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On Duty!: Complete Corporate English Preparation Program

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On Duty!

Complete corporate English Preparation program

Libardo Gonzlez lvarez



FOREWORD Whether your job title reads Administrator. Secretary, Coordinator, or any number of other descriptions, you are a key member of your organization. In fact, you are your organization to many people. For example, when you are on the telephone or responding to a letter you speak for your organization. This book was written in honor of you and the valuable contributions you make daily to your managers and organizations. I felt it was important to publicly acknowledge the efforts and hard work that you do, I, too, was once an executive assistant and I know the difficulties, challenges, and rewards that come with that job. I spent more than four years in the role, which supported me while I earned my college degree. I learned a lot of from the various managers I supported over those years, and that learning, coupled with research and training done as part of my business, led this book. I also know this job is not easy, and it is not for everyone. This is a complex and challenging role that requires a multitude of skills, a positive attitude, and an acceptance of constant changes that are a definite part of the job. This book is about empowering administrative support staff to take risks with managers and coworkers that will forever change society and the business community`s beliefs about you, beliefs that have prevailed for more than forty years. I believe that if you are to make a real difference in the business world, you must first believe that it is possible to make a difference. Collectively, administrative support staffs have tremendous power and need to lean how to use it appropriately. Imagine what would happen if all administrative support staff walked off their jobs today. Where would that leave their managers of the others who rely on them to fulfill a role that no one else can? Better yet, imagine what it would be like if managers had to do the job of their assistant as well as their own. Let`s face it- the ramifications would be disastrous, no just for management but also for the company`s ability to function as a whole. The impact would also be devastating for the profitability of the organizations. Despite knowing this. Many managers and support staff still have an outdated perspective on the role of the assistant. Even though managers may see their assistants as functional parts of the organization, they dont acknowledge the expanded and critical role they play. Despite the increasing importance of the manager-assistant relationship, few organizations put any emphasis on strengthening that link or on solving the problems that arise. As a result, the relationship can suffer from a lack of clear communication, active teamwork, and well-defined expectations and goals. Those problems affect not just employee morale but also the organization`s bottom line.



The valuable office professionalism is about helping administrative support staff take accountability for the quality of their work life, since we spend more time at work than we do anywhere else. This book also argues that managers and assistants must work together as partners, not as two individuals attempting to achieve separate goals. There are a multitude of tools, tips and interactive exercises to help assistants meet the challenge of working as partners with their managers especially when the managers don`t see or want to see their assistants as partners or counterparts. We focus on attaining new knowledge, empowering teamwork, and inspiring professionalism in the workplace in order to bridge the communications and work style gaps that exist between support staff and those they work with. Assistants will learn the importance of becoming more responsible for their role and for their own job satisfaction.

Libardo Gonzlez lvarez TEFL-TKT Trainer




company: politeness, efficiency, reliability and

THE IMPORTANCE THE LISTENING AND SPEAKING SKILLS IN THE OFFICE The secretary of office worker in the person who presents the company or institution on the phone or in person when a customer or visitor makes the fist contact. This contact is of enormous importance, since it must project the image of the willingness to help regular clients and attract new ones. This contact may contribute to building up the company`s prestige, so it has to be successful. The person receiving a foreign visitor or a message must be able to understand and to make himself or herself understood. How can the secretary or office worker prepare to achieve such a goal? Buy developing certain abilities or skill which will enable him or her to understand and produce the English language that is most frequently used in these situations. That`s what we intend to do in the next five lessons



LESSON 1: MAKING CONTACT SITUATION__CD # 1___________________________________________________________ Mr. Chi of the Chinese Enterprise Group (CEG) wants to contact Mr. Jenkins in New York. Switchboard Operator: The US Company, may I help you? Mr. Chi: Could I have Mr. Jenkins in the Overseas Sales Department, please? Switchboard Operator: One moment please, I`ll connect you.

KEY EXPRESSIONS_CD # 2___________________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Answering the switchboard The US Company, may I help you? Good morning. The US Company. The US Company, can I help you? * acknowledging a request One moment, I will connect you One moment please, I am going to put you through. Hold the line please. * answering an extension Overseas Sales Hello. Hello. Overseas Sales Department * Confirming your identity Speaking This is Mr. Thomson Mr. Thomson speaking RESPONDIENDO UNA LLAMADA * Responder en el conmutador La empresa de EE.UU., puedo ayudarle? Buenos das. La empresa de EE.UU. La empresa de EE.UU., puedo ayudarle? * Reconociendo una solicitud Un momento, lo voy a conectar Un momento por favor, ya lo voy a pasar. Espere en la lnea, por favor. * Respondiendo una extensin ventas en el extranjero Hola. Hola. Departamento de Ventas en el extranjero * Confirmando su identidad Le habla Este es el seor Thomson Le habla el Sr. Thomson



CD # 3 MAKING THE CALL * Getting through the switchboard Could I have Mr. Thomson in the Overseas Sales Department, please? Could you give Mr. law, please? Could you connect me with Overseas Sales, please? * Asking for someone by name Mr. Thomson please. Is Mr. Thomson in? Is Mr. Thomson there please? * Identifying yourself This is Mr. Chi from the Chinese Enterprise Group in Beijing. It`s Mr. Chi of CEG Beijing here. HACIENDO UNA LLAMADA * Preguntando por alguien a travs del conmutador Podra pasarme al Sr. Thomson, en el Departamento de ventas en el extranjero, por favor? Podra pasarme al seor ley, por favor? Me podra conectar con ventas en el extranjero, por favor? * Pidiendo a alguien por su nombre Me pasa al Sr. Thomson, por favor? Est el Sr. Thomson? Est el Sr. Thomson, por favor? * Identificndose as mismo Este es el seor Chin del Grupo de la Empresa de China en Beijing. Soy el seor Chin, del CEG de Beijing

ACTIVITIES:________________________________________________________________________ 1. Practice making calls with these roles.

