Burma Alert No.11 (November 1990)
Burma Alert No.11 (November 1990)
Burma Alert No.11 (November 1990)
"Burma is not represented legally by SLORC ... (ABYMU) fervently asks you to refuse SLORC the honourable seat (in the UN). Without pressure from democratic countries and the UN, save for another round of a bloodbath, the path to restoration of democracy, human rights and internal peace in Burma, is deemed not possible. " [The Nation, 9 Oct.90]
JAPAN, AUSTRALIA and S KOREA have decided to temporarily suspend financial support for the US$ 10 million ESCAP (UN) project to build a highway bridge across the Moei river because of the military's refusal to transfer power to the NLD [N900919]. M R S . SADAKO OGATA is the 'independent Expert' appointed by the UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION to study the human rights situation in Burma. Mrs. Ogata will visit Burma in Nov'90 and report to the UNHRC in Feb'91. Send materials for her to: Human Rights Centre, Palais des Nations, 1211, Geneva 10, Switzerland. U TUN N G W E , military intelligence officer and former Counselor at the Tokyo Embassy is a member of the 'Myanmar' delegation to the current session of the UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY in New Y o r k . Japanese police believe U Tun Ngwe planted the time bomb that was found at the Tokyo Embassy on Nov.13/89. They think he was trying to discredit Burmese dissidents in Japan. U Tun Ngwe was sent home before police could interrogate him and escaped being declared a persona-non-grata by Japan [R900900]. BURMA SEMINAR, Oct.19-20, Washington, P.C.: The seminar was opened by U . S . Congressman DANA ROHRABACHER. U BA THAUNG, U.S.A. Coordinator for the International Network for Democracy in Burma (INDB), welcomed the participants and D r . THAN LWYN, INDB Co-ordinator for Australia, was chairman. In a paper entitled 'Army's Accumulation of Economic P o w e r 1 , Aung Bala U THAUNG showed that the Army has been accumulating wealth at the expense of the country since the 1950's. STEVEN SCHNEEBAUM, Board member of the International Human Rights Law Group analyzed the May 27 election in 'Post-election Myanmar' and concluded that Gen. Saw Maung's regime has no legal basis. Prof. JOSEF SILVERSTEIN of Rutgers University outlined the task of re-building Burma in 'Six Challenges to Burma'. In 'Crisis in A s y l u m ' , C O U R T R O B I N S O N , S e n i o r P o l i c y A n a l y s t , U . S . C o m m i t t e e for R e f u g e e s , presented the plight of Burmese refugees in Thailand. He recommended that Thailand stop repatriating Burmese asylum seekers and allow humanitarian agencies to help them. In 'The International Response to the Crisis in Burma', THANT MYINT-U, Senior Fellow at the International Centre for Development Policy, concluded that ultimately, change in Burma will have to come from within. EDITH MIRANTE, Director of Project Maje, gave a slide presentation on the destruction of Burma's environment. MS. SIDNEY J O N E S , Executive Director of Asia Watch, gave a report on 'Violations of Human Rights in B u r m a ' . Finally, NAW LOUISA BENSON of Citizens for a Free Burma, discussed the need for all groups to work together to overcome the military's 'divide and rule' policy in a paper entitled 'On the Path to Democracy'.
