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Aditi Technologies Home Back To Aditi Page SECTION 1-APTITUDE Directions for question 1-10: Each question comprises

four scattered segments of a sentence. Identify from among the four choices the sequences that correctly a ssembles the segments and completes the sentence. 1. A. Anniversaries can be dicey things. B. As long as the dead are being commemorated on a particular day, it is fi ne. C. The opposition could keep its gun powder dry and ready as well. D. But when it comes to a government celebrating a year or two in office, t here can be trouble. (a) (b) (c) (d) DACB CADB ABDC BCDA

2. A. It is less concerned with telling a tale. B. As with so much Huxley's later fiction, one is not sure whether or not t o call this book a true novel. C. It is also weak on characterization but strong on talk. D. Than with presenting an attitude of life. (a) (b) (c) (d) CBDA BADC ABDC DCBA

3. A. While the above is true for private sector companies, it is not so in the public limited companies. B. But with the removal of control over premia, the premia at which issues are marked has gone up quite sharply. C. So the cost of capital at even a lower debt equity ratio comes out lower . D. Traditionally, the cost of equity is higher than the cost of debt. (a) (b) (c) (d) DBCA BADC ACDB CDAB

4. A. Compiling and debugging. B. Testing. C. Writing the code. D. Thinking of the algorithm. E. Understanding the problem

(a) (b) (c) (d)


5. A. Such alliances are shaky from the start. B. In this manner parties which are not able to get a mandate from the elec torate are able to come to power. C. We have seen the unique spectacle of political forming alliance just to form a government. D. Indian democracy continues to amaze. (a) (b) (c) (d) ADBC BADC DCBA BDCA

6. A. They are the three faces of dysphoria - bad feeling. B. Anxiety, Depression and Anger. C. When the three combine and get out of control, we get what is called men tal illness. D. All of us experience three emotions almost daily. (a) (b) (c) (d) ACDB CBDA CADB DBAC

7. A. This is the key to tap the creative power inside us. B. It is difficult to control our thinking and feelings. C . That is, unless we work at it conciously and persistently. D. We are influenced and limited by attitudes, prejudices by other individu als and by external conditions to such an extent that few can control mental and emotional processes. (a) (b) (c) (d) ACDB BDCA CADB DBAC

8. A. Two vital facts must be understood. B. The subconscious mind has the power to create. C. The second is that it obeys the orders given to it by the conscious mind. D. Its function is to bring to full expression whatever is desired by the co nscious mind. (a)ABCD (b) CBDA (c) ADBC (d) DBAC 9. A. But what is not often understood is that this flash is outcome of long pe riods of incubation. B. The layman thinks that it is a spell of divine flash which illuminates t he dark and the hidden.

C. True, it does. D. Inspiration is much misunderstood term. (a) (b) (c) (d) DBAC ACBD DBCA CADB

10. A. As a result, the world has undergone a transformation. B. Science and civilization have made rapid strides especially in recent times. C. This constitutes the basic factor in the use of productive resources. D. But behind all the progress of mankind is the human factor which is in valuable and irreplaceable. (a) (b) (c) (d) ABDC BADC DCAB CBDA

Directions for questions 11-20: Each problem contains a question and two stateme nts giving certain data. You have to select the correct answer from (a) to (d) d epending on the sufficiency of the data given in the statements to answer the qu estion. Mark your answer as (a) If statement (I) alone is sufficient. (b) If statement (II) alone is sufficient. (c) If both (I) and (II) together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient. (d) Either of the statements (I) and (II) is sufficient. (e) If statements (I) and (II) together are not sufficient. 11. What is the distance from City A to City C in kms? (I) City A is 90 kms from City B. (II) City B is 30 kms from City C. 12. Is z less than w? z and w are real numbers. (I) z2 = 25 (II) w = 9 13. The value of an estate in January 1905 started gradually declining in such a way that at the end of each year it was worth only x times its value at the beg inning of the year. What was its worth in end December 1910 ? (I) It was worth Rs.10,109 in the end of December 1906. (II)It was worth Rs.12,345 in the beginning of January 1905. 14. In an election, 3 candidates A,B and C were representing for a membership of parliament. How many votes did each receive? (I) A received 1006 votes more than B and 1213 more votes than C. (II) Total votes cast were 15,414. 15. John studies Chinese in a school. Which school does he attend? (I) All students in Jefferson High school take French. (II) Maysville High School offers only Chinese.

16. How many girls passed the entrance exam this year? (I) Last year 560 girls passed (II) This year there was a 10% decrease over last year in the number of failures . 17. What is Raju's age? (I) Raju, Vimala and Kishore are all of the same age. (II) Total age of Vimala, Kishore and Abishek is 32 and Abishek is as old as Vim ala and Kishore together. 18. Is Sreedhar eligible for an entry pass to the company premisers? (I) The company does not allow strangers to enter the company. (II)All employees are elgible to get a pass. 19. Among five friends who is the tallest? (I) D is taller than A and C. (II)B is shorter than E but taller than D. 20. Can a democratic system operate without effective opposition? (I) The opposition is indispensable. (II) A good statesman always learns more from his opponents than from his fervent supporters. Directions for question 1-2 : Answer the questions based on the passage above th em A temple has 3 gateways, each of them is leading you into the temple, and at the end of each gateway there is an idol and as a devotee passes through the gatewa y with some flowers the number of flowers double. Ram enters the 1st gateway wit h some flowers and he puts same number of flowers at each idol and the end he is left with none. 21. How many flowers did Ram start with? (a) (b) (c) (d) 4 5 3 7

22. How many flowers does he put at each idol? (a) (b) (c) (d) 10 8 6 5

Directions for question 3-5 : Answer the questions based on the passage above th em Liz, Jenni, Jolie and Rick have an English final on Friday and they all would li ke to study together at least once before the test. Liz can study only on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights and Thursday afternoo

n and night. Jenni can study only on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights and Tuesday aftern oon and night. Jolie can study only on Wednesday and Thursday nights, Tuesday afternoon and Mon day afternoon and night. Rick can study the afternoons and nights of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and on Monday afternoon. 23. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 24. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 25. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) If the group is to study twice, then the days could be Monday and Wednesday Tuesday and Thursday Wednesday and Thursday Monday and Friday Tuesday and Wednesday If three of them tried to study together when all four couldn't this would be possible twice it would have to be on Wednesday night Rick could not attend the three person groups This could be accomplised on Monday and Tuesday only This would not be possible If Liz decided to study every night, she would never be able to study with Rick she would never be able to study with Jolie she would have at least two study partners each night she would have to study alone on Monday night she would study with only Jenni on Thursday night

SECTION 2-COMPUTER AWARENESS (15 questions) NOTE: The questions are of multiple choice format in the paper 1. What is the number of functions of a three variable boolean function? 2. Which is the most commonly used replacement algorithm? Ans. LRU 3. Which memory management technique involves dividing the memory into fixed siz ed blocks? Ans. Paging 4. What is video resolution ? 5. The processing speed of a microprocessor depends on _____? Ans. data bus width

SECTION 3: C TEST NOTE: The questions are of multiple choice format in the paper 1. What is the output of the program given below

#include<stdio.h> main() { char i=0; for(;i>=0;i++) ; printf("%d\n",i); } 2. What is the output of the following program #include<stdio.h> main() { int i=0; fork(); printf("%d",i++); fork(); printf("%d",i++); fork(); wait(); } 3. What is the memory allocated by the following definition ? int (*x)[10]; 4. What is the memory allocated by the following definition ? int (*x)(); 5. In the following program segment #include<stdio.h> main() { int a=2; int b=9; int c=1; while(b) { if(odd(b)) c=c*a; a=a*a; b=b/2; } printf("%d\n",c); } How many times is c=c*a calculated? 6. In the program segment in question 5 what is the value of a at the end of the while loop? 7. What is the output for the program given below typedef enum grade{GOOD,BAD,WORST,}BAD;

main() { BAD g1; g1=1; printf("%d",g1); } 8. Give the output for the following program. #define STYLE1 char main() { typedef char STYLE2; STYLE1 x; STYLE2 y; clrscr(); x=255; y=255; printf("%d %d\n",x,y); } 9. Give the output for the following program segment. #ifdef TRUE int I=0; #endif main() { int j=0; printf("%d %d\n",i,j); } 10. In the following program #include<stdio.h> main() { char *pDestn,*pSource="I Love You Daddy"; pDestn=malloc(strlen(pSource)); strcpy(pDestn,pSource); printf("%s",pDestn); free(pDestn); } (a)Free() fails (b)Strcpy() fails (c)prints I love You Daddy (d)error 11. What is the output for the following program #include<stdio.h> main() { char a[5][5],flag;

a[0][0]='A'; flag=((a==*a)&&(*a==a[0])); printf("%d\n",flag); }

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Axes Technologies Home Back To Axes Page

1. A 2MB PCM(pulse code modulation) has a) 32 channels b) 30 voice channels & 1 signalling channel. c) 31 voice channels & 1 signalling channel. d) 32 channels out of which 30 voice channels, 1 signalling channel, & 1 Synchro nizatio channel. Ans: (c) 2. Time taken for 1 satellite hop in voice communication is a) b) c) d) 1/2 second 1 seconds 4 seconds 2 seconds

Ans: (a) 3. Max number of satellite hops allowed in voice communication is : a) b) c) d) only one more han one two hops four hops

Ans: (c) 4. What is the max. decimal number that can be accomodated in a byte. a) 128 b) 256

c) 255 d) 512 Ans: (c) 5. Conditional results after execution of an instruction in a micro processor is stored in a) b) c) d) register accumulator flag register flag register part of PSW(Program Status Word)

Ans: (d) 6. Frequency at which VOICE is sampled is a) b) c) d) 4 Khz 8 Khz 16 Khz 64 Khz

Ans: (a) 7. Line of Sight is a) b) c) d) Straight Line Parabolic Tx & Rx should be visible to each other none

Ans: (c) 8. Purpose of PC(Program Counter) in a MicroProcessor is a) b) c) d) To store address of TOS(Top Of Stack) To store address of next instruction to be executed. count the number of instructions. to store base address of the stack.

Ans: (b)

9. What action is taken when the processor under execution is interrupted by a n on-maskable interrupt? a) Processor serves the interrupt request after completing the execution of the current instruction. b) Processor serves the interupt request after completing the current task. c) Processor serves the interupt request immediately. d) Processor serving the interrupt request depends upon the priority of the curr ent task under execution. Ans: (a)

10. The status of the Kernel is a) b) c) d) task process not defined. none of the above.

Ans: (b) 11 What is the nominal voltage required in subscriber loop connected to local ex change? a) b) c) d) +48 -48 230 110 volts volts volts volts

12. To send a data packet using datagram , connection will be established a) b) c) d) before data transmission. connection is not established before data transmission. no connection is required. none of the above.

Ans: (c) 13. Word allignment is a) b) c) d) alligning the address to the next word boundary of the machine. alligning to even boundary. alligning to word boundary. none of the above.

Ans: (a) 14 When a 'C' function call is made, the order in which parameters passed to the function are pushed into the stack is a) b) c) d) e) left to right right to left bigger variables are moved first than the smaller variales. smaller variables are moved first than the bigger ones. none of the above.

Ans: (b) 15 What is the type of signalling used between two exchanges? a) b) c) d) inband common channel signalling any of the above none of the above.

Ans: (a)

16. Buffering is a) the process of temporarily storing the data to allow for small variation in d evice speeds b) a method to reduce cross talks c) storage of data within transmitting medium until the receiver is ready to rec eive. d) a method to reduce routing overhead. Ans: (a) 17. A protocol is a set of rules governing a time sequence of events that must t ake place between a) b) c) d) peers non-peers allocated on stack assigned to registers.

18. Memory allocation of variables declared in a program is a) b) c) d) allocated in RAM. allocated in ROM. allocated on stack. assigned to registers.

Ans: (c) 19. A software that allows a personal computer to pretend as a computer terminal is a) b) c) d) terminal adapter bulletin board modem terminal emulation

Ans: (d) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following questions (Q20-Q33) are of a slightly different pattern than those above and may also be asked: 20. Find the output of the following program int *p,*q; p=(int *)1000; q=(int *)2000; printf("%d",(q-p)); Ans: 500

21. What does the statement int(*x[])() indicate? 22. Which addressing mode is used in the following statements: (a) MVI B,55 (b) MOV B,A (c) MOV M,A Ans. (a) Immediate addressing mode. (b) Register Addressing Mode (c) Direct addressing mode 23. RS-232C standard is used in _____________. Ans. Serial I/O 24. How are parameters passed to the main function? 25. What does the file stdio.h contain? a) functin definition b) function decleration c) both func. defn & func. decleration. 26. sscanf is used for ? 27. Memory. Management in Operating Systems is done by a) Memory Management Unit b) Memory management software of the Operating System c) Kernel Ans: (b) 28. What does the statement strcat(S2,S1) do? 29. TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) is Connection Oriented and used in ______ ________ layer? 30. IP(Internet Protocol) is connectionless and used in _________________ layer ? 31. For LAN Netwrok layer is not required. Why? 32. What is done for a Push opertion? Ans: SP is decremented and then the value is stored.