Student A
MAKE CALL 1 Try and contact Mr. Ivanovich at The German Company. He works in the Accountant Department. TAKE CALL 2 You are on the switchboard at the Bank of Spain. MAKE CALL 3 Try and contact Mr. Hitmachi in the Transport Department at the Nippon Enterprise Group. TAKE CALL 4 You are the switchboard operator at Lec International Bank.

Student B
TAKE CALL 1 You are the switchboard operator at The German Company. MAKE CALL 2 Try and contact Pilar Rodriguez on the Foreign Exchange Desk at the Bank of Spain. TAKE CALL 3 You are on the switchboard on the Nippon Enterprise Group. MAKE CALL 4 Try and contact the Overseas Credit Department at Lec International Bank to speak to Peter Huckson.



2. Student A and Student B swap roles 3. Make a list of people you telephone in English and practice making contact with them. Use some business cards provided for your teacher to get extra practice. LESSON 2: WHEN THE PERSON CALLED IS OUT SITUATION_____________________________________________________________________ Mario Ross needs to speak to Martin Kwints. But he is out when Mario Calls and a colleague answers his extension. Mario asks when Martin will be back in the office and says he will call again.

DIALOGUE. CD # 4 Switchboard operator: the UK firm, can I help you? Mario Ross: Could I have extension 4173 please? Switchboard operator: I`m sorry, that line`s busy. Will you hold? Mario Ross: Yes Switchboard operator: I can put you through now sir Colleague: Hello Mario Ross: Could I have Martin Kwints, please? Colleague: I`m sorry, he`s not in at the moment. May I take a message? Mario Ross: No, it is all right, thanks, I`ll call back. When do you expect him back? Colleague: About four o`clock Mario Ross: OK, I will call back then. Goodbye Colleague: Goodbye



KEY EXPRESSIONS__CD # 5__________________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Saying an extension is busy I am sorry, that line`s busy. Will you hold? That lines is busy right now. Shall I put you on hold? That extension is engaged. Would you care to hold? * When a busy line becomes free I can put you through now, sir Putting you through. Go ahead sir. You`re connected. * Saying someone is out I`m sorry, he`s not in at the moment I`m afraid he`s out of the office. I`m afraid there`s no reply from that extension. * Offering to take a message. May I take a message? Can I give him a message for you? Would you care to leave a message? RESPONDIENDO LA LLAMADA * Decir que una extensin est ocupada Lo siento, esa lnea est ocupada. Desea esperar? Las lneas estn ocupadas en este momento. Desea que lo pongan en espera? Esa extensin est ocupada. Desea esperar? * Cuando una lnea ocupada se queda libre Ya lo puedo comunicar, seor Ya lo comunico. Adelante seor. Usted est conectado. * Decir que alguien est fuera Lo siento, l no est en este momento Qu pena pero l est fuera de la oficina. Qu pena pero no creo que tenga ninguna respuesta de esa extensin. * Ofrecerse a tomar un mensaje. Le puedo tomar el mensaje? Quiere que le d un mensaje de su parte? Desea dejar el mensaje? HACIENDO LA LLAMADA * Pedir una extensin por el nmero Podra comunicarme con la extensin 4145, por favor? La Extensin 28, por favor Podra comunicarme con la extensin 237, por favor? * Decir que volver a llamar? Yo vuelvo llamar ms tarde Yo vuelvo llamar ms tarde Yo vuelvo a llamar de nuevo a las cuatro * Preguntar a qu hora alguien estar de regreso Cundo cree de l vuelva? Sabes cundo l estar de regreso en la oficina? A qu hora va a estar l de vuelta?

TAKING THE CALL * Asking for an extension by number Could I have extension 4145, please? Extension 28, please Could you give me extension 237, please? * Saying you`ll call back? I`ll call back. I`ll call later I`ll call again around four o`clock * Asking when someone will be back When do you expect him back? Do you know when he`ll be back in the office? What time will he be back?



ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________ 1. Practice making calls with these roles. Then swap them.

Student A
MAKE CALL 1 Call Mary Richer on extension 243 at the Australian Franchise Association (AFA) TAKE CALL 2 Your colleague at the Bank of Spain. Manuela Ramirez, is not today so you are answering her extension (32). Her phone rings. MAKE CALL 3 Call Martha Muller on extension 325 at the French Company. TAKE CALL 4 You are the switchboard operator at the US Company. Mr. Law`s extension is engaged.

Student B
TAKE CALL 1 You are on the switchboard at the Australian Franchise Association (AFA). Mary Richer`s line (extension 243) is busy. MAKE CALL 2 You want to speak to Manuela Ramirez on extension 32 at the Bank of Spain. The switchboard operator is putting you through. TAKE CALL 3 You are the switchboard operator at the French Company. There`s no replay from Martha Muller`s extension MAKE CALL 4 Call Mr. Law in Overseas Sales at The US Company.

LESSON 3: LEAVING A MESSAGE SITUATION_____________________________________________________________________ Mr. Lee at Central Business Company (CBC) in Hong Kong wants to speak to Stefanie Rodman in Toronto; she is not available when he calls, so he leaves a message for her to call him back. DIALOGUE Secretary: Stefanie Rodmans office Mr. Lee: Stefanie Rodman, please Secretary: I`m sorry. Mrs. Rodman is in a meeting right now. May I take a message? Mr. Lee: Well, I do need to speak to her. Do you know when she`ll be free? Secretary: She should be free later this afternoon.



