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Com 134 Syllabus Fall 2012

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Com 134 Interpersonal Communication (3 Hrs)

Dr. Karly Way

Yavapai College, Fall 2012, CRN 35027, 35006, 35063
Complete entirely online or as a hybrid class, Wednesdays, 2-3:15 pm, G-106 Verde

How To Reach Your Professor:

You can expect me to respond to your email within 24 hours throughout the semester. Please send your email through Blackboard (my reply will come to your YC Scholar email address). If you dont receive a response, check your junk mail folder to ensure that your spam blocker does not classify or Blackboard email as spam. All students have YC Scholar email accounts provided to them, which can be accessed through the YC portal. Please be aware that any emails that I send to you will go to your YC Scholar account. Check this email account regularly (at least three times a week), as it will be the primary mode of communication between us. Note: You can set this account to forward to another email address if you would prefer. For more information, see

Office Location: Verde Campus M Bldg. 223, 928.634.6551 (Voice mail & office hours on Wednesdays)

Office Hours:

Virtual Office Hours M 8-10 am Virtual Office Hours T 8-9 am Office Hours W 9 am-12:30 pm; 3:15-4:15 pm Virtual Office Hours TH 8-9 am Virtual Office Hours F 8-9 am

Bridges: Making Meaningful Connections, by Karly Way, Ph.D. New York: Linus Publications, 2010. You may order directly from the publisher, or on, ISBN: 1-60797-092-9

Course Description:
Build healthy personal and professional relationships. Includes listening, coping with criticism, resolving conflicts, managing emotions, nonverbal communication, and developing empathy for gender and cultural differences. This course fulfills three credits of the Communication requirement for the Arizona General Education Curriculum.

YC Course Learning Outcomes:

1. 2. 3. 4. Identify the impact of perception on the communication process. Evaluate personality traits affecting communication. Construct strategies for overcoming debilitative emotions caused by irrational thinking. Implement strategies for listening and responding to others. 1

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Differentiate between the use of concrete and abstract language. Define strategies for analyzing the meaning of nonverbal messages. Identify skills for building positive relationships. Model skills for appropriate self-disclosure in a variety of interpersonal relationships. Implement strategies for recognizing and managing the cause of conflict in relationships.

10. Define the differences between assertive & aggressive behavior & identify the consequences of each. 11. Differentiate between stereotypes and legitimate differences in communication styles, based on gender and cultural background.

Course Grading
A = 450 points or above B = 400-449 points C = 350-399 points D = 300-349 points F = 299 points or below

Your final grade is determined by the total points you accumulate by the last day of the semester. Selfmanage your progress by checking your point total throughout the semester. (Click on the View Grades to view your points.) Once you reach the threshold of points youd like to earn in the class, you're done! It's that easy! See the List of Possible Assignments below to choose which assignments to complete and which to skip.

List of Possible Assignments

1. Syllabus Agreement (All students complete on Blackboard) 2. Meet the Class Assignments (Discussion Board + Blog or In-Class) 3. Online Students: Discussion Boards or Blogs Hybrid Students: In-Class Activities 4. Chapter Journals (All students complete on Blackboard) 5. Chapter Quizzes (All students complete on Blackboard) 6. Movie Application OR Interview Essay 7. Online Students: Final Project Wiki (50 pts) Hybrid Students: Final Presentation (50 pts) & Optional Peer Reviews (25 pts) 5 points 20 points 150 points

150 points 50 points 50 points 75 points

Yes, This Class Features Pre-Recorded Lectures!

Take the time to watch/listen online or download the lectures to your iPod or Mp3 player. This will orient you to the chapter and prepare you for the quizzes, short essays and all other class assignments. 2

Access all recorded lectures for this class by logging on to our Blackboard site and then click on the Tegrity Lectures tab. Use Internet Explorer as your web browser and remove your Pop-Up Blocker. If you run into any issues with Tegrity, contact the Help Desk. Here is the contact information for the Help Desk: 928.776.2168 (Prescott), 928.649.5558 (Verde), or email HelpDesk (Please remember, Im just the professor, not a tech support expert ;-) Hybrid students: We are following a flipped class schedule, so youll watch the lectures prior to our class meeting, to be fully prepared for our point-earning, in-class activities. If you would like a study guide, you may print an outline of my PowerPoint lecture recorded on Tegrity. Click on the Assignments tab, then the chapter folder. The first item listed will be the chapter outline. Each outline will follow the Tegrity lecture. Hint: All chapter quizzes are based on the topics I highlight during each recorded lecture.

