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Pharmacy Daily For Tue 05 Jun 2012 - Complementary Reform, Hendra Funding, Pharmacy-Only Bio-Organics, Spinal Injury and Much More...

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P H A R M A C Y DA LY. C O M .

A U Tuesday 05 June 2012

Pharmacy Daily Tuesday 5th June 2012 T 1300 799 220 W page 1
PSA All you need for your CPD. Register at
Advanced Clinical Education (ACE) Seminar
Mental Health
25 July 2012 Aerial UTS Function Centre, Ultimo, Sydney
PGA Full Page
TODAYS Pharmacy Daily
features three pages of news, plus a
full page from the Pharmacy Guild
regarding registration for its
National Convention and Exhibition.
See p4 for details.
Call 1300 647 492 or click to find out more
The one tool you can trust
to meet all your professional
program needs
As a Guild owned company we are focused on building
your business, by helping to position your pharmacy as
a healthcare destination.
And what could be easier than using one tool to do this
add programs to patients, develop services, handle
reporting and set KPIs. Backed by online and in store
support and training nationwide.
Our people know pharmacy so our programs are in tune
with you and integrate with dispensing software. They flag
opportunities through prompts and make compliance easy.
With over 1 million cases completed by over 3000
pharmacies we are tried and tested and here to stay,
but it does not stop here
5CPA Medication
MedsCheck /
Diabetes MedsCheck
now available
Complementary reform
THE Therapeutic Goods
Administration has begun a raft of
complementary medicine reforms
designed to improve community
confidence and understanding of
the safety and quality of these
The reforms are based on
recommendations from the
Auditor-Generals Report on
Therapeutic Goods Regulation:
Complementary Medicines and will
be centred around five key projects.
The first key project will revolve
around updating the regulatory
guidance materials that underpin
the regulation of complementary
medicines to reflect the current
legislative framework and
processes, which will be published
in July 2012.
Following the release of the
documents stakeholder comment
will be invited prior to a further
update to be published in
December 2012.
Other key focus include a project
to enhance the use of standard
indications to limit the use of the
free-text field, in order to limit the
use of inappropriate indications on
the ARTG.
The TGA also plans to publish the
outcomes of post-market reviews
of listed complementary medicines
in a timely manner; and has
established a project to: capture
information at the point of a post-
market review about sponsors,
listed complementary medicines
and issues of non-compliance with
regulatory standards and
requirements; use the information
collected from post-market
reviews to identify trends and
develop risk profiles; and use the
risk profiles to better inform its
post-market review process.
The TGA has also established a
project to develop new
standardised processes for
completing the investigations of
advertising breaches.
For more information on the
shake-up visit the TGAs website at
Cabot winners
winners of Pharmacy Dailys Cabot
Health competition: Kelly Healey,
John Hunter Hospital Pharmacy;
Nicole Vizard, Forbes Hospital;
Eddie Candotti, Settlement City
Amcal Pharmacy; Jerry Ma, Blooms
the Chemist Goulburn; Jacinta Dal-
Ben, Goonawarra Pharmacy; Irene
Nimorakiotakis, Pharmore
Pharmacies; Anna Unger, Armidale
Rural Referral Hospital; Priyanka
Singh, University of New England;
Jossie Beare, Blooms the Chemist
Kingaroy; and Shaye Turner,
Hendra funding
THE Federal Government has
dished out $3 million for eight
research projects into the Hendra
virus and how it affects humans.
The funding follows a recent
outbreak of the virus in
Queensland, with three grants to
examine the immunological
responses to exposure to the
Hendra virus; and five grants to
support research into possible
diagnostic markers, vaccines and
antiviral drug targets.
Elder abuse prevention
UNITINGCARE Community is
hosting the inaugural Elder Abuse
Prevention National Conference
New Directions in Elder Abuse
Prevention at Southbank in
Brisbane on 7 and 8 June to
address the growing issue of elder
abuse in the Australian community.
For more information visit
Best employers
JANSSEN and Shire have both
won accreditation in the 2012 Aon
Hewitt Best Employers in Australia
and NZ Accreditation Program.
