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Hutchison Effect Report

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The document discusses the research and experiments of John Hutchison regarding phenomena known as the Hutchison Effect, including levitation and transmutation of metals.

The Hutchison Effect refers to unusual physical phenomena observed during some of John Hutchison's experiments, including levitation, fusion, and alteration of solid metals.

Hypotheses proposed to explain the Hutchison Effect include psychokinesis, electromagnetics, and scalar waves.


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complied by Peayo Calante and A. Michrcwski



Hutchison File
from the Association's archives
compiled by Pelayo Calante and A. Michrowski


ISBN 0-919969-34-8 1996


We are grateful for the support to the production of this document to the following individuals (in alphabetical order); Louise Dagenais, George Hathaway, Jeanne Manning, Monique Michaud, Lioudmiia Ten, Marion Van Goudover and Charles A. Yost.

TCie Hutchison



Date Chart The Hutchison effect apparatus Description of the "Hutchison Effect" The inside view Independent assessments explaining the effect: Psychokinesis hypothesis Electromagnetics hypothesis
Billie Ross Jack Houck Panos T. Pappas Richard Sparks George D. Hathaway Anonymous

Canadian military perspective The "Crystal Energy Converter" Index

The Hutchison File John Kenneth Hutchison

1945 Born October 19 in Vancouver. Canada. Son of Kenneth and Margaret Hutchison. 1955 Early interest in electronics, chemistry, radio transmission and astronomy. 1959 First experiments in chemistry; fabrication of canons and guns, 1960 Formal schooling ends after grade 8 for a period of 3 years; lessons from private tutor in radio astronomy, physics and chemistry. Self-taught in physics, especially as related to Nikola Tesla's research. First laboratory, at home 1965 Electrical experiments using household circuit-outlet results in initial insights of energy production with Tesia-inspired technology. 1968 Production of three small free energy units with no input and resulting and output of 10 volts at 500 milliAmps. 1970 Onset of larger-sized Lynn Valley laboratory, located in North Vancouver 13 tons of apparti include gravity antennas. Some personally developed set-ups are partly based on Tesla-inspired technology, along with one-of-a-kind test equipment acquired from army surplus supply. 1979 Breakthrough with anti-gravity Field and disruption in metals ~ lvitation of objects, transmutation in metals. First material testing results of metal samples indicate that In the disruption process, the energy required to produce effects was at least one billion times greater than the 4,000 Watt input used. The results are known as the Hutchison Effect by the scientific community. Association with Alexis Pezarro, of Vancouver and George Hathaway, Toronto electrical engineer Pharos Technologies Ltd. is founded. Partnership with Pharos lasts 6 years. Further development and control over Hutchison Effect is achieved 1983 Start of U.S. Government interest. Demonstration of Hutchison Effect to U.S. Army Intelligence, and the Los Alamos Laboratory. Demonstration videotaped by these and other U.S. scientists. Metal samples taken for laboratory analysis. Test results were not released. 1984 Demonstration to Washington State University and Fort Worth Army Command, Texas.

The Hutchison


Interviews by BCTV News and other TV stations. 1985 Demonstration to McDonnell Douglas Corporation's Jack Houck, in cooperation with Los Alamos laboratories and U.S. Army Intelligence. Jack Houck introduces the question of psychokinetic component taking place in the Hutchison Effect, Laboratory demonstration test results and video documentation of McDonnell Douglas Corporation (Department of Advance Systems and Technology) released. CKVU-TV Vancouver news story. 1986 Canadian Scientific and Technical Intelligence Agency investigates Hutchison Effect. Further testing, leading to greater mastery of effect. North American and European laboratories indicate same results of atomic changes in samples. 700 demonstrations in 16 years. 1989 Invited by European scientists to Austria and Germany. During 2-year period, new discoveries in subatomic physics and in elimination of radioactivity. Tour of California and New Mexico. Worldwide offers of research partnership; rejects all offers. 1990 Return to Vancouver to find the laboratory destroyed by Canadian Government officials. 1991 Scientists offer to participate in psychotronic research and in development of anti-Gravity propulsion; no interest expressed. Film documentary on UFO's with Hutchison Effect aired in 20 countries. 1992 Hutchison Effect published in Raum und Zeit [Space and Time], Newsletter of the Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Electric Spacecraft Journal, Extraordinary Science, and Space Power 1993 TVASAHI interview aired April 6, 1993 in Japan.

The Hutchison


Japanese book about Hutchison Effect published by Nobuo Yokoyama,as part of Tokyo Free Energy Project. Studies in theoretical physics of combining subatomic physics with space, time and energy. Model of Gravity Propulsion developed. March: Contract signed and partnership with International Energy, Kirkland, Washington. 1994 Hutchison Converter. Barium Titanate crystals resonating to extract 6 Watt continuous electric power output for about 6 months, until dismantled. 1995 Smaller-sized converter developed for Japanese tour, demonstrated in Hiroshima, before TV. Newer "dirt cheap" version developed, utilizing selected rocks in chemical solution. 1996 Laboratory assembled with electric and electronic gear salvaged from Canadian Navy vessels.

The Hutchison File

The Hutchison effect apparatus

by John Hutchison
reptoirt w i n poimttwn f w n ft* ElecCftc Spacecraft Journal. IMM 9 (January-March, i 3 ) t p. 21 - :

7here fiave been some serious investigations into the Hutchison Effect in Canada, the United States, and Germany. (S&e articles in ESJ rtj he reality of objects being moved, levitated, or restructured by magnetic and electric field effects does not seem to be in question. Just how or why the events ftqppen is the questionable part- John Hutchison has been providing ESJ with details on his work, as have a few others who have worked wifh him over the years. The picture consistently described is that of numerous experimental apparatus being operated simultaneously and Interactively. 'Events' occur, somewhat unpredictably. This is a format of accidental discovery through undefined mixture. It is exciting to Ihe experimenter, yet frustrating to the scientist trying lo sort out the interaction of the variables. Although recollection and details are difficult, Mr, Hutchison describes some of his apparatus in this attempt to share wllh other experimenters. John Hutchison1985

I will attempt to explain details of the apparatus used in my experiments and will start with the Input power used to trigger the host of Tesla cotts, static generators, transformers, Interferometers, magnetics* metal masses, and nuclear sources, etc. The source power was 110 volts AC operated at 400 watts to 4000 watts. One side of the AC line had a power factor capacitor (60 cycles. 250 volt), and a 100-amp current limiter* The magnetics of the cunent limiter were also used in the experiment interactions. This power source was divided up in a function box and. through switching, went to variacs. The variac outputs were monitored by wattmeters, ampmeters. and voltmeters, and supplied up to fourteen transfoimers. These included

twelve-volt transformers for vacuum tubes* 400,000-volt AC transformers, a Siemens 250,000-voIt DC X-ray transformer, and othtfr items. Regeneration equipment of 450 kHz up to 2500 MHz was also operated. The general power circuit is shown in Figure . A and B are current Limitera which ranged froin two to seven amps. By this means some transformers were limited to this amperage instead of the fifty amps that might otherwise be drawn. The current miters were adjustable and e magnetics from them were used in close protf" imity to the spark gaps and an alpha-beta emission unit. 1 had bypass switches on each current limiter which 1 used often. Unfortunately there was an incident one time in wlch

Warning: The recreation of certain aspects of these experiments is extremely dangerous and should not be attempted without proper training or guidance*

The Hutchison



to FF gcnemton

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p o w e r Jbcf Or capacitor

100 A
currant AmJ fer


/unclio* oox



H.^-h LUiOije

Figure 1. Electrical Power Control

the outside pole transformer blew up when coil used twelve-gauge wire on a 24-inch diamusing the bypass switch. eter tube* mounted horizontally. These are not shown* The symbol (x) is used to represent the high potential leads in Figures 1,5~7 t 10, 12 and $*d\2. 3 7- Thesefiguresare rough schematics of some circuits. 3* o V copper ball My favorite Tesla coils are shown in figures 2 and 3. Other Tesla coils 1 had were of the flat pancake-type with 1 -inch copper tube In the primary and 10,000 turns of number 32 wire on an 8-inch diameter secondary tube. Another
ceramic fruuhier *2 tth*r-pJate irfr* 6 tvrnt, ApoccT ~W
fo/oltf cotf. ffu^re

2 0 ' dk> lre*podnijJ-atA

chrome-pofed copper boil terminal

Inner coif *2tf cloh covered

4* dpi

d t n r w t f rS2m\tt pocetf '//'/rom inner cot

muttloFe prfmory

po# rurn t J * d t t copper luhe 50 fuma. *B <opp*r utfre

pctufu* tnn/iofetf
!'- " n " - V i '

.'-r-i' coil (prlmoryj

conirnuoua turn

Figure 2. Dumbbell Testa Cotlw 3W long

Figure 3,




The Hutchison File


tf*?rk Fp*

Figure 5. Testa Colt A



uirvahi'c (petado*

Oto 250,00 VCC

Figure 4. Vacuum Tube Teste Colt Drive
poJarff#4 J 6 a a


Figure 6. TcsfaCoi/B

_ - 4 J...
/rom vrtoc JOOmM
l/oruiertf COl* H

2* J 5 amp wrtooJe current Itntfai

Olo 250.000 Vi?C

25,000 V 500 J, L6if loifVnoWroAa pibama cope f60aet ta/tf/J

I?* diameter
copper tolkuf oa//

to o i h c until

potoiirt. 60. C O VOC O S/^.SOOOJ fotHnduaant* p w w phyV> r o l l

1L r,?

nAchrome t r e oo^tuf


"" "' tojtfft ' - f a caili andiron /n 250.000 VDC frona/ormer

J2"diameter copper 6oJlaibo'fcouWa//ecf rJarJa /eidi

a majrtefi il III Ml
plf/p*P* anrf corcho "^S*


Fgtfre 7. High-lfoftage DC Insertion Pulse Unit

| * X J*<ffarneier corona Hnca

aupporfeo 6y 5<lcg uafaa 4" <tofef*r paaic tube

The electronics of a vacuum tube Tcsla coil are shown in Figure 4. Figures 5 and 6 show rough schematics of the Tesla coil circuits. Ti\e schematic of figure 7. powered by a highvoltage transformer, generated strong electric field pulses for a number of uses, Including the projection of bead lightning, as illustrated in figure 8.

1" -V-^-i BfeJ -. . . . . :

btods acceierofej

foJumrnum wire on gap eteinxfaiJ copper calf

2*rfiomef*r copper bo//

o d j W : :r. : ' V i p v : J

VanrfeOoa// rn r W prartntf fy rnorga corona rfnga hand lahee/i ,

Fiflure & Ball Ughtning Projector

The Hutchison File

One setup, iDustrated in Figure 9, seemed to Some years ago, Drs. Lakken and Wilson arproduce changes in the cosmic background gued over whether a "balT of alpha-beta flux formed and deposited on the test samples. I radiation. personally don't believe so. 1 believe the alphabeta flux was guided to the masses by being If 1 increased the variac output to the Siemens transformer to increase the high-voltage DC on connected to high-vottage DC levels* by magthe large torold, while keeping the rest of the netic pulse fields, and excited ty my mechanilaboratory system running, the Geiger counter cally-pulsed magnetron which exdted the geowould drop to near zero counts per minute metric metal. The idea Is to excite the surface within a 7Sfoot diameter zone. Yet , the reverse skin of the masses and their atoms to create an was possible (to increase counts) fldropped the unstable space-time situation. This might allow torokJ voltage and Increased all DC voltages to the fields from the Tesla coils and RF genera* the laboratory system of Tesla colls (via tank tion equipment to lock up in a local space-time circuits), RF coils, spark gaps, toroidal coils, and situation. My thought is that nowasmall amount tension on the nuclear unit. The AC part of the of energy is released from the vast reservoir in laboratory system wouW be maintained at the space-time at the sub-atomic level to create a same level. Figure 10 shews a schematic of disniptive or movement effect. pulsing to the large main torold.

:-lu,' ' H . . - -' ' a l a . : i. L, J

Irh 10* tito* WfMcfc

frvfo mew untfa ana* nucfoar L if *


flSUra The Large Main ToroldW'-lfiWt Aluminum

W~ 0<a 250.000 VDC

Ac i o n rube.

torold 3* oVomerer x

-< n-

Figure 10, MatnToroid

The Hutchison File

gigahertz magnetron pulsed by an old rotaty spark gap system s^nt microwaves by the window exit section. Small masses were placed close to the influence of the alpha-beta flux. The radioactive source was also under high-voltage DC and pulsed coils (50,000 to 100,000 turns) to produce traveling wave type magnetics and electrostatics to assist alpha-beta flux bunching The radioactive material to provide alpha-beta and guidance. This all Interacted with other emissions was contained in a stainless steel ball surrounding equipment. Some additional arwhich had a thin window section. A four- rangement is shown in Figure 12. Figure 11 Is a cutaway showing the nuclear section in the center of a Tesla coil Note how I have the feed horn close to the window area. This area was also bathed ina30,000volt static electric fiekl plus a weak magnetic field of only 7 0 0 gauss which was variable. A two-spiral spark g a p unit is also shown in Figure 11.

ta u> ioo,ooov oc
:-'-: iron tott*
Ore J FOp*

connected to
jpray potar

p ii.1-' g e n e r a t o r

fiai vjifff -"

4/Afr x U f

nuclear houttn $) jiafnffM ball & u/ndaw

fait con rati

fht splmton



r nir horn tfelf e o flax ( n d c u

ptrfte Irons/ormer

T * rOiOry^jp

Jacob's ladder 2* tallt two spiral spark gap pulse generator Figure I I * Alpha-Beta

nuclear unit emission bail


Flux Housing




VTO-fTC r . i

MWoe* ^ "

iNir*mumtmir*> aa^uafntenf *trcui ^

table top}


Alpha-Beta Flux


The Hutchison



A current limiter was used on 'Big Red," a fiftykVAt 89,00(>volt transformer. A iW-Hz sparkgap discharge went simply to a copper ground plate. The plateuqw movable and placement of the plate proved successful to later experiments.


contain* many furru a / frfflr**Jiogr tUe powrrro" c y

T i

30,000 VDC orAC

1940'aafyle VLF antenna

My current umiter was made from 4" x 4" laminations stacked fifteen-inches high and F -4fr<fianumber-eight wire wound six layers thick. The pulsing of the iron core proved its worth in tests. Its location was near the heart of my apparatus. Because it was a heavy unit, casters were needed to move it. The unit's pulse affected the electrostatics and Alpha flux, when close. The Figure 13. Modified Daubh vloop Brass Ship Antenna to Guide Fields Alpha flux dropped off at two feet. Two other units in the setup were double-loop brass ship antennas five-feet high as shown in Ftgure 13. magnets, and electromagnets of the traveling wave tube fTWT) barrel types- Thus, perhaps a These are some basics of my laboratoiy. I transformation takes place on the subatomic excluded RFgeneration and coupling and all the level in all of this, and a conversion zone takes radar-jamming devices I used later. 1 could form from the surrounding equipment. This precisely set up a pattern at 2000 mHz at 100 zone seems to transform again to zones beyond milliwatts. 1 coukl give or take () 1000 mHz, the lab, up to 500 feet away, in the form of o add pulse rate, CW or modulation of any form. cylinder. There appeared to be a zone at a distance of fifteen feet. Samples placed In it Placement geometry is of great importance to sometimes levitated or broke apart. key units of the electrostatic fiekl and spark gaps. The electrostatic field must cover all components. Helping to do this are copper balls mounted on insulators. The large ball keeps Its charge longer while small ones discharge faster. In a way, you have a pulse network working along with dynamic electricity, and the small influence of the 250-milliwatt magnetron close to the alpha-beta flux. In the zone is weak magnetics, permanent
Figure 14, Hutchison's Setup of Receivers and Monitors


The Hutchison File

Sample Recelions (Extracted from Reports)

The effects of unexpected field interactions are shown in Figures 15 and 16, One sample, a piece of aluminum four-inches long by l/2-inch square, had been shattered in the center. It would be expected that only a few watts were in this zone compared to the 4000-watt Input feeding all the equipment. Our sample had exploded from inside out,tom into thousands of filaments. The filaments measured .010" to 0.50" long and .008" to ,012" thick The event volume expanded outward from the mass center in seeming reaction to a force of mutual repulsion between filaments. The field lines picturesquely frozen in the aluminum filaments are functionally identical to those we observed at a point of fracture of a permanent bar magnet of the same geometry. The force exerted on the aaWrdnumfilamentswas sufficient to split a large number of the outermost strands and fold them back along the "field lines" to such a degree that layers of them are compacted together, against the solid surfaces of the sample. The material within the event vokime was much harder and quite brittle compared to the original extruson alloy, uhich was quite soft All surfaces evidenced a mottled appearance and regular



* ^^T^^^Si^Kt v

Kc Figrela SottdM^tai Bars Split and Frayed by the Hutchison Effect (Max Planck inst. Photo.)

structure, while having none of the characteristics associated with pbstlc deformation or melting. Physical characteristics were typical of crystalline materials shearej along bonding planes. The number of filaments probably exceeded 100,000, effectively increasing the surface area within the event by tens of thousands of times. Another sample showed inexplicable material mixtures: wood was found in an aluminum block tested by Siemens Laboratory. Germany, Also, dense, impossible illoys of elements forming unknown materials were found by work of Max Planck Institute, Germany. Because so many different effects happen, including ievitaon, we can speculate the RFand support field operators are working in a narrow region of the "zone of effects." These random events sometimes happened at about five-per-hour m 1987, '88. and '89.