Chapter Quiz details (All Students):

Chapter Quizzes are taken online and consist of 5 or more Multiple Choice or True-False Questions. Click on the Assignments tab on Blackboard and into each chapter folder to access chapter quizzes. Use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome as your web browser when attempting quizzes.

Chapter Journal details (All Students)

In each chapter folder on Blackboard, youll find a link to a Journal Application to complete. Follow the instructions to earn points for these activities. Click on the Assignments tab to access these assignments

Discussion Board and Blog details (Online Students)

Before your first chapter post, print & read the Discussion Forum Guidelines & Grading Rubric (click on the Syllabus tab and scroll down). For maximum credit, answer ONE question of your choice in 150-250 words & support your remarks with an informative web link (e.g., a news article, academic research even a link to a short YouTube video or NPR audio clip, etc.) Youll also see examples of strong discussion forum posts. To earn an additional 5 pts total per chapter, post TWO peer responses on the chapter discussion forum. Please reflect on & respond to others posts (including mine!) by building upon shared content and/or offering examples from your own life/observations. Peer posts may be considerably shorter than discussion posts (4-6 sentences, on average), but must be substantive to earn credit (i.e., you go girl & I agree even in 4-6 sentences are not point-worthy ;-) Be insightful & reflective. Forum Management: We all vary in our degree of comfort with self-disclosure. If youd prefer not to share details of your personal life, feel free to comment on someone you know ;-) or even make a pop culture observation. All class members share in the responsibility to ensure that our class environment remains fun, informative (& respectful!) See the Discussion Forum Guidelines for more details. Confidentiality: One of the cornerstones of this class is the practical application of theoretical concepts. Students may illustrate lessons using their own observations and experiences without identifying specific individuals by name. In order to assure free and open discussion, expectations are that each student will respect the confidentiality regarding what fellow classmates share. At the same time, each student should exercise good judgment in what is chosen to share, avoiding non-public or competitively sensitive information. In addition, students must avoid forwarding information shared in class with anyone not currently enrolled in that same course section. In certain chapter folders, youll find a link to a Blog to complete. Follow the instructions to earn points for these activities. To earn an additional 5 pts total, post TWO peer responses to blogs. 3

Movie Application and Interview Essay details

Click on the Assignments tab on Blackboard to access these assignments. Youll find folders on each of these optional assignments (complete ONE if youre looking to earn an A in the class), with a link to submit your work. Hybrid Students: We will be completing our Movie Application in class.

Final Project details

Your final project of the semester is to focus on a topic that is relevant to your life, interests (and/or challenges!) in interpersonal communication, and one that I did not cover in our Tegrity class lectures. See our topic selection board under the Discussion Board tab on Blackboard for ideas. Online Students: Your Wiki portfolio is due at the of the semester (see your Course Calendar and Blackboard for deadlines) and will consist of: (1) A written summary of your topic and findings (250 words+) with three relevant photos/graphics (35 points) (2) Five relevant web links (5 points) (3) One YouTube video (10 points)

Hybrid Students: Youll complete an online portfolio, using for an in-class presentation at the end of the semester. You will be evaluated on: (1) A PowerPoint-type slide presentation (6-8) slides, including a video clip (25 points) (2) An in-class informal presentation of your topic in 6-8 minutes (25 points)

See the Final Project folder under the Assignments tab on Blackboard for additional details, including your deadlines, instructional videos on how to use, suggested case study topics and a Grading Rubric. All Students: To earn 25 additional points, youll provide substantive comments on the Wikis of up to five classmates (due on the last day of class).

Class Policies
BLACKBOARD ISSUES: If youre having any issues with Blackboard, click on the Blackboard Help or YC Online Support tabs on our Blackboard course site. Alternatively, you may click on this web link to trouble shoot: You may reach the YC Help Desk 24-7 by phone, 928.776.2168 (Prescott), 928.649.5558 (Verde), or by email, PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY: You are responsible for any information communicated in class, via Blackboard or email. You are strongly encouraged to print the Course Calendar at the end of this Syllabus as a reminder for unit and assignment deadlines in this course. Log on to our course and check your YC Scholar email regularly throughout the semester. The only way to fail this course is to walk away or complete little/nothing, so take ownership. Everything is at your fingertips if you are self-motivated and manage your time and efforts effectively.

