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Introduction To Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Prabal Maiti

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Chapter 6

Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Hemant Kumar and Prabal K Maiti

6.1 Introduction
Laplace vision . . . An intelligence which could, at any moment, comprehend all the forces by which nature is animated and respective positions of the beings of which it is composed, and moreover, if this intelligence were far-reaching enough to subject these data to analysis, it would encompass in that formula both the movements of the largest bodies in the universe and those of the lightest atom: to it nothing would be uncertain, and the future, as well as the past would be present to its eyes. The human mind oers us, faint sketch of this intelligence [1]. Molecular dynamics (MD) can be termed as Laplaces vision of Newtonian mechanics on supercomputers. Molecular dynamics is the term used to describe the solution of the classical equation of motion (Newtons equations) for a set of molecules. In MD particles move at constant velocity between perfectly elastic collisions, and it is possible to solve the dynamic problem without making any approximations, within the limits imposed by machine accuracy. Computer simulation has been very powerful tool to attack many body problems in Statistical physics, Physical chemistry and Biophysics. Although the theoretical description of complex system in the framework of statistical physics is rather well developed and experimental techniques for detailed microscopic are sophisticated, it is often possible to study specic aspect of those system in great details via simulation only. There are only handfuls of non-trivial, exactly


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

soluble problem in statistical mechanics, 2-D Ising model and ideal gas being example. Some problems in statistical mechanics, while not being exactly soluble, are analyzed based on straightforward approximation scheme. Problem is that for many problems of interest these straightforward approximations do not work. For many systems it may not be even clear that how to begin constructing an approximate theory. In all such cases computer simulation can help a lot by providing sucient input about microscopic properties of complex systems of interest. Computer simulations provide exact results for the problems which otherwise only be soluble by approximate methods, or might be quite intractable. Thus computer simulations can be used to test approximate theories. Results of computer simulations can also be compared with real experiment than it can be used to test underlying model. Simulation oers insights to experimentalist to interpret new result on the basis of microscopic details of system. Computer simulations act as a bridge between microscopic world and macroscopic world of laboratory. We provide microscopic input about system (masses of constituent atoms and interaction between them), we get macroscopic properties measurable in experiments, like equation of state, diusion constant, correlation functions to name a few as simulation output. Simulation are also used to study properties under extremes of temperature and pressure, which may be dicult or impossible to carry out experimentally, however can provide details useful for lot of technological applications as well as for academic interest. Simulation has also been used to improve our understanding of phase transition and behavior at interfaces. Before we go into the details of computer simulation technique we give a brief history of the development of this eld.

6.1.1 History Of Simulation

In 1953 Metropolis et. al.[2] did the rst molecular simulation using Monte Carlo method (MC) to calculate the equation of state of rigid sphere in two dimension. This was followed by the celebrated numerical work by Fermi, Pasta and Ulam [3] to test ergodicity in a system of coupled oscillators. The rst MD simulation was subsequently performed by Alder and Wainwright [4] in the year 1957 in the context of phase transition in a system of hard sphere. This was followed by the radiation damage study in copper by Vineyard et. al. [5] in 1960. In 1964 Rahman [6] made the rst successful attempt to simulate a molecular system with realistic potential using MD like the phase behavior of Lennard-Jones particles. Since then, the properties of the Lennard-Jones model have been thoroughly investigated [7, 8]. Later he also studied the properties of liquid argon and water using MD simulation[6, 9]. After that diatomic molecules was modeled using molecular dynamics by Harp and Berne[10]. In the recent years MD simulation has been used to study problems in areas such as biophysics (proteins and DNAs), polymer, liquid crystal (both thermotropic and lyotropic), nanoscince (nanotube, grapheme, bucky-ball) as

6.2. Building Model


well as many other condensed matter systems. Computer simulation has also advanced to non-equilibrium system, stochastic dynamics and incorporation of quantum eects. This article is by no means a exhaustive treatment of the subject. There exist several excellent text books[11, 13] which give a very comprehensive understanding of the various advanced concepts of the simulation methodology. The reader is referred to these for further details. The rest of the article is organized as follows: In section 2 we describe the model building, in section3 we describe the basic of Hamiltonian dynamics as a basis for the equation of motion and will discuss various schemes for integration used in simulations. Section4 is about various complexities arising during simulation and way of dealing with those complexities. In Section5 simulation techniques for dierent ensembles has been discussed. Finally we conclude this article by giving two case studied with MD simulations.

6.2 Building Model

Before we can study the properties of a system via computer simulation we need to develop a microscopic model of the system. In fact appropriate model building for a given system is one of the key challenges in the whole area of molecular simulation and requires great eorts and intitution. The ingredients and details of the model depend on the properties to be studied and length scale and time scale to be explored. Depending on the access to the level computational resources, details of the molecular models can vary. Model can be as simple as representing molecule by rigid rods, hard/soft sphere (beads), and sphere/beads connected through spring (bead spring model) or other geometrical shapes. Or we can have fully atomistic model of the molecules. Figure 6.1 below shows some examples of various level of model building: In Fig.6.1(a) we show the molecular model at full atomic detail of a banana liquid crystal which exhibits various Liquid crystalline phases. The LC phases of this molecule can be simulated using this atomistic description but is computationally very expensive. Many LC phases of this molecule can also be simulated using a more coarse-grained model as shown in Fig.6.1(b) where we consider the rigid core part of the molecule in Fig.6.1(a) and represent using hard spherocylinder where we consider only excluded volume interaction. In Fig.6.1(c) we represent molecular model of lipid molecule which exhibits micellar, lamellar and bilayer phases. Again another appropriate coarse-grained molecular model can be developed as shown in Fig.6.1(d) which can capture many of the phases In principle we should consider all atomic details while dealing with molecular systems including bond formation and breakage mechanism taking into account all quantum eects, but it turns out to be too dicult to perform in practice.


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation





Figure 6.1: Examples of molecular models at various levels. (a) Atomistic model of a class of banana liquid crystal (b) coarse-grained representation of the banana molecules using spherocylinder of aspect ratio L/D (c) atomistic model of a two-tail surfactant (d) coarse-grained representation of various class of surfactants using simple bead-spring model. Moreover for many problems of interest these approximate simple models seem to be adequate enough. With the power of modern computer and recent algorithm development it is possible to take care of all quantum eects. To describe molecular charge, a set of ctitious charges are distributed in such a way that this distribution reproduce known multipole moments. Microscopic state of a system may be specied in terms of the positions and momenta (assuming classical description is adequate) of constituent set of particles. Within adiabatic approximation, we neglect electronic motion and consider only nucleic motion. This approximation is excellent for a wide range of system but is unsuitable for reaction involving electronic rearrangement such as bond formation and cleavage, polarization and chemical bonding of metal ions. Quantum approaches are used for such studies. For a classical system, specifying the instantaneous positions and momenta of all the particles constituting the system can specify the microstate at any time t. For N particles there are 3N coordinates q1 , q2 , , q3N and 3N conjugate momenta p1 , p2 , , p3N . The Hamiltonian of the system can be written in term of these qi s and pi s as follows H(q, p) = K(p) + V (q) q = (q1 , q2 , ...........qN ) p = (p1 , p2 , ..........pN ) (6.1)

K and V being kinetic and potential energy respectively. q is the generalized coordinate, it may be Cartesian coordinate of each nucleus or Cartesian coordinate of each center of mass (COM) with orientation parameter in case of molecules and rigid bodies p is conjugate momenta. Kinetic energy is dened as

6.2. Building Model



p2 /2mi i


where i stands for particle number and represents various components of momenta. Potential energy V depends on intermolecular interaction. We will describe various potential for dierent kind of systems.

