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Schapery RA 1962 (PHD Dissertation)

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Thesis by
Richard Allan Schapery
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, California
To my patient wife
The author is pleased to express his appr eciati on to
Professor M. L. Williams for suggesting the problem area and
his helpful comments, especially during the latter stages of the
work. In addition, he wishes to acknowledge the useful dis cussi ons
on mathematical aspects with Professors T. K. Caughey,
A. and J. K. Kn owles.
Awards of Rand and Douglas Aircraft Fellowships during
the course of the research are gratefully acknowledged.
Also, thanks are due Mrs. Alrae Tingley for the excellent
work done in typing the manuscript.
A unified theory of the thermo-mechanical behavior of
viscoelastic media is developed from studying the thermodynamics
of irreversible processes, and includes discussions of the general
equations of motion, crack propagation, variational principles, and
approximate methods of stress analysis .
The equations of motion in terms of generalized coordinates
and forces are derived for systems in the neighborhood of a stable
equilibrium state. They represent a modification of Biot1s theory
in that they contain explicit temperature dependence, and a thermo-
dynamically consistent inclusion of the time-temperature super-
position principle for treating media with temperature-dependent
viscosity coefficients. The stress-strain-temperature and energy
equations for viscoelastic solids follow immediately from the general
equations and, along with equilibrium and strain-displacement
relations, they form a complete set for the description of the thermo-
mechanical behavior of media with temperature-dependent viscosity.
In addition, an energy equation for crack propagation is derived and
examined briefly for its essential features by applying it to a specific
The thermodynamic equations of motion are then used to
deduce new variational principles for generalized coordinates and
forces, employing convolution-type functionals. Anticipating various
engineering applications, the formulation is phrased alternately in
terms of mechanical displacement, stresses, entropy displacement,
and temperature in thermally and mechanically linear solids. Some
special variational principles are also suggested for applications
wherein the nonlinear thermal effects of temperature dependent
viscosity and dissipation may be important. '
Building upon the basic variational formulation, it is next
shown that when these convolution functionals are Laplace-transformed
with respect to time, some convenient minimum principles result
which can be employed for the approximate calculation of transformed,
.' viscoelastic responses. The characteristic time dependence of exact
and approximate solutions is then derived and used in relating error
in approximate viscoelastic solutions to error in the associated
elas tic solutions.
The dissertation is concluded with a study of some approximate
methods of viscoelastic analysis. First, the important problem
of inverting complicated Laplace transforms to physical time-dependent
solutions is resolved by advancing two easily appli'ed, approximate
methods of transform inversion. -These inversion methods and
variational principles are then used in some illustrative, numerical,
examples of stress and heat conduction analysis.
1. 1 Introduction
1.2 Derivation of the Thermodynamic Equations for
Systems at a Uniform Temperature
1. 3 Solution of the Equations
1. 4 The Energy Equation
1. 5 Mechanical Models
1.6 Generalization to Systems with Non- Uniform
1. 7 The Stress-Strain-Temperature Equations
a. Anisotropic continuum
b. Isotropic continuum
1. 8 The Coupled Thermo-Mechanical Field Equations
a. Anisotropic continuum
b. Isotropic continuum
1.9 Extensions to Large Deformation and Crack
Propagation Theory
a. Large deformation theory
b. Crack propagation theory
2. 1 Introduction
2.2 Basic Homogeneous Variational Principles for
Linear S y s t e m ~
a. Principle for generalized coordinates
b. Principle for generalized forces
2.3 Application of the Basic Homogeneous Principles
to Viscoelastic Solids
a. A simple example -- heat conduction
b. Thermo-viscoelasticity
2.4 Determination of Non-Homogeneous Variational
Principles from the Homogeneous Principles for
Linear Systems
a. Principle for mechanical displacements and
temperature 102
b. Principle for mechanical stresses and entropy
displacement 104
2.5 Comments on Special Variational Principles when
Dissipation and Temperature Dependent Viscosity
are Considered 105
3. 1 Introduction 109
3.2 Time Dependence of Solutions for Step-Displacement
and Step- Load Illputs 113
a. Displacement response
b. Stress response
c. Generalizations
3.3 Relation Between Error in Approximate Viscoelastic
and Elastic Solutions 128
4. 1 Introduction
4.2 Approximate Methods of Transform. Inversion
a. Direct method
b. Collocation method
4.3 Numerical Applications of Transforme d
Variational Principles
a. Displacement principle -- Kantorovich method 141
b. Stress principle - Ritz method 153
4.4 Numerical Applications of Convolution Variational
Princi pIe s 157
a. Comments on the dynamic problem
b. Heat conduction example
1.1. Introduction
The therITlodynaITli cs of irreversible processes (TIP) has been
used by several workers to develop a ITlacroscopic th'eory of linear i r -
reversible phenoITlena. Probably the ITlost unified and elegant treat-
ITlent was presented by Biot (1,2); we shall not atteITlpt to list ITlany
of the other pape rs dealing with the subject, since a relatively COITl-
plete list can be found in refe'rence 2. Biot derived the linear equations
gove rning a general, inhoITlogeneous, the rITlodynaITlic systeITl which is
in the neighborhood of a stable equilibriuITl state. In addition, he
cl early illustrated their utility when he used them in deriving the
stress-strain equations of an anisotropic, isothermal, viscoe lastic
solid (1); pres enting a unified treatITlent of the rITloelastic daITlping (3 );
studying the behavior of porous ITledia (4); and deducing varia tional
principles (2,5). While Biot's eITlphasis has been on the ITlechanics
of solids, the gener,al equations could also be applied to other irreve r-
sible phenoITlena, such as reacting gases near an equilibriuITl COITlposi-
One of the priITlary objectives of this dissertation is to establish
the relation between teITlperature and deforITlations in viscoelastic ITledia
by using TIP. As a ITlotivation for the theoretical developITlent whi c h is
given in Part I, let us ,consider certain aspects of the theories proposed
by Biot and SOITle other investigators which relate to the treatITlent of
thermal effects. The initial Biot formulation (1) permitted the thermo-
dynamic system to have a non-uniform temperature distribution, but
temperature variations were treated as hidden coordinates (i. e., t he
temperature at the geometric boundary of the system was maintained
at a constant reference t emperature). As a consequence, for example ,
it was not possible to use the re sult s to deduce v i scoelastic stress-
strain equations with explicit temperature dependenc e . Later, Biot
generalized his theory to admit temperature variations at the boundary
(2) and arrived at an analogy between thermal and mechanical variabl es.
In particular, it was shown that a small excess temperature (actual
temperature minus the referenc e temperature) applied to the boundary
plays the role of a generalized force, while its conjugate coordinate
is entropy displacement (heat flow into the system divided by the
reference temperature). However, in addition to the assumption that
the excess temperature is small, it is implicit in' this analogy that
temperature rise due to the second order term in the energy equation
(Rayleigh Dissipation Function) must be neglected. Another restrictive
assumption which was introduced in his formulation is that the viscous
properties of the system are independent of temperature. These as-
sumptions made by Biot are ~ a l i d within the domain of a completely
linear theory; however, they are impractical for some applications.
For example, if one were to use this analogy in deducing the coupled
thermo-mechanical equations for a viscoelastic solid, important effects
would be neglected. For, not only are the viscous properties of a vis-
'co elastic solid usually very sensitive to temperature, but transient
deformations maintained over a long enough time may produce a sig-
-3 -
nificant temperature rise as a result of dissipation.
Recently, Hunter (6) and Chu (7) have dealt directly with the
derivation of the stress-strain-temperature equations and the associated
energy equation of isotropic, viscoelastic solids. Even though they have
relaxed certain of the above mentioned as sumptions on thermal effects,
the applicability of their results is restricted since all of the implica-
tions of TIP were not utilized. For example , Hunter assumes that the
specific heat and thermal expansion coefficient are algebraic factors
rather than integral (or differential) operators, while Chu only con-
siders particularly simpl e stress-strain laws. In another paper
Eringen (8) also introduces some explicit thermal effects in a study of
more general systems, however he tacitly makes the same assumptions
cited above in regard to Hunter1s work, and assumes fu rther that vis-
cosity is independent of temperature.
In Part I-A of this dissertation we shall use TIP as a means
of deriving equations of motion in terms of generalized coordinates and
force's, but proceed with the thermodynamic formulation differently than
Biot and Eringen In order to: 1) obtain explicit temperature dependence
in the equations, 2) allow for temperature-dependent viscous properties,
and 3) include the effect of dissipation on temperature (or heat flow).
The results will be arrived at by studying the behavior of a thermody-
namic system with a spacewise uniform temperature which is not neces-
sarily constant in time, rather than wi'th an arbitrary temperature distri-
bution as permitted by Biot. It'will be seen that the equations of motion
reduce to those d erived by Biot when thermal effects are omitted.
Following the derivation and solution 6f the equations governing
the behavior of a thermally homogeneous system, we present an exposi-
tion of Biot1s linear the rmodynamic theory (2); this presentation will
serve the dual purpose of contrasting the features of his development
with ours and providing background information which will be needed
ln Part II.
The second half of Part I is concerned primarily with using the
results obtained in the first half to deduce the stress:"strain-tempera-
tur e equations and energy equation of anisotropic viscoelasticity. This
objective is readily accomplished by interpreting a viscoelastic material
element as a closed thermodynamic system at a uniform temperature,
and then associating mechanical strains and stresses with the general-
ized coordinates and forces. When these equations are combined with
the infinitesimal strain-displacement relations and equilibrium equa-
tions, a complete set of field equations is obtained for the coupled
thermo-mechanical, small deformation behavior of viscoelastic solids.
The set is, in general, nonlinear due to the function in the
energy equation and the assumed temperature d e pende nt viscosity.
It should be emphasized that the relations between stress,
strain, and temperature are deduced directly from TIP, without intro-
ducing spring-dashpot models in the development. However, it is shown
that for most practical cases all moduli, coefficients of expansion, and
specific heats are (or differential) operators which can be repre-
sented by the well-known m .echanical models consisting of Maxwell ele-
ments in parallel or Voigt elements in series. This analogy was pointed
out by Biot (2) for isothermal moduli, but the proof for the specific
heats and thermal expansion coefficients is believed to be new.. Rec ent
experimental work by Kovacs and others (9, p. 411) substantiates the
deduction for thermal expansion o f seve ral polymers.
The situation in which this Voigt or Maxwell repr esentation is
not thermodynamically admissible occurs only when the temperature
is transient and the viscous prope rties of the material ar e such that
the time-temperature supe rposition principle (9, p. 209) i s not obeyed.
In such a case, a mechanical mode l can still be used to r epresent the
behavior, however an array of springs and dashpots is needed which
is more gene ral than the simple combinations of Maxwell and Voigt
elements. As a practical matter, however, it is known that the super-
position principle applies to most linear viscoelastic metals and non-
metals, and is also predicted by simple molecular models (9, p. 201;
10 ).
Providing the time-temperature superposition principle is ap-
plicable, there is another intere sting implication of the the rmodynamic
analysis. To be specific let us suppose that a relaxation modulus of a
given material is found to obey this superposition principle , in which
the relation between time and temperature is given by a certain tem-
perature d ependent Ushift factor. It Then the implication is that all
other mechanical and thermal properties (moduli, thermal expansion
coefficients, heat capacities) which are associated with the same mol e -
cular processes also obey this superposition principle and have the same
shift factor. It may be noted that experimental work by Kovacs, Marvin,
and others (9, p. 223 and p. 414) confirms this deduction for the bulk
and shear moduli and the thermal expansion coefficients of some poly-
mers. Birefringence in polymers, of interest to photoelasticians, is
- 6-
another property which is expected to have the same shift factor since,
just as stress-strain behavior, it is directly related to molecular con-
figurations (ll). For example, it is anticipated that the time-dependent
strain and stress optical c oefficients reported by Theocaris and
Mylonas (12) for one temperature, have the same time-temperature
superposition behavior as t he corresponding moduli.
To conclude Part I, we indicate how TIP could be u sed to intro-
d uce rat e effects into finite deformation and crack propagation prob-
lems. Equations are postulated which enable one to make a finite
d eformation analysis providing the free energy function is known. In
addition, an energy equation for viscoelastic solids is proposed which
can be. used in predicting the propagation of a crack if its direction of
travel is known. The equation is examined br:iefly for its essential
features when applied to a special problem.
1.2. Derivation of the Thermodynamic Equations for Systems at
a Uniform Temperature
We consider now a thermodynamic system of unit mass which
has a prescribed, space-wise constant temperature. Its thermodynamic
state is assumed to be defined by n state variables q.
(gene ral iz ed
c oordinates), and by either temperature or internal energy. If the
system is not spacewise uniform except for temperature, the state 1S
defined by subdividing (he system into cells sufficiently small that
properties can be considered as uniform in each cell; this can be done
-7 -
as long as it is not neces sary to rnake the size of each cell cornparable
with atornic dirnensions. Extensive properties such as total entropy
and internal energy are evaluated by a surnrnation of loca l values over
all cells. The coordinates q. are very general and can represent
such varied quantities as rnechanical strains, rnolecular confi gurations
in a polyrner, location of interstitial atoms in a rnetal, chemical com-
position of reacting gases, etc. A generalized force a., conjugate
to the variable q., is defined by' the condition that a.oq. is an incre-
1 1 1
rnent of external work per unit volume done on the system.
While the equations of rnotion which are derived in this section
are quite general in that they are a pplicable to linear syste rns satisfy-
ing the above assurnptions, we shall use them later only for d e ducing
the therrno-rnechanical equations of a linear, anisotropic, viscoelastic
solid. For this specific situation, six of the coordinates q.
(i = 1, , 6)
are associated with the six independent cornponents of the infinitesirnal
strain tensor, e ..
The rernaining (n-6) variables q. (i = 7, , n)
are used to represent liinternal degrees of fr eedorn, Ii and are called
hidden coordinates. Hidden coordinates are defined by the condition
that their conjugate (externally applied) forces are always zero. The
I1rnolecular configuration n in a polyrne r is an irnportant exarnple of a
hidden coordinate. With q . (i = 1 ,6) as the strains, e .. , the incre-
1 1J
ment of work done on an element of unit mas s in a small change oq.
is (13, p. 82)
-1 -1
P a.liq. = p <T lie . .
1 . 1 ' 1J 1J
(l. 1)
where <T is a cornponent of the stress t .ensor and p is the density.
Consequently, we shall later associate the generalized force
(i = 1, ,6) with the six independent components of the stress tenS01".
TIP will now be applied in order to obtain the equations govern-
ing the behavior of the system defined above as it passes through non-
equilibrium states. -- First, we must calculate the :rate at which en-
tropy is produced as a result of irreversibility in order to apply
Onsager's Principle, which will be stated later. This calculation
requires that the basic hypothesis of TIP be used (14); namely, the
entropy of a system which is sufficiently close to equilibrium can be

defined by classical thermodynamic variables. Assuming that the
entropy of a system of unit mass, s, is an explicit function of internal
energy, u, and the generalized coordinates, q., the change in entropy
. By equilibrium we will mean classical thermodynamic equilibrium,
which some authors prefer to call thermostatic equilibrium.

The legitimacy of this hypothesis has been investigated by several
workers. For example, Prigogine (15) has used the kinetic theory of
gases to show that for transport processes, the domain of validity of
this assumption extends throughout the domain of validity of linear
phenomenological laws (Fourier's law of heat conduction, Fickis law
for mass diffusion, etc.). In the case of chemical reactions, he has
shown that the reaction rates must be sufficiently slow so as not to
perturb the Maxwell equilibrium distribution of velocities of each com-
ponent to an appreciable extent; this excludes only reactions with ab-
normally low energy of activation. Thus, for most processes, the
assumption that the entropy can be defined by classical thermodynamic
variables is expected to be valid ev:en quite far from equilibrium.

