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The All New Redesigned Incoming! Ezine

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The All New Redesigned INCOMING!


Changes at the EPICentre Rhino Variants Special Regiments Storm Troopers The Long War The Iron Warriors in NetEpic Death on Rannus VII (6000 point battle between Chaos and Ultramarines).

Changes at the EPICentre

By Tom Webb

Hi all, This is just another of my pieces on the EPICentres status. Our online store is starting to earn money now, it will soon be paying for our server fees. The Games Workshop market was almost completely silent so that has been removed from the store, the VOID section though has been totally thriving and is running the store single handed. The second hand EPIC miniatures have sold well too, we have sold all the Squats, an entire Eldar Army, a complete Chaos Army and all kinds of smaller deals. If you are looking for something in particular then email me at As for the EPICentre, we have installed a new search engine, if you cant be bothered to trawl through all the EZine articles to look for that one new unit then do not despair, just enter it into the search engine and it will do it for you. The EZine articles are now up and online for browsing if you dont want to have to download the entire EZine issue. Well that is the end of this issues status report, see you all in two months time. Tom.

Rhino Variants
By Anon

These variants are available to all armies using Rhinos. SAM Whirlwind The SAM Whirlwind is a standard Whirlwind fitted with AA missiles instead of the usual barrage missiles. Miniature: Use the new GW Whirlwind model.
Unit Name SAM Whirlwind Move 25 Save 4+ CAF 0 Weapon SAM Launcher Range 75 cm Attack Dice 2 To hit roll 5+ Targets save modifier -1 Notes AA unit

Support Card
Name SAM Whirlwind Squadron Contents 3 Whirlwinds with SAM Launchers Break Point 2 Morale 2 Victory Points 2 Cost 150

Storm Rhino The Storm Rhino is quite simply an ordinary Rhino with the usual bolter replaced by a storm bolter to provide better close support for the troops. Miniature: Use the GW Rhino painted to emphasize the bolters or the GHQ M-16
Unit Name Storm Rhino Move 25 cm Save 4+ CAF 0 Weapon Storm Bolter Range 35 cm Attack Dice 2 To hit roll 4+ Targets save modifier -1 Notes Carries 2 infantry stands

Support Card
Storm Rhino Transport Det

3 Storm Rhinos

Break Point 3

Mor ale

Victory Points 1


Special Card
Storm Rhino Transport Det

3 Storm Rhinos to replace 3 Rhinos in a detachment

Break Point +0

Mor ale

Victory Points +1


Special Regiments
By Anon


The most powerful fighting formations of the Cadian forces are called shock troops. They are chosen from the fastest moving and hardest fighting of the Cadians. As all Cadians must train in the defence forces, all the best fighters are quickly identified and inducted for further training. When Chaos raiders are discovered the shock troops are sent to hunt them down, and only if the force is particularly large or well equipped will the Cadians send for help. Even the Space Marines that have come to destroy especially large Chaos forces have found the Cadians impressive and powerful allies. Cadian shock troops add 1 to their CAF and have an armor save of 6+


The Jungle Fighters are one of the most famous regiments in the whole of the Imperium, hailing from the death world of Catachan few can equal their steel nerves and animalistic savagery. The regimental uniform of Catachan comprises of combat trousers, a green vest and the famous red bandannas, this barely passes for uniform and is also worn by the civilians of Catachan. They wear this clothing because it is ideally suited to every-day use in the jungles of Catachan. The Catachans are constantly fighting for their lives due to the dangerous animals that inhabit the jungles, some of the more deadlier one are the Catachan devils, Face-eaters and the Brain-leaves. Because of this, Infants are taught to shoot before the can walk and only the best ever make adult-hood. The Catchan Jungle fighters roll 3 dice in close combat when fighting in woods. The Catachans, used to fighting in a jungle environment, prefer to move on foot and do not use transports. However, they may infiltrate after initial deployment up to their full charge move before the battle begins.