33. Describe the following structures as LIFO/FILO/FIFO/LILO (a) Stack (b) Queue Back to top

Aztec Sample Test Paper Home Back To Aztec Page Section A The following questions are taken from the book--Puzzles & Teasers by George J. Summers.We have provided you with a few questions so that you get a clear idea o f the pattern. 1.One of the following is my secret word:AIM DUE MOD OAT TIE.With the list i n front of you, if I were to tell you any one of my secret word, then you would be able to tell me the number of vowels in my secret word.Which is my secret wor d? Ans.TIE 2.In the following figure:A B C D E F G H I Each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is: a)Represented by a different letter in the figure above. b)Positioned in the figure above so that each of A + B + C,C + D +E,E + F + G, a nd G + H + I is equal to 13. Which digit does E represent? Ans.E is 4 3.One of Mr. Horton,his wife,their son,and Mr. Horton's mother is a doctor and a nother is a lawyer. a)If the doctor is younger than the lawyer, then the doctor and the lawyer are n ot blood relatives. b)If the doctor is a woman, then the doctor and the lawyer are blood relatives. c)If the lawyer is a man, then the doctor is a man. Whose occupation you know? Ans.Mr. Horton:he is the doctor. 4.Here is a picture of two cubes:

a)The two cubes are exactly alike. b)The hidden faces indicated by the dots have the same alphabet on them. Which alphabet-q, r, w, or k is on the faces indicated by the dots? Ans.q 5.In the following figure: A B C D G E F

Each of the seven digits from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is: a)Represented by a different letter in the figure above. b)Positioned in the figure above so that A*B*C,B*G*E, and D*E*F are equal. Which digit does G represent? Ans.G represents the digit 2. 6.Mr. and Mrs. Aye and Mr. and Mrs. Bee competed in a chess tournament.Of the th ree games played: a)In only the first game werethe two players married to each other. b)The men won two games and the women won one game. c)The Ayes won more games than the Bees. d)Anyone who lost game did not play the subsequent game. Who did not lose a game? Ans.Mrs.Bee did not lose a game. 7.Three piles of chips--pile I consists one chip, pile II consists of chips, and pile III consists of three chips--are to be used in game played by Anita and Br inda.The game requires: a)That each player in turn take only one chip or all chips from just one pile. b)That the player who has to take the last chip loses. c)That Anita now have her turn. From which pile should Anita draw in order to win? Ans.Pile II 8.Of Abdul, Binoy, and Chandini: a)Each member belongs to the Tee family whose members always tell the truth or to the El family whose members always lie. b)Abdul says ''Either I belong or Binoy belongs to a different family from the other two." Whose family do you name of? Ans.Binoy's family--El. Section B C programs are asked in this section 1.Write a program to insert a node in a sorted linked list. 2.Write a program to implement the Fibonacci series.

3.Write a program to concatenate two circular linked lists into a single circula r list. 4.A function even_odd_difference()passes the array of elements.Write a program t o calculate the difference of the two sums of which one sum adds the elements of odd ones and another adds the elments of even ones. 5.Write a program to reverse a linked list. Section C Questions on C++ are asked here Base class has some virtual method and derived class has a method with the same name. If we initialize the base class pointer w ith derived object,.calling of that virtual method will result in which method being called? a. Base method b. Derived method.. Ans. b Almost all questions are of this kind. Go through virtual functions concepts in C++ and how the pointers to functions would be handled.

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BFL Sample Test Paper Home Back To BFL Page COMPUTER AWARENESS TEST 1.In the command scanf, h is used for Ans. Short int 2.A process is defined as Ans. Program in execution 3.A thread is

Ans. Detachable unit of executable code) 4.What is the advantage of Win NT over Win 95 Ans. Robust and secure 5.How is memory management done in Win95 Ans. Through paging and segmentation 6.What is meant by polymorphism Ans. Redfinition of a base class method in a derived class 7.What is the essential feature of inheritance Ans. All properties of existing class are derived 8.What does the protocol FTP do Ans. Transfer a file b/w stations with user authentification 9.In the transport layer ,TCP is what type of protocol Ans. Connection oriented 10.Why is a gateway used Ans. To connect incompatible networks 11.How is linked list implemented Ans. By referential structures 12.What method is used in Win95 in multitasking Ans. Non preemptive check 13.What is meant by functional dependency 14.What is a semaphore Ans. A method synchronization of multiple processes 15.What is the precedence order from high to low ,of the symbols ( ) ++ / Ans.( ) , ++, /

16.Preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G Ans.*+ABC/-DG 18. B-tree (failure nodes at same level) 19. Dense index (index record appers for every search -key in file) 20.What is the efficiency of merge sort Ans. O(n log n) 21.A program on swaping ( 10,5 )was given (candidate cannot recollect) 22.In which layer are routers used Ans.In network layer 23.In which layer are packets formed ( in network layer ) 24.heap ( priority queue ) 25.copy constructor ( constant reference ) 26.Which of the following sorting algorithem has average sorting behavior -Bubble sort,merge sort,heap sort,exchange sort Ans. Heap sort 27.In binary search tree which traversal is used for getting ascending order val ues--Inorder ,post order,preorder Ans.Inorder 28.What are device drivers used for Ans.To provide software for enabling the hardware 29. Irrevalent to unix command ( getty) 30.What is fork command in unix Ans. System call used to create process 31.What is make command in unix

Ans. Used forcreation of more than one file 32.In unix .profile contains Ans. Start up program 33.In unix echo is used for ( answer C) 34.In unix 'ls 'stores contents in Ans.inode block QUANTITATIVE SECTION 1.In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed o f girls A.y/(x + y) B.x/xy C.x/(x + y) D.y/xy Ans.C 2.What is the maximum number of half-pint bottles of cream that can be filled wi th a 4-gallon can of cream(2 pt.=1 qt. and 4 qt.=1 gal) A.16 B.24 C.30 D.64 Ans.D 3.If the operation,^ is defined by the equation x ^ y = 2x + y,what is the value of a in 2 ^ a = a ^ 3 A.0 B.1 C.-1 D.4 Ans.B 4.A coffee shop blends 2 kinds of coffee,putting in 2 parts of a 33p. a gm. grad e to 1 part of a 24p. a gm.If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the 33p. a gm. to 2 parts of the less expensive grade,how much will the shop save in blending 100 gms. A.Rs.90 B.Rs.1.00

C.Rs.3.00 D.Rs.8.00 Ans.C 5.There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination.Among these questions are 50 mat hematics problems.It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each maths problem as for each other question.How many minutes should be spent on mathemat ics problems A.36 B.72 C.60 D.100 Ans.B 6.In a group of 15,7 have studied Latin, 8 have studied Greek, and 3 have not st udied either.How many of these studied both Latin and Greek A.0 B.3 C.4 D.5 Ans.B 7.If 13 = 13w/(1-w) ,then (2w)2 = A.1/4 B.1/2 C.1 D.2 Ans.C 8. If a and b are positive integers and (a-b)/3.5 = 4/7, then (A) (B) (C) (D) b b b b < a > a = a >= a

Ans. A 9. In june a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its game played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% .How many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average? A. B. C. D. 12 20 24 30

Ans. C

10. M men agree to purchase a gift for Rs. D. If three men drop out how much mor e will each have to contribute towards the purchase of the gift/ A. B. C. D. D/(M-3) MD/3 M/(D-3) 3D/(M2-3M)

Ans. D 11. A company contracts to paint 3 houses. Mr.Brown can paint a house in 6 days while Mr.Black would take 8 days and Mr.Blue 12 days. After 8 days Mr.Brown goes on vacation and Mr. Black begins to work for a period of 6 days. How many days will it take Mr.Blue to complete the contract? A. B. C. D. 7 8 11 12

Ans.C 12. 2 hours after a freight train leaves Delhi a passenger train leaves the same station travelling in the same direction at an average speed of 16 km/hr. After travelling 4 hrs the passenger train overtakes the freight train. The average s peed of the freight train was? A. 30 B. 40 C.58 D. 60 Ans. B 13. If 9x-3y=12 and 3x-5y=7 then 6x-2y = ? A.-5 B. 4 C. 2 D. 8 Ans. D ANALYTICAL ABILITY 1. The office staff of XYZ corporation presently consists of three bookeepers--A , B, C and 5 secretaries D, E, F, G, H. The management is planning to open a new office in another city using 2 bookeepers and 3 secretaries of the present staf f . To do so they plan to seperate certain individuals who don't function well t ogether. The following guidelines were established to set up the new office I. Bookeepers A and C are constantly finding fault with one another and should n ot be sent together to the new office as a team II. C and E function well alone but not as a team , they should be seperated

III. D and G have not been on speaking terms and shouldn't go together IV Since D and F have been competing for promotion they shouldn't be a team 1.If A is to be moved as one of the bookeepers,which of the following cannot be a possible working unit. A.ABDEH B.ABDGH C.ABEFH D.ABEGH Ans.B 2.If C and F are moved to the new office,how many combinations are possible A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 Ans.A 3.If C is sent to the new office,which member of the staff cannot go with C A.B B.D C.F D.G Ans.B 4.Under the guidelines developed,which of the following must go to the new offic e A.B B.D C.E D.G Ans.A 5.If D goes to the new office,which of the following is/are true I.C cannot go II.A cannot go III.H must also go A.I only B.II only C.I and II only D.I and III only Ans.D 2.After months of talent searching for an administrative assistant to the presid

ent of the college the field of applicants has been narrowed down to 5--A, B, C, D, E .It was announced that the finalist would be chosen after a series of allday group personal interviews were held.The examining committee agreed upon the following procedure I.The interviews will be held once a week II.3 candidates will appear at any all-day interview session III.Each candidate will appear at least once IV.If it becomes necessary to call applicants for additonal interviews, no more 1 such applicant should be asked to appear the next week V.Because of a detail in the written applications,it was agreed that whenever ca ndidate B appears, A should also be present. VI.Because of travel difficulties it was agreed that C will appear for only 1 in terview. 1.At the first interview the following candidates appear A,B,D.Which of the foll wing combinations can be called for the interview to be held next week. A.BCD B.CDE C.ABE D.ABC Ans.B 2.Which of the following is a possible sequence of combinations for interviews i n 2 successive weeks A.ABC;BDE B.ABD;ABE C.ADE;ABC D.BDE;ACD Ans.C 3.If A ,B and D appear for the interview and D is called for additional intervie w the following week,which 2 candidates may be asked to appear with D? I. A II B III.C IV.E A.I and II B.I and III only C.II and III only D.III and IV only Ans.D 4.Which of the following correctly state(s) the procedure followed by the search committee I.After the second interview all applicants have appeared at least once II.The committee sees each applicant a second time III.If a third session,it is possible for all applicants to appear at least twic e

A.I only B.II only C.III only D.Both I and II Ans.A 3. A certain city is served by subway lines A,B and C and numbers 1 2 and 3 When it snows , morning service on B is delayed When it rains or snows , service on A, 2 and 3 are delayed both in the morning a nd afternoon When temp. falls below 30 degrees farenheit afternoon service is cancelled in ei ther the A line or the 3 line, but not both. When the temperature rises over 90 degrees farenheit, the afternoon service is c ancelled in either the line C or the 3 line but not both. When the service on the A line is delayed or cancelled, service on the C line wh ich connects the A line, is delayed. When service on the 3 line is cancelled, service on the B line which connects th e 3 line is delayed. Cisco Home Back To Cisco Page SECTION 1 -- BASIC DIGITAL SECTION 1. In order to find out stack fault of a three input nand gate how many necessar y input vectors are needed ? 2. What is parity generation ? 3. A nand gate becomes ___ gate when used with negative logic ? 4. What is the advantage of cmos over nmos ? 5. What is the advantage of syncronous circuits over asynchronous circuits ? 6. What is the function of ALE in 8085 ? 7. A voice signal sample is stored as one byte. Frequency range is 16 Hz to 20 H z. What is the memorysize required to store 4 minutes voice signal? 8. What will the controller do before interrupting CPU?

