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Electronic Spreadsheet: May Ann Belano-Capucao

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May Ann Belano-Capucao


Introduction History Advantages of Calc Meaning of Electronic Spreadsheet Definition of Terms Menu Toolbars

VIII. Types of Data IX.

Types of Formula Basic Navigation Commands Formatting a Spreadsheet Working with Formula

Dan Bricklin as the "father" of the electronic spreadsheet Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston then coinvented or co-created the software program VisiCalc

Advantages of CALC

Organize, find, and use your data Do mathematical calculation on your numbers within a spreadsheet. You can keep track of data Sort data in meaningful ways Arrange, store, and filter your data Create formulas and use the Formula Bar

You will learn about spreadsheets and how to:

Navigate and explore the spreadsheet environment Work with worksheets Create formulas and use the Formula Bar Use and format text in a spreadsheet Format cells for height, width and color Format numbers for special use, such as money or percents Sort, filter and search data

Electronic Spreadsheet
a computer program that performs calculations on data and organizes information. a spreadsheet program that helps you to manage and to perform calculations on your data as well as to produce charts

Definition of Terms
Cell intersection of a row and column in the worksheet Block a group of cell adjacent to one another Sheet Tab a description at the bottom of each worksheet that identifies the sheet in a workbook. Worksheet an electronic spreadsheet containing 256 columns by 65,536 rows

Definition of Terms
Workbook A collection of related worksheets contained within a single file. Row identified by numbers (maximum 65,536) Column identified by letters (maximum IV) Grid the horizontal line in the worksheet Range A selected group of adjacent cells

Active Cell

Menu Bar Standard Bar Columns

Formatting Bar Formula Bar Rows Worksheet Tabs

Active Sheet

Status Bar

Using MENU
Menu Bar lists the commands that you can use with the currently selected items. - Click the name of a menu, and then click the command that you want to use. - Unavailable commands are displayed in gray.


Toolbars a set of icons that represent common commands Important Toolbars: Standard Bar Formatting Bar Formula Bar Status Bar


is available in every StarOffice application


New creates a new StarOffice document Open opens or imports a file. Save saves the current document. Document as E-mail sends the current document as an e-mail attachment with your default e-mail program. Edit File use to activate or deactivate the edit mode.


Export as PDF saves the current file to Portable Document Format (PDF). A PDF file can be viewed and printed on any platform with the original formatting intact, provided that supporting software is installed. Print File Directly print the active document with the current default print settings. These can be found in the Printer Setup dialog, which you can call with the Pinter Settings menu command. Page Preview displays a preview of the printed page or closes the preview.


Spellcheck checks the document or the current selection for spelling errors. AutoSpellcheck automatically checks spelling as you type, and underlines errors. Cut removes and copies the selection to the clipboard. Copy copies the selection to the clipboard. Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the location of the cursor, and replaces any selected text or objects. Click the arrow next to the icon to select the format.


Format Paintbrush copies the formatting of the selected text or object and applies the formatting to another text selection or object. Undo reverses the last command or the last entry you typed. Redo reverses the action of the last Undo command. Hyperlink opens a dialog that enables you to create and edit hyperlinks.


Gallery you can select graphics and sounds to insert into your document. Zoom reduces or enlarges the screen display StarOffice Help opens the main page of the StarOffice Help for the current application. You can scroll through the Help pages and you can search for index terms or any text. Load URL loads a document specified by an entered URL.


contains basic commands for applying manually formatting


Styles and Formatting Specifies whether to show or hide the Styles and Formatting window, which is where you can assign and organize Styles. Font Name Allows you to select a font name from the list or enter a font name directly. You can enter several fonts, separated by semicolons. StarOffice uses each named font in succession if the previous fonts are not available. Font Size Allows you to choose between different font sizes from the list, or to enter a size manually.


Bold Makes the selected text bold. If the cursor is in a word, the entire word is made bold. If the selection or word is already bold, the formatting is removed. Italic Makes the selected text italic. If the cursor is in a word, the entire word is made italic. If the selection or word is already italic, the formatting is removed. Underline Underlines or removes underlining from the selected text. Font Color Click to apply the current font color to the selected characters.


Align Left Aligns the contents of the cell to the left. Align Center Horizontally Horizontally centers the contents of the cell. Align Right Aligns the contents of the cell to the right. Justify Aligns the contents of the cell to the left and to the right cell borders.


Number format: Currency Applies the default currency format to the selected cells. Number format: Percent Applies the percentage format to the selected cells. Number format: Default Applies the default number format to the selected cells. Number Format: Add Decimal Place Adds one decimal place to the numbers in the selected cells.