Mr. Lee: I see. Well, this is Mr. Lee of Central Business Company in Hong Kong. I wonder if you could have her call me back. Secretary: Certainly. What was your name again, please? Mr. Lee: My name is Mr. Lee From Central Business Company in Hong Kong. Secretary: And what number are you on. Mr. Lee? Mr. Lee: My number is 288 3421. The code for Hong Kong is 534. Secretary: Right. So that`s Mr. Lee of Central Business Company in Hong Kong and Mrs. Rodman can reach you on (534) 288 3421, is that right? Mr. Lee: Yes, that`s right. I`ll be in all afternoon. Secretary: Fine. I`ll give her the message Mr. Lee. KEY EXPRESSIONS____CD # 6_____________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Answering an extension Stefanie Rodmans office. Stefanie Rodmans Secretary Stefanie Rodmans phone. * Saying someone is not available I`m sorry. Mrs. Rodman is in a meeting right now. Mrs. Rodman isn`t at her desk at the moment. * Saying when someone will be free She Should be free later. She`ll be free in an hour She won`t be available until 5 p.m. * Checking a caller`s name and number What was your name again, please? Could I have your name again? Could you spell your name please? What number are you on? What`s your number? Does Mrs. Rodman have your number? * Confirming you`ll pass on the message Fine. I`ll give her the message I`ll make sure that she gets the message. MAKING THE CALL * Asking for a return call I wonder if you could have her call me back Could you ask her to call me as soon as possible? *Giving your name My name is Mr. Lee from Central Business Company in Hong Kong. It`s Mr. Lee of CBC in Hong Kong * Giving your number My number is 288 3421. The code for Hong Kong is 534 You can reach me on Hong Kong 288 3421 My number here is 288 3421. * Confirming your message Yes, that`s right. I`ll be in all afternoon That`s it. I`ll be here till 3 p.m. That`s correct.



ACTIVITIES: ____________________________________________________________ Practice making calls with these roles. Then swap them.

Student A
MAKE CALL 1 You are Vernon Law. You want to speak to Lisa Hunk at Orlando Fashions. The switchboard operator is putting you through. TAKE CALL 2 You work with Sam Flank at Lec International Bank. He`s on the other line and won`t be free for a while. Take any message for him.

Student B
TAKE CALL 1 You are Lisa Hunk`s secretary at Orlando Fashions. She`s in a meeting at the moment, but she`ll be free later. Take any message for her. MAKE CALL 2 you are Robert Bond and you want to speak to Sam Flank at Lec International Bank. The switchboard operator is putting you through.

LESON 4: THE WRONG NUMBER SITUATION________________________________________________________________________ ______ Albert Roberts wants to contact Tom Dean but he gets the wrong number. The following example of the standard conversation shows what to do in these occasions. DIALOGUE Switchboard Operator: May I help you? Albert Roberts: Could you please connect me with your Purchasing Officer. Mr. Dean? Switchboard Operator: I`m sorry, I think you have the wrong number, what number are you calling? Albert Roberts: Isn`t that 322 4343 Switchboard Operator: No, this is 322 4363 Albert Roberts: Oh, excuse me, I do have the wrong number. Switchboard Operator: No Problem, good bye.



Albert Roberts: Goodbye. KEY EXPRESSIONS________________________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Telling callers they have the wrong number I`m sorry, I think you have the wrong number. I`m afraid you have the wrong number This is 22 4363 * Asking callers what number they wanted What number were you calling? What number did you want? What number did you dial? . ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________________________ Practice making calls with these roles. Then swap them. MAKING THE CALL * Checking you have the right number Isn`t that 311 4343? Is this 311 4343? Is that the UK Company? *Apologizing Oh, excuse me. I do have the wrong number. Oh. I`m sorry. I`ve dialed the wrong number. I`m sorry. I wanted 311 4343

Student A
MAKE CALL 1 You want to speak to Mr. Pashed on New Delhi 6528765 TAKE CALL 2 You are on the switchboard at a small company in Los Angeles. Your telephone is (231) 234 5463. No one by the name of Chee works for your company

Student B
TAKE CALL 1 You are Lisa Hunk`s secretary at Orlando Fashions. She`s in a meeting at the moment, but she`ll be free later. Take any message for her. MAKE CALL 2 you are Robert Bond and you want to speak to Sam Flank at Lec International Bank. The switchboard operator is putting you through.

LESSON 5: COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS SITUATION________________________________________________________________________ ______ Ridgan Rovamovich receives a call from James Stevens. Mr. Stevens is interested in the possibility of a joint venture with Mr. Rovamovich`s company, but they have a few communication problems.