9. In a normalised floating point representation, mantissa is represented using 24 bits and exponent with 8 bits using signed representation. What is range ? 10. The stack uses which policy out of the following-- LIFO, FIFO, Round Robin o r none of these ? 11. Where will be the actual address of the subroutine is placed for vectored in terrupts? 12. Give the equivalent Gray code reprasentation of AC2H. 13.What is the memory space required if two unsigned 8 bit numbers are multiplie d ? 14. The vector address of RST 7.5 in 8085 processor is _______. Ans. 003C (multiply 7.5 by 8 and convert to hex) 15. Subtract the following hexadecimal numbers--- 8416 - 2A16 16. Add the following BCD numbers--- 1001 and 0100 17. How much time does a serial link of 64 Kbps take to transmit a picture with 540 pixels. 18. Give the output when the input of a D-flip flop is tied to the output throug h the XOR gate. 19. Simplify the expression AB + A( B + C ) + B ( B + C ) 20. Determine the logic gate to implement the foolowing terms--ABC, A+B+C 21. Implement the NOR gate as an inverter. 22. What is the effect of temperature on the Icb in a transistor 23. What is the bit storage capacity of a ROM with a 512*4 organisation? 24. What is the reason of the refresh operation in dynamic RAM's ? 25. Suppose that the D input of a flip flop changes from low to high in the midd le of a clock pulse.Describe what happens if the flip flop is a positive edge tr iggered type?

26. How many flip flops are required to produce a divide by 32 device ? 27. An active HIGH input S-R latch has a 1 on the S input and a 0 on the R input . What state is the latch in? 28. Implement the logic equation Y = C^BA^ + CB^A + CBA with a multiplexer. (whe re C^ stands for C complement) 29.Equivalent Gray code reprasentation of AC2H. 30. What does a PLL consist of ? We advice you to know the design of PLL as questions pertaining to this may be a sked SECTION 2 - SOFTWARE SECTION 1. The starting location of an array is 1000. If the array[1..5/...4] is stored in row major order, what is the location of element [4,3]. Each word occupies 4 bytes. 2. In a tertiary tree, which has three childs for every node, if the number of i nternal nodes are N, then the total number of leaf nodes are 3. Explain the term "locality of reference" ? 4. What is the language used for Artificial Intelligence Ans: lisp 5. What is the character set used in JAVA 2.0 ? Ans: Unicode 6. char a =0xAA ; int b ; b = (int) a ; b = b >> 4 ; printf("%x",b); What is the output of the above program segment ? 7. struct s1 { struct { struct { int x; } s2 } s3 }y; How does one access x in the above given structure definition ? 8. Why there is no recursion in Fortran ?

Ans. There is no dynamic allocation. 9. What is the worst case complexity of Quick sort? Ans. O(n2) 10. What will be sequence of operating system activities when an interrupt occur s ? 11. In a sequential search, what is the average number of comparisons it takes t o search through n elements ? Ans: (n+1)/2. 12. What is the size of the array declared as double * X[5] ? Ans. 5 * sizeof ( double * ) 13. A binary search tree with node information as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 is given. Writ e the result obtained on preorder traversal of the binary search tree ? Ans : 53124768 14. If size of the physical memory is 232-1, then what is the size of the virtu al memory ? 15. S -> A0B A-> BB|0 B-> AA|1 How many strings of length 5 are possible with the above productions? 16. (3*4096+15*256+3*16+3). How many 1's are there in the binary representation of the result ? Ans. 10 17. In memory mapped I/O how is I/O is accessed ? 18. What is the use of ALE in 8085 ? Ans To latch the lower byte of the address. 19. If the logical memory of 8 X 1024 is mapped into 32 frames, then the number of bits for the logical address are____ ? Ans. 13 20. Context free grammar is useful for which purpose ?

21. In ternary number representation, numbers are represented as 0,1,-1.(Here -1 is represented as 1 bar.) How is 352/9 represented in ternary number representa tion? 22. There are processes which take 4,1,8,1 machine cycles respectively. If these are executed in round robin fashion with a time quantum of 1, what is the time it take for process 4 to complete ? Ans. 9 23. The minimum frequency of operation is specified for every processor because. ..... a)for interfacing slow peripherals b)dynamic memory refreshing. c)to make compatible with other processor. 24. For linked list implementation , which search is not applicable ? Ans: Binary search. 25. Each character is represented by 7 bits, 1 bit is used to represent error bi t and another bit for parity. If total number of bits transmitted is 1200 bits, then what is the number of symbols that can be transmitted ? Ans: 133 26. Explain set associativity of cache ? 27. Write the postfix form of the following expression . A+[[(B+C)+(D+E)*F]/G] 28. What is the function of the linker? 29. void f(int y) { struct s *ptr; ptr = malloc (sizeof (struct)+99*sizeof(int)); } struct s{ int i; float p; }; when free (ptr) is executed, then what will happen?

30. To concatenate two linked lists strings, the order is O(1) is obtained for w hat kind of list?

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CMC Sample Test Home Back To CMC Page This is only a sample paper. We are not providing you with all the questions - j ust some questions to give you a general idea of the test pattern. ANALYTICAL REASONING SECTION Directions for questions 1-5: The questions are based on the information given below There are six steps that lead from the first to the second floor. No two people can be on the same step Mr. A is two steps below Mr. C Mr. B is a step next to Mr. D Only one step is vacant ( No one standing on that step ) Denote the first step by step 1 and second step by step 2 etc. 1. If Mr. A is on the first step, Which of the following is true? (a) Mr. B is on the second step (b) Mr. C is on the fourth step. (c) A person Mr. E, could be on the third step (d) Mr. D is on higher step than Mr. C. Ans: (d) 2. If Mr. E was on the third step & Mr. B was on a higher step than Mr. E which step must be vacant (a) step 1 (b) step 2 (c) step 4 (d) step 5 (e) step 6 Ans: (a) 3. If Mr. B was on step 1, which step could A be on? (a) 2&e only (b) 3&5 only

(c) 3&4 only (d) 4&5 only (e) 2&4 only Ans: (c) 4. If there were two steps between the step that A was standing and the step tha t B was standing on, and A was on a higher step than D , A must be on step (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2 3 4 5 6

Ans: (c) 5. Which of the following is false i. B&D can be both on odd-numbered steps in one configuration ii. In a particular configuration A and C must either both an odd numbered steps or both an even-numbered steps iii. A person E can be on a step next to the vacant step. (a) (b) (c) (d) i only ii only iii only both i and iii

Ans: (c)

Directions for questions 6-9: The questions are based on the information given below Six swimmers A, B, C, D, E, F compete in a race. The outcome is as follows. i. B does not win. ii. Only two swimmers separate E & D iii. A is behind D & E iv. B is ahead of E , with one swimmer intervening v. F is a head of D 6. Who stood fifth in the race ? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E Ans: (e) 7. How many swimmers seperate A and F ? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

(e) cannot be determined Ans: (d) 8. The swimmer between C & E is (a) none (b) F (c) D (d) B (e) A Ans: (a) 9. If the end of the race, swimmer D is disqualified by the Judges then swimmer B finishes in which place (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (e) 5 Ans: (b) Directions for questions 10-14: The questions are based on the information give n below Five houses lettered A,B,C,D, & E are built in a row next to each other. The hou ses are lined up in the order A,B,C,D, & E. Each of the five houses has a colore d chimney. The roof and chimney of each housemust be painted as follows. i. The roof must be painted either green,red ,or yellow. ii. The chimney must be painted either white, black, or red. iii. No house may have the same color chimney as the color of roof. iv. No house may use any of the same colors that the every next house uses. v. House E has a green roof. vi. House B has a red roof and a black chimney 10. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Which of At least At least At least At least At least the two two two two two following is true ? houses have black chimney. houses have red roofs. houses have white chimneys houses have green roofs houses have yellow roofs

Ans: (c) 11. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Which House House House House House must be false ? A has a yellow roof A & C have different color chimney D has a black chimney E has a white chimney B&D have the same color roof.

Ans: (b) 12. If house C has a yellow roof. Which must be true.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

House House House House House


has has has has has

a a a a a

white chimney black chimney red chimney red chimney black chimney

Ans: (a) 13. Which possible combinations of roof & chimney can house I. A red roof 7 a black chimney II. A yellow roof & a red chimney III. A yellow roof & a black chimney (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) I only II only III only I & II only I&II&III

Ans: (e) 14. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What is the maximum total number of green roofs for houses 1 2 3 4 5

NOTE: The questions from 15-27 are multiple choice in the paper 15. There are 5 red shoes, 4 green shoes. If one draw randomly a shoe what is th e probability of getting a red shoe Ans 5c1/ 9c1 16. What is the selling price of a car? If the cost of the car is Rs.60 and a p rofit of 10% over selling price is earned Ans: Rs 66/17. 1/3 of girls , 1/2 of boys go to canteen .What factor and total number of cl assmates go to canteen. Ans: Cannot be determined. 18. The price of a product is reduced by 30% . By what percentage should it be i ncreased to make it 100% Ans: 42.857% 19. There is a square of side 6cm . A circle is inscribed inside the square. Fin d the ratio of the area of circle to square.

Ans. 11/14 20. There are two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness. The thick er one lasts of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less than the thicker one. Ramesh lights the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed he saw the thicker one is twice the length of the thinner one. How long ago did Ramesh light the t wo candles . Ans: 3 hours. 21. If M/N = 6/5,then 3M+2N = ? 22. If p/q = 5/4 , then 2p+q= ? 23. If PQRST is a parallelogram what it the ratio of triangle PQS & parallelogra m PQRST . Ans: 1:2 24. The cost of an item is Rs 12.60. If the profit is 10% over selling price wha t is the selling price ? Ans: Rs 13.86/25. There are 6 red shoes & 4 green shoes . If two of red shoes are drawn what i s the probability of getting red shoes Ans: 6c2/10c2 26. To 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, we add 5 lts of pure water. What is % alcohol. Ans : 15% 27. A worker is paid Rs.20/- for a full days work. He works 1,1/3,2/3,1/8.3/4 da ys in a week. What is the total amount paid for that worker ? Ans : 57.50 28. If the value of x lies between 0 & 1 which of the following is the largest? (a) (b) (c) (d) x x2 -x 1/x

Ans : (d)


Directions : For questions in this section mark (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) If condition (i) alone is sufficient If condition (ii) alone is sufficient If both conditions together are sufficient If condition (i) alone & (ii) alone are sufficient information not sufficient

1. A man 6 feet tall is standing near a light on the top of a pole What is the l ength of the shadow cast by the man. (i) The pole is 18 feet high (ii) The man is 12 feet from the pole Ans: (c) 2. Two pipes A and B emptied into a reservoir , pipe A can fill the reservoir in 30 minutes by itself. How long it will take for pipe A and pipe B together to f ill up the reservoir. (i) By itself, pipe B can fill up the reservoir in 20 minutes (ii) Pipe B has a larger cross-sectional area than pipe A Ans: (a) 3. K is an integer. Is K is divisible by 12 (i) K is divisible by 4 (ii) K is divisible by 3 Ans: (c) 4. What is the distance from A to B (i) A is 15 miles from C (2) C is 25 miles from B Ans: (e) 5. Was Melissa Brown's novel published? (i). If Melissa Brown's novel was published she would receive atleast $1000 in r oyalities during 1978 (ii). Melissa Brown's income for 1978 was over $1000 Ans: (e) 6. Does every bird fly? (i) Tigers do not fly. (ii) Ostriches do not fly Ans: (b) 7. How much does John weigh? Jim weighs 200 pounds. (i) Toms weight plus Moes weight equal to John's weight. (ii) John's weight plus Moe's weight equal to Twice Tom's weight. Ans: (c)

8. Is the figure ABCD is a rectangle if (i) angle ABC=90(degrees) (ii) AB=CD 9. Find x+2y (i). x+y=10 (ii). 2x+4y=20 Ans: (b) 10. Is angle BAC is a right angle (i) AB=2BC (2) BC=1.5AC Ans: (e) 11. Is x greater than y (i) x=2k (ii) k=2y Ans: (e) 12. A piece of string 6 feet long is cut into three smaller pieces. How long is the longest of the three pieces? (i). Two pieces are the same length. (ii) One piece is 3 feet 2 inches lone Ans: (b) 13. How many rolls of wall paper are necessary to cover the walls of a room whos e floor and ceiling are rectangles 12 feet wide and 15 feet long (i) A roll of paper covers 20 sq feet (ii) There are no windows in the walls Ans: (e) 14. x and y are integers that are both less than 10. Is x>y? (i). x is a multiple of 3 (ii). y is a multiple of 2 Ans: (e) 15. Fifty students have signed up for atleast one of the courses GERMAN & ENGLIS H, how many of the 50 students are taking GERMANI but not ENGLISH? (i). 16 students are taking GERMANI & ENGLISH (ii). The number of students taking ENGLISH but not GERMANI is the same as the number of students taking GERMAN Ans: (c)