V =

v1 (ri ) +

1 2 i i>j

v2 (ri, rj ) +
i j>i k>j>i

v3 (ri , rj , rk ) + ...... (6.3)

where v1 represents eect of external eld on individual atoms, v2 is pair potential, and is most important in computer simulation. In general we consider only pair potential. Once we have information of Hamiltonian, we have equations of motion given by

d2 r = V (r) dt2


This governs the evolution of the system and is at the heart of Molecular dynamics simulation. Numerically there are various schemes to solve the above dierential equation. In the next section we will discuss few of them. A major challenge in the eld of molecular dynamics is to describe the inter-atomic potential V (r) (inter and intra-molecular potential in case of molecular systems). The accuracy and validity of the simulation results critically depends on the quality of the potential V (r). There exist several well-known empirical force-elds which give forms as well as parameters for a variety of intra and inter-molecular potential. Below we discuss those.

6.2.1 Discussion on force elds

The inter and intra-molecular interaction can be modeled by empirical forms and the total potential energy is given as follows: E total = EvdW + Eelec + Ebond + Eangle + Etorsion (6.5)

Where Etotal , EvdW , Eelec , Ebond , Eangle , and Etorsion are the total energy, the van der Waals, electrostatic, bond stretching, angle bending, and torsion energy components, respectively.


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

The van der Waals interaction is given by the 12 6 LJ interaction of the following form EvdW (R) = D0 R0 R

R0 R


where D0 is the strength of the interaction and R0 is the range of interaction. These constants can be found either by rst principle quantum calculation or by experimental input. In general these parameters are available for various atom types from various well known force elds such as Dreiding, AMBER and CHARMM. Interaction parameters between dierent kind of atom types (like between C & O) are calculated by taking either arithmetical mean or geometrical mean. Other commonly used form of non-bond interaction is the so-called Buckingham potential and has the following form EBuckingham = nonbonded pairs A exp(crik ) B 6 rik (6.7)

Again constants appearing in these potential are given in available force elds. In case one needs to maintain special coordination using non-bond interaction Morse potential is the choice and has the following form EMorse = nonbonded pairs where Do , Ro and are constants. Electrostatic interaction between charged particles can be computed using Coulombs law and given by ECoulomb = nonbonded pairs qi qk rik (6.9) Do 1 e(RRo )


qi s being charge on each atom and being dielectric constant. In fact computationally this is the most expensive calculation because of its long range character. In Complexity of force calculation section, we will discuss various algorithms to compute Coulombs interaction eciently. Apart from these various non-bond interactions discussed above for molecular systems we have also the following bonded interaction (as shown in Fig.6.2) present in the systems to maintain molecular topology.

6.2. Building Model



Figure 6.2: Dierent intra-molecular interactions. The intra-molecular interaction corresponding to the bond stretching potential can be described by the harmonic potential of the following form 1 2 Kb (rij r0 ) (6.10) 2 The harmonic potential is adequate only for small deviations from reference value. For large deviations Morse potential is the choice. This is particularly useful for maintaining specic coordination in a given geometry. This has functional form: Ebond (rij ) = EMorse =

Db {1 exp[Km (r r0 )]}


Where the parameters Db and Km characterize the well depth and well width respectively. Similarly angle bending potential can be described by the following harmonic form 1 K ( ijk 0 )2 (6.12) 2 Many available force elds however use a cosine harmonic form rather than simple theta harmonic as given above. In case of cosine harmonic theta the angle bending potential has the following form Eangle (ijk ) = Eangle (ijk ) = 1 K (cos ijk cos 0 )2 2 (6.13)

Apart from the bond stretching and angle bending potential to maintain certain topology of the molecular system torsional potentials are included. Mainly two types of torsional potentials are used: dihedral angle potential and improper torsions. The dihedral angle potential is mostly used to constrain the rotation around a bond and involves four consecutive bonded atoms (i-j-k-l) as shown in Fig.6.2. Improper torsion is used to maintain planarity of certain atoms and involves four atom which are not bonded in the same sequence as i-jk-l. Out-ofplane bending is incorporated through the improper torsion potential. In many force elds instead of improper torsion an inversion potential is used. One of the most commonly used dihedral potential is the cosine form given by


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

E(ijkl ) =

Vn [1 + cos(nijkl 0 )] 2


Where n is an integer. For each such rotational sequence described by torsion angle , n denotes the periodicity of the rotational barrier, and Vn is the associated barrier height. 0 is reference torsion angle. Commonly used improper torsion is harmonic in nature and is described by following functional form
I E(ijkl ) = kijkl (ijkl 0 ) I Where kijkl is the force constant. 2


6.3 Various Schemes of Integration

Main idea of simulation is to generate various snapshots of the system in certain ensemble to get average thermodynamic properties or to get time evolution of system. The evolution is governed by equation (6.4). Position of constitute atoms of system on next time step can be found by integrating equation (6.4). This can be integrated in many ways. The choice of the integration scheme will largely depend on the following criteria: 1. Newtons Equations are time reversible so should be integrator. 2. Hamiltonian dynamics preserve the magnitude of volume element in phase space and so our algorithm should have this area preserving property. 3. It should be fast and require little memory 4. It should be able to produce real classical trajectory as close as possible 5. It should be easy to code 6. It should permit large time step 7. It should be stable i.e. energy should be conserved in long term There are many integration algorithm available satisfying these criteria. Most adapted algorithm is due to Verlet which we will describe in details now.

6.3. Various Schemes of Integration


6.3.1 Verlet AlgorithmTaylor Expansion for position around time t is r(t + t) = r(t) + v(t)t + 1/2a(t)t2 + b(t)t3 + Ot4 If we reverse the time we have r(t t) = r(t) v(t)t + 1/2a(t)t2 b(t)t3 + Ot4



Adding the above two equations and keeping terms up to t we getr(t + t) = 2r(t) r(t t) + a(t)t2 + Ot4 v(t) = r(t + t) r(t t)/2t (6.18)

This is the update equation for position. Similarly for velocity update we have (6.19)

Equation (6.18) and (6.19) are the update equations in Verlet algorithm[8]. Thus Verlet algorithm takes position and acceleration at time t and position at previous time step as input. Note that for Verlet integrator we need position at previous time step which can be obtained by simple approximation as follows r(t0 t) = r(t0 ) v(t0 )t (6.20)

It is easy to see that Verlet integrator indeed satises the above listed criteria. Time Reversible Forward time step equation r(t + t) = 2r(t) r(t t) +
2 1 m F (t)t


Reverse time step (replace dt with -dt )

r(t + (t)) = 2r(t) r(t (t)) + r(t t) = 2r(t) r(t + t) +

2 1 m F (t)(t)

(6.22) (6.23)

2 1 m F (t)t

Thus we have same algorithm to move system backward with same force and same position. Accuracy Verlet algorithm calculates position accurate up to order of t4 and velocities are accurate up to t2 . However it is not very accurate in terms of numerical precision as it adds large and small numbers in same equation. r(t + t) r(t) = r(t) r(t t) +
2 1 m F (t)t


Here term on left hand side is of order twhile on right hand side rst term is of the order of t0 second term of t1 and third term is of t2 .


