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The key takeaways are about industrial waste management, types of industries and wastes, effects of industrial effluents, and treatment and disposal methods.

The objectives of studying industrial waste management are to understand the pollution potential of major industries and methods to control industrial pollution.

The different types of industrial wastes discussed include characteristics of industrial wastes, effects on streams, land, sewage plants and human health.



Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037



CE2037 Industrial Waste Management
Assistant professor

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

LTPC 3003
This subject deals with the pollution from major industries and methods of controlling the
same. The student is expected to know about the polluting potential of major industries in
the country and the methods of controlling the same.
Types of industries and industrial pollution Characteristics of industrial wastes
Population equivalent Bioassay studies effects of industrial effluents on streams,
sewer, land, sewage treatment plants and human health Environmental legislations
related to prevention and control of industrial effluents and hazardous wastes
Waste management Approach Waste Audit Volume and strength reduction Material
and process modifications Recycle, reuse and byproduct recovery Applications.
Sources, Characteristics, waste treatment flow sheets for selected industries such as
Textiles, Tanneries, Pharmaceuticals, Electroplating industries, Dairy, Sugar, Paper,
distilleries, Steel plants, Refineries, fertilizer, thermal power plants Wastewater
reclamation concepts
Equalization Neutralization Removal of suspended and dissolved organic solids Chemical oxidation Adsorption - Removal of dissolved inorganics Combined
treatment of industrial and municipal wastes Residue management Dewatering Disposal
Hazardous wastes - Physico chemical treatment solidification incineration Secure
land fills
1. M.N.Rao & A.K.Dutta, Wastewater Treatment, Oxford - IBH Publication, 1995.
2. W .W. Eckenfelder Jr., Industrial Water Pollution Control, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New Delhi, 2000.
1. T.T.Shen, Industrial Pollution Prevention, Springer, 1999.
2. R.L.Stephenson and J.B.Blackburn, Jr., Industrial Wastewater Systems Hand book,
Lewis Publisher, New York, 1998
3. H.M.Freeman, Industrial Pollution Prevention Hand Book, McGraw-Hill Inc., New
Delhi, 1995. 4. Bishop, P.L., Pollution Prevention: Fundamental & Practice, McGrawHill, 2000.

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

S.I No

Syllabus Topic




Page Numbers





Types of industries and industrial pollution
Characteristics of industrial wastes
Population equivalent and Bioassay studies
Effects of industrial effluents on streams
Effects of industrial effluents on sewer, land &
sewage treatment plants
Effects of industrial effluents on human health
Environmental legislations to prevention and
control of industrial effluents
Environmental legislations to prevention and
control of hazardous wastes


Waste management Approach
Waste Audit
Volume reduction
Strength reduction
Material modifications in manufacturing
Process modifications in manufacturing system
Recycle, reuse and byproduct recovery
Applications of recycle, reuse and byproduct


Sources & Characteristics of industrial wastewater
Waste treatment flow sheets for Textile industry
Waste treatment flow sheets for Tanneries
Waste treatment flow sheets for Pharmaceuticals
Waste treatment flow sheets for Electroplating
Waste treatment flow sheets for Dairy & Sugar
Waste treatment flow sheets for Paper &
Waste treatment flow sheets for Steel plants &
Waste treatment flow sheets for fertilizer &
thermal power plants Wastewater reclamation

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037


Equalization methods in waste management
Equalization methods in waste management
Neutralization methods in waste management
Neutralization methods in waste management
Removal of suspended solids
Removal of dissolved organic solids
Chemical oxidation
Adsorption and its application
Removal of dissolved inorganics
Combined treatment of industrial and municipal
Residue management Dewatering & Disposal
Introduction to the hazardous waste & its sources
Physical treatment for hazardous waste
Chemical treatment for hazardous waste
Advanced treatment for hazardous waste
Introduction to incineration & its types
Incineration of hazardous waste
Introduction to landfills & its types
Secure landfills for hazardous waste
No of hours allotted in syllabus: 45 periods
T1.M.N.Rao &A.K.Dutta,Waste water treatment. Oxford Publications
T2.W.W.EckenfelderIndustrial water pollution control,Mc Graw Hill
R1.T.T.ShenIndustrial Pollution Prevention: Springer
R2. R.L.Stephen son and J.B.Blackburn ,Industrial waste system hand book

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Industrial Waste Management


Code CE 2037



What is Industry?
1. The production side of business activity is referred as industry.
2. It is a business activity, which is related to the raising, producing, processing or
manufacturing of products.
3. The products are consumer's goods as well as producer's goods.
4. Consumer goods are goods, which are used finally by consumers. E.g. Food
grains, textiles, cosmetics, VCR, etc.
5. Producer's goods are the goods used by manufacturers for producing some other
goods. E.g. Machinery, tools, equipments, etc.

Classification / Types of Industries

Primary Industry
1. Primary industry is concerned with production of goods with the help of nature.
2. It is a nature-oriented industry, which requires very little human effort.
3. E.g. Agriculture, farming, forestry, fishing, horticulture, etc.

Genetic Industry
1. Genetic industries are engaged in re-production and multiplication of certain
spices of plants and animals with the object of sale.
2. The main aim is to earn profit from such sale.
3. E.g. plant nurseries, cattle rearing, poultry, cattle breeding, etc.

Extractive Industry
1. Extractive industry is concerned with extraction or drawing out goods from the
soil, air or water.
2. Products of extractive industries come in raw form and they are used by
manufacturing and construction industries for producing finished products.
3. E.g. mining industry, coal mineral, oil industry, iron ore, extraction of timber and
rubber from forests, etc.

Manufacturing Industry
1. Manufacturing industries are engaged in transforming raw material into finished
product with the help of machines and manpower.
2. The finished goods can be either consumer goods or producer goods.
3. E.g. textiles, chemicals, sugar industry, paper industry, etc.

Construction Industry
1. Construction industries take up the work of construction of buildings, bridges,
roads, dams, canals, etc.
2. This industry is different from all other types of industry because in case of other
industries goods can be produced at one place and sold at another place.
3. But goods produced and sold by constructive industry are erected at one place.

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Service Industry
1. In modern times service sector plays an important role in the development of the
nation and therefore it is named as service industry.
2. The main industries, which fall under this category, include hotel industry,
tourism industry, entertainment industry, etc.

Secondary Industries(sometimes referred to as manufacturing industry)

1. Involve the manufacture of raw materials, into another product by manual labor or
2. Secondary industries often use assembly lines e.g. a car factory.

Tertiary Industries (sometime referred to as Services industry)

1. Neither produces a raw material nor makes a product.
2. Instead they provide services to other people and industries.
3. Tertiary industries can include doctors, dentists, refuse collection and banks.

Quaternary Industries
1. Involve the use of high tech industries.
2. People who work for these companies are often highly qualified within their field
of work.
3. Research and development companies are the most common types of businesses
in this sector.


All of the companies are linked in one way or another. For example
The raw material cotton is extracted by primary industries
The cotton may then be turned into an item of clothing in the secondary industry.
Tertiary industries may advertise the goods in magazines and newspapers.
The quaternary industry may involve the product being advertised or researched
to check that the item of clothing meets the standards that it claims too.

1. With the coming of the Industrial Revolution, humans were able to advance
further into the 21st century.
2. Technology developed rapidly, science became advanced and the manufacturing
age came into view.
3. With all of these came one more effect, industrial pollution.
4. Earlier, industries were small factories that produced smoke as the main pollutant.
5. Since the number of factories were limited and worked only a certain number of
hours a day, the levels of pollution did not grow significantly.
6. But when these factories became full scale industries and manufacturing units, the
issue of industrial pollution started to take on more importance.
7. Any form of pollution that can trace its immediate source to industrial practices is
known as industrial pollution.
8. Industrial pollution takes on many faces.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

9. It contaminates many sources of drinking water, releases unwanted toxins into the
air and reduces the quality of soil all over the world.

