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PARK 555 A Monoclinic Ferroelectric Phase in The PB Zr12xTix O3 Solid Solution

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A monoclinic ferroelectric phase in the Pb(Zr1xTix)O3 solid solution

B. Noheda, D. E. Cox, G. Shirane, J. A. Gonzalo, L. E. Cross et al. Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 2059 (1999); doi: 10.1063/1.123756 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics.

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5 APRIL 1999

A monoclinic ferroelectric phase in the PbZr1

B. Noheda,a) D. E. Cox, and G. Shirane J. A. Gonzalo
Dept. Fisica de Materiales, U.A.M., Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid, Spain

x Tix O3

solid solution

Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973-5000

L. E. Cross and S-E. Park

Materials Research Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania 16802-4800

Received 14 December 1998; accepted for publication 8 February 1999 A previously unreported ferroelectric phase has been discovered in a highly homogeneous sample of PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 by high-resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction measurements. At ambient temperature the sample has tetragonal symmetry (a t 4.037 , c t 4.138 ), and transforms below 250 K into a phase which, unexpectedly, has monoclinic symmetry (a m 5.717 , b m 5.703 , c m 4.143 , 90.53, at 20 K . The intensity data strongly indicate that the polar axis lies in the monoclinic ac plane close to the pseudocubic 111 direction, which would be an example of the species m3m(12)A2Fm predicted on symmetry grounds by Shuvalov. 1999 American Institute of Physics. S0003-6951 99 00714-7

The solid solution system Pb(Zr1 x Tix )O3 PZT has a complex phase diagram containing a number of materials which exhibit useful ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties. In particular, compositions near the morphotropic phase boundary MPB around x 0.45 0.5 have attracted considerable interest for many years due to their high piezoelectric response. The PZT phase diagram as now accepted, was determined by Jaffe et al.1 Fig. 1 , and nearly four decades of study on the physical and structural properties of PZT have made possible the development of a phenomenological theory to explain the stability of the phases and the properties of PZT over the entire range of the phase diagram.2 Nevertheless, many questions still remain. It is generally accepted that for ferroelectric compositions with rhombohedral and tetragonal symmetry on the two sides of the MPB the polar axis are 111 and 001 , respectively. However, very recently, based on neutron powder diffraction data for several ferroelectric rhombohedral compositions in the range of x 0.12 0.40, Corker et al.3 have proposed a model in which random 100 Pb displacements are superimposed on those along the 111 polar axis, which allows a much better structure renement than achieved with a normal long-range order model incorporating anisotropic temperature factors. The MPB which separates rhombohedral Zr-rich from tetragonal Ti-rich PZT is nearly vertical along the temperature scale, and many x-ray diffraction studies have been reported over this region.49 This boundary is not well dened since it appears to be associated with a phase coexistence region whose width depends on the compositional homogeneity and on the sample processing conditions.710 Cao and Cross11 have modeled the width of this region based on the free energy differences between the tetragonal and rhombohedral phases, obtaining an inverse dependence with particle size in a polycrystalline sample.

In the present work we have utilized high-resolution synchrotron x-ray powder techniques to study the structure of a composition close to the MPB (x 0.48) as a function of temperature, and we report the observation of a low temperature monoclinic phase in the PZT system. A PZT composition with x 0.48 was prepared by conventional solid-state reaction techniques using appropriate amounts of reagent-grade powders of lead carbonate, zirconium oxide, and titanium oxide, with chemical purities better than 99%. Pellets were pressed and heated to 1250 C at a ramp rate of 10 C/min, and held at this temperature for 2 h. During sintering, PbZrO3 was used as a lead source in the crucible to minimize volatilization of lead. The product was found to be a single phase within a detection limit of 2% by conventional x-ray techniques. High-resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction measurements were made at beam line X7A at the Brookhaven National Synchrotron Light Source. An incident beam of wavelength 0.6896 from a Ge 111 double-crystal monochromator was used in combination with a Ge 220

Permanent address: Dept. Fisica de Materiales, U.A.M., Cantoblanco, 28049-Madrid, Spain. Electronic mail: 2059

FIG. 1. PZT phase diagram after Jaffe et al. Ref. 1 . 1999 American Institute of Physics


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Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 74, No. 14, 5 April 1999

Noheda et al.

FIG. 3. Tetragonal and monoclinic unit cell representations.

FIG. 2. Evolution of the pseudocubic reections 111 and 220 for x 0.48 from T 736 a to 20 K e .