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Memory usage and eciency It requires 9N (3N position of previous step and 6N for current step) words of memory so it is compact. Verlet algorithm is simple and easy to implement in a MD code. Area preserving property This algorithm preserves area in phase which is essential criteria for an integrator[14]. It has excellent energy conservation even at large time step.

6.3.2 Leap-Frog AlgorithmLeap- Frog algorithm can be obtained by simple algebraic manipulation of the Verlet integrator. It eliminates one of the major disadvantage of the Verlet algorithm namely the addition of small numbers O(t2 )to dierences in large ones O(t0 ). In this scheme rst velocity at half time-step is calculated which in turn is used to update the position at full time step. The equations for Leap-Frog algorithm is as follows r(t + t) = r(t) + v(t + 1 t)t 2
1 v(t + 2 t) = v(t 1 t) + 2 1 m F (t)t

(6.25) (6.26)

The Leap-Frog algorithm is equivalent to the Verlet algorithm as can be seen easily as follows. Substituting equation (6.26) in equation (6.25) we have
1 r(t + t) = r(t) + v(t 2 t) + 1 m F (t)t


From equation (6.25), we can also get r(t) evaluated at previous time step as follows
1 r(t) = r(t t) + v(t 2 t)t

Substituting the value of v(t 1 t) from above equation in into equation (6.26), 2 we get r(t + t) = r(t) + (r(t) r(t t)) + . = 2r(t) r(t t) +
2 1 m F (t)t

2 1 m F (t)t


Equation (6.28) is equivalent to the original Verlet equation as given by equation (6.18). Note that for Leap-Frog algorithm we need to have velocity at the previous time step which can be obtained by simple approximation as follows v(t0 t) = v(t0 )
1 1 m F (t0 ) 2 t


Velocity at current time step can be obtained using simple interpolation like

6.3. Various Schemes of Integration


1 1 v(t) = (v(t + 2 t) + v(t 2 t))/2


One of main advantage of the Leap-Frog integration scheme is that we need not add numbers which are dierent order in t.

6.3.3 Velocity-Verlet Algorithm

Both in the position Verlet and Leap-Frog integration scheme velocity is not treated accurately. To handle velocity in satisfactorily manner another form of Verlet scheme (known as Velocity -Verlet algorithm) has been proposed which can be obtained as follows r(t + t) = r(t) + v(t)t + v(t + t) = v(t) +
1 2m 2 1 2m F (t)t

(6.31) (6.32)

[F (t) + F (t + t)] t

Basic Verlet Scheme can be recovered from these equations by eliminating velocity. This algorithm also requires storage of 9N words i.e. position, velocity and acceleration at current time step. Although it is not implemented same as above, it involves one intermediate step. First position is updated with equation (6.18) and velocities at mid step are computed using
1 v(t + 2 t) = v(t) + 1 2m

[F (t)] t


The force and acceleration at time t+t are then computed and velocity move is computed with
1 v(t + t) = v(t + 2 t) + 1 2m

[F (t + t)] t


Due to stability, accuracy and simplicity this is the most preferred choice of integrator.

6.3.4 Higher order integrator

To achieve better accuracy both in position and velocity higher order integration scheme can be employed. Such schemes allow one to use larger time step without compromising on energy accuracy. But one of the major drawbacks of such algorithm is that they are not time reversible and do not have area preserving property. Also implementation wise they require more storage. As an example we will discuss the predictor-corrector algorithm. The basic idea behind the predictor-corrector[15] algorithm is as follows: 1. Predictor: use the position and its rst n derivatives at time t (velocity, acceleration etc.) to nd the position and its rst n derivatives (velocity, acceleration etc.) at timet + t.


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

2. Force evaluation: Use the predicted position to compute the force and acceleration at the predicted positions. The resulting acceleration will be in general dierent from the predicted acceleration in previous step. 3. Corrector: use the new acceleration to correct the predicted position, velocities and acceleration. Use the Taylor expansion of the position at time t+dt t2 t3 t4 a(t) + b(t) + c(t) + ... 2 6 24

r(t + t) = r(t) + v(t) t +


Where v is the velocity, a is the acceleration, b is the third derivative of position, c is the fourth derivative etc. Using the Taylor expansion for velocity, acceleration etc. we have v(t + t) = v(t) + a(t)t + t3 t2 b(t) + c(t) + ... 2 6 t2 c(t) + ... 2 (6.36)

a(t + t) = a(t) + b(t)t +

(6.37) (6.38)

b(t + t) = b(t) + c(t)t + ...

The dierence between the predicted (step 1) and calculated (step 2) acceleration is given by a(t + t) = ac (t + t) a(t + t) (6.39)

and is used to correct the positions and velocities in the correction step as follows rc (t + t) = r(t + t) + c0 a(t + t) v c (t + t) = v(t + t) + c1 a(t + t) ac (t + t) = a(t + t) + c2 a(t + t) bc (t + t) = b(t + t) + c3 a(t + t) (6.40) (6.41) (6.42) (6.43)

The values of the coecients depend on the order of the Taylor series expansion. Gear[15] has suggested the best values of the set of coecients c0 , c1 , c2 , c3 .

6.3. Various Schemes of Integration


6.3.5 Hamilton dynamics

In the preceding section we have discussed some of the most commonly used integration scheme used in literature. In this section we will give a more formal derivation of the Verlet integration scheme using the formulation of Hamiltonian dynamics. First we will show that Hamilton dynamics is equivalent of Newtons Dynamics. Then we will show that Hamilton dynamics preserves area in phase space and is time reversible. For a classical system, specifying the instantaneous positions and momenta of all the particles constituting the system can specify the microstate at any time t. For N particles there are 3N coordinates q1 , q2 , , q3N and 3N conjugate momenta p1 , p2 , p3N . The equations of motion are rst order dierential equations and are given by qi = H(qi , pi ) pi pi = H(qi , pi ) qi (6.44)

Let us consider a simple one-particle system in one dimension with a Hamiltonian. H= The equations of motion are q= p m p= dU = F (x) dx (6.46) p2 + U (x) 2m (6.45)

Now Liouvilles theorem states that any phase space function A(x, p) evolves according to the following equation dA = {A, H} dt Where {A, H} is the Poisson bracket and is given by {A, H} = H A H A p x x p (6.48) (6.47)

The evolution equation (6.47) gives back Hamiltons equation of motion: To see this consider A(x, p) = x. Then dx = x = {x, H} dt {x, H} = p x dU x p x = since =0 m x dx p m p (6.49)

So we have x = p/m x = p/m. Similarly if we consider A(x, p) = p, we have the equation of motion for p as


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

dp = p = {p, H} dt {p, H} = p p dU p dU = = F (x) m x dx p dx p = F (x)


Thus we get same equations of motion as in equation (6.46). Now dene a two-dimensional phase space vector = (x, p). Hamiltons equation of motion for is given by d = {, H} (6.51) dt We dene Liouville operator L such that iL ={,H} The equation of motion given by equation (6.51) in Liouville operator form is given by, d = iL dt Solution of this equation of motion is given by (t) = eiLt (0) (6.52)