DIALOGUE Ridgan Rovamovich: Rovamovich James Stevens: Ah, yes, Mr. Rovamovich. It`s James Stevens here again. I don`t know what happened there. We were cut off somehow, and now this is a terrible line Ridgan Rovamovich: I`m afraid you are speaking a bit too fast for me. Could you please speak a little slower Mr. Stevens? James Stevens: Oh. I`m sorry. I said we were cut off somehow. And now there`s a lot of interference on this line. I think I`ll have to call you back Ridgan Rovamovich: Interwhat? I`m sorry. I don`t know this word. What does it mean? James Stevens: Interference? It just means there`s a lot of noise on the line so it isn`t very clear. Ridgan Rovamovich: Ah. I see. No, it isn`t very I can hardly hear you. James Stevens: I`m going go hang up and call you back. OK? KEY EXPRESSIONS______________________________________________________________________ __ TAKING THE CALL * Saying you don`t understand I`m afraid you`re speaking a bit too fast for me. Interwhat. I am sorry. I don`t know this word, what does it mean? I`m afraid I don`t understand what you mean. I`m afraid I don`t follow you exactly. What exactly do you mean by that? * Asking for help. Could you please speak a little slower? Excuse me I didn`t catch that. Sorry. Could you repeat that again, please? Sorry. How do you spell that? Can you speak up a bit? MAKING THE CALL * Describing line problems We were cut off This is a terrible line There`s a lot of interference in this line I`m afraid I can hear you very well. I`m afraid we have a crossed line. It`s very noisy here I can hardly hear you. *Suggesting a solution I think I`ll have to call you back Can you call back? I`m going to hang up and call you back Could you try calling back?

ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________



You are going to hear several telephone calls. Make a list according to the type of conversation you hear.

LESSON 6: A PERSONAL INQUIRY SITUATION________________________________________________________________________ ______ Marco Pantony is updating his record at the American Magazine Press in Los Angeles. He calls Toronto Tourist Products to find out who is responsible for the company`s advertising budget. DIALOGUE Switchboard operator: Tourist Products, may I help you? Marco Pantony: Oh, yes, could you tell me who is responsible for your advertising budget? Switchboard operator: May I ask the purpose of your inquiry? Marco Pantony: Well, I`m calling from the American Magazine Press in Los Angeles. We are updating our records. to Sales and Marketing. Marco Pantony: Thank you. Colleague: Sales and Marketing. Marco Pantony: Oh, Hello, I wanted to find out what deals with advertising at your company. Colleague: Susan Jones handles all our advertising. Marco Pantony: Is that Mr. or Mrs. Jones? Colleague: That`s Mrs. Jones Switchboard operator: Ah, I see. Just a moment. I`ll put you through



Marco Pantony: And what`s her position exactly? Colleague: Susan`s our Marketing Director. Marco Pantony: OK. Thank you very much Colleague: You`re welcome. KEY EXPRESSIONS______________________________________________________________________ __ TAKING THE CALL * Asking why somebody is calling May I ask the purpose of your inquiry What`s it in the connection with? May I ask you who`s calling? * Describing responsibilities and duties Susan Junes handles all our advertising Susan Jones is in charge of advertising Susan`s our Marketing Director * Responding to Thanks You`re welcome Not at all That`s all right/OK It`s a pleasure MAKING THE CALL * Asking who`s responsible for something Could you tell me who`s responsible for your Advertising Budget? I wanted to find out who deals with advertising at your company Could you give the name of the person in charge of advertising in your company? *Saying why you want to know We`re updating our records We`re preparing a mail shot I want to send a letter * Asking about someone`s position What`s Mrs. Jones`s position exactly? Could you give me her exact job title?

ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________________________ Practice personal inquiries and make a list of job titles in and responsibilities at your company, and role-play some other personnel inquiries.

Student A

Student B



MAKE CALL 1 Find our who handles recruitment and training at OLP International TAKE CALL 2 As switchboard operator at the UK Partnership, you handle personnel inquiries. Mark Wood, Sales Director is responsible for sales targets. MAKE CALL 3 Find out who is in charge of R & D at the US firm. TAKE CALL 4 As switchboard operator at The Fashion Company, you answer personnel inquiries. Marta Taylor. Senior Designer is responsible for product development.

TAKE CALL 1 As the switchboard operator at OLP International, you answer personnel inquiries. Francis Matthews, Personnel Manager, handles recruitment and training MAKE CALL 2 Find out who is responsible for sales target at the UK partnership TAKE CALL 3 As switchboard operator at the US firm. You handle personnel inquiries, Carl Collins, Research Director, is in charge of R&R MAKE CALL 4 Find out who is responsible for product development at The Fashion Company.

LESSON 7: MAKING AN APPOINTMENT SITUATION_____________________________________________________________ Having arrived in Moscow, Pierre Gourmont of French Fashion Calls Mr. Chovky, Sales Director at Australian Textile Producers, to make an appointment for as soon as possible to discuss requirements for his new product range. DIALOGUE Secretary: Mr. Chovky `s office Pierre Gourmont: Oh, yes could I speak to Mr. Chovky, please? Secretary: I`ll just check to see if Mr. Chovky`s available. Who shall I say is calling? Pierre Gourmont: It`s Pierre Gourmont of French Fashion. been expecting your call. Secretary: Oh. Yes, just a minute, please Mr. Gourmont. Mr. Chovky`s



Mr. Chovky: Hello. Mr. Gourmont how are you? Pierre Gourmont: I`m very well, thanks, how are you? Mr. Chovky: I`m fine. Welcome to Russia! How was your trip? Pierre Gourmont: Oh. It was fine thanks Mr. Chovky: Good. Now what can I do for you? Pierre Gourmont: Well, I`d like to make an appointment to discuss requirements for our new product range. Mr. Chovky: Very good. Do you want to come by today? Pierre Gourmont: Yes, if that`s possible Mr. Chovky: Let me see yes, I`m free all afternoon Pierre Gourmont: That sounds good. Shall I come at three o`clock? Mr. Chovky: Three o`clock would be fine Pierre Gourmont: Good. I`ll see you at 3 then. KEY EXPRESSIONS______________________________________________________________________ __ TAKING THE CALL * Asking who is calling I`ll just check if Mr. Chovky is available Who shall I say is calling? Who`s calling? I`ll see if Mr. Chovky`s in. May I have your name please? * Greeting a caller Hello. How are you? Welcome to Russia! How was your trip * Getting down to business Now what can I do for you? How can I help you? * Asking when a caller wants to meet Do you want to come by today? When would you like to make it? When did you have in mind? * Responding to a suggestion MAKING THE CALL * Asking for someone by name Could I speak to Mr. Chovky please? I`d like to talk to Mr. Chovky, please. *Saying why you are calling I`d like to make an appointment to discuss Requirements for our new product range. I`d like to come and see you about our new product range. * suggesting a time Shall I come at three o`clock? Would 3:00 p.m. be convenient? How about three o`clock? * Confirming an arrangement Good. I`ll see you at 3:00 p.m. then. I`ll be at your office at three o`clock, then. That`s three o`clock tomorrow at your office.



