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Bembla Hep-Tefr Final - Revised

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Bembla (1x1000 kW)Hydro Electric Project (Revised)


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Govt. of Maharashtra through its policy no. PVT-1204/ (160/2004)/HP dated 15th September 2005 has announced the policy for hydro power development through private sector participation. Water Resources Department, Govt. of Maharashtra through the bidding process vide their letter no. CE(E)/HP/D-2/T-1/Pvt/Bembla/110 Dated 04.07.2008 have allotted the Bembla Hydro Electric project to M/s. Arch Hydro Power Projects P Limited, Pune for development through private investment. Bembla Hydro-Electric Project is a Dam foot Hydro-electric project and has been planned by utilizing the discharges of Bembla reservoir in to Bembla Irrigation Canal. The project is located 28 kms from Yavatmal at Khadaksawanga village in TalukaBabhulgaon, District Yavatmal in Maharashtra state. The particulars of the Bembla dam are as given below Sr. No 01 Description Yield 50 % dependable 75 % dependable Storage Gross storage Dead storage Live storage Controlling levels Top of Bund level M.W.L. F.R.L. M.D.D.L. (Irri.) Sill Level of penstock Unit Mcum Mcum Mcum Mcum Mcum M M M M M Data
527.263 322.39

02. a. b. c. 03. a. b. c. d. f.

322.06 19.39 302.67

275.50 270.94 269.50 262.99 259.95

Topographic surveys, geological studies, Construction material survey, electrical power evacuation study, rate analysis etc., were carried out covering the entire portion of the project site. Various alternatives from techno-commercial angle were studied before finalizing any particular alternative. Adequate data regarding the inflow, rainfall, reservoir levels, irrigation releases, drinking, losses, upstream utilization etc., was made available for the study. From the hydrological and power potential studies a project with installed capacity of 1 x 1000 kW is suggested. Considering the head and discharge and other parameters the Vertical Radial Kaplan machine is selected.

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As per the working table for 75% dependable year with the installed capacity of 1000 kW, the energy generation 2.28 MUS and net saleable energy 2.26 Mus is arrived at, with PLF of 26.00%. The Installed Capacity & particulars of power potential are as stated below:-

75% Dependable year Levels F.R.L. M.D.D.LP M.D.D.L I T.W.L.Min 269.50 265.11 262.99 259.70 M M M M Storage 322.06 68.24 19.39 Mcum Mcum Mcum Rated conditions Power A Discharge D Head D Machines 1000 18.44 6.29 1.00 kW m3/sec M Nos. Efficiency ( ) Turbine Generato r Gear box System 93.9% 95.5% 98.0% 87.8% Turbine Vert. Radial Kaplan H operating Q Operating H loss(HL) 140% 115% 0.452 m to 50% 40%

T.W.L.Max Head range Min Max


Unit Capacity





Avail. Q Max

44.46 Flow Range

Power Generation 3.50 9.80 M M

Capacity range Power Min Power Max 400 1150 KW KW Min Max

Head range for Power Generation 2.79 9.18 M M Min.Flow Max.Flow

7.38 21.21

m3/sec m3/sec

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Detailed cost estimates including the rate analysis of the major items is given in the report. The break-up of the project cost is as follows:Cost Components Civil E&M Transmission work Total (a) cost without IDC & FC Interest During Construction Financial Charges Preliminary & pre-operative exp. Total (b) Grand Total a+b Capacity (MW) Cost per MW Margin money for WC Total project cost Amount in Rs Lacs 220.07 290.00 5.00 515.07 22.92 21.15 35.94 80.01 595.08 1 595.08 4.47 599.56

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Considering Debt equity ratio as 60:40, thus the funds requirement shall be as follows:Sr.No. a b c Description Debt equity ratio Term loan Equity Total cost: Rs. Lacs Debt 60% Equity 40% 357.05 242.50 599.56

Long term loan @12% per annum for a period of 10 years excluding 1year construction period & including 6 months moratorium and with proper assumptions for other items the financials for the project are worked out. It is proposed to sale the energy generated from the plant to MAHADISCOM, and hence sale of energy @Rs.2.84 per unit for 1st year of generation and 3 ps per unit escalation every year is considered. The results of the financial analysis are narrated below; Results of Financial Parameters IRR Project payback period Debt Service Coverage Ratio Average cost of generation

a b c d

Percent Years DSCR Rs per Unit

12.70 8.63 2.04 2.70

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The project shall be implemented in 12 months from the date of financial closure. The project is a dam foot power house and dam already exists, land also belongs to Govt. of Maharashtra and hence will be available on lease as per Govt. of Maharashtra Policy. Therefore, the project shall not face any major difficulties (which normally hydro projects had to face). The project is very close from Yavatmal and will be easy to execute. The project does not envisage any resettlement of the people, no land acquisition is involved, and no damage to the environment is anticipated. CONCLUSIONS In general, it is concluded that due to smaller magnitude of the project and typically a limited storage based scheme proposed for power generation, has eliminated the most of the likely factors for environmental deterioration. The scheme proposed will use the available access road and water source thereby simplifying the scheme. The climate, Geology etc. is found favorable for this type of project. The proposed scheme will provide several opportunities to the local people in terms of employment generation, electricity, construction facilities, developed infrastructure and improving the skills of the local people. The projects do not have interference with ancient historical structures or wildlife anyway and so also will maintain local culture of the village population. Peoples participation shall help in speedy and proper implementation of the scheme. Options, we can suggest to connect our Power Plant to nearby 33kV Babhulgaon Substation by 4Km, 33kV overhead transmission line, which is Tech- Economically suitable. The project is found techno-commercially viable and attractive. Therefore, may be considered for execution on priority. *****

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PROFILE OF THE PROJECT PROMOTER M/s. _____________ Pvt. Limited is part of well established ____ Group of companies having civil construction as one of the core business area. The Group has mainly construction activities. The Group and its company has been associated and registered with Public Works Departments as Class I A, Maharashtra Krishna Valley Development Corporation (MKVDC), Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) as "No Limit", and MES Class No. C -153. The projects cover the following sectors: Irrigation projects Building construction Road projects Railway contracts The nature of group project activities cover Canals Bridges Roads Buildings Kolhapur Type (K.T.) Weirs/Bandharas Railway Bridges and Other Major and Minor Projects The company possesses the specialization in R.C.C. Bridges, Buildings Work, Earth Work, Tunnel Work & Road, Aqueduct, and PSC Girder Work. PROFILE OF THE PROJECT CONSULTANTS

Subsequent to the allotment of the project, the promoters had appointed M/s. Wat-eresource Technologies P Limited (WRTL) a Pune based Consultancy organization for conducting surveys, Preparation of TEFR and detailed design and engineering for the above project. TEFR is prepared as per the Govt. of Maharashtra conditions of allotment of the project. The Consultants have the requisite experience in Design, Investigations, Preparation of bankable projects reports of Renewable energy projects such as wind and hydel. The organization is associated and active in many projects across the country. The following project reports (TEFR) have already been approved by Govt. of Maharashtra for which the Engineering services were provided by WRTL. Pench RBC ( 2 X 0.7MW) Pench-LBC ( 2 X 2.2 MW) Wainganga ( 3 X 4.5MW) Ambai HEP ( 2 X 1.75MW) These projects are now in the construction stage.

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POLICY -SMALL HYDRO PROJECT General power crisis in India is well known and the Government of India is increasingly becoming conscious to develop more and more ways and sources of power generation and is also trying hard to amend such crisis, which are coming as a hurdle to the progress of this sector. The Ministry of Power is aiming at Electricity in each and every house by 2012 A.D. and has started privatization of this sector in a big way to achieve the target. Hydro Power generation especially small hydro has acquired a special place in new scheme, as it has been one of the oldest ways of electricity generation all around the world. Our country has abundant hydro potential amounting to 84,000 MW, at 60% load factor that would give an installed capacity of 140000 MW. This is as per the potential assessed by the Central Electricity Authority. However, the total hydro capacity as on 2005 was a meager 25000 MW only, which is less than 17% of the capacity identified. India has vast potential of about 10,000 MW power generations through small hydel schemes at canal fall, irrigation dams, small rivers and natural falls in hilly and remote areas. However, the total installed capacity under installation is about 200 MW only. This leaves a vast potential still to be harnessed. In line with Govt. of Indias liberalized policies small hydro sector has also been opened up for private sector development by Maharashtra Government Some countries/states are gifted with perennial rivers. If stored, this water could be good source for hydropower. The Maharashtra State is also blessed with tremendous potential for hydel power. In addition to mega hydro projects, the Govt. has launched schemes to harness this potential by means of small hydroelectric projects aiming at minimum target of 150 MW. Principal Hydro Potential at 60 Feasible % Installed Load Factor Capacity MW 30155 5679 10768 5590 31857 84044 MW 53405 8928 16446 10965 58956 148700 Potential (Yearly) Billion kWh 225 31.4 61.8 42.5 239.3 600 Pumped Storage Feasible Installed Capacity MW 13065 39684 17750 9125 16900 95524 Small Hydro (up to 15MW) Potential MW 3180 661 801 530 1610 6782


Northern Western Southern Eastern North Eastern Total

The increase in the demand - supply gap is the primary reason for the increase in load shedding in the State, which necessitated higher investments in power generation projects. The demand supply requirements as per MAHADISOCM are presented below.

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Sr. No. 1 2 3 4



FY06 14061 9856 4205 66.5

FY07 14600 10100 4500 70.43

Peak Demand (MW) 12749 Availability (At the time of Peak Demand ) (MW) 9704 Load shedding(At the time of Peak Demand ) (MW) 3045 Load shedding(At the time of Peak Demand ) (MU) 38.85

The increase in the demand - supply gap is the primary reason for the increase in load shedding in the State, which necessitated higher investments in power generation projects. As per MAHADISCOM there is a shortfall of 4205 MW in the current year and is expected to reach 4500 MW in the following year in Maharashtra alone. Therefore the need for new power projects is evident.

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Description Project Type of project 3.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3.2 3.3 1 2 3 4 6 7 3.4 1 2 3 4 Location Village Taluka District State River/Stream Sub Basin /Basin Nearest rail head Nearest Town place Nearest Town place-Distance Toposheet Latitude Longitude Altitude Type of the scheme Hydrology Origin of the river Catchment Area Average annual rainfall Average Mansoon Rainfall 50% Dependable Yield (net ) 75% Dependable Yield (net ) Storage Gross storage Dead Storage Live storage Annual utilization Irrigation Drinking Dehni lift irrigation Sqkm mm mm Mcum Mcum Karanga at an altitude of 438.00m 2499.00 878.85 836.8 527.263 322.39 Unit Parameters Bembla Dam foot PH

Khadaksawanga Babhulgaon Yavatmal Maharashtra Bembla Wardha / Godavari Dhamangaon Yavatmal About 28 Kms 55 L/1, 55 L/2 200-36'-00" N 78 08' 02" E 260 m Dam Foot Scheme

Mcum Mcum Mcum Mcum Mcum Mcum

322.06 19.39 302.67 162.20 32.828 21.070

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Description D/S Ecology Annual evaporation losses 3.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Unit Mcum Mcum

Parameters 10.00 79.77

Controlling Levels of Bembla Reservoir RBL M Outlet sill level (ICPO) M MDDL (Irrigation) M MDDL (Power) M FRL M MWL M TBL M River sluice ( For d/s ecology) Nos No. Size M Sill level M Discharge capacity Cumecs Location m Details of Intake structure Location of ICPO Emergency gate size Service gate size No. of Openings Penstock diameter Penstock thickness Design discharge Power House Type of Power House Size of power house Ground level at proposed PH Service/ unloading bay Machine Hall Floor Level Lowest D.T. level Centre line of machine HOT Crane Span Capacity High Flood Level at PH Penstock Existing Penstock

246.35 259.95 262.99 265.11 269.50 270.94 275.50 1 0.90 x 0.90 252.00 2.88 1148.50

3.6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3.7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

M M M Nos M mm Cumecs

At Right bank at Ch 4315 3.2 x 6.00 3.2 x 3.80 1 3.80 12 44.46

m m m m m m m T m

Surface 27.00 x 18.00 x 19.00 265.00 265.50 261.00 253.03 257.45 12.00 20/5 256.00

9 3.8

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1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 3.9 1 2 3 4 3.10 1 2 3 4 5 3.11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3.12 1 2 3 4 5

Description No.of penstocks Dia penstock Design discharge Length of penstock Thickness of penstock Proposed extension of Penstock No.of penstocks Dia. penstock Design discharge Length of penstock Thickness of penstock Max. Static head D.T.Gate Nos. of DT Gates Dimensions of DT gate Type of gate Sill level of D.T. gate Tail Race Pool Length Bed width Reverse gradient proposed Bed level at start of pool Bed level at end of pool Tail Race Channel Type & Shape Length Bed width Full supply depth Free board Min. Tail water level Max. Tail Water Level Turbines Head range Discharge range Rated discharge Rated head Type of turbine

Unit Nos mm Cumecs m mm Nos mm Cumecs m mm m

Parameters 1 3,800 44.46 77.63 12 1 Reducing from 3800 to 2500 21.21 26.83 10 9.80

Nos m

2 3.00 x 2.31 Vertical slide Lift gate, MS Steel 253.03

m m m m

22.52 5.93 1 in 4.00 253.03 258.66

m m m m m m

Trapezoidal 55.00 10.20 1.94 0.50 259.70 260.65

m m

140% to 50% 115% to 40% 18.44 6.29 Vertical Radial Kaplan

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6 7 8 9 3.13 1 2 3 4 5 6 3.14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3.15

3.16 1 2 3 4 3.17 1 2 3 4

Description No. of units Rated capacity Estimated efficiency of turbine Turbine Output with overload Generator Type of Generator No. of Generators Generation Voltage level Power factor Overload capacity Estimated efficiency T-G Parameters Specific speed of turbine (Ns) Rotational speed of turbine No of poles for generator Speed of generator Runner diameter Runner setting Level of line of distributor Centre line of penstock Gantry rail level Gantry hook level Speed increaser if any Estimated efficiency of gear box Generation Total no. of generation days in year Annual generation Capacity utilization / Plant load factor Power evacuation arrangement Size of switchyard Ground RL at Switchyard Voltage at which power will be evacuated Location of feeding s/s Financial details Estimated cost including IDC Average cost of generation IRR Payback period

Unit Nos kW % kW

Parameters 1 1000 93.9 1150 Synchronous 1 3.3 Kv 0.8 15 95.5 615.5 187.5 8 750 2103 -1 N.A. 258.33 273.00 272.50 Gear box provided 98.00 96 2.28 26.03 31 x 13.5 265.00 3.3 /33 Babhulgaon

Nos Kv pf % % RPM RPM Nos RPM mm m m m m % Days Mus % m m kV

Lacs Rs/kWh % Years

599.56 2.70 12.70 8.63

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PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4.1- General Topography The major North East portion of Yavatmal district is covered by Bembla river which originates from an altitude of 438.00m from Karanja taluka of Washim, district. It flows from west to east in zig zag manner for about 84 km upto dam site. The bed gradient of the river at proposed dam site is 1:438. The Sub-basin of Bembla River is Wardha in Godavari basin. The proposed dam site adjoining to Khadakswanga is approachable from Dhamangaon Yavatmal state highway about 22 km from Yavatmal. The dam site is 8 km from Babulgaon town. The dam site is located on toposheet No 55 L/1, 55L/2 has latitude of 200-36-00 and longitude of 780-08-02. The nearest railway station is Dhamangaon (BG) about 24 kms from dam site. 4.2- Bembla dam Bembla dam is constructed across Bembla river which is a tributary of Wardha River in Godavari Basin. The total catchments area of project is 2499 Major part of catchment is flat & classified as Average. The Bembla irrigation project comprises earthen dam. The length of the dam is 7650 m having top width of 6.5 m and maximum height of 29.15 m. A head regulator is provided at Ch 4315 m for regulating the flows into the Canal. Ogee type gated spillway with 20 radial gates has been constructed in the river bed between RD 1030 to 1327 m. The construction of dam started in January 1993. Total length of dam is 7650 m including spillway. Earthen work & 297 m of masonry work is completed. ICPO of length 77.63 m is already laid. Erection of service gate is complete. Emergency gate & bulkhead work yet to be completed. From June 2007 there is partial storage in reservoir. The main canal is 113 km in length & has irrigation potential of 47000 ha. Out of which 10468 ha irrigation potential is created in 2006-07 & 27832 ha irrigation potential is proposed to be created upto June 2009. The work of construction of canal is under progress. 4.3- Yield at dam site The 75% & 50% net yield at this dam site is 322.39 & 527.263 Mcum.

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The proposed utilization of net available yield is as follows a) 162.20Mcum for irrigation on Right bank ICPO. b) 32.628 Mcum for drinking water supply c) 79.765 Mcum for evaporation losses d) 21.070 Mcum for Dehni lift irrigation e) 10.000 Mcum reserved for downstream ecology. 4.4- Topographic Survey It is proposed to generate power from the releases to be made available through head regulator. The proposed power scheme consists of extending the existing penstock upto the power house butterfly valve, power house, tail race pool, tail race channel and switchyard. The tail water shall be let into the existing canal via tail race channel of approx. 55 m long. The section of the TRC is maintained as that of existing irrigation canal. The detailed topographical surveys were carried out through Total Station and Plane Table while preparing the TEFR. The levels from reference benchmark of Bembla dam were transferred. The scale of mapping adopted is in accordance with the standards, guidelines and prudent practices followed for similar projects. The survey was carried out for the structures such as Intake, Irrigation canal, Penstock, Power House, Switchyard, Tail Race Channel. The ICPO of dia. 3.8 m with max. discharge capacity of 44.46 cumecs is already laid in the body of the dam. The consultants have planned one unit of 1000 kW by keeping proposed irrigation pattern in mind, for which maximum discharge required is 20.33 cumecs. Therefore, the extension of penstock of length 26.83 m with 2.50 m diameter & 10mm thickness is planned. For detail calculations for diameter & thickness of penstock please refer Annexure No-8 4.5 - THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Being a small hydro power, scheme has simple layouts and mostly will not interfere either with flow or flow pattern of the nala/river/khad on which the project is proposed. It is important to mention that the project is a dam foot based project utilizing head without creating any pondage. Therefore, this has practically no adverse effect on environmental and ecology of the area. As per Ministry of Environment and Forest Notification dated 27th January1994 (para 3) followed by its amendment dated 13th June2002(clause ii), All River Valley Projects including hydel power, major irrigation and their combination including flood control, where the investment is Rs.100 crores or above only need to obtain environmental clearance from the Central Government. All other projects need to approach the concerned State Government departments/agencies only for the necessary clearances and permits. Clearance from the Pollution Control Board shall be obtained from the concerned authorities.

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4.6- ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACTS In general, the main environmental concerns pertaining to Small Hydro Projects(SHP) are a) Submergence of settlements and re-location of people; b) Failure of water body i.e. dam, forebay etc; c) Effects of construction; d) Effects on fisheries and other aquatic life; e) Effects of storage of water in the dam or water quality and vectors of diseases; f) Downstream effects due to less or heavy discharges; g) Loss of flora and fauna and their habitat; and h) Encroachment into genetic reserves and wild life parks etc. The environmental impact could be due to project location, project design, project construction or project operation. The impacts due to project location include rehabilitation and settlements, encroachment into genetic resources and wild life parks, encroachment into forests, soil erosion etc. Impacts due to project design mainly include water quality, seismicity and safety of structures. During project construction the impacts are mainly due to soil erosion, siltation, etc. In project operation, the environ-mental impacts are often due to variation in flows, water quality, water logging and salinity etc. The objectives considered while carrying out the environmental study are (i) Assessment and analysis of the positive and negative environmental impacts of the proposed project; (ii) Selection of a project alternative which may have substantial positive environmental impact and limited adverse impact. 4.7- PROJECT FORMULATION Govt. of Maharashtra has allotted the project to the Company for development of this site for generation of power from the available water source in the Bembla reservoir. Proper selection of the site and alignment of the components of the scheme was done after surveys were carried out. Project plan has been prepared after the study of climate, geology, hydrology, land and soil use, flora and fauna, available health conditions, Construction facilities, cultural and socio-economic aspects of the region. The project under consideration is dam foot and dam is already constructed by Irrigation department. Hence no submergence is involved in proposed HEP. The project does not envisage any resettlement of the people. The land required for the project is already in possession of WRD, Govt. of Maharashtra and hence will be available on lease as per Govt. of Maharashtra Policy. The area do not fall in the boundary of any bird sanctuary, national park

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GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY, METEOROLOGY, CLIMATOLOGY The Bembla river project is a major irrigation project across the river Bembla, a tributary of Wardha in Godavari basin in Maharashtra atate. The project envisages the construction of earthen dam of about 7650 long with masonry gated central spillway. The Bembla river originates from high land near Karanja town in Akola District at an altitude of 438 m and after initially flowing through Akola District in Northern direction for about 21 km, it turns to North- Eastern direction for about 15 Km in Amarawati District. Thereafter it flows through towards the Bembla projects dam site and further till its confluence with Wardha river is 113 Km. The catchment of the project is flat & it can be classified as Average. The entire region is very dry and prone to large temperature variations with maximum and minimum temperature recorded in the region being 480 C and 90 C respectively. The humidity in the region ranges from 73% to 60.83%. The precipitation in the catchment is mainly due to south-west Monsoon from June to October with some fair dry spells lasting in a week to fortnight are generally experienced in the month of November and December. The average weighted monsoon rainfall in the region is 878.85 mm. The month wise evaporation depths as recommended by CWC at this site are tabulated belowMonth January February march April Depth (cm) 8 13 27 30 Month May June July August Depth (cm) 42 34 21 15 Month September October November December Depth (cm) 12 13 10 7

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HYDROLOGY 6.1- Catchment The catchment area of Bembla dam site is 2499 sqkm. 6.2- Data Availability The rainfall data & river gauge data are available for following two sites A) Gauge data of Nandura G & D site on Bembla river and rainfall data in the catchment area of this gauge site maintained by State Govt. B) Gauge data of Ghugus G & D site on Wardha river and rainfall data in the catchment area of this gauge site maintained by C.W.C. 6.3- Rainfall data adopted for Nandur G & D site The rainfall data of 36 years ( from 1965 to 2000) for rain gauge stations which are within he Bambla catchment or the station located outside the catchment having likely influence on the precipitation of catchment area have been considered for solving regression equations. The following are the influencing rain gauge stations of the catchment considered for drawing Thiessens polygon i) Karanja ii) Badnera iii) Amravati iv)Ner v) Darwha vi) Yavatmal vii) Talegaon viii) Chandur Railway The catchment area at Nandura G and D station is 1012 sqmiles. 6.4- Gauging and discharge Data of Nandura Satation There is no river gauging and discharge station established at the Bembla dam site. However, the river gauging and discharge observations are being carried out at the Nandura gauging site which is located 2.5 Km downstream of the Bembla dam site. The gauge and discharge data at this site from 1965 to 2000 ( 36 years) is considered. 6.5- Yield at dam site The yield available at dam site for 50% & 75% dependable year is 527.27 Mcum and 428.97 Mcum respectively.

