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The All New Redesigned Incoming! Ezine

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The All New Redesigned INCOMING!


Changes at the EPICentre

Psychic Review

Orc Special Characters

Dark Eldar Preview

Tau Preview

Escalating Confrontation New Scenario For

Changes at the EPICentre
By Tom Webb

Hi all,

Not much work has been done on the site this few months, it will by the time you are reading
this however be in the later stages of receiving a temporary Christmas makeover. This makeover will last until
the 12
of January at which point a long needed graphical overhall will be done on the site. Once more the
online store has had a successful month as our reputation has expanded. VOID is selling extremely well and
Celtos is also doing well.

The EPIC miniatures have not sold well recently but the lull in the EPIC market was more than
compensated for by the VOID sales. If you are looking for something in particular in EPIC scale then email me

As for the EPICentre, I am uploading the original first three issues of the Incoming! EZine for
you all to check out. In particular the scale of the battle reports puts my mere skirmishes to shame .

Well that is the end of this issues status report, see you all in two months time.


Psychic Review
By Peter Ramos

What follows is the complete psychic revision, I needed to change some of what was previously done to conform with net epic rules
in place.

Please submit comments to the NetEpic mailing list.

1. Chaos

Chaos cards

CAF cards
Be-weaponed extremities
Mace tails
Multiple arms
Poisonous bite
Cloven hooves
Long Spines
Scorpion Tail
Razor sharp fangs

All the cards add +1 CAF to one detachment or model (keeping in mind the restrictions of which models CAN receive them).

Psy-saves DO NOT apply, since they don't target enemy units. They also cannot be nullified later, since they are considered
instantaneous effects. Besides there's no point in nullifying if you cant do so before close combat.

Fear cards

Skull face
Transparent face
Flaming skull face
Rotting flesh

These cards cause morale checks. Psy-saves DO apply. Also this effect MAY be nullified since it lasts the turn. A nullified effect
means the unit is NO LONGER on fallback orders. Note a routed unit CANNOT be brought back, since routed is an immediate effect.

Cards that increases saving throws

Warty skin
Scaly skin
These cards add +1 to the units base saving throw. Psy-saves do not apply, but since the effect lasts the turn it CAN be nullified

Cards that reduce CAF

Uncontrollable flatulence
Horrible stench

These cards halve the CAF of enemy units in a radius. Psy-saves apply, but only to the unit with the save, not to nearby friendly units,
unless it can extend the bonus to nearby units. They effect can be nullified.

Direct attack cards

Breaths fire
Spits acid
Enormously fat

These cards directly attack one unit and are instantaneous in effect. Psy-saves apply, but they cannot be nullified.

Special cards

Telekinesis- psy-saves apply, cannot be dispelled, instantaneous
Levitation- psy-saves do not apply CAN be nullified
Wings- same as levitation
Warp frenzy- psy-saves do not apply nor do nullification, its instantaneous, and the individual cards drawn as per their description.
Blood rage- psy-saves do not apply, nor does nullification
Brightly patterned skin- psy-saves do not apply it may be nullified
Invisibility- psy-saves do not apply, cannot be nullified
Crystalline body- psy-save does not apply, cannot be nullified, instantaneous
Hypnotic gaze- psy-saves apply can be nullified
Burning body- psy-save applies for model with save, can be nullified
Iron hard skin- psy-saves and nullification do not apply.
Plague bearer- psy-saves apply and can be nullified
Duplication- psy-saves and nullification do not apply.
Long legs- psy-saves and nullification do not apply.
Growth- same as long legs
Regeneration's- same as long legs
Eyestalks- same as long legs

Chaos marine cards

Blood rage- psy-saves and nullification does not apply
Lure of Slaanesh- psy-save and nullification apply
Magic of Tzeentch- psy-saves and nullification apply
Nurgle's Rot- psy-saves and nullification apply.