The Mordian Iron Guard stands between order and anarchy. They are the champions of the Tetrarchy of Mordian, uniformed in bright colours and fiercely loyal to their cause. Their enemies are all those who would divert the scant resources of Mordian or threaten its continued existence. They fight a constant battle against the criminal warlords of, the undercity, insane gangs of cannibals and misguided rabble-rousers who would sooner see universal destruction than endure the sacrifice necessary for the survival of the world. The Iron Guard are ruthless in pursuit of their enemies. Their discipline is legendary and their training is as rigorous as possible. All who fight in the Iron Guard understand full well the horror that would engulf their world if they were to fail in their duty. Their loyalty and determination is all that keeps Mordian from plague, starvation and savagery. Mordian Iron Guard detachments have a moral of 3.


Though the planet of Valhalla is no longer a populous or affluent world, the Valhallans are famous throughout the galaxy. After destroying the Orks on their own world, regiments of Valhallans joined with other Imperial Guard to rid many worlds of the Ork invaders. Always the Valhallans fight with the same grim determination they displayed in the ice cities of their home world. In battle their courage and -tenacity earn them the respect of other regiments from all over the Imperium. The ice warriors use skis to move when on snowy and icy surfaces, giving them double movement under such conditions. Due to the intense hatred of Orks, any ice warrior stand fighting in close combat with Orks can re-roll any close combat dice that roll a 1. This re-roll may only be taken once. You are not allowed to re-roll any re-rolls. They have a moral of 3+ when fighting Orks.


The world of Tallarn was once a fertile planet bathed in the gentle orange light of its twin suns. Oceans, plains and lush jungles covered its surface, and its people prospered. The world was a virtual paradise. All of this ended during the Horus Heresy. Within a thousand years of the Horus Heresy, Tallarn evolved into a very different world from the prosperous planet of former times. Deserts of sulphurous sand stretched from pole to pole and all water disappeared except for a thin residue in the atmosphere. No vegetation remained on the surface exposed to the blistering, wind-blown sands. All that grew was the carefully husbanded crops of the Tallarn themselves, sheltered in their protective horticultural domes. With skill and cunning, the Tallarn conduct lightning raids on their opponents. Choosing their targets carefully the Tallarn launched one attack after another, always retreating before the enemy can turn to meet their fire. This guard regiment conducts shooting in a different way to most troops. If a stand has advance orders it may fire during the movement phase. When they are moving, then shots can be worked out at any point during movement. Simply stop the stand, fire and then move the rest of the way. This has led to much debate the Tallarns seem very powerful, and for a company strength force Im inclined to agree. However, for a detachment sized special card I think this might work fine!

Imperial Guard Storm Troopers

By Weasel Fierce

The storm trooper army list is not as much an army list, as it is a new company for IG armies. Any IG army may include a storm trooper company, but only if IG is the main force. Supporting IG armies may NOT include storm troopers. Storm trooper support cards may only be picked for a storm trooper company. Storm trooper companies include a commissar as normal. Unit Storm troopers Paratroopers Commandos Storm trooper HQ Snipers Assault engineers Move 10 15 10 10 10 10 Save 6+ CAF +1 +2 +2 +2 +0 +2 Weapons hellguns assault wea. pistols pistols sniper rifles engineering weapons Range 50 25 25 25 75 25 Attacks 1 1 1 2 1 1 To-hit 5+ 4+ 5+ 5+ 4+ 4+ TSM -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -1 Morale 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+

Storm trooper armour: All storm troopers receive a 6+ saving throw against barrage weapons. Ordinary direct fire weapons are not affected. Specialist training: Storm trooper units do not need orders from superiors to act. Rather they may fight normally and may always be given orders. All storm trooper infantry stands may act as forward observers for off-table barrages. They may only call up artillery attached to their own company however. Infantry: Storm troopers are the elite forces of the IG. They wear better armour and get better weapons than the rank and file. Their improved gear is not enough to warrant changes in weaponry in NetEpic though. Storm troopers are elite units. Paratroopers are airdropped with anti-grav chutes. Rather than deploying normally, they may drop down in any move phase. Select an aiming point for your paratroopers and make a scatter roll as for indirect barrages. Deploy your troop stands within 5 cm. of the landing point. Paratroopers may have advance orders (allowing them to fire) but cannot move (they expend all their movement landing). If on charge orders, they may move up to 10 cm. and may fight close combat as normal. AA guns may fire at the landing troops but with a -1 penalty to hit. Paratroopers are elites and have jump packs. Commandos are elite infiltrators. They may infiltrate (making a full charge move before the game starts proper) and are camouflaged. Unless a commando unit shoots, it may not be targeted at ranges over 25 cm. Commandos are considered elite units. Snipers are well trained marksmen. A sniper stand may be deployed anywhere within 40 cm. of the players normal deployment zone. Snipers are exceedingly difficult to spot and may only be fired at if the enemy is within 25 cm. A sniper can attempt to target command stands on a d6 roll of 4+. Snipers may only move on charge orders and may only shoot on first fire orders. A sniper unit do not need to maintain coherency, award VP for every 4 stands destroyed. Snipers are elites and cannot claim or hold an objective. Assault engineers are the elite engineers of the storm trooper companies. They serve both as conventional engineers, but also serve as shock troops to storm heavy defences. For this purpose, they carry flamers, demolition charges, grenade launchers and other nastiness. Assault engineers may clear minefields and place / defuse demolition charges like normal engineers. Also, they get a +1 bonus to CAF when fighting units inside buildings, bunkers, trenches etc. Assault engineers cannot lay minefields however. They are certainly elite units. HQ units are elite and are command units. Any storm trooper unit within 10 cm. may add +1 to all morale checks. A commander may issue orders to regular IG units within 10 cm. Vehicles:

Storm troopers are specialized elite and assault forces. While primarily an infantry force, they still have some armoured strength if the need be. Storm trooper companies may use Leman Russ tanks, Vindicators, Hellhounds, Bikes, Sentinels and Sabres. All storm troopers have a morale value of 3 Special stuff: The storm troopers have little of the specialist personnel seen in regular guard armies. They do have the ability to include assassins, off-table barrages and command sections. They may also upgrade to heavier transport vehicles. Commanders are veteran officers. They add +1 to the morale of storm troopers AND regular IG within 10 cm. A commander also adds +5 cm. to the base movement of storm trooper infantry within 25 cm. Unit Commander Move 10 Save CAF Weapons * +2 pistols Range Attacks To-hit TSM 25 2 5+ -0 Morale 3

Company card Storm trooper assault company Support card Storm trooper platoon Commando platoon Paratrooper platoon Sniper platoon Assault engineer platoon Leman russ squadron Vindicator squadron Hellhound squadron Bike squadron Sentinel squadron Sabre squadron Special cards Assassin Off-table barrage Command section Assault transport detachment

Contents 3 storm trooper platoons, 1 HQ unit (2 HQ stands, 1 rhino) Contents 6 stands, 3 rhinos 6 stands 6 stands 4 stands 6 stands, 3 rhinos 3 tanks 3 tanks 3 tanks 5 stands 5 vehicles 3 tanks Contents 1 assassin 1 barrage 1 commander, 1 HQ, 4 storm trooper stands, 3 chimeras Upgrade 3 rhinos to chimeras

The Long War, - Using The Iron Warriors in NetEpic

By Weasel Fierce


Chaos armies:
Chaos forces are divided into three distinct branches: The traitor legions and the daemonic hordes. The traitor legions comprise the chaos space marines, the arch-heretics who betrayed the imperium so long ago. The cursed and forsaken marines who still fight the imperium with their tainted visions of empire, justice and loyalty. The horde are the deviants and outcasts, the heretics and worshippers, the lost and the damned. Those that flock to the banner of the daemon and the might of the unholy. In horde armies, daemons march in unholy glory, and the twisted designs of chaos seek the break down the very foundation of our reality. Few things are more feared than the armies of the forbidden gods for they are proof that noone is safe. There is nothing which is untouchable by the temptations of chaos.

The different chaos armies are two distinct armies and while they may fight alongside each other, they will just as often fight on their own. A chaos army must be selected as either a traitor army or a horde army. The two forces have some things in common, but are also very different.

The traitor legions:

The traitor legions do not take the shape and organisation they did back in the Horus heresy. Rather, most have broken down into smaller warbands and companies that fight under the leaderhsip of a chaos lord or champion. Occasionally, a powerfull warmaster will emerge, who has the strength, charisma and daemonic might required to bring the traitors together under his banner. Then they will throw their might at the imperium, the eldar or anything else. These black crusades bring dread and despair wherever they strike, and few things can match the warped strength of the half-insane chaos marines. A traitor army is build using company cards and support cards as normal. The traitor army cards are divided into two types: The legions and the renegades. Legion cards represent troops belonging to one of the original nine traitor legions. A legion company card may only have support and special cards from its own legion attached. Additionally, legion cards may not be attached to other companies but those of their own legion. Renegade cards are the deviants who have forsaken the imperium since the heresy, marines recruited since the heresy, and the warbands of warriors from various legions that can no longer be distinguished from each other. Renegade cards can only be bought for renegade companies.