16. Is ABCD is a square ? A B X

C D (i) AD = AB (ii). x=90(degres) Ans: (e) 17. How much card board will it take to make a rectangular box with a lid whose base has length 7 inches. (i). The width of the box 5 inches (ii). The height of the box will be 4 inches Ans: (c) . 18. Did ABC company made profit in 1980? (i) ABC company made a profit in 1979. (ii) ABC company made a profit in 1981. Ans: (e) 19. How much is Janes salary? (i). Janes salary is 70% of John's salary (ii). Johns salary is 50% of Mary's salary Ans: (e) 20. Is x>1 (i) x+y=2 (ii) y<0 Ans: (c) 21. How many of the numbers, x and y are positive? Both x and y are less than 20 . (i) x is less than 5 (ii) x+y =24 Ans: (b) 22. Is the angle ACB is right angle

(1) AC=CB (2). (AC)2+CB2=AB2 Ans: (b) 23. How far it from town A to town B? Town C is 12 miles east of town A (i). Town C is south of town B (ii). It is 9 miles from town B to town C Ans: (c) 24. A rectangular field is 40 yards long. Find the area of the field. (i). A fence around the boundary of the field is 140 yards long (ii). The field is more than 20 yards width Ans: (a) 25. An industrial plant produces bottles. In 1961 the number of bottles produced by the plant was twice the number of produced in 1960. How many bottles were pr oduced altogether in the year 1960, 61,&62 (i). In 1962 the number of bottles produced was 3 times the number of produced i n 1980 (ii). In 1963 the number of bottles produced was one half the total produced in the years 1960,1961,1962. Ans: (e) 26. Is xy > 1 ? If x & y are both positive (i) x is less than 1 (ii) y is greater than 1 Ans: (e) 27. Is it a Rhombus (i) All four sides are equal (ii) Total internal angle is 360 Ans: (e) 28. How many books are in the book shelf (i) The book shelf is 12 feet long (ii). The average weight of each book is 1.2 pound Ans: (e) 29. What is the area of the circle? (i) Radius r is given (ii) Perimeter is 3 times the area Ans: (a) ARITHMETIC SECTION

1. If the total distance of a journey is 120 km .If one goes by 60 kmph and come s back at 40kmph what is the average speed during the journey? Ans: 48kmph 2. A school has 30% students from Maharashtra .Out of these 20% are Bombey stude nts. Find the total percentage of Bombay? Ans: 6% 3. An equilateral triangle of sides 3 inch each is given. How many equilateral t riangles of side 1 inch can be formed from it? Ans: 9 4. If A/B = 3/5,then 15A = ? Ans : 9B 5. Each side of a rectangle is increased by 100% .By what percentage does the ar ea increase? Ans : 300% 6. Perimeter of the back wheel = 9 feet, front wheel = 7 feet on a certain dista nce, the front wheel gets 10 revolutions more than the back wheel .What is the d istance? Ans : 315 feet. 7. Perimeter of front wheel =30, back wheel = 20. If front wheel revolves 240 ti mes. How many revolutions will the back wheel take? Ans: 360 times 8. 20% of a 6 litre solution and 60% of 4 litre solution are mixed. What percent age of the mixture of solution Ans: 36% 9. City A's population is 68000, decreasing at a rate of 80 people per year. Cit y B having population 42000 is increasing at a rate of 120 people per year. In h ow many years both the cities will have same population? Ans: 130 years 10. Two cars are 15 kms apart. One is turning at a speed of 50kmph and the other at 40kmph . How much time will it take for the two cars to meet? Ans: 3/2 hours

11. A person wants to buy 3 paise and 5 paise stamps costing exactly one rupee. If he buys which of the following number of stamps he won't able to buy 3 paise stamps. Ans: 9 12. There are 12 boys and 15 girls, How many different dancing groups can be for med with 2 boys and 3 girls. 13. Which of the following fractions is less than 1/3 (a) (b) (c) (d) 22/62 15/46 2/3 1

Ans: (b) 14. There are two circles, one circle is inscribed and another circle is circums cribed over a square. What is the ratio of area of inner to outer circle? Ans: 1 : 2 Directions for questions 15-17: The questions are based on the information give n below Miss Dean wants to rennovate her house. She hires a plumber, a carpenter, a pain ter, an electrician and an interior decorator. The work to be finished in one wo rking (Monday - Friday ). Each worker will take the full day to do his job. Miss Dean permits only one per son to work each day. I. The painter can work only after the plumber and the carpenter have finished t heir jobs II. The interior decorator must do his job before the electrician. III. The carpenter cannot work on Monday or Tuesday 15. If the painter work on Thursday, which one of the following alternatives is possible? (a) The electrician works on Tuesday. (b). The electrician works on Friday. (c) The interior decorator works after the painter does. (d). The painter works on consecutive days. (e). Miss Dean cannot fit all of the workers int schedule Ans: (b) 16. If the painter works on Friday which of the following must be false? (a) . The carpenter may works on Wednesday (b). The carpenter and the electrician may work on consecutive days (c). If the carpenter works on Thursday, the electrician has to work on Wednesda y

(d). The plumber may work before the electrician does (e). The electrician may work on Tuesday Ans: (c) 17. Which argument is possible? (a). (b). (c). (d). (e). The The The THe The electrician will works on Tuesday and the interior decorator on Friday painter will work on wednesday and plumber on thursday carpenter will works on Tuesday and the painter on Friday painter will work on Monday and the carpenter on Thursday carpenter will work on Wednesday and the plumber on Thursday

Ans: (e) Back to top

BAAN Sample Test Home Back To BAAN Page

Paper Pattern 1 from R.S.Agarwal Please check out the following questions from the book Section Section Section Section 1 2 3 4 ----Analogy 1c(1-20)[pg 15-17] Directions sense test 7b[1-10] Logic deduction 17b[30-50] Mathematical modeling 15a[1-20]

Paper Pattern 2 Q1. For a motorist there are three ways going from City A to City C. By way of bridg e the distance is 20 miles and toll is $0.75. A tunnel between the two cities is a distance of 10 miles and toll is $1.00 for the vehicle and driver and $0.10 f or each passenger. A two-lane highway without toll goes east for 30 miles to cit y B and then 20 miles in a northwest direction to City C. 1. Which is the shortest route from B to C (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Directly on toll free highway to City C The bridge The Tunnel The bridge or the tunnel The bridge only if traffic is heavy on the toll free highway

Ans. (a)

2. The most economical way of going from City A to City B, in terms of toll and distance is to use the (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) tunnel bridge bridge or tunnel toll free highway bridge and highway

Ans. (a) 3. Jim usually drives alone from City C to City A every working day. His firm de ducts a percentage of employee pay for lateness. Which factor would most influen ce his choice of the bridge or the tunnel ? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Whether his wife goes with him scenic beauty on the route Traffic conditions on the road, bridge and tunnel saving $0.25 in tolls price of gasoline consumed in covering additional 10 miles on the bridge

Ans. (a) 4. In choosing between the use of the bridge and the tunnel the chief factor(s) would be: I. Traffic and road conditions II. Number of passengers in the car III. Location of one's homes in the center or outskirts of one of the cities IV. Desire to save $0.25 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) I only II only II and III only III and IV only I and II only

Ans. (a) Q2. The letters A, B, C, D, E, F and G, not necessarily in that order, stand for sev en consecutive integers from 1 to 10 D is 3 less than A B is the middle term F is as much less than B as C is greater than D G is greater than F 1. The fifth integer is (a) A (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F Ans. (a)

2. A is as much greater than F as which integer is less than G (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E Ans. (a) 3. If A = 7, the sum of E and G is (a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 14 (e) 16 Ans. (a) 4. A - F = ? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (e) Cannot be determined Ans. (a) 5. An integer T is as much greater than C as C is greater than E. T can be writt en as A + E. What is D? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) Cannot be determined Ans. (a) 6. The greatest possible value of C is how much greater than the smallest possib le value of D? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6 Ans. (a)

Q3. 1. All G's are H's 2. All G's are J's or K's 3. All J's and K's are G's 4. All L's are K's 5. All N's are M's 6. No M's are G's

1. If no P's are K's, which of the following must be true? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) All P's are J's No P is a G No P is an H If any P is an H it is a G If any P is a G it is a J

Ans. (a) 2. Which of the following can be logically deduced from the conditions stated? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) No M's are H's No M's that are not N's are H's No H's are M's Some M's are H's All M's are H's

Ans. (a) 3. Which of the following is inconsistent with one or more of the conditions? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) All H's are G's All H's that are not G's are M's Some H's are both M's and G's No M's are H's All M's are H's

Ans. (a) 4. The statement "No L's are J's" is I. Logically deducible from the conditions stated II. Consistent with but not deducible from the conditions stated III. Deducible from the stated conditions together with the additional statement "No J's are K's" (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) I only II only III only II and III only Neither I, II nor III

Ans. (a)

Q5. In country X, democratic, conservative and justice parties have fought three civ il wars in twenty years. TO restore stability an agreement is reached to rotate the top offices President, Prime Minister and Army Chief among the parties so th at each party controls one and only one office at all times. The three top offic e holders must each have two deputies, one from each of the other parties. Each deputy must choose a staff composed of equally members of his or her chiefs part y and member of the third party.

1. When Justice party holds one of the top offices, which of the following canno t be true (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) . Some of the staff members within that office are justice party members Some of the staff members within that office are democratic party members Two of the deputies within the other offices are justice party members Two of the deputies within the other offices are conservative party members Some of the staff members within the other offices are justice party members

Ans. (a) 2. When the democratic party holds presidency, the staff of the prime minister's deputies are composed I. One-fourth of democratic party members II. One-half of justice party members and one-fourth of conservative party membe rs III. One-half of conservative party members and one-fourth of justice party memb ers. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) I only I and II only II or III but not both I and II or I and III None of these

Ans. (a) 3. Which of the following is allowable under the rules as stated: (a) More than half of the staff within a given office belonging to a single part y (b) Half of the staff within a given office belonging to a single party (c) Any person having a member of the same party as his or her immediate superio r (d) Half the total number of staff members in all three offices belonging to a s ingle party (e) Half the staff members in a given office belonging to parties different from the party of the top office holder in that office. Ans. (a) 4. The office of the Army Chief passes from Conservative to Justice party. Which of the following must be fired. (a) The democratic deputy and all staff members belonging to Justice party (b) Justice party deputy and all his or hers staff members (c) Justice party deputy and half of his Conservative staff members in the chief of staff office (d) The Conservative deputy and all of his or her staff members belonging to Con servative party (e) No deputies and all staff members belonging to conservative parties. Ans. (a)

Q6. In recommendations to the board of trustees a tuition increase of $500 per year, the president of the university said "There were no student demonstrations over the previous increases of $300 last year and $200 the year before". If the pres ident's statement is accurate then which of the following can be validly inferre d from the information given: I. Most students in previous years felt that the increases were justified becaus e of increased operating costs. II. Student apathy was responsible for the failure of students to protest the pr evious tuition increases. III. Students are not likely to demonstrate over new tuition increases. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) I only II only I or II but not both I, II and III None

Ans. (a) Part II -- Problems on ages ( Simple Linear Equations etc.) Part III -- Blood Relations (Check R S Aggarwal) Part IV -- Series problems 6,9,14,21,(30) 2,10,(30),68,130,(222) 9,15,23,33,(45) 5,11,19,29,(41),55 2,12,30,56,90,(132) 1,3,7,(15)31 3,9,21,(45),93 35,24,15,8,(3) 2,12,30,56,90,(132) 3,11,19,29,(39),51

Part V -- Analogy 1. fans : bleachers:: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) cheerleaders : pompoms audience:seats team:goalposts conductor:podium referee:decision

Ans. (a) 2. archipelago:islands:: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) arbor:bower garden:flower mountain:valley sand:dune constellation:star

Ans. (a) 3. crow:boastful :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) smirk:witty conceal:s;y pout:sulky blush:coarse bluster:unhappy

Ans. (a) 4. bracket:shelf :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) hammer:anvil girder:rivet strut:rafter valve:pipe bucket:well

Ans. (a) 5. taxonomy:classification :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) etymology:derivation autonomy:authorization economy:rationalization tautology:justification ecology:urbanisation

Ans. (a) 6. moderator:debate :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) legislator:election chef:banquet auditor:lecture conspirator:plot umpire:game