Unless specified otherwise, we shall use the tensor notation that a
repeated index is to be summed out, e. g.
(;:. ) t dqi == L (;:.) tdqi
1 u,q. 1.=1 1 u,q.
Q.dq. == "\ Q.dq.
1 1 6 1 1
ds = du +
where qi denotes all coordinates ql' ' qn with exception of
(1. 2)
q .
From the First Law of Thermodynamics the increment of heat, dh,
added to the unit mas s is
dh = du - p Q. dq .
1 1
(1. 3)
When dq. = 0 the incremental process is reversible and from the
Second Law of Thermodynamics Tds = dh, so that, using e quations 1.2
and 1.3, we have
(1. 4)
where T is the (instantaneous) absolute temperature of the system.
This permits the entropy change to be written as
T ds = du + T (: s. ) i dqi (1. 5)
ql U, q.
. which is Gibbs equation in generalized form. It is convenient to de-
fine the state function as
(l. 6)
and call a reversible force. With this notation. equation 1. 5
T ds = du _ dq.
1 1
Imagine now that the system is immersed in a large heat reser-
-10 -
voir which has the same temperature as the system. As suming tha t
the combine d system consisting of the reservoir and actua l sys t e m is
insulated, the entropy change of the reservoir is dS
= - dh/T. Con-
sequently, the incremental entropy cha nge of the total system, ds i, is
I dh
ds = ds + dS
= ds - T
(1. 8a)
which is the entropy change due to irreversibility. This entropy change
is readily evaluated for the sys t em under consideration by subtraction
of equation 1. 3 from 1.7, to find
ds i = ~ T (Q. _ Q ~ R dq.
p 1 1 1
(1. 8b)
which, when divided by the time increment dt, yields the desired ex-
pres sion for the rate at which entropy is produced,
. '
s =
P 1 1
X. == Q. _ Q ~ R )
1 1 1
(1. 9a)
(1. 9b)
and the dot denotes. differentiation with respect to time. s is termed
the entropy production per unit mass and X. the irreversible component
of force applied,. to the coordinate q.. This force may be viewed, for
example, as an internal force which arises from ttviscosityli in the
system and resists the motion of q .
The important principle of TIP is now introduced, namely
Onsageris Principle, which can be stated as follows (14): If the entropy
production is written in the form
" .
s = X. q.
1 1
and the forces Xi are proportional to the "fluxes" qi' that is,
x. =
b .. q.
1J J
i=l, .. ,n
(1. 10)
(1. 11)
then the matrix of coefficients 1S symmetric. Equation loll can be
written in the notation of 1. 9 by setting
" 1
X. =- X
1 pT i
(1. 12)
so that we obt ain the set of equations for the qi'
Q.= b .. (T)q.; 1 = 1,2, , n
1 1 1J J
(1. 13)
with b .. = b .. , and the matrix b .. may be a function of t e mperature,
1J J1 1J
Another property of the matrix b
is deduced by applying a
corollary of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that for
all possible processes (16)
ds 2: 0 (1. 14)
Substitution of equations 1.13 into 1. 9 and using this property of the
entropy change, ds , yields
S for q.q. > 0
1 1
(1. 15)
which implies that b .. is a positive semi-definite matrix. The equality
sign is needed in order to allow for reversible processes, e. g. elastic
Strictly speaking, linearity between fluxes and forces must b e
i nt roduc,ed as an assumption, r athe r than as info rmation given by
Onsager1s Principle. However, this linearity has been found to be
generally true for the thermodynamic s ystems sufficiently close to
equilibrium; indeed, most systems exhibit this property quite far from

equilibrium. Of course, the ultimat e justification of this assumpti on
and its domain of validity depend on the ability of the resulting equations
1.13 to predict experimental observations.
A more useful form of these equations is obtained by using
definition 1. 6 to express as a function of q, and T. To do so,
1 1
we introduce the Helmholtz free e n e rgy, f. which is defined as
f = u - Ts
Substitution of f into equation 1. 7 yields
which implie s
df ::: - s dt + p dq.
1 1
Use of identity 1.l8b permits equations 1.13 to be written as
(1. 16)
(l. 17)
(l. 18a)
'Chemical reactions and the mechanical behavior of metals appear to
be the only important exceptions. However, even in these cases
linearity exists when the systems are sufficiently close to equilibrium
( (19,10).
-13 -
= p (:f) + b .. (T)q.
q. T I IJ .J
1 , qi
1=1,2, .. ,n (1. 19)
which is a set of n equations of motion for the q . , under the action
of prescribed forces, Q., and tempe rature, which are not required to
be constant in time.
It should be emphasized that the set 1.19 is expected to be valid
for many systems which are not even close to equilibrium. However,
through a consideration of the free energy we now wish to specialize
these equations to a general syst em which is in the neighborhood of a
reference state, defined as the state in which all forces Q. are zero,
the temperature is T , and the system is in thermodynamic equilibrium.
By expanding the free energy in a Taylor series and neglecting powers
higher than second order one obtains
f = (:.;) e + (oaf.) q. +
r qJ r J
r 1 J
(1. 20)
where e:; T - T ; q. and f are arbitrarily taken as 'zero at the
r 1
reference state, denoted by the subscript r.
Some useful properties of the coefficients in the series 1. 20
will now be enumerated. First, it is observed from equations 1.19
that, by definition of the reference state,
( : ~ . ) = 0; i = I.2, n
1 r
(1. 21)
In addition, definition 1.16 and identity 1.18a show that
( ; ~ )
= - s
(1. 23)
in which (au/aT) is the specific heat at constant generalized co-
ordinates, c , as seen from equation 1.3.
Furthermo re, within the
region of validity of expansion 1. 20, the specific heat is a constant
given by
If we also make the definitions,
= a .. =
- (3.
the free energy expansion becomes
f = - s e +-2- a .. q . q.
r P r 1J 1 J
(1. 24)
a ..
(1. 25)
(1. 26)
Further information about the free energy can be deduced by
first combining the energy equation 1. 3, definition 1.16, and 1. 8a, to
df = - T ds I - s d T + p Q . dq.
1 1
(1. 27)
Under the assumption that a stable equilibrium state exists at the tem-
T (which is not necessarily equal to
T )
with all forces
zero, the constant temperature behavior of f is found in the neighbor-
hood of this state by integrating 1. 27 with d T ::: 0,
f - f ::: T (s -
e e e
(1.28 )
where the subscript e refers to the equilibrium state. Consider
first the limit case of reversibl e processes (e. g., motion of an elastic
body) so that S ::: S
and the state function f is equal to t he work done
in displacing the system from equilibrium. Mechanical stability re-
quires this work to be positive and therefore f is a minimum at the
equilibrium point. For the actual case in which processes are ir-
reversible, we can determine the nature of f by applying the classical
thermodynamic result (16) that the entropy of an isolated system is a
maximum at a stable equilibrium point. If the case is considered in
which Q. ::: 0, the system of interest and its reservoir make up an
1 .
isolated system; hence at equilibrium s IS a maximum and 1.28 shows
that f is a minimum. Thus, the equilibrium state is distinguished by
. When the reference state is defined such that the system is under forces
which are not all zero, it is necessary to work with the Gibb's free
energy, g. For example, in the case of a gas whose reference state
is at a pressure Pe. the Gibb1s free energy is
g ::: f + Pe v (a)
where v is the specific volume. It is seen that this casts equation
1. 28 in the form
::: T (s - s ')
e e

+ J 1
Q.p dq.
1 1
where the force conjugate to qv ( ::: - v) is (p - Pe)P. We see that g,
rather than f, is a minimum at the reference state.
the conditions
i :: 1 , n (1.29)
and for stability
dq.dq . 2: 0; dq. dq. > 0
T 1 J 1 1
(1. 30)
in which the derivatives in equations 1.29 and 1.30 are e valuated at
an equilibrium state that is not necessarily at the reference tempera-
ture T. It should be observed that f retairi:s this behavior even when
forces Q. are applied, since it is a function of state variables and
.therefore does not depend explicitly on the external forces . Also, we
have included the equality sign in 1.30 in order to allow for the condi-
tion of neutral stability (non-unique equilibrium state) with respect to
some configurations. It will be seen later that this inclusion l eads to
steady flow under the action of timewise constant forces.
Substitution of expansion 1. 26 into equation 1. 29 for the equili-
brium condition yields an expression for the equilibrium configuration.
q. , thus
a . . q. :: 9{3.
1J J e 1
(1. 31)
Also, inequality 1.30 requires for stability at the equilibrium state
a .. dq. dq. >- OJ
1J 1 J
dq.dq. > 0
1 1
which implie s that a .. ' is a positive semi-definite matrix .
(1. 32)
Let us now substitute the free energy expansion 1.26 into
equations 1.19, thus deriving linear equations of motion for the system
-17 -
when subjected to mechanica l and thermal perturbations:
a . . q. + b .. (T)q. = Q. + 13.9; i = 1,2, , n
IJ J IJ J 1 1
(1. 33)
where a .. = a .. , b .. = b .. , and these matrices are positive semi-defi-
~ Jl ~ Jl
nite. It is important to observe that a . .
is constant, but the matrix'
b . . , which represents the "viscosity" in the system, can be a strong
function of temperature, and ther efore time -dependent when the tem-
p e rature is transient. These equations reduce to those derived by
Biot (1) if the temperature is fixed at its reference value, 9 =' O.
Thus, it is observed that two of the three objectives stated In
the introduction have been accomplished; that is 1) the equationS ' of
motion 1.33 contain explicit temperature dependence, and 2) the viscous
properties are permitted to be temperature dependent. The third ob-
jective, which is to bring in the effect of dissipation on temperature
(or heat flow), is reached in section 1.4 in a study of .the energy equa-
1.3. Solution of the Equations
The basic thermodynamic equations 1.33 will now be solved to
obtain q. as an explicit function of the thermal and mechanical loading.
A standard, convenient method of solving these equations involves the
determination of a transformation which simultaneously diagonalizes
a. . and b. . (i. e., uncouples the equations of motion). It is weIl-
known that this transformation can always be found when the matrices
are independent of time , (1 8), which is the case for our equations if
either b .. is independent of temperature or the temperature is
constant in time. However, it is not actually necessary that the matrix
b .. be constant, but only that each element be proportional to the same
function of time; this follows from the fact that a change of time vari-
able can be made which reduces the differential equations 1. 33 to ones
with constant coefficients. Namely, if
b .. ::: F(T}b ..
where b .. IS independent of temperature, we can define a "reduced
time tt variable t by
i dt
dt ::: ---
F[ T(t}]
which casts equations 1.33 in the form
a .. q. + b ..
-J- ::: Q.+ i3.e
dt 1 1
(1. 35b)
(1. 36)
In the remainder of Part I it will be assumed that 1. 34 i s appli-
cable in order that the solutions, which are derived by diagonalization,
will be valid under transient temperature conditions. Further, as a
~ ,
matter of convention, we shall assume that F(T} > O.
The details of solving equations 1.36 will not be given since the
results can be written down simply by analogy with Biot's solutions {l}.
Thus, we deduce that the solution of equations 1.36, in operational
notation, is
':'It will be seen later that F(T} is equal to the well-known polymer
shift factor, aT (17) . Since tIre use of aT reduces the time and tem-
perature into one variable, t, this reduction is often called the time-
temperature superposition principle. .
-19 -
q. :=: S . . Q. + a . 8;
1 1J J 1
j = 1, 2, 0 , n (1. 37a)


C ..
S ..
+ ---2.:l.
(1. 37b)
1 + T Fp Fp
s s
C(s) (3.
1J J
(1. 37c)
1 + T Fp
s s
'This operational notation is purely forrnal. and can be defined by means
orthe solutions of first- order differential equations. For example, if
in equation 1. 37b we set

1J I
. 1 1 + T Fp
then the first-order differential equation is
(s) I dqi () ()
qi + T s F CIt :=: C ijQ jt
which has the solution
. }
e s, steT s 0 dv ] dv+C
1 Ts oL 1J J F[ T(v)] (c) s
where the C are constants to be determined, from initial conditions
(C :=: 0 if theSsystem is undisturbed at t:: 0). Thus the operational
folm (a) is to be interpreted as the integral operator in (c). Similarly,
1J J = 1J J
C .. Q :(t) st C ..
Fp - 0
A second interpretation can be made in terms of the Laplace
Fourier) transform. If we denote the reduced-time transform of a
function, as
- I r
-p't; i I
yep ) :=: J
e yet )dt
i .
whe re the symbol p represents t)le transform parameter, then S . .
and as' (with Fp replaced by p ') are transfer functions relating
1 - -
transfo'rmed forces, Q., and temperature, e, to transformed gene ralized
coordinates q.. In of the generality and simplicity embodied in
the operational notation in 1.37, we shall use it throughout this diss e r-
Fp = F ~ =
The sununation ), is extended to all distinct, finite, roots,
the vanishing dete"rlninant,
(1. 38)
Also, s IDce the implied summation in equation 1. 37a extends over all
non-zero forces, the operator S .. relates each coordinate to the forces
applied to (k) observed coordinates, with the number of hidden co-
ordinates being (n- k). However, the operational coefficient of thermal
ai' defined in equation 1. 37c contains a summation over
all indices j = 1, 2, ,n.
Some important properties of the coefficientsln equations 1.37
follow from the symmetry and positive semi-definite character of the
matrices a .. and b... It can be shown that
1J lJ
c .. ::: C ..
lJ Jl
(1. 39)
and that these matrices are independent of temperature and are positive
semi-definite. In view of 1. 39, S.. is symmetric.
Furthermore, the
(which we shall call retardation times in analogy with
their significance in the stress - strain equations of polymers) are real
and non-negative. A zero retardation time occurs when
which corresponds to a reversible process (e. g. elastic deformation).
The coeffici ent;:; C.. correspond to an infinite retardation time,
which occurs when la .. I::: O. It is seen from equation 1. 37b that the
existence of C .. leads to steady- flow (coordinates which increase
linearly with time) under the action of constant forces. Also it can be
shown from the equilibrium condition 1.31 that such steady-flow terms
do not occur in the operational coefficient of expan sion.
We would now like to invert solution 1.37 and express the
applied forces in terms of observed coordinates and temperature.
This inversion is most easily done by returning to the origin'al equations
1.36, which can be represented in matrix form as
Akl --- ).kk I A
(3 El
(1.40 )
where A ..
:: a .. + Fpb ..
1J 1J
. r
with Fp = dicit. and the coordinates
are hidderi. The subsystem M is a symmetric square
matrix relating the (n-k) hidden coordinates to k observed coordi-
nates and temperature. This submatrix can always be diagonaliz e d.
in accordance with the previous discussion. and therefore we can as-
sume that the hidden variables s' s:: k+1 n, are the normal
coordinates associated with the matrix M. which becomes
:: (1. 41)
The elements of M are A = a + Fpb. The non-negative character
s . s s
of free energy and entropy production requires (assuming F(T) > 0):
a :> 0
a = 0
. s
b :::: 0
(1. 42)
or b = 0, certain coefficients in 1. 40 must
vanish in order to satisfy this non-negative requirement on free energy
at constant temperature and entropy production. This condition on the
coefficents can be seen by writing these functions with the diagonal
submatrix; from equation 1.26 we have for e = 0,
(1. 43)
and from equation 1.15,
+ f b ~ 2} :> 0 (1. 44)
l..J s s
where the summation signs are now used in order to distinguish be-
tween summation over hidden and observed coordinates.
If b is
zero, then all coefficients b ~ corresponding to this (s) value must
also be zero as a result of this non-negative character of entropy pro-
duction. Similarly, if an a vanishes, then all co.rresponding coef-
ficients d. must a l so vanish.
In addition, a. = 0 implies from
the equilibrium condition 1.31 that the corresponding thermal co effi-
cient j3 must be zero.
With these points in :mind, we can use 1. 40 to solve for the
nor:mal coordinates s ~ in terms of the observed coordinates and
te:mperature; these expressions are then substituted into the first (k)
-23 -
equati ons in 1. 40 to obtain the external forces as expl icit functions
of observed coordinates and tempe rature. This procedure leads to
the following result:
- p'o. e
. . q. t-'
(i == 1, , k)
+ D : . + D .. Fp



+ B.
Fp +-v

w ith the definitions
a. a
D .. ==

a ..

b. b
D .. == b ..
s S

a . b.
1/2 lS l S
t s
s s
== 13
s a
b . ] lS
- --
B. == 13. - \'
1 1 , .0

p. ==
s a
{I. 45b)
(1. 45d)
{I. 45e)
(1. 45f)
(I. 45 g)
{I. 45h)
{I. 45j)
where s IS not summed unle ss indicated, and we have the symmetry
T .. - T . .
(1. 46)
The matrices composing T .. are positive semi-definite. It IS cl e ar
from the definition 1. 45d that this property is true for D ( . ~ ) . The non-
negativeness of the matrix D . . is shown by setting 8 = 0 and changing
q . very slowly. The work done in this process must be non-negative,
qi Q.dq. =
' 0 ,1 1
1 D :> 0
-2 , .q.q.
IJ 1 J ,
(1. 47)
from, which it follows that D .. , is non-negative. Similarly, the power
input Q . q. must be non-negative for high rates of change of ql';
1 1
therefore D,. has this same property.
The constant pI , defined in 1. 45j, is called the relaxation time
associated with the sth hidden no r mal coordinate. These constants
playa role which is similar to that of the retardation times
7 i
7' .
s '
however, 7' and p are generally not equal since the latter repre-
s s
sents the eigenvalues of the submatrix M while the quantities 7's
are eigenvalues of the entire (n x ,n) matrices.
1. 4. The Energy Equa tion
In this section we first derive the energy equation in terms of
temperature and observed generalized coordinates. The coordinates
are then replaced by generalized forces by using results from the pre-
vious section. It will be seen that by expressing the energy equation as
a function of observed variables, we are led to the concept of opera-
tiona1 specific heats. We further show that when the energy equation is
linearized, the total heat added to the element and the temperature
perturbation act essentially as conjugate coordinate and force, re-
Let us rewrite the energy equation 1.3 by assuming that the
internal energy is a function of (n) generalized coordinates and tem-
dh =
CdT+i(au\ t
q L aq. J
T 1 , q.
. 1
-1 J - p Q. dq.
1 1
Making this same modificatiori of equation 1.7 yields
ds = d T + 1 _
aT T "T aq.t
q. 1 T,q.
-1Q{.R) Jd
1 qi
1 1
Since the entropy is a state function we can write
and obtain,
1 a
T aq.aT
= aT [
( au _ . ) ]
T aq. p 1
(I. 48)
(1. 50)
(1. 51)
(1. 52)
Use of identity 1. 18b, expansion 1. 26 for the free energy, and equation
1.13 from Onsager's principle casts 1.52 in the form
. =
-1 -1
Tp 13. - P b . . q.
r 1 r 1J J
(1. 53)
If this equation is substituted into the energy equation 1. 48 and we
divide by dt and p;l we f i n d
H = c e + Tj3.q. - 2D
q 1 1
(1. 54)
whe r e it was conveni ent to intr oduce the Rayleigh Dissipation Functi on
defined as
:= 1 b "
-2 ., q.q.
IJ 1 J
(1. 55)
and capital letters are used to denote quantites per unit volUIne of the
reference state, i. e.,
. .
H:= p h
c _ P -1 c
q r q
(1. 56)
It is seen from equation 1.15 that D IS pr,?portional to the entropy
production per unit volume,
1 I
D = "2 TS
(1. 57)
Equation 1. 54 can be writt en in terms of the r educed time, t : ,
by mult iplying it by . F, thus
FpH;: C Fp8 + Tj3. Fpq. - 2FD
q 1 1
or, explicitly
~ = C d8 +
dt q dt I
dq .
Tj3. --
1 . dt i
1 dq. dq.
1 J
b .. -'--1-
IJ dt dt
(1. 58a)
(1. 58b)
Let us now eliminate the hidden coordinates from 1.58 by writing
them in terms of observed coordinates and temperature :by using the
last (n-k) equations of 1.40. With norrnalcoordinates ~ s for hidden
-27 -
variables we find
(32/b r
s s
P .
where ( 3 ~ IS the therInal expansion operator def ined in e quation 1.45c,
(1. 60)
in which the s uInIna tion is extende d over all values of s corresponding
to zero relaxation tiInes. Substitution of 1. 59 into 1. 58a yields
2 ~
FpH = . [C
+ T(32+ T L
Fp +-
2FD (3. Fpq. -
1 1
(1. 61)
D can also be expressed as a function of observed coordinates and
teInperature by using equation 1.40. It is interesting to observe that
if we n eglect the second order dissipation function D and aSSUIne
6 / T 1, the ope rational coefficient operating on p6 defines an
r .
operational specific h e at for fixe d observed coordinates, i. e . ,
(IiH) .
Ii 6 qi(i=l, , k)
= C + T (32 + T ')
q r rL...J
(32/b t
s s
(1. 62)
-The sYInbol Ii IS used since this specific heat is not an exact diffe r-
ential. All coefficients in this operational specific heat are non-
negative since

a 2:: 0 and b 2:
s s
The energy equation can also be written in ter:ms of applied
forc es in place of observed coordinates. This is easily done by using
equations 1. 37 in order to replace all of the generalized coordinates
appearing in equation I, 58a. Carry ing out the substitution, we find
FpH == [C + T(3.u?] FpEl +
q 1 1
u. FpQ.-
1 1
2FD (1. 63)
where u? ' is defined in equation 1. 37c. Again, by neglecting the dissi-
pation function and setting T == T , an operational specific heat at
. r .
constant applied forces is obtained,

