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Second Letter To FBI. Arrest To Anita F. Funcke

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FBI; Washington field and Miami field. and miami@ic.fbi.

gov Case Number = 30108/12 Case Name = Arce-Aspelin and Others vs. Denmark to the European Court of Human Rights. FBI, answering second time to your own question. How can the FBI help you? I want Federal Bureau of Investigation request this documentation from this case and this letter, you deliver them immediately to my Florida governor Rick Scott, as again, another evidence from Anita F. Funcke has to be immediately arrested and prosecuted this official from the USA embassy of Copenhagen, Denmark as the person in charge of systematically to deprive and segregate USA citizens from their rights and collaborating with a foreign government of Denmark against USA citizens hidden protest to Denmark on violations of Human Rights. The United States of America government has immediately, open and publicly to protest in front the Danish government as well to his Queen of Denmark Margarethe II, over all these violations on Human Rights against USA citizens and foreign peoples in Denmark and their violations on Human Rights. This American citizen mother of two daughters, she has been strip off of her most fundamental rights as a mother here in Denmark and separated from her daughters. (Equivalent to the Elian Gonzalez affairs) This has been happening here in this CIRCUS judicial system violations of Human Rights in Denmark, she has been obligated to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights as a only solution, because her own USA embassy, and precisely Anita F. Funcke ( she has been mention seven times in this document to the ECHR) as evidence that the USA State Department is acknowledging about this case of this mother and again the U.S State Department fail to protest in front the Danish government about the continuous violations on Human Rights from the State of Denmark against U.S citizens. This is happening with the total approval and collaborating silence from the U.S State Department silencing and hiding the bullshit that have been happening here in Denmark in bases of Human Rights against not only American citizens, but also foreign people in general. Denmark is a racist discriminatory country and a violator of must fundamental Human Rights, and I am the living proof of that, as today the U.S State Department hide my case to American opinion (With the collaboration of Associated Press) and justice system. As a USA citizen I want to be called in front the U.S Congress to denounce this and to denounce the U.S Department accomplish behavior to hide these violations of Human Rights against USA citizens and other foreigners in Denmark for years and years. Both my wife Gitte Toldsted and I, we have been asking to you, FBI, several times to testify this in front the USA Congress, in special your director Robert S. Mueller III keep playing dumb and irresponsibles. The U.S. State Department secretaries (understand Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton) has to explain in front the USA Congress and in front a USA judicial court how they have been hiding my case (and other 9 USA citizens cases in Denmark) and with it depriving me from all my USA Constitutional protection rights (and to other nine American citizens) since November 1, 2006 in their every year report about Human Rights on Denmark. I am informing you FBI, that there are in total nine USA citizens here in Denmark defrauded by

