HORACE MANN SCHOOL | WEEKLY SINCE 1913 October 28, 2011 http://record.horacemann.org Volume 109, Issue 7
home coming
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Photography Editors Rachel Essner, Laurence Ge, Justin Gilston, Kimberley Sarnoff
A Party Deconstructed
As a newspaper, its our duty to present facts and inform our readers. We dont need to tell you about the existence of a party tomorrow night, as youve already received the schools letter about the commercial parties that occur several times a year. In addition to their worries, though, we want to provide you with a picture of the event that matches the multiple viewpoints possibleand possessed by our board. First, take a deep breath. Amidst the hype about ticket sales and pregame plans, its easy to forget that this party is just that, an event that will occupy only a few hours and is supposed to be fun. Its also easy to forget that there exist other options for a social life, and we all know somebody who isnt goingmany of us arent. Please dont allow frequent gossip to raise, or lower, your expectations to an extreme. Saturday night holds the potential for both a lot of fun and a number of negative outcomes, but in the grand scheme of the school year its merely one weekend. That said, though, an examination of the greater forces influencing this and similar parties can provide our community with a jumpingoff point from which to discuss a number of issues that have gone unaddressed for quite some time. The power dynamics intrinsic in the interactions between boys and girls, and the seeming immutability of gender roles come to a head at parties such as tomorrows, and their increased visibility allows for additional analysis. Inescapable in a conversation about Homecoming is a scenario in which upperclassmen boys strive, in an often-competitive manner, to hook up with girls who are usually younger than they. Homecoming can be filled with pressures for freshmen girls, and for girls of all ages: the perceived need to choose an appropriately revealing costume and the fear of risking social retribution for resisting the demands of a popular, older boy combine into a situation that can sometimes be described as predatory. With that said, boys also face pressures to conform: to brag about conquests, to collect kisses like trophies and status symbols, or even to drink as much as their friends, all as a sign, perhaps, of masculinity. When girls are told to respect their boundaries, the same message must be sent to the boys who, often unwillingly, perpetuate this system. The perspective of LGBT students, as well, must not be ignored. At a party, or a school, that seems to revolve around heterosexual interactions, is there room for students to express same-sex proclivities? Would students treat a gay hookup with the same nonchalance as a straight one? Contemplating the issues, though, need not preclude us from enjoying a fun weekend. Whether that consists of cheering on friends at the homecoming games, going out to a movie, or, yes, enjoying the homecoming dance, there are infinite ways to be happy. Pick the one that works for you.
Brett Silverstein
As I have been talking to friends about different issues in school, many complain that too many clubs meet at the same time during I period. It also appears that there are far many more club meetings during I period on Thursday than there are on Monday. In fact, there have averaged about eight clubs and publications meeting each day over past three Mondays as compared to an average of 18 clubs and publications meeting on each of the past three Thursdays. This discrepancy benefits neither we students who belong to more than one club and need to attend more than one meeting, nor the upperclassmen running the clubs. I think most of us would agree that in order to get anything out of a club meeting, one must be at the meeting for at least 20 minutes, half of I period. A student can therefore
benefits neither the members nor the leaders of the club. If I periods were expanded to other days of the week, there would be fewer clubs meeting on any given day. However, I do not consider this a viable solution, as increasing the number of I periods would interfere with team practices. Another solution could be to simply limit clubs to holding one meeting per week. However, I do not think this would benefit either the members or the club leaders. Clubs need additional meetings to prepare for special events and this would actually limit the amount of club meetings available for us students to go to. I believe there to be a simpler solution to this problem. The clubs should have to register their meetings for Monday or Thursday, as they register bake sale times. There does not need to be a hard cap on the amount of clubs meeting during the week. Rather, the register would just ensure that the number of meetings occurring on Thursday be relatively equal to the number of meetings on Monday. Everyone will be able to attend more meetings and the meetings will have more attendees.