It is an unpredictable probability for all operators to synchronously combine to cause an effect. For events like slow lift and slow disruption, the operators combine under simple stable outputs, amplitudes and frequency. Our space-time window would have to be described on the subatomic level for the understanding Figure 15. Aluminum and Brass Bars After the Effectof the Hutchison Effects.


Tho Hutchison Filo

iflffla cJ*afce coif

tC'o^.xVftnidc at dUJu apocad SU^ay* Inaufafar rtna

wr JNMr
flfflll fcoVJ 1n ; to : i n ,VT

Ofo 400,000 VAC



40 G3 maca p a rtGnfcOs

T/ro.x Wthkk
a t J : ifc

f^KCoatH* Figure 17, Interferometer


coil vit hngth a/ unit 4*J*na

j acrrroiilum ryjaJ diada wouW excife near Jfainoccrj

Acknowledgments I would Eke to thank those individuals associated with Pharos Technology, the Max Planck Institute, Los Alamos, McDonnel Douglas, BAM Labs Germany, Fraunhofer, the Austrian and German groups, the DOD groups, and individual Input from Japan, Greece, England, Canada, USA, Switzerland, France and the Yin Gazda totemao^ filmmaker, for the interest and support they all have shown. About the Author John Hutchison is the classic independent individual Figure 18 experimentera self-made physlcst. Mr. Hutchison con Figure 1 7 is another pulsing circuit device I call be reached by mail at 731 5th Avenue, Apt. the interferometer. Electrostaticswere produced 306, New Westminster, British Columbia> with two Van de Graaff generators. When Canada, V3M 1X8. arranged as shown in Figure I S , cool wind effects could be produced. These machines were used to impose an electrostatic field in the Van de Craeff *1 Van de Graaff #2 butlnl984


fat afwminum rtnjgt

. oa*Ai*fbJe pacing

pfaiuc pipe

ahW ptesiic milk


curer KT.jia




Tho Hutchison


The Hutchison effect - a lift and disruption system

G e o r g e D. H a t h a w a y t epiincd from r*ew Energy Technology, putitehed by mo Planetary Assocteton lot Clean Energy, 1990. p. 77-103

T h e f o l l o w i n g m a y shed l i g h t o n a most u n u s u a l p h e n o m e n o n w h i c h w e h a v e c a l l e d the "Hutchison E f f e c t " . I t is a very strange arrangement of t e c h n o l o g i e s i n c l u d i n g those o f N i k o l a T e s l a a n d R o b e r t Van de G r a a f . T h i s Is a t o p i c t h a t i s v e r y c o n d u c i v e t o w a n d e r i n g because i t b r i n g s i n a l l o f t h e m o s t a m a z i n g kinds o f e f f e c t s t h a t one w o u l d l o v e t o h a v e i n t h e i r b a s e m e n t , such as m a t e r i a l l e v i t a t i n g a n d f l o a t i n g a r o u n d , b e i n g a b l e t o b r e a k s t e e l bars w i t h o u t t h e use o f y o u r b a r e hands, a n d a l l s o r t s of o t h e r w e i r d and w o n d e r f u l things. P h a r o s T e c h n o l o g i e s L t d . was a c o m p a n y f o r m e d b y m y s e l f and a g e n t l e m a n by the name o f A l e x Pe2arro, w h o you may recall made a presentation a t t h e 1983 2 n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l S y m p o s i u m on N o n - C o n v e n t i o n a l E n e r g y T e c h n o l o g y in A t l a n t a . A l e x t a l k e d a b o u t one o f his p e t p r o j e c t s , w h i c h w a s o i l and gas d i s c o v e r y b y n o v e l means. I n 1980, w e f o r m e d t h i s s m a l l c o m p a n y t o t r y t o p r o m o t e w h a t w e t h e n c a l l e d t h e H u t c h i s o n E f f e c t . We also t e r m e d i t in o u r e a r l y p r e s e n t a t i o n s : L A D S or t h e L i f t a n d D i s r u p t i o n S y s t e m . T h e f o l l o w i n g s e r i e s o f graphs w e r e c r e a t e d i n 1984 t o p r e s e n t t o v a r i o u s p a r t i e s i n t e r e s t e d in f u n d i n g t h i s t e c h n o l o g y . T h e f i r s t g r a p h i n d i c a t e s t h e t o p i c s c o v e r e d I n these p r e s e n t a t i o n s . I A LJLJ.S. IS Gttttl 0 I - noiu* u n

M M . * QiucTiOK * i i

n o n

TfNBUtior \n EOIB a m mm\*L


* UffiCW tfttfxr UKC-SCA nU*niC f l W O l l I * ATAiS


* GitsiH o*s lit omu\ omsnrot p

* onci u*w* t r a m Rtt A Iff M l MO A A Dl S wa I T T 1



The Hutchison


T h e L i f t a n d D i s r u p t i o n S y s t e m o r t h e H u t c h i s o n E f f e c t is d i v i d e d p r i m a r i l y i n t o t w o c a t e g o r i e s o f phenomena: p r o p u l s i v e and e n e r g e t i c T h e s y s t e m is capable of i n d u c i n g l i f t and t r a n s l a t i o n i n bodies o f any m a t e r i a l . T h a t means i t w i l l propel bodies u p w a r d s , and I t w i l l also move t h e m s i d e w a y s . T h e r e a r e a c t u a l l y 4 kinds o f t r a j e c t o r i e s w h i c h a r e c a p a b l e o f b e i n g produced and I ' l l e x p l a i n these s h o r t l y . I t also has v e r y strange e n e r g e t i c p r o p e r t i e s i n c l u d i n g s e v e r e l y d i s r u p t i n g i n t e r m o l e c u l a r bonds i n any m a t e r i a l r e s u l t i n g i n c a t a s t r o p h i c and d i s r u p t i v e f r a c t u r i n g , samples o f w h i c h a r e d e s c r i b e d h e r e . I t i s also c a p a b l e o f c a u s i n g c o n t r o l l e d p l a s t i c d e f o r m a t i o n i n m e t a l s , c r e a t i n g unusual a u r o r a - l i k e l i g h t i n g e f f e c t s In raid-air, c a u s i n g changes i n c h e m i c a l c o m p o s i t i o n o f m e t a l s ( i t varies t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f the c h e m i c a l c o n t e n t ) , and o t h e r l o n g - r a n g e e f f e c t s a t d i s t a n c e s up t o a r o u n d 80 f e e t {24 metres) away f r o m the c e n t r a ) c o r e o f the apparatus a l l a t l o w p o w e r and at a d i s t a n c e .


JMIlOOlCTfO* * H I T Q I 1



tvioEttt - f i * S H U T

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- iwtiwr cf wes * LXOJ- tous fwvin ff LS *. FOI BOG ruts * m i i i n EPIKOS JN w n wsooi ua - not CGWMIC ttttt I Afcli MU

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T h e system i s a s i n g l e e n t i t y , made up o f many d i s c r e t e c o m p o n e n t s . I t has many i n t e r r e l a t e d p a r t s , u n f o r t u n a t e l y c o n t i n u a l l y b e i n g added t o by the i n v e n t o r . I t w a s d i s c o v e r e d f o r t u i t o u s l y by H u t c h i s o n , w h o w a s e x p e r i m e n t i n g w i t h e a r l y T e s l a systems and s t a t i c m a c h i n e s such as V a n de G r a a f g e n e r a t o r s .



The earliest explanation was given by Mel Winfield o f Vancouver, whose name may be f a m i l i a r f r o m Dr, Neper's 1988 Congress in Germany. He suggested t h a t the explanation for the phenomena was due t o a method o f making the e l e c t r o - m a g n e t i c fields spin or s w i r l in some unknown way. Pharos Technologies was involved in three phases o f development, the first phase o f which was in the basement o f a house In Vancouver. This is where John Hutchison's original work was done. The collection o f apparatus w h i c h w i l l boggle the mind can be seen on the video (shown during the lecture and available from the publisher) and r e p l i c a t e d in Figures 11 and 12. That was the Phase 0 development. Phase 1 was when we stepped in w i t h some money and took the equipment f r o m the original location and put i t in a more reasonable setting. Phase I I was a t h i r d location prior t o i t s being dismantled and put i n t o storage by John. The main thing about this technology, apart f r o m i t s unusual phenomenology, is that It is highly t r a n s i t o r y . The phenomena come and go v i r t u a l l y as they please. One has t o sit w i t h this apparatus from between six hours and six days before one actually sees something occurring. This makes i t v i r t u a l l y impossible t o interest someone who would like t o t r y t o develop It, t o assist in funding, for instance. You can't assume that someone w i l l sit there who i s ready t o help develop a technology, and have him wait and wait, and perhaps nothing w i l l happen. I t ' s unusual t o ask someone t o w a i t six days for a phenomena that t h e y ' r e Interested in developing c o m m e r c i a l l y . So one can imagine that we've had some d i f f i c u l t y in the past In financing this program. Note in Figure 11 one o f the Tesla coils in the foreground. The main c o i l is 4 1/2 feet (1.4 mj high. It was e x t r e m e l y d i f f i c u l t t o get around in the f i r s t lab (Phase 0). The first laboratory in Vancouver was so densely packed w i t h equipment t h a t you could not find a place t o put your foot down. You had t o step around all sorts o f objects that were put on the floor. Disruptive phenomena in the video a bushing is shown breaking up. It was a steel bushing about 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter by 3 t o 4 inches (9 cm) long. John s t i l l has t h a t in his lab and 1 have some t o show as w e l l (Figures 1 and 2) . The next part of the video is well known, I w i l l t r y t o explain some o f i t s phenomenology. I t starts w i t h John w a r m i n g up the system. To determine where the optimum place for positioning the test objects, which w i l l e i t h e r take o f f or burst, he put coins and bits o f styrofoam where he believes is going t o be the a c t i v e rone. The first thing that happens is a quarter ($ .25 coin)" starts t o flip and vibrate. Now he knows he should concentrate p u t t i n g specimens in that zone and he does so. We see some water in a c o f f e e cup t h a t appears


Tlw Hutchison File

to be swirling although It's not. It is merely the surface rippling by some electromagnetic means and the coffee cup is dancing around the top of a yellow milk carton. It's another way for him to determine where the zone is- Then we see a flat file 8 inches (20 cm) long breaking apart. This file broke into four more or less equallength sections. Normally, if you break a bar magnet, you know that you break it north-south, north-south, north-south, etc.. So the parts tend to stick back together again. In this case the segments were magnetized the wrong way by some phenomena I do not know and they repel each other when they're put together at the breaks. This may be indicative of the development of large-scale monopolar regions that are of such intensity that they disrupt the material Itself. It's as reasonable an explanation as I've been able to come up with, or anyone else. Lifting phenomena We then proceed to document some lifting phenomena. The objects that are lifted in the first part of this section are on the order of a few pounds. All of them lift off with a twist. They spiral as they lift off. There has to be a particular geometry with respect to down (gravity) for them to take off. Some objects, if you lie them on their sides, won't take off. If you turn them on their ends, they will take off. The geometrical form of the objects, their composition and their relationship to their environment, the field structure around them that is being created by the device, all play a part in how these things take off. There are four main modes of trajectory that these objects can follow if they do choose to take off. There's a slow looping arc where the objects will basically take off very slowly in a matter of a couple of seconds and loop and fall back somewhere else. It is almost as if the Earth moves underneath them while they are in flight, and they fall back in different locations. The second type of trajectory is a ballistic take-off. In other words, there's an impulse of energy at the beginning of the rrajectory with no further power applied to the lifting thereafter, and the object hits the ceiling and comes back down. A third type of trajectory is a powered one where there appears to be continuous application of lifting force. I have some evidence taken from the video. The fourth trajectory is hovering * where objects just rise up and sit there. The objects can be of any material whatsoever: sheet metal, wood, styrofoam, lead, .copper, zinc amalgams and they all either take off or they burst apart, or they 4> nothing that's 99% of the time. Lighting phenomena Following that is a strange lighting phenomenon. This only occurred once but fortunately, while John was filming. Incidentally, this early film, with the most spectacular results observed, was taken by John himself. It was taken in 1961 and all of a sudden a sheet of iridescence descended between the camera and some of the apparatl and one sees that shQet of light. It has a strange pinkish centre to it and hovered there for a while, and then disappeared. John thought he was hallucinating.


The Hutchison File

but when we developed the f i l m i t turned out something was definitely there. In this same video, we observe heavier objects taking o f f , including a 19-pound (8.6 kg) bronze bushing and water in a cup that's dancing around, the surface o f which is v i b r a t i n g . There are no ultrasonic or sonic devices in this particular series o f experiments. There are no magnetic components underneath or over top. There are no f i e l d coils underneath or over top or anywhere w i t h i n 6 feet (1.8 m). These images were taken while the apparatus was performing at peak and shows best results for the earlist experiments. Sometimes, instead o f l i f t i n g objects, John w i l l purposely t r y t o destroy t h e m . In one case, a 1/4" round r a t t a i l f i l e rests on a plywood base and to held down from taking off by two plywood pieces. Beside it are some quarter and penny coins. The file Is glowing w h i t e hot and y e t there is no scorching o f the wooden plywood pieces which are holding i t down. Neither are any o f the coins a f f e c t e d . This is explainable in terms of RF heating theory because you can have eddy c u r r e n t heating on the surface and i t ' s almost cool t o the touch very shortly thereafter. i t ' s s t i l l unusual t h a t there is no conductive heat transferred t o the wood. From t i m e t o t i m e there are scorch marks on the boards from other experiments. The apparatus makes f i r e spontaneously in parts of the lab if you're not careful. The original (Phase 0) lab set-up was p r i m i t i v e , crowded had poor connections, and had hand-wound coils. However, the f i l m s that have most of the best l i f t episodes were <tone In this early set-up, drawing a maximum o f 1.5 kilowatts continuously from house-mains. Disruption e f f e c t s . .*

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The Hutchison Fte

The disruption part of this Lift and Disruption System has produced confirmatory physical samples that include water, aluminum, iron, steel, molybdenum, wood, copper, bronze, etc., with many shapes, sizes and masses. Certain materials are subject to certain Influences depending on shape, composition and other factors. We have tested various pieces that have broken apart for hardness, ductility, e t c . We have used optical and electron microscopes. We have taken SEM's with EDA's (Energy Dispersive Analysis! to determine the composition at various points. Two samples of aluminum are shown, one of which is in the centre of Figure 1, which is twisted up in a left-handed spiral, and In Figure 2 on the left which was blown into little fibers. Lying on the ruler in Figure 1 to the left of centre is a molybdenum rod used in nuclear reactors. These things are supposed to withstand temperatures of about 5,000 F . We watched these things wiggle back and forth, and stopped the apparatus halfway through a wiggle and that's the result. Figure 2 (left) shows the piece of cast aluminum that burst apart. In general, Figure 1 shows a collection of pieces of metal that have been blasted apart or twisted. The largest piece (in the background) is about 12 to 13 inches long. It's two inches in diameter, of regular mild steel, and a 3/8 of an inch long part was blasted off the end and crumbled like a cookie. Fragments have been analyzed to have anomalously high silicon content although the original material was not a silicon steel. The standing piece on the left is 5 - 6 inches tall, 1 and 1/4 inches in diameter. It Is a piece of case-hardened steel. The case-hardening has been blown off at the top and about 3/4" of it vapourized during an experiment. Then there are various pieces of aluminum and steel. On the right of Figure 2 is a boring bar. You can still see the old tool bit that John was using through it. It was on a shelf about 10 feet away from the centre of the apparatus and he did not see it happen. It Just bent up Into a tight U and deposited a quantity of copper at the bend. The copper seemed to somehow magically come out of the solid solution, if it was ever in solution In the first place, and agglomerate as globs at the break. As far as the aluminum is concerned, it's a volume effect, not merely an eddy-current surface effect. The whole thing is blasted right through. Figures 3 to 6 show some of the scanning electron microscope photos taken by the University of Toronto. Figure 3 shows an aluminum specimen at about 70 times magnification and the whole surface is torn apart, as if it was gouged randomly by some mechanical means. It has not been smoothed and polished and subject to x-ray or dispersion analysis yet. A piece of Iron is shown In Figure 4, and was analyzed for composition which showed anomalously high amounts of copper. With a little higher magnification for Figures 7 and 8, we see what happens In a polished aluminum sample under the SEM. Figure 7 shows two main horizontal fracture zones.