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6.6- Post monsoon and Regenaration flow As approved by CWC Delhi, in hydrological study the post monsoon and regeneration flow percentage considered is as tabulated below. Nov 50% Dec 27% Jan 12% Feb 5.96% Mar 5.04% Apr 0% May 0%

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SUBSOIL INVESTIGATION 7.1- INTRODUCTION Bembla Hydro-Electric project is proposed as dam foot power house utilizing the discharges for irrigation routed through Irrigation cum power outlet already provided. 7.2- SEISMICITY OF THE AREA As per the seismic zoning map of India (I.S.1893, 1984) the area falls in seismic zone no. II. Seismicity will be considered while detailed designing of the powerhouse & other civil structures. 7.3- GEOLOGY AT SITE Generally the hard rock is available within a short depth of ground. The top surface is covered by hard Murum at some places and soil at some places. For the Bembla dam the Deccan Basalt was available for foundation. Hard and jointed fine grained zeolitic Basalts are exposed in the river bed and occur at shallow depth on left abutment of the dam. 7.4- DESIGN ASPECTS Because of the very nature of the SHP, minimum geological investigations are required, for design of structures/components. Since this project is being planned on the existing dam site for which data is available, the same shall be used wherever possible. On the basis of the geological investigations, topography at site and controlling elevation levels suggests The max. depth of excavation for power house foundation is as shown in drawing. All the structures shall be surface structures. The existing penstock is proposed to be extended and laid in the excavated area and backfilled. The powerhouse bottom will be given proper treatment such as curtain grouting etc., and wherever, rock exists anchoring shall be done in the RCC raft. Moreover, detailed investigations such as bore log data, soil resistivity etc. will again be taken during the detailed designing of the components. .

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PENSTOCK & POWER HOUSE 8.1 EXISTING PENSTOCK The ICPO, is located at RD 4315 m. The approx. 77.63 M long (Including Y piece) penstock of 3800 mm dia. & 12 mm thickness is provided at the site. 8.2- INTAKE STRUCTURE AND TRASH RACK ARRANGEMENT The Bembla Dam is completed in June, 2007 and there is partial storage. A head regulator is already provided for regulating the flows into the Canal. The work of erection of the service gate is also completed. The intake structure is provided with suitable trash rack arrangement by GoMWRD. 8.3- EXTENSION OF PENSTOCK A 3.8 m dia Penstock with 12 mm thickness is provided at the site. Maximum gross head at site is 9.83 m and maximum pressure is 5.00 cm2 including water hammer. The existing penstock has design discharge capacity is 44.46 cumecs. The Y- limb is provided at the end by WRDGoM. For the proposed installed capacity, maximum discharge is 20.33 cumecs. Therefore, the design of extension of penstock is based on 20.33 cumecs. Accordingly the diameter works out to be 2.50 m. Detailed calculations are attached vide Annexure N0-8A. Thickness of penstock worked out is 10 mm. vide Annexure N0-8C. A thrust block will be provided just before the entry at the power house for absorbing the thrust developed due to sudden closure of the valve with allowable pressure rise in the penstock. 8.4- POWER HOUSE The power house will accommodate one turbine-generator and its auxiliary systems of capacity 1 x 1000 kW. The selected turbine is Vertical Radial Kaplan. The water will exit from the draft tube into the tailrace pool. In the power house, an inlet valve (butterfly valve) will control the flow of water into the turbine. Typical arrangement of the equipments in the powerhouse is shown in the drawing. The size of the powerhouse will be 27.00 x 18.00. The powerhouse will be covered by GI sheets on roof with steel trusses. The control room will be covered by RCC slab. The General arrangement and equipment layout drawings showing the tentative powerhouse dimensions are enclosed. Centre line of penstock at the entry of power house is provided at 258.33 m. Machine hall floor level shall be 261.00 m and service bay cum loading & unloading bay is kept at EL. 265.50 m. The dimensions of service bay are 13.00 x 4.50 m, and control room is 21.0 x 5.0 m size. Within this, the separate rooms for DG set are provided.

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The proposed powerhouse will have RCC columns with individual footings in substructure and RCC columns with brick masonry will for superstructure. The steel truss with GI sheets covered above, is provided for roofing purpose. A gantry is provided for operating the HOT crane of 20/5 T capacity provided for erection and maintenance of the equipments. 8.5- TAIL RACE POOL AND TAIL RACE CHANNEL A draft tube gate 2 N0s. having dimensions of 3.00 x 2.31 m size fabricated out of steel shall be provided to protect the building from flash floods and for use during the maintenance. The gates will be provided with manually operated chain pully block of suitable capacity A trapezoidal shaped tail channel of bed width 10.20 m and side slope 1:2, FSD 1.94 m and 55 m long is designed to carry the discharge back into the canal. Maximum and minimum tail water levels arrived at is 260.60 m and 259.67 m respectively. The level at the confluence of tail channel & irrigation canal is 258.66m. 8.6- OUTDOOR SWITCHYARD Outdoor switchyard of 31 x 13.5 m dimensions is provided just near to the powerhouse building to accommodate the main transformer and associated equipments. The level of 265.00 m shall be maintained to minimize the excavation and reduce the length of cables. 8.7- APPROACH TO POWER HOUSE The PH site is approachable by a existing service road. A provision for repairing of existing road is made in the cost estimates.

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UTILISATION PATTERN As per the information made available by Govt. of Maharashtra, the 50% & 75% net yield at this dam site is 527.263 & 322.39 Mcum respectively including 3% post monsoon & regeneration flow. The proposed utilization of net available yield & regeneration flow is as follows (Refer Data supplied by Executive Engineer , Yavatmal) Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Particulars For Irrigation on right bank through ICPO For drinking water supply to Yavatmal directly from reservoir through independent intake well Evaporation losses Dehni Lift irrigation Reservation for downstream ecology through river sluice provided at RD 1148.50 m with sill level 252.00 m. Oty. Mcum 162.200 32.628 79.565 21.070 10.000

Out of total water, 162.20 mcum water, which is meant for canal irrigation is available for power generation. After generation water will be released in canal for irrigation while spills after utilizing for generation will be let into Bembla River through escape available downstream at ch 600m. The releases of water for irrigation are based on two rotations of 14 days each with canal running for 12 days. The rotations & days were confirmed from the Bembla dam mentainance Officials, during our visit & meeting at Yawatmal. Following are the details of the existing canal: Length of canal 115km Full supply depth 2.80m Bed width at the head 10.20m Side slope at head 0.5 :1 Bed slope 1:6000 Maximum discharge 44.46 cumecs Lining Unlined Max. water depth in canal w.r.t. water releases for power generation Min. water depth in canal w.r.t. water releases for power generation -

1.99 m 1.04m

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POWER POTENTIAL 10.1 -OPTIMISATION OF INSTALLED CAPACITY The working tables for 75% & 50% dependable year is attached herewith vide Annexure 2E & 2F. As per CBIP publication No. 280 page 67, the installation capacity shall be based on 50% dependable water. Therefore, working table for 50% dependable yield is used for computing the optimal installed capacity for the existing site. From working table for 50% dependable year it is seen that, maximum 8.27 m & minimum 5.38 m gross head is available at this site. The discharge is ranging from 20.63 to 5.29 cumecs. The exploitable power ranges from765 to 1152 kW. Therefore, baseed on detail hydrological & power optimization study one unit of 1000 kW is provided. From the table below it can be also seen that, there is optimum energy generation for proposed release pattern with one unit of 1000 kW. And therefore, one unit of 1000 kW is selected for the proposed scheme with 15% overload for short period during spills to cover the maximum wide range) This will give an annual energy generation of 2.28 Mus for 75% dependable yield. Table - Turbine Capacity Selection
Sr. No. Capacity No. of Units Total Capacity MUS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PLF Increment

700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400

1.81 1.92 2.02 2.12 2.21 2.24 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28

29.58% 29.25% 28.86% 28.52% 28.02% 26.97% 26.03% 24.77% 23.65% 22.62% 21.68% 20.81% 20.01% 19.27% 18.58%

0.00 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

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10.2- ENERGY GENERATED From the working table for 75% & 50% dependable yield there is an energy output of 2.28 Mus & 3.80 Mus per year respectively.

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SELECTION OF TURBINE UNIT The basic features and criteria for selection of Electrical and Mechanical components of the Hydro Electric Power Plant including interfacing arrangement with Boards nearest substation, power evacuation system are elaborated below. 11.1- RATING OF MAIN PLANT As discussed in the Chapter on Power potential the optimum output of the generating plant has been decided as 1 x 1000 kW. This is in view of the effective utilization of the discharges and to ensure reliability and flexibility. 11.2- MAIN INLET VALVE Main inlet valve of 2500 mm dia. butterfly valve shall be provided for controlling the flow while discharging the water in to the turbine and also required to be closed for maintenance of the units. 11.3- HYDRAULIC TURBINES The main specifications of the Turbines are as given below: Turbine type : Vertical Radial Kaplan Speed Governor : Electronic type Rated speed : 187.5 rpm Note: We have considered pressure rise as 50% of rated head and speed rise as 45% of rated speed. NE 11.4- CRANE AND HOISTS Hand operated overhead single girder crane with main hook capacity 20 Tons and auxiliary hook of 5 Tons will be provided in the power house for lifting of equipment like TG components and other equipments for erection and maintenance. The exact capacity of the crane will be selected to suit the requirements of the T-G equipment. Manually operated lifting device for the gates and stop logs for the Draft tube will be provided. 11.5- MECHANICAL AUXILIARIES SYSTEMS Cooling Water : This will consist of cooling water pumps, strainers, valves, gauges, meters, piping etc. During detailed design techno economic feasibility of providing tapping from main penstock with pressure reducers will be reviewed. : A combined system for dewatering the spiral casing as well as draft tube of the turbines with submersible pumps and piping is proposed.


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Oil Purification Fire Protection Ventilation

: A portable oil purifier is envisaged for purification of lubricating and transformer oil. : Fire protection consisting of fire extinguishers to be located at strategic locations will be provided for control and switchgear rooms. : The Power House will be provided with suitable ventilation system. Control room and office areas will have window/package air-conditioners.

11.6- ELECTRICAL GENERATORS The turbines will be directly coupled to Synchronous Generators with speed gears. The following are the main specifications of the Generators: o Type Vertical Shaft Synchronous o Speed 750 RPM o Output 1000 kW o Voltage 3.3 kV o Power factor 0.80 lag o Frequency 50 Hz o Excitation Brushless excitation with automatic voltage Regulator o Cooling Air cooled o Neutral grounding Resistor with NGT 11.7- AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT LAVT Panels NGR Panels : The generators will be provided with LAVT panels comprising Lightning arrestors, Potential and Current transformers on the Line side. : Neutral Grounding cubicles shall comprise provision for making star point of the Stator windings on the neutral side with current transformers and neutral grounding resistor to limit ground fault current.

11.8- MAIN TRANSFORMERS One generator will be bussed at 3.3 Kv and connected to a 3.3 Kv/33 kV outdoor power transformer for stepping up the voltage to 33 kV for transmission. 11.9- ELECTRICAL AUXILIARIES o Auxiliay LT system: This will comprise 1 No, 63 kVA, 33kV/433 V, 3 phase 50 Hz outdoor type step down transformers connected to 33kV bus. The auxiliary switchgear will also have a feed from 63 KVA Diesel Generator for emergency supply. The AC auxiliary loads will include auxiliaries of T-G sets, common station auxiliaries like Dewatering and water

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pumps, compressors, Crane, chargers, ventilation system etc. o D.C system:



This will comprise 24 V DC maintenance free Lead acid Batteries with Float and Boost chargers and DC Distribution switch gear. The DC loads will include emergency lights, control and protection, field flashing etc.

11.10- ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Cabling System : 33kV XLPE cables will be provided for 33 kV power circuits, 3.3 kV XLPE cables will be provided for 33 kV power circuits and 1.1 kV class PVC cables for LV power and control circuits. The cables trays and trenches will be provided for laying the cables. HV and LV cables will be routed on separate trays. All directly buried cables will be armored for mechanical protection.

Earthing Protection : The earthing grid will be designed to carry the ground fault current. Suitable earth mats will be provided for the Power House and 33 kV switchyard. The enclosures of all electrical equipment will be connected to the earthing grid for safety. The switchyard grid will be designed for step and touch potentials within safe limits. Lightning Protection : Lightning protection will be provided for 33 kV switchyard and power house Illumination System : The power house, switchyard and all outdoor areas will be provided with suitable illumination connected to station AC auxiliary supply. Key areas like operation areas and passages will have DC emergency lights connected to DC system. 11.11- PROTECTION SYSTEM The Single Line diagram shows the scheme of connection of generator and the basic protections for the various feeders. The protection scheme is as per standard practice followed for units of these ratings. The drawing also shows the suggested current and potential transformer ratios and connections. 11.12- CONTROL AND MONITORING SYSTEM Turbine-Generator will be provided with a complete set of instruments, gauges, controls and safety devices on unit control board, for monitoring the conditions of the unit during

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normal running and emergencies. These shall permit the unit to be started and brought up to speed at the governor location and control during normal running. The control system shall consist of the following: Central control from control desk in control room for control and monitoring of the entire plant PLC based local control system for each generating Unit, Station auxiliaries including D-G set and 33kV switchyard. Modes of operation: o T- G Units Local Manual from Unit Control Board Local automatic from Unit control panel with sequential control through PLC. Remote from central Control Desk in control room either manually or automatically. o Station services and 33 kV switchyard local Manual control Remote control from Control desk in Control room. 11.13- TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM Telephone communication interconnected with the local network will be provided for operation and control of the project.

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POWER EVACUATION 12.1- GENERAL The proposed project is designed as a base load station and shall be connected with the grid. Therefore the study was mainly focused on distribution of power through MAHADISCOM grid. Evacuation study covered the grid network in and around project site. The network of 33kv substations and HV substations and transmission lines network is studied. However, during the course of execution the promoter has an option to sell the power to other utilities also. 12.2- POWER EVACUATION LOCATION During the visit to the project site we have noticed the followings:There is 33 kV sub-station at Babhulgaon which is at distance of 4 Km from proposed project site. And it has following provision. o 33 kV / 11 kV, 5MVA Transformer o 3 Nos. 11 kV lines. o Space in switchyard for bay extension with existing Bus Bar arrangement. We can connect our Power Evacuation System at following points : o At Babhulgaon 33 kV substation by laying 4 km, 33 kV overhead lines and installation of 33 kV G.O.D. and fuse arrangement at 33 kV Babhulgaon substation. Considering above options we can suggest to connect our Power Plant to nearby 33 kV
Babhulgaon Substation by 4 Km, 33 kV overhead transmissions line, which is Tech-

Economically suitable. 12.3- SALE OF POWER As discussed in the earlier section the generation voltage viz., 3.3 kV will be stepped upto 33 kV for evacuation of the power from the plant. It is proposed to sell the generated power from this plant to MAHADISCOM as per the MERC guidelines The interconnection will be through a single circuit 33 kV overhead line with suitable conductor. The Single line diagram shows the schematic arrangement of the bays at Babhulgaon substation. The 33 kV bays at either end will include necessary equipment like group operated disconnects, circuit breakers, lightning arrestors, current and voltage transformers, the tariff metering equipment will be provided at s/s at Hydro Project site substation in line with the requirements of MAHADISCOM. The cost estimates exclude the cost of 33 kV transmission line as this will be provided by utility at their cost as per MERC guidelines. ******

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PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 13.1- ACCESS ROAD The access to the project site is vital point else providing altogether new road will add to the cost of the project. The condition of the existing road, length of new roads likely to be constructed etc., were studied and described in the report. . At present a well conditioned all weather tar road exists at site. The site is about 28 km from Yavatmal. 13.2 - CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS The survey for Construction materials such as cement, sand, Reinforcement steel, Structural Steel, Steel for Penstock etc was carried out. Availability of some of the important materials is discussed below: Cement : Yavatmal 28 kms Sand, Bricks, Aggregate : Local 3 kms Reinforcement Steel : Yavatmal 28 kms Structural Steel : Yavatmal 28 kms Steel for penstock : Yavatmal 28 kms Diesel for vehicles : Babhulgaon 5 kms Table 9.1: Quantities of major items of construction Item description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cement Sand Metal Re-inforcement steel Structural steel Penstock Steel Excavation for foundation in all sorts of soft strata Excavation for foundation in hard rock cement concrete of M-20 Cement concrete M-15 Boulders for pitching Unit MT m3 m3 MT MT MT m3 m3 m3 m m3

Quantity 245 347 618 72 21 13.22 2818 1681 662 26 136

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13.3- AVAILABILITY OF LABOUR The labors can be available from the nearby villages during the construction period. 13.4 - ACCOMMODATION The temporary accommodation facilities can be provided by hiring the already constructed quarters/house as well as by construction of temporary sheds and building. However for the long term point of view construction of permanent residential buildings is envisaged. 13.5 - CONSTRUCTION POWER Existing 440v, 3phase line passes close to the power house. The same can be tapped and construction power can be made available during construction stage. Alternatively portable diesel generator set shall be used for Construction period. A separate metering arrangement shall be made at site. Provision for Construction power shall be made as per MAHADISCOM norms. 13.6 - COMMUNICATION The telecommunication facilities available nearby site also studied which shall be useful during execution and maintenance of the plant. The telecommunication network is available at site. It is proposed to get telephone connections to facilitate the proper construction of the project. 13.7- PRE- CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Site camp office shall be located near the project site and watchman shall be provided for security purposes. Similarly storage shed shall be constructed to receive the equipments and store them in proper conditions till the erection is completed. 13.8 - CONSTRUCTION METHODOLOGY Engineering components of the small hydro generating station mainly comprises of civil works, Electro-mechanical and Transmission works as described below:1) Civil Work Extension of existing Penstock Power House Tail Race Channel Approach road 2) Electro-Mechanical Works Main inlet valve Turbine and auxiliaries Generator and auxiliaries Gear box

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Cooling water and lubricating system Electrical switchgear and other Control equipment Station battery, Fire protection equipments/devices. Auxiliary power supply Transformer for station service and power transmission. Switchyard

13.9 - CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENTS It is proposed to do the civil works in-house and electro mechanical works done through reputed contractor. To ensure the timely completion required machinery will be procured. 13.10 - MANPOWER PLANNING Work is proposed to be carried out by the contractors and construction management by owners Consultants. Proposed organization Chart for construction management is shown below;Project management
Project Manager

Engineer Civil

Engineer Electrical

Admin. Officer/Accountant

Assistant Civil

Assistant Electrical


All categories of skilled and semi skilled work force locally available will be used to the extent possible. Work is proposed to be carried out by the contractors and construction management by owners Consultants. Operation and Maintenance Project Manager Nos Engineer -Electrical Nos Foreman Nos Security Nos 1 1 3 1

The typical schedule for the project is attached.

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Operation and Maintenance cost Project: Bembla Sr. No. Particulars 1 Manpower Project Manager Engineer -Electrical Foreman Security Sub-total Vehicle Fuel Driver Maintenance Sub-total Insurance Civil E&M Sub-total HEP Units Nos Months Per Month Rs Nos Nos Nos Nos 1 1 3 1 6 12 12 12 12 25,000 15,000 8,000 5,000 Annual Rs 300,000 180,000 288,000 60,000 828,000

Lumpsum Nos Lumpsum

1 1 1 3

12 12 12

4,000 6,000 3,000

48,000 72,000 36,000 162,000

Lumpsum Lumpsum

22,007,236 29,000,000

Rate 0.25% 0.25%

55,018 72,500 127,518

Spares and consumable Spares Lumpsum Consumables Lumpsum Sub-total Administrative Quarters rent Telephone etc Office expenses Sub-total Total Grand total

440,145 580,000

5.00% 1.00%

22,007 5,800 27,807

Nos Lumpsum Lumpsum

12 12 12

2,500 2,000 2,750

60,000 24,000 33,000 117,000 1,256,325 12,56,000


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13.11 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE The construction schedule is prepared and attached with the report. During execution of the project PERT /CPM networks will be prepared for each sub activity for close monitoring. In addition computerized project management tools like Prima vera/MS project will be used.
Table Schedule for Project Completion Activity 1 A 1 2 3 4 5 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C Civil Extension of Penstock Power house TRP/TRC Approach Road Switchyard Selection of E & M Supplier Placement of order Finalization of design Parameters Design and drawings Finalization of vendors Procurement of supplies Storage shed Procurement of crane & erection Erection of equipments Testing and commissioning Transmission line 2 3 4 5 6 Months 7 8 9 10 11 12

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COST ESTIMATES The cost estimates are based on the quotations received from the suppliers and contractors and taken into account the prevailing item rates in the region. The total cost of the project arrived at comprises of the following components;Table: 14.1 Project cost break-up Cost Components Civil E&M transmission work Total (a) cost without IDC & FC Interest During Construction Financial Charges Preliminary & pre-operative exp Total (b) Grand Total a+b Capacity (MW) Cost per MW Margin money for WC Total project cost Amount in Rs Lacs 220.07 290.00 5.00 515.07 22.92 21.15 35.94 80.01 595.08 1 595.08 4.47 599.56

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

The details of cost estimates for various project components are appended as Annexure No. - 11.