Iron warriors:
The Iron Warriors are the most feared trench fighters and siege specialists of the chaos legions. Storming their defenses are almost impossible, and it takes to strong defense to hold your position against their assaults. Bunker assault: To reflect their assault skills and equipment, Iron Warriors may add +1 to their CAF when assaulting bunkers, trenches, buildings and similar positions. This rule only applies to infantry models.

Iron warrior traitor marines: Iron warrior siege infantry:
These are the rank and file of the Iron Warrior legion. They are fearsome assault troops and carry powerfull close range firepower. Models - Use chaos marine models painted in steel and bronze colours.

The siege infantry are armed with devastating long range weaponry for destroying enemy defenses. They also enable the Warriors to hold a defensive line against any assault. Models - Use a mix of chaos marines and normal devastator marines. Paint in steel and bronze.

Iron warrior trench raiders:

Trench raiders are dreadfull hit-and-run troops, that sneak and infiltrate their way untill they can launch a brutal assault. If the Warriors are attempting an assault on an enemy position, they will almost surely have trench raiders among their ranks. Trench raiders are armed with flamers and may ignore cover. After all troops have been deployed, but before the game starts, trench raider smay move up to a full charge move (20 cm.) Models - Chaos marines and marine scouts. Convert some models to hold flamers.

Iron Warrior terminators: Chaos recruits:

The bulky terminator suits are perfect for close quarter fighting and bloody assaults. They often spearhead assaults. Models - Marine or chaos terminators.

The Iron Warriors mount many bloody assaults, and this takes its toll on their numbers. To counter this, the Iron Warriors recruit many new warriors from cultists, mutants and other followers of the dark gods. Only the most violent and demented survive the initiation rites. Chaos recruits may infiltrate the battlefield by making a full charge move after all troops have been deployed. They are primarily armed with flamers, and thus may ignore cover. Chaos recruits do not get bonusses when assaulting fortifications. Models - Imperial guard and marine scout models.

Chaos squats:

The insane and warped descendents of good, honest squats, the chaos squats have a perverse love of, and talent for, devising deranged artillery and weaponry. They supply the Iron Warriors with much of their assault weaponry and often join them in their battles. Chaos squats are not Iron Warriors and do not get bonusses against fortifications. Chaos squats are every bit as stubborn and determined as their more sane counterparts and may reroll any 1 rolled on a close assault roll. They get no additional benefits againt orks however. Models - Squat or chaos squat models.
Troop Type Iron Warrior Siege infantry Trench raiders Terminators Chaos recruits Chaos squats Move Saving Throw 10 6+ 10 6+ 10 6+ 10 10 10 5+* CAF +3 +2 +4 +6 +1 +1 Weapons Various heavy weapons flamers combi-weapons flamers chaos weapons Range Attack Roll Dice To Hit 50 1 4+ 75 2 5+ 25 1 4+ 35 25 50 2 1 2 4+ 4+ 5+ TSM -1 -1 0 -1 -0 -2 Notes Elite. Bunker assault Elite. Bunker assault Elite. Bunker assault. Ignores cover. Infiltrate. Elite. Bunker assault Infiltration. Ignore cover

Special infantry:
A chaos lord is mighty champion of the dark gods. Most still consider themselves marines, but many have been elevated to daemonhood or are so twisted that the term chaos spawn is the most appropriate. In combat, the lords of the Iron Warriors inspire their retinues to fight even more ferociously, and direct them to fire at the most effective targets and to destroy critical elements of the enemy army. To reflect this any Iron Warrior unit within 10 cm. of a chaos lord may reroll one shooting attack die per turn. Only one reroll is gained per detachment, not per individual model. Models - Chaos champion model, use chaos marines and terminators for bodyguard
Troop Type Chaos lord Move Saving Throw 10 5+ CAF +4 Weapons daemon weapons Range Attack Roll Dice To Hit 25 2 4+ TSM -1 Notes Elite. Bunker assault. HQ.