The operator exp (iLt ) is called the classical propagator and acts as phase space evolution operator. Notice that the presence of i allows one to make an analogy with the QM propagator exp (-iHt/h). In general it is dicult to evaluate exp (iLt) because of the following reason. iL can be written as iL = p + F (x) = iL1 + iL2 m x p (6.54)

p Where, iL1 = m x and iL2 = F (x) p The diculty in any computation arises from the fact that iL1 and iL2 do not commute: [iL1 , iL2 ] = 0. Since they dont commute,

e(iL1 +iL2 )t = eiL1 t eiL2 t


Trotter Theorem helps us to evaluate evolution operator in the following way: e(iL1 +iL2 )t = lim eiL2 t/2M eiL1 t/M eiL2 t/2M


For large but nite M above equation can be approximated as

6.3. Various Schemes of Integration


e(iL1 +iL2 )t = eiL2 t/2M eiL1 t/M eiL2 t/2M This implies:


e(iL1 +iL2 )t/M eiL2 t/2M eiL1 t/M eiL2 t/2M


The expression on the left looks like approximate propagation of the system up to time t by M application of the operator in the bracket. If we interpret t/M as single time step, t, then we have eiLt = e(iL1 +iL2 )t eiL2 t/2 eiL1 t eiL2 t/2 (6.59)

This is the propagator U(t) for time step t. U(t) is unitary and preserve the time reversibility of the dynamics. U + (t)U (t) = I (6.60)

The unitarity of the propagator implies time reversal symmetry in the equations of motion. If the system is propagated forward in time up to a time t and then the clock is allowed to run backwards for a time -t, the system will evolve according to the same equations of motion but the direction of the velocities will be reversed, so that the system will simply return to its initial condition.To see this we note that U (t) = exp (iLt) Now apply U (t) on (0) to get (t) followed by U (t) : (t) = U (t) (0) Operating U (t) will give back the U (t) U (t) (0) = eiLt eiLt (0) = (0) So we have U (t) U (t) = I (6.61) Equation (6.61) implies time reversibility. Another important property of the unitary operator U(t) is that its determinant is one. This is consistent with the fact that volume in phase space remains conserved under Hamiltons equation. So we have demonstrated that evolution propagator U (t) satises two fundamental criteria of the Newtons equation of motion namely the time reversibility and the area preserving property. So equation of motion derived from such evolution operator will have these properties in-built. Now we will demonstrate that evolution operator gives back the original Verlet equation as given in equation(6.19)-(6.20). To see this we rst apply equation (6.59) on x, the position of particle at time t to get position x(t+dt)


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

U (t)x = e 2 F (x) p et m x e 2 F (x) p x t p = e 2 F (x) p et m x x t t = e 2 F (x) p (x + m p) t t = x + m (p + 2 F (x) So we have the update equation for the position given by t2 t p(t) + F (x, t) m 2m

x(t + t) = x(t) +


Similarly when we apply equation (6.59) on p, the velocity of particle at time t, we get velocity of the particle at time t+dt to as follows U (t)p = e 2 F (x) p et m x e 2 F (x) p p t p = e 2 F (x) p et m x (p + t F (x)) 2 t = e 2 F (x) p (p + t F (x + t p)) 2 m t = p + t F (x) + t F (x) + m (p + 2 2 So we have the velocity update equation as follows
t p t

t 2 F (x))

p(t + t) = p(t) + = p(t) +

t 2 [F (x, t) t 2 [F (x(t))

+ F (x +

t mp

t2 2m F (x))]


+ F (x(t + t))]

Equations (6.62) and (6.63) are same as the Verlet equation as given by equation (6.18) and (6.19). So Verlet equations have both the time reversible and area preserving properties.

6.3.6 Dealing with Molecules: SHAKE Alogrithm

At this point we discuss the optimum choice of the integration time step for a numerically stable integrator as well as better energy conservation. In a molecular system, the choice of time step is limited by the various time scales associated with vibrational degrees of freedom such as bond vibration, angle stretching or torsional mode. In table I we list time scales associated with various vibrational mode of the system. In general the bonds involving hydrogen atoms have the fastest vibrational mode and they limit the time step of integration to 1 fs.

6.3. Various Schemes of Integration Vibrational mode Wave number (1/) cm1 3200-3600 3000 2100 1700 1600 700 PeriodTp (/c) fs 9.8 11.1 15.9 19.6 20.8 47.6 Tp /2 (fs) 3.1 3.5 5.1 6.2 6.4 15


O-H, N-H stretch C-H stretch CC, CN stretch C=C stretch H-O-H bend O-C-O bend

Table I: Typical time scale associated with various vibrational modes in molecular system. The table is based on the values given in reference 13. So for simulation of systems having hydrogen bond we can use 1 fs time step without having any problem with energy conservation. Another solution to this problem is to restrain these fast degrees of freedoms while solving the un-constrained degrees of freedom. Bonds involving H have highest frequency hence they are constrained during dynamics so that larger time step can be used. Several algorithms exist for this purpose. The SHAKE algorithm for bond constraints was introduced by Ryckaert et al [16]and is widely used in molecular simulation. A full description of SHAKE algorithm is outside the scope of this article. The reader is referred to the original article for further details. Basic idea of SHAKE is to use Lagrange multiplier formalism to enforce bonds distances constant. Suppose we have Nc such constrained given by
2 2 k = rk1 k2 Rk1 k2 = 0,


k = 1, 2, 3 . . . . . . . . . ..Nc

Rk1k2 being constrained distant between atoms k1 and k2 atoms. This leads to modied constrained equation of motion mi d2 ri (t) = [V (r1 ....rN ) + dt2 ri

k (t)k (r1 ....rN )]



Where mi is mass of ith particle and k is the Lagrange multiplier(unknown) for k th constraint. This equation can be solved for unknown multiplier by solving Nc quadratic coupled equations. And we get the following equation of motion
uc rk1 (t + t) = rk1 (t + t) 2(t)2 m1 k (t)rk1 k2 (t) k1 uc rk2 (t + t) = rk2 (t + t) 2(t)2 m1 k (t)rk1 k2 (t) k2


Where ruc is position updates with unconstrained force only. This procedure is repeated till dened tolerance given as |rk1 k2 (t + t) Rk1 k2 | Rk1 k2 (6.66)


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Figure 6.3: In periodic boundary condition central simulation cell is replicated in all direction to form an innite lattice.

6.3.7 Boundary condition

Due to computational constraint one is forced to simulate small system with few thousands of particles in the simulation box. Thermodynamic properties calculated from such small system when used to study bulk properties become a problem. In such situation proper boundary condition is very critical for studying macroscopic properties of system using a smaller system size. There exist several ways to treat the boundary condition in molecular dynamics simulation. The widely used method is to use periodic boundary condition (PBC). In the case of PBC simulation cell is replicated in all direction to form an innite lattice as shown in Fig.6.3. During simulation particles in the central cell are only considered and when a particle moves in the central cell, its periodic image in each of the neighboring cell also moves in the same fashion. If a particle moves away from the central cell, its periodic images appear from the opposite face. This implies that there is no rigid boundary wall and the number of particles in the central simulation cell is conserved during the course of simulation. One of the major drawbacks of using PBC is that it suppresses uctuation that have wavelength greater than the length of the central simulation cell. This could be problem near critical point where uctuation plays dominant role. Also PBC can introduce new articial correlations length in the simulation. It can also aect the rate at which a simulated liquid nucleates and forms a solid or glass when rapidly cooled [17]. However, artifact of PBC can be determined by performing simulations using a variety of cell sizes and shape. The use of PBC has also important implication the way one computes the interaction energy and hence forces. To illustrate the diculty in calculating the energy and hence forces consider the evaluation of energy for the red particle in the simulation cell as shown in Fig.6.4. Assuming pair wise interaction we should include interaction of the red atom with all other atoms in the simulation