The Hutchison


This is a polished sample, that is why it looks nice and clean. Notice the unusual globules forming (positions B & C). We examined these particular globules and they're virtually pure elements- One is copper, another Is manganese and others are different elements. These globules seem to arrange themselves along planes and these panes are no doubt the ones that split apart and delaminate into fibers. Figures 9 and 10 show the relative elemental abundances of locations H and D of Figures 7 and 8. Normally, the aluminum comes out looking like Figure 9. The average is mostly aluminum, of course, but with a bit of copper in it. And yet (Figure 10) shows an area around where the fractures occur and we see we have actually located one of the copper blobs, plus some chlorine from our fingers. Usually you see some chlorine and sodium from salt in your hands if you're teaching samples. It's certainly telling us that something unusual is happening. I have not seen another apparatus which makes the alloying material In an alloy come out of the solid solution. Usually It's totally dispersed in the melt but In this esse we're "undispersing" it somehow. The Pharos experimental $et-up for the Hutchison effect

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This plan view shows the first (1983) set-up under Pharos* control.


The Hutchison File

The field-shaping unit is basically an elevated aluminum sphere about I I inches in diameter. The essential ingredients of the power supply are two 15 kJlovolt neon transformers. Large steel masses were all over the place. In his first and most effective experiments, John had a 400 kilohertz continuous wave generator Instead o f the small Tesla coil. It's basically a low frequency radio transmitter that he had switched on for the operation, and it had a 3-foot whip antenna. Later he replaced that, likely because It broke, with the small Tesla coil, which is about three feet off the ground and is about I 1/2 feet high. This lab was set up t o t r y t o attract some more funding and I personally put It together, trying t o pick the essential bits of the apparatus out and assemble them myself. That is the lab from which a number of these samples came. Spark gaps and tank circuits line one wall. There's a 21 kilovolt transformer in front of the Inductors from a Picker X-ray machine which powers a number o f these spark gaps. The gaps fire at 60 cycle rep rate. There is a double-ended "dumbbell" Tesla coil suspended from the ceiling. The large Tesla coil, the field-shaper. Van de Graaf generator, and a Tesla disruptive discharge coil are also shown. This latter is a double-ended, Iron-core transformer. The distance is approximately 12 feet between the large Tesla coil and the small Tesla coil. Between them is what is called the active area, and that is basically a platform on which we put objects of whatever material we wish, and hope that they'll leap t o the ceding or burst apart. The main tuning control consists of several high-voltage variable capacitors and various inductors. Figure I I shows the lab that I set up in 1983. I admit i t is rather messy. I tried t o set i t up exactly as John had set It up, and so I did not make nice connections, e t c . I wanted it to be Just the same as what he had done, except 1 tried t o use a minimum number of components. The large Tesla coil Is 4 1/2 feet tall (secondary), a few thousand windings of number 27 or 30 enameled. It has a toroidal coil of about 12 gauge resting near its top* The Van de Graaf is about 250,000 volts DC maximum. It has an approximately I I to 13 inch diameter ball. Also visible are various tuning capacitors. You can see high voltage transmitting caps of very large capacity and RF coils here and there. Overhead Is the ctouble-ended "dumbbell" Tesla coil with its electrodes with the double toroid primary. Down below, out of sight, Is a spark gap that snaps every 40 seconds or so, and in the back corner is the small Tesla coil. It's a double 807 triode Tesla coil which has a nice spot frequency of about 760 kilohertz. The large Tesla coil, when powered normally resonates at somewhere

around 330 kilohertz.

Figure 12 shows another photo of a later set-up (Phase 2) in early 1987, where several unusual phenomena were filmed by a television crew and was shown on the national news. This was John's lab before he tore i t apart. It is shown merely t o suggest the size and scale of the devices.


The Hutchison




D I A G ft A H




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The general block diagram shows the Van de Graaf by itself on the left and i t goes through a gap and a capacitor. The gap is never f i r i n g t o ground! The small Tesla coll is shown underneath. It is a l i t t l e experimental Tesla coil powered a l l by Itself (dual 807 tubes). A l l components are powered f r o m a single 15 A m p , 110 v o l t , 60 Hz supply. The main spark gap shown by itself is about 3/8" wide which is powered by a 15 kilovolt DC supply across a capacitor. It snaps every 40 seconds or so and causes a great blast. There is no t i m e correspondence between the snapping o f that gap and objects taking off or dismembering themselves.

Tho Hutchison Fife

Neither John nor I know the specific function of any of this apparatus in producing these phenomena, and one of the primary reasons for this presentation is to foster collective investigation leading an understanding of what is going on. I do not know the mechanism whereby this assemblage of components causes objects to lift. 1 can come to some reasonable conclusions and explanations as to why this assemblage of apparat! causes things to burst apart. What is not understandable is how it causes objects to lift. Field strength readings I should mention some of the field strength readings that we have taken. Some of these results are shown In Figures 13 and 14. The magnetic field is taken with a strenght field meter using an 8" vertical loop. Electric field measurements were also made. The top two traces of Figure 13 show the 60 cycle bursts, a classical kind of Tesla decaying waveforms. The bottom four traces are spectral analyses. The middle left shows the small Tesla coil by itself with a little side band, but its main peak is approximately 760 Khz. {CTR is the centre frequency used in spectrum analysis terminology). In this case, centre frequency: 760 kilohertz; dispersion: 10 KHz, and the vertical scale is relative strenght. The large Tesla coll shown bottom left, (centre frequency: around 350 kilobertz), is a very messy, noisy spectrum because the large Tesla coil is not powered in the normal way. It is powered merely inductively. There is also a peak around 610 kilohertz (middle right) which is probably a side band. Bottom right has a centre frequency of 300, probably from the fluorescent lights. We tried to scan from low frequency right up to several megahertz. Figure 14 shows field strength measurements at approximately 350 kilohertz. We took a relative field strength reading from which I have imputed a strength in microvolts per metre, the vertical scale going up to about 7,000. The solid line indicates the measurements that we made with approximate error bounds, and the horizontal scale Is in feet from the centre of the apparatus. The dotted line is an inverse square line just for reference. There is nothing very unusual here. Tom Valone (Buffalo, New York): Are you actually telling us that you only have 2,000 microvolts per metre as the peak ? Its amazing, I expected at least kilovolts per metre. George Hathaway: The maximum, if we extrapolate that curve is about 100K microvolts per metre right in the centre of the active area. I should caution; this measurement was taken when the apparatus was not working to full potential. Whether, when major events happen, the field strength goes way up, I'm not sure. This was a normal run where some slight movement was happening to make sure the apparatus was functioning, but nothing major was occurring.


The Hutchison File

Tom Valone: When you say the f i e l d strength may go way up, how far do you mean? George Hathaway: I have no idea. We were not able t o have the f i e l d strength m e t e r at the t i m e as the best l i f t i n g was taking place or disruption was taking place. Therefore, 1 cannot t e l l you what the e l e c t r i c a l f i e l d strength would be when the major phenomenon was occurring. I could only imagine based on engineering principles t h a t i t would be much higher than 0.1 v o l t s / m e t r e . D o n ' t forget this is only the A C portion o f the f i e l d . Something 1 have a l i t t l e more control over is an analysis of the l i f t i n g capability. Figure 15 shows a s t r i p of the 8 m m f i l m o f that 19-pound bronze bushing taking o f f in slow motion. This is what I consider the powered take-off and i t s confirmed by the measurements. I measured the distance between the bottom end in Its resting position and the b o t t o m end when It actually leaves the frame and p l o t t e d t h a t . Marcel Vogel (San Jose, California): Look at the right-hand side at the series o f patterns that you are seeing tfiere. (Figure 15) George Hathaway: That's the pattern o f the m i l k c a r t o n on which this sample is s i t t i n g . M a r c e l Vogel: Is It a milk carton or is It a r e f l e c t i o n f r o m t h a t surface? George Hathaway: T h a t ! s a m i l k c a r t o n . I f you wish me t o run the video again w i t h this particular segment I w i l l and you can c o n f i r m t h a t . Marcel Vogel: I f i t was a beat wave you would have a very valuable bit of information. George Hathaway: T h a t ' s t r u e . We also have another valuable b i t o f i n f o r m a t i o n in the length of the breaks o f the f i l e . That gives us an indication o f the wavelength o f impinging fields, but nowhere near the kinds o f frequency t h a t I would expect t o be required t o do any o f this. But that's a good point. One should always analyze the spatial d i s t r i b u t i o n o f how things break f o r the clues as t o the range o f operating frequencies. Now if we plot this t a k e - o f f and derive an acceleration versus t i m e graph w e get Figure 16. I do not have my e r r o r analysis so 1 c a n ' t give you a standard deviation on some o f these points, but the result is t h a t there is a linearly-rising acceleration curve. There Is increasing power being provided t o the object as i t l i f t s ! I t ' s 19 pound bushing !


The Hutchison File

Increasing propulsive power Js being applied to this as witnessed by this increasing acceleration curve. These are the actual measurements t o about 0.16 seconds and beyond is an extrapolation* The -9.1 in the acceleration equation is merely an artifact of my measuring problem, analyzing that f i l m strip. Keep in mind, this means that when i t hits the ceiling, this 19 lb. bushing is traveling at 20 m/sec. (45 mph, 72 kmh) and increasing! I am at sea in trying t o determine how the device can provide a l i f t . In this 'Theoretical background" listing, I mention a few names that might have something t o do with an explanation of it.





Finally here is a listing of a few potential applications of this effect If It can be produced In such a format that It is repeatable and controllable: rocket payload assist, materials handling and warehousing, floating things into position, materials handling of hot objects, objects that are highly radioactive or dangerous, forging and casting, extruding of metals, alloying, power production, conversion, etc., and defence applications. In conclusion, this is an extremely difficult technology t o wrap one's mind around. I have had a great deal of difficulty in convincing scientists to think about this possibility, let alone try t o provide some mechanisms for understanding its operation.


TVie Hutchison File










I hope I'll be able to engender some interest so that people will think about It. Perhaps some will, if they have some equipment, do some experiments as well. I must caution anyone who Is pursuing this that it Is an extremely dangerous apparatus. It has never knocked any of my fillings out, but It certainly has a potential for doing so. It has smashed mirrors, in one of its incarnations, 80 feet away. It has overturned a large metal object about 50 or 60 pounds about 100 feet away. And Its effects can't be pinpointed unless we're lucky. We try to find the active area and then we hope that something will happen but perhaps something very far away will happen. The apparatus is capable of starting fires anywhere. It will start fires in concrete, little bursts of flame here and there and it will cause your main circuits to have problems. We've blown fuses out as well as circuit-breakers and large lights.


The Hutchison File

It also tends t o destroy itself and a classic case of that Is when we had some Important potential investors looking t o help develop it. In the morning of its being shown, it blew one o f its own transformers apart, and go, needless t o say, we could not do a successful demonstration. Marcel Vogel: Congratulations. I find It exceedingly exciting and interesting. I too have experienced the generation of power like this with a crystal. Just a single, natural quartz crystal cut In a special form. 1 generated fields which have knocked out electrical equipment and generated power which has destroyed matter. My suggestion t o you is to do specific gravity measurements on the pieces of metal on the beginning and end of the specimen. What 1 think is happening is that there is inter-vibrational activity going on; namely you're stimulating the lattice motion and when It gets t o a critical space the lattice collapse and then you get that stratification that is characteristic I saw it in a series o f metal samples. They look like they was leafing in the aluminum and m e t a l That should be critically studied as i t is a vry important thing that can help you t o understand. George Hathaway: You're suggesting specific gravity measurements? Marcel Vogel: Absolutely. Jacques Gagnon (Montreal, Quebec): Were there any of these effects when John was not there? George Hathaway: None o f the large effects have occurred when John was not there. We had some minor occurrences when I was personally adjusting the set-up, but I can't suggest that these were the same kinds of things that you saw because they could easily be blamed on merely electrostatics. And anyone can do lots of funny things with electrostatics. They were rather unusual but I cannot claim t o have seen anyone else, including myself, make the apparatus work* Basically that translates into: have the patience to sit with it and adjust it without John being there himself for hours and hours. Jacques Gagnon; Roughly what is his background? Did he study how he thinks he is doing this? George Hathaway: That's a good point. John has a high school education, and he does not have any formal electrical or university training. He has been experimenting with Tesla coils. In fact, the way he stumbled upon this was t o t r y t o duplicate Tesla's transmission of electrical power without wires. At an experiment, he inserted the Van de Graaf generator which he was repairing for a friend. He cannot explain these things in terms that people who've had training in these fields would like t o use. He talks about energy fields, he talks about energy moving around and being transported from one place t o another. He talks about interaction


The Hutchison File

between energy and g r a v i t y . That is the extent t o which he can explain what his understanding is. He has an incredible i n t u i t i v e capacity t o follow the flow of energy that he is t r y i n g t o manipulate. Something far beyond me. I have no concept of the kind of understanding t h a t he has. He's been at i t since he was about 6 or 7 years old continuously. He has a government pension for a medical problem so he has lots of t i m e . Time is necessary t o develop that kind o f technology, i f you are not concerned about particular results In getting somewhere. Unfortunately most o f the rest of us don't have that kind of t i m e and we w a n t t o produce something that is tangible something usable, something that we can develop into useful products. That Is of very l i t t l e interest t o John per se. He's interested c e r t a i n l y in getting the technology moving, but not at our pace. And that has been one of the causes of having this thing s i t t i n g in storage and taking a long t i m e t o develop. So he has a good i n t u i t i v e feel o f what is going on. He cannot explain It in words t h a t you and I could understand, and he's been at i t for so long that it doesn't really m a t t e r . He has no need t o converse with us in those kinds o f terms, and I doubt that he could.

Dr. Harold Aspden (University of Southampton, England): I've been greatly impressed by this, of course. I t ' s incredible. I would not have believed this f r o m a distance, but i t ' s great t o see the demonstration and I have the confidence now that this is a real effect* My f i r s t reaction is t h a t I would want t o look at the breaking of the specimens w i t h an eye t o what is called the exploding phenomena* This Is where you pass very rapidly, very big currents through the various wires and they break up into very tiny m m sections, as i f they had been chopped up, w i t h no evidence o f m e l t i n g . This i s a phenomena being studied by Peter Graneau particularly and that should be considered in regard t o rupturing process. I cannot escape f r o m the fact t h a t there must be some evidence, there must be some action of the ether in this

I think the relevance of the tornado t o this is o f very great Interest because there Is evidence of patterns in fields, circular patterns in special groups and that has something t o do w i t h the magnetic fields that are created. T h a t , t o me, is evidence t h a t you can get some kind o f vortex or spin in the ether i t s e l f and I would look at this phenomenon perhaps arising f r o m the induction o f filamentary vortices in spins which tend t o pull up these specimens. Having said chat and suspecting that there's another way I would never go over a cup o f coffee that's v i b r a t i n g w i t h a camera just above i t , because my poor head would get in the way o f these things and I'd be very scared t o go anywhere near t h a t type o f a c t i v i t y . So 1 am a bit concerned that you can have all these things happening, and then moving w i t h a camera t o take those pictures! How close did you dare go to the real centre of a c t i v i t y ?


