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Results of The Rapid Geohazard Assessment Survey of Alubijid, Misamis Oriental

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Results of the Rapid Geohazard Assessment Survey of Alubijid, Misamis Oriental Collantes, M.G.B.1, Lucero E.S.1, Padrique, A.M.

2, Brebante B.M.M.2, Asis, J.C.2 (1Senior Geologist, 2Geologist, Mines and Geosciences Bureau-Region X) INTRODUCTION Background Information The Philippine Government has started a directive to the Mines and Geosiences technical staffs to map out areas in Philippines that might be susceptible to landslides and other geologic hazards. The project, which started right after the Southern Leyte Landslide incident, will enhance the governments effort in educating people about geologic hazards or geohazards. As part of the project, geologists and support staffs from the Mines and Geosciences Regional Office 10 were deployed to visit each municipality within the Region 10 and assess areas at Barangay Level. These field activities aim to assess each barangay in terms of geomorphology, distribution of slopes, distribution of residential areas with respect to the slope, rivers, coast and susceptibility to geologic hazards such as floods, landslides, tsunami and earthquake. The Geohazard Assessment Team that visited Alubijid, Misamis Oriental last November 27 to December 2, 2006 is composed of Edward S. Lucero, Ma. Gracia B. Collantes, senior geologists; Beverly Mae M. Brebante, Abner M. Padrique and Joy Christine V. Asis, geologists; Elvert L. Eludo, Rodolfo L. Hidalgo, Salvacion N. Naranjo and Amalia P. Jayme, geologic aides; and Arlene M. Hernando, driver. The team was ably assisted by Mr. Joe Caminci from Municipal Planning and Development Office and habal-habal drivers who served as guides and mediator during interviews with the locals. Purpose, Scope and Limitations The fieldwork was done on a 6-day duration within which the team visited each barangay within the Municipality of Alubijid. The data for this rapid assessment were based on interviews, ocular inspection of slopes, fractures, faults whenever present and distribution of houses near slopes and other identified risky areas such as riverbanks, valleys etc. The team utilized Rapid Landslide Assessment Form from Mines and Geosciences Bureau Central Office which served as checklist during ocular inspection of the whole area. The other data concerning floods, earthquake and tsunami were obtained through interviews with the locals and previous works.

The secondary data and municipal maps were gathered from the Municipal Planning and Development Office. Specifically, the purpose of this study are the following: a.) assess the slope distribution within the municipality; b.) identify residential areas close to sloping terrains, rivers and coast; c.) interview barangay officials about the history of their barangay in terms of landslide, flood and earthquake occurrences using the standard checklist for landslide rapid assessment; d.) inform the barangay about the situation. Location and Accessibility The Municipality of Alubijid is located at the central portion of Misamis Oriental. Alubijid is about 21.6 Kilometers away from Cagayan De Or. It takes about 30 minutes by land travel via Maharlika Highway. Most barangays are accessible by all types of vehicles. Barangay Tula, which is the farthest barangay with respect to the highway, can be accessed using habal-habal or single motor type of vehicle. Tula Lake can be accessed by all types of vehicle via municipal road through the Municipality of Manticao, west of Alubijid. Alubijid is bounded by Alubijid Bay on the north, El Salvador on the east, Kitanglad Mountain Range and Caballero Mountain on the west and Manticao on the north. The Municipality of Alubijid is a 4th class municipality in Misamis Oriental. It has a total of 16 barangays namely Baybay, Benigwayan, Calatcat, Lagtang, Lanao, Loguilo, Lourdes, Lumbo, Molocboloc, Poblacion, Sampatulog, Sungay, Talaba, Taparak, Tugasnon and Tula.

Methodology Prior to the field activity, the team went to Alubijids Municipal Planning and Development Office to obtain municipal maps and necessary data that would be essential to the assessment. The field assessment focused on barangays that are located on foot slopes, mid slopes, mountain ridges, riverbanks, and coastal areas. Each barangay was rated with low, moderate or high landslide susceptibility whereas areas

