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Corporate Caffeine: Boosting B2b Growth Through Sales and Marketing Alignment
Corporate Caffeine: Boosting B2b Growth Through Sales and Marketing Alignment
Corporate Caffeine: Boosting B2b Growth Through Sales and Marketing Alignment
Ebook187 pages2 hours

Corporate Caffeine: Boosting B2b Growth Through Sales and Marketing Alignment

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About this ebook

Our busy world is killing the art of communication—and in the B2B world, it’s even worse. We have faster, better, and cheaper ways to reach our target market, yet less than 60% of B2B salespeople hit their sales quota. Worse, the gnashing of teeth from CEOs and CFOs around the world can be heard after listening to marketing metrics that can’t be translated into business impact. The gap between buyer, seller, and marketer has become the business world’s Bermuda triangle of lost opportunities, lost profits, and lost growth. And now, in a post-COVID world, business relationships and communication will never be the same.
This complex world requires a return to simple, yet profound fundamentals of human communication. It’s time for a new map to navigate marketing and sales in a complicated and noisy world. That map has arrived.
Release dateApr 6, 2022
Corporate Caffeine: Boosting B2b Growth Through Sales and Marketing Alignment

Dacia Coffey

A leading authority on accelerating revenue growth, Dacia Coffey is a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer, and the CEO of The Marketing Blender, an award-winning marketing agency. She has led over 100 organizational transformations by helping businesses nail the right message and align sales and marketing efforts to eliminate waste in the business development process. She is a member of the Forbes Agency Council, a Forbes contributor, and was also named an American Advertising Federation Shooting Star. Drawing from her experience as a top-tier sales professional, copywriter and three-time business owner, Dacia’s high energy style and surprising insights deliver motivation and actionable tips to catalyze change and growth. In addition to her client work, she is the host of the Corporate Caffeine podcast, and writes and speaks on how people can use their work and words to unleash their potential and change the world. Dacia lives in Fort Worth, TX with her husband and their four boys. She’s a yogi, a runner, and geeks out over great conversation, new experiences, and the endless miracle of God’s world. 123021: A leading authority on accelerating revenue growth, Dacia Coffey is a Fractional Chief Marketing Officer, and the CEO of The Marketing Blender, an award-winning marketing agency. She has led over 100 organizational transformations by helping businesses nail the right message and align sales and marketing efforts to eliminate waste in the business development process. She is a member of the Forbes Agency Council, a Forbes contributor, and was also named an American Advertising Federation Shooting Star. Drawing from her experience as a top-tier sales professional, copywriter and three-time business owner, Dacia’s high energy style and surprising insights deliver motivation and actionable tips to catalyze change and growth. In addition to her client work, she is the host of the Corporate Caffeine podcast, and writes and speaks on how people can use their work and words to unleash their potential and change the world. Dacia lives in Fort Worth, TX with her husband and their four boys. She’s a yogi, a runner, and geeks out over great conversation, new experiences, and the endless miracle of God’s world.

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    Corporate Caffeine - Dacia Coffey

    Copyright © 2022 Dacia Coffey.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1926-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6632-1927-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022900375

    iUniverse rev. date: 07/01/2022

    To Kyle.

    Thank you from the bottom of

    my heart for launching

    me on this journey. You make me brave.


    A leading authority on accelerating revenue growth, Dacia Coffey is a fractional chief marketing officer and the CEO of The Marketing Blender, an award-winning marketing agency. She has led more than one hundred organizational transformations by helping businesses nail the right message and align sales and marketing efforts to eliminate waste in the business-development process. She is a member of the Forbes Agency Council and a Forbes contributor and was also named an American Advertising Federation Shooting Star. Drawing from her experience as a top-tier sales professional, copywriter, and three-time business owner, Dacia offers high-energy style and surprising insights to deliver both motivation and actionable tips for catalyzing change and growth. In addition to maintaining her client work, she is the host of the Corporate Caffeine podcast and writes and speaks on how people can use their work and words to unleash their potential and change the world. Dacia lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with her husband and their four boys. She’s a yogi and a runner and geeks out over great conversation, new experiences, and the endless miracles of God’s world.




    Chapter 1 A Business-Development Crossroads

    Chapter 2 The Payoff of Marketing and Sales Alignment

    Chapter 3 Buyer Personas

    Chapter 4 Effective Marketing Plans Made Easy

    Chapter 5 Messaging

    Chapter 6 Buying Psychology and Branding

    Chapter 7 Execution and ROI


    Resources for Your Team



    Why have I decided to write a book? Because every day in every industry, I watch our busy world and our busyness kill the art of communication. Communication is how you and I understand each other and manage to get our needs met. If you don’t communicate well, you simply don’t get what you want. As a fractional chief marketing officer, a speaker, and the CEO of a marketing agency, I’ve worked closely with hundreds of CEOs and business-development teams in the last ten years, and I see communication sabotage as a leading problem—even a leading indicator—in sales plateaus, revenue declines, slim margins, culture breakdowns, and high turnover. Every day, I see a desire to rush through communication in the name of making progress on to-do lists. But what happens when you realize too late that the people around you didn’t understand what you said? You have to rewind, rework, and redo. Now extend this repetitive loop of misunderstanding into your business development, where your prospective customers don’t understand you. You end up with expensive marketing campaigns, a lack of quality leads, extremely long sales cycles, unreliable projections, missed quotas, client churn, and disillusioned employees. Your organization and your personal work life can and should be better than this.

