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A Tipping Point in Cancer Research - Infographic

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A Tipping Point

In Cancer Research

The Damon Runyon CanCeR ReseaRCh FounDaTion iDenTiFies the nations most brilliant young scientists and funds research that impacts

all cancers. Our scientists include physicians, chemists, and geneticists leading new fields like nanotechnology and transforming traditional ones like radiology. Their innovations have delivered a series of breakthroughs that are revolutionizing cancer research. Below, we offer a snapshot of the range of experts and scientific approaches that are converging to create a tipping point in cancer research.

2011 Annual Report

Careers Areas of Research Types of Cancer

Damon Runyon Scientists

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John V. Heymach, MD, PhD Damon Runyon-Lilly Clinical Investigator 04-09

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston, Texas


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Elizabeth S. Sattely, PhD Damon Runyon Fellow 08-10

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Hai Yan, MD, PhD Damon Runyon Scholar 05-07

Duke University Medical Center Durham, North Carolina
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Robert H. Vonderheide, MD, DPhil Damon Runyon-Lilly Clinical Investigator 00-05

Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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Head and Neck Cancer

Proof of Progress

Death rates from cancer are decreasing


More Americans are surviving cancer and living longer

No. of persoNs (Millions)

Great strides have been made against some of the most common cancers
Breast (female) Improvements in detection increased incidence rates in the 1980s and 90s, but parallel advances in treatment have resulted in declining death rates since 1969 and increased the overall five year survival rate to 89%. prostate

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89% 2.2%
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The introduction of the PSA test brought a spike in incidence rates in the 1990s, but breakthrough therapies have increased the overall five year survival rate to 99%.

99% 3.3%
5-Year Mortality Trend

Overall 5Year Survival Rate

150 120 90 60 30 0 75 79 83 87 91 93 97 01 05

Incidence per 100,000 Deaths per 100,000

FIGURE: PhRMA. 2011. Annual Change in U.S. Death Rate from Cancer. JPG, from (accessed October 5, 2011). DATA: Edwards B.K., et al. 2010. Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1975-2006. Cancer 116, no. 3.

FIGURE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2011. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Cancer Survivors-United States, 2007. JPG, htm#fig1 (accessed October 5, 2011).

FIGURE: Marshall, E. 2011. Cancer Research and the $90 Billion Metaphor. Science 331, no. 6024. JPG, from (accessed October 5, 2011).

Elizabeth S. Sattely, PhD

Assistant Professor Stanford University, Stanford, California

John V. Heymach, MD, PhD

Co-Director of the Thoracic Molecular Pathology Laboratory The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

/ Damon Runyon Fellow 08-10 /

 eforetheDamonRunyon B Fellowship,Ididntappreciate thediversityofbackgrounds requiredtotacklecancer.

/ Damon Runyon-Lilly Clinical Investigator 04-09 /

 amonRunyonsfundinghasbeeninvaluable. D Theirgenerosityandflexibilityallowedusto marrythelabandthebedside,whichwasessential todevelopingnewbiomarkers.

Using Chemistry to Identify Natural Anti-Cancer Compounds

Chemist > Drug Discovery > All Cancers
as ProgrEss in cancEr rEsEarcH accelerates,

Creating a New Model for Personalized Medicine

Oncologist > Biomarkers > Lung Cancer
in tHE Past, cancEr PatiEnts received treat-

Sulforaphane, found in vegetables like cauliflower, is one of many plant compounds being explored for potential anti-cancer properties.

scientists are drawing from a broader set of disciplines than ever before. chemists like elizabeth S. Sattely, phd, have moved from peripheral players to key collaborators in the pursuit of more effective ways to prevent and treat cancer. cancer treatments are comprised of single or multiple chemical compounds. many of these compounds like etoposide, frequently used to treat lymphoma and sarcoma, among other cancersare produced in nature by plants or microbes. natures ingenuity in drug design is what inspired me to study how plants themselves act as synthetic chemists, and how plant products can be used to treat and prevent cancer, Beth says.