Let me see Let me check my schedule. Three o`clock would be fine. ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________ Practice making appointments. Follow the next conversation in pairs and then swap roles.

Student A
MAKE CALL 1 Call Emma Wood in Production and make an appointment for 4:30 p.m. tomorrow to discuss an order for spare parts. TAKE CALL 2 Your are Sam Toms in Sales and Marketing MAKE CALL 3 Call Helen Teller in Sales and Marketing and make an appointment for midday Tuesday to discuss market trends. TAKE CALL 4 Your are Steven Croly in personnel.

Student B
TAKE CALL 1 You are Emma Wood in Production MAKE CALL 2 Call Sam Toms in Beverly Biggs in Sales and Marketing to make an appointment for two o`clock Friday to discuss terms and conditions. TAKE CALL 3 You are Helen Teller in Sales and Marketing MAKE CALL 4 Call Steven Croly in Personnel to make an appointment for as soon as possible to discuss the new safety regulations .

LESSON 8: CHANGING AN APPOINTMENT SITUATION________________________________________________________________________ ______ Rachel Smith`s colleague took a message for her while she was out. Rachel checks her message and calls back. DIALOGUE Switchboard operator: Quality Machines products. Rachel Smith: Extension 231 please. Switchboard operator: putting you through



Sven Bergmann: Technical Department. Rachel Smith: Sven Bergmann, please. Sven Bergmann: Speaking, Rachel Smith: Oh. Sven, good morning. It`s Rachel Smith at Belgium Print here returning your call Sven Bergmann: Oh, yes Rachel thanks for calling back. Listen, I `m very sorry but something urgent has come up and I`m afraid I can`t make our appointment this afternoon. I was wondering if we could change our meeting to tomorrow. Rachel Smith: I`m pretty tied up tomorrow afternoon. Would Thursday morning be all right? Sven Bergmann: Well, I`m busy until 10. But any time after that is fine. Rachel Smith: Why don`t you come at noon and we`ll have lunch together? Sven Bergmann: That sounds great. Rachel. I`d like that very much. Rachel Smith: Fine. I`ll see you at 12 tomorrow then. Sven. Sven Bergmann: Yes, I`ll look forward to it. KEY EXPRESSIONS________________________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Taking a caller for a return call Thanks very much for calling back Thank you for getting back to me. It`s good of you to call back. *Explaining the situation Listen, I`m very sorry but something urgent has come up. I`m afraid I can`t make our appointment this afternoon. * Responding to a suggestion I`m busy until 10 a.m., but any time after that is fine. I`m free after 3:30 p.m. * Accepting a lunch invitation That sounds great. I`d like that very much. Thanks. I`d like that. That would be fine. I`ll look forward to it. MAKING THE CALL * Saying you are returning a call It`s Rachel Smith at Holland Print here returning your call. This is Mr. Smith returning you r call. It`s Mr. Smith here. I understand you telephoned me earlier. *Suggesting a time I`m pretty tied up tomorrow afternoon. Would Thursday morning be all right? Are you free on Thursday morning at all? Can you make it after eleven o`clock? * Extending lunch invitation. Why don`t you come at noon and we`ll have lunch together? If you come around noon, we can have lunch together.



ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________ Practice changing appointments. Follow the next conversation in pairs and then swap roles.

Student A
MAKE CALL 1 You have to go to head office for an urgent briefing from Saturday 8- Tuesday 11 inclusive. Call Susan Rogers and Change your Tuesday lunch appointment. TAKE CALL 2 Your are Sam Toms in Sales and Marketing

Student B
TAKE CALL 1 You are Susan Rogers. MAKE CALL 2 You were out when Sam Toms called to reschedule and appointment. Call him to confirm.

LESSON 9: BOOKING AIR TRAVEL SITUATION_______________________________________________________________________ In Canada on business. Mr. Simons of Polish Electronics decides to visit a new contact in Toronto before returning to the head office. He calls SEA Airlines to make a reservation. DIALOGUE Clerk: SEA Airlines, Sarah speaking. Mr. Simons: yes, I`d like to make a reservation for a return flight to Varsovia. Clerk: Certainly, sir. When do you want to travel? Mr. Simons: Id like to travel next Thursday and return to Toronto the following Wednesday. Clerk: That`s April 7th outward, returning on April 13th. And will that be first class, business class or economy? Mr. Simons: Business class. Clerk: Do you want to travel in the morning or in the afternoon? Mr. Simons: I`d like to fly out I the morning and back in the afternoon, if possible.