Ans. (a) 7. glossary:words :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) catalogue:dates atlas:maps almanac:synonyms thesaurus:rhymes lexicon:numbers

Ans. (a) 8. lumber: bear ::

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

roost:hen bray:donkey waddle:goose swoop:hawk chirp:sparrow

Ans. (a) 9. celerity:snail :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) indolence:sloth cunning:weasel curiosity:cat humility:peacock obstinacy:mule

Ans. (a)

10. wood:sand :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) coal:burn brick:lay oil:polish metal:burnish stone:quarry

Ans. (a) 11. carpenter:saw :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) stenographer:typist painter:brush lawyer:brief runner:sneakers seamstress:scissors

Ans. (a) 12. horns:bull :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) mane:lion wattles:turkey antlers:stag hooves:horse wings:eagle

Ans. (a) 13. gullible:duped :: (a) credible:cheated (b) careful:cautioned (c) malleable:moulded

(d) myopic:mislead (e) articulate:silenced Ans. (a) 14. marathon:stamina :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) relay:independence hurdle:perseverance sprint:celerity job:weariness ramble:directness

Ans. (a) 15. Skin:man :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) hide:animal jump:start peel:potato eat:food wool:cloth

Ans. (a) 16. Bamboo:Shoot :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Bean:Sprout Peas:Pod Potato:Eye Carrot:Root Leaf:Stem

Ans. (a) 18. Deflect:Missile :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Siege:Castle Distract:Attraction Protect:Honour Drop:Catch Score:Goal

Ans. (a) 19. Editor:magazine :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) captain:ship actor:movie director:film player:team jockey:horse

Ans. (a)

21. Volcano : Lava :: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Fault:earthquate crack:wall tunnel:dig water:swim floor:polish

Ans. (a) Other Sample Analogies: 22. Agitator : Firebrand :: Renegade : Turncoat 23. Burst : Sound :: Tinder : Fire 24. Star : cluster :: Tree : clump 25. Piston : Cylinder :: elevator : shaft 26. Mitigate : punishment :: commute : sentence 27. Erudite : scholar :: illiterate : ignorant 28. Fire : Ashes :: explosion : debris 29. mason : wall :: Author : Book 30. Fire : Ashes :: Event : memories

SECTION II CODING 1. If LOAD = MPBE and DRIVE = ESJWF Then LADDLER = ? Ans. MBEEMFS 2. START = WALKA and BUDPI = XZFMR Then STUPID = ? Ans. WAZMRF Q3 - Q7 If A=Z, B=Y, C=X, .......... Z=A Then 3. LIMIT = ? Ans. ORNRG 4. SOUR = ?

Ans. HLFI 5. POCKET = ? Ans. KLXPUG 6. GROUP = ? Ans. TILFK 7. ZERD = ? Ans. AVIL

Q8 - Q9 Here each letter is coded as A = D, B=E, C=F 8. SHOOT = ? Ans. VKRRW 9. VWDUW = ? Ans. YZGXZ 10. If DBMDVUUB = CALCUTTA Then BOMBAY = ? Ans. ANLAZX

TECHNICAL : 1. Binary equivalent of 52 Ans. 110100 2. Hexadecimal equivalent of 3452 Ans. 72A 3. Explain Just In Time Concept ? Ans. Elimination of waste by purchasing manufacturing exactly when needed

4. A good way of unit testing s/w program is Ans. User test 5. A lowest level of security by most RDBMS is 6. OOT uses Ans. Encapsulated of detect methods 7.EDI useful in Ans. Electronic Transmission 8. MRPII different from MRP Ans. Modular version of man redundant initials 9. Hard disk time for R/W head to move to correct sector Ans. Latency Time 10. The percentage of times a page number bound in associate register is called Ans. Bit ratio 11. Expand MODEM Ans. Modulator and Demodulator 12. RDBMS file system can be defined as Ans. Interrelated 13. Super Key is Ans. Primary key and Attribute 14. Windows 95 supports (a) (b) (c) (d) Multiuser n tasks Both None

Ans. (a) 15.The difference between printf and fprintf is ?

16. To change permission r&w to owner group to no permission to others (a) (b) (c) (d) chmod chmod chmod chmod 614 604 640 310

Other important topics Pipeline Architecture LAPB protocol

Back to to CTS Sample Test Paper#1 Home Back To CTS Page This is only a sample paper. We are not providing you with all the questions - j ust some questions to give you a general idea of the test pattern. SECTION-1: Find the next in the sequence: 1. BC CE EG GK ? a)KN b)KU c)KM d)None 2. AA AB BC CE? a)EG b)EH c)EI d)None 3. AB EF JK QR ? a)YZ b)ZA c)AB d)None 4.ACD EGL IKT MOB? a)QST b)QSZ c)QSY d)None

5.AC CG GO OE? a)EJ b)EI c)EL d)None 6.AE BH CM DU? a)EH b)EZ c) EB d)None 7. AD DP PL LV a)VS b)VK c)VI d)None 8. SE QU EN TI? a)CN b)BM c)AI or AZ d)None

SECTION-II: Find the values for the following problem: f(X)= 2X-1 + f(X-1) if X is not equal to zero and if f(X=0)=0 9. Value of f(5) a)15 b)24 c)22 d)None 10. Value of f(f(2)) 11. Value of f(16)- f(15) 12. Value of f(16)+f(15)-480 13. If f(f(X))=81 then the value of X=? 14. If f(X)=4f(X-1) then the value of X=?

15.If f(X)= f(X-1)+f(X-2) for X>1 then X= ? 16. If f(X)-f(X-1)=f(X-8) for X>5 then X=

SECTION -III: In the following questions a 'word' is given which may not have any meaning.Find differnet possible words or palindromes for the word as per the question. For the following find no of distinct words that can be formed. 17. TYGHHTT a).420 b)1540 c)840 d)None 18. TYGHHTY 19. TYGHHTT 20. TYGHHTT 21. TYGHASD 22. TYGHHTY Find the number of possible palindromes for following 23. TYGHHTY 24. TYHHHTYH. SECTION-IV: 25 to 32 are based on the figures. You have to analyse them and find the odd one out. Five figures will be given out of which one is not correct. Refer R.S Agarwal's book on Analytical Reasoning & TMHs Quantitative ability boo k by Edgar Thorpe. SECTION -V: For following first find out the anagram and then note the corresponding meaning . 33.TABLET Hint: anagram means first u arrange the letters in correct order like TABLET=

==BATTLE . So ans is FIGHT 34.RUGGED 35.GORE. 36.STASSI. For all above choices are. a)resentment b)fight c)help d)monster 37. ENFOLD 38. LAMB 39. RECEDE. 40. PLEASE. For all the above 4 choices are same a)cuddle b)sleeping c)proclamination d)ointment. Back to top

CTS Sample Test Paper#2 Home Back To CTS Page This is only a sample paper. We are not providing you with all the questions - j ust some questions to give you a general idea of the test pattern. SECTION I - 8 questions based on series. 1. These questions involve interchange of letters in a word at particular locati ons and also interchanging letters adjacent to those particular locations.Certai n other conditions may also be given For eg. Let the word be ABBAABA If we apply 25 on this, it means we have to interchange the letters at positions

2 and 5, also we have to change the letters adjacent to positions 2 and 5 i.e.f rom A to B and B to A. A B B A A B after Step 1 i.e interchange of 2 and 5 becomes AABABB Now change adjacent elements of 2 and 5...finally answer becomes Ans: B A A B B A Questions 1-5 are based on the pattern with changed numbers as described above Questions 6-8 are of the following type To a) b) c) d) get AAABBD from BBBAAA what number should be applied:25 34 25 & 34 none

SECTION II 1. Given the following functions (1) f(n a b c ) = ac if n=1 (2) f(n a b c) = f( n-1 a c b) + f( 1 a b c) + f( n-1 b a c ) if n > 1 Then what is the value f( 2 a b c ) = ?

Ans: f( 2 a c b ) = ab + ac + bc. 2. Similar question on functions. 3. [ Based on the function in the first question] For the function f( 4 a b c ) the number of terms is...? Hint f( 4 a b c ) = f( 3 a c b ) + f( 1 a b c ) + f( 3 b a c ) etc. 4. What is the value of the function f( 5 a b c ) = ? SECTION III Permutations and Combinations. 8 Questions. 1. r = number of flags;n = number of poles; Any number of flags can be accommodated on any single pole. 1) r=5,n=5 The no. of ways the flags can be arranged ? Questions 2-5 are based on the above pattern 6. r = 5 n = 3 . If first pole has 2 flags, third pole has 1 flag How many ways can the remaining be arranged? Questions 7.& 8. are similar to Question 6. SECTION IV Question consisting of figures - Pattern-matching type.

Refer R.S Agarwal's book on Analytical Reasoning & TMHs Quantitative ability boo k by Edgar Thorpe.

SECTION V In this section first part of compound word is given. Select meaning of the seco nd part from the choice given: 1. Swan 2. Swans 3. Fool 4. Fools 5. Stare 6. Lady For all above 4 choices are given..... Eg. Swan ---> Swansong (compound word) a) category b) music c) television d) none Ans: Swansong is compound word. But song is not given as an option. so (b) music is the answer.

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CTS Sample Test Paper#3 Home Back To CTS Page Analogies 1. slur : speech : : smudge :? Ans. writing 2. epaulet : shoulder : : ring :? Ans.finger 3. vernacular : place : : fingerprint : ? Ans.identical

Opposites Q. corpulent Ans: emaciated Q. officious Ans: pragmate

Q. dextrous Ans: clumsy The following sentences are broken into 4 sections- A, B, C, D Choose the part which has a mistake Mark (E) if you find no mistake. Q.A)psychologists point out that B)there are human processes C)which does not i nvolve D) the use of words Ans. (C) which does not involve (do) Q.A)jack ordered for B)two plates of chicken C)and a glass D)of water Ans. (A)jack ordered for The following is a group of questions is based on a passage or a set of conditio ns for each question. Select the best answer choice given. (i). If it is fobidden by law if the object of agreement is the doing of an act, that is forbidden by law the agreement is void. (ii). If it is of the nature that,it would defeat the provision of any law is the agreement is void.if the object of agreement is such that thing got directly forbidden by law it would defeat the provision of statuary law. (iii). If the object of agreement is fraddulent it is void. (iv). An object of agreement is void if it involves or implies to the personnal property of another. (v). An object of agreement is void where the constant regards as ignored. (vi). An object of agreement is void where the constant regards is as opposed to public policy. Q. An algorithm follws a six step process za,zb,zc,zd,ze,zf, it is governed by t he following (i) zd should follow ze (ii) the first may be za,zd or zf (iii) zb and zc have to be performed after zd (iv) zc must be immediately after zb Q. If za is the first set zd must be a) b) c) d) 3rd 5th 2nd 4th

Q. If zb must follow za then za can be

a) b) c) d) e)

third or fourth first or second can not be third fouth or fifth none

Q. If ze is third term the number of different operations possible are The following questions are based on the given statements Ravi plants six seperate saplings -- x,y,z,w,u,v in rows no 1 to 6 ,according to the follwing conditions He must plant x before y and u He must plant y and w The third has to be z Q. Which of the following is acceptable a) b) c) d) e) xuywzv xvzyuw zuyxwv zvxuwy wyzuvx

Q. Which of the following is true a) b) c) d) e) z z w y x before before before before before v x u u w

Q. If he plants v first, then which can be planted second a) b) c) d) e) x y z w u

Q. Which of the following describes a correct combination of sapling and row? a) b) c) d) e) x,3 y,6 z,1 w,2 u,6

Q. If he plants b 6th which would be planted first and second a) x and w b) x and y c)y and x d)w and z e) w and u

Q. If he plants w before u and after v he should plant w at a) b) c) d) e) first second fourth fifth sixth

Q. At a certain moment a watch shows 2 min lag although it is running fast. If it showed a 3 min lag at that moment, but also gains by 1/2 min more a da y than its current speed it would show the true time one day sooner than it usually does. How many mins does the watch gain per day. a).2 b).5 c).6 d).4 e).75 Q. In 400m race A gives B a start of 7 sec and beats him by 24 sec. In another race A beats B by 10 sec.the speeds are in the ratio a)8:7 b)7:6 c)10:8 d)6:8 e)12:10 Q. 3x+4y=10 x3 + y3=6 What is the minimum value of 3x+11y=? Q. There are 600 tennis players 4% wear wrist band on one wrist Of the remaining, 25% wear wrist bands on both hands How many players don't wear a wrist band? Ans. 432 Q. Three types of tea the a,b,c costs Rs. 95/kg,100/kg and70/kg respectively. How many kgs of each should be blended to produce 100 kg of mixture worth R s.90/kg, given that the quntities of band c are equal a)70,15,15 b)50,25,25 c)60,20,20 d)40,30,30 Ans. (b) Q. Two distinct no's are taken from 1,2,3,4......28 Find the probability that their sum is less than 13

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DE-Shaw Software Sample Test Paper Home Back To D E Shaw Page SECTION-A Write the programs for the following problems in C. 1. Swap two variables x,y without using a temporary variable. 2. Write algorithm for finding the GCD of a number. 3.Write a program for reversing the given string. 4. The integers from 1 to n are stored in an array in a random fashion. but one integer is missing. Write a program to find the missing integer. Ans). Hint : The sum of n natural numbers is = n(n+1)/2. if we subtract the above sum from the sum of all the numbers in the array , the result is nothing but the missing number. 5. Some bit type of questions has been given on pointers asking to to find whether it is correct from syntax point of view. and if it is correct explain what it will do.(around 15 bits).

