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Pharmacy Daily For Mon 13 Aug 2012 - Price Cut Rewards, Radar, Dementia Priority, Heart Disease and Much More...

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Pharmacy Daily Monday13th August 2012 T 1300 799 220 W

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P H A R M A C Y DA LY. C O M . A U Monday 13 August 2012
Call 1800 036 367 or visit
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THE Government is reaping huge
rewards from the April
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
reforms, with the latest data
showing the changes have
produced a large drop in the
average cost to the Government of
PBS prescriptions.
The data comes from the first
month to include the full impact of
the April price reductions, June
These reductions, according to
the Medicines Partnership Australia,
have seen a $5 drop in the average
cost of prescriptions falling
from just over $44 to just over $39.
This is the clearest
demonstration yet of the significant
savings being reaped by the
government through the Expanded
and Accelerated Price Disclosure
program, the Medicines
Partnership said.
It is further confirmation that PBS
expenditure is being kept well under
control, the Partnership added.
Contained within the Medicines
Partnerships PBS Scorecard for
August, the June 2012 data found
that the volume of prescriptions
recorded in the month was 75%
higher than the same month in
2011, and was 30% higher than any
other month in history.
This remarkable result has however
been downplayed by the Medicines
Partnership, which said that it is
clearly not a true reflection of
actual dispensing activity in
community pharmacies in June.
Detailed analysis of the data
reveals that the Department of
Human Services (DHS, formerly
Medicare Australia) slowed down
their average processing times in
the nine months to April 2012, the
Partnership said.
The backlog of pharmacy claims
was rapidly cleared by DHS in May
and June.
This volatility is likely to have
resulted in 2011-12 financial year
growth being overstated in the
official figures, the Partnership
MEANWHILE, the Medicines
Partnership has used the data
confusion to argue that the nation
needs to have clear, agreed,
publicly available measures of
volume and price growth in the
PBS, so that Government, industry
and all stakeholders can make
meaningful comparisons and draw
reliable projections.
NPS August Radar
THIS Months NPS Radar reviews
rasagiline (Azilect) for Parkinsons
disease, as well as the PRODIGY study.
Rasagiline is a new monoamine
oxidase type-B inhibitor to treat
symptoms of Parkinsons disease.
Rasagiline may be suitable for
people presenting with less severe
Parkinsons disease symptoms or
levodopa-associated motor
complications and is an option for
people when side effects restrict
the use or dopamine agonists or
entacapone, said NPS clinical
adviser Dr Philippa Binns.
The drug however, according to
Binns, may not be suitable for
people already on antidepressants,
and in instances where this is a
possibility, Binns recommends
specialist advice be sought.
Meanwhile Binns also used Radar
to comment on the PRODIGY study
which reviewed the duration of
dual antiplatelet therapy.
The study highlights the need for
a review of dual antiplatelet
therapy at 12 months, she said.
For most people the benefit of
treatment beyond this period may
not be sufficient to offset the risk of
a major bleed, she added.
The latest edition of Radar also
includes info on PBS listing changes
to synthetic infant formulas for
protein intolerances; as well as info
relating to the bone mineral density
T-score cut-off changed in the
demosumab osteoporosis PBS listing.
Price cuts reap in rewards
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Pharmacy Alliance
PHARMACY Alliance is promoting
its three levels of membership,
saying it can help raise gross profit
business-wide, see p3 for details.
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P H A R M A C Y DA LY. C O M . A U Monday 13 August 2012
Weekly Comment Weekly Comment
Weekly Comment
Welcome to PDs
weekly comment
feature. This
weeks contributor
is Roma Cecere,
GM for Patient
Care division of GuildLink.
Recording of Clinical
Interventions in
Phormocy Dolly ls o ubllcotlon for hoolth rofosslonols of Phormocy Dolly Pty Ltd AN 7 124 04 04. All contont fully rotoctod by coyrlqht. Plooso obtoln wrltton ormlsslon from tho odltor to roroduco ony motorlol. Whllo ovory coro hos boon
tolon ln tho roorotlon of Phormocy Dolly no lloblllty con bo occotod for orrors or omlsslons. nformotlon ls ubllshod ln qood folth to stlmuloto lndoondont lnvostlqotlon of tho mottors convossod. Rosonslblllty for odltorlol ls tolon by ruco Plor.
EDITORS Bruce Piper and Amanda Collins EMAIL ADVERTISING Magda Herdzik EMAIL page 2
Under the provisions of the 5
Community Pharmacy Agreement
(5CPA) Australian pharmacies
began the recording of Clinical
Interventions on 1 July 2012.
As defined in the 5CPA Program
Specific Guidelines A Clinical
Intervention is a professional
activity undertaken by a registered
pharmacist directed towards
improving the quality use of
medicines by patients. It may result