Clerk: Right yes that`s no problem. That will be flight SE 006 departing Toronto at 9:30 and your return flight will be on SE 005 departing Varsovia at 15:15 May I have your name please? Mr. Simons: Yes, my name is Peter Simons. Clerk: And how will you be paying. Mr. Simons? Mr. Simons: I`d like to pay by credit card. Clerk: May I have your number card please? Mr. Simons: Yes, it`s 3241 432 543 654 Clerk: Fine, your reservation is confirmed. Mr. Simons: Thank you very much for you help. Clerk: No problem. Have a good trip. KEY EXPRESSIONS_________________________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Asking about travel needs. When do you want to travel? Will that be fist class, business class or economy? Do you want to travel in the morning or in the afternoon? How will you be paying? * Giving flight and ticket information. That will be flight SE 002 departing Madrid at 4:20. And your return flight will be on SE 004 departing Rome at 21: 30. Your reservation is confirmed. * Responding to thanks No. problem. Have a good trip. Sure. Enjoy your trip Any time. I hope you enjoy your trip. MAKING THE CALL *Saying why you are calling I`d like to make a reservation for a return to Toronto. I`d like to reserve a round-trip ticket to Singapore. I`d like to book a one-way flight to London. * Describing travel needs, I`d like to leave next Thursday and return to Madrid the following Wednesday I want to travel to London Tomorrow and return to Rome on Thursday. I`d like a seat in economy/ business / first class. I`d like to pay by credit card. * Thanking Thank you very much for your help. I`m very grateful to you.

ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________________________ Practice changing appointments. Follow the next conversation in pairs and then swap roles.



Student A
MAKE CALL 1 You have to go to head office for an urgent briefing from Saturday 8- Tuesday 11 inclusive. Call Susan Rogers and Change your Tuesday lunch appointment. TAKE CALL 2 Your are Sam Toms in Sales and Marketing

Student B
TAKE CALL 1 You are Susan Rogers. MAKE CALL 2 You were out when Sam Toms called to reschedule and appointment. Call him to confirm.

LESSON 10: MAKING HOTEL RESERVATIONS SITUATION_______________________________________________________________________ Mr. Ting at Japan Software in Singapore calls the Thai Grand hotel in Bangkok to book some accommodation for her visiting Japanese colleague. Mr. Tashikama. DIALOGUE Receptionist: Thai Grand Hotel. May I help you? Mr. Ting: I`d like to make a reservation, please. Receptionist: Just a moment. I`ll put you through to the reservation desk, Clerk: Reservations. How can I help you? Mr. Ting: I`d like to make a reservation for six night next week for Mr. Tashikama of Japan Software, please. Clerk: Certainly. What days will he be staying? Mr. Ting: He`ll be arriving next Thursday and leaving Wednesday. Clerk: And what kind of room would you like to book? Mr. Ting: I`d like a single room with bath, please. Clerk: A single with bath yes, that`s no problem. Could I have the name again, please? Mr. Ting: Yes, it`s for Mr. Tashikama of Japan Software. Clerk: That`s fine. We`ll be expecting Mr. Tashikama on Thursday then.



KEY EXPRESSIONS_________________________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Asking about accommodation requirements. What days will he be saying? When do you want the room? What kind of room would you like to book? Do you want a single room? MAKING THE CALL *Saying why you are calling I`d like to make a reservation, please. I`d like to make a reservation for six night next week, please. I want to book some accommodation for a colleague for next week.

* Confirming a booking. A single room with a bath yes, that`s no * Describing accommodations requirements. problem. He`ll be arriving next Thursday and leaving I`ve reserved a double room with shower for next Wednesday. week. I`d like a single room with bath, please. We`ll be expecting Mr. Tashikama o Thursday Do you have a double room with shower? then. ACTIVITIES: ____________________________________________________________________ Practice making hotel reservations. Follow the next conversation in pairs and then swap roles.

Student A
MAKE CALL 1 Call Manhattan Hotel and book a single room with bath for Maria Rodriguez of Bank of Spain for three nights form next Monday. TAKE CALL 2 You work on the reservation desk at Tower Hotel. Not any bookings you take. TAKE CALL 3 Call Capital Hotel and reserve a double room with shower for Mr. and Mrs. Mc McAlister for ten nights from tomorrow. TAKE CALL 4 You work on the reservation desk at Hotel Lucus. Note any bookings you take.

Student B
TAKE CALL 1 You work on the reservation desk at Manhattan Hotel. Note any bookings you take. MAKE CALL 2 Call Tower Hotel and book a single room with shower for Hans Woods of Poland Print for this Friday. Saturday and Sunday. He will be arriving late on Friday and leaving early on Monday morning. TAKE CALL 3 You work on the reservation desk at Capital Hotel. Note any bookings you take. TAKE CALL 4 Call Hotel Lucus and reserve two double rooms with baht for tonight only.

LESSON 11: CHANGING FLIGHT RESERVATIONS SITUATION________________________________________________________________________



Giovanni Brilli decides to extend his business trip to California I the hope of finalizing a new deal of Friday November 23th. This means delaying his return to Rome by one day. He calls American Airlines to change his flight reservation. DIALOGUE: Clerk: American Airlines. Ann speaking. May I help you? Giovanni Brilli: Yes, my name is Giovanni Brilli. And the reservation is for flight TP 275 from Los Angeles to Madrid on Friday. Clerk: Ah, yes, I have that on the computer now. How would you like to change your reservation? Giovanni Brilli: I`d like to leave on Saturday if possible, on the same flight. Clerk: Let`s see The only seat available on that flight is in first class, I`m afraid. Giovanni Brilli: Hm. First class is not good. Is the next flight full? Clerk: The next available direct flight is on Sunday. Giovanni Brilli: Sunday would be fine. Could you put me on that flight? Clerk: Certainly. Mr. Brilli. Giovanni Brilli: Great. Could you just give me the flight details? Clerk: Yes, of course. That`s flight TP 275 form Los Angeles to Rome, departing Sunday November 25th at 21:00 and arriving Monday November 26 th at 3:00. Your seat is confirmed. Giovanni Brilli: OK. Thank you very much. Clerk: You`re welcome. KEY EXPRESSIONS________________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Asking about an existing reservation. May I have your name and flight number? Which flight are you booked on? * Asking what changes a caller wants. How would you like to change your reservation? How do you want to change your booking? When do you want to fly? * Describing possible options The only seat available on that flight is in first MAKING THE CALL * Describing an existing reservation The reservation is for flight TP 543 from LA to Rome on Friday. I have a reservation for your 12:30 flight to Rome on Saturday. * Describing the changes you want. I`d like to leave on Saturday if possible, on the same flight. I want to travel on later flight on Friday.