Danish judicial system in clear violations of all kind of Human Rights with the collaboration and accomplish silence from the USA embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark (Under ambassadors James P. Cain and Laurie S. Fulton). Understand USA embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark that is equal to say US. State Department. And at last, and in my knowledge, three of nine from these American citizens, including me, has been directly involved with Anita F. Funcke. The person I am accusing of obstruct justice and violate my Civil Rights Statues and USA Constitutional Rights, as well as Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963. Article 36(a,b,c). In none of these nine cases, neither both the US. State Department and US government has been EVER protesting in front the Danish government, allowing these violations with total impunity. There is NOT one, only one protest from the USA government to the Danish government on all these violations on basic Human Rights. Despite my case, I personally informed very well to both U.S Pt. Barack Hussein Obama and the Denmark head of state Queen Margarethe II. If Anita F. Funcke knew about all these cases, including mine, it is equal that State Department knew them, it is equal the USA government knew them, it is equal that president Barack Hussein Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew them and when all of them fail to protest in front Danish government, giving the back to their own citizens, that it is conspiracy against rights. (Federal Civil Rights Statutes). Don't forget that I personally have been writing two times to Barack Hussein Obama and my wife Gitte Toldsted once, to The White House, and his answer was to sent the PET (Danish Security Services) to harass me in my own home, the very sames two times that the Air-force-One touched ground in Denmark in 2010. It was sent the PET to my house and intervention of my phone and following me on the street. Barack Obama knew four months before to arrive here (both in Denmark and Norway) to lick ass for to receive a Noble Prize. Conspiracy Against Rights, it is a Federal Civil Rights Statutes according your own FBI website, as well as Deprivation of Rights under the Color of Law: You have my accusation against Barack Hussein Obama for Conspiracy Against my Rights and Deprivation of Rights under the color of law Since March 23, 2010 in the DOJ office of AG Eric Holder and Florida AG Bill McCollum-Pam Bondi. All of them in conspiracy obstructing justice. You can not handle that a NEGRO president is violating the very same Civil Rights Statutes collaborating with white racist supremacist Danish policemen. How could you explain that to American people????? Anita F. Funcke has to be brought immediately in front the USA Congress and USA judicial court to face Federal charges and to explain how she knew from direct testimony in front a Danish court assisting as observer in the case Danish police vs Mario Herrera testimonies from Danish policemen Nicolai Cederskjold and Anders Bitsch that I requested to contact the USA embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark on November 1, 2006 brutal and unjustified arrest, as my USA passport state in page 4.4. Anita F. Funcke has to be brought in front the USA Congress and USA judicial court to face Federal charges and to explain how she received (direct from my wife Gitte Toldsted and I) the document hidden in court by the Danish judicial system fro the Danish prosecutor Jens Rasmussen with the intention to declare me guilty and she then silenced and hide this evidence of justice obstruction. The USA State Department has to explain the role on this case.

See testimonies from the Danish policemen here in the court-book Danish police vs Mario Herrera. (Where Anita F. Funcke knew from the first hand for been in this court-room this day as observer). Where both Danish policemen Nicolai Cederskjold and Anders Bitsch recognized in the face of Anita F. Funcke that I requested to contact the USA embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark several times. See English translation of Danish police vs Mario Herrera November 24, 2006. The original document in Danish here: See document hide by Danish Crown Prosecution Office (Jens Rasmussen) to my lawyers and Danish jury. Who is JENS RASMUSSEN? He is the Danish prosecutor in charge of my case on November 1, 2006 and who I am already requesting you, the DOJ (Eric Holder-Bill McCollum-Pam Bondi) in extradition to face USA judicial court for collaboration in torture, kidnapping, violations of freedom of expression and justice obstruction, together with the Danish policemen Nicolai Cederskjold and Anders Bitsch, under the Mutual legal cooperation and extradition agreement between Denmark and USA. This is the document from the Danish prosecutor Jens Rasmussen hidden in court (two consecutive court process) to my respectively lawyers and jury panel on the case Danish police vs Mario Herrera. Jens Rasmussen has to be extradited and bring in front a U.S federal judicial court in Miami, Florida to explain how he hide evidences in court to declare a USA citizen guilty. See the document from Jens Rasmussen, English translation, here: Jens Rasmussen Danish Crown Prosecutor acting in behalf of Queen of Denmark Margrethe II, has to explain in front a judicial court in Miami, Florida how he obstructed this document will be in hands of my lawyers Hanne Rabhaek and Anders Skovholm and the respective Danish jury in two consecutive court process in Copenhagen, Denmark. You already has my accusation and petition of arrest to face USA judicial court to Anita F. Funcke since March 23, 2010 in hands of the USA attorney general ERIC HOLDER. He is already obstructing justice and I am accusing him for that. See UPS postal receipt with Eric Holder here: This is the text below, translated to English, between Anita F. Funcke email ( and my wife Gitte Toldsted, where Anita F. Funcke acknowledged that she received the hidden evidence from the Danish Crown Prosecutor Jens Rasmussen in court against the USA citizen Mario Herrera Danish police vs Mario Herrera where herself was an observer under the USA government:

Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 11:02:34 +0100 From: To: Hi Gitte: Thanks for what you sent. I just called Attorney Skovholm and posted a message. I would like to be informed about his views on the matter at present and his future strategy, so I can attach his comments along with Mario's letter to Ambassador Cain. I do not understand that the lawyer can not answer the question with regard to the Daily Police Report. Such things are written in the Act on Administration of Practices and the Danish Freedom of Information Act. He's a lawyer and surely would know something like that by heart. I got your new mobile number Gitte, thank you. Best regards, Anita Note: Florida Governor Rick Scott, we are talking here more than a year after November 1, 2006!!! A year since the U.S State Department is acknowledging about this fraud through Anita F. Funcke in Danish judicial court and the conspiracy from the US State Department to avoid arose any kind of protest against the Danish government from this fraud and lack of judicial guarantees in courts. I want Anita F. Funcke in front a Federal USA judicial court, right now, to explain how she as a U. S. State Department officer decided to deprive me my rights under the color of law, and how many US. State Department official are involved in this case, (and also to all other USA citizens cases in Denmark where the USA embassy have been neglecting to protect them) all these as my 6th amendment of USA Constitution protect me, open and public. No negotiable!!! I am remembering you FBI again, that you, the USA government accepted me as a Political Refugee in The United States of America, under the Cuban Adjustment Act Protection, such Act under the very same crimes that is linked to the country of Cuba, but the same crimes that you are today hiding here in Denmark from the Danish government in a clear double standard and double morality. Police brutality (torture), kidnapping, hiding evidences in court, violations of International agreements (VCCR). I want this will be clarified in front a USA judicial court, because you criticize this when happen in Cuba, but you silence and wipe the ass with the USA Constitution to hide and silence it when it is happening in the country of Denmark. By the way FBI, do not forget that I was changed my election postal address by the Miami-Dade Election Department, without my approval, without to be previously notified, and against my will. And with this I was already deprived from my rights to vote the last Republican primary elections on January 31, 2012, which is a clear act of election fraud, in my district Hialeah in Florida. Hialeah is the district 21from the brothers Lincoln and Mario Diaz Balart who I have been accusing them of violations of my Civil Rights Statutes and Justice Obstruction and I want then in front a USA judicial court. And these two congressmen, they are eligible to go to prison according Federal Civil Rights Statutes. Do not forget that FBI, because I won't!! It has to be knew who and why dispatched the order inside the Miami-Dade Election Department to change my elector postal address. I can proof in front a USA judicial court and USA Congress how this harassment against my rights to vote have been already bringing me deprivation of rights as an independent voter.

These two racists US Congressmen Phony-Busybody-Republic-of-Banana-Rat-Cuban-Partiots mention above, together with the other Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio, they will need to explain in front a Federal judicial court how they end up granting USA Constitutional protection rights to a USA citizen from the State of Maryland Alan P. Gross arrested in Cuba (my own native country), just for to be a Jewish background and all of them at the same time, denied, segregated, discriminated and deprived me all kind of fundamental protection rights under the USA Constitution. This is a clear act of racism, discrimination for concept of origin, and violations of 14 th amendment as well as justice obstruction and violations of Federal Civil Rights Statutes and I am officially denouncing and accusing all of them. Never ever forget that FBI because I wont forget in my accusations either!!! The Florida senator Marco Rubio was lying to the USA government about the legal procedure from his parents, that was a public lie with the intention to obtain political benefits. This make him a person committing perjury at the moment he sword over the USA Constitution his position as a USA senator. How in the hell this senator is still in the streets or sitting in the USA Congress? If Edward Kennedy was to jail for the crime of Chappaquiddick why don't Marco Rubio for lie public to the nation, and for violate both my Federal Civil Rights Statutes and the 14 th amendment of the USA Constitution, plus accomplish of justice obstruction? This racist-busybody-Cuban-background-senator, enemy of the Hispanic people in The United States of America, this is the man depriving me my most fundamental rights under the USA Constitution? If you the FBI found the way to put jail the Congressman James Trafficant, (For IRS? How in the hell still is there Carlos B. Rangel and you FBI didn't put him on jail? What were you doing then FBI?) You will need to explain how you are going to left Lincoln and Mario Diaz Balart without to face a Federal court justice for violations of Federal Civil Rights Statutes and USA Constitution to favor peoples, no even American citizens, no even from their own State of Florida and segregating his own State citizen. If Edward Kennedy as a U.S. senator could not be over the law, Marco Rubio can not be over the law either. I want Marco Rubio in front a Federal court in Miami, Florida to explain the racist motivations for violate my 14th amendment, and my Federal Civil Rights Statutes, as well as accomplish of justice obstruction. I will also make public denounce of the Mexico president Felipe Calderon Hinojosa for to hide a denied petitions on Human Rights basis to American citizen to the USA president Barack Hussein Obama for political conveniences and to hide it to the Mexican congress as it was my request to him. You the FBI, you have been obligating me over and over again to prove that I am an innocent man, consequence of your inoperativeness and rotten corruption under the mandate of your director Robert S. Mueller III. I remember you the words from your own officer named Brian in the FBI office located inside the USA embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 09, 2009. This phone conversation prove your straight and direct conspiracy against my rights from you FBI. I want to remember one by one his words in front a Federal judicial court and USA Congress and how many times he put in doubt me as USA citizen. This phone conversation on September 09, 2009 with the FBI officer Brian located in the USA embassy in Copenhagen, Denmark. This FBI officer named Brian, he has to face Federal judicial court (which is not negotiable) for