Our workload hamstrings students who hope to take advantage of the sea of extracurricular opportunities. As a seasoned sailor on this sea, I have seen too many clubs, too many publications, and too Colin Mark many events collapse under the weight of essays, exams, and college applications. I see a fundamental paradox here: how can HM pretend to encourage its legendary students to do legendary things while it shackles their ability to do those things? Three fundamental problems exist with our approach to activities: Students cannot take advantage of opportunities because they are too busy. Student creations are often unacknowledged by the rest of the student body, because the student body is too busy. Finally, the storied quality of HMs extracurricular institutions suffers when the students who are responsible for that quality are too busy. Lets address these problems in order. Did you know that every Wednesday night last year, a producer from CBSs 60 Minutes brought esteemed guests from across the film world to room 149T to hold intellectual debates with high school students about documentaries? At no meeting of the Doc-Film Club last year did room 149T reach its capacity. Why? The club holds meeting on weeknights, and HMers have to write essays on weeknights. The academic rigor that allows our school to attract 60 Minutes producers is the same academic rigor that prevents us from meeting those producers. This trend is even more obvious at student events. The Horace Mann Theater Companys 2010 fall production, its most recent production in its smallest venue, was performed four times. Not once did it sell out the Black Box Theater, which could seat only 89 people. However, I know that the heart of the problem is not a lack of interest in theater; the spring shows, which open in late April, always either sell out or almost sell out Gross Theater, which has a capacity of over 600. Students attend the shows that happen after seniors are into college and that are far enough away from the end of the trimester to not cut into other students studying time.
Empty audiences at theater productions are only the beginning of the problem. Crowds at sports games are disproportionately filled by adults. The orchestra played a magnificent concert on Thursday in Gross Theater to an audience that would not have filled the Recital Hall. James Ruben (12) coordinated Horace Manns First Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference, a few Saturdays ago, which attracted public figures as powerful as Doug Band, head of the Clinton Global Initiative. Approximately 20 students attended. Once again, HM is prestigious enough to attract the worlds movers and shakers, but many of its students are too busy doing schoolwork to capitalize on that prestige. Students are taught how to craft incredible works, and then bogged down with just enough work to make sure they cant craft anything. Last year, in Emma Laurences playwriting class, I wrote a one-act play for my final project. No other project I have completed at HM has been more fulfilling for me. Unfortunately, I know I would never have written my play had I not been writing it for a grade I would not have had an excuse. Since then, I have made plans to revise the play and submit it to a playwriting competition... but have not had the time. I often find myself thinking aloud, I could be so much more productive and build something I am truly proud of if only Horace Mann would give me license to do so instead of giving me tests to study for. The blessing and curse of the Horace Mann education should not be a shock to most readers. Still, there is a clear divide between what we students are capable of and have the opportunity to do here and the time HM gives us to show off our abilities. I challenge my readers, the faculty, and the administration to search for a solution that lets the reporters report, the debaters debate, and the actors act unmolested by detriments to their transcripts. Therein lies in the ultimate problem; in a school full of overachievers who want to attend their dream colleges, often the biggest achievement our students have time for is a 4.0. The health of extracurriculars at Horace Mann demands a major paradigm shift at our school. Without this shift, a large section of the Horace Mann talent pool will be wasted on churning out As, with no scope outside of our school walls.
This is a response to an Op-Ed published last issue attacking the Occupy Wall Street movement, an article that presents itself as an analysis Cyryl Ryzack inspired by common sense but that does not treat the movement fairly or objectively, and that reflects the views of the many students who feel threatened by the positions of the OWS movement. The author first contends that not all bankers are born into privilege, using her father as an example. Is it so damning to Occupy Wall Streets list of 23 grievances that her father worked his way through college? Surveying them, I dont see a single comment on the original socioeconomic status of Wall Street investors. With this rags to riches, tale the author has ignored why the members of Occupy Wall Street are protesting. She dismisses their message without ever confronting it. After describing her fathers education, the author humanizes the financiers further, claiming that, bankers are not just black suits, but people who have worked their entire lives to further themselves. Through this statement she reflects a common ideological principle
paid workers and badly paid workers, and the third between wealthy and non-wealthy people. The vast majority of Americans strive with their brain and muscle to increase our social wealth, but their work does not benefit them. Rather, it increases the private fortunes of the capitalist class. Finally the author attacks Occupy Wall Street for lacking concrete complaints and for directly protesting against Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street has released a declaration of 23 grievances against corporate capitalism which can be found at www.nycga.net. I disagree with the second contention: Occupy Wall Street has already inspired a national movement with Occupations in Chicago, Boston, and LA. It has raised a voice against a system of exploitation and accumulation by dispossession. It has elevated national discourse from petty partisan bickering to real discussions about our socioeconomic system. If they had merely brought claims to congress it would have been ignored completely by the public. Politicsas-usual is the death of any movement. Direct protest works. There would be no Civil Rights Act without the Freedom Riders, no 8-hour workday without the strikes and factory occupations of the 19th and early 20th centuries, and no Indian independence without the masses taking to the streets. I applaud Occupy Wall Street for taking the revolutionary step beyond electoral politics. Alea iacta est.