Causes of Industrial Pollution

Lack of Policies to Control Pollution
1. Lack of effective policies and poor enforcement drive allowed many industries to
bypass laws made by pollution control board.
2. It resulted in mass scale pollution that affected lives of many people.
Unplanned Industrial Growth
1. In most industrial townships, unplanned growth took place wherein those
companies flouted rules and norms and polluted the environment with both air
and water pollution.
Use of Outdated Technologies
1. Most industries still rely on old technologies to produce products that generate
large amount of waste.
2. To avoid high cost and expenditure, many companies still make use of traditional
technologies to produce high end products.
Presence of Large Number of Small Scale Industries
1. Many small scale industries and factories that dont have enough capital and rely
on government grants to run their day-to-day businesses often escape environment
2. It release large amount of toxic gases in the atmosphere.
Inefficient Waste Disposal
1. Water pollution and soil pollution are often caused directly due to inefficiency in
disposal of waste.
2. Long term exposure to polluted air and water causes chronic health problems,
making the issue of industrial pollution into a severe one.
3. It also lowers the air quality in surrounding areas which causes many respiratory
Leaching of Resources from Our Natural World
1. Industries do require large amount of raw material to make them into finished
2. This requires extraction of minerals from beneath the earth.
3. The extracted minerals can cause soil pollution when spilled on the earth.
4. Leaks from vessels can cause oil spills that may prove harmful for marine life.

Effects and Control of Industrial Pollution

1. In order to provide daily needs of the growing population, different types of
industries are setup to produce different products.
2. The industries use raw materials, process them and produce finished products.
Besides the finished products, a good number of by-products are produced.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

3. Out of all the by-products, if some are in huge quantities and the processing is
cost effective, the industrialist preserves the by- products.
5. If the processing of waste is a cost prohibitive one, then the industrialist throws
the waste into the environment in the form of gas, liquid or solid.
6. The gases are usually released into the atmosphere, the liquids are discharged into
aquatic bodies like canals, rivers or sea and solid wastes are either dumped on the
land or in aquatic bodies.
7. There are about 17 industries which are declared to be most polluting.
8. These include the caustic soda, cement, distillery, dyes and dye intermediaries,
fertilizers, iron and steel, oil refineries, paper and pulp, pesticides and
pharmaceuticals, sugar, textiles, thermal power plants, tanneries and so on.
9. Due to industrial activities, a variety of poisonous gases like NO, SO2, NO2, SO3,
Cl2, CO, CO2, H2SO4 etc. - volatile chemicals, dusts etc., are liberated into the
atmosphere causing acute pollution problem.
10. For example, Methyl Isocyanate gas leakage from Union Carbide factory at
Bhopal caused mass killing which is known as Bhopal gas tragedy.
Types of pollution from industries

Caustic Soda


Cement dust,





Iron and steel

Wastes Produced

Type of
Mercury, Chlorine gas Air, water and
Particulate matter
Organic waste
Ammonia, cyanide,
oxides of nitrogen,
oxides of Sulphur
Inorganic waste
Smoke, gases, coal
dust, fly ash, fluorine

Land and water

Air and water
Land and water
Air, water and

Effects of Industrial Pollution

On human health
1. It causes irritation of eye, nose, throat respiratory tracts, etc.
2. It increases mortality rate and morbidity rate.
3. A variety of particulates mainly pollens, initiate asthmatic attacks.
4. Chronic pulmonary diseases like bronchitis and asthma are aggravated by high
concentration of SO2, NO2, particulate matter and photo-chemical smog.
5. Certain heavy metals like lead may enter the body through lungs and cause
On animal health
1. In case of animals, the pollutants enter in two steps.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

2. Accumulations of the airborne contaminants in the vegetation forage and prey

3. Subsequent poisoning of the animals when they eat the contaminated food.
4. In case of animals, three pollutants namely fluorine, arsenic and lead are
responsible for most livestock damage.
On plants
1. Industrial pollution has been shown to have serious adverse effects on plants.
2. In some cases, it is found that vegetation over 150 Km. away from the source of
pollutants have been found to be affected.
3. The major pollutants affecting plants are SO2, O3, MO, NO2, NH3, HCN,
Ethylene, Herbicides, PAN (Peroxy Acetyl nitrate) etc.
4. In the presence of pollutants, the healthy plants suffer from neurosis, chlorosis,
abscission, epinasty etc.
Control of Industrial Pollution
Control at Source:
1. It involves suitable alterations in the choice of raw materials and process in
treatment of exhaust gases before finally discharged.
2. Increasing stock height up to 38 meters in order to ensure proper mixing of the
discharged pollutants.
Selection of Industry Site
1. The industrial site should be properly examined considering the climatic and
topographical characteristics before setting of the industry.
Treatment of Industrial Waste
1. The industrial wastes should be subjected to proper treatment before their
Intensive plantation in the region considerably reduces the dust, smoke and other
Stringent Government Action:
Government should take stringent action against industries which discharge
higher amount of pollutants into the environment than the level prescribed by
Pollution Control Board.


The purposes of pollution control endeavors should be
1. To protect the assimilative capacity of surface waters.
2. To protect shellfish, finfish and wildlife.
3. To preserve or restore the aesthetic and recreational value of surface waters.
4. To protect humans from adverse water quality conditions.
The selection and design of treatment facilities is based on a study of
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

1. The physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the wastewater.

2. The quality that must be maintained in the environment to which the wastewater
is to be discharged or for the reuse of the wastewater.
3. The applicable environmental standards or discharge requirements that must be
4. The main chemical characteristics of wastewater are divided into two classes,
inorganic and organic.
Physical characteristics
1. The principal physical characteristics of wastewater are its solids content, colour,
odour and temperature.
2. The total solids in a wastewater consist of the insoluble or suspended solids and
the soluble compoundsdissolved in water.
3. Volatile solids are presumed to be organicmatter, although some organic matter
will not burnand some inorganic salts break down at high temperatures.
4. The organic matter consists mainly ofproteins, carbohydrates and fats.
5. Solids may be classified in another wayas well those that are volatilized at a high
temperature(600C) and those that are not.
6. The former areknown as volatile solids, the latter as fixed solids.
7. Usually, volatile solids are organic.
8. Colour is a qualitative characteristic that can be used to assess the general
condition of wastewater.
9. If the colour is dark grey or black, the wastewater istypically septic, having
undergone extensive bacterial decomposition under anaerobic conditions.
10. Theblackening of wastewater is often due to the formation of various sulphide,
particularly, ferrous sulphide.
11. The determination of odour has become increasingly important.
12. The odour of fresh wastewater is usually not offensive, but a variety of odorous
compounds are released when wastewater is decomposed biologically under
anaerobic conditions.
13. The principal odorous compound is hydrogen sulphide (the smell of rotten eggs).
14. The temperature of wastewater is commonly higher than that of the water supply
because warmmunicipal water has been added.
15. The temperature of wastewater will vary from season to season and also with
geographic location.
Chemical characteristics
Inorganic chemicals
1. The principal chemical tests include free ammonia, organic nitrogen, nitrites,
nitrates, organic phosphorusand inorganic phosphorus.
2. Nitrogen and phosphorus are important because these two nutrients areresponsible
for the growth of aquatic plants.
3. Trace elements, which include some heavy metals,are not determined routinely,
but trace elementsmay be a factor in the biological treatment ofwastewater.
4. All living organisms require varyingamounts of some trace elements, such as iron,
copper, zinc and cobalt, for proper growth.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Organic chemicals
1. The tests may be divided into those used to measure gross concentrations of
organic matter greater than about 1 mg/l.
2. Laboratory methods commonly used today to measure gross amounts of organic
matter(greater than 1 mg/l) in wastewater include
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
ii. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
iii. Total organic carbon (TOC).
Organic pollutants
1. Effluent from industrial sources contains a wide variety of pollutants, including
organic pollutants.
2. Primary and secondary sewage treatment processes remove some of these
pollutants, particularly oxygen-demanding substances, oil, grease and solids.
3. Others, such as refractory (degradation- resistant) organics (organochlorides, nitro
compounds etc.) and salts and heavy metals, are not efficiently removed.
4. Soaps, detergents and associated chemicals are potential sources of organic
5. Water contaminated with these compounds must be treated using physical and
chemical methods, including air stripping, solvent extraction, ozonation and
carbon adsorption.