SECTION-B 6. For the following C program #define AND && #define ARRANGE (a>25 AND a<50) main() {int a = 30; if (ARRANGE) printf("within range"); else printf("out of range");

} What is the output? 7. For the following C program #define AREA(x)(3.14*x*x) main() {float r1=6.25,r2=2.5,a; a=AREA(r1); printf("\n Area of the circle is %f", a); a=AREA(r2); printf("\n Area of the circle is %f", a); } What is the output? Ans. Area of the circle is 122.656250 Area of the circle is 19.625000 8. What do the following statements indicate. Explain. int(*p)[10] int*f() int(*pf)() int*p[10] Refer to: -- Kernighan & Ritchie page no. 122 -- Schaum series page no. 323 9. Write a C program to find whether a stack is progressing in forward or reverse direction. 10. Write a C program that reverses the linked list.

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Deutsche Software(India) Sample Test Home Back To Deutsche Soft Page 1. What is the percentage represented by 0.03 * 0.05 ?

(a)0.0015 (b)0.000015 (c)0.15 (d)15 Ans.B 2. (x-a)(x-b)(x-c)....(x-z) = ? (a) 1 (b) -1 (c) 0 (d) Can't be determined Ans. C 3. If a = 1, b = 2, c = 3.......z = 26 what is the value of p+q+r ? (a)33 (b)51 (c)52 (d)48 Ans. B 4. A is 8 miles east of B. C is 10 miles north of B. D is 13 miles east of C and E is 2 miles north of D. Find shortest distance between A and E. (a) (b) (c) (d) 5 miles 6miles 13 miles 18 miles

Ans. C 5. If z = 1, y = 2.......a = 26. Find the value of z + y + x + .......+a. (a) (b) (c) (d) 351 221 400 200

Ans. A 6. There are 30 socks in a bag. Out of these 60 % are green and the rest are blue. What is the maximum number of times that socks have to be taken out so that atleast 1 blue pair is found. (a) 21 (b) 2 (c)18 (d) 20

Ans. D 7. How many two digit numbers have their square ending with 8. (a) (b) (c) (d) 13 12 0 11

Ans. C

8. How many numbers are there between 100 and 300 with 2 in the end and 2 in the beginning. (a) (b) (c) (d) 10 9 11 none of these

Ans. A 9. 0.000006 * 0.0000007 = ? (a) (b) (c) (d) 0.0000000042 0.000000000042 0.0000000000042 0.00000000000042

Ans. B 10. You have Rs 1000 with 8% p.a compounded every 6 months. What is the total interest you get after 1 year. (a) (b) (c) (d) Rs.116.40 Rs.345.60 Rs.224.50 Rs.160

Ans. A 11. If x + y =12, x - y = 2 Find x + 2y. (a) (b) (c) (d) 12 17 14 none of these

Ans. B 12. With one gallon of petrol a person moves at a speed of 50 mph and covers 16

miles. 3/4th of the distance is covered while moving at 60 mph. How many gallons does he need to cover 120 miles in 60 mph. 13. A tap drains at x speed while tap B is closed. When both taps are open they drain at y speed. What is the speed of draining when only tap B is open (a) (b) (c) (d) x - y y-x x can't be determined

Ans. B 14. What is twenty percent of 25 % of 20. (a) 2 (b)1 (c) 5 (d) 4 Ans. B 15. A rectangle has the dimensions 6ft * 4ft. How many squares of 0.5 inches will it need to completely fill it. (a) (b) (c) (d) 32000 12824 13824 18324

Ans. C

Directions for questions 16-21: In each question,a series of letters satisfying a certain pattern are given. Identify the pattern and then find the letter/lette rs that will come in place of the blank/blanks. 16. a, c, e, g, _ (a) (b) (c) (d) h i d j

Ans. B 17. a, e, i, m, q, u, _, _ (a) (b) (c) (d) y, c b, f g, i none

Ans. A 18. ay , bz , cw , dx ,__ (a) (b) (c) (d) gu ev fv eu

Ans. D 19. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, __ (a) (b) (c) (d) 15 9 13 12

Ans. 13 , series of prime numbers 20. kp , lo , mn , __ (a) (b) (c) (d) nm np op pq

Ans. A 21. abc , zyx , def , wvu , ___ (a) (b) (c) (d) ghi tsr ihg str

Ans. A 22. How is my mother's sister's brother's wife's child related to me? (a) (b) (c) (d) brother uncle cousin nephew

Ans. A 23.What will my mother's husband's father-in-law's son's daughter to me? (a) (b) (c) (d) niece aunt sister none of these

Ans. D 24. A person travels 12 km in the southward direction and then travels 5 km to t he right. He then travels 5 km to the right and then travels 15 km towards the right and finally travels 5km towards the east. How far is he from his starting place? (a) (b) (c) (d) 5km 3m 3.5km 4km

Ans. (b) 25. A person travels towards east from his house and travels a distance of 3 met ers. He then ran a distance of 7 meters southwards and then travels towards eas t a distance of 3 meter Finally he travels southwards a distance of 10 meters. What is his vertical distance from his house? (a) (b) (c) (d) 10 17 12 none of these

Ans. B 26. The sum of three consecutive numbers is 132. Find the square of the largest number. (a) (b) (c) (d) 2026 640 900 2025

Ans. D 27. Father's age is five times his son's age. Four years back father was 9 times older than his son. Find their present ages (a) (b) (c) (d) 30yrs, 6yrs 25yrs, 5yrs 40yrs, 8yrs none of these

Ans. C 28. If x + 5y = 6 ; 7x - 2y = 5

Find x - y

(a) (b) (c) (d)

1 2 0 none of these

Ans. C 29. If the equation x2 + 2(k+2)x + 9k = 0 has equal roots, find k? (a) (b) (c) (d) 1,4 1,5 2,5 can't be determined

Ans. A

Directions for questions 30 to 35: Select the alternative that logically follows form the two given statements. 30. All books are pages. All pages are boxes. (a) (b) (c) (d) All boxes are books All books are boxes No books are boxes Both (a) and (b) are correct

Ans. B 31. No apple is an orange. All bananas are oranges. (a) (b) (c) (d) All apples are oranges Some apples are oranges No apple is a banana None of the above

Ans. A 32. All pens are elephants. Some elephants are cats. (a) (b) (c) (d) Some pens are cats No pens are cats All pens are cats None of the above

Ans. D 33. All shares are debentures.No debentures are deposits. (a) (b) (c) (d) All shares are deposits Some shares are deposits No shares are deposits None of the above


34. Many fathers are brothers. All brothers are priests. (a) (b) (c) (d) No father is Many fathers Many fathers Both (b) and a priest are not priests are priests (c)

Ans. B 35. Some pens are pencils. All pencils are costly. (a) (b) (c) (d) No pens are costly Some pens are costly All pens are costly None of the above

Ans. B 36. How many two digit numbers have their squares ending with 6? (a) (b) (c) (d) 9 10 164 18

Ans. D 37. In how many years will $1200 amount to $1323 at 5%p.a. compound interest? (a) (b) (c) (d) 3 years 2 1/2 yrs 2 yrs none of the above

Ans. C 38. How many terms of the series -9 , -6 , -3 ,.........must be taken such that the sum may be 66? (a) (b) (c) (d) 11 13 9 10

Ans. A 39. The sum of three numbers in AP is 27 and their product is 504. Find the term s. (a) (b) (c) (d) 7, 9 ,11 5, 9, 13 4, 9, 14 none of these

Ans. C 40. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 25 seconds respectively. Both are opened at the same time and after 5 minutes the first one is clos ed. How much more time will it take for the tank to be full? (a) (b) (c) (d) 13 10 18 15 min 45 secs min min min 45 secs

Ans. A 41. How long will a train 150 metres long and travelling at a speed of 45 kmph, take to cross a platform of length 250 meters? (a) (b) (c) (d) 48 secs 32 secs 30 secs none of the above

Ans. B 42.Walking at 4/5th of his usual speed, a man reaches his office 15 mins late. Find his usual time for reaching the office? (a) (b) (c) (d) 45 mins 2 hrs 1 hr 30 mins

Ans. C 43. If the word "CODING" is represented as DPEJOH , then the word "CURFEW" can b e represented? (a) (b) (c) (d) DVSGFX DVSHFX DGSHFX DTSGFY

Ans. A 44. If in a certain code "RANGE" is coded as 12345 and "RANDOM" is coded as 1236 78, then the code for the word "MANGO" would be (a) (b) (c) (d) 82357 84563 82346 82543

Ans. D

45. If in a code "COPIER" is coded as 1234 and "REAM" is coded as 5421,then "DRE AM" is coded as (a) (b) (c) (d) 35421 43512 35412 34521

Ans. A

Directions for questions 46-48:The questions are based on the following data In a class of 150 students 55 speak English;85 speak Telugu and 30 speak neither English nor Telugu 46. How many speak both English and Telugu? (a) (b) (c) (d) 10 15 20 12

Ans. C 47.How many speak only Telugu? (a) (b) (c) (d) 55 45 65 none of the above

Ans.C 48.How many speak at least one of the two languages? (a) (b) (c) (d) 120 100 250 50

Ans. A 49. Find the lowest of the three numbers in a GP whose sum is 38 and product 945 . (a) (b) (c) (d) 12 18 4 8

Ans. D

50. A can do a piece of work in 24days. When he had worked for 4 days B joined him. If the complete work is finished in 16 days form the beginning, in how man y days can B alone finish the work? (a) (b) (c) (d) 24 days 18 days 36 days None of the above

Ans. C Back to top

Dharma Sample Test Paper Home Back To Dharma Page

Give the output of the programs in each case unless mentioned otherwise 1. void main() { int d=5; printf("%f",d); } Ans: Undefined 2. void main() { int i; for(i=1;i<4,i++) switch(i) case 1: printf("%d",i);break; { case 2:printf("%d",i);break; case 3:printf("%d",i);break; } switch(i) case 4:printf("%d",i); } Ans: 1,2,3,4 3.

void main() { char *s="\12345s\n"; printf("%d",sizeof(s)); } Ans: 6 4. void main() { unsigned i=1; /* unsigned char k= -1 => k=255; */ signed j=-1; /* char k= -1 => k=65535 */ /* unsigned or signed int k= -1 =>k=65535 */ if(i<j) printf("less"); else if(i>j) printf("greater"); else if(i==j) printf("equal"); } Ans: less 5. void main() { float j; j=1000*1000; printf("%f",j); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 1000000 Overflow Error None

Ans: 4 6. How do you declare an array of N pointers to functions returning pointers to functions returning pointers to characters? Ans: The first part of this question can be answered in at least three ways: 1. char *(*(*a[N])())(); 2. Build the declaration up incrementally, using typedefs: typedef char *pc; /* pointer to char */ typedef pc fpc(); /* function returning pointer to char */ typedef fpc *pfpc; /* pointer to above */ typedef pfpc fpfpc(); /* function returning... */ typedef fpfpc *pfpfpc; /* pointer to... */ pfpfpc a[N]; /* array of... */

3. Use the cdecl program, which turns English into C and vice versa: cdecl> declare a as array of pointer to function returning pointer to function returning pointer to char char *(*(*a[])())() cdecl can also explain complicated declarations, help with casts, and indicate which set of parentheses the arguments go in (for complicated function definitions, like the one above). Any good book on C should explain how to read these complicated C declarations "inside out" to understand them ("declaration mimics use"). The pointer-to-function declarations in the examples above have not included parameter type information. When the parameters have complicated types, declarations can *really* get messy. (Modern versions of cdecl can help here, too.) 7. A structure pointer is defined of the type time . With 3 fields min,sec hours having pointers to intergers. Write the way to initialize the 2nd element to 10. 8. In the above question an array of pointers is declared. Write the statement to initialize the 3rd element of the 2 element to 10; 9. int f() void main() { f(1); f(1,2); f(1,2,3); } f(int i,int j,int k) { printf("%d %d %d",i,j,k); } What are the number of syntax errors in the above? Ans: None. 10. void main() { int i=7; printf("%d",i++*i++); } Ans: 56 11. #define one 0