News in Brief
Habitat for Humanity Planning Builds
Working with a family whose home has nearly no electricity and whose son recently returned from service in the Middle East, the schools Habitat for Humanity chapter plans to help build new homes in the weeks to come, club leaders said. The project is one of many builds it does throughout the year, club president Harry Manin (12) said. The club works alongside Habitat for Humanitys local affiliate in Westchester, building affordable, decent shelters for needy families in our community. Every month, club leaders meet with the Director of Habitat Westchester, Jim Killoran, alongside other high school representatives at the New Rochelle main office, to plan initiatives. Although they were unable to work this past weekend, the group hopes to return to work soon. Manin said that Habitat for Humanity has had an experienced, exponential group over the past few years.
Last Tuesday, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg enacted a piece of legislation, which plans to plant 20,000 trees in Van Cortlandt Park (VCP). According to New York Citys Parks and Recreation website, this act was part of a larger, citywide project that hopes to produce an environmentally friendly message through the planting of one million trees through the city by January. VCP has long been frequented by parts of the Horace Mann community. During the fall, the boys and girls cross country teams use the park, while the varsity Ultimate team occasionally occupies fields during the spring. Having Van Cortlandt is an indispensible asset to the team, cross-country captain Henry Warder (11) said. We practice there everyday, and knowing that the city cares about our park is very inspiring for the team as a whole. Kids often go down to Van Cortlandt for a variety of activities, Sara Land (11) said. When students see a whole group of new trees being planted, theyll realize how much effort is needed to help out the environment. As president of GreenHM, Land is tasked with sending eco-friendly messages to the student body. Because its such a popular place for teams to practice, Land said, its great that the City is looking to improve the environment we live in.
~ Alex Fine
Illustrations by Chloe Tsang/ Staff Artist
Physics teacher Jeff Weitz explained complexity and chaos to alumni of all ages in a webcast this Tuesday. The first of a series of webinars, Weitzs talk, the Complexity: The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts, used examples drawn from the school itself and cellular automatons to music sung by the Chamber Choir. There are elements interacting with each other in a system: neurons in the brain for example, Weitz said. But the function of these interactions cant be explained when you analyze the elements by themselves. When studying how they function together, the issue of a principle that functions at a higher level arises. Weitz related this idea to the way the school
The mission of the school is preparing students to live great and giving lives, and the alumni are the measure of our success.
are lots of parts within this whole like the Record community, theater community, swim community, and others I probably dont know about. The fifty-minute discussion included explanations of how the various physical principles could be applied to non-scientific systems. one layer and ended conclusively with different layers of polyphony in between. Weitz pointed to a quotation from Albert Einstein which he said really gets to what I was saying in the presentation. Weitz said. Einstein said, the problems that exist in the It was inaugurated this year for the 125th anniversary. Weitz was invited to present a webinar, because he has taught at Horace Mann for over 30 years is recognized as a master teacher here, Zuroski said. Hes very respected and well-liked by the alumni of all ages.
He was also very willing to put time and effort into the project. To Weitz, The mission of the school is preparing students to live great and giving lives, and the alumni are the measure of our success, he said. With this new series of webinars, alumni can feel involved, share ideas, and support the school. The following broadcast in this series is on Shakespeare will be presented by Harry Bauld in November. Weitzs presentation will be archived on the Horace Mann website for those who were not able to listen to it live, Zuroski said. With the level of success Dr. Weitz had, theres no reason we cant do this for parents as well, Head of School Dr. Tom Kelly said, who originally conceived of the idea to engage alumni through broadcasted talks from teachers.