'\' (s)
C + T (3: U? == C + T I.
.q r 1 1 q r .'-I 1+7" Fp
s s
(1. 64)
whe re
y(S) == (3. (3.C.(s)
1 J 1J
has the sa:me for:m as the specific heat
1. 62, and the coefficients are non-negative since
definite, i. e. ,
y(s} == (3. >- 0
1 J 1J
is positive se:mi-
(1. 65)
It is of inte rest to invert equations 1. 61 and 1. 63 so .as to obtain
te:mperature difference, e, as a function of heat flow and observed
variables. This step is easily carried out by analogy with the solu-
hons in section 1.3, if, in equation 1. 54 we neglect D and evaluate
T at the reference value, T. Under .the assu:mption that this 1ineari-:
zation is valid, integration yields
e == C-
(1. 66)
Upon substitution of this expression into the general equations 1.33
there results
[a . . + e
13.13 .] q.
1J 1 J J
+ b .. q.
1J J
i = 1, 2, 0 CJ. , n (1. 67)
The matrix T Ie [13.13.] is symmetric and non-negative, so that 1.67
. r q 1 J
has the same properties as the original equations 1. 33. As a conse-
quence, all of the results of section 1.3 are applicable if we replace
e by Hie and a .. by a .. + e
13.13 . It may be noted in this regard
q 1J 1J q 1 J
that by letting H = 0, the adiabatic operators are obtained.
Thus, in analogy with equation 1.59 we find
i = I
+ 13
] _E:!.
H e
(1. 68)
where the subscript (H) denotes the coefficients associated with the
new set of hidden normal coordinates. These coefficients are not the
same as in 1.59 since the hidden coordinates must now be chosen such
that they are normal with respect to the matrices in equations 1. 67.
Substitution of equation 1.68 into 1.66 yields
e e
H - T J3.q.
q r 1 1
[(e - T L
Tr ~ ~ p a : H l ~ ) ]
-) +
C q .r'--l
(1. 69)
where the summation I is extended over al1 values of ' s (k+l ~ S ~ n)
for which asH'" O.
'""" ) 2
The term (C - T (3 la )
q r LJ sH sH
is positive sinc e
a low rate of heat addition, with q. = 0 (i;::: 1, , k), must produce a
temperature rise. Therefore all coefficients appearing in the operator
on H/c are positive. A similar result is obtained whe n the observed
coordinates are replaced by the applied forces.
It is interesting to note that the ope;rator on H/c has the
q positive property and form as the diagonal operators T ..
. ( f
appearing in equations 1.45 except for the matrix D .. ).
In this regard
the heat added to the element plays the role of a ncoordinatel! whose
conjugate tlforce" is the temperature perturbation 8. This same
prope rty exists in connection with the linearized energy equation
1. 63 in integrated form,
\' (s)
H= [C +Tr.0 Y
q 1+ 7 Fp
s s
u. Q.
1 1
(1. 70)
Comparison of this expression with 1. 37 sh!=lws that temperature again
appears as a force, with heat added as the conjugate coordinate .
(except for the matrix C .. )" We can therefore write 1. 37 in the general
S .. Q.
1J J
i = I, 2, . , n +l {I. 71}
and its invers e 1. 45 {with 8 replaced by' H Ic 1n accordance with
. q
equation 1. 67} as
= L
T .. q.
i = 1,2, , k+l {1. 72}
where temperature is included as one of the forces, and heat added
as its conjugate coordinate. From different considerations, Biot (2)
observed a similar role of the thermal variables for systems with a'
non-uniform temperature. However, it must be emphasized that this
is not true unless efT 1 and the effect of dissipation on tempera-
tureis negligible, i. e., when the energy equation IS linearized. In
addition, even with this linearization, the analogy IS not complete
because of the existence of the matrices D ~ .
and C ..
In equations
1. 45b and 1.37b, respectively.
1. 5. Mechanical Models
Biot (2) has pointed out that the operational equations 1. 37 and
1.45 for the isothermal case (8:::: 0) can be represented by mechanical
models consisting of Voigt elements in series (Kelvin model, figure
1.1) and Maxwell elements in parallel (Wiechert model, figure 1. 2),
respectively. We shall now show that by making an intuitive modifi-
cation of these models, they can also be used to represent non-iso-
thermal behavior. Also, it will be seen that the operational specific
heats, for example, have these same mechanical analogs.
Consider first the series arrangement of Voigt elements, each
consisting of a spring and dashpot, as shown in figure 1.1. The vis-
cosity of each dashpot is denoted by "s and the compliance of the cor-
responding spring is k
It is assumed that each spring extends linearly with tempera-
ture in the absence of f,orce so that the force-displacement law for the
s spring is
Figure 1.1. Kelvin Model
Figure 1.2. Wiechert Model
(1. 73)
where Q is the force in the s spring and q 1S the correspond-
sk s
ing displacement. Also, the force in the sth , dashpot is
(1.7 4)
where we assume that 'I' is a constant while F(T) 1S the temperature
dependence. Using the assumption that the total force (Q:: Q + Q )
sk sYJ
in each Voigt element is the same,. and that the total displacement of
the model is q:: L qs' we derive. operationally, the force-displace-
s .
ment-temperature equatlon:
k ,
1+7 Fp
T] Fp
1+7 Fp
(1. 75)
-33 -
where the retardation time has b een defined as
T. =
This r e sult
is identical in form with equation 1. 37, . which verifies the model repre-
s e ntation if we l et q{t) b e an observed generalized coordinate and
Q{t) be a generalized force. The cor respondence between coefficients
is obvi ous,
C .. --t
1J 'l1
(l. 76)
It is also observed that we can think of the thermal expansion operator,
a ,
(l. 77)
and specific heats 1.62 and 1. 64 as being represented by their own
Kelvin model (but without a free dashpot 'l1 t) fo r which e is the applied
In v iew of the remarks made previously about the coefficients
in equation 1. 37. compliances,
ing to diagonal components, i. e.
ks' and viscosities,
C.. and C .. , a re
11 11
'l1 , correspond-
positive. How-
ever, this property is not required by thermodynamics for the off-
diagonal operators.
The force-displacement-temperature equation associated with
the Wiechert mode l shown in figure 1.2 can be derived in a similar
fashion. D e noting the modulus of the " sth . spring by m the v iscos ity
by FTJ , and the coefficient of thermal expansion by
the following relations:
we obtain
q = qs + q
m s11
a 8]
p :=
s m
where q
are the displacements in the
s spring and
m 11
dashpot, respectively. The expressions 1.78 combine to yield
Q = [me + 1) I
+ j msFp
-; Fp + ~
m a Fp
s s
This equation has the same form as the general operational expression
1.45; consequently, as befo re, a fo rrnal correspondence b etween model
parameters and thermodynamic derivatives can b e made. In addition,
thermodynamics requires that the spring moduli be positive only
when they are associated with a model representing a diagonal term
of the matrix T... Furthermore, the opera'tor
m a Fp
s s
Fp +.J:..,
(1. 80)
can be represented by its own model but without the dashpot (11).
It can be noted in passing that if all expansion coefficients are
equal , i. e.
a = a, and 11' = 0, then equation 1. 79 becomes
m Fp
] [q-a8 ]
(1. 81)
- 35 -
With Q = 0, the strain is simply p roportiona l to temperat ure change.
The assumption of equ a l expan sion coefficients would appear to be
physically reasonable for isotropic viscoelastic solids, for example.
However, the behavior resulting from s'uch an as sumption contradicts
experimental findings, at least for polymers near the glass tran sition
temperature (9)0
As a final remark, it is cl ear from the figures that if the
Kelvin and Wiechert models are us e d to represent the same system,
they must exhibit the same basic behavior. For example, if steady
flow and instantaneous deformation occur in a viscoelastic solid, then
the Kelvin model must have a fre e spring and dashpoto The operator
equation b e comes
q =[ L
, ~
1+7 Fp
+ a
1"] Fp
where k and a
correspond to the free spring for which 'To = 0
, 0 0
The equivalent
Wiechert model must be such that m = 0 and 11 = 0,
which casts the invers e operator e quation in the form
Q =[2
m Fp
, 1
m a Fp
s s
Fp +-
(lo 83)
6. Ge neraliza tion to Systems with Non- Uniform Tempe rature
We shall now d e rive the line arized equations for a closed
thermodynamic system, whose t emperature may now vary from point
to point. This section therefore is an exposition of B i o t ~ s thermodynamic
theory (2).
It is assumed that the system is in the neighborhood of a stabl e
equilibrium point, so that its thermodynamic state is completely de -
fined by n variabl es q .
As b efore, these coordinates are very
general, but we shall now include local temperatures {and later heat
flow} in this set of variables. In addition, generalized forces Q.
are defined somewhat differently than before, in that Q.oq. i s to
1 1
represent total work, rather than work per unit volume. The system
is to be divided into cells in order to specify its state if it i s not
uniform. It is clear that such a system is, for example, the thermo-
dynamic model of a viscoelastic solid whose mechanical and thermal
properties may be non- uniform.
The derivation follows a pattern which is similar to the one
used in section 1. 2; namely, entropy production is first evaluated in
order to apply Onsageris principle, and then the form of a n energy
function is determine d for small d epartures of the system from a refer-
ence state.
To begin, we assume tha t the system has its geometric bound-
ary fully covered with one or more heat reservoirs, in which t he
temperature of the ith reservoir is T .
Later, it will b e necessary
to assume that Ti is close to a reference value Tr' and therefore
we sha ll introduce for convenience the temperature difference 8. de-
" 1
fined as 8. = T. - T. The total system consisting of the actual sy ste"m
1 1 r
and all of the reservoirs is assumed to be insulated. The entropy
change of this total adiabatic system during any incremental process
-37 -
(1. 84)
where dS
is the entropy incr ease of the ith reservoir and dS
that of the system of interest. It should be noted in this regard that
the system's entropy, ST' is the total value which is calculated by
summing over all cells. Cons ervation of energy is expressed as
dUT = Q.dq. + \' dh.
J J 6 1
(1. 85)
where U
is the system is total internal energy and dh
the incre-
ment of heat injected into the system by the ith reservoir. By
hypothesis, the reservoirs undergo only reversible processes, hence
we can write
dh.= -dS.(T +e.) = -dS.T (1 + Tl
1 1 r 1 1 r
(i not summed)
and solving for
dS .
T \' dS. =
r0 I
= -"\ dh.
6 1
1 1
+ e.
(1+ Tl ) T r
(1. 87)
Substituting equation 1.87 into 1.84 and using the energy equation 1.85,
we find
T dS
= T dS
- dU
+ Q.dq. +
r . r J J
(1. 88)
(1+ .:.2.. ) T
. T r
The state function V IS now defined,
(1. 89)
which Biot calls the generalized free energy. Let us assume that
8./T 1, so that equation 1.88 becomes
1 r
+ - ) ~ Q.dq.
-.J J J
1 1
or, per unit time
+ Q.q.
+ 8
(1. 90)
(1. 91)
Biot calls the quantity h. IT the entropy flow S., and its time int egral
1 r 1
Si:; hilT r e ntropy displ acement. This title is scmewhat misleading
since h./T is the actual entropy flow only when 8. = O. However,
. 1 r 1
this name will b e retained even with 8'" 0 for lack of a b ett er term.
, i
The function ST i s the entropy of an adiabatic system and
therefore ST is the entropy production for which Onsageris principle
is applicable. In accordance with the remarks in section 1.2, we must
first express the right-hand side of equation 1.91 such that it is in the
fo rm
X.q .
(1. 92)
where q. are thermodynamic sta t e variabl es. It is clear from equa tion
1.91 that it is n ecessary to include the entropy displacement, S : h/T ,
. 1 1 r
in this colle ction of variabl es. Since entropy displacement defines, in
effect, the net heat addition, it is necessary to ,be able to express V
as a function of local heat addition rather than local temperature. The
restriction under which heat addition is a state variable can be deduc e d
by referring to the energy equation 1.54. It is observed that by n eg -
le cting t he second-order dissipation function, D, equation 1.54 can be
integrated and then used to repl ace the loca l temperature dependenc e
of V T b y heat addition.
In the r emainder of this section we shall assume that entropy
displacement , h./T , r a ther than temperature, is included in the set
of generalized coordinates. Furthermore, equa tion 1. 90 s hows that
0. plays the rol e of a n e xternal force conjugate to the variable h./T ,
1 1 r
which allows us to incorporate the excess temperature e. into the
set of gene ralized forces. With this association, equation 1. 91 can be
(1. 93a)
'" T
- -" - + Q.)q.
uq. J J
(1. 93b)
where the implied summation e xtends over all mechanical and therma l
var iables.
Onsager1s principle i s now used (see equations 1.10. 1.11) by
assuming linearity b e tween the
fo rces
X. and IIfluxes
q. which
1 1
appear in the entropy production 1. 92, thus
=: X. ::: b .. q.
1 1J J
(1. 94)
whe r e
b . . =: b . .
1J J1
from which it follows that
o i G 00
T ST =: b . . q.q. - 2DT >- 0
r 1J 1 J
(1. 95)
The refer ence state is def i ne d as in section 1.2; namely, the
equilibrium state for which Q.:: q. :: 0. For motion in which Q.= 0,
we have from equ ation 10 93a
Since the e ntropy of an isolated sys tem, ST' is a maximum at equili-
brium, V T is a minimum. This minimum characte r of V T In the
neighborhood of the refer e nce stat e exists of course even when
"* 0 since V T is a function of o nly state variables. Hence, V T
i s a quadratic function of q. when terms higher than second order
are neglected In a Taylor s e ries expansion, thus
a .. -
oq.E>q .
1 J
=: a ..
and a .. is a positive semi-definite matrix
. IJ
(1. 97)
The linear equations of motion are now easily derive d by sub-
stituting the free energy 1. 97 into e quation 1.94, which yields
a .. q . + b . . q. =: Q.
i = 1, 2, . , n ( 1. 98)
where b .. =: b .. , a .. ::: a . . , and both of these matrices are positive s e mi-
IJ Jl IJ J 1
These eqlR tions are of the same form as equations 1.33 which
were derived for a system a t a prescribed, . spacewise, uniform tem-
However, the matrices a ..
and b ..
in 1. 98 are not equal
to the corresponding matri ces in 1.33; this observation follows from the
f ac t that the thermal variabl es , entropy displacement and temperature '
perturbation, are now included in the sets of generalized coordinates
and fo rces. Furthermore, if b .. in the set of equations 1. 98 is tem-
p e r a ture dependent, this set is non-linear unle ss the temperature is
presc ribed throughout the the rmodynamic systern. Also, the simple
temperature dependence 1. 34 is not realistic if the tempe rature is not
spacewise constant. In view of these complications, it i s assumed that
b .. in 1.98 is a constant matrix, or, what 1S equivalent, we retain only
the constant, reference value in a Taylor series expansion of b .. (T).
With this latt e r assumption, all of the results of section 1.3
are a pplicable for the solution of equations 1.98 after setting F = 1,
t ,
/3. = 0, and dropping the primes on p
1 S
and T
In addition, it is 0 b-
served that the analogy betwe ep. thermal and m echanical variables,
which was deduced in section 1. 4 after linearizing t he energy equation
( see equations 1.71 and 1.72) is consistent with the results of the pres ent
Finally, we should add tha t Biot has indicat ed that the theory
in this section is applicabl e to more general systems, such as open
systems and systems with electrical energy (2). The extension is
made by simply choosing the correct generalized "forces" and "co-
ordinates 11 as was done with temperature and entropy displacement.
1.7. The Stress-Strain-Temperature Equations
a . Anisotropic continuum. In view of our earlier remarks
1n section 1.2 on the association of stress and strain with generalized
forces and coordinates, the results of section 1. 3 can be used to de-
duce the stress - strain-temperature equations of a general visco-
elastic, anisotropic solid. This straightforward procedure of obtaining
the most general, thermodynamically admissible, viscoelastic equa -
tions is to b e contrasted with the work of previously mentioned authors,
e. g. Hunter (6), in which TIP was not fully utilized.
Denoting the three orthogonal coordinate axes by xl' x
, x
we let
(1. 99a)
e . . = e ..
1J J1
and cr .. = cr ..
1J J1
(1. 99b)
With these definition, equation 1.45 becomes
cr =
Z ij e .. _ 13
flY 1J flY
- 43-
in which the operationa l moduli a re
F Dij(s)
p fJ-v
+ ' D ij + D'ij
fJ-v 1
fJ- v
Fp +- .
p ~
(1. lOOb)
and the thermal expans ion ope.rators are
+ I3fJ.V
Fp +-
s i
(1-. 100 c)
wherep s > O. The operators satisfy the symmetry prope rty
(I. 101)
as consequenc e s of the symmetry of (J"
e . ' 0
TIP a l so requires
that they satisfy the property
zij :::
The i nverse of these operators can be obtained in a s i mil ar
fashion by using equations 1.37. This a llows us to wr i te
* .
For many viscoelastic materials the r e ar e a l arge number of relaxa -
tion t i mes which are closel y spaced. Th is permit s t he series in
equa tion 1.100b to b e appr oxima ted by i ntegral s
.. . SOO F pH (p) dp . . i ..
Z 1J ::: + D
+ D 1J Fp
fJ.v 0 (Fp +.!. ) p f-tv fJ.v ..
in which H
(p) i s called the relaxati on spect r um. Thus. the i nter-
nal coordin!i:te space is repl aced by the mathematical model of a
continuum. in the same sense that a macroscopic system is repre -
sented by a continuum .
e =
A 1J (5" + a
fJ.v 1J fJ.v
where the operational compliances are
A ij
1 + T Fp
1 + T Fp