Population equivalent
Population equivalent or unit per capita loading, (PE), in waste-water treatment is the
number expressing the ratio of the sum of the pollution load produced during 24 hours by
industrial facilities and services to the individual pollution load in household sewage
produced by one person in the same time.
Population equivalents of wastewater from some industries
Type Activity

Canning (fruit/vegetables)


Pea processing








Citrus fruit


Chicken meat






Sugar cane


Dairy (without cheese)


Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Management\Bioassays and Wastewater Quality
Main conclusions
1. A broad range of micropollutants and their effects wereeliminated by more than
80% after the advanced treatments.
2. There was no evidence for a toxicity increase due to a constantformation of stable
toxic ozonation by-products.
3. An ozonation should be followed by a final filtration step withbiological activity.
4. Quality of treated effluent was significantly improved, leading to improved
surface water quality.
Evaluation of Bioassays and Wastewater Quality
Project Strategy Micropoll
1. The aim of the project Strategy Micropoll of the Swiss Federal Office for the
Environment (FOEN) was to develop a strategy regarding micro pollutants
originating from municipal wastewater.
2. A situation analysis was conducted in order to assess thecontamination of Swiss
surface waters with micro pollutants
3. Possibilities for financing measures for advanced wastewater treatment were
evaluated.In order to evaluate possible technical treatments to reduce the
concentrations and effects oforganic micro pollutants in surface waters, two largescale pilot studies were conducted.
4. In bothstudies the efficiency of complementary wastewater treatment for the
elimination ofmicropollutants from wastewater treatment effluent was assessed,
such as ozonation followed bysand filtration (ozonation-SF) and different
processes including powdered activated carbon addition (PAC).
5. Technical aspects as well as a performance review regarding the elimination
ofmicropollutants using chemical measurements and ecotoxicological test systems
were included.
Approach of bio-assay
1. A broad range of biotests for the evaluation of water and wastewater quality is
2. Animportant goal of this project was to identify appropriate bioassays sensitive
enough to detect theeffects of micro pollutants.
3. The selection of eco toxicological test systems was based on preliminary studies
conducted before the first pilot study by measuring specific cellular effects, as
well as integrative tests with whole organisms group on ecotoxicology.
4. Bioassays were selected based on one or more of the following selection criteria.
Test sensitivity is Standardized test methods are available.
Consideration of different trophic levels (bacteria, algae, macrophytes,
invertebrates, vertebrates)
5. Application of different types of sample processing and test systems:
Assessment of enriched wastewater samples
High enough to detect contaminant effects in treated wastewaterin the
preliminary studies
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Assessment of wastewater samples without sample enrichment

Effect measurements with organisms in flow-through systems (channels,
6. Two types of bioassays were used:
In vitro bioassays based on specific cellular mechanisms measure cellular
effects specificto groups of toxicants with similar modes of action.
These assays use cell cultures ortransgenic bacteria or yeast to detect
changes in receptor activation or enzyme function,e.g. endocrine,
genotoxic or mutagenic effects; or inhibition of signal transduction.
7. They integrate the effects of all substances in a wastewater samplesuch as
chemicals, nutrients etc., but, depending on the used assays they give none or
onlylimited information about the causative substance classes or relevant
molecular processes.
Performance Analysis of Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Toxicity Parameters
1. Biological parameters measured in bioassays, such as mortality, number of
offspring, cellnumber, weight, and cellular receptor activity, are commonly
referred to as endpoints.
2. The term toxicity parameter refers to effect values, which are calculated using
statistical or mathematical methods.
3. The calculation is done by regression analysis and gives, additionally to the
respective derived toxicity parameter, a confidence interval
4. NOEC The no observed effect concentration (NOEC) is the highest tested
concentration thatdoes not yet because a statistically significant effect compared
to the control.
5. LOEC The lowest observed effect concentration (LOEC) is the lowest tested
concentrationthat elicits a statistically significant effect compared to the control.
6. TEQ The toxic equivalent concentration (TEQ) is defined as the concentration of
areference substance, which would have the same effect as the environmental

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037



Dealing with waste in India

1. Waste is an issue that aects us all.
2. We all produce waste on average, each of the highly populated people living in
the India throws away around half a ton of household rubbish every year.
3. This is on top of huge amounts of waste generated from activities such as
manufacturing (360 million tons) and construction (900 million tons), while water
supply and energy production generate another 95 million tons.
4. Altogether, India produces up to 3 billiontons of waste every year.
5. All this waste has a huge impact on the environment, causing pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change, as well as signicant
losses of materials a particular problem for the India which is highly dependent on
exported raw materials.
6. The amount of waste we are creating is increasing and the nature of waste itself is
changing, partly due to the dramatic rise in the use of hi-tech products.
7. This means waste now contains an increasingly complex mix of materials,
including plastics, precious metals and hazardous materials that are dicult to
deal with safely.
8. Indian waste management policies aim to reduce the environmental and health
impacts of waste and improve Indias resource eciency.
9. The long-term goal is to turn our country into a recycling society, avoiding waste
and using unavoidable waste as a resource wherever possible.
10. The aim is to achieve much higher levels of recycling and to minimize the
extraction of additional natural resources.
11. Proper waste management is a key element in ensuring resource eciency and the
sustainable growth of Indian economies.
12. Working to minimize the negative impacts of waste while maximizing the
benets of good waste management, and the role individuals, households,
businesses and local and national governments have to play.
The Challenges of Waste
1. Whether it is re-used, recycled, incinerated or put into landll sites, the
management of household and industrial waste comes at a nancial and
environmental cost.
2. First, waste must be collected, sorted and transported before being treated which
can prove expensive and result in greenhouse gas emissions and pollution of air,
soils and water.
3. One major challenge is the fact that a large amount of the waste generated each
year some 100 million tonsis hazardous, containing heavy metals and other toxin
4. These substances make the waste particularly dicult to treat as special processes
are needed to deal with the hazardous components.
5. Our country is working to reduce the hazardous materials used in products which
then end up in our waste, as well as ensuring that hazardous waste is dealt with in
the safest way possible.
6. Several types of chemicals have been banned and the use of other materials has
been signicantly restricted.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

7. Waste treatment facilities are being improved across the India to make sure
hazardous material can be dealt with safely.
8. There is also a risk that hazardous waste is exported abroad where it may be dealt
with in unsafe conditions.
The Indias Approach to Waste Management
1. Waste management approach has evolved over the last 30 years through a series
of environmental action plans and a framework of legislation that aims to reduce
negative environmental and health impacts and create an energy and resource
ecient economy.
2. This led to the development of a long-term strategy on waste.
3. The 2015 Thematic Strategy on Waste Prevention and Recycling resulted in the
revision of the Waste Framework Directive, the cornerstone of Indias approach
to waste management
4. It includes targets for IndianState Members to recycle 50% of their municipal
waste and 70% of construction waste by 2020.
5. The Directive introduces a ve-step waste hierarchy where prevention is the best
option, followed by re-use, recycling and other forms of recovery, with disposal
such as landll as the last resort.
Moving Up the Waste Hierarchy
Preparing for re-use


Other recovery


1. The purpose of a waste audit is to gain a detailed understanding of the types and
weights of material being generated.
2. Audit results are used to improve the economic and environmental performance
of waste management efforts.
3. There are three major components to the waste audit:
A. Preparation
B. Sorting, recording, and cleanup
C. Analysis and reporting.
4. When undertaking an audit, one person should be designated as the audit
5. This person is responsible for preparing and leading the audit.
6. When first beginning to conduct waste audits, it is advisable to seek assistance
from regional waste education officers if they are available.
7. The audit coordinator must ensure that all preparations are carried out before
participants begin auditing and measuring waste
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

1. Identify which material streams will be audited.
2. Use the materials stream categorization guide to help.
3. Ensure that the waste is sorted into separate piles based on waste stream, day
collected, or source location if auditing specific areas or buildings.
4. Choose an adequate sample size for the audit.
5. The % of waste audited will depend on total waste generation of the organization
larger numbers yield more accurate results.
6. Locate a suitable facility for storing the waste and conducting the audit.
7. Verify the number of participants who will be helping with the audit and obtain
the required safety materials.
8. Choose an auditing procedure that best suits the needs of the firm.
9. Obtain the materials required for that method.
10. Conduct a training session with the audit participants.
11. Training requirements will differ according to chosen audit type.
12. Give the people who are data recording the auditing packages and have them
review the sheets and ask any questions before sorting begins.
13. Assign groups according to the chosen audit type.
1. There are significant differences between auditing methods.
2. There is also some flexibility in how the audits are performed.
3. The audit coordinator can adjust the procedures as required to best suit the needs
of the firm.
Types of auditing

Differences between auditing methods

Bulk auditing (large audits)
Individual bag contamination rate auditing
Individual bag & sub-categorization auditing

Roles Explained
Audit Coordinator:
1. This person is responsible for preparing and leading the audit.
2. They must ensure that all preparations are carried out before participants begin
auditing and measuring waste.
3. If possible, the audit coordinator should play a role in forming or overseeing the
waste management plan for the organization.
4. It would be beneficial of this person read the waste management manual to
understand the purpose of the audit and the role of waste characterization studies
in waste management.
Data Recorders
1. This position involves weighing the sorted contents of the audit.
2. They will be responsible for weighing the bins and the sorted waste, recording
data, and taking notes during the audit.
3. They may also be tasked with taking pictures.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