ON DUTY: COMPLETE GUIDE * Asking about possible options. Is the next flight full? Is there another flight on Monday? * Checking flight information Could you just give me the flight details? Could you repeat the flight details so I can make a note of them?

class. I could put you on a flight via New York and Frankfurt. The next available direct flight is on Sunday.

ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________ Practice changing flight reservations using the following information. FLIGHT NO. SE 324 AR 322 PT 211 GB 192 FROM- TO Singapore-Hong Kong San Francisco Madrid Tokyo Montreal NY LA DATE May 8th Jun 4th Sept 6th Oct. 10th TIME 23:00 11:00 2:00 14:00

Student A

Student B

TAKE CALL 1 MAKE CALL 1 Call AA and change your reservation (SE324) to a You are a clerk in AA airlines, there are seats available on flight SE 324 leaving Singapore for later flight the same day. Hong Kong at 15:50 May 9th. TAKE CALL 2 MAKE CALL 2 You are a clerk at AA flight 322 is a daily 09:30 th Call AA (American Airlines) and change your flight. There are seats available on June 6 . reservation (AR 322) to June 6th. MAKE CALL 3 Call PT airlines and change your reservation (PT 211) to September 11th. TAKE CALL 4 You work for GB Air. You have seats available in all classes on flight GB 192 on May 20th. TAKE CALL 3 You are a clerk at PT airlines. Flight (PT 211) is a daily flight 13:35 flight. There are seats available on September 8th. TAKE CALL 4 Call GB Airlines and change your reservation (GB 192) to first class seat.



LESSON 12: CLARIFYING A REQUEST SITUATION_______________________________________________________________________ Roadman Chunk of Specialized Engineering Products is Berlin receives a request from CAUs Production Director in Sidney, but a couple of things are not clear so he calls to clarity them. DIALOGUE: Mr. Toms: Hello Roadman Chunk: Mr. Toms, this is Roadman Chunk form Specialized Engineering in Berlin. I received your letter this morning but one or two things are not clear. May I check a couple of things with you? Mr. Toms: By all means Roadman Chunk: Well, first the catalogue you have asked me to send to your UK affiliate. Did you mean our general catalogue? Mr. Toms: Oh, no, I mean your new catalogue on electronic measuring equipment for quality control. Roadman Chunk: I see. And you don`t mention a contact mane, did you mean the Production Director? Mr. Toms: Yes, that`s right, I did Roadman Chunk: Can you give me his name please? Mr. Toms: Yes, his name is Paul Waldson Roadman Chunk: I see. Well thank you very much. Mr. Toms. That`s all I needed to know. I`ll get that off to Berlin for you. Mr. Toms: Thanks very much and thank you for your calling. KEY EXPRESSIONS_________________________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Agreeing to a request. By all means. Go ahead. Please do. Yes, of course. * Clarifying what you mean. I mean your new catalogue of electronic measuring equipment. MAKING THE CALL * Saying why you are calling. I received your letter this morning but one or two thins are not clear. I`m just following up on your letter a couple of thins are not clear. * Asking for clarification. May I check a couple of points with you? Could you clarify a couple of thins for me? Could I ask you a couple of questions about your


ON DUTY: COMPLETE GUIDE letter? Did you mean our general catalogue? * Thanking and concluding. Thank you very much. That`s all I need to know. That`s all I wanted to check. I`ll get that off to Germany for you.

No. that should be your catalogue on electronic measuring equipment. Yes, that`s right. That`s exactly what I mean. * Describing possible options Thank you for your calling. Thank you for contacting me. Thanks for getting in touch.

ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________________________ Practice clarifying requests. Follow the next conversation in pairs and then swap roles.

Student A
MAKE CALL 1 You are Mr. Richards at Best Jewelers; you have received design specifications from Steve Mailman. But you need to know whether he wants you to quote for gold or silver. Also whether the end of June would be acceptable. Call and ask. TAKE CALL 2 You are David Neuman. International Sales Director at a large multinational company. You recently sent a draft agenda for the next sales conference to al your Area Sales Managers. You need their comments by the end of next week and will accept any suggestions for additional discussion topics.

Student B
TAKE CALL 1 You are Steve Mailman. You recently sent out design specifications to a number of suppliers. You need their quotes for gold by mid-July. MAKE CALL 2 You are Area Sales Manager. Asia, for a large multinational Company. You have received a draft agenda for the next sales International Sales Director. But you need to know his deadline for your comments. Also whether it would be appropriate to suggest adding sales forecasts to the list of discussions topics. Call and ask.