Demonic Powers

Aura of Slaanesh- psy-saves DO NOT apply cannot be nullified since it is instantaneous
Stream of corruption- psy-saves DO NOT apply, cannot be nullified
Bolt of change- psy-save applies can be nullified (spawn disappears)
Blood rage- psy-saves and nullification do not apply.
Fearsome roar- psy-saves and nullification apply.
Beam of power- psy-save DO NOT apply, cannot be nullified
Soporific Musk- psy-saves and nullification applies.
Death wind- psy-saves apply, cannot be nullified

Warp palace of Tzeentch

Psychic shield- psy saves DO NOT apply, may be nullified
Fortune of Tzeentch- psy saves DO NOT apply, may be nullified
Blue Fire of Tzeentch- psy saves DO NOT apply, cannot be nullified
Firestorm of Tzeentch- psy saves apply, cannot be nullified
Pink fire of Tzeentch- psy saves DO NOT apply, cannot be nullified

Minor demonic powers

The only powers that can be influenced are Suporophic and Euphoric Mist - psy saves apply, cannot be nullified

Chaos Magi Spells

Terror wave- psy saves DO NOT apply, may be nullified
Mind Warp- psy saves apply, may nullified
Inferno of change- psy saves DO NOT apply, cannot be nullified
Nurgle's stench- psy saves apply, cannot be nullified
Corrupting glare- psy saves DO NOT apply, cannot be nullified
Corpulent flesh- psy saves apply, may be nullified
Aura of Slaneesh- psy saves apply, may be nullified
Promise of Slaneesh- psy saves apply, cannot be nullified
Temptations of demons- psy saves apply, cannot be nullified
Lewd enchantments- psy saves apply, cannot be nullified

2. Imperial Psykers

Purge Psyker- psy save DOES NOT apply, cannot be nullified
Mind blast- psy saves DO NOT apply, cannot be nullified
Destroy demon- psy saves DO NOT apply, cannot be nullified
Embolden- psy saves DO NOT apply, may be nullified
Telepathic link- psy saves DO NOT apply, may be nullified
Righteous fire, psy saves DO NOT apply, cannot be nullified
The Astropath, for now is excluded until a favorable profile is made.

3. Tyranids

Zoanthropes- psy saves DO NOT apply, may NOT be nullified
Warp field- psy saves DO NOT apply, may be nullified
Energy Pulse- psy saves DO NOT apply, may NOT be nullified
Horror- psy saves apply, may be nullified
Psychic Scream- psy saves apply, may be nullified

4. Eldar

Mind Blast- psy saves apply, may NOT be nullified
Psychic lock- psy saves apply, may be nullified
Eldritch storm- psy saves apply, may be nullified
Pre-cognitive direction- psy saves apply, may NOT be nullified
Coercion- psy saves apply, may NOT be nullified

5. Squats

Psychic shield- psy saves DO NOT apply, may be nullified
Heal- psy saves DO NOT apply, may NOT be nullified
Precognition- psy saves DO NOT apply, may NOT be nullified
Force Dome- psy saves DO NOT apply, may be nullified

6. Orks
Wierdboy bolts- psy saves DO NOT apply, cannot be nullified

7. Slann
Subjugation- psy saves apply, may be nullified
Energy Shield- psy saves apply, may be nullified
Drain power- psy saves apply, may be nullified
Psychic blast- psy saves apply, may NOT be nullified
Nullify psychic- psy saves DO NOT apply, may NOT be nullified
Divine future and see warp gate- psy saves DO NOT apply, may NOT be nullified
Warp hole- psy saves DO NOT apply, may NOT be nullified
Glory of TLAXCOTL- psy saves DO NOT apply, may NOT be nullified
The glory of tzunki- psy saves DO NOT apply, may NOT be nullified
The glory of Huanchi- psy saves DO NOT apply, may be nullified

This ends the psychic revision.
Orc Special Characters
By Anon

Ork Mekboyz
Nobody understands why Mekaniaks are such skilled mechanics but if asked they will reply that they dont know it is just in their
blood. I appears that when the Ork race was created by the Brain Boyz the technology was genetically encoded into their DNA to
enable the race to survive.