susceptible to coastal and riverine flooding were assessed in terms of flood height, recurrence interval (as per interview), extent of damage and turbidity. The rating parameters for landslides are as follows: High Presence of active and/ or recent landslides Presence of numerous and large tension cracks that would directly affect the community Areas with drainages that are prone to landslides damming Steep slopes Moderate Areas with indicative and/or old landslides Presence of small tension cracks and are located away from the community Moderate slopes Low Low to gently sloping No presence of tension cracks PHYSIOGRAPHY The geomorphology of Alubijid is largely influenced by its underlying geology, structures such as fractures and faults and the dynamic processes along its watershed. The topography of Alubijid varies depending on the distribution of rocks underlying the area. There are at least four geomorphic zones in Alubijid. These are the upper valley section, lower valley section, karst and coastal area. The upper valley section is characterized by rolling to undulating topography (Photos 5 and 6) and narrow valleys. It is underlain by ultramafic rocks and Opol Formation. The ultramafic rock is part of the Caballero Mountain Range. Opol Formation is composed of lava flows and tuffaceous clastics. Lava flow served as water-bearing rock unit of Tula Spring (Photo 7). A small lake lies at the northernmost portion of Barangay Tula. This section includes Barangay Tula and portions of Barangay Sungay. The lower valley section is being shaped by the dynamic processes along Alubijids drainage system. Alubijids drainage system is moderate to sparse composed of small creeks such as Domanog creek, Lourdes creek and other unnamed creeks, Mahan-og and Alubijid Rivers. The morphology (sinuousity) of Alubijid River is largely influenced by the underlying rocks and the Alubijid Fault. Tributaries from Caballero Mountain Range and other elevated terrains join Alubijid River once it reaches lower valley section. Barangays within the lower valley section are Lourdes, Sungay, Taparak, Tugasnon. The karst area of Alubijid is composed of coralline limestone that exhibits undulating to sloping topography. Coralline limestone within this section form

cliffs and rolling hills that extends from Barangay Talaba, Lagtang, Lumbo, parts of Benigwayan and Poblaction all the way to coastal areas which includes barangays Baybay, Loguilo and Molocboloc. Small, intermittent creeks were observed within the karst area which is typical of such terrain. The coastal areas are gently sloping to flat and characterized by sand bars, estuaries, limestone buffs and flood plain. Portions of this area were converted to fish ponds (Photo 19) and residential areas.

METEOROLOGY The province of Misamis Oriental falls below Type 3 (Table 1, Figure 1) of Corona Climate Classification system which means that seasons are not very pronounced, dry from November to April and wet during the rest of the year. The Municipality of Alubijid (shown by pink arrow in Figures 1, 2 and 3) receives 1000-2000 millimeters of rain per annual average (Figure 2) and 124.4 168.8 millimeters annual monthly average (Figure 3). Strong winds from northeast monsoon hit the coastal areas of Iligan Bay from December to March.

Study Area

Figure 1 Corona Climate Classification distribution in Mindanao Island.

Table 1 Philippiness Corona Climate Classification System Type Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Description Two pronounced seasons, dry from Nov to Apr; wet during the rest of the year No dry season with a very pronounced rainfall from Nov to Jan Season not very pronounced, dry from Nov to Apr and wet during the rest of the year Rainfall more or less evenly distributed throughout the year

Study Area

Figure 2 Annual rain distributions in Mindanao. Shown by the arrow pink is the location of the study area.

Study Area

Figure 3 Annual monthly averages in Mindanao. Shown by the pink arrow is the location of the study area.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Based on the rapid geologic hazards/geohazard assessment study conducted in Alubijid, there are two barangays rated moderate, five barangays rated low and 10 barangays rated none in terms of Landslide Susceptibility Rating. Barangay Tula is cut by a number of active normal faults and slump structures associated with sag ponds and step like topography. These faults and slump structures (Photos 1, 2, 3 and 4) were observed to be associated with sag ponds. One of these slump structures were noted within the grounds of Tula Elementary School (Photo 2). Fortunately, no houses were observed directly below the downthrown or actively subsiding blocks. Old rock fall deposits were observed in Barangay Sungay (Photo 9). Although there hasnt been any reported rock fall recently, recurrence of such type of landslide is a possibility considering that outcrops of limestone were observed in the area. Active quarry was observed along the highway in Barangay Loguilo (Photos 23 and 24). This quarry may result to slope instabilities and landslide in the future if proper benching is not done in the area.

