Last Month August 08
Last Month August 08
Last Month August 08
Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, the National League for Democracy
(NLD), have condemned Gambari’s visits for failing to produce any
positive developments. An NLD spokesman said, “Mr Gambari has
made six visits to Burma, but nothing has happened. We consider
it a waste of time.” In a statement issued on 28 August, the NLD
also criticised Gambari for offering to help the junta prepare for
elections in 2010. The 2010 elections are part of the regime’s sham
‘roadmap’ process designed to enshrine military rule and based on
a fraudulent constitutional referendum in May.
Gambari was also criticised for spending just 1 hour 20 minutes with the NLD during his 6 day trip, while
spending the rest of his time with the regime, pro-regime organisations and business cronies. Twelve ethnic
opposition leaders had requested a meeting with Gambari but the regime refused their request.
The human rights situation in the country has taken a dramatic downward turn since Gambari first visited
Burma in May 2006 and declared that the regime had turned a new page with the international community.
Since then:
• The number of political prisoners almost doubled from 1,100 to 2,056.
• More than 130,000 people in Eastern Burma have been forced from their homes as part of the regime’s
ethnic cleansing campaign.
• September 2007’s peaceful pro-democracy protests were brutally suppressed, with protestors fired on and
thousands of monks arrested.
• Humanitarian aid was blocked following Cyclone Nargis.
• Political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi, have been routinely denied access to doctors and medical
Gambari had been scheduled to meet Aung San Suu Kyi on 20 August but she did not attend the meeting.
It appears that the reason Aung San Suu Kyi did not meet Gambari is that she was insisting on meeting him
with the rest of the NLD Committee. However, instead of supporting her, Gambari went to her house to try
to meet her individually, in effect undermining her and the point she was making.
The regime newspaper, The New Light of Myanmar, reported Gambari as having said, “both the UN
Secretary-General and him [Gambari] accept that economic sanctions are a serious impediment to
national development of Myanmar” and “he will continue striving for opposition parties to cooperate; the
UN Secretary-General is trying its best for the international community to response in a positive manner to
prevailing situations of Myanmar.”
Following the trip, the United States condemned the regime for its refusal to cooperate with the United
Nations and to live up to its commitments on political reform, including the release of political prisoners
and to engage in a credible and time-bound dialogue with Aung San Suu Kyi and other democratic and
ethnic minority leaders. These actions were specifically called for in the UN Security Council’s Presidential
Statement of October 11, 2007.
Gambari’s Meetings Aug 18-20, 2008
August 18
• Arrived Rangoon in the morning
• Met Foreign Minister Nyan Win at National Defence College at 1:00pm
• Met Diplomats and officials from foreign missions at Seinle Kantha State House at 2:15pm
• Met ICRC at the same place at 3:00pm
• Met Tripartite Core Group at the same place at 3:55pm
Dinner with Nyan Win at Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel in the evening
August 19
• Visiting Rehabilitation Camp (Central) in Kungyangon Township
• Met the SPDC’s Spokes Authoritative Team, comprised of Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, Nyan Win and Maj-
Gen Khin Aung Myint at National Defence College at 3:00pm
• Dinner with them at Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel in the evening
August 20
• Failed meeting with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at Seinle Kantha State House in the morning
• Met with U Soe Thar, Minister of National Planning and Economic Development
• Met with 10 groups including 20 minutes with NLD from 2:00 to 6:00pm.
All of these groups, except NLD, are pro-regime groups:
14:00: Meeting with members of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
(Organization that provided funds for members of Swan Arr Shin to attack protesters during the Saffron
14:30: Meeting with KNU splinter and defector groups led by Maj-Gen Kyaw Than (DKBA), Saw Tha Mu
He, Pfado Aung San, and Maj-Gen Htein Maung (defected commander of KNU’s seventh brigade)
15:00: Meeting with NLD CEC
15:30: Meeting with 88 Generation Students and Youths (Union of Myanmar) led by Aye Lwin (former
student leader in 1988 and now working for the regime)
15:50: Meeting the Pa-O National Organization (PNO) – ethnic splinter group working with the regime.