generating a clinically useful amount of a natural compound that is safe to administer as a drug, however, remains a challenge. While completing her doctoral thesis, she and her colleagues at Boston college achieved a breakthrough, discovering a catalyst capable of creating these complex molecules faster and more effectively. now at Stanford, she is establishing a research program that will harness the rich molecular diversity of plants to improve human health. With the sequencing of plant genomes, were now able to map pathways that are involved in making these helpful molecules. We think this is a key piece of information in understanding how, for example, diet is affecting cancer incidence. that knowledge could help save millions of lives. according to a recent World cancer research fund report, 2.9 million new cancers are linked to diet, obesity and lack of exercise each year.

one plant family were looking at, the brassicas (which includes broccoli and chinese cabbage), contains compounds that affect cell biology and have been shown to have chemopreventative properties. epidemiological studies have revealed that certain populations that eat plants from this family have a lower incidence of particular cancer types. in order to use these compounds against cancer, we have to better understand whats going on in molecular detail. once we do, well have a new way to approach cancer prevention and treatment based on diet and plant products.

ment based on the name of their disease. Some patients responded to treatment while others inexplicably did not. We now know that each patients cancer is unique. the cancer treatments of the future will be based on the biology of each patients tumor, also known as personalized medicine. John V. heymach, md, phd, is leading this revolution in cancer research. he has helped create a new model for clinical trials that matches the right drugs to the right patients and speeds the approval process for new therapies. We envision a future of matching patients with the most appropriate drug based on the genetic profile of the tumor, John explains. one of the biggest successes has been the identification of certain mutations that cancers are addicted to. in lung cancer,

patients with the egfr mutation are very responsive to drugs that inhibit the egfr pathway. however, egfr mutations only affect about 12% of non-small cell lung cancer patients. until recently, we just havent had the tools to measure why a drug worked for some but not others, John adds. to address these shortcomings, he and his colleagues launched the pioneering Battle trial. our hope was to develop biomarkers that could become standard tools for predicting who was going to respond to which drugs. focusing on lung cancer, they were able to sharpen the trials focus and improve its effectiveness by reviewing individual patients biological data and making adjustments mid-trial. as the study progressed, we used real-time information from one group to treat the next group of patients with drugs more likely to help

them, John explains. the approach worked. for the first time, we identified biomarkers to predict which patients would be resistant to erlotinib [tarceva], the standard lung cancer treatment. With these markers, we can more effectively treat patients, lower toxicity, and reduce costs from ineffective treatment. he is now applying the lessons from Battle in new clinical trials focused on overcoming drug resistance. the future looks bright. We live in a remarkable period. from 1973 to roughly 2005, survival for lung cancer patients increased by less than a month. in the last five years, weve almost doubled that from 7-8 months to 12-14. and there are no signs of that progress abating.

a model depicting lung cancer, for which survival time has nearly doubled in the last five years.

2011 Annual Report

Damon Runyon Scientists

Scientists > Research > Breakthroughs

LeveRaging thiS tipping point in canceR ReSeaRch requires an all hands on deck approach.

It is not enough to focus on a single cancer, type of scientist, field of research, or stage of discovery. Damon Runyon identifies young geniuses across the spectrum. Together, scientists like Beth, John, Hai, and Bob are boldly leading us into a new era of cancer research and bringing us closer to cures.

Hai Yan, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor Duke University, Durham, North Carolina

Robert H. Vonderheide, MD, DPhil

Associate Professor and Investigator Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

/ Damon Runyon Scholar 05-07 /

 yDamonRunyongrantwasthe M firstIeverreceived.Ihadnonamein thefieldyet,buttheawardempowered metofindthemostimportant geneinbraincancer.

/ Damon Runyon-Lilly Clinical Investigator 00-05 /

 heDamonRunyonprogramtruly T understoodwhatittooktotranslateanidea fromthelaboratorytopatients.Itmade allthedifference.

