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Former Navy Captain Rodney Stitch Exposes Massive FBI Corruption (Drug Smuggling) That Is Ignored For 20 Years and Counting...

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The document discusses several former government agents, including Richard Taus and Rodney Stich, who attempted to report criminal activities they uncovered but faced obstruction and retaliation.

Richard Taus reported CIA drug trafficking in collusion with organized crime while working as an FBI agent in New York. He had also reported CIA drug trafficking in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot.

Stich sought to report decades of CIA drug smuggling, drug money going to politicians, secret CIA bank accounts, CIA involvement in financial fraud, and criminal activities in bankruptcy courts and federal courts.

From the desk of Rodney Stich

P.O. Box 5, Alamo, CA 94507; phone: 925-944-1930; FAX 925-295-1203

DEFRAUDING AMERICA, Encyclopedia of Secret Operations by the CIA, DEA, and Other Covert Agencies
UNFRIENDLY SKIES, History of Corruption and Air Tragedies
Association Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO) Association of National Security Alumni
International Society of Air Safety Investigators (ISASI) Lawyers Pilots Bar Association (LPBA)
Former FAA air safety investigator Former airline captain and Navy pilot
E-mail: search engine: “Rodney Stich”
Web sites:
February 26, 2001

Louis J. Freeh, Director

Federal Bureau of Investigation
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20535-0001 Certified 7099 3400 0015 7669 8103

Ref: Report of criminal misconduct discovered by former federal agents, including a former FBI agent
and decorated was veteran—the cover-ups, with similarities to the Hanssen affair

To Mr. Freeh:

The harm being revealed by the misconduct of FBI agent Robert Hanssen, which was either ignored
or not discovered for many years, has similarities to the serious matters stated in this letter. You stated in a
recent press conference that the Hanssen matter raises questions of treasonous activity, betrayal of trust,
traitorous actions, and involves the rule of law.
I and a group of other former federal agents, including a former FBI agent from the New York office,
sought to provide information and documentation about criminal, subversive, and traitorous misconduct, and
were repeatedly blocked. Some of us even suffered severe personal and financial retaliation for attempting to
report these matters. There is surely an ominous relationship between what we encountered when we tried to
report these major federal crimes and the ability of FBI agent Hanssen to carry on his criminal activities for
years without being charged.
This group includes a former FBI agent who worked in the New York City office, who sought to
report criminal and subversive activities, and suffered the consequences. That FBI agent’s name is Richard
Taus, a highly decorated helicopter pilot in Vietnam. He worked for the FBI for about eleven years, during
which he sought to report criminal misconduct that meets the definition of subversive and treasonous.
I sought to report documented criminal activities that I discovered as a federal agent and later as a
private investigator, and suffered serious consequences from corrupt misuse of government offices. Seeking
to circumvent the obstruction of justice activities preventing the exposure of these serious matters, I used my
extensive real estate holdings as an activist to bring this information to the public.
The exposure activities circumventing the blocks by the FBI and other divisions of the Department
of Justice (what a misnamed agency that is!) included appearing as guest on over 3,000 radio and television
shows, giving speeches, and publishing books. These include three editions of Defrauding America and
Unfriendly Skies and one edition of Drugging America and Disavow. (These books were published to
circumvent the widespread obstruction of justice by government checks and balances, including every
division of the U.S. Department of Justice—before you took over as head of the FBI, the obstruction of
justice by members of Congress, and by federal judges.)

