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Sri Lanka Administrative Service

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The Gazete of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka


No. 509/7 - TUESDAY, JUNE 07,1988.06.07 (Published by Authority)


Government Notifications
Minute of the Sri Lanka Administrative Service
THE following Minute on the Sri Lanka Administrative Service is published in substitution of the Minute dated 1st December, 1982 published in the Gazette Extra ordinary No. 221/16 of 3rd December, 1982, of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. D.B.I.P.S. Siriwardhana Secretary Ministry of Public Administration Ministry of Public Administration Independence Square Colombo 7 27th May 1988. Effective Date 1. Subject to the salary scales in paragraph 3, being effective from 1st January, 1988 this Minute shall come into force on 7th September, 1978, without prejudice however to any action taken or purported to be taken in terms of the provisions of the Minute on the Sri Lanka Administrative Service of 10th August, 1978 published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 330/7 of 16th August, 1978, and substituted by the Minute of 11th June, 1980, published in the Gazette Extraordinary No.93/5, dated 17th June, 1980 and as amended by the Minute of 1st December, 1982 published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 221/16 of 3rd December, 1982, and substituted further by the amendment of 8th March, 1985 published in Gazette Extraordinary No. 340/7 of 1 2th March, 1985 and also by the amendment of 27th January, 1987 published in the Gazette Extraordinary No. 439/3 of 1st February , 1987 of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

Definition 2. (a) (b) (c) The term Minute shall mean the Minute of the Sri Lanka Administrative Service The term Secretary shall mean the Secretary to the Ministry to which the subject of Public Administration is assigned. The term Service shall mean the Sri Lanka Administrative Service.

Structure, Salary Scales and Cadres 3. The service shall consist of Public Officers appointed to Class II Grade II and promoted to Class II Grade I by the amalgamation of Class II Grade I and Class II Grade II and by the promotion of officers to Class I from Class II grade I in the following numbers and with the following scales:-

Class I Salary Scale per annum - With effect from 1.1.1989 Rs. 72,000 - 10 x 3,600 - Rs. 108,000 Class II Grade I Salary Scale per annum - With effect from 1.1.1989 Rs. 55,200 - 7 x 2,400 - 72,000. Class II Grade II Salary Scale per annum - With effect from 1.1.1989 Rs. 36,000 - 15 x 1,200 - 54,000 (1st Efficiency Bar before Rs. 38,400 2nd Efficiency Bar before Rs. 45,600) Note - New consolidated Salary Scales and Salary Steps given in this minute should be computed as per Appendix IV of Public Administration Circular No. 387 in respect of the year 1968. The approved cadre should be as follows : (a) (b) Class 1 191

Amalgamated Class II, Grade II and Class II, Grade I 1603

Note - The Cadre may be varied from time to time according to the needs of the government. Methods of Appointment 4. Appointments to Class II, Grade II shall be (a) (b) (c) On the results of an Open Competitive Examination, On the results of a Limited Competitive Examination; and by promotion on merit

Appointments to Class II, grade II Open Competitive Examination 5. (a) Appointments to not more than 60% (sixty) of the vacancies in Class II Grade II of the Service will be made by the Secretary on the results of an Open Competitive Examination as prescribed by him, and to be conducted by the Commissioner of Examinations on his behalf and an interview. Details of this Examination are set out in Appendix A. The number to be appointed at any one time will be decided by the Secretary.

(b) Eligibility

6. A person will be eligible to sit the Open Competitive Examination if he, (a) (b) (c) is a citizen of Sri Lanka and has obtained a degree of recognised University or has passed any professional Examination deemed by the Secretary to be of at least equivalent standard, and has attained the age of 22 years and has not attained the age o 26 years, on the last day of the month preceding the months in which the closing date for applications occurs, is of excellent moral character, of sound constitution and possessed of good eyesight. (He will be required to undergo a medical examination is selected for appointment)


Method of application 7. Method of application for the examination and the fees required will be notified in the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Training 8. An Officer appointed to the Service on the results of the Open Competitive Examination will be required to undergo training for a period of 3 years, of which the first year will be at the Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration. At the end of the first year he will be subject to a test. And if he fails this test, his appointment is liable to be terminated. Limited Competitive Examination 9. Appointment to not more than 20% (twenty) of the vacancies in Class II Grade II of the Service will be made by the Secretary on the results of a Limited Competitive Examination as prescribed by him, and to be conducted by the Commissioner of Examinations on his behalf and an Interview. Details of this examination are set out in Appendix B. Eligibility 10. A person will be eligible to sit the limited Competitive Examination if either he. (a) (i) is a confirmed public officer in the following services/grades, and

(ii) has not less than 10 years continuous permanent service in any one or more of such services/grade, and or (b) (i) (ii) is a confirmed public officer in the following services/grades, and has obtained a degree of a recognised University or has passed any professional examination deemed by the Secretary to be of at least equivalent standard, and

(iii) has not less than 5 years continuous permanent service in any one more of such services/grades. Services/Grades General Clerical Service, Stenographers Service, Typists Service, Shroffs Service, Book Keepers Service and Translators Service which are under the control of the Secretary, Ministry of Public Administration and parallel service/grades in the Local Government Service. Method of Application 11. The Method of application for the Examination and the fees required will be notified in the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. Training 12. An Officer appointed in to the Service on the results of the Limited Competitive Examination will be required to undergo such training as the Secretary may decided.