crystal and scintillation detector in the diffraction path. The resulting instrumental resolution is about 0.01 on the 2 scale, an order-of-magnitude better than that of a laboratory instrument. For measurements above room temperature, the pellet was mounted on a BN sample pedestal inside a wirewound BN tube furnace. The furnace temperature scale was calibrated with a sample of CaF2. The accuracy of the temperature was estimated to be within 10 K, and the temperature stability was 2 K. For measurements below room temperature, the pellet was mounted on a Cu sample holder and loaded in a closed-cycle He cryostat, with an estimated temperature accuracy of 1 K and stability of 0.1 K. Coupled 2 scans were performed over selected angular regions with a 2 step interval of 0.005 or 0.01 depending on the peak widths. The sample was rocked 12 during data collection to improve powder averaging. The diffracted intensities were normalized with respect to the incident beam monitor. The evolution of the 111 and 220 reections is shown as a function of temperature in Fig. 2. At the highest temperature reached 736 K , the material is cubic and the sharpness of the peaks full-width at half-maximum FWHM 0.02 demonstrates the excellent quality of the sample Fig. 2 a . From a WilliamsonHall plot,12 we estimate a particle size of 0.7 m and a d/d of about 3 10 4 , corresponding to a compositional inhomogeneity, x, better than 0.5%. On cooling, the symmetry changes to tetragonal at 660 K and remains tetragonal down to 300 K. There is no sign of any rhombohedral component as shown by the absence of a Bragg peak at the rhombohedral 200 position. However, some of the tetragonal peaks broaden as the temperature is lowered, especially the 111 and 202 reections Fig. 2 b . Below room temperature these reections become distinctly asymmetric, and at 210 K the latter is clearly split into

two roughly equal peaks, while the 111 peak has a low angle shoulder Fig. 2 c . As the temperature is lowered further the splitting increases Fig. 2 d until at 20 K the 202 is well resolved into two peaks, and the 111 is seen to consist of a central stronger peak with weaker shoulders on both low-and-high-angle sides Fig. 2 e . The positions and intensity ratios of the peaks are very well described by a monoclinic cell in which a m and b m lie along the tetragonal 0 and 11 0 directions (a m b m a t 2), and c m is 11 close to the 001 axis (c m c t ), as illustrated in Fig. 3. The monoclinic cell has b m as the unique axis, and the angle between a m and c m is 90.5 at 20 K. The lattice parameters are plotted in Fig. 4 over the entire temperature range. At the low-temperature phase transition, a m is slightly elongated with respect to tetragonal a t 2, whereas b m a t 2 continues to decrease as the temperature is lowered, and c m c t appears to reach a broad maximum around the transition. A direct phase transition from a tetragonal to monoclinic phase is rather uncommon, and the existence of the latter is likely to be a direct consequence of the proximity of the MPB. Consequently, one might expect the monoclinic phase to exist over a relatively narrow composition region. However, because of the asymmetrical peak broadening, which

FIG. 4. Lattice parameters of PZT with a composition x 0.48 as a function of temperature.

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Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 74, No. 14, 5 April 1999

Noheda et al.


occurs between 300 and 210 K, we cannot altogether rule out the possibility of an orthorrombic phase in this region, although we feel this is unlikely. In the tetragonal region of PZT the space group is P4mm, with the polar axis along 001 , while in the rhombohedral region, with space group R3m, the polar axis is along the pseudocubic 111 . The most plausible space group for the new monoclinic phase is Cm, which is a subgroup of P4mm and R3m and allows the polar axis to lie anywhere between the 001 and the 111 axes. A preliminary check of the peak intensities indicates that the cation displacements lie close to the monoclinic 01 direction, i.e., close to the 2 rhombohedral 111 axis. If this is the case, monoclinic PZT would be the rst example of the ferroelectric species with P 2 P 2 P 2 , P 2 , P 2 , P 2 0, m3m(12)A2Fm predicted from x y z x y z symmetry by Shuvalov.13 A more detailed investigation of the structure is currently in progress, and the extent of the monoclinic region will be investigated with additional samples containing slightly different amounts of Ti. We thank E. Sawaguchi for his efforts trying to locate his 1953 sample for this work, and Evagelia Moshopoulou

for her helpful comments. Support by NATO R.C.G.0037 , Spanish CICyT PB96-0037 , and U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Materials Science Contract No. DE-AC0298CH10886 is also acknowledged.

B. Jaffe, W. R. Cook, and H. Jaffe, Piezoelectric Ceramics Academic, London, 1971 , p. 136. 2 M. J. Haun, E. Furman, S. J. Jang, and L. E. Cross, Ferroelectrics 99, 13 1989 . 3 D. L. Corker, A. M. Glazer, R. W. Whatmore, A. Stallard, and F. Fauth, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10, 6251 1998 . 4 G. Shirane and K. Suzuki, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 7, 333 1952 . 5 E. Sawaguchi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 8, 615 1953 . 6 P. Ari-Gur and L. Benguigui, Solid State Commun. 15, 1077 1974 . 7 K. Kakewaga, O. Matsunaga, T. Kato, and Y. Sasaki, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 78, 1071 1995 . 8 J. C. Fernandes, D. A. Hall, M. R. Cockburn, and G. N. Greaves, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 97, 137 1995 . 9 M. Hammer, C. Montry, A. Endriss, and Michel J. Hoffmann, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 81, 721 1998 . 10 A. P. Wilkinson, J. Xu, S. Pattanaik, and J. L. Billinge, Chem. Mater. 10, 3611 1998 . 11 W. Cao and L. E. Cross, Phys. Rev. B 47, 4825 1993 . 12 G. K. Williamson and W. H. Hall, Acta Metall. 1, 22 1953 . 13 L. A. Shuvalov, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 28, 38 1970 .

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