests in Florida soils and limestone. It was
modified at the University of Houston by appending additional data fields appropriate for
other types ofiGM' s, including clay-shales, mudstones, and residual soils. The complete
data base is available on microfloppy disks from either the University of Florida,
Department of Civil Engineering, or the University of Houston, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering. It can be accessed using a DOS-based microcomputer
through either Lotus 123 (Lotus Development Corporation) or Exce~ (Microsoft, Inc.).


A total of 139 loading tests were documented in the data base for this study. An
additional 106 cases for soil and limestone, developed previously by the University of
Florida, are also contained in the data base. A listing of the loading tests included in the
data base that were used in this study is provided in table 4, which also gives pertinent
information about the test, including data base file number, test location, type of
intermediate geomaterial, date of test, shaft geometry, IGM strength as represented by the
mean unconfined compression strength ( qu), and rudimentary failure load and settlement

According to Reese and O'Neill, a settlement of 5 percent of the shaft diameter is required
to produce failure in a drilled shaft in which bearing develops at the base.<2) In most of the
tests reviewed, the maximum settlement was less than 5 percent of the shaft diameter, so
that a less favorable definition of failure had to be adopted. The criterion ofDavission,
commonly used in interpreting conservatively the failure load for pile foundations, was
therefore used.<20 >

In many of the tests in the data base, only side resistance was tested. A side resistance test
is often accomplished by casting the test shaft with a void beneath the base, for example,
by placing a weak, crushable pad on the bearing material before placing concrete. Table 4
indicates those tests in which voids were included. For such tests, the Davisson criterion
is a satisfactory predictor of side resistance.

It is noted that testing a drilled shaft in compression with a void beneath its base will, in
theory, yield a value of ultimate side resistance that is different from that which would
have been achieved had base resistance been developed because of: (1) the increased
lateral strain, and therefore the increased normal stress at the interface, produced in the
shaft concrete in response to increased axial load resulting from the base resistance in a

Table 4. Summary of the data base load tests.

File Location IGM type Date Diam. Length 0\'er- Socket t Qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. burden length Base Load at 50 %of
thickness Omax Omax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (MPa) ? (MN) (mm)
1001 SOUTH AFRICA WEA. 1976 610 12.2 2.1 101 0.77- NO 3A7 3.05 8
1002 SOUTH AFRICA WEA 1976 610 12.2 2.1 10.1 0 .77- NO 2.67 2.54 8
1003 SOUTH AFRICA WE A. 1976 610 12.2 2.1 10. 1 0 .77- YES 2.22 2.03 A
1004 DALLAS. SHALE 1991 610 9. 1 3.0 6.1 0.83 YES I .65 1.24 A
1005 OKLAHOMA SHALE 1976 762 8.8 2.7 6.2 0.39- NO 4.45 2:79 c
.j::,. 0.84
1006 OKLAHOMA SHALE I976 762 11.1 2.7 8.5 1.45 NO 6.94 3.56 c
1007 PENNSYLVANIA SHALE 1978 610 5.2 5.2 0.0 1.45 NO 1.42 2.79 8

1008 PENNSYLVANIA SHALE 1978 762 6 .7 5.2 1.5 1.45 YES 2.22 4.06 A

1009 PENNSYLVANIA SHALE I978 762 6. I 5.2 0.9 1.45 YES 2.22 3.30 A

1010 PENNSYLVANIA SHALE I978 610 6. I 5.2 0 .9 1.45 YES 1.07 2.29 A

10 II PENNSYLVANIA SHALE 1978 457 6.1 5.2 0 .9 1.45 YES 0.89 2.03 A

1012 PENNSYLVANIA SHALE 1978 457 6. 1 5.2 0 .9 1.45 YES 0.89 1.78 A
_______ L._
'-- -
File Location IGM type Date Diam. Length Over- Socket Qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. burden length Base Load at 50% of
thickness Qmax Qmax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (MPa) ? (MN) (mm)
1013 PENNSYLVANIA SHALE 1978 457 5.2 2.7 2.5 IA5 NO 0.89 1.78 B

1014 PENNSYLVANIA SHALE 1978 610 6.1 5.2 0.9 IA5 YES 1.25 2.03 A

1015 PENNSYLVANIA SHALE 1978 762 5.2 5.2 0.0 1.45 NO 1.25 3.30 B

1016 PENNSYLVANIA SHALE 1978 457 7.2 5.2 2.0 1.45 NO 1 78 4.32 c

1017 COLORADO CLAY- 1970 305 3.5 0.6 2.9 1.08 YES 0.27 2.5-t c
1018 COLORADO CLAY- 1970 305 3.5 0.6 2.9 1.08 YES 0.31 1.27 c
1019 SINGAPORE DEC. 1988 610 6.0 0.8 5.2 NA NO 1.25 0.76 A
1020 SINGAPORE DEC. 1988 610 6.0 2.3 3.7 NA NO 0.95* 0.76 A
1021 SINGAPORE DEC. 1988 610 7.0 3.0 4.0 NA YES 1.07 1.02 A
1022 SINGAPORE DEC. 1988 610 7.0 5.0 2.0 NA NO 0.62 1.02 A
1023 NORTHERN MARL 1976 762 13.3 5.0 8.3 0.61- YES 3.11 * 10. 16 B
102-t NORTHERN MARL 1976 762 16.0 5.0 10.0 0.41- NO 5. 12* 1.27 B
1025 TORONTO, GLACIAL 1989 762 ** 1.8 ** 0.48 NO - NA B
CANADA TILL .. -- - -- L --. -- -------- -
File Location IGM type Date Diam. Length Over- Socket Qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. burden length Base Load at 50% of
thickness Qmax Qmax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (MPa) ? (MN) (mm)
. 1026 TORONTO, TILL 1989 762 3.4 0.28-1.0 NO - NA B
11027 TORONTO, TILL 1989 762 0.0 0.28-1.0 NO - NA B
1028 BRAZIL HARD 1989 1951 12.2 1.5 10.7 0.14- NO 2.10 1.78 B
CLAY 0.33
1029 ROANOKE, SHALE 1988 914 3.0 1.2 1.9 0.33 NO 1.60 0.63 c
1030 ROANOKE, SHALE 1988 914 3.0 1.2 1.9 0.41- NO 8.90 2.16 c
TEXAS 1.63
~ 1031 NOV A SCOTIA, TILL& 1967 813 9.1 0.0 9.1 0.23 NO 1.11 5.08 B
1032 NOVA SCOTIA, TILL& 1967 610 6.1 0.0 6.1 0.23 NO 1.42 2.54 B
1033 NOVA SCOTIA, TILL& 1967 610 13.7 0.0 13.7 0.23 NO 3.11 3.81 B
1034 CLEVELAND. TILL& 1983 762 64.5 0.0 64.5 37.23 NO 11.12 7.87 c
1035 ONTARIO, SHALE 1983 711 2.4 0.0 2.4 5.39 YES 3.56 2.79 A
1036 ONTARIO, SHALE 1983 711 2.4 0.0 2.4 11 .10 NO 4.45 4.57 A
1037 ONTARIO, SHALE 1983 711 2.4 0.0 2.4 5.60 YES 4.45 5.08 A
1038 ONTARIO, SHALE 1983 711 2.4 0.0 2.4 5.50 NO 6.49 4.83 A
CANADA ---- --- ---- ---
'" f

File Location IGM type Date Diam. Length Over- Socket Qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. burden length Base Load at 50% of
thickness Oma:x Omax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (MPa) .
(MN) (mm)
1039 ONTARIO. SHALE 1983 711 2.-1 0.0 2.4 5.39 YES 6.41 4.32 A
10~0 IRVING, TEXAS SHALE 1989 762 14. 1 0 .0 14. 1 2.41- YES 3. 11 1.27 A
1041 IRVING, TEXAS SHALE 1989 762 1~ . 1 0.0 14. 1 2.41- YES 4.80 2.79 A
0 .345
1042 CHICAGO, HARD 1972 762 9.4 4.9 ~ .6 0.57- NO 1 16 2.54 B
1043 CHICAGO, HARD 1972 762 9.4 4.9 4.6 0.57- YES 1 87 3.30 B
Vl 10~4 CHICAGO, HARD 1972 762 9.4 4.9 4.6 0.57- NO 1.87 3.05 c I


1045 NEW MEXICO SHALE 1981 610 15.8 0.0 15 8 4. 18- NO 8 .90* 6.35 B
IO.f6 NEW MEXICO SHALE 1981 610 16.9 0 .0 16.9 4. 18- NO 8 .90* 6.35 B
1047 ALAMO, HARD 1982 648 .f.3 0 .0 4.3 NA NO 0.89* 0.76 B
10~8 ALAMO, HARD 1982 648 2.7 0.0 2.7 NA NO 0.85* 2.29 B
1049 CHICAGO, HARD- 1921 2499 18.3 15.2 3.0 0.43- NO 8.63* 7.62 c
1050 CHICAGO, HARD- 1921 1285 18.3 I 5.2 3.0 0.43- NO 2.67 7 62 c
1051 CHICAGO, TILL 1972 1930 20.7 14.3 6.4 0.43- NO 6.05 8.64 c
0.72 ------- - -----
-- ~ - J .~ L

File Location IGM type Date Diam. Length Over- Socket qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. burden length Base Load at 50% of
thickness Qmax Qmax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (MPa) ? (MN) (mm)
1052 MONTOPOLIS, SHALE 1975 737 7.3 5.8 1.5 1.42 NO 4.71 2.54 B
1053 MONTOPOLIS, SHALE 1975 787 7.3 5.8 1.5 1.42 NO 3.38 2.54 B

1054 MONTOPOLIS, SHALE 1975 737 7.3 5.8 1.5 1.42 NO 3.74 2.54 B
1055 DALLAS, SHALE 1975 889 7.6 5.8 1.8 0.62 NO 3.11 3.05 B
1056 MELBOURNE, WE A. 1984 1524 1.9 0.0 1.9 2.80 NO 9.79 3.05 B
0\ 1057 MELBOURNE, WEA. 1984 1600 2.1 0.0 2.1 2.80 NO 13 .34 1.78 B
1058 MELBOURNE, WE A. 1984 1600 15.8 0 .0 15.8 3.60 NO 13 .79 3.81 B
1059 MELBOURNE, WE A. 1984 1524 11.0 0 .0 11.0 2.80 NO 6.67 2.29 B
1060 MELBOURNE, WEA. 1984 1499 18.0 0 .0 18.0 3.60 NO 11. 96* 1.02 B
1061 COVENTRY, SILT- 1975 1067 8.5 4.9 3.7 1.20-4 NO 4.45 6 .60 B
1062 SOUTH AFRJCA MUD- 1976 660 6.1 3.0 3.0 J.IO NO 1.16 3.30 B
1063 SOUTH AFRJCA MUD- 1976 889 6.1 3.0 3.0 1.10 NO 0.36 1.52 B
1064 SOUTH AFRICA MUD- 1976 889 6.1 3.0 3.0 1.10 NO 0.52 2.29 B
STONE - - -- - - -- -- - -

File Location
IGM type Date Diam. Length Over- Socket Qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. burden length Base Load at 50% of
thickness Omax Omax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) ']
(MPa) (MN) (mm)
1065 SAN ANTONIO, SHALE 1982 457 10.5 4.1 6.4 0 .23- NO 1.16 3.56 B
TEXAS 0.69 -
1066 SAN ANTONIO, SHALE 1982 762 11.0 4 .1 6.9 0.23- NO 1.78 2.29 B
TEXAS 0.69
1067 SAN ANTONIO, SHALE 1968 457 10.4 4.1 6.2 0.23- NO 0 .71 1.27 c
TEXAS 0.69
1068 SAN ANTONIO, SHALE 1968 762 8.2 5.5 2.7 0.57- NO 6.23 3.56 c
TEXAS 0.63
1069 LITTLEBROOK, CHALK 1975 1049 26.8 18.3 8.5 1.03 NO 6.23 6.35 B
......,J 1070 CHICAGO, TILL 1987 762 15 .2 14.0 1.2 0.37- NO 2.49 2.54 B
1071 OAHU, HAWAII WEA. 1991 813 16.8 0.0 16.8 0.97- NO 11.79* 7.87 B
1072 OAHU, HAWAJI WEA. 1991 838 12.0 0.0 12.0 0.97- NO 7.12 6.60 B
1073 OAHU, HAWAII WE A. 1991 813 17.1 0.0 17. 1 0.97- NO 10.85* 4.57 B
1074 SOUTH MARL 1990 610 45.7 30.8 14.9 NA NO 2.94 3.56 B
1075 SOUTH MARL 1990 610 41.8 30.8 11.0 NA NO 3.56* 4.06 B
1076 SOUTH MARL 1991 610 25.8 10.2 15.5 NA NO 2.85 2.79 c
1077 SASKATCH- TILL 1967 610 8.2 5.5 2.7 NA YES 0 .76 1.27 c
EWAN, CANADA - - - - - --------
File Location IGM type Date Diam. Length Over- Socket Qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. burden length Base Load at SO% of
thickness Omax Qmax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (MPa) ?
(MN) (mm)
1078 DALLAS, SHALE 1960 457 14.2 8.1 6 .1 1.57- NO 2.94 ~ . 57 c
TEXAS 1.79
1079 DENVER, DENVER 1990 457 15.7 2.4 13.2 1.54 NO 1.-J2 3.05 B
1080 DENVER, DENVER 1990 457 10.6 2.4 8.2 1.63 NO 2.22 5.84 B
1081 DENVER, DENVER 1990 457 6.2 2.4 3.7 0.52 NO 0 .20 1.78 B
1082 DENVER, DENVER 1990 762 16.3 2.4 13 .9 1.54 YES 0.76 2.29 B
00 1083 DENVER, DENVER 1990 762 11.4 2.4 9.0 1.63 YES 3.25* 3.30 B
1084 DENVER, DENVER 1990 762 6.9 2.4 4.5 0 .52 YES 0.40 2.03 B
1085 DENVER, DENVER 1990 762 7.9 2.4 5.5 0.52 YES 0.67 1.78 B
1086 DENVER, DENVER 1990 610 3.0 0.0 3.0 0 .95 NO 2.85 4.83 B
1087 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 737 5.4 2.1 3.3 NA NO 4. 18 4.06 B
1088 PHOENIX. CEMENT- 1971 762 4.7 2. 1 2.6 NA NO 4.00 3.81 B
1089 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 4.9 2. 1 2.8 NA NO 4.45 3.56 B
1090 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 5.2 2.1 3. 1 NA NO 4.00 3.81 B
J .L

File Location IGM type Date Diam. Length Over- Socket Qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. . burden length Base Load at 50 %of
thickness Omax Om ax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (MPa) ? (MN) (mm)
1091 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 5.5 2. 1 3.4 NA NO 5 34 3.81 8
1092 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 5.6 2. 1 3.4 NA NO 8.01 3.81 B
: 1093 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 914 5.7 2. 1 3.6 NA NO 6.23 3.56 B
1094 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 813 6.5 2.1 4.4 0.28 NO 1.96 2.54 8
1095 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 5.0 2. 1 2.8 0.28 NO 1.78 2.54 B
~ 1096 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 742 10.9 2.1 8.8 0.28 NO 4.00 4.32 B
1097 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 610 9.5 2.1 7.4 0.28 NO 4.63 2.54 B
1098 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 9.7 2.1 7.6 0.28 NO 3.91 4.32 B
1099 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 919 4.9 2.1 2.8 0.28 NO 1.51 2.03 B
1100 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 4.9 2.1 2.7 0.28 NO 1.60 2.29 B
1101 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 914 4.9 2.1 2.7 0.28 NO 1.11 3.05 B
1102 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 6.2 2.1 4.1 NA NO 6.67 3.05 B
1103 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 914 4.8 2.1 2.6 NA NO 3.38 3.56 B
File Location IGM type Date Diam. Length Over- Socket Qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. burden length Base Load at 50 o/o of
thickness Omax Qmax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (MPa) ? (MN) (mm)
110-l PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 91-l -1.9 2.1 2.7 NA NO 4.00 -1 .06 8
1105 PHOENIX. CEMENT- 1971 762 4.9 2.1 2.8 NA NO 1.60 2.54 8
1106 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 6.4 2.1 -1.3 NA NO 2.85 2.03 8
1107 PHOENIX. CEMENT- 1971 762 5.2 2.1 3.0 NA NO 1.78 5 OR 8
1108 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 6.9 2.1 4.7 NA YES 5.07 2.29- c
1109 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 762 5.1 2.1 3.0 NA YES 2.67 3.81 B
1110 PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 914 5.1 2.1 3.0 NA YES 3.56 3.56 8
Ill J PHOENIX, CEMENT- 1971 610 6.7 2.1 4.6 NA YES 3.29 1.27 c
1112 VIENNA, DEC. 1989 914 10.2 6.1 4. J NA YES 4.98 4.83 B
1113 FORT COLLINS, SHALE 1983 457 13.7 10.7 3.0 3.75 NO 1.78 2.29 8
lll-l HONG KONG DEC. 1982 1295 7.4 0.0 7.4 NA YES 5.78 5.33 c
1115 HONG KONG DEC. 1980 1499 30.5 12.8 17.7 NA NO 8.90 6.35 8
1116 HONG KONG DEC. 1980 1499 22.6 12.2 10.4 NA NO 4.89 4.32 B
File Location
. IGM type Date Diam. Length Over- Socket Qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. burden length Base Load at 50% of
thickness Qmax Qmax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (MPa) ? (MN) (mm)
I J 17 HONG KONG DEC. 1980 1-199 21.9 9.8 12.2 NA NO 2.22 -1.83 c
1118 HONG KONG DEC. 1980 1333 48.2 23 .2 25 .0 NA NO 6.9-1 6.60 B
1119 HONG KONG DEC. 1980 1-199 51.8 29.0 22.9 NA NO 10.96* 5.84 B
1120 MELBOURNE. MUD- 1977 660 2.5 0.0 2.5 0.83 YES 1.78* 2.03 A
1121 MELBOURNE, MUD- 1977 1118 3.6 0.0 3.6 0.55 YES 4-15 1.78 A

1122 MELBOURNE, MUD- 1977 1168 3.5 0.0 3.5 0.61 YES 4.45 1.27 A
1123 MELBOURNE, MUD- 1978 1219 13 .5 0.0 13.5 2.50 YES 4.27 1.78 A
1124 TORONTO, SHALE 1968 635 6.8 5.5 1.3 14.74 NO 4.45 4 80 c
1125 ST. P'BURG, LIME- Un- 711 27.7 17 I 10.7 0.34- NO 8.90* 5.33 c
FLORIDA STONE dated 0.62
1126 SAN DIEGO, HARD Un- 483 6.3 0.0 6.3 NA YES 1.33* 1.02 B
1127 JACKSONVILLE, LIME- Un- 9 14 17.4 8.2 9. I 3.28-7 2 NO 4.00 2 29 c
1128 DADE COUNTY, LIME- 1986 1067 7.7 2.4 5.3 1.93- NO 8.90* 14.48 c
ll29 TEMPE, HARD 1990 914 36.6 33.5 3.0 0.97 NO 12.45* 3.81 A
i File Location IGM type Date Diam. Length Over- Socket Qu Voided- Failure Settlement Rank
No. burden length Base Load at 50 /o of
thickness Qmax Qmax
(mm) (m) (m) (m) (MPa) ? (MN) (mm)
1130 TEMPE, HARD 1990 914 36.6 34.4 2.1 0.48- NO 8.90* 2.54 A
1131 SAN ANTONIO, SHALE 1989 610 15.2 7.6 7.7 0.77- NO 0.36 2.29 B
TEXAS 1.35
1132 SAN ANTONIO, SHALE 1989 610 15.2 7.6 7.7 0.77- NO 2.67 0.76 B

TEXAS 1.35
1133 SHREVEPORT, HARD 1978 711 24.0 12.2 11.8 0.77 YES 8.01* 5.08 B
1134 SOUTH LIME- 1988 610 13.7 9.9 3.8 13.51 NO 3.56* -2.03 c
N 1135 SOUTH LIME- 1988 610 12.4 10. 1 2.3 10.23 NO 1.07 1.27 c
1136 REGINA, SASK., TILL 1980 610 15.2 12.0 3.2 0.34 YES 1.07 1.27 B
1137 FOREST GLEN, DEC. 1991 914 10.5 4.7 5.8 NA NO 5.43 2.54 B
1138 FOREST GLEN, DEC. 1991 914 15.2 3.2 12.0 NA NO 3.56 2.79 B
1139 COWETA CO., DEC. 1992 914 19.2 14.6 4.6 NA NO 5.34 4.57 A

* Failure not achieved according to the Davisson failure criterion. Resistances were calculated on the basis of the
maximum applied loads.
** End bearing test with shaft length not reported.
t Penetration length in the IGM. t Test performed specifically for this project.
NA: Neither unconfined compressive strength nor UU triaxial compression results available (either SPT or other
strength tests were used).
"complete" shaft (the so-called "Poisson' s effect") and (2) the de~reased confining stresses
near the base of a complete shaft that lead to decreased IGM strength along the shaft near
the base. It is assumed here that the two effects approximately cancel each other and that
the results of voided-base tests are relevant for evaluating methods for predicting shaft

The final entry in table 4 is a test rank. The rank value, A, B, or C, indicates the perceived
reliability of the test. A Rank A test is one in which the installation details are
documented, in which considerable IGM strength information is available, and in which
testing details are well-documented. In some cases, tests in which the authors took part
were placed in Rank A because of the authors' familiarity with site conditions,
construction details, and testing procedures. A Rank B test is generally identical to a
Rank A test except that only sparse data were reported on the IGM tested. A Rank C
test was usually judged to be deficient in geotechnical information. Only Rank A and B
tests were used in the analyses that follow.


An example file from the data base is presented in table 5. Note that the original format
created previously by the University of Florida ends with the double line on the third page
of the file. Below that double line is a set of data created specifically for this project at the
University of Houston. Also note that some blank fields in the data base file have been
eliminated for printing and that in some cases, the file numbers in table 4 do not
correspond with the final file numbers in the data base. In such cases, the desired file is
easily found by location and IGM type.


The most appropriate screening test for the various design methods is the comparison of
the predicted and measured side resistances. Such comparisons were made using the only
measure of geomaterial and interface strength that was available in a significant number of
loading tests in the data base: the unconfined compression strength, qu. Comparisons were
made using the methods of Williams, Rowe, Horvath, Carter, Reynolds, Gupton, Reese,
Toh, and Rosenberg in Category 1 and 2 IGM' s, which utilize only the unconfined
compressive strength ( qu). (Some of the methods have additional corrections for soft
seams and other factors, but since such data were not generally reported in the literature
or loading test reports, those features of the methods were not included.) Category 3
IGM' s were not studied in this phase of the research because too few tests existed in the
data base.

Correlations between predicted and measured side resistance at failure among the nine
methods studied are shown separately for mudstone, clay-shale, and limestone in figures
20, 21 , and 22, respectively. Details of these correlations can be found in Appendix B.

Table 5. Example data base file .



SHAFf DIA.\f (IN): . 24










W/C :



(TONS) (P.Ii)

000 0.00
50.00 0.03
75 .00 0.08
100.00 0. 16
125.00 0.30
150.00 0.47
175.00 0.71
200.00 1.20
225 .00 1.82
230.00 2.27
220.00 2.30
100.00 2.27
0.00 2.15
0.35 0

Table 5. Example data base file (cont'd).

0.43 230.00






4.00 6
7.00 8
10.00 7
12.00 9
14.00 5
16.00 5





0 DIRECT ( 0}
CPT ( 1)




POJ!I.o'T AT 5 FEET 0.6 Cu (TSF)
12 DEPTH 3
Cu (TSF)

Table 5 Example data base file (cont'd).
Cu (TSF)

Cu (TSF)
Cu (TSF)

0 l'F METHOD 0

qu = TSF
qb = #VALl"E! TSF












l 'NCOI\iFNED = 7.1 PSI
Ut.: TRlA.~AL = PSI



Table 5. Example data base file (cont'd).




Ko =







l 'NCO~FINED - 105 PSI




YOt '!'SG'S ~IODl'lXS 1000000 PSI


Ko =




WATER CONTE:-.:T = 9.1



Table 5. Example data base ftle (cont'd).

PMT \fOOl 'Ll'S = PSI



YOUNG'S MODlrtlTS = 1000000 PSI


Ko =













Ko =


Table 5. Example data base file (cont'd).




Qs LAYER # I = 0.72 KSF

Qs LAYER # 2 = 7.344 KSF
Qs LAYER # 3 7.344 KSF

Qb = KSF







(.) 4 X Reynolds
en xx
~ 3
en AAA
1 A
a. ~~~
"'I !I
"' "'
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Measured side resistance (MPa)

a. Williams, Rowe, Horvath, Carter, and Reynolds' methods.


1 3
AAA .:
en ODD
u 1

- ~ ~

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Measured side resistance (MPa)

b. Gupton, Reese, Toh, and Rosenberg' s methods.

Figure 20. Predicted vs. measured side resistance in mudstone.


D Carter

~ A. .
Cii 0.6
A ll
en 0.4
"0 ~
0 0
"0 0.2
Q) ~

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Measured side resistance (MPa)
a. Williams, Rowe, Horvath, Carter, and Reynolds' methods.



en D
d2. D D

an D

0.2 &I

"0 A
a.. I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Measured side resistance (MPa)
b. Gupton, Reese, Toh, and Rosenberg' s methods.

Figure 21 . Predicted vs. measured side resistance in clay-shale.


-~ 6
1i) 0 . 0 Reynolds
en 4
Q) 3

"0 2 0 0

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Measured side resistance (MPa)

a. Williams, Rowe, Horvath, Carter, and Reynolds' methods.






e 3

en 2


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Measured side resistance (MPa)
b. Gupton, Reese, Toh, and Rosenberg' s methods.

Figure 22. Predicted vs measured side resistance in limestone.

None of the methods gave consistently accurate solutions over a wide variety of test sites
for any of the three classes of Category 1 and 2 IGM' s considered. It is concluded in
Appendix B that:

Unique a values do not exist, implying that more parameters than just Quare
required to make accurate predictions of fmax

Nonlinear correlations of a with quare more accurate than linear correlations.

The design correlations of Williams, Rowe, and Rosenberg provide the best
estimation of unit side resistance in Category 1 and 2 IGM's.

Reese's method gives the best predictions among the linear a correlations;
however, it is very conservative on the average.

Both linear and nonlinear correlative methods tend to overestimate fmax (i.e., are
unconservative) for relatively small values of Qu, and tend to underestimate fmax
for higher values of Qu

Appendix B also develops a preliminary conclusion that MeVay' s two-parameter

correlation appears to provide an improvement over the methods tested against the data
base, but that further research is needed over a substantial number of cases before that
statement can be confirmed.

Further correlations, such as for base resistance and settlement, were not performed
because of relatively sparse stress-strain data for the IGM' s tested and because of the poor
performance of the design methods in computing side resistance.