Restrictions on Eligibility 13. (a) (b) No person shall sit the Open Competitive Examination on more than three occasions. No person shall sit the Limited Competitive Examination and the Open Competitive Examination on more than seven occasions altogether.

Promotion on merit. 14. Appointment to not more than 20% (twenty) of the vacancies in Class II Grade II, of the Service will be made by the Secretary by promotion on merit on the result of an Interview.

Eligibility 15. Eligibility is limited to Public Officers who (a) (b) (c) (d) are in the following Services and Grades: have, in the case of those in 20 to 56 categories, reached the new consolidated salary point of Rs. 28,200 up to a date determined by the Secretary. have a satisfactory record of service, and have not been published for any act of dishonestly, or other act of misconduct involving moral turpitude, at any time in their carrier.

Category : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) Supra Class of the Railway Clerical Service Supra Class of the Local Government Clerical Service Supra Class of the Government Typists Service Supra Class of the Government Stenographers Service Supra Class of the General Clerical Service Supra Class of the Health Clerical Service Supra Class of the Divisional Officer-Agrarian Service Translators Service Class I Land Officer District Land Officer - Land Commissioners (Departmental) Progress Assistant - Office of the Cabinet of Ministers Progress Assistant - Highways Hospital Secretary (Special Grade) Assistant Director - Social Services (Departmental) Assistant Commissioner for Development of Marketing (Departmental) Assistant Commissioner of Labour (Departmental) Assistant Commissioner of Agrarian Services (Departmental) Assistant Commissioner of Local Government (Departmental) Assistant Commissioner of Co-operative Development (Departmental) Superintendent, Rehabilitation of the Disabled, Social Welfare Institution Management Service Officer (only those who have ten years permanent and continuous service in any of the categories Textile Technologist Industrial Assistant Office Assistant - Rubber Control Department Senior Authorised Officer; Department of Immigration & Emigration

(26) Senior Rural Development Assistant (27) House Master and House Mistress, Department of Probation and Child Care Service (28) Labour Officer - Class I (29) Officer in Class I of the Divisional Officer - Agrarian Services (30) Colonization Officer, Grade I (31) Officer in Class I of the Railway Clerical Service (32) Officer in Class II of the Translators Service (33) Officer in Class I of the Local Government Translators Service (34) Officer in Class I of the Local Government Typists Service (35) Officer in class I of the Local Government Stenographers Service (36) Officer in Class I of the Local Government Clerical Service (37) Officer in Class I of the Local Government Shroffs Service (38) Officer in Class I of the Government Typists Service (39) Officer in Class I of the Government Stenographers Service (40) Social Service Officer, Class I (41) Inspector of Co-operative Societies in Class I (42) Officer in Class I of the Shroffs Service (43) Officer in Class I of the General Clerical Service (44) Officer in Class I of the Health Clerical Service (45) Officer in Class I of the Postal Clerical Service (46) Head Master and Head Mistress of Department of Probation and Child Care Services (47) Divisional Marketing Officer - Marketing Department. (48) District Officer - Co-operative Development (49) Officer in Grade I of the former Non-Graduate Translators Service (50) Hospital Secretary (Only if on a new consolidated salary scale with an initial of not less than Rs. 25,200 per annum and having increments of not less than Rs. 600 per annum with 10 years permanent and continuous service in that service) (51) Investigating Officer - Department of Import and Export Control (52) Investigating Officer - Department of Local Government (53) Investigating Officer - General Treasury (54) Rural Development Assistant (55) Officer in Class I of the Government Store Keepers Service (56) Workers Representative in Administration Assistant Secretaries to Ministries (Non .S.L.A.S) only Public Officers who were eligible to be considered for appointment to Class II Grade II of the S.L.A.S. by promotion on merit. (c) An officer will be considered to have a satisfactory record of service only if he has received on the due date all the increments falling within the 5 years immediately preceding the date determined for eligibility for promotion and has not suffered any punishment whatsoever (except a warning) in respect of any offence committed during the same 5 years)

Method of application 16. Application should be made when called for by a circular to be issued by the Secretary.

Training 17. An officer appointed to the Service, by promotion on merit, will be required to undergo such training as the Secretary may decide. Appointments to Class II Grade I 18 (a) A confirmed officer in Class II Grade II of the Sri Lanka Administrative Service who has completed 10 years satisfactory service on the service as on 11.03.1987 and thereafter, and who has satisfied the following requirements will be promoted to Class II grade I of the Service with effect from 11.03.1987 or the day he will satisfy these requirements to make himself eligible for such promotion. (i) has passed or has been exempted from the 1st and 2nd Efficiency Bar Examination on the due date. (ii) has passed or has been exempted from the 2nd Language. (iii) in the case of such an officer only who is appointed to the service on or after 1st June, 1982 has successfully completed the General Management Course conducted by the Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration. (iv) has earned on the due date all; the increments during the period of 5 years prior to his becoming eligible for promotion. (v) has not been subject to a disciplinary punishment for any offence committed during a period of 5 years prior to his becoming eligible for promotion. (b) Heads of Departments should forward with their recommendations, through the Secretaries to the Ministries concerned, the applications of officers who satisfy the requirements in para (a) above. (The application should be prepared in accordance with the instructions contained in Public Administration Circular No. 371 of 28.5.1987 and 3/88 of 21.1.1988.