+ a
i .
C 1J
where T > 0, and the same symmetry properties exist as shown in
equations 1.101 and 1.102. We have removed from the summation in
1.103b and 1.103c those coefficients corresponding to zero retardation
!. . -:
times. These coefficients, C 1J and a provide the solid with
fJ.v fJ.v
!l: instantaneous elas ticity. !"4 i. e. , instantaneous straining under the
action of timewise step change in stress or temperature. They are
thermodynamically admissible when we require only that entropy
production be non-negative. rather than positive.
The coefficients C
give rise to strains which change linear-
ly in time under constant applied stress, i. e. Rsteady flow.!i These
coefficients occur when the free energy change can be zero for some
configurational motion.
It should be observed that the operators in equations 1.100 and
1.103 are the most general ones which are permitted by thermody-
namics. For example. the operational coefficient of expansion,
cannot contain a term a /Fp
such as appears in the operational
is not allowed to have a term f3 Fp.
Furthermore, the simple operational form is less general than would
- 45 -
be obtai ned by means of a purel y mathemat i cal appr oach to linear
viscoel asticity. In order t o illus trate this point, consider the general
linear r e l a tion b e t ween stress-'strain and t emperatu re
whe re
== d
s s
Solving for the stress, under the assumption of time independent co-
efficients. we obtain
(J" =
. pij
e . .
jJ,v 1J
o 8
(1. 105)
wh e re the e lement s of the matrices
and y f.Lv
are to be e xpande d
in partial fractions. Howeve r , as pointed o ut by Biot (2), thes e p a rtial
fractions may be quite different from those in equations 1.100 because:
The root s ~ o f [\ a i j ~ s ) pS ] may b e complex conju-
LJ f.L
gates. This condition can ari se in the the rmodyna mic
results only when hidde n variables poss ess non-random
kinetic e nergy, which we have neglected from the start.
1 n
There may be fractions of the t y pe 1) correspond-
ing to multiple roots.
The m a trix pij
is not necessarily symmetric , i. e.
Additional properti e s of the matrices in the operators
and A
J follow immediat ely from the properties of the general ones
inC' zij
Q., q., and e.
1 1
F or example, all constant matrices compos-
'" I.L
are positive semi-definite.
it is required for all tensors
Y .. '" 0 that
\' dj(s)+ d
i.J ....
> 0
, ..
+ D 1J
Y. Y
1J iJ.v
+ C tij l Y .. Y
iJ.v 1J I-\-v
> 0
However, for stability,
(1. 10 6a)
(1. 106b)
which implies that Zij
and Aij a re positive definite (rather than
semi-definite) when Fp is real and positive. Thes e requirements
l.106 follow from the observation that if it were possible to find
'" 0 such that expression 1.106aor 1.106b vanished, then I z ~ v I
or I A
j would vanish for all Fp.
bi Isotropic continuum. The stress-strain equations for a
linear isotropic material are obtained from the general relations
1.100a and 1.103a just as in elasticity. That is, we require the
relation between stres s;" strain and temperature to remain inva riant
under all rotations of the coordinate axes . This implies that there
are only two operational moduli or compliances and one ther.mal ex-
pans ion operator. Using notation analogous to that used for elastic
bodies we can write
() . .
. 1J
= 2fJ.(p)e .. + X.(p)&.1r - (3e
1J 1J
I, i = j
0" =
1J 0, i"* j
and lJ.{p} and >..{p} the operational equival ents of the Lame elastic
constants. These ope rators, as well as the one for thermal expansion,
are obta'ined from equations 1.100 and 1.103. We have
FPIJ.(s) I
"'::""'''-=-1;- + fl. + fl. Fp
Fp +-,
fl.(p} = I
with a similar representation for >..(p) , and
+ {3 (1. 10 9)
The coefficients in lJ.(p) are positive since IJ.(p} corresponds to the
diagonal term z ~ ; (13), however this . positiveness is not required
for >..(p}.
It is often convenient to have the operator corresponding to
the bulk modulus, which is defined by
e 0
3 = K(p)&-- {3 e (1. 110)
where e == 0"1 + 0"2 + O"y from which i t follows that
K(p) = 3 IJ.{p) + A(p) (1. lll)
With simple pres s urization, e and are the only observed conju-
gate variables, and hence K (p) must be of the form
K(p) = I
FpK(s) + K + K'Fp
Fp + Jr-
In which all coefficients are positive. The inverse of equation 1.110
i s written
= + + B
1 +7 Fp
s s
(1. 113 b)
B(p) 13
= +a
1 +7 Fp
s s
(1. ll3c)
with all positive coefficie nts in the operational bulk compliance B(p).
A similar result is obtained for the operational tensile modulus and
compliance by letting the one-dimensional stress and strain be the
observed conjugate varia bl es.
1.8. The Coupled Thermo -Mechanical Field Equations
a ~ Anisotropic continuum. For a complete description of
the thermo-mechanical behavior of vi s coelastic solids it is necessary
to include the equations of strain-displacement, mechanical equilib-
rium, and heat conduction along with the stress - strain-temperature
and energy equations considere d a bove. We shall assume that strains
. . *
are small so that the strain-displacement equations can be written as
':'A comma before a subscript denotes differentiation with respect to
the corresponding orthogonal cartesian coordinate, e. g. ,
, j = ax.
aer; ..
::: IJ
3 + _ _ i_
- 49 -
e .. =: -z (u .. + u .. )
IJ I,] J, 1
(1. 114)
where the displacement components (U
' u
, u
) are referred to an
orthogonal set of cartesian axes, (xl' xz' x
). The equilibrium equa-
tions are
(J" +F. =:O
IJ, J 1
(1. 115)
where F. IS the body force per unit volume. Also, the experimental
law of heat conduction for a general anisotropic body is
K .. 6, . = - h.
IJ J 1
(1. 116)
where h . is the heat flow per unit area In the x. direction and K ..
1 1 IJ
is the thermal conductivity tensor. TIP can be used to show that K ..
is positive definite and symmetric (14) . The net amount of heat flow
into an infinitesimal element of unit volume is
H= h . .
1, 1
so that from equation 1.116
H=:CK .6,.)
IJ J,.
(1. 117)
(1. 118)
~ : ,
We have omitted inte raction coefficients which give ris e to coupling
between the irreversible processes of heat flow and d eformation, such
as included by Eringen (8). This omission is done on the basis of
Curie's syrnmetry principle which states that macroscopic causes do
not have more elements of symmetry than the effects they produce (19);
while heat flow is a vector, the thermodynamic variables considered
in section 1. Z are assumed to be tensors of rank two (e. g. strains)
and scalars (e. g. hidden coordinate s),
Under the assumption that the time - temperature superposition prin-
ciple is valid, we can write the energy equation 1. 61 as
F{K. .8, .)
1J J, i
:: COeFpe + Ti3. Fpe .. - 2FD
1J 1J
where CO IS the operational specific heat at zero strain defined by
equation 1. 62,
13 .. is given by 1.100c, and D is the dissipation func-
tion which can be expressed in terms of stress or strain rates and
temper ature by means of equation 1.40, The energy equation can also
be express ed in terms of stresses by using equation 1. 63.
Equations 1.114, lollS, 1.119, and the stress - strain t empe ra-
ture equations 1.100, together with appropriate bounda ry conditions,
form a complete set for calculation of the sixteen dependent variables
(} .. , e .. , U. , and e , It should be noted that they are nonlinear if pro -
IJ 1J 1
perties are tempera ture dependent or if the dissipation function is
r etained.
b. Isotropic continuum, The equations of isotropic vis co-
elasticity are easily obtained from the preceding ones. The strain-
displacement and equilibrium equations 1.114 and 1.llS r emain the same,
of course, while the energy equation 1. 119 becomes
F{Ke,.) == COe Fpe + Tf3
F p - 2FD
J , .
and the stres s - strain-temperature equations are given by 1.107.
We would like to conclude this section by considering a few
practical points in regard to solving the general set of viscoel astic
equations. First, a simplification may be achieved thro ugh a change
of variables given by
x. = x.
1 1
(1. 121)
F[ T(v, x.)]
which was suggested by Morland a nd Lee (20) for the uncoupled prob-
lerna Under this substitution all spa cial derivatives transform accord-
ing to
a + a
I "t I
ox. u
x at
and the stress-strain-temperature equations and specific heat have
operators with constant co e fficients. Because of the second term
appearing in .equation 1.122 this transformation mayor may not simpli-
fy the calculation, depending on the particular application. For ex-
ample, if the temperature is transient, but independent of x., then
the spacial derivatives 1. 122 in the new coordinates x . are the same
as with x . ; in this case the equations are much simpler in the primed
I . I
variables t and x.. If, however, the temperature is independent of
time, but a function of
the original system (t, x.) is more con-
It is often pos sible to neglect the terms in the energy equation
1.119 (or 1.120) which are due to straining and to take the specific heat
~ : <
as an algebraic factor, rather than an operator. These approximations
* .
. The effect of rate-of-temperature-change on the specific heat at
constant pressure has been studied experimentally by Davies aud
Jones (21). Using several polymers and super - cooled liquids, they
found that the specific heat is rate-dependent with moderate rates, if
the temperature is near the glass transition temperature. Further-
more, for all substances studied, it was observed that for sudden
. ~
pe rmi t the tempe rature dis tribution to be obt ained from the clas si cal
heat conduction equation. The me chanical equations for stresses and
displacements are then solved with this res ult. These latter equations
are linear in this case, but they h a ve variable coefficients due to the
function F(T) if the temperature is not constant.
The error introduced through the assumption which makes the
temperature distribution i ndepende nt of the straining can be readily
estimated for some problems by comparing the limit case of adiabatic
deformation with isothermal deformation. The dependence of the
ener gy equation on e .. (except for D) and the operational character
of CO results from the free energy derivatives (3., as can be seen
e 1
from equation 1. 54. These are analogous to the coefficients which
occur in elastic bodies in that they repres e nt "reversible" coupling.
These coefficients are known to produce only small temperature changes
(with small strains) in st eel and polymers (6), for example . The dissi-
pation function, however, may produce considerable temperature
temperature changes, the short time (high rate) value of specific
heat was approximately one-half the long time (low rate) value. The
theoretical expression for the constant pr e ssure (or force) specific
heat, which is given by equation 1. 64, is consistent with this latte r
observation; namely, the positive property of all coefficients predicts
that the short time value will always be smaller than the long time
response to sudden chang es in temperature.
It has also been found.that the coefficient of expansion of many
isotropic polymers has the same quantitative behavior near the glass
transition temperature (9). Such similar behavior is not surprising
in view of the close thermodynamic connection which exists between
the heat capacity and thermal expansion operators, as exhibited by
the relation 1. 64 in generalized notation, specifically
= C + T (3.a.
q r 1 1
changes if deformation rates are non-zero for sufficiently long times.
But fo r simple loading conditions, such as uniaxial cree p under constant
load, a temperat ure rise due to dissipation of only a few degree s is
typica l for small-strain, adiabatic deformation of polymers (6).
1. 9. Extensions to Large Deformation a nd Crack Propagation
This section deals wit h the role of the rrriodynamic s in problems
of finite viscoelastic d efo rmation and crack propagation. Since the dis-
sertation is concerned mainly with small deformation behavior, our
discussion will be brief. However, it is hoped that the comments
suggest a fruitful approach to the solution of such problems.
a. Large deformation theory. The thermodynamics of irre-
versible processes provides a natural means of incorporating viscous
rate effects into the large deformation theory of solids. Indeed, if
the imposed strain rates are not too high it is reasonable to assume
that the linear rate law loll is ' applicable, regardless of the magnitude
of deformation. Such an assumption was used by Biot (22) when he
indicated how the stress-strain equations given in section L 7 can be
used in an incremental formulation of large strain problems.
An alternate app roach is to work directly with the equations
of motion 1.19, for a unit mass, namely
= P (88f ) , + b .. q. ;
q. T 1J J
1 , q.
i = 1, , n (1.123 )
where the matrix b .. may possibly be a function of temperature and
generalized coordinates. If the free energy density, f, and the tem-
- 54-
perature and coordinate dependence of b .. were known, these equations
could b e used to deduce the stress-strain-temperature equations of
large deformation viscoelasticity.
b. Crack propagation theory. An energy equation will be de-
rived which should b e useful in the study of isothermal, viscoelastic
crack propagation. First it must be realized that equation 1.123 is
not only valid for a homogeneous system of unit mass, but with a
modification of the notation can be applied to an arbitrary, inhomo-
geneous system at spacewise constant temperature.
Let us now multiply equat ion 1.123 by q., sum over all vari-
ables, assume a constant tempe rature (in time as well as space), and
thereby obtain the energy equation,
. .
+ b .. q.q.
1 1
1J 1 3
or, equivalently
Q . q.
+ 2DT
1 1
where Q .q. is the total rate of work input to the system,
1 1
(1. 124a)
(1. 124b)
F T IS the
rat e of change of t o tal Hel mholtz free energy (incl uding mol ecular or
atomic bond energy), and DT is the tot al dissipation. This equation
is applicable, in particular, to an inhomogeneously strained solid wit h
propagating cracks when the kinetic energy is negligible. On the other
hand if the fracture takes place at high speed, it would be necessary
to include the kinetic energy K
, givi ng in this case
1 1
An illustrative example: We shall now illustrate the
useful.ness of equation 1.124c by using it to predict slow;j'
crack motion in a specific problem. Anticipating a fracture problem
currently being investigated by Knauss (23), consider the geometry
shown in figure 1.3. An infinitely long, thin, plate of viscoelastic
material, containing a semi-infinite crack along the x-axis, is clamped
along its upper and lower edges.;
7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Figure 1.3. Crack Propagation in a Long Sheet
It is desired to find an expression for the steady-state crack
velocity, 'c, which is attained after the grips are pulled apart and then
held stationary. It should be noted, however, that this steady-state
assumption is made only for simplicity, and is not required by equa-
tion 1. l24c.
In this stationary state the rate of change of kinetic energy is
zero and the rate of change ofJree energy is
E c
E c
(1. 125)
> ~
We define a slow moving crack as one in which the effect of stres s
waves on crack velocity is negligible.
where E is the (constant) elastic strain energy per uni t length i n
the sheet at large, negative values of x, and E is the surface (bond)
energy per unit crack length (both surfaces of crack). In addition,
since the grips are fixed the rate of energy input is zero. Thus, ac-
cording to 1.124c, the crack velocity must satisfy the equation
o = -(E - E )c + 2D
00 s T
which, in this form, is valid for large strains.
Before considering a calculation of D
, let us assume that
the velocity, c, is smaU, and use 1.126 to determine its value. Since
DT vanishes when the velocity is zero, and is also positive definite,
the dissipation function can be approximated at small velocities by
1 b 2
"Z c
(I. 127)
which, when substituted into equation 1.126, yields the stable, steady-
** state velocity
~ ,
A tacit assumption used in writing equation 1.125, which must be em-
phasized, is that all bond-breaking is associated with the formation of
one crack; hence, in order for this expression to be reasonably ac-
curate, little or no fracture should occur away from the line of the
crack. When this assumption does not apply, one can still consider
Es as containing all of the broken-bond energy, however it probably
will be velocity dependent. .
~ " ' ~ : c :
It is easy to show that when E002:: Es this velocity is stable, while
c = 0 is not stable. Such a proof is made by examination of equation
1.126; when the right-hand side is positive for small positive velocity
perturbations, D.c, abo,ut a solution, c, this solution is sta ble since
the maintenance of such a perturbation requires positive external work.
On the other hand, a negativerigbt-hand side implies an instability
since the velocity could increase without the help of an external energy
. ,
c =
E - E
00 s
- 57-
E > E
00 s
(1.128 )
as well as the solution c = 0 which is unstable when E > E ; the con-
00 s ~
dition E = E corresponds to the well-known Griffith criterion for
00 s
initiation of crack growth in elastic bodies. Thus , if the elastic energy
per unit length far ahead of the crack tip remains slightly larger than
the surface energy absorbed per unit crack length, the crack will run
at a low velocity given approximately by equation 1.128.
When the velocity is not small enough to permit the quadratic
approximation to D
, it becomes necessary to make an explicit cal c u-
lation of DT in order to examine the propagation characteristics. We
shall not attempt here to make more than an approximate calculation
of the dissipation using a simplified model and small strain theory.
Consider therefore the crack shape shown in figure 1. 4, in which the
actual (dotted lines) shape is approximated by the solid, straight lines,
and the distance L may be a function of the crack speed c. It will be
assumed that the field "for x < 0 is unaffected by the crack, and has
the constant strain components,
11 "
c_ X
Figure 1.4. Idealized Crack
e e e = 0
y - 00' x
x<O (1.129a)
while for x> 0 we shall aSSUITle that the strain e 1S independent of
y, but has the approxiITlate x dependence,
e = 0
e = 0 ;
x 2: L
(1. 129b)
(1. 129c)
In addition, all shear strains will be neglected in the calculation of
With the strain cOITlponents given by 1.129a, plane stress, and
the further siITlplifying assuITlption of incoITlpressibility, the stress-
strain law is
(J =-ITle
y 3 e y
so that the strain energy per unit s ~ a t length becoITles
(1. 131)
where ITl is the equilibriUITl (long-tiITle) uniaxial tensile ITlodulus,
and the sheet thickness is arbitrarily taken as unity.
The dissipation will be calculated using the general Wiechert
ITlodel, figure 1.2, (but without the free dashpot, ,,) to repres ent the
uniaxial tensile response of the sheet. The dissipation per unit voluITle
is given by
2D = ~ L
(1. 132)
The dashpot strain rates e " can be evaluated most easily by using
, s
1') d d '
the steady-state transformation, cit - c dx ' so that
' des1') )Z
1')s dx
In order to evaluate de /dx in terms of the strain components given
by equation 1.lZ9b, the model equations given in section 1. 5 are used ,
but with d/dt replaced by c(d/dx). Carrying out this calculation,
and integrating the result over 0 S; x < 00, we finally obtain the total
ene rgy dis sipation,
(1 - e ) (1. 134)
in which it is assumed that P
and L are finite and non-zero, but
it is not required that L be independent of v e locity. First, consider
the low speed (cp /L 1) and higher speed .(cp /L 1) limit cases.
s s
The dissipation at low velocities is
Zh Z
c e
1 (1.135)
so that from equation 1. lZ 7 we calculate b = 4he Z \' 11 /3L, and the
o o ~ s
velocity is given by equations 1.lZ8 and 1. 131, thus
c =
-hrne -E
3 e 00 s
4 h e ~ \'
3L ~ 11s
1 (1.136)
which is stable when the numerator is positive (see previous footnot e ).
Another interesting limit case is when ""'L'""" 1, in which
case the dissipation is
2 2
2D = - che (m-
T 3 00 g
2 2 L,ms
m )- - hLe - .
e 9 00 p'
_ _ s 1
(1. 137)
where we have defined the "glassy" modulus m as
m =\ m +m
g ~ s e
(1. 138)
Substitution of 1. 13 7 into the energy equation 1.126 yields
3. hLe
9 00
C =
1 (1.139)
2 2
"3 he (m - 2m ) + E
00 g e 'S
which is a stable solution when the denominator does not vanish. It
is observed that, regardless of the value of E and e ,the velocity
s 00
1S never unbounded when m 2: 2m , which is the case for polyme rs
g e