6.4. Complexity of Force Calculation

111111 1111 000000 0000 111111 1111 000000 0000 111111 1111 000000 0000 1111 0000 111 000 111111 1111 000000 0000 111 1111 000 0000 111 000 1111 111 0000 000 111 000 1111 111 0000 000 111 000 1111 111 0000 000 111 000 1111 111 0000 000 111 000 1111 111 0000 000 111 000 1111 0000 111 000 1111 0000 111 000 1111 111 0000 000 111 000 1111 111 0000 000 111 000 1111 111 0000 000 111 000 1111 111 0000 000 111 000 1111 111 0000 000 111 000 111 111 1111 000 000 0000 111 111 1111 000 000 0000 111 111 1111 000 000 0000 111 111 1111 000 000 0000 111 1111 000 0000 B 111 000 1111 0000 111 000 1111 0000 111 000 1111 0000 111 000 1111 0000 111 000 1111 0000 1111 0000 111 000 111 000 1111 0000 1111 0000 111 000 1111 0000 1111 0000 111 000 1111 0000 1111 0000 111 000 1111 0000 1111 0000 111 000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 111 111 000 000 000 111 000 111 111 111 000 000 000 111 111 111 000 000 000 111 111 111 000 000 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 111 000 000 111 111 000 000 111 111 000 000 c 111 111 000 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 111 000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 1111 0000 111 000 111 000 111 111111 000 000000 111 000 111 000 111 111111 000 000000 111 111111 000 000000 111 111 000 000 111 000 1111 111111 0000 000000 1111 111111 0000 000000 1111 111111 0000 000000 1111 111111 0000 000000 1111 111111 0000 000000 111111 000000


Figure 6.4: Illustration of minimum image convention. The red particle(A) interacts with particles within box (dark boundary). Though yellow(B) and green(C) particles are at same distance, red(A) particles interacts with green(C) only, as yellow(B) particle is out of box

box. There are N 1 such term. However, we must also include interaction coming from images lying in the surrounding boxes. That is an innite number of terms and it is not feasible to include interactions with all images. For short-range interaction this problem is resolved by invoking what is called minimum image convention. In this case we construct a simulation box of same size as the original box with the red atom at its center. Now minimum image convention says that the red atom interact with those atoms which lie in this region, that is with the closest periodic images of the other N 1 atoms (see Fig.6.4).

6.4 Complexity of Force Calculation

For a system with pair wise additive interactions with minimum image convention we have to evaluate N (N 1)/2 pair interactions at each MD step. So the time needed for computation of energy/force scales as N 2 . Even for a moderate system size this computation is very expensive. For short range interaction like LJ potential, major contribution comes from the neighbors close to the atom of interest. One of the simplest way to reduce the computation cost is to truncate the interaction at some cut-o using a spherical cut-o to reduce the number of pair computation. This technique was rst used in simulations by Metropolis2 . While truncating potential following points should be remembered


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation


Figure 6.5: Number of pair computation can be reduced by introducing a spherical cut-o. Here the red(A) particle only interacts with particles within cuto sphere i.e. pink(B) colored particles. 1. The cuto distance should be smaller than L/2, where L is the minimum of the box dimension in any periodic direction. 2. Thermodynamic properties are dierent for a truncated potential compared to non-truncated case. However, we can apply long range correction to get back approximately the non-truncated properties. 3. Cuto introduces discontinuity in the force and energy computation. This has serious consequence on the energy conservation and stability of the simulation

6.4.1 Shifted Potential and force

Simply truncating potential at some cut-o distance rc , introduces discontinuity in both the potential energy and force at r = rc . This leads to serious problem in the energy conservation during MD simulations. There exist several solutions to this problem. Simplest way is to shift the potential by the value of the potential at cut-o u(rc ) at all distance. Mathematically this can be written as us (r) = u(r) u(rc ) r rc 0 r > rc (6.67)

This additional term is constant and does not aect the force and hence equation of motion of the system. However, the force is still discontinuous at or near cut-o. This can cause numerical instability in the numerical solution of

6.4. Complexity of Force Calculation


the dierential equations. To avoid this one can use shifted-force potential[18] where a linear term is added to the potential, so that its derivative is zero at the cuto. The form of the potential with the shifted force is given as follows usf (r) = u(r) u(rc )
du dr r=rc

(r rc ) r rc r > rc


The discontinuity now appears in the gradient, not in the force itself. The force goes smoothly to zero at cuto. But this shift makes the potential deviate from the true potential, so the calculated thermodynamics properties will be changed. However, the thermodynamic properties of the system interacting with un-shifted potential can be recovered from shifted-force potential simulation result using perturbation scheme. But it is dicult to do so and is rarely used in simulation.

6.4.2 Switching Function

To avoid discontinuities due the truncation of the potential, other alternative approach is to use a switching function to taper the potential between two cuto values. Potential energy is multiplied by a switching function (usually by a polynomial function) which smoothly goes to zero at cut-o us (r) = u(r)S(r) (6.69)

The switching function S(r) gradually tapers the potential between two cutos: it smoothly changes its value from 1 at a cut-o distance rl (lower cuto) to a value of 0 at cuto distance ru (upper cuto) and satises the following criteria Sr=rl = 1.0 Sr=ru = 0
dS dr r=rl dS dr r=ru


d2 S dr 2 d S dr 2

r=rl r=ru

=0 =0 (6.70)


Zero rst derivatives ensure that the force approaches to zero smoothly at the cutos. A continuous second derivative ensures the stability of the integration algorithm. The lowest order polynomial which satises the above criteria is the third order polynomial (or cubic spline) and given by
2 2 2 2 S(r) = (ru r2 )2 23 [ 3 (ru r2 )] where = ru rl 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 = c0 (ru r ) + c1 (ru r ) + c2 (ru r )


For better accuracy higher order polynomial can also be used for switching function. For example we can use 5th order polynomial of the following form S(r) = c0 + c1 +c4
rrl ru rl rrl ru rl

+ c2

rrl ru rl rrl ru rl

+ c3

rrl ru rl


+ c5


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

i rl ru

Figure 6.6: Scheme for constructing Verlet list for non-bond computation.

The coecients can be obtained using the boundary condition given in equation (6.70) and are given as follows c0 = 1, c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 10, c4 = 15, c5 = 6. We can use higher order polynomial also.

6.4.3 Verlet List

In the cut-o scheme for force calculation, we still need to check distance between all pairs of molecules to see whether they are really within cuto distance. This distance calculation is still of the order of N 2 and is costly. To save time from this costly operation, Verlet suggested[8] the following scheme: A second cuto, upper cuto ru is introduced in additions to original cuto rl as shown in Fig.6.6. List of all particles within a radius ru of particle i is made. As long as maximum displacement of particle is less than (ru rl ), we have to consider only particles in this list for force computation. Hence, depending on the value ru rl , we do not need to scan all the particles at each MD time steps. These lists are updated after few steps. When the value of ru rl is smaller, list has to be updated very frequently, on the other hand if value of ru rl is larger, then update frequency will be low but force calculation will taken larger time due to large number of particles within the cut-o. Value of ru rl and update frequency has to be optimized keeping these factor in mind. Typically neighbour lists are updated after 10 20 steps. For number of particles more than few thousands Verlet neighbour list improves simulation eciency drastically. During MD simulation it is sucient to have a Verlet list with half the number of particles for each particle as long as interaction i-j is accounted for in either the list of particle i or that of j. However as the system size increases neighbour list for each particle uses a lot of memory and become too large to store easily. Also to scan every pair in system becomes inecient. This is resolved by making the Verlet list using Cell list as described below.