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PROJECT VIABILITY 15.1 - FINANCIAL EVALUATION For financial evaluation of the project units generated from 75% dependable yield are considered. It is proposed to complete the project in 12 months. The detail break up of the project cost is as given in Appendix 12A. 15.2 - PHASED DETAILS OF FUNDING The entire project cost shall be spent over a period of 12 months based on the schedule of work construction attached and commercial terms and conditions to be agreed with the suppliers. Based on this the total expenditure has been phased out on quarterly basis and given as Annexure -12B 15.3 - CALCULATION OF IDC Interest during the construction is worked out on the basis of the expenditure involved in each quarter and corresponding loan availed. Interest rate of 12.00% is applied. Total construction time considered is 12 months. The details of IDC are given in Annexure 12C 15.4 - DEBT-EQUITY RATIO. As per the present norms the Debz e t equity ra*tio of 60:40 is considered and accordingly the loan and equity amounts shall be as follows; SR.NO.Description a Debt equity ratio b Long term loan c Equity Total cost: Rs. Lacs Debt 60% Equity 40% 357.05 242.50 599.56

15.5 - LOAN REPAYMENT SCHEDULE Loan repayment schedule of 10 years excluding 1 year construction period & including 6 months moratorium is considered. 15.6 - INTEREST ON LONG TERM LOAN The financials are based on interest rate of 12% per annum as per the prevailing rates. 15.7 - DEPRECIATION Depreciation by Straight Line Method (SLM) is assumed.

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15.8 - SALE OF ENERGY The tariff of Rs.2.84 per unit (base year as year of operation of plant) on the basis of sale of entire energy to MAHADISCOM is considered for evaluation purposes. This is as per the tariff approved by MERC. Escalation of 3 paisa (ps). Every year is also considered. As per GoMWRD dept guidelines escalation after 21 years shall be 5 ps per year till 30 years 15.9 - O&M EXPENSES The financials are worked out on the basis of O & M expenses of 2.0% as per the existing norms with escalation of 4% per year. 15.10 - INSURANCE CHARGES Insurance charges of 0.5% of the project cost are included in the o &m charges. 15.11 - RETURN ON EQUITY The return on equity assumed is 10% which is within the MERC norms. 15.12 - INCOME LAX ON INCOME As per 80-I the income tax on profits made is exempted for first 10 years of its operation in first 15 years of slab. Onwards tax rate of 30% and surcharge of 10% is and education cess of 3% is considered. 15.13 - INTEREST ON WORKING CAPITAL Interest on working capital considered is 13.0% per annum. 15.14 - GROSS ANNUAL GENERATION The gross annual energy generation based on 75% dependable year is 2.28 Million units. The losses and deductions accounted for various reasons shall be as given below.
Description A B 1.1 1.2 C Gross generation Plant load factor Losses Unit auxiliary Transformation Net generation Percent Percent MUS 0.5% 0.5% 0.011 0.011 0.022 2.26 Units (MUS) Percent Generation 2.28 26.03

Therefore the net saleable units after making the above deductions shall be 2.26 Million units. These are considered for financial viability.

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15.15 - FINANCIAL ANALYSIS. On the basis of the working of the financial analysis the results obtained are. Results Financial Parameters IRR Project payback period Debt Service Coverage Ratio Average cost of generation

a b c d


Years Percent

12.70 8.63 2.04 2.70

The above results are found encouraging for the investment purposes. The detailed working of the financials is given in Annexure 12 B 15.16- CDM CONSIDERATIONS The project activity can evacuate approximately 2.26 Mus of renewable power annually to the Western Regional Grid. The electricity generation from this project will contribute to annual GHG reductions estimated at 1854.78 MT of carbon dioxide equivalent on annual basis. As Bembla Hydro Electric Hydro project falls under clean development mechanism of Kyoto Protocol, CDM funding is considered as one of the major contribution to make the project techno economically feasible. As per the EB 41 Report Annexure 46 page 1, we shall submit necessary information to Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India (Host Party DNA) and copy to UNFCCC Secretariat on approval of the techno economic feasibility report. The revenue expected to be generated by sale of CER and impact on IRR shall be as follows:Particulars Energy Emission reduction Rate Revenue Rate Revenue Revenue IRR With CDM Considerations IRR Without CDM Considerations Unit MUS MT CO2 Eueo/CER Euro INR/EURO INR/Yr Rs Cr 10 yrs % % Bembla HEP 2.28 1,854.78 15 27,822 65 1,808,406 1.81 12.70 9.61

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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AHPPPL was aware of the various barriers associated to project implementation including the financial barriers as above. It was felt that the availability of carbon financing against a sale of carbon credits generated due to project activity would help to overcome these barriers. The project activity faces the following risks and barriers that would have prevented project proponents investing in the project activity if it was not considered for registering under the CDM. Prevailing Practice Barriers: The conditions in India are conducive for setting up conventional fuel based generating stations because of following reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. Easy availability of coal as a fuel. Small gestation period of the plant. Ease of expansion of generating capacity. Development of distribution networks for carrying the power to the grid from remote small hydropower projects 5. All these reasons in one way or the other stopped or limit the development of hydropower projects in the country. 6. AHPPPL is in the business of Civil construction business and relatively new to hydro power projects. 7. Still AHPPPL is planning to implement this project to sustain their desire of using renewable energy sources, in order to mitigate the emissions. Other Barriers: Hydrology risks: Uncertainty with respect to the availability of water in irrigation canal on which the project is constructed is a major concern. The project activity is purely based on irrigation releases from the Dam. Requirement / consumption of water for irrigation crops are not uniform and not metered. Hydro electric project performance is also dependent on rainfall. Though sufficient head is available for power generation, due to uncertainty in the hydrology, the power projections may not represent the true situation, which is a barrier for private investments.

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CDM project cycle Running a CDM project and receiving final registration by the CDM Executive Board requires six steps. These steps are called as the CDM project cycle, and are put in place in order to protect the actual climate benefits of CDM project activities.

CDM Project stage wise activities and responsibility of implementation shall be as under. Sr. Stage Activity Responsibility No 01 Project Design Phase Project Design Project Developer Document 02 Project Design Phase Host Country Approval Designated National Authority 03 Project Design Phase Validation Designated National Entity 04 Project Design Phase Registration Executive Board 05 Project Operation Verification Designated National Phase Entity 06 Project Operation Issuance of CERs Executive Board Phase

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Details of the project a b c d 2 a b c d e f g 3 a b c d e 4 a b c 5 6 7 a 8 a Name of the project State where the project is situated Proposed capacity of the project Project completion schedule Generation and sale of energy Annual generation from the project Plant load factor Losses: Auxi. 0.5%, transfo 0.5% Annual generation after losses Selling rate to MSEDCL considered Escalation in the selling rate Electricity duty Operation and maintenance O & M Charges-Inclu. of administrative expenses, spares, consumables & Insurance Escalation in the O & M expenses Royalty on water Land lease charges Maintenance of penstock Long term loan The interest rate Less: rebate for timely repayment Net interest rate Interest rate on working capital loans MNES subsidy CER Sale Depreciation Life of plant assumed for working of depreciation Financial Parameters Debt equity ratio Debt 60% Equity 40% Year Rs. In lacs Percent Percent 12.00% 0.00% 12.00% Percent 13.00% Escalation Escalation Escalation 5% 5% 5% Lacs Unit Percent Percent Lacs Unit Rs/Unit Rs./ Unit/Ye ar Percent Machines 1.0 Capacity 1,000 Unit State KW Months Bembla Maharas htra 1,000 12

22.80 26.00% 1.0% 22.60 2.84 0.03 NIL

2.00% 4.00% 0.05 0.05 0.05

Percent Per year Rs/Unit Rs/KW/ Yr Rs/KW

150.00 17.90

Page 42 of 140

b c d e f g h

Equity Long Term loan Total cost Cost Per MW Income tax holiday MAT Income tax rate after 11th year 10.00% 30% Surc harge Surc harge 10.00% 10.00% E. Cess 3% E. Cess 3% Rs. Lacs Rs. Lacs

Rs. Lacs

Rs. Lacs Years Percent Percent

242.50 357.05 599.55 599.55 10.00 11.33% 33.99%


9 10 a b c d

Return on Equity Results Financial Parameters IRR Project payback period Debt Service Coverage Ratio Average cost of generation DSCR Rs per Unit Percent Years

12.70 8.63 2.04 2.70

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ANNEXURE 2A Table: Rainfall data

Station District Year 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 Average 277.0 16.0 77.8 78.3 104.7 230.2 279.9 264.0 130.0 115.0 157.3 314.2 363.9 125.2 245.0 181.4 301.1 210.9 38.0 287.0 134.0 220.1 175.8 336.4 81.8 231.8 225.5 168.3 348.4 288.0 273.0 113.8 224.3 203.0 231.0 147.0 200.6 317.0 43.9 36.9 100.0 56.2 56.0 139.2 72.0 83.0 90.0 29.2 95.6 32.0 121.0 75.0 72.0 19.0 68.9 0.0 0.0 23.0 49.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.3 0.0 0.0 60.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 13.5 9.0 9.4 0.1 3.0 Babhulgaon Yavatmal Jun July Aug Lattitude Longitude Sept Oct 20 78 Nov Dec Unit Data Jan 41.0 0.0 5.0 45.6 0.0 0.0 16.9 0.0 0.0 26.0 Feb 34.0 0.0 0.0 26.6 29.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 mm 1995-96 to 2004-05 Mar 53.0 0.0 9.0 31.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Apr 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 May 0.0 0.0 7.0 0.0 22.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Annual 129.0 1042.0 1051.3 708.6 887.0 924.2 792.4 997.1 765.0 844.2 437.8 844.00

Average Monthly Rainfall At- Babhulgavan, Dist - Yeotmal Year 1995- 2004
250 200

Rainfall in mm

150 100 50 0 Jan Feb M ar Apr M ay Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Monthly Total Rainfall [mm]


Page 45 of 140

Station District Year 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Average

Kalamb Yavatmal Jun 261.8 76.0 99.0 103.1 141.2 148.0 275.0 336.0 196.0 78.0 171.4 July 377.0 311.9 138.8 216.5 329.9 168.4 192.0 180.0 406.0 115.0 243.6 Aug 178.0 334.4 153.4 296.2 183.0 192.0 269.1 541.0 338.0 158.1 264.3

Lattitude Longitude Sept 251.0 127.4 152.6 229.0 251.8 48.2 4.0 117.0 165.0 38.0 138.4 Oct 160.0 124.2 18.8 41.8 159.0 0.0 91.0 32.0 57.0 12.0 69.6 Nov 0.0 4.0 26.7 55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.6

20 78 Dec 0.0 0.0 41.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 10.0 Jan 41.0 0.0 7.0 11.0 1.8 0.0 39.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Unit Data Feb 9.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 Mar

mm 1994-95 to 2003-04 Apr 10.0 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 May 3.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 Annual 143.6 1227.8 985.7 641.8 981.8 1064.9 595.6 831.1 1206.0 1162.0 401.1 8.0 924.1

80.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Average Monthly Rainfall At- Kalamb, Dist- Yeotmal Year 1995 - 2006
300 250
Rainfall in mm

200 150 100 50 0

Jan Feb M ar Apr M ay Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Months Monthly Total Rainfall [mm]

Page 46 of 140

Station District Year 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 Average

Yavatmal Yavatmal Jun 32.0 113.0 119.7 200.7 523.0 479.2 125.4 133.7 172.7 July 298.2 179.2 309.5 308.4 116.7 133.5 415.0 556.5 231.7 Aug 270.9 130.6 130.8 252.8 407.9 351.0 379.2 302.6 222.6

Lattitude Longitude Sept Oct 86.5 222.2 185.6 319.5 1.4 100.8 76.4 112.2 119.6 113.8 58.0 24.0 10.2 58.2 176.3 76.2 72.8 75.8

20 78 Nov 0.0 61.6 62.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.4 12.5 0.0 0.0 13.9 0.0 10.1 Dec 0.0 86.7 0.0

Unit Data Jan 0.0 16.0 47.6 0.0 27.4 0.0 0.0 61.6 81.8 23.4 Feb 3.8 0.0 11.2 41.4 0.0 24.8 0.0 0.0 6.6 8.8

mm 1995-96 to 2004-05 Mar 10.8 0.0 47.6 0.0 10.2 0.0 2.8 0.0 Apr 18.8 4.4 4.4 0.0 34.0 2.8 13.0 59.8 0.0 59.8 8.8 7.1 13.7 15.6 May 3.1 6.9 9.4 68.0 Annual 36.5 714.9 937.5 927.6 1139.6 71.6 1252.9 1156.5 1263.9 286.6 1112.4 890.0

Average Monthly Rainfall At- Yeotmal, Dist - Yeotmal Year 1995 -2004
250 200

Rainfall in mm

150 100 50 0 Jan Feb M ar Apr M ay Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Monthly Total Rainfall [mm]


Page 47 of 140

The hydrological data considered for dependability calculation is from 1931 to 2000. Average rainfall during this period is 836 mm. We had subsequently collected the rainfall data for last few years. i.e. from 1995-96 to 2004-05. The annual average rainfall at Babhulgaon which is considered as representative is 844mm which is in line with the hydrological data and hence considered as appropriate.

Page 48 of 140


Page 49 of 140

The proposed scheme is planned for annual utilization of 511.91 Mcum.

Page 50 of 140





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Y I E L DI ND E C E N D I N G o R D E , R o R S E R I E S9 3 i : ; O b O F 1


Sr No. 1




cu ff.


U/S reservati Totel M.CUM on Yield 5 6

P . M , F f o wN6t Yietd

in MmiS

1970 1981 't931 1933

,lroJ i



4 6


| . 16.930

i:)49 1934
J q<c tt




193s 1ti7q


i 994

1990 1938
1q<r: I I |

1.9 to

13 6n? 13..491

1295.19 1 1 8 8 . 6 0 2 35.66 1267.37 tuo.565 1 1 6 0 . 7 8 3 34.82 43 A? tro.5d5 1 1 2 8 . 8 5 3 33.87 /n 106.585 1124.826 s3.74 39 10 r lul.U6 1 0 6 . 5 8 5 1000.493 30.01 37.80 1070.3;O ,106.585 963.71 I 2B.91 37.68 106.585 960.450 28.81 37 6,1 ur"-ct'o 959.1A4 28.78 1000.76 106.585 894 1 7 1 26.83 997.37 106.585 890.786 26.72 34 na e654Z 106.585 25.76 9 1 6 . 2 4 106.5S5 809.659 914.1 8 106.585 807.596 24.23 ?n a{ | 866.75 'turi.5B5 760.1 67 ' 2 2 n 1 30.37 !--:-.+
?n zY.4l
26 3C


1151R 7 4




884.595 833.949

:=.::'--.-{ 1mitv/.!
- + . {


19S2 |

20 21
12 .4J

11 3AR



?{ no


1:0i 7


.24 25
^r. . --.=-t. z t 16 t I

1s61 l: IoFJE1937 f0.6s10.64 'r0.55

'i clAo
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24.72 24 6/

)a, <,2 ?i'r1



1 02 a ) 10.171 9.953


64Jt 7" tiaA

578.600 569.783 672.85 | 1065Ss 566.265 t----:+ irl 1-; 560.589 550.15 J$.585 5s3.s6t
A7F 2a

21.A 749.816 640.4E6 . 1.921 A G O 't8.36 6 1 2 .0 1 1 TToE- 06.58s 603.702 4 A 1 1 630.464 621.813 7Ac 1'7 106.585 602.587 'r6.oB 620.664 iiqo o4 T 593.361 1'r.80 6 1 11 6 AO7 ';L' I lr J.9dc 5etia 17.74 608.912 T---i:tuo.56i 104 qn<

834.56 747.O7 718.69

852.8r -

I rJo.3d5



831.824 782.972,

06.585 746 )R1 106.585 t z t . v / |


22.3e 768.669



17 0q '1b.99


t v6LJ





1S7B 1948 1980 1943 197'i

21.u3' 21 0-7


1 ,o.585
I uo.565

9.a7498/,2 9.783-:
q 1A<

I -r:-j t (, a . J d 5

536.438 522.ffi1 517.ffi6

16.61 16.26 16.21 16.09 15.68

15 {"
1tr Aa

s86.876 s83.252 577.407 57At72

556 4)a


20 51 l-EE;-A-a-f

ori.585 5 1 s . 6 2 1 511.905

552.531 538.341 533.196 531,090


527.263 50 488.320

' h Jnp,


Page 51 of 140

37 39. 40 41

4 18.88 18.87 18.84 17.61



8-458 8.452

53r'..72 106.s85 4 2 8 . 1 6 3
534.31 533,47 498.7"1 106.585 427.727 tuo.coc 426.885 1.06.585 392.126 106.585 385.978 '106.585 3 8 3 . 1 4 3 106,585 358.136 106.585 357.128 106.585 3s5.482

7 12.U 12.81 11.76 11.58

I t.4V

439.692 403.890 397;557 394.628 368.880 367.842 366 146

7.889 7:79'l 7.746 7.351
7 ??q

12.83 440.559


489.72 464.72 463.71

1946 44

1A ?A

1974 1941

7.O49 6.906 6.890




10.74 10.71 10.66


47 48

1964 1968

JZg.V tV

??o R7A


1q ?R

435.61 430.05 419.77 419.07


1956 1995 1939

106.s85 329.O24
106.585 106.585 106.585 106:585 106.585
I nA 4e<

9.9C 9.87

6.812 6.802
6:640 6.629 6.310 6.249 6.237 6.22A

1q 1C

430,67 106.585 324 081

323.462 3 13 . 18 8 312.4A7 292.351 288.455 287.738

v. tv


313.803 66 333.1
32A.ffiA 321.462 301.122 297.1 09
lvo.Stu zvo-ZO I

14.82 14.B0

.9.37 '

9.40 8.77

7Eo/ods: 409 -


1972 1982
t: qR




13.93 13.89 1:3.83 13.70

395-04 394.32 393.25

391 .72


106.585 286;ffi1
10e .BB5 2 8 5 . 14 0


387.92 342.89 334.20

106.585 2 8 1 . 3 3 9


198/, .1963 1971


13.25 12.11
11.80 11.74 11.28

375.32 106.585 332.32

319.41 317.77

7.O9 6.83



106.585 Z J O . J U I 106.585 227.612

289.719 276.799 243.390 2U.440


5.052 5.026 5.011



106.s85 225.731 106.585 z I z - 6 z v


6.38 6.34

a1a tr4tr


11.O2 8.94 E.39 7.40


19B6 1987. 19S1 '1950

tYo /





106.585 316.82 106.585 312.11 106.585 253.10 106.585 23't.62 i06.585 209.64 106-585 177.24 106.585

1 181


6.31 '4;40
2 (l?.,



l na nq,q

211.692 150.907 '134.967 106.146

(1.t IJ'

z. tz.



project BemHd Dfotlryl I YAVATMALS/ .,1? .