16:10: Meeting with a pro-regime splinter group from NLD, led by Dr. Soe Lin
16:30: Meeting with MPs-elect in an individual capacity
16:50: Meeting with Students of Modern Science and Political Economy (a group of former Red-Flag
Communist Party members who are now the puppets of the regime)
17:10: Meeting with National Unity Party (NUP)
- formed by the junta to take part in the 1990 elections)
17:40: Meeting with Union Solidarity and Development Organization (USDA) – the pro-regime militia group
that attacked Aung San Suu Kyi in 2003.
8/8/88 anniversary demonstrators New UN Human Rights envoy visits Burma
imprisoned Tomas Ojea Quintana, the new United Nations
Five NLD youth members were sentenced to Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, made
two and a half years in jail on 15 August. The his first visit to Burma in August. He met five
activists were among 48 activists arrested on 8 prominent political prisoners in Insein Prison,
August in Arakan State after demonstrating on including U Win Tin, a 78-year-old journalist
the 20th anniversary of the 8/8/88 crackdown. who is Burma’s longest-serving political
Some of the protestors wore white T-shirts prisoner, pro-democracy activist Su Su Nway
bearing the slogan 8-8-88. The Burmese and Buddhist monk U Gambira, who helped
authorities released the other 43 prisoners. lead the demonstrations last September.
During the trip Ojea Quintana also briefly met
Security forces were present in large numbers senior officials from the National League for
on the streets of Burma’s major city, Rangoon. Democracy and toured parts of the Irrawaddy
Although no major protests were held, there Delta devastated by Cyclone Nargis.
were public signs of descent as baskets of
flowers bearing pro-democracy slogans were Following the visit, Ojea Quintana was
left by roadsides. Other activists launched a scheduled to give a press conference in
“Red Campaign”, spraying red paint on the Bangkok on 13 August but it was cancelled at
walls of schools and other public places in the last minute without explanation. However, in
Rangoon. earlier comments to the press, Ojea Quintana
gave a surprisingly positive report, saying
UN admits loss of more than $1.5 million of he was certain that the regime was ready to
cyclone aid cooperate with him. He also commented that
The United Nations has admitted that over the “The prison conditions of the political prisoners
past three months about $1.56 million dollars I saw were not so bad.” This is in contrast
of aid money for victims of Cyclone Nargis to human rights reports from Burma that
has been lost because of the regime’s foreign suggest the treatment of political prisoners is
exchange controls. Under Burma’s foreign getting worse. The Burma Campaign UK has
exchange rules, dollars brought in by foreign received reports from sources in Burma that
agencies must be converted into Foreign the regime is now confining political prisoners
Exchange Certificates (FEC) at government to their cells without exercise periods, and is
banks, and then converted into the local kyat stopping families from bringing them extra food
currency. FECs are officially equal to the dollar and other supplies to top up the meagre food
but in reality they are worth much less. This has rations. Most seriously, the regime appears to
been a problem for years but until now the UN be systematically denying medical treatment to
has done nothing to challenge how the regime political prisoners.
takes aid money in this way.
15 year-old schoolgirl gang-raped and
Daniel Baker, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator mutilated by Burmese soldiers
in Burma, said in press statement on 13 August, Burmese Army soldiers gang-raped, mutilated
“The loss in value due to foreign exchange for and murdered a 15 year old schoolgirl in
the Cyclone Nargis international humanitarian Kachin State Burma. The incident took place on
aid during the last three months has been about 27th July 2008 near Nam Sai Village, Bamaw
USD 1.56 million. We are not getting the full District, Kachin State, northern Burma. The
value of dollars donated for emergency relief, schoolgirl, Nhkum Hkawn Din, was attacked
and donors are extremely worried and keen to and killed on her way to bring rice to her
see that this issue is resolved.” brother, who was working on a paddy field
on the family farm. After a three-day search
Following an international outcry over the her naked and mutilated body was found 200
exchange rate fraud, UN officials have now metres from an army checkpoint.
announced that the regime has agreed to let
international humanitarian agencies pay local The Burma Campaign UK has received reports
companies directly using bank transfers in US that the family has been offered around $500
dollars rather than via FECs. plus some food staples as compensation for the
murder. However, the family says that it wants support for the One China policy, relating to
justice, not money. Local army commanders Taiwan, as Burma confirmed it would continue
have now admitted that one of their soldiers to support the policy.