Number Format: Delete Decimal Place Removes one decimal place from the numbers in the selected cells. Decrease Indent Click the Decrease Indent icon to reduce the left indent of the current paragraph or cell content and set it to the previous tab position. Increase Indent Click the Increase Indent icon to increase the indentation of the cell content of the selected cells. Borders Click the Borders icon to open the Borders toolbar, where you can modify the border of a sheet area or an object.


Background color The color is applied to the background of the current paragraph or the selected paragraphs. Align Top Aligns the contents of the cell to the upper edge of the cell. Align Center Vertically Vertically centers the contents of the cell. Align Bottom Aligns the contents of the cell to the lower edge of the cell.


use this bar to enter formulas


Name Box Displays the reference for the current cell, the range of the selected cells, or the name of the area. Function Wizard Opens the Function Wizard, which helps you to interactively create formulas. Sum Automatically adds the numbers in the cell range that you specify.


Function Adds a formula to the current cell. Cancel Clears the contents of the Input line, or cancels the changes that you made to an existing formula. Accept Accepts the contents of the Input line, and then inserts the contents into the current cell. Input line Enter the formula that you want to add to the current cell.


displays information about the current sheet.


Position in document Displays the total number of the current sheet with respect to the total number of sheets in the spreadsheet. Current Page Style Displays the current Page Style. Zoom Specifies the current page display zoom factor. Insert Mode Displays the current insert mode.


Selection Mode Displays the current selection mode. Document Modification If changes to the document have not yet been saved on the hard drive, a "*" is displayed in this field on the Status Bar. This also applies to new, not yet saved documents. Standard Formula, Date/Time, Error Warning Displays information about the current document.

The values you enter in a cell TYPES OF DATA
5. 6.

Number Data all numeric values entered in a cell (e.g. 1,2,523) Text Data all character values entered in a cell (e.g. A,Calc,Sept 8)

Types of Formula
Relative referencing When you copy the formula, the row and column references in the formula automatically adjust to properly reference the correct cells in relationship to the copied formulas new location. For Example: Suppose you have the following formula in Cell B1 (=A1). When you copy the formula in Cell B1 to Cell E7, Excel counts 3 columns and adds it to the column reference (A + 3 letters = D) and counts 6 rows and adds it to the row reference (1 + 6 = 7). The new Cell reference correctly becomes D7.

Types of Formula
Absolute referencing when you want the referenced cells to always be the same cell no matter where the formula might be copied. For example, suppose you had a constant tax rate that is applied to various purchases. Cell A1 contains the tax rate. In column A starting in cell A3, you have a list of sale amounts and you want to see the amount of the tax amount in column B. You create a formula in cell B3(=A3*A1). You know if you copy that formula down column that the A1 will change but you don't want that to happen because the tax rate is in cell A1. Excel uses the $ to designate an absolute reference. It tells Excel to ALWAYS use that cell location ($A$1)no matter where the formula is copied. The proper reference for your formula in cell B3 is (=A3*$A$1) thus when copied down column be the A1 referencing will remain absolute. Excel copies it exactly the same because it interprets the $ to mean you want an absolute reference to that cell.

Types of Formula
Mixed References when you want either the column or the row reference to be fixed. Calc interprets the reference $A1 as an absolute column reference combined with a relative row reference. Meaning, when copied, the column reference would not change but the row reference would change. Alternatively for a relative column reference combined with an absolute row reference the correct notation would be shown as A$1. In this case the column reference would change but the row reference would not change.

Operators That You Can Use in Calc Formulas

+ Addition =1+1 - Subtraction =21 * Multiplication =7*9 / Division =10/2 % Percent =15% ^ Exponentiation =3^2

Operators That You Can Use in Calc Formulas

= Equal =8=8 (TRUE) > Greater than =7>9 (FALSE) < Less than =5<6 (TRUE) >=Greater than or equal to =3>=4 (FALSE) <= Less than or equal to =42<=63 (TRUE) <> Not equal to =6<>4 (TRUE) Text concatenation ="Sun" & "day" Sunday

4 Ways in Using the Formula

Calculator =4+2 Cell number/by clicking the cell =A1+B2 Sum formula =sum(A1+B2) Summation

Using Parentheses (MDAS)

Calc follows the order of operations when it calculates a formula. Multiplication and Division is done before Addition or Subtraction, regardless of where these operators appear in the formula. For example, for the formula =2+5+5*2, Calc returns the value of 17, and not 24.

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