*tM* Engneer

Page 52 of 140



AreaCapacity Table
5r. Reduced tlo. Level 1 z 4 5


6 7





16 17

259.00 259.96 260.00 260.10 260.20 260.30 260.40 260.50 260.60 260.70 260.80 260.90 261.00 261.10 261.20 261_301 261,5C 261.70 261.80

Revised Revised area Capacitv 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0215 0.0004 0.4718 4.2171


No 61
az 64

Reduced Level
zoc. I u

Revised area

265.80 265.90



1.3724 1.8227 2.2731 2.7234 3.1737 3.6240 4.0743 4.5246 4.8103 5.0959 53816 6.2386i 6.324




1.0838 1.3005
1 R4a. t.9ttz


I Oqnr tz

2.1672 2.7593
2 "1E,1 a



1e l

1 8|

261.6c 261.e0

5 6672 --81277 4.5356 5.e52el

6.31 8 6.9039 7.4960


201 211




261 271 281



7,0955 7.3812 8.2301


8.0881 9.2346
1 0 . 3 81


26;.:0 262A0 262s0

301 'Fu76




37 38 39

43 44

46 .48

15.0213 10z.vY 15.7742 263.00 15.8702 - 1 95 5 3 1 263,101 16.5154 21.4562 263.20 17,1607 23.3593 263.30 17,8059 25.262 263.40 18.45121-7r6s5 263.50 19.0964 29.0687 263.60 19.7416 30.978 1 263.70 20.3869 32.8749 263.80 21.0321 ;- 34.7780 263.90 21.6774 36,6811 204.00 zz.azzo 38.5842 ?64.1 0 23.0592 41.1784 264.20 1 + J . tI I I zJ.tvJl
?1. 8")'),

262.8A 262.90

9.9279 10.7768 11.6257 12.4746 13.323s i


11.5276 12.6741 13.8206 14.9671 16.11 17.2601 18.4066 19.3949



264.70 264.80

25.2688 26.0054
)A 7tt^

4 8 . 9 62 1


109 110

5 2 . 1 1 9 3 148.5172 76 54.0042 154.6084. s5.8890 160.6997 t6 57.7738 166.7909 TJ 59.6587 172.8821 80 267.60 61.54351 178.9733 81 267,70 63.4283 185.064s at 267.80 6 5 . 33 1 1 19 1 . 1 5 8 5 OJ 267,90 6 7 . 1 9 8 0 197.247( 84| 268.00 69.0828 203.338: 851 266J0 70,4240 214,9072 AI 268.20 71.75s2 218.476i | 8 268.30 73.1065 ?26,c451 et 268.401 74.4477 233.6141 AO 268.s01 75.788s 241.1831 on 268.6( 77.1301 248.7521 268.701 78.471s 256.3211 YI 2 6 88 0 1 7 9 . 8 1 2 6 263.8900 Rt 16',ra zod.vL 271.459A 94 269.001 8z4eso 279.A2E0 269.1A 83.9302 287.6344 85.3654 296.2408 269.30 86.8006 304.8472 v6 269.40 88.2358 313.4536 269 50 8 9 6 7 1 0 322.0600 100 269.60 335.6281 i 101 zoY. I u 344.7534 tvz rov.6u 354.0221 II 103 26990 363.4343 I I 104 270.00 372.9500 I I 270.10 382.6891 I I ruo 270.20 392.5317 !i 107 270,30 402.5178 108 270.40 412.6473
I ! I I

266.50 266.60 266.70 266,80 266.90 267.00 267.10 267.20 267.30 267.40 267,50

Revised Capacltl 35.5628 88.2041 36.4020 91.5866 T.i413 94.9691 38.0805 98.3516 39.2959 102.7590 4 0 . 5 1 1 3 107.1665 41,7267 1 11 . 5 7 3 9 42,9421 1 1 5 . 9 8 1 4 44.1573 120.3888 45.3729 124.7962 46.5883 129.2037 47.8037 133.61 49.0191 138.01 o

50.2345 142/260

o c) E a -g o o(s

z t
z I v.ou






264.96 _ 265.00 265.10 265.20 265.30 265.40

?O aooa


z I v,vu

422.9203 433.3367



-:--+o z t 4

64.5266 67.9091

4e5.4468 I 459.



71 2916

Page 53 of 140



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Page 54 of 140


Working table F.R.L. M.D.D.LP M.D.D.L I T.W.L.Min T W L Max T.W.L.Max Head range Min Max 269.50 265.11 262.99 259.70

Bembla M M M M

HEP Levels 322.06 Mcum 68.24 Mcum 19.39 Mcum

75% Dependable year Rated conditions Power A 1000 Discharge D 18.44 Head D 6.29 Machines 1.00 Unit Capacity Capacity range Power Min Power Max

KW m3/sec M Nos.

Efficiency Turbine Generator Gear box System

93.9% 95.5% 98.0% 87.9%


Vertical Radial Kaplan H operating 140% Q Operating 115% H loss(HL) 0.711 Avail Q M Avail. Max Flow range Min.Flow Max.Flow 44 46 44.46 7.38 21.21

to m cumecs m3/sec m3/sec

50% 40%

260 65 M 260.65 Power Generation 3.50 M 9.80 M

1000 KW 400 KW 1150 KW

Flow/Unit 18 44 18.44 Head range Power Generation Min 2.79 Max 9.58

m3/sec M M

Sr. No.

Month Irrigation Days 2 June July Aug Sept Octo Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May 3 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 0 0 0 216

Days Power Days 4 0 0 0 0 24 24 24 24 0 0 0 0 96 RL M

Opening Capacity Mcum 6 19.39 10.61 90.06 168.63 257.76 225.68 189.07 142.05 101.31 84.44 69.90 54.76





Releases Drinking Mcum 12 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 32.63 Spills Mcum 13 0.00

Losses Evaporation Mcum 14 5.36 1.91 5.33 6.93 10.20 7.18 4.44 3.92 4.95 9.15 9.16 11.23 79.77 Ecology Mcum

Total Withdrawl RL M


Water available for Generation Mean Level M =(5+17)/2 21 262.61 265.43 266.59 268.07 268.51 268.03 267.38 266.53 265.83 265.37 265.13 264.25 TWL M 22 258.75 258.67 258.84 259.28 260.47 260.37 260.60 260.32 259.33 258.67 258.67 258.67

Head Gross M =21-22 23 3.85 6.76 7.76 8.79 8.03 7.66 6.78 6.21 6.50 6.70 6.46 5.58 Net M =23-HL 24 3.66 6.57 7.56 8.59 7.33 7.05 5.89 5.64 6.28 6.51 6.27 5.38

Head R

Flow R

Power UR

Power R


Remarks /PLF

Mcum 7 0.00 114.29 119.15 143.51 32.07 9.99 5.39 2.40 1.19 1.01 428.97

Mcum 8

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

5 262.99 262.22 265.75 267.43 268.72 268.30 267.77 266.99 266.07 265.59 265.16 264.62


Content Reservation Canal Irrigation Dehni Lift Mcum Mcum Mcum Mcum = 6+7+8 9 10 11 19.39 0.27 0.43 124.90 29.78 0.43 209.20 31.05 0.83 0.64 312.14 37.40 6.60 0.73 289.83 8.36 37.77 5.10 235.67 34.39 2.31 194.46 42.16 3.09 144.45 32.64 3.86 102.50 7.53 2.86 85.44 0.67 69.90 0.27 54.76 0.68 106.59 162.19 21.07

Mcum =10+11+12+13+14+15 15 16 8.78 34.84 40.57 54.38 64.15 46.59 52.41 43.14 18.06 3.00 15.54 3.00 15.15 4.00 18.63 10.00 412.24

17 262.22 265.75 267.43 268.72 268.30 267.77 266.99 266.07 265.59 265.16 264.62 263.87

Capacity Qty Discharge Mcum Mcum Cumecs =9-16 = 10+11+13 18 19 20 10.61 0.27 0.13 90.06 168.63 0.83 0.40 257.76 6.60 3.18 225.68 37.77 18.21 189.07 34.39 16.58 142.05 42.16 20.33 101.31 32.64 15.74 84.44 7.53 3.63 69.90 54.76 36.13 162.19

M 25 6.57 7.56 8.59 7.33 7.05 5.89 5.64 6.28 6.51 6.27 -

Cumecs 26 18.21 16.58 20.33 15.74 -

KW=9.81QH 27 4 26 236 1,152 1,007 1,032 765 197 -

MUS % =28*4*(24)/(10^6) 28 29 30 <MDDL QLow QLow QLow 1,150 0.66 1,007 0.58 1,032 0.59 765 0.44 QLow QLow QLow <MDDL 2.28 26.00%

Page 55 of 140

Note 1) As per TAC note of CWC 162.2 Mcum of water shall be available for use through canals. 2) The crop water requirement is taken on prorata basis on the guide lines given by CWC for the total crop water requirement a/c to modified penman method ( i.e. 201.372 Mcum)

Sd /For Wat-ere-source Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Arch Hydro Power Projects Pvt. Ltd. Executive Engineer Bembla Project Division Yavatmal

Sd /Superintending Engineer Yavatmal Irrigation Circle Yavatmal

Sd /Chief Engineer Water Resources Deptt. AMRAVATI

Authorised Signatory

Authorised Signatory

Page 67


Working table F.R.L. M.D.D.LP M.D.D.L I T.W.L.Min T W L Max T.W.L.Max Head range Min Max 269.50 265.11 262.99 259.70

Bembla M M M M

HEP Levels 322.06 Mcum 68.24 Mcum 19.39 Mcum

50% Dependable year Rated conditions Power A 1000 Discharge D 18.44 Head D 6.29 Machines 1.00 Unit Capacity Capacity range Power Min Power Max

KW m3/sec M Nos.

Efficiency Turbine Generator Gear box System

93.9% 95.5% 98.0% 87.9%


Vertical Radial Kaplan H operating 140% Q Operating 115% H loss(HL) 0.711 Avail Q M Avail. Max Flow range Min.Flow Max.Flow 44 46 44.46 7.38 21.21

to m cumecs m3/sec m3/sec

50% 40%

260 65 M 260.65 Power Generation 3.50 M 9.80 M

1000 KW 400 KW 1150 KW

Flow/Unit 18 44 18.44 Head range Power Generation Min 2.79 Max 9.58

m3/sec M M

Year Water available for Generation


Sr. No.


Water available Irrigation Days Power Days RL M

Opening Capacity Mcum

Inflow Mcum

Regenration Mcum



Releases Dehni Lift Mcum 11 0.43 0.43 0.64 0.73 5.10 2.31 3.09 3.86 2.86 2 86 0.67 0.27 0.68 21.07 Drinking Mcum 12 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2.72 2 72 2.72 2.72 2.72 32.63 Spills Mcum 13 62.76 62.76

Losses Evaporation Mcum 14 5.36 1.91 5.33 6.93 10.20 7.18 4.44 3.92 4.95 4 95 9.15 9.16 11.23 79.766 Ecology Mcum

Total Withdrawl Mcum =10+11+12+13+14+15 15 16 8.78 34.84 40.57 117.14 64.15 46.59 52.41 43.14 48.37 48 37 3.00 45.19 3.00 15.15 4.00 18.63 10.00 534.96 RL M


Mean Level M =(5+17)/2 21 262.63 265.77 267.35 268.67 268.90 268.52 267.97 267.31 266.44 266 44 265.51 264.22 263.46


Head Gross M =21-22 23 3.88 7.10 8.52 7.36 8.43 8.15 7.36 6.99 5.97 5 97 4.91 5.55 4.79 Net M =23-HL 24 3.69 6.91 8.32 5.53 7.73 7.54 6.54 6.42 5.27 5 27 4.10 5.36 4.60

Head R

Flow R

Power UR

Power R

Energy Remarks/PLF

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ** #

Content Reservation Irrigation Mcum Mcum Mcum = 6+7+8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 June 24 0 262.99 19.39 0.00 0.64 20.04 0.27 July 24 0 262.28 11.25 140.47 0.64 152.37 29.78 Aug 24 0 266.43 117.53 146.45 0.64 264.62 31.05 0.83 Sept 24 24 268.27 224.04 176.39 0.64 401.07 37.40 6.60 Octo 24 24 269.06 283.93 39.42 0.64 323.99 8.36 37.77 Nov 24 24 268.75 259.84 12.27 0.64 272.76 34.39 Dec 24 24 268.30 226.17 6.63 0.64 233.43 42.16 Jan 24 24 267.63 181.02 2.95 0.64 184.61 32.64 Feb 24 24 266.98 141.47 1.46 0.64 143.57 37.84 266 98 141 47 1 46 0 64 143 57 37 84 Mar 0 17 265.91 95.20 1.24 0.64 97.08 29.65 April 0 0 264.51 51.89 0.00 0.64 52.53 May 0 0 263.94 37.38 0.00 0.64 38.03 216 527.27 7.70 106.585 222.16 161 Discharge through penstock is limited to maximum flow for generation or actual discharge required for irrigation, whichever is higher. Excess water in 50% dependable year is relesead for power generation

17 262.28 266.43 268.27 269.06 268.75 268.30 267.63 266.98 265.91 265 91 264.51 263.94 262.99

Capacity Qty Discharge Mcum Mcum CUMEC =9-16 = 10+11+13 18 19 20 11.25 0.27 0.13 117.53 224.04 0.83 0.40 283.93 69.36 33.45 259.84 37.77 18.21 226.17 34.39 16.58 181.02 42.16 20.33 141.47 32.64 15.74 95.20 37.84 18.25 95 20 37 84 18 25 51.89 29.65 20.19 37.38 19.39 284.92 0.00000

M 22 258.75 258.67 258.84 261.30 260.47 260.37 260.60 260.32 260.48 260 48 260.59 258.67 258.67

M 25 6.91 8.32 5.53 7.73 7.54 6.54 6.42 5.27 5 27 4.10 -

cumecs 26 21.21 18.21 16.58 20.33 15.74 18.25 18 25 20.19 -

KW=9.81QH 27 4 29 1,595 1,214 1,078 1,147 871 828 714 -

MUS % =28*4*(24)/(10^6) 28 29 30 <MDDL QLow QLow 1,011 0.58 ** 1,150 0.66 ** 1,078 0.62 1,147 0.66 871 0.50 828 0.48 # 0 48 714 0.29 # <MDDL <MDDL 3.80 43.34%

Page 56 of 140

Page 67


Page 57 of 140



Page 58 of 140



Page 59 of 140

ANNEXURE 5 Calculation of MDDL Power S.No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 B 1 Particulars Design data F.R.L. MDDL-Irrigation T.W.L.min T.W.L.max Diameter of penstock at Intake Diameter of penstock Sill level of penstock Rated Net head (Design) Losses w.r.t. Qmax Losses w.r.t. Qmin Losses w.r.t. Qrated Calculations by different methods Method -1 MDD-Power Method -2 Gross Head min Gross Head max MDDL-Power m 3 Method-3 Turbine operation head Operating head for selected turbine Maximum Gross head Maximum net head (after losses) Rated gross head Rated net head (after losses) From 150% m m m m Unit m m m m m m m m m m Data/Formulae 269.50 262.99 259.70 260.65 3.80 2.50 259.95 6.29 0.88 0.23 0.71

m m m m

= MDDLIrrigation 262.99 = MDDL(I)-TWL max 2.34 = FRL - TWL min 9.80 = T.W.L.(max)+Min Head 262.99 To 50% = FRL -TWLmin 9.80 9.58 =Max Gross head / Max head variation 7.00 6.29

Page 60 of 140

S.No. Particulars Min. Gross head Min Net head (after losses) MDD L-power 4 Method-4
Calculations for suction deprth ( Vortex) As per J.L.Gordon Formula page 72 of Chapter81 of Emil Mosonyi Suction depth Where, h= Design Data Outlet sill RL Dimater of penstock Velocity in the penstock Where, v=

Unit m m

Data/Formulae =Rated gross head * Min head variation

3.50 2.62

=Hmin (net) +TWL max +Losses 264.16

h= 0.543

m 0.543 * v * (D) ^0.5 constant for symetrical inflow m mm m m/sec 259.95 3800 3.8

1 2 3

D v

=0.075 x ( 2 x g x H )^0.5

1.052 Velocity as per Masonyi to eliminate eddies & vortices Hand book of Hydro Electric Engineering Page 1204 V<=0.075 (2 x g x H )^0.5 h= MDDL(P) m m m 0.543 * v * (D) ^0.5 1.11

Therefore, Suction depth MDDL ( P)

= 5 Method-5
Calculations for min. submergence required for penstock As per International centre for integrated mountain development , Page 60 h Submergence = h= m Design Data Top of bellmouth ( Penstock Crown ) Dimater of penstock

=Outlet sill level +Dia. of penstock+Suction depth 264.864

1.5 V^2/ 2x g

1 2

m mm

264.85 3800

Page 61 of 140

S.No. Particulars
3 Velocity in the penstock Where, v= Therefore, h Submergence =



m 3.8 v m/sec 1.83 Velocity as per TNEB Handbook page 1.6 h= m =1.5 V^2/ 2x g 0.26



= 6 Method-6
As per IS 9761 1995 Calculations for min. submergence required for penstock For large size Intakes at power plant Fr = m Design Data Sill level of penstock m Dimater of penstock D m Design discharge Qd Cumecs Therefore, Centre line of penstock Froude number Area of penstock Therefore, Intake Velocity Fr = A v Fr = h= = MDDL ( P) MDDL(P) m

=Penstock crown +h submergence 265.106

v / (g D )^0.5 <= 1/3 259.95 3.2 44.46 Sill level of penstock + 1/2 Dia of penstock 261.55 v / (g D )^0.5 8.04 1.50 0.27 Fr < 1/3 1.00 x D 3.20

1 2 3 1 2

m m/sec

Therefore, submergence h =

= 1 2 3 4 5 Summary of alternatives Method-1 Method-2 Method-3 Method-4 Method-5 m m m m m

=Penstock centre line +h submergence 264.750 262.990 262.990 264.113 264.864 265.106

Page 62 of 140

S.No. Particulars 6 Method-6 Since penstock provided is higher side we consider results of method-5 Therefore MDDL Considered

Unit m

Data/Formulae 264.750 265.106


Page 63 of 140

ANNEXURE 6 Computation of Head Loss in water conductor system (A) For Maximum, Rated And Minimum discharges
A (I) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vII) (VIII) Design data Pond level at intake /diversion MDDL-Power Gravity constant Co-efficient for frictional loss coefficient for bend loss Design discharge Nos of unit System Efficiency Discharge and TWL Discharge T.W.L. cumecs m Qd TWL cu me cs Nos % M m m/s 2 ec FSLI MDD L g f P Qd N 269.500 265.106 9.810 0.014 0.063 21.21 1.000 87.79% Max 21.21 260.65 Rated 18.44 260.49 Min/Unit 7.38 259.70 Operating head range Max Rated Min 140 % 100 % 50% of rated Operating load Max Rated of rated Min 115% 100% 40% of rated of rated

A Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Head loss calculations Loss

Q Unit

21.21 Shape No Length m Diameter m Discharge cumecs 44.46 44.46 6.15x3.2 6 x 3.2 3.8 x 3.2 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 1.70 3.35 44.46 44.46 44.46 44.46 44.46 21.21 21.21 21.21 21.21 21.21 21.21 21.21 21.21 19.6 8 19.2 0 12.1 6 11.3 4 11.3 4 11.3 4 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 7.31 Area sqm Velocit y m/sec 0.75 0.75 Loss Formula = ( 0.5 * Vt )/(2*g)

Loss m 0.014

Trash rack losses Approach portion Gate Entrance loss-Bellmouth Str. Horizontal Piece Transition-Expansion Penstock-main Y Piece Reducer Bend-Horizontal Str. Horizontal Piece Bend-Vertical Str. Horizontal Piece Butterfly valve Expnasion upto Turbine Total Head loss

m m m Rect Rect m m m m m m m m m m m m Box Rect.Circ Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

2.30 6.00 0.52 2.70 1.50 3.43 60.00 10.00 10.00 4.50 0.23 4.50 5.90

0.75 3.66 3.92 3.92 1.87 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 2.90

= ( 0.05 * 2 Ve )/(2*g) 2 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * Dequ) = K(( V1V2)^2/(2*g)) 2 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) = 0.5*V /2*g = (0.25*V2/2*g)*N2 = (P * v /2*g)*N1 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) = (P * v /2*g)*N1 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) = 2 (0.15*V /2*g)*N3 = K(( V1V2)^2/(2*g)) Hloss =
2 2 2 2 2

0.001 0.004 0.001 0.173 0.089 0.238 0.059 0.001 0.119 0.031 0.143 0.003 0.877

Page 64 of 140

B Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Head loss calculations Loss

Q Unit

18.44 Shape No Length m Diameter m Discharge cumecs 44.46 44.46 6.15x3.2 6 x 3.2 3.8 x 3.2 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 1.70 3.35 44.46 44.46 44.46 44.46 44.46 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 18.44 19.6 8 19.2 0 12.1 6 11.3 4 11.3 4 11.3 4 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 7.31 Area sqm Velocit y m/sec 0.75 0.75 Loss Formula = ( 0.5 * Vt )/(2*g)

Loss m 0.014

Trash rack losses Approach portion Gate Entrance loss-Bellmouth Str. Horizontal Piece Transition-Expansion Penstock-main Y Piece Reducer Bend-Horizontal Str. Horizontal Piece Bend-Vertical Str. Horizontal Piece Butterfly valve Expnasion upto Turbine Total Head loss

m m m Rect Rect m m m m m m m m m m m m Box Rect.Circ Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

2.30 6.00 0.52 2.70 1.50 3.43 60.00 10.00 10.00 4.50 0.23 4.50 5.90

0.75 3.66 3.92 3.92 1.63 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 3.76 2.52

= ( 0.05 * 2 Ve )/(2*g) 2 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) = K(( V1V2)^2/(2*g)) 2 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) = 0.5*V /2*g = (0.25*V2/2*g)*N2 = (P * v /2*g)*N1 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) = (P * v /2*g)*N1 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) = (0.15*V /2*g)*N3 = K(( V1V2)^2/(2*g)) Hloss =
2 2 2 2 2 2

0.001 0.004 0.001 0.173 0.067 0.180 0.045 0.001 0.090 0.024 0.108 0.002 0.711

Page 65 of 140

C Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Head loss calculations Loss

Q Unit

4.57 Shape No Length m Diameter m Discharge cumecs 44.46 44.46 6.15x3.2 6 x 3.2 3.8 x 3.2 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 1.70 3.35 44.46 44.46 44.46 44.46 44.46 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 4.57 19.6 8 19.2 0 12.1 6 11.3 4 11.3 4 11.3 4 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 4.91 7.31 Area sqm Velocit y m/sec 0.75 0.75 Loss Formula = ( 0.5 * Vt )/(2*g)

Loss m 0.014

Trash rack losses Approach portion Gate Entrance lossBellmouth Str. Horizontal Piece Transition-Expansion Penstock-main Y Piece Reducer Bend-Horizontal Str. Horizontal Piece Bend-Vertical Str. Horizontal Piece Butterfly valve Expnasion upto Turbine Total Head loss

m m m Rect Rect m m m m m m m m m m m m Box Rect.Circ Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular Circular 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