The Hutchison Fito

George Haulaway: We were within 6 to 8 feet of it. John respects his apparatus when it's going, and he will not entftr into it. He knows the limits of it and he tells us what the limits are, and we stay outside those limits. ] suffered a severe migraine headache after my first two encounters with it, but I cannot ascribe them directly to the apparatus. I was so excited after seeing this thing work for the first time, and the second time, that my mind was going at 1200 miles per hour, and that is what 1 attribute my headaches to. John, on the other hand, has complained of microwave clicks deep inside his head. The microwave clicks are a phenomenon that has occurred in radar technicians where for some time they hear clicking sounds deep inside their beads. John has complained about that but he has not complained about any major effects* We perhaps have just been lucky, or perhaps somehow, he has been protecting us. I don't like t o bring up the PK (psychokinetic) end of all this but it certainly may be relevant. Regarding Peter Grancau's work, 1 have discussed this with him and he Is aware of what is going on. He is very interested in following It up, and as regards tornadoes, it's something as well that might be relevant. There is film evidence of the fact that tornadoes have very interesting electromagnetic phenomena going on inside them. Bodies levitating, going up and down very slowly in the eye of a tornado, anci emitting showers of sparks. Marcel Vogcl: 1 want to add one more thing as a word of caution. Just taking water a * spinning it around a crystal in the wrong direction 1 did but once in my life in 1964 and I was flung 10 f t . away from the experiment against the wall and the next day my face was burnt as if exposed t o intense radiation. My eyes were closed. It wft* witnessed by five persons. That was only letting 100 cc of water spin around a crystal that was charged. So you must proceed cautiously these forces. 1 speak with experience. Bernard Grad (Institut Armand Frappter, Montreal, Quebec): Just one comment. First of all. let me explain that I'm no physicist. I've had conventional university training in physics but I'm essentially a biologist and I'm especially interested Jn the energy fields of living things. The immediate thing that struck me about your talk is that the phenomena is very reminlscient o f poltergeist activity. I don't want you to begin t o think mystically as soon as ] say this: I myself see a lot of poltergeist activity as a direct result of intense and disturbed energy fields in people living under specific circumstances* The fact that you noticed that this phenomena is seen only in the presence of this man arid has been working in this from a very early age implies to me that his organism has a specific need in this regard. 1 can tell you one l i t t l e experiment, I've done work in relation t o the energy. A healer was onstage, and to his side (the audience was facing him) was his wife sitting at a table, such as you are, with a microphone. The healer was there, and his wife was sitting in front of the microphone there. Over on the side of the stage was a generator- This was an unusual situation In the sense that the generator was there.


The Hutchison File

While ne was healing, t o the surprise and astonishment o f everyone, a waveform appeared directly towards the motor t o such an extent that i t frightened and astonished everybody, but the thing was able t o be dampened as soon as he stopped healing and as soon as she turned the microphone away. I just want t o put some focus on this d i r e c t i o n . I think these are very interesting phenomena, by no means mystical phenomena, I want t o emphasize, but phenomena that can be investigated scientifically. Another t o t a l surprise: he's a person who never had a f o r m a l education, but he constantly speaks of energy field which is, by the way, the way many healers speak. George Haulaway: We had considered that kind of approach (the PK psychok i n e t i c approach) as a possible explanation as w e l l . We tended t o downplay that for a number o f reasons Including the fact that John was very e x c i t e d about two particular demonstrations we were going t o give for rather high* powered investors. On both occasions t)>e apparatus failed. One could say that there was some kind of negative Influence, and John's one unconcious side was fooling his other unconcious side into saying that he was not going t o proceed with this. But he c e r t a i n l y was excited and he wanted t o get going again. Anonymous: M y wife and I are in touch w i t h John Hutchison regularly and we have a large archive of his information and he has stated that he does not wish this technology t o be used for any destructive or m i l i t a r y means and that he has kept certain Information, so that i t w i l l not be able t o be used by other people. And this may be one o f the reasons why no one else has been able t o replicate exactly what he has ctone, because he has not t o l d anyone everything that he Is doing, so that's one point I wanted t o make and that may be why no one else has been able t o replicate this. Bernard Grad: Have you tried t o selectively isolate components in the e l e c t r i c a l experiment so as t o pinpoint whatever may be the cause of this? George Hathaway: We w e r e going t o embark o n a program o f doing Just that In our f a s l phase of work in 1982, but unfortunately things f e l l apart contractually w i t h John and we were not able t o continue that research. John had an interest in putting more things into the apparatus, not less. U n f o r t u n a t e l y we were not able to continue.


The Hutcliison Flte

Figure 1. Examples of disruptive phenomena, including a broken bushing*

Figure 2.

Two samples of disruptive phenomena: contorsion and segmentahsation.

The Hutchison Fito

Figure 3. Aluminium specimen from one of John Hutchison's experiments Octoer 184 (7QX magnification)

Figure 4. Fractured iron rod/bar which includes regions which were mapped by x-ray; see also figures 9 and 10


The Hutchison File

- **<:s^+ \.

000103 E0KV

20. Burn

Figure 5. Scanning electron microscope photo taken at the University of Toronto of an aluminium sample subjected t o the Hutchison effect


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Figure 6* Scanning electron microscope photo taken of an iron sample subjected t o the Hutchison effect


The Hutchison File

300101 20KV

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Figure 7, Figure 8. Higher magnification of polished aluminium sample w i t h pure element globules emerging a f t e r Hutchison e f f e c t
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Figure 9, Figure 10. Spectral plots of typical aluminium sample compared w i t h an area where fractures developed under Hutchison e f f e c t occured


The Hutchison File

Figure 11, F i y j r e 12. Above is a 1983 renacted laboratory (Phase I) replicating John Hutchison's original set-up. Below is John Hutchison's 1987 (Phase 11) laboratory before It was dismantled and in which were recorded by a Canadian television crew f o r national news numerous phenomena


The Hutchison File

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F ^ r e 13. Field strength reasngs during experiments. Top 2 traces: 60 Hz bursts with classical Tesla coil decays. Middle left: small coil peaking at 760 KHz; middle right: 610 KHz sideband. Bottom left: large coil at 610 KHz. Bottom right: a 300 KHz emission source


7/ie Hutchison File

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Figure 14. F i e l d strength measurements during Hutchison e f f e c t experiments at about 350KHz, showing strength versus distance f r o m source


The Hutchison File

Figure 15. S t r i p of 8 mm f i l m of a 19 pound bronze bushing in powered t a k e - o f f , in slow m o t i o n


The Hutchison File

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Figure 16. Plot of linearly-rising powered take-off of a 19 pound bushing calculated on an acceleration / t i m e graph.

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The Hutchison File

The Hutchison effect - the inside view

John Hulchison
tepnttea U n \huPtancfary A ttocftftoo for Cte* Energy Newsletter. Vtfume6(2-3). l^Y 1991. p. 16-td

Since a very early age, I have had a fascination with machines, almost an empathy to them whether machine tools, guns, steam engines, chemical equipment and most of all, electromagnetic and physics gear Being rather reclusive, I had a lot of time to work and play with a host of devices from ham radio equipment to free energy machines. In 1979, in my lab that was a collection of machine tools, ham radio equipment, Tesla coils, static generators, transformers. Rf generators and much more, I discovered an odd effect. Let me say that I would have Tesla coils lurned on, RF generation equipment, static generators and geometric metal masses under load in the centre an uranium alpha beta flux in a copper lube* The effect I saw led me into a decade of demonstration to Defense, aerospace, private groups and TV crews, about 700 demonstrations. I should mention who led me into this new world; Alexis Pezarro, George Hathaway and Tom Bearden. Decade of demonstrations Between 1979 to 1986 about 60 % of my demonstrations took place. A lot of these failed while & considerable number were classified by various Defense departments and the Los Alamos laboratory (and written statements to that effect are in my possession). In those early years, we would have credibility problems as the effects go against the classical laws of physics* But all in all, we had a good number of witnesses and videos. Between 1986 and 1990, my demonstrations improved to 80 % effect generation an up to 5 effects per hour instead of the previous one per day, I embarked on a program of larger Tesis coils, high capacitance, high voltage AC on interferometers, rack cabinets full of RF signal generation equipment and low power radar systems, broad-band output generators and phasing equipment coupled to the signal generators, the uranium source now was housed in a stainless steel ball This ball had a window so that the alpha beta flux could be rotated. Next to the steel ball was a pulsed magnet pin network. The output horn was phased to the window. The steel ball was subjected to a DC tension of 100,000 volts. To go into further detail is beyond the scope of this article. However, I felt that the more sophisticated equipment would replace lots of the old setups I had previously and it turned out so.

o t

The Hutchison File Data gathering period I had now, in the second phase (1986 -1990), more monitoring equipment; such devices as a panoramic spectrum analyzer (0.1Hz to 44 GigaHertz) with chart recorder, magnetometer, and a variety of detectors. Some of the most interesting at a distance - up to 30 meters (100 feet) away include the development of magnetic monopoles, tha production of transparence in metals, the falling apart of bars of steel, the mixing of metal with wood (this sample is still under investigation in Germany by Siemens), lvitation of many kinds of materials in various weights, sizes and shapes. Surprise surprise Two demonstrations were a surprise to me. One day, when I was alone on a test run, I walked over to the back window in my laboratory. L had let all the machines work on a sample as I was getting ready for a demonstration. From the window, I saw the telephone pole in the lane shaking violently with at least 3-foot movements, back and forth. So violent was this movement lhat the wires were flapping around like a skip rope. At fist I thought a car was tied up by a guide wire. I opened the door and looked outside and saw no car But I did see a crowd of persons looking at the pole from a club next door. I then went inside and slammed the main breaker closed. The action slopped* On another occasion, in 1985 or 1986.1 ran a test and shut down the lab as I was to visit a friend. I put on my coat, got my bike and locked up the lab. I then noticed one of the most breath taking effects. Above me was a huge dark cloud formation in a spiral form, not too distinct yet. I thought of how Tom Bearden talked of weather control and standing columnar waves. I wondered if I could outrun the storm as I knew rain would come shortly. I got on my bike and went a half kilometer and then saw the formation dump the rain. I watched for a while at the clouds were getting into a normal pattern. During my ten kilometer trip, I would stop and look back at the cloud. Eventually, the sun was shining through thin spots. At the time, I thought that this was coincidence. This was a nice memory. Demanding Investors 1988 was very demanding, as I got involved with investor types from Boeing and from throughout Canada. The usual effects took place. One of them was nails passed through wood, as if the wood were transparent and the nails had levitated and got caught in the wood. In another test, a 1000 pound transformer levitated - and this is captured in a stolen video. One effect I played with is ihe control of background radiation levels within a spherical radius of 75 feet. This effect was recorded by an European team using my spectrum analyzer and they recorded this effect on video.


The Hutchison File I was locked out of my lab by the Boeing investors who wanted me to follow their psychotronic approach yet I got in the lab with the other group who documented everything. A British Columbia Court order came later on allowing me access to the lab to do research, but permitted the Boeing group the same. German investigate research By now I was going to Germany to see my friends and to see all the tests being done on fifty metal samples by six major labs over there. These labs were with universities and institutes. While I was gone, my lawyers failed as various Canadian government agencies took all the high voltage equipment and machine tools. But in their awkwardness, they did not take the most valuable equipment. Tom Bearden has indicated that the Canadian government did not want me to have my lab so they used Environment Canada to clean up. Yet the six tons of important equipment is now safe. In Germany, I found that the samples had been transmuted; that they kept on changing their characteristics. Also, some of the metal, as view microscopically, is transparent. Slowly, a large network of high ranking scientists gave support to the effects. I have not yet received one negative response. They wanted me to work alongside them while my lab was in Vancouver. Return to Canada I returned 18 months later, on September 1990 to get the other half of my lab out of storage that half that the Government had not seized. I only found a mystery getting bigger and bigger about the part of (he lab that I lost Members of Parliament would not talk to me nor help. And there were all the stories going around about CIA intervention. At least I have some documents about this. Rationalizing the "Hutchison Effect" Now, what is the "Hutchison Effect? My peak power was 110 volts at 400 volts. This of course was transformed to signal generators* radar systems, broadband systems and high voltage systems and magnetic pulsed coils (4Hz) with an overlap of saturation in the iron core so that one would have a waveform showing this. If one was to study Rene Louis Vallee's and Tom Bearden's work on time reverse waves and scalars, one could see how both phenomena lend to this effect in some way. Valle does predict a depletion of energy in the structure of space in the vicinity of an earth sized concentration of mass of 57,000 MegaJoules less per cubic meter than that of a cubic meter of interstellar space. If this is so and the potential does exist, then the energy available to produce the observed effects would be of the proper magnitude. Assuming less than 100 % conversion efficiency of my equipment and given the


The Hutchison File

dimensions of the samples, it would seem that the more massive a sample, the greater the potential energy flow. The apparati seem to conform to Bearders time reverse scalar wave concepts. Looking at Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher's third equation, and comparing my own ideas about sub-atomic particles, I note a set pattern that I wish to follow up on which could lead to a comprehensive rationale. The above-mentioned contributors have led me to investigate more carefully radar systems, nuclear, signal generation, other electromagnetics and the Tesla coils for a future demonstration by which effects might be engendered on a continuous basis. Some minor tests already indicate that such continuity is a fact. Possible applications Some will say, what can the "Hutchison Effect" be good for? Maybe: gravity space propulsion systems, medicine, new materials, open doors into "free energy" systems, sub-atomic physics, time dilation, pollution control and nuclear waste management and disposal systems and, interdimensional physics. To render the above feasible, I hope to develop and set up my lab in Europe later on. In successful demonstrations, I hope to call in the people mentioned in order to bring forth the technology at a faster pace where it can be used for pollution control and in medicine. The sooner the better, I


The Hutchison File

Independent Assessments of the Hutchison Effect

A number of explanations have been written by parlies who analyzed the facts associated with the research of John Hutchison. These appear to fall into several categories: 1) psychokinesis, 2) electromagnetics, and 3) combination of psychokinesis and electromagnetics. Below are the complete, un-edited reports.

1) The psychokinesis hypothesis

Private Report by Billie


Demonstration of the Hutchison Effect October 14,1365. 8 to 11 p.m.

Pieces of metal about ten in all ranging from brass piping, aluminum piping, aluminum foil, copper and a large piece of foam rubber also a rectangular piece of aluminum and a short piece of Vanadium all were placed on a piece of Formica counter top which served as a table. The Formica was slightly curved (concave) due to warpage, I felt this would allow the pieces to slide outwards and simply fail off. The moving incident happened at about five to ten minute intervals. Electrical machinery were revved up. On my left facing, a small piece of foil teetering on the table's edge has moved and fallen off. This followed by a second piece on my right. Two bars, the long thin one and a short one, slowly separated approximately 1/4". On my right further down the table the third bar, that was in alignment, became a bit slanted; then straightened to its original position. The thick aluminum bar appears to be shifting it's shape and what appears to be a dark gray oblong spot is forming on the inner side (left) it has moved a little more from the longer pipe. The largest piece of foil has been rearranged. Two or three fairly loud thumps (heavy) were heard upstairs apparently these premises were vacant at this time. The fourth metal pipe has moved up a bit towards the back end of the table (Note: it is possible that I never noticed the space on the table between the bottom of the pipe and the piece of foam before). On my left, the large piece of foil is rearranging itself and is moving towards me. On my left a small piece of foil has also fallen off the table, just now it appears that a sort of metamorphosis of the short thick piece of aluminum is taking place, I will check it out after the demonstration. As predicted, the large piece of foil has also fallen off of the table.