6.4. Complexity of Force Calculation


Figure 6.7: Scheme to construct Cell list

6.4.4 Cell Lists or Linked List

For larger systems (more than few thousands particle) to cell list [19] method is commonly used. Simulation box is divided in cells with size equal to or greater then cuto distance. Each particle is assigned a cell index depending on its position. This kind of sorting is easy and order N operation only. Each particle interacts with the particle in the same cell and its neighboring cell. Now every particle interacts with particle either in the same cell or in the neighbour cell. Cell list can be created using the method of Linked list. For details reader is refereed to chapter 3 of Allen and Tildesley11 .

6.4.5 Long Range Interactions: Ewald Sum

Above mentioned techniques for ecient force calculation work well for shortrange interactions but do not work for long range interactions like Coulomb interaction. Hence special techniques are employed to handle long range interactions. Ewald summation[20] is one of the most widely used techniques to treat long range interaction in periodic system. Below we briey outline the main points of this method. Main idea of Ewald sum is to consider a charge distribution of opposite sign on every charge site; this extra charge distribution screens the interaction between neighboring atoms. This screened interaction is now short-range and can be accurately taken care of using the cut-o scheme discussed above for short range interaction. To compensate the additional charge distribution equal charge distribution having opposite sign (i.e. having same sign as original point charge) is added and summed in reciprocal space. This is illustrated in Fig.6.8 below. Using the above mentioned scheme the electrostatic potential has now following three contributions: 1. Potential due to original point charge qi


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Figure 6.8: (a) the original charge distribution, (b) A Gaussian charge distribution of opposite sign is added at every charge site, (c) another Gaussian charge distribution of Scheme for Ewald summation. 2. Potential due to Gaussian screening charge cloud with charge qi 3. Potential due to compensating charge cloud with charge qi The contribution to the electrostatic potential at point ri due to a set of screened charges can easily be computed by direct summation because the electrostatic potential due to screened charge is a rapidly decaying function of r. A Gaussian charge distribution of following form is commonly used (r) = qi 3 exp(2 r2 ) 3/2 (6.73)

controls the width of the distribution. Using the solution of Poissons equation either in real space or in Fourier space potential for the above three cases can be computed. One thing should be noted here, in the above mentioned recipe interaction of cancelling distribution centered at a site with itself is also included. Hence it should be subtracted from the above mentioned sum. This is termed as the self correction. Another correction comes from smeared nature of charge. Thus total potential energy due to Long range Coulomb interaction is given by the expression

6.4. Complexity of Force Calculation


Uc = Uq () Uself () + U ()


The rst term Uq () represents the reciprocal sum due to compensating charge cloud with charge qi and is given by Uq = = =
1 2 1 2 1 2 i qi (ri ) qi qj ik(ri rj ) 4V k2 /4 i,j V 2 e k=0 k2 e 2 4V k /4 |(k)|2 k=0 k2 e


Uself () is the self correction term and is given by Uself = =

j qj (0) a 1/2 2 () j qj 1 2


And nally U () is the potential in the real space due to the interaction between the original charges qi plus the Gaussian screening charge cloud with charge qi and is given by U = =
1 2 1 2 n n

qi j (rij ) qi qj i=j rij erfc( rij )



Where error function, denoted erf is dened as follows 2 erf(x) =

x 0

exp(u2 ) du


And the complementary error function erf c is dened as follows erfc(x) = 1 erf(x) 2 = x exp(u2 ) du (6.79)

Larger the value of , sharper the distribution hence large number of K summation has to be included for better accuracy. On the other hand, large value of reduces range of screened potential hence we can use smaller cuto radius. Hence value of is optimized between these two factors to give better accuracy and eciency. Note that Ewald summation as presented above scales as N 2 only. However, with suitable choice of and k-space summation cut-o K, Finchman[21] was able to optimize the summation which scales as N 3/2 . The optimized values for and k-space summation cut-o K is given by = /R = K (6.80)

Where R = R ; = L; K = KL and R and L are the real space cut-o L 2 (same as rc as discussed above) and the simulation box length respectively. Ewald summation can further be optimized through the use of Fast Fourier transform (FFT) in evaluating the reciprocal summation. This goes in the name


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

of Particle Mesh Ewald (PME)[22]. Particle Mesh based approaches rely on the use of xed cuto on the direct space sum together with an FFT based approximation for the reciprocal space sum that scales as N log(N).

6.5 Thermostat and Barostat

The algorithm framework discussed so far is appropriate for Micro canonical ensemble (NVE ensemble), where total energy of the system is a constant of motion. However, in many cases we require simulating systems in canonical ensemble which requires either constant temperature (NVT) or constant pressure and constant temperature (NPT). For simulation in canonical ensemble we need to we need solve constrained Hamiltonian equation of motion to have desired ensemble. Nose and Hoover formulated an extended system Hamiltonian dynamics[23] to do the simulation in NVT and NPT ensembles. In general constrained Hamiltonian dynamics is dicult and requires complicated coding and beyond the scope of this article. Interested reader can consult the original article or the discussion in Frenkel and Smit [12]. Below we discuss two very commonly used schemes for doing simulation in canonical ensemble namely velocity rescaling method and the weak coupling method of Berendsen [24].

6.5.1 Velocity Rescaling Method

Temperature of the system during the simulation is calculated from the kinetic energy using equi-partition theorem and is given by 3 N kB T (6.81) 2 Simplest way to maintain a constant T is to rescale the velocities consistent with the desired temperature. Suppose at time t temperature is T(t) and the desired temperature is Tdesired . If the velocities are multiplied by a factor , the change in temperature is given by EKE = T = 1 N 2 mi (vi ) i=1 3 N kB 2 = 2 1 T (t) So we have = Tdesired /T (t) (6.82)

1 2

2 N 2 mi vi i=1 3 N kB

At each time step the velocities are multiply by and T(t) is calculated from the KE at time t. This drastic approach, however, implies rapid energy transfer to, from and among the various degrees of freedom in the system. In particular it can be shown that velocity rescaling leads to an articial pumping of energy into low

6.5. Thermostat and Barostat


frequency modes. This does not represent any statistical ensemble. However this algorithm is simple and easy to implement.