Chaos lord:

Firing bonus.

The Iron Warriors use more dreadnoughts than the other legions. These are often modified to fullfill special roles, such as assault, support and tactical combat. Models - Suitably painted and converted marine dreadnoughts.
Troop Type Mutilator dreadnought Annihilator dreadnought Stormer dreadnought Move Saving Throw 15 4+ 10 15 4+ 4+ CAF +4 +2 +3 Weapons heavy bolter lascannon missile launcher flamer bolters Range Attack Roll Dice To Hit 25 2 5+ 75 75 25 15 1 2 BP 1 2 5+ 4+ 6+ TSM 0 -2 0 -1 0 Notes

Ignore cover

Regular traitor units:

The Iron Warriors make wide use of regular chaos marine vehicles. An Iron Warrior company may have any ofthe following army cards attached. They are treated just like the normal chaos army cards. Rhinos, predators, land raiders, bikes, whirlwinds, vindicators, rapiers, thudd guns, mole mortars and tarantulas. Models - Use appropriate models

Iron Warrior company cards



Iron Warrior company Assault company Dreadnought company Defense company

Chaos lord, 3 Warrior detachments Chaos lord, 3 trench raider detachments Stormer dreadnought HQ Any 3 dreadnought detachments Chaos lord, 3 siege detachments


Break Pt

8 8 7 8


2 1 2 2

Victory Pt


Iron Warrior support cards


Infantry Iron Warrior detachment Siege detachment Trench raider detachment Terminator detachment Chaos recruit detachment Chaos squat detachment Walkers Mutilator detachment Annihilator detachment Stormer detachment Vehicles Bike squadron Rhino squadron Predator squadron Land raider squadron Vindicator squadron Artillery Whirlwind squadron Thudd gun battery Mole mortar battery Rapier battery Tarantula battery


Break Pt


Victory Pt


5 stands 5 stands 5 stands 4 stands, 2 land raiders 6 stands 1 chaos champion, 9 stands 4 dreadnoughts 4 dreadnoughts 4 dreadnoughts 5 stands 3 vehicles 3 vehicles 3 vehicles 3 vehicles 3 vehicles 3 guns 3 guns 3 guns 5 guns

3 3 3 3 3 5 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3

2 2 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 -

Death on Rannus VII

By Tom Webb (with assistance by Robin Wood who played the Ultramarines)

The Ultramarine base on Rannus VII was derelict, with the Chapter fighting the Tyranids all the forces had been recalled. Finally after the battle of Macragg the bloodied chapter was forced to send the 3th and 7th companies to reinforce the Imperial Guard holding the Rannus system when a black crusade threatened to swamp the defenders. The Imperial Guard fought valiantly, forming a carpet of dead guardsmen against the superior Chaos forces they were forced back, retreating to the mighty fortress of Helms Keep they held back the heretics for almost a week. The northern polar garrison trying to reinforce them but couldnt break through the Chaos lines, losing all their tanks in the battle the polar garrison fled to the mountains to the north. The Imperial Reaver battle group Cavalier lost their lives holding back the Chaos forces. The Chaos forces were much depleted from the continuous toll of Helms Keeps defences. Artillery blew apart beastmen and cultists alike and yet they still surged forwards. Finally the Imperial Guard were forced to fall back into the very interior of the base. Then hope arose, the Ultramarines contacted the garrison and told them that they were just two hours away. With reknewed vigor the Imperial Guard launched a counter attack, retaking the outer walls it looked like they could hold the Chaos forces back single handedly, however the Chaos gods conspired against them even as the Ultramarines reached the planet Chaos Marine thunder hawks landed in the interior of the base and captured the interior walls caught between the hammer and the anvil the Imperial Guard on the outer walls were ripped to pieces and slain to a man. No less than five greater Daemons strode into the base and bayed there pleasure to the Chaos gods. The Mortarion and Fulgrim looked at the remains of their army, the smoking holes in the ground and the litter of corpses told them that this crusade had ended, with the bulk of the army slain by the defenders they had no chance of defeating an Imperial Guard counter attack, however the crusade had achieved its objective the damaged STC discovered weeks ago by the Adeptus Mechanicus was in their possession. They had only to leave now whilst their legions were virtually unscathed. The Ultramarines Captain was well aware of the STC held at Helms Deep and of its importance. Seeing how the Chaos forces were already depleted he landed his forces at once, linking up with the remains of the Northern Polar Garrison the joint Imperial Force struck like an avenging angel, they slaughted a light screen of beastmen which led to the city of Tal Arik. As they steamed forwards they suddenly started to pick up a massive Chaos force inbound, they had fell for a trap outnumbered and without Titan support they readied themselves for the attack.