A mekboy unit consist of a mekboy
stand, 2 gretchin stands and battle-



A mekboy stand provides an additio-
nal save of 5+ to any ork vehicle (NOT
gargants or bikers/boars) within 15 cm.
If the roll is a 1, the mekboy has done
something wrong. Place a barrage mar-
ker centred over model and roll to hit
for any model under with six barrage
points and a TSM of 0.
its a command unit and broken once
the mekboy stand is killed.



The doctors in the Ork race, Painboyz follow the Orks to battle and are always ready to fix up an Ork in exchange for a fist full of


A painboy unit consist of a painboy
stand, 2 gretchin stands and battle-



Ork painboys are also Ork Medics,
though unreliable ones. A painboy
stand gives an additional save of
5+ to all ork stands (not gretchins,
but bikes and boarboyz) within 15
cm. if you roll a 1, the stand is dri-
ven insane and becomes a madboy
standand will try to join the mad-
boys or form a new unit.

The painboy is a command unit and
broken once the Painboy stand is


Dark Eldar Preview
By Peter Ramos

This is the Tau summary with the main comments/variants inserted. If you have any comments on this please post to the NetEpic
Mailing List.
Overall rules


The Dark Eldar almost always take prisoners during their raids. When a unit in close combat with the Dark Eldar is broken, and fails
it's morale (fallback orders), roll 1d6 for any stands still in Close Combat with a Dark Eldar stand in the end phase, on a roll of 4+ the
stand is taken prisoner and the Dark Eldar player awarded 1 victory point.

As the rules stand, you gain 1 VP per stand that is captured. Is this a bit much? Why not one roll for the whole unit and then apply the
VP bonus?

DE powers

The Dark Eldar infantry have several advantages unique to them:

Fleet of foot- this permits infantry to move an additional 5 cm during a charge move.
Shadowed skin- they may only fired upon if the firing unit is within 25 cm
Combat drugs- roll once on the following table and apply the results to the unit

I don't have a problem with "fleet of foot" an extra 5 cm when ONLY on charge orders is okay. Shadowed skin is problematic, since
you could only fire at them if within 25 cm. Perhaps it should be restricted to some units and not others. It could be a very powerful

Combat drugs- this could lead to a lot of bookkeeping, but otherwise I don't see a huge problem here.


Decide which set of stats to use from the following:

Warrior 15 - +1 Splinter Rifles 50 1 5+ -
Warrior 10 cm None +1 Splinter Rifles 50 cm 2 5+ 0

Scourge 20 - +1 Splinter Cannon 75 2 5+ -1 Jump Packs
Scourge 15 cm None +2 Lascan. 50 cm 2 5+ -1 Skimmer

Wyches 15 - +3 Splinter Pistol 25 1 5+ - Elite, Combat Drugs
Wyches 15 cm None +3 Splinter Pistols/ CC Weapons 25 cm 2 5+ 0 Combat Drugs Elite

Grotesque 15 - +4 None - - - - Elite, Stupidity, Special Rules
Grotesque 10 cm 5+Fix +5 CC Weapons N/A N?A N/A N/A Stupidity Toughness

There are two interpretations for this unit

These deformed creatures are so hideous that they cause fear. The charged unit must make their morale check or fight at -2. Otherwise
they are at -1. In addition to being disgustingly ugly the Grotesque is quite stupid and must roll a d6 to follow its orders. On a 4+ the
Grotesque may follow the orders placed for the unit. If the roll is not successful the unit cannot move but can fight in CC normally. If
a Grotesque is hit and fails its save it isn't destroyed yet. Turn the model on its side and at the End phase roll 1d6 and on a 4+ the unit
gets up and continues as if it was never hit. This does not work in CC however.


Grotesques are not noted for their intelligence. To be given orders as normal the detachment has to be within 10 cm of a Command
unit. If not, roll a d6; on a 3+ the Grotesques receive charge orders, otherwise they receive advance orders.