Homecoming Highlights
1:003:00 11:303:30 12:00 & 2:30 11:303:30 Evening
Golden Alumni Luncheon Classes of 1960 & earlier Cohen Dining Commons Community BBQ Lunch Fisher Hall Plaza Campus Tours led by Student Ambassadors Homecoming Welcome Tent Student Clubs Fair Clark Field Class Reunions See Reunion invitations received in mail
Middle Division
This Tuesday, all of the Middle Division teams competed in Maroon and White Day games.
Recaps by Thomas Eng & Elizabeth Maghakian Illustrations by Chloe Tsang
-BOYS SOCCERThe 7th and 8th grade Boys Soccer Teams played Trinitys Middle Division Soccer Teams. The 8th grade team won 3-1 and 7th grade team 4-0. In the 7th grade game, there was a true team effort, the four goals were scored by four different players, Ben Harpe (7), Jack Miller (7), Jonah Lowey (7), and Jack Weber (7). This was a great win and we were really surprised and happy, said Zach Weiss (7), a member of the team. In the 8th grade match, the boys were very excited to play on Clark field, and even more thrilled to have won the game. Overall, we played well as a team. Trinity is one of the better teams in the division, said Noah Scholnick (8). Specifically, the third goal that we made was a very good play. Devon Tietjen (8) passed the ball across the goalie box and Alex Berk-Kraus (8) onetimed it to the upper left hand corner of the goal, said Dan Heintz (8). This play showed how much we progressed as a team, and how well we worked together. Trinity beat Collegiate, which is our greatest rival, so this was a huge win for us, said Scholnick.
-GIRLS VOLLEYBALLThe 7th and 8th grade Girls volleyball teams played against Trinitys teams, winning both matches of best out of three: the 7th grade girls won the first and the third games, while the 8th graders won all three. We made some pretty good serves and some pretty good saves, Gigi Pea-Alcantara (7) said. The JV and Varsity Volleyball teams went to watch and give their support, which really helped us. Lauren Simpson (7) made an incredible serve for the last point of the first game. It was a highlight because it won us the game even though it hit the net and barely tipped over, Pea-Alcantara said. The 8th grade portion of the match, although the girls won all three games, it was a very intense matchup. We are very excited and happy that we won. I think we played very well as a team, even when Trinity started gaining points on us. We still held together and ended up playing well, Chichi Ikwuazom (8) said. We have a lot of great players who add a lot to the team, and I think we function well together, Pea-Alcantara said. But we can still be a little better and were still improving.
-FOOTBALLThe Horace Mann Middle Division Football Team played against Dalton and won with a final score of 30-22. The 7th and 8th graders on the team worked well together and had already won a 16-point lead by the end of the first half. The game wasnt that difficult. We had it by the end of the first half with a score of 22-6, said Brad Goodman (8). I think we function relatively well because we know each other, and so we have good teamwork overall. Many of the players made touchdowns during the game. Sean Kim (8), a slot receiver, and Max Augustus (8), the quarterback, both made scores to add on to the teams lead. In the second half of the game, the team substituted most of its starting players because of the incredible lead that they had on Dalton. But the game concluded when Richard Wu (8) scored the final touchdown by receiving a catch thrown by Alex ONeil (8), the second quarterback. Were a pretty good team, and we have a lot of players and a lot of depth on our team, said Matt Parker (8). We have around 40 players, and almost everyone is very good so we can always substitute.
Middle Divison
-GIRLS TEnnISThe Girls Tennis team scored a victory in a match against Trinity, continuing its undefeated streak. This was just an additional match against another school that we have weekly, said Alexandra Mantz (7). We won every single match, Emily Weinstein (7) said. Trinitys doubles players were pretty weak, and their singles players werent so good either. Trinitys team was better than other schools that weve played, but we still beat them in every single game. Of the singles players who participated in the match, Anne Rosenblatt (8), Lauren Hooda (8), and Sydney Katz (7) won their individual matches. During practice we decide who plays what position, and the next day we talk about the match during practice we talk about what worked and what didnt work, strategies, and things that we noticed, Weinstein said. This really helps as a team because our coaches and teammates can help make us better players by giving us advice. I really like watching my teammates play, but I like to play even more, so I look forward to my matches, said Mantz. The team is competitive, but the friends on the team really make this a fun experience.