Sequencing Individual Patients Tumors to Identify New Drug Targets

Pathologist > Genomics > Brain Cancer
Hai Yan, MD, PHD, is insatiablY curious about

Leveraging the Immune System to Attack Cancer

Immunologist > Immunotherapy > Pancreatic Cancer
EvEn as HE graDuatED

the protein

Structure of the mutated idh1 gene, present in 70% of gliomas.

the unknown, and has been for most of his life. When i was a kid in china, i dreamed of being an astronaut or scientist, he recalls, i became nearsighted when i was 10, so i couldnt fly. But i could be a scientist with glasses! it is a critical trait for any young researcher taking on the formidable challenge that is glioma, the most common and aggressive type of brain tumor. the brain is a complex organ sealed behind the blood-brain barrier, rendering traditional cancer detection and treatment methods ineffective and allowing most brain cancers to go undiagnosed until they are too advanced to treat. fortunately, new technologies like whole genome sequencing, a lab process that reveals the sequence of dna in a given tissue, are helping researchers reverse the tide.

in 2008, hai and his colleagues sequenced nearly 20,000 genes from glioma tumors. the goal was to look through the whole tumor genome and determine what gene mutations were unique to brain cancer cells. they discovered that each tumor contained 40-50 mutated genes, including idh1, a gene mutated in 70% of glioma. it marked the first time the gene was ever linked to cancer. in subsequent studies, he confirmed that mutations inidh1 altered cancer cell metabolism, a vital process that provides tumors energy to grow. Scientists believe that the unique metabolism of cancer cells may be an achilles heel shared by many forms of the disease. in 2009, researchers at agios pharmaceuticals demonstrated that this change in idh1 produces a unique metabolic chemical not found in normal cells.

With this knowledge, small molecule drugs may now be designed to target idh1 mutations, hai notes, and this metabolite could be used as a biomarker for screening, possibly before any tumor arises. hai truly believes in the power of rigorous science. genomics has changed the landscape of cancer research. With unbiased, whole genome sequencing we found a gene that has been elusive for many years; we defined what it is, where it is, and are now trying to answer how to stop it from promoting tumor growth.

from notre dame with a degree in chemical engineering, robert h. Vonderheide, md, dphil, was already considering a new career. a rhodes Scholarship allowed him to explore physiology at oxford university. thats when i realized that medicine is a type of bioengineering that really excited me. i just couldnt believe the beauty and the power of the immune system. for more than a decade, Bob has been transforming our understanding of how the immune system interacts with and responds to cancer. my mentor lee nadler made it very clear that it was possible for a single person to use immunology to impact patients with cancer. So, i was thinking immunotherapy from the very beginning. immunotherapy is a thriving new class of cancer treatments that directs the

immune system to fight disease. in the past year, the fda has approved two immunotherapeutic drugs for types of skin and prostate cancer that have been notoriously difficult to treat, developments that were only dreams ten years ago, Bob says. i think the time has come. there is a dam burst of successful immunotherapies based on a decade of experimentation and rigorous science. this year, Bob and his colleagues at the university of pennsylvania announced that they had successfully triggered an immune response to attack advanced pancreatic cancer. pancreatic cancer is a medical tragedy that we need to do more about, and we found evidence that antibodies targeting the protein cd40 could jumpstart an immune response in some patients. Bob developed an experimental antibody that was combined with chemother-

apy to treat patients with advanced pancreatic cancer in an early phase clinical trial. it extended survival and temporarily forced the tumors into regression for 24% of patients compared to just 5% for those receiving chemotherapy alone. the antibody stimulated macrophages, an immune cell that pancreatic tumors manipulate for protection. the macrophages reversed course, eating away the tumors supporting tissue. it is something of a trojan horse approach. the tumor is still calling in macrophages, but now weve used cd40 to re-educate those macrophages to attack. Bob is awaiting approval for a new phase i trial to determine how the antibody can be used for patients with less advanced pancreatic cancer. the antibody has also shown promise against melanoma, with at least one patient in remission after therapy since 2005.

the darK clusters show tumor cells undergoing cell death, triggered by the antibody used in Bobs trial.

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