Grotesques are inured to pain and shrug off minor wounds that would leave another writhing in agony. Because of this they ignore the
wounds from weapons without a save modifier.

Grotesques are so terrifying that any unit they enter into close combat with must make a morale check or go on fallback orders.
Additionally, enemy troops must succeed in a moral check if they wish to try to enter close combat with a grotesque stand.

Mandrake 15 - +2 Splinter Pistol 25 1 5+ - Elite, Infiltrate, Special Rules
Mandrake 15 cm None +4 Splinter Pistols/ CC Weapons 25 cm 2 5+ 0 Shadow Skinned Fleet of Feet

Hellion 20 - +2 Hell Glaive 50 1 5+ - Skimmer, Combat Drugs, Special Rules
Hellion 20 cm None +5 Hell Glaive 15 cm 1 3+ -2 Combat Drugs Skimmer

Incubi 10 6+ +6 Tormentor Helm/ Punisher 25 1 5+ - Elite
Incubus 10 cm 6+Fix +5 Splinter Pistol 2 25 cm 5+ 0 Command Elite Morale Bonus

Haemonculus 15 cm 6+Fix +6 Destructor Cannon CC Weapons 2 50 cm 4+ -1 CommandEliteCAF Bonus
Haemonculus 15 - +4 Stinger /Destructor 25/Template 1 4 -1/ (template) 4+ 0 Special Rules, Commander, Elite Ignores cover to hit

Beast Master 20 cm 6+ +2 Splinter Pistols/ CC Weapons 2 25 cm 5+ 0 Combat Drugs Psychic satellite
Beast Master 15 - +4 Splinter pistol/Agoniser 25 2 5+ - Commander, Elite Combat drugs Special Rules

Beastmasters are a sub sect of the Wych cult, that fight against wild creatures in the arenas of Commorragh. The Beastmasters also
use combat drugs, but always get the triple charge rate result, in order to allow them to keep up with their pack of warp beasts.


This elite troop controls Warp Beast packs and is enhanced with Combat Drugs. They are very fast because they need to be able to
keep up with the Warp Beasts. The Beast Master is a deadly CC unit and must be with 10 cm of the pack she controls. The Beast
Master moves and shoots like a command unit but can be targeted normally.

Warp beast 25 - +5 None - - - - Special Rules
Warp Beast 20 cm 5+ +3 None N/A N/A N/A N/A Warp Ability Immune to psychic attacks

These creatures are from the Warp and are commanded by a Dark Eldar Beast Master. These evil creatures warp in and out on the
battlefield. A Beast Master control warp Beasts. When a Warp Beasts moves it does so through the Warp. They can move up to their
charge rate. When they charge into close combat, their opponent is at -2 to their CAF. Warp Beasts can only be fired at during the
Advance Fire phase. They can only be pinned by Daemons, psychics and other creatures from the Warp. They however can only pin
non skimmer infantry/cavalry/walker type units. If the Beats Master is destroyed then the Warp Beasts will return to the warp. They
are immune to all non-physical psychic attacks and have a saving throw that is fixed at 6.


Warp Beasts are incredibly fast even by Dark Eldar standards. Warp beasts move through difficult terrain just like infantry do, and
may enter buildings. If the beastmaster is slain the Warp Beasts will charge the nearest unit (friend or foe) in the Dark Eldar players
turn, and enter close combat with them. If the pack is forced to fall back after the Beastmaster is slain, they will return to the warp,
and are removed from play.

