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Etl 1110-2-311

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CECW-EE Technical Letter No.


DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000

ETL 1110-2-311

29 February 1988


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Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Report Documentation Page

Report Date 29 Feb 1988 Report Type N/A Dates Covered (from... to) Contract Number Grant Number Program Element Number Author(s) Project Number Task Number Work Unit Number Performing Organization Name(s) and Address(es) Department of the Army U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Washington, DC 20314-1000 Sponsoring/Monitoring Agency Name(s) and Address(es) Distribution/Availability Statement Approved for public release, distribution unlimited Supplementary Notes Abstract Subject Terms Report Classification unclassified Classification of Abstract unclassified Number of Pages 11 Classification of this page unclassified Limitation of Abstract UU Performing Organization Report Number

Title and Subtitle Engineering and Design: Fire Protection--Hydroelectric Power Plants

Sponsor/Monitors Acronym(s) Sponsor/Monitors Report Number(s)

,,, ,. ,.


DEPARTMENT OF THE AF?MY U.S. Army Corps of Enqineers Washington, D.C. 20314+1000



Enqineer Technical Letter No. 1110-2-311 Engineering and Desiqn PROTECTION --HYDROELECTRIC POWER

29 February 1988 PLANTS


1. Purpose. The purpose of this letter is to provide guidance for the upqradinq of fire prevention, fire detection, fire protection-and smoke control systems in existinq power plants. Means of emergency access and egress from the power plant, and the use of fire uesistinq materials when mdifyinq or installing new equipment or material in the power plant is also addressed.

2. Applicability. This letter applies to all HQUSACE/OCE elements and field operatinq activities having responsibility Civil Works hydroelectric power plant projects. 3. References. a. b. EM 1110-2-4205 American Society of Heating, Refriueratinq Conditioninq Enqineers (ASHRAE) American Institute Industrial National National National Society for Testinq and Materials and Air-


c. d. e. f. ~. h. i. Jo


of Electrical Risk Fire Insurers

and Electronics (IRI) Association (NEC)


Protection Code


Electrical Electrical Safety

Manufacturers and Health Inc.



Occupational Underwriters

Administration (lJL)


4. Discussion. Typical hydroelectric powerhouse construction is of reinforced concrete and masonry type construction, therefore fire suppression for powerhouses has historically been limited to

~his ETL




25 May


ETL 1110-2-311 29 Feb 88

fire hoses and fiue extinguishers for protection of the Special fire protection systems, such as carbon structure. dioxide (C02) systems, have been used to ~rotect generators, equipment within oil storage, purification, and flammable storaqe Water deluqe systems, rooms. installed for large power transformers, have been used to prevent the spread of fire and to Fire detection systems and smoke protect the adjacent structure. Existinq control systems have normally not been installed. codes, NFPA, NEC, OSHA, NEMA and Army Regulations, contain many ~-emulations and requirements for fire protection; howeverr not all are applicable to OK required for hydroelectric power plants.

Fire hazards in a power plant are limited. 5. Fire Hazard. Power Dlant structures are of fire resistant or firepuoof construction with limited amounts of burnable furniture and decorations. Except for improperly stoued combustible materials, and oil flammable liquids, the power plant contains a limited amount of combustible material . Some of the cable insulation for power and control cables installed in the Corps older plants may not be of a material tyne which will prevent flame propagation; however, all cable runs are provided with short circuit and overload protection which reduces the probability of a fire oriqinatinq within the cable systems when the protective systems In addition, and cables are puoperly inspected and maintained. these cable systems are located in areas not normally occupied (cable qalleries, cable spreadinq areas~ etc. ); hence~ do not In the event of a cable fire present a threat to life safety. within these areas, dense and possible toxic smoke may be emitted makinq the smoke or qases from these fires extremely hazardous if allowed to penetrate into occupied areas or if someone enters the In the past, smoke control to evacuate smoke and toxic area. gases from the powerhouse and fire barriers tc ~revent the pro~aqation of fire at cable penetrations throuqh walls and ceilinqs were not always nrovideii. A fire protection s~]rvey should be 6. Fire Pt-otection Surveys. any of the performed at existing powerhouses prior to upqradinq The survey should add~ess life fire Protection equipment. safety, the probability of a fire occurrinq, snecific hazards located at the powerhouse and the probable effect of complete While a project loss of power facilities on reservoir releases. may be able to survive for various amounts of time without discharges for requlatinq river significant power production? The effects of prolonqecl flow and flood control may be critical.