below their g l ass transition temperature; in fact it is usually true that
cp cp
F o r case s othe r than low ( L s 1) and higher ( L s 1)
speeds, the velocity must be calculated from the equation
2 2
c p. - L / c p ] -3 hm e - E
" 1 _ _ _ s (1- e s ) = . e 00 s
s L . 4 ~ 2
(1. 140)
s 00
'It should perhaps be noted that for brittle materials m '" m , and it
is theoretically possible to make e
such that the den&rninftor in
1. 139 vanishes, and therefore have c - 00 . Furthermore, it is r e called
that under our assumptions kinetic energy does not put an upper limit
on the speed since it does not enter into the energy equation 1. 126 under
steady-state conditions; the kinetic energy affects only the crack ac-
celeration. The unboundedness occurs because the assumed dissipation
is too small to absorb the strain energy ahead of the crack, and conse-
quently this energy must go into increasing the kinetic energy. Of
course with sufficiently high crack speed s in r eal materials, there
will b e enough energy transfer through stress wave action to put an
upper limit on the speed.
It can be easily shown that for each s,
L" Lin
s s
as c - CD (1. 141)
and that this function increases monotonically from zero, with incr eas -
ing c, to the limiting value Lm /2. Therefore , the sum in equation
1.140 increases monotonically with c, so that there is at most one
solution to equation 1.140 for each set of physical constants and strain.
Furthermo re, as long as
2 2
-hm e -E
~ l
o <
3 e CD s L
< m
-{m -
2 . g
CD s
there will be one finite, stable, velocity c which satisfies equation
1.140. Criterion 1.142 can be written as
m - 2m >-
g e
3 Es
"2 he2
{1.143} .
with -3
hm e
> E which is the same condition needed to prevent
e CD s
vanishing of the denominator in equation 1.13 9, as it should b e . As ob-
served earlier, we see from this inequality that when m ;> 2m the
g e
velocity will never be {mathematically} infinite, .. regardl es s o f the
magnitude of the applied strain e
. CD
The crack propagation model will not be p u rsue d furthe r h ere.,
but this example does indicate a simple method for incorporating a
dissipation mechanism into the criterion for slow fracture of visco -
elastic m e dia.
2.1. Introduction '
The important role of minimum principles in mechanic s is
well established. In the area of static, elastic stress analysis, for
example, variational methods have been applied to appropriate energy
functionals in order to generate approximate theorie.s and numerical
solutions to varying degrees of accuracy. The potential energy (13)
is used to obtain approximate displacements, while if only stres ses
are desired the complementary energy (B) can be used. Hemp (24)
has extended these principles to problems in thermoelasticity for the
case in which the temperature field is unaffected by deformation.
Inertia can be included in the elastic problem by using Hamilton's
principle (25).
While much of the interest in variational principles for solids
has been with these reversible processes, several notable papers have
appeared recently dealing with the thermodynamic development and
application of principles for systems with irreversibility. Biot (2,5)
has shown that the general equations of linear irreversible systems,
equations 1.98, can be obtained from an operational-variational
principle. This basic principle was applied to heat conduction (3),
thermoelasticity (3), and isothermal viscoelasticity (5). Rosen (26)
utilized a principle of minimum entropy production to derive station-
ary functions for heat conduction and viscous fluid flow. Besseling
(27) obtained variational principles which are directly applicable to
-63 -
the nonlinear plasticity and creep problems of metals. The distin-
guishing characteristic of all these variational principles for irreve r-
s ible systems is that the stationary functionals do not contain an inte-
gration with respect to time; hence, time and its derivatives are
treated more or less as known parameters in the variation. An im-
portant implication therefore is that the stationary point of these
functionals is not a true mini).TIum, but is minimum only when time
derivatives are not varied. This restriction on the admissible vari-
ations is to be contrasted with Hamilton's principle for reversible
dynamic processes in which both time .and space are treated alike.
Bes seling believes that this special role of the time variabl e
in a basic variational principle results from the defective treatment
given time in classical non-relativistic thermodynamics, while Rosen
states that this role probably results from the fact that ana lyses of
irreversible problems are approximate because of the statistical
methods us ed.
One of the purposes of this chapter is to show, however, that
the general equations of linear systems are the Euler equations of a
variational principle which is analogous to Hamilton's principle in
that it consists of a time integral which has definite thermodynamic
s ignificance. In o 'rder to obtain this variational principle we have
introduced a functional which is a convolution int egral with respect
to time. It is shown that this new concept treats time dependence as
an initial value problem in the:; sense that varied paths have to satisfy
only initial conditions.
The above mentioned Euler equations 1.98 are differential
equations for generalized coordinates which are conjugate to specified
generalized forces. It is also of practical importance to e stablish a
functional whose Euler equations solve the inverse problem; namely,
integral equations for unknowrl forces that are conjugate to prescribed
coordinates. It will be seen that the coordinate principle represents
an extension of the potential energy theorem for displacements in
linear elastic bodies to general linear irreversible systems, while
the variational principle for generalized forces is an extension of the
complementary energy theorem. We shall derive this "complemen-
tary" principle directly from the original one for coordinates. The
principle for coordinates and the one for forces are called "homo-
geneous" variational principles.
Following this development, w,e apply the results to the deter-
mination of functionals whose Euler equations are the field equations
for the thermal and mechanical behavior of linear solids. It will be
seen that all of the functionals can be deduced directly from the basic
thermodynamic ones by calculating the appropriate free energy and
dissipation functions. That such a unified treatment is possible can
be attributed to the fact that linear solids must obey .the same equa-
tions which are common to all , processes satisfying the assumptions
of TIP.
In order to illustrate the essential features of applying the
basic principles, we :consider first the simple heat conduction prob-
lem using the analogy between thermal and mechanical variables dis-
cussed in Part I. It will be recalled that the excess temperature
(difference between actual and referencevalues) applied to a .boundary
plays the role of a force whose conjugate coordinate is the " entropy
displacement" (total amount of heat which has flowed in through this
boundary divided by the reference teITlperature). Thus, by applying
the coordinate principle we arrive at a variational principle for the
entropy displacement field, while application of the complementary
theorem leads to one in terms of temperature. This t emperature
principle is similar to the one given by Rosen (26). but derived in a
different manner.
Following this simple example. we derive variational princi-
pIes for the linear thermo-mechanical behavior of viscoelastic solids.
By linearity we mean that all thermodynamic 'va riables are r e lat ed to
one another through linear differential or integral equations. Since
temperature (or entropy displacement) is one of the variables, it must
be sufficiently close to a reference value so that all properties (in-
cluding viscosity) can be taken as constants with .respect to tempera-
ture. Furthermore. strains must be small enough to use the linear
strain-displacement relations. Linearity imposes another restriction
which limits the coupling between temperature and deformation to
reversible effects; it is necessary to ass.ume that the influe nce of
viscous . dissipation on temperature is n e g l i g i b l e ~
A principle which is homogeneous in displaceme nts (mechani-
cal and entropy displacements) and one which is homogeneous in stres ses
(me chanical stresses and temperature) are deduced. Further. varia-
tional principles for mixed. mechanical and thermal variables are
given; namely. one for mechanical displacement and temperature,
and one for mechanical .stres ses ' and entropy displaceme nt. It will be .
seen that the stress and mixed variable principles can be derived
directly from the original displacement theorem, in accordance with
the general theory. In addition, it is shown that a generalization of
Reissner's principle (28, 29) for mechanical displacements and
stresses to thermo-viscoelasticity is obtained as a direct result of
this change of variables, and that Reissner's principle is essentially
the complementary theorem in which Lagrange multipliers are used
with the equilibrium equations.
Another point of interest is concerned with the relation that
exists between the thermo-elastic and thermo-viscoelastic variational
principles when the above ,linearity assUInptions are valid. It is shown
that Laplace time-transforms of the functionals associated with visco-
elastic and elastic principles are identical in form, with the only dif-
ference being that the vis coelastic one contains operational quantities
in place of elastic constants. Thus, an approximate (or exact) trans-
formed thermo-viscoelastic solution can be obtained from a transformed
elastic solution by simply replacing elastic constants with appropriate
operators. This is an extension of the correspondence rule deduced
by Biot for isothermal, anisotropic viscoelasticity (2), as well as the
one stated by Lee for exact solutions With isotropic media (30).
An additional item, which is of importance for the calculation
of approximate solutions, is that the two homog'eneous principles for
mechanical and thermal stresses and displacements are true minimum
principles when the Laplace transform parameter is real and positive.
However, the two non-homogeneous principles (i. e. the one for me-
chanical displacements and temperature, ' and the one for mechanical
stresses and entropy displaceITlent) have this ITliniITluITl property only
if the temperature field is pr escribed, so that the thermal variables
are independent of ITlechanical stres s es and displaceITlents.
Following the discussion of principl es for linear behavior, we
suggest how these principles can be ITlodified to include temperature
depe ndent properties as well as the influence of viscous dissipa tion.
However, . we were not able to d educe .full variational principles, but
only ones in which certain artificial constraints are required in the
variational process. Perhaps further investigation will yield principles
in which such constraints are not required . Nevertheless, it is indi-
cated briefly how these ITlodified principles can be used in approximate
2.2 . Basic HOITlogeneous Variational Principles for Linear SysteITls
a ~ Principle for generalized coordinates. We consider the
saITle therITlodynaITlic systeITl defined in section 1. 6, whose state is
specified by n generalized coordinates qi' The equations governing
the behavior of the systeITlwere shown to be
a . . q . + b .. q .
Q. (i, j
lJ J
. lJ J 1
a ..
a .. and b ..
b ..
lJ Jl lJ Jl
( 2. 2)
and both matrices, a , and b .. , are assumed to be constant. An
ij lJ
equivalent representation of equation 2. 1 is the Lagrangian form
__ .01- = Q .
aq. a 1
1 qi
. (2. 3)
= total internal energy
ST = total entropy
T = reference temperature
(2. 4)
which is a non-negative quadratic function for small departures from
the reference state,
= .,., a .. q.q. 2: O. (2.5)
1J 1 J
Similarly, the dissipation function, D
, is a non-negative function
which is proportional .to the total entropy production ST'
and is given by
= -2 b .. q.q. 2: 0
1J 1 J
(2. 6)
(2. 7)
Biot (2) has indicated that equation 2.1 can be obtained from
an operational-variational principle in which an operational form of
the dissipation function is introduced as
' ;: 1 b
-2' .pq.q.
1J 1 J
(2. 8)
pis the time d /dt, which must be treated like a constant
parameter in calculating the variation of D
The equations of motion
- 69-
2.1 are then equivalent to
oI' (2. 9)
for all arbitrary variations of q. and, with all Q. prescribed.
1 1
Use of the time derivative in this fashion is purely formal and
does not lead to a variational principle that has a physical significance
analogous to Hamilton's principle, in the sense that this l atter principle
consists of a time integral of certain energy functions. Of course,
as pointed out by Biot, this operational notation i s compact and there-
fore is convenient to use in applications because of its simpliCity.
However, we will now discuss a variational principle which does not
require this operational notation, but does contain 2.9 as a special
case. This more general one will be seen to have a wider range of
application in the approximate solutions of linear problems.
First we introduce the functional I (t) given by the convolution
q . .
time integral,
whe re
t,c 1
= -; a .. q.(T)q.(t-T)
.:. IJ J 1
~ : c 1
D = b
T '2 ij
q. (t-T)
(2. lOa )
(2. lOb)
Befo re proceeding with the statement of ;the theorem, a few remarks
will be made in regard to the term Qj! (T)qj! (t-T). Equations 2.1 con-
. .
tain all coordinates needed to define the thermodynamic state, inc1ud-
ing those which are specified in a particular problem . However, only
those which are not specified (and whose conjugate forc e must be g i ven)
)'c: )'c:
should be included in the tenn Q.e (r)q.e (t-7'), while V ~ and Dr are
to contain all coordinat es . Also, since the generalized forces Q.
are defined in such a way that Q.e (7') 0 q.e (7') is the virtual work of
forces external to the system,. there may be a large number of coordi-
nates whose conjugate force is identically zero, partic ul a rly if the
system is an inhomogeneous collection of cells representing the the r-
modynarnic model of a continuum. The theorem is now stated:
Conside ring a linear irreversible system as
d e fined above and assumed to be at rest in its
reference state q.= 0 for t = 0, the actual path
followed by the state variables q. is determined
by making I (t) stationary with respect , to all '
small variations oq. of the unspecified coordinates
from the actual values. That is, the Euler equa-
tions of
are equations 2.1
where the index .e ranges only over those values
corresponding to unspecified coordinates while j
indicates summation over all n coordinates.
We shall prove this theorem by showing that the stationary
condition 2.11 requires that q. satisfy 2.12. The variation is obtained
by letting q.(t) - q.(t) + oq.(t) in 2.l0a with q.(O) = oq.(O) = 0 and
1 1 1 1 1
dropping terms of second order in Oq.(t):
1 It
01 = -2 {a .. [q.(T)oq.(t-T) + oq.(T)q . (t-T)]
q 0 1J 1 J 1 J
dOq.('T) dq.(T)
+ b .. [ d
q.(t-T) + d
oq.(t-T)]} dT
. lJ T J . T J
Using the symmetry of a ..
we find
t .. t
a .. r oq.(7")q.(t-T)d7" = a .. r q.(7")oq.(t-7")dT
1J J 0 1 J . 1J J 0 1 J
Also, by integrating the factor of b
by parts, using the symmetry
of b .. , and applying the initial condition oq.' (O) = (((0) = 0 yields
~ 1 1
b .. st
1J 0
doq.(T) st dq.(T)
1 1
q . (t-T)d7" = b.. --;"d--
. T J 1J 0 7"
oq. (t-T)dT
Since oq. = 0 for i"* I., the variation equation 2.11 becomes
01 = st {al. .q.(T)
q 0 J J
+ bJ.
. -d
Because oql. (t-T) is arbitrary, the Euler equations are 2.12, which
proves the theorem. Further, it can be easily shown that the second
variation of 1 is nqt positive definite, which implies that the value
of 1 in terms of the actual q . . is not necessarily an absolute mini-
q 1
As a converse theorem, it can be stated that the actual path
followed by the process is such as to make I stationary with r es pect
to all small variations of unprescribed state variables satisfying zero
initial conditions.
If the state variables are not initially zero but have some ot he r
prescribed value, the variational principle can be extended to this case
by making either a shift of the time origin or adding
- -2 b .. q.(t)q.(O)
1J 1 J
to the functional I
In addition if some coordinates contribute kinetic energy (in
the macroscopic sense), the internal energy will be composed of the
I . .
usual static terms plus the ene rgy -2 m . . q.q. (m . . = m .. ); hence, the
1J 1 J 1J J 1
functional to be used for the variational principle is
~ : < ~ 1 (
where V T and D ~ are defined by 2.10b and 2.10c, and
dq. (t-1')
dq. (1')
The stationary condition on IqT yields the Euler equations
with the initial conditions q . (0) = q. (0) :: O.
1 1
It is important to observe that the convolution variational
principle treats time dependence as an i.nitial value problem, as it
actually is; whereas in Hamilton's principle q. must be prescribed
at two different end points in time, which corresponds to a boundary
value problem in this respect.
To show the correspondence between the functional I and
Biot's I', equation 2.9, we take the Laplace (or Fourier) transform
of I in 2.10:
T (p) = SeD I (t}e:"'ptdt; I = 0 for t::; 0
q 0 q q
(2.1 6 )
in which the transformed variable is denoted with a bar. The trans-
form as a function of the complex parameter p is the Laplace
transform, while if we let p - iw (w = freque ncy) then definition
2.16 becomes the Fourier transform of I. Using the product rul e
of transform theory with e quation 2.10, we find
T = .!.2 [a .. q.(p}q. (p} + b .. pq.{p}q.(p}] ~ Q
{p}qn (p)
q 1J 1 J 1J 1 J .<.<
Compar ing this with I in 2. 9 it is clear that if the variable s in 2. 9
are interpreted as being transforms of the physical quantities qi'
and the time operator p . as the parameter p, then
- . ,
I (p) = I {p}
Furthermore, a property which is of considerable practical
importance is that the stationary point of I (t) makes I (p) an abso-
q . q
lute minimum when p is real and positive. This positive definite
nature of T will be discussed in Part III in regard to obtaining ap-
proximate solutions.
In deriving the following variational principle for forces, as
~ : : : :
well as principles for a cont"inuum, it will be helpful to evaluate V
, ~
and DT by using a property of bilinear functions. Namely, multip1y-
ing 2.1 by q . (t-T) yields
a . . q.(T}q. (t-T) + b ..
1J J 1 1J
so that
dq. (7)
q.(t-7} = Q.(7}q.(t-T}
1 1 1
2[ v'T:' + D"'] = Q.(7}q.(t-7}
. TIl
It is iInportant to note that Q.q. 1n 2.19 consists of a ll state variables,
1 1
whether or not q. 1S prescribed 1n a particular probleIn.
b. Principle for generalized forces. A change of variables in
2.10 will now be Inade in order to obtain a variationa l principle whose
Euler equati ons are the inverse of equations 2.1. We shall call this
a " coInpl eInentary " or "force" principle in distinction to the previous
one for coordinates or "displaceInents. If The wo rds "force "and
"displaceInent" are used in Inore general sense than Ineaning just the
Inechanical quantities, as will becoIne clear in the section 2.3 on
applications. It will be seen that this variable change leads to a
IIcoInpleInentary!' variational principle in analogy to the well-known
cOInpleInentary energy principl e of elasticity. Stric tly speaking,
the derivation of the cOInpleInentary principle froIn the one for coordi-
nates is heuristic and hence Inust ultiInately be rigorously justified
on the basis that it leads to the correct Euler equations. However,
it will be seen later that ,the procedure followed in the derivation here
is very useful in deducing the appropriate functions for a continuuIn.
Let us first write
whe re 1 -< i :5 n, and k ranges over those indices corresponding to
specified coordinates, while J. indicates sUITlInation o ve r the speci-
fied forces. Substituting equation 2.20 into I
equation 2.l0a, yields
(2. 21)
, 1Q is now defined as the negative of I
which can also be written as
(2.23 )
where identity 2.19 has been used.
The function V T + DT in equation
2.23 is to be expres sed in t e rms of Q. by solving e quations 2.1 and
then substituting the result, q . (Q.). into identity 2.19.
1 1
In v iew of t he
discussion in sections 1. 3 and 1.6, the solution to e quation 2.1, for all
coordinates, is given by equation 1.37 after setting T F == T = constant
s s
and dropping the terms