Late Policies: A major part of our class is peer discussion, to learn from each others perspectives & experiences. Dialogues cannot happen when the rest of the class has moved on to other chapters. Assignments are late if they are not posted (in a format that I can open and read) by 11:59 pm M.S.T. on the day they are due. Late assignments receive a 10% deduction for each day they are late. Assignments more than four days late will not be accepted unless the student and professor have negotiated and mutually agreed upon an alternative submission date in advance. Assignments submitted after the last day of the semester will not be accepted. Sorry, once quizzes disappear, they may not be made up. On Working Ahead: There are times that I will open units early for you, by request. I continue to add course content throughout the semester and prefer to hold off on opening future units. However, if your work in a previous unit has been graded (and was completed in a thoughtful, engaging and excellent manner ;-) please email me and I can open the next unit for you. I will not open additional units for substandard work. On Grading: I will grade your work weekly throughout the semester, to help you to keep track of your points. Watch for my Announcement at the beginning of the semester; your class will likely be graded on a Friday or a Monday each week. ATTENDANCE POLICY: You must maintain active participation throughout the semester to remain enrolled in this class. If you fail to complete work for three weeks (one unit) and/or miss three weeks of class (Hybrid students), you will be dropped from this course.

Instructor-Initiated Withdraw: Do not hesitate to let me know if anything is going on in your life that is interfering with your class performance. If you miss an entire unit of work, I will contact you via your YC Scholar email address. If I do not hear from you within 24 hours, I reserve the right to withdraw you from the class. Student-Initiated Withdraw: If you have not withdrawn from class by the student withdraw deadline (October 14, 2012), you will receive the letter grade earned in the course at the end of the semester. If you believe you have extenuating circumstances, email your professor prior to the last week of the semester. CLASSROOM CIVILITY: It is imperative that all members of this college course observe basic standards of classroom civility, which include: o Displaying respect for all members of the classroom community: your professor, fellow students & guest speakers. Behave toward class members as you would have us behave toward you. Specifically for Hybrid Students: Attentiveness to and participation in group activities, workshops, and other exercises. Multi-tasking on your phone or laptop is not being attentive and is disruptive to your professor and other students. Avoidance of racist, sexist, homophobic, and other negative language that may unnecessarily exclude members of our campus and classroom community.

These features of classroom civility represent the minimal behaviors that help to make the classroom a pleasant experience for all concerned. If anyone in our class complains about your behavior, it meets the definition of disruptive. A student may be withdrawn from a course for disruptive behavior. Your professor reserves the right to use the colleges Early Alert System to advise Student Services of disruptive behavior and Code of Conduct Violations.

Yavapai College Code of Conduct

By membership in the Yavapai College academic community, students accept a responsibility to abide by the policies and procedures outlined in the Yavapai College Student Code of Conduct. All educational activities at Yavapai College are conducted in an environment that encourages reasoned discourse, intellectual honesty, openness to constructive change and respect for the rights of all persons. The Student Code of Conduct is intended to maintain order and stability, and preserve all educational functions of the college setting forth standards of conduct expected of students as well as other members of the College community.

The Code of Conduct is a description of the rights and obligations of each member of the Yavapai College learning community. You may obtain a copy of the YC Code of Conduct at the Director of Residence Life Office (Bldg. 1, 132B, on the Prescott Campus; The Office of Student Affairs on the Verde Valley Campus, the Chino Valley Education Center; the Prescott Valley Center, and the Sedona Center for Arts & Technology). Examples of Undesirable Behavior Which May Result in Referral to a Student Conduct Officer: o Behavior which threatens or endangers the health of safety of any person, such as physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion. Failure to comply with directive from College Official. Failure to comply with other published rules. Furnishing false information to the College Official/Office. Forgery, unauthorized alteration or unauthorized use of a College document, record, or identification. Student academic dishonesty, falsification, plagiarism. Per Yavapai College policy: Plagiarism is defined as submitting any academic work which is not entirely the work of the student, deliberately or accidentally. This can include, but is not limited to, not giving proper credit to a source, expanding someone else work without giving proper credit, directly using someone elses ideas without giving proper credit, and deliberately changing selective words to misrepresent someone elses work as ones own. Your instructor reserves the right to submit any work in question through anti-plagiarism software.

o o o o o

If charged with a violation, you will be notified when and where you are to appear for a hearing conference with a Student Conduct Officer (Prescott Campus: Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Director of Residence Life, Residence Hall Directors; Verde Campus: Assistant Dean of Student Affairs). A hearing conference is a meeting with a Student Conduct Officer to settle on the truth of the incident, your involvement, and to deliver sanctions, if necessary. Sanctions include written and verbal warnings, educational referrals, community service assignments, restitution, college and housing probations, suspensions, expulsions, and involuntary withdrawal from a course or the college.