ETL 1110 -2-31~ 29 Feb 88

discharges through outlet works and spillways duvinq summer and winter should be considered. Recommendations should be presented for an integrated system of fire prevention throuqh the elimination or isolation of the specific hazald, fire suppression for those hazards that cannot be eliminated or isolated, fire detection, emerqency access and eqress and smoke control . The survey should address and treat occupied and unoccupied areas separately. 7. Elimination of Fire Hazards. Recent surveys made of several power plants, prior to initiating design of the fire protection system, have revealed that combustible materials we~e improperly stored in areas not designed for such storage. Each power plant should be surveyed on a reqular basis and all combustible material , or material capable of supporting combustion found to be improperly stored, should be removed and relocated to storage areas or storaqe buildinqs set aside for that Durpose.
8. Fire Supp ression. Many types of fire suppression or Water spray provides extinquishina systems are available. isolation coolinq action, C02 reduces the oxyqen concentration, removes the fuel from the fire, and halon and dry chemicals disrupt the unrestrained chemical chain reaction needed for combustion. liowever, not all extinquishinq aqents are equally Water effective and cost efficient in certain types of fires. used on electrical control equipment and terminal cabinets can cause damaqe by shortinq. C02 is not cost effective in larqe volume areas and the area is not immediately habitable after Gas extinguishment (halon) is not effective for application. dee~ seated fires. Another factor to consider is whether the suppression system should be activated by automatic OK manual The consequences of a false trip of an automatic system means. can be as bad as a fiue in that operations peusonnel may After deactivate the system to preclude further trips. evaluating the hazard and its consequences, the most appropriate suppression system will need to be decided. Many times the amount of fuel can be limited so that no suppression at all is needed and the consequences of havinq the fire burn itself out can be tolerated.

a. Systems. co systems should be utilized for large =2 svstems, oil generators and motors wit ? closed air circulation storage and purification rooms, and paint and flammable liquid storaqe rooms in accordance with EM 1110-2-4205.

ErL 1110-2-311 29 Feb 88

WateK Systems. b. Water deluqe systems should be provided for outdoor transformers, when the transformers are installed on or adjacent to the structure to help prevent the sp~ead of fi~-e and to limit damaqe to the structure and other close by transformers and equipment (see EM 111O-2-42O5). Fire hose stations and fixed spray systems are not recommended but may be provided in extreme cases for oil filled pipe cable, cable qalleries or tunnels, and sDreadinq rooms, alonq with othe~- areas identified durinq the fire suuvev, when it has been established by a fire risk analysis that a threat to life safetv exists and the hazard is sufficient to justify the cost. Hose spray nozzles should he of the fog-type which cannot be adjusted to a straiqht. stream and shall be UL rated for use on electrical fires. Automatic systems when installed in unattended powerhouses should deactivate after a specified period of time, and then he capable of automatically reactivating should the fire not be fully suppressed . Disposinq of water emitted by these systems is a major consideration and expense, and methods of disposinq of the water must be Drovided. Halon SVstems. c. Automatic halon systems should k>e limited to computer rooms, small control rooms, and recoud storage areas. Larqe control rooms should be protected by installing automatic halon systems directly in the control Total cabinets and providinq hand held halon fire extinquisheus. floodinq may be warranted in smaller rooms. If total flooclinq is used, all. room openinqs must be sealed, dampe~s closed and fans shut down automatically. A visible and alldible alarm should be activated prior to the halon discharqe. Halon systems should not be provided for switchaear rooms. Portable Fiue Extinguishers. d. Portable hand held C02 OL halon fire extinquishers should be provided and located The use throughout the powerhouse in accordance with the NFPA. of dry chemical fire extinguishers is not recommended, primarilv due to cleanup problems. 9. Fire Detection. Automatic fire detectors for detectinq the presence of firer and the initiation of appropriate action, shall Detectors he desiqned and installed in compliance with NFPA 72R. should be zoned. An alarm from anv detector should send a sianal