The Hutchison File

The first and heaviest long thin piece of brass pipe has literally "jumped" from the table taking the short aluminum rectangular piece along with it. The short piece of Vanadium has seemed to be misplaced, probably it has fallen to the floor unnoticed or has moved under piece of the remaining foil. Another piece of foil on my right is a moving forward and close to the edge of the table. A candle is being placed on the table, thus ruling out my suspicions that a draft might have been responsible along with the concave Formica for the foil in particular to have moved as it did. as the candle flame is completely still The flame did however flicker very abruptly as though a sudden wind entered the lab when the TUX" exploded. The electrical devices have now been down. The demonstration was about 1 1/2 to 2 hours long.

Observation The aluminum bar has been severed. However, I mus remain at least 5% dubious at this time, that the piece had not been scored before it was placed on the table as the separation appears to have been marked perfectly straight across one side, but I must admit that it probably was not since I have too much else occur which obviously was genuine and not a trick tt would be interesting to have a demonstration to rule out any telekinetic influence of the effect that might emanate from John. As the foregoing paragraphs will show telekinetic effects of such a nature has shown up often in the past. I refer here to the excellent book by Edgar D. Mitchell, Psychic exploration, dealing with all aspects of phenomena, whiten by many worid-renowned researchers and scientists. Notably the following; chapter 7 pages 17&-194 in which Helmut Schmidt in his writings on Psychokinesis has shown that "during Ihe last four decades careful laboratory work has shown that man to a certain degree can influence the outside world by pure thought". This process is called psychokinesis or PK. It appears in the laboratory as a mental influence on "random" events like the outcome of die throws or the operation of electronic devices. I also note from the same book, Chapter 16. by D. Scott Rogo, particularly his notes concerning poltergeist activity / poltergeist agents, especially poltergeist agents. The subject usually has a low verbal ability at expression. This coupled with built up hostility and frustration, and a crippling inability to express this hostility. Normally when such a situation arises, a person will allow psychological mechanisms to help him release his frustration as in displaced aggression in which a child, angry at his sister, will kick a door or a pet Another such mechanism is ''acting


Tlw Hutchison File out" as when a child perturbed by his parents, will tear pictures of adults out of a magazine. The poltergeist does just this. But instead of the individual carrying out his hostilities physically, his PK does it for him^ Poltergeist agents also show denial so it seems, and suppression. These are attempts by the child or adult t o deny feelings of hostility or suppress them into the hidden regions of the unconscious because of this, it is not odd that poltergeist outbreak agents are often unaware that hey aro actually causing he outbreak. Further, it has been found the movements of objects do seem to follow certain principles. These principles are enormously complicated, but they point to the effect that objecls around the agent will tend to be moved more often then objects at a farther distance. The trajectories of these objects seem to indicate that some moving force, vortexian is responsible for the actions. The above findings may sound somewhat **too dramatic" in relating them to John. However, one only has to look at his upbringing, his past personal experiences and his present lifestyle to see the bizarre similarities, John does have a quiet gentle and somewhat naive personality albeit much of his seemingly placidness, I believe, harbors much hostilities and frustration, from early childhood to the present time he has lived a complex life, John has been done wrong in his early years by incorrect treatment by an ignorant medical profession: he was treated for a serious mind imbalance when it was a simple case of agoraphobia. Who would not harbor malice. He was the victim of an alcoholic parent. In later years he had to contend with dishonest bureaucrats but it probably was the lifelong exposure to the alcoholic environment John is somehow shy, but is what "looks" if you will in his subconscious that causes effects similar to the disturbed child that D. Scott Rogo cites above. John's extreme quiet and extreme mild-mannerisms do act as a somewhat crippling inability to express pent-up hostilities, he does "get even" with his antagonizes in a " passive" aggressive way. Does a poltergeist manifestation occur then? Why is it that when he is feeling happy and positive, a demonstration goes well, and just the opposite occurs when he is downcast and feeling negative? Does he have some or all control of the effect without being aware? Is he being led to believe that the effect is indeed more of a detached scientific occurrence or is it possibly a PK effect? Future demonstrations may explain these questions, if the effect is caused by John himself it would be of a theoretical PK event as D. Scott Rogo has already brought forth. It would appear that Jack Houck is probably more on the right track than anyone else.


Tho Hutchison Filo

Letter from Jack Houck

February 28, 1991.

Your recent letter to me suggests you are experiencing more paranormal phenomena than the "normal" people do. Of course you know this is of great interest to me. I meet a lot of people in paranormal research activities who describe similar experiences. In general, you are having your mind to out and access (conned) with remote people and things. I am enclosing my original model paper which provides a way of thinking about how the mind can go out and access remote information. I know I sent this paper to you years ago, but it may have been misplaced with all the international traveling you have been doing. The key point is that you can learn to control when and where you want your mind to go. Similarly, you can be open to another (<.0.. Larry or Yin) accessing your thoughts or you can block that by simply mentally putting those thoughts you do not want others to access in a safe, and close the door. I think that it is good to have the capability to sense things, like electromagnetic fields, when you want to. This can be controlled by setting a goal, making a mental connection to that goal, commanding it to hsp* pen, and then letting go (allowing it to happen). "Riese are the same basic instructions I use to teach people to bend meial with their minds. The instructions work reliabty when you understand how this can work, and practice. The same applies to creating additional energy in a generator. In many of your experiments there is a lot of "normal" energy around (d.g., your microwave radar). I think you want something to happen the goal!! Your mind goes out and coheres the local available energy which then creates a force which attempts to achieve the goal. The ietttng-go step seems to be the most important from all my research and you seem to do that very well. Improving your reliability requires a lot of pratlce.agood model, and nof/Wnfcng about H too much. Further, by making your goals very precise and specific, this process can be perfected. Creating a peak emotional event at the time you want the phenomena event to happen also seems to be an important Ingredient. I have always said that is would be nice to have a temperature sensing device on a woman who sees her child under a car. As she lifts the car off the child, I think there will be a 20 degrees drop in the local air temperature. Clearly, she has a goal - gel the car off the child. This is a peak emotional event. She does not think about not being aWe to lift a car. The thermal energy in the air Is extracted and a rorce is cohered which helps her lift the car. John. I hope this information is useful and good luck In your continued research. Say "Hello" to Yin for me.

Vancouver experimental observation by Jack Houck

August 1985

Section 1 : S u m m a r y and C o n c l u s i o n s During the year 1 9 7 1 , John Hutchison set out t o build some Tesla coils. H e also is a collector of old high voltage and static electricity generating equipment, as well as a g u n collector. One evening while tinkering with this equipment, creating large sparks and high voltage effects, h e was struck on the shoulder by a piece of metal. He threw it back toward where it came form and it struck him again. He h a d accidentally created what w e will call the Hutchison Effect. During the ensuing years, h e found that by


The Hutchison Fife

adjusting the settings on the equipment, things would levitate, move horizontally, bend, break and explode. Hutchison met Alexis Pezarro and George Hathaway who had formed Pharos Technologies Ltd. in search for new innovative technologies. Pezarro and Hathaway worked with Hutchison, conducting many experiments in attempting to replicate and understand the phenomena. They also were looking for funds to perform the research necessary to apply this knowledge. The equipment belongs to Hutchison and is in his residence. The area in which the majority of the effects occur is determined empirically. Often major events occur outside the intended "target area" where test objects were place. In the early days of their experimentation, many hovering and apparently antigravity-type events occurred. Hutchison and the equipment have moved twice in last few years, requiring many months to again obtain effects. During this time, more power and equipment have been added to the "system". Lately, most of the observed effects have been metal exploding or bending, and objects moving horizontally or expanding and contracting. A group of scientists from Los Alamos had witnesses and experiment last year with no results. On August 13 and 14,1985, this author had the opportunity to witness two evenings of experiments. I had taken a number of samples to put in the vicinity of the equipment at the intended target area. Most of the samples and controls left in Southern California. I took 35 mm pictures, and rented a 1/2-inch home video recording system for documentation and assistance in observation. There were some very interesting events captured on the video tape, and some of those were observed when they happened. Aluminum foil pieces and some other samples (including plastic) were observed to slide or fall over, as if hit by an impulse at apparently random intervals throughout both evenings. At one point, one of the aluminum foil pieces appeared to move up and down, with a 13 second period. I was satisfied that no fraudulence was occurring, and was impressed by the fact that most of the events were covered by the video camera. However, some of the biggest events occurred outside the intended target area. The first evening, a gun barrel and a very heavy (60 lbs) brass cylinder were hurled from a shelf in the back corner of the room onto the floor. Simultaneously, on the opposite side of the room toward the back, three other objects were hurled to the ground. One was a heavy aluminum bar ( 3/4" by 2-1/2" by 12"). It was bent 30 degrees. Hutchison said that it was straight at the beginning of the evening. Another object was a 15-lb brass bushing. These objects can be seen falling in the video record, but their initial location is not recorded. I am quite sure that no one was hiding in that part of the room throwing these objects. I was with both Hutchison and Pezarro during the entire experiment. None of samples I had were affected. There was a 4 by 4 array of small magnets set up in the target area. The first evening these magnets were spread all over because a big brass cylinder fell on the board supporting them. It actually fell onto the calculator, but the calculator continued to function. However, during the second day, no objects fell


Tho Hutchison File into the target area containing the 4 by 4 array, but the magnets did move around, apparently due to the same horizontal force that pushed the aluminum foil pieces off the board. More detail on the objects that moved is contained in Section 2 of this report. Pezarro and Hutchison reported many stories about what they observed in previous experiments. I was struck by the many similarities there were to the type of phenomena I observe at PK parties and the type of phenomena associated with other types of macro PK (psychokinesis) events. Could Hutchison be electrically stimulating the same type of energy or "fields** that are responsible for PK events? There are also some dissimilarities. This comparison will be made in a Section 3. Might they have discovered a PK amplifier? It is possible that I could be biased because of my research into the PK phenomena. Pezarro believes that they are creating some type of "field" that stimulates some energy to be dumped into the objects, or used by an object's surface to generate the observed effects. No one has a theoretical explanation for what is occurring. How* ever, if a better understanding can be developed, then it may be possible to devise experiments whose results can be predicted. Several theoretical approaches may be relevant {e.g., [Tom E.] Bearden, Williams, [Prof. Elizabeth] Rauscher, (Prof. William] Tiller, [Prof. Jack] Dea, et al). In conclusion, I believe that Hutchison is creating a real phenomena with his equipment that is somehow being stimulated by some combination of the electrical fields being emitted. Currently, the effects are so random in both time and space that it is very difficult to conduct meaningful experiments. However, if someone can figure out a way to focus the effects consistently in a target area, then much more anomalistic data would be produced. Ideas were discussed on how to accomplish this focusing. There are many other parameters involved in each of the elements of the equipment that need lo be better understood in order to obtain consistent effects. It is likely that effects are being created that cannot be explained by conventional physics and, therefore, some of new models being created to extend physics, in attempts to explain anomalous phenomena, could be examined in conjunction with the Hutchison Effect. Section 2: Experimental Data On August 13, 1985,1 flew to Vancouver, B.C., Canada, from Los Angeles to observe the Hutchison Effect Pezarro met me at the airport and helped me get settled into the hotel. Pezarro talked about their experiments. I rented a video camera and recording equipment. We took the equipment to Hutchison's residence and set up the equipment and samples in the target area. They cannot run the equipment during the day because it disturbs all the electrical equipment of the neighborhood. The video camera was placed on a ladder, about 15 feet from the target area and cabled to the recording equipment located in another room. The room which contains the equipment has two narrow walkways, and old electronic equipment is stacked to the ceiling on the outside of both walkways.


The Hutchison File

The center of the room contains a massive amount of equipment, including a lot of power conditioning equipment, two very large Tesla coils, several Van de Graaff generators (only working as part of the "system"), a Jacob's ladder, and a big spark gap generator. I did not get into the details of the equipment because that is not my field, and Pezarro said there were "secret* elements. The first evening, August 13, we started the experiment at 8:45 p.m. Table 1 lists the major events that I recorded.
Time S:45 p.m. 9:10 p.m. Event Start.. Big brass bushing -17 lbs - fell ovar unto the ara of my samples; Knocked the magnets around. Aluminum foil behind busiung was moving up and sown slightly. Large pieces of aluminum foil fell off left side. Large pieces of aluminum foil fell off left side. Something fell off the shelf in the back part of the room (left side) as well as directly behind the target area. Lights atus fuses blew oui
Table 1 + Tabic o f events on August 13,1995.

9:46 p.m. 9:50 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 10:19 o.m.

Figure 1 is a sketch of the room and shows where things were generally located. It is not to scale. The direction of travel of the movement of the objects is noted in Figure 1. Photos 1 and 2 were taken of the target area before the experiment began on August 13,1985. The samples I had taken were on the "table" toward the front of the room {closest to the camera). There were two large metal rings hanging from the ceiling over the target area that slowly moved periodically throughout the evening. Photos 3 and 4 were taken after the fuses blew out with only a candle to check things out, It can be seen that things in the target area had moved around. The cylinder on the second table fell over onto the first table. The major action during the first evening was toward the front of the second table. It can be seen in the photos that some of the aluminum foil moved around, and this is verified on the video tape. Photo 5 was taken from the target area toward the front of the room capturing one of the Tesla coils and the Van de Graaff generator This picture provides a sense of the amount of equipment and cramped conditions. Throughout the evening, Hutchison was constantly changing the settings on all of the room. Photo 6 was taken of the things that had fallen on the floor near the end of the first experiment. This photo was taken down the left walkway.


The Hutchison Fil

Photo 1 Target area; Hutchison samples

Photo 2 Target area Jack Houck samples

The Hutchison File

Photo 3 According to video, the table floated up along the walkway

Photo 4 'Things in the target area have moved around."


The Hutchison File


B*nt Aluminum 8>f


Bran Cylinder



Ruby Um ^**

Control Room

RoffOfUf -* Oily * \ e * tofloom

Figure 1, Sketch of the experimental set-up in room, describing location of samples, selected instruments, control area and the direction ol displacement of artifacts affected by the Hutchison effect. August 13 1985. Not drawn to scale.


ThG Hutchison File

-.1 l . : T " h i


Intersect Intersect
Aim*-* (N

Figure 2: Wave postulation: intersection of two active monopolar antenna sourced wavefronls.

The two large events in the back of the room seemed to occur at the same time. I postulated that maybe this machine was somehow acting as two monopole antennas.radiating waves, as shown in Figure 2. Of a wave from radiator, one had the right property to interact with a wave from radiator 2, then simultaneous effects should be expected at the two intersections of the circles, especially if there was something to affect at both locations. This idea prompted me to set up additional target areas in the left walkway on the second day of the experiment.


The Hutchison File

n i W Oin*jf

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Aluminum F 0*< o

inndul !!/ _ ^* F*|l Oui

T*r gtt Ar Mowd About


r*o lnteo<*c-J


Control Room

2 lo 3 : - !

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Vio*o C*m##j on

J Figure 3. The set-up and noted changes for August 14,1995 experiments I took all of our samples back to the hotel with me so that I had control of them at all times. The geometry for the experiment on August 14,1985 is shown in Figure 3. The record of events is presented in Table 2. With only one video camera, it was not possible to prove that we obtained simultaneous events. However, pieces of aluminum foil did move (fall to the floor) on both walkways during the evening, I set up the whole target area on the second day. I checked under the table for other equipment - none. I moved the front table back about two or three feet from where it was on the first day. Hoping to get the major effects on the samples I took.


Th* Hutchison File

Photo 5: Tesla coil and the Van der Graff generator.

Photo 6; Objects fallen on floor towards end of experiment left walkway.

Photo 5 was taken from the target area toward Ore front of the room capturing one of the Tesis coils and the Van de Graattgenerator.


The Hutchison Fife

Photo 7: Hutchison samples. 2nd try

Photo 8 Jack Houck samples, 2nd try

Photos 7 and 8 were taken before U e experiment en August 14,1985 of the back and n front tables, respectively, in the main target area. During my introduction for the video camera, I accidentally moved the aluminum foil ball and the plastic rod (as noted in Phclo 8). I put a piece of aluminum foil in the cannon mouth, shown in the background.