carried out the attack but local people are
reportedly angry that the regime is pinning China has also recently sent over 200 more
the blame on just one low ranking soldier, military trucks to the regime. The 3500 military
witnesses saw more than one soldier following trucks were delivered via Ruili, a town on the
the schoolgirl, including a local colonel. That China-Burma border. It is reported that the FAW
colonel has now apparently been reassigned to branded trucks will be used by military and
another area. police units across Burma. They are to be sent
to Mandalay where they will be dispatched to
Sources in Kachin state report that rapes and military units. It is reported that the trucks are
killings by Burmese Army soldiers in Kachin regarded as junk in China; they are sold to the
State are common, but usually go unreported Burmese regime instead of being scrapped.
as families fear punishment by the regime. Reports suggest that whilst the trucks are
mainly used in military units, a limited number
Insurers pull out as Burma Campaign UK have been active in the Irrawaddy delta region.
shames industry
Two major insurers, XL and ARIG, are pulling Aung San Suu Kyi allowed lawyer visit
out of Burma only weeks after the Burma
Campaign UK published its report, Insuring
Repression, highlighting how insurance
companies have facilitated the flow of billions of
dollars to the Burmese regime.
all other pro-democracy activists, on the democracy in Burma. He said that “Myanmar
anniversary of their arrest a year ago for their claims to have a new constitution and these
role in organising peaceful pro-democracy elections will be multi-party elections, but what
demonstrations. The statement continued “The is important for us at ASEAN is to ensure that a
United States renews its call for the regime to more credible process is taking place” and that
release all political prisoners, including Aung the “follow-up transfer of power” in 2010 had to
San Suu Kyi, Min Ko Naing, and Ko Ko Gyi, and be “acceptable to the international community.”
an end to the regime’s attempts to intimidate
and silence those who seek the promotion of Reports of voting fraud in Burmese
democracy and human rights in Burma.” Embassy, Malaysia
Another example of how the regime rigged the
The US reiterated that the regime must engage May referendum has emerged, with reports
in a meaningful and time-bound dialogue of voting fraud during the referendum in the
with Burma’s democratic and ethnic minority Burmese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
leaders to bring about a credible transition to A source has revealed that authorities expected
democracy on top of lifting restrictions on the to get around 170,000 voters in Malaysia
operations of all humanitarian organizations in but only 17,000 people voted, even after the
Burma, including those working on issues other deadline was extended. Embassy officials were
than cyclone relief. reportedly instructed to get 6000 more ‘Yes’
votes, with staff members creating 200 fictional
Democracy leader’s parents jailed for 6 ‘Yes’ votes per day.
The parents of Ko Sithu Maung, one of the Burmese MPs denied place in ASEAN
leaders of the All-Burmese Federation of assembly
Student Unions (ABFSU), were sentenced The ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly
to six years in prison for obstructing police has rejected a request by an organization of
investigations, harassing officers on duty and Burmese MPs elected in the 1990 election, the
inciting riots. The couple, both in their fifties, Members of Parliament Union (MPU), to attend
were originally arrested in October 2007 when meetings of the assembly.
they delayed answering their door to police who
were looking for their son. In a statement, the MPU said, “we are
extremely disappointed with the decision …
In court the couple stated that the police came we remind the Executive Committee that we,
to their door late at night, without a warrant and and not the current military junta, are the
were not accompanied by local officials. The democratically elected representatives of the
couple stated that they delayed opening the people of Burma. By denying us our right
door as they did not know who was knocking at to be a part of this Assembly, the Executive
their door. Their son, Ko Sithu Maung, has been Committee has denied the voice of the suffering
awaiting trial in Insein prison since October people of Burma to be heard. This decision
2007 after being caught providing a safe house also makes a mockery of the ASEAN Charter in
for two other ABFSU leaders. which ASEAN countries have agreed to adhere
to principles of democracy, the rule of law and
Indonesia says pressure growing on UN to good governance, respect for and the protection
act of human rights and fundamental freedoms.”