BURMA NEWS: I n S e p t e m b e r , A U S T R A L I A , C A N A D A , the 1 2 E U R O P E A N C O M M U N I T Y m e m b e r s , J A P A N , N E W ZEALAND, SWEDEN, and U . S . A . issued co-ordinated statements urging SLORC to respect the NLD'8 27 May landslide election victory and release the party's detained l e a d e r s . The EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT passed a resolution on Sep.13 calling for a power transfer in Rangoon and a temporary ban on imports of Burmese hardwoods including those processed in T h a i l a n d . H o w e v e r , the parliament's resolutions are not binding on individual EC members and Thailand claims such sanctions violate GATT regulations [F901011]. In September, armed soldiers entered the compounds of the A M E R I C A N , BRITISH and GERMAN EMBASSIES several times to arrest Burmese s t a f f . Some were interrogated for up to 4 days about the activities and opinions of d i p l o m a t s , the diplomats' contact with Burmese p o l i t i c i a n s , and about embassy operations [AP/Ny900928]. Central Executive Committee Members of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY FOR A NEW SOCIETY (DPNS): KYI W I N , 32; YE N A I N G , 23; and NGWE 0 0 , 20; were arrested on Sep.12 for 'possessing anti-government pamphlets'. DPNS is the second largest opposition party ("Alert No.10") and draws most of its support from students [AFP900915 & AI901107]. Riot police opened fired on and beat prisoners in INSEIN JAIL with batons wrapped in barbed wire and rifle butts to break up a HUNGER-STRIKE on Sep.24. Four people were killed and 40 injured (9 h o s p i t a l i z e d ) . Seriously hurt were 2 members of the NLD Central Committee: MAUNG MOE T H U , a well-known writer and film director; and TIN MYO WIN, a physician. The strike started on Sep.18/90. The prisoners demanded that the army: transfer power to the NLD; recognize them as political prisoners; give them access to medical t r e a t m e n t , n e w s p a p e r s , journals and religious books; and give them the right to talk freely during visiting h o u r s . A f t e r w a r d s , 70 of the hungerstrikers were transferred to Tharrawaddy [F901025 & A P 9 0 1 0 0 1 ] . After the Aug.8/90 killing of 2 monks in M a n d a l a y , BUDDHIST MONKS refused to provide religious services for soldiers or their families. The supreme Sangha Council is said t o h a v e s u p p o r t e d the m o v e m e n t . Military personnel who ventured near monasteries were even stoned. On O c t . 1 8 , G e n . Saw Maung accused the m o n k 9 of "undermining law and o r d e r , peace and tranquillity' and gave them 3 days to end the boycott. On O c t . 2 2 , 133 monasteries around Mandalay were raided and scores arrested. Regional military commanders have been empowered to track down monks belonging to Buddhist organizations, and prosecute them under martial law [F901101 & A 9 0 1 1 0 2 ] . On Sep.13, U KHIN MAUNG S W E , NLD Executive Committee member and Information officer U SEIN HLA 00 were a r r e s t e d , questioned and released. Another Executive Committee member U KYI H L A , 43, was arrested Sep.20 for 'publishing anti-government p r o p a g a n d a ' and detained [N900926] . M e a n w h i l e , it was announced on Sep.26 that three more NLD activists had been arrested - SEIN HLAING, 35 (Sep.9); MYO MYINT N Y E I N , 38 (Sep.12); and NYAN PAW, 36 (Sep.13) [AI901107]. NLD leaders, U OHN KYAING and U THEIN DAN who were a r r e s t e d on S e p . 6 in M a n d a l a y ("Alert No.10") w e r e s e n t e n c e d to 7 y e a r s i m p r i s o n m e n t o n O c t . 1 8 'for i n c i t i n g u n r e s t ' [ W P 9 0 1 0 2 0 ] . On O c t . 2 3 , troops surrounded and searched several Rangoon offices of the N L D . To date, nearly all NLD leaders have been arrested [F901101 & A901102]. For the latest reports (Nov.7/90) on Burma, torture testimonies and a list of arrests since 18 Sep.88, contact: Amnesty International, International S e c r e t a r i a t , 1 Easton St., London WC1X 8 D J , U K . Frederick Vreeland, the US ambassador-designate was rejected by Rangoon after he criticized its human-rights record and advocated sanctions against Burma [F901018].
AUSTRALIAN MARINE EXPORTS. KAILIS OF F R A N C E . SEAFOOD T R A D E R S OF A U S T R A L I A SEMARINE are the companies awarded fishing concessions in 1989 [TWR9010/02]. and
CHITTAGONG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY President Amir Khosru Mahmud Chowdhurv led a delegation to Rangoon in J u l y . They called on L t . G e n . Sein Aung, Minister for I n d u s t r y 1 , and for I n d u s t r y 2 ; B r i g . G e n . D a v i d A b e l , M i n i s t e r for P l a n n i n g & Finance, and for Trade; and Lt.Gen. Chit Swe, Minister for Livestock Breeding & Fisheries, and for Agriculture & Forests [P900714]. COX'S BAZAAR SEAFOODS formed a joint-venture Myanmar Bangladesh Fisheries to produce and market shrimp 'including expansion of production base, management of farms and consultancy services along Neff river, Maungdaw Township,' Arakan State. Capital K. 100 million (US$ 15.4 million) - 55% held by Myanma Fisheries Enterprise [P900825]. M - D i r . Syed Mahmudul H u g , 68 Agrabad Commercial A r e a , Chittagong, Bangladesh.