Ultra Marines Army Selection Having never fought against Chaos I was forced to make several assumptions, firstly that they would be numerous, and second that they would be racing into close combat at the first opportunity. I took three basic cores, Infantry, Armour and Support. The Infantry force was to take the objectives and hold off the advancing hordes whilst the Support Core crushed them with heavy firepower and the Armoured Core assaulted his flanks. My Infantry core contained a tactical company as its bread and butter, I had just bought a pro-painted Ultramarines Tactical company complete with Rhinos from Minatures Online (the NetEpic Store) and was eager to field it in battle. My tactical troops were to advance to the objectives and hold them at all costs. Knowing that the Chaos force had a large aerial force of thunderhawks I needed some mobility to hold the line and to fend off the enemy assaults. This was provided by two thunderhawks and a Veteran detachment, the Veterans were ace in close combat and had decent firepower so they could easily match the best the Chaos force had to offer. They would either support the Tactical Company or take out the enemy artillery. The second thunderhawk would provide cover fire for the landing. I wanted yet more fire support so I took a razor back detachment to hold back the enemy forces and provide my tactical company with more flexibility. Seeing the hordes of infantry in my company, I took a medic to heal them from the hideous wounds bound to be inflicted by the masses of Chaos. My support core was to provide both lethal firepower and a hard hitting close combat force. I took a battle company for its flexibility in this respect. The Tactical and Devastator detachments would hold the right flank from the Chaos attack whilst the Assault detachment would charge through the city to take the objectives. I know that Tom will be taking a Thunderhawk but if it gets past my defences and lands by my artillery then I am ruined. So I hoped that he would be tricked into attacking my devestators, this will save my Artillery and allow it to blast apart the enemy forces. I bought 2 Whirlwind detachments and a Manticore detachment to rip open the massed Chaos ranks. (ED. It was only after the battle that we found that this was an illegal army selection). Lastly I choose my Armoured Core, Tanks are my favourite part of the army and I relished the fact that I had 1,500 points to spend on it. I decided to take a Land Raider Company (Cheap with good armour and great weapons), a Vindicator detachment (a must in city combats) , a predator detachment (excellent anti armour tanks, any Chaos Vehicles or Knights who rue the day they met my Preds ). My fast attack force was a bike and a land speeder detachment. I decided that two Land Raider detachments and the bikes would be deployed on the right to crush Toms flank and allow me to put pressure on his centre, whilst the land speeders did pop-up attacks on the left. I now had spare points and tough decisions, I had just bought two Tactical companies from the online store and wanted to field these but at the same time I wanted a titan and a chaplin I thought upon this for ages until I decided to go for the Tactical company, I could now hold the line even better. The Black Crusade My plan was two fold, I would use a massive cavalry and thunderhawk attack on the left flank to destroy any artillery whilst a large force of infantry would take the centre where the objectives where located. I decided to take 2 entire Traitor legions, to be flown in by 5 thunderhawks to crush the enemy with behind, the remaining legion detachment would help support the attack on the centre. I decided to take the Death Guard and the Emperors Sons as my legions of choice, the Death Guard as they are excellent for holding objectives against the odds and the Emperors Children as I was sure that Robin would take his veterans (I am hoping that he might have terminators instead but he tends to prefer Veterans as they are more flexible) I intend to take then over for my own use! The cavalry force was led by a unit of Hell-Knights, these will along with a unit of Disc Riders provide fire support. I got a unit of Juggers to take on those annoying Devestators, two units of Flesh hounds finally to give extra fire support a Reaver titan with one MFRL and one Turbolaser destructor, it also had a power fist. My central force consisted of Two Rhino detachments for speed, a Chaos Terminator detachment for fire support, one beastman, one troll detachment, one unit of bloodletters, the remaining Death Guard detachment and finally my greater daemons. I chose to take a Bloodthirster, a Great Unclean One, Mortarion and Fulgrim. I also got a Tzeentch Mage as they are just so powerful! I also took a unit of flesh hounds to hold up any counter attacks from the right.