Indonesia’s Foreign Minister, Hassan Wirajuda,
has stated that the UN Security Council is under Regime’s business crony leaves workers
“growing pressure” to take steps against the unpaid
Burmese regime if it doesn’t take credible steps Htoo Trading has pulled out of a redevelopment
towards democracy. Wirajuda stated that the program in a cyclone hit area of Burma, without
other members of ASEAN were working with paying local workers for their labour. Htoo
China and other countries to try and push the Trading is owned by Tay Za, who has very
regime towards genuine democratic reform. close links to Senior General Than Shwe. Htoo
Describing Burma as a “difficult issue” he added Trading used workers from Bogalay township in
that Indonesia was doing what it could to help the Delta region to rebuild houses destroyed by
the cyclone but stopped the project because it 44 children die of starvation in famine-hit
was not profitable. The company later sold the Chin State
houses to locals for 1.5 million Kyat, to be paid The famine in Chin State, North-west Burma,
in installments. The company agreed to pay has killed 44 children who were suffering from
carpenters a daily wages of 5000 Kyat a day malnutrition and diarrhea, according to the
but the workers are still waiting for their wages. Chin National Councils. Faced with starvation,
around 2,000 villagers have fled to Mizoram
Comedian Zarganar charged with public State, North-east India. The famine has been
order offences caused by a plague of rats that destroyed the
Famous comedian and leading activist Zaganar rice crop in Chin State earlier this year. The
has been charged with public order offences regime has said that it provided rat poison and
and could face up to two years in prison. He around 1000 bags of rice to the affected areas
was arrested on 3 June after organizing a but the locals say that they haven’t received any
relief effort for cyclone victims from private aid from local authorities.
donors and publicly criticizing the regime for
their response to Cyclone Nargis. According Thai PM calls Aung San Suu Kyi ‘political
to reports from an opposition lawyer, Zaganar tool’ of West
was charged with “inducing public offence” at a Thailand’s Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej
secret hearing inside Rangoon’s Insein prison. has provoked anger among Burma’s democracy
However, his family members had not been movement by describing Aung San Suu Kyi as
informed of any court appearance or trial date. a ‘tool’ of the West. He said, “Europe uses Aung
San Suu Kyi as a political tool. If it’s not related
Prominent Monk U Gambira charged with 10 to Aung San Suu Kyi, you can have deeper
offences discussions with Myanmar (Burma).” He made
According to the Assistance Association for the comments during a meeting with UN Envoy
Political Prisoners (AAPP), U Gambira, leader Ibrahim Gambari in Bangkok on his return from
of the All Burma Monks’ Alliance, has been his latest failed mission in Burma.
disrobed by the authorities and appeared in
court on 20 August charged with 10 offences US President and First Lady meet Burma
he allegedly committed in the aftermath of the activists and refugees
September 2007 uprising. 10 other people On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 1988
detained in connection with last September’s democracy uprising, President Bush and First
demonstrations were also charged. AAPP said Lady Laura Bush met Burmese human rights
at least seven detained monks, including U activists in Thailand. President Bush held an
Gambira, are in poor health. The AAPP reports hour-long meeting with Burmese activists in
that 196 monks are among Burma’s more than Bangkok on 7 August. Laura Bush travelled to
2,000 political prisoners. the Thai-Burma border to visit refugees at the
Mae La refugee camp. She also visited the Mae
Human rights activists arrested Tao Clinic, which provides free medical care to
At least 39 human rights and pro-democracy refugees.
activists were arrested during August and 21
were given prison sentences, according to the Cyclone survivors living in ‘dire conditions’
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners. More than three months after Cyclone Nargis,
Those arrested include prominent human thousands of villagers are still in desperate
rights activist Myint Aye, who was arrested on need and lack the basic necessities of food and
the 20th anniversary of the nationwide pro- shelter. “Much more urgently needs to be done
democracy protests in 1988.The reason for the in remote areas where affected communities
arrest was unknown. Myint Aye is the founder are still living in dire conditions,” said Daniel
of the Human Rights Defenders and Promoters Baker, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in
group. On 27 August five NLD members were Burma. Chris Kaye, World Food Programme
arrested in Rangoon’s Hlaing Tharyar township (WFP) country director, said, “The situation in
for holding a peaceful protest calling for the Myanmar remains dire. The vast majority of
release of Aung San Suu Kyi on 15 May. families simply don’t have enough to eat.”
According to a recent Post-Nargis Joint resolutions on Burma that call [for the Burmese
Assessment report, 42 percent of all food stocks military regime] to;
were destroyed and 55 percent of families only (a) Implement the result of the 1990 elections,
had stocks for one day or less. It estimates that (b) Establish a democratic country, and
924,000 people will need food assistance until (c) Commence the meaningful political dialogue
the November harvest this year, and around (with democratic opposition parties).