One Of the Many Criminal and Subversive Activities: CIA Drug Smuggling
While Taus was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, he reported CIA drug trafficking to his superiors in the
U.S. Army and to members of Congress. The proverbial cover-up followed. While an FBI agent in New
York, Taus reported CIA drug trafficking in collusion with organized crime, including what he described as
the American Mafia (while you were making headlines going after a competitor, the Sicilian Mafia). He also
reported other criminal activities perpetrated under guise of national security by the CIA.
Example Of Congressional Obstruction Of Justice
The attached copy of a January 29, 2001 letter to Senator Patrick Leahy provides a partial
explanation of the criminal activities that I and a group of other former federal agents discovered. These
crimes—and their cover-ups by federal checks and balances—are far worse than what Hanssen perpetrated.
This is not to minimize the gravity of Hanssen’s offenses, but to show that even worse crimes, with more
proof of the measurable harm upon national interests, were and are being perpetrated against the United
Making matters worse, federal judges, members of Congress, lawyers in the various divisions of the
Department of Justice, have repeatedly blocked these reports and even retaliated against me and other
federal agents for attempting to report these major federal offenses.
More details on the criminal, subversive, and traitorous activities, much of it documented, can be
obtained from:
• The January 29, 2001 letter to Senator Leahy, which focuses heavily upon the documented actions
by federal judges blocking the reporting of criminal activities to a federal court as required to be
reported by the federal crime reporting statute, Title 18 U.S.C. § 4. These criminal and impeachable
judicial acts included the misuse of judicial power to incarcerate—with the help of Justice
Department prosecutors—former federal agents who sought to report the criminal activities under
the mandatory requirements of that crime reporting statute. And this is only the start of the judicial
crimes that even includes the Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.
• In the highly detailed books that I wrote as I sought to circumvent the obstruction of justice, which
includes the third editions of Defrauding America and Unfriendly Skies and the first editions of
Drugging America and Disavow.
• At the following Internet sites:;; and
• As described in a FTCA claim now before the Justice Department, and as described in a federal
action filed at Reno, Nevada (CV-N-00-0152-ECR), where the judicial obstruction of justice
continues as it has for over 20 years. Another FTCA claim will arise from the judicial corruption
now occurring in that lawsuit.
Pattern Of Obstruction Of Justice By Federal Judges
The judicial records will show a pattern of judicial obstruction of justice (felonies under Title 18
U.S.C. § 2, 3, and 4); a pattern of judicial retaliation against a former federal agent and witness for
attempting to report criminal and even subversive activities to a federal court under the federal crime
reporting statute (Title 18 U.S.C. § 4); a pattern of hard-core civil rights violations that were an integral part
of the scheme to block my reports of these criminal activities.
Our Credibility
The group of former federal agents and myself have a high level of credibility. One of these sources
is even a former FBI agent with military honors for bravery as an helicopter pilot in Vietnam. The
allegations, most of which are documented in various records, have inflicted and will continue to inflict
great harm upon the United States, its institutions, its rule of law, and upon its people. These offenses—
including the cover-ups--are criminal, subversive, and traitorous.
I give you credit for speaking out on certain matters in the past relating to the cover-ups and
obstruction of Justice by attorney general Janet Reno. If for no reason other than the gravity of what I am
bringing to your attention and the long period of cover-ups by every branch of government, including the
felony misuse of power by federal judges and Justice Department prosecutors, I expect you to do the same.
And this does carry a certain risk to you.
The constant unfailing cover-up reaction by members of Congress and the Justice Department makes
the treasonous acts by FBI agent Hanssen peanuts in comparison.
Not much more harm can be done to me. As I near the age of 80, I have been severely traumatized by
corrupt federal judges and Justice Department prosecutors as they feloniously misused government positions
and power to inflict grave personal and financial harm upon me. I have a limited amount of time remaining
to accomplish what I started doing 40 years ago when the federal government’s air safety responsibilities
were blocked by a pattern of documented criminal misconduct (described in the third edition of Unfriendly
Skies). Even after I am gone, my books and the heavily trafficked web sites may eventually motivate a few
courageous and civic-minded people to use this documented material to force the prosecution,
imprisonment, and impeachment of the guilty parties, including those who aided and abetted the crimes and
the criminals by cover-ups.
Samples Of Evidence Of Conspiracy Of Obstruction of Justice
An example of how FBI Agent Hanssen could continue for years with his criminal and treasonous
conduct can be seen from the following pattern, starting from the present date back to when I was a federal
investigator attempting to carry out the government’s air safety responsibilities, which were blocked by
threats, intimidation, harassment, and accompanied by repeated crashes and deaths from the federal offenses
that I and other federal inspectors had discovered and documented. The truth of the charges consisted of
large quantities of documents, affidavits, and recorded statements. The truth was also implied by the
documented tactics used to block the reports:
• Pattern of obstruction of justice by federal judges, repeatedly blocking the reporting of major
criminal and subversive activities that were being reported to a federal court under the federal crime
reporting statute. It is a mandatory requirement under Title 18 U.S.C. § 4 to make such reports, and it
is a mandatory requirement for federal judges to receive the reports and the evidence that was
offered. These judicial acts were felonies under Title 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 3, and 4.
• Pattern of unlawful and unconstitutional injunctive orders barring me for the remainder of my life