P H A R M A C Y DA LY. C O M . A U Tuesday 05 June 2012
Independent Pharmacy Brieng June 2012
How to build the financial strength of your
pharmacy in the face of PBS price disclosure.
Melb: 5th Perth: 6th Syd (Sth): 12th
Syd (Nth): 13th Bris: 14th
Education is the key
THE Gut Foundation is calling for
more community education on
bowel cancer, saying the disease is
not well understood in Australia.
Unfortunately we have one of
the highest rates of bowel cancer in
the world with 30 new diagnoses
each day, said Gut Foundation
President Prof Terry Bolin.
Australians still dont know enough
about bowel cancer and we believe
education is crucial, he added.
Speaking at a business breakfast
in Sydney this morning Bolin said
that the recent expansion of the
National Bowel Cancer Screening
Program must be backed up with
strong public messages so it is clear
to people that they can head off an
insidious cancer by taking a simple
Faecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) or
going for a colonoscopy.
Willach appointment
WILLACH has appointed John
Koot as Managing Director of its
Australian operations.
Koot brings a wealth of pharmacy
experience to the role, including
having served four years as the
Executive Director at Chemmart
I have always been a strong
advocate for automated dispensing
technology, said Koot.
I am extremely passionate in my
belief that improving dispensary
efficiencies can make an immense
difference to any pharmacy
environment and Im looking
forward to working with pharmacists
to achieve this, Koot added.
Pharmacy Daily Tuesday 5th June 2012 T 1300 799 220 W page 2
Country health win
OVER 91% more Federal dollars is
being spent on country public
health services in South Australia
for 2012-13, when compared with
Welcoming the $728 million
2012-13 Budget spend for country
South Australian hospitals and
healthcare the Minister for Health
and Ageing and Mental Health John
Hill said the funds will mean that
people living in country SA will have
more health services closer to
As a result of the funding all four
Country General Hospitals in Port
Lincoln, Whyalla, Berri and Mount
Gambier are being upgraded.
Pharmacy-only Bio-Organics
BIO-ORGANICS has thrown its lot
in with Australian pharmacies with
the announcement that from 01
July this year, its range of
supplements will be distributed
exclusively to pharmacies.
Currently, Australian consumers
can access Bio-Organics range of
complementary medicines from
retailers outside of the pharmacy
chain, including health food stores.
The Bio-Organics nutraceutical
range is backed by scientific
research and high potency formulas
making it ideal for the pharmacy
environment, said Director of
Sanofi Consumer Healthcare Luke
By supplying pharmacies
exclusively we know our
consumers, both new and
established, will be getting trusted
advice in health and wellness, he
The change is a boon for
Australian pharmacies, according to
Fitzgerald, who said that it gives
pharmacists the chance to engage
with the Bio-Organics customer.
The Bio-Organics consumer is
fiercely loyal to the brand, said
Fitzgerald, adding that company
research found that two in three
Bio-Organics shoppers will walk out
of a pharmacy if their preferred
product isnt stocked.
Therefore pharmacies now have
increased opportunities to engage
with a dedicated, premium
consumer and look for ways to shift
brand allegiance to pharmacy
loyalty, he said.
PD Purist winner
Nguyen of Harrisons Pharmacy
Broadway who was the lucky
winner of Fridays Purist comp.
Changing direction
TORCHMEDIA has responded to
new pharmacy shopper data by
overhauling its system of instore
digital advertising.
According to the research, which
was a collaboration between
TorchMedia and ShopAbility,
typical pharmacy shoppers spend
15 minutes in store either browsing
or awaiting a script to be filled.
As a result of the studys findings,
TorchMedia, Australias largest
digital advertising network aimed at
pharmacy shoppers, completely
revamped its network configuration
and put a new pricing structure
into place in order to make the
network more cost effective.
A further change, according to
the company, is the way the
advertisements will cycle through.
The advertisement will typically
be shown once a minute, which is
higher rotation than before, the
company said.
This means a typical pharmacy
shopper will see the ads more
frequently as well as other included
content such as news, sport, weather,
and general product information.
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Weekly Comment
Weekly Comment
Guild Update
GuildCare Programs 1
million cases and rising
A milestone was reached last
week with the GuildCare suite of
programs recording their one
millionth case.