4. Data recorders should ideally have experience in recording experimental data.

5. It is important that the data recorder fully understands their role and the
importance of good record keeping because if the audit.
1. These people are responsible for opening the bags and sorting the waste according
to the categorization chosen by the audit coordinator.
2. In audits with no diversion team, the sorters will dispose of their own waste
according to the proper materials stream in a designated diversion area.
Diversion team
1. These people are responsible for diverting material into proper large bins/bags
after they have been sorted.
2. This ensures the highest level of diversion is achieved at the end of the audit.
3. Once they empty the contents of the bins, they return them to the sorting teams.
4. If there are enough sorting bins and sorting teams, it can make the audit go much
quicker with a dedicated disposal team.
5. If there are not enough audit participants or sorting bins for this, the sorters on the
sorting teams can dispose of the waste themselves.
Team Structure



Recommended structure for bulk auditing

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

1. All waste should be disposed of properly according to local area sorting
2. This will need to be done on an ongoing basis throughout the audit.
3. For bulk auditing no additional sorting step is required for disposal.
4. Any waste residues or spills should be cleaned up immediately.
5. Team leaders should give data to the audit coordinator and explain any unclear
data on the sheets.
6. The audit coordinator should briefly look over the data to ask any questions they
may have about recorded data while data recorders are on hand.
7. Materials and equipment should be returned to the audit coordinator
Analysis and Reporting
1. Enter the data values into the excel spreadsheet auditing tool.
2. The tool will only allow manipulation of cells which require data entry and these
cells are highlighted in yellow.
3. If you wish to alter the tool, you must first unprotect the sheet
4. Once all the data is entered, enter the % of waste audited and the % of waste that
has been sub-categorized.
5. The detailed sub-categorization data will automatically be added to the larger data
set for contamination.
6. It will also be represented graphically
7. Summary tables will be automatically produced showing the projected annual
waste production values and contamination rates based on the contamination data
set and the sub-categorization data.


The information presented is a pathway to effective and sustainable water and wastewater
management from start to nish. This information is organized into ve sections:
Segment Prole
A discussion of water usage and wastewater efuent trends, where to nd information on
regulatory drivers, examples of non-regulatory drivers, and risks and opportunities for
cost savings.
Data Management
A guide to identifying the components of water and wastewater information, establishing
key performance indicators and goals, managing water and wastewater data, and
benchmarking progress toward goals.
Best Practices
Guidance on best practices to reduce water usage and wastewater generation focusing on
opportunities in the brewing process, including packaging, warehousing, utilities, and
food service/events.
Onsite Wastewater Treatment
An overview of drivers for onsite wastewater treatment and example technologies.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Case Studies
Selected brewery examples which provide more detail of water and wastewater reduction
Water Usage &Wastewater Generated By Craft Brewers
1. Beer is about 95% water in composition; however, the amount of water used to
produce a container of beer is far greater than the amount of water contained in
the beer that is actually packaged and shipped out.
2. Although water usage varies widely among breweries and is dependent upon
specic processes and location.
3. Most craft brewers receive their water from municipal suppliers, while a few use
well water as an alternative source.
4. In addition to the water used in production, wastewater generation and disposal
presents another improvement opportunity for brewers.
5. Most breweries discharge 70% of their incoming water as efuent.
6. Efuent is dened as wastewater that is generated and ows to the sewer system.
7. In most cases, brewery efuent disposal costs are much higher than water supply
8. In many communities, breweries may be the largest consumer of water and the
largest source of organic efuent that must be treated by the municipal treatment
9. This presents unique supply and cost concerns.
10. Water awareness and conservation practices provide an effective mechanism for
brewers to reach out into communities.
11. Outreach efforts have a number of benets, including building brand image and
being recognized as an important part of the community.
12. Within a brewery, there are four main areas where water is used:
Brew house
In addition, ancillary operations such as food service and
restrooms contribute to water usage.

Typical Brewery Water Use per Area



Cellars 17%

Environmental Drivers

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Stress on water supplies

Risk of (local) water shortage


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Risk of (local) water pollution

Effective Data Management System

1. Data management is more than just a component of a successful program
2. It is a necessity for a successful business strategy.
3. There are both risks and opportunities in water and wastewater management.
4. Making informed business decisions to minimize risk and maximize opportunity
requires effective data management.



5. From establishing a data collection routine and ensuring the data is accurate, to
creating key performance indicators and setting goals.
Data Collection
1. Successful data management enables cost-effective decisions to be made.
2. Data management often goes beyond collecting usage and cost data from a
monthly utility invoice.
3. It includes identifying process areas, support functions, and facility operations
that have the greatest opportunities for improvement.
4. Strategies include tracking water metrics as part of process improvement
5. Understanding water use is critical to starting an effective conservation program.
Where to start?

Where is the water going?

How much water is used?
What are typical values?
How much water is discharged?
Whats in the water discharge?
What are typical values?
How can water use and discharge be managed?

Full Cost of Water

The full cost of water is equal to
The price on the water bill
Costs Associated with water use
Price of incoming water
Sewer Service Charge
Cost of energy and chemicals needed to process water
Labor and other costs associated with water processing and
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

The cost of water use at a facility can be much greater than the amount on the water bill.
Typical Reductions in Water Use
Water saving measure possible application typical reduction in process use (%)
Closed loop recycle
Fermenter cooling
Re-use of wash water
Cask washer
Countercurrent rinsing
Good housekeeping
Hose pipes
Optimization of CIP
Spray/jet upgrades
Cask Washer
Fermenter cleaning

set 60
set 40
set 30


3Rs offer an environmentally friendly alternative to deal with growing generation of
wastes and its related impact on human health, economy and natural ecosystem

Stages in product life cycle


Extraction of natural resources Processing of resources

Design of products and selection of inputs
Production of goods and services
Reuse of wastes from production or consumption
Recycling of wastes from consumption or production
Disposal of residual wastes

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Eco Efficiency and the Important Of 3Rs

1. Eco-efficiency is the delivery of competitively priced goods and
services that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life.
2. While progressively reducing ecological impacts and resource intensity
throughout the life cycle, to a level at least in line with Earth's
estimated carrying capacity.

Seven elements or steps companies can make to improve Eco


Reduce material intensity

Reduce energy intensity
Reduce dispersion of toxic substances
Enhance the ability to recycle
Maximize use of renewable resources
Extend product durability
Increase service intensity

Transitioning to more resource efficient economy

One way economy

1. In one way economy, a little effort is made to reduce the amount of

materials consumed in production &hence the wastes areproduced.
2. Also little effort is made to reuse or recycle those wasteswhich mainly go for

More resource efficient economy

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

1. Greater resource efficiency by reducing consumption and waste ofmaterials, and

by reusing and recycling by products.
2. By implementingmeasures on both the production and consumption sides,
may be able to reduce (per unit of product) both the quantity of theresource
extraction stream
3. The quantity and environmentalimpact of the residual materials flow that
ultimately reaches disposalsites.

Closed-loop economy

1. In closed-loop economy, nearly all outputs either become inputs toother

manufacturing processes or are returned to natural systems as emissions rather than
as pollutants, e.g., a closed-cycleprocessing plant takes in freshwater and does not
discharge anyliquid effluents.
2. Rather, the water is constantly recycled and possiblyutilized in the final product

However there are major policy gaps...

1. Prevailing economic system does not provide adequate incentives for resource
conservation and efficient resource allocation
2. Prevailing production and consumption patterns are not adequately oriented
towards resource efficiency, contributing to growing quantities of wastes that must
be managed for final disposal
3. For example, in Asia, as industrial economies continue to grow, the region will
generate more toxic chemicals & hazardous wastes, mostly coming from industrial,
agriculture, and manufacturing processes, but current waste management policies
are not linked with resource conservation/ecosystem protection

Conventional waste management and the consequences

1. Over reliance on conventional type waste management such as landfills and
incineration is not sustainable (landfills are major source of methane (CH4), a
powerful GHG, and land costs are getting very high)

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Examples of E-waste
1. Every year 20 to 50 million tons of e-waste are generated worldwide.

2. About 53 million tons were produced worldwide in 2009 and only

13% of it was recycled.