-CROSS COUnTRYThe Boys and Girls Middle Division Cross Country Teams made their way down to Van Cortlandt Park, where they raced against various other schools including Fieldston, Dalton, Collegiate, Brearley, and Hackley. The Lions performed very well, with runners placing 1st, 3rd, and 4th. We are a really strong team and run every day. Specifically, we work on sprinting during our practices, Eric Stein (8), who was unable to attend the meet on Tuesday, said. Overall, I hope to place in the top 30s by the end of the season. The team has been doing well throughout the season so far, and hopes to continue its good work. Our team is pretty good so far, said Michael Farinelli (7). If we can each do our best in the races coming up like the Collegiate Invitational, we could end this season very well. The Cross Country team has the Collegiate School invitational this Friday, and the Ivy League Championships next Friday. The kids have been doing a great job and Coach Cullen and I are very pleased, said Jon Eshoo, co-coach of the Middle Division team.
-GIRLS SOCCERThe Middle Division Girls Soccer team drew a crowd of eager parents and students as they faced a close defeat against Trinity on Tuesday, with a score of 1-2. The Lions started out the game ahead with Sydney Watson (8) scoring the first goal of the game. But Trinity came back, scoring two back-to- back goals in the first half. The Lions started to make a comeback in the second half and kept Trinity away from the goal. We started playing a lot better once they scored the two goals on us, we couldnt let them destroy us on our own turf ! Carolyn Applebaum (8) said. Tuesdays game was the first loss of the season. Weve been training really hard these two months to become a real team, Watson said. Were all individually good players, but we need to focus more on working together as a team, and look forward to improving throughout the rest of the season. The team has three remaining games against Fieldston, Dalton, and Riverdale.
-FIELD HOCKEYIn a close match on Tuesday, Middle Division Girls Field Hockey beat Dwight Englewood with a score of 1-0. It was a tough game, with neither team scoring in the first half. It was not until the last ten minutes that the Lions scored the only goal of the game. This game was a big win for the Field Hockey team; it has been a rough season for the team with only two wins so far out of eight games. We improved a lot this game, and we still have two more games next Tuesday and Thursday to get a little better, said Isabel Wolfson (7). We had a slow start, but recently we started winning and doing much better as a team. We hope to continue to improve our skills and do better in our last games this season, said Amanda Eisenberg (8). We still have two more tough teams to play, Masters and Tuxedo Park, said head coach Caroline Surhoff. But I think if we played like we did on Tuesday, we have a chance of winning.
Clockwise from left, Daniel Monteavaros Hotrod, The Rogue, and Something Exciting are among of the eleven pieces that will be displayed in Fisher Hall from November 1st to November 30th.
political or very, very, deep symbolic meaningful things that are somewhat overwhelming. In the end, these works of art are fun, Schlesinger said. The students will find these works beneficial because its kind of an upbeat show, Monteavaro said. One of the best experiences going to any show was what I would think about afterwards. Seeing the works was fantastic but the thoughts and thought process afterwards was what would get me into thinking. Art is part of what makes life worth living, Schlesinger said. We spend so much time in the classroom thinking about the difficulties of text and problem sets, and historical research, and this is the moment where one can just free themselves of all those things. Monteavaro will be on campus to showcase his work and lead class discussions from November 1st to November 4th, while the pieces will remain in the gallery until November 30th. There will be day openings for students and teachers, and night openings for the community and parents, Schlesinger said. Kindergarteners will also get a chance to see the exhibit, he said.