#ifdef one printf("one is defined "); #ifndef one printf("one is not defined "); Ans: "one is defined" 12. void main() { int count=10,*temp,sum=0; temp=&count; *temp=20; temp=&sum; *temp=count; printf("%d %d %d ",count,*temp,sum); } Ans: 20 20 20 13. There was question in c working only on unix machine with pattern matching. 14. what is alloca() Ans : It allocates and frees memory after use/after getting out of scope 15. main() { static i=3; printf("%d",i--); return i>0 ? main():0; } Ans: 321 16. char *foo() { char result[100]); strcpy(result,"anything is good"); return(result); } void main() { char *j; j=foo() printf("%s",j); } Ans: anything is good. 17. void main()

{ char *s[]={ "dharma","hewlett-packard","siemens","ibm"}; char **p; p=s; printf("%s",++*p); printf("%s",*p++); printf("%s",++*p); } Ans: "harma" (p->add(dharma) && (*p)->harma) "harma" (after printing, p->add(hewlett-packard) &&(*p)->harma) "ewlett-packard"

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Deutsche Software(India) Sample Test Home Back To Deutsche Soft Page 1. What is the percentage represented by 0.03 * 0.05 ? (a)0.0015 (b)0.000015 (c)0.15 (d)15 Ans.B 2. (x-a)(x-b)(x-c)....(x-z) = ? (a) 1 (b) -1 (c) 0 (d) Can't be determined Ans. C 3. If a = 1, b = 2, c = 3.......z = 26 what is the value of p+q+r ? (a)33 (b)51 (c)52 (d)48 Ans. B

4. A is 8 miles east of B. C is 10 miles north of B. D is 13 miles east of C and E is 2 miles north of D. Find shortest distance between A and E. (a) (b) (c) (d) 5 miles 6miles 13 miles 18 miles

Ans. C 5. If z = 1, y = 2.......a = 26. Find the value of z + y + x + .......+a. (a) (b) (c) (d) 351 221 400 200

Ans. A 6. There are 30 socks in a bag. Out of these 60 % are green and the rest are blue. What is the maximum number of times that socks have to be taken out so that atleast 1 blue pair is found. (a) 21 (b) 2 (c)18 (d) 20 Ans. D 7. How many two digit numbers have their square ending with 8. (a) (b) (c) (d) 13 12 0 11

Ans. C

8. How many numbers are there between 100 and 300 with 2 in the end and 2 in the beginning. (a) (b) (c) (d) 10 9 11 none of these

Ans. A 9. 0.000006 * 0.0000007 = ?

(a) (b) (c) (d)

0.0000000042 0.000000000042 0.0000000000042 0.00000000000042

Ans. B 10. You have Rs 1000 with 8% p.a compounded every 6 months. What is the total interest you get after 1 year. (a) (b) (c) (d) Rs.116.40 Rs.345.60 Rs.224.50 Rs.160

Ans. A 11. If x + y =12, x - y = 2 Find x + 2y. (a) (b) (c) (d) 12 17 14 none of these

Ans. B 12. With one gallon of petrol a person moves at a speed of 50 mph and covers 16 miles. 3/4th of the distance is covered while moving at 60 mph. How many gallons does he need to cover 120 miles in 60 mph. 13. A tap drains at x speed while tap B is closed. When both taps are open they drain at y speed. What is the speed of draining when only tap B is open (a) (b) (c) (d) x - y y-x x can't be determined

Ans. B 14. What is twenty percent of 25 % of 20. (a) 2 (b)1 (c) 5 (d) 4 Ans. B

15. A rectangle has the dimensions 6ft * 4ft. How many squares of 0.5 inches will it need to completely fill it. (a) (b) (c) (d) 32000 12824 13824 18324

Ans. C

Directions for questions 16-21: In each question,a series of letters satisfying a certain pattern are given. Identify the pattern and then find the letter/lette rs that will come in place of the blank/blanks. 16. a, c, e, g, _ (a) (b) (c) (d) h i d j

Ans. B 17. a, e, i, m, q, u, _, _ (a) (b) (c) (d) y, c b, f g, i none

Ans. A 18. ay , bz , cw , dx ,__ (a) (b) (c) (d) gu ev fv eu

Ans. D 19. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, __ (a) (b) (c) (d) 15 9 13 12

Ans. 13 , series of prime numbers 20. kp , lo , mn , __ (a) nm (b) np

(c) op (d) pq Ans. A 21. abc , zyx , def , wvu , ___ (a) (b) (c) (d) ghi tsr ihg str

Ans. A 22. How is my mother's sister's brother's wife's child related to me? (a) (b) (c) (d) brother uncle cousin nephew

Ans. A 23.What will my mother's husband's father-in-law's son's daughter to me? (a) (b) (c) (d) niece aunt sister none of these

Ans. D 24. A person travels 12 km in the southward direction and then travels 5 km to t he right. He then travels 5 km to the right and then travels 15 km towards the right and finally travels 5km towards the east. How far is he from his starting place? (a) (b) (c) (d) 5km 3m 3.5km 4km

Ans. (b) 25. A person travels towards east from his house and travels a distance of 3 met ers. He then ran a distance of 7 meters southwards and then travels towards eas t a distance of 3 meter Finally he travels southwards a distance of 10 meters. What is his vertical distance from his house? (a) 10 (b) 17 (c) 12

(d) none of these Ans. B 26. The sum of three consecutive numbers is 132. Find the square of the largest number. (a) (b) (c) (d) 2026 640 900 2025

Ans. D 27. Father's age is five times his son's age. Four years back father was 9 times older than his son. Find their present ages (a) (b) (c) (d) 30yrs, 6yrs 25yrs, 5yrs 40yrs, 8yrs none of these

Ans. C 28. If x + 5y = 6 ; 7x - 2y = 5

Find x - y (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 2 0 none of these

Ans. C 29. If the equation x2 + 2(k+2)x + 9k = 0 has equal roots, find k? (a) (b) (c) (d) 1,4 1,5 2,5 can't be determined

Ans. A

Directions for questions 30 to 35: Select the alternative that logically follows form the two given statements. 30. All books are pages. All pages are boxes. (a) All boxes are books (b) All books are boxes (c) No books are boxes

(d) Both (a) and (b) are correct Ans. B 31. No apple is an orange. All bananas are oranges. (a) (b) (c) (d) All apples are oranges Some apples are oranges No apple is a banana None of the above

Ans. A 32. All pens are elephants. Some elephants are cats. (a) (b) (c) (d) Some pens are cats No pens are cats All pens are cats None of the above

Ans. D 33. All shares are debentures.No debentures are deposits. (a) (b) (c) (d) All shares are deposits Some shares are deposits No shares are deposits None of the above

Ans.C 34. Many fathers are brothers. All brothers are priests. (a) (b) (c) (d) No father is Many fathers Many fathers Both (b) and a priest are not priests are priests (c)

Ans. B 35. Some pens are pencils. All pencils are costly. (a) (b) (c) (d) No pens are costly Some pens are costly All pens are costly None of the above

Ans. B 36. How many two digit numbers have their squares ending with 6? (a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 164

(d) 18 Ans. D 37. In how many years will $1200 amount to $1323 at 5%p.a. compound interest? (a) (b) (c) (d) 3 years 2 1/2 yrs 2 yrs none of the above

Ans. C 38. How many terms of the series -9 , -6 , -3 ,.........must be taken such that the sum may be 66? (a) (b) (c) (d) 11 13 9 10

Ans. A 39. The sum of three numbers in AP is 27 and their product is 504. Find the term s. (a) (b) (c) (d) 7, 9 ,11 5, 9, 13 4, 9, 14 none of these

Ans. C 40. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 25 seconds respectively. Both are opened at the same time and after 5 minutes the first one is clos ed. How much more time will it take for the tank to be full? (a) (b) (c) (d) 13 10 18 15 min 45 secs min min min 45 secs

Ans. A 41. How long will a train 150 metres long and travelling at a speed of 45 kmph, take to cross a platform of length 250 meters? (a) (b) (c) (d) 48 secs 32 secs 30 secs none of the above

Ans. B

42.Walking at 4/5th of his usual speed, a man reaches his office 15 mins late. Find his usual time for reaching the office? (a) (b) (c) (d) 45 mins 2 hrs 1 hr 30 mins

Ans. C 43. If the word "CODING" is represented as DPEJOH , then the word "CURFEW" can b e represented? (a) (b) (c) (d) DVSGFX DVSHFX DGSHFX DTSGFY

Ans. A 44. If in a certain code "RANGE" is coded as 12345 and "RANDOM" is coded as 1236 78, then the code for the word "MANGO" would be (a) (b) (c) (d) 82357 84563 82346 82543

Ans. D 45. If in a code "COPIER" is coded as 1234 and "REAM" is coded as 5421,then "DRE AM" is coded as (a) (b) (c) (d) 35421 43512 35412 34521

Ans. A

Directions for questions 46-48:The questions are based on the following data In a class of 150 students 55 speak English;85 speak Telugu and 30 speak neither English nor Telugu 46. How many speak both English and Telugu? (a) (b) (c) (d) 10 15 20 12

Ans. C

47.How many speak only Telugu? (a) (b) (c) (d) 55 45 65 none of the above

Ans.C 48.How many speak at least one of the two languages? (a) (b) (c) (d) 120 100 250 50

Ans. A 49. Find the lowest of the three numbers in a GP whose sum is 38 and product 945 . (a) (b) (c) (d) 12 18 4 8

Ans. D 50. A can do a piece of work in 24days. When he had worked for 4 days B joined him. If the complete work is finished in 16 days form the beginning, in how man y days can B alone finish the work? (a) (b) (c) (d) 24 days 18 days 36 days None of the above

Ans. C Back to top

Future Software Sample Test Paper Home Back To FutureSoft Page 1. S --> AB|AS A --> a|aA B --> b

What is the grammer accepted by the above? Ans. aa*b 2. How many address lines are needed to address a 64Kb segment with each registe r storing upto 512 bytes. Ans. 14 address lines 3. Find the expression representing the following K-map 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

4. For the POS form of the expression given below _ _ _ X.Y.Z + X.Y.Z + X.( Y + Z ) 5. In a computer system the ROM : (a) (b) (c) (d) contains boot software is permanent Both of the above None of the above

Ans. (c) 6. The binary equivalent of 3B7F is Ans. 0011 1011 0111 1111 7. The register used by the shift reduce passing method is Ans. Stack 8. A microprogram can be defines as to consist of Ans. A primitive operation 9. Find the output for the following C program int array[4][4] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16}; for (i=2;i<0;i--) for (j=2;j<=0;j--) printf("%d", arr[i][j]); 10. Find the output for the following C program

#include<stdio.h> void main() {int i,x,sum=0; int arr[6]=[1,2,3,4,5,6] for (i=0;i<4;i++) sum+ = func(arr[i]); printf("%d", sum); } func(int x) { int val,x; val = 2; return(x+ val++); } 11. Given the following data: Process P1 takes Process P2 takes Process P3 takes Process P4 takes Process P5 takes Find the average 2 seconds 3 seconds 4 seconds 1 second 6 seconds time in case of shortest job first (SJF) scheduling.