6.5.2 Berendsen Weak Coupling method

Berendsen algorithm [24] mimics weak coupling to an external heat bath to maintain constant temperature during simulation. Such a coupling can be accomplished by adding a stochastic and friction term in equation of motion as follows mi vi = Fi mi i vi + R(t) (6.83) where i is the damping constant which determines the strength of coupling with the heat bath. For simplicity we consider i = g (friction constant equal for all particles). R(t) is a Gaussian stochastic variable satisfying following relation: < Ri (t)Rj (t + ) >= 2mi i kT ( )ij Time dependence of the total kinetic energy is given by; 1 dEk 2 = lim [{ mi vi (t + t) t0 dt 2 i=1
3N 3N i=1


1 2 mi vi (t)}/t] 2


N being the total number of particles Form equation (6.83) we have the the change vi of the velocity over a time interval of t = 0 t is give by (assuming t small) dierence in velocity in two time step given by vi = vi (t + t) vi (t) = 1 mi
t+t t

[Fi (t ) mi vi (t ) + Ri (t )]dt


Since R is Gaussian noise, using equation (6.84) we get,

3N i=1 t t+t


t+t t

dt Ri (t )Ri (t ) = 6N mkT0 t


Using this relation in equation (6.85) get dEk = dt


vi Fi + 2

3N kT0 Ek 2


First term on the right hand side is equal to minus of the time derivative of potential energy and is related to the eect of sytematic force which will have no eect of the imposed thermostat. Hence the coupling to the heat bath is


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

represented by the second term and can be associated with the time dependence of the system temperature dT = 2 (T0 T ) dt (6.89)

where the time constant for heat bath coupling T is equal to 2 1 . So the temperature deviation decays exponentially with time with time constant T and the equation of motion can be written as mi vi = Fi mi T0 1 vi T (6.90)

In the Berendsen weak coupling scheme coupling to the heat bath and subsequent temperature controll is achieved by appropiate rescaling of the velocities by a time dependent scaling factor during the integration of equation of motion. In the following we show the scaling factor in the context of leap-frog integrator equ. (6.26). t 2 t 2 t t 2

ri t +

= =

(t)r i t + (t) ri

+ m1 Fi (t)t i


To acheive temperature variation consistent with equ.(6.89) the scaling factor can be found by imposing [42] t 2 t 2 t 2



1 + T t T0 T


Using equation (6.91) and (6.92) we have 2 (t)T t + t 2 =T t t 2

1 + T t T0 T

t 2


solving this for (t) gives; (t; t) = T0 T t t T (t t ) 1 2 2 + T t T (t + t ) T t + t 2 2 1+

1 T t 1/2

T0 t+


t 2


So the temperature is controlled by scaling the velocities of the particle as each time step with a time dependent constant given by,

6.5. Thermostat and Barostat


= 1+

t T

T0 1 T



If T is large, then the coupling will be weak. If T is small, the coupling will be strong and when the coupling parameter equal to integration time step (T = t) then this algorithm is equivalent to simple velocity rescaling method. A good value of T is 0.5 1ps when integration time step t = 1fs. Advantage 1. Strength of the coupling can be varied and adapted to the use requirement 2. Very easy to code 3. Very ecient to bring the system to a desired temperature. Disadvantage 1. Does not represent a true canonical ensemble. Velocity rescaling articially prolongs any temperature dierence among components of the system, which can lead to the phenomena of hot solvent and cold solute, even though the temperature of the system is at its desired value. This can be avoided by having separate temperature coupling to the solute and solvent, but this leads to the unequal distribution of energy among various components.

6.5.3 Weak Coupling Barostat for Constant P

From the above discussion it is clear that, coupling to a bath is obtained by adding an extra term to equation of motion for relevant variable. Similarly coupling to constant pressure bath can be obtained by adding an extra term to the equation of motion that controls pressure change. In analogy with equation (6.89), the equation of motion for pressure can be written as P0 P dP = dt P The pressure is given by the expression P = where = 2 (Ek ) 3V 1 2 rij .Fij





Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

is the internal virial for pair additive potential. Fij is the force on particle i, due to particle j and V is the volume of the simulation cell. During the simulation pressure can be changed by changing the virial which can be accomplished by scaling inter-particle distances. Constant pressure simulation is achieved by scaling the coordinates along with appropriate volume scaling. At each time step particle coordinate x is scaled to x and box length l to lwhere is given by = [1 t (P P0 )]1/3 p (6.99)

For further details of the Berendsen weak coupling method the reader is referred to the original paper.

6.6 Example of MD simulation

As mentioned in the introduction, variety of problems can be solved using MD simulation. They oer great microscopic insight to the problems and in many cases gives an alternative route where experiments are dicult to perform. Below we give two examples of the current research problems done by Molecular dynamics simulation in our group [25, 26]. 1. Dynamics of Water in Conned System 2. Elastic Properties of Boron-Nitiride Nanotube

6.6.1 Structure and Dynamics of water in Conned Systems

Structure and dynamics of water conned in the narrow pore of carbon nanotube (CNT) has received lots of attention in recent years. Single chain of water inside narrow carbon nanotube serves as the model system which has direct relevance in proton transfer, ow in biological channels and nano-devices. We have studied the structure and various reorientational dynamics of water wire inside nanotube and nanoring using MD simulation. Carbon nanotube is generated by folding a graphene sheet. First an armchair nanotube of chirality (6, 6) having 24 unit cells (diameter 8.02) and A length 57) is immersed in a bath of TIP3P water using xleap module of A AMBER[27]. The box dimensions were chosen in order to ensure a 10 solvaA tion shell around the dendrimer structure. This procedure resulted in solvated structures, containing 3027 water molecules. MD simulation was performed using the AMBER742 software suite, using the AMBER force eld [28]. TIP3P is a rigid water model (Fig.6.9(a)) with HOH bond angle and both OH bonds xed during simulation. HOH angle is xed to a value of 104.5 and OH bond length is xed to 0.9572 using harmonic potentials as described in previA ous section with force constants Kq = 120Kcal/mol and Kb = 553Kcal/mol.

6.6. Example of MD simulation


Partial positive atomic charge on hydrogen (+0.4170e) is balanced by negative charge on oxygen (0.8340e). Intermolecular force between two water molecules is described by Lennard-Jones potential with a single interaction site centered on oxygen atom with potential depth of = 0.6364 KJ/mol and range of = 3.1506 . In CNT C-C bond distance length r0 = 1.43and C-C-C A angel is xed to 0 = 2/3. Interaction of water molecules with carbon atom is described by Lennard-Jones potential having potential depth = 0.1143 Kcal/mol and range = 3.275. The solvated structures were subjected to A 1000 steps of steepest descent minimization of potential energy, followed by another 2000 steps of conjugate gradient minimization. During this minimization the nanotube structure was kept xed in their starting conformations using a harmonic constraint with a force constant of 500 kcal/mol/. This allowed A the reorganization of the water molecules to eliminate bad contacts with the nanotube. The minimized structure was then subjected to 45 ps of MD, with 2 fs time step. During the dynamics, the system was gradually heated from 0 to 300 K with harmonic constraints on the solute using the SHAKE method. This was followed by 200 ps constant volume constant temperature (NVT) dynamics with a temperature-coupling constant of 0.5 1.0ps on the solute. Finally, 20-30 ns NPT production dynamics was carried out with a time constant for heat bath coupling of 1ps. The electrostatics interactions were evaluated with the Particle Mesh Ewald [20] (PME) method, using a real space cut o of 9. Again during this production runs nanotube was held xed to its starting A conguration using a force constant of 500 kcal/mol/2 . The trajectory was A saved forevery 1 ps interval and was used for data analysis. ResultsDespite of hydrophobic nature of carbon nanotubes, water spontaneously goes inside CNT in quantitative agreement with earlier works[29]. Water enters from one end of the tube and leave from other end. Water molecules inside the tube are arranged in a single le with all dipole either pointing up or down as shown in Fig.6.9(b) & (c). Figure 6.10 shows the typical trajectories of four neighbouring, conned water molecules in the single le chain. The extreme correlation among the trajectories is apparent. To quantify the positional ordering of the water molecules inside the nanotube we have calculated the pair-correlation function for the water molecules inside the nanotube using g(z) = 1 N

i=1 j=1,j=i

(z zij


where zij is the axial separation between the ith and the j th water molecules,N is the number of water molecules inside the nanotube and the angular brackets indicate an average over time. We have also looked at the reorientational dynamics of the conned water. The water molecules are tightly packed inside a nanotube due to hydrogen bonding, with the average density almost four times that of bulk water. The


