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MIT/IL Apollo Guidance Computer, Apollo 11

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MIT/IL Apollo Guidance Computer

Apollo 11 Lunar Mission

A Brief Review

Prepared By:
John Sutherland
Denver, Colorado
Revised November 19, 2012
Second Revision November 28, 2014


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Many years ago, I worked for MIT/IL on the Apollo Program. MIT's role in the Apollo space
program was guidance and navigation - Doc Draper's strong suit. The primary MIT
technology contribution to the Apollo Program was the Apollo Guidance Computer and the
associated hardware and software.
The Apollo program was the United States spaceflight effort which landed the first humans on
Earth's Moon. Conceived during the Eisenhower administration and conducted by the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Apollo began in earnest after
President John F. Kennedy's 1961 address to Congress declaring his belief in a national goal
of "landing a man on the Moon" by the end of the decade in a competition with the Soviet
Union for supremacy in space.
This goal was first accomplished during the Apollo 11 mission on July 20, 1969 when
astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed, while Michael Collins remained in lunar
orbit. Five subsequent Apollo missions also landed astronauts on the Moon, the last in
December 1972. In these six Apollo spaceflights, 12 men walked on the Moon. To this date,
these are the only times humans are known to have landed on another celestial body.
The photos and descriptions included in this document are a few photos on the wonderful, yet
limited, Apollo Guidance Computer, and a few photos on the Apollo 11 mission - the first
man-on-the-moon lunar expedition. I've commented on, and sequenced the photos, in an
order for ease of understanding.
The Apollo 11 mission was flown in mid-1969, so you can see how technology has changed in
the last 43 years. What was amazing was that the whole Apollo 11 program cost $25.4 Billion
over 10+ years, and united the world in its many peaceful adventures. For all of its challenges,
the Apollo program was truly a wondrous American effort.
I dedicate this document to the three Apollo 11 Astronauts, one of whom we just lost:
Neil Alden Armstrong (August 5, 1930 August 25, 2012) Apollo 11
spacecraft commander
Edwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr. (born January 20, 1930) Apollo 11 lunar
module pilot
Michael Collins (born October 31, 1930) Apollo 11 command module pilot
As an aside, one has to wonder where the 'American' Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals (BHAGs)
are in the 21st century. Today our country acts more like the policeman of the world and
peaceful missions and programs like this are unimaginable.
I hope you enjoy this very brief tour through a small part of Americas hugely successful
Apollo manned space program.
John Sutherland



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1 - This is an image of the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) and the operator Display Keyboard (DSKY) panel
used to enter commands into the AGC. The same physical AGC hardware was used on both the Command
Module (CM) and the Lunar Module (LM).

2 - The Apollo Guidance Computer had two types of memory, read-only memory and erasable memory. The
read-only memory was used to store the actual computer programs, and the erasable memory was used to
receive and send temporary data (e.g. telemetry data). This is a bank of read-only memory.



3 - Because of unknown hazards in space, the memory used in the AGC was hard wired magnetic core memory,
and the technique used was to convert the software programs into the individual core memory 'donut' state prior
to insertion into the actual AGC. This is a close-up of what an already hard wired core memory 'rope' looked like.

4 - This is a close-up view of the astronaut AGC Display Keyboard. The same DSKY was used in both the CM and
the LM, and another photo (below, #5) shows a sample of the commands entered. Notice the keyboard number
arrangement. This is believed to be the arrangement that help establish the keypad standard we all use today.



5 - The AGC DSKY was very primitive by today's standards for data entry, and the image above shows a sample
command. The astronaut would enter a command to the AGC as the spacecraft was approaching another
transition in the mission. This command is setting up the system for an engine ignition.

6 - As primitive as the AGC was, it never failed, and it was never upgraded during the whole ten-year Apollo
program. It just worked.



7 - This is the Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) and Data Adapter, and as you can see, it was quite a bit
physically larger than the AGC.
The LVDC was provided by IBM Federal Systems Division in Huntsville, and it included hybrid circuits similar
to the System/360. The system was serial logic and provided triple redundancy. For memory storage, it had
32,768 words of 28-bit word length memory - quite small by today's standards.

8 - This is the inside of the Command Module, and you can see the guidance computer DSKY panel in the center
of the console so that it could be easily accessed by either astronaut. How would you like to sit in one of these
cramped seats for hours on end? Our Apollo astronauts were the best we could find.



9 - This is another shot of the AGC DSKY in use.

10 - This is the inside of the Lunar Module, and you can see the AGC DSKY in the lower center near the
astronaut's right hand, again placed close to the center of the landing module so that either astronaut could
easily access the controls.



11 - At MIT, we had digital/analog simulators for both the Command Module and the Lunar Module. This is
inside the CM simulator, and the operator is Margaret Hamilton, Manager, Apollo On-Board Flight Software.
The process was to write some specific program, digitally test in on the IBM or Honeywell systems, and then try
it in the real-time simulator. Once we felt the program was functional and ready for prime time, we would
release the program to Raytheon whose job it was to hard-wire the programs into the rope memory.