3. By 2020 e-waste from old computers in South Africa and China will
have jumped by 200-400% and by 500% in India from 2007 levels.
4. One billion PCs will be in use by the end of 2008 - two billion by 2015
with most growth in emerging Brazil, Russia, India, and China
1. "Going green" can be profitable through the expanding market of
environmental goods and services.
2. Recycling market offers a competitive 'sink' as an alternative to increasingly
expensive landfill, incineration, and other treatment options.
3. Significant opportunities that exist for the private sectors could be divided in
three categories:
Equipment & technology
1. Water equipment and chemicals, air pollution control, instruments and
information, waste management (waste minimization, resource recovery
technology, etc.), process / prevention technology.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management


Code CE 2037



1. Air pollution is the presence of substances in air in sufficient concentration and
for sufficient time, injurious to human, plant or animal life, or to property.
2. Air pollutants arise from both man-made and natural processes.
3. Pollutants are also defined as primary pollutants resulting from combustion of
fuels and industrial operations and secondary pollutants, those which are
produced due to reaction of primary pollutants in the atmosphere.
4. The ambient air quality may be defined by the concentration of a set of pollutants
which may be present in the ambient air we breathe in.
5. These pollutants may be called criteria pollutants.
6. Emission standards express the allowable concentrations of a contaminant at the
point of discharge before any mixing with the surrounding air.
Names of some common air pollutants, their sources and classification
Suspended particulate Matter, Automobile, power plants, boilers, Industries
requiring crushing and grinding such as quarry,
Chlor-alkali plants.
Fertilizer, aluminum refining
Sulphur dioxide
Power plants, boilers, sulphuric acid manufacture,
ore refining, petroleum refining.
Ore refining, battery manufacturing, automobiles.
Oxides of nitrogen, Automobiles, power plants, nitric
NO, NO2 (NOX) acid manufacture, also a secondary
Peroxyacetyl nitrate,
PAN Secondary pollutant
Fertilizer plant
Secondary pollutant
Carbon monoxide
Hydrogen sulphide

Secondary pollutant
Pulp and paper, petroleum refining.

Combustion sources
1. By combustion sources is meant operations where primarily fossil fuels, coal,
natural gas, petrol, diesel and furnace oil are burnt to obtain energy.
2. This includes power plants, industrial boilers, domestic heating and automobiles.
1. In urban areas automobiles form a significant source of a number of air pollutants,
namely, particulates, NOx, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and lead.
2. These pollutants are produced when fuel is burnt under less than ideal conditions.

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

3. Non-uniform oxygen supply within the combustion chamber and lower flame
temperature leads to incomplete combustion releasing CO, HC and unburnt
particles in the exhaust.
4. Tetraethyl lead is added to petrol as anti-knock additive.
5. Where such petrol is used lead is emitted in the exhaust fumes as inorganic
Industrial sources
Only two sources are discussed here
Cement manufacture
1. Raw materials include lime, silica, aluminum and iron. Lime is obtained from
calcium carbonate.
2. Other raw materials are introduced as sand, clay, shale, iron are and blast furnace
3. The process consists of mining, crushing, grinding, and calcining in a long
cylindrically shaped oven or kiln.
4. Air pollutants can originate at several operations as listed below
Raw material crushing, grinding
Kiln operation and cooling
Product grinding and packaging

ParticulatesCO, SO2 , NOx, HC

5. Control of emission of particulate matter is economically viable as the cost of

collected dust (raw material and product) pays for control measures.
Sulphuric acid manufacture
1. Sulphuric acid is produced from Sulphur, which is burnt to obtain SO2.
2. Sulphur dioxide is converted to trioxide in presence of vanadium pentaoxide
3. The Sulphur trioxide is absorbed in recycling concentrated sulfuric acid.
4. Unreacted SO2 escapes with the flue gas.
5. New large plants now a days use double conversion double absorption (DCDA)
process realizing above 99 percent efficiency.
1. Textile industry can be classified into three categories cotton, woolen, and
synthetic fibers depending upon the used raw materials.
2. The cotton textile industry is one of the oldest industries in China.
3. The textile dyeing industry consumes large quantities of water and produces large
volumes of wastewater from different steps in the dyeing and finishing processes.
4. Wastewater from printing and dyeing units is often rich in color, containing
residues of reactive dyes and chemicals, such as complex components,
manyaerosols, highChroma, high COD and BOD concentration
5. In the textile dyeing industry, bleaching is an important process.
6. It has three technologies
sodium hypochlorite bleaching
ii. hydrogen peroxide bleaching and sodium chlorite bleaching
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037


Sodium hypochlorite bleaching and sodium chlorite bleaching are the

most commonly used processes.
The variety of fiber
The variety of fiber
Cellulose fiber
Direct dyes, Reactive dyes, Vat dyes, Sulfide dyes, Azo
Acid dyes Silk Direct dyes, Acid dyes
Azo dyes, Disperse dyes
Disperse / Vat dyes, Disperse / Insoluble dye
Polyacrylonitrile fiber
Cationic dyes, Disperse dyes
Polyacrylonitrile fiber Cationic dyes, Acid dyes
Direct dyes, Vat dyes, Sulfur dyes, Acid dyes
Textile dyeing wastewater risk
1. Discharged wastewater by some industries under uncontrolled and unsuitable
conditions is causing significant environmental problems.
2. High values of COD and BOD, presence of particulate matter and sediments, and
oil and grease in the effluent causes depletion of dissolved oxygen, which has an
adverse effect on the aquatic ecological system.
The textile industry standards for water pollutants
1. As the wastewater is harmful to the environment and people, there are strict
requirements for the emission of the wastewater.
2. Due to the difference in the raw materials, products, dyes, technology and
equipment, the standards of the wastewater emission have too much items.
3. It is developed by the national environmental protection department according to
the local conditions and environmental protection requirements which is not

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037


1. Treatment of various wastewaters is become more important due to diminishing
water resources, increasing wastewater disposal costs, and stricter discharge
regulations that have lowered permissible contaminant levels in waste streams.
2. Tannery industry is the significant contributor to the economy and provides large
scale employment opportunity for people of economically weaker part of the
3. Tanning involves a complex combination of mechanical and chemical processes.
4. The preservation and processing of raw hides and skins for tanning process cause
severe pollution problem towards environment and mankind, rather than being
important from economic and employment consideration
5. The tanning operation in which organic or inorganic materials become more
chemically bound to the available substance and preserve it from deterioration.
6. The substances generally used to accomplish the tanning process are chromium or
extracts from bark of trees, such as chestnut.
7. Two types of tanning operations based on tanning agents are chrome and
vegetable tanning.
8. The general process oftanneries are vegetable tanning employs the use of extracts
from the bark of various trees as the tanning agent.
9. Mostly leathers are produced by chrome tanning compare to vegetable tanning.
10. Chrome tanning produces leather better suited for certain applications,
particularly for the upper parts of boots and shoes, and requires less processing
time than traditional vegetable tanning.
Treatment process
1. The treatment of tannery wastewater by different oxidation and combined
2. The application of solar technologies to these processes could help to diminish
that problem by reducing the energy consumption required for generating UV
3. The maximum reduce content by mineralization of the organic compounds using
combined UV and the Fentons oxidation processes for the treatment of tannery
4. Calcium hypochlorite was the most efficient oxidant while compared to other
oxidant for removal of chromium pollutant from tannery wastewater.

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Layout of in-house segregation of streams, including chrome recycling and oxidation of

sulphide in liming effluent

What is "pharmaceutical waste"?

Pharmaceutical waste may include, but is not limited to:
Expired drugs.
Patients' discarded personal medications.
iii. Waste materials containing excess drugs (syringes, IV, bags, tubing, vials,
Waste materials containing chemotherapy drugresidues
Open containers of drugs that cannot be used
Containers that held acute hazardous waste (P-listed drugs
Drugs that are discarded

How should pharmaceutical wastes be managed?

The DNR recommends that all pharmaceutical wastes, including antineoplastic and
cytotoxic drugs, be either:
1. Incinerated in a unit licensed or otherwise approved for the destruction of
pharmaceutical waste.
2. Returned to the manufacturer through a reverse distribution program.
3. Even pharmaceuticals that are not hazardous waste can be endocrine disrupters,
carcinogens or mutagens and cause harm to human health and the environment if
improperly disposed.