The Polyphony Chamber Orchestra, an ensemble of young Arab and Jewish musicians from Israel, captivated students in their performance of Bach and Mozart for the Middle Division on Tuesday. Polyphony seeks to bring equal opportunity for music education and offer education to Arab Israeli youth, and offer Jewish Israeli youth the opportunity to participate in these programs, co-founder Deborah Cogut P07, 13, 16 said. Through the program, we foster dialogue between the communities and hopefully bridge the gap, Executive Director Nabeel Abboud Ashker said. I myself had the privilege to learn the violin and as I grew older, I started to see how important it is to bring the experience to other people in our community, Ashkar said. This inspired Ashkar to create Polyphony and, through a partnership with the Cogut family, reach out to a broader community, he said. Founded in 2006, the program has over 100 kids in Nazareth playing at an international level and over 1500 Arab students in Israel partnered with Jewish conservatories. Polyphony connects Arabic youth with music teachers from Jewish conservatories. Due to the culturally
divided geography of Israel, many of the teachers have to drive over two hours to reach their students as frequently as five times a week. Polyphony does not only promote cultural connection, but also the empowerment of women. One sixteen-year-old Muslim woman, for example, defies the stereotypes of all communities, co-founder Craig Cogut P07, 13, 16 said. Craig explained that it was not expectation in the Jewish or Arab community to see a sixteen-year-old woman soloist. Theyre breaking barriers, Andrew Cogut (8) said, who spent time with the musicians over the summer and joined them on their tour. It was incredible to hear them play and (we thought that) HM students should also have the opportunity to see how amazing these kids are and that theyre just like us, he said. The group, which only had six weeks to prepare for the concert, impressed many students. It was incredible to see how they had prepared, with so little time, such a awesome concert, Roya Moussapour (11) said. It was cool that they could bring people from everywhere to play just for the love of music, Andrew Kirjner (8) said. One of the cellists said he does it just to make people happy and thats the goal for all musicians.
The Polyphony Chamber Orchestra performed selections from Back to Mozart for the Middle Division while raising awareness of Arab/Jewish relations.
the term chick flick may have originated: its because of a girls tendency to like romantic movies. Mr. Timk said that the movie Transformers, which came out this summer, was definitely marketed towards young boys, and he would presume that young boys were the main audience seeing this film. Like fashion, genres have a life-cycle. Certain genres are popular one decade, but not popular the next, Timk said.
Censorship stopped gangster movies from being popular in the 1930s. When science-fiction movies were starting to go unnoticed, new and improved special effects made more people interested in them. Now, vampire movies and television shows seem to be the trend, though they are different from the old vampire movies such as Dracula, Timk said. Though the poll has not yet been done this year, the trends in the past couple of years have remained the same, and Timk thinks that they will probably remain about the same for this year as well. In my mind, the popularity of movies and movie genres reflect our society at the time period when the film was made. If comedy moved far off of the top spot, I would definitely be able to infer that something outside the movie world happened that caused the change, Timk said. The whole point of the course is to get people looking at movies in different ways then they were before. Exploring the spectrum of genres is one of the ways Timks classes look at movies without showing a bunch of classics, he said. The function of the poll is to get people involved so that I am no just feeding them facts, Timk said. I want to get the class to participate, and not just have me lecture the whole time. As in studio art classes like drawing and painting, you would rather paint and draw, than take tests on famous painters and drawers, he said.
Lions Den
Athlete Spotlight
Toby Lee
Sarah Heintz Staff Writer
Toby Lee (12), third year varsity player and co-captain of the Boys Varsity Soccer Team, is a stand out striker on the team this season. The leading goal scorer, with a total of eleven goals, Lee is an all star by any standards, according to Head Coach Neil Berniker. Andrew Silberstein (11), a key player in the center midfield, said, Tobys a very hard working player. He really wants to win more than anything, and he will do whatever it takes in order to make that happen. The two have played together on varsity for the past two years. Hes a workhorse in practice and games. His individual effort on the field is outstanding. He responds very well to the challenges that his own teammates and our opponents present him with, Berniker said, As a striker, Lees job is to put the ball in the back of the net. You dont have to show him the way to goal, Berniker said. Hes a critical player to have in front of the goal, because hes a good finisher, Owen Elliot (12) said. Hes got speed and agility, so he can manipulate the defenses in the Ivy League, which creates great opportunities up front, and ultimately score some big goals for us this season. Lee scored twice against the Lions big rival, Collegiate, at Horace Manns home game early on this season. The final score was 3-1, so Tobys goals were essential for the big win. One was a finish from a throw in by Stephen Lipton (12), and the other was a penalty kick. Lee has played for the Manhattan Soccer Club these past three years. His team attends college showcase tournaments, participates in league play, and plays in the state cup every year. He trains a lot during the offseason to stay in shape and on top of his game. I ran almost everyday before preseason, Lee recalled, and played with a good number of kids from the team a couple of times a week, both of which I definitely think helped get my fitness up to par. Tobys co-captain Bernie Rawlins (11) said, Toby is an amazing captain on top of being a great athlete and soccer player, he truly is the leader of the team. Hes vocal and always seems to know exactly what to say when we need it the most. We seem to agree on everything and I couldnt have asked for a better co-captain. His teammates also point to Lees character and leadership abilities. He brings a unique level of maturity into the mix, and really cares about the well-being of the team, Elliot said. Tobys an unselfish, team player, Berniker said. Hes just one reason were in the winning position were in now, but I know hell continue to contribute greatly to the teams success. Well surely miss him next year.