Appointments to Class I 19. Appointments to vacancies in Class I of the service will be made by promotion by the Secretary of officers in Class II Grade I of the Service. Recommendations for appointments to this Class will be made after an interview by a Board consisting of the Secretary , and two other Secretaries appointed by him. The Board shall base their recommendations strictly on seniority and merit. for this purpose the Board shall interview such number of officers in Class II Grade I as does not exceed three times the number of vacancies to be filled.

Confirmation 20. An officer appointed to Class II Grade II of the Service on the results of the Open Competitive Examination will be on probation for a period of three years. He will be conformed at the end of this period provided he has passed (a) the First Efficiency Bar Examination, and (b) the prescribed Proficiency Test in Sinhala, (An officer who qualified for appointment to the Service in Sinhala will be exempt from this test). Note - If at the end of three years an officer has not passed this Test, his appointment is liable to be terminated.

Language Proficiency 21. (a) An officer appointed to the Service will be required to pass an examination in the 2nd Language or be exempted there from before promotion over the 2nd Efficiency Bar. In the case of an officer deemed an Old Entrant for the purposes of the Official Language Policy, the 2nd Language will be Tamil for a Sinhalese Officer and Sinhala for a Tamil Officer. In the case of an officer deemed a New Entrant for the purposes of the Official Language Policy the 2nd Language will be Tamil or English for one who qualified for appointment to the service in Sinhala and Sinhala for one who qualified for appointment to the Service in Tamil or English. A Sinhalese or a Tamil Officer deemed an Old Entrant for the purposes of the Official Language Policy will be exempted from an examination in the 2nd Language (viz. Tamil or Sinhala respectively), provided he passes an examination in Sinhala or Tamil respectively, of the standard of the G.C.E. (Ordinary level). An officer who qualified for appointment to the Service in Tamil or English and is deemed to be a New Entrant for the purposes of the Official Language Policy, will be exempted from an examination in the 2nd Language, provided he has passed the Grade III Proficiency Test in Sinhala prescribed in Treasury Circular NO. 701 of 4th September, 1966, or has been exempted therefrom.





Efficiency Bars 22. (a) An officer appointed to Class II Grade II of the Service on the results of the Open Competitive Examination is required to pass the 1st Efficiency Bar Examination before he reaches the salary point of Rs. 38,400. The Syllabus for this Examination is in Appendix C. An officer appointed to Class II Grade II of the Service by promotion on merit will be exempted from the 1st Efficiency Bar Examination. Before an officer in Class II Grade II of the Service reaches the salary point of Rs. 45,600 he should have passed the 1st and 2nd Efficiency Bar Examinations. The Syllabus for the latter examination is set out in Appendix D. An officer in Class II Grade II or Class II Grade I of the Service, will be exempted from the 2nd Efficiency Bar Examination on reaching the age of 45 years.




Seniority 23. Seniority in Class II Grade II, on confirmation in the case of officers appointed on the results of the Open Competitive Examination, and on appointment in the case of officers appointed on the results of the Limited Competitive Examination, will normally be governed by their order of merit in the Examination.

Salary Points 24. (a) An officer appointed on the results of the Limited Competitive Examination or by promotion on merit will be placed on the salary point of Rs. 48,000 on completion of six years satisfactory service in the Service provided he has passed the 2nd Efficiency Bar Examination and the 2nd Language Examination or has been exempted therefrom. An officer appointed on the results of the Open Competitive Examination will be placed on the salary point of Rs. 48,000 on completion of six years satisfactory service in the Service, provided he has passed the two Efficiency Bar Examination and the 2nd Language Examination or has been exempted there-from. Any incremental credit given to an officer in terms of the above provisions will not affect the seniority of officers in the service.



Transfer and Posting 25. (a) An officer of the Service is transferable and is liable to be posted to any part of the Island. (b) In transferring or posting an officer of the Service, in the appropriate authority will take into consideration any specialised knowledge, training and experience of an officer in particular fields with a view to making the best use of such knowledge, training and experience. The post enumerated under Class I, Class II Grade I and Class II grade II of the Schedule to the Minute, will normally be held by officers in Class I, Class II Grade I and Class II Grade II of the Service respectively. Transfers of officers of the Service to posts enumerated in the Schedule to the Minute will be made as follows: A transfer between Ministries will be made by the Secretary;




(ii) A transfer between Departments within the same Ministry will be made by the Secretary concerned, with intimation to the Secretary. (iii) A transfer within the same Department will be made by the Head of the Department concerned. Where an officer is to be transferred as Additional Head or Deputy Head or Deputy Head of Department, such a transfer will be informed when ever a transfer involving a change of post of station is made. (e) The Cabinet of Ministers or the Secretary, as the case may be, however, reserves the right to appoint any public officers to any of the posts enumerated in the Schedule referred to in sub-paragraph (c) above. In the case of the Secretary he should consult the Secretary to the Ministry in which the officer is serving and the Secretary to the Ministry to which the post is attached.