C . . ]
. 1J
Q. q. ::
l+r p
. +- -
:l,e )lc
and V T + DT becomes
(s) .
C .. Q.(T)
1J J
1 + T P
s .
C . . Q.{T) ]
+ 1))

t vJ..
.!.. Q.(t-T) \' ---2Le-
I e
2 1 . L- T S . J
+ C .. It Q.(v) dV]
1) J 0 J ' .
(2. 24b)
It should be noted th.a t equation 2. 24a is valid for all coordinates,
qi' while only those with index k (prescribed co'ordinates) are needed
to determine the unknown forces Qk. Therefore, on the basis of the
above relation betwee.n IQ and I we expect the Euler equations of
q .
the variation of 2. 23 to be
r '\' kj
qk = L 6l+T sP
. s
-tiT st v/T st
e s e sQ.(v.)dv + C
. Q . {v) dv
. 0 J J 0 J
The complementary force theorem can now be stated:
Considering a linear system as defined above and
assumed to be at rest in its reference state at t= 0,
the actual path followed by the forces Qk' which
are conjugate to the specified generalized coordi-
nates qk' is determined by making 1Q stationary
with respect to all small variations 6Q
from. the
actual values; that is, the integral equations 2.25
are the Euler equations of the variation
where 1Q is defined by equation 2.23.'
By completing this variation, the Euler equations are found to be
equations 2. 25.
It is clear that the converse theorem is also true', i. e., the
variation 2.26 vanishes as a result of 2.25. In addition, it can be
shown that the actual value of 16 is not an extremal, but is just a station-
ary point. However, as with Iq for p real and positive, IQ is an
absolute minimum for the actual path.
It is noted from equation 2.22 that the name "complementary"
principle is appropriate since
for the actual solution.
Another point of interest conc e rns the physical m eaning that
can be attached to the convolution functionals 2.l0a and 2.23 in con -
trast to the standard form used for reversible process es , e. g. Hamil-
ton's principle. A basic fact is, of course, that energy is d egraded
in any natural (irreversible) process. For example, if a viscoelastic
body is loaded by mechanical forces, but is not in thermodynamic
equilibrium, the motion of the state variables is such that mechanical
. energy is converted continuously into thermal energy, with an associ-
ated entropy increase. However, by using products of forward and
backward running coordinates and forces in energy functionals, this
irreversibility is removed in the sens.e that these functionals have the
stationary property during the entire process.
2.3. Application of the Basic Homogeneous Principl es to Vis coelastic
While the general variational principles developed in section
2.2 apply directly to a system defined by n thermodynamic state
variables, it is the purpose of this section to use them to formulate
variational principles for the thermal and mechanical behavior of
s:olids whose thermodynamic state is, in general, described by an
infinite number of these variables. As mentioned earlier, a differ-
ential mass element of a continuum can be interpreted as being a
uniform cell whose thermodynamic state is defined by m .variables,
say; and that this interpretation is valid as long as spacewise changes
of variables are small relative to characteristic atomic or molecular
distances. The total system is then defined by a set of m variables
which vary continuously throughout the body. Consequently, the
thermodynamic functions, V T and D
, and the external energy
supplied to the system are given by volume and surface integrals
with integrands consisting of a sum over the m variabl es of each
It will be seen that this method of deducing continuum princi-
pIes, in 'which thermodynamic f unctions are suggested b y the discre t e
cell analysis, has several advantages. For one, the determination of
variational principles is straightforward even though they are not at
all obv ious by simply examining the field (Euler) equations. In addi-
tion, this method provides functionals which are expres s e d in terms
of ,thermodynamic invariants, and conseque ntly the functionals are
independent of the particular coordinate system used. Another ad-
vantage is that the ' Euler equations are guaranteed to be consistent
with thermodynamics. '
We now proceed to determine both IIdisplacement" and "force"
(or stress) principles for anisotropic media; first for pure h eat con-
duction a.nd then for the combined thermo-mechanical behavior of
v iscoelastic =edia. It will be assu=ed that inertia effects due to
straining are negligible and that all variables vanish at the time origin.
If this is not the case in any particular problem, the appr opriate
functional can be modified as discussed in section 2.2. We also as-
sume that the geometric boundarie s of the solid do not change with
time except for small deformations and that all properties are inde-
pendent of temperature.
a. A simple example-,-heat conduction.
n) Principle for entropy displacement: The the rmody':'
namic state of a solid which is assumed to experience only thermal
energy changes is defined by the absolute temperature, T, at each
point. However, it has been shown that the variahonal principle 2.11
applies if entropy displacement, rather than temperature, is used as
the thermodynamic variable . That this can be done follows from the
conservation of energy statement
div h
. .
h. , = - c e
1, 1
c = specific heat, per unit volume (assumed independent
of temperature)
The relation' between entropy displacement, ' S, =, (S1' S2' S3)' and tem-
perature is then obtained by integration,
S .. = - T
1, 1 r
where the entropy displacement is defined as ,
(2. 29)
(2. 30)
It is clear from equation 2.29 that S. completely specifies
, 1
the temperature, and hence the thermodynamic state of the body. It
is interesting to observe that the temperature is only a function of
div S and therefore is independent of curl S. This property is
analogous to the role of Inechanical displace:ment, u, since the rota-
tion of :material ele:ments, curl u, has no effect on the ther:mody-
na:mic state of each ele:ment.
Let us now evaluate the ter:ms V; and D; In I
, equation
2.10, by using identity 2.19. Biot (2) calculated these functions fro:m
their ther:modyna:mic definitions; however, for our purposes it is
easier to use the identity
where n. is the outer unit nor:mal to the exterior surface A, and the
variables t and Tare i:mplied. In writing equation 2.31 we have
used the ther:mo-:mechanical analogy discussed in Part I, section 6.
In this, the boundary te:mperature 8 acts as a generalized force In
the sense that
en. 6S. dA
1 1
= Q.Oq.
1 1
(2. 32)
is virtual work (or energy addition) done . on the body; the negative sign
accounts for the definition that n
is an outer nor:mal. Since V ~
~ : c
and D Tare volu:me integrals of density functions, they can be deter-
mined by applying the divergence theore:m to the surface integral in
2. 31. This provide s the identity
en.S.dA =: S [es . . + 8,.$.] dB
All . B 1,1 1.. 1
(2. 33)
where B denotes volu:me integration.
Fro:m equation 2.29 we have
- 81-
8S . . = _ C
(S . . )2
1, 1 1, 1
(2.34 )
In order to express the second t e rm in the volume inte g ral in 2.33 a s
a function of entropy displaceme nt, we must utilize the l aw of heat
conduction given in P a rt I, equa tion 1.116,
K .. 8, . = - h . -
1J J 1
which can be inverted to find
8, . = - T A. . .S .
1 r 1J J
T S .
r 1
K . . = K ..
1J J1
where A. .. is the the rmal resi s tivity matrix defined as
(2. 3 5)
(2. 36)
A. .. = [K. .]-l (2. 3 7)
1J 1J
which is assumed to be independent of 8. Using equation 2.36 we
now have
8, .S. = - T A. . . S.S.
1 1 r 1J 1 J
(2. 3 8 )
Substitution of equations 2.38 and 2.34 into identity 2.33 and
us ing relation 2. 31 y ields
~ ( ' ~ S Tr T

+ DT = {2C S . . (r)S .. (t .. r) + ~ 2 A. . . S.(r)S.(t-r)} dB
B 1, 1 J, } 1J 1 J
(2.39 )
On comparing this with equations 2 ~ 5, 2.7, and 2.10, the generalized
free energy density, V (per unit volume) is identified as
Tr 2
V = ..,..,.,C (S .. )
L.L 1, 1
which can also be expressed as a function of temperature by means
of the ene r gy equation 2. 29,
The dissipation density, D, is observed to be
T r
-2 A .. S.S.
1J 1 J
or, in terTIlS of teTIlperature,
K ..
_ 1J
D - ZT e, ie, j
(2. 42)
(2. 43)
The functional I for entropy displaceTIlent, corresponding to
I in the general theory, can now be by substituting equation
2. 39 into equation 2. lOa,
ts . Tr T
I = {-2C S . . (r)S .. (t-r) +-2 A .. S.(r)S. (t-r)} dBdr
sOB " 1 ;., } 1J 1 J .
rts .
+ J 6(T)n.S.(t-r)dA dT
o A"
. e
(2.44) .
where Ae .is the portion of the surface on which e = e is .prescribed,
and S.n. TIlust satisfy the boundary conditions' on A where heat flow
1 1 S
is prescribed. This latter requireTIlent arises froTIl the fact that q.
. 1
in the general theory TIlust satisfy constraints, which are the heat flow
boundary conditions. In order to siTIlplify the notation, we shall use
the usual notation for convolution integrals,
where f and g are functions of tiTIle. Two useful properties of the

product f g are
f g = g f
>:< 1.1: )'e
(f + g) h:; f' h + g' h (2. 46)
In this simplified notation, the functional '2.44 becomes
Is::: B { 2C S. . S. . + -2 A. .. S . S.} dB
J, J 1, 1 IJ 1 J
+ S e':'n.S. dA
" A 1 1
(2. 47)
The variational principle for entropy displacement can be stated as
oI ::: 0
(2. 48)
for all arbitrary variations of S . consistent with its boundary condi-
tions. It can be shown that the Euler equations of 2.48 are the heat
conduction equations
[ C ,S .. ] ::: LS.
" 1, 1 'j J1 1
In "B (2. 49)
and the natural boundary condition is
s . . :::--
1,1 T "
(2. 50)
That these are indeed the experimentally correct equations for entropy
displacement is verified by substitution of equation 2.29 into the law
The Euler equations of 2.48 can be obtained in the same form as
the general equations 2.1 if we first write