accomplish, and as evidence that you the FBI you have been knowing for years and years the case of USA citizen Mario Herrera tortured by the Danish police and left handicap for life with the accomplish silence of the U.S. State Department. Never ever forget this tape recording in front a USA judicial court because I won't!!! FBI named Brian officer has to be brought also together with Anita F. Funcke in front a USA Federal court to explain the relations of his statements and the relations between him and the FBI director Robert S. Mueller III decision to hide and obstructing my case from justice since July 16, 2010. Florida governor, Rick Scott, call for impeachment to president Barack Hussein Obama right now in front USA judicial courts, for violations of my Federal Civil Rights Statutes in conspiracy against my rights and deprivation of rights under the color of law and justice obstruction. Call for impeachment now governor!!! Florida governor Rick Scott, Mario Herrera a citizen from you state Florida is pending to go to prison here in Denmark against his freedom of expression. Immediately protest that to Pt. Barack Hussein Obama, and protest that to the Queen of Denmark Margrethe II. The USA government of Barack Obama-Hillary Clinton-Eric Holder is allowing that a phony-CLOWN court in Denmark, Horsens, will prosecuted me against my freedom of expression, mi first amendment of USA Constitution. Governor, you need to force FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III to stop obstructing justice and bring all the implicates to face justice right now and stop hiding all my accusations in his office. Not exception! This is the accusation against Anita F. Funcke in hands of DOJ AG Eric Holder-Bill McCollum-Pam Bondi, and also in hands of FBI Robert S. Mueller III, since March 23, 2010. Florida governor Rick Scott, according this accusation above request immediate arrest of U.S Department officer Anita F. Funcke and to be brought in front a Federal judicial court in Miami, Florida. Waiting news from you ahead.

Mario Herrera. USA citizen. District 21 Hialeah, Florida. SSN: 595-93-0602. USA Passport No. : 047884147 Hjortevej 2. Horsens. 8700. Denmark. Tel. +45 2929 5209 (In Denmark) Twitter: @norightsforyou Co-signing

My name is Gitte Toldsted. I am a Danish citizen, and I am the wife of Mario Herrera. I have been a witness to everything that has happened to Mario in my country and from the side of American authorities since November 1st 2006. I can confirm everything that Mario is writing in this letter, and I am of course willing to testify in front of any court too; just as I am willing to testify in the American Congress about the xenophobia among authorities of my country Denmark against USA citizen Mario Herrera. PS./ All these letter sent to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation are open letters to all the Medias around the World. As ASSOCIATED PRESS and MCLACTCHY COMPANY (The Miami Herald, El Nuevo Herald) gave editorial order to silence the Mario Herrera's case of torture by the Danish police together with the U.S. State Department to denounce the corruption inside the USA institutions under the government of the president Barack Hussein Obama. I will keep sending these emails to the Russian Television to Mr. Andrey Safanasye ( as well as it is also open to whoever Medias and Human Rights organizations in the World that want to make it public all these letter sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in my public accusations against USA president Barack Hussein Obama.

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