These units only exist in one version of the rules

Succubi 15 - +4 Splinter Pistol 25 2 5+ - Commander, Elite, Combat Drugs
Dracon 15 6+ +4 Terrorfex/Splinter pistol 35 4+ special/ 25 2 5+ -1 Command unit, Elite, Soul seeker ammunition, ignores cover
Sybarite 15 - +2 Dark Lance 75 2 5+ Special Commander, Elite, Special Rules
Archon 10 cm 5+Fix +6 Destructor Cannon 50 cm 50 cm 4+ -2 Command Elite Psychic Save Morale Bonus
Dark Warlock 10 cm None 0 Shredder Pistol 25 cm 2 5+ 0 Command Psyker
Dark Eldar Lord 15 4+ Fixed +6 Splinter Pistol 25 2 5+ - Commander, Elite

* Shadowed: This power enables the psyker to hide one detachment or unit (not company) from the enemy. The shadowed units
appear to flicker in out of their shadows thus making them more difficult to hit and fight in close combat. When this is used the unit
must be within 50 cm of the psyker. The effects last for 1 turn. All enemy units must roll a 4+ on 1d6 in order to shoot at Shadowed
units. If successful they may do so at -1. Shadowed units in close combat receive a +2 bonus to their CAF.

* Blinded: This enables the psyker to blind one unit (not detachment) in a shroud of darkness. Command targeting does not apply.
The shroud of darkness will follow the unit for one turn. The affected unit cannot fire or engage in close combat but move. When
moving, roll the scatter die for every 5 cm the unit travels and move it in the direction indicated. In addition, enemy units can't engage
it nor fire at it. The psyker must roll a 4+ to be successful. Units that have a psychic save must make a successful psychic save roll to
negate this effect. This power has a range of 50 cm.
* Death Grip: This allows the psyker to attack one unit in a detachment within 25 cm. The warlock player must roll a 4+ on 1d6 to
successfully attack the unit. If successful, the unit is automatically destroyed unless it has a psychic save. Titans and praetorians who
lose their crew to this attack aren't destroyed but can't move and are at -1 to hit for the rest of the game (there are still enough crew
members to man the other posts.

Fast attack, artillery and dreadnoughts

Reaver Jetbike 35 - +3 Blaster 25 1 4+ - Skimmer, special rules
Dark Reaver Jet Bikes 35 cm None +4 Splinter Cannon 15 cm 1 5+ -1 Combat Drugs
Dark Reaper Jet Bikes 35 cm None +4 Splinter Cannons 25 cm 2 5+ -1 Combat Drugs

Talos 15 5+ +8 Talos Sting 50 D6 4+ - Skimmer, Special Rules
Talos 20 cm 4+ +5 Splinter Cannons Splinter Guns 75 cm 4 4 -2 / 15 cm 4 5+ 0 Skimmer

Only one version of these:

Shadow Guard 10 cm 6+Fix +2 Splinter Cannon 50 cm 1 5+ -1 Special Orders
Shadow Dreads 15 cm 5+ +3 Dark Lances 50 cm 1 4+ -2 Special Orders
Shadow Walkers 25 cm None +1 Lascan./Splinter Guns 75 cm 1 5+ -2 / 25 cm 3 5+ 0
Anti-grav Splinter Cannon 10 cm None -2 Splinter Cannon 75 cm 2 4+ -2
Anti-grav Vibro Cannon 10 cm None -3 Vibro Cannon 75 cm 1 Special -1
Special Rules
Splinter Launcher 20 cm 5+ 0 Splinter Mortar 100 cm 1 2 BP's -1 Skimmer


Raider 30 cm 4+ +1 Lascan./Splinter Gun 50 cm 1 5+ -1 / 25 cm 1 5+ 0 Skimmer Carries 2 Troop Stands
Raider 30 5+ 0 Dark Lance 75 1 5+ Special Skimmer, carries 2 stands, Special Rules

Special rules in one version of rules

The Raider is armed with a Dark Lance, this weapon fires a beam of dark energy that annihilates anything it hits. Its especially
effective against heavily armored vehicles, who thick armor plates offer no protection against the beam. Due to its unique nature
targets with a 4+ or better save are treated as a 5+.