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Use the following guidelines for managing pharmaceutical

1. Do not mix nonhazardous pharmaceutical waste withinfectious waste.
2. Disinfecting infectious waste doesnot destroy the properties of the drugs.
3. Do not flush it to the septic system.
4. The DNR strongly discourages the disposal ofpharmaceutical waste in a solid
waste landfill orsanitary sewer.
5. Disposing of pharmaceuticals byflushing them down the sewer or throwing them
intoa landfill may result in the drugs showing up inmeasurable amounts in surface
water or groundwaterthat some communities use for drinking water.
6. Thepractice of squirting or pouring pharmaceuticals intoa sanitary sewer or
absorbent material, commonlyreferred to as "wasting," is a form of disposal and
isnot recommended.

WASTE TREATMENT FLOW SHEET FOR Electroplating industries

1. Electroplating is one of the varieties of several techniques of metal finishing.
2. It is a technique of deposition of a fine layer of one metal on another through
electrolytic process to impart various properties and attributes, such as corrosion
protection, enhanced surface hardness, luster, color, aesthetics, value addition etc.
3. Electroplating process has applications in large scale manufacturing plants (e.g.
automobile, cycle, engineering and numerous other industries) as well as job-work
by small and tiny units.

Steps for Electroplating process

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


CE involve
2037 four principal work steps or
Majority ofWaste
finishing operations Code
process operations which are listed below:
Surface preparation
ii. Pre-treatment
iii. Electroplating
Post treatment

Surface preparation
1. Though is not a part of electroplating process but is necessary for ensuring strong
and uniform adhesion of the coating on the substrate.
2. It includes smoothening of the substrate surface (item to be coated) before the
plating operation.
3. Surface preparation includes only physical process and no chemicals are used.
The surface preparation namely buffing done by scrapper can be done either
manually or mechanically.

1. This process aims to prepare and remove the contaminants from the items for
plating. Contaminants includes:
i. Oil
ii. Grease
iii. Dirt
iv. Mineral oils (Rust protection oils, Cutting fluids,
v. Miscellaneous organic soils (paints, fingerprints
vi. Polishing compounds

The different activities involved in pre-treatment methods are:


Acid activation - By mild acids and strong acids

By chlorinated hydrocarbons
Electro cleaning - cleaning of electrodes by alkali
and direct current







Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20



Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037



Types of Impacts

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Code CE 2037


Waste Management

Code CE 2037


Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037


Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037


Combined treatment of industrial and municipal wastes
1. Two major pieces of legislation establish as a national goal the elimination of the
discharge of pollutants.
2. They provide for the development of definite guidelines for effluent discharge
from all point sources, public and private.
3. They also provide for Federal financial assistance in the form of capital subsidies
to communities attempting to achieve these guidelines.
4. Many communities are designing upgraded or new wastewater treatment
5. The magnitude of the public investment required in wastewater treatment during
the next few years makes it imperative that relevant decision makers have a
thorough understanding of the issues involved.
6. One particular issue is industrial participation in the municipal wastewater
treatment system.
7. Industrial discharges often significantly alter the total flow and concentrations of
various wastewater constituents, such as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
suspended solids, and heavy metals, to be treated by municipal treatment facilities
8. These factors are important in deter- mining the size and type of treatment
processes required to meet the increasingly stringent standards being imposed on
communities, so specific attention must be paid to the expected level of industrial
participation during the planning and design stages of the new construction
9. Planning for the joint treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater is a crucial
element in the design of cost-effective treatment systems.
10. The impact of joint treatment on the various participants and their corresponding
responses will be important in determining the type and size of facilities required.
11. The municipality is required to provide joint treatment when certain conditions
are met, but it has considerable flexibility in making use of such policy
instruments as pricing strategies and pretreatment requirements to encourage or
discourage joint treatment.
12. The municipality will compare the additional benefits and costs of joint treatment
in order to determine its policies.
13. Inclusion of industrial wastes in municipal wastewater treatment systems can,
however, lead to additional system costs.
14. Many industrial wastewaters, while compatible with common treatment
processes, are more highly concentrated, in terms of constituents such as BOD
and suspended solids, than normal domestic sewage.
15. The inclusion of these wastes, therefore, may require longer detention times
and/or equipment with larger capacities, resulting in higher per unit treatment
Chart of a Poultry Processing Plant
Potable water
Final washing
Grading, weighing & packing
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Potable water
Process water
Final product
Final wastewater collection & control

Residue management
What is residue management?
1. Pacific Island farmers use left-over plant materials (leaves, branches, stalks, etc.) called
residue or slash on their fields to nourish and protect their topsoil.
2. Leaving soil bare and uncovered in tropical climates often causes problems.
3. Instead of leaving the soil bare in your fields, arrange plant matter left over from the
harvest in strips across the slope or beneath orchard trees.
4. Then plant the next crop into the plant matter, by hand either with a digging stick or
tool, or with special machinery.
5. This is a very respected and traditional practice used by farmers around the Pacific.
Why use residue management?
1. Pacific Island farmers can benefit from residue management on their farm. Using
this practice can:
Save labor on collecting and burning slash.
Protect the soil surface and help preventraindrop erosion.
slow water down and let it to soak intothe soil
Fertilize the crops and increase the harvest, especially if using slash from
nitrogen fixing crops (called legumes) that are rich innutrients.
Organic matter from plantmaterial helps the soil become more
and easier to work.
Protect new plantings and smother outweeds.
Provide food and shelter for wildlife.
Where and when is residue management used?
Between rows in crops
Under fruit trees
Early in the growing season when newcrops are still small
and filling in Between growing seasons when fields are left
Where is residue management not used?
1. If your field is infected with certain plant diseases, crop residues may infect the
next crop. Don't place residue directly against plant stems and trunks.
2. Consider using crop rotations to break disease cycles. Consult with the

Cooperative Extension Service about how to manage plant diseases.

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Plan for Residue Management

Leave soil covered.
1. After the harvest, instead of cleaning the fields and burning slash, leave
leftover plant material in place.
2. Save time and labor by letting leaves, branches, and stalks break
down on the ground until you are ready to plant again.
3. This will protect your valuable top soil fromerosion until you are ready to
Use strip cropping on sloping fields.
1. Leaving most of your field covered with slash, clear and cultivate small
rows (or strips) of ground across the slope for planting.
2. Clear small areas with tilling or through careful applications of herbicide, and
plant each section quickly.
3. Between rows, leave strips of soil covered with slash or much.
Weed Management
1. Sometimes certain weeds can be used to protect the soil while your crop is growing.
2. Weed residue left in the field will provide ground cover between your crop plants.
3. Cut, pull or spot-spray weeds instead of using mechanical tillage, and leave plant
material in place.
4. Do not do this with weeds that grow from cut pieces or that can escape from the farm
and become problem weeds in natural areas or forests.
5. Remove these invasive weeds from your land.
6. Consult with your local Cooperative Extension Service about weed management
options for your farm.
For the best results, combine residue management with other conservation practices:
Vegetative Barriers : growing small strips of stiff plants across the slope
Hillside Ditch : digging a small ditch across the slope to divert rainwater
Contour Farming for Cropland : carrying out farm operations across the
Contour Farming for Orchards : carrying out farm operations across the
Alley Cropping & Hedgerow Planting: growing hedges of bushes and
trees across the slope
1. Effective integrated solid waste management program must be capable of
managing all types of solid waste.
2. The Egyptian National Environmental Action Plan defines the following five
broad categories of solid waste:
Municipal waste from urban and rural areas.
Hazardous waste from hospitals.
Industrial non-hazardous waste.
Industrial hazardous waste.
Agricultural waste.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037
3. Two of the above solid waste categories are derived from Egyptian industrial plants
that manufacture all types of goods for domestic use or export to other countries.