    I wrote this book for the leaders, marketers, and sales professionals in business-to-business, or B2B, industries who want more—more results, more satisfaction, more sanity—and are asking themselves, Does growth really have to be this hard? When you harness the power of communication and align it through your marketing and sales (and ideally across your entire organization), the results are spectacular. Great communication is critical to great business success, and I want to give you a system for leveraging communication in your marketing and sales. I’ve seen firsthand, in small and large companies alike, how a true communication transformation can result in a financial transformation. This approach helped a European manufacturing company turn around a failing US entry strategy. It’s helped IT experts get elusive C-suite meetings with the world’s largest companies. One executive coach ended a dry spell when we rewrote his sales script, resulting in four ideal clients in less than two months. I’ve assisted numerous companies in attracting investors and buyers by improving their messages and brands. This approach has even helped HR departments attract and retain top talent by energizing their communications.

    The possibility of moving from pain to prosperity is exhilarating not only because success feels good but because there is a lot more at stake than dollars and deals. Work problems don’t stay contained within the square footage of people’s offices. The people behind these struggles take their frustration home, their stress affects their families, and they begin to disengage from both their work and their joy. Seeing these scenarios firsthand reminds me of the 2006 Adam Sandler movie Click.¹ In the movie, Michael (played by Sandler)—a businessman and family man—is impatient for success and generally unsatisfied in his life. He is given a remote control that allows him to fast-forward through the frustrating or boring parts of his life. As he uses the remote, it learns his preferences, and before long, he has gone into autopilot so frequently in his day-to-day life that it’s cost him his family, his enjoyment, and eventually his life. Much of what he chooses to skip are the tedious details and mundane conversations, but life happens in those details and conversations. I’m sad to say that I’m watching this metaphor play out in real offices, homes, and Zoom calls more and more frequently, and it must stop. Who we are happens in the cracks and crevices of our waking hours. What we stand for is exemplified in our choices and actions every day, not someday. This is just as true at the organizational level as it is at the individual level. When we fast-forward through our communication (personal, team, sales, and marketing), we miss the opportunities we’ve been waiting for to provide clarity, pique curiosity, build a connection, elicit a response, and show up in our full potential.

    Additionally, communication isn’t just about our own effectiveness. It can also be a gift we receive when we listen. If you desire to be a student of life, you must be open to the wisdom around you, even if it’s not what you want to hear. I share this from experience. When I worked for DeWalt power tools right out of college, I was neck-deep in the frustration many women feel in male-dominated industries. But I was lucky to have managers who were willing to tell me the truth when I tried to emulate the masculine way of communicating, which did not work for me. That lesson has made me effective and successful in a dozen male-dominated industries today and has saved me from unhelpful bitterness. When I worked in pharmaceutical sales, I had to learn how to maximize thirty-second interactions with physicians and learned very quickly how to get attention and help people remember my message. When we moved from Atlanta, Georgia, to Corpus Christi, Texas, for my husband’s career, I was drowning in isolation and dirty diapers while my husband was on cloud nine in his newfound success and adventure. I had to learn that I was communicating resentment so clearly that I was turning our house into an environment as toxic as a nuclear accident. Two decades later, I still use that lesson to be the best wife, mom, and leader I possibly can be. Each time, I had to learn to look at communication in a new light by slowing down and choosing to understand over being understood. And once I did understand, the key to success and joy was mine.

    Now don’t get me wrong: I’m still writing a business book, but the truth of the matter is that this communication deterioration is a human condition. Business leaders are human. Employees are human. Customers are human. The communication patterns we develop—or don’t develop, because of our fast-forward inclinations—affect everything. There is rarely a real difference between how we communicate in our personal lives and how we communicate in our business lives. It’s all personal. In The Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren writes, "Often we act as if relationships are something to be squeezed into our schedule. We talk about finding time for our children or making time for people in our lives. That gives the impression that relationships are just a part of our lives along with many other tasks. But God says relationships are what life is all about."² Think about that. Nothing else matters but how you treat people. Countless movies, stories, and personal anecdotes tell us that life’s regrets are always and only about lost relationships. Yet we organize our time, attention, and money around tasks, activities, and the acquisition of things. I just have to get this off my list is the common refrain among adults in all stages and stations of life. Our nature is created for relationships; every business in existence serves other people. If a business doesn’t meet a need or desire of other human beings, it will go out of business. But many of our businesses are not purposefully in alignment with this idea.

    Your communication is a signal of what matters most to you. Owning your communication—heck, simply gaining awareness of your communication—can send off a positive cascade of change in your life and in your business. To own your communication, you need to be intentional in the words, visuals, and processes that tell your story, as well as how you distribute these communications to the market. These intentional choices then need to be given to both your marketing and sales teams so they have the clarity they need to best engage the market.

    Your communication is an extension of who you are and what you believe.

    People buy from those they know, like, and trust. Is your communication helping people to know, like, and trust you? My experience in both my personal life and my professional life has taught me that great communication is the outward tool that we can use to create profoundly positive changes in our lives, in our businesses, and in

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