Ravager 25 cm 3+ +3 Lascan./Splinter Guns 50 cm 3 5+ -1 / 25 cm 1 5+ 0 Skimmer
Ravager 25 4+ 0 Dark lance/Disintegrator 75 2 5+ Special / Special Skimmer

Special rules in one version of rules

The disintigrator fires a small particle of dark matter in much the same way as an imperial plasma cannon fires super heated plasma. It
is however a much more sophisticated weapon and can be set to either fire a large bolt or bursts of smaller shots.

Weapons Range Attack Dice Roll To Hit TSM
Maximal 75 1 3+ -3
Sustained 50 3 5+ -1

The following two units have only one version:
Corsair 20 cm 2+ +4 Destructor Cannons/Splinter Guns 75 cm 2 4+ -20 / 25 cm 2 5+ 0 Skimmer
Raptor 25 4+ 0 Dark Lance 75 1 5+ Special Skimmer, carries 2 stands.

Only one version:
Super Heavies
Shadow 30 2+* +4 ShadowCannonSplinter 100 cm 1 3+ Special 75 cm 2 5+ -1 Skimmer, super heavy, +3 to Dmg rolls.
Shadow Stalker 25 3+ +8 Dark lance/Webblaster/Splinterblaster 75 cm 4 5+
Special Knight, Shadow field, template template 3+ 0, 15 cm 6 6+ 0 Webway portal.

DE contribution


Enslaver is a diabolical vehicle used by the Dark Eldar to capture slaves.Like all DE vehicles it is fiendishly fast although weakly
armored. The Enslaver is armed with net throwers which fire a net of psychoactive wraithcrystal fibres. The net is relatively thin but
very strong, and contains a psychic charge which renders anybody caught inside totally inactive without causing them any physical
harm. The Enslaver then moves to the netted victims and hauls them inside to be transported away.

The net thrower fires an individual web template (the Doomweaver template). Take one template and place it over the intended target
anywhere within LOS and range. Roll a scatter die and if you roll an arrow the template scatters 1D6 cm. Place the template number
side up in the location indicated with the number one printed on it towards the firing model the attack. The other two templates are
placed joining the original template on a random edge (determined by rolling a 2D6)- if you roll the same edge twice the second
template is wasted. Anything under the template is hit on 4+. Since the net's charge is psychic, only psychic saving throws apply. The
net itself is material, however, so it can't be nullified by psychic powers. The net is effective only against infantry. Place any stands hit
upside down. When the Enslaver moves within 6 cm it captures any affected stands. The Dark Eldar player receives VP for them as
per the capture rules.

Move: 35 cm
Save: 4+
CAF: +1

Net Thrower
range 50 cm
attack dice: template
to-hit: special
Save mod: special

Splinter rifles:
range 15 cm
attack dice: 3
to-hit: 6+
Save mod: 0

Notes: Skimmer, special rules.

Tau Preview
By Peter Ramos

This is the Tau summary with the main comments/variants inserted. If you have any comments on this please post to the NetEpic
Mailing List.

The Ethereal are the ruling caste of the TAU society. They command the utterdevotion, loyalty and sacrifice of the TAU.

Powers: All TAU (Not Kroot) units within 10cm of the TAU Ethereal is completely immune to all types of moraletests, and never
receive fallback orders. All other TAU units within LOS may add +1 to their moral rolls. However, if the TAU ethereal is killed all
TAU units within LOS must make an immediate morale check or go on fallback orders.

These are the TAU core army trooper. They have the same strength and endurance as a IG Grunt. However their lack of depth vision
and slow reflexes makes them poorer close combat troops. The TAU prefer to keep their enemy at an arms length , relying on their
superior firepower to do the job.
(Minis: UNSC power armour infantry from GZG)

Suggested stats:
MV: 10cm AS: 6+ CAF: -1 WPN: Pulse Rifle RANGE: 50 cm TO HIT: 4+ AS: 0 Moral: 3

Can be bought either as regular or as bonded, eg. having performed the bonding ritual. In that case, their break point is 75% instead of
50% and the victory points are increased by +2.