Euro food November 15th 2009 Dear Mr. Pantani Thank you very much for your inquiry about our company. We would be pleased to represent your range of food products in the US and enclose an outline proposal for your consider. Yours sincerely



LESSON 13:AN ACKNOWLEDGMENT SITUATION_______________________________________________________________________ Mario Pantani: From Italy calls Marta Shiffer from the Euro food import agency to New York to acknowledge receipt of her proposal. He tells he will be studying it very carefully- and will be in touch again as soon as he has. Martha Shiffer: Martha Shiffer Mario Pantani: Hello Mrs. Shiffer. This is Mario Pantani of Portuguese Foods in Roma. I`m calling you to let you know that we received your proposal this morning. Martha Shiffer: Oh, yes. Was everything in order? Mario Pantani: Yes. I think so. We feel your proposal very interesting. Martha Shiffer: Oh, good. Mario Pantani: Well as you know. We have been thinking about the US market for some time now. Martha Shiffer: And we have been importing food lines form Europe for many years. We certainly feel your range could do very nicely over here. We know form our retailers that there`s a growing demand for items of this kind. Mario Pantani: Well, I can assure you I`ll be studying your proposal very carefully. Martha Shiffer: That`s good to hear. Mario Pantani: And I`ll be in touch again as soon as I have. Martha Shiffer: Splendid. I`ll look forward to hearing form you in due course, then. Mario Pantani: Yes, indeed. And thank you for your interest in our company. Martha Shiffer: Not at all. I hope we will be able to do business together. KEY EXPRESSIONS________________________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Agreeing to a request. By all means. Go ahead. Please do. Yes, of course. * Clarifying what you mean. I mean your new catalogue of electronic measuring equipment. No. that should be your catalogue on electronic measuring equipment. MAKING THE CALL * Saying why you are calling. I received your letter this morning but one or two thins are not clear. I`m just following up on your letter a couple of thins are not clear. * Asking for clarification. May I check a couple of points with you? Could you clarify a couple of thins for me? Could I ask you a couple of questions about your letter?


ON DUTY: COMPLETE GUIDE Did you mean our general catalogue? * Thanking and concluding. Thank you very much. That`s all I need to know. That`s all I wanted to check. I`ll get that off to Germany for you.

Yes, that`s right. That`s exactly what I mean. * Describing possible options Thank you for your calling. Thank you for contacting me. Thanks for getting in touch.

ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________________________ Practice acknowledgements. Follow the next conversation in pairs and then swap roles.

Student A
You are Michael Steve at Specialized Engineering Products in Tokyo. MAKE CALL 1 You receive a project outline from Jhon Albertson at US Engineering Parts. Call to acknowledge receipt and say you will send your proposal by the end of the month. TAKE CALL 2 You recently sent your proposal to Jhon Albertson as promised.

Student B
You are Jhon Albertson at US Engineering Parts. TAKE CALL 1 You recently sent a project outline to Michael Steve at Specialized Engineering Products in Tokyo. MAKE CALL 2 you have just received Michael Steve`s proposal. Call to acknowledge receipt. Say you would be studying it very carefully and will let him know your decision within a week.



LESSON 14: AN ORDER SITUATION_______________________________________________________________________ The Institute for American Affairs (IAA) in Washington publishes a range of research for studies, surveys and reports. Juliet Rodman calls the Circulation Manager to place an order. DIALOGUE Clerk: Publications Juliet Rodman: Hello, could I speak to your Circulation Manager. Please? Clerk: He`s a bit tied up at the moment. Can I help at all? Juliet Rodman: Well, I wanted to order some publications. Clerk: Certainly. I can take your order, if you like. Just let me get a pen OK, which publications did you want? Juliet Rodman: An Introduction to South America Clerk: How many copies would you like? Juliet Rodman: Oh. Just one, thanks. Clerk: OK. Anything else? Juliet Rodman: Yes, I`d like one copy each of A Practical Guide to Hungary and Spain. Clerk: Right. Juliet Rodman: And I`d better have a copy of Financing South America too. Clerk: Sorry, was that two copies? Juliet Rodman: No. no just one. And that`s all then. Clerk: OK. I`ll just take down your name and address. Juliet Rodman: Yes, the name is Juliet Rodman and the address is French Initiatives, Carl Street. 21321 San Francisco. Clerk: And what about payment? Juliet Rodman: Would you send us an invoice with the publications marked for my attention? Clerk: Sure, no problem. Juliet Rodman: Thanks very much indeed.



KEY EXPRESSIONS________________________________________________________ TAKING THE CALL * Offering to help. Can I help at all? Is there anything I can do? I can take your order if you like. * Taking an order. Which publications did you want? How many copies would you like? What about payment? * Checking order details. Sorry. Was that two copies? Did you say one copy each of those? So that`s jus the four titles, then? MAKING THE CALL * Saying why you are calling. I wanted to order some publications. I`d like to place an order. Could I order some publications? * Giving your order. I`d like one copy each of A Practical Guide to Spain. I`d better have a copy of Financing South America. Put me down for two copies of Financing South America. That`s all then. * Asking about payment terms. Would you send us en invoice marked for my attention. Can I give you a credit card number? Do you need payment in advance?

ACTIVITIES: _____________________________________________________________ Practice dealing with orders. Follow the next conversation in pairs and then swap roles.

Student A
MAKE CALL 1 Call Australian Heating Systems, Technical Sales, and order replacement parts F/921 (quantity 1), Kl/305 (quantity12), KL. PZ/234 (quantity 7) TAKE CALL 2 You work on the Foreign Exchange Desk at Bank of Spain taking currency orders.

Student B
TAKE CALL 1 You work in Australian Heating Systems taking telephone orders from International Customers. MAKE CALL 2 Call the Foreign Exchange Desk at Bank of Spain and place an order for US421 for collection next Thursday.



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