in a recommendation for a change
in the patients medication therapy,
means of administration and/or
medication-taking behaviour.
In January 2012, Dr Michael
Ortiz compared the rates of
clinical interventions recorded in
the PROMISe III Study to the
clinical interventions recorded in
the GuildCare software, with the
results of the study published in
the Australian Pharmacist,
Pharmacy Practice Incentives
increase in clinical interventions in
community pharmacies June 2012.
Dr Ortiz presented 12 months of
results at the recent Health
Informatics Society of Australia
(HISA) conference reporting that
the GuildCare pharmacies
recorded over 900,000 clinical
interventions, with a large
majority of CIs (97%) accounting
for the DOCUT categories.
The rates of CI/pharmacy/month
increasing from 11 in July 2011 to
an average of 61 per pharmacy
per month at the end June 2012.
This confirms Dr Ortizs
prediction at 6 months, as
pharmacies become more familiar
with the classification system and
with the software theyll record
more clinical interventions.
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DEMENTIA has been named as a
National Health Priority Area, with
the Minister for Mental Health and
Ageing saying the condition is
predicted to be the leading cause of
disability in less than four years.
Today 280,000 Australians live
with dementia and by 2050 that
figure will have risen to more than
1 million, he said.
This presents major challenges
for health and aged care services,
he added.
The move, announced last week,
will see dementia designated as the
ninth National Health Priority Area,
and is likely to enhance the
development of a new National
Framework for Action on Dementia.
This designation comes as
predictions pip that spending on
dementia beyond 2060 will outstrip
that of any other condition.
We expect dementia spending to
top $80 billion by 2062-63, Butler
told a group of health ministers last
But early diagnosis has been
shown to have significant potential
benefits for both the person with
dementia and their carers and
family, including improvements to
quality of life and reducing care
burden, Butler added.
MEANWHILE Butler also used the
announcement to spruik the
Governments Living Longer Living
Better package.
Were introducing a new
Dementia Supplement in home and
residential care, improving hospital
and primary care for people with
dementia and putting a big effort
into reducing the time between
symptoms and diagnosis, he said.
Smiles make the change
IN celebration of Oral Health
Month this month and Australias
Smile for Change campaign, Colgate
is urging Australians to like its
Facebook Page and explain why
they would like to sponsor a
disadvantaged child.
The 20 most creative responses
will be rewarded with the chance to
sponsor a disadvantaged Australian
child for one year, funded by Colgate.
Heart disease debate
THE increased risk of diabetes
may be outweighed by the benefits
of a reduction in the risk of heart
disease when taking cholesterol
lowering statins, according to
research published in The Lancet.
The study found that patients
with at least one risk factor for
diabetes were 28% more likely to
develop diabetes when using
statins, but were still 39% less likely
to have a cardiovascular illness and
17% less likely to die over the trial
In addition those patients
without diabetes risk factors saw a
52% reduction in cardiovascular
illness and no increase in diabetes
Dementia is now a priority
IS that an arachnid in your ear?
It is the stuff nightmares are
made of, but for one woman, Ms
Lee, nightmares became a reality
when doctors found a spider had
set up shop inside her ear.
It is believed that the arachnid may
have entered Lees ear five days
before its discovery as she slept.
Lee took herself to the doctor
after five days of ear irritation,
and was shocked to learn that
rather than a scratch, an infection
or a mite, the cause was a an
eight legged, two fanged spider.
Initially plans were to remove the
spider using tweezers, however
this plan was ditched as her medical
team did not want to risk the
arachnid biting Lee, burrowing
further down in her ear canal, or
digging its leg barbs into her skin.
Instead the team used a saline
solution to flush the unwanted
squatter out.
Fortunately for Lee the
operation went well, and she
walked away from the ordeal with
a rather disturbing tale to tell.
Doctors posit that the spider
crawled into Lees ear because it was
warm, moist, sheltered and dark.
VOLCANIC ice shelf?
A NZ navy ship sailing around
1,000 from kiwi shores was
shocked to come across a huge
chunk of solidified lava (pumice),
which strongly resembled an ice
shelf, moving up and down with
the oceans swell.
"The rock looked to be sitting
two foot above the surface of the
waves and lit up a brilliant white
colour in the spotlight, said
Lieutenant Tim Oscar.
It looked exactly like the edge
of an ice shelf [and it was] the
weirdest thing I've seen in 18
years at sea, he added.
It is believed that the pumice
originated from a recently active
underwater volcano near NZ.
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Jason Cockman, Currumbine
Pharmacy and newsagency.

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