2.30 6.00 0.52 2.70 1.50 3.43 60.00 10.00 10.00 4.50 0.23 4.50 5.90

0.75 3.66 3.92 3.92 0.40 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.63

= ( 0.05 * 2 Ve )/(2*g) 2 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) = K(( V1V2)^2/(2*g)) 2 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) = 0.5*V /2*g = (0.25*V2/2*g)*N2 = (P * v /2*g)*N1 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) 2 = (P * v /2*g)*N1 = (f * L * V )/ ( 2 * g * D) = 2 (0.15*V /2*g)*N3 = K(( V1V2)^2/(2*g)) Hloss =
2 2 2 2

0.001 0.004 0.001 0.173 0.004 0.011 0.003 0.000 0.006 0.001 0.007 0.000 0.226

(B) Head loss for various discharges Discharge cumecs 0.13 0.40 3.18 3.63 7.38 15.74 16.58 18.44 20.33 21.21

Head loss m 0.194 0.194 0.209 0.214 0.277 0.570 0.612 0.711 0.822 0.878

Page 66 of 140


Table: Turbine Selection

Sr.No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Particulars Design data Unit Rated Discharge: Net Head at Rated Discharge: Gross Head: Site Elevation: Water Temperature: Setting to Tailwater: Efficiency Priority: Rated Head/Best Eff Head: System Frequency: Minimum Net Head: Turbine selection Arrangement: Unit Regulation Capability Intake Type: Draft Tube Type: Runner Diameter: Unit Speed: Multiplier Efficiency Modifier Flow Squared Efficiency Modifier Specific Speed at Rated Net Head At 100% Turbine Output: At Best Efficiency Condition: C Turbine performance data At Rated Net Head of: % of Rated Discharge 152.7 100 100 75 50 25 6.29 Output(KW) 1540 1069 1069 794 516 284 m Efficiency( %) 89.4 93.9 93.9 92.9 90.5 83.1 615.5 615.5 Kaplan Spiral case Elbow 2103 187.5 1 0 mm rpm Vertical Radial Kaplan Hz m cumecs m m m


Data 18.44 6.29 9.80 259.70 21 -1 10 1 50 2.79

m3/s 27.9 18.5 18.5 13.8 9.2 4.6

** - Overcapacity * - Best Efficiency Condition at Rated Net Head

Page 67 of 140

D 1 2 E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a b c 13 a b c d 14 a b c d Notes

Sigma Allowable Sigma Allowable At Maximum Net Head of: 1.381 At Minimum Net Head of: 2.564 Summary of turbine selection No. of Runner Blades Runner Hub Diameter Maximum Runaway Speed (at Max. Net Head): Turbine Discharge at: Runaway Speed (at Rated Net Head & 100% gate): Site's Atmospheric Pressure minus Vapor Pressure: Sigma Allowable (at 100% Output & Rated Net Head): Sigma Plant (at 100% Output & Rated Net Head): Maximum Hydraulic Thrust (at Max. Net Head): Revesrse Hydraulic Thrust (at Max. Net Head): Approximate Runner Weight: Vel. at Draft Tube Exit (at Rated Head & Discharge): Dimensional data Inlet Type: Inlet Diameter: Runner Centerline to Inlet Draft Tube Type: Centerline to Invert: Shaft axis to exit length Exit Width Exit Height: Miscellaneous: Wicket Gate Height: Wicket Gate Circle Diameter: Runnder Centre Line to Shaft Coupling Turbine shaft diameter All information listed above is typical only. Detailed characteristics will vary based on turbine manufacturer's actual designs. 992 2524 3810 219 mm mm mm mm 4 858.6 502 52 9.6 0.971 1.684 5831 6880 3917 1.3 kg kg kg m/sec mm rpm m3/s m 533 Max. Output (KW) 9.58 1540 2.79 79 89.4 m 24.6 Efficiency (%) m 27.9 m3/s

Spiral case 3048 3052 Elbow 4416 11230 5930 2313 mm mm mm mm mm mm

Page 68 of 140

All Dimensions are in m

Fig-1: Distributor Section

Page 69 of 140

Fig-2 Draft Tube or Water Passage

Fig-3 Turbine Generator Arrangement

Page 70 of 140

ANNEXURE 7B Design of Turbine and Generator Selection of turbine A Design data Head variation 1 Maximum net head (after losses) 2 Min Net head (after losses)
Flow variation

m m
cumecs cumecs

9.58 2.62 21.21 7.38

1 Max. flow 2 Min flow B Results Turbine type Calculations for design discharge Design data Rated unit capacity Rated Net head Nos of units proposed Overload capacity Efficiencies Turbine efficiency Generator efficiency Gearbox efficiency System efficiency Calculations Power Therefore Rated discharge

Vertical Radial Kaplan

A 1 2 3 4 5 a b c d B 1 2

kw m nos. % nt ng ngb n % % % % =9.81 * Hr * Qr * n m3/s m3/s Plant 18.44 21.21

1,000.00 6.29 1.00 15% 93.90% 95.50% 98.00% 87.88%

Per machine 18.44 21.21

3 Maximum discharge A 1 2 3 4 B

Calculations for rated turbine capacity Design data Rated unit capacity Nos of units proposed Overload capacity Combined generator & gear box efficiency n Calculations

kw nos. % % = P/n

1,000.00 1.00 15% 93.6%

Page 71 of 140

1 Rated turbine capacity 2 Rated turbine capacity Design of generator poles A Design data 2 Generator o/p 2 Synchronous speed 3 Frequency Calculations B No of poles Transformer rating A Main Power Transformer 1 Design data Nos of units proposed Generator output Overload Maximum output Power factor-lag 2 Calculations Transformer rating 3 Results Say Rating Provide standard rating available Phases Frequency Cooling type Voltage ratio On load tap changer B Auxiliary Transformer Say RATING Phases Frequency Cooling type Voltage ratio

Pr Pr

kW Bhp

1,229 1,647

kW Ns f P P

1,150.00 rpm cycles Nos Nos = 120 * f / Ns 8.00 750 50

Pr Pmax

nos kw % kw pf KVA KVA KVA KVA Nos cycles KV = P max /pf

1.00 1,000.00 15% 1,150.00 0.80

Tr Tr Tr

1,438 1,400.00 2,000.00 Okey 3.00 50.00 ONAN 3.3 /33 +/- 5% 63.00 3.00 50.00 ONAN 3.3 /433v


KVA Nos cycles KV

Page 72 of 140


Design of penstock diameter

Project A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Design data Unit Rated capacity No.of units Max.unit capacity Plant rated capacity Max.plant capacity Net rated head Specific gravity Unit Rated discharge Bembla

Pr n Pmax P Hr g Qr Qmax Qd

KW nos. kw

M M3/sec M3/sec M3/sec

1000 1.00 1150 1000 1150 6.29 9.81 18.44 21.21 21.21

9 Unit Maximum discharge 1 Plant Max. discharge (Design) 0 B Calculations 1 By T.N.E.B. Hand book formula Dia ,D = Coefficient


=C * (P/H)0.466 0.1760

D 2 By direct formula Max velocity v = Diameter D = D=


m/sec 4.40 = (Qd x 4/(3.142*V)0.5 m 2.48

Thus summary of calculations 1 By T.N.E.B. Hand book formula 2 By direct formula Therefore size selected option-2 Therefore, size adopted


m 1.87 m 2.48 m 2.48 m 2.50

Page 73 of 140

ANNEXURE 8 B COMPUTATION OF SURGE PRESSURE Pressure Rise due to Water Hammer TNEB Power Engineering handbook page No.1.16 Design data Discharge Q Penstock Diameter Area of penstock Velocity of water Pressure rise due to closing of guide vanes. Where, Pressure rise Length of penstock Gide vane closing time Gravitational Accelarn. Therefore, D A V H H L T g H= H=

Cumecs m m2 m/s

21.21 3.80 11.34 1.87 = (2LV)/ (g *T)

m sec m/sec2 m

104.46 10.00 9.81 =2*104.46*1.87/9.81*10 3.98

General practice Consider water hammer rise Max.head Where, Full Reservoir level C/L of Penstock in PH TWL min

50.0% H F.R.L m 269.50 m 258.47 TWL


= F.R.L. - T.W.L

m m m m m 259.70 9.803 4.90 5.00 5.00

Extra head due to water hammer Say H Therefore, Maximum pressure rise

Page 74 of 140

ANNEXURE 8 C Design of penstock thickness

Calculations for Penstock thickness 1 CWC Penstock Mannual Page No.23 / IS 11639:1995(Part 2) /Page 03 Design data Full Reservoir level TWL min t= Static head Rise in Head due to Water hammer Total Head Internal Pressure inclu. dynamic pressure Internal radius of penstock Hoop Tensile stress in steel Thickness of steel liner shell H2 H P R S t t= Add corrosion allowance(Ref:IS 11639:1995 Part2/p 05) 2 Considering joint efficiency t= Statis head H1 FRL TWL Min Rise in head due to water hammer Total Head Internal Pressure incl. dynamic pressure in kg/cm Internal diameter of penstock Safe working stress in steel Thickness of steel liner shell Joint efficiency

FRL (P x R)/ S Min.TWL m m m m kg/cm2 cm kg/cm cm mm CC lined t= mm mm


269.50 259.70 H1 =FRL - Min.TWL 9.803 5.00 H = H1 + H2 14.80 1.480 125.00 1,192.50 0.155 1.55 0.00 1.55 (P x D)/(2x f x n)

m m m m m m m kg/cm2 cm kg/cm

FRL - Min.TWL 269.50 259.70 9.80 5.00 = H1 + H2 14.80 1.480 250 1,192.50 90.00%

H2 H H P D f t n t=

cm mm mm mm

0.172 1.72 0.00 1.72

Add corrosion allowance(Ref:IS 11639:1995 Part2/p 05)

CC lined t=

Page 75 of 140

Considering Minimum Handling thickness ( Ref : I.S.4880 (part VII) : 1975 / P. 6 t= Thickness Where, Internal diameter of penstock D t= t= cm cm mm

=( D + 50 ) / 400 250 0.75 7.50

Considering thickness for Maximum head Ref: IS 11639(part 2):1995 Cl. 5.1 /page 02 Design data Maximum water level c/l of pipe @ m/c Thickness Where, Static Head H1 H1 Rise in Head due to Water hammer Total Head Internal Pressure incl. dynamic pressure Internal diameter of penstock Safe working stress in steel Thickness of steel liner shell Joint efficiency H2 H H P D f t n t= = Add corrosion allowance(Ref:IS 11639:1995 Part2/p 05) CC lined t= cm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm m m m m m kg/cm cm kg/cm2 cm 90.00% 0.187 1.87 0.00 1.87 1.55 1.72 7.50 1.87

MWL = t=

m m

269.50 258.47 =(P x D)/(2x f x n) = MWL - penstock C/L@ M/C 11.03 5.00 = H1 + H2 16.03 1.603 250.00 1,192.50

D 1 2 3 4

Summary of results CWC Penstock Manual Page No.23 / IS 11639:1995(Part 2) /Page 03 Considering joint efficiency By Handling thickness ( Ref : I.S.4880 (part VII) : 1975 / P. 6 By Calculation for Maximum head Therefore, Consider Maximum thickness from above results Therefore required Thickness Thickness provided t=

mm mm mm

7.50 8.00 10.00

Page 76 of 140


Table Tail Race Pool Project Bembla INPUT DATA 1 Bed Width 2 Side slopes 3 Reverse slope 4 Pool bed level at DT Gate 5 Pool bed level at start of TRC Therefore , Length of TRP = (258.66- 253.03) x 4.00 = = 5.63 22.52 x m 4.00

5.93 1 1 253.03 258.66

m :1 : 4.00 m m

Therefore provide length of Tail Race Pool 22.52m ***************

Page 77 of 140


Design of Tail Race Channel


Tail water channel Bembla

Canal parameter : Freeboard Top width = 0.50 v 1 0.50 12.19 261.154 TBL 260.654 TWL max

FSD y =

1.99 259.697 TWL min b= 10.20 258.660 CBL

INPUT DATA 10.20 m 1 Bed Width 1 : 2 2 Side slopes 1 : 3 Bed slope 6000 0.018 4 Manning's 'n' 258.66 5 Canal bed level 21.21 Cumecs 6 Peak discharge 7.38 Cumecs 7 Min. discharge Manning's formula has been adopted for calculating the discharges at various depths of flow. V= 1/n x R2/3 x S1/2 Where, R= Hydraulic Radius and S= Bed slope of canal.

Page 78 of 140

Sr. No.

Depth of flow D

Top width T= B+2*Z*y


Wetted perimeter P = b+2y(1+z2)1/2 m 10.20 20.12 10.24 10.29 11.49 11.85 11.96 12.25 13.15 14.12 14.24 15.21 15.25 15.26

Hydraulic Mean Radius R=A/P

Velocity of flow V V= 1/n*R2/3*S1/2 m/sec 0.00 0.15 0.05 0.08 0.47 0.54 0.56 0.62 0.76 0.89 0.90 1.01 1.01 1.01


Water Level in canal EL


A = (b+zy)y Sq.m 0.00 1.98 0.20 0.40 6.06 7.78 8.32 9.75 14.34 19.42 20.06 25.36 25.58 25.62

Q =A*V Cumecs 0.00 0.30 0.011 0.03 2.84 4.21 4.68 6.01 10.89 17.22 18.09 25.57 25.90 25.96

m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0.00 0.16 0.25 0.46 0.58 0.74 0.79 0.92 1.32 1.75 1.81 2.24 2.26 2.26

m 10.20 10.21 10.22 10.24 10.78 10.94 10.99 11.12 11.52 11.95 12.01 12.44 12.46 12.46

m 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.53 0.66 0.70 0.80 1.09 1.38 1.41 1.67 1.68 1.68

m 258.66 258.76 258.68 258.70 259.24 259.40 259.44 259.57 259.98 260.41 260.47 260.90 260.92 260.92 CBL

2.49 3.16

12.69 13.36

28.46 37.17

15.76 17.26

1.81 2.15

1.06 1.20

30.27 44.47

261.15 261.82

Page 79 of 140

ANNEXURE 10 Soil Resistivity tests Detailed investigations such as bore log data, soil resistivity etc. will be taken during the detailed designing of the components. The soil bearing capacity shall also be tested in the laboratory.

Page 80 of 140


Table Sr. No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Manpower Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Mate Waterman Excavators Breakers Chisellers Blacksmith 2nd class Foreman Mason Bar-Bender Helper Materials Cement Sand Stone aggregate Bricks Steel Bars Pitching Stone Penstock steel Formwork Hire and running charges of mixer /vibrator Leavers Cover blocks Sundries & Contingencies Water & Electricity Contractors profit and overhead Laboratory testing charges Scaffolding Basic rates Unit Rate Rs/Unit 120.00 110.00 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 180.00 180.00 120.00

each each each each each each each each each each each each

bag Cum Cum Nos Tonn e Cum MT Sqm % % % % % % % %

240.00 850.00 600.00 2.50 39000.00 425.00 55000.00 170.00 1.50% 2.00% 2.00% 3.00% 1.50% 20.00% 1.00% 1.00%

Page 81 of 140

17 Straightening 18 Marking 19 Cutting 20 Rolling 21 Welding 22 Testing 23 Workshop operation etc. 24 Erection

% % % % % % % %

1.50% 2.00% 5.00% 8.00% 7.00% 4.00% 8.00% 2.50%

Page 82 of 140


Summary of items Description

Unit Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

1 Clearaing of site 2 Earth work In Excavation In Soil 3 Earth Work in Excavation in hard rock without blasting 4 Cement Mortar 1:3 5 Cement Mortar 1:4 6 Cement Mortar 1:5 7 Cement Mortar 1:6 8 PCC 1:4:8 9 RCC M20 (1:1.5:3) 10 RCC M15 (1:2:4) 11 PCC 1:3:6 12 Cement Plaster in CM 1:6 (12mm thk) 13 Materials 14 Brickwork in CM 1:6 15 Steel Reinforcement 16 Supply, Fabrication & erection of Penstock 17 Stone Pitching

Sqm Cum. Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Cum Sqm Sqm Cum MT MT Cum

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

1.00 127.00 341.00 4056.00 3577.00 3466.00 2857.00 2414.00 4453.00 3955.00 3328.00 102.00 137.00 3041.00 55391.00 93357.00 2951.00

Page 83 of 140

1 Clearaing of site Sr.No. Description Clearing grass and removal of rubbish upto a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared. Labour : Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Sub-total: Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Water & Electricity charges Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate

Sq.m. Unit

100.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

a b c d e

each each

0.50 0.30

120.00 110.00 3.00% 1.50% 20.00%

Say 2 Earth work In Excavation In Soil Sr.No. Description Earth work In Excavation In all kinds of Soil Including dressing, watering and ramming and disposal of Excavated disposed earth to be levelled, neatly dressed. Labour : Mate Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Waterman Sub-total: Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Water & Electricity charges Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate Cum. Unit 10.00 Quantity

60.00 33.00 93.00 2.79 1.44 19.45 116.67 1.17 1.00

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

a b c d e f g

each each each each

0.15 4.25 4.25 0.05

200.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 3.00% 1.50% 20.00%

Say 3 Earth Work in Excavation in hard rock without blasting Sr.No. Description Cum Unit 10.00 Quantity Rate Rs/Unit

30.00 510.00 467.50 5.00 1,012.50 30.38 15.64 211.70 1,270.22 127.02 127.00

Cost Rs

Page 84 of 140

Earth Work in Excavation in hard rock without blasting Including dressing, stacking of useful material and disposal of unserviceable. a b c d e f g h i j Labour : Mate Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Excavators Breakers Chisellers Blacksmith 2nd Class Sub-total: Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Water & Electricity charges Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate each each each each each each each 0.25 3.00 5.00 5.00 8.00 2.50 0.50 200.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 3.00% 1.50% 20.00% 50.00 360.00 550.00 500.00 800.00 375.00 100.00 2,735.00 82.05 41.03 547.00 3,405.08 340.51 341.00

Say 4 Cement Mortar 1:3 Sr.No. Description Cement Mortar 1:3 Materials Cement Sand Labour Mate/Foreman Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Waterman Sub-total: Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate Cum Unit 1.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

A a b B c d e f g h

bag cum each each each each

9.50 0.98 0.10 0.65 0.65 0.20

240.00 850.00 200.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 3.00% 20.00%

2,280.00 828.75 20.00 78.00 71.50 20.00 3,298.25 82.05 676.06 4,056.36 4,056.36 4,056.00

Say 5 Cement Mortar 1:4 Sr.No. Description Cum Unit 1.00 Quantity



Page 85 of 140

Rs/Unit A a b B c d e f g h Cement Mortar 1:4 Materials Cement Sand Labour Mate/Foreman Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Waterman Sub-total: Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate


bag cum each each each each

7.50 1.07 0.10 0.65 0.65 0.20

240.00 850.00 200.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 3.00% 20.00%

1,800.00 909.50 20.00 78.00 71.50 20.00 2,899.00 82.05 596.21 3,577.26 3,577.26 3,577.00

Say 6 Cement Mortar 1:5 Sr.No. Description Cement Mortar 1:5 Materials Cement Sand Labour Mate/Foreman Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Waterman Sub-total: Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate Cum Unit 1.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

A a b B c d e f g h

bag cum each each each each

6.30 1.30 0.10 0.65 0.65 0.20

240.00 850.00 200.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 3.00% 20.00%

1,512.00 1,105.00 20.00 78.00 71.50 20.00 2,806.50 82.05 577.71 3,466.26 3,466.26 3,466.00 Cost Rs

Say 7 Cement Mortar 1:6 Sr.No. Description Cement Mortar 1:6 Materials : Cum Unit 1.00 Quantity Rate Rs/Unit

Page 86 of 140

a Cement b Sand Labour c Mate/Foreman d Beldar (M) e Coolie (F) f Waterman Sub-total: g Add :Sundries & Contingencies h Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate

bag cum each each each each

5.00 1.07 0.10 0.65 0.65 0.20

240.00 850.00 200.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 3.00% 20.00%

1,200.00 909.50 20.00 78.00 71.50 20.00 2,299.00 82.05 476.21 2,857.26 2,857.26 2,857.00

Say 8 PCC 1:4:8 Sr.No. Description PCC 1:4:8 A a b c B d e f g h i j k l Materials : Stone aggregate Sand Cement Labour : Foreman Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Waterman Mason Sub-total: Add : Hire & running charges of mixer,Vibrator Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Water & Electricity charges Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate Cum Unit 1.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

cum cum bag each each each each each

0.88 0.44 3.40 0.05 0.65 0.65 0.04 0.08

600.00 850.00 240.00 200.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 180.00 1.50% 3.00% 1.50% 20.00%

528.00 374.00 816.00 10.00 78.00 71.50 3.50 14.40 1,895.40 28.43 57.71 29.72 402.25 2,413.52 2,413.52 2,414.00

Say 9 RCC M20 (1:1.5:3) Sr.No. Description Cum Unit 1.00 Quantity



Page 87 of 140

Rs/Unit A a b c B d e f g h i j k l m n o RCC M20 (1:1.5:3) Materials : Stone aggregate Sand Cement Labour Foreman Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Waterman Mason Formwork Sub-total: Add : Hire & running charges of mixer vibrator Add: Curing charges Add : Laboratory testing charges Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Water & Electricity charges Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate


cum cum bag each each each each each Sqm

0.90 0.45 8.00 0.04 0.70 0.70 0.04 0.07 2.00

600.00 850.00 240.00 200.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 180.00 170.00 3.00% LS 1.00% 3.00% 1.50% 20.00%