The data base study reviewed briefly here clearly points out the need for a new design
method for Category 1 and 2 IGM' s. McVay' s method should be an improvement
because it uses two parameters to compute fmax to be equivalent to interface cohesion,
which is different from (lower than) qul2 in frictional geomaterials. Furthermore, the
technique proposed by Me Vay leads to a unique value of fmax that is not totally dependent
on qu for the formation being tested . McVay' s method also requires the assumption that
interface dilation does not occur, which can serve to elevate fmax to a value higher than the
interface cohesion. Further improvement in MeYay's method can be made if construction
effects such as interface roughness and smear (IGM degradation due to drilling) are

Observation of the load-settlement relations in the data base suggests that settlement can
be as important a design consideration as resistance, particularly when base resistance is
present. It is therefore important to include a simple procedure for computing settlement
from readily obtainable geotechnical data. Chapter 4 reviews such an improved method

developed in this study from finite element parametric studies and tested against new fuU-
scale loading tests in Category 1 IGM's and an existing loading test in Category 2 IGM's.

Less guidance is available for development of an appropriate design model for Category 3
IGM' s. An existing method (Mayne and Harris), which computes both resistance and
settlement, is adopted and tested later ~gainst load tests in a residual granular IGM and a
dense, granular glacial till performed as a part of this study.



Numerous methods were outlined in chapter 2 to compute resistances (and in some cases
settlements) of drilled shafts in hard soils and soft rocks. In chapter 3, it was shown that
the most basic of the computations-determination of average maximum unit side
resistance, fmax- was not predicted well by any of the methods. Part of this deficiency
may be due to differences in characterizing the properties of the soil or rock among test
sites, but part may have been due to characteristics of the design models, namely relating
fmax only to the compressive strength of the IGM.

Two design models, denoted Model I and Model 2, are proposed in this chapter for
axially loaded drilled shafts in IGM' s. The proposed models build on the concepts
outlined in chapter 2. Model I is intended for cohesive IGM' s (Category I and Category
2}, and Model2 is intended for cohesionless IGM' s (Category 3). Specific definitions of
the three categories of IGM' s are given below:

Model 1 is used with Category 1 IGM' s. which are cohesive, argillaceous (clay-based)
geomaterials with qc between 0 .5 and 5 MPa that exhibit the characteristic of
excessive strength loss upon exposure to water (defined subsequently). Examples are
hard clays (heavily overconsolidated sedimentary or residual soils) and mudstones
(claystones, siltstones, or clay-shales}, as ordinarily classified by geologists. An
important characteristic of these geomaterials is their propensity to slake or soften
when exposed to water or remolded during drilling. Morganstern and Eigenbrod
identify water-sensitive argillaceous geomaterials as: (a) having qc at natural moisture
content of less than 3.5 MPa, (b) experiencing a loss of undrained compressive
strength of 60 percent or more of the original compressive strength when exposed to
water, and (c) simultaneously experiencing an increase in natural water content
exceeding I percent. <21 > The appropriate identification tests are conducted upon
cylindrical laboratory samples of IGM' s having a diameter of no more than 50 mm,
that are allowed to imbibe distilled water freely for 3 days in a triaxial cell when
confined at approximately 3 50 kPa pressure, and that are then tested to failure in
undrained compression perpendicular to the bedding planes.

If any one of these properties exists, the IGM may tend to remold and soften at the
concrete-IGM interface during shaft construction, and the design should proceed
assuming that the borehole is "smooth" unless artificial grooves at least 25 mm deep
are cut into the sides of the boreholes to act as shear keys on a vertical spacing of no
more than 0.3 m, in which case the borehole may be considered to be "rough." The
design can also proceed assuming that the borehole is rough in these geomaterials if:
(a) "rough" conditions according to the definition in table I can be verified for
representative drilled shafts and the estimated thickness of softened IGM (" smear")
remaining on the borehole wall at the time of concreting does not exceed 2.5 mm at

any place on the wall, (b) RF (defined in equation 13) can be verified to exceed 0. 10
and smear does not exceed 2.5 mm in thickness, or (c) rough conditions can be
verified through load testing of representative drilled shafts, as indicated by values of
load transfer that correspond to calculated values obtained by using Model 1 with
rough interface classification. Measurements necessary to establish roughness and
smear conditions are discussed under the section entitled "Calculations for Design
Model. " If rough, non-smeared conditions cannot be verified~ the shaft should always
be designed as if it were smooth.

Model 1 is also used with cohesive, argillaceous geomaterials that have a natural qc
exceeding 3.5 MPa; experience an undrained strength loss of less than 40 percent of
the original qc after being exposed to water for 3 days at 3 50 kPa confining pressure;
and whose water content increases less than 1 percent while imbibing water. These
IGM' s are generally insensitive to exposure to water. These IGM's and cohesive,
carbonaceous/siliceous-cemented geomaterials such as limestones, limerock, and
sandstones having qc of0.5 to 5 MPa, which normally exhibit the same response to
exposure to water as insensitive argillaceous IGM' s, are considered Category 2
IGM' s. Category 2 IGM' s are distinguished from Category 1 IGM' s by the potential
strength loss at the face of the borehole due to drilling, especially where any free water
may be present in the formation or where water is used to assist in the drilling process.
It is not considered necessary to verify the existence of non-smeared zones on the face
of the borehole because these materials are insensitive to exposure to water; thus, it is
only necessary to estimate whether the borehole is smooth or rough, using the
methodology described above for Category 1 IGM' s.

The commentary provided here on the smear potential ofiGM' s should be considered
preliminary until further research on smear potential can be conducted, as other
factors, such as excessive exposure to the atmosphere, drilling slurries, and similar
effects, may contribute to borehole smear.

Model 2 is used with all cohesionless IGM' s, such as granular tills, granular weathered
rock, and similar granular geomaterials having an SPT blow count exceeding 50 blows
per 0.3 m, which are defined as Category 3 IGM' s. (IGM' s with cobbles and
boulders are excluded from this definition, as cobbles and boulders can affect N
considerably.) These IGM' s are distinguished from ordinary sands, which exhibit SPT
blow counts of 50 or less and for which adequate design methods already exist (e.g.,
reference 2). Design of drilled shafts in Category 3 IGM's using Model 2 requires
only SPT N values, water table (piezometric) position, and unit weight of the soil. In
chapter 6, it will be demonstrated that design predictions can be made reasonably
accurately using this model as long as N is restricted to no more than I 00 blows per
0.3 m.

The present FHWA design manual for drilled shafts under axial loading, issued in
1988, defines intermediate geomaterials as transitional cohesive materials having qu
between about 0.4 MPa (4 tsf) and 1.7 MPa (18 tsf).<2 > Weaker cohesive materials are

treated as clay, and stronger cohesive materials are treated as rock for design
purposes. Computation of unit shaft and base resistances for such geomaterials is
performed by linear interpolation between the maximum unit side or base resistance
value for "clay" (qu = 0.4l\1Pa) and the minimum value for "rock" (qu = 1.7l\1Pa),
using qu as the interpolation variable. The present FHWA method does not recognize
the difference between moisture-susceptible and non-moisture susceptible cohesive
IGM' s, nor does it address cohesionless IGM' s (Category 3). The present research
includes these important characteristics and extends the range of strengths for cohesive
IGM' s on the high end to 5.0 l\1Pa because such materials are classified as very soft
rocks, which, up to qu = 3.5 l\1Pa, can be prone to softening to a soil-like consistency
during drilling. The further extension to 5 l\1Pa is somewhat arbitrary, but it is
intended to cover cohesive geomaterials whose strength extends to about one-fifth that
of normal drilled shaft concrete (f c = 24 to 28 l\1Pa), beyond which most cohesive
geomaterials would truly behave as a rock, that is, would not degrade to soil-like
material during drilling. The lower bound of 0.5 l\1Pa was based on the generally
lowest average values of qu available for full-scale test sites in this research (0 .4 to 0.5
l\1Pa) . It is reasonable, however, to extend the method down to qu = 0.4l\1Pa, the
upper limit for "clays" in reference 2.

Both models predict load-settlement behavior and not resistance directly. It is expected
that the user of these models would define resistance at failure according to an acceptable
settlement criterion for the problem at hand.

Factors that are considered, either explicitly or implicitly, in Model 1 are:

Undrained compression strength of the IGM.

Angles of internal friction and dilation of the IGM.
Characterization of roughness of interface between IGM and drilled shaft concrete.
Angle of interface friction (angle of interface dilation is considered explicitly by the
roughness characterization, which allows for the deformation and compression ofiGM
Smearing characteristics of the interface (presence of remolded geomaterial between
the concrete and undisturbed IGM).
Young' s modulus of the IGM and of the concrete.
Thickness and moduli of soft seams within the IGM.
Initial interface pressure between the concrete in the shaft and the IGM.
Depth and diameter of the socket.

The basic method is the result of a parametric finite element study, described in this
chapter, that was validated by comparison with field loading tests on full-scale test shafts
that were an integral part of this research project and by selected, well-documented tests
in the literature, discussed in chapter 6. The method is therefore comprehensive.
Numerical characterization of all of the parameters listed above is difficult in practice.
Model 1 is therefore presented in simplified form that requires estimation of:

Young' s moduli of the IGM and concrete.
Unconfined compressive strength of the IGM.
General interface roughness pattern ("smooth" or " rough").
Vertical effective stress at the top of the socket.
Fluid pressure of the concrete at the mid-depth of the socket (function of specified
slump and rate of placement of the concrete).
Socket geometry.

Model 1 makes use of typical values for I GM' s and correlations between parameters to
include the effects of parameters not normally measured. Conservative estimates can be
made of any or all of the parameters listed above for design purposes. However, the
accuracy of the prediction of load-settlement behavior depends on the accuracy of
parameter evaluation, which depends, in turn, on the quality of sampling and laboratory or
in situ testing.

Model 1 can be applied directly or by using the method to produce unit load transfer
functions that can be used in available software to synthesize load-settlement behavior.

Factors that are included in Model 2 are:

Young' s moduli ofthe IGM and concrete.

Drained angle of internal friction of the IGM.
Coefficient of earth pressure at rest in the I GM.
Vertical effective stresses in the IGM.
Socket geometry.

Recognizing that measurements of the first four properties are not normally made directly,
the correlative procedure of Mayne and Harris described in chapter 2 is proposed to allow
the use of standard penetration test results to compute the load-settlement relation.( IO) In
this case, a method for computing unit load transfer functions is not available.

MODEL 1 (Category 1 and 2 IGM's)

Finite Element Analysis

Model 1 was derived through intensive, parametric finite element modeling. Details are
presented in Appendix C, but a summary is given here. Figure 23 describes the geometric
conditions modeled and the boundary conditions used. The geometry of the IGM socket
was not varied in the finite element analysis except to validate solutions for selected values
ofL (and therefore LID) different from that used in the parametric study. The absolute
value of the shaft diameter was not varied in the finite element study. Expanding cavity
theory, which can be used crudely to compute radial stresses caused by dilation of the
socket during axial loading, suggests that there is an effect of diameter on load transfer.
This effect is to reduce side shearing resistance with increasing D, regardless of L.
Experimental evidence, including that presented in chapter 6, suggests that the effect is

generally small forD greater than about 0.61 m; however, caution should be used in
applying the method to shafts of very large diameters (greater than 1.53 m). The
surcharge load shown in figure 23 was varied to facilitate modeling the effect of the depth
of the socket. D was set equal to 0.61 m, and L was set equal to 6.1 m for the parametric
analyses. Axisymmetric meshes were established to model both rough and smooth
interfaces, as shown in figures 24 and 25.

Rough interfaces were modeled by a sinusoidal pattern shown in figure 26. This shape is
typical of shapes observed in sockets drilled with augers in soft clay-shale formations by
the authors. A frictional/noncohesive surface was used to represent argillaceous
geomaterials at the interface at which slide elements were used to allow relative shearing
movements and separation of IGM from concrete as interface slippage occurred. In the
rough interface, the asperities in both the rock and concrete were modeled by deformable
elements described using the parameters for the undisturbed IGM or by parameters that
represented some degree of softening (smear) at the interface due to drilling. These points
are illustrated by a typical deformed mesh in the vicinity of a rough interface in figure 27.

Surcharge load

L -Socket IGMmass

Dfl 200

1.5 L

Figure 23 . Loading and boundary conditions for finite element analyses.

Socket Detail


20 D

D/2 D/2

t t f -
- ..... ~

- -- ~- ~- ,__ """

- - - -- - ~---

-- -- . ...... - --
-- - r--

-- --.,- ~

- ~-

Figure 24 _ Finite element mesh for rough socket analysis.

I 20 D



Figure 25. Finite element mesh for smooth socket analysis.

IJ G ~~~~~
4 l>

<J c
~ ~
<7~ 0
~ <7:


Possible interface Idealized interface

ll.lmm ..- -..

12.2 mm ~

Figure 26 Idealization of rough concrete-IGM interface.







Figure 27. Displaced mesh in the vicinity of concrete-IGM interface at 25-mm settlement
at top of socket.

The IGM was simulated with a Drucker-Prager nonassociated flow model using eight-
noded isoparametric elements. The concrete was assumed to be elastic. Computations
were performed with the ABAQUS code.< ) Ranges of values of the significant
parameters used in the finite element analyses are described in table 6. In the computations
used to develop the design equations, the interface was frictional (<I> = <l>rc), but the mass
geomaterial was homogeneous, undrained, and nonfrictional (<I> = 0). The consequences
of this assumption are relatively minor and are discussed in Appendix C. Where the
interface is cohesive (e.g., sockets in which cement paste penetrates the matrix of
Category 2 IGM' s and slip does not occur), McVay' s method (chapter 2) may be more
appropriate for assessing fmax than the method given here, which assumes no interface
cohesion. If fmax from MeVay' s method is used to evaluate side resistance, however, the
method presented in this chapter for estimation of settlement will usually overpredict
settlement significantly.

Table 6. Range of values for parameters for finite element analysis.

Description of parameter Units Symbol Value

Socket diameter m D 0.61

Socket length m L 6.1
Unit weights of overburden, IGM, and concrete kN/m3 y 20.4
Vertical effective stress at top of socket kPa cr'vt 62, 311
(represents depths of3 .05 m
and 15.24 m if overburden is not submerged)
Compressive strength of the IGM ?v.IPa qu 0.48-4.8
Mass Young's modulus ofthe IGM Em (58-576)qu
Poisson's ratio ofiGM - Vr 0.30
Angle of internal friction of the IGM deg. <J>r 0,37
Angle of internal dilation of the IGM deg. 'Vr 0, 18.5
Angle of interface friction deg. <l>n:: 30
Initial normal (horizontal) stress at concrete- atm. O'n 1.25, 3.75
IGM interface
Coefficient of earth pressure at rest in IGM Ko 1
Young's modulus of concrete shaft GPa Ec 27.6
Poisson's ratio of concrete shaft Vc 0.15
Interface asperity height mm h. 0, 25.4
Interface asperity wave length mm I. 305

The design model described in this chapter was developed by fitting the side load-
settlement relations produced by multi-load finite element solutions with a simple function.
Base resistance-settlement behavior was also obtained from the finite element analyses, as
the shafts whose behavior was synthesized were all complete shafts. It was found that side
shearing resistance-settlement behavior can be decoupled from base resistance in uniform
geomaterials, although the ratio of base resistance to side resistance affects the mean
lateral strains in the concrete along the socket, the resulting lateral stresses produced at
the interface by the Poisson's effect in the concrete, and the side load-settlement behavior.
This behavior is captured in the design model for sockets with L = 6.1 m. The design
model is slightly conservative for shorter sockets, where the ratio of base resistance to side
resistance is relatively high. For longer sockets, the proportion of applied load reaching
the base for any given set of conditions is smaller than for shorter sockets, which results in
a smaller Poisson's effect near the base of the socket and somewhat lower side load
transfer than is predicted by the design model. It is intended that Model 1 be applied only
to sockets within the range 2 < LID < 20.

Cylindrical geometry was used to represent the shaft in both the overburden and IGM
socket. No step change in diameter was assumed to occur at the top of the IGM.
However, if casing is used to drill through the overburden, the diameter of the shaft in the
overburden will be greater than the diameter in the socket, and a shoulder will be formed

at the top of the socket (bottom of the casing). The effect of such a step change in
diameter was not addressed in this study.

~was taken to be 1.0, which is consistent with data obtained from Menard-type
pressuremeter tests in clay-shale at the Dallas test site described in chapter 5 and with
suggestions by geological engineers that ~ approaches 1.0 in all rock as time increases
without bound. Ko had little effect on the behavior of the shaft in the finite element model )

since the condition modeled for development of the design method was undrained IGM
mass behavior and drained interface behavior. Justification for these drainage conditions is
given in Appendix C. At the interface, the normal effective stress is influenced most
strongly by the pressure applied by the concrete (assumed to be equal to the fluid pressure
in the concrete at the time of casting).

Base resistance is not large compared to side resistance at settlements at the top of the
socket of less than 25 mm for L = 6.1 m. It may be sufficient for design purposes to
consider only the side resistance component when computing load-settlement behavior up
to a settlement of 25 mm and independently adding the end bearing resistance proposed in
equation 10 to the side shear developed at a settlement of 25 mm to obtain the limiting
resistance of the socket. Base resistance may be excluded entirely in karst terrane or in
formations in which the IGM strength is extremely variable.

Before proceeding to the design model, several characteristics of the finite element
solutions are discussed. These discussions, which are illustrated by solutions for specific
sets of conditions, are meant only to describe general phenomena and should not be
generalized to all cases.

Stress distribution around interface and defined value of fmax

The distribution of stress at the interface is quite complex. Contours of mean normal
stresses (crm) are shown in figure 28 for a shaft with crn = 3.75 crp, where crp = atmospheric
pressure, qu = 1.2 J\.1Pa, <f>r = 0, <f>rc = 30 deg., ha = 24 mm, and la = 305 mm ("rough"
interface), at a settlement of 25.4 mm. The mean normal stresses are lowest near the roots
of the IGM asperities and highest on the top faces of the peaks of the IGM asperities. All
stresses remain compressive at this point (as indicated by the + sign). Figure 29 contains
contours of shearing stresses on vertical surfaces in the vertical direction ('trz). The
contour marked "8" represents the shear strength of the IGM, which is qj2 in this
"reference" problem. The zone around the peak of the asperity and penetrating down
obliquely into the IGM is in a plastic condition. However, the IGM near the root of the
asperity has low shearing stresses at this point. Further yielding in the asperity, which will
occur with further settlement, will eventually produce yielding at the root of the asperity.
At this point, the mean unit side shear along the socket will either be equal to the shear
strength of the IGM at the interface if the IGM is ductile and does not strain soften, or less
than the shear strength at the interface if the IGM is brittle and undergoes strain softening
(which was not modeled here).

Since the maximum average unit side shearing resistance occurs in rough-interface shafts
at settlements exceeding 25 mm, it is suggested, for design purposes, that fmax be taken as
the mean shearing stress along the interface at a settlement of 25 mm. Investigation of
figure 29 indicates that fmax according to this definition will be less than qu/2. The proposed
design model will allow this value to be evaluated. If settlement criteria for the structure
require settlements of less than 25 mm at the ultimate limit state, the load-settlement
characteristics of the proposed design model can be employed to estimate fmax for that
settlement criterion. The method should not be used, however, for estimating fmax for
settlements greater than 25 mm.

The small mean normal stresses at the roots of the asperities in figure 28 are partially the
result of the development of tensile stresses in the vertical direction, which will produce
horizontal fractures in the IGM, as indicated in figure 30. This effect would be expected
to be especially severe in horizontally laminated IGM' s, such as some clay-shales.
Although no fracture mechanics studies were conducted of this phenomenon, the tension
fractures appear to be stable (will not propagate further until more load is added to the
socket) based on more detailed finite element analyses reported in Appendix C, and they
do not have an appreciable effect on short-term load-settlement behavior up to settlements


1 ~
l +157

~ Om (CJJ + CJl + cr.Jlfl

Figure 28. Contours of mean normal stresses, O"m, at settlement of 25 mm.


t rz (k.Pa)

1 +77
l +155
3 +233
4 +310

' +387
1 +541

Figure 29. Contours of shear stresses, 'trz, at settlement of 25 mm.



Figure 30. Fracture pattern in IGM indicated by finite element analyses.


of up to 25 mm. This phenomenon suggests that long-term creep may occur in side
resistance, however. The design method presented here does not address creep.
However, guidance on simple estimation of settlement of drilled shafts in shale due to
creep is given by Horvath and Chae and summarized by O'Neill and HassanY 8 19 >

Effect of borehole roughness

The average value off (side shear resistance) is plotted against the settlement of the top of
the socket in figure 31 for the conditions shown on the figure, for crn/crp = 1.25 (shallow
socket). It is observed that the average value off at a settlement of25 mm ("fmax") is
approximately three times as large in the rough socket (ha = 24 mm, la = 305 mm) as in the
smooth socket, and the corresponding values of a (equation 5) are 0.09 and 0.28.
Borehole roughness is therefore a critical condition to be evaluated by the designer.

Effect of disturbed geomaterial ("smear") on the face of the borehole

Limited finite element analyses were conducted for the condition depicted in figure 32, in
which a 15-mm-thick zone of degraded IGM, or "smear," was present between the
undisturbed IGM and the concrete shaft in an otherwise rough interface (ha = 24 mm and
la = 305 mm). Results of analyses for a shallow socket (crn/crp = 1.25) with qu = 2.4 MPa
are given in figure 33 for the other conditions shown. The two load-settlement relations
represent a smooth-faced socket and a rough socket in the same material, but with a smear
zone in which qu = 0.20 qu in the undisturbed IGM and Em = 0.25 Em in the undisturbed
IGM. The two sockets have very nearly the same behavior, even though the thickness of
the smear zone is smaller than the asperity height. This observation suggests that if there
0 . . .
I o

s --- ....... J. . . . .._. .. . __. .J...._.._.,.....-.... 'lu=2.4 MPa ..

::: ' I :!~ :~ Emla=230
10 .....................T..... ,--- ---]-- ! t =v =0

... ..
15 ----~-.,----~- ---~--..
1 : : - ' rc: =~0
. .:
20 -----..-:
.: - --:---
... :
.. .- .
.1........................ .
: I : :
: I
25 -+.. I-~------;
. .. .... --4.:
. .
...l ...

30 ... ............ ...:.............................: ............................. .

. .................. ........
~: ~

: !.
35 -----
- - - Rough socket
Smooth socket
.. -....~..
... ...
0 0.2 0.8 10.4 0.6
Average side shear resistance (MPa)
Figure 31. Example of effect of interface roughness on load-settlement behavior
in finite element analyses

I Socket radius
r= 305 mm

15-mm smear zone

Figure 32. Schematic of smeared interface in finite element analyses.

-. --- :
. .
5 (,.----
: : '
: :
: '
: : :
. n
a I ap = 1.25 ~ ... ~ ~ ~
; ~ :;
-~ ,-T-
~ ,

~ .
............. l................i ...ll.......... :...............J. ...........


: :
1 I
' :

............. .-+.. ~ - ~ . - - +.....-

0 : ' :

; ; I ~ ~
. : I . :
~ l
. I .
25 .: .: . .:
~- ~---- - ~- -~ --~
. :. ...
ell ... .
30 ~--------------- ------
- - - Rough smeared socket
~- ~
' ..
35 .. - - - - - Smooth nonsmeared socket ....
-~--~ -
' .'

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
Average side shear resistance (MPa)

Figure 33. Relative behavior of rough smeared socket and smooth socket.

is any doubt that a degraded interface will exist after drilling, the shaft should be designed
as a smooth shaft, even if it is expected to be rough after completion of drilling.

Calculations for Design Model

Direct load-settlement simulation

In a design context, while many important parameters were identified during the
development of design Model 1, it is not presently normal practice to measure precisely
the values of each parameter for every construction site. Only one parameter for Model 1
must be measured (M), while others can be estimated (E), and values can be calculated
from simple correlations for others (C). Still others are inherent in Model 1, but standard
values have already been included and are not required to be provided by the designer (S).
The factors used in Model I are:

qc or qu of the IGM ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ....... ..... .. ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... .. ........ M
Young' s modulus of the IGM and the concrete. ...................................... C
[Standard formulas can be used for the concrete iff c is known.
Em (mass Young' s modulus ofiGM) can be taken as 115 qu for
Category 2 IGM' s and 250 qu for Category 1 IGM' s for design
purposes if modulus measurements are not made, provided
soft seams and open fractures are not present. Other procedures
are given in the following for the case where the IGM is not massive
and possesses soft seams or fractures .]
Initial interface pressure between concrete and IGM.. . ... ... ... .. .... .... ... .. .... . C
. of.mteuace
Roughness catiOn ..c. ( " smoot h" or " rough") ...... .. ............ . E

. of mte11ace
Smear cIasst'fi1cat10n . ..c. (" smeared" or " non-smeared") ............... . E
Thickness of and moduli of seam material within the IGM. ....................... E
[These factors affect Em and unit side and base resistances
in IGM that is not massive and that contains soft seams.
Their effects can be considered indirectly by using core
recovery properties of the geomaterial samples, described later.]
Depth and diameter of the socket. ............................................. ................ E
[Model 1 is intended to apply for 2 < LID < 20, D < 1.54 m.]
Angles of internal friction and dilation of the IGM................................... S
Angle of interface friction .. ....................................... ................................ S
[30 degrees is used as a standard value. The unit side shear may be
be revised by the designer if evidence exists that the value of this
parameter will be other than 30 degrees. A suggestion for this
revision is made in chapter 8, based on experimental observations in
field tests described in chapters 5 and 6.]

The parameter evaluation activity that goes beyond present geotechnical practice in most
design agencies is the classification of boreholes as smooth or rough and smeared or non-

smeared. Suggestions for making the classification estimates are given in the ensuing

A typical design procedure would be as follows:

Obtain sufficient samples of the IGM at the construction site to characterize the
subsurface geomaterials using the best methods available for sample recovery.
Category 1 and 2 IGM's may sometimes be difficult to sample because of
heterogeneity (e.g., seams, fractures). Soft IGM's can sometimes be sampled with
thin-walled tube samplers, whereas harder IGM's may require core barrels, and
extremely heterogeneous IGM' s may require Dennison barrels or even drive samplers.
The order of preference for sampling tools is given below based on generally
decreasing quality of samples:
Thin-walled tube samplers (75-mm diameter I 50-mm diameter).< >
Triple-walled core barrel samplers.<24> The detail of the design of the core barrel
sampler used in IGM's is critical, since cores are often difficult to recover and
remove from the sampler. It is important that the inner barrel has a swivel head
connection with the barrel unit and that there exists a non-rotating liner (third
tube, split if possible) to preserve the sample.
Double-walled core barrel samplers.<25> As with the triple-walled sampler, the
inner tube should be non-rotating.
Dennison barrel samplers (large-diameter core barrels with thin-walled inner
tubes).<24 )
Ring-lined driven barrel samplers.<26 )
Split-spoon drive samplers.<27 >

It may sometimes be necessary to use a combination of tools at any one site or in

any one sample borehole. For example, the IGM is sampled with the triple-walled
core barrel, but core recovery suddenly falls below 50 percent. In that event, the
more desirable core barrel sampler should be replaced with a Dennison barrel
sampler, or even a drive sampler, to recover as much material as possible for
evaluation and testing. Laboratory tests, discussed subsequently, that are
conducted on drive samples are likely to give very conservative strength results~
however, such samples may be the only source of strength data and must be used.
In some instances, even drive samples will not be recovered; in which case, SPT
blow counts will need to be used to characterize the geomaterial. In such an
extreme case, the compressive strength, qc, of Category 1 and 2 IGM' s can be
estimated crudely from qc (kPa) = N/0.075, with a recommended upper limit on N
of 100. N -correlated strengths of cohesive geomaterials are very unreliable, and
the latter method should be used only as a last resort.