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation




Figure 6.9: (a) TIP3P model of water (b) Water inside carbon nanotube (c) typical ordering of water inside CNT

Figure 6.10: The z coordinates of four conned, neighbouring water molecules as a function of time. dipole moments of all the conned water molecules are almost always aligned, pointing either up (along +z direction, see Fig.6.9b & 6.9c) or down (along -z direction). Their orientation changes by cooperative ips that take them from one of these states to the other. Fig.6.11 shows the time-dependence of

6.6. Example of MD simulation


Figure 6.11: (a) and (b) show the average dipole moment of the water molecules conned inside the 14and 28and nanotubes respectively. The 14and A A A 28tubes accommodate 5 and 10 water molecules on an average. The dipole A moments of the water molecules inside the nanotube are mostly aligned in either up or down states, with cooperative ips between these two states. The ips become rarer as the length of the water chain increases. The red curve in 11(b) shows the axial component of the average dipole moment of the water molecules in the bulk, where there is no orientational order. the axial component of the average dipole moment, Mz (t) of the conned water molecules, dened by 1 Mz (t) = N (t)
N (t)


pi (t) n


Where N (t) is the total number of water molecules inside the tube at time t and pi (t) is the dipole moment of ith water molecules inside tube at time t and n represents axis of the tube. Figures 6.11(a) and 6.11(b) show data for water conned inside 14and A 28long nanotubes, respectively. The average number of conned water A molecules is 5 and 10 inside the 14and 28nanotubes, respectively. The net A A dipole moment of the chain of water molecules makes collective ips between the up and down states. The mean time interval between successive ips increases with the length of the tube. The red curve in Fig.6.11(b) shows the time-dependence of the axial component of the average dipole moment of the water molecules in bulk water outside the nanotube. This clearly shows that connement leads to ordering of the dipole moments of the water molecules. Further details about these interesting reorientational dynamics can be found in our original works [26, 30].


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

6.6.2 Elastic Properties of Boron-Nitride Nanotube

Nanotubes have remarkable mechanical properties. This makes them most desirable candidate for many applications. Mechanical properties of CNT have been studied extensively and they are suggested to be very strong substance. Boron -Nitride nanotube (BNNT) has same structure as CNT except that they have alternating boron and nitrogen atoms in graphite like network and are strongly polar in nature due to large charge on boron and nitrogen atoms. Mechanical properties of BNNTs have been studied using tight binding molecular dynamics simulation (TBD)[31] and ab-initio molecular dynamics simulation [32]. Classical Force Field (FF) based calculation (molecular mechanics or molecular dynamics) of mechanical properties of BNNTs are not common due to unavailability of force eld interaction parameters for boron and nitrogen in most of the available classical FF. Among the existing set of classical FF, only Universal force eld (UFF) [33] and DREIDING FF [34] have interaction parameters set for boron and nitrogen. Recently Moon and Hwang [35] have used UFF to study the structure and energetics of BNNTs. Recently we have investigated the mechanical properties of BNNTs using molecular mechanics calculation [36]. We have used DREIDING [34], a generic force eld for macromolecular simulations for our molecular mechanics calculations of SWNTs of chirality (5, 5)(7, 7)(10, 10)(12, 12)(15, 15)(20, 20) (25, 25)(30, 30)(35, 35)(40, 40) and (45, 45) for both the CNTs and the BNNTs. For BNNTs we have considered the following set of charges on boron and nitrogen respectively: 0e, 0.41e, 0.68e, 1e and 1.41e. We also performed molecular mechanics calculations on double-walled nanotubes (DWNTs) of chirality (5,5)(10,10), (7,7)(12,12), (10,10)(15,15), (15,15)(20,20) and (20,20)(25,25). All these tubes were taken to be twenty unit cells long ( 4.8 nm), and the inter tube gap is 0.34 nm 37. For DWNT, the inner tube was rotated in steps of 1o and the minimum energy conguration was taken to be the starting conguration for the molecular mechanics calculation. In the minimum energy conguration, boron (nitrogen) in inner layer lies on top of nitrogen (boron) in the outer layer. For the compression of the nanotubes, the atoms at both ends of the unit cells in the tube were moved in small steps of 0.05along the tube axis and then the A whole structure was minimized by conjugate - gradient minimization method while keeping the end atoms xed. Similarly, for the torsion one end of the tube was xed and atoms at the other end were rotated in small steps of 1 and the structure was minimized. When the tube is under axial compression, we dene the strain energy as the ratio of the energy of the compressed tube to the energy without compression. For small strain e, the strain energy E(e) is E () = 1 k2 ; where k is a constant. 2 In Fig.6.12, we plot E(e) as a function of e for single wall and double wall BNNTs with 0.41e charge on B/N atoms, respectively. Energy for SW has discontinuities at a,b,c,d,e which corresponds to snaps in Fig.6.13 respectively, other energy curves are for SW (12,12) and DW (7, 7)(12, 12) .

6.6. Example of MD simulation


Figure 6.12: Energy versus strain for BNNTs for single wall nanotube (SWNT) and double wall nanotube (DWNT) of dierent chiralities.






Figure 6.13: Snapshots of (7,7) single wall BNNT under compression, snapshots correspond to discontinuities in Fig.6.12. The elastic properties of the C/BN nanotubes arise due to the strength of in plane C-C/B-N bonds in comparison with the ease of out of plane deformation. The strength of the tube is reected in the high Young modulus. Young modulus is calculated from the second derivative of the strain energy, Y = 1 2 E() V0 2 (6.102)


Chapter 6. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

Figure 6.14: Youngs modulus Y as a function of tube radius and charge on B/N atoms in BNNT.

Where V0 is the equilibrium volume of the nanotube, given by Vo = 2 (R + h) R2 L; where L is the length, R is the radius and h is the shell thickness. The values of h used [38, 39] are 0.066 nm[38] and 0.34 nm[39]. Empirical force constant model [39] and non-orthogonal tight binding calculation [40] suggest that h should be 0.34 nm, a value used by us. The values of Young modulus of DWNTs show that there is not much signicance of inter-wall van der Waal interaction on the Young modulus. In Fig.6.14 we show the variation of Young modulus as a function of tube radius for dierent charge scheme on B/N atoms in BNNT. The following observations can be made. (i) BNNTs with charge 0.68e, 1.0e and 1.41e on B and N atoms have higher Young modulus than that of CNT whereas BNNTs with charge 0e and 0.41e on B and N atoms have smaller Young modulus as compared to CNT. This dierence has its origin in electrostatic interactions. (ii) Young modulus increases with the radius and asymptotically approaches the value of the at sheet, consistent with ref. 31 and 41, but in contrast to ref. 39. Young modulus of SWNTs and DWNTs are very similar which can be explained by the fact that the elastic properties of nanotubes are determined by the strength of B-N bonds in the bent BN sheet and C-C bonds in bent Graphene and also the vdW interaction is comparatively very weak in MWNTs.

6.6. Example of MD simulation


This article is based on the set of lectures I gave in the SERC school at IIT, Guwahati in 2008. I have greatly benetted from the excellent set of lectures on the subject by Prof. David Kofke, University at Bualo, The State University of New York.

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