Date of Qualification 26. A qualification required for an examination for appointment to the service shall be deemed to have been obtained only if (a) a person has successfully completed in every respect, the examination or examinations required for the qualification, by the last day of the month preceding the month in which the closing date for applications occurs, and

(b) the official certificate in respect of the qualification or an official document acceptable to the Secretary in lieu of such a certificate, is produced at the Interview. Option to retire 27. An officer who was in the Service on 1st July, 1978, will on application, be given the option to retire from the Service under Section 7 of the Minute on Pensions, such option to be exercised within 5 years from that date and provided the Secretary is satisfied that he was adversely affected by the provisions of this Minute to such an extent as to justify the grant of such concession.

Matters not provided for 28. Any matter not provided for in this Minute will be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers. SCHEDULE Class I Additional Commissioner of Title Settlement Additional Conservator -Forests Additional Director, Budget Additional Director of Combined Services Additional Director, Department of Textile Industries Additional Director of Establishments Additional Director of External Resources Additional Director Fiscal Policy Additional Director of Industrial Development and Regulation Additional Director, National Planning Additional Director (Planning and Project Development) Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Construction Additional Director (Regional Development) Ministry of Plan Implementation Additional General Manager of Railways (Administration) Additional Land Commissioner Commissioner for Development of Marketing Commissioner of Agrarian Services Commissioner of Ayurveda Commissioner of Commodity Purchase Commissioner of Co-operative Development and Registrar or Co-operative Scoieties Commissioner of Kandyan Pessantry Rehabilitation

Commissioner of Internal Trade Commissioner of Labour Commissioner of Local Government Commissioner of Motor Traffic and Registrar of Motor Vehicles Commissioner of Mosques and Muslim Charitable Institutions Commissioner of National Housing Commissioner of Official Language Commissioner of Probation and Child Care Services Commissioner of Registration of Persons Commissioner of Title Settlement Controller of Immigration and Emigration Controller of Imports and Exports Director, Budget Director, Civil Aviation Director, (Development), Ministry of Lands and Land Development Director, Finance Director for Marketing and Export Promotion of Handicrafts Director, Industrial Development and Regulations Director (Manpower Planning), Ministry of Plan Implementation Director, Materials and Manpower Resources Director, National Planning Director of Combined Services Director of Credit Councils Director of Cultural Affairs Director of Establishments Director of Information Director of Land Development Director of Local Government Service Director of Pensions Director of Rural Development Director of Small Industries Director of Social Services Director of Sports Director of Textile Industries Director (Planning), Planning Ministyr of Rural Industrial Development Director (Plan Implementation) Director (Planning), Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Construction Director (Planning), Ministyr of Mahaweli Development Director Public Enterprises Director Public Sector Management Director Womens Bureau of Sri Lanka Food Commissioner Government Agents Land Commissioner Post Master General Principal Collector of Customs Rubber Controller Secretary, Education Service Committee Secretary Public Service Commission Senior Assistant Secretaries