Details of operation and usage of geomaterial samplers is beyond the scope of this
report. The reader is referred to the appropriate references from the above list for
more information.

Obtain representative values of the compressive strength of the IGM, qc. The most
appropriate standard laboratory test for obtaining qc is the unconsolidated, undrained
triaxial compression test. In this test, the IGM can be considered as rock and tested
under ASTM D2664, in which case qc will be the compressive stress required to
produce failure, or more precisely, the total principal stress difference at failure.<28> In
the event that triaxial compression tests cannot be performed (for example, due to the
lack of appropriate testing equipment), the next most suitable testing method is the
unconfined compression test. <29> In this case, the value of qc should be taken to be
equal to qu, the unconfined compression strength of the IGM core. Other laboratory
strength tests may be substituted for the triaxial and unconfined compression tests
(e.g., direct shear tests on short cores or triple-ring drive samples); however, it will be
incumbent on the engineer to provide an appropriate conversion from the shear
strength so obtained to qc, considering the fundamental differences in the tests,
location of bedding planes relative to maximum shear planes, and similar factors .

The specimens chosen for compression testing should be selected so as to represent an

average consistency from among the primary geomaterial in the cores or sample tubes
and loaded to failure with the samples oriented vertically. Identification of the primary
geomaterial can be accomplished through visual inspection of all of the samples
recovered at a particular site. Any soft seams that are included within the matrix of
stronger, primary IGM and that are recovered in the sampling process should be tested
separately, where possible, by means of direct shear tests, torvane tests, or pocket
penetrometer tests to obtain an approximate measure of the shear strength of such
included materials. The total thickness of all soft seam materials, l:ts, in the length of
rock drilled, Lc, should also be measured, if possible.

If no direct measurement of seam material strength is possible, it will be conservative

to estimate l:ts to be (I - r)Lc, where r is the recovery ratio, or "percent recovery"
expressed as a ratio. In such a case, the thickness of all primary material, l:ti, can be
assumed to be rLc. This information is to be used in equation 7 to compute the ratio
Em!Ei. Em!Ei is then used in figure 6 (or in table 8, presented later in this section,
which extrapolates figure 6 to lower values of Em!Ei than are considered in figure 6) to
compute the side resistance reduction factor ~ . ~ is then used in equation 6 to
compute fmax for IGM' s that are bedded with seams of softer materials.

For purposes of computing Em/E., the designer must also estimate EalEs, in which Ei is
the Young' s modulus of the cores of the primary, intact geomaterial andEs is the
Young' s modulus of the seam material, unless Em is measured directly. Ei can be
measured through standard techniques during the performance of the triaxial test as
the initial slope of the stress-strain curve. The value obtained will probably be
conservative if the sample is relatively undisturbed and possibly highly conservative
(too small) if the core sample is disturbed. Although it is not common practice, Es can
possibly also be measured in the laboratory (if the seams are thick) through simple
shear tests or other innovative laboratory tests. Often, however, such tests on seam

material will be virtually impossible to conduct and/or may be extraordinarily
expensive, so that one of the following approximate approaches must be used.

- By far the most reliable approximate way to determine Em!Ei is to measure Ei as

noted above and then to conduct a loading test on a drilled shaft at the
construction site. The test need not be conducted to failure, but enough load
should be applied to obtain the initial (elastic) slope of the load-settlement relation.
If the IGM profile is relatively uniform with depth, Em can be related to the ratio of
applied load (Q) to settlement (w) as indicated below. For a drilled shaft in a
cohesive IGM with LID= 10, Em = (0.13 0.33) wD. The smaller
coefficient should be used when the qu of the I GM is near the lower limit of 0.5
l\1Pa, and the larger one used when qu is near 5 l\1Pa. Values intermediate between
0.13 and 0.33 should be used when IGM strengths are between the upper and
lower limits. For other conditions (different L/D values, layered geomaterial), the
reader may consult reference 30.

If loading tests cannot be conducted during the design phase, representative

samples of both the primary, intact geomaterial and the softer seam material can be
tested for strength in the laboratory. For design purposes, Ei!Es can be taken to
be equal to q c i , where qci is the average compressive strength of the primary,
2 Sus
intact geomaterial and Sus is the average undrained shear strength of the softer
seam material. Use of this information will allow a reformulation of equation 7, as
follows :

+ r

If loading tests cannot be conducted and if adequate samples of the primary, intact
geomaterial are recovered for testing, but the softer seam material is not recovered,
or is recovered but cannot be tested, which often occurs with IGM' s, Em!Ei can be
estimated conservatively from table 7 based on RQD, the rock quality designation
index, defined in equation 1. Table 7 is adapted from references 2 and 8. If the
designer is in doubt about the condition of the joints (open or closed), the IGM
. should be assumed to have open joints. IfRQD is less than 20 percent, the
correlation with RQD should not be used. This method should be considered much
less reliable than the previous method involving loading of drilled shafts and less
reliable than the preceding method involving measurement of the shear strength of
the soft seam material.


- Where the correlation in table 7 is not recommended (RQD < 20 percent), rational
design cannot proceed according to this method. It is suggested that in such cases,
more careful attempts should be made to sample the geomaterials to obtain the
highest quality samples feasible, for example, with triple-wall core barrel samplers,
and the RQD should be redetermined. If such an exercise is not successful, rational
design can proceed only by making direct measurements of drilled shaft side and
base resistances through full-s'cale loading tests to failure in order to measure fmax
and qmax directly.<3 I) Discussion of the details of loading tests is beyond the scope
of this report.

Table 7. Estimation ofEm/Ei based on RQD .

RQD (percent) Em/Ei

(closed joints) (open joints)

100 1.00 0.60

70 0.70 0.10
50 0.15 0.10
20 0.05 0.05
Note: Values ofEm/Ei for RQD values between those shown can be estimated by linear
interpolation on RQD.

It may also be possible to estimate Em directly from diametrically loaded borehole

jacks, self-boring pressuremeter tests (initial loading curves), or from the Menard
pressuremeter test (reloading curves). It is expected, however, that moduli from
such tests may be different from the operational Em, since jacks and pressuremeters
of standard size (75-mm diameter) do not stress a large enough volume of
geomaterial to be truly representative of the mass as appropriate for drilled shaft
analysis. Not enough information exists to confirm the validity of this approach,
and it is not recommended at present.

Other methods for determining Em directly that have not been verified in this
research are the rigid plate load test method and the flexible plate load test
method.<32 33 >

Decide whether the IGM in which the drilled shaft is to be placed requires subdivision
into sub layers for analysis. If the IGM is relatively uniform, the behavior of axially
loaded drilled shafts can probably be simulated satisfactorily for design purposes as a
uniform geomaterial using the simple direct procedure outlined in the following. If
there is significant layering in the IGM in the depth range of the socket, a load transfer
function analysis requiring the use of a digital computer model, for example, as
described in reference 2, will be required. Development of inputs for such an analysis
is detailed later in this chapter. "Significant layering" would exist if the IGM at the
base of the socket is considerably stronger and stiffer than that surrounding the sides
and/or if large changes in stiffness and strength of the IGM occur along the sides of


the socket. If LID in the socket is less than 2 or greater than 20, load transfer function
analysis should be conducted, as the direct method is not intended to be used outside
of that range of LID.

Classify the surface of the borehole as " smooth" or "rough." Roughness can be
quantified approximately by making electronic or mechanical caliper logs of the
borehole and comparing the borehole wall profiles to the patterns expressed in table 1
or to RF, defined in equation 13 . IfRF exceeds 0.10, the borehole can be considered
rough. Electronic borehole calipers are available commercially from many oil field
service companies in diameters up to 2 m. Examples of such caliper logs will be
shown in chapter 6. Measurements of the thickness of the smear zone can be made by
sending personnel downhole inside safety casing after a borehole is completed to probe
the side of the borehole at several locations with conical probes or similar devices, or
to expose the non-smeared IGM by digging into the wall down to the undisturbed
IGM, followed by measurement of the thickness of the smear zone with a scale.
Downhole, sidehole mudcake samplers that are used to determine cake thickness in
slurried boreholes can also sometimes be used to take sidewall samples in soft IGM' s
that can be returned to the surface for smear zone thickness measurements. It may be
possible to use other downhole tools, such as specially fitted downhole cameras having
attached distance probes, to observe both roughness and smear thickness beneath
drilling fluids .

A rough borehole condition can be ensured by cutting or rifling a shear key pattern
into the side of the borehole. When such procedures are not used, the borehole may
or may not be rough. Since roughness and borehole disturbance are affected by the
details of the interaction of the specific drilling tool (soil auger, rock-tooth auger, core
barrel, etc.) with the IGM and the presence of free water during drilling, laboratory
tests cannot be relied upon to provide the necessary information on roughness and
smear. For boreholes that are not planned to be artificially roughened, information on
the result of using a specific drilling technique on roughness in a particular geologic
formation must be collected in one or more full-sized boreholes that are excavated at
the construction site during the design phase of the project. Such full-sized
excavations are currently recommended for observation of hole stability, water inflow,
natural obstructions, and similar factors that might affect construction. < > In geologic
settings familiar to the designer, full-sized excavations for investigating constructability
may become unnecessary after experience with sloughing, water inflow, and similar
effects has been gained and has been routinely dealt with. Similarly, it is expected that
rules can be developed over time from full-scale excavations with local drilling
procedures made during the design phase and subsequent pre-construction trial shaft
construction that indicate whether such procedures produce rough sockets, smooth
sockets, or rough sockets with smear. Then, future designs can then proceed
accordingly without full-sized excavations during the design phase for every project.
General quantification of the effect of various drilling tools and procedures on
borehole roughness in various types of geological formations is a subject for future

research. If there is any doubt in the designer's mind that the borehole will be
"rough," it should be designed as if it were "smooth."

Calipering of every borehole and perfonning smear zone thickness measurements are
not practical economically under production conditions, except on the largest of
projects. However, these measur~ments may be used to verify the design assumptions
on selected, representative shaft excavations or in situations in which geologic
conditions or drilling procedures change during the course of a construction project.

Note that end bearing ( qmax) calculations require knowledge of the thickness and
spacing of discontinuities in the IGM within about 2D beneath the base. If such
discontinuities exist, and they are primarily horizontal discontinuities, equations 22
through 24 are appropriate for estimating qmax. If they are primarily vertical
discontinuities, equations 25 through 27 are appropriate. Otherwise, if discontinuities
are minimal or nonexistent (for example, core recovery of 100 percent and RQD > 90
percent), equation 16 can be used. It is usually not appropriate to estimate
discontinuity parameters (spacing, thickness, etc.) from small-diameter cores.
Instead, nearby cuts should be observed, full-sized excavations should be made with
ensuing downhole measurement by personnel, or large-diameter cores (> 0.5 m
diameter) should be recovered for measurement. The only alternative is to perform
load tests on the IGM at the level ofthe base of the shaft (e.g., as described in
references 32, 33, and 34), perform full-scale load tests on complete shafts, disregard
end bearing in the design, or use conservative prescriptive end bearing values for
which experience exists in the geological formation at the site.

Estimate f., the apparent maximum average unit side shear at infinite displacement.
Note that f. is not equal to (is less than) fmax, which is defined at a deflection prescribed
by the user in this method.

Category 1 or 2 IGM rough borehole: Use:


where Cr is the drained cohesion of the IGM, O'n is the normal (horizontal) stress at the
borehole wall before loading the shaft, and ct>r is the drained angle of internal fiiction
for the IGM. Detennination of O'n is discussed in the following. Parameters Cr and ct>r
can be evaluated by drained constant normal stress direct shear testing of the

If the IGM interface shear strength parameters are not known, use the following

f = qu (59)
a 2

Category 1 or 2 IGM. smooth borehole: Use

' (60)

where a is a constant of proportionality that is determined from figure 34, based on

the finite element simulations using the parameters outlined in table 6. The factor crp in
figure 34 is the value of atmospheric pressure in the units employed by the designer.
The maximum value of a that is permitted is 0.5. Figure 34 is based on the
use of <f>rc = 30 degrees, which is a value that was measured at a test site in clay-shale
(chapter 5) that is believed to be typical of clay-shales and mudstones in the United
States. If evidence indicates that <f>rc is not equal to 30 degrees, then a should be
adjusted to :

a = a figure 34 tan 30 (61)


0.4 r 115 < Emlqu < 500
7 = 25 mm
- Wt
0.3 l ......*-~--------;---- --------t---- -~-------
5 .. ..
a 3
0.2 2

(ji(jp= : 1 .......
0.1 :. =~t-~--~i==:~=-
---..-.. i-..-... - ......... -:.
s ---:-
:: i =:J~---~-~:-:-=-:j

0.0 ~-1-....L..-..L-i.--L-...L--J--'-__.._~--L--L--.L.-.1.-1-....L..-..L......L.-'--~...__._.......

0 1 2 3 4 5

Qu (MPa)

Figure 34. Factor a for smooth Category 1 or 2 IGM' s.

Alternately, fa can be set equal to fmax from equation 37 for Category 2 IGM' s. The
relevance of this equation has not been established for Category 1 IGM' s. This
approach also requires that split tensile tests be conducted on cores of the geomaterial.

IfEm!Ei is < 1, adjust fa for the presence of soft geomaterial within the IGM matrix
using table 8. Define the adjusted value of fa as "faa" This adjustment is based on
research reported in reference 3 .

Table 8. Adjustment of fa for presence of soft seams.

1.0 1.0
0.5 0.8
0.3 0.7
0.1 0.55
0.05 0.45

Estimate O'n, the normal stress between the concrete and borehole wall at the time of
loading. This stress is evaluated at the time the concrete is fluid . If no other
information is available, general guidance on the selection of O'n can be obtained from
figure 35, which is based on measurements ofBernal and Reese.<35> In figure 35 :


in which Yc is the unit weight of the concrete and Zc is the distance from the top of the
completed column of concrete to the point in the borehole at which O'n is desired,
(usually the middle of the socket). The values in the legend are values of Zc. Figure 35
may be assumed valid if the rate of placement of concrete in the borehole exceeds 12
m/h and if the ratio of the maximum coarse aggregate size to borehole diameter is less
than 0.02 . Note that O'n for slump outside the range of 125 to 225 mm is not
evaluated. Unless there is information to support larger values of O'n, the maximum
value of Zc should be taken as 12 m in these calculations. This statement is predicated
on the assumption that arching and partial setting will become significant after the
concrete has been placed in the borehole for more than 1 hour.

Note that a decreases with increasing qu in figure 35 for a given value of O'n. As qu
increases, the normal stress and side shear at failure (wt = 25 mm) increases due to the
Poisson's effect, because Em also increases with increasing qu, producing higher values
of side load transfer at the frictional interface. However, the increase in normal stress
does not increase as rapidly as qu increases; hence, the decreasing a . Furthermore, O'n
has a reduced effect as it increases because plastic conditions are produced in the

Determine the "characteristic parameter" n, which is a fitting factor for the load-
settlement syntheses produced by the finite element analyses. If the IGM socket is


If the IGM socket is SMOOTH, estimate n from figure 36. Note that n was
determined in figure 36 for <f>rc = 30 degrees. However, it is not sensitive to the value
of <f>rc a , however, is sensitive to <f>rc, as indicated in equation 61 .

If the socket is:

Relatively uniform and the geomaterial beneath the base of the socket has a
consistency equivalent to that of the geomaterial along the sides of the shaft,
2 < LID< 20, 0.5 m < D < 1.53 m, and
10 < EJErn < 500,

1.o T-----,1--~~::====


Depth= 0 m
M O Depth = 4 m
0.4 Depth= 8 m
D- Depth =12 m


0.0 L---------~---------L--------~--------~
125 150 175 200 225
Slump (mm)

Figure 35. Factor M vs. concrete slump.

then compute the load-settlement relation for the IGM socket as enumerated in the
following. Under the same general geometric and modulus conditions, if the socket is
highly stratified and/or if the geomaterial beneath the base of the socket has a
consistency different from that along the sides of the socket, use the unit load transfer
function version of this method described later in this chapter. See figure 1 for
geometric terms.

~rc =30
: ------........i.,- 400
0.4 ~-r-+ - --...

0.3 -:- ~~-~~T-~

1 600
n 0.2 t--------- -~--"oi --~-..!- ~.

0 .1

0 10 20 30 40 so

Figure 36. Factor n for smooth sockets for various combinations of parameters.

Compute Qt vs. Wt (settlement at top of socket) from equation 64 or equation 65,

depending on the value of n. These equations apply to both rough and smooth
sockets. Note that application of this method is best performed using a programmable
calculator or a spreadsheet program.


ef > n (65)

Equation 64 applies in the elastic range before any slippage has occurred at the shaft-
IGM interface; and elastic base resistance, as represented by the last expression on the
right-hand side of the equation, also develops. Equation 65 applies during interface
slippage (nonlinear response). In order to evaluate Qt, a value ofwt is selected, and
e,, which is a function ofwt, is evaluated before deciding upon which equation to
use. If 0, > n, evaluate K, and use equation 65; otherwise, use equation 64.
Equations 66 and 67 are used to evaluate 0, and K, , respectively.



Kt = n + (0t - n)(1 - n)
, (67)
e t - 2n + 1
in which

L)o.s I(L)o.s l Ec
O = 1.14 ( - o.os l - 1jtog 10 - 0.44 , and (68)
0 0 Em

L)o.s I(L)o.s l Ec
r = 0.37( - 0.15 l - 1jlog 10
+ 0.13 . (69)
0 0


qb =Awt o.s7 '


in which


Check the values computed for qb. If sample recovery in the IGM surrounding the
base is 100 percent, qb should not exceed qmax = 2.5 qu. At the discretion of the
designer, if core recovery is less that 100 percent, equations 22 through 24 or the
method of Carter and Kulhawy (chapter 2) may be used to establish qmax At working
load, qb should not exceed 0.4 qmax

Select other values of Wt and graph the load-settlement curve resulting from the
computations. Select ultimate and service limit resistances based on settlements. For
example, the ultimate resistance might be selected as the load Qt, corresponding to a
settlement w. of 25 mm; while the service limit resistance might be selected as the load
Qt, corresponding to a value of Wt < 25 mm.

Commentary on direct load-settlement simulation method

This method is intended for use with relatively ductile IGM's, in which deformations occur
in asperities prior to shear. If the IGM is friable or unusually brittle, the method may be
unconservative, and appropriate loading tests should be conducted to ascertain the
behavior of the drilled shaft for design purposes. The method is also intended for use with
drilled shafts in IGM' s that are produced in the dry. If it is necessary to produce the shaft
using water, or with mineral or synthetic drilling slurries, the shaft should be treated as
"smooth" for design purposes unless it can be proved that "rough" and "unsmeared"
conditions apply. The method also carries the assumption that the bearing surface at the
base of the socket is clean, such that the shaft concrete is in contact with undisturbed
IGM. If base cleanliness cannot be verified during construction, base resistance (qh)
should be assumed to be zero.

The design examples did not consider the effect of placing concrete underwater. This
effect can be handled by computing crn, assuming that the unit weight of the concrete
below the water table is its buoyant unit weight from:

, (72)

in which y' c = buoyant unit weight of the concrete and zw = depth from top of concrete to
elevation of water table. An exception to this, described later, occurs if the concrete is
placed in the dry below the water table and the water-bearing formation is cased off during
concreting. In this case, the concrete is not treated as buoyant.

Example calculations for direct load-settlement simulation method

Example 1. Rough socket

Consider the example shown in figure 37. Compute the load-settlement relation for the
socket, and estimate the ultimate resistance at a settlement, Wt, = 25 mm.

1. Since the core recovery is high, assume Em = 115 qu. Note that EJEm = 100.

2. faa= fa= 2.4 I 2 = 1.2 :MPa, or 1200 kPa (equation 59).

3. Zc = 6. 1 m (depth from top of concrete to middle of socket). Considering concrete

placement specifications, crn = 0.92 Yc Zc, from figure 35, or 0.92 (20.4) (6.1) = 115
kPa = 1.14 crp.

4. n = 115 kPa I 2400 kPa = 0.048 (equation 63).

5. LID = 6. 1 I 0.61 = 10.

6. n = 1.14 (10)0"5 - 0.05[(10t5 - 1]log 100 - 0.44 = 2.94 (equation 68).

Overburden Layer (discounted)
3.05 m

.- T ..- IGM
qu = 2.4 MPa
0.61 m' % core recovery = 100
Interface characterization:
6.10 m Bough. unsmeared
y (total unit weight) = 20.4 kNtm3

Drilled shaft
Ec = 27.6 GPa
y (total unit weight) =20.4 kN/m3
Specify concrete placement rate of > 12 m/h
and slump > 175 mm.

Figure 3 7. Example 1 for direct method, Model 1.

7. r = 0.37 (10)0' 5 - 0.15[(10)05 - 1]log 100 + 0.13 = 0.651 (equation 69).

8. 0r={[115 (2400) 2.94]1(3 .14 (6100 mm)(0.651) 1200]} Wt = 0.0542 Wt (equation


9. Kr= 0.048 + (0.0542 Wt- 0.048) (1 - 0.048) I (0.0542 Wt- 0.096 + 1) =

= 0.048 + (0.0542 w 1 - 0.048) (0.952) I (0.0542 Wt + 0.904) (equation 67).

10. At the end of the elastic stage, 0r = n (implied by equation 64), therefore,
Wte = n I 0 = 0.048 I 0.0542 = 0.88 mm, where Wte signifies Wtat the end of the elastic
stage. (Note that elastic response occurs only up to a very small settlement in this
11. qb = A wt0' 67
(equations 70 and 71) = {0.0134((115) (2400) (10111)]} {[200 (10' -
67 0 67
2.94) (11)] I [3 .14 (61 00) 0.651]} 0'67 w 1' = 383 .7 Wt (mm) ' (kPa). (A= 383. 7.)

13 . Compute Qt corresponding to Wte, signified by Qte:

Otc = 11.1 (0.0542) (0.88) (1200) + (0.2922) (383 .7) (0.88)067 = 670 + 103 = 773 kN
(equations 64, 70, 71).

Note that at this point, 670 kN is transferred to the IGM in side resistance and 103 kN
is transferred in base resistance. (Qtc, Wtc) is a point on the load-settlement curve, and
a straight line can be drawn from (Qt = 0, Wt = 0) to this point.

14. Compute the values of Qt for selected values of Wt on the nonlinear portion of the
load-settlement curve. Numerical evaluations are made in table 9.

Table 9. Computations for nonlinear part of load-settlement curve, example 1.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Qs= qb = ~= Qt(kN)
Wt E>r Kr 1tDLKtfaa Awto.67 (1tD2/4)qb
(mm) = 0.0542 Wt (Step 9) (kN) (kPa) (kN) (4) + (6)

5 0 .271 0 .229 3210 1128 330 3540

10 0.542 0 .373 5232 1795 524 5756
15 0.813 0 .472 6621 2355 688 7309
25 1.355 0 .599 8402 3316 969 9371

Note that qb at Wt = 25 mm = 3.32 :MPa = 1.38 qu < qmax = 2.5 qu, OK for definition of
ultimate resistance. Based on base resistance, working load should be limited to qb =
qu, or Wt should be limited to about 12 mm at working load. Note also that the
compressive stress in the shaft at Wt = 15 mm is 25 000 kPa (7309 kN I cross-sectional
area), which may be approaching the structural failure load in the drilled shaft. Refer
to reference 2 for further information on structural considerations.

15. The numerical values from Steps 13 and 14 are graphed in figure 38. Also shown on
that figure is the finite element solution for the same problem and other finite element
and design method solutions for the same socket, showing the effects of both Em/qu
and Ec!Em on the solution.

The physical significance of the parameters E>r and Kr is evident from the numerical
solution. E>r is a proportionality constant for elastic resistance for side shear, and Krisa
proportionality parameter for actual side shear, including elastic, plastic, and interface slip

Example 2. Smooth socket

Consider the same problem as above, but with a smooth (or rough-smeared) interface.
Estimate that 4>rc = 30 degrees. The calculations proceed as per example 1, except for the

following :

'lu =2.4 MPa
E =27.6GPa

\ : .!to ' ~ :
30 n=().05 t"t ,
: \!
j, 1
: . \ ! \ 25 :::
Wt(mm) :
.: .~ ' :. 50 :
\ .:
40 -+ E If:. =200 - 100 i- -\-+
: c'-m : ' ,:
: .. .\ ,:
\ 460
50 ~-- -t- I a =58 115
Em--u .. 230 +~~
.: .:
60 FEM solution .. computations from ...~
- - - - Aprroximate mOdel example
0 4 8 12 16 20

Qt (MN)
Figure 38. Load-settlement relationship for example 1.

2. Referring to figure 34, for crJ crp = 1.14 and qu = 2.4 MPa, a. = 0 .12.

3 . fa= faa = 0 .12 (2400) = 288 kPa.

4. qu I crp = 2400 I 101.3 = 24; Em I crn = 115 (2.4) (1000) I 115 = 2400.

5. From figure 36, n = 0 .11.

6. Q = 2.94 (unchanged); r = 0 .651 (unchanged).

7 . E>r= {[115 (2400) 2.94]1[3 .14 (6100 mm)(0.651) 288]} Wt = 0.226 Wt

(equation 66).

8. Kr 0 .11 + [(0.226 Wt- 0.11)(1 - 0.11)]1[0.226 W t - 2 (0.11) + 1] =

0 .11 + (0.226 Wt- 0 .11)(0.89)1(0.226 Wt + 0 .78).

9. At E>r = n, Wte = 0 .11/0 .226 = 0.487 mm.

10. qb = 383.7 wt(mm)067 (kPa) (equations 70 and 71 ) (unchanged).

11. Qte = 11.7 (0.226) (0.487) (288) + (0.2922) (383 .7) (0.487)0"67 = 371 + 69 = 440 kN
(equation 64).

12. Q.e = 440 kN, Wte = 0.487 nun is the point at the end of the linear portion of the load-
settlement curve.

13 . Compute the values of Q. for selected values of Wt on the nonlinear portion of the
load-settlement curve. Numerical evaluations are made in table 10.

14. The numerical values for example 2 are graphed in figure 39 in comparison with the
values from example 1 to illustrate the effect of borehole roughness in this problem.

Table 10. Computations for nonlinear part of load-settlement curve, example 2.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Qs= qb = Qb = Q.(kN)
Wt 0r Kr nDLKrfaa Aw.o.67 (nD2/4)qb
(nun) = 0.226 w. (Step 8) (kN) (kPa) (kN) (4) + (6)

5 1.13 0.585 1971 1128 330 2301

10 2.26 0.739 2490 1795 524 3014
15 3.39 0.810 2729 2355 688 3417
25 5.65 0.877 2955 3316 969 3924
Note again that qb < 2.5 qu.