In Barangay Lumbo, Alubijid Fault (Photo 16) has been active for the last 20 years or so based on interview with Barangay 2nd Kagawad Ruth Antig. According to her, the national highway (Photo 15) used to be located at Purok 4 of Lumbo but was relocated to Purok 1 because of the active subsidence around Alubijid Fault which unfortunately traverses the said purok. The Lumbo end of Alubijid Fault appears to be a Normal Fault that cuts through Indahag Limestone. Surrounding the displaced road is evidence of subsidence (topographic lows) and slump structures (step-like morphology, Photo 17) that are not clearly visible due to vegetation cover. Houses were observed along the fault zone (Photo 18) particularly along the subsiding block with slump structures. There has been occurrence of riverine and coastal floods in the past within the Municipality of Alubijid. Although rainfall data in Alubijid shows that it receives 1000-2000 millimeters of rain per annual average (Figure 2) and 124.4 168.8 millimeters annual monthly average (Figure 3) only, abnormal climatic conditions can lead to excess precipitation which may result to flash floods along the major drainage system of the area such as the Alubijid River and its tributaries and Mahan-og River. In August 11, 2002 for instance, Alubijid River overflowed in some portions of Barangays Lourdes and Benigwayan flooding houses and school along it. This happens when increase in volume of water and soil content or turbidity causes the river to deviate from its original path attenuating houses along its banks and floodplain. Increase in turbidity of water is due to several factors such as deforestation along the banks and source area and loosening up of sand by quarry within the river bed (Photo 14) as in the case of Barangay Lourdes. Garbage dumped along the riverbanks (Photo 13) to some degree may also cause clogging of the drainage. In Barangay Taparak, sheet flood is common during heavy rains as most of the houses are concentrated along the road opposite outcrops of Opol Formation. In addition, the area has very poor or absent drainage system. Mahan-og River overflowed in 2004 affecting portions of Barangay Calatcat particularly Purok 6. Some portions of Alubijid coastal area is attenuated occasionally by strong waves resulting to flood and erosion such as that in Barangay Baybay, Loguilo and Molocboloc. Houses get damaged by strong waves from December to March during which northeast monsoon hit the coastline of Iligan Bay. In Purok 3, Barangay Baybay houses constructed makeshift seawall (Photo 20) made up of bamboo and old car tires to protect their properties from strong waves. Mangroves were also planted along the beach (Photo 21). In Barangay Molocboloc, coastal flood supplies water to their fish ponds (Photo 19) during rainy season. These fish ponds are converted to salt flats during summer.

Photo 1 Sharp termination in grass growth indicates the fault line in Barangay Tula. Left side of the fault is actively subsiding. Note the creep failure shown by the coconut trees. Photo 2 The right side block of this normal fault (red hashed line) within the school grounds in Barangay Tula has been actively subsiding since 1980s based on interviews.



Photo 3 Actively subsiding block (as in photo 1) and associated sag pond at Barangay Tula. Photo taken from the other side of the road. Photo 4 Same sag pond from Photo 3 on a closer view. Similar sag ponds were observed along the downthrown block within the school ground in Barangay Tula.

Photo 5 Volcanic cone (?) at Barangay Tula. Photo 6 Hinterlands in Barangay Tula. The barangay proper is situated at the footslope proximal to Tula Spring (Photo 7).

Photo 7 Lava flow deposit is the water bearing unit in Tula Spring. Photo 8 Creek at Purok 2, Barangay Sungay overflows during heavy rains and attenuates these houses.

Photo 9 Very old rock fall deposits in Barangay Sungay composed of limestone boulders. Photo 10 Houses were observed along the footslope of a hill in Barangay Lourdes.

Photo 11 More houses were found along the footslope of another hill in Barangay Lourdes. Photo 12 A house is being built at the footslope of a hill showing debris slide in Barangay Lourdes.

Photo 13 Garbage dump site in Barangay Lourdes is quite proximal to Alubijid River. Photo 14 The Alubijid River is being quarried for sand by the municipality.

Photo 15 This part of Lumbo, Alubijid is where the old highway used to be located. The roads continuity got terminated about 20 years or so ago when the active normal fault (red line and arrow) resulted to more than 20 feet of displacement of the downthrown block. Photo 16 Closer look at the fault scar (red line of Photo 16) along a limestone wall (horst).

Photo 17 Corn fields proximal to the fault in Lumbo, Alubijid is slumping based on step-like configuration of the soil (actively subsiding?). Photo 18 Small houses were observed along the subsiding block within the fault zone in Barangay Lumbo, Alubijid.