Since launching in 2011, GuildCare
has registered 3100 sites with over
2900 actively using the platform to
deliver important services to
Australian health consumers.
GuildCares focus is on delivering
a user-friendly platform that
integrates with existing dispensing
software and empowers
pharmacies to deliver professional
services while
recording their pharmacy practices.
The GuildCare reflect how
strongly community pharmacies
have embraced the Fifth
Community Pharmacy Agreement
(5CPA) practice incentives, with
927,616 (92.5 per cent) of cases
delivered under the 5CPA programs.
The GuildCare Private Programs,
accounting for 45,505
or 4.5 per cent of completed cases,
are focused on ensuring the better
use of medicines targeting various
disease categories including
cardiovascular, respiratory, and
mental health.
The Private Services programs,
with 29,464 or 2.9 per cent
completed cases, allow pharmacists
to record their professional services
such as blood pressure, Lipid, INR,
and weight in the systems and an
output is produced for the patient
to hand to their GP.
A record is also kept at the
pharmacy. Most of the current
Private Services modules have been
designed to assist patient
management of cardiovascular
disease with over 26,000 blood
pressures recordings done to date.
The suite will expand over time
and will include other disease
categories to align with the services
offered in pharmacy.
Designed by GuildLink the
Guilds wholly-owned IT service
company - GuildCare is changing
the way pharmacies conduct
P H A R M A C Y DA LY. C O M . A U Tuesday 05 June 2012
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Phormocy Dolly ls o ubllcotlon for hoolth rofosslonols of Phormocy Dolly Pty Ltd AN 7 124 04 04. All contont fully rotoctod by coyrlqht. Plooso obtoln wrltton ormlsslon from tho odltor to roroduco ony motorlol. Whllo ovory coro hos boon
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EDITORS Bruce Piper and Amanda Collins EMAIL ADVERTISING Magda Herdzik EMAIL page 3
Chemical discussion
THE Government is calling for
input from interested parties on
implications and impacts of the
possible reforms proposed in the
Discussion Paper on the Review of the
National Industrial Chemicals
Notification and Assessment Scheme.
The proposed options for reform
seek to rebalance the NICNAS
system to extend a lighter regulatory
touch to low risk chemicals whilst
strengthening the regulatory
controls for higher risk chemicals,
said Parliamentary Secretary for
Health and Ageing, Catherine King.
Walking after spinal injury
SWISS researchers are giving
hope to the sufferers of spinal cord
injury, following their breakthrough
in waking-up the spinal brain of
rats with spinal cord injuries.
Published in Science, the study
involved rats with spinal cord
injuries and severe paralysis and
found that a severed section of the
spinal cord is able to make a
comeback when its own innate
intelligence and regenerative
capacity, or what study lead author
Grgoire Courtine calls the spinal
brain, is awakened.
After a couple of weeks of
neurorehabilitation with a combination
of a robotic harness and electrical-
chemical stimulation, our rats are
not only voluntarily initiating a
walking gait, but they are soon
sprinting, climbing up stairs and
avoiding obstacles, Courtine said.
During the research the rats were
injected with a chemical solution of
monoamine agonists to trigger cell
responses by binding to specific
dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin
receptors on the spinal neurons.
This chemical mix replaced
neurotransmitters released by
brainstem pathways in healthy
subjects, and excited neurons
readying them to coordinate lower
body movement.
Shortly after the injection, the
rats spinal cords were stimulated
This localised epidural stimulation
sent continuous electrical signals
through nerve fibers to the
chemically excited neurons that
control leg movement, said
researcher Rubia van den Brand.
All that is left was to initiate that
movement, Brand added.
The research found that the
stimulated spinal column,
physically isolated from the brain
from the lesion down, started
taking over the task of modulating
leg movement, allowing previously
paralyzed rats to walk involuntarily
over treadmills.
According to the researchers,
these experiments revealed that
the movement of the treadmill
created sensory feedback that
initiated walking: the spinal brain
took over, and walking essentially
occurred without any input from
the rats actual brain.