Simulation by load transfer function analysis

The direct simulation method in the preceding section is easy to use and is appropriate for
relatively uniform IGM conditions. In some cases, the designer may wish to use a load
transfer function analysis, as described in reference 2. This is a numerical method that
requires the use of unit load transfer relations, or nonlinear Winkler stiffness bodies
between the concrete and the IGM, sometimes referred to as "t-z" and "q-z" curves. The
terms "f-w" and ''qb-wb" relations will be used here. Computer software not described in
this report is required to execute the load transfer function (LTF) analysis.

This approach to design may be appropriate whenever the socket is very short (LID < 2)
or very long (LID > 20) ~ where there is strong layering in the formation, including a hard
layer at the base of the socket~ or where part of the socket is artificially roughened and
part is smooth or smeared. The f-w and qb-wb relations must be constructed before an
LTF analysis can proceed. A methodology for constructing these relations is outlined in
the following. Note that the method for constructing LTF relations given below actually

prod~ces load ~d settlement information for the layered IGM socket, which may be
suffictent for destgn purposes without a full LTF analysis.

Ot (MN)
0 2 4 6 8 10
o o..0 ... I I I I I

5 ~ - Ex. 1 (rough)
0- Ex. 2 (smooth)

Wt (mm)

15 0


25 0

Figure 39. Comparison of solutions from examples 1 and 2.

Construction of f-w and qb-wb relations

General procedure

Construction of the unit load transfer relations uses the following approximate procedure:

Compute weighted averages of Em and faa along the sides of the socket, as follows.
Refer to figure 40. Begin by computing fa for each layer k according to equation 59 or
60, as appropriate, reducing fa to faa using table 8 or other appropriate means if
ne~essary .

LEmk lk
Em (weighted avg.) = _k=- N-- , (73)
k =1



Lfaak lk
faa (Weighted avg.) = _k=-N- - (74)

in which k is the layer number, Lis the layer thickness, and N is the total number of layers.

Compute n from equation 68, r from equation 69, followed by the average E>f for the
socket from equation 66.

Determine n for each separate layer k using equation 63 in rough layers and using
figure 36 in layers that are classified as smooth. Then, compute the weighted average
value ofn along the socket using equation 75.

L "k Lk
k =1
n( weighted avg. ) = N (75)
L Lk
k =1

Determine whether side load transfer is in the linear range by comparing the average
E>r to n(weighted avg.). Select any value ofwt and then compute the average
mobilized value of unit side load transfer fby using either equation 76 or 77, as

f = e, faa (weighted avg.) 'e, <n '


f = Kt faa (weighted avg.) ,ef > n (77)

Compute qb according to equations 70 and 71, using Em as the value appropriate for
the layer on which the base bears.

Compute the mean side resistance, base resistance, and total resistance:

, (78)

, (79)


Assume temporarily a linear load distribution along the shaft and calculate the local
settlements at the base of the shaft, wb, and at the middle of each kth layer, w~c from
equations 81 and 82.



In the above equations, L is the total length of the socket and z~c is the distance from
the top of the socket to the middle of layer k.

Determine the value off mobilized in each layer (f~c) at settlement w~c. First, compute
efk and Kfk for each layer k from equations 66 and 67, substituting faa k for faa and Wk
for Wt. Then:

fk = minimum of 0tk faak and Kfkfaak (83)

Since the relations must be developed using several points, each determined through
repeating this procedure ~ith _different values of W t, a presuperscript i will be used to
den<?te ~he point number. qb, wb is a point on the unit load transfer curve for the base,
and r~c, wk are points on the unit load transfer curves for each layer k along the shaft.

Additional values of Wt are chosen and the computations are repeated to develop the
complete unit load transfer curves for each layer and for the base. The process is
illustrated in the following example.

Example 3. Unit load transfer function formulation

Consider the socket shown in layered IGM in figure 40. Construct f-w and qb-wb relations
for this socket for later use in a unit load transfer function analysis. Ec = 27.6 GPa.

Em (weighted avg.) = [115(2.4)(3.05) + 115(1.0)(3 .05)]/6.1 = 195.5 MPa.

fa t = faa t = qutl2 = 2.4/2 = 1.2 MPa (rough socket).

fa2 = faa2 = a qu2 (smooth socket).

To determine a , first compute crn:

At middle of layer 2, z2 = 3.05 + 3.05 + 1.525 = 7.625 m. From figure 35, M = 0.79.
crn = 0.79(20.4)(7.625) = 123 kPa (equation 62). crofcrp = 123 I 101.3 = 1.21. From
figure 34, a = 0.16 for qu = 1.0 MPa.

faa2 = 0.16(1.0) = 0.16 :MPa.

faa(weighted avg.) = [1 .2(3.05) + 0.16(3.05)] I 6.1 = 0.68 :MPa = 680 kPa.

0 = 1.14(10)0 5 - 0.05(10 5 - I] log[276001195 .5]- 0.44 = 2.93 .

r = 0.37(1ol5 - 0.15(10
- I]log[27600I 195.5] + 0. 13 = 0.603 .

0r = (195 .5 (2.93)] I [1t (6.1) (0.603) (680)] Wt = 0.0729wt (equation 66). Note
that this is an average value for the socket as a whole.

Overburden Layer (discounted)


T IGM Layer 1,
Rough, unsrneared Interface
0.61 m qu = 2.4 MPa
- !-4-_ _ _ __
IGM Layer 2,
3.05m Smooth Interface
qu = 1.0 MPa

IGM Layer 3
qu =4.0 MPa
Core recovery in all layers = 100 percent
r In all IGM's and concrete = 20.4 kNim3

Assume Em =115 qu
Concrete slump and rate of placement are as per example 1

Figure 40. Example 3 for unit load transfer method, Model 1.

Compute n values for each layer:

Layer 1: n1 = Ont I qui

M (figure 35) at Zt = 4.575 m = 0.94. = 87.7 kPa (equation
62). n1 = 87.712400 = 0.0366.

Layer 2: M (figure 35) at z2 = 7.625 m = 0.78. crn2 = 123 kPa. Use figure 36. qu2lcrp
= 10001101.3 = 9.9. Endcrn2 = 115(1000)/123 = 935. Read n2 = 0.42.

n (weighted avg.) = [0.0366(3 .05) + 0.42(3 .05)]/6.1 = 0.228.

The preceding steps do not vary from point to point on the unit load transfer curves,
so the parameters need to be computed only once for any given problem. The
following computations need to be made separately for each point on the unit load
transfer curves.

* Select any value ofwt. In this case, w = 2.0 mm will be selected. Then, compute
the approximate settlements for the middle elevations of the layers along the sides of
the socket and for the base. This is accomplished by determining approximately the
elastic compression in the socket and subtracting the compression between the top of
the socket and points of interest to obtain w values on the unit load transfer curves, as
follows. The following steps can be avoided if it is assumed that the settlement along
the socket and at its base is equal to the settlement at the top of the socket, that is, that
the socket is rigid under load. While this is often acceptable for drilled shafts in soils,
it is usually not acceptable in IGM' s, because the elastic compression of the drilled
shaft will be considerable unless the shaft is overdesigned structurally with respect to
axial loading.

0 (avg.) = 2.0(0.0729) = 0.1458 < 0.228, so that elastic behavior can be assumed for
average computations.

f(avg .) = 0.1458 (680) = 99.1 kPa.

Compute qb =I\ w167, evaluating I\ as per equation 71 :

5 0 67
I\= 0.0134 Em(base) [10/(10 + 1)] [200(10 - 2.93) (11)] I 1t (6100) 0.603] .
0 33
= 0.00151 Em(base) = 0.00151 (115) (4000) = 693 kPa mm .
qb = 693 (2)0.67 = 1103 kPa.

Qs = nDL (99. 1) = 11.7 (99.1) = 1158 kN.

Qb = [nD /4] (1103) = 0.2922 (1103) = 322 kN.
Ot = 1158 + 322 = 1480 kN.
Assuming a linear distribution of load along the drilled shaft, compute base settlement,
then settlements at the middle elevations of the two layers along the socket.

wb = 2.0- [2(1480 + 322) 6100]/[n (27,600,000) (0.61?] (equation 81)

= 2.0- 0.000112 (6100) = 1.32 mm. (Compare with 2.0 mm at top of socket.)

w 1 (middle)= 2.0- [1.525/6.1] (2.0- 1.32) = 1.83 mm (equation 82).

w2 (middle)= 2.0- [4.575/6.1] (2.0- 1.32) = 1.49 mm (equation 82).

(If rigid behavior of the socket is assumed, computations should resume here.)
Compute the values of load transfer in the two layers along the side for this point
(point 1) on the unit load transfer curves.
0n = 0.0729 (1.83) = 0.136 > n 1 = 0 .0366. Side shear response is not linear, so
compute Kr. 1Kn = 0.0366 + ((0.133 - 0 .0366)(1 - 0.0366)]/(0.133 - 0 .0732 + 1] =
0.124 (equation 67).

f1 = 0.124 (1200) = 149 kPa (equ~tion 77).
0f2 = 0.0729 (1.49) = 0.109 < n2 = 0.42, so
f2 = 0.107 (160) = 17.4 kPa.

First (non-zero) points on the unit load transfer curves are:

f 1 = 149 kPa, 1w1 = 1.83 mm;
f2 = 17.4 kPa, 1w2 = 1.49 mm;
qb = 1103 kPa, 1wb = 1.32 nun.

The process then repeats from the point of the *(on previous page) to this point. The
calculations for several other points are summarized in table 11 . Note that it is necessary
to compare E>r for each layer and for each assumed value of Wt to the value of n for the
layer to determine whether to compute f= E>r Wt or f = Krwt. Observe in table 11 that, in
addition to the socket load-settlement relation, the distribution of load between the various
layers along the shaft and the base at various values of settlement are produced by this
process. Since this is normally the objective of a load transfer function analysis, further
computations may not be required. However, if the designer wishes to model the load-
settlement behavior of the socket considering small changes in shaft diameter, composite
concrete modulus, and IGM layer thickness, the unit load transfer curves derived from this
process can be reasonably assumed to be appropriate. Thus, the load transfer function
analysis can be used to optimize the design. The final f-w and qb-wb curves for use in a
load transfer function analysis are plotted in figures 41 and 42, respectively. The
performance of the load transfer analysis itself is beyond the scope of this report.

MODEL 2 (Category 3 IGM's)

For Category 3 IGM's (dense, granular decomposed rock or granular glacial till), the
method ofMayne and Harris (outlined in chapter 2) is recommended, with one exception.
Based on recent studies by Majano et al. , good practice in slurry construction appears to
yield an angle of wall friction of about 0.75 <t> '. <36> Therefore, equation 44 is modified to
give fmax = Ko tan (0.75<!>') cr'vo for cases where drilling fluid meeting acceptable
specifications for good practice is used to drill the borehole.<2> Otherwise, computations
for the Mayne-Harris method are prescribed in equations 41 through 54. Concrete
pressures are not used in the computations, as with Model 1. It is assumed with this

method, however, that fluid concrete is used and placement occurs rapidly enough that Ko
conditions are maintained in the ground. The method is demonstrated by the example
problem that follows. This method produces a three-branched load-settlement curve that
culminates in a plunging resistance for the socket. Where possible, the correlations should
be calibrated to load tests in specific geological formations.

Table 11 . Summary of computations for unit load transfer curves, example 3.

Point No. 1 2 3 4
Wt(mm) 2.0 5.0 15.0 25 .0
0r = 0.0729 Wt 0.1458 0.3645 1.094 1.823
Kr N/A 0.344 0.636 0.748
f(avg.) (kPa) 99.1 234 432 501
qb (kPa) =A Wt0.67 1103 2037 4253 5989
Os(kN) 1158 2735 5054 5953
Qb (kN) 322 595 1243 1750
Ot (kN) 1480 3330 6297 7703
wb (mm) 1.32 3.51 12.15 20.77
WI (mm) 1.83 4.63 14.29 23 .94
w2 (mm) 1.49 3.88 12.86 21.83
0n 0.133 0.338 1.042 N/A
Kn 0.124 0.266 0.492 0.653
0f2 0.109 0.283 0.938 N/A
Kf2 N/A N/A 0.693 0.808
ft (kPa) 149 319 590 783
f2 (kPa) 17.4 45 .3 111 129
Warning: fc = 26.4 MPa at Wt = 25 mm. Structural failure imminent.



.._ Layer 1
f (kPa) 400 -o- Layer 2



0 5 10 15 20 25

w (mm)
Figure 41 . f-w curves for example 3.





q b (kPa) 3ooo



5 10 15 20 25
Wb (mm)

Figure 42. qb-wb curve for example 3.

Example 4. Model 2 for Category 3 IGM's

Consider the socket for the drilled shaft in figure 43 . Calculations for the geomaterialload
transfer factors proceed as shown in table 12. The following calculations are also made:

qmax (base) = 9.33 (0.23) (230) (8 .78)0.80 = 2806 kPa (equations 46 and 47).

Assessment of moduli:

Es (layer 1) = 22 (101) 75. 82 = 76 600 kPa (equation 49).

Es (layer 2} = EsL = 22(101) 90.82 = 89 000 kPa (equation 49).
Esm(avg.) = (6.1(76 600) + 3.05(89 000)]19.15 = 80 700 kPa.
Eb = 22{101)100 = 97 000 kPa (equation 49). Modify as per p. 34: Eb = EsL I 2.5
= 35 800 kPa, using~= 2.5 (empirical correction).

Preliminary parameters for computing influence factor I, as per pages 33 and 34:

LID = 9.15 I 0 .915 = 10.

A. = 2(1 +0.4) (27,600,000189,000] = 868.
t;, = In {[0.25 + (2.5(80,700189,000)(1-0.4)- 0 .25)2 .5]20} = 4.10.
J..tL = 2[21( 4. 10}(868)t5 (1 0) = 0.474.


z Overburden (disregard)
6.1 m
-----~ .: :r~ 0. 915 m ct>
. :: .
:.... . Wt
6.1 m IGM Layer 1
Nso (avg. over layer)= 75
1 r
~ r::: :::,
IGM Layer 2
~r 3.05 m ''=
Nso ( avg. over layer) = 90

Base IGM: Nso = 100

Ec = 27.6 GPa y = 21.0 kN/m3 Yw = 9.81 kN/m v(IGM) = 0.4 (estimated)

Anticipate drilling with slurry with good construction controls.

Figure 43 . Conditions for example 4.

Table 12. Numerical computations for load transfer factors, example 4.

Layer N6o cr' P ( eq. 41) 0'

' VO Ill
OCR cr' vofO'p cl>' :K, fmax
(B/0.3 m) (kPa) middle of (eq. 42) (deg.) (eq. 45) (kPa)
layer = (eq. 43) (eq. 44)
yz-YwZw (kPa)
1 75 1515 162 9.35 1.60 50.0 1.30 162
2 90 1818 213 8.54 2.11 49.8 1.21 197
Base 100 2020 230 8.78 -
Note: fmax is computed using 0 .754>' due to construction under drilling slurry.

Compute the influence coefficient, I, according to equation 50:

1 10
+ 1t(868)(1- 0.4)(2.5)(0.474)
I = 4(1 + 0.4) _ _---=.-~-80_:..,7.. .:.__
00-=--=----_:_...-- - 0.20
4 47t tanh(0.474)
89,000 10
(1- 0.4)(2.5) + 4.10(0.474)

4568 kN
Qt1 = 0.20 4995 kN (equation 52).
1 - ----------------::-
2.5 cosh (0.474) [ (1 - 0.4)(1 + 0.4)]

wtl = 4995 (0.20) I [89,000 (0.915)] = 0.0123 m = 12.3 mm (equation 48).

Qtmax = 4568 + 2806 [1t (0.915)2/4] = 6413 kN (equation 53).

~wb = (6413 - 4995)[0.6(1.4)]/[(97,000/2.5)(0.915)] m = 33 .6 mm (equation 54).

wa = 33 .6 + 12.3 = 45.9 mm at Qtrnax = 6413 kN.

The results of the calculations, Qt versus Wt, are shown in figure 44.

Ot (kN)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000


Wt (mm)
40 ~-~-----~-----~~---~-~


Figure 44. Load-settlement relation for example 4.



Field loading tests were conducted at several sites in order to verify the design models
presented in chapter 4. These tests were conducted on full-sized drilled shafts in all three
types of intermediate geomaterials. Emphasis was placed on side-shear sockets, so that
most of the tests were performed on drilled shafts having a void beneath the base to ensure
side shear failure or by shafts loaded by means of bottomhole hydraulic load cells, known
commonly as "Osterberg cells." Five of the tests were conducted as an integral part of
this project. One test was conducted for another project with which one of the authors
was associated. One site was the site of a loading test taken from the literature, in which
the author of the paper was interviewed personally. This site was included in order to test
the method for predicting behavior of drilled shafts in Category I and 2 geomaterials with
rough interfaces, because the interfaces for the test shafts at the other Category I and 2
geomaterial sites were classified as smooth.

Additional analysis of one complete (side shear plus end bearing) drilled shaft test reported
in the literature in Category 1 IGM was performed using the proposed design model, and
an additional analysis of a side-shear-only socket test in Category I IGM reported in the
literature was made. These two analyses are not documented in this chapter, but are
documented in Appendix C. Excellent correlation between measured load-settlement
relations and predicted relations were obtained for those two tests. Thus, a total of nine
full-scale tests, including five associated with this project, were analyzed using the
proposed design models : seven ordinary compression tests (including five with voided
bases) and two Osterberg cell tests.


Geomaterial data are summarized in table I3 , and general construction data are
summarized in table 14 for each of the seven test sites documented. Where data are
missing, they were not obtained. Properties are given for the geomaterials in the test
socket, not for those in the overburden. Note that the site in Dallas, Texas, was the most
heavily investigated site. Notation used for geomaterial properties is standard notation for
soils, as follows :

WL = liquid limit,
Wp = plastic limit,
y = total unit weight,
w = water content,
PL = limit pressure from Menard-type pressuremeter test,
Eo, Er = initial and reload Young' s moduli from Menard pressuremeter test,
c, <t> = Mohr-Coulomb shear strength parameters (prime indicating effective stress),
~ = earth pressure coefficient at rest,
RQD = rock quality designation, and

N = uncorrected SPT blow count in B/0.3 m.

The remaining parameters have been explicitly defined previously.

Table 13 . Average geomaterial properties in test sockets.

Site: Dallas, TAMU Owensboro, Coweta Boston, Tampa, Toronto,

Texas NGES, Kentucky County, Mass. Florida Ontario
Property Texas Georgia
Part of this
program? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
IGMType I I I,2 3 3 2 2?
(clay- (hard (shale I (weath. (glacial (lime- (shale)
shale) clay) sandstone) granite) till) stone)
%-200 IOO IOO
Wt(%) 60 - 22
Wp(%) 30 I9
y (kN/m3) 20.9 I9.6 25.9
w(%) I9.8 23 .0 II shale 4.6
3.5 s'stone
PL(MPa) 3.0 (4.3 m) 4.3
4.8 (7.3 m)
Ko 2.3 - 2.7 -
Eo(MPa) I34 (4.3) I 54 I085
33I (7.3 m) (Goodman
Er (MPa) 304 (4.3 m) 3 I2
406 (7.3 m)
% Recovery I 00 Not cored IOO
RQD(%) 30 Not cored 72-85 70
4>' (deg.) 24.8 43
c' (kPa) 0.38 1.2
<Pre (deg.) 30 -
Crc (kPa) 0 -
N (avg.)
(B/0.3 m) 49 40-90 > IOO 88
qj2 (kPa) 385 400 1250 s II50 3375
6075 ss
Note: qu = maximum principal stress difference in UU triaxial compression tests, with
confining pressures approximately equal to the total vertical stress except where noted.

Table 14. Construction and concreting data.

Site: Dallas, TAMU Owensboro, Coweta Boston, Tampa, Toronto,

Texas NGES, Kentucky County, Mass. Florida Ontario
Property Texas Georgia

Con- 19 June 23 Nov. 6 Feb. 12-13 12 Sept. 29 Mar. -

struction 1991 1993 1993 Feb. 1994 1989
date 1993

Testing 15 Aug. 29 Nov. 13 Feb. 25 Feb. 10 Oct. 4 April

date 1991 1993 1993 1993 1994 1989

Drilling Soil Soil Rock Soil Rock Rock Rock

tool auger auger auger auger auger auger auger

(h) 4 3 2 18 4 4 <12

Slurry type Dry Dry Vinyl PHPA Light Dry Dry

polymer polymer bentonite
(mm) 138 150 175 200 187 212

Rate of
(m/h) 15 18 -4 20 7-8 40

Method of Directed Directed Pump Tremie Tremie Directed Directed

placement free fall free fall free fall free fall

f c (avg.)
at time of
test (MPa) 46.3 31.0 33.1 34.7 27.5 14.5 49.0


The Dallas and Owensboro test sites are described in detail in Appendix C, and the Boston
test site is described in detail in Appendix D. Sufficient information is given here on the
geotechnical characteristics and properties of the test shafts at those test sites and at the
remaining test sites to allow use of the design models described in chapter 4. Note that
average values of qu are slightly out of t~e range specified for IGM' s in some layers;
however, the results should still provide a reasonable check of the design models.

Dallas Site

The Dallas test site was located on the property of Southwestern Laboratories, Inc., on
Lone Star Drive, about 7 km west of downtown Dallas, Texas, and about 0.3 km north of
1-30 west. The site consists of about 3 m of fill, underlaid by undisturbed clay-shale, with
calcareous pockets. This geomaterial is part of the Arcadia Park member of the Eagle
Ford formation, a Cretaceous age marine deposit. The clay-shale is strongly laminated in
horizontal planes, with laminations spaced less than 1.0 mm vertically. Three test shafts,
denoted E 1, E2, and R, were constructed and tested at this site, as shown in figure
4 5. Test shafts E 1 and E2 were constructed of expansive concrete, were not part of the
contracted study, and were not considered in this report~ however, details of the behavior
of these shafts are given in Appendix C.

IGM samples for laboratory testing were recovered with both 75-mm-diameter thin-walled
steel tubes and 50-mm-diameter double-walled core barrels at the locations shown in
figure 45 . Menard pressuremeter tests were also conducted at two depths in the clay-
shale. These tests included measurements of creep and relaxation behavior of the clay-
shale, as documented in Appendix C. It was concluded from these tests that relaxation
would stop within a few days of casting a drilled shaft, so that resistance measured in a
load test conducted at the time the load test for this shaft was conducted ( 60 days after
concreting) should remain unaltered with time.

Laboratory testing consisted ofUU triaxial compression tests, with isotropic confining
pressures equal to 6.2 kPa for every 0.3 m of depth (75-mm samples); CID triaxial
compression tests ( 50-mm cores); CD direct interface shear tests on smooth and rough
interfaces with shearing imposed perpendicular to the laminations, as will exist during
drilled shaft loading; and index tests, including carbonate content tests. The test results
for the UU triaxial tests are shown in figure 46, and those for the CID triaxial tests (4>' and
c') and direct interface shear tests (<Pre and Crc) are summarized in table 13 . No tests were
conducted in the overburden fill material.

A perched water table was observed atop the clay-shale, but there was no evidence that
this water controlled the pore water pressures in the IGM.

A profile of the test shaft is shown in figure 46. Since the primary purpose of this test was
to observe the development of shaft resistance, a 0.15-m-thick Styrofoam plug was

* Dimensions in meters Cores for UU tests
*Not to scale 0 Cores for CD tests
Shelby tubes samples
e Pressuremeter borehole

6.08 1.82


~-- 2.07

5.93 2.74 3.04


. 2.74

....,___ Bl
Shaft E
3.00 Test Shafts
1" r
2575 Lone Star Drive

Lone Star Drive Manhole Downtown Dallas, 7 km -----~

1-30, 0 .3 km

Figure 45 . Plan view ofDallas test site.


placed on the bottom of the borehole before casting the shaft in order to minimize base
resistance and ensure that complete side shear failure could be achieved with the loading
system that was available. In this case, loading was provided through a standard hydraulic
jack and electronic load cell reacting against a steel reaction frame anchored by two
reaction shafts.

The test shaft borehole was entered for inspection prior to concreting. Its walls contained
disturbed material about 5 mm thick, and the walls had a roughness pattern in which the
wavelength was about 0.2 m and the amplitude was about 10 mm. The walls were visibly
wet, possibly due to the presence of the perched water, which seeped into the borehole as
drilling progressed.

After the loading test was completed, the test shaft was exhumed and the roughness
profile was measured along a longitudinal line, as described in Appendix C. The
measurements are shown in figure 4 7. The shaft was essentially smooth, except in the
area noted, which coincided with a zone of calcareous clay-shale. In particular, the
undulation pattern noted on the borehole wall during construction was absent on the
exhumed shaft, possibly because some of the smeared material was displaced by the
concrete as it was placed (material from the asperities was sheared and moved to the
troughs). From this analysis, this test shaft was classified as "smooth."

The test shaft instrumentation system is depicted schematically in figure 48 . The primary
instrumentation device was a bonded foil resistance gauge sister bar, wired in half-bridge
configuration, and tied to the reinforcing cage. The sister bars were #4 deformed bars,
Grade 60, with lengths of0.76 m. The bridge completion was made with dummy sister
bars buried beneath the surface, as shown in figure 48. Five levels of sister bars were
installed. Three levels had four bars at the ends of two diameters and two had two bars at
the ends of one diameter. The top level served as a calibration level, giving instrument
output in millivolts versus known applied load, which was then applied to the instruments
at the remaining levels to obtain relationships of load to depth during the loading test.
Settlement at the shaft head was measured by means of four electrical transducers backed
up by optical survey measurements.

The test method was the quick test method, in which loads corresponding to about 10
percent of the expected capacity were applied every 3 to 4 minutes. Once it was
interpreted that failure had occurred, loads were then removed in decrements.


The second test site was the Texas A & M University (T AMU) National Geotechnical
Experimentation Site (NGES), approximately 12 km west of Bryan, Texas, on the T AMU
Riverside campus. The test area was one of two test areas at the T AMU NGES known as
the "sand" site, approximately 0.7 km east of the main entrance road and 1.1 km south of
the existing ( 1993) alignment of State Highway 21 . The upper II m of the site is a sand



Top of socket
...' ... plitude
0.91 m ess than
;.: :.

:. .
1.22 m .
.:-..-: .

:.; . ::
. : .. :
4.27 m
less than

Base of shaft

Figure 47. Roughness profile for Dallas test shaft.

Applied Load from Jack/Load Cell

steel loading plate

- - Fill
1.22-m-long cardboard tube - -..a
Ar ~- 101.6-mm
Dummy PVC pipe
19.1-mm PVC pipe --~ sister bars

Eagle Ford Sister bars (horizontal)

(-4.27 m)
6#8 4 #4 Sister bars

Sister bars (vertical)

- 1. . .