Photo 19 Fish ponds along coastal area in Barangay Molocboloc, Alubijid. Arrow is pointing to the sea. Photo 20 This house in Purok 3, Baybay constructed a makeshift seawall composed of bamboo and old car tyres to protect it from incoming strong waves that are common in the area during December to March northeast monsoon.

Photo 21 Mangroves that were planted along the coast in Purok 3, Baybay may help break the strong waves caused by northeast monsoon in the future. Photo 22 Coconut trees fell when strong waves hit the area in Loguilo near Don Ben beach resort.

Photo 23 and 24 Active limestone quarry along the highway in Barangay Loguilo, Alubijid.

Table 2 Summary of the Rapid Geohazard Assessment in Alubijid. Barangay Landslide Other Remarks Susceptibility Geohazards Rating Tula Moderate Flood (rare, No houses along the riverbanks; houses very low risk) concentrated on elevated terrains. Tula spring/waterfall (Photo 7) appears to have steplike structure wherein each landing contains shallow water pools; active tension cracks and normal faults and slumps associated with sag ponds (Photos 1, 2, 3 and 4) where observed within the area. Progress of these structures should be monitored. Areas along slope (Purok 4 and 6) and creeks (Purok 6) should monitor for landslide and creek water levels. Lagtang Low Flood (very Purok 1-along slope so should monitor for rare, very low landslide and tension cracks. Purok 4 is proximal risk) to Mahan-ob creek so should monitor for water level and soil content. Lumbo Low to Flood (very Active normal fault which resulted to Moderate rare) abandonment of old highway in Purok 4, Lumbo (Purok 4 and 1) (Photos 15, 16, 17 and 18); limestone blocks along the fault are actively moving for the last 20 years or so as per interview. No houses should be built along the fault zone and constant monitoring of any movements, cracks along the area is strictly advised. Lourdes Low Riverine Flood August 11, 2002-flood along Alubijid River (along Alubijid affected several houses and school at Purok 1. River) Sheet flood is common during heavy rains. Monitor river water level especially during rainy days. Purok 3 and 4 (Sikiton) are situated at the footslope of Caballero Mountain so monitoring for landslides, tension cracks is strictly advised. Houses found at the footslope of some hills (Photos 10, 11 and 12) within the barangay are likewise advised to monitor the slope for tension cracks and landslide during rainy days. Garbage dumpsite (Photo 13) is situated near Alubijid River. Sand quarry along Alubijjd River was observed (Photo 14); Sand quarry may increase turbidity of water during flood. Sungay Low Old rock fall deposits (Photo 9) composed of limestone boulders were observed, possible recurrence may happen in the future. Purok 2 is near a creek that overflows during heavy rains so monitoring for water level is strictly advised. Taparak Low Riverine Flood Area is rolling to sloping in some parts so sheet (along Alubijid flood during heavy rains affect some of the houses River) along the road (usually at the foot slope). Purok 1 is near Alubijid River whereas Purok 4 is near a creek so both areas should monitor for water level and soil content (turbidity). Tugasnon Low Riverine Flood Puroks 1, 2 and 6 are along the creeks, namely,



Riverine Flood; Coastal flood and erosion



Riverine Flood



Riverine Flood





Sheet Flood

Molocboloc Poblacion Sampatulog Talaba

None None None None

Coastal Flood Riverine Flood (rare) Riverine Flood

Burakan, Bongbongon and Luasi respectively, so monitor creek water level during heavy rains. Purok 7 and Purok 2 are situated near and at the mouth of Alubijid River, respectively so prone to riverine + coastal flood; Purok 3 is prone to coastal erosion and flood (Photos 20 and 21) when strong waves caused by northeast monsoon hit the beaches affecting houses in the area. Northeast monsoon is experienced from December to March. Purok 2 and 6 are near Alubijid creeks that got flooded in 2002. Puroks 4 and 7 are situated near slopes so monitor for tension cracks and landslides. Purok 6 is situated near Mahan-ob River that got flooded in 2004 affecting livestock so monitor for creek water level especially during heavy rains. Puroks 1, 3 and 6 are situated near the coast; Lanao creek gets flooded during heavy rains affecting portions of Purok 1 and 3. Monitor creek water level especially during heavy rains. Alubijid River lies at the boundary between Poblaction and Loguilo; Purok 4 is along the coast where coastal erosion during northeast monsoon was observed (Photo 22); monitor water level and soil content along Alubijid River. Active limestone quarry at Purok 1 (Photos 23 and 24) along the highway may result to slope instabilities so monitor for rock falls, debris slides and tension cracks. Coastal flood is common in Purok 4. (Photo 19) Puroks 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are near Alubijid River so monitor for water level during heavy rains. Purok 4 is situated near Mahan-og River so monitor water level and soil content (turbidity).