Class II, Grade I Additional Government Agents Chief Administrative Officer, Survey Department Chief Administrative Officer, Department of Telecommunications Deputy Collector of Customs Deputy Commissioner of Agrarian Services Deputy Commissioner of Ayurveda Deputy Commissioner (Administration) Department of Buddhist Affairs Deputy Commissioner of Commodity Purchase Deputy Commissioner of Co-operative Development Deputy Commissioner for Development of Marketing Deputy Commissioner of Elections Deputy Commissioner of Food Deputy Commissioner of Internal Trade Deputy Commissioner of Labour Deputy Commissioner of Land Deputy Commissioner of Local Government Deputy Commissioner of Motor Traffic Deputy Commissioner of National Housing Deputy Commissioner of Probation and Child Care Services Deputy Commissioner of Registration of Persons Deputy Controller of Immigration and Emigration Deputy Controller of Imports and Exports Deputy Director (Administration), Buildings Department Deputy Director, Budget Deputy Director of Census and Statistics Deputy Director of Civil Aviation Deputy Director of Combined Services Deputy Director of Credit Councils Deputy Director (Minor Irrigation Works), Department of Agrarian Services Deputy Director (Administration) Department of Agriculture Deputy Director (Administration), Department of Animal Production and Health Deputy Director Artline & Marketing), Department of Small Industries Deputy Director (Administration), Department Small Industries Deputy Director (Planning & Handcrafts), Department of Small Industries Deputy Director of Establishments Deputy Director, External Resources Deputy Director, Excise Department Deputy Director, Fiscal Policy Deputy Director, Hindu Religious & Cultural Affairs & Tamil Language Implementation Deputy Director of Highways Deputy Director, Industrial Development and Regulation Deputy Director of Information Deputy Director of Irrigation (Administration) Deputy Director of Land Development Deputy Director of Local Government Service Deputy Director of Marketing & Export Promotion of Handicrafts Deputy Director of Materials and Manpower Resources Deputy Director of (Arts & Crafts), Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Deputy Director (Publication and Literary Activities) Ministry of Cultural Affairs Deputy Director (Administration), Ministry of Fisheries Deputy Director (Regulation & Extension Service), Ministries of Fisheries Deputy Director(Administration), Ministry of Health Deputy Director (Development), Ministry of Lands and Land Development Deputy Director(Project Development), Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Construction Deputy Director (Planning), Ministry of Rural Industrial Development Deputy Director, National Planning Deputy Director of Pensions Deputy Director (Plan Implementation) Deputy Director, Public Enterprises Deputy Director, Public Sector Management Deputy Director of Regional Development Deputy Director of Rural Development Deputy Director of Social Services Deputy Director, Womens Bureau of Sri Lanka Deputy Surveyor-General (Administration) Director, Sri Lanka School of Social work Landing Surveyor, Customs Principal, School of Co-operatives, Polgolla Secretary, Co-operative Employees Commission Secretary, Local Government Service Advisory Board Secretary. Local Government Service Disciplinary Board Secretary, Scientific Service Board Senior Assistant Commissioner of Agrarian Service Senior Assistant Commissioner of Co-operative Development Senior Assistant Commissioner of Food Senior Assistant Commissioner of Labour Senior Assistant Commissioner of Motor Traffic Senior Assistant Controller of Imports and Exports Senior Assistant Controller of Rubber Senior Assistant Director (Administration,Ministry of Fisheries Senior Assistant Director of Social Services Class II Grade II Additional Landing Surveyor, Customs Administrative Officer, Ceylon Government Railway Administrative Officer, Police Department Administrative Officer, Suveyor Department Assistant Commissioner of Agrarian Services Assistant Commissioner of Ayurveda Assistant Commissioner of Commodity Purchase Assistant Commissioner of Co-operative Development Assistant Commissioner (Administration) Department of Buddhist Affairs Assistant Commissioner for Development of Marketing Assistant Commissioner of Elections Assistant Commissioner of Internal Trade Assistant Commissioner of Kandyan Pesantry Rehabilitation Assistant Commissioner of Labour Assistant Commissioner of Local Government Assistant Commissioner of Motor Traffic

Assistant Commissioner of National Housing Assistant Commissioner of Official Language Assistant Commissioner of Probation & Child Care Services Assistant Commissioner of Registration of Persons Assistant Commissioner of Title Settlement Assistant Food Controller Assistant Controller of Immigration and Emigration Assistant Controller of Imports and Export Assistant Rubber Controller Assistant Tea Controller Assistant Controller, Ministry of Textile Industries Assistant Director, Budget Assistant Director Combined Services Assistant Director of Credit Councils Assistant Director of Civil Aviation Assistant Director of Cultural Affairs Assistant Director (Administration), Department of Agriculture Assistant Director (Minor Irrigation Works), Department of Agrarian Services Assistant Director (Administration), Department of Animal Production and Health Assistant Director (Administration), Department of Buildings Assistant Director (Administration), Department of Health Assistant Director (Administration), Department of Machinery and Equipment Assistant Director (Administration), Department of Minor Export Crops Assistant Director, Department of Social Services Assistant Director (Administration), Department of Zoological Gardens Assistant Director of Economic Affairs Assistant Director of Engineering Service Assistant Director of Establishments Assistant Director of External Resources Assistant Director of Finance Assistant Director of Fiscal Policy Assistant Director of Pensions Assistant Director (Plan Implementation) Assistant Director of Project Identification, Ministry of Agricultural Development & Research Assistant Director of (Administration), Ministry of Fisheries Assistant Director (Cost Conservation), Ministry of Fisheries Assistant Director (Coastal Fisheries), Ministry of Fisheries Assistant Director of Planning and Programming, Ministry of Fisheries Assistant Director of Regulation and Extension Services, Ministry of Fisheries Assistant Director of Regulation and Development, Ministry of Fisheries Assistant Director of (Welfare), Ministry of Fisheries Assistant Director of Hindu Religious & Cultural Affairs and Tamil Language Implementation Assistant Director of Information Assistant Director of Industrial Development and Regulation Assistant Director of Land Development Assistant Director of Local Government Service Assistant Director of Marketing & Export Promotion of Handicrafts Assistant Director of Materials & Manpower Resources Assistant Director of (Arts & Crafts), Ministry of Cultural Affairs Assistant Director of (Publication & Literary Activities) Ministry of Cultural Affairs