The Ministry of Public Security's Yuan Yong Yuan arrived with a delegation to study narcotics drug abuse control. They called on Lt.Gen. Phone Myint, Minister for Home & R e l i g i o u s A f f a i r s , for I n f o r m a t i o n , f o r C u l t u r e a n d C h a i r m a n o f t h e C e n t r a l Committee for Drug Abuse Control (CCDAC); M a j . G e n . Khin Nyunt, SLORC Secretary 1 and Head of Defence Services Intelligence; and visited the Rangoon Psychiatric Hospital; the Social Welfare Department and the CCDAC Education Committee [P900823-29]. The CHINESE arms deal reported in "Alert No.10" is worth US$ 1 billion. In addition to jet aircraft and fast attack patrol boats, it includes ground-based radar, AK-47 assault rifles, anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers [JDW900915]. The naval dockyard at Monkey Point is being expanded and construction is underway at Meiktila air base in central B u r m a . Chinese military attaches are said to have visited naval bases on the Irrawaddy river in the delta and along the seacoast.
"Alert No. 8"),
Rm 3201-6, Hong Kong
*ANDES ENTERPRISES. Director Frank Huang (see Plaza, 186 Connaught Road W e s t , Hong Kong.
*STRAND HOTELS INTERNATIONAL. Bernard Pe Win and *ZECHA HOLDINGS. Adrian Zecha "Alert No.8 & 9"), Fairmont House, 20/F, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Hong Kong.
*TSIN YUEN ENTERPRISES. Managing Director Chan Yuen Chiu and *MYANMAR CHAN LTD. (see "Alert No.6"), Flat A4, 8/F Burlington Bldg., 94 Nathan Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong. *VALUE INDUSTRIES, Managing Director Peng Kai Man and *YANG0N GARMENT (see "Alert No. 6") , 13/F & 14/F Rays Industrial Bldg., 71 Hung To Rd., Kwun Tong, Hong Kong.
IN8TITUTE OF FINANCIAL & MONETARY POLICY, Ministry of Finance, called on Brig.Gen. David Abel [P900803]. DAIMARU and NIPPON SUISAN were the other Japanese companies ("Alert No.1" COMPANY in "Alert No.8") awarded fishing concessions in 1989 [TWR9010/02]. *MCG CORPORATION President *Onodera Kouki (see the Kandawgyi Shukhinthakyun Tower [P900702].
M/S NIIGATA ENGINEERING C O . sponsored a seminar in Rangoon on INTRODUCTION OF MODERN ROAD CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNOLOGY in J u l y . Director I. Abe and engineers Y. Kobayashi and Maaui Omi gave the seminar [P900706].
*DAEWOO C O R P . ("Alert No. 1, 3, 5, 8 & 9") sold 20 'Upper C l a s s ' rail carriages to Burma for the Rangoon-Mandalay Express for US$ 3.3 million plus US$ 0.8 million for spare parts. A World Bank loan financed the purchase [P900809]. *HYUNDAI (see "Alert *SAMSUNG C O R P . *YUKONG C O . (see
No.1"), 140 Kye-Dong, C h o n g r o - k u , Seoul, S. Korea. "Alert No.l"), C . P . O . Box 1144, Seoul, S. Korea.
A Trade,Delegation led by S. Chandra D a s , Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Defence and Foreign Affairs visited Rangoon A u g . 2 0 - 2 4 . T h e y called on Lt.Gen. Tin T u n , Minister for Transport & C o m m u n i c a t i o n s , for Social Welfare, and for Labour; Lt.Gen. Sein Aung; Lt.Gen. Chit Swe; B r i g . G e n . David Abel and Vice-Adm. Maung Maung Khin, Minister for Energy, and for Mines [P900821-25]. INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OF SINGAPORE Chairman Keith Tay; Executive Director Lee Wai Kok; ASSOCIATION OF ACCOUNTING TECHNICIANS OF SINGAPORE Training Director Peter Fong Wenq Sun; and K . P . M . G . PEAT MARWICK Tax Principal Damian Hong called on Auditor General U Khin Zaw to discuss the Myanmar Naing-Ngan Accountancy Council and the training of accountants and auditors [P900823]. JARDINE THOMPSON GRAHAM ASIA P T E . , Myanmar Insurance and American International Underwriters (see U . S . below) co-sponsored a seminar on INSURANCE OF OIL AND GAS BUSINESS IN MYANMAR in Rangoon in J u l y . Jardine Regional Managing Director Richard Austin and Oil & Gas Division Chief Tony Maccallion participated [P900717]. KEPPEL C O . Managing Director Lim Chee Onn and fellow Member of Parliament D r . Toh Chin Chye called on Lt.Gen. Tin Tun to discuss Myanmar transportation expansion and 'matters of ocean-going v e s s e l s ' . They also called on L t . G e n . Chit Swe [P900722]. Ship-repairing is Keppel's main business although it