12 - For Apollo 11, the big Saturn V loaded up with the Command Module, the Service Module, and the Lunar
Module left the Vertical Assembly Building (VAB) on May 20, 1969 for its slow trek to the launch pad. The VAB
was so large it had its own weather system inside it.



13 - On May 24, 1969 the three Apollo 11 astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin, Michael Collins, are
enjoying a break from training.
Michael Collins was the command module pilot for Apollo 11, and while he orbited the Moon, Neil Armstrong
and Buzz Aldrin made the first manned landing on the lunar surface.



14 - On July 11, 1969, the Saturn V is on the launch pad and is being prepared for launch. In this photo, you can
see the top section of the Command Module (CM), just below it is the Service Module (SM), and in the tapered
section below SM is the enclosed Lunar Module (LM). The white boxy structure attached near the top of the
Command Module is what I recall as the 'White Room' and it provides the sheltered entry point into the CM for
the astronauts. The astronauts first take an elevator to the attachment level, walk down the connecting bridge,
and finally climb into the CM.



15 - On the morning of July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 astronauts have a traditional breakfast with chief Astronaut
Deke Slayton.

16 - On July 16, the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) gets ready for the launch. It is worthy of note that there were
two command centers, including KSC in Florida, and the Manned Space Center (MSC) in Houston. The roles of
the two facilities were bifurcated with KSC managing the launch and MSC managing the rest of the mission.



17 - Apollo 11 (AS-506) - with astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., aboard was launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39, KSC, at 9:32 a.m. EDT July 16, 1969.



18 - In transit to the moon, one of the Apollo 11 astronauts photographed the planet Earth that they were rapidly
leaving behind.

19 - The Apollo 11 three module configuration (the CM, SM, and the LM) went into orbit around the moon, and
after the go ahead from MSC, separated the LM and negotiated the transfer of two astronauts from the CM to the
LM. The landing crew then proceeded to land the LM on the moon along a trajectory (as depicted above) on July
20, 1969. Thinking back on the earlier images of the DSKY, you can see the 2-digit program numbers indicated
in the image above that were fed into the AGC. Kinda neat, huh. There was only one hick-up in the landing when
the normal mission sequences were interrupted by priority displays of 1201 and 1202 alarms, giving the
astronauts a go/no-go decision to make (to land, or not to land). The decision was made to ignore the alarm and
to land. The rest, as they say, is history.



20 - Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon, and Buzz Aldrin (above) was number two. This photo of
Aldrin is much better than the grainy TV image we have all seen of Armstrong's first step, and that is why I
included it.

21 - In this photo, Aldrin assembled a seismic experiment. Aside from bringing back a load of moon rocks, the
astronauts performed several important experiments while on the lunar surface.



22 - After the American flag is planted, Buzz Aldrin salutes it. With no wind on the moon, the extended flag was
held out with a rod.

23 - After the first EVA, Neil Armstrong is clearly tired but also quite stoked by the event.



24 - At the end of the lunar excursion, the LM had to return to the Command/Service Module (CSM) for the
return flight home. The Eagle lifted off from the moon at 1:54 p.m. EDT July 21, having spent 21 hours 36
minutes on the lunar surface. It docked with the CSM at 5:35 p.m. and the crew, with the lunar samples and film,
transferred to the CSM. The LM ascent stage was jettisoned into lunar orbit. The crew then rested and prepared
for the return trip to the earth.
This is the photo taken during its ascent of the LM and its approach to the CM. Mother Earth is in the
background... a long way off.

25 - On July 21, the news of the lunar landing hits the streets.



26 - At 12:15 p.m. EDT July 24 the Apollo 11's command module Columbia splashed down in the mid-Pacific,
about 24 kilometers from the recovery ship U.S.S. Hornet. Following decontamination procedures at the point of
splashdown, the astronauts were carried by helicopter to the Hornet where they entered a mobile quarantine
facility to begin a period of observation under strict quarantine conditions. The CM was recovered and removed
to the quarantine facility. Sample containers and film were flown to Houston.

27 - Upon learning of the successful recovery of the splashed down Command Module, Mission Control
celebrated wildly (as did we all at MIT and around the world).



28 - The astronauts received the biggest celebration ever in New York City. A great tribute to a hugely successful

Final Comments
Thanks for reviewing my memory and history of the MIT Apollo Guidance Computer and the Apollo 11 Lunar
Mission. I was motivated to compile this document after learning that Neil Armstrong had passed. I wanted for
all of us to remember the good old days of 1969.
MIT has provided a forty year interview of some of the Apollo managers at MIT/IL, and if you are interested in
reading their comments, you will find them here:
Regarding copyrights, I abstracted all of the images online, and most of the images came from NASA pages. If
you are concerned that I have infringed in my use of any of these images, you should contact me at my e-mail
address noted below.
I assert my own copyright claim on this document and I grant free copy and/or reprint use of this document for
non-commercial purposes, including and maybe especially educational purposes. If you want to copy or publish
this document for profit, please contact me and we can discuss a suitable arrangement.
John Sutherland
Denver Colorado


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