These troops are the eyes and ears of the TAU army. They move onto the battlefield in front of the main army.(Always use
transports???? In 40K at least) They are armed with Pulse Carbines/marklights. The pathfinder can chose to either fire at an enemy
unit or to use the marklight. If they use the marklight chose a target and fire as normal. If you score a hit place an order marker
(upside down) beside that unit. For the remainder of that turn, any other TAU (Not Kroot)unit firing at the marked enemy unit may
add +1 to their to hit roll.
(Suggested minis Eldar or IG infantry (Not Valhallans!!!! or UNSC infantry from GZG)
Suggested stats:
MV: 10cm AS: 0 CAF: -1 WPN: Pulse Carbine/Marklight RANGE: 35 cm TO HIT: 4+ AS: 0 Moral: 3

Infiltration with APC will present problems of balance. If they infiltrate with APC they should only infiltrate at their base
INFANTRY move. That may keep things balanced.

XV8 Crisis Battlesuit:
The TAU Commanders and the best Fire Warriors use this battlesuits in combat. The suit is the TAU equivalent of the Tactical
Dreadnought Armour. The battlesuit is equipped wit several weapon systems and Jump packs. The TAU Jump packs are more
advanced than their imperial counterparts. (Inner Sphere/Grey Death Legion battlearmour by FASA, if they are obtainable anymore)

Suggested stats:
MV: 20cm AS: 5+* CAF: +2 WPN: Plasma Rifle/Burst Cannon RANGE: 50 cm/35cm
NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 1/3 TO HIT: 4+/5+ AS: -2/0 Moral: 3
Jumppacks, Armour modifiable to 6+ but not further.

XV88 Broadside Battlesuit
These are the heavy support units of the TAU army, the Broadside is equipped with a pair of very powerful Rail Guns and a smart
missile rack. (Inner sphere/Grey Death Legion battlearmour from FASA)

Suggested stats:
MV: 10cm AS: 5+* CAF: +1 WPN: Rail Gun/Smart Missiles RANGE: 75 cm/25cm
NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 2/1 TO HIT: 4+/5+ AS: -3/0
Special: Rail Gun may add +2 to targets with templates, Smart missiles NO LOS NEEDED!!!! (Effective range might be longer than
25 cm, but the TAU player is only allowed to target units within 25cm. All other rules for fire combat applies)
Moral: 3
Armour modifiable to 6+ but not further.

XV15 Stealth Battlesuit.
These troopers are regarded as loners and eccentrics by the TAU. The operate in small squads behind the enemy line. (GZG has an
excellent miniature for this unit, but I have only seen pictures of it, I can send them if necessary)

Suggested stats:
MV: 15cm AS: 5+* CAF: +3 WPN: Burst Cannon RANGE: 35cm NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 3
TO HIT: 5+ AS: -0 Moral: 2
Armour modifiable to 6+ but not further, Infiltrate, may not be targeted by enemies that is more than 25 cm away. Cover value is 1
better than normal.

Due to improved sensors Tau Battlesuits can fire at Lictors, Eldar scouts, Ratling snipers etc. even if they are further than 25cm away,
if on first fire orders.

This is the workhorse of the TAU army
Suggested stats:
MV: 20cm AS: 4+ CAF: +1 WPN: Burst Cannon RANGE: 35cm NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 3 TO HIT: 5+ AS: -0 Moral: 3
Skimmer, may carry 2 stands.

This is the TAU MBT. Built on the successful Devilfish Concept exchanging the carrying capacity for more heavy Armour/weaponry.
(Eldar look-alike heavy skimmer tank from GZG, again have the picture but not the name Usable for both Devilfish and
Suggested stats:
MV: 20cm AS: 3+ CAF: +2 WPN: Ion Cannon RANGE: 75cm NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 2 TO
HIT: 5+ AS: -2 Moral: 3

The Mantis Cruiser:
These are actually Space ships, may times the size of a Thunderhawk. It is armed with extremely long range Rail Gun Artillery
(Common stats with the Eldar pulse lasers) and use ion Cannon batteries (Se hammerhead) for medium range attacks. It is a praetorian
size skimmer/flyer. (Use any slick looking spacecraft of medium to large size, i.e. from BABYLON 5) And carries a full company of
TAU in transport vehicles or with jump packs.