Maddy Gordon
Molly Wharton Staff Writer
Maddy Gordon has been one of the stars on the Girls Varsity Tennis Team since freshman year, and is by far the best athlete on our team, teammate Meredith Ruskin (12) said. Maddy is captain of the team this year, along with Lizzy Weingold (12), but shes been a leader on the team for the past four years, Ruskin said. She really motivates us during practice and matches, and sets a great example by being so committed. Gordon has been undefeated so far this season, and outside of HM she is in the top 40 of the Girls 18s Eastern Region for this October. She plays the most demanding schedule of matches for the team as the #1 singles player, a position usually reserved for the best singles player on the team. She really knows how to take control of the netshe just dominates with her volley game, teammate Lizzy Rosenblatt (11) said. She also is a really smart tennis playershe takes into consideration strategy and even though shes a singles player she always has great advice for doubles, cocaptain Weingold said. She will look to continue her success in college, and has given a verbal commitment to Emory University. One of the strongest players on the team since joining her freshman year, she has been preparing to go to the next level and is ready for the challenge. Teammates agreed she is a great team player in an individual sport: Wingold said,
She is always one of the first to cheer someone on in a tough spot, and constantly trying to make everybody around her a better player. Gordon has been instrumental to the teams success, with two Ivy League Titles in her first three years on the team, and hopefully a third this season. She is undefeated in all of her matches, and the team also stands at an impressive 9-0 record. Maddy is fundamentally a very naturally talented athlete and tennis player, but she also puts in the work that it takes to get good, and that hard work has evidently paid off, Rosenblatt said. Its clear that her energy and love for tennis spread to everyone around her and thats why shes such a great captain, teammate, and friend.
(12) will get the start at QB, and the team is looking to pick their injured teammates up with a strong performance. To have a chance against Riverdale, the entire team needs to step up and we need to slow the game to keep their potent offense on the sidelines. But if we are able to defeat Riverdale, it will be a game that the kids will remember for the rest of their lives. Russo said. After Homecoming, the team faces Fieldston at home and then has an end of season bowl game.
The Horace Mann Record
Forward Sarah Heintz (11) battles for posession in the 2-3 loss against Fieldston. one of the best teams in the league, on Wednesday, though they lost 2-1, was still a testament to how much hard work the girls put in at practices, said Sullivan. Sullivan said, although they lost, it was one of the best games the girls have played. We originally lost to Riverdale 4-0, but in this game we played hard and kept the pressure on until the end and loss less severely, he said. The girls play as a team, and no one plays as an individual, Sullivan said. Though they did not win the last two games, they always look to pass to each other, always have their
teammates backs and will always be there for each other. They work well together and it shows on the field. The five game undefeated streak is a better indication of the girls soccer skills and hard work. In the beginning of the season we made many mistakes that would
Captain Thomas Kim (12) winds up for a shot against Brunswuck in Wednesdays game.
Wednesday, 10-11 puts the teams overall record at 3-7. Our record doesnt really reflect our season because we have been playing nationally ranked teams and every game has been decided by less than two points, Nick McCombe (11) said. The game was basically decided in the last two minutes. Thats how close it was. We started off slow though but we really brought it to them in the later parts of the game, Gavin said. Brunswick scored two quick goals at the games start. The Lions then came back to tie the game with pressure defense and fast break goals