From here, researchers replaced
the treadmill with a robotic device
that supported the subjects and
only came into play when they lost
balance, giving them the impression
of having a healthy and working
spinal column, which in turn
encouraged them to will themselves
toward a chocolate reward on the
other end of the platform.
What they deemed will power-
based training translated into a
fourfold increase in nerve fibers
throughout the brain and spinea
regrowth that proves the
tremendous potential for
neuroplasticity even after severe
central nervous system injury, said
researcher Janine Heutschi.
The researchers then found that
the newly formed fibers bypassed
the original spinal lesion and allowed
signals from the brain to reach the
spine, and that the signal was
sufficiently strong to initiate
movement over ground, without
the treadmill, meaning the rats
began to walk voluntarily towards
the reward, entirely supporting
their own weight.
This is the world-cup of
neurorehabilitation, said Courtine.
Our rats have become athletes
when just weeks before they were
completely paralyzed.
I am talking about 100%
recuperation of voluntary
movement, he added.
Every day this week Pharmacy
Daily is giving one lucky reader
the chance to win a set of MOR
Essentials Sugar Rose Tiger Lily,
valued at $132.65 each.
Each set includes: Hand &
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Congratulations to yesterdays
lucky winner, Jung Yeun Park
from Youngs Pharmacy.
NATURAL behaviour?
A big black bear decided to
escape the Californian summer by
taking a dip in a familys backyard
pool recently.
The bear was captured on video
by the Gasparini sisters, whilst it
was enjoying a leisurely swim in
the familys luxury pool, and even
at points enjoying the panoramic
view of the Garden State the pool
Rather than call the authorities
the sisters decided to let the bear
luxuriate, as it was not causing a
ruckus or destroying things.
Following its refreshing dip, the
bear left the property.
To view the swim CLICK HERE.

The Guild Pharmacy Academy
National Convention & Exhibition
Friday 15 - Sunday 17 June 2012
Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia (NSW Branch) ofers EVERYONE in pharmacy the
Best Value for Money with the launch of the Guild Pharmacy Academy National
Convention & Exhibition at the Darling Harbour from Friday 15 to Sunday 17 June.
Bring your Pharmacy Assistants as there is a fantastic education program specifc for
the newly added Power to the PA stream. You can take care of their Refresher training
by having them attend the Cough & Cold session being ofered Sunday 17 June, 10.00am
to 10.45am. But wait theres more in addition to the other benefts, there are 10 x $100
Myer Vouchers to be won throughout this session.
25 NEW companies have joined 2011 exhibitors to create a showcase of brands & products
to enhance the retail sector of your pharmacy. Visit the New Products section of the website
for a preview of the products available.

Access all Areas!
The fat rate of $99 incl GST provides access for up to 3 days of networking, education and lifelong learning. Select from
any or ALL of the following components OPEN TO MEMBERS & NON-MEMBERS!
3 Trade Expo launch and Cocktail Function will be held on Friday 15
from 5.00-8.30pm FREE networking event
for pharmacy.
3 Education Program - over 60 topics designed for pharmacists, accredited pharmacists, students, interns, pharmacy
assistants, owners and managers.
3 Earn up to 47 CPD credits - 25 accredited, 22 pre-reading, self recorded
3 Power to the PA Dedicated weekend program for Pharmacy Assistants
3 Trade Expo registration is FREE - Friday to Sunday
3 The opening Business Stream and Plenary on Friday 15
is FREE! Facing the Facts will address the current threat
to pharmacy and lead into the Plenary Session Surviving the Economic Winter presented by Paul Clitheroe. Dont
miss this critical industry forum and hear from the guest panel.
3 Practical training sessions are also available and include Asthma Device Training, AACP Forum, Primary Health
Care and GuildCare. Some sessions are now SOLD OUT.
If you havent already registered, take advantage of this great value ofer NOW and register your team to attend.
Registrations will also be available on the day.
The Guild Intern Training Program invites students and interns to attend for FREE!
Opens next week!
The event is NSW based but we welcome and cater to EVERYONE in PHARMACY nationally!
Join other Pharmacists from as far as Nhulunbuy in Northern Territory, WA, QLD, SA,
VIC and Tasmania who are making the journey to this annual must attend event.

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