Support units of the Tau Army, could be used as upgrades for the TAU infantry units. (Gun drones equipped with a pair of Pulse

I would suggest these be bought as support cards with a detachment size of 4.

Gun Drones:
MV: 15cm AS: 0 CAF: 0 WPN: Pulse carbine RANGE: 35cm NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 2 TO HIT: 5+ AS: 0 Morale: 3

Shield drones:
MV: 15cm AS: 6+ CAF: 0 WPN: none RANGE: - NUMBER OF ATTACKS: - TO HIT:- AS: 0 Morale: 3
Shield drones combine shield generators with sophisticated electromagnetic jamming equipment. All direct fire attacks against a Tau
detachment with shield drones must be allocated against the drones first. Only after the drones have been destroyed can the
detachment itself be attacked.

All KROOT are basically different evolutions of the same species, some (THE KROOT WARRIORS) are more success full than
others (KROTOX and KROOT HOUNDS). The kroot have the special ability of selective mutation. Basically they eat their enemies
and assimilate the part of the enemies DNA that will make them evolve faster. Which part they should assimilate is defined by the
KROOT Shapers (Elders). Strange barbaric and terrifying opponents. All Kroot may add 1d6 to their close combat when fighting in
woods. (Minis: Kra'Vak infantry from GZG)

Suggested stats:
MV: 10cm AS: 6 CAF: +4 WPN: KROOT Rifle RANGE: 50cm NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 1 TO HIT: 5+ AS: 0
Infiltrate, rolls 3d6 in CC in woods.
Suggested stats:
MV: 10cm AS: 0 CAF: +2 WPN: KROOT Rifle RANGE: 50cm NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 1 TO HIT: 5+ AS: 0 Moral: 4
Infiltrate, rolls 3d6 in CC in woods. Unless there is a Shaper within 10 cm the KROOT will do nothing except defend in CC (and eat
the fallen enemies) the round after they have won a CC.
MV: 20cm AS: 0 CAF: +4.
Infiltrate, rolls 3d6 in CC in woods.
KROOTOX (These are large Gorilla like Kroot used to haul heavier weaponsinto battle by the KROOT)
MV: 10cm AS: 5+ CAF: +3 WPN: KROOT Heavy Rifle RANGE: 75cm NUMBER OF ATTACKS: 1 TO HIT: 5+ AS: -1 Moral: 4
Infiltrate, rolls 3d6 in CC in woods.

I suggest that the Kroot be organized in the same manner as the Orks, with Shapers filling the role of the Ork Nobz, and
Kroothouns/Krootox detachments bolstering the breakpoint/victorypoint of the KRoot Warrior horde.

Escalating Confrontation New Scenario For NetEpic
By Tom Webb

NOTE: This is not an Official NetEpic scenario and as such must only be played with your opponents consent. Any results and
feedback would be appreciated, if you could email them to the NetEpic mailing list.

An escalating confrontation represents a battle between two major armies, as each side attempts to defeat the other more and more
troops are committed to the battle field.

In this scenario, you must have a minimum of 3000 points on each side and four companies in each army (or their equivalent in your
races army list e.g. Greater Daemons in a Chaos Daemon Army). The battle will last for 7 turns after which time victory points are
totalled up as usual.

Each side begins with 2 companies and all there supporting detachments (not special cards) they may be deployed as usual, then after
every turn roll a dice for each company and special card in your army consulting the chart below.

If the dice roll is passed then the company and its supporting detachments (or the special card) are deployed on the battlefield within
10 cms of the players table edge.

Turn Dice Roll
2 6+
3 5+
4 4+
5 3+
6 2+
7 All Companies arrive

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