1110-2-311 29 Feb 88

to the local control room and there should be an established procedure for the plant operator upon receipt of the signal. In the case of remote plants, consideration should be given to sending the siqnal to a master plant or to the fire department. The type of detector to be used should be selected with caue as its usefulness will depend on the detector design, the location and environment in which it will be installed, and how well it is maintained. Do not sacrifice reliability for earliest detection. A detector that false alarms is almost as useless as a detector that does not alarm. The detector location is also important as detectors are relatively insensitive in staqnant OK zero air flow conditions. Detectors for hiqh air flow conditions, such as in air ducts, require special type construction. a. Ionization Detectors. Smoke detectors, utilizinq the ionization principles, are usually of the spot type containing a small amount of radioactive material for ionizing the air in the sensinq chamber, thus makinq the air conductive. When combustion products enter the ionization area they decrease the conductance of the air, thus reducina the amount of current flow across the When the conductance is less than a sensing chamber. predetermined level the detector responds. Ionization detectors react to both visible and invisible particles of the first staqes of a fire. As a class, ionization detectors provide a somewhat faster response to high energy (open flaminq) fires, since these fires Droduce more of the smaller smoke particles. Some plastics such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulation when heated, as by an overload, qeneuate a dense opaque smoke cloud composed of many These qases are qases includinq chlorine and hydroqen-chloride. highly toxic and corrosive and can be detected by an ionization detector but because of the larger smoke particles, the ionization detectors may not yield the fastest response. Photoelectric detectous use a b. Photoelectric Detectors. liqht source and a photosensitive device mounted in a liqht-proof The two main types of photoelectric detectors are the chamber. photoelectric liaht obscuration type and the photoelectric Iiqht In the photoelectric liqht obscuration type, scattering type. smoke particles between the light source and the photosensitive device reduce the liqht reaching the device, causing the detector to opeuate. In the photoelectric liqht scattering type, liqht Smoke rays do not normally fall onto the photosensitive device. particles enter the liqht path, liqht strikes the particles and is scatt~red onto the photosensitive device, causinq the detector

EfL1110-2-311 29 Feb 88

to operate. As a class, photoelectric smoke detectors respond faster to the smoke qenerated by low enerqy (smoldering) fires, as these fires produce more of the larqer smoke particles. Heat Sensinq Detectors. c. Heat sensing detectors are of two qeneral tvpes, both of which respond to abnormal heat conditions. The fixed temperature type operates when its operating element becomes heated to a puedete~mine{fi level. The rate-of-rise type operates when the temperature rises at a rate exceedinq a ~redetermined amount. A detector which is a combination of the two types is also available.

ri. Other Types. Detectors available for specialized purposes are infrared detectors which react to heat radiation; Pressure detectors which react to shock of an explosion; ultraviolet detectors which react to radiation qiven off by aces and fires and heat-sensitive cable in which detection is continuous alonq a path.
e. Conclusions. Heat (1) equipment, sensinq detectors aue best such as generators or near suited for locations flammable fluids.


(2) Ionization detectors are best Location near enerav, open flaming fires. equipment should be avoided. Photoelectric (3) smoldering fires. detectors

suited for hiqh arc-producinq

are best


fou low


(4) The combined use of photoelect~-ic detectous with ionization detectors alonq a cable tray installation should Drovide ea~liest detection. (5) Heat-sensitive cable installed in each cable tray, and clesiqned to annunciate by zones and tray location, ave best suited for quickly determining the location of the probable fire. (6) Location of detectors in a pattern or the close


1110-2-311 29 Feb 88

spacinq of detectors, as some codes recommend for qeneral room protection, is not necessary. Detectors should be located at or near the probable fire source, such as near cable trays, or in the path of heating and ventilating air movement. 10. Isolation and Smoke Control. Isolation of fire and smoke is a siqnlflcant fire control Item. Smoke inhalation is one of the major causes for loss of life in any fire situation. Toxic fumes from a small fire could require total evacuation of the Existinq ventilating systems may contribute to powerhouse. snreadinq smoke throughout the powerhouse. Smoke Control. a. The primary purpose of smoke control in a buildinq is to evacuate smoke and toxic particles to allow for emergency access and egress. In buildinqs or chambers with relatively small air volumes, it is sometimes effective to shut down the air flow systems completely and let the fire deplete the oxyqen in the air and self-extinguish. However, in most powerhouse facilities, the air spaces are too larqe and the buildinqs are not ail- tiqht. Seniiinq fire fiqhters into the structure and supplyin? 100% outside air is more effective. Areas critical to continued emergency occupancv and protection of exit passageways should be considered. Generally speakinq, the HVAC system should be designed to have a smoke control mode that will be activated automatically by smoke detectors. Detection of smoke by the first detector shall cause an alarm siqnal to be Detection of smoke by additional detectors shall transmitted. automatically activate the Heatinq, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system in the smoke control mode for that zone. The control room and stairways that are used fou emergency access and egress should be pressurized accordinq to ASHRAE recommendations usinq 100% outside air. Smoke exhaust fans in the qenerator hiqh bays should be activated and 100% outside air Smoke exhaust puovided to evacuate smoke from the powerhouse. fans should be installed according to NFPA and IRI requirements and should have a 500 de~ree F ratinq. Dampers, valves and other power operated devices should be configured to provide operation in the smoke control mode in the case of a power outaqe. R switch on the control panel should be provided fou testing the smoke ventilation equipment. b. Isolation. Isolation throuqh the use of fire and smoke barriers should be considered on a case by case basis. Care should be taken to not seal oneninqs which are required


