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Bio Remediation Research Proposal-Algal Planktons

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Bioremediation of Freshwater Dissolved Organic Pollutants Using Microalgae


Department of Biology, College of Science, Polytechnic University of the Philippines


Water plays a key role in diluting pollutants and because of that superiority as a solvent, it also means that water-soluble wastes pollute water easily. For instance, runoff from nearby land provides freshwater life zones with an almost constant input of organic material, inorganic nutrients, and other pollutants (Islam and Tanaka, 2004). These contaminants may include heavy metals, high sewage-based nutrient concentrations, bacterial and viral pathogens, and also including some radioactive materials.

With the rapid increase in population, urbanization, and industrialization reduce the quality of Philippine freshwaters, especially in densely populated areas and regions of industrial and agricultural activities (Cruz, 1997). The discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater and agricultural runoff has caused extensive pollution of the receiving fresh water-bodies. This effluent is in the form of raw sewage, detergents, fertilizer, heavy metals, chemical products, oils, and even solid waste. Each of these pollutants has a different noxious effect that influences human livelihood and disrupting biodiversity in the area (Chang et. al., 2009). Ongoing efforts by researchers at research institutions and universities worldwide have indicated could possibly provide new and cost-effective technologies for sequestering and preventing dissemination of waterborne pollutants (King et. al., 1997). Literatures concerning eliminating organic wastes (Norris et al., 1993) and inorganic pollutants (Hinchee et al., 1995) dissolved in water were tested with some success. Thereby, use of large-scale algae populations could possibly provide new and cost-effective technologies for sequestering and preventing dissemination of waterborne pollutants. (Huq et. al., 2007).


The study deals with determining possible bioremediating ability of freshwater microalgae present within known bodies of freshwater at the Philippines which are not limited to Chlorophyceans but also of Cyanophyceans and cyanobacteria species. Moreover, the study will have to establish particular physico-chemical and biological parameters which microalgae are manifesting tolerance to dissolved organic matters in relation of determining its ability sequestering these water pollutants.


In order to have quantitative and qualitative study on potential of inducing scaled-algal blooms in remediating organic compounds polluting bodies of freshwater, it must considered parameters such as biological prospect of the subject microalgae, physical and chemical properties of these known organic pollutants and their hydrological interaction. Nevertheless, these will comprise of the following; a.) Isolation of microalgae residing on known bodies of freshwater under polluted state and preparing their pure culture; b.) Characterization of these isolate microalgae based on their morphological and putative identification; c.) Screening for their resistance on major organic compounds water pollutants on water, and determining their level of tolerance, and d.) Testing their pollutant removal capacity and explaining possible means and ways of their remediating process


Problems concerning pollution of bodies of freshwater in the Philippines have caused worse impacts on public health, ecology, and economy of our country (Cruz, 1997). Local studies and literatures dealing with it were scarce and relatively succeeded (Chang et. al., 2009) while others

focused on inorganic pollutants such as heavy metals. Therefore, it is of prime importance for this study to determine means of eliminating these pollutants via bioremediation.


The study shall focus on determining species of microalgae which shown tolerance on known bodies of water in the Philippines (which shall be determined) polluted with organic pollutants which will be characterized based on their cellular morphology. Nevertheless, the subjects shall be tested in cultures and to be subjected with selected major organic compounds commonly polluting freshwater and their level of tolerance will be determined. Then, their ability to remove organic pollutants shall be determined and compared by each isolates.


A.) SURVEYING THE SITE B.) SAMPLING OF MICROALGAE C.) ISOLATION OF MICROALGAE i. ii. iii. Filtration (vacuum pumping using appropriate membrane) Inoculation and Incubation using suitable media Plate Spreading

D.) PREPARATION OF AXENIC(PURE) CULTURES i. ii. Serial Plating Confirmation under light microscope

E.) CHARACTERIZATION OF ISOLATES i. Characterized by morphology Shape and dimension of cell Presence or absence of constriction between adjacent cells Cell type (unicellular or filamentous) Heterocysts and akinetes ii. Putative identification based on morphological characteristics



F.) SCREENING FOR RESISTANCE i. ii. iii. Microtitre Wells Incubation in suitable media under known Organic Compounds Colorimetric Growth Determination Cell Density Determination Absorbance reading using spectrophotometer G.) POLLUTANT REMOVAL CAPACITY i. ii. Incubation under known Organic pollutants Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

REFERENCES Chang, K.H., Amano, A., Isobe, T., Maneja, M., Siringan, F.P., Imai, H. and Nakano, S. (2009): Pollution study in Manila Bay: Eutrophication and its impact on plankton community. Interdisciplinary Studies on Environmental Chemistry Environmental Research in Asia, pp. 261267. Cruz, R.T. (1997): Water Pollution Control - A guide to the use of Water Quality Management.

Hinchee, R.E., Means, J.L. and Burrisl, D.R. (1995): Bioremediation of Inorganics. Battelle Press, Columdus, OH. Huq, S.M.I., Abdullah, M.B., Joardar, J.C. (2007): Bioremediation of arsenic toxicity by algae in rice culture. Land Contamination and Reclamation, 15 (3) EPP Publications Ltd. Islam, M.S. and Tanaka, M. (2004): Impacts of pollution on coastal and marine ecosystems including coastal and marine fisheries and approach for management: a review and synthesis. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 48, 624649. King, R.B., Long, G.M., Sheldon JK (1997): Practical Environmental Bioremediation: the Field Guide, 2nd ed., Lewis, Boca Raton, FL.

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