also has interests in shipping, property, construction, engineering and financial s e r v i c e s . It is expanding overseas b e c a u s e h i g h l a b o u r c o s t s a r e m a k i n g its S i n g a p o r e o p e r a t i o n s u n c o m p e t i t i v e . Recently, Keppel formed a US$ 82 million ship-repairing joint-venture (25% owned) in Madras with New Delhi-based CHOKHANI INTERNATIONAL. Its other major ship-repairing interests include KEPPEL PHILIPPINES SHIPYARD INC. (56% owned) which has a repair dock in Batangas, southern Luzon island; and CEBU SHIPYARD & ENGINEERING WORKS INC. (46% owned by Keppel Philippines) which has a repair dock on Cebu island [F901018]. *Myanmar Motors/CENTURY MOTORS (SINGAPORE) P T E . LTD. (see "Alert No. 6") sole distributor and retailer of SUZUKI vehicles in Burma [P900806]. is now the
*Myanmar-Singapore International/SKS MARKETING ("Alert No. 1") made a K. 18 million (US$ 2.8 million) profit on a turnover of K. 56 million (US$ 8.7 million) in its first year of operations ending in August. SKS MARKETING also recently formed a new joint-venture Myanmar Leading Logistics with the *Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings ("Alert No.5") to supply foreign oil companies operating in Burma [F901011].
*TRADEWIND AIRLINES (see "Alert No.9") Chairman Aug.20-24 and hosted an inaugural flight dinner Brig.Gen. David Abel attended [P900822 & 25]. AIRLINES G R O U P . Its MCDONNELL DOUGLAS MD87 jets Monday and Friday for Singapore [P900807 & 20]. Write: J . Y . Pillay, Chairman, Singapore A i r l i n e s ,
Syn Chung Wah visited " R a n g o o n , on Aug.21 at the Inya Lake H o t e l . Tradevinds is part of the SINGAPORE leave Rangoon at 15.10 hours every Offices are at the Strand H o t e l . 25 Airline Rd., Singapore 1781.
SLORC Office Director-General U Aye Kyaw; Government Office Director-General U Ko; Pyithu Hlutdaw Director-General U Than Pe; D e p t . of H u m a n S e t t l e m e n t & H o u s i n g Development Director-General U Aung Phone; Myanma Hotels & Tourism Services Managing Director U Thawda Sein; Myanma Airlines Managing Director U Chit Than; Rangoon City Development Secretary U Pan Aung; and Ministry of Defence Head of Office U Khin Latt left Aug.27 for a visit to Singapore at the invitation of Tradewinds [P900828].
*PILATUS FLUGZEUGWERKE AG ("Alert No.8") is the manufacturer of the Pilatus P C - 6 . This single-engine STOL utility aircraft, better known as the PORTER, has been widely used by the Burmese military. The PC-7 is a single-engine turboprop, two-seater, training a i r c r a f t . In addition to the PC-6's and P C - 7 ' s , the Burma Air Force has six PC-9's. Despite external similarities, it is more advanced than the PC-7. Burma is trying to convert the turboprop trainer to a ground attack role. Managing Director Hansiurg Kobelt, CH-6370, Stans, Switzerland. Fax: 41 (41) 55 25 8 8 .
First Army Commander Lt.Gen. Sann Sripen led a delegation to the 4th meeting of the MYANMAR-THAILAND REGIONAL BORDER COMMITTEE in Moulmein Aug.13. He called on SLORC Vice Chairman G e n . Than Shwe, Aug.16 and left. Others under Maj.Gen. Manas Aranari toured Mandalay and Pagan. Maj.Gen. Khin Nyunt gave a dinner on Aug.18 [P900814-20]. The Thai Cabinet authorized the ^PETROLEUM AUTHORITY OF THAILAND (PTT) to invest in an onshore oil block in Burma with UNOCOL of California ("Alert No.5") and to explore for further investments opportunities for gas offshore in Burma. PTT has also offered to buy natural gas from the offshore concession in the Gulf of Martaban granted to Unocol Myanmar in which PTT also has an interest [AFP/N/BR901001]. SONGSERM GROUP INTERNATIONAL C O . LTD. formed 2 joint ventures with Myanmar Foodstuff Industries: Myanmar Sonqserm No.l C o . Ltd. to produce and market beer and sugar, and develop agricultural land for 'related raw m a t e r i a l s ' . Capital K. 650 million (US$ 10 million) - 60% held by Ministry of Industry 1; and Myanmar Sonqserm No.2 C o . L t d . to establish a factory to produce and market b e e r . Capital K. 650 million (US$ 10 million) - 40% held by Ministry of Industry 1 [P900810]. Address: Managing Director Thitipong Sonqtrakul, 121/44 Soi Chalermla, Phayathai Rd., Bangkok 10400, Thailand.