540.00 382.50 1,920.00 8.00 84.00 77.00 3.50 12.60 340.00 3,367.60 101.03 50.00 33.68 103.54 54.84 742.14 4,452.82 4,452.82 4,453.00

Say 10 RCC M15 (1:2:4) Sr.No. Description RCC M15 (1:2:4) Materials : Stone aggregate Sand Cement Labour : Foreman Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Waterman Mason Formwork Sub-total: Cum Unit 1.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

A a b c B d e f g h i

cum cum bag each each each each each Sqm

0.90 0.45 6.40 0.04 0.70 0.70 0.04 0.07 2.00

600.00 850.00 240.00 200.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 180.00 170.00

540.00 382.50 1,536.00 8.00 84.00 77.00 3.50 12.60 340.00 2,983.60

Page 88 of 140

j Add : Hire & running charges of mixer,Vibrator k Add: Curing charges l Add : Laboratory testing charges m Add :Sundries & Contingencies n Add :Water & Electricity charges o Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate

3.00% LS 1.0% 3.00% 1.50% 20.00%

89.51 50.00 29.84 94.59 48.71 659.25 3,955.49 3,955.49 3,955.00

Say 11 PCC 1:3:6 (1:3:6) Sr.No. Description PCC 1:3:6 Materials Stone aggregate Sand Cement Labour Foreman Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Waterman Mason Formwork Sub-total: Add :Hire & running charges of mixer vibrator etc. Add: Curing charges Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Water & Electricity charges Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate Cum Unit 1.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

A a b c B d e f g h i j k l m n

cum cum bag each each each each each Sqm

0.90 0.45 4.50 0.08 0.80 0.80 0.04 0.10 2.00

600.00 850.00 240.00 200.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 180.00 170.00 1.50% LS 3.00% 1.50% 20.00%

540.00 382.50 1,080.00 16.00 96.00 88.00 3.50 18.00 340.00 2,564.00 38.46 50.00 79.57 40.98 554.60 3,327.62 3,327.62 3,328.00

Say 12-A Cement Plaster in CM 1:6 (12mm thk) Sr.No. Description Cement Plaster in CM 1:6 (12mm thk) Sqm Unit 10.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

Page 89 of 140

A a B b c d e f g h i

Materials Cement Mortar Labour Coolie (F) Waterman Mason Sub-total: Add: Scaffolding Add: Curing charges Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Water & Electricity charges Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate

Cum each each each

0.14 1.25 0.15 1.25

2857.00 110.00 100.00 180.00 1.00% LS 3.00% 1.50% 20.00%

411.41 137.50 15.00 225.00 788.91 7.89 20.00 24.50 12.62 170.78 1,024.70 102.47 102.00

Say 12-B Cement Plaster in CM 1:6 (20mm thk) Sr.No. Description Cement Plaster in CM 1:6 (20mm thk) Materials Cement Mortar Labour Coolie (F) Waterman Mason Sub-total: Add: Scaffolding Add: Curing charges Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Water & Electricity charges Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate Sqm Unit 10.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

A a B b c d e f g h i

Cum each each each

0.24 2.08 0.25 2.08

2857.00 110.00 100.00 180.00 1.00% LS 3.00% 1.50% 20.00%

685.68 137.50 15.00 225.00 1,063.18 10.63 20.00 32.81 16.90 228.71 1,372.23 137.22 137.00

Say 13 Brickwork in CM 1:6 Sr.No. Description Brickwork in CM 1:6 Cum Unit 1.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

Page 90 of 140

A a b B c d e f g h i j k l

Material : Bricks Cement Mortar 1:6 Labour : Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Mason Waterman Sub-total: Add: Scaffolding Add: Curing charges Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Water & Electricity charges Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate

Nos Cum each each each each

500.00 0.27 0.84 0.84 0.56 0.30

2.50 2857.00 120.00 110.00 180.00 100.00 2.50% LS 3.00% 1.50% 20.00%

1,250.00 771.39 100.80 92.40 100.80 30.00 2,345.39 58.63 20.00 72.72 37.45 506.84 3,041.04 3,041.04 3,041.00

Say 14 Steel Reinforcement Sr.No. Description Steel Reinforcement Material : a Steel Bars Labour : b Foreman c Bar-Bender d Helper Sub-total: e Add: Leavers f Add : Cover block g Add: Scaffolding h Add :Sundries & Contingencies i Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate MT Unit 1.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

Tonn e each each each




0.04 0.50 0.50

200.00 180.00 120.00 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 3.00% 20.00%

Say 15 Supply, Fabrication & erection of Penstock Sr.No. Description MT Unit 1.00 Quantity

8.00 90.00 60.00 42,278.00 845.56 845.56 845.56 1,344.44 9,231.82 55,390.94 55,390.94 55,391.00



Page 91 of 140

Rs/Unit A Supply, Fabrication & erection of Penstock A. Material : a Material rate per MT ( boiler quality plates) b Wastage Sub-total: B. Fabrication Straightening Marking Cutting Rolling Welding Testing Workshop operation etc. Erection Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate



1.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 0.03 1,375.00 1,375.00 56,375.00 1.50% 2.00% 5.00% 8.00% 7.00% 4.00% 8.00% 2.50% 20.00% 845.63 1,127.50 2,818.75 4,510.00 3,946.25 2,255.00 4,510.00 1,409.38 15,559.50 93,357.00 93,357.00 93,357.00

B c d e f g h i j k

Say 16 Stone Pitching Sr.No. Description Stone Pitching Material : Pitching Stone Cement Mortar 1:5 Labour ( including dresing of stone ) Beldar (M) Coolie (F) Waterman Mason Sub-total: Add :Sundries & Contingencies Add :Water & Electricity charges Add :Contractors profit and overhead Total: Unit rate Cum Unit 1.00 Quantity

Rate Rs/Unit

Cost Rs

A a b B c d e f g h i

cum cum each each each each

1.15 0.42 1.00 0.80 0.20 1.00

425.00 3,466.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 180.00 3.00% 1.50% 20.00%

488.75 1,455.72 120.00 88.00 20.00 180.00 2,352.47 70.57 36.35 491.88 2,951.27 2,951.27 2,951.00


Page 92 of 140

ANNEXURE - 11 B COST ESTIMATE PROJECT COST: BREAK-UP Sr. No. Particulars 1 Civil, Electrical and Mechanical works a Civil work b c d e 2 3 Electrical & mechanical cost Transmission works E & M inclusive of transmission Project cost without IDC, FC & others Interest During Construction (IDC) Financial Charges a Financial institution fees b Statutory clearance c Financial consultancy d Loan application charges e Sub-total:2 4 Preliminary expenses a Company formation fees b Misc. pre incorporation fees Sub-total:a Pre-operative expenses a Upfront premium b Legal expenses, board inagural expenses c Insurance during construction d Contingencies Sub-total:b Sub-total:(a+b) meeting, Cost, Rs. Lac

220.07 290.00 5.00 295.00 515.07 22.92


5.15 5.00 10.00 1.00 21.15

2.00 1.00 3.00 25.50 1.00 2.58 3.87 32.94 35.94

Page 93 of 140

Sr. No. Particulars 5 Project Cost 6 Working Capital Requirements a Receivables @ 2 months -1st year b O&M @ 1 months c Sub-total:7 Margin Money for WC Sources of Fund Loan Equity Total Project Cost 30%

Cost, Rs. Lac 595.08

13.67 1.23 14.90 4.47

7 8

60% 40%

357.05 242.50 599.56

Page 94 of 140

Civil works
Sr.No. Item of Work I works Preliminary Land Civil Works Penstock Power House Tail race pool Tail race channel Approach raod Switchyard Hydro-mechanical Total;-(C-works) Buildings Plantations Miscellaneous Maintenance Excluding 1 &2 Special Tools & Plants Communication Environment and ecology Losses on stocks Total of I-Works Contingencies Project Management Audit and accounts Total: A - PRELIMINARY Sr.No Item of Work Unit Amount Rupees 50,000 400,000 50,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 20.00 Unit Amount Rupees 20.00 11.10 99.10 21.51 7.99 1.50 8.92 22.35 172.47 5.30 2.90 1.14 0.81 3.80 1.60 2.00 (0.43) 209.59 4.19 4.19 2.10 220.07

A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 K M O P Q R X 11 12 13


% of (C)


Percent Percent Percent Percent

% of (C) -0.25% % of (I) % of (I) % of (I) 2.00% 2.00% 1.00%

1 2 3 4

Survey and investigations at DPR stage Consultancy fees for preparation of DPR Survey and detailed geotechnical investigations for detailed Engineering Design and Engineering Total

Job Job

Rs. Lacs

Page 95 of 140

B- Land
Sr.No. Item of Work Unit Amount Rs. 1 Procuement of land Govt land will be available on lease Total Rs. Lacs 0 NIL Ha Nil

Penstock Unit Qty. Unit rate Rs Amount Rs

Sr. No. Description of Items

1 1.1


2 2.2

Excavation Excavation for foundation in cum 400.89 all sorts of soft strata including stacking material as directed with all leads and lifts etc, complete. Excavation for foundation in Cum 90.90 hard rock including stacking material as directed with all leads and lifts etc, complete. Fill materials and protection works 106.91 Back filling with selected Cum material available form excavation with all leads & lifts, laying in layers, leveling, breaking the clods including compacting etc, complete. Concrete 161.78 Providing and laying in situ cum Reinforced cement concrete of M-20 (20 MSA) for foundation and bedding of anchor blocks and saddle supports compacting, curing etc. complete Re-inforcement steel









Page 96 of 140

Sr. No. Description of Items 3.1


Qty. 1.27

Supplying, laying, MT fabrication, transportation to the work site and installation of the reinforcing steel bars and welded wire fabric, including all tie wire, spacers and supports. All as shown on the drawings or as required by Puchaser and as specified Total: Say in Lacs

Unit rate Rs 60,090.00

Amount Rs 76,311.58

1,110,334.66 11.10

B Sr. No.

Power House Description of Items Unit Qty. Unit rate Rs Amount Rs

1 1.1

2 2.1


Clearaing Clearing of the areas including L.S. Intake structure, areas of saddle supports of penstock, powerhouse, Tail Race Pool and tailrace, Bridge(s), switchyard, the access road, the stockpile, the waste area and the service areas. For Contractor, the clearing will Excavation Excavation for foundation in all cum sorts of soft strata including stacking material as directed with all leads and lifts etc, complete. Excavation for foundation in hard cum rock including stacking material as directed with all leads and lifts etc, complete. Fill materials and protection works Back filling with selected material Cum available form excavation with all leads & lifts, laying in layers, leveling, breaking the clods including compacting etc, complete. Concrete













Page 97 of 140

Sr. No. 4.1

Description of Items



Unit rate Rs 5,060.00

Amount Rs 12,144.00



a b c d e f 4.5


Providing and laying in situ plain cement concrete of M-15 (20 MSA) for leveling course compacting, curing etc, complete. Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete for flooring of grade M-15 (20 MSA) compacting, curing etc, complete. Providing and laying in situ reinforced cement concrete for framed structure of Power house, grade M-20 (20MSA) compacting, curing etc, complete. column footing Columns Beams Slabs Staircase chajja Providing and laying in situ reinforced cement concrete for draft tube structure & machinery foundation of grade M-25 (20 MSA) compacting, curing etc, complete. Providing and laying in situ reinforced cement concrete of grade M-30 (20 MSA) for machine foundation compacting, curing with centering etc, complete. Re-inforcement steel Supplying, laying, fabrication, transportation to the work site and installation of the reinforcing steel bars and welded wire fabric, including all tie wire, spacers and supports. All as shown on the drawings or as required by Puchaser and as specified Water stops and fillers supply and installation of 150 mm wide water stops including their moulded intersection as well as supply and placing of joint filler as shown on the drawings or as







cum cum cum cum cum cum cum

45.00 80.00 67.60 28.00 4.82 1.55 13.79

5,767.00 5,767.00 5,767.00 5,767.00 5,767.00 5,767.00 6,200.00

259,515.00 461,360.00 389,849.20 161,476.00 27,820.01 8,963.30 85,475.58





5 5.1




6 6.1





Page 98 of 140

Sr. No.

Description of Items



Unit rate Rs

Amount Rs

required by specified 7 7.1

DLIP(I)PL and as





Structural steel metal work Providing and erecting including assembling, fitting and fixing single or double leaf, double plate flush, hollow mild steel doors at all elevations, of all sizes including pressed steel frames, shutters, fittings, etc. mastic caulking, grouting the fram providing and fixing mild steel push and pull type of rolling shutter of clear dimension of approximately 4.0 m X 6.0 m including all necessary fixtures, painting etc. complete for the main entrance to the storage shed buildings Structural steel work welded in built up sections, trusses and framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete. Providing and erecting corrugated galvanized iron sheeting including supply, delivery and erection with corner and ridge pieces, eaves, filler pieces, north light curves, flashing, gutter eaves, boards, skylight and all necessary screws, bolts, nuts washe Providing, fabricating, delivering & erecting black steel pipe hand railing of flush welded construction made of 32mm NB pipe with two horizontal rails one rail one at 500mm & another at 1000mm the base level with vertical pipes at a aximum spacing of 20





















Page 99 of 140

Sr. No. 7.6

Description of Items



Unit rate Rs 83,514.00

Amount Rs 3,858.35

Providing anchor rods for column footing, machine foundation 25mm dia bars, 1.00 m in rock and 750mm in concrete including cutting, bending, drilling holes for anchor bars and filling hole with rich cement slurry etc, complete. The Fencing shall be done with 2.5 m high posts of ISA 50 x 50 x 6 placed @ 1.5 m c/c with chain linked wire mesh for bottom 2.0 m portion of the post. The top 0.5 m portion of the post shall be protected with barbed wire. Painting shall be done as descri Providing and fabricating MS gate size 4 x 2m size including the steel columns, fixers,concreting painting with red oxide and two color coats of approved color as per the drawing and specifications Construction services Pumping out water caused by springs, tidal or river seepage, broken water mains or drains and the like etc, complete. Architectural work Laying of 50mm thick cement concrete flooring in 1m x 1m panels and in two layers. The under layer shall be of 38mm thick cement concrete in 1:1:2 (1 cement : 1 coarse sand : 2 stone aggregate 10 mm graded size by volume). The top 12mm thick layer shall b Providing Cement Mortar plastering to masonry / concrete structures including cost of all materials, labor, machinery, scaffolding, raking joints, smooth finishing, curing, protective works, with all leads and lifts. The mortar













8 8.1

hphr s




9 9.1

Sq.m .









Page 100 of 140

Sr. No.

Description of Items



Unit rate Rs

Amount Rs

shall be in 1:4 Cement Sand


Providing & installing ceiling consisting of cement bonded particle boards of approved quantity & anodised aluminum angle fixed to the walls by Raw plug & screws, anodised aluminum Tees with clips in a grid of 500x600mm hung from hooks provided in the cei 9.4 Providing and erecting including assembling fitting & fixing doors, windows and partitions at all elevations, of all sizes including box type extruded anodised aluminium frames, mullions, transons with Aluminium handles, holdfasts, tower bolts etc. all f a Doors with glass of mm thk b Windows and partitions with glass of mm thk 9.5 Cement mortar for plaster on external walls shall consists of an intimate mixture of sand, cement, water and a suitable waterproofing compound of Sika make or equivalent as approved by Puchaser (Note: Rate for only water proof compaund no Plaster) 9.6 Providing flooring and skirting with ceramic tiles of approved quality and color laid in CM 1:3 proportion. 9.7 Providing and fixing acid resisting tiles of approved quality for the floor and walls of the battery room in 1:3 Cement Sand Mortar 10 10.1 Masonary works 0.5 mm thick coloured prequoted sheets cladding

Sq.m .




Sqm Sqm Sqm

40.80 84.00 310.12

5,950.00 6,200.00 159.00

242,730.25 520,800.00 49,309.36













Page 101 of 140

Sr. No.

Description of Items



Unit rate Rs

Amount Rs 60,000.00

10.2 11

Turbo ventilator Drinking water supply and sewage Supply, installation, design (when required), inspection and testing, painting, transportation to final destination and commissioning of the embedded or exposed piping and related items described herein and as shown on schematics and drawings for the fol Drinkable water Waste water Drainage




11.1 11.2 11.3 12 12.1


1.00 1.00 1.00

50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00

50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00

12.2 13 13.1

14 14.1

Drilling and grouting Drilling holes up to 50 mm RM diameter vertical or inclined in all formations of rock/concrete/masonry/soil by percussion method for consolidation/curtain/tunnel grouting, water loss tests including flushing and cleaning the hole with air and water at requir Cement grouting for consolidation Kg of the power house base Damp prooof course Providing and laying of Damp Sq.m Proof Course (DPC) in wall . masonry at plinth level or as directed by the Engineer. Roof water proofing and insulation Providing and laying plain cement Cu m concrete 1: 2 : 4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 coarse aggregate of 12.5 mm nominal size) placed as grading underbed/fillet-over roof slab to achieve a slope of 1:100 or as specified at all elevations including all labour, materi




1,697.47 -

20.00 323.00

33,949.44 -




Page 102 of 140

Sr. No. 14.2

Description of Items



Unit rate Rs 1,500.00

Amount Rs 357,855.75

Providing, laying and fixing water proofing treatment using bitumen felt (Hessian based; self finished, type-3 Grade-1) over roof and parapet at all elevations including preparation of surface, application of primer, bitumen felt layers, boundary bitumen

sq.m .


16 16.1

Boulder pitching Providing panel pitching having Cu.m panel 3m x 3m inside dimension with Random Rubble masonry in cement mortar 1: 5 (by weight) 0.45m wide and 0.60m deep and as shown on drawings including filling panels with rubble 0.45m thick and filling the voids with sand Total: Say in Lacs




9,910,454.64 99.10

Tail Race pooll Unit Qty. Unit rate Rs Amount Rs 121.00 91,960.00

Sr.No. Description of Items 1 1.1 Excavation Excavation for foundation in all sorts of soft strata including stacking material as directed with all leads and lifts etc, complete. Excavation for foundation in hard rock including stacking material as directed with all leads and lifts etc, complete. Fill material and protection works Back filling with selected material available form excavation with all leads & lifts, laying in layers, leveling, breaking the clods including compacting etc, complete. Concrete








2 2.1





Page 103 of 140

Sr.No. Description of Items 3.1 Providing and laying in situ plain cement concrete M-10 (25 MSA) below penstocks including centering wherever necessary, curing, compacting etc, complete. Providing and laying in situ Re-in forced cement concrete of M-20 (20 MSA) for foundation & bedding compacting, curing etc. complete. Re-inforcement steel Supplying, laying, fabrication, transportation to the work site and installation of the reinforcing steel bars and welded wire fabric, including all tie wire, spacers and supports. All as shown on the drawings or as required by Puchaser and as specified

Unit Cum

Qty. 5.54

Unit rate Rs 4,342.00

Amount Rs 24,032.97






4 4.1





6 6.1

Providing, fabricating, delivering & Rm erecting black steel pipe hand railing of flush welded construction made of 32mm NB pipe with two horizontal rails one rail one at 500mm & another at 1000mm the base level with vertical pipes at a maximum spacing of 20 Construction services hphrs Pumping out water caused by springs, tidal or river seepage, broken water mains or drains and the like etc, complete. Water stops and fillers supply and installation of 150 mm wide water stops including their moulded intersection as well as supply and placing of joint filler as shown on the drawings or as required by DLIP(I)PL and as specified Total: Say in Lacs







7 7.1





2,150,751.83 21.51

Page 104 of 140

Tail Race Channel Unit Qty. Unit rate Rs Amount Rs 121.00 119,427.00

Sr.No. Description of Items

1 1.1


2 2.1

3 3.2

Excavation Excavation for foundation in all sorts of soft strata including stacking material as directed with all leads and lifts etc, complete. Excavation for foundation in hard rock including stacking material as directed with all leads and lifts etc, complete. Fill material and protection works Back filling with selected material available form excavation with all leads & lifts, laying in layers, leveling, breaking the clods including compacting etc, complete. Concrete Providing and laying in situ Re-in forced cement concrete of M-20 (20 MSA) for foundation & bedding compacting, curing etc. complete. Total: Say in Lacs















799,334.28 7.99

Approach Road

Sr.No. Description of Items



Unit rate Rs

Amount Rs 150,000.00 150,000.00 1.50

approch road Total: Say in Lacs




Page 105 of 140

Switchyard Unit Qty. Unit rate Rs Amount Rs

Sr.No. Description of Items 1 1.1 Excavation Excavation for foundation in all sorts of soft strata including stacking material as directed with all leads and lifts etc, complete. Excavation for foundation in hard rock including stacking material as directed with all leads and lifts etc, complete. Fill material and protection works Providing and spreading gravel as directed by Engineer incharge etc, complete. Back filling with selected material available form excavation with all leads & lifts, laying in layers, leveling, breaking the clods including compacting etc, complete. Concreete Providing and laying plain cement concrete grade M-15 (20 MSA) compacting, curing etc, complete. Providing and laying in situ Re-in forced cement concrete of M-20 (20 MSA) for foundation & bedding compacting, curing etc. complete. Re-inforcement steel Supplying, laying, fabrication, transportation to the work site and installation of the reinforcing steel bars and welded wire fabric, including all tie wire, spacers and supports. All as shown on the drawings or as required by DLIP(I)PL and as specified Strcutural steel and metal work The Fencing shall be done with 2.5 m high posts of ISA 50 x 50 x 6 placed @ 1.5 m c/c with chain linked wire mesh for bottom 2.0 m portion of the post. The top 0.5 m portion of the post shall be protected with barbed wire. Painting shall be done as descri