Assistant Director of Ministry of local Government, Housing and Construction Assistant Director of (Manpower Planning), Ministry of Plan Implementation Assistant Director of (Planning) Ministry of Rural Industrial Development Assistant Director of (Youth Employment), Ministry of Youth Affairs and Employment Assistant Director of (Vocational and Technical Training) Ministry of Youth Affairs and Employment Assistant Director of Muslim Religious and Cultural Affairs Assistant Director of National Planning Assistant Director of Regional Development Assistant Director of Rural Development Assistant Director of Small Industries Assistant Director of Sports Assistant Director of Textile Industries Assistant Government Agents Assistant Secretary, Co-operative Employees Commission Assistant Secretary, Education Service Committee Assistant Secretary, Judicial Service Commission Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Manpower Mobilization Assistant Secretaries in Ministries Assistant Secretary, Presidential Secretariat Assistant Secretary, Prime Ministers Office Assistant Secretary, Public Service Commission Assistant Director, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Employment Chief Administrative Officer, Government Factory Civilian Administrative Officer, Sri Lanka Air Force Civilian Administrative Officer, Sri Lanka Army Civilian Administrate Officer , Sri Lanka Navy Deputy Fiscal, Colombo District Land Officer Divisional Revenue Officer Land Development Officer Plan Implementation Officer APPENDIX A DETAILS OF THE OPEN COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE SRI LANKA ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE (Paragraph 5 (a) (i) Method of Testing I. A written examination to be held in two parts. Part A - (Compulsory Subjects) (i) Comprehension-150-marks-2 hour paper (ii) Intelligence Test-150-marks-1 hour 15 minutes paper (iii) General Paper-150-marks-3 hour paper All candidates should sit Part A. Only those who have attained a satisfactory standard in Part A will be permitted to proceed to sit the papers in Part B. Part B-(Optional Subjects) Four papers in optional subjects (at 100 marks each) 400 marks-Four 3 hour papers.


A. Interview - 100 marks

Selection of those to be summoned for the interview will be made from those only, who have sat all the papers in Part A as well as all the optional papers in Part B. Only those candidates who obtain a sufficiently high aggregate of marks, as determined by the Secretary, in Part A and Part B considered together, will be eligible to be called for the interview. If there is an adequate number of such persons, at least twice the number of candidates as there are vacancies will be called for the Interview. The marks scored by a candidate in the written papers will not be made available to the Interview Board. 2. (a) Syllabuses-(i) Compulsory subjects Comprehension- This question paper is limited to 2 hours and several short passages will be given to the candidates. Some passages will be given to express the meaning of the passage in one sentence. Questions such as writing explanatory notes to underlined words will also be given. In the case of some of the passages, the candidate will be presented with a set of alternative statements one of which fits the contents of the passage best. The candidate would be required to pick the most appropriate statement. Regarding certain other passages, certain questions will be presented to the candidates and correct answers are expected. These questions will be set to test the manner in which the candidate is able to grasp the meaning of the passage. In addition to this a some what lengthy passage will be given for precis writing. Intelligence Test - This question Paper is limited to 1 hour and 15 minutes. This is designed to provide an assessment of the candidates powers of logical reasoning and analysis and ability to draw sound inferences. This question paper will be of the multiple choice type. General paper- This question paper is limited to 3 hours. This paper is designed to test the candidates awareness of his environment including the political, social, cultural and economic environment of Sri Lanka matters of current national and international interest as well as scientific and technological developments. Candidates are given a choice to select their questions. Papers in Optional Subjects- The candidate will be required to select four papers set at a level appropriate to the Bachelors Degree, from the list of subjects specified below and in any one of the following combinations is except in Law and Mathematics, Vide Note (iii)(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Two Higher Level papers in one subject and two higher level papers in another one subject. Two Lower level papers in one subject and two Lower Level papers in another one subject. Two Higher Level papers in one subject and two Lower level papers in another one subject. Two Higher Level papers in one subject and two Lower level papers in the same subject as the Higher Level Papers.

Note- In each of the following subjects, there will be two Higher Level papers and two Lower Level papers unless otherwise specified in Note (iii) Note (iv) and Note (v).

Optional Subjects Subject Number 04 Arabic (Higher Level) 05 Arabic (Higher Level) 06 Arabic (Lower Level) 07 Arabic (Lower Level) 08 Economics (Higher Level) 09 Economics (Higher Level) 10 Economics (Lower Level) 11 Economics (Lower Level) * 12 History (Higher Level) *13 History (Higher Level) 14 History (Lower Level) ** 15 History (Lower Level) 16 Islamic Civilisation (Higher Level) 17 Islamic Civilisation (Higher Level) 18 Islamic Civilisation (Lower Level) 19 Islamic Civilisation (Lower Level) 20 English (Higher Level) 21 English (Higher Level) 22 English (Lower Level) 23 English (Lower Level) 24 Botany (Higher Level) 25 Botany (Higher Level) 26. Botany (Lower Level) 27. Botany (Lower Level) 28. Management (Higher Level) 29. Management (Higher Level) 30. Management (Lower Level) 31. Management (Lower Level) 32. Christian Civilisation (Higher Level) 33. Christian Civilisation (Higher Level) 34. Christian Civilisation (Lower Level) 35. Christian Civilisation (Lower Level) 36. Accountancy (Higher Level) 37. Accountancy (Higher Level) 38. Accountancy (Lower Level) 39. Accountancy (Lower Level) ***40 Mathemarics 41 Greek (Higher Level) 42 Greek (Higher Level) 43 Greek (Lower Level) 44. Greek (Lower Level) 45. Zoology (Higher Level) 46. Zoology (Higher Level) 47. Zoology (Lower Level) 48. Zoology (Lower Level) ***49 Law