Scenario: Bloodbath Three objectives, double VPs for broken or destroyed detachments.

Turn 1: The battle began with a the sound of no less than five thunderhawks sweeping past the Ultramarine lines and deploying their troops, the renegade space marines leapt out straight into close combat reaping havok on the unguarded artillery and devestators. As a tactical detachment wheeled to face them the fifth thunderhawk brought out it its troops to intercept it. The Ultramarine armoured forces on the right advanced forward to attempt to relieve the pressure on the centre and draw off some troops from the left. But in front of them a unit of flesh hounds sprouted wings and flew across the intervening terrain into combat with a land raider detachment. The Ultramarine land speeders were charged by a host of disc riders as they attempted to destroy the Reaver with multi-melta fire. In the city the Ultramarines surged forwards to take the first objective, surrounding with over 240 men, (five tactical detachments and an assault detachment). In the centre of the city Chaos reigned supreme taking control of the remaining two objectives with the bulk of their forces whilst the armoured divisions on the left (Land Raiders, Preds and Vindicators) were ambushed by charging Death Guard chaos space marines who dismounted from their Rhinos. Then the Ultramarines struck back, two Thunderhawks flew in. One disembarked a Veteran detachment which charged the Titan and the other flew to the right flank to support the Land Raiders and Bikes. In the centre the Lord of Change took to the air, seeing the mass of Tactical Marines taking control of the buildings he summoned forth the power of Tzeentch the Changer of Ways and released a bolt of power, an entire squad was turned into a chaos spawn and slew two more squads before being slain. The Ultramarines Whirlwinds realising that their death was near blasted the Beastmen and Tzeench Mage with a massive barrage but as the dust lifted they emerged unscathed. The Tzeentch Reaver Titan seeing the Veterans swarming around his feet blasted the ground with its MFRL on shotgun mode surrounding them all with a giant explosion, fortunately for the Reaver the explosion was too weak to damage its shields, unfortunately for the Veterans, 15 men (3 stands) were ripped to shreds the Thunderhawk was also torn apart with a series of internal explosions. Mortarion brought forth a plague but before he could do any damage he was distracted by the incoming thunderhawk. The remaining Ultramarine thunderhawk flew down close to the current taking cover with the buildings, then seeing the hordes of Beastmen charging forwards opened up with its rockets slaying 3 stands of them before it saw Mortarion working his spells of doom, ripping into him with its battlecannon they knocked to the ground, only the power of the Chaos gods saved him from being banished to the warp. The second Ultramarine whirlwind detachment ripped apart the ground hammered by there colleagues, this time they were more successful slaying the Tzeentch mage and his Rhino. The Great Unclean One saw the milling Tactical troops in the distance and unleashed his breath of nurgle, vomit and maggots filled the air ripping apart the defending tactical marines and killing four stands. The Imperial Guard Manticores managed to take out 2 Disc and one Beast Rider before they were overcome by charging Death Guard. The Emperors Children attacked the buildings which housed the Ultramarines, 1 tactical stand and 2 rhinos were slain to the loss of 2 Emperors Children stands, another detachment took out an entire predator squadron. The Death Guard brought forth glory for Nurgle as the legion in total took out 3 Vindicators, 3 Whirlwinds and 2 Manticores in a mass swirling close combat, they only lost two stands to the valiant defenders.

The Trolls surged into combat, their champion singled out the Marine HQ unit and they engaged in a duel, on one side the massive Chaos Champion stood, on the other the small yet brave Marine command squad stood. As the Chaos Champion charged the Chaos gods united and gifted him with tentacles, the Marines could only watch as he smashed past the first veteran and headed straight for the marine Captain, the Captain ducked under the Champions whirling blades and tentacles lashing out with his power sword and tearing a jagged cut in his stomach as the wound began to knit together the Caption rolled forward and thrust a Krak grenade into the wound before throwing himself backwards. Sensing his impending death the Champion lashed out with his tentacle and tried to draw the Captain in close to share his fate but bolter fire from the Captains guards drove him back. The remaining trolls enraged by their Champions defeat ripped apart 4 devastator stands and 3 rhinos losing three of their numbers to the massed enemy fire. The Chaos Terminators advanced and shot down a Marine HQ unit, a tactical stand and a Razorback. The tactical squads returned fire at the Death Guard champion who promptly turned invisible and forced they to waste ammo chasing his shadow. 2 of the Chaos Thunderhawks killed 4 tactical stands with massed rocket fire, meanwhile the flesh hounds were wiped out by the Land Raiders. The surviving Veterans charged forward swarming up the Reavers body and trying to blast an entrance, hidden bolters, chain claws and tentacles lashed out at them from all around the Reavers body and two entire squads were lost before they managed to make an entrance, however in their moment of victory the Titans powerfist swatted them and squashed them against his leg. The Reaver looked around at the carnage and then saluted the Chaos Gods with his power fist before turning his gaze back at the Ultramarines who were withdrawing from the battle. Turn 1 VPs 74: Chaos 33: Marine