Street Sweeper
Commercial, 11%
Industrial, 5%
(including hospitals), 4%

4. Large scale industries are not the only generators of industrial waste. Smallscale industry, small workshops, garages, and very small production units
collectively produce large quantities of industrial wastes.
5. Some of the common industrial waste sources in Egypt include:
Electric power generation.
Fertilizer and agricultural chemical production.
Food production and related by-products.
Chemical production.
Iron and steel manufacturing.
Leather and leather product manufacturing.
Nonferrous metal manufacturing and foundries
Plastics and resin manufacturing.
Pulp and paper manufacturing.
Rubber and miscellaneous rubber products manufacturing.
Stone, glass, clay, and concrete products production.
Textile manufacturing.
6. Manufacturing processes commonly generate all forms of waste including liquid
and solid wastes.
7. Some of these waste products have particularly dangerous properties and can
negatively impact human health and the environment.
Industrial Waste Characterization and Classification
1. Understanding the enormous diversity of characteristics of the solid waste
generated by industry is important for the following reasons:
2. They define the potential hazards of handling the material.
3. They define the design of transportation, treatment, and disposal systems
into a solid waste management programto handle them.
4. They define the procedures and precautions that must be used
in collection and disposal.
5. They determine how the material will be classified underEgyptian
environmental regulations.
6. They may determine which of the industrial solid waste generated
in any particular industry is actually managed in a private sec
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

What is Dewatering?
1. Dewatering systems are routinely used in the construction industry to provide
temporary reductions in ground water levels for structures which extend to below
groundwater level.
2. A dewatering system generally comprises an array of wells or sumps which are
continuously pumped so as to lower the water table to provide stable and dry
conditions to facilitate excavation.
3. Dewatering systems may be used around open cut excavations or in conjunction
with shoring or retaining walls used to support the excavation.
4. Where retaining walls are used the dewatering well array may be installed
internally to exploit the cut-off effect of the shoring arrangements.
5. Alternatively an external well array may be deployed to reduce the hydrostatic
loading on the shoring system or allow use of lower cost shoring arrangements
such as contiguous piles as opposed to secant piles.
Purpose of Dewatering Containers
1. Required when the waste product contains high water content and is not a strong
candidate for pumping into a vacuum truck
2. This box will separate water from the sludge
3. Come in a standard 25 yard size
Benefits of Dewatering Containers (Boxes)
1. Use to remove water content before transporting the waste
2. Dewatering reduces the waste volume, save cost and results in reduced
transportation weight
3. T-Gasket door for exceptional sealing
Transportation of Dewatering Containers (Boxes)
1. Extremely versatile and can be transported over the road using most standard
rolloff frames and straight trucks
2. Single or double frame trucks can be used to transport vacuum rolloffs
3. Clean Harbors has the transportation resources available to service all of your
container delivery and removal needs
Availability of Dewatering Containers (Boxes)
Typically found in Gulf and West Coast markets; however Clean Harbors can
provide dewatering boxes in other areas as required
Industry Uses of Dewatering Containers (Boxes)
Waste Disposal
Industrial Maintenance
Field Services
Refinery & Petrochemical
Chemical & Specialty Chemical
Engineering & Consulting
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Clean Harbors Apollo Program for On-Site Container Management

Once the structure is completed or sufficiently complete to resist hydrostatic loads
that the pumping can be stopped and groundwater levels allowed to recovery back
to their natural levels. Very occasionally it can prove cost effective to provide
long term or permanent groundwater control to avoid uplift pressures

1. Groundwater control extends this definition to encompass any pumping or
recharge system used to manipulate groundwater levels for a range of
2. Recharge systems used to limit external drawdown and mitigate settlement
3. Vacuum drainage systems for pore pressure control in fine soils.
4. Hydraulic barriers used to control migration of contaminate.
5. Groundwater lowering used to under-drain and consolidate weak soils;
and groundwater lowering to facilitate pile construction.
6. The choice of pumping system used for dewatering or groundwater
systems depends on the amount of drawdown required and the ground

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037


Hazardous wastes
1. Hazardous wastes are considered highly toxic and therefore disposal of such
wastes needsproper attention so as to reduce possible environmental hazards.
2. Industrial growth hasresulted in generation of huge volume of hazardous wastes
in the country.
3. In addition tothis, hazardous wastes sometimes get imported mainly from the reprocessing or recycling.
4. Scientific disposal of hazardous wastes has become a major environmental issue
in India.
5. Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989have been framed by
the Central Government and amended in 2000 and 2003 to deal withthe hazardous
wastes related environmental problems that may arise in the near future.

Characteristics of hazardous wastes

1. Hazardous wastes, which may be in solid, liquid orgaseous form, may cause
danger to health or environment.
2. Hazardouswastes can be identified by the characteristics that theyexhibit viz.,
ignitability, corrosively, reactivity, or toxicity.
3. Various agencies have defined hazardous wastes indifferent ways and as such,
there is no uniformly acceptedinternational definition so far.
4. It is presumed that about10 to 15 percent of wastes produced by industry
arehazardous and the generation of hazardous wastes isincreasing at the rate of 2
to 5 percent per year4.
Recycling of hazardous wastes
1. Hazardous wastes having the resource values arerecycled or reprocessed for value

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037
2. Used oil, batterywastes and other nonferrous wastes like zinc, lead are commonly
recycled in India.
3. Used oil is generated in theindustrial sectors and from the automobiles,
transformer or capacitor oil etc.
4. Used oil contains high levels of various heavymetals like lead, cadmium, arsenic
and chromium etc.
5. It alsocontains contaminants such as chlorinated solvents, polychlorinated biphenyls and other carcinogens.
6. It is estimated that one gallon of used oil is sufficient tocontaminate one million
gallons of ground water.
7. Import ofused oil/waste oil is banned in India due to its potential pollution hazard.
8. However used oil is a precious andnon-renewable resource and can be recycled
back to pure lube oil again and again.
Recycling of E-waste
1. Recycling of E-waste is a need of the day to reduce/ avoid pollution, and to
extract valuable and limited virgin resources.
2. Recycling reduces the energy used in new product manufacturing.
3. In developed countries, municipalities, publicand private organizations accept
used / waste computers andother electronics for recycling.
4. Electronics manufacturerslike Dell and HP are offering recycling services in some
5. Recycling of E-waste is a need of the day to reduce/ avoid pollution, and to
extract valuable and limited virgin resources.
6. Recycling reduces the energy used in new product manufacturing.
7. In developed countries, municipalities, publicand private organizations accept
used / waste computers andother electronics for recycling.
8. Electronics manufacturerslike Dell and HP are offering recycling services in some
9. The retailers and dealers of electronic items may bemade responsible to ensure
proper end-of-life disposition ofE-wastes.
10. It is reported that 1.6 million kg of material each monthare recovered in recovery
centers of HP in the US and Europe,which is 98% by weight of all material
received from customersand from within HP10.
11. The waste and the constituent partsmust be sent to specialists, who can deal with
the componentsto recover reusable materials and then safely dispose of the rest.
12. CRTs, LCDs, printed circuit boards, power supplies andbatteries must all be
processed individually to ensure that therespective materials are handled safely.
13. The recyclingprograms of Dell and HP have encouraged the Irish peopleto take
advantage of E-recycling.
14. Lookingat this Irish trend, continued and concerted effort on behalf
ofgovernment, producers and environmental groups is neededin each state level
and country as a whole to ensure propermanagement of increasing volume of Ewaste in India.
15. Reusing and recycling the raw materials from obsolete E-products help in
conserving natural resources and reducing the air and water pollution as well as
reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

16. By donating used electronics tothe schools, NGOs, and lower income families,
which cannotafford the new-purchase, the society can be benefited.

Health effects of hazardous wastes

1. Hazardous wastes are considered very harmful to man and environment.
2. These wastes pose a severe environmental hazard to the human health and to
various components of environment, viz. soil, air or water.
3. Health impacts of hazardous pollutants have been studied in great detail by many
organizations and individuals including the Government Organizations in India
and other countries.
4. In addition to research on health impacts, there are impact-related guidelines
advocating for a full-fledged Health Impact Assessment (HIA) developed by
several organizations.
1. The objective of this work is to reduce the pollution & cost of the industry
2. There are many methods to treat the wastewater, but we are using simple methods
like stabilization pond & chemical coagulation (with alum & FeCl3) which
reduced 90% of color & chemical oxygen demand (COD) present in textile
3. Aeration tank is used to reduce the concentration of taste & odor causing
substance such as hydrogen sulphide and various organic compounds by
volatilization or oxidation.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Physico chemical treatment in textile industries