plant ventilation systems. Where cable trays pass throuqh a floor or wall which is considered a fire wall, and where cables leave the tray and enter the switchoear or a switchboard throuqh a slot, a fire-stop should be provided. Fire-ston material should provide both a fire barrier and a smoke barrie~ and the method selected should allow for futu~e removal and/or addition of cables. Fire-stop mate~ial should be specified in terms of hour ratinq and testing according to ASTM E-119. Single conduit or single cables which penetrate a fire wall can be sealed with special fittinqs made by several manufactures. Thick seals should be avoided as they could contribute to excessive cable insulation operatinq temperature. Emerqency Access and Eqress. 11. Emerqency access and eqress fcom each area must be evaluated to assure that suitable escape routes exist and that access is nrovided for fire suppression or rescue. Emerqency liqhtinq, exit siqns and directions, and uncomplicated exit routes, elevator recall and emerqency, self-contained hreathinq apparatus should be provided. Insulated Electrical Cable. All new wire and cable to be 12. installed in the powerhouse shall conform to the ap~licable requirements of NEMA WC7 or WC8 and shall in addition be of flame All cable installed in cable tvays shall ~etardant construction. pass IEEE Standard 383 flame test, paraqraph 2.5, usinq the Sinqle conductors installed in conduit and ribbon gas burner. individual conductors of multiple-conducto~ cables shall pass the Polyvinvl chloride flame test of NEMA WC7, paragraph 6.12.5. (PVC) shall not be used as conductor insulation or as jacket Whe~-e material as the combustion nroducts al-e extremely toxic. the above cable types are installed the fire suppression systems Howeve~, most of the of paraqraph 8 are qenerally adequate. cables installed in-the Corps older plants aue not sufficiently flame retardant. The power plant local annunciation and, if 13. Alarm Monitor. a~pl icable, the remote alarm svstem should be used to monitor the A local alaum system should he puovided fiue detectinq alarms. for each area. Properly applied, these systems will nrovide more reliable and useful alarm data than the minim~lm alarm monitor specifie(~ in the fire codes. 14. Recommendations. When desiqninq a Fire for a power nlant the followinq as a minimum Protection System is recommended:


1110-2-311 29 Feb 88

A fire Protection survey should be conducted to deter~~ne the specific hazards located in the power plant and the Locations of the specific probability of a fiue occurring. hazards should be addressed and the determination made, in accordance with the applicable provisions of NFPA 101, as to whether or not the hazard is a th~eat to life safety in normally occupied areas. Where possible, the specific hazard should be eliminated or isolated.
b. Automatic fire detectors should be designed and installed in the power plant in accordance with NFPA 72E. Detectors should be zoned and annunciated by zones. Careful consideration should also be qiven to the location and tyne of detectors specified.

A means of isolation of possible fire and smoke in the c. power plant should be provided. Ventilation systems should be desiqned or modified to evacuate smoke and toxic particles to allow for emerqency access and egress. Fire barriers and smoke barriers should be provided to prevent the transmission control of the fire and smoke from one area to another. When replacing or installing new materials, such as d. power and contt-ol cables, fire resisting material should he specified. Fire suppression systems should be specified when it has e. determined that the specific hazard cannot be eliminated. C02 systems, if not already provided, should be provided for the generator, oil storage and purification rooms, and flammable Water deluqe systems, if not already provided, storaae rooms. should be provided fo~ larqe outdoor oil filled transformers when the transformer is located on or adjacent to the structure. Halon systems may he provided for control rooms, computer rooms and record storaqe rooms. Water suppression systems for oil filled pipe cable, cable qalleries or tunnels, and sDreadinq rooms , alonq with other areas identified durinq the fire risk analysis are not recommended unless justified in accordance with
8b ahove.



ETL 1110-2-311 29 Feb 88 f. A survey should be made to determine if a means of emergency access to and eqress from the power plant exists. In those instances where sufficient means of access and egress does not exist they should be provided.


HERBERT H. KENNON Chief, Engineering Division Directorate of Engineering and Construction


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