50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98

Philosophy (Higher Level) Philosophy (Higher Level) Philosophy (Lower Level) Tamil (Higher Level) Tamil (Higher Level) Tamil (Lower Level) Tamil (Lower Level Political Science (Higher Level) Political Science (Higher Level) Political Science (Lower Level) Political Science (Lower Level) Pali (Higher Level) Pali (Higher Level) Pali (Lower Level) Pali (Lower Level) Archaeology (Higher Level) Archaeology (Higher Level) Archaeology (Lower Level) Archaeology (Lower Level) Western Classical Culture (Higher Level) Western Classical Culture (Higher Level) Western Classical Culture (Lower Level) Western Classical Culture (Lower Level) Buddhist Philosophy (Higher Level) Buddhist Philosophy (Higher Level) Buddhist Philosophy (Lower Level) Buddhist Philosophy (Lower Level) Buddhist Civilisation (Higher Level) Buddhist Civilisation (Higher Level) Buddhist Civilisation (Lower Level) Buddhist Civilisation (Lower Level) Geography ( Higher Level) Geography ( Higher Level) Geography (Lower Level) Geography (Lower Level) Geology (Higher Level) Geology (Higher Level) Geology (Lower Level) Geology (Lower Level) Physics (Higher Level) Physics (Higher Level) Physics (Lower Level) Physics (Lower Level) Chemistry (Higher Level) Chemistry (Higher Level) Chemistry (Lower Level) Chemistry (Lower Level) Latin (Higher Level) Latin (Higher Level)

99 Latin (Lower Level) 100 Latin (Lower Level) 101 Commerce (Higher Level) 102 Commerce (Higher Level) 103. Commerce (Lower Level) 104 Commerce (Lower Level) 105 Applied Mathermatics (Lower Level) ****106 Applied Mathercsmatics (Lower Level) ****107 Pure Mathermatic (Lower Level) ****108 Pure Mathermatic (Lower Level) 109. Sociology (Higher Level) 110. Sociology (Higher Level) 111. Sociology (Lower Level) 112. Sociology (Lower Level) 113. Statistics (Higher Level) 114. Statistics (Higher Level) 115. Statistics (Lower Level) 116. Statistics (Lower Level) 117. Sanskrit (Higher Level) 118. Sanskrit (Higher Level) 119. Sanskrit (Lower Level) 120. Sanskrit (Lower Level) **** 121 Sinhala (Higher Level) ****122 Sinhala (Higher Level) ****123 Sinhala (Higher Level) 124 Sinhala (Lower Level) 125 Sinhala (Lower Level) 126 Hindu Civillization (Higher Level) 127 Hindu Civillization (Higher Level) 128 Hindu Civillization (Lower Level) 129 Hindu Civillization (Lower Level) * Note- (i) 12 History (Higher Level). The candidate should select either paper 12. I or paper 12. II 13. History (Higher Level) 13. I; or 13. II; or 13. III; The candidate should select one of the above three (3) question papers. ** Note- (ii) 15-History (Lower Level) 15 I; or 15 II; or 15 III; The candidate should select one of the above three (3) question papers. *** Note- (iii) There will be no distinction between Higher Level and Lower Level papers in Mathematics and Law. In the case of Mathematics, a candidate is required to sit all four papers specified in the syllabus. In the case of Law, he is required to select four papers from the following eight papers specified as the syllabus in Law.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

Law Obligations Law of Persons and Property Jurisprudence and Legal Theory Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law of Evidence Civil Procedure Commercial Law Constitutional Law and Administrative Law

**** Note- (iv) There will be no Higher Level Papers in Applied Mathematics and Pure Mathematics. ***** Note- (v) 122, 123, 124 Sinhala (Higher Level) 122 123 124 The candidate should select two of the above three (3) question papers. (b) Interview - (i) Only those candidates who obtain a sufficiently high aggregate of marks in the written papers in Part A will be eligible to proceed to Part B. If there is a adequate number of such persons at least twice the number of candidates there are vacancies will be called for Part B. (ii) Each candidate will be interviewed by a Board of five Public Officers including a Secretary to a Ministry as Chairman, appointed by the Secretary. At the interview he will be questioned on matters of general interest. In framing their assessment the Board will attach particular importance to his mental alertness and qualities of leadership. (iii) The marks scored by a candidate in written papers will not be made available to the Interview Board. APPENDIX B Details of the Limited Competitive Examination for Appointment to the Sri Lanka Administrative Service (Paragraph 9) Methods of Testing 1. (a) An examination consisting of written papers in the following subject and an Interview: Intelligence Test 100 marks - 1 hour Paper Comprehension 100 marks - 1 1/2 hour paper Case Study 100 marks - 2 hour paper (b) Interview 200 marks. 2. (a) Syllabus Intelligence Test - A paper designed to provide an assessment of the candidates power of logical reasoning and ability to draw sound inferences from information presented both in a verbal and nonverbal context.