1. Two different oxidation treatments, ozonation and electro flocculation, were
experimented on a pilot scale to test their efficiency in removing polluting
substances from wastewaters of textile industries.
2. The overall efficiency is around 90 99%.
3. The industry mainly manufactures socks, stockings and cloths and the water is
treated in order to be reused.
4. The wastewaters was characterized and jar tests experiments were carried out
with different coagulants and flocculants, at different concentrations and pH in
order to obtain clarified water that can be treated by means of ultra-filtration or
Nano filtration.
5. The combination of the physic chemical treatment and the Nano filtration leads
to a COD removal of almost 100%.
6. Chemical coagulation and electrochemical oxidation for textile wastewater
Material & Methods
1. The overall treatment is divided in three stage namely
Stabilization pond
ii. Chemical coagulation
iii. Aeration tank.
Stabilization Pond
1. It is the circular plate having diameter of 40 50 cm & 15 20 cm depth and it
open to an atmosphere.
2. The influent (wastewater) is charged in them & retention time of wastewater is 10
days. This process is done in presence of sun light.
3. The sludge will settle down & clear liquid will be collected from the top.
4. For further purification we provide filtration to treated water.
5. The filtrate is send to next process and filter cake is sending to land filling
station with sludge. The overall reduction of COD during this process is around
Chemical Coagulation
1. In this process a 250 ml of beaker & magnetic stirrer are there.
2. We take a clear liquid from stabilization pond as feed.
3. And add an optimal dose of coagulant in beaker, and then we provide mixing with
the help of magnetic stirrer for 2 hour.
4. After that we provide 1 hour for settle down sludge.
5. Now we collect the clear liquid from top, here we provide filtration unit for
further purification.
6. And clear liquid is send to further process.
7. The overall reduction in COD level up to this process is 90%.
8. The colour is also reduced in this process.
9. The reduction in colour level is up to 90%.
10. In chemical coagulation process we optimize the dose of coagulant & pH range
by perform a jar test.
11. A jar test is the simple process to optimize the dose of the coagulant & decide the
pH range.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

Aeration Tanks
1. In aeration tank feed is entered.
2. The treated water of chemical coagulation process is feed for aeration tank.
3. The feed is enters from top of tank.
4. At the bottom of the tank air pipe is provided.
5. In that air is supplied at flow rate of 0.566 m3/min (optimal flow rate).
6. The purpose of filtration is to remove suspended solids.
7. In this process removing odour and taste causing substances by means of
1. Solidification was conducted using ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incineration fly ash to solidify and stabilize three
different types of industrial sludge.
2. A total of eight mix proportions for each sludge type were prepared for
compressive strength and leachate tests.
3. The specimens were air-cured and tested for their 3-day and 7-day compressive
strength. The results showed significant increase in the compressive strength of
those specimens treated with fly ash and cement.
4. Specimens with only 5%-15% cement content was observed to be insufficient to
achieve the target compressive strength of 0.3 MPa required for landfill disposal.
5. Fly ash was found to be a good material in stabilizing the heavy metal sludge.
6. The optimum mix was found to be that having 45% fly ash, 5% cement and 50%
sludge. TCLP tests indicated leaching from the stabilized matrix was reduced to
very low levels.
Solidification procedure
1. The protection of public health and environment from hazardous pollutants has
always been an important priority for most industrialized nations.
2. With the advancement in technology, there has also been a rise in the amount of
waste sludge produced from these high-tech processes.
3. Landfilling such sludge is widely practiced, but there are many limitations.
4. Sludge can be stabilized through biological and non-biological means such as
Sludge digestion
Chlorine oxidation
iii. Lime stabilization
Heat treatment
Chemical fixation
Cementitious stabilization
5. Cementitious stabilization has a great appeal because of its simplicity and low
6. Hazardous materials could be turned into inert waste Crete just by adding
cement or fly ash.
7. It limits the solubility of the hazardous elements in the waste and improves its
handling characteristics and physical properties.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

8. This method of stabilization also has the added advantage of reusing fly ash,
which otherwise would also be disposed of at landfills.
Materials & Methods
1. Preparation of different mix proportions.
2. The MSW fly ash used in this experiment was collected from the Senoko
Incineration Plant.
3. The three industrial waste sludges (labeled as A, B and C) were collected from
different chemical and electronics plants in Singapore.
4. During this experiment, efforts were made to ensure the homogeneity of the fly
ash and sludge by taking samples from different locations.
5. Wet curing was initially selected but samples with a high proportion of fly ash
disintegrated in the curing water.
6. This is due to the high lime content in the fly ash, which reacts with water.
7. The heat released caused thermal cracking in the cubes and weakened the sludge
8. Air curing was subsequently adopted for all the samples.
9. Only mix proportions 3 to 8 were cast for the three sludge samples, as mix
proportions 1 and 2, which were without OPC, were deemed to be too weak for
compressive strength tests.
Compressibility Tests
1. Compression strength of the specimens was tested using the unconfined
compression machine with a maximum load of 5 kN.
2. The cubes were tested for their 3-day and 7-day compression strength at a
loading rate of 1.52 mm/min.
3. Between 1 and 3 test samples for each mix series were tested.
4. While efforts were made to provide 3 samples for each test series, some samples
were damaged during the demoulding process due to their very low strength.
1. Incineration is the process of destruction of all high calorific and highly toxic
wastes by burning the waste at high temperature.
2. Incineration at 12000 C mineralizes (breaks down into basic non-toxic
components) all kinds of organic matter in the waste.
3. However, the process of incineration releases toxic air pollutants like dioxins,
furans, etc., if the waste is not incinerated at very high temperature.
4. Therefore, destruction efficiencies of toxic compounds during incineration
(effectively 99.99%) with no generation of persistent organic pollutants (POP)
should be the prime criteria for design of an incinerator system.
5. Incineration serves the dual purpose of reduction of both the toxicity and the
volume of the waste, which is an important consideration when the disposal of
wastes is finally destined for landfills.
6. Most of the process wastes from chemical unit operations can very well be treated
in properly designed incinerators.
Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

1. A landfill is a facility which is designed for the safe disposal of solid wastes.
2. The bottom liners and a top Cover, of the landfill are considered as the most
critical components.
3. Penetration of Leachate in to the soil is the major problem in landfills.
4. For existing landfills the main factor affecting the quality of liners/covers is its
permeability which should not be greater than 1.0109 m/sec.
5. The compacted ball clay in the form of tiles (green) had undergone heavy
compaction which in turn reduces permeability and the thickness of the
6. By reducing the thickness of liners more amount of municipal solid waste can
be accommodated.
7. Usage of alternative materials will reduce the overall thickness of liner system
by about 40-50cm
8. The hazardous wastes generated by industries are required to be collected in
secure landfill.
9. But latter these landfill sites generate leachate.
10. This leachate, if not collected and treated properly, can contaminate the
groundwater resources.
11. CPCB has taken up a project on Development of Standards for leachate from
Hazardous Waste Disposal Site.
12. The Project has been ready and the draft report has been prepared.
13. The criteria for disposal of hazardous wastes in landfill and leachate
collection, removal and detection systems, as suggested in the report.

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Code CE 2037

14. The following listed wastes should not be allowed to dispose off directly into
the landfill facility
Waste, which is a fluid, slurry or paste?
Waste, which is delivered under pressure or under vacuum.
iii. Waste, which has an obnoxious odour.
Waste, which reacts with moisture to produce considerable amount
of heat or gases.
Waste, which is highly inflammable (flash point < 550C).
Waste, which contains shock sensitive substances.
Waste, which contains very strong oxidizing agents.
viii. Waste, which contains volatile substances of significant toxicity.
ix. Waste, which falls below a pH value of 4 and exceeds the value of
13, if evaluated in distilled water in the ratio of 1: 10.
15. Waste, which possesses a calorific value of more than 3200 Kcal/kg. These
wastes have to go for authorized energy recovery or for incineration
Sample collection
1. Sample of Dwaraka Tirumala ball clay occurring near Bhimadolu, West
Godavari Dist, A.P, India is collected from M/S Vennar ceramic Industries
Ltd., Perikigudem, near Gudiwada Krishna Dist, A.P, India
Preparation of granulated ball clay powder
1. Ball clay ground in pot mill with 40% of water, for 3 minutes and the slurry is
transferred into a Galvanized Iron (GI) tray.
2. This slip is dried in a lab oven and the dried flakes are ground.
3. 6% of water is sprinkled on the powder, mixed and made to pass through 20
IS mesh to prepare granulated powder.
4. This powder is tested for bulk density using a density bottle.
Preparation of ball clay tiles (green)
1. Granulated ball clay powder is pressed in a lab scale hydraulic press at a
pressure of 100kg/cm2 to obtain the green tile.
2. These tiles are subjected for testing of flexural strength, dry shrinkage, bulk
Testing of vitrified ceramic tiles
1. Samples of vitrified tiles of 300x300x10mm are collected from the market and
subjected to testing of flexural strength, water absorption, chemical resistance
in accordance with IS 15622.
2. Further it is tested for reactivity with leachate by keeping it in solid waste for
2 months and comparing with fresh sample.

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20


Industrial Waste Management

Prepared by
Mrs.C.Arthi Jenifer, M.E.,
Assistant Professor, Civil
FMCET, Madurai.20

Code CE 2037


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