The Hutchison


Photos 9 and 10: indications of movement of magnets and aluminum objects. Photo 9 was taken at the break. A new video tape was also put in the recorder at this time. Photo 10 was taken of the same area (front table in the target area) at the end of the experiment. Examination of the sequence of Photos 8,9,10 shows the movement of the magnets and the aluminum objects. Photo 11 verifies that nothing on the back table in the target area moved. Fortunately some movement did occur in the area of our samples on the second day. However, nothing lifted off or hovered as I had hoped- The video record does show impulsive type movements, and there does seem to be a


m e Hutchison


preferred movement direction in local areas of the general target area. Most of the objects moved from right to left, toward the equipment; however, in one area, the movement seemed to be generally toward the front of the room.
Timo 8:09 p.m. 8:19 p.m. 0:24 p.m. 6:27 p.m. 6:29 p.m. 6:31 p.m. 8:38 p.m. 8:40 p.m. 8:50 p.m. Event Equipment turned on* Spark gap not set property turned off machine. Turned on machine again. Lights off (oamera off). Fuse blew operational again. Piece of aluminum fell at the same instant that spark occurred Shutting down system to test transformers. Turning on system. Magnet array seemed to have moves to left Aluminum foil in front of little magnets had moved. 3 pieces of aluminum foil jumped off to left (again at spark). Foil on left side of room/front box fallen onto of box Noticed piece of aluminum foil leaning on metal in front of radio. Shut down machine. Took pictures. Replaced video tape. Turned on machine. Block of aluminum in fronvteft moved over toward left edge. Turned off machine for gap test. Turned on machine. Shut ovin machine and video camera to dean heads on Van der Craaff g&nsrator. Turned everything on again Gun moving not in target area. Turned off machine. Turned equipment back on. Something falls (trass gauge). Stopped for evening.

8:53 p.m. 9:40pm 9:45 p.m. 9:56 p.m. Break 10:37 p.m. 10:50 p.m. 11:05 p.m. 11:13 p.m. 11:21 p.m.

11:30 p.m. 11:40 p.m. 11:53 p.m. 11:53 p m 11:58 p m 12:14 a m

Table 2 Tafcle of venta on August 14,1985


The Hutchison File Section 3: Comparison with PK Phenomena

During the experiment on August 13 and 14,1985, there was a great deal of randomness in both time and space of the events. My observations during these experiments, plus the many stories told to me by Pezarro and Hutchison, caused me to note the striking similarity between the Hutchison Effect and the psychokinesis {PK) phenomena. In fact, one of the possible explanations for the observed phenomena might have historically been called poltergeist since objects seemed to randomly come flying off shelves. In this section, I will attempt to describe what I believe are the similarities and dissimilarities between the Hutchison Effect ond PK Since the hard science community does no accept PK phenomena, this section will have to be considered a comparison between anecdotal dala about the Hutchison Effect with anecdotal data about the PK phenomena. However, I have been researching PK phenomena for a number of years and have personally observed a lot of PK phenomena, and have read and heard about a lot of other PK-type events. 3.1 Similarities As reported in Section 2, the Hutchison Effect occurs fairly randomly in the time and space. While it is true the Pezarro and Hutchison have found a preferred target area. Their effects occur all over the room. They also report events occurring outside the room. In fact, coincidental^, a water main burst in the street in front of Hutchison's residence near the end of the experiment on August 14. This type of randomness of not knowing exactly where the effect will occur in both time and space is very common in PK research. The aluminum foil moved in short, jerky increments as observed on video tape. This type of motion is similar to that observed in telekinesis where objects seem to move in short, jerky increments. In the more recent configurations of their experiment, Pezarro reported a lot of metal bending and breaking and not much lvitation. The aluminum bar may have bent during the experiment on August 13; however, since I had not seen it before it came flying off the shelf, I cannot verify its unbent condition. Pezarro reported metal bending in "waves" (i.e., bending back and forth). Interestingly, a number of us who have given PK Parties have also observed similar metal bending in the Graduate School {spontaneous bending) part of the PK Parties. Pezarro also reported metal turning black, which is also a phenomena I have observed at PK Parties. Pezarro had samples of metal that appear to have exploded, and he describes some of these events as happening slowly. Similarly, he reports that objects tend to break in regions of high stress. These observations are very similar to my observations during PK Parties, and are consistent with the idea that somehow energy is dumped into the metal grain boundaries,causing temporary melting of those grain boundaries. Thus, internal stress is relieved resulting


The Hutchison


in the metal bending, and sometimes sufficient internal heat is generated to cause objects to explode. Pezarro reports objects levitating and sometimes lifting off rather quickly. Even though I have not personally witnessed this effect from either the Hutchison Effect or the PK research, there certainly are a number of reports of objects levitating from Pezarro and parapsychology researchers. Similarly, Pezarro reports examples of transmutation elements. He had a piece of steel analyzed that seemed to change to FeSi after it was exposed to the "field". Also, he provided me with a piece of iron that seems to have experienced heating at the bend. It broke while being exposed, and it appears to have copper embedded in just the region of the break. The analysis of that piece is not yet completed. Transmutation of elements is something I have no personally observed; however, it is reported that "special people" (i.e., some of the Indian gurus) have been able to do this. I have talked with one individual who claims to have observed Shi Baba turn a silver plated watch to gold. It belonged to someone who had gone to India to meet Shi Baba. There also seemed to be some psychological comparisons between the Hutchison Effect and PK phenomena. Both seem to be very elusive when skeptical scientists are around. There also may be comparisons related to emotion when events occur, and with the ability of individuals to "release" their minds from the experiment in progress. 3.2, Dissimilarities PK-type activities are generally associated with humans. It is associated that the human mind somehow goes out to a potential target and somehow arranges the local energy to create an observed affect (sometimes controllable and sometimes uncontrollable). The Hutchison Effect seemed to be stimulated by some combination of the electrostatic, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields. It is possible that some of the observed effects might have been caused by conventional induction of eddy currents, or an accumulation of charge due to the electrostatic field. I did not witness any evidence of fraudulence, and an aware of some of the possible "tricks"; however, I am not an expert in electrical and magnetic phenomena and, therefore, conceivably could be duped. On the second day of the experiment, I did personally set up all of the target area as well as had postulated effects in other areas, and I set up targets in those other areas. Furthermore, if there had been a midget hiding in the back of the room, somehow arranging the other effects, he must have a tremendous amount of courage due to all the high voltage equipment around and the likelihood of being "zapped". In the Hutchison experiment on August 13,1985, we observed large simultaneous events on both sides of the back of the room. This type of simultaneous multiple events, separated by a significant distance, has not been reported in the PK literature to knowledge. However, I suppose some of the wild poltergeist-type events may have similar data.


The Hutchison Fife

It was interesting that some of the reported effects described by Pezarro occurred with annealed metal. Observations from my PK research have indicated that it is extremely difficult for people to affect annealed metal. However, if the Hutchison machine is some type of PK amplifier, then it is conceivable that the observed effects are just bigger than can be generated by individuals or group of people. Section 4: Recommendations In summary, I suspect that the Hutchison Effect is a real phenomena, and is a result of electrically stimulating some type of energy to affect objects. These effects have similarities to those observed in PK research. I cannot absolutely rule out the possibility that Hutchison and/or Pezarro are unknowingly creating the effects with their minds. The Hutchison Effects were generally larger than I have observed from individuals or groups, but not necessarily greater than those reported in the poltergeist literature. I consider it extremely unlikely to be a fraudulent activity. The following is a list of things that could be done which might help to obtain a better understanding of the Hutchison Effect * * Develop control of effects in a target area, with continuous recording of variations of the controls (parameters) and instrumentation. Make temperature measurements in the target region. Develop new equipment that is movable so that the geometry of the elements can easily varied. Determine if effects can be achieved without Hutchison present, and without him knowing of the event (i.e., rule out PK). Concentrate on a lifting effect. Test strips of aluminum with known amount of prestress.

Research of the Hutchison Effect should be funded when a sound theoretical and experimental program plan is proposed. This data may be useful in the development of a theoretical model to extend our understanding of Physics.

Letter from Hans-Adam Liechtenstein

7 march 1990

Thank you much for your letter of February 1, which I have only now the time to answer. I was away for two weeks and wanted to speak with George Hathaway before. He showed me the video of your very interesting experiments. The problem I see is that we do not know if the effect is produced by the complicated machinery or an extraordinary parapsychologlcal talent you personally have. To answer this question one would have to slart a very serious research program. At the moment George Hathaway and I do research in a different area. Nevertheless, I think that in (he future we might spend some time and money to research ihe Hutchison Effect. As t am rather busy at the moment I would suggest that you stay in contact with George Hathaway, who is directly responsible for the research and who works out the different propositions to me.

The Hutchison File

2) The Electromagnetics hypothesis Letter from Hathaway Consulting Services,

November. 19B5 The best explanation for the lift so far came from Leon Dragone and Prof. Panos Pappas who postulate a charge coherence between a localized area on the earth (or "launch platform" and the specimen to be launched). This sudden coherence could affect the gravitational pull on the object and give it a thrust if property directed. It could bo stimulated by sudden discharges is spar* gaps as you have. But unless these gaps are precisely turned and coordinated in phase, the lift phenomenon resuffl would appear only sporadically, i.e.. when a chance coherent state was achieved during spart cycle-


Letter from Prof. Dr. Panos T. Pappas, Athens

October, 19S5

As I have experimentally observed gravitational like (attracting) forces between identically excited by microwave bodies, your experiments gave me the idea that you probably disturb the microwave resonance between the orMing electrons in the mass of earth and orbiting electrons in the mass in various objects. As a result you extinguish the coupling which we know as gravity between object and earth (or even cause repulsion). I will not go into details.

Letter from Prot Dn Panos T. Pappas,

January, 1990


l believe the effects were produced by a few elements, i.e.. by the Tesla coHs and sparks in tune and perhaps, by the static \Von der Graff] generator. The underlying principle should be simpler, however, having so many equipments the essence is lost. The essence, I believe, was around the sparks and devises that they produced them.

Th$ Hutchison File Richard Sparks Scientific and Technical Intelligence / SBIR( Ottawa

The Experiment A complex high voltage, high frequency apparatus was assembled which when properly adjusted caused various material objects to accelerate in a vertical direction, against the gravitational field. Under some set of as yet undefined conditions, and particularly when " lift " does not take place, a target specimen will be fractured or disrupted in a catastrophic manner. A less frequent phenomenon is the apparent heating to incandescence of iron and steel specimens having high length to width rations. This event is not accompanied by the heating, charring or the burning of combustible materials in contact with the specimen throughout the duration of the event of about two minutes. The fracturing of certain iron and steel geometries accompanied by an anomalous residual magnetic field, permanent in nature, is not uncommon. Permanent and dramatic alterations in the physical and chemical structure of certain metallic alloys have been documented via mass spectrograph^ data. These effects do not appear to be specific to any particular type or class of material. The reaction area comprises a roughly circular cylinder about one and one half feet in diameter and of unknown height. Total energy radiated into this cylinder is on the order of a few watts, although approximately 500 watts are dissipated by the apparatus. I have made the following observations and specified certain relationships pertaining to the action of the combined static and dynamic electric fields on an aluminum specimen of rectangular geometry and measurements of approximately j ' x Yi" x 2". The aluminum specimen was disrupted as shown in the appended photograph. The nature of the disruption is such that the material that comprises about one third the total mass of the specimen is shredded in a regular manner along the length of the object, resulting in a conversion, throughout the entire volume of the central portion of the specimen, from solid extrusion to an expanded bundle of more or less uniform " ribbons" or filaments of aluminum. The filaments vary in width from about 0.010" to 0.050" and in thickness from 0.008" to about 0.012". The entire event volume has expanded outward from the mass center in seeming reaction to a force of mutual repulsion between filaments. The expanded filament bundle has assumed the shape and configuration of a magnetic field having it's axis oriented along the specimen. Such a field pattern would be produced as the as the result of a circular flow of electrons around the axis of a ferromagnetic specimen of identical geometry. The "field1' lines frozen in the aluminum filaments are functionally identical to those observed at the point of fracture of a permanent iron bar magnet of the same geometry. The force exerted on the aluminum filaments was sufficient to split a large number of the outermost strands and fold them back along the "field lines " to such a


The Hutchison File degree that layers of them are compacted together against the solid surfaces of the specimen adjacent to the event area. The material within the event volume is much harder than the original extrusion alloy, which was quite soft, and is quite brittle. All surfaces evidence a mottled appearance, regular structure and none of the characteristics associated with plastic deformation or melting. Physical characteristics are typical of crystalline materials sheared along bonding planes. The number of filaments probably exceed 100,000; effectively increasing the surface area within the event by about 11,700 times. The initial cross section area to surface area of the event volume has increased about 78,000 times. 1. I would conservatively estimate that the energy required to accomplish the physical separation and expansion to be in the vicinity of at least 3000 Watt-sec. Under certain circumstances the requirement could be greater by two orders of magnitude, Given the approximate 500 Watt input to the apparatus and the omnidirectional method of energy projection, the energy incident upon the target specimen are several orders of magnitude smaller than would be required to disrupt it If we wish to theorize that the 500 Watt RF energy field is in some fundamental way causative, it must be noted that both E and H wave components traveling in a conducting medium are attenuated by the factor (e~**) as they advance along z. The attenuation is extremely rapid and varies according to the expression: =1/a = 1/i/P/-f.t/*0 (M) Generally speaking, Z = 5.0 defines the point at which the function can be assumed to be zero. This function applied to the target specimen indicates a skin depth of about 64 micrometers. 4. 5. Any theory requiring fundamental causation from the RF field is simply untenable. By definition the Van De Graff field is static and cannot be considered as a source of fundamental causation of the phenomenon. It is evident from observation and experimentation that neither shearing nor stress in tension or compression could have been causative in the observed disruptions. The state of the specimen is consistent with the idea that an impressed force acted from within the specimen, perhaps from an origin at the center of mass. Said force was impressed at, or rose to, the peak value required to disrupt the specimen and declined rapidly with rupture and subsequent expansion.




7. 8.

The Hutchison File 9. We may be able to infer a fundamental relationship between the observed phenomena and the mass of the target specimen. We can infer a fundamental relationship between the observed phenomena and the GEOMETRY of the specimen. This is supported by the observation that target specimens of identical composition, but having different geometries are either not affected or are affected in different ways. Additionally .the effects due to a certain geometry are repeatable with identical geometries given the same type of material. If we entertain a small transition in thought and accept the idea that according to mathematical constructs space itself has a real and definable structure, we can submit the possibility that the observed phenomena in some way a function of the geometry of space occupied by the specimen, and that the geometry of the specimen and the geometry of the occupied space are coupled at the level of the fine structure. If we can define the nature of matter in terms of its energy equivalence and then relate the resulting system to the fine structure of the occupied space, we may be able to define the precise nature of the coupling and thereby define the mechanism of the dynamic system resulting in the observed phenomena as integrated functions of the couple and the electromagnetic operators. For numerous reasons, both nuclear forces may be discounted as being fundamentally causative. The remaining force; that of gravitation, varies by Valle's definition according to the expression; Gp=c2xkxmfr = V2





and is several order of magnitude smaller than required to account for our observations. 14. Valle does predict a depletion of energy in the structure of space in the vicinity of an Earth-sized concentration of mass of 57000 megaJoules less per cubic meter than that of a cubic meter of interstellar space. If this is so. and the potential does exist, the energy available to produce the observed effects would be of the proper magnitude, assuming less than 100% conversion efficiency of our apparatus, and given the dimensions of our target specimen. This being the case, we can assume that the more massive the target specimen, the greater the potential energy flow. Serious considerations should be given to the idea that exceeding a certain critical mass of any relatively pure material may result in a reaction that is not self-quenching.



The Hutchison File

George D. Hathaway
Historical context and relation to current Physics,

Although an attempt will be made to treat the "lift" and "disruption" aspects of the device separately, many areas of overlap will be inevitable. In general, the disruption phenomena will be analyzed in terms of invoking channeling or triggering large amounts of electromagnetic (EM) energy right in the core of materials, the lift phenomena in terms of examining both experimental evidence and Neo-Maxwetl theories which have not been examined in sufficient detail untol recently. Until detailed measurements are made, even these tentative analyses will remain highly speculative. The intent here is to provide an initial, brief compendium of scientific and experimental investigation that appears to have the most bearing on the phenomena.