12. Given a string STOCK and a stack of size 4. Which of the following strings cannot be generated using this stack. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) TSOCK TOSKC STOCK TKOSC None of these

13. Inversion of a matrix will take which of the following time complexities? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) O(n) O(n) O(log n) O(n) None of these

14. A drum rotates at 4000 rpm. What is its average access time. 15. What range of integral values can be stored using 32 bits? 16. Where are the following variables stored Automatic Global Static 17. If a layer 4 transfers data at the rate of 3000 bytes/sec. What will be the size of data block transferred by Layer 2

18. What is the greatest disadvantage of dynamic RAM over static RAM Ans. High Power and need to refresh every 2 ms. 19. What happens when the CPU gets interrupted? 20. Find the Postfix of the following string (a + b) * ((-d) *f (ab - cd)) 21. E --> E + E| E * E | E/E | E - E| .... then which is correct (a) (b) (c) (d) It is ambigous It is inherently ambigous It is non inherently ambigous None of the above

22. If there are n nodes and K edges in a graph then what is the order of traver sing Ans. O(n) 23. A graph is represented as an adjacency list with n vertices and e edges What is its time complexity Ans. O(n + e) 24. An array with address KV[a] had n elements. Which of the following correctly addresses the ith element of the array. (a) (b) (c) (d) KV(a) - 2a + 2i KV(a) +2i KV(a) - 2a None of these

25. Give an example of a primitive instruction in microprocessors. 26. A computer has 8 bit data bus and 16 bit address line. How many machine cycles will it take to store the contents to a memory loc ation? 27. Where is a variable defined in a function stores? Ans. Process Swappable Area 28. For the following C progralm int d=0; for(int i=0;i<31;i++)

for(int j=0;j<31;j++) for(int k=0;k<31;k++) if (((i+j+k) % 3)==0) d=d+1; Find value of d 29. e=<e+e> | <e*e> | <(e)> | <id> What forms do the expressions created by the above definition fit in Ans. All arithematic expressions 30. If a set of numbers are in sorted order then which of the following sorting method is best Ans. Bubble Sort 31. A magnetic tape is similar to which of the following structures Ans. List 32. The s/n id 3 dB Find the capacity of the line.

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Geometrics Sample Test Home Back To Geometrics Page SECTION 1- APTITUDE SECTION Directions for questions 1-3: Complete the sequence given below 1. 5, 5, 13, 13, 21, 21, __ Ans: 29

2. 0, 7, 26, 63, 124, __ Ans: 215 ( hint: n3-1 ) 3. 1, 3, 5, 7, __ Ans: 9 4. If a person walks at 4/5th of his usual speed he reaches 40min late. If he w alks at his usual speed for how much time does he travel ? 5. Two trains A&B start at opposite points 120km apart at 60kmph. A fly starting along with train A at 120kmph reaches B then returns back to touch A and contin ues the two and fro movement. By the time two trains meet how much distance woul d the fly have travelled? 6. In a class 80% have passed in english, 70% passed Hindi, 10% didn't pass eith er. If 144 students passed both the subjects. What is the total strength of the class? 7. Find the least number which when divided by 7 gives the reminder 6, when divi ded by 6 gives reminder 5, when divided by 5 gives reminder 4 and so on ? 8. If a man stands in front of sun what is the first letter of the direction whi ch is left to him ? 9. (a)A square is to circle as cube is to (b)Success is to failure as joy is to 10. (a)Give the synonyms of the following words (i) Joy (ii) Inert (iii) Jolly (b) Give the opposites of the following words (i) genuine (ii) command (iii) essential 11.Find the odd man out in the following sets (i) Tiger, Elephant, King Cobra, Dolphin (ii) Oasis, Lake, Pool, Valcano (iii) Bengali, Karnataka, Mumbai, Kashmir (iv) Lapidary, Lancet, Scapel, Surgeon (v) Requiem, Dirge, Elegy, Paean 12. I bought a cycle 2days before my birthday and I broke it 3 days after my bir thday. The day I broke it is Mar2,1956?

Directions: The following questions are to be answered on the basis of the above given statement i) When is my birthday? Hint: Keep in mind that 1956 was a leap year. (ii) What is my age on Mar 4th, 1980? (iii) My nephew is born exactly 20years after me. If I turned 20 in 1960, what i s the nephews age on Feb 28th 1988 ? 13. Monday Aug25, 96 : Hostess: "Mr A, you forgot your umbrella during the party on last friday. I expe cted you to collect it on your visit on wednesday as I plan to leave on this Fri day." Directions: The following questions are to be answered on the basis of the above given statement (i) when A missed umbrella? (ii)When A is supposed to collect it? (iii)When K leaves? 14.What is my father's sons son to my son? Ans. Cousin brother 15. On cutting a solid parabola what would be generated Ans: Cone 16. What is Eulers formula? Ans: F+V-E =2; where F => faces; V => vertices; E => number of edges 17. What is Newton Raphson method used for? Ans: To find the root of f(x) = 0; 18. How many tangents can be drawn on three circles if they don't lie within eac h other ? 19. xy - x + 2y = 6 equation is shifted to form equation xy=c what is c ? 20.When x is real what is the least value of (x2-6x+5)/(x2+2x+1) 21.When an object like cube or sphere is seen along x, y, z axis we get the same .Apart from these suggest another object which has similar characteristics as th at mentioned above? Ans: Triangular prism

22. When an object is seen from the front side we can see two concentric squares and top view also without any hidden lines. Draw the side view. 23. In common parlance, A=> B means what Ans: if A is true B has to be true 23. If A is not invertible and BA = I is not possible, what is implied by this? Ans: Determinant is Zero. 24. What is a free body diagram used for 25. A die is thrown twice what is the probability that you get same number 26. The sum of two numbers is 55. What is the larger number?

SECTION 2-TECHNICAL SECTION 1. Convert 251 in base 10 to octal(base 8)? 2. How much information can be stored in 1 byte of a IBM pc compatible? 3.What is the language used for Artificial Intelligence Ans: lisp 4. Swap two variables without using temporary variable Ans: a= a+b; b= a-b; a= a-b: 5.Which is not the operating system ? Ans: BIOS 6. What is the optimum number of operations for 2x3 + 3x2 + 5x + 5? 7. In the fortran language which of the following is true. (i) fortran uses call by value (ii) fortran is object oriented (iii) fortran allows use of function overloading Ans. (i)

8. When a program is compiled what does it produce? Ans: Source code is converted to object code 9. What is the difference between function overloading and function overriding? 10. What is the character set used in JAVA 2.0 ? Ans: Unicode

SECTION 3 - C TEST 1. What is the mistake in the following program segment ? f() { int a; void c; f2(&c,&a);} 2. a=0; b=(a=0)?2:3; a) What will be the value of b and why ? b) If in first statement a=0 is replaced by a = -1, b= ? c) If in second statement a=0 is replaced by a = -1, b=? 3. char *a[2]; int const *p; int *const p; struct new { int a;int b; *var[5] (struct new)} Describe the statements in the above given construct ? 4. f() { int a=2; f1(a++); } f1(int c) { printf("%d", c); } What is the value of c ? 5. f1() { f(3); } f(int t)

{ switch(t); { case 2: c=3; case 3: c=4; case 4: c=5; case 5: c=6; default: c=0; } What is the value of c? 6. What is the fallacy in the following program segment ? int *f1() { int a=5; return &a; } f() int *b=f1() int c=*b; } 7. Give the C language equivalents of the following a)Function returning an int pointer b)Function pointer returning an int pointer c)Function pointer returning an array of integers d)Array of function pointer returning an array of integers 8. Find the fallacy in the following program segment? int a; short b; b=a; 9. Define function ? Explain arguments in functions ? 10. How does C pass variables to a function ? 11. Explain the following program segment. f(){ int *b; *b=2; } 12. Explain binary trees and their use ? 13. Draw the diagram showing the function stack, illustrating the variables that were pushed on the stack at the point when function f2 has been introduced . type def struct { double x,double y} point; }

main( int argc, char *arg[3]) { double a; int b,c; f1(a,b); } f1(double x, int y) {point p; stack int n; f2(p,x,y) } f2(point p, double angle) { int i,j,k,int max; } Back to top

HCL System Software Sample Test Paper Home Back To HCL Page Section A 1. Which of the following involves context switch, (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) system call priviliged instruction floating poitnt exception all the above none of the above

Ans: (a) 2. In OST, terminal emulation is done in (a) (b) (c) (d) sessions layer application layer presentation layer transport layer

Ans: (b) 3. For a 25MHz processor , what is the time taken by the instruction which need s 3 clock cycles, (a)120 nano secs (b)120 micro secs (c)75 nano secs

(d)75 micro secs 4. For 1 MB memory, the number of address lines required, (a)11 (b)16 (c)22 (d) 24 Ans. (b) 5. Semaphore is used for (a) (b) (c) (d) synchronization dead-lock avoidence box none

Ans. (a) 6. Which holds true for the following statement class c: public A, public B a) b) c) d) 2 member in class A, B should not have same name 2 member in class A, C should not have same name both none

Ans. (a) 7. Question related to java 8. OLE is used in a) inter connection in unix b) interconnection in WINDOWS c) interconnection in WINDOWS NT 9. Convert a given HEX number to OCTAL 10. Macros and function are related in what aspect? (a)recursion (b)varying no of arguments (c)hypochecking (d)type declaration 11.Preproconia.. does not do which one of the following (a) macro (b) conditional compliclation

(c) in type checking (d) including load file Ans. (c) 12. Piggy backing is a technique for a) b) c) d) Flow control Sequence Acknowledgement retransmition

Ans. (c) 13. In signed magnitude notation what is the minimum value that can be represent ed with 8 bits (a) (b) (c) (d) -128 -255 -127 0

14. There is an employer table with key fields as employer number data in every n'th row are needed for a simple following queries will get requi red results. (a) select A employee number from employee A , where exists from employee B wher e A employee no. >= B employee having (count(*) mod n)=0 (b) select employee number from employe A, employe B where A employe number>=B e mploy number group by employee number having(count(*) mod n=0 ) (c) both (a) & (b) (d) none of the above 15. Type duplicates of a row in a table customer with non uniform key field cust omer number you can see a) delete from costomer where customer number exists( select distinct customer n umber from customer having count ) b) delete customer a where customer number in b rowid c) delete customer a where custermor number in( select customer number from cust omer a, customer b ) d) none of the above

Section B 1. Given the following statement enum day = { jan = 1 ,feb=4, april, may} What is the value of may? (a) 4 (b) 5

(c) 6 (d) 11 (e) None of the above 2. Find the output for the following C program main {int x,j,k; j=k=6;x=2; x=j*k; printf("%d", x); 3. Find the output for the following C program fn f(x) { if(x<=0) return; else f(x-1)+x; } 4. Find the output for the following C program i=20,k=0; for(j=1;j<i;j=1+4*(i/j)) {k+=j<10?4:3; } printf("%d", k); Ans. k=4 5. Find the output for the following C program int i =10 main() {int i =20,n; for(n=0;n<=i;) {int i=10; i++; } printf("%d", i); Ans. i=20 6. Find the output for the following C program int x=5; y= x&y 7.Find the output for the following C program Y=10; if( Y++>9 && Y++!=10 && Y++>10) {printf("%d", Y); else

printf("%d", Y); } Ans. 13 8. Find the output for the following C program f=(x>y)?x:y a) f points to max of x and y b) f points to min of x and y c)error Ans. (a) 9. What is the sizeof(long int) (a) (b) (c) (d) 4 bytes 2 bytes compiler dependent 8 bytes

10. Which of the function operator cannot be over loaded (a) (b) (c) (d) <= ?: == *

11. Find the output for the following C program main() {int x=2,y=6,z=6; x=y==z; printf(%d",x) }


Q. In what case the prev was (a) (b) (c) (d) All cases It does not work for the last element It does not for the first element None of these

Answer the questions based on the following program VOID FUNCTION(INT KK) {KK+=20; } VOID FUNCTION (INT K) INT MM,N=&M KN = K KN+-=10; } Q. What is the output of the following program main() { int var=25,varp; varp=&var; varp p = 10; fnc(varp) printf("%d%d,var,varp); } (a) 20,55 (b) 35,35 (c) 25,25 (d)55,55

Section D 1. a=2, b=3, c=6 Find the value of c/(a+b)-(a+b)/c 2. What does the hexanumber E78 in radix 7. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 12455 14153 14256 13541 131112

Ans. (d) 3. 10 : 4 seconds :: ? : 6 minutes Ans. 900

4. Q is not equal to zero and k = (Q x n - s)/2.What is n? (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (2 (2 (2 (2 (k x x x x + k + s)/Q s x k)/Q k - s)/Q k + s x Q)/Q s)/Q

5. From the following statements determing the order of ranking M has double the amount as D Y has 3 rupess more than half the amount of D Ans. Data insuffiecient Questions 6 - 10 are to be answered on the following data A causes B or C, but not both F occurs only if B occurs D occurs if B or C occurs E occurs only if C occurs J occurs only if E or F occurs D causes G,H or both H occurs if E occurs G occurs if F occurs 6. If A occurs which of the following must occurs I. F and G II. E and H III. D (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) I only II only III only I,II, & III I & II (or) II & III but not both

Ans. (e) 7. If B occurs which must occur (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) D D and G G and H F and G J

Ans. (a) 8. If J occurs which must have occured (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) E either B or C both E & F B both B & C

Ans. (b) 9. Which may occurs as a result of cause not mentioned I. D II. A III. F (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) I only II only I & II II & III I,II & III

Ans. (c) 10. E occurs which one cannot occurs (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) A F D C J

Ans. (b) Back to top

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