Cum 91.29 Cum 30.43 324.00 9,859.73 121.00 11,046.54


2 2.1 2.2

Cum 20.15 Cum 209.25 216.00 45,198.00 1,500.00 30,225.00

3 3.1

Cum 9.80 Cum 24.04 5,767.00 138,660.31 5,060.00 49,562.70


4 4.1

MT 3.83 60,090.00 230,192.77

5 5.1

R.M. 82.00 500.00 41,000.00

Page 106 of 140

Sr.No. Description of Items 5.2



Unit rate Rs

Amount Rs

6 6.1

7 7.1

Providing and fabricating MS gate size Sq.M. 2 x 4m size including the steel columns, fixers,concreting painting with red oxide and two color coats of approved color as per the drawing and specifications Architectural works Cement mortar for plaster on external Sqm walls shall consists of an intimate mixture of sand, cement, water and a suitable waterproofing compound of Sika make or equivalent as approved by Puchaser for trenches and chambers Masonary works Providing 230mm thick B.B. Masonry with conventional I.S. type bricks in cement mortar 1:4 in super structure including striking joints, watering, scaffolding with all leads & lifts, complete.-For trenches etc Switchgear room cum Providing R R. Masonry with conventional Boulders in cement mortar 1:4 in super structure including striking joints, watering, scaffolding with all leads & lifts, complete. compound wall Providing and erecting including assembling fitting & fixing doors, windows and partitions at all elevations, of all sizes including box type extruded anodised aluminium frames, mullions, transons with Aluminium handles, holdfasts, tower bolts etc. Total: Say in Lacs










Cu.m Sqm







891,710.79 8.92

Page 107 of 140

Hydro-mechanical Unit Qty Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs) 100,000.00

Sr.No. Description 1 1.1 Penstock Design, engineering and preparation of fabrication drawings & bill of materials complete in all respect for penstock and accessories Technical Specification and drawings including the following components Straight ferrules Bends Y-piece Manholes Expansion joints Saddle plates and hold fast Supply of steel, transportation, cutting, rolling & fabrication of penstock components of required diamter including all applicable taxes and duties, delivered at site.Installation/ placing in position, welding for joining straight fei rules including pai Straight ferrules Bends Y-piece/Trifurcation Manholes Saddle plates and hold fast Gates Design, engineering and preparation of fabrication drawings & bill of materials complete of following gates in all respect as per Technical Specification Intake stop log gate Intake service gate Intake shingl eflushing gate Draft tube gate




a b c d e f 1.2

a b c d e 2 2.1


13.22 1.00

107,483.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 85,000.00 100,000.00

1,420,925.26 100,000.00

a b c d

Page 108 of 140


a b c d e f

Supply of steel sections of following gates and its embedments including fabrication, installation/placing in position and painting/re-painting etc complete in all respecl including taxes and duties, transportation to site, testing and commissioning as pe Intake stop log gate leaf Intake service gate leaf Intake shingle flushing gate valve 300mm dia Draft tube Draft tube gate 1st and 2nd stage embeddments Intake service gate 1st and 2nd stage embeddments


1.00 3.00

80,000.00 80,000.00 25,920.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 113,430.00 83,514.00

113,430.00 250,542.00

g Draft tube gate 3 3.1 Trash rack Design, engineering and preparation of fabrication drawings & bill of materials complete of following trash racks in all respect as per Technical Specification Diversion weir trash rack De-silting unit Forebay Supply of steel sections of following trash racks and its embedments including fabrication, installation/placing in position and painting/re-painting etc complete in all respecl including taxes and duties, transportation to site, testing and commissioning Diversion weir trash rack De-silting unit Forebay Diversion weir 1st and 2nd stage embeddments De-silting unit 1st and 2nd stage embeddments Forebay 1st and 2nd stage embeddments Lifting/Hoisting arrangement





a b c 3.2

a b c d e


80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00

Page 109 of 140

a Intake stop log gate -Screw type- 5 Tonne Each b Intake service gate - 5 Tonne Each c Forebay gate -Chain pully block- 6 Tonne Each d Draft tube gate -Chain pully block- 6 tonne Each 5 Expansion joints for penstock a Expansion joints Total: Say in Lacs

Nos Nos Nos Nos


40,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00




2,234,897.26 22.35

K - BUILDINGS Sr.No. Item Unit Quantity Rate Rs. 15,000.00 Amount Rs. 180,000.00

Charges for hiring rental accomodation during construction for company staff for two years Temporary building for stay etc. Pre-cast watchman cabins Electrification of campus and buildings Total



2 3 4

Sqm Nos Job

100.00 1.00 1.00

2,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00

200,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00

Rs. Lacs

530,000.00 5.30

Page 110 of 140

M - PLANTATION Sr.No. Item Unit Quantity Rate Rs. Amount Rs. 200,000.00

Green area development by plantation of trees near power house & forebay Charges for Existing tree felling -forest dept Total





Rs. Lacs

290,000.00 2.90

O - MISCELLANEOUS Sr.No. Item Unit Quantity Rate Rs. 600,000.00 Amount Rs. 600,000.00

Purchase of vehical and running cost one each for Project Manger and other staff. Medical facilities, Security and Compensation for accident / insurance cover etc. Computers, modem etc Communication facilities such as fax/telephone/internet connection etc Stationary for record purposes Running of transit camp, canteen, guest house etc Total







3 4

Nos Month

1.00 12.00

60,000.00 1,500.00

60,000.00 18,000.00

5 6

Month Month

12.00 12.00

1,500.00 1,500.00

18,000.00 18,000.00

Rs. Lacs

114,000.00 1.14

Page 111 of 140

Q - SPECIAL T & P Sr.No. Item Unit Quantity Rate Rs. 50,000.00 25,000.00 20,000.00 120,000.00 50,000.00 Amount Rs. 50,000.00 50,000.00 40,000.00 240,000.00 50,000.00 380,000.00 3.80

1 2 3 4 5

Testing equipments for concrete etc Water pump with piping Chain pully blocks Portable diesel generator Survey instruments , tools Total

L.S. No No No Set

1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00

Rs. Lacs

R - COMMUNICATION Sr.No. Item Unit Quantity Rate Rs. 150,000.00 Amount Rs. 150,000.00

Construction of temporary approach roads for construction and execution of works Establishing DOT communication including procurement and laying of cable etc Total






Rs. Lacs

160,000.00 1.60

Page 112 of 140

X - ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY Sr.No. Item Unit Quantity Rate Rs. 100,000.00 Amount Rs. 100,000.00

Pollution control measures such as soil conservation, river training structures, etc Community development expenses Total






100,000.00 200,000.00 2.00

Rs. Lacs

Electrical and Mechanical Works Sr. No. 1 1.1 a b. c 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 2 3 4 5 5.1 5.2 6 Description Hydro Turbine comprising of associated systems 1X1000 KW, Kaplan Turbine Draft Tube Inlet valve Gear Box Governor and Governing Equipment Pressure oil system Cooling water system Dewatering and drainage system Special tools and tackles for turbine and auxiliaries All Embedded parts Charges of Model Testing (If applicable ) HOT Crane Fire fighting system HVAC System Generator Synchronous generator Static brushless excitation system Transformers set set set set set set set set set set set No Lot Lot Set Set 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4,787,000 Included above 1,200,000 1,400,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 186,000 4,787,000 Included above 1,200,000 1,400,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 186,000 Unit Qty Unit Price Total

1,145,000 250,000 250,000 3,700,000 Included above

1,145,000 250,000 250,000 3,700,000 Included above

Page 113 of 140


3.3 kV / 33 kV, 1600 KVA three Phase Power Transformer Oil cooled complete with fittings and accessories 33 kV / 0.433 kV, 63 KVA Station Unit Auxiliary Transformer Oil cooled, complete with fittings with and auxiliaries Tariff Metering as per MSEDCL scheme Commercial Main Metering system Indoor Type comparising CT, PT & TOD meter etc. as per MSEDCL approved scheme Commercial Check Metering system Indoor Type comparising CT, PT & TOD meter etc. as per MSEDCL approved scheme Tap off point from 33 kV Transmission Line Steel Poles / Galvanized steel structure suitable for mounting Isolator & LA and necessary arrangment of clapping of Cable supports & intconnection overhead Transimssion Line & Cables as per MSEDCL approved Scheme 36 kV, 3 phase, 400A, center rotating double break isolator with earth switch 30 kV class, single phase station class lightning arrestors 33 kV Indoor Switchboard including all items as per SLD & Technical specification 3.3 kV Switchboard including all items as per SLD & Technical specification 415 V Switchboard complete including all items as per SLD & Technical specification LAVT cubicle including all items as per SLD & Technical specification Neutral grounding Transformer & resistance cubicle complete including all items as per SLD & Technical specification Power plant control, protection and monitoring complete including all items as per SLD & Technical specification Unit Control Board








7 7.1








8 8.1




8.2 8.3 9 10 11 12 13

No No set set set Set Set

1 3 1 1 1 1 1

50,000 40,000 1,200,000 500,000 400,000 200,000 176,000

50,000 120,000 1,200,000 500,000 400,000 200,000 176,000






Page 114 of 140

14.2 14.3 15

Synchronizing panel Generator Control, Monitering & Protection panel with metering 110 V/24 V DC, 60 AH,Battery, Battery Charger, DCDB, control supply system complete including all items as per Technical specification Cables including all items as per SLD & Switchyard layout & Technical specifciations 3.3 kV (UE) XLPE cable 33 kV (E) XLPE cable 1.1 kV PVC/XLPE Control & Instrumentation Cable Cable Termination for all above Cable supporting system comparising of Cable Trays, cable clamps, supporting steel structure etc. Illumination system for entire Power Plant including all items as per Technical specification Station earthling system comparising of Earthpits, Earthmat & Erathing raisers including all items as per Technical specification 50 KVA, 415 V DG Set including all items as per Technical specification Bay Extension work for Interconnection at receiving end Sub Station as per MSEDCL scheme 36 kV class, 10 kA single phase station class lightning arrestor outdoor type along with all mounting structure 36 kV,25 kA,3 phase, 400A, center rotating double break Manual Operated Isolator with earth switch outdoor type along with all mounting structure CT as per SLD & Technical specification

set set set

1 1 1

100,000 300,000 100,000

100,000 300,000 100,000





16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6

Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot Lot

1 1 1 1 1 1

Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above

Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above









19 20



200,000 -













Page 115 of 140

20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9

PT as per SLD & Technical specification 36 kV, 1250 A, 25 kA, VCB outdoor type along with all mounting structure 36 kV Double Break Manual Operated Isolator Breaker Control & Relay Panel as per SLD & Technical specification Power & Control Cables & termination / Cable supporting system Earthing System for Metering & Bay Extension work comparising of Earthpit, Earthmat & Erathing raisers Illumination system for Sub Sation extended Bay Sub Total Mandatory Spares Special Tools & Tackles Supply Sub-total: Services Freight and insurance Erection, Testing and Commissioning, Unloading at site, Storage etc. 100 days Operation Services Sub-total: Total for Supply & Services Taxes and duties Custom Duty Excise duty Sales Tax Service Tax on Freight and insurance Service Tax on Erection, Testing and Commissioning, Unloading at site, Storage Service Tax on O & M Sub-Total Grand Total

Set Set Set Set Lot Lot

1 1 1 1 1 1

70,000 200,000 50,000 80,000 Included in Sr. No. 16 Included in Sr. no.18 Included in Sr. no 14 20,349,000

70,000 200,000 50,000 80,000 Included in Sr. No. 16 Included in Sr. no.18 Included in Sr. no 14 20,429,000 1,500,000 500,000 22,429,000 1,430,030 1,600,000 Included above 3,030,030 25,459,030

20.10 21 22 23 24 25 a b c 26 27 28 a b c d e f 29 30


Lot Lot

1 1


12.5 1% 2.00 % 12.3 6% 12.3 6%

2,805,868 448,580 88,376 197,760 Included above 3,540,584

Lot Rs Lakhs

28,999,614 290.00

Page 116 of 140

APPENDIX -12 A Abstract of Project Cost Sr. No. Particulars 1 Civil, Electrical and Mechanical works a Civil work b c d e 2 3 Electrical & mechanical cost Transmission works E & M inclusive of transmission Project cost without IDC, FC & others Interest During Construction (IDC) Financial Charges a Financial institiution fees b Statutory clearence c Financial consultancy d Loan application charges e Sub-total:2 4 Preliminary expenses a Company formation fees b Misc. pre incorporation fees Sub-total:a Pre-operative expenses a Upfront premium b Legal expenses, board inagural expenses c Insurance during construction d Contingencies Sub-total:b Sub-total:(a+b) 5 Project Cost meeting, Cost, Rs. Lac

220.07 290.00 5.00 295.00 515.07 22.92


5.15 5.00 10.00 1.00 21.15

2.00 1.00 3.00 25.50 1.00 2.58 3.87 32.94 35.94 595.08

Page 117 of 140

Working Capital Requirements a Receivables @ 2 months -1st year b O&M @ 1 months c Sub-total:7 Margin Money for WC Sources of Fund Loan Equity Total Project Cost 30%

13.67 1.23 14.90 4.47

7 8

60% 40%

357.05 242.50 599.56

ANNEXURE -12B Phasing of capital expenditure Sr.No. Quarter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Quarter1 Quarter2 Quarter3 Quarter4 Quarter5 Quarter6 Quarter7 Quarter8 Total Civil 22.0 44.0 88.0 66.0 220.1 E &M Other Total Rs. In Lacs 29.50 17.02 59.00 18.86 118.00 22.98 88.50 21.15 295.0 80.01

68.53 121.87 229.01 175.67 595.08

Page 118 of 140

ANNEXURE - 12 C Calculations of IDC Term loan interest rate Term loan interest rate Quarte r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Expenditure Rs. In Lacs 68.53 190.40 419.41 595.08 12.00% 12.00% Own Rs. 27.41 76.16 167.77 238.03 Loan amt. Rs. 41.12 114.24 251.65 357.05 Loan period Months 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 IDC 1.23 3.43 7.55 10.71


ANNEXURE 12 D Table : Calculations of Interest on Term Loan Loan Amount Installment (Quarterly) 357.05 5.45 MNES subsidy 150.00

Interest Figures in Rupees rate 12.00% lacs Year Amount Repayment Quarter Ending Repayment from third year of poject Repayment Outstanding 357.05 I 357.05 0.00 357.05 150.00 207.05 5.45 201.60 5.45 160.90 196.15 II 196.15 5.45 190.70 5.45 185.26 5.45

Quarterly Interest 10.71 10.71 6.21 6.05 5.88 5.72 5.56

Annual Interest


Page 119 of 140







179.81 174.36 168.91 163.46 158.01 152.56 147.12 141.67 136.22 130.77 125.32 119.87 114.42 108.97 103.53 98.08 92.63 87.18 81.73 76.28 70.83 65.38 59.94 54.49 49.04 43.59 38.14 32.69 27.24 21.79 16.35 10.90 5.45

Total :

5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 357.05

















21.79 357.05


5.39 5.23 5.07 4.90 4.74 4.58 4.41 4.25 4.09 3.92 3.76 3.60 3.43 3.27 3.11 2.94 2.78 2.62 2.45 2.29 2.12 1.96 1.80 1.63 1.47 1.31 1.14 0.98 0.82 0.65 0.49 0.33 0.16









1.63 142.55

Page 120 of 140

1 x1000 kW Bembla hydroelectric Project

Annexure 12 E

Table 2: Balance Sheet Figures in Rs. Lac Sr. No. Particulars 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 ASSETS Cost capitalised (Gross Block) Less: depreciation Net block working Capital Preliminary expenses Other Current Assets Investment and Cash Total assets LIABILITIES Equity MNES Subsidy Reserves Term loan Working capital loan Total liabilities 592.08 77 515 4 3 10.43 21 554 243 150 (45) 196 10.43 554 02 592 144 448 4 2 10 43 509 243 150 (69) 174 10 509 03 592 202 390 4 2 10 69 476 243 150 (80) 153 10 476 04 592 252 340 4 2 10 97 454 243 150 (80) 131 10 454 05 592 295 297 4 2 10 128 442 243 150 (70) 109 10 442 Year 06 592 333 259 4 1 10 163 439 243 150 (51) 87 10 439 07 592 365 227 4 1 10 201 444 243 150 (25) 65 10 444 08 592 394 198 4 1 10 230 444 243 150 (3) 44 10 444 09 592 418 174 4 0 10 262 451 243 150 26 22 10 451 10 592 440 152 4 10 285 452 243 150 49 10 452 11 592 458 134 4 10 313 462 243 150 59 10 462 12 592 475 117 4 10 339 471 243 150 68 10 471 13 592 489 103 4 10 354 472 243 150 69 10 472 14 592 501 91 4 10 368 474 243 150 71 10 474 15 592 512 80 4 10 382 477 243 150 74 10 477 16 592 522 71 4 10 395 481 243 150 78 10 481 17 592 530 62 4 10 409 486 243 150 83 10 486 18 592 537 55 4 10 422 492 243 150 89 10 492 19 592 544 49 4 10 436 499 243 150 96 10 499 Year 20 592 549 43 4 10 449 507 243 150 104 10 507 21 592 554 38 4 10 463 515 243 150 112 10 515 22 592 558 34 4 10 477 525 243 150 122 10 525 23 592 562 30 4 10 491 536 243 150 133 10 536 24 592 566 26 4 10 506 547 243 150 144 10 547 25 592 569 23 4 10 521 559 243 150 156 10 559 26 592 571 21 4 10 536 572 243 150 169 10 572 Figures in Rupees lacs 27 592 574 19 4 10 552 585 243 150 182 10 585 28 592 576 16 4 10 568 600 243 150 197 10 600 29 592 577 15 4 10 585 614 243 150 211 10 614 30 592 579 13 4 10 602 630 243 150 227 10 630 -

Table 3: Profit and Loss Statement Figures in Rs. Lac Sr. No. Particulars 01 INCOME 1.1 Saleable units Lacs KWh 1.2 Sale rate Rs. Per Unit 1.3 Electricity Sale Income 1.4 Reinvestment Income 1.5 Income from CER sale 1.6 Total Income 2 OPERATING EXPENDITURE 2.1 O & M expenses 2.2 Royalty on water 2.3 Land lease charges 2.4 Maintenance of penstock & intake 2.5 Operating Expenses 3 PBDIT 4 Depreciation 5 Preliminary expenses w/o 6 PBIT 7 INTEREST 7.1 Term loan 7.2 Interest on term loans 7.3 Working capital loan 7.4 Interest on working capital 7.5 Total Interest 8 Profit before tax (PBT) 8.1 Add book depreciation 8.2 Less IT depreciation 8.3 Total Cumulative 8.4 MAT 8.5 Corporate tax 8.6 Credit of MAT 9 Income tax 10 Profit after tax (PAT) 11 Return on equity/ dividend 12 Retained earnings 1 22.57 2.84 64.10 17.90 82.01 12.56 1.13 0.00 1.13 14.82 67.19 77.28 0.30 (10.39) 357.05 33.68 10.43 1.36 35.04 (45.43) 77.28 76.16 (44.31) (44.31) (45.43) (45.43) 02 22.57 2.87 64.78 17.90 82.68 12.56 1.19 0.00 1.19 14.93 67.75 66.78 0.30 0.67 196.15 22.56 10.43 1.36 23.91 (23.24) 66.78 66.00 (22.46) (66.78) (23.24) (23.24) 03 22.57 2.90 65.46 17.90 83.36 12.56 1.24 0.00 1.24 15.05 68.31 57.76 0.30 10.25 174.36 19.94 10.43 1.36 21.30 (11.05) 57.76 57.24 (10.53) (77.31) (11.05) (11.05) 04 22.57 2.93 66.14 17.90 84.04 12.56 1.31 0.00 1.31 15.17 68.87 50.00 0.30 18.57 152.56 17.33 10.43 1.36 18.68 (0.12) 50.00 49.68 0.20 (77.10) 0.07 (0.12) (0.12) 05 22.57 2.96 66.81 17.90 84.72 12.56 1.37 0.00 1.37 15.30 69.41 43.32 0.30 25.80 130.77 14.71 10.43 1.36 16.07 9.73 43.32 43.15 9.89 (67.21) 1.10 3.36 9.73 9.73 Year 06 22.57 2.99 67.49 17.90 85.39 12.56 1.44 0.00 1.44 15.44 69.95 37.56 0.30 32.09 108.97 12.10 10.43 1.36 13.45 18.64 37.56 37.51 18.69 (48.52) 2.11 6.35 18.64 18.64 07 22.57 3.02 68.17 17.90 86.07 12.56 1.51 0.00 1.51 15.59 70.48 32.60 0.30 37.59 87.18 9.48 10.43 1.36 10.84 26.75 32.60 32.63 26.72 (21.80) 3.03 9.08 26.75 26.75 08 22.57 3.05 68.84 17.90 86.75 12.56 1.59 0.00 1.59 15.74 71.01 28.32 0.30 42.39 65.38 6.87 10.43 1.36 8.22 34.17 28.32 28.41 34.08 12.28 3.87 11.58 34.17 12.13 22.05 09 22.57 3.08 69.52 17.90 87.42 12.56 1.67 0.00 1.67 15.90 71.53 24.62 0.30 46.61 10 22.57 3.11 70.20 17.90 88.10 12.56 1.75 0.00 1.75 16.06 72.04 21.43 0.30 50.31 11 22.57 3.11 70.20 70.20 12.56 1.84 0.00 1.84 16.24 53.96 18.66 35.30 10.43 1.36 1.36 33.94 18.66 18.84 33.77 134.09 11.48 11.48 (0.00) 33.94 24.25 9.69 12 22.57 3.11 70.20 70.20 12.56 1.93 0.00 1.93 16.42 53.78 16.27 37.50 13 22.57 3.11 70.20 70.20 12.56 2.03 0.00 2.03 16.62 53.58 14.20 39.38 14 22.57 3.11 70.20 70.20 12.56 2.13 0.00 2.13 16.82 53.38 12.41 40.98 15 22.57 3.11 70.20 70.20 12.56 2.23 0.00 2.23 17.03 53.17 10.85 42.32 16 22.57 3.14 70.88 70.88 12.56 2.35 0.00 2.35 17.25 53.62 9.49 44.13 17 22.57 3.17 71.55 71.55 12.56 2.46 0.00 2.46 17.49 54.06 8.31 45.75 18 22.57 3.20 72.23 72.23 12.56 2.59 0.00 2.59 17.74 54.50 7.29 47.21 19 22.57 3.23 72.91 72.91 12.56 2.72 0.00 2.72 17.99 54.91 6.40 48.52 Year 20 22.57 3.26 73.58 73.58 12.56 2.85 0.00 2.85 18.27 55.32 5.62 49.70 21 22.57 3.31 74.71 74.71 12.56 2.99 0.00 2.99 18.55 56.16 4.94 51.22 22 22.57 3.36 75.84 75.84 12.56 3.14 0.00 3.14 18.85 56.99 4.35 52.65 23 22.57 3.41 76.97 76.97 12.56 3.30 0.00 3.30 19.16 57.81 3.83 53.98 24 22.57 3.46 78.10 78.10 12.56 3.47 0.00 3.47 19.50 58.60 3.37 55.23 25 22.57 3.51 79.23 79.23 12.56 3.64 0.00 3.64 19.84 59.39 2.98 56.41 26 22.57 3.56 80.36 80.36 12.56 3.82 0.00 3.82 20.21 60.15 2.63 57.52 Figures in Rupees lacs 27 22.57 3.61 81.48 81.48 12.56 4.01 0.00 4.01 20.59 60.90 2.32 58.58 28 22.57 3.66 82.61 82.61 12.56 4.21 0.00 4.21 20.99 61.62 2.05 59.57 29 22.57 3.71 83.74 83.74 12.56 4.42 0.00 4.42 21.41 62.33 1.82 60.51 30 22.57 3.76 84.87 84.87 12.56 4.65 0.00 4.65 21.85 63.02 1.61 61.41