Student Resources
Academic Advising: Academic advisors can help you select classes & a major, create a university transfer plan, explore career options, develop effective study skills & identify resources to help you reach your goals. Personal counseling and referrals are also available. See Learning Center: There are free tutors available for this class. The Learning Center (located just beyond the library on the first floor of the M Building), provides free services to all registered Yavapai College students, including free tutoring in most subjects, study groups, and even Skype tutoring. See Disability Support Services: Yavapai College is committed to providing educational support services to students with documented disabilities. Contact Disability Resources to discuss a disability with the coordinator and arrange any needed accommodations Guidelines on Withdrawing from Courses: Please talk to an academic advisor to discuss the impact of withdrawing from, or failing a course. A grade of U is not calculated in a students GPA; a grade of F is included. For students receiving financial aid, to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress, the U grade may be more beneficial in meeting cumulative GPA requirements. However, if a student is receiving Veterans benefits, the VA will NOT pay benefits for a U grade, but will pay for a grade of F (last date of attendance must be verified in this scenario). Students can only apply 12 credit hours of S/U grading toward graduation requirements; students can NOT use S/U grades in any classes used to meet AGEC requirements. It is up to YOU to advise your professor of which grading option you would prefer, prior to the last day of our course. 6

Getting Started in Com 134

Step One: Access our Blackboard Course Site: o Go to the Yavapai College web site: Type your USERNAME and PASSWORD to log in to the portal. (If youre having trouble logging on, contact the Help Desk. You may reach the YC Help Desk 24-7 by phone, 928.776.2168 (Prescott), 928.649.5558 (Verde) or by email, After you successfully log in, click on our course, Com 134. Scan the menu on your left. Click on the Syllabus tab to read online and/or print a hard copy of our Syllabus. Read our Syllabus carefully and complete the Syllabus Agreement (5 pts) by Sunday at midnight. Its one question only, for you to indicate that you agree to the terms of our Syllabus. Youll also find the Discussion Forum Guidelines and Grading Rubric for discussion board posts (if youre completing the class online).

Step Two: Follow Along with the Assignments o Click on the Assignments tab. Click into the Week 1 Welcome folder and (Online students) complete Meet the Class assignments. Note that we are on unit deadlines and youll have plenty of time to settle into the class, (download the book!) and find your own self-managed pace before your first unit assignments are due. Access my recorded lectures for this class by clicking on the Tegrity Lectures button on Blackboard. You can download each lecture to your iPod or Mp3 player. (See the Tegrity Lecture details above.) Click on the Assignments tab, then into each chapter folder. Hybrid students: bring any questions you have to class (or Online students, post on the Ask Karly discussion board Ill answer if your classmates dont first ).

Welcome to Com 134!

Course Calendar

1. Aug. 20-26 WELCOME TO THE CLASS! Online Students: Welcome Discussion Forum, Hello Its Me Blog All Students: Syllabus Agreement due Sunday, Aug. 26 at midnight Note: Your Book is Not Needed to Complete These Assignments

2. 3. 4. 5.

Aug. 27-Sept. 2 Sept. 3-9 Sept. 10-16 Sept. 17-23

Unit I
View Tegrity Lectures: Ch. 1 Making a Case for Interpersonal Communication Ch. 2 I Already Know Who You Are Ch. 3 And This Is Me Online Students: All Unit I Discussion Board or Blog Posts due Friday, Sept. 21st All Students: All other Unit I Assignments due Sunday, Sept. 23 at midnight

6. 7. 8. 9.

Sept. 24-30 Oct. 1-7 Oct. 8-14 Oct. 15-21

Unit II
View Tegrity Lectures: Ch. 4 Communicating from the Inside Out Ch. 5 Please Listen to Me Ch. 6 Round and Round in Intimate Relationships Online Students: All Unit II Discussion Board or Blog Posts due Friday, Oct. 19th All Students: All other Unit II Assignments due Sunday, Oct. 21 at midnight

10. Oct. 22-28 11. Oct. 29-Nov. 4 12. Nov. 5-11 13. Nov. 12-18 14. Nov. 19-25 THANKSGIVING! 15. Nov 26-Dec. 2 16. Dec. 3-8

Movie Application Option Due Sunday, Oct. 28th at midnight Unit III
View Tegrity Lectures: Ch. 7 Who, MeDifficult? Ch. 8 When Everyone Around You Acts Like a 5-Year-Old Ch. 9 And Thats Why They Call It Work Ch. 10 Extending Your Hand Online Students: All Unit III Discussion Board or Blog Posts due Friday, Nov. 30th All Students: All other Unit III Assignments due Sunday, Dec. 2nd at midnight

Interview Essay Option Due Sunday, Dec. 2nd at midnight Final Wiki due Dec. 6th Peer comments due Dec. 8th

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