Remembered Questions Part 1
Remembered Questions Part 1
Remembered Questions Part 1
nerve pass through a internal auditory meatus b stylomastoid foramen 3 if V nerve is cut below medulla wat happens a loss of sensation of pain same side b loss of sensation of pain ipsilateral c loss of propriocepion same side d loss of sensation of propriception opposite side 4 sensory nucleus for v, vi, ix ,vii ,x nerve is spinal nucleus of v sensory nucleus of v mesencephalic nucleus of v 5 vagus passes through jugular foramen 6 proprioception in pdl mesencephalic nucleus of v 7 vasculitis in children buergers kawasakis giant cell vasculitis 8 h. pylori produces urease collagenasr coagulase clostridia perfringens is sacharolytic proteolytic nucleolytic 10 antivirals are(mode of action) a against nucleic acid b against rna c against protien
11 in group function occlusion on 1 side if canines are taken out from one side what happens 12 how can u increase incisal guidance 13 cns infection with insect vector is cauded by ricketssiae chlymydiae 14 pneumonitis with bird droppings is caused by 15 cancers due to all except a asbestosis anthracosis plyamines plycyclic aromatic compounds 16 canines have all charecteristics except fossa cinculum marginal ridges developmental grooves 17 all teeth have which ridges marginal ridge 18 what is sympathetic end organ 19 corticobulbar tracts from cerebrum to 20 pons has which nulei pontine nucleus vth nerve nucleus. 21 tentorium cerebelli separates cerebrum from cerebellum 22a person canot hear vibrations of a fork, he can hear it if its kept on his mastoid antrum , this indicates wat damage 23 all muscles of tongue are supplied by hypoglossal except palatoglossus 24 separation of retropharyngeal space at level of oro pharynx is by carotid sheath. 25 fauces formed by 2 folds palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus. 26 epithelium of intercalated duct is simple cuboidal.
27epithelium of maxillary sinus is: 28 terminal branches of external carotid artery 29 infection in cavernous sinus will affect all except optic ,3,4, 5, 6 30 anterior wall of axilla formed by pectoralis major 31 terminal extensions of brachial plexus are cord, roots , division, branches 32 parallel to rods and hypocalcified arising from dej are tufts hunterschregger bands spindles 33which tooth most commonly has a groove on lingual goes to root 34terminal branch of mandibular nerve 35infratemporal fossa medial wall has sphenomandibular lgament pterygomaxillary fissure 36 if condyle fractured at neck still it receives bld supply from 37 thoracic duct crosses the abdominal cavity through posterior mediastinum, 38posterior part of the disc connected by cartilage ,fibrousb bands 39 nasal septum formed by 40peripheral nerve tissue consistes of all except axons,cell bodies, fibroblasts 41 wat is avasular? Cartilage,nerve, bone, muscle