Page 121 of 140


43.59 21.79 4.25 1.63 10.43 10.43 1.36 1.36 5.61 2.99 41.00 47.32 24.62 21.43 24.75 21.58 40.87 47.17 53.16 100.32 4.65 5.36 13.89 16.03 41.00 47.32 12.13 24.25 28.88 23.07

10.43 1.36 1.36 36.15 16.27 16.45 35.97 170.06 12.23 9.59 2.64 33.51 24.25 9.26

10.43 1.36 1.36 38.03 14.20 14.38 37.85 207.91 12.86 12.86 25.16 24.25 0.91

10.43 1.36 1.36 39.62 12.41 12.58 39.44 247.35 13.41 13.41 26.21 24.25 1.96

10.43 1.36 1.36 40.97 10.85 11.01 40.80 288.15 13.87 13.87 27.10 24.25 2.85

10.43 1.36 1.36 42.77 9.49 9.65 42.61 330.76 14.48 14.48 28.29 24.25 4.04

10.43 1.36 1.36 44.39 8.31 8.46 44.24 375.01 15.04 15.04 29.36 24.25 5.10

10.43 1.36 1.36 45.85 7.29 7.43 45.71 420.72 15.54 15.54 30.31 24.25 6.06

10.43 1.36 1.36 47.16 6.40 6.53 47.03 467.75 15.99 15.99 31.17 24.25 6.92

10.43 1.36 1.36 48.34 5.62 5.74 48.23 515.97 16.39 16.39 31.95 24.25 7.70

10.43 1.36 1.36 49.87 4.94 5.05 49.76 565.73 16.91 16.91 32.95 24.25 8.70

10.43 1.36 1.36 51.29 4.35 4.44 51.19 616.93 17.40 17.40 33.89 24.25 9.64

10.43 1.36 1.36 52.62 3.83 3.92 52.53 669.46 17.86 17.86 34.77 24.25 10.52

10.43 1.36 1.36 53.87 3.37 3.45 53.79 723.25 18.28 18.28 35.59 24.25 11.34

10.43 1.36 1.36 55.05 2.98 3.05 54.98 778.24 18.69 18.69 36.37 24.25 12.11

10.43 1.36 1.36 56.17 2.63 2.69 56.10 834.34 19.07 19.07 37.10 24.25 12.85

10.43 1.36 1.36 57.22 2.32 2.38 57.16 891.50 19.43 19.43 37.79 24.25 13.54

10.43 1.36 1.36 58.22 2.05 2.10 58.16 949.67 19.77 19.77 38.44 24.25 14.19

10.43 1.36 1.36 59.16 1.82 1.86 59.11 1,008.78 20.09 20.09 39.07 24.25 14.82

10.43 1.36 1.36 60.05 1.61 1.65 60.01 1,068.79 20.40 20.40 39.65 24.25 15.40

Table 4: Schedule for Calculations of Depreciation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sr.No. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Civil work including escalation E & M work including escalation IDC +Financial charges+Pre-operative Cost after capitalisation Civil work E&M Particulars Rate of depreciation Project cost-civil work Project cost -E & M Total cost Depreciation-Civil Depreciation-E & M Depreciation-Total WDV As per Income tax method Rate of depreciation Project cost-civil work Project cost -E & M Total cost; Depreciation-Civil Depreciation-E & M Depreciation-Total WDV Civil 253 339 592 25 52 77 515 Civil 253 339 592 25 51 76 516 220.07 295.00 Total: 77.01 253.0 339.1 Total: 01


592.08 02 03 10.00% E &M 228 205 287 243 515 448 23 20 44 37 67 58 448 390 10% E &M 228 288 516 23 43 66 450 04 15.33% 184 206 390 18 32 50 340 15% 184 208 393 18 31 50 343 05 166 174 340 17 27 43 297 Year 06 149 148 297 15 23 38 259 07 134 125 259 13 19 33 227 08 121 106 227 12 16 28 198 09 109 90 198 11 14 25 174 10 98 76 174 10 12 21 152

Figures in Rs. Lac 11 88 64 152 9 10 19 134 12 79 54 134 8 8 16 117 13 71 46 117 7 7 14 103 14 64 39 103 6 6 12 91 15 58 33 91 6 5 11 80 16 52 28 80 5 4 9 71 17 47 24 71 5 4 8 62 18 42 20 62 4 3 7 55 19 38 17 55 4 3 6 49 Year 20 34 14 49 3 2 6 43 21 31 12 43 3 2 5 38 22 28 10 38 3 2 4 34 23 25 9 34 2 1 4 30 24 22 7 30 2 1 3 26 25 20 6 26 2 1 3 23 26

Figures in Rupees lacs 27 18 5 23 2 1 3 21 16 4 21 2 1 2 19 28 15 4 19 1 1 2 16 29 13 3 16 1 0 2 15 30 12 3 15 1 0 2 13

205 245 450 20 37 57 393

166 177 343 17 27 43 300

149 150 300 15 23 38 262

134 128 262 13 19 33 230

121 109 230 12 16 28 201

109 92 201 11 14 25 177

98 79 177 10 12 22 155

88 67 155 9 10 19 136

79 57 136 8 9 16 120

71 48 120 7 7 14 105

64 41 105 6 6 13 93

58 35 93 6 5 11 82

52 30 82 5 4 10 72

47 25 72 5 4 8 64

42 21 64 4 3 7 56

38 18 56 4 3 7 50

34 15 50 3 2 6 44

31 13 44 3 2 5 39

28 11 39 3 2 4 34

25 9 34 2 1 4 30

22 8 30 2 1 3 27

20 7 27 2 1 3 24

18 6 24 2 1 3 21

16 5 21 2 1 2 19

15 4 19 1 1 2 17

13 4 17 1 1 2 15

12 3 15 1 0 2 13

Page 139

1 x1000 kW Bembla hydroelectric Project

Annexure 12 E

Table 8 : Cash Flow Figures in Rs. Lac S.N. 1 Particulars 01 SOURCES OF FUND 1.1 PBDIT 1.2 MNES Subsidy 1.3 Total inflow USES OF FUND 2.1 Repayment of loan 2.2 Interest 2.3 Income tax 2.4 Total Outflow Net inflow Dividend Cumulative cash 67.2 150.0 217.2 160.9 35.0 195.9 21.3 21.3 02 67.8 67.8 21.8 23.9 45.7 22.0 43.3 03 68.3 68.3 21.8 21.3 43.1 25.2 68.5 04 68.9 68.9 21.8 18.7 40.5 28.4 96.9 05 69.4 69.4 21.8 16.1 37.9 31.5 128.5 Year 06 70.0 70.0 21.8 13.5 35.2 34.7 163.2 Year 07 70.5 70.5 21.8 10.8 32.6 37.9 201.0 08 71.0 71.0 21.8 8.2 30.0 41.0 12.1 229.9 09 71.5 71.5 21.8 5.6 27.4 44.1 12.1 261.9 10 72.0 72.0 21.8 3.0 24.8 47.3 24.3 284.9 11 54.0 54.0 1.4 (0.0) 1.4 52.6 24.3 313.2 12 53.8 53.8 1.4 2.6 4.0 49.8 24.3 338.8 13 53.6 53.6 1.4 12.9 14.2 39.4 24.3 353.9 14 53.4 53.4 1.4 13.4 14.8 38.6 24.3 368.3 15 53.2 53.2 1.4 13.9 15.2 37.9 24.3 381.9 16 53.6 53.6 1.4 14.5 15.8 37.8 24.3 395 17 54.1 54.1 1.4 15.0 16.4 37.7 24.3 408.9 18 54.5 54.5 1.4 15.5 16.9 37.6 24.3 422.3 19 54.9 54.9 1.4 16.0 17.3 37.6 24.3 435.6 20 55.3 55.3 1.4 16.4 17.7 37.6 24.3 448.9 21 56.2 56.2 1.4 16.9 18.3 37.9 24.3 462.5 22 57.0 57.0 1.4 17.4 18.8 38.2 24.3 476.5 23 57.8 57.8 1.4 17.9 19.2 38.6 24.3 490.9 24 58.6 58.6 1.4 18.3 19.6 39.0 24.3 505.6 25 59.4 59.4 1.4 18.7 20.0 39.3 24.3 520.7 26 60.2 60.2 1.4 19.1 20.4 39.7 24.3 536.1 27 60.9 60.9 1.4 19.4 20.8 40.1 24.3 552.0 28 61.6 61.6 1.4 19.8 21.1 40.5 24.3 568.2 29 62.3 62.3 1.4 20.1 21.4 40.9 24.3 584.9 30 63.0 63.0 1.4 20.4 21.8 41.3 24.3 601.9 Figures in Rs. Lacs

3 4

Table 9: Cost of Energy Generation Figures in Rs. Lac S.N. 1 2 Particulars 01 Income 1.1 Saleable units Lacs KWh Expenditure 2.1 Operating expenses 2.2 Preliminary expenses w/o 2.3 Interest on loan 2.4 Depreciation 2.5 Return on equity/Dividend 2.6 Discounting Factor 2.7 Disounted ROE 2.8 Levelised ROE 2.6 Total Expenditure Generation cost Rs./Unit Discounting Factor Disounted cost of energy Levelised cost of generation Average cost of generation Average cost (30 years basis) 22.6 14.8 0.3 35.0 77.3 0.909 10.6 127.4 5.65 0.909 5.13 3.29 2.70 02 22.6 14.9 0.3 23.9 66.8 0.826 105.9 4.69 0.826 3.88 03 22.6 15.0 0.3 21.3 57.8 0.751 94.4 4.18 0.751 3.14 04 22.6 15.2 0.3 18.7 50.0 0.683 84.2 3.73 0.683 2.55 05 22.6 15.3 0.3 16.1 43.3 0.621 75.0 3.32 0.621 2.06 4.31 Year 06 22.6 15.4 0.3 13.5 37.6 0.564 66.8 2.96 0.564 1.67 07 22.6 15.6 0.3 10.8 32.6 0.513 59.3 2.63 0.513 1.35 08 22.6 15.7 0.3 8.2 28.3 12.1 0.467 5.66 64.7 2.87 0.467 1.34 09 22.6 15.9 0.3 5.6 24.6 12.1 0.424 5.14 58.5 2.59 0.424 1.10 10 22.6 16.1 0.3 3.0 21.4 24.3 0.386 9.35 65.0 2.88 0.386 1.11 2.79 11 22.6 16.2 1.4 18.7 24.3 0.350 8.50 60.5 2.68 0.350 0.94 12 22.6 16.4 1.4 16.3 24.3 0.319 7.73 58.3 2.58 0.319 0.82 13 22.6 16.6 1.4 14.2 24.3 0.290 7.02 56.4 2.50 0.290 0.72 14 22.6 16.8 1.4 12.4 24.3 0.263 6.39 54.8 2.43 0.263 0.64 15 22.6 17.0 1.4 10.8 24.3 0.239 5.81 53.5 2.37 0.239 0.57 2.51 16 22.6 17.3 1.4 9.5 24.3 0.218 5.28 52.4 2.32 0.218 0.50 17 22.6 17.5 1.4 8.3 24.3 0.198 4.80 51.4 2.28 0.198 0.45 18 22.6 17.7 1.4 7.3 24.3 0.180 4.36 50.6 2.24 0.180 0.40 19 22.6 18.0 1.4 6.4 24.3 0.164 3.97 50.0 2.22 0.164 0.36 Year 20 22.6 18.3 1.4 5.6 24.3 0.149 3.60 49.5 2.19 0.149 0.33 2.25 21 22.6 18.6 1.4 4.9 24.3 0.135 3.28 49.1 2.18 0.135 0.29 22 22.6 18.9 1.4 4.3 24.3 0.123 2.98 48.8 2.16 0.123 0.27 23 22.6 19.2 1.4 3.8 24.3 0.112 2.71 48.6 2.15 0.112 0.24 24 22.6 19.5 1.4 3.4 24.3 0.102 2.46 48.5 2.15 0.102 0.22 25 22.6 19.8 1.4 3.0 24.3 0.092 2.24 48.4 2.15 0.092 0.20 2.16

Figures in Rupees lacs Figures in Rupees Lacs 26 22.6 20.2 1.4 2.6 24.3 0.084 2.03 48.4 2.15 0.084 0.18 27 22.6 20.6 1.4 2.3 24.3 0.076 1.85 48.5 2.15 0.076 0.16 28 22.6 21.0 1.4 2.1 24.3 0.069 1.68 48.6 2.16 0.069 0.15 2.15 29 22.6 21.4 1.4 1.8 24.3 0.063 1.53 48.8 2.16 0.063 0.14 30 22.6 21.9 1.4 1.6 24.3 0.057 1.39 49.1 2.17 0.057 0.12 2.16

3 4 5 6 7 8

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Table 10: Calculations of Financing Parameters Figures in Rs. Lac S.N. 1 Particulars 01 IRR 1.1 Project cost Excluding Margine Money 1.2 Net Profit After Tax 1.3 Depriciation 1.4 Add: MNES Subsidy 1.5 Interest on Term Loan 1.6 Prem. & Pre. Ope. Exp. Written off 1.6 Net operating cashflow 1.7 (595.1) 1.8 2 Project Payback Period 2.1 Total project cost Exculding Margine Money 2.2 Profit after tax 2.3 Add book depreciation 2.4 Prem. & Pre Operative Exp. 2.5 MNES Subsidy 2.6 Total: 2.7 Cumulative 2.8 Payback Period in years 3 Debt Service Coverage Ratio 3.1 PAT as per P& L a/c 3.2 Add: Interest on Term Loan 3.3 Add: Depreciation 3.4 P& P Exp. Written off 3.5 MNES Subsidy 3.6 Cash available for services 3.7 Interest on Term Loan 3.8 Term loan repayments 3.9 Total obligation 3.10 DSCR 3.11 Average DSCR 3.12 Weighted Average DSCR 595.1 (45.4) 77.3 150.00 33.7 0.3 215.83 215.83 12.70 1 595.1 (45.4) 77.3 0.3 150.00 182.2 182.2 8.63 (45.4) 33.7 77.3 0.3 150.00 215.8 33.7 160.9 194.6 1.11 2.04 1.67 02 03 04 05 Year 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Year 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Figures in Rupees lacs 27 28 29 30

(23.2) 66.8 22.6 0.3 66.40 66.40 2 (23.2) 66.8 0.3 43.8 226.0

(11.0) 57.8 19.9 0.3 66.96 66.96 3 (11.0) 57.8 0.3 47.0 273.0

(0.1) 50.0 17.3 0.3 67.51 67.51 4 (0.1) 50.0 0.3 50.2 323.2

9.7 43.3 14.7 0.3 68.06 68.06 5 9.7 43.3 0.3 53.3 376.5

18.6 37.6 12.1 0.3 68.60 68.60 6 18.6 37.6 0.3 56.5 433.0

26.7 32.6 9.5 0.3 69.13 69.13 7 26.7 32.6 0.3 59.6 492.7

34.2 28.3 6.9 0.3 69.65 69.65 8 34.2 28.3 0.3 62.8 555.5

41.0 24.6 4.2 0.3 70.17 70.17 9 41.0 24.6 0.3 65.9 621.4

47.3 21.4 1.6 0.3 70.68 70.68 10 47.3 21.4 0.3 69.0 690.4

33.9 18.7 52.61 52.61

33.5 16.3 49.78 49.78

25.2 14.2 39.36 39.36

26.2 12.4 38.62 38.62

27.1 10.8 37.95 37.95

28.3 9.5 37.78 37.78

29.4 8.3 37.67 37.67

30.3 7.3 37.60 37.60

31.2 6.4 37.57 37.57

32.0 5.6 37.57 37.57

33.0 4.9 37.89 37.89

33.9 4.3 38.24 38.24

34.8 3.8 38.59 38.59

35.6 3.4 38.96 38.96

36.4 3.0 39.34 39.34

37.1 2.6 39.72 39.72

37.8 2.3 40.11 40.11

38.4 2.1 40.50 40.50

39.1 1.8 40.88 40.88

39.7 1.6 41.26 41.26

33.9 18.7 52.6 743.0

33.5 16.3

25.2 14.2

26.2 12.4

27.1 10.8

28.3 9.5

29.4 8.3

30.3 7.3

31.2 6.4

32.0 5.6

33.0 4.9

33.9 4.3

34.8 3.8

35.6 3.4

36.4 3.0

37.1 2.6

37.8 2.3

38.4 2.1

39.1 1.8

39.7 1.6

49.8 792.8

39.4 832.2

38.6 870.8

37.9 908.8

37.8 946.5

37.7 984.2

37.6 1,021.8

37.6 1,059.4

37.6 1,096.9

37.9 1,134.8

38.2 1,173.1

38.6 1,211.7

39.0 1,250.6

39.3 1,290.0

39.7 1,329.7

40.1 1,369.8

40.5 1,410.3

40.9 1,451.2

41.3 1,492.5

(23.2) 22.6 66.8 0.3 66.4 22.6 21.8 44.4 1.50

(11.0) 19.9 57.8 0.3 67.0 19.9 21.8 41.7 1.60

(0.1) 17.3 50.0 0.3 67.5 17.3 21.8 39.1 1.73

9.7 14.7 43.3 0.3 68.1 14.7 21.8 36.5 1.86

18.6 12.1 37.6 0.3 68.6 12.1 21.8 33.9 2.02

26.7 9.5 32.6 0.3 69.1 9.5 21.8 31.3 2.21

34.2 6.9 28.3 0.3 69.7 6.9 21.8 28.7 2.43

41.0 4.2 24.6 0.3 70.2 4.2 21.8 26.0 2.69

47.3 1.6 21.4 0.3 70.7 21.8 21.8 3.24

33.9 18.7 52.6 -

33.5 16.3 49.8 -

25.2 14.2

26.2 12.4

27.1 10.8

28.3 9.5

29.4 8.3

30.3 7.3

31.2 6.4

32.0 5.6

33.0 4.9

33.9 4.3

34.8 3.8

35.6 3.4

36.4 3.0

37.1 2.6

37.8 2.3

38.4 2.1

39.1 1.8

39.7 1.6

39.4 -

38.6 -

37.9 -

37.8 -

37.7 -

37.6 -

37.6 -

37.6 -

37.9 -

38.2 -

38.6 -

39.0 -

39.3 -

39.7 -

40.1 -

40.5 -

40.9 -

41.3 -

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Bembla Hydro Electric Project

Bembla Intake

Irrigation Canal

Bembla Hydro Electric Project

Location f Power H L ti of P House

Irrigation outlet and canal

ICPO Power Limb

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PART IV - DRAWINGS Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Title Index Map Schematic layout of scheme Contour Plan on d/s of Dam Project Layout Plan Plan & Cross section of dam with ICPO W.C. System Plan & Section Power house-Plan Power house-Section Trash rack panel ( Existing ) Land acquisition Plan Single line diagram Switchyard Plan & Section Drawing Number 64-02-01 64-02-02 64-02-03 64-02-04 64-02-05 64-02-06 64-02-07 64-02-08 64-02-10 64-02-11 64-02-12 64-02-13 Revision R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R0 R1 R1 R0 R0 R0 R0

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