from federal court access which blocked the reports (they couldn’t be made to any division of the
Department of Justice because of a documented pattern of cover-ups)
• The felony retaliation against me, which continued from 1986 through 1995) ass federal judges and
Justice Department protections sought to, and did, sentence me to federal prison for six months in
retaliation for:
o Filing papers in federal courts seeking to report the criminal activities that I and other former
federal agents had discovered that implicated people in key judicial and government
o Filing papers under the Civil Rights Act, Bivens, and Declaratory Judgment Act, exercisisng
legal and constitutional due process to defend against the record-setting violations of state
and federal laws and constitutional rights by federal judges.
o Judges, and Justice Department prosecutors, held that the exercise of these mandatory
requirements and due process remedies were criminal acts, and sought to have me
imprisoned for three years.
o The filing violated the unlawful order that voided for me, for the remainder of my life, the
right to federal court access and the rights and protections guaranteed by the laws and
Constitution of the United States. Justice Department lawyers were heavily involved in this
retaliation for reporting criminal activities and for exercising legal and constitutional due
process seeking to defend against the judicially perpetrated hard-core civil and constitutional
o I was nearly 70 years old at that time and had just undergone a six-bypass open-heart
surgery. Was my death a part of the scheme? Where were the FBI and Justice Department
when these civil rights violations and criminal violations were occurring?
o Letters to various divisions of the Justice Department, offering to provide evidence of these
criminal offenses, repeatedly went ignored. Included in these obstruction of justice offenses
was my three-page letter warning of missile attacks on commercial aircraft, sent prior to the
downing of TWA Flight 800. A response showing some semblance of responsibility would
very possibly have prevented 100 surface-to-air missiles falling into the hands of terrorists.
The basis for my letter warning of missile attacks was information and documentation
received from a friend who was in the 1980s the head of a secret CIA operation based in
Hawaii. Was that scenario the reason for the cover-up on TWA Flight 800?
• My claims of criminal and subversive misconduct were known nationally, and not a single effort was
made to contact me to provide detailed information.
• Among the various corrupt activities that I sought to report, based on which I first discovered as an
airline captain in overseas operations, then as a federal inspector, and then from the several dozen
former government agents and other insiders, were:
o Decades of drug smuggling into the United States by people acting under cover of
government offices and covert government operations, and especially by parties associated
with the CIA. These criminal, subversive, and traitorous activities were conveyed to me by
former agents of FBI, DEA, Customs, CIA, including the former heads of secret CIA airlines
and CIA financial operations who either discovered the operations, or who were part of it
under orders of their superiors. Offenses of this nature inflict such major harm upon the
United States and its people that there is no excuse for not receiving the information, other
than a determination to block the exposure of the crimes and the criminals.
o Drug money going to both political parties and politicians.
o Secret bank accounts opened and funded by CIA proprietaries, for the benefit of well-known
government figures.
o CIA involvement in the savings and loans and other financial scams against the United
States, as conveyed to me by CIA assets who played a role in the fraud as they acted under
orders of their superiors.
o The October Surprise and its cover-up, as conveyed to me by CIA assets that were part of the
o Widespread criminal activities in the bankruptcy courts, implicating federal judges, judge-
appointed trustees, U.S. trustees, lawyers and law firms, converting people exercising the
statutory protections of Chapter 11 into abstract poverty.
o Systematic documented pattern of corrupt and criminal activities in Ninth Circuit federal
courts that extended into the Supreme Court of the United States.
o And much more, much of which, but not all, detailed in my various books seeking to
circumvent the government block and educate the public, seeking to motivate a few
courageous people to exercise some semblance of civil responsibilities in the face of
widespread and devastating corruption in the three branches of government.
• Repeated blocks by U.S. attorneys when I sought to report to a federal court the criminal activities
that I discovered as a federal agent in a highly sensitive and responsible position, and which I
discovered over the years as an activist against corruption in government. Details of this Justice
Department obstruction of justice are found in my various books and federal court filings.
• As a federal inspector-investigator, responsible for federal air safety over the most senior program at
the world’s largest airline, I repeatedly documented the pattern of air safety and criminal violations
that were repeatedly associated with deadly crashes occurring in my area of safety responsibilities.
Every source in government refused to intervene as the government’s air safety responsibilities were
being criminally blocked, followed by the brutalities that come with air disasters. Justice Department
personnel blocked the reports, contributing to the fraud upon the United States and the people who
would subsequently perish. Even when I circumvented the blocks, as a federal agent, and obtained a
hearing before a federal grand jury in Denver, Justice Department lawyers continued their
obstruction of justice.
Today, the cancerous growth of corruption in government is so widespread, that removing it will be very
difficult and beyond the willingness or ability of any government entity to correct it.
A reply would be appropriate, even if it is the usual off-the-shelf stonewalling. This letter and your
response will be found on the Internet.


Rodney Stich

cc: Copy of January 29, 2001 letter sent to Senator Patrick Leahy (similar to the one sent to every member
of the House and Senate Judiciary committees) and a January 15, 2001 letter to Supreme Court Justice
Clarence Thomas.

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