300,000 will need relief until April 2009.
On 11 October 2007, the United Nations
Regime requires cyclone aid to be repaid Security Council also issued a Presidential
In Bogalay, in the southern delta region, Statement on the situation in Burma, in which
there are reports that the regime is giving aid the Security Council called (for the Burmese
to cyclone survivors on credit and requiring military government) to;
them to pay back the cost of any aid received. (1) Release all political prisoners and detainees,
According to a report from AFP, a regime official including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, immediately
said, “The government will distribute everything and unconditionally, and
for them through a payback system. Otherwise, (2) Commence meaningful political dialogue
controlling the aid will be very difficult.” One with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, political parties
farmer said, “We have received power tillers and ethnic leaders, immediately.
and diesel on credit from the government. Even
then, we still need more help to get bank loans We found no tangible progress from the
so that we will have cash to hire field hands.” recent visit of Mr. Ibrahim Gambari, Special
Representative of the UN Secretary-General,
Kuwait discusses investment in Burma on 18-23 August, which was the sixth of its kind,
A Kuwaiti government delegation met Burmese to facilitate the UNGA resolutions and UNSC
regime officials, led by Prime Minister General Presidential Statement on Burma.
Thein Sein, on 27 August to discuss investment
in various business sectors, including the 2. During the visit, Mr. Gambari was not able
agricultural sector. A state level delegation, to meet with senior officials of the State Peace
led by Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al and Development Council (SPDC) [official name
Mohammad Al Ahmad Al-Sabah, visited Burma of the Burmese military regime], who are the
earlier in August to sign a Memorandum of real decision makers. He also couldn’t meet and
Understanding with the Myanmar Federation discuss the situation with ethnic political parties
of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry that won significant seats in the 1990 elections,
(UMFCCI). ethnic leaders, as well as leaders of democracy
forces. He only followed the arrangements of
“The Kuwait side is very willing to invest in the SPDC and spent most of the time, which is
various business sectors in Myanmar using precious and irreplaceable, without any benefit.
their money earned from oil sales. But the area
in which they are most eager to make deal with 3. When the leaders of the NLD met Mr.
us is contract farming,” said U Tun Aung, a Gambari (on 20 August), NLD leaders explained
central executive member of the UMFCCI, in an that the 1990 multi-party election results, which
interview with The Myanmar Times newspaper. represented the decision and free will of the
voters, should not be ignored, and that without
Statement by National League for honoring the free will of the people of Burma
Democracy demonstrated in the 1990 election, establishing
No. 97B West Shwegondaing Street a democratic country could not be possible, and
Bahan Township, Rangoon asked him how would he considered the 1990
29 August 2008 election result. Mr. Gambari didn’t answer that
Special Statement No. 15/08/ 08
(Unofficial Translation) 4. NLD leaders also explained to him that the
2008 constitution, which was approved by
1. From 1994 to 2007, the United Nations the SPDC, is actually written by the SPDC
General Assembly successively adopted
without having the right to do so, that the 7. Mr. Gambari came to Burma six times with
referendum held in May 2008 was also not his diplomatic mission. However, we found no
a process in which the people could express development whatsoever as of today such as;
their real desire, but a step to approve the (1) Release of all political prisoners, including
constitution forcibly by use of fraud, threats Daw Aung San Suu Kyi,
and vote-rigging, and that the NLD has already (2) Realizing of meaningful political dialogue
declared clearly that it would not recognize the between the SPDC, and democracy forces
referendum and the constitution. Therefore, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and
NLD leaders asked Mr. Gambari not to consider (3) Democratization in Burma.
and speak for the upcoming election.
As per decision made by the Central Executive
5. Despite our concerns, when he met with the Committee meeting on 28 August 2008,
Spokes Authoritative Team of the SPDC, Mr. Rangoon Central Executive Committee
Gambari advised that “the SPDC should accept National League for Democracy
expertise from the United Nations in the general
election to be held in 2010 in order to win the
trust of the international community”, and “UN
would like to coordinate matters for rendering
expertise after the election commission has
been formed.” Hence, general dissatisfactions
(on his performance) among the Burmese
people are now growing.