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Get in Trouble!
Get in Trouble!
Get in Trouble!
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Get in Trouble!

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About this ebook

In Washington DC, in May 2015, Rep. John Lewis taught us, a group of Freedom Writer Teachers, to 'get in trouble', just as he had been doing for his whole life – participating and organizing the Civil Rights Movement, the Freedom Schools, the Freedom Riders and speaking from the Lincoln Memorial against the wrong of discrimination and segregation along with Dr. Martin Luther King that summer’s day in 1963.

"Get in trouble!" is an anthology of stories about standing up for one’s students, told and written by Freedom Writer Teachers from all around the world – all of them using the Freedom Writers methods and exercises: Stories from teaching Maoris of New Zealand to Inuits of Greenland, from teaching average kids in the schools of your neighborhood to youngsters in juvenile halls, from the love of teaching to the fights against standardized curricula. There are lots of ways and places 'to get in trouble' for the noble case of educating the next generation!
Release dateJun 28, 2016
Get in Trouble!

Torbjørn Ydegaard (Ed.)

Torbjørn Ydegaard is a Freedom Writer Teacher and teaching coming teachers at University College South-Denmark.

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    Book preview

    Get in Trouble! - Torbjørn Ydegaard (Ed.)


    WE get into trouble,

    break down the walls of oppression, kicking aside the rubble.

    Teaching what needs to be taught,

    many hard battles, have, and will be fought.

    The start to getting into positive trouble is to change your negative


    So much passion in our movement, we are the iron that fire


    The struggle for equality, and meaningful education cannot be


    Unjust judgments

    some police are brutal,

    fighting social inequalities alone is futile.

    But just like fingers, when made into a fist,

    there is power in unity, light and righteousness must exist

    Seeing our youth excel and reach their goals and dreams is our


    Many want to see through glasses the color of rose,

    but a few of us have been chose

    to fight the good fight, courageously run this race,

    keep pace.

    Despite the setbacks

    Spirit has no lack,

    ignorance and prejudice we beat back.

    A man: his last name Lewis, his first name was John,

    Said getting in trouble was the true way to make progress,

    being passive is a con

    Love for humanity is indeed the magic wand.

    – Quincy Murdock

    Meridith Akuhata-Brown


    After I trained as a Freedom Writer Teacher I have been able to share my experiences in local classrooms where I have used some of the Freedom Writer methods.

    One classroom I had the opportunity to share my freedom writer experiences was at a local boy’s high school in a classroom of year 12 students. Year 12 or 6th Form in New Zealand generally means students are 16–17 years of age.

    This particular classroom I had previously taught some health education too so I was known to the students and we had a positive rapport.

    I decided that because we had a good rapport and knew a little about each other that I would lead the line game with the students and unpack some of the emotions and impacts this activity has on individuals and the whole classroom.

    When I arrived into the classroom I noticed that the students were all sitting in their ethnic groups, which for Gisborne means mainly Maori and Pakeha (of European or British decent). There were a couple of students from Vanuatu in this classroom also.

    So I started the day asking the boys if they were comfortable enough to go and sit next to someone they had never sat next to before. The boys were happy to oblige me and they all moved to sit next to someone of another ethnicity. I asked them how they felt and they all generally agreed they felt fine. So I began a general discussion around the choices they make and what makes them hold these views. Most of the students didn’t realize that they chose each day to sit with the same ethnic group and really did this unconsciously. Some students did notice the pattern and assumed it was the way the class functioned so followed suit.

    The discussion lead to unpacking some of the decisions we make either consciously or unconsciously and why we make them, many of the students were genuinely interested in what made them choose and they unpacked some values held by themselves and their families.

    We then went into the line game and I started with some basic social questions such as step to the line if you are the eldest child, middle child and youngest child, step to the line if you live with two parents, single parent either mum, dad, other etc. Step to the line if you had breakfast this morning.

    Some of the questions were in line with some of the issues we are facing here in NZ around the number of single parented families and also the rise in the number of students that come to school hungry.

    As we worked through the questions the students became quieter and a sense of solidarity was noticeable. I ventured further into some deeper social issues and asked step to the line if you have a family member in Jail/Prison a couple of students stepped forward, at this a couple of students’ facial expressions and quiet gasps showed they were shocked but it seemed to send the message you don’t know what others are going through and a sense of empathy filled the room.

    My final questions were step to the line if you have ever thought about suicide sadly the majority of the class stepped forward. I then asked them to step forward if you have ever spoken to someone when you were feeling down/low. Only two boys stepped forward, both pakeha.

    This unfortunately reaffirmed a huge issue we have here in NZ, where we have alarming suicide rates amongst young Maori men and one of the key problems for them is talking to someone about their feelings especially when they are feeling down. Culturally for many young Maori men sharing emotions is not something they do well as it implies they are weak also many of them don’t have a father figure to help support them through adolescence.

    The teacher in the classroom was actually quite stunned at the honesty and openness of the students and told me he was a little embarrassed about how little he knew about them and their lives. We discussed the need to investigate the school’s role in supporting the students and a need to share some of the learning’s of the day with the guidance department.

    Alphonso Amos

    Always in Trouble

    Anytime you attempt to place academics over athletics, you will automatically get yourself in trouble. In my community sports means everything. We have one huge game that is classified as the biggest football game of the year, the Crosstown Showdown, where the two rival high schools in my city face off against each other. Every year as the game approaches, I cannot stop thinking about the hype of the game. I enjoy watching our students from both Port Huron High and Port Huron Northern High School battle it out on the field, however knowing many of the struggles of our athletes and their ability to get into college is heartbreaking. The numbers of area students who play sports and then go off to college after high school graduation and succeed are not as elevated as some might expect.

    We continue to attempt to resolve the issues regarding why only 13% of our community have obtained Bachelor’s Degrees and why our students are not prepared to attend community college. I suggest that we wander down a path that is traditionally left unexamined because of its sensitive nature. In fact, as I write these words, I am already contemplating the need to change my name, phone number and e-mail address; delete my Facebook and town because of the overwhelming number of emails and phone calls I will receive telling me that I just do not understand how important this route really is to our children's development.

    I am talking about sports and the amount of time and energy our students are dedicating to it while we are failing them academically. Just like my community, there are many others who struggle with similar issues. It often seems like it is a battle between athletics and academics when in reality they both should go hand and hand.

    In many communities, we place blame on the teachers, parents and students when instead the problem with academically struggling athletes are the individuals in the community that don’t offer support. We are generally the problem. That is right, I said what many would not agree with; we are failing our students. Many of you may be wondering, What exactly does he mean by WE? My child does not attend school here. That is a school district issue not mine. I do not work in the schools, how am I failing the students?

    When addressing the issue of failed academics among our athletes or any student in that case we are all to blame. It often blows my mind to see the amount of people who come out rivalry games and other athletic events because I know how hard it is to get parents to come to informational meetings, and business and community leaders to mentor or tutor a child. Yet when it's time for the Big Game, everyone jumps on board and supports our students. Large numbers of alumni attend the events in droves, and yet, they ignore the fact that the success of today’s students is even more vital than in the past.

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