S. ::: S . : (x.)q. (t)
1 IJ 1 J
(2. 51)
In passing it may be recalled that even though the principle 2.48 was
derived from thermodynamics under the assumption of 8/T r 1,
it may have a wider of applicability; this follows from the fact
that the temperature range for which it is sufficiently accurate rests
ultimately on the accuracy of its Euler equations in satisfying experi-
mentally observed behavior.
where the quantities S .. (x.)
IJ 1
are as sumed functi ons of x., consistent
with the boundary conditions on S., and q.{t) are unspecified func -
1 J
tions of t ime. Substitution of 2.51 into the var i ational equations 2. 48
yields differential equations for t he q. which are identical in fo rm
with the basic relati ons 2.1.
13) Princi ple for t emperature: In numerical applications,
once the entropy di s place ment i s found, from e qua tion 2. 48, the tem-
perature distribution can be calculated from the ene rgy equat ion 2.29.
This procedure is similar to the one followe d with the potential
energy theorem of e lasticity, wherein displace ments are first calcu-
lated from the varia tional principle, and then stres s -strain equations
are us ed to f ind stresses. However, as in the e lasticity problem, in
many cas es it may be more des irabl e to obtain temperature ( "stress ")
directly from a variational principle. This can be done by using the
complementary function 2.23 for heat conduction, in which e co rre-
sponds to the generalized force Q.. Equation 2.41 provide s us i m-
mediate ly with V; as a function of temperature. The f unction D;
is found b y combining equati ons 2.38 and 2.35,
" _ S - ' 1 } _ 1 } e, j
DT - D dB - -""" e, .S. - 2T e, .K,"
B c. B 1 1 r B 1 IJ P ,
(2. 52)
The functional for t emperature, Ie' can now be ,written by making the
appropriate substitution in 2.23, thus
C ':' e, j
{Te e +Te,.[K. .-]}
r r 1 IJ P
+ r e
J 1 1
(2. 53)
whe re AS is the portion of the boundary where heat flow is prescribed.
It will probably be more convenient to use the time 'derivative of Ie
in applications,
(2. 54)
The temperature distribution is found from the variational equation
>;C .
iiI - 0
e -
(2. 55)
for all variations of e which satisfy the boundary conditions on Ae'
It can be easily verified that the Euler equation of 2.55 is
ce ::: [K. ,e,.J '
. , 1J J, i
in B (2. 56)
and the boundary condition is
n.K .. e, . ::: - h.n.
1 1J J 1 1
(2. 57)
Since these are also obtained by combining equations 2.29 and 2.35,
the variational principle is valid under the same conditions as is the
entropy displacement principle., It may be noted in passing that equa-
tion 2.56 for an isotropic, homogeneous solid takes the well -known
(2. 58)
'This variational principle is similar to R.osen's (26); however, he
does not include a t i m ~ integral so that e must be held constant in
making the variation.
Let us now show that identity 2. 27 is valid for the application at
hand. Let e{x., t} be the actual tempe rature distribution, and S.
1 1
the corresponding entropy displacement for a body with n.S. pre -
1 1
scribed on AS arid e prescribed on Ae' Adding functionals 2.47
and 2.53,
{2. 59}
;;.'0:; :.:<
Since (y ~ + D
, satisfies equation 2.31 we arrive at the simple result
that for the "exact" solution,
The same complementary property can be expected in other appli-
cations as a consequence of the fact that the underlying thermodynamic
equations of motion are the same for all linear systems. In fact, this
. .
simple example of heat transfer illustrates well most of the essential
features found in other applications.
b. Thermo-viscoelasticity. In this section variational principles
for the linearized equations of thermo-viscoelasticity win be derived.
It should be recalled that the thermodynamic linearity assumption r e -
quires material properties to be independent of temperatur e' and the
effect of dissipation on temperature to be neglecte-i. , Even though
these assumptions are often too restrictive for thermal stress prob-
lems, several important sub-cases can be obtained from the general
linear analysis. For example thermoelasticity, viscoelasticity {with-
out temperature}, and heat conduction appear as special cases.
u ~ Principle for m ec hanical and entropy displacements:
We proceed as in the previous e xample by evaluating v; + D; in
terms of displacement with the aid of equation 2.19. For the case
of both mechanical and thermal perturbations we have
1 1
= r T.u.dA + \ . F.u. dB _ r en.S. dA
ll ' B
where T. is the surface force p e r unit area, F. the pre scribed body
1 1
forc e per unit volume, u. the mechanical displacement, and the
variables t and .,. are implied. The entropy displacement integral
is written in terms of density functions by utilizing equation 2.33.
The integrals representing mechanical energy can also be expressed
as volume integrals by means of the divergence theorem. We find (13)
""S T.u.dA + S F.u.dB = S [cr ... + F.] u.dB + S cr .. e .. dB
All B . 1 " 1 B lJ, J 1 " 1 B lJ lJ
where e .. is the strain tensor,
" I
e .. = -2 (u .. + u .. )
1J l,J J,l
(2. 62)
)'.:, ':<:
and cr
the stress tensor. Since V ~ and DT are defined as functions
of state variables, they"must be evaluated under the condition of mechani-
cal equilibrium; this requires (neglecting inertia),
cr ... + F . = '0
1J,J 1
1n B (2.63)
Substitution of equation 2. 61a into equation 2.19, after making use of
equations 2.33, 2.61b, and 2.63 yields
= C {cr .. e .. - es . . - e, .S. }dB
J B 1J lJ 1, 1 1 1
(2. 64)
The last term in equa tion 2.64 can be expressed immediately
as a function of entropy displacement by using the heat conduction l aw,
2.36, to obtain equation 2.38; the assumption that the heat conduction
equation is unaffected by deformation was discussed in section 1.8.
Also, the operational stress -strain-temperature equation 1.100a,
is us ed to obtain
(f . . e ..
e ] e. . - [ ( 3 ~ . 8] e ..
(2. 65)
In the previous example it was possible to evaluate the second
term in equation 2.64 , 8S .. , through the use of the energy equation
. 1, 1
2.29. However, we must now utilize the linearized version of equa-
tion 1.119, which can be written as
. H = - T S. . = d' 8 + T /3
. e:.
r 1, 1 e r IJ IJ
(2. 66)
e =
0] -1 [ 0] -1 0
T C S . . -T C (3 .. e ..
r e 1, 1. r e IJ ' 1J
where, in equation 1.119, we have set
P s = P s = constant,
D = 0, and
integrated with respect to time. The inverse of the specifi.c heat
[ Co] -1, is of the form
P +_1_
(2. 68)
in which d and d(s) are positive constants; this property is ob-
e e
tained by comparing equation 2.67 and the earlier equation 1. 69. It
, 0 -1 0
is also seen from equation 1. 69 that [C] (3.. has this same form,
e 1J
but the coefficients are not necessarily positive.
Let us now substitute equations 2.65, 2.67, and 2.38 into
identity 2. 64 to find,
t . * .
2 (' (V
':' + S {[ Zfl.v e ] ':'e .. + a
-[ COa]
JOB 1J iJ. v 1J ' r e
. "
+ T A .. 5: S. }dB
r 1J 1 J
(2. 69)
in which the convolution notation 2,45 is indicated and we have used
the fact that
o )!( ':c 0
[ 13 a] e .. :: a [13 e.
1J 1J 1J 1
(2. 70)
Thi s identity can easily be ve rifi e d by operating on it w ith the L aplace
transform. Elimina tion of the tempe rature from equation 2.69 and
s ubstituting the r es ult into equation (2.10a) yields the f u nctional to
be used in the variational principle:
1 (' . iJ.v 0 -1 0 0
:: -2J ([Z . . e ] e .. + T [(C) (5 .. + j3 .. e .. )] [5 . .. +j3 .. e .. ]
B 1J f.L v 1J r e . 1,1 1J 1J 1, 1 1J 1J
. );c
+ T A . . 5 . S.}dB
r 1J 1 J
+ e'n.S.dA
. . a
':' S *
- . T. u . dA- F . u.dB
All " B 1 1
(2. 71)
where the force vector Ti is pres cribed on AT and temperature e
is prescribe d on Aa' Also, the strains must be expressed as functions
of displacement by using equation 2.62.
The equations for mechanical and entropy displacements are
determined by the stationary condition
6I :: 0
(2. 72.)
fo r all arbitrary. variations of u . and S. compatible with thei r
1 1
boundarY .conditions. By carrying out the variation we find that the
Euler equations of 2.72 are the three equilibrium equations;
in B
and the three heat conduction equations
o' 0
Cx. . . S . -S . .. -13 u .=0
e 1) 1 1,1) fJ.Y fJ.,Y)
in B (2. 74)
This same set of equations c an b e obtained directly from the stress-
strain- temperature equations, energy equation 2. 67, and heat con-
duction equation 2.36; on the basis of this remark as well as the fact
that the natural boundary conditions of the variation 2.72 are
= {[ fJ.v 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 _
n.CJ .. (u , S ) - Z .. + T 13 13 .. (C) ] e + T (C) 13 .. S }n.- T.
) 1) V fJ. 1) I' fJ. v 1) e fJ. v r e 1) fJ., fJ.) 1
S ..
1, 1
we conclude that the variational principle is valid within the region
of validity of the field equations 2.73. and 2.74.
Some special cases of the vari?-tional principle 2.72 will now
be c ons idered. For viscoelasticity without thermal effects, set e =0
in equation 2.64 and use the r es ult to write
IS * ' ~ ' ~ r *
I =...,. CJ .. e .. dB - F. u.dB - \ T. u.dA
u "- B 1) lJ B 1 . 1 .J All
(2. 77)
in which the stress tensor is to be expressed as a function of the
strains through the operator equation appropriate for the desired
de gree of anisotropy. In order to obtain the functional for the case
i n which there are strains due to temperature, but the tempe rature
field is prescribed, it is necessary to,first write equation 2.64 in
terrns of strains and temperature. This situation will be considered
later in connection with "non-homogeneous" variational principles.
The functional for adiabatic deformation'is obtained immediately
from equation 2.71 by setting S. = S .. = O. Furthermore, the vari-
1 1, 1
ational principle for thermoelasticity is deduced from 2.71 by simply
replacing the operators
zij , CO and
f.Lv e
13 ..
with their corresponding
elastic constants. It is 2.1so clear that the' functional for pure heat con-
duction results by equating the displacement field to ze roo
In view of the remarks on the general principles in section 2.2,
the variational principle 2.72 can be formulated in terms of the
Laplace transforms of displacement. This is done by transfo rming
I with the help of the convolution theorem, thus
_ 1 S { f.Lv- - 0 -1- 0- 2 --}
- -2 Z.,. e e .. + T (C) is .. +I3 .. e .. ) +T "' .. pS.S. dB
B 1J f.L v 1J l' e 1, J. 1J 1J r 1J 1 J
-- S = - r--
- F.u.dB+ on.S.dA-j T.u.dA
11 A 11 All
e 'f
where all time derivatives in the operational coefficients are replaced
by the transform parameter p. It can be shown that the stationary
point of 1 is actually an absolute minimum for p real and positive.
Furthermore, it is clear that the Euler equations and natural boundary
conditions of
olus = 0 (2.79)
are the same equations 'one obtains by transforming equations 2.73,
2.74, 2.75 and 2.76.
Thus, it is seen that the thermo - viscoelastic variational prin-
ciple in t e rms of tra nsformed v aria bles is formally identi c al with the
one for thermo-elasticity. This leads to a correspondenc e rule in
which an approximate (or exact) transformed viscoelastic solution
can be obtained directly from a transfo rmed "associated" elastic
solution as calculated from a v a ria tional principl e; it is on ly necess a r y
to replace all material constants by the appropriate operators, e. g . ,
This same rule extends to all principles which we shall de-
rive from the basic thermodynamic ones. The correspondence rule
stated here is a generalization of the one shown by Biot for isothermal
viscoelasticity (2).
Before we discuss the complementary principle, l et us ex -
amine briefly an alternate method of calculating V; + D;, i. e ., use
of the thermodynamic definitions for the generalized free energy and
entropy production directly. This will show more clearly the close
correspondence between the basic form of the variational principle
gi ven i n section 2. 2 and the one ' derived in this section.
First, the generalized free energy density, V, (per unit volume)
is obtained by rel ating it to the Helmholtz free energy density, F.
We have the definitions
Reference to
F == U - (e + T )S = V - es
. r
equations 1. 18a and 1. 26 shows that
' . . c e2
e (ElF) = [a . .
. + -T
ElT IJ 1 Jr '
V = F -
(2. 80a)
(2. 80b)
where C is the specific he at (per unit v olume). It is impli c it In
the expression that the local thermodynamic state is defined by
e xcess. temperature, e, and the n coordinates q., six of which
1 .
(ql' q2"" , q6) are the me chanical strains
total free energy is
e ...
Therefore, the
(2. 82)
Since the variational principle must be written in terms of e ntropy
displacement, rather than temperature, it is necessary to use the
linearized ene rgy equation 1. 66. Elimination of temperature differ ~
ence. 9, provides us with the appropriate formof the generalized
free energy,
IS Tr . 2
::; -2 {a .. q.q. + -C (S .. t f3 . q.) } dB
1J 1 J 1; 1 . 1 1 ..
q .
(2. 83)
The entropy production per unit volume separates into non-
, , ~
thermal and thermal components. The thermal component leads
to the dissipation per unit volume given by equation 2.42
_ r
= -2 A .. S.S.
1J 1 J
The non":therrnal contribution to dissipation is .obtained from equation
1. 55,
(2. 85)
Thus, we can write the total dissipation function as
':'This follows from the assumption that the thermal contribution to
entropy p;roduction is of a different degree of symmetry than the
other causes, as discussed in section L 8.
DT ::: ~ 2 r {b .. q.q. + T A .. 5.5. r dB
IJ 1 J l' 1J 1 J
(2. 86)
:.:::: ) : ~
It is now possible to substitute V T and D
, corresponding to
the functions given by equations 2. 83 and 2. 86, directly into the vari-
ational principle 2. 11. We thereby obtain a variational principle for
hidden coordinates as well as the observed variables of m.echanical
and entropy displacem.ent,
61 = 0
with the definition
IS .,:' Tr , ~
I =-2 {(a .. q.+ b .. q.) q. + -c (S .. + i3.q.) (S .. + i3.q.)
q s B IJ J IJ J .'1. q I, 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1
+ T LS. S.} dB
l' 1J 1 J
T: u.dA
(2. 88)
where the strains e.. [::: q . (i:= 1, 2, . . . , 6)] are to be expre s sed as
1J 1
functions of the m.echanical disp1acem.ents using equation 2. 62. It
can be shown that; the Euler equations of 2. 87 are not only the m.echani-
cal equilibrium. and heat conduction equations, but also (n-6) equations
for hidden coordinates as given by equation 1. 40. If, hQwever, we
initially elim.inate the hidden coordinates from. equation 2.88 by
solv ing the (n-6) equations, then the functional 2.88 identi-
cal with the first one we derived, equation 2.71.
13) Principle for m.echanical stresses and tem.perature:
The com.plem.entary principle for stresses and tem.perature will now
be deduced from. the basic functional 2.22. While it was possible to
use the sim.p1er form. 2. 23 in deriving the heat conduction principle,
it cannot be used now. This sterns from the fact that when we intro-
duce equation 2.19 . [2(V'T:' "" D'T:') == Q.(7)q.(t-7)). it is tacitly assumed
that the internal stress field is in equilibrium. The additional term
which must be added if this is not the case is
[!<T.. .f F.] u. dB
B 1J. J 1 1
as seen by referring to equation 2. 61b. Thus we have
Q.q. - (V'T:' + D;T") :::: S [0" ... + F.] u.dB + (V;T" + D'T:') (2.89)
lIB 1J. J 1 1
where V; + D; is to be written as a function of stress and tempera-
ture with the help of equation 2. 64.
For the mechanical component, use is made of the stress-
strain-temperature equation 1. l03a derived in Part I. so that
" .. e .. =G .. [AJ:L.vq;- ] + !W ..
1J 1J 1J 1J fL v 1J 1J
(2. 90)
In order to express the first thermal integrand in equation
2. 64 in terms of temperature we use the energy e'quation 1. 63. After
linearizing and integrating with respect to time we find.
S .. 8 -
1,. 1
a .. G ..
1J 1J
(2. 91)
where CO is the constant-stress specific heat operator whose form
is given by equation 1.64. Therefore
-8S ..
1. 1
== T8 -I- 8[ . .]
v 1J 1J
(2. 92)
The second thermal term is found immediately by using the heat con-
duction law 2. 35.
0, .
-0,.S. =-T
1 1
. . 0 .
[K.._J J
(2. 93)
Now that . V; + D; is known as a function of t empe rature and
. stress, we can substitute equation 2. 89 into equation 2. 22 to obtain,
the complementary functiona l I!G"0'
U'\, .. n.cIA + S 0':'n.S.cIA
Au 1 IJ J ' As 1 1
~ : ( 0
20 [a .. Y J
(2. 94)
where displacements U . are prescribed on A a nd the entropy. dis -
1 . U
p lacement (i. e., heat flow) is given on A. The me chanical dis-
. s
placement field, u i ~ ca.n b e e liminated from this functional by requir-
ing that all admis sible sta te s of stre s s in;the variationaI principle
satisfy the equilibrium equations. This is accomplishe d by expressing
the stresses as derivatives of certain s'tress fUpctions (31). How-
ever, an equivalent procedure is to interpret continuous functions
u . as Lagrange multipli:ers associated With side condition,
fIT . . + F. = 0
. in B
IJ, J 1
(2. 95)
This latter method will b e used since it leads to an easier proof.
As the compleme ntary principl e we state that actual stress
and temperature distributions are determined by the variational
e quation
01 =; 0 '
luG '
(Z. 96)
where all a dmissible stresses satisfy the stre ss boundary conditions,
O'" n. =; T.
, 1J J 1
(Z. 97)
and all admissible temperature fields' satisfy the bounda r y conditions
on Ae' Performing the variation with stress es and displacements
varied independently we arrive at the' E u l ~ r equations, which are the
six compatibiiity conditions
I-lV 0 _ 1
A .. If5' + a .. e - -Z (u .. + u . . )
1J j-L V 1J I, J J, 1
in B (Z. 98)
the three equilibrium conditions,
<0' of F. =; 0
1J, J 1
in B
(Z. 99)
and the conservation of energy statement,
e, .
['K.. __ J], . =; cOe + T a?aT .. in, B
1J P 1 liT r 1J 1J ,
In addition, the natural boundary conditions of the variation are th.e
conditions on the Lagrang.e multiplier
, u. = U.
1 1
on A
, 1
and the e ntropy ' displacement boundary condition,
e, .
n.K .. __
1 1J P
T S.n.
r 1 1
(Z. 101)
Equations 'z. 98 - Z. 102 are a complete set for calculation of
the stresses and temperature fi e l d. It isclear ,th<!.t these are the
- 98-
correct equations; the, compatibility condition 2. 9B relates str e ss-
depende nt strains to displacement -dependent strains, while equation
2.100 is simply the line a rized energy equation 2.91 combine d with heat
conduction law 2. 35.
It is interesting that if the equilibrium equations are not
identically satisfied in the varia tion, application of Lagrange multi-
pliers with the equilibrium equations gives a principle for displace-
ment s as well as stresses and temperature. In "fact, it will now be
shown that this principle is an extension of Reissner's principle for
elastic stresses and displacements (28) to thermo-viscoelasticity,
except for the constraint on boundary values. The functional 2.94
is cast in Reissner's form by using identity 2. 6lb in order to replace
the first integral in this functional. We find