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS There are at least two types of countermeasures to disasters, the long term and immediate. Long term countermeasures involve solutions that will reduce if not annihilate completely the impact of geologic hazards. Immediate countermeasures are the instantaneous response during disasters such as floods, earthquakes, landslides and storm surges. In this report, both types of solutions will be discussed but with emphasis on the long term countermeasures. Immediate Countermeasures Residents living near the river should evacuate immediately if the water level within the valley has increased to considerable height. Although the rainy season is not pronounced throughout the year, heavy rains occur during the

months January, February, June, September and December. Residents should be extra alert and watchful during these months. A warning device should be developed within the community to alert residents should flood occur. Warning devices come in different forms such as cellular phones, radios, church bells etc. Evacuation centers should be situated far from rivers and creeks, if possible, located on elevated areas. These centers should also be complete in facilities, First Aid Kits, food, blankets and other basic necessities. In areas prone to landslides, tension cracks, landslide scars, rock falls and other landslide indicators should be reported to the Barangay Disaster Coordinating Council or BDCC. BDCC should then report these to Municipal Disaster Coordinating Council so that proper authorities will be alerted. The authorities shall then help facilitate in the evacuation and relocation of landslide victims. A rescue team should be organized within each barangay. Landslide occurs in such a short time that time is essential in saving lives. It will therefore save more lives if immediate help from within the barangay is available. During storm surge, residents should immediately evacuate to an elevated area far away from the coast. Avoid going near the coast and river mouths as these areas are inundated by incoming strong waves. Long Term Countermeasures Rain triggers movement of unstable soil, rocks and vegetation along slopes and increases the water level along rivers and creeks. Determining the volume of rain in the atmosphere using radar has been utilized in other countries. Unfortunately, this kind of technology is not available in Philippines due to operation and maintenance cost it requires. Nevertheless, during heavy rains, river or creek water level and increase in turbidity or soil content should be monitored. A rain gauge for each barangay would have been helpful in monitoring the distribution of rain throughout the year. But since, rain gauges are expensive, improvised rain gauges in the form of bottles, buckets with known volume are enough. These rain gauges should be put in areas where evaporation by heat is minimal. In areas where flood is common, artificial levees built along the river bank may help protect the community from the flash flood. However, these levees should be well-designed to withstand extreme flooding. Sediments that pile up along the channel should be dredged every now and then so that depth of the valley is maintained. Garbages should not be thrown near or towards the rivers (Photo 13) and creeks as these clog the channel. Clogged channels results to deviation of the water from its natural path and increases its level worsening flood situations. Although residential houses are concentrated on the plains, a number of houses have been found situated along the slopes. Occurrences of landslides in some

areas in Alubijid are signs of slope instabilities. Therefore, recurrence of slope failures and landslides is a big probability. Houses should not be built at the foot slope or along the slope of hills, mountains and ridges particularly in areas where rocks are highly fractured, faulted or sheared or where soil thickness exceeds one meter. However, for areas that are already used for housing development, constant monitoring of slopes is strictly recommended. Proper drainage system should be built so that excess water will not be absorbed into the soil to avoid down slope movement and slope failures. Since most residents refuse evacuation for livelihood-related reasons, maintaining stability of slopes and monitoring for landslides become their responsibility. Karst areas are prone to ground subsidence. This is because limestone is easily weathered and eroded by rainwater. Development along karst areas should be limited to small houses and establishments only. Areas with known caves underneath should not be developed for housing as these are naturally unstable and prone to ground failure. Flash floods are also common in such terrain so people should be ready during heavy rains. Constant monitoring of rain fall volume and duration and vigilance are highly recommended. If possible, a good drainage system should be built in the area to constantly drain it from excess water. These alternative countermeasures may not totally annihilate the risk caused by geologic hazards but these will help prime movers in planning land use and development. Risk increases as population along areas highly susceptible to geologic hazards increases. This report should therefore serve as guidelines for any future community development plans.

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