....~~~ #3 Spiral
{;6.10 m) @ 0.152 m
ISister bars:
. 0.76-m-long #4 -6.71 m) Sections A and B
i Grade 60 rebars
with half-bridge
Wheatstone bridge 6#8
circuit {; 7.92 m)

#3 Spiral
0.152-m solid foam void
@ 0.152 m

0.61 m Sections C, D, and E

Elevation of base of concrete shaft= -9.15m

Figure 48 . Schematic of instrumentation for Dallas test shaft.

deposit that was the site of extensive full-scale surface footing tests in 1993 . The sand is
underlaid by a thick deposit of hard, heavily overconsolidated clay of the Navarro group, a
series of Upper Cretaceous marine clay deposits found in central Texas through northern
Louisiana and southern Arkansas. The level of the phreatic surface in the surface sand is
not clear. It appears to vary seasonally. There is no information on the level of the
phreatic surface in the hard clay that underlies the sand at this site. For analysis purposes,
it has been assumed that any water in the sand is perched.

The test shaft was installed at the location shown in figure 49.<37> Prior to the installation
of the shaft, a 1-m by 1-m surface footing was installed and load tested to failure in
compression in the sand. Considerable geotechnical data for the sand are available and are
given in reference 37. The footing test had no effect on the hard clay at a depth of 11 m, in
which the socket test was conducted. Following the footing test, the footing was removed
and the test drilled shaft was installed at the location of the center of the footing in order
to take advantage of an existing reaction system. An elevation view of the test shaft is
shown in figure 50. Bentonitic drilling slurry with unknown properties was used to drill
through the overlying sand, and a temporary casing was set to the depth of the top of the
clay. The slurry was then evacuated from the casing, and the borehole was completed in
the dry with a nominal diameter of0.61 m to the depth shown in figure 50, and the
borehole was calipered with an Atlas Wireline Co. commercial electronic oil well caliper,
with a diameter resolution of 3 mm. The caliper log obtained in the field is given in figure
51 . The borehole was classified as "smooth" except for one long asperity produced by a
sand seam near the middle of the socket. A foam plastic plug was placed at the bottom of
the socket to destroy the end bearing before the concrete was placed. The borehole was
not entered for inspection because the socket was too small and too deep to be entered
safely. However, surface observation indicated no evidence of water seepage or sloughing
of the sides of the borehole.

Following placement of the instrumented reinforcing cage and placement of concrete, the
shaft was loaded to failure in compression using the reaction shafts already in place for the
footing test, using a procedure identical to that for the Dallas site test. Following the
loading test, 75-mm-diameter, thin-walled steel tube samples were taken in the clay and
subjected to UU triaxial compression testing in a manner similar to the samples for the
Dallas site. Most of these tests were conducted in the University of Houston geotechnical
laboratory. Two were conducted in the University ofFlorida geotechnical laboratory.
The results are given in figure 52. Again, qu in this figure represents the principal stress
difference at failure in the triaxial test and not an actual unconfined compression test. The
total unit weight of the sand and clay were assumed to be 18.8 kN/m3 for purposes of
computing confining pressures for the UU triaxial tests. The Navarro clay is ductile, as
indicated in figure 53, and it exhibits a typical stress-strain relation from a triaxial test.

Owensboro Site

Two loading tests were conducted at the site of the main piers of the U .S. 231 cable-stayed
bridge across the Ohio River at Owensboro, Kentucky, located as shown in figure 54.

bhst - Borehole Shear Test
cht - Cross hole Test
cpt - Cone Penetration Test
dmt - Dilotometer Test
pmt - Pressu remeter Test
I sb
Step Blade Test
Standard Penetration Test
0 I
I btlst-3 I
I t I
Boring for triaxial samples
I &
and plug tests in Navarro
spt-6 ()- -,

L _.1
!. I
J ep't-1
~ I
I a. - ~I
6 I .Pf"'t-3 0,!
Reaction Shaft 0 I I 0 ~ I
.prl't-4 Lcpci-5


.. , .p,t-2 I I
Test Sh~ft Location - L~cp!J
spt--4 spt-=>
0 0 I

'*"t -1
cnt-2 cht-5
_j I
1-m X 1-m surface test footing from+ spt-1
cht-1 .. Auger hole ror I
NGES..TAMU footing test program - 0 triClxtCll/r~sonClnt cal1.11n
Tested to failure In compression
and ,.-.,oved prior to installing test shaft ~t-2 .J1 cpt-7 I I
I 0 I 0
I L _j I

Figure 49. Plan view ofTAMU test site.

Load applied at shaft head by jacking c
against reaction beams through load cell

D Orientation of the sister

B bars at each level

Steel cage: 8 #8 steel bars with
D= 0 .61 m (nominal) No. 3 deformed bar spiral on 0. 15-m
Top of concrete; Depth = - 0 .60 m 0.48-m 0 . D.

Top of steel;
Ground surface

Sister bar level 1

(Reference level);
Depth = 0 .46 m

Permenant steel casing

Length= 1.73 m ; 0. D. =--- - _ J
0 .660 m; Wall thickness =
9.53 mm; Greased
Top of Navarro formation,
Depth= 11 .44 m
Sister bar level 2

1.53 m Bottom of the temporary

casing; 0 . D. = 0.6 m;
Sister bar level 3 t c ess = . nun
Hard Depth= 11 .6 m
1.53 m clay

Sister bar level 4 - ---j--:

1.53 m Sand seam;

Depth= 15.1 m;
Thickness = 0.2 m

1.53 m I II Sister bar length

= 0.254 m
Sister bar level 6 J ) I i
0 .61 m
l '

Base of the socket; "'f To> 20m

Depth = 18.2 m , _ _ 0.305-m Styrofoam Pad

Figure 50. Instrumentation and geomaterial profile forT AMU test.

' l./'
. ... .
.... ---Bottom of Temporary Casing;
.... . . .....

. . Depth ~ 11.6 m
.... .....
.. . .. .i.. ~H----~---_J_l[::::j[:: : : J: :

r ::
.. .
.r ~ . . :

Test Socket

E-W Track

Sand seam
Ii I I :


' I
Vertical Grid Spacing =0.61 m

Horizontal Grid Spacing = 50.8 mm

Note: Dashed line shows nominal dimensions

Figure 51 . Caliper log for T AMU test shaft borehole.


e University of Florida
0 University of Houston
Top of Navarro Fonnation

13.0 -----__J_____:__ _J_______ Q~---- ---~----------

! i
I I [

14.0 -!---~--++
~ ! i0 l
15.0 ---- --f---- ---1-- ----~- ----- _L --- -
16.0 --~----:l--P-o ..
l ;
! 0
17.0 ..... - ..... ; ................................. ~ ........................... '''!""''''''" ......
~ ; 0
... 0.
; 0
~ ~ t''"'' ... . .. .
18.0 ............................. ................................. .................................i""''''''''''''""''"'' ''

,... IBase of Test Shaft I l

. ! .
Cf :

0 100 200 300 400 500
q./2 (kPa)

Figure 52. Undrained shear strength profile for TAMU site.


800.0 - r--- -r--- r - r - -,-- -
: : !

................... t.....................+-..- -. t.... ... ......[......................~--...........~..................
~ 600.0
I 400.0 ...................~.............0 ,,j, ....... ~ ... ; ......................~

- ;ocr ! :
Depth= 17.3 m i

o9 ! Confining Pressure = 310 k.Pa

~oQ r-- --r----r - -~-----r-- T
0. 0 ~.L..J_I-.L..t--l....J.....L.l......L.......L...!....J_L..I......J--l....J....J......L....L.......L...L-L...J~~_.__._~

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 53 . Typical UU triaxial compression stress-strain curve for Navarro clay.

The tests were performed for design purposes for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet;
however, personnel from the study team for this project assisted in the planning of the
tests and observed the shaft installation. A detailed report on these tests may be found in
reference 3 8.

The geomaterials at this site are a complex series of shales, sandy shales, and sandstones
of mid-Pennsylvanian age. The two main piers, situated in the Ohio River, were
designated Pier 8 (near south bank) and Pier 9 (near north bank). They consisted of 44
drilled shafts each in a rectangular group pattern, indicated in figure 55. Production shafts
were used as test shafts. At Pier 8, the drilled shaft designated 43 was tested, hereafter
called shaft 8-43. Only the shaft designated 42 was in place at the time of the construction
and testing of shaft 8-43 . At Pier 9, the drilled shaft designated 42 (9-42) was tested.
Shaft 41 was the only other shaft in place in that pier at the time of the construction and
testing of shaft 9-42.

Both piers were constructed within the banks of the river. Cofferdams were first
constructed, and the soil was excavated inside the cofferdams to an elevation of 90.5 m, as
shown in figure 56. Permanent steel casing was set inside the cofferdams at the test shaft
locations from about 2.6 m above the river level to the top of the test socket, which lies
beneath sand and gravel alluvium. The sockets were then excavated with a rock auger
under lightweight solid vinyl polymer drilling slurry; Osterberg cells were placed at their
bases; and the shafts were concreted to the elevation shown in figure 56, which was to be
the elevation of the top of the drilled shaft cap in the completed pier. The casing length
was approximately 30m in both test shafts. In shaft 8-43, the socket extended for 13 .7 m
below the bottom of the casing. In shaft 9-42, the socket extended for only 5.2 m below
the bottom of the casing. The instrumentation scheme for the socket for shaft 9-42 is
shown in figure 57. Load distribution along the shaft was determined directly from the
vibrating wire strain gauges, and shaft displacement was determined from telltales located
at the top of the Osterberg cell and at the top of the socket.

Prior to concreting, both shafts were calipered electronically with an Atlas Wireline Co.
electronic oil well caliper that was fitted with "feeler" extensions to allow the large-
diameter boreholes to be calipered. The precision for this caliper, which was similar to the
caliper used at the TAMU test site, was about 3 mm. Caliper logs for shafts 8-43 and 9-
42 are shown in figures 58 and 59, respectively. The nominal diameter of 8-43 was 1.805
m, while that of 9-42 was 1.780 m. Shaft 8-43 can be classified as a rough socket, while
shaft 9-42 can be classified as a smooth socket for Osterberg cell testing, since the small
"shoulder" just below the shale/sandstone interface is tapered downward, opposite to the
direction.of loading.

Osterberg cells with capacities of 26.7 MN were used to load both shafts. The shafts were
loaded in about 30 equal increments in a period of about 4 hours until the maximum
capacity of the cells were reached. However, because the socket in 8-43 was both rough
and very long, no indication of side shear failure could be identified from the load test
records. Furthermore, base failure also did not occur. In shaft 9-42, impending side

I - Ji
Project Location
/. Indiana

., .......

~ ./ ...

l __<.,


Figure 54. Location map for Owensboro test site.

- Osterberg cell bottom telltale
(El. 112.3 m) I ...c.--- Osterberg cell top telltale
(El. 109.7 m)
River level at time of testing
- "
inside diameter = 1.880 m

Top of concrete- ,..._ Rebar cage

outside diameter = 1.52 m
El. 96.2 m
.L / I[/

Cofferdam (90 5 m)
pre-excavation v

(El. 82.3 m) =~= ;:: . =::. ::: .

.. ~~=. ,..;{ :: .. . .

'.? : ...

Top ofiGM/
Bottom of

Shale casing

Test socket - El. 80.5 m

(77.14 m) Sandstone

(76.6 m)
Osterberg load cell

" Not to scale

Figure 56. Elevation view of shaft 9-42, Owensboro.

Note: There were two levels of sister bars above El. 83.6

El. 83.6 m
82.4 m

Top of socket
steel: Spiral steel:
32 #10 bars,
equal spacing,
-- - - #6 at 0.3 m
2-bar bundles 1.53-m 0. D.

81.3 m I

qu =2.5 MPa Nominal socket

El. 80.5 m I
I wall, d = 1. 78 m

80.1 m I
qu =12.15 MPa

79.1 m I

77.9 m

Top of Osterberg cell,

El. 77.2 m
Sister bars: 4 per level. Geokon Model #4911
vibrating wire gauges connected to #4 Grade 60
deformed rebar 1.37 m long.
Figure 57. Schematic of instrumentation for shaft 9-42, Owensboro.

D. = 1805 mm'

-.. :


I ' I I

-. I -- -- ~
Depth below
top of casing

-1\ N-S
I ! I


Bottom of casing/
Top of IGM socket

I II , Track

1/ I

''' Track

Horiz. grid - . - 1-- - -

12.7 mm I

.I ' I
Vertical grld I

spacing= .... ..
0.61 m ,.. I
.... ~
( ..-
..... ...... I
- --
) '

v ,
. . . I


I I 'I
.. ..
'--~ '

II --

..... lo....
N--- r.... ~ .
I --

, '
' I


' )
I, I
~~ ' : ,. .. . -~,
' I ~K ' I
' I I I

; : ' !

i '' '
I I 1
I' ' I ;{ I


't I


. I
: T I I
! : !j I . I

-I I'

' .~
Top of

load cell

Figure 58. Caliper log of shaft 8-43, Owensboro.

rI :
r I


D: 1780 mm - - --

N-S .
Track Horiz. grid I

spacing= I I
12.7 mm

...... I I .. ..1- "

Depth below
- - f.- -- f - - ~-
'- -

Bottom of casing/
Top of IG M socket
= I

top of casi ng . . -- -- -- ' I ~ -

30.5m I ,'
, I

I .

I . I

0 0 I

,_, i

+~a-- I
, I_, I

. I I 1 I
Shale 1 Sand stone
Vertical grid j I
I interface
spacing =
0.61 m
eat 1

I ,-,. I . - . -+--

I ! ! I



II 0
I. I
0 I
0 I
I \
I . I
; I


I I ' I 1 '

I I I I I I I .I I~ I I
0 I

.. -- 0 :

Top of

load cell

Figure 59. Caliper log of shaft 9-42, Owensboro.

socket for shaft 9-42 for each of the layers are shown in figure 57. These values were
used in the design model calculations.

Since this test and the test at the Boston site were conducted using Osterberg cells, rather
than ordinary compression loading, a comment about the Osterberg cell testing method is
in order. An Osterberg cell test does not represent the manner in which the shafts will be
loaded in operation or the manner in which loading was assumed in developing the design
model. The reversal of the direction of loading by the Osterberg cell produces higher
Poisson (lateral) strains in the concrete shaft in the socket than would be produced by
normal compression loading. This phenomenon would be expected to produce higher
load transfer with a frictional interface. However, mean effective stresses in the
geomaterial surrounding the socket are reduced because tension is developed in the
geomaterial in the horizontal plane of the cell (plane of the socket base). These actions


-e :: :: :: :: :
0 : !
1 -O ..i ...........- S.hale +--+----i--~--

- 0 : : : :
0 0

'-" !
~ 2 .o ....... -~- ).... ..........l-----L---.....l---.. . . . -~--.
~ ~0
: : . . . .
3 ---.----
.. -r-- .. ---:------!--
.: --:- . .. ---:----
'0 : : 0 : : : :


.. .:
.. A
................ ..1...._.._. . . . .... -~-
. .........~..--+-
~ .
-sc.. 6
:Top of Oster~rg __..
Cell l
_L__Jl ---r-o-
: : : ~ ~
0 7 ': ::
: .....-.. --.-l-------~
.................l; ...----i---l
: ----~-----
i : : :
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
<lu (MPa)

(a) Unconfined compression strength

1 ----
. ---sliile a 0 --
.:..: __.....,... ____-
_Q _
2 -- -
0 ! I

0 _........__...-..- --
3 .
~ 4
... ---- -.......---
- 0
.D 5

c.. Top of Osterber
Cell ...
I . ----------
7 -----...,.---
0 5 10 15

w (%)

(b) Moisture content

Figure 60. Unconfined compression and moisture data for shaft 9-42, Owensboro.

produce effects that tend to cancel out each other. McVay et al. (reference 39) have
shown through detailed finite element studies that relatively minor differences in ultimate
side resistance exist between ordinary compression loading and Osterberg cell loading in
Florida limestone. As a result, the Osterberg cell tests will be assumed to produce results
identical to ordinary compression loading tests in this report.

Coweta County Site

An ordinary compression loading test was conducted for design purposes by the Georgia
Department of Transportation on the alignment ofl-85 southwest of Atlanta. The site is
located in figure 61. This site is in the Piedmont province and consists primarily of
residual soils. The profile of the test shaft and geomateriallayers is shown in figure 62 .
The geomaterials of interest at this site are Category 3 IGM' s that occur between depths
of approximately 14 m and at least 22 .9 m, as indicated in an SPT boring made
approximately 3 m from the test shaft. This geomaterial is a very dense, fine-grained,
residual sand, weathered in place from a parent granitic mica schist rock. The phreatic
level in the sand was located at a depth of 3.0 m. No site-specific unit weight information
was available. The total unit weights were taken to be 18.8 kN/m3 for all layers, which is
consistent with local practice.

Downtown Atlanta

Hartsfield Airport

185 N
Fulton County

Coweta County Fayette County

Test Site


Figure 61 . Location map for Coweta County test site.

Reaction Frame

SPT N (8/0.3 m)

Ground surface Red sil

clay fill
0.91 m
Brown and C augered
tan slightly to 9 m;
sandy, silty N = 2- 12
Depth= 5 m clay (avg. = 7)
in nearby

Stiff tan and 13

10m brown fine, sandy
micaceous silt

Test shaft ML

Dense to very 38
dense white
and gray silty
fine to medium 76
sand (completely
decomposed 60/0.13 m
19.22 m
geomaterial 60/0.051 m

SM 100/0.229 m
22.9 m
Note: Test shaft was not calipered

CL, :ML, SM- Unified Soil System Classification Symbols

Figure 62. Shaft and geomaterial profile at Coweta County site.

The test shaft was drilled with auger equipment under a polyacrylamide polymer slurry the
day prior to setting the reinforcing steel cage and placing concrete. Just prior to setting
the reinforcing cage, it was discovered that about 0.5 m of sediment had collected in the
bottom of the borehole. The contractor then reentered the borehole and drilled out the
sediment and then increased the depth of the borehole beyond the original depth by about
1.0 m. As a result, the instruments, which had already been placed on the cage, were
about 1.0 m deeper than planned. The instrumentation scheme is shown in figure 63 . For
this test, sister bars similar to those used at the Dallas site were employed. However,
these instruments consisted of full bridges, so that no external dummy bars were used.

This shaft was a complete shaft, with no void at the base. It was not calipered.

////71 __.. //Ground su rface

Depth= -.. Longitudinal steel:

6 #10 bars at equal
1.83 m i .
spac1 ng to bottom
of lab zone

... A .,. Spiral steel:

... / , #3 smooth
sp1 ral on 0.15-m
... / I" pitch top 3.3 m;
"""' 0. 3-m pitch to
0. D.= 0.76 m

j ~
Top of IGM
-- 4# 10 bars at equal
spacing to bottom
14.4 m
16.3 m I - bonded foil resistance
gauge sister bars,
17.5 m I UH manufacture,
on 0.25-m-long #4
18.8 m I deformed Grade 60
bars; 4 per level @ 90
Depth= 19.22 m degrees.

Figure 63 . Instrumentation schematic for Coweta County test shaft.

13 1
The testing procedure was identical to that used at the Dallas site, except that no load cell
was used. Applied loads were determined from calibrated jack pressures. Settlements
were measured in a manner identical to that used in the Dallas site test.

The design model for Category 3 IGM' s was based on correlations in Piedmont residuum
similar to that found at this test site.

Boston Site

In order to test the Category 3 IGM design model for granular geomaterials that differ
substantially from Piedmont residuum, for which it was calibrated, a loading test was
conducted in glacial till at a test site in Boston, Massachusetts. Details are given in
Appendix D. The site location is shown in figure 64. This test was conducted by the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts for design purposes in connection with the design of the
connector between the central artery and the third harbor tunnel.

General profiles of the test shaft and the site are shown in figure 65 . The top of the glacial
till, a fine-to-coarse-grained glacio-fluvial outwash material, was located at a depth of
36.1 m below the ground surface. The till is 6.0 m thick and is underlaid by an argillite of
the Cambridge formation . Overlying the till are a series of soft natural and fill soils, most
notably the soft Boston blue clay, which has a thickness of24.4 mat the test site.

The geomaterials in the socket were characterized by continuous SPT tests, whose results
(N blows per 0.3 m) are given in figure 66. The value at a depth of 40.5 m appears to
have been influenced by the presence of a large cobble and was omitted from the data for
purposes of making the calculations for the design model. The total unit weights of the
geomaterials were taken to be 21 .2 kN/m3 in the till and 19.6 kN/m3 in the geomaterial
above the till from local practice. No site-specific unit weight data were available. The
piezometric surface in the glacial till was at a depth of 3.0 m below the ground surface,
which is the mean water level in the Fort Point Channel immediately adjacent to the test
site, which is influenced by tidal fluctuations.

The test shaft, designated CLTP2 by the Commonwealth, was constructed as documented
in Appendix D . A permanent steel casing 1.22 m 0 . D. was set into the till to a depth of
36.5 m through a borehole that was retained by lightweight bentonitic drilling slurry. The
socket was then drilled, under the lightweight bentonitic slurry, with auger equipment to a
depth of approximately 48 .8 m. This placed the bottom of the socket about 6.5 m below
the till-argillite contact. The socket within the till and argillite was then calipered by
Appalachian Geophysics Company with a three-armed electronic caliper with unknown
precision. The nominal socket diameter was 1.07 m. Concrete was placed to near the top
of the argillite, and the Osterberg cell and related instrumentation cages were then placed.
The 6.5-m length of socket below the Osterberg cell served as a reaction socket for the
test on the till socket. The shaft was then concreted all the way to the surface so as to

South Station


N Postal Annex
To Summer Street


Test Shaft Point
(CLTP2 Channel



Figure 64. Location map for Boston test site.

,____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Concrete to surface
36.1 m

_V.....__ El. 33.1 m

Miscellaneous fill

El. 28.1 m

Organic soil
El. 24.4 m

"Starter" casing- removed after test

Boston blue clay


Slightly oversized,
slurry-filled borehole

Permanent steel casing

El. 0 m

Glacial till (IGM)

Cambridge argillite (bedrock)
Osterberg Load Cell
~~ El. - 12.5 m

Figure 65 . Elevation view of Boston test shaft and geomaterial profile.

Permanent steel casing to Boston Blue Clay
surface N (B/0.3 m)
36 20 60 100 140 180

Concrete Top of Glacial Till

to surface

...~ Telltale, top
of socket
en Avg. N =98
... E
WF 14X117 stiffener,
Osterberg cell
pressure pipe,
and tremie pipe

li4......,.-+----+----Telltale, top and bottom
+---++--+ of Osterberg Cell

Vibrating wire strain gauges,

3 per level@ 120 deg., mounted in
plastic tubing, Geokon Model4200
r++---+---- Transverse tie steel

3 longitudinal 50-mm-square
steel tubes

Base of Glacial Till

Cambridge Argillite
Osterberg Load Cell

~+------ Reaction Socket

(minimal instrumentation, not shown)

48.6 m

Figure 66. Instrumentation schematic for Boston test shaft.

replicate the fluid concrete stresses that would be present in the till (test) socket during
construction of a prototype shaft.

Instrumentation for the socket in the glacial till is shown in figure 66. Loads along the
socket were determined from the vibrating wire gauges and displacement of the shaft in
the socket was determined from telltales in a manner similar to that done at the
Owensboro site. The load test was conducted in a manner similar to the Owensboro test,
except that the load was cycled once at a low load value and the load was also held
constant until movement had ceased at a load level of 8.9 l\1N before proceeding to the
failure load. In this case, side shear failure was observed in the test socket. Considerable
movement of the reaction socket also occurred.

The caliper log (average radius) for both the till and argillite sockets are shown in figure
67. The shaft had a strong inward taper from the top to the bottom of the socket, which
suggests that the Osterberg cell test produced a reverse wedge effect that probably made
the results of the loading test conservative relative to ordinary compression loading.

Concreting occurred rapidly, and a high-slump concrete was used. However, no

measurements of the horizontal concrete pressures in the socket were made. For purposes
of executing the design model calculations, it was assumed that the concrete pressures
were sufficient to re-establish the effective pressures in the geomaterial in the socket that
existed before drilling, in accordance with the suggestions of Mayne and Harris. That is,
figure 35 is not used with Model 2 unless concreting rate is slow or concrete slump is low.

Test Caisson CL TP-2

Borehole Caliper

Glacial Till

c -43

Bedrock (Argillite)


530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610

Radius (mm)
Figure 67. Caliper log for Boston test shaft.

Tampa Site

This site was not a formal part of this study, but personnel associated directly with this
study from the University of Florida were directly involved in the loading test at this site,
so that it was selected as representative of Category 2 IGM' s. The test was conducted at
the site of a three-story parking garage in the Tampa formation, a Miocene age limestone.
More details on this test site can be found in reference 9.

A profile of the site and the test shaft is shown in figure 68. The socket was not calipered,
but it was classified visually as " rough" by observers, which is purported to be typical of
most sockets drilled into Florida limestone. It will be shown in chapter 6, however, that
this shaft behaved as if it had a smooth interface. The loading test was a normal
compression loading test that was conducted in a manner similar to the Dallas test.

Reaction Frame

Ground surface
Depth = 0.76 m - -
,...____ Permanent steel

Depth= 3m \7 Sand
Avg. N = 12
4.27m - - - - -

Sister bars,
2 per level,
mounted on
reinforcing cage

8.2 m Depth = 8.24 m

8.85m - - Limestone

Depth= 10.68 m
-- ----
~------- Styrofoam

0.76 m ~
Figure 68. Profile of Tampa test shaft.

Toronto Site

The test site was at a shale quany in Burlington, Ontario, in the greater Toronto area.
Detailed description of the shale is given in reference 5. The formation tested was the
Queenston shale (technically a mudstone), which is of Ordovician age. It consists
primarily of illite, but also contains varying amounts of quartz, calcite, dolomite, and
feldspar. Several short drilled shaft so9kets were tested at this site as part of a research
project. The particular shaft of interest is the one depicted in figure 69. The test shaft
was intentionally grooved to produce a rough interface with known roughness features.
The socket was calipered by hand before the concrete was placed. A partial tracing of the
roughness profile along two axes is given in figure 70. The scale shown applies to both
directions. The socket was not smeared. Note that RF = 0.76 is near the low end for
"rough" shafts. Until more information can be obtained, it is recommended for design
purposes in this report that RF be at least 0. 10 for the socket to be considered rough.

Reaction beam

0.4 m (/:~~~
t>oJ> ~ Ground surface (quarry floor)


0.6m <U


~ .z -:7

Six grooves cut with pneumatic
710 mm ~ hammer, 20 mm deep with
Test 150-mm spacing
socket Shale (mudstone)

4.7 < qu < 11.0 MPa

Void at base

Pier No. P3

Figure 69. Profile of Toronto test shaft.

0 100mm

Notes: Full diameter not shown.

Only partial depth shown.

RF = 0.076

Figure 70. Caliper log of Toronto test shaft.



The design models described in chapter 4 are compared in this chapter against loading test
results for the test sites and the test shafts described in chapter 5.