For the past dozen or so years, the latter work of American inventor Nikola Tesla has been under investigation by J. Hutchison, an inventor working for Pharos Technologies. Pharos* present invention consists of a particular combination of DC field-producing elements (e.g. Van der Graaf generators) and AC elements (e.g. Tes/a coils). Although the actual discovery of the effects discussed herein was fortuitous it had a solid background of experimentation behind it. As far as the lift effect is concerned, there are many other candidate systems, both conventional and non-conventional, that appear to bear some similarity, however remote. Aluminum disk are regularly suspended by eddy currents above toroidal AC electromagnets in first-year physics classes. Magnetic lvitation trains are an engineering reality. Even with high-energy electrostatic repulsion significant lift capability is possible. They all differ from the Pharos device in that they: i) have generally much lower lift per Watt figures. ii) act on specific materials (conductors in the first two cases, dielectrics in the third case), ni) generally act vertically only using cantilevered elements directly above and/or below test objects. iv> cannot produce the entire range of observed phenomena. Pharos Technologies Ltd. has investigated claims made for many non-conventional lift technologies and has assessed their technical and commercial feasibility. Appendix A outlines several of these.


The Hutchison File Interesting as all of these are, however, they do not match the present invention's capabilities. Concerning the disruption effect, several possible agents exist which can produce somewhat similar effects including lightning, smelter pot-lines, particle accelerators, RF heating etc.. Again these require the use of very high electrical power at close proximity in contrast to the present device. As is well known, [Albert! Einstein's fondest hope was to develop a unified fietdjheory incorporating gravity into electrodynamics. Many theorists since have considered extensions of relating theory which may approach this goal, for instance the work of Moffat at the University of Toronto who has claimed some success in the area. While searching for the Grand Unificationt several relativity theories have postulated actual mechanisms whereby such thing as antigravity may be possible. Appendix B contains a short bibliography on some of the more important contributions in this area. Penrose postulates a different kind (shape) of the Einstein space-time continuum which leads him to speculate about the possibility of interaction with the gravitational field, Forward, in his series on antigravity. discussed construction of huge stationary or rotating masses near the earth to provide the necessary effects. Holt invokes high energy intersecting electric and magnetic fields to alter the local space-time fabric so as to create tremendous propulsion.[J. M. J.] Kooy's gravitons, created in the Big Bang, may be absorbed by alterations in atomic structure so that force may be obtained directly from space. [Ren-Louis] Valle's extension of [J* C. ) Maxwell's equations led him to reduce a precise and verifiable relationship between EM fields and gravitational potential. This allows him to theorize that EM induced gravitational interaction is possible. Zeldowich arrives at a similar conclusion using neutral field interaction. All of these hypotheses rely on super-large masses, extremely high EM field strengths or high speed rotating systems to pinch, fold or alter the local space-time fabric. However, under laboratory conditions [G. M.] Graham and [D. G.] Lahoz have observed free EM angular momentum in vacuum, implying space has a "structure" which has mechanical properties as postulates by Maxwell. It also implies the physical reality of the Poynting vector. Work of similar nature was theorized by [E. G.] Cullwick which was, in turn, the basis for experimental work by W. J. Hooper, late Professor of Physics Emeritus, Principal College. By demonstrating that there were, in reality, three distinct electric fields (and three magnetic) he was able to fabricate a device which generated one of these field. This field had properties sufficiently similar to gravity (attractive to matter, impossible to shield etc.) to allow him to hypothesize that the local gravitational field may be altered so as to permit anti-gravitational field may be altered so as to permit anti-gravitational propulsion as well as energy extraction from it, [Rudolf GT) Zinsser has developed an experimental device which uses coupled EM fields to produce focal gravitational field anisotropy. These EM fields simply act as "

The Hutchison File triggers" to induce a long-duration-propulsive effect which, Zinsser calculates, comes directly from the surrounding gravitational field.

While the foregoing techniques may seem quite divorced from current technical capability, the production of matter and, indeed, energy from the vacuum seems to be undergoing much more scientific scrutiny (see also Appendix B). Articles abound in respected journals with such titles as Something for Nothing, Search for the Sparking of the Vacuum, Decay of the Vacuum etc. Most develop the general theme that in the presence of presence of extremely high electric fields, such as in the vicinity of a super heavy nucleus (Z=150-400). particle pairs (e.g. electron-positron) will be spontaneously produced from the vacuum. Application of a constant magnetic field would tend to cause this current to flow in a wire, creating energy. Zero-point energy or random electrodynamic theory ((Timothy H.] Boyer). which uses classical electron theory of Lorentz and field theory of Maxwell, is the starting point for examining whether electrical diodes, for examples ([Moray] King). Most of these techniques require either extremely high M fields or extremely low-noise, high frequency rectification and [Elizabeth A ] Rauscher has shown Ihal there may be areas of self-imposed stability and/or frequency windows (e.g. sub-harmonics) through which potentially prodigious amounts of energy may be obtained and converted for use. [Ren-Louis] Valle postulates a high-frequency energized medium from wtiich tremendous amounts of energy may be obtained as well as [Gustave] LeBon. [Tom E.] Bearden, developing the earlier work of Tesla, Nisbet and [Sir Edmund T j Whittaker, shows how every EM wave can be decomposed into 2 or more simpler, scalar components. These scalar waves as he calls them, are able to penelrate matter and travel with limitless velocity due to the fact that, arising from scalar or potential fields only, they can carry no energy. However, it takes energy to crale them and upon their coupling back into vector EM waves, energy can be produced, effectively af a distance. The sun is a powerful scalar wave generator for example, as are parts of the earth. Indeed, Bearden believes that gravity itself is a scalar wave-related phenomenon. This being the case, large amounls of useful energy may be able to be obtained from all these sources by the use of a small, "trigger" energy, much as Zinsser uses. A research associate of Pharos Technologies, A.B.Taves. has recently developed a working hypothesis which may have some bearing on the theoretical understanding of the invention.


The Hutchison File

Appendix A
The following compilation is based on extensive investigation by G. D. Hathaway, P.Eng., Pharos Technologies Ltd.. The most prominent references are outlined below in approximate chronological order: - resonant quartz crystals whose lattice structure has been permanently expanded by impressed high-power asymmetric RF frequencies. Recent claims by Indianapolis inventor [Jerry G. Gallimore: Anthgravlty properties of crystalline lattices, Planetary Association for Clean Energy Newsletter. Vol. 2(4&S). February, 1981] to have duplicated not substantiated. See also: Radio Urascftflu, Vol. 14, April 1,1927, p. 218-20. Uebervrlndung der Sct)workratt? Ein nouer Ertotg tier Quazkristallforschung, ami Science and Invention, September 1927, Gravity Nuifited. the tendency for highly charged capacitors to exert a thrust In the direction of the positive plate regardless of orientation (the "Biefeld-Brown" effect). See U.S. patents of T. Townsend Brown, e.g.: # 1.974,483, 2,949,550, # 3,018,394, #3.022,430. See also: Rho Sigma |Rolf Schaffranke) Ether Technology, 1977. - creation of locally anisotropic gravitational fields by means of phased/ramped EM fields induced In matter as demonstrated by Rudolf Zinsser of Garmany t the First international Symposium on Non-Conventional Energy Technology, University of Toronto, October, 1981 (published by the Planetary Association for Clean Energy]. In addition to these, two important patents should be mentioned: -U.S. Patent S 3,626,805, Henry W. Wallace, Method and apparatus for generating a secondary gravitational force field, 1971. uses slowly pr acessing 4 integral spin nuclei material (e.g. brass) high speed gyroscopes. - France Patent #1.253,902, Marcel Pages, Costnic flight machine, 1981 (see also Pages: Le dfi de I'antigravltatlon, Editions Chiron, Paris 1974) uses EM "Magnus" effect on particles m a modified cyclotron accelerator. Reported, but unconfirmed, experimentation has taken place by J . J . Searl in Britain (see Ether Tectmoiogy), J . Dean of Spokane, Washington (using an advanced BiefekJ~Brown effect). Otis T. Carr of New Jersey, expanding on Nikola Testa's last works. 8. Hurwlch of Toronto, on gun-jammers allegedly used by Israel in Entebbe raid for producing a directed inertial field.


77ie Hutchison


Appendix B
The following bibliography presents d brief list of key researchers. The first section deals with gravit/ and propulsion, the second with energy, in many instances there will be an overlap between the two. Gravity * p r o p u l s i o n Holt, AJIanC, Prospects for a broakthrougtt in fietd depondent propulsion. Proceedings. AIAA 16th Joint Propulsion Conference. July 1980. [AIAA-8CM233.) Forward. Robert L. Spinning now roaMes: Theorist Roger Penrose gives Bnstein^ unfverse e new twist, 50.1(8), Oec. 1960. p. 40*9. science

Wheeler, John ArchibaW. Si//?orspaceantf f / w n t f u r e t f ^ In: Topics In Non-Linear Physics Edited by Norman J. Zabusky. Springer-verlag, 1966. p.615-64. [Proceedings of the. Physics Section, international School of Nonlinear Mathematics 8 Physics.) Rho Sigma (Scneffranke. Rotf). Ether-technology: a rational approach t o gravity-control, [discusses B. Horn's wort amongst othersj.1978. p.108 Heim, Burkha/d. Die dynarnische Kontrabarje els Losng des Astronaottschen Problems. Public lecture, Stuttgart (1952) and 2nd international! Congress for Astronautics, Innsbruck. Austria. 1952. Zinsser, Rudolf G.. Mechanics! Energy from Anisotropic Gravtiationat Fields* In: Proceedings o f the First International symposium on non*conventlonai energy technology. Toronto, October 23-24, 1981. Ottawa. Planetary Association for Clean Energy, 1991. p 295-315 Ford, Kenneth W,. Transfer of Energy from astronomical Bodies t o Space Vehicle. T-Division Report, Los Alamos. 1959. Sutuvan, Walter. Gravity mocriine cane possible. New York Times. June 9,1963 p 2 0 Ulam, S. M. On the possibility o f extracting energy from gravitational systems by navigating apace vehicles Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory Report LAMS* 2219 June,t9SB. [first publication on extracting propulsive energy from a moving gravitating ttodyj Ulam S. M.. On some statistical properties ofdynanwcai systems. In: Proceedings 4th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability (Juno 20-July 30,1990). University of California Press, p 315-20 Vulkov, K-. Astronautics! generalization of the effects of reterty due to flyby of a central field of grevHaHon. JQJS. Vol. 31(3>. March, 1978. p.111-2. Forward, Robert L . Antigravity. Proceedings IRE, Vol. 49, September 1961. p.1942. Forwsi'd, Robert L. Practical anti-gravity sttit far off. Af/ss/tesa/KfRocrteto. Vol. 9. September 11.1961 p 2 & Forward, Robert L . Gutfefrwsfo AntigravHy, American Journal of P/iystes,Vol 31. March 1963 p.iee*70 Fuller, R. W. and John Archibald Wheeler. CavsaMy ar\d mutt&y connected space^ime. Physical Review Vol 128 (2). October 15, 1962. p.919-29. Kooy, J. M. J. Communication - gravitation and space fRgftt Acta Astronutica Academy of AslronauticsJ 4(1/2), January/February 1977, p.229-30. [Journal of the Intef national


The Hutchison


Valle Ren-Louis. Gravitational and material etoctromagnetic energy. Synorgetic Model, tn: Proceedings o f the First International symposium on non-conventional energy technology. Toronto, October 23-24.1981 Ottawa. Planetary Association for Clean Energy, 198l.p.20-4l ZeTdovich, F. L. Efectrotnagnotic current and charge due lo interaction between a gravitational and a free ohctromagnetic field. Journal of Exprimentai and Electrical Physics. [Soviet translation from ZhETFPisRed. (JTP letters)] 16(7), October 5,1972 p.425-7. Semon, Marc and Gtenn M, Schmieg. fttofe en the analogy b&waen inerUal and electromagnetic forces Journal of Physics. 49(7. July 1981. p.689-90. American

Graham, G. M. and D. G. Lahoz. Observation of static electromagnetic angular momentum in vacuo. Nature 265(5761). May 15 1980. p.154-5. Hooper. William J.. New horizons In electric, magnetic and gravitational field theory, lectrodynamtc Gravity Inc. Akron, Ohio. 1974. pb86. Cullwlck, E.G. Electromagnetism and relativity: with particular reference t o moving media and electromagnetic i n d u l t e n . London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1957. p. 239-61. (especially Chapter 18J Aifven, H.. Spacecra Propulsion: New Wef/ictfs Science. Vol. 176 (403l) t April 14, 1972. p.167-86. Dyson, F. J.. Gravitational Machine. IntersteTlar Communication, A. G. W. Cameron, Editor. New York. W. A. Benjamin. 1963. p.11&*20; ateo: New Boston, N.H.. Gravity Research Foundation, 1962


Greenberg, JackS. and Walter Greiner. Search tor ttie sparkifig of the vacuum. Physics Today. 35|8). August 1982. p 24-32. Fulcher, Lows P., Johann Rafeteke and Abraham Klein. The decay of th<* vacuum Scientific American. 241(6), December 1979. p.150.9. Davies. PaulC.W. Something tor nothing. NewSclentfst 94(1307), May 27,1982. p. 580-2.

Boyer, Timothy H Random electrodynamics' The theory of classical electrodynamics with ctassicat etoctromagj&iic and fieids. Physical tavtow D. Particles and Fields. Senes 3, 11(4), February 15, 1975. p. 790-880 Rauscher, Elizabeth A.. Conceptual changes in reaRty modeis from new discoveries in physics. In: Proceeding of the First International symposium on non-conventional energy technology. Toronto, October 23-24.1981 Ottawa Planetary Association for Clean Energy. 1981. p. 922 Cercignani. C , L Galgani and A. Scotti Zero-point energy m classical non-linear mechanics. Physical Letters. 38(6), 1972. p. 403. Review

Lanczos, Cornelius. Metter waves end electricity. Physical Review. Series 2. 61(11 12), June 1 &15.19*2. p. 713-20. NicoHs. G and I. Prtgogine. Self-organization in nonequ&rivm systems: from dissipstrve structures to order through fluctuations. New York. John Wiley S Sons. (Wiley-Interscience) 1977. Searden, Thomas E.. Solutions t o Testa's secrets and t h e Soviet Tcsia weapons. Tesla Book Co.. 1981


The Hutchison


Anonymous (o. ScoitRogo ?)

Hutchison Effect The cause of gravitation has been a challenge to science over the centuries which up to (he present defies solution. At present there are 2 ways of creating gravity as an artificial force opposite to the gravitational force of the earth so that one can measure it. The first is by centrifuges and the second is the one in which the Russians have done most of the early research in which psychokinesis techniques are used to produce the anti-gravitational field. It is important to mention the PK effect which in the USA has been fully confirmed by the work done at the Maimonides Medical Centre in Brooklyn NY as early as 1973. While up to the present all PK effect makes use of sensitive there is no explanation how the very weak electromagnetic mind fields could possibly effect objects al a distance. In the PK field it is accepted that the mind of the sensitive effect a totally different force field the nature of which is not understood at present. Nobody studying this work considers these fields as being electromagnetic. Outside the PKwork very liltle has been done beyond the early steps taken by Cavendish in the late 1790's when he measured the constant of gravitation with his famous balance, The fortuitous discovery of the Hutchison Effect (HE) in 1981 at a small workshop in British Columbia might be the breakthrough which will open up the research on gravitation. The HE showed that with very small electrical energy inputs it was possible to effect the gravitational fields of objects at a distance. The same energy input would act on objects weighing as little as a few grams or as much as 15 Kilos. The HE went further it showed that this force field acted on the molecular structure of matter and would sometime instead of creating gravitational effects it caused the object to catastrophically distrust irrespective of it's material structure. When this effect was presented to scientists it was met with a reaction which did not allow constructive observation of the effect. Most of the time experts were too busy trying to prove that the effect was impossible because it appeared to them that basic principle on which their expertise was based, was being violated. We ourselves were caught in the dilemma except that we were very aware of the reality of the effect. The vast range of destroyed samples, photos, video, and films were there 73

The Hutchison File to confirm the reality. To science what appeared necessary was to prove that what we were doing was fraudulent. It appeared almost lie an obsession. Some universities told us that even if we were able to reproduce it before expert witnesses they would not admit what they had observed because of fear of ridicule. We now realize that the problem arises because it is automatically assumed that we are observing an electromagnetic effect acting at a dislance. Nothing could be farther from the truth. What is being observed is an electromagnetic effect of a special design which acts on a force field, at present little understood, but which is not electromagnetic in nature. A field which parapsychosis! have seen many times activated by sensitive. Many of our small samples if shown to experts in the physics field v/ould recognize it as such. We ourselves removed small samples which might be confusing and relate this to the work of sensitives. We too wanted to keep a distance between the two sciences. We now realize that acceptance of the fact that we are acting on an unknown force field without breaking any accepted principles allows everyone to examine the effect without having to defend anything in their field. The implications in this hypothesis f proven correct would open for science new fields of investigations which would have an effect on almost all present work in energy and communications. A totally new science could develop which at present can only be speculated upon. In the research project it would now seem necessary to include specialists from the field of parapsychology besides physics and electronics. This is to our knowledge the first time (hat il can be shown that this unknown but observable effect can be reproduced by electrical energy and remove this research from the field of magic to the field of reality. We will be able to create this reaction under controlled condilions and examine it from a different prospective.