Eugene Martin, Chief of the Asia/Africa Division, Bureau of International Narcotics Matters, STATE DEPARTMENT; Deputy Chief of Mission Christopher J. Szyrnanski; and the DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION'S Angelo Saladino called on Col. Thura Pe Aung, Secretary of the CCDAC and Director-General of the People's Police Force [P900703]. AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL UNDERWRITERS (AIU), Myanmar Insurance and Jardine Thompson Graham Asia Pte. (see Singapore above) co-sponsored a seminar on INSURANCE OF OIL AND G A S B U S I N E S S I N M Y A N M A R i n Rangoon i n J u l y . AIU P r e s i d e n t C h u c k F o r c e . V i c e President Jonathan Newton and Manager Tan Thian Seng participated [P900717].
*MIRIAM MARSHALL ASSOCIATES (see "Alert No.9") through its wholly-owned subsidiary, MMA FIWANCO INC.. established a joint-venture Myanmar American Fisheries C o . Ltd.. with the Myanma Fisheries Enterprise to produce, process and market offshore fish and marine p r o d u c t s . Capital K. 3 million (US$ 460,000) - 50% held by MMA whose Senior Managing Director is Philip J. Rivkin [P900818]. ITT SHERATON C O R P . and ROYAL ORCHID HOTEL (Thailand) have formed a new company, Sheraton Royal Orchid to undertake the development of hotels in Burma and Indochina. Studies have been launched to find suitable hotel sites in Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. The new company will manage MANEEYA T O W E R S , on Ploenchit Road, Bangkok; BAN CHANG SHERATON HOTEL & RESORT in Rayong; SHERATON GRANDE LAGUNA HOTEL & RESORT in Phuket; CHIANG MAI SHERATON HOTEL; and SIMA THANI SHERATON HOTEL. Royal Orchid Hotel Chairman is Chatrachai Bunyananta [N900922]. Please write: ITT Sheraton Corp., Chairman John Kapiolas. 60 State S t . , B o s t o n , M A . 0 2 1 0 9 , U S A . Fax: (617) 367-5676.
Twenty Soko Galeb Super 2 aircraft suitable for counter-insurgency operations were purchased from Y u g o s l a v i a . The Super 2's will likely use second-hand Rolls Royce engines that are available on the open market to avoid the embargo that has been imposed by the U . K . , U . S . , Italy and France on the sale of military equipment to Burma. The 2-seater aircraft will be paid for by cash and teak. Max.speed: 500 knots (927 km/h or 575 m p h ) . Combat radius: 430 naut.mi (797 km or 495 mi) [AWST900813].
[A901102] Asiaweek [AI901107] Amnesty International [F901011] F.E.E.Review [P900714] Working Peoples Daily [R900900] Burma Review [N900919] The Nation, Bangkok [AP/Ny900928]Assoc.Press/N.Y.Times [AFP900915] Agence France Presse [AP901001] Assoc.Press [WP901020] Washington Post [TWR9010/02] 3rd.World Resurgence [JDW900915] Jane's Defence Weekly [AWST900813] Aviation Weekly & Space Technology
ASSOCIATES TO DEVELOP DEMOCRATIC BURMA (ADDB) Many thanks for the prompt response to the invitation to become 'Associates'. continue to encourage others to participate in re-building Burma.
REMINDER Please renew your subscription for 1991 if you have not already done so (US$ 25.00). As of Jan'91, only government policy-makers and select individuals will receive the "Alert" free of charge. Pro-democracy Burmese groups and other activist groups can have their subscription fees waived but please check with Harn Yawnghwe first. CLARIFICATION: The ADDB's main role is to facilitate the democratic process in Burma. It is not a political organization to help 'Associates' gain office in Burma. The future of Burma is in the hands of the people who are fighting for their freedom in Burma. Expatriates like those in the ADDB, however, can play a vital role supporting their compatriots in Burma. Information collected and published by the ADDB is available to all groups either by subscription, exchanging information, or by participating in ADDB programs such as further distributing the "Burma Alert". Becoming an Associate ' should not in any way affect an organization's and programs. An 'Associate' is an equal partner contributing to and common data base which is intended to help develop democracy in Burma. independence utilizing a END