= 1 r { ':' ':' [ fJ. v ) }
I -2 J -.,. .. (u. .1l- u .. ) + lIT A .. lIT dB
au . B 1J ' 1, J J, 1 1J 1J fJ. v
+ ' u.dA
A 1 J.
where the thermal terms have been omitted for simplicity. As before,
Ti , is the stress vector on AT and' Fi is the prescribed
body force. ' Reissner's principle for viscoelasticity can be stated as
Among all displac ements which satisfy the dis-
, placement boundary conditions and among all
stress states, the actual stresses and displace-
ments are determined by the variational
01 = 0
in which the stresses and displacements are
varied independently.
(2. 104)
As Euler equations we find the six stress-displacement compatibility
c onditi ons,
=: -2 (u . . + u .. )
1, J J. 1
In B (2.105 )
and the three equilibrium equations
~ . -Ii' F. = 0
IJ, J 1
in B (2.106)
The natural boundary conditions are on the stresses,
1(J' n. =: T.
IJ J 1
on ( 2.107)
These field equations and boundary conditions are sufficien t for cal-
culation of the six stresses and three displacement components; It
should be noted that the admissible displacements in 2.103 must
satisfy their boundary conditions, while the stresses are not re-
stricted. However, just the converse is true in .the functional 2.94.
Nevertheless, from a practical standpoint, in using these principles
to generate approximate solutions it probably will be desirable to
choose stresses and displacements which satisfy their respectiv e
boundary conditions. In this case, the two principles are identical.
In concluding this section on the complementary principle,
it should be remarked that it has properties which are similar to
those of the displacement principle 2.72; 1. e . concerning special
lirnit cases, the correspondence rule, and an absolute minimum point.
As an example of an important limit case, consider the situation
occurring most frequently in practice in which the temperature change
due to stresses is negligible, so that the temperature is prescribed
variable in the functional 2.94 .(i. e., it is calculated prior to making
the stress analysis by using the equation for heat conduction). In
this case, the pure thermal terms in 2.94 do not affect the variation
and can therefore be omitted. Thus, the functionai becomes
I 8 =: [u".+ F.]"u.dB
" B 1J, J 1 1
1 S . ,;, [p.v ] .
+ -2 {,(T.. A .. u . +
U:" T . n. dA
1 1J J
In which 8 is to be held constant when calculating the variation.
In regard to the minimum property, it can be shown that the
exact stresses and temperature make I,,8(P), with p real and
positive, an absolute minimum with respect to all stresses satisfying
the equilibrium equations 2.95 and stress boundary condition 2.97,
and all temperature fields satisfying the boundary conditions on tem-
perature. It should be added that in proving this minimum property, .
one must use the thermodynamic relations between AI;1.v, u?, and CO
, 1J IJ "
which are given in generalized coordinate notation in Part 1.
Thi s minimum character does not exist if the varied state s of stre s s
do not identically satisfy the equilibrium equations and stress boundary
conditions. Thus, the ,transform of the functional in Reissner's
principle, equation 2.103, is just stationary on the positive real
2.4. Determination of Non-Homogeneous Variational Pri nciples
from the Homogeneous Princ i p les for Linear Syst ems
So far in the applications we have utili zed t wo b asic variational
t he orems which are homogene ous in displacement and str e ss variables;
i. e . equation 2.11 for mechanical a nd thermal displacem ents, and
equation 2. 26 for mechanical and thermal stresses. In addition, it
was shown that the stress the ore m cou l d be derived dir ectly from
the original one for displace m e nts by making a change of variables.
Furthermore, in section 2. 3b thi s change , of variables led to a non-
hOl'llogene ous principle for mechanical displacements and stresses by
r etaining the equilibrium equations with Lagrange multipliers. An
analogous principle for t e mpe rature and entropy displacement could
h ave also been deduc e d in the heat conduction example; in this case
the he at conduction law 2. 36 would appear with a Lagrange multiplier.
Thus, it seern$ reasonable that a principle could be derived
fo r the calculation of all functions, U . -1:) e.and S.. Indeed,it
1 1J " 1
can b e shown that all of the above mentioned principles are special '
cases of this more general one .
We shall not h e re derive this general principie, but examine
brie fly t w o additional vari ational principles which are .also special
cas es . It will be seen that they are of practical importance and
r epresent companions to the homogeneous thermo-viscoe lastic
principles in section 2. 3b. The first one considered is for mechani-
cal displacements and temperatur e and the second one is for mechani--
cal stresses and entropy displacement.
a. Principle for m.echanical displacem.ents and tem.peratur e.
The functional is derived m.ost easily by m.eans of a heuristic argul"nent
using generalized variable s. Let Q,q, be divided into m.echanical
variables variables qsQs' In analogy to the
derivation of equation 2. 22 we obtain the functional
where the index k indicates sum.m.ation over prescribed therm.a1
" coordinates, and index" i indicates sum.m.ation over prescribed
m.echanical forces. The" term. in the square" brackets is to be written
as a function of m.echanical coordinates and ther" forces.
We now identify the energy Qsqs with its continuum.
Q q == - S eniS, dA
s sA"
and fi .... st; use identity 2. 33 as well as 2.64 in determ.ining the disp1ace-
m.ent and tem.perature dependence of
, :.:::
+ D
- q Q ); the procedure
s s .
for elim.inating the mechanical stresses and entropy displacem.ent is
sim.ilar to what we have followed with the previous cases. When
the results 'of this calculation are substituted into equation 2. 109 the
functional for displacement and rature is obtained.
" = 1 S .{ [ Zf-L v" ] *
-2 .. e e .. -
B 1J f-L
" 1J
;,1 [K ,"" e, j] }"dB. S dA S d"B
- , u, - . , u.
A 1 B 1 1
r " T.
(2. lll)
where Tiis prescribed on AT and Si is specified on AS. The
displaceme nt and temperature fields are determined by the stationary
6 I = 0
in which all admissible displacements andtemperatur es must agree
with their respective boundary values on Au and Aa. The Euler
equations are the three equilibrium equations,
zI:L.Vu . - !3?a, . + F. = 0
IJ fL' vJ IJ J 1
and the energy equation
a, .
[K. ._J ]= cOa + T !3?e ..
IJ p . 'i e r IJ IJ
with the natural boundary conditions
[zI:L:"u - !3?a]n. = T .
. 1J fL' v 1J J 1
, a .
n.[ K.._J]
1 1J P
T S.n.
r 1 1
in B (2.113)
in B (2. 114)
(2. 115)
It is yasily verified that the se equations are the complete, correct set
for the description of the displace ment and temperature distributions.
An important limit case of 2.112 is when the t emperatu re fi e ld
is prescribed, and therefore is assumed independent of displacements.
The variational principle for this condition is .obtained by omitting the
pure thermal terms in equation 2.111 and holding the temperature fixed
in theva:dation 2.112. With the temperature prescribed, it can be
shown that all di,splacements satisfying the displacement
boundary which satisfy the equilibrium equations
make Iua an absolute minimum when p in on the positive real a xis.
However, if the temperature is a function of the displace m ent, Iua
is only stationary.
b. Principle for mechanical stresses and entropy displa ce-
ment. The functional for the mixed variables of mechanical stress
and entropy displacement is derived in a similar manne r. We find
that the field equations and natural boundary conditions for
S. are obtained from the variational equation
61 :: 0
:: r [lIT ... + F.]*u.dB + l2S' {[AI:".v" ]'\1' ..
. lJ, J 1 1 B 1J IL v 1J
and .
( 2.117a)
o -1 . o . . ':'
T [(C) (S .. +d .. IIT .. )] [S .. f 0I .. 1!1" .. ] - T S. [ A. .. S.]} dB
r iQ" 1, 1 1J 1J 1, 1 , 1J 1J r 1 1J J
-S U:!IT .. n.dA - J
A 1 1J J All
, u a
in wJ;tich U
is given on Au and @ is on AEl" The admis-
sible stresses and entropy displacements in 2.117 must satisfy the
boundary conditions on AT and AS' respectively. Furthermore,
as with the complementary principle. the displaceme,nts appearing
in the first integral are Lagrange multipliers which drop out if all
varied states of stress are chosen such that the equilibrium equations
are identically satisfied. ' We Lind that the Euler equations are the six
compatibility conditions,
and the heat c.onducti.on equati.on
with the natural b.oundary c.onditi.ons
.on A
(2. 119 )
( 2.120)
(2. 121)
which f.orrn the c.orrect, c.ornplete , set f.or the calculati.on .of s t ress and
'entr.oPy displacernent fields.
When the entr.oPy displac erne rit is pre scribed,the e x a ct s tr es s
state makes the fUIicti.onal Io-s(p) an abs.olut e rninirnurn ( with p r eal
and P.ositive) with respect t.o varied stress sta tes which s atisfy e qu ili-
briurn and stress c.oundary b.onditi.ons. As with the previ.ous n.on-
h.orn.ogene.ous principle, this minirnurnpr.ope rty d.oe s n.ot exi s t in the
general c.oupled therrn.o-rnechanical pr.oble m.. Furtherm..ore, it is
clear that the adiabatic limit case is .obtained by setting S. == 0 in the
functi.onal 2. 117.
2.5. C.ornm.ents .on Special Va ria ti.onal Principles when ' Di sSi pati.on
and Tem.perature Depende nt VisC.osity ar e C.onside r ed
It has been ernphasized tha t the pr evi.ous v ariati.ona l p rinciples
are valid .only f.or therm.odynam.ica11y linear s yst e m.s. a nd tha t this
assurnpti.op. requires the dissipati.on functi.on in the energy e qua ti.on
and the tem.perature dependence .of material pr.operties t.o b e n egle c t ed.
There d.oes not appear. at this tim.e, t.o be a variati.onal princi p l e
which can be used f.or the se ar effects in the genera l the rm..o-
, mechanical problem. without imposing artificial constraints on
admissible variations. However. by slightly modifying the functionals
in the linear variational principles and imposing certain constraints, .
some useful results can be obtained. As illustrations of the method,
let us briefly consider two cases.
First, we shall indicate the necessary modifications of the
mechanical displacement-temperature principle presente d in section
2. 4a in order to include dissipation, but retain all other assumptions.
The only Euler equation which is changed is the energy equation 2.114.
It is seen from equation 1.119 that the energy equation with dissipation
where D is the mechanical diss'ipation per unit volume, equation 2. 85,
which is to be expressed as a function of temperature and strains. Thus,
if the integral
D *
2S ) S dB
B . P ,
is added to the functional IuS' and
m is held constant in' the variation,
the energy e,quation 2.122 will be obtained as one of the Euler equations.
It is that this procedure treats 2 as if it were a known
thermal energy source.
Now, consider the case in which the temperature field is pre-
scribed and the viscosity is temperature dependent, but with the time-
superposition principle applicable. If the temperature
is in time, the two functionals , '2. 108 for stre s se sand
2. III for displacements, can be used directly without modification.
On the other hand, when the temperature varies with both time
and space, the se original principles must be modified in order to
obtain the correct Euler equations. The necessary modifications
are determined by examination of the effect of the temperature on
the Euler equations and boundary conditions. If the variable transfor-
mation 1. 121 is used to change from real time to reduced time, the
time dependence of material properties is removed; however new
terms with time-dependent coefficients ' are introduced thr ough the
spacial derivatives, according to equation 1. 122. Consequently, the
Euler equations and boundary conditions, as functions of reduced
time, will contain terms which are identical with those for a problem
without temperature dependent viscosity, as well as terms which arise
from the spacial variation of temperature. Thus, variational princi-
ples for mechanical variables can be obta,inedimmediately from the
previous ones, 2.108 and 2.111, if the necessary terms are added to
the functionals (as was done with the dissipation function considered
abov.e) and these te'rms are treated as known quantities in the variation;
of course,' these modified functionals depend on reduced time, rather
than physical time.
Another approach is, to use full operational-variational principles,
such as suggested by Biot (3). These can be employed for the most
general case of coupled thermo-mechanical behavior. The appropriate
functionals are obtained by simply removing the convolution integrals
, from the functionals in the previous sections, and adding the dis sipation
function,if desired . . Variation of these functionals will lead to the
correct Euler equations and boundary conditions if all time deriva-
tives, p, dissipation, and all temperature dependent properties are
treated as known quantities. Once the variation is carried out and
the Euler equations are obtained, the se fictitiously constrained
quantities are to take on their .actual significance.
Finally, as a practical point, it should be added that even
though the modified principles suggested in this section appear to be
quite artificial, it is possible to use them to calculate approximate
solutions. This follows frGm the fact that the stationary condition
makes the approximate Euler equations orthogonal to certain weighting
functionsj thus, the use of these principles is closely related to the
well-known methods of Galerkin and Kantorovich (13). Consider,
for example, the problem of calculating an approximate solution in
which the solution is assumed in the form of a series of prescribed
spacial functions with arbitrary, time dependent coefficients. By
the series into the appropriate functional and carrying
out the variation with respect to the coefficients, a set of integro-
differential equations for the coefficients is obtained. The ease with
which these resulting equations can be solved relies, of course, on the
particular problem, and the practicality of such a procedure will
depend upon further study.
-109 -
3. 1. Introduction
-There are several ways in which the pr eceding variational
'principles for viscoelastic media can be used to obtain approximate
solutions. For example, the methods of Ritz and Kantorovich (13),
commonly used with the minimum principles of elasticity, could be
applied to the convolution principles; time dependence would be treated
just the same -as spacial dependence. However. for many cases, the
simplest .procedure will be to take the variation of a Laplace trans-
formed functional and thereby obtain an approximate or exact trans-
forme d solution; the time dependence is then found by inversion of
the transform. Of course, the final step of inverting the transform.s
may prove to be extremely difficult if standard. exact methods are
use_d. "T.\'lerefcire. it will often be expedient to use approximate inver-
sion tec:hniques; this subject is discussed later in Part IV. Discussion
of the convolution principles. in relation to their usefulness for the
calculation of approximate variational solutions. is als 0 deferred to
Part IV. where two examples are given to illustrate the essential
In this Part. transformed variational principles will be studied.
First, we shall deduce the general form of time dependence of exact
and approximate solutions which are obtained from certain transformed
principles; all prescribedloads and displace;me nts (thermal and me-
chanical) are assumed to be :step functions of time applied at t = O.
This analysis is then used in a discussion of the relation b e tween
errors in approximate and exact viscoelastic and elastic solutions.
The conclusions reached in Part III apply to responses calculated
from those principles whose transform on the positive, real p-axis
attains an absolute minimum for the exact solution; namely, the
homogeneous principles 2.72 and 2.96 for both mechanical and ther-
mal variables, and the non-homogeneous principles 2.112 and 2.117
with the thermal variables prescribed throughout the body. The
remaining principles given in Part II do not fall within the scope of
the present discussion.
While all results in this Part apply directly to
bodies subjected to step inputs in time, they can be also used to
obtain the behavior for arbitrary time-dependent displacement and
load prescriptions;, one needs only to employ the Duhamel-super-
position integral. ,Furthermore, for simplicity, but without loss of
generalit"y, we have omitted all thermal variables in the actual
Before summarizing the results, let us discuss briefly the
mQtivation for our study of time dependence. A clue to the fact that "
definite statements can be, made about the time dependence of solutions
' is provided by the general thermodynamic equations 1. 98
(3. 1)
With zero initial conditions, the transformed solution to these equations
is given by equation 2.24a
1 + 7 P
. s
+ C
] TI.
p J
(3. 2)
If, for example, all 'forces are prescribed as step functions of time,
i. e.
t< 0
, t> 0
where the Q. are ,constants, the time' dependence of q. can be writt e n
1 1
immedia:tely as .
. =\ d ~ ) ( l
1 L 1J
s ~
e ) Q.
+ C .. Q.t
1J J
or, if steady flow does not occur
s ~
e ) Q
. (3. 4a)
(3. 4b)
Thus, as was initially observed by Biot (5), apart from the steady flow
term (C' .. Q.t) the time dependence of 'all coordinates is given by a
~ J . .
serie,s of decaying exponentials. By interpreting the observed coordi-
nates as mechanical displacements in viscoelastic media, it is expect e d
that the actual displacements would have the same time de p e nc;lence
if all applied loads are step functions of time.
In section 3. 2 it is shown that approximate displace ments
likewise have this property. Also, it is proved that this behavior
extends to mixed boundary conditions and to exact and approximate
stresses obtained from the above mentioned variational principles.
We should m.ention that a rigorous proof is m.adefor only those
responses which are r epr esent ed by a finit e sum. of spacial functions
with tim.e dependent coefficients. However. on the basis of certain
physically reasonable argum.ents. it is postulate d that this exponential
b e hav ior applies to all viscoelastic responses.
After establishing the tim.e dependence of solutions, we use the
results to exam.ine the error b e tween approxim.a te and exact v is co-
e lastic solutions. It is shown that uniform. convergence for certain
ranges of elastic constants, of a sequence of approxim.ate , associated,
elastic solutions to the exact solution, im.plies that the corresponding
sequence of approxim.ate viscoelastic solutions converges (in the m.ean)
to the exact function; this argum.ent rests on the assum.ption that certain
infinite series and im.proper integrals are absolutely .convergent or
else that