Comprehension - The candidate will be given a set of passages. In the case of some of the passages, the candidate will be presented with a set of alternative statements one of which this the contents of the passage best. He would be required to pick the most appropriate statement. In the case of other passages, questions will be set to test the manner in which the candidate is liable to grasp the meaning of the passages. Case Study - A paper designed to test the candidates power of contructive thinking and problem solving ability. The candidate will be presented with one or more situation posing problems to which solution are required. (b) Interview (i) A candidate will be interviewed by a Board of five Public officers appointed by the Secretary. At the interview he will be questioned on matters of general interest. In framing their assessment the Board will attach particular importance to his mental alertness, qualities of leadership and his record of service. (ii) Only a candidate who has obtained a sufficiently high aggregate of marks in the written papers will be summoned for the Interview. This aggregate will be fixed at such a level as will enable at least twice the number of candidates as there are vacancies to be summoned for the Interview. (ii) The marks scored by a candidate in the written papers will not be made available to the Interview Board. APPENDIX C (Syllabus of the 1st Efficiency Bar Examination for officers appointed to Class II Grade II of the Sri Lanka Administrative Service referred to in Paragraph 22A.) 1. The 1st Efficiency Bar Examination will consist the following subjects(i) Law (ii) Finance (iii) Administration (iv) (a) Economics; or (b) Sociology, and (v) English 2. An officer may take up the subjects of the 1st Efficiency Bar Examination on one and the same occasion or on separate occasions. 3. (i) An officer who(a) is a Barrister-at-law; or (b) is an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka; or (c) has obtained a Degree in Law of a recognized University, shall be exempted from Law. (ii) An officer who has obtained a Degree in Economics or Sociology shall be exempted from Economics or Sociology.

(iii) An officer who has passed the subject of English at the Examination after the training course conducted by the Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration for new recruits will be exempted from the requirements passing the subject of English. 4. Each paper will be of three hours duration. 5. An officer may on the same occasion sit all the subjects of the 1st Efficiency Bar and all the subjects of the 2nd Efficiency Bar of some subjects of the 1st Efficiency Bar and/or of the 2nd Efficiency Bar Examination. 6. Scheme of Examination (a) Law: Three papers as follows - (a) The constitution of Sri Lanka; (The Ceylon Constitution and Independence); Orders in Council, 1946 and 1947 (c. 379); The Citizenship Act No. 18 of 1948 (c. 349); The Ceylon (Parliamentary elections). Orders in Council, 1946 (c. 381); The Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. (b) The legal System of Sri Lanka and the organization of the Courts; the courts Ordinance (c.6) and the Court of Appeal Act, No. 44 of 1971. (c) The Penal Code and the Evidence Ordinance (c. 19 and C.14) Note- A candidate will be required to obtain 33 1/3 per cent in each paper and an average of 40 per cent. Books recommended: Papers (a) and (b) The Dominion of Ceylon by Jennings and Thambiah (ii) Finance: One paper based on following: (a) The Financial Regulations of the Government-Part I-(except Chapter X). (b) The Estimates of he current year, e.g. their arrangements; the Heads of Revenue; the Finance and Appropriation Act. (c) Ordinances relating to specific accounts dealt within kachcheries. Note- A Candidate will be required to obtain 40 per cent. (iii) Administration: One paper based on following: (a) Office and field organization and method; (b) The Establishment Code Chapters:I, II, III, V, VI, VII, IX, XI, XXIII, XXV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII, XXXIII, XLVII & XLVIII

Note- A candidate will be required to obtain 40 per cent. (iv) (a) Economics-One paper based on the following:(a) Principles of Economics with special reference to the theories of Value, Production and Distribution; (b) Money, Banking, the Finance of International Trade; (c) Economic Structure of Sri Lanka.

Note- A candidate will be required to obtain 40 per cent. (iv) (b) Sociology-One paper based on the following (with special reference to Sri Lanka) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Social Structure, organization and functions Human relationships and groupings; Kinship, marriage and the family; Rural and Urban Society; Social stratification and differentiation; Social control; Culture, religion, morals and values.

Note- A candidate will be required to obtain 40 percent. Appendix D (Syllabus of the 2nd Efficiency Bar Examination for Officers in Class II Grade I of the Sri Lanka Administrative Service referred to in Paragraph 22 (c) The 2nd Efficiency Bar Examination will consist of the following subjects: (i) Economics and Social Policy (with special reference to Sri Lanka); (ii) The Process of Development Administration (with special reference to Sri Lanka); (iii) Management and Organization Officers may take up the subjects of the Second Efficiency Bar Examination on one and the same occasion or on separate occasions. Scheme of Examination (i) Economic and Social Policy (with special reference to Sri Lanka)

One paper based on the factors which influence the formulation of economic and social policy in Sri Lanka. The application of the principles of Economics and Sociology in the recent economics, social and political history of Sri Lanka.

Note:- A candidate will be required to obtain 40 percent. (ii) The Process of Development Administration (with special reference to Sri Lanka)

One paper based on the Institutions of development administration their working and their inter-relationship with special reference to (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The Machinery of Government in Sri Lanka; The constitutional background of the machinery of Government in Sri Lanka; Local Government; Peoples Organizations; Public Corporations/

Note;- A candidate will be required to obtain 40 percent. (ii) Management and Organization

One paper based on (a) (b) (c) the principles of management and organization; the application of these principles to problems and issues in the public sector; modern tools and techniques of management.

Note:- A candidate will be required to obtain 40 percent. An officer who has successfully completed the induction training course conducted by the Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration for new recruits to the Sri Lanka Administrative Service will be exempted from the subject Management and Organization.

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