The primary inputs for the design models are given in table 15 on a site-by-site basis. The
symbols used in table 15 are defined in chapter 4. The design models used to compute
load and movemen( for the test shafts were the "direct" models described in chapter 4.
Unit load transfer methods, which are also described in chapter 4 for Category 1 and 2
IGM' s, are expected to produce equivalent results. All computations were performed for
this report by using simple spreadsheet analysis, systematically applying the appropriate
equations from chapter 4. Example spreadsheets are given at the end of this chapter. M
(equation 62) was set equal to 1 for Model 1, and Ko was taken as given by equation 45 in
Model 2. Judgment was exercised in selecting M = 1. In all cases, either the concreting
occurred much more rapidly than the rates used to develop figure 3 5 (Dallas, T AMU,
Tampa), the shaft had a very large diameter (Owensboro), or the shaft was very shallow
(Toronto), in which case N is approximately 1 in figure 3 5. Note that figure 3 5 is still
recommended for design. No reduction in side resistance was made for inclusion of soft
seams in the IGM at any of the test sites. That is, faa /fa (table 8) = 1 in all cases.

The loading test results and comparisons of the computed and measured behavior are
given in the following sections. All comparisons were made at the top of the IGM
sockets, at which loads were always measured with the shaft instrumentation, rather than
at the ground surface, to avoid having to use methods not developed in this study to
compute resistance-deformation relations in overburden soils. Where settlements were
not measured at the top of the socket, they were calculated from measured loads and
estimated concrete moduli using measured surface loads and the column shortening
formula. For some tests in which surface loading, as opposed to Osterberg cell loading,
was employed, surface load-settlement relations are also given for comparison.


Results for the Dallas test are shown in figure 71 (load vs. settlement) and figure 72
(progression of load vs. depth for selected applied loads). Inputs for the design model are
given in table 15. The value of qu used was the depth-weighted average along with shaft,
with the very high values for samples containing thin seams of carbonaceous matter
excluded. The mass modulus of the geomaterial was taken as the average value given by a
Menard-type pressuremeter upon initial loading, which better represents the geomaterial
properties, including any disturbance at the borehole-concrete interface than the reload
modulus. The unit weight of the concrete was taken as the total unit weight, not the
buoyant unit weight, because the ground water was perched and no evidence of water
pressures in the pores of the clay-shale existed.

Use of the Category 1 design model with "smooth" socket formulation was justified based
on profiling of the exhumed shaft (figure 47). This analysis yielded a resistance at Wt = 25
mm that was higher than that observed. A likely reason for the overprediction is that the
angle of interface friction <Pre was degraded from the value of 30 degrees that was
measured under laboratory conditions. In addition, the design model was developed from

Table 15. Primary input values for design models.

Test Cone. Ec D L Roughness N

(kPa) (MPa) (deg.) Buoy. (GPa) (m) (m) Condition Limit

(B/0.3 m)

Dallas 710 232 327 30 None 46.0 0.61 6.09 Smooth

(Cat. 1)

TAMU 800 154 193 30 None 31.0 0.61 6.76 Smooth

(Cat. 1)

boro 8780 2019 230 30 Fully 34.7 1.80 5.16 Smooth -
(Cat. 1)

Coweta - 73/151 - Below 34.4 0.92 3.10 100
(Cat. 3) 3m

Boston - 88/176 - Below 25.4 1.07 6.10 None

(Cat. 3) 3m on avg.

Tampa 2300 264 115 30 None 15.0 0.76 2.44 Smooth

(Cat. 2)

Toronto 6750 730 1081 30 None 31.2 0.71 1.37 Rough

(Cat. 1)
I. For Dallas and T AMU tests, Em = avg. Eo from Menard-type pressuremeter.
2. For Owensboro test, qu was depth-weighted average for the two geomaterials;
Em was assumed = 230 qu (depth-weighted average), since Em was not
measured ~ and n was computed using values for the shale only.
3. For Coweta and Boston tests, values under "Em" are modulus computed from
N along sides of socket and at base of socket, respectively.
4. For Tampa test, Em was assumed= 115 qu, since Em was not measured.
5. For Toronto test, Em = avg. E from qu and Goodman jack tests.

Load (kN)
0 500 1000 1500 2000

"' 0
~ 0

E-E -Computed \~!

10 "l T

- a - Measured - Ground
~ ~~
E \ 0


ta Measured -Top of



' I


Figure 71 . Computed and observed load-settlement results for Dallas test.

Load (kN)
0 500 1000 1500 2000


Q. 5
c 6


Figure 72. Measured load vs. depth relations for Dallas test.

finite element analyses in which base resistance existed, which will increase side load
transfer to a value somewhat above that which will occur in a socket with a voided base,
since the Poisson 's effect is not produced with a voided base.

The load-depth relations given in figure 72 indicate that the highest load transfer occurred
in the top half of the socket. The reduced load transfer in the lower half of the socket
correlates with lower values of qu in that region; but the early side shear failure, indicated
by the overlaying of the load-depth relations beginning at very small values of applied
load, suggests that the geomaterial at the interface was more severely degraded there,
perhaps due to excessive exposure to perched ground water that had entered the borehole,
accumulating to a depth of about 0.15 m before concrete was placed. The small inflow of
perched ground water was not cased off in this test shaft.


The results from the T AMU test are shown in figures 73 and 74 . The undrained shear
strengths of the argillaceous geomaterials at the Dallas and T AMU test sites are nearly
equal, and both test sockets were of similar dimensions and were smooth; however, the
T AMU test socket developed a much higher resistance than the Dallas test socket. This

Load (kN)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
5 --~

~[]~ []

10 ...
E If ~
- E 15

E 20

1 ~

en 25 - c - Measured - Ground I


6 Measured - Top of I

Socket I

35 I

40 I

. 45

Figure 73 . Computed and observed load-settlement results for T AMU test.

Load (kN)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

.c: 8
c. ...
Cl) j
c 10 ...

12 ...



Figure 74. Measured load vs. depth relations forT AMU test.

behavior is predicted by the "smooth" interface model, which relates maximum side
resistance to normal stress at the interface after concreting. Examination of figure 51
indicates that the socket is "smooth" according to the definition given in table 1. The mid-
depth of the T AMU socket was over twice as deep as that for the Dallas site socket,
which produces higher normal concrete stresses and, hence, higher unit side resistances.
The waterbearing overburden materials were cased off during the concrete pour, and the
socket itself was dry. For this reason, the total unit weight of the concrete was used in the
concrete pressure calculations, with which the smooth interface model provided a
reasonably close match with the load-settlement relation obtained experimentally at the
top of the socket. In this socket, the load transfer pattern (figure 74) also generally
followed the pattern of the depthwise variation of qu.


The Owensboro site test at Pier 9 was performed by loading from the base with an
Osterberg cell. For purposes of comparison with the design model, it was assumed that
the measured load-uplift relation for the socket would be equivalent to the case in which a
compression loading test is conducted at the top of the socket, with a void at the bottom
of the socket. The term " inverted socket" was used to describe this case, which is the
condition for which the design model can be used . The measured and computed load-
movement relations are compared in figure 7 5.

Load (kN)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
- =.-- .....
"" --- ....


- I\
c: \
(I) -Computed
15 ' ~
:E 4 Measured- \
Inverted Socket
20 t=

Figure 7 5. Computed and observed load-settlement results for Owensboro test.

Good agreement between measured and observed load-movement behavior can been seen.
The observed relation was taken from reference 3 8. In order to make the calculations, it
was necessary to use only the qu and Em values for the shale in order to compute the shape
factor n, since the values for the sandstone were out of range for figure 3 6. That is, it was
assumed that the shale properties completely controlled the shape of the load-movement
relation, which appears to be a good assumption in this case. The shaft was analyzed as a
smooth shaft, as the caliper log (figure 59) indicated asperity heights of less than 2 nun
counter to the direction of taper. This shaft may have behaved more as a rough shaft and
exhibited higher resistance had it been loaded in compression. The role that the polymer
drilling slurry may have played in controlling load transfer is not known; however, the
good correlation between measured and predicted behavior suggests that its effect was not
highly deleterious.

The load vs. depth relations measured for Owensboro test shaft 9-42 are shown in figure
7 6. Again, the rate of load transfer correlates qualitatively with the measured values of qu,
the sandstone exhibiting much higher compressive strength than the shale. "Depth" on
figure 76 is distance below the top of the socket.

Load (kN)
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000

E 2


. t: Q)



11111 Top of
Figure 76. Measured load vs. depth relations for Owensboro test.



The results for the Coweta County test are shown in figures 77 and 78. In order to make
comparisons at the top of the socket, the top of the socket was defined to be at the
elevation of the top level of socket sister bars, which was over a meter below the actual
top of the socket because of the necessity to excavate the shaft deeper than was planned
to clean out sloughed material prior to concreting. The computed and measured load-
settlement relations for the top of the socket shown in figure 77 do not compare well if the
raw N values are used in the calculations. A value ofN exceeding 100 blows I 0.3 m is out
of the intended range of the design model . Furthermore, this borehole stood open for
about 18 hours before concreting and exhibited some characteristics of "sloughing" before
the borehole was concreted, justifying the use of reduced values ofN.

Load (kN)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
0 ..............
.......... ........,....,
-- -- - '
...... .. -
10 ....
' ....

20 ' ....
.-. ' ....
E 30 ' ....

' ....
~ \

-= 50



60 6

70 I

80 6 Measured - Top of Socket

- o - Computed- Full N

- Computed- Nmax = 100

Figure 77. Computed and observed load-settlement results for Coweta County test.


An analysis was conducted in which N was restricted to 100 within any 1.5-m depth
interval. Values below 100 were not varied. The results compare favorably with the
measured load-settlement relation at the top of the socket. This analysis will be used in
the overall comparison of the models with measured behavior. In both of the design
model analyses, the concrete was assumed to be buoyant below a depth of 3 m (the depth
of the water table) since the socket ma~erial was open-pored, with pore water pressures
defined by the water table. The concrete was poured under slurry.

Analysis of figure 78 indicates that the load transfer pattern in the socket does not follow
the pattern ofN values qualitatively. The reason is not clear, but sloughing of the
geomaterial near the base may have affected the results.

Load (kN)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000



- ---i


14 ...



Figure 78. Measured load vs. depth relations for Coweta County test.


This test was incorporated to investigate the applicability of the proposed Category 3
design model to geomaterials other than the residual, sand-like geomaterials for which it
was originally calibrated. Like the Owensboro test, the Boston test was conducted using

an Osterberg cell to apply the load, and the inverted socket concept was again used to
compare computed results with measured results. The pressure registered by the oil
pressure gauge at the surface was used to compute the applied load directly. The weight
of the shaft overlying the cell was not subtracted because the shaft was buoyant and
because the pressure in the cell was higher than that measured at the surface by an amount
controlled by the head of the oil. Any error made by this operation will be very small.
The load-movement relations for the socket are shown in figure 79, and the load-depth
relations measured within the socket are shown in figure 80. As in figure 76, the term
"Depth" in figure 80 indicates depth below the top of the socket.

Load (kN)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
0 ......... .........

10 - .........
--~- ........
-E 20

30 c Measured - Inverted
> Socket I
:i - - Computed - Inverted I
40 Socket I

. 60

Figure 79. Computed and observed load-settlement results for Boston test.

Load (kN)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

--E 3

6 Top
7 Cell

Figure 80. Measured load vs. depth relations for Boston test.

In analyzing this test, no reductions were made in N, despite some values exceeding 100
blows I 0.3 m, because drilling and concreting were carried out in a continuous fashion in
one work shift. Note, however, that the average N value over the length of the socket
was, in fact, less than 100 . One high value was eliminated (depth of 40.6 m, figure 66)
because it appeared that this test was performed on cobbles. It is observed in figure 67
that the socket was tapered inward from top to bottom by 60 mm in radius. The socket
would likely have had higher resistance if loading had been from the top rather than from
the bottom, which may explain the small overprediction of the design model for this site.

Measured load transfer to the geomaterial is seen in figure 80 to be generally uniform with
depth. Just above the Osterberg cell, there appears to be a reduction in load transfer, as
evidenced by the increase in slope of the load-depth relations. This behavior may be real,

or it may be an artifact of the different methods used to compute loads at the level of the
Osterberg cell and within the shaft.


The load-settlement and load-depth relations for the Tampa test are shown in figures 81
and 82, respectively. It is striking that the design model for Category 1 and 2 IGM' s,
when used with the "rough" interface formulation, does not predict the observed behavior
well. The rough interface formulation was used because the anecdotal description of the
borehole was that it was rough. Since no direct inspection or caliper log of the borehole

Load (kN)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

5 ""'"- ......

\\\., ' ~....
.-. ~ '- '.
E 15
+ ~

' \.
._. j

20 -l

-= 25
' + \ .......
- Computed - Smooth
30 Socket
- Computed - Rough
- Computed - McVay's
40 c .....a- Measured -Top of

figure 81 . Computed and observed load-settlement results for Tampa test.


Load (kN)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

c ,c
8 en"'

10 0


Figure 82. Measured load vs. depth relations for Tampa test.

was made, the existence of a rough interface cannot be confirmed. A "smooth" interface
analysis provides a much better simulation of the measured behavior. For reasons that are
not clear, it can only be concluded that the smooth interface analysis is more appropriate
for soft limestones of the type encountered at this site. Alternatively, the smooth interface
analysis was performed using McVay' s formulation for (equation 37) to be equal to
faa, but otherwise not varying the solution. The results are much improved over the rough
interface model.

The load-depth relations suggest that full unit side resistance had developed near the top
of the socket at a relatively small settlement ( 10 to 15 mm), but that side resistance near
the bottom of the socket, while lower that that at the top, was continuing to increase at a
settlement of 40 mm. This phenomenon could be the result of the Poisson' s effect in the
shaft or frictional behavior of the base geomaterial.


The Toronto test on an artificially roughened socket was selected for analysis, since none
of the test sockets in the Category 1 and 2 IGM' s investigated for this project by the study
team could be confirmed to be rough according to the criteria in table I . The test was of
high quality, and adequate geotechnical property measurements and caliper data existed to
permit application of the design model without the need to make excessive assumptions.
It is recognized that the test socket had a very small aspect ratio and that the strength of
the soft shale that was tested was slightly higher than the upper boundary established in
this report for intermediate geomaterials. However, analysis of this test provides good
insight into the utility of the "rough" socket model.

Measured and computed test results are compared in figure 83. The match is excellent. It
is noted that a high ratio of measured Em to measured qu existed at this site, untypical of
the ratios experienced at Category 1 IGM test sites. This observation points out the need
for making site-specific measurements of the IGM modulus if accurate predictions of
settlement are to be made.

Load (kN)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
0 ~~~ ... -.....
5 ........ ::::-----...

-. 20 ~
...., 25
c: 1~
E 30 - Computed - Rough Socket

Q) 35
0 Measured \


45 '\

Figure 83 . Computed and observed load-settlement results for Toronto test.


A summary analysis of the quality of the matches between the measured and computed
response of the test shafts considered here is provided in table 16. Two error metrics
were chosen to represent the errors quantitatively. Metric A is the ratio of computed load
at the top of the socket to the load mea~ured at the top of the socket when Wt = 25 mm or
the largest settlement measured in the loading test. Metric B is the ratio of computed
settlement to measured settlement at the load equal to one-half of the measured socket
load corresponding to Wt = 25 mm or to one-half of the maximum measured socket load if
a settlement of25 mm was not reached in the loading test.

Table 16. Error metrics for design models.

Test (IGM Category) Metric A Metric B

Dallas (I) 1.20 1.48

TAMU (I) 0.92 0.82
Owensboro ( 1) 1.04 1.80
Coweta County (3) 1.07 1.80
Boston (3) 1.18 2. 18
Tampa (2) 1.13 1.00
Toronto (1) 0.99 0.77

Mean 1.08 1.41

Standard Deviation 0.10 0.55
Coefficient of Variation 0.09 0.39

On the average, the design models with the input conditions described compute ultimate
resistances (defined as loads corresponding to settlements at the top of the socket of 25
mm) that are 8 percent too large and settlements at one-half of the ultimate resistances
that are 41 percent too large. The coefficient of variation (COV) in predicted ultimate
resistance was under 10 percent. Consideration of the two additional tests analyzed in
Appendix C has no appreciable effect on these statistical properties.

Observation of the limited measured and computed load-movement relations described in

this chapter suggests the following modifications/applications of the design models
pending the acquisition and analysis of additional, appropriate field test data:

For the Category 1 and 2 IGM design model ("Model 1") for smooth socket
analyses, ~rc = 27.5 degrees should be used, not 30 degrees as determined in the
laboratory study reported in Appendix C, which translates to fa = (tan 27.5 I tan
30) X a Qu (from equation 61) = 0.90 a Qu

For the design model for Category 3 IGM's, N should J>e limited to 100 B/0.3 m
in any 1.5-m depth increment of the shaft.

A socket should not be treated as "rough" using the design Model 1 for IGM's in
Categories 1 and 2 unless clean grooves of at least 25 mm deep and spaced
between 0.15 and 0.3 m vertically are specified. Structural capacity of the
concrete asperities (grooves) should be verified.

Measurement of Em in the field is necessary for optimum application of the

design model for geomaterials in Categories 1 and 2. Otherwise, for Category 1
IGM's, Emlqu = 250 to 300 appears adequate and generally conservative for
design use; for Category 2 IGM's, Emlqu = 115 appears justified based on the
analysis of the Tampa test.

It appears that McVay's method for computing fmax in massive, soft limestone of
the type found at the Tampa test site can be used as a replacement for the
variable faa in the design model for Category 2 IGM's.

For computing <Jn, the test results suggest that the full head of fluid concrete can
be used if concrete with a 175-mm slump (or greater) is placed at the rate of at
least 15 m/h or if the shaft has a diameter exceeding about 2 m. However, until
this behavior is confirmed to occur consistently in normal construction practice,
figure 35 and equation 62 should be used to estimate <Jn for Modell. The
concrete should be taken as buoyant below the water table if the concrete is
placed by pump or tremie underwater or under a slurry. That is, the unit weight
(y) of the concrete below the water table should be taken as Yconcrete- Ywater when
computing the hydrostatic pressure <Jn. If the concrete is placed in the dry,
including situations in which a waterbearing overburden is cased off prior to
completing a borehole in the dry, no buoyancy in the concrete should be

It is pointed out that the design models described here, with the interpretations for input
outlined above, tend to give resistances that are slightly above the average of the measured
resistances and tend to predict settlements under working-level loads that are slightly
higher than measured settlements. This behavior should be considered when selecting
resistance factors or safety factors for use in static design.


An example spreadsheet for performing the calculations for Model 1 is given showing
formulas in table 17 and numerical values for the Dallas test in table 18. The spreadsheet
is self-explanatory. Symbols used are equivalent to symbols used in this report. This
version considers only smooth interfaces. For rough interfaces, a is input as 0.5 in a
uniform IGM or 0.53 (figure 6) if the IGM is stratified, and the value for n is calculated as
<Jn I qu. Otherwise, the computations are identical to those for the smooth interface

example given in this spreadsheet. When analyzing a smooth interface, n must first be
estimated and the program executed. After the program computes qulcrp and En/crn, n is
then re-evaluated by the user from figure 36. If n is sufficiently different from the value
that was estimated initially, the new value should be input and the spreadsheet program
executed again.

This spreadsheet assumes the geomateriai to be uniform in and below the socket. Both
base and shaft resistance can be included, or only shaft resistance can be considered. If
base resistance is included, it is understood that the bearing material is massive (not highly

An example spreadsheet for Category 3 IGM' s is presented showing formulas in table 19

and showing values for the Coweta County test in table 20.

Table 17. Formula sheet for Category I and 2 IGM's (smooth socket).

A B c D E F 0 H I J K
1 !Shaft: Dallas
-2 - ~ -- - I - t ----

'31Fonn" 1
w1 (mm) an (kPa) an lap Qu (kPa) A. qjap a t.. (kPa) Em(kPa) Err/an
- - -- - - -- -- -- - -- -- - - - - f- -
Ia twlae resistance (input) (input) Input) (input)
to be considered? iO..; - -- - :. 11 ~ =C611 01 1n L1- =(15- (06))/27 -E611 01 =((5 - 8.8*F6)*(G6)"F6)/G6 =H6*E6 ~~~AI'JU -J6/C6
- 1- - - ---- ~- - -
If tt Ia to be _ 1. ,::~::?::,;:.:::-; =C6 _ =C7/101 =E6 _ =(15- (07))/27 =E7/101 =((5 - 8 .8*F7)"(G7)"F7)/~7 _ =H7"EJ _ =J6 _ =J7/C7
considered, type 1 ~ - t::)::}:::::::::::; =C7 =C8/101 =E7 =(15- (08))/27 =E81101 =((5- 8.8*F8)"(G8)"F8)/G8 =H8*E8 =J7 =J8/C8
...... -
In the box below. 3 :):::::::::;:':::-~;: =C8

=(15 - (09))/27
. ~-- -
=E9/101 =((5 - 8.8*F9)*(G9)"F9)/G9
- --
=J8 =J9/C9
VI - - - -- .- - -- - 1-
\0 10 If not, type 0. 4 ::::-:::.::::::::=:::: =C9 =C10/101 =E9 =(15- (010))/27 =E101101 =((5 - 8.8*F10)*(G10)"F10)/G10 =H10"E10 =J9 =J10/C10
- - . . . - ~-- - - -r-- - - - -
11 ~ ...::;::::t::\:::: =C10 =C11 /101 =E10 =(15-(011))/27 =E11 /101 =((5 - 8.8*F11)*(G11 )"F11 )/G11 =H11"E11 =J10 =J11 /C11
- -- - . ~- 1- -- - ---
12 - . -- :::.:::::;:-{:::(~:.~ =C11 =C12/101 =E11 =(15 - (012))/27 =E12/101 =((5- 8.8*F12)*(G12)"F12)/G12 =H12*E1 2 =J11 =J12/C12
13 ](f =
' : : .: . '
. }:~:t:f:~::{ =C12 =C13/101 =E12 .;(15 - (013))127 =E1 3tfof =((5 - 8.8"F13)*(G13)"F13)/G13 ~-13*E13 - =J12 =J13/C13

, ',:~::::::::::::::::- . =C13
- -
- - ---
-- ---- -
=(15- (014))/27 =E14/101 =((5- 8.8*F14)*(G14)"F14)/G14 =H14"E14 =J13
-- - - - -. =J141C14
15 ~- ::'=-::::~='}':{{::..:. =C14 =C15/101
=E14- =(15-_______
- -
1-- - - - -
----- =J14 =J15/C15
16 ~<---~t??~}~:: ..- =C15
=C16/101 =E15
__.;._ -
=(15 - (016))/27 =E16/101 =((5 - 8.8*F16)"(G16)"F16)/G16 =H16*E16 =J15 =J16/C16
17 [::':';:::{::::::;:;:;:::~:: . =C16
=C17/101 =E16
- -- - --- f--- - - - - --
=(15 - (017))/27 =E17/101 =((5- 8.8"F17)"(G17)"F17)/G17 =H17*E17 =J16
-,-- - -
18 1~::':;::::::::.::::::::::::::::,::,. :_ =C17 =C18/101 =E17 ={15 -( 018))/27 =E181101 =((5 - 8.8"Fl 8)*(G18)"F18)iG1B =H18"EH~ =J17 =J18/C18
19 ~6<:::::_;:::::;:::::::{::;::( =C18
-- - -
-- - -- - - - -
=(15- (019))/27 =E19/101 =((5- 8.8*F19)*(G19)"F19)/G19 =H19*E19 =J18
- ~ ::'::::::?:?'?'' :'::;:;::::} =C19
--- - - - . r- - - - - -
=i1~- ('?20))/27 =E20/1~1 -t-=((5 - 8:..8"~20)*(~20)"F~)/G2_9 ~20"E20 :=J19
- -
21 ~- :::''':(''':':}:::-:;:::, =C20
=C21 /101 =E20 =(15 - (021 ))/27 =E21 /101 =((5 - 8.8*F21 )*(G21 )"F21 )/G21 =H21*E21 =J20 =J21 /C21
22 ;-")-::;:.:;:::';:>( .. =C21
-- -
- . --- -- - --r- - - - --
=(15- (022))/27 =E22/101 =((5- 8.8*F22)*(G22)"F22)/G22 =H22"E22 =J21 =J22JC22
23 -.:).:'>:'::~:.:-'. =C22 =C23/101 =E22
- - - - - -
=(15- (023))/27 =E23/101 =((5 - 8.8*F23)*(G23)"F23)/G23 =H23*E23 =J22
- f-- - - -- - -
Table 17. Formula sheet for Category 1 and 2 IGM's (smooth socket) (continued).
L M N 0 p Q R
I 1 ----
21 ---+

: I1o;39(in;!JJ)j (i~:~) (:!)_----~~--- E(~~~:~)

Eel Em Q

6 16.00. Jo.6r.:'::] =M6/N6 ~ ___ J=P6*1 ooooootJ6 1=1.14*(06)"0.5- o.o5*((06)"0.5- 1)*LOG1 0(06)- o.44
7 o:a9 . =M6 0.61 =M7/N7 46 =P7*1 OOOOOO/J7 =1.14*(07)"0.5- 0.05*((07)"0.5- 1)*LOG1 0(07)- 0.44
8 0,39

=M7 0.61 =M8/N8 46 =P8*1 OOOOOO/J8 =1 .1 4*(08)"0.5- 0.05*((08)"0.5- 1)*LOG1 0(08)- 0.44 I

9 0,~ =M8 0.61 =M9/N9 46 -r-=P9*1000000/J9 =1.14*(09)"0.5- 0.05*((09) 110.5- 1)*LOG10(09)- 0.44
0\ 10 10.39 =M9 0.61 !=M10/N10 46 . -t-=P10*1000000/J10 =1.14*(010)"0.5- 0.05*((010)"0.5- 1)*LOG10(010)- 0.44
11 0,39 =M1 0 0.61 =M11 /N11 46 =P11*1 OOOOOO/J 11 =1.14*(011 )"0.5- 0.05*((011 ) 110.5 - 1)*LOG1 0(011) - 0.44
12 Q;3~ :: =M11 0.61 =M12/N12 46 =P12*1 OOOOOO/J12 =1.14*(012)"0.5- 0.05*((012) 110.5- 1)*LOG1 0(012)- 0.44
13 0,~ =M12 0.61 =M13/N13 46 t;p13*1000000/J13 =1.14*(013)"0.5-0.05*((013) 110.5-1)*LOG10(013)-0.44 I

14 o;~: . .. =M13 0.61 =M14/N14 46 =P14*1000000/J14 =1 .14*(014)110.5-0.05*((014)110.5-1)*LOG10(014)-0.44

151()<~ .: . : =M14 0.61 =M15/N15 46 =P15*1000000/J15 =1.14*(015)110.5-0.05*((015)"0.5-1)*LOG10(015)-0.44
116 Q~i~K '\.: . :; =M15 0.61 =M16/N16 46 =P16*1000000/J16 =1 .14*(016)"0.5-0.05*((016)"0.5-1)*LOG10(016)-0.44 I
17 ~~}:'\\ =M16 0.61 =M17/N17 46 =P17*1000000/J17 =1.14*(017)"0.5- 0.05*((017)"0.5 -1)*LOG10(017)- 0.44
18l()~~t~:::)~::;:: =M17 0.61 =M18/N18 46 =P18*1000000/J18 =1.14*(018)"0.5- 0.05*((018)"0.5 -1)*LOG10(018)- 0.44
19 Q;W):('\t =M18 0.61 =M19/N19 46 =P19*1000000/J19 =1.14*(019}110.5- 0.05*((019)"0.5 -1)*LOG10(019)- 0.44
20 O.i~ :::.::.::::.:: =M19 0.61 =M20/N20 46 =P20*1 OOOOOO/J20 =1.14*(020)"0.5- 0.05*((020}110.5- 1)*LOG1 0(020) - 0.44
21 0~ .. =M20 0.61 =M21 /N21 46 =P21*1000000/J21 =1.14*(021)"0.5-0.05*((021)110.5-1)*LOG10(021)-0.44
22 1,~~ .: ... =M21 0.61 =M22/N22 46 =P22*1000000/J22 =1 .14*(022)110.5- 0.05*((022)"0.5- 1)*LOG10(022)- 0.44 I
23 0.39 . =M22 0.61 =M23/N23 46 =P23*1000000/J23 =1.14*(023)110.5-0.05*((023)110.5-1)*LOG10(023)-0.44
Table 17. Formula sheet for Category I and 2 IGM's (smooth socket) (continued).