Ultra Marines Debrief I tried to hold an unbreakable line against the Chaos forces on the centre and left flanks whilst an assault force drove the Chaos army back on the right flank, instead I made a critical mistake I advanced most of my forces instead of first firing, all this achieved was to get my forces ripped apart in CC as I came into charge range and couldnt fire at the charging Chaos forces. The Greater Daemons terrified me and I couldnt kill them no matter how hard I tried, so the balance of power was in his favour from the start. When I begun the battle I noticed that I outnumbered Tom, at first this was great then I realised that he must have a hell of a lot more Thunderhawks than I realised. At this point I sorely wished I had some AA! Tom also had a Titan and I had nothing that could take it out. This was when I tried to use my ace in the hole the Veterans. What a mistake! The Titan blew them to shreds first with the MFRL and then with the Titan defences they stood no chance. I thought that if I could just hold the line for one turn then I could swing the battle into my favour, but I lost far too many men, if the game had continued into Turn 2 then I would have been massacred with next to no loss. My remaining troops were close to breaking. I had to complete three objectives to win the game in my eyes: 1st: Force Tom to use his flyers to protect his troops whilst using mine for deep strike missions. 2nd: Use my Land Speeders and Veterans to stop that Titan, as a Titan can easily take out anything that opposes it. 3rd: Get my fast moving assault force into a position to counter charge and smash into the Chaos flank. I failed all three objectives but my defensive line was relatively intact, however I was surrounded on all sides, in front, behind and on my flank. If my line had held I could have given the Chaos forces a pasting but it didnt. I failed to destroy the titan and he had too many troops in my rear. Now I know how the French felt after World War II with the wall of guns on the west border! Yes my line held, but all my artillery was lost except for two Whirlwinds so there were no more big guns left to fire. The amount of flyers that he had was far too much for me to handle, I needed AA! As it was he ruled the skies and I had no option but to let him land uncontested. The Black Crusade Debrief Ahh, victory but it was a hollow victory, most of the Death Guard were slain and the legion will take much time to recover. Overall I think the battle went well, but I made many, many errors that I kicked myself for later. I won this battle only because of a good army selection and because Robin advanced against my Chaos forces allowing me to get into CC almost immediately. If I played this battle again then after wiping out the small vehicle companies I would of concentrated my attacks on one company at a time. As it was I made the classic mistake of spreading my attacks. His Land Raider company and the battle company were sooo close to breaking! I should have focused my fire and then mega VPs would have been mine. I think the Thunderhawk attack went excellently, however I did bring my Death Guard too close to the enemy tactical companies and they got shredded by advance fire. Talking of which, Robin clustered his tactical companies far too close together, I cursed myself for not taking a Whirlwind detachment or two. If I had I could easily have broken another company and gained myself another 16 VPs! The flesh hounds were a mistake, I send a detachment to hold up his right flank and this meant that I got they annihilated without even pausing his advance it was a chronic error that threw away 4 VPs. The Tzeentch mage was a disappointment, I should have not let it get so close to the beastmen, and even with the command rule it was still covered by the Whirlwind barrage. I felt that Robin let me dictate the pace of events, he let me into close combat in Turn one, he let me do whatever I wanted. The one time he took the initiative was in the attack on my Titan, this was a waste of lives, the chances of him taking out the Titan was remote, the Veterans would be better placed in the centre or helping to defend the Devastators or the artillery. But at the end of the day, it was a great game which both side enjoyed to the max .

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