The Hutchison File

Canadian military perspective






Scientific and Technical Intelligence, Ottawa June 9 , 1 9 8 6

The report [Richard Sparks] is a fair summary of our scientific appraisal of the phenomenon mat you are investigating. We do not foresee any further consideration of support to your endeavor until such lime as you can assure a reproducible effect in a particular sample in a reasonable period of time (say three or four hours). The phenomenon is demonstrated to us appear to be intermittent and unpredictable.






(to George Hathaway,

Enclosed is a copy of my trip report, relevant to my visit to Mr. Hutchison's laboratory earlier this year. I have also enclosed a copy of the metallurgical report on the sample which you provided us, which I assume has been now returned to you. The report is a fair summary of our scientific appraisal o the phenomena that you are Investigating, We do not foresee any further consideration of support to your endeavor until such time as you can assure a reproducible effect in a particular sample In a reasonable period of time (say three of tour hours). The Phenomena as demonstrated to us appear to be intermittent and unpredictable. Reproducibility of an effect would do much to strengthen your case. I have enclosed some photos that we took for your retention and Tor passing to John Hutchison. Enjoyed meeting you and John and wish you well in your endeavours.


The Hutchison


Lt CoL L R. Larsen
Scientific and Technical Intelligence, Ottawa Memorandum 12 November, 1986

1. This document provides a summary of the series of events which culminated in Mr. Hutchison's letter to his MP [Member of Parliament]. 2. The Phenomena of interest were first reported in 1979 by Mr John Hutchison of Vancouver, a reclusive amateur inventor. Mr. Hutchison had worked for years building various electrostatic devices to explore their visual and audio effects. He is not a scientist and although his devices embody scientific principles and can be used to demonstrate various physical effects, he has kept no records of his experiments and has relatively little interest in exploring or understanding the phenomena which he encounters. In 1979 he became aware of various destructive and levitate effects that could be produced intermittently by his equipment. 3. In 1980, these phenomena became known to Mr A. Pezarro of Vancouver, a businessman who was looking for novel technology for business ventures. In 1981 Mr. Pezarro met Mr. George Hathaway, an electrical engineer to whom he described the phenomena. Together they formed Pharos Technologies Ltd. (PTL) to exploit it and retained Hutchison as a consultant. 4. They made an overture to US Army Intelligence and were able to obtain some funds (estimated to be $25,000) to move the Hutchison apparatus to a warehouse in North Vancouver in 1982. Apparently a demonstration was made in 1983 to US Army and Los Alamos [Laboratory] officials but this was not successful and no further American funding was obtained. [Note by John Hutchison: Half success.)

5. The project suffered from lack of funds for equipment or facilities and overture was made to CRAD in NDHQ [National Defence headquarters] in late 1983 which proved to be unsuccessful. (It should be noted that the lack of reproducibility of the effects, their astounding descriptions, the incredulity of conventional scientists and engineers, and the lack of adequate credible presentations and demonstrations has compounded all efforts hitherto to exploit, or even to explain, these phenomena) Several demonstrations were made to scientific visitors during 1984, including ones from McDonnell-Douglas, San Diego, Fort Worth and Washington State University. None proved successful in generating funds. [Note by John Huiti\\$or\: But worked good with
support and help of US Army Intelligence Col. John Alexander]


The Hutchison File 6. Eventually in 1985, funding support was obtained from Mega Research of Toronto, a Commercial business engaged in engineering related to nuclear magnetic resonance for medical applications. This group has a vigorous approach to governmental funding and has actively solicited funds from various cabinet ministers through political connections. The principal individuals involved are Mr. Bob Jack and Mr Szabo. They were aided in their approach to CIS by Major Tim Dear of CFB Toronto, 7. At the request of CIS and CRAD, two DSTi staff scientists made a visit on March 23, 1986 to a laboratory in Vancouver, operated under the auspices of Pharos Technologies Ltd., to witness a demonstration of novel physical phenomena. These phenomena had been the subject of several overtures to M/DND and M/SSC. Two DSTi scientists had also seen a film demonstration at CFB Toronto under the auspices of Mega Research early in March, 1986. (Officers of this latter company have interests in, and lobby for Pharos Technologies Ltd.) 8. The post-demonstration analysis concluded that the Hutchison apparatus and phenomena were of little scientific or practical value. A detailed report and covering letter, indicating these facts and a lack of DND interest in supporting further experimentation, were forwarded to Mr. Hathaway on 9 Jun. 86. Apparently, this was not transmitted to Mr Hutchison, hence his tetter to Mr. Cook [Member of Parliament]. 9. All was not what it seemed to be in this whole endeavour It turns out that Mr. Bob Jack, an individual purporting to be a financial backer for the Pharos Company, was actually an undercover agent for Revenue Canada who was investigating scientific research tax credit abuses by Mr. Szabo, or the Toronto principals who were putting money into this effort.


The Hutchison Fife

Crystal energy converter

John Hutchison's crystal energy converter produced over 3 Watts of energy without any evident exterior input source or batteries. It put out from 0.5 to 1,7 volts at 880 to 3000 microAmps, and could be connected in series and in parallel to change the voltage and current. He is currently working on a new generation of such devices. John Hutchison felt that it worked on the principle of altered space product of charge function barrier. If so, it would be a significant advancement, demonstrating a simple method of tapping Zero Point Energy and illustrating the Casimir Effect. Zero Point Energy, is the energy in ordinary empty space. In quantum theory, so-called empty space is a seething sea of activity, with fields coming and going, and particles being created and annihilated on a microscopic level. Zero-point-energy is the remaining activity or motion left in space, even at a temperature of absolute zero - once you "freeze out" most motions. (At minus 273 degrees Centigrade, or zero degrees Kelvin, all molecular motion stops - and conventionally, there is no longer any energy left, except for zero-point-energy.) This is a "mainstream concept" subscribed by Nobel Prize physicists. Indeed, it is believed by such prominent physicist as Richard P. Feynman and John Archibald Wheeler that even in less than one cubic centimeter of vacuum at Ihe zero-point, there is more energy than can be produced by any power plant yet built by man, enough to evaporate all of the world's oceans ! In Victorian times, this energy field that permeates all the universe, was known by Maxwell as the Ether, and by Albert Elnstlen in his General Relativity Theory as metric plenum, and in his Special Relativity Theory as a true vacuum. Heisenberg referred to it as a plenum of vacuum field fluctuation. More popularly, it is seen as a source of "tree energy". This converter is believed to illustrate the Casimir Effect Hendrik Casimir proved that the vacuum fluctuations really exist. Vacuum pushes plates together so much that they generate heat, and allow electrons only flow in one direction at their interface, of two dissimilar materials. If conditions are right such that it is easier for the electrons to go in one direction than the other across the interface and if and when there is an external circuit connection, this effect could be expected to drive current around continuously. The peculiar effect is by no means fully understood and can only be observed under certain conditions, which are difficult to define and to maintain.


The Hutchison Filo The original microwave-oven sized crystal energy converter has been dismantled and is no longer available for demonstration. It weighed 53 pounds (24 kilos), and measured about 24 inches (60 cm) long by 12 inches (30 cm) wide and high. It contained a number of components, including three Barium Titanate cylinders of about 4 inches of (10 cm) diameter and a mechanical device to apply pressure to certain secondary crystals and so " tune" the model. Barium Titanate is known to be able to "capture" electromagnetic pulses somewhat as a radio picks up radio frequencies. As Ihe crystal pulses, or resonates, it produces electric power. Each of Hutchison's Barium Titanate cylinders had a different output of about 90 millivolts at less than one micro-amp. However the total output of the converter measured 3 Volts at 2.5 Amps DC. Although this would imply and output of 7,5 Watts, only about 3 watts of continuous power is claimed. The key to this technology lies in the secondary crystals and it is their chemical composition, arrangement and treatment which is crucial in order to achieve the generation of electrical power. It should be stressed that this model was constructed over a short period of time and was designed more to illustrate a concept that John had envisioned. Further, it was constructed using materials and components that John had stripped from a vast range of electronic and radio equipment that he had salvaged, mainly from military surplus, and which he had accumulated over many years. It had not been designed for any robust use under adverse conditions. After many witnesses had confirmed his technology, John submitted the model lo a severe testing program in order to determine its limiting characteristics. Unfortunately, it was during this testing program that the converter incurred some serious damage. After dismantling the model, John discovered that some of the components had been badly damaged by the excessive power generated and that corrosion had developed around a number of contact points. Of particular signilicance, he noticed that some of the delicate crystal wafers had cracked. Unfortunately, some of these critical components, originally having been salvaged from very old equipment, can not longer be found and so the model cannot be rebuilt. A superior, smaller and portable model was built which would meet or exceed the power output of its predecessor, but this would require precision machined components and a more sophisticated crystal structure. It was demonstrated in Hiroshima. It lit a tiny lamp and also ran a small motor. Barium Titanate is now being replaced by selected rocks, rocks which can generate potential, somewhat after the work of T. Townsend Brown. Hutchison can make a "dirt-cheap" converter in a stove-top process, with common chemicals and water, a "rock soup", which, when solidified allows the drawing of electrical energy.


The Hutchison File


acceleration or Icvitaliou, 23,38,39 accumulation of charge, 62

Alexander, John, 76

Alton, ft. 72
animated metal effects, 62

anti-8mvilyfjdd2,70 Aspden, Harold. 27

aurora-like lighting d i e d , 14

ball lightning projector, 7 Barium Titanatc, 4,79 tfCTV, 3. 20 Bearden, TJwmas E., 40, 42,49,69, 72
BiefekhBiwn effect, 70 Boeing. 41

Boycr, Timothy H., 24,69, 72 British Columbia Institute of Technology, 17 British Columbia Hydro 17 Brown, X Townscud, 70, 79 business ventures, 77 Canadian Government destruction or lab, 3 Canadian Scientific and Technical Intelligence Agency, 3,64.75,76
Cair, Otis T., 70

Casimir effect, 78 Casimir, Hend"k. 78 Ccccignuii^C. L.,72 CFB Toronto, 76 etiarge coherence, 62 Cendal Intelligence Agency, 42 CKVU-TV. X 35 Cook. MP, 77 crystals, 26,70,73-79 crystal energy convenor. 78-79 Cullwick.E.G-,68,72
Dca, Jack, 49

Dean, J., 70
Dear, Tit, 77

disruption effect, 2, 10, 11,15,64,66

distance or effect 14.37,41 Dragonc, Leon, 63 dumbbell Tcsla coil, 6,20

Dyson, F, J., 72 eddy currents, 61,67

electric power control. 6

Einstein, Albert, 68, 78 ieclric Spacecraft Journalf 4 electrostatic field, 61

Euviroiuncnt Canada, 42

ether, action ol* the 27 experimental program plan, 62 lixtraerdhiory Science, 4

Feynman Richard P., 78 field strength, 22,36, 37,64-66

The Hutchison File Ford, Kenneth W., 7| Fori Worth Army Command, 3,76 Forward Robert L., 71 Fulchcr, Lewis P., 72 Gagnon, Jacques, 26 Gallimorc, Jerry G. 70 geometry of specimen, 65 glcbulc formal ion. 19. 34 Grad. Bernard. 28 Graham, G.M., 24, 68 Grancau, Peter, 27,28 gravitation force 66 gravit)- antennas, 2 gravit)* propulsion. 4 Grccnberg, Jack S., 72 Hathaway, George 2,13-39,40,48,62, 63, 70,75,76 headache during experiment 28 locating. 63 heating effect 60 HcinuBurkliard.71 Holt, Alan C , 24, 71 Hooper William !.. 24,68, 72 Houck. Jack. 3,46,47 Htinvich. S,70 Hutchison. Kenneth and Margaret, 2 interfcromctfy. 40.54 International Energy 4 Jack. Bob, 77 Jacob's ladder. 50 Japanese tour, 4,79 King, Moray, 69 Kooy, J. M. J., 68.71 Kuchn, Lome A-, 75 Lahoz, D. G., 68 Ukken, Dr.. 8 Laneros. Cornelius, 72 Larscn, L. R., 76 LeBon, Gustave, 24 lvitation, 2,41,48,60 Liechtenstein, Hans-Adam, 62 lift off 38.39.60 lilting effect, 10, 16, 38,39,62,64,67 lighting phenomena, 16 17 Los Alamos Laboratory, 2. Lynn Valley laboratory. 2, 19 magnetic field patterns on filament, 64 Magnus effect, 70 material embedding. 60 Max Planck Institut, 11 Maxwell James Clerk, 68 McDonnell Douglas. 3,76 Mega Research. 76 metal bending, 60 metal exploding. 60 metal fracturing, 31, 34 63 SI

The Hutchison


metal mixing with wood 41

metal turning black. 60 microwave clicks, 28

microwave resonance 63
Mitchell, Edgar D., 45 MofTat, 68

monopole antennas, 54
multiple events, 61 Nicper, Harts, 15 Nisbet.69 non-conductive heating 17 nuclear unit, 8-9.40 Pages. Marcel 70 Pappas. Panos T., 63 Penrose. 68 Pezarro Alexis. 2,13,40,48.50 59 6042,76 Pharos. 2, 13. 15. 48.67,69, 76-77 PK amplifier, 62 Planetary Association for Clean Energy. 4.70.72 poltergeist, 28,45,46,60 potential fidds, 70 Poynting vector. 69 Prigoginc, Itya, 24,72 propulsive effect 14,48 psychokinesis 44.60. 67.73-74

Raum undZeit> 4
Rauscher, Elizabeth. 43.49,69.72 reaction area. 64 repulsion between filaments, 65 Revenue Canada. 78 Rogo. D. Scott. 45, 46, 47, 73

Ross, Billie, 44
scalar waves. 70 Schaffranke, Rolf, 70, 71 Schmidt, Helmut 45 Searl J. J. 70 "secret" dements, 50 Shi Boba. 61

shredding. 11,64 Siemens. 11.41

Space Power, 4 spark gap gejierator, SO

Sparta, Richard. 64, 76

Szabo 77

Taves. A. B., 69
temperature. 61 Tcsla, Nikola. 67.69.70 Testa as inspiration, 2, 26 Tesla coils, 5,6 20 21, 26. 36, 40 48. 50, 51.64, * Tiller, William, 49 Tokyo Free Energy Project. 4

transmutation 2. 18, 19,34, 61

Ulam.S.M.,71 U.S. Araiy Intelligence. 2.76 82

The Hutchison
University ofTorontoDeparlJiKntofMclallurg>\ 17,18 vacnum tube Tcsla coil, 7 Valle. Ren-Louis, 24,42,66,68-69. 72 Valone, Tom. 22 vaporization 18 Van de Graff generator. 12,20 2 1 . 23. 26, 50. 51. 6 0 . 6 3 . 6 5 . 67 Vogel. M a r c e l 23,26 Wallace, Henry W.. 70 Washington State University. 3 76 Wlweter, John Aiclubald. 7 i . 78 water main burst, 59 Whtltakcr, Edmund T., 69 Williams. Pilaris Edward. 49 Wilson, Dr., 8 Winfield. M e l 15 Yokovama. Nobuo. 4 Zcl'dowich,F. L.,68, 72 Zero-point energy. 69,78 Zinsser. Rudolf, 24,68-69,70,71



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