s T u
1 - --
- --- . - . - - . - --- --- ... -- - ...
- - ------ ------. . - ---
- - --- - - .
- - - .. -- - - - - - --- ---
3 \

4 r e, K.
-- - --- -- - -- -- -- ------- - --- - -- - --- - - - - - - -- -

=0.37" (06)"0.5 - 0. 15"(06"0.~ - ! )"LOG10(Q6)+0.13

7 =0.37*(07) "0_5 - ? .15*(07"0.5- 1)LOG1 Oi_07)+0.13
=J6" R6* 86/(3.14159*M6*1 ooo S6*16)
- - - -- --------- - -
----- ---
- --
=L6 + ((T6-L6)"(1 -L6))/(T6-2"L6+1 )
=L7 + ((T7-L7)"(1 -L7))/(T7-2*L7+1 )
-- --- - -
I =0.37*(08)"0.5- 0.15*(08"0.5 -1)*LOG10(Q8)+0.13 =J8"R8" 88/(3.14159.M8*1 ooo S8*18) =L8 + ((T8-L8)"(1 -L8))/(T8-2*L8+1 )
...... -- --- -- -- -- =J9"R9.89/(3.14159*M9*1000*S9"19) ----- ~ - - -- -

0\ 8 =0 37"(09)"0.5 - 0. 15"(09"0. ~- 1)*LOG~0(09)+0.13 ,_ - ---- =L9 + ((T9-L9)*(1 -L9))/(T9-2"L9+1 )

...... 10 =0. 37* (0102"0 ~- 0. 15"(01~:5 -~ )"LOG10(Q1~)+0 . 13 =J1 O*R1 0*8 10/(3.14159"M1 0*1 OOO*S1 o11 0) =L10 + ((T10-L10)"(1 -L10))/(T10-2"L10+1 )
11 =0.37*(011 ) "0.5 - 0.15*(011 "0.5 -_1t LOG10(011 )+0.13 -=J11"R11*811 /(3.14159*M11*1000S11*111) - =L11 + ((T11 -l11)"(1-L11 ))/(T11-2"L11+1 )
12 =0.37"(012)"0.5- 0.15*(012"0.5 -1j"LOG10(_012)+0.13 =J12*R12"B121(3.14159*M12"1
-~! 59*M13~!000.S13*113)
=L12 + ((T12-l12)"(1-l12))/(T12-2*L12+1 )
13 =0.37"(01 ~-"0. 5- 0_: 15"(013"0.5- 1)"LOG10(013)+0. 1 ~ =J13*R13:B~ 3/(3 . 1_ =l13 + ((T13-l13)"(1 -~ 13))1('"13-2*L13+1 )
14 =0. ~7"(014)"0.5 - 0.15"(014"0.5 - 1)*LOG10(014)+0.13 =J14"R14*8141(3.14159*M14*1000*S14*114) ,___
=l14 + ((T14-l14)"(1-l14))/(T14-2"l14+1
- - )
16 =0.37"(015)"0.5- 0.15*(015"0.5- 1)*LOG10(Q15)+0.13 =J15*R15*815/(3.14159*M15*1000"S15*115) =l15 + ((T15-l15)*(1-L15))/(T15-2"l15+1)
-- - -- - - -
11 =0.37"(016)"0.5- 0.15*(016"0.5 - 12*LOG!O(Q16)+~~ =J16*R16*816/(3.14159*M16*1000*S16*116)
--- - =l16 + ((T16-l16)*(1 -L16))/(T16-2*L 16+1 )
17 =0.37"(017)"0.5 - 0.15*(017"0.5- 1)*LOG10(017)+0.13 =J17*R17*817/(3.14159*M17*1000*S17"117) =l17 + ((T17-L17)*(1 -L17))/(T17-2*L17+1l
- ---- - - -- -
18 =0.37.(018)"0.5- 0.15.(018"0.5 - 1)LOG10(Q18)+0.13 =J18*R18.818/(3.14159.M181 OOO*S18.118) =L18 + ((T18-L18)*(1-L 18))/(T18-2*L18+1)
-- -- --
18 =0.37*(019)"0.5- 0.15"(019"0.5 - 1)*LOG10(Q19)+0.13 =J19*R19.B19/(3.14159*M191ooos19.119) =l19 + ((T19-L19)*(1-l19))/(T19-2.L19+1)
- ------- - -- - -
20 =0.37*(020)"0.5- 0.15*(020"0.5 - 1)"LOG10(Q20)+0.13 =J20R20.820/(3.14159.M20.1000*S20"120) =L20 + ((T20-L20)* (1-l20))/(T20-2* L20+ 1)
- ---- -- -- -- - --- -
21 z0.37*(021 )"0.5_: 0.15*(021 "0.5 - 1)*LOG10(021)+0. 1~ =J21*R21*821/(3.14159*M21*1000*S21*121)
1- - - -
=L21 + ((T21-L21 )(1 -L21 ))/(T21 -2*l21 +1)

22 =0.37*(022)"0.5 - 0.15*(022"0.5 -1)"LOG10(Q22)+0.13 =J22R22*8221(3.14159*M22*1QOOS22*122) =L22 + ({T22-l22)"(1-L22))/(T22-2*L22+1)

- - __:._
23 =0.37*(023)"0.5- 0.15*(023"0.5- 1)LOG10(a23)+0.13 =J23*R23*8231(3.14159*M23*1000*S23*123) =l23 + ((T23-L23)*(1-l23))/(T23-2*l23+1)
Table 17. Formula sheet for Category 1 and 2 IGM's (smooth socket) (continued)
1 . - ... .. . - - .. - -- .. -- .. -- - - - . -- -
. . -- - - r --- - - - -- ... - - - ~ " . - - - -
4 /\A /\.8 numer /\.8 denom 1\. ab (kN)
- --- - . -- -- - - - - --- --- . --- --- - . -- -
6 =A 13*0.0134*J6*((06)/(06+1)) = 200*(((06)A0.5) -R6)*(1 +06) =3.14159*S6*M6 -V6*((W6/X6)A0.67) =(3.14159*N6*N6/4)*Y6*((86/1000)A0.67)
7 =A 13*0.0134~ J7*((07)/(07+1)) = 200*(((07)"0.5) -R7)*(1 +07) -- .. =3.14159*S7*M7 .- ;\jf*((W7ix7)A0.67) =(3.14159*N7*-N7l 4)*Y7*{(87/1 OOO)A0.67) -
8 =A13*0 0134*J8*((08)t(08+1)) - = 2oo<((08)ilo.5) -R8)*(1+08) =3.14159*S8*M8 =V8*((W8/X8)A0.67) =(3.141S9*N8*N8/4}*Y8*((88/1000)AQ.67) - -
........ ---- -- -- - -- - - -- -----t--'-
0\ 9 =A13*0.01~*J9*((0_ 9)/_
) _ = 200*(({09)A0.5) -R9):(1+09) =3.14159*S9*M9 =V9*((W9/X9)"0.6I! _ _ ~- (3_. 1~159*N9_*N_
89/1~ _)"0. 67)
N 10 =A 13*0.0134* J1 0*((010)/(010+1)) = 200*(((010)"0.5) -R10)*(1 +010) =3.14159*S10*M10 =V10*((W10/X10)"0.67) =(3.14159*N10*N1 0/4)*Y10*({81 011000)A0.67)
. - - ---- ---- - - - - f- - --- -- - - - -- -- -
11 =A13*0. 0134~ ~11_*((0! 1)/(011+1)) = 200_ *(((011 )"0._5) -R~ ~)*{!~011) =3 . 1~~59_
*5_11 ~~- 1_
1 ___ =V_1!_*_
((W_1 _
1~_1)"0.67) _=(3. 14159*N11*N1 _1 /4)*Y11*({8~ 1/1000)A0.67)
12 =A13*0.0134* J12*((012)/(012+1)) = 200*(((012)"0.5) -R12)*(1 +012) =3.14159*S12*M12 =V12*((W12/X12)"0.67) =(3.14159*N12*N12/4)*Y12*((812/1000)"0.67)
- - ---- ----- --- - - - - .. - ~ --~--- ---- ------------ - -----
13 =A 13*0.0134* J13*((013)/(013+1)) = 200*(((013)"0.5) -R13)*(1 +013) =3.14159*S13*M13 =V13*((W13/X13)"0.67) =(3.14159*N13*N13/4)*Y13*((813/1000)A0.67)
- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - ---- -----
----~--- . - - ---- - --- -- -
14 =A13*0.0134* J14*((014)/(014+1)) = 200*(((014)A0.5) -R14)*(1 +014) =3.14159*S14*M14 =V14*({W14/X14)"0.67) =(3.14159*N14*N14/4)*Y14*((81411000)A0.67)
- - -- -- -
15 =A13*0. 0134*J15*((015)!1~15+1)!
-- - - - - ..
=:_ 200*(((015)"Q.5) -R15)*(1+015) =3.14159*S15*M15
- - - - - --
=V15*((W15/X15t0.67)_ =(3. 14159*N1~~N15/4}*Y15*((81511000)A0. 67) j

16 =A13*0. 0134~ J_1~*(t016)/(~!~~112_ _ = 200*({t~16)"Q. 5) -R~6)*(1+016) =3.14159*S16*M16 =V16*((W16/X1~)"0. 67)__ =(3. 14159*~16~~~6~~tY16*((81611000)"0.67) .. j
17 =A13*0.0134*J17*((017)/(017+1)) = 200*(((017)"0.5) -R17)*(1+017) =3.14159*S17*M17 =V17*((W17/X17)"0.67) =(3.14159*N17*N17/4)*Y17*((81711000)A0.67) I

- - ---- --------- --- - - - - ---- ------ -- - - - - .. - . - - - - -1

18 =A13*0.0134*J18*((018)/(018+1)) = 200*(((018)"0.5) -R18)*(1+018) =3.14159*S18*M18 =V18*((W18/X18)"0.67) =(3.14159*N18*N18/4)*Y18*((818/1000)A0.67) .
~+-:-- ------- -- - -- - -- -------- -1
19 =A 13*0.0134* J19*((019)/(019+1)) = 200*(((019)"0.5) -R19)*(1 +019) =3.14159*S19*M19 =V19*((W19/X19)"0.67) =(3.14159*N19*N19/4)*Y19*({81911000)A0.67)
- ------ ....... ------- -- - - -- --- -- <

20 =A 13*0.0134* J20*((020)/(020+1)) = 200*(((020)"0.5) -R20t(1 +020) =3.14159*S20*M20 =V20*((W20/X20)"0.67) =(3.14159*N20*N20/4)*Y20*((820/1 OOO)A0.67)

21 =A13*0-:"0134J2F((021}t(021+1)) = 200(((021)"0.5) -R21)*(1 +021)" =3.14159*S21*M21 =V21*((W21ix21 )A0.67) r;(3.14i59*i,f21*N2114)*Y21*((B211100o)"0.6J)
- - - - - ~ ' -- -- - - -- -- -- <

22 =A 13*0.0134* J22*((022)/(022+1)) = 200*(((022)A0.5) -R22)*(1 +022} =3.14159s22M22 =V22*((W22/X22)"0.67) =(3.14159*N22.N22/4)*Y22*((822/1 OOO)A0.67) .

23 =A130.0134*J23*((023J1023+1}) = 200*(((02~A0.5l-R2J_IT1+02~ =3.14159*S23*M23 =V23*((W23/X23)"0:67) =(3.14159*N23*N23i4}*Y23*((82311000}A().67)
Table 17. Formula sheet for Category I and 2 IGM's (smooth socket) (continued).
a. o + ab (kN) w1 (mm)
-46 Q,K + Qb (kN)
I=86 I From Col. AA

=3 . 14159*N~"M6*T6"16 +Z6 =3.14159*N6"M6*16"U6 + Z6 371 .6008924569 since e , < n
=3.14159*N7"M7"T7"17 +Z7 =3.14159*N7"M7*17"U7 + Z7
--- i43.2o1784913799 -- T=87-- - From Col. AB
=3.14159*N8*M8*T8*18 +Z8
=3.14159"N8*M8*18*U8 + Z8 1142.3100So40754 =Be - I --- - since e , > n - - --
...... - -- - - ---- - -
9 I=3.14159*N9"M9"T9"19 +Z9 =3.14159*N9"M9*19"U9 + Z9 1308 31872444742 =89
w -
10 I=3.14159*N10"M10*T10*110 +Z10
- -- -
=3 14159"N10"M10"110"U10 + Z10 1399.10661763134 1=810
- - - -

=3 . 14159"N11*M11_"T11"11! ~Z11 =3.14159*N11*M11"111*U11 + Z11 1456.35584415124 =811
=3.14159*N12*M12*T12"112 +Z12
-- -- - - --
=3.14159*N12"M12"112"U12 + Z12
--- -- - -- -
- .
-.. - -- --
--- ---
13 =314159"N13"M13"T13"113 +Z13 =3.14159"N13"M13*113"U13 + Z13 =813
- --
. _ =3 14159*N14"M14"T14"114 +Z14
- -- -
=3.14159*N14"M14*114"U14 + Z14 =814
t-fa1=3.14159"N15"M15"T15"115 +Z15
-- --- - -
=3.14159"N15"M15*115*U15 + Z15
- =815
- - -
16)=3.14159"!'l16"M16"T16*116 +Z16 =3.14159"N16*M16"116*U16 + Z16 =816
- --- -
171=3.14159"N17"M17*T17*117 +Z17 =3.14159"N17*M17*117*U17 + Z17 =817
-181=3.14159"N18"M18"T18*118 +Z18 =3.14159*N18*M18*118*U18 + Z18 1614.13685854931 =818
-1_9J=3.14159*N19"M19"T19"119 +Z19
- . -~-

=3.14159"N19*M19*119*U19 + Z19
- - -
1625.70176055484 =819
2ol=3.14159"N20"M20*T20"120 +Z20
---- - - --
=3.14159*N20"M20"120*U20 + Z20
1642.03332110791 =820
- =3.14159*N21*M21*T21*121 +Z21
- -- -
=3.14159*N21*M21"121"U21 + Z21
--- - - =821
- - - -1--- - - - - - - -
=3.14159*N22"M22*T22"122 +Z22 =3.14159*N22"M22"122*U22 + Z22 =822
- - -- -
23 =3.14159*N23"M23"T23"123 +Z23
-- -- ----
=3.14159"N23*M23*123*U23 + Z23 1655.21826810206 1=823

Table 18. Values sheet for Category 1 and 2 IGM's (Dallas test).

A 8 c D E F I 0 I H I J K L M N 0 p Q R s
1 !Shaft: Dallas
I I -+---.- + +-- .. - - ~-

3 !Values

4 W1 (mm) On (kPa) on /op qu (kPa) A. qJop a t (kPa) Em(kPa) Em/on n l (m) D(m) UD Ec (GPa) EJEm I 0 I r
- - -
6 Is base resistance (In ....
- -- -
- -
(In )ut)
(In ~ut)
-(input) (input) (input)
- .
(in !)ut)
... - --- -
--::-- . . "' . .. . .,:tl:
.,,,.,:LS:-:::;:' ... 3~r-: : .: 137
. ... __ . ""': :n. o"'...'=
- 7.03 0.21
150.45 ..==~2~:!ilti
. -1681 .16 :. ~=~<if:. "....: ,,~Otf'... .')O..-i~=::
. .. .998
:.. 4~J>
, . 19828
. 291
. 055
7 If It is to be :,:,:' ' :::=:-:: 138 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.55
-- -~ --- - - - - - - - - r
8 considered, type. 1- .::::~.;::-:::.=~ i())! 138 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000- 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0. 198.28 2.91 0.55 1

t In the box below.
~ - -
10 lfnot,typeO.
- .
o::- 'S ): :

:(::'.t4 }}:::,:
;:.=:-: -~_ ,::
. ..
. ---.

- r- - - - ---.
7.03 0.21
7.03 0.21
7.03 0.21
150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98
- - - - - - - - r-
150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98
--- -- -
150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98
. --
. --f-

--- -,~
198.28 2.91 0.55
- -
198.28 2.91 0.55
-f-- -
198.28 2.91 0.55

(12 - -- - . :::::::~:}:ff~:\).' . 138 - f- 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 1So.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 1- 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.55
1 13 :_;:::::;::-::):. o::::::;:c:~?~:;;:::: ;:(':' '1 :?':;: 138 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 - 232000 .1681 .f6 r-- o.39 6 :09 0.61 9.98 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.55
---- r- ---- - - - - - - -----:- - - - + - - - - - -
14 -::::::;{:~:~&, ~{{;~:: 138 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.55
-- -- - ---
------- --- - ,:::);:::JJ:.}t. -- ---- - 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98
. . -~ . -- - - 46.0
- - -
198.28 2.91 0.55
18 ~:\}~:'.10?:-:::: 138 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.55
--- -- - - . - - -- r . - :- - - - --- - - -
17 .:::,;;::12:::=: ,:. 138 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.55
1 18 --------- ;::{;~;:;::.. :-.;:;:{:; - 138 - 1.37 - -710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0- 198.28 2.91 0.55 1
- -- -- . - f- - - - - r -
11 ::t)1't\ 138 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.55
----- ... - .. -- . ---- - -- - ---- .._. ----- -- - - - -- - -- --- .. - -- . -
20 {:\ j; .t :;:)) 138 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.55
... -- -. . . - - ...... . ... ... -- --- -- - - --- - --- - ------!--- -- -- ~ -- - f- --- 1--- - --
21 .::::~:} .:::::::: 138 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.55
~ --- ---- --. - - . -- ----r- - - - --- -- - - - ---- .- - --- - -
22 . - - -- - - - -- ::::~:~:~:~:~: . :~:~:~::=~-:: 1~ - 1.37 . 710 - 0.50 7.03 0.21 1~.45 232000 1681 .16 - 0.39 . 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.551
23 ::'-{ ..: t~:~.' 138 1.37 710 0.50 7.03 0.21 150.45 232000 1681 .16 0.39 6.09 0.61 9.98 46.0 198.28 2.91 0.55
Table 18. Values sheet for Category 1 and 2 IGM's (Dallas test) (continued).
T u v w X y z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG
-- 1- 0 c- -- --

3 Values to be graphed
4 e, K. - - AA :\B numer AB denom A ab (kN) aso + Ob (kN) asK+ ab (kN) at (kN) Wt (mm)
- -I- - 1- -
5 0 0 From Col. AA
6 0.21 0.14 0.00 539.76 10.62 0.00 0.00 371 .60 242.18 371.60
- 0.50
since e,< n
~ -
1- - --- -- -- - - ------
7 042 0.42 000 53976 10.62 - 000 0.00 743.20 740.18 740.18 100 From Col AB
1 - - 1- - - - -
...... 8 0.85 0.65 0.00 539.76 10.62 0.00 0.00 1486.40 1143.27 1143.27 2.00 since e,> n
0\ 9 1 27 075 000 539 76 - 10.62 000 0.00 2229 61 1317.32 1317.32
- 3.00 - -
10 1.69 0.81 - 0.00- 1- 539.76 1- 10.62
0.00 O.oo - - -
2972.81 1414.35 1414.35
4.00 .
- - -- I- - -
11 2.12 0.84 0.00
539.76 10.62 - 0.00 0.00 3716 01 1476.22 1476.22 500
- - - -
___ ,
12 2.54 0.87 0.00 539.76 10.62 0.00 0.00 4459.21 1519.12 1519.12 6.00 .
13 2.96 0.88 000
53976 -
- -
10.62 -
000 0.00 -
5202.41 1550.60 1550.60 f-- 700
-I-- I-- - - - - - - - -1- - r-
14 3.39 0.90 0.00 539.76 10.62 0.00 0.00 5945.61 1574.70 1574.70 8.00 .
16 3.81 - 0.91 1- 0.00 539.76 10.62 0.00 0.00 -
6688.82 1593.73 1593.73 1- 9.00
16 4.23 1- 0.92 . 1- 0.00 539.76
10.62 -
0.00 0.00 -
-- -
1609.14 1609.14 10.00
- I-- - - - - - - -
17 5.08 0.93 0.00 539.76 10.62 0.00 0.00 8918.42 1632.58 1632.58 12.00
000- -
18 593 0.94 539.76 10.62 0.00 000 10404.82 1649.57 1649.57 14.00
- -
19 6.77 - 0.95 0.00 539.76 - -
10.62 0.00 '- 0.00 11891 .23 1662.44 1662.44 - 16.00 -
-- f-
20 8 47 0.96 0.00 539.76 10.62 000 0.00 14864.04 1680.65 1680.65 20.00
21 9.31 0.96 0.00 539.76 10.62 0.00 0.00 16350.44 1687.33 1687.33 t- 22.00
22 10 16 096 0.00
10.62 - 0.00
0.00 1-- 17836.84
- 1692.92
-- ---
- - -
25.00 -
c..... .
10.58 0.97 0.00 539.76
10.62 0.00 0.00 18580.04 1695.39 1695.39 -----

Table 19. Formulas sheet for Category 3 IGM's.
A B c D E F G

1 IShft:
-3 -
Formulas Note: v is 0.3.
-4 --- -- - - - - + - -

Bearing _pepth interval ~umbe! [ Depth input number [ _Depth Jm) N {~/0. 3 ml [ a '2 (kPa) a'vo (kPa)
-56 be Considered?
-7 -
Enter 1 in the box 1 (top of socket) 1:$~l6.:ff?=::::::;.,,_ :$.(f ==:=J =:~:,,::.:f:}~-::;:,': ,,, ,:~::: ::,.,:,.:<.~f =0.2*E7*101 .4
-8 - -
below if end bearing
- ~-

1(depth 1 to depth 2) 2 - -- 1:S.47' : : :=;: :=:= re.e: .;::./t:::.: .,,.:,::,,::.:.::?::<,:=.==:::.:;:::;::,:,:; =0.2*E8~01 4

is to be considered 2 (depth 2 to depth 3) 3 - --- - - - 1-6~18.:=::::{,,;:;:::.., .'1.'$/ .t=~i:;\.:::=::':>:'-'=::::';:,,:.;:~:)}:::i:::=:\.::'::\, =o.2e91C)1.4
or 0 If it Is to be 3 (-dept-h 3 to d-epth 4)- 4- - - - 11t'71\Q _..:_= :r;~A -._..,,,,,,. _...., =:::==:_ =:,,.,,_,,..,,..,_,.,_ . ,:::::: =0- 2*E1_0_; 101 4 .... . . . .. .,
- - - -- - -
4 (depth 4 to depth 5)
- 5
- -
- ~ -~~ ~~ ... . -.-. .- ., - ._ ..,., - - -- . - -- '-

17-;3.8 ' :':- .,.,.,., 100 .,:,,... = :=:.-:==:'' = ...... ::: =0

- 2*E11*101
- -
4 1J7. 52

...-.,,., .......,. , ,_,

..... .

11 ~eglected. _ _ __
- 5 (depth-S to -de-pth 6-) - 6 - ----- - - - ~'1:::~~ ;':~:;:~;;;: : ;~- :,.;:: :;:':;,,:_ :'::::;;; . :.::':;::.':: ' ::\.::':: ; =o-.2*E1-2*101 .4 ~~~ - ;:x:~:;~:::
:';;::;:';' ::-~::::;::::
~; ~-~: :
!! (input) ':f +'I :::.:::'::-' l~ :::::::::.::)::::::::::.~.-.:: --:.~.: :::. - . .

VU ~

1 S(depth 6 to depth 7} i - -- 1J,~ ;:::;::}: :too :,,.,{:.:,. :-:\'::>=::::::ff'>.::-::::::::: =0.2*E13*1o1 .4 ::~

14 1'1i8:itt =.::::::":: :.,) .,:_.:/:]
-16 - S (depthatodepth-9) - 9 ---------- t8.6t:,.::. 1QO ::::.-::::-:: :.,.:._::: ...:: .......:::::::::: =02*E15*W14 :'9855 ,.,_,_:::;: .,_.,:
-16 -9--(d _t_h 9- to depth 10)
- ep 10 - - - -- - -- -~---~'f'4
:,.,::.::: ::: == =~~ ., ,.,:; ;:;.;;:;.,::;;:,: :: :., ; :>.-:::-.:..,:,..:. _,,. , :.:,;.:,:;:..::: : =-0-2* E161- 01 .4 ~rt~~.., _;.,_ :;::;,;:_,,.,:::.::..::.;.::.
0'1 17 11
--- ----- - - - - --- --
1! (bottom of soc~et) 1:9..12 ::::. 100 ":::\: -~:=~:::-;==-:,:
!~dept!' 10 to ~epth ~!2
:-t:YV . :-::::: .....-::..,.. :-..- .. .... ...
.=:, .;::: =0.2*E17*101.4 .__. ~

-= - ... ::.
.fii.YJ -t~:J. -~.:.:.:..- .:-.:-

0'1 " 11
- - .. T. .. -~

:~~i~-,,:,:.:::.==:.:::-~::'' J_QQ, :,}:::::::-:::.:;..::::. ;::.:;::::._;:. ,,.:;..:;:'::.-;::=:..::::::;,:;::;:: =0.2.E18*101 .4 w;::~-::=::: : :v+?'=

; " t 1

18 ~-------+...-12...,(~1be.,.lo-w~s-oc.,.k.. et.._..),...~ l=?\.=l=:<:::::

19 ~
a. (kN)
-21 ---- ~ ----- -1
- --
0 (m}
--+-~ ----

---- (kPa)
_ _ _ ___ t:.

factor I :
-22 tneut!
Ec (kPa) (input) =
-23 1 (depth -1to depth 2) O~$f$ )(::. ::ft}. =K8 =3.14159*C23*D23*(D8-D7) E.., (kPa) =
-24 - ---- - -- -- ~ - -

~ -- - - -- - - -
2 (depth 2 to depth 3)
3J.depth ~to ~h 4)
-- --
=K1 0 _ _
=3.14159.C24.D24*(09- DS
=:3.14159.C25*D25* n1o..nn

26 4 (depth~ to de_pth ~~ :K1 ~ :3 . 141~~ ~~~ ~26(D1 ~-D1~1 ). =

-27 =C25 . ___

I -- I - - - - - -- -
tdept'!_ ~ to ~_pt~~ . =~ 26 _ _ _ _
_ ~ tde~h 6..!_o_depth 7L_ =CJ.]_ __ ______
=K13 ___
. =3 ~~ 4159~C27*D27*(D12-D!!}
=3.14159.C28*D28*(D1_3-D1 -
- --- ~L-
s-:: --
7_{de_Eth ? to_5t~pth 8) ~14159*C29*D29*(Q14-D~
-2930 ~(depth 8 to_dep!h 9)
=C28 ___ ___ _=K14 t-' -
-31 9(depth9todepth10) =C30 _
: C29 _ =K15 _____
=3.14159*C30*D30*(D15-01 q
A= _
---- 8 =
I I - - -- - - - - 1
32 10 (depth 10 to depth_!!l =C31 =K17 =3.14159*C32*D32*lD17-D1 -
-33 C=
-34 Sh~!t -~eslstnce: D.---
- . .. _ lkN\
, --- .. , = I =SLJMlE23F3?\ E=
-35 ~ ------ -- --- 1
D.--- lkN\: l :tlfr.?3A?\*3 1.41~Q\/.4\*M18
- - -- - ---------...,-------- -- I - -- , , ,,, , , , _
- -----, _j

Table 19. Formulas sheet for Category 3 IGM's (continued) .
2 .
- OCR +' (degrees) Ko
7 =F7/G7 =ATAN((E7/(12.2+20.3*(G7/1 01 .4)))"0.34)*57.3 =(1-SI N(I7/57.3)YH7"(SIN(I7/57.3))
8 =F8/G8 =ATAN((E8/(12.2+20.3*(G8/1 01 .4)))"0.34Y57.3 =(1-SI N(I8/57.3))*H8"(SIN(I8/57 .3))
9 =F9/G9 =ATAN((E9/(12.2+20.3*(G9/1 01.4)))"0.34)*57.3 =(1-SIN(I9/57.3)tH9"(SIN(I9/57.3))
10 =F10/G10 =ATAN((E1 0/(12.2+20.3*(G1 0/1 01.4)))"0.34)*57.3 =(1-SIN{I1 0/57.3))*H1 0"(SIN(I1 0/57.3))
11 =F11/G11
- =ATAN((E11/(12.2+20.3*(G11/1 01.4)))"0.34)*57.3 =(1-SIN(I11/57.3))*H11 "(SIN{I11157.3))
12 =F12/G12 =ATAN((E12/(12.2+20.3*(G12/1 01.4)))"0.34)*57.3 =(1-SIN(I12/57.3))*H12"(SIN(I12/57.3))
13 =F13/G 13 =ATAN((E13/(12.2+20.3*(G13/1 01.4)))"0.34)*57.3
14 =F14/G14 =ATAN((E14/(12.2+20.3*(G14/101.4)))"0.34)*57.3 =(1-SIN(I14/57.3))*H14"(SIN(I14/57.3))
15 =F15/G15 =ATAN((E15/(12.2+20.3*(G15/1 01 .4)))"0.34)*57.3 =(1-SIN(I15/57.3))*H15"(SIN(I15/57.3))

- =ATAN((E 16/(12.2+20.3*(G16/1 01.4)))"0.34)*57 .3
=ATAN((E17/(12.2+20.3*(G17/1 01.4)))"0.34)*57.3
=ATAN((E18/(12.2+20.3*(G18/1 01.4)))"0.34)*57.3
=(1-SINJ118/57. :m_*H18~SINjl18/57. :m_

20 load-Settlement Relation:
22 347000 . .~~~:~~~:~~~-:~;;~~i.:~;~~~t~j~:~;~~;;~~~~:;~;:~~;t::~;;~~t;~~:::;~~t~~:;~~:~~~:~~~t:;~;:~t:~:~~~:;~~:~~~t:~;~:i;~:~;~:;~~:t~~~:~~~:~~;:~l;:~i~:t~;~ ,:;:~: ~(kN) w,(mm)
23 =(N7+N17)/2 0 0
24 =N17 =E34/(1-((H36* A 17)/((H27*COSH(H29))*0.7*1 .3))) =(124*H36/((H24)*C23))*1 000
26 =E36 =J24+1 000*(125-124L{_1 .3*0.7)ill_H24/H27l*C231
26 =2*(1 +0.3)*(H22/H24) =125 =25 + J25
27 2.5
28 =LN((0.25+(2.5*(H23/H24)1_1-0.31- 0.25l*H27_IT2*(017-07)/C23))
29 =(2*((2/(H26*H28)}"0.5t ((017-D7~/C23~~
30 5.2
31 1
32 =8*(TANH(H29))*(017-D~/(3.1416*H26*(1-0. 3)*H27*H29*C23)
33 =4/((1-0.3)*H27)
34 =(4*3.14159*(H23/(H24))*(TANH(H29))*(017-07))/(H28*H29*C23)
36 =H30*(H31 +H32)/(H33+H34)
Table 19. Formulas sheet for Category 3 IGM's (continued).
3 -- . -
5 fmax (kPa) sja'vo qb u11 (kPa) Es (kPa)
7 =0.23*H7"0.8 =22*101.4*(E7)"0.82
8 =((G7 +G8)/2)* ((J7 +J8)/2)*TAN(((I7+18)/2)/57.3) =0.23*H8"0.8 =22*1 01.4*(E8)"0.82
9 =((G8+G9)/2)*((J8+J9)/2)*TAN(((18+19)/2)/57.3) =0.23*H9"0.8 =22*101.4*(E9)"0.82
10 =((G9+G1 0)/2)*((J9+J1 0)/2)*TAN(((I9+11 0)/2)/57.3) =0.23*H10"0.8 =22*1 01.4*(E1 0)"0.82
11 =((G1 O+G11 )/2)*((J1 O+J11 )/2)*TAN(((I1 0+111 )/2)/57.3) =0.23*H11"0.8 =22*1 01 .4*(E11 )"0.82
12 =((G11 +G12)/2)*((J11 +J12)/2)*TAN(((I11 +112)/2)/57.3) =0.23*H12"0.8 =22*101 .4*(E12)"0.82
13 =((G12+G13)/2)*((J12+J13)/2)*TAN(((I12+113)/2)/57.3) =0.23*H13"0.8 =22*1 01.4*(E13)"0.82
14 =((G13+G14)/2)*((J13+J14)/2)*TAN(((I13+114)/2)/57.3) =0.23*H14"0.8 =22*1 01 .4*(E 14)"0.82
15 =((G14+G15)/2)*((J14+J15)/2)*TAN(((I14+115)/2)/57.3) =0.23*H15"0.8 =22*1 01.4*(E15)"0.82
..... 16 =((G15+G16)/2)*((J15+J16)/2)*TAN(((I15+116)/2)/57.3) =0.23*H16"0.8 =22*101.4*(E16)"0.82
00 17 =((G16+G17)/2)*((J16+J17)/2)*TAN(((I16+117)/2)/57.3) =0.23*H17"0.8 =22*101.4*(E17)"0.82-
18 =({G17+G18J12)*{(J17+J18)/2)*TAN(({I17+118)/2)/57.3) =0.23*H18"0.8 =l18*G18*9.33*A 17 =22*101.4*(E18)"0.82
26 -
28 -
31 - -
32 .
36 --- ------ - -
Table 20. Values sheet for Category 3 IGM's (Coweta County test).
A B c 0 E F G H
1 1Shaft_: _ _ I Coweta Coun_.
3 Note: v is 0.3
l 5 End Bearing --1- Depth interval number OCR
6 to be Considered?
. th e box
7 E n t er 1 1n 1 (t op of socket) ....... "tv~
>:''}} -~16 """ ..........
' ::;':::;: ':'::::::::=:::::: ~~
~ ..........
'::':t-:::-::: 1216 .80 ............1.,~
:::=-:::t::.,:,.: h~;'-"
.., ' ... .
~::':-:=: 6.90
8 below- if end bearing 1 (depth 1 to depth 2) 2 ;:.: . ::'16.47 ;: ::.,. 68 '\f::.::: 1379.04 >::''::-{ 17~3 ~:;::~:::;: 7.69
9 s to be cons'1dered 2 (depth 2 to depth 3) 3 :::::::::::4 <~>
;-::::J :~::::::,.
\7~10:(5> .;. .:::
:::;::.:::::::::: It'<~>
:N:::::: ''::::::::::::
J "'l~::::: 1541 .28 ::::~~:::: '>
:.:- - * ~A'.t~;J
t>~: l!'>~ .... . ;:,::::::
::-;. 8 47
10 or 0 if it is to be 3 (depth 3 to depth 4) 4 ::~ :::''17.08{?' ;::'}~:'{:'.
90 .,.,,::::::;::::: 1825.20 ;:~\~:~:}'':: 164; &: t::::::: 9.88
11 neglected.
4(depth4todepth5) - 5 :(:;::,.17.3~-:,., . ::tf) 100 .:':t}f . 2028.00 ':::.. 1S7.~ 7::t~- 10.81
12 (input) 5 (depth 5 to depth 6) 6 :?H~}'l'U39.'??:= :::::~{):{40(h}:t::J: 2028.00 :::.::::{\::::f9Q~~~::.::::-::tt 10.66
13 6 (depth 6 to depth 7) 7 ( : 17.$9 : : : :g::}::~c 100: ::}::;::::: 2028.00 ';}{:;: 19a04 )::~-:: 10.51
14 -- -- 7 (depth 7 to depth 8) -a -: :,. :;::., .,t$.l :::..:.:....._.:,;: :;: :,...1...,:::::::=.:::-::: 2028.00 ::::::::(t........1~$:.S . ::.:):: 10.36
::?(''''1 8,6'f'':t''' ., ,.':': : : to<r'ttt~:: :~:':}:::::::' 196;55 ;::f::: 1
15 8 (depth 8 to depth 9) 9 2028.00 10.21

17 ,,..-. :;, ....:;......-.~~---
- 18
;"' ,.,,,.:~-=
....:.; "'~ :,.:;:.:::::::>::::::::.::;.,:
--:-:--~----- ..:-:-~
9(depth9todepth 10) 10
10 (depth 10 to depth 11) 11 (bottom of socket)
12 '\Ibelow socket'
,.:: 16.92:"::
4 3".
:::. . 19......... .
:,::;:::::;: 100.,_,..,::::-::
....:-. :_J .~-~~-,-:.- :::-::::::.:;:.:;:.:,:4:1!'h ;:.,;:.:;:.:::-:;:
--. -:.::~ 'J.t;,t:\1 -,...---

:';:..:;,..: . . 100 .:.:,::,:

2028 00
2028 . 00
201 ,~j
' nf:\;.t:."7
- -,...- . -~v--t",\:1. .

..... 2~ ~\lV-'s
. . ..
.. ...
9 . 94
9 . 81 -J1
Depth interval number
-- - -fma~ (k- , Influence
factor I :
23 1 (depth 1 to depth 2) r~:=:~:tr .,::~.915 ){{:~.t: 221 .49 197.37
Ec (kPa) (input)
Earn (kPa) =
= I . . . ....

-24 2 (depth 2 to depth 3) 0.915 246.12 219.32

l - --
Est (kPa) =- - + - -
25 3 (depth 3 to depth 4) 0.915 _ 279.21 240.78 _
26 4 (depth 4 to depth 5) 0.915 315.82 272.35 . A.= 926.49
5 (depth 5 to depth 6) 0.915 331 .55 - 295.45 ~;
6 (depth 6 to depth 7) 0.915 332.20 286.48 I
296 . ~ _! J.LL =
-2930 7 (depth 7 to depth 8)
8 (depth 8 to depth 9)
333.48 _ 297.17 _, A=
-31 9(depth9todepth10) 0.915 . 334.11 297.73 B=
-- 1.00
-32 10(depth10todepth11) 0.915 334.74 288.67
. _ _ C=
-33 D= 2.29
-34 Shaft Resistance: Os max V"'~l - 2691 .93 E= 11 .19

-35 Ob max (kN) = 1812.62

36 = 4504.55 I= 0.39
Table 20. Values sheet for Category 3 lGM' s (Coweta County test) (continued).

1 . - . . - - - - -------- -- -- -- - - - ~-
--- -- -
2 . - . - .. ----- . -- - --- ------- .. -... ~
-~--- -- --- - f-- - - - - -
3 - . . -. - - - -------- --- -~
-- - ... -- ~ -- . - -
5 ~ (degrees) .K.. fmax (kPa) sja'vo
- -- -
qb,. (kPa) E. (kPa)
7 47.27
- .... ----1.10
.- .. -- 1.08 64053.76
- -
48.37 1.16
221 .49
- - - -- - - --- - --- ..

-. . - -
9 49.33 1.22 246.12. 1.27 m54.90 .
10 50.85 1.33 279.21
- 1.44 - - -- - .. . --
- - - -- - - - --- - ---- - - - - -- -
-- -~----- -- --
11 51 .74 1.39
---- 315.82
--- -- ---- 1.55 97377.95
-- ~- -- ----~ - ---. -- - ~- ---- - ---- --~-- ~ r -- -
12 51 .64 1.38 331 .55 1.53 97377.95
----- - . ------ - -------. - -- -- ... -- ----
- - - ----- - -- "
97377.95 - -
13 51 .53 1.37 332.20 1.51
. - ---- --- - -- - - - - -- ----- -
r- - - - - -
14 51 .43 1.36 332.84 1.49 97377.95
-- -- ----- - - - -- -- -- ---- -- -
- - - --- -- ----
15 51 .33 1.35
--333.48 1.48 97377.95 -
-- -- -- -- --- ------- - -- -- -- --
- .. - -- - .. - ---
16 51 .23 1.33 334.11 1.46 r - 97377.95 -
51 .13
- - - --
- - ----- -
- - ---- ...... -- - - ----- -- - .
-- 97377.95 -
-. -
51 .03
- - ---
--- ----
- --------- ---------- ....- . . .
19 . . - - --- -- --- --.. - - ...... . - --- --- -- --- - 4

20 Load-Settlement Relation:
-- - --- - - - - - -- . ---' - - - . .. .
- - ---- - ~

--- --- ----- ------- ------- -- --- --

22 Q. (kN) w1 (mm) __ ., -- .
--- ----- ---- .. --- -- - ------- .. .

23 0.00 0.00
- - - -- - - -- ---- ------- -- ---- - ---- ----- ---
24 3234.71 14.08
-- -----
- - --
----- - -------- -- -- ----- -
. --
-- --
71 .50
-- ---- - ----- -- ------ - ------ -
.. . - -
- - --- - . - - -- - - - - . - --- ----- - .. - - ---- ------ - - ~-

28 ,__
-. I- . - - - -- 1-- -- - - --------- - ..... -~

- - -
- - . . - - --- ---- .. - - --
-~--- --- -- -- - - - - ---- ---- - - - .... -~

- - -- -----
~- - - - - ---- ---. - . - --- ------- -- -- - -- - ~

-- --- - - - ---- - -- - -------- - ~-

- - - - - -- .. - --- --- -~ - _ , - - -- --~--~

-- - -- - - -- ---- ...... ---- ----- ---------

-~- - - --1

- - - - - - - ---- - - ------ - - -- - ----
- - --- - -- - - .. - -- . - - ... ----- - - -- --- - - ---- - ---- .....:
' -~

~ ----~~-- - ---_r_ --- - - - - -



Plug tests, or pullout tests on short, small-diameter columns of concrete, potentially offer
a direct and economical means of measuring the maximum unit side resistance for drilled
shafts in the stratum in which the plug test is conducted. The low cost of such tests,
compared with the cost of conducting a loading test on a full-scale drilled shaft, is small,
which should allow plug tests to be used at many points on a construction site to assess
the variability of side resistance across the site.

Plug tests were conducted or attempted at four of the test sites described in chapters 5 and
6, at which drilled shaft loading tests were conducted and actual unit side resistances were
measured, and at other sites in Florida. Detailed documentation of these tests is given in a
series of reports and papers by research personnel at the University of Florida, references
40 through 44, and a short summary of the test results is given in this chapter.


A schematic of a typical plug test is shown in figure 84. Concrete pressure and borehole
roughness similitude must be achieved as closely as possible in the plug test. The cored
hole is presumed to represent the borehole for a drilled shaft, and the use of nonshrink
grout is an attempt to create normal pressures against the hole wall that would be similar
to those that would develop if a full head of concrete were available. The diameter is
much smaller than that of a drilled shaft, but the presumption is made that scale effects are
minor. This is probably an accurate assumption for IGM-concrete interfaces that do not
dilate and where shearing failure occurs through the roots of the IGM asperities. The plug
is tested in pullout, normally within a day of placing the grout. The rate for applying the
load is similar to that for the standard pile quick loading test. Ten percent of the estimated
resistance is applied every 2 to 5 minutes until failure occurs. The maximum side
resistance fmax is the maximum load measured on the jack, minus the weight of the loading
rod and plug, divided by the perimeter area of the plug.

The plug is installed by lowering the rebar cage and loading the rod into the cored
borehole along with the fluid grout contained in a tubular sheath that is sealed against a
base plug. The sheath is then lifted, allowing the grout to flow out and occupy the
borehole, displacing any groundwater or drilling fluid upward. The height of the plug is
then measured, and the grout is allowed to set prior to testing.


Results of the plug tests documented in references 40 through 44 are summarized in table
21 . The first three tests were in argillaceous geomaterials, while the last four were in
limestone. The underlined tests were conducted in parallel with the research for this
project. Plug tests were also performed at the Owensboro site~ however, almost zero side

resistance was measured there. These plugs were placed under a polymer drilling slurry at
a large depth to simulate the actual construction of the drilled shafts. It is speculated that
the grout did not completely displace the slurry. These tests are therefore omitted from

table 21 . A plug test was also attempted at the Coweta County site; however, a stable
borehole could not be achieved, and the attempt to install the plug was abandoned.

The average ratio of the side resistance measured by the plug test to that measured at the
same elevation in a nearby test shaft is shown in table 21 to be 2.54. If the extremely high
ratio at the Gainesville, FL, site is omitted, the average ratio is reduced to 1.80. An
excellent prediction was achieved at the T AMU site. It is not obvious why the plug tests
consistently overpredicted the measured unit side load transfer in the drilled shafts. The
results are evidently sensitive to borehole roughness and concrete pressure. Further
studies are warranted before proceeding to use plug tests in practical applications.

Tripod and pulley

Center hole jack

Cribbing LVDT


Loading rod

Intermediate geomateri a I

0.61- to 1.52-m long 140-mm-diameter

plug made from cored hole
nonshrink grout; with
#9 bar cage ~

Figure 84. Schematic of plug test.

Table 21 . Plug test results.

Plug test site fmax from plug fmaxfrom drilled Ratio

test (kPa) shaft test (kPa)

Dallas (Test 1) 430+ 144 2.99

Dallas (Test 2) 249 144 1 73
TAMU 182 172 1.06
Gainesville, Florida 623 89 7.00
Florida Keys (Test 4) 1312 872 1.50
Florida Keys (Test 7) 2280 1466 1.56
1-595, Florida 412 211 1.95

Average 2.54



The research study documented in this report focused on predicting the resistance-
settlement behavior of individual axially loaded drilled shafts in geomaterials at the
boundary of soil and soft rock, herein termed " intermediate geomaterials," or "IGM' s.,

Three categories of IGM' s were established for design purposes:

Category 1: Argillaceous IGM' s, or IGM' s derived predominantly from clay minerals

and that are prone to smearing according to the definition for water sensitivity in
chapter 4.
Category 2: Carbonaceous IGM' s, or IGM' s derived predominantly from calcite and
dolomite (limestones), and soft sandstones with calcareous cementation, or
argillaceous IGM' s that are not prone to smearing.
Category 3: Granular IGM' s, such as residual, completely decomposed rock and
glacial till.

An intensive literature survey was undertaken, and personal visits were made to leading
researchers and practitioners in the subject area of drilled shaft behavior. The results of
this activity are documented in chapter 2.

A data base of previous loading tests found in the literature was developed and is
documented in chapter 3. Analyses of over 100 loading tests of drilled shafts from the
data base in Category 1 and 2 IGM' s with several existing design criteria that relate drilled
shaft side resistance to compressive strength of the geomaterial indicated low correlation
with all of the criteria. It was concluded that factors other than geomaterial strength are
important in controlling unit side resistance.

Guided by the conclusion from the data base study and by concepts advocated by other
researchers, detailed finite element analyses of drilled shaft sockets of smooth, rough, and
smeared (degraded) concrete-geomaterial interfaces were performed to investigate the
importance of key geometrical and material parameters and to develop a straightforward
design-level model for predicting load-settlement behavior of drilled shafts in Category 1
and 2 IGM' s. The design model developed for Category 1 and 2 IGM' s explicitly
considers the effects of interface roughness, including shearing deformation and failure in
the IGM asperities and dilation at the interface. This model also considers the IGM at the
base qf the drilled shaft socket to be as sound as the geomaterial along the sides of the
socket; however, a provision is made to eliminate base resistance from the calculations if
the user judges end bearing to be unreliable based on geotechnical and/or geological
information. If base resistance is included, the computed net unit base resistance, qb max,
should not exceed 2.5 qu in the geomaterial below the base, and punching failure in a
softer stratum underlying the bearing stratum should be checked according to good

The design model for Category 1 and 2 IGM's is described in detail in chapter 4, and three
example solutions are presented in chapter 4. This design model is simple and can be
applied in practice using spreadsheets, examples of which are shown in chapter 6. The
design model only considers the IGM socket portion of the drilled shaft. If side resistance
or drilled shaft compression above the socket is to be considered in design, such resistance
and compression should be added to the r.esistance and settlement obtained with the
model. Resistance developed in an overburden soil at any given displacement, for example
the displacement at the top of the socket, can be estimated by simple load transfer
functions described in reference 2.

Primary inputs into the Category 1 and 2 design model (Model 1) are:

Mass modulus of elasticity of the IGM, including the effects of any inclusions of soft
Dimensions of the drilled shaft socket.
Elastic modulus of the reinforced concrete socket.
Roughness condition of the interface per table 1.
Smear condition of the interface (indirect input).
Interface friction angle (30 degrees used in developing the model).
Compressive strength of the IGM.
Initial fluid concrete pressure against the sides of the socket at its mid-depth.

A separate design model for Category 3 IGM' s was adapted from reference 10. This
model combines correlations for critical geotechnical parameters using SPT tests with an
approximate elasticity solution for predicting resistance-settlement behavior that is
developed in reference 11 .

Important inputs for the Category 3 design model (Model2) are:

N6o, the SPT blow count for 60-percent hammer efficiency.

Vertical effective stress in the socket (requiring estimation of the unit weight of
geomaterial in the profile and position of phreatic surface in the IGM socket).
Elastic modulus of the reinforced concrete socket.

Hand-solution and spreadsheet examples for this model are given in chapters 4 and 6,

To verify both of the design models, several special full-scale drilled shaft loading tests
were conducted, observed, or extracted from the literature in hard clay, clay-shale, shale,
residual granular material, glacial till, and soft limestone. Each of the loading tests (nine in
all, seven of which are documented in the main body of this report, and two of which are
documented in Appendix C) was analyzed with the appropriate load-settlement model
using available site-specific data.


Comparison of field test results and model predictions indicates that:

As formulated, the models predict resistance that is eight percent too high on average
(at socket settlement= 25 nun) with a coefficient of variation of under ten percent and
conservatively predict settlements at working loads.
The mass modulus of the IGM for massive Category 1 IGM's (without soft soil
inclusions or voids), Em, can be taken to be 250 qu if no other data are available. For
Category 2 IGM' s, Em can be taken to be 115 qu. In either case, if soft soil inclusions
exist, Em should be reduced according to equation 7 or table 7.
The interface friction angle <f>rc should be reduced to 27.5 degrees in the Category 1
and 2 model until further studies are made (i.e., take fma.x = 0.9 times the value given by
the design model).
With present knowledge of the roughness and smear produced on IGM borehole walls
by various drilling techniques, boreholes should not be considered to be rough for
design purposes unless clean grooves at least 25 nun deep and spaced 0.15 to 0.3 m on
centers are intentionally constructed into the IGM within the socket.
Me Vay' s equation (equation 3 7) can be used as an alternate method to compute
maximum unit side shearing resistance in Category 2 IGM's. This method is
fundamentally more appropriate than the method developed during this research
project for cases in which adhesive bonding develops between the concrete and the
IGM and failure occurs through the IGM. The method developed for this project is
fundamentally more correct for cases in which the interface is frictional rather than
adhesive. That appears to be the case for most argillaceous IGM's in Category 1.
N6o should be restricted to not greater than I 00 B/0.3 m in the Category 3 design

The design models consider only short-term settlement of the type that will be experienced
during a loading test, and they consider only isolated shafts. Long-term settlement
potentially can be estimated in shales using the results of a study by Horvath summarized
quantitatively in equations 55 and 56. Group behavior is beyond the scope of this study.


The design models proposed in this report include the proper variables and have a sound
analytical basis. Their appropriate use requires high-quality, state-of-the-practice sampling
and testing and attention to construction details. Specifically, cohesive geomaterial cores
are needed for strength testing and, preferably, in situ tests should be conducted to
evaluate the modulus of the IGM for the Category 1 and 2 model. For the Category 3
model, it is critical that N values be associated with a known level of hammer efficiency, in
terms of energy transferred to the drill string as a function of the theoretical drop energy
of the hammer

Settlement may be important in drilled shafts in IGM' s if loads are high relative to the
ultimate resistance. The design models allow for the computation of short-term

Relatively few field tests exist in which sufficient data have been acquired to test these
design models. More field test data are needed to evaluate the models further, so that
they can be applied with confidence to design.

Plug tests show promise as a means of directly measuring side resistance in IGM's, but at
the present time, correlations are not well' predicted.


Application of the Design Models

For design purposes, the two proposed models should be used only where full-scale load
tests have been made in the same general geological province as the site at which the shaft
to be designed is located. This will ensure that the models have been calibrated to local
geological conditions.

Use of the models without local calibration may be possible in the future, but more loading
tests in a wide variety of IGM' s should be conducted and analyzed in light of the design
model performance before such action could be considered prudent.

Further Research

Additional high-quality loading tests on drilled shafts in all IGM' s are needed in order to
verify the design models with a high degree of confidence or to provide a basis for
correcting the models. However, further field loading tests will be useful to this end only

Test boreholes are calipered.

Smear condition of the interface is evaluated.
Em is measured.
Concrete modulus is measured.
Either N6o or qu, as appropriate, is measured with sufficient numbers of tests to
provide statistical significance. (The split tensile strength of the IGM should also be
measured in Category 2 IGM' s to facilitate evaluation of equation 37.)
Concrete slump and rate of placement are measured.
Other construction details, such as properties of drilling slurries, use of casing,
effectiveness of casing seal, use of water by the contractor to aid in excavating
cuttings in an otherwise dry hole, and length of time between drilling and concreting.

In order to take full advantage of the Category 1 and 2 design model ' s ability to consider
interface roughness, systematic studies should be conducted to obtain reliable correlations
between drilling tools and techniques, groundwater states and borehole roughness and
smear for the various types of geomaterials should be considered at this time.

The Category 1 and 2 design model should be updated eventually to consider interface
conditions between rough and smooth, if warranted by roughness correlation studies of
the type described in the preceding paragraph.

Plug tests should be investigated on a continuing basis with a view toward developing a
coring tool that models, with proper roughness similitude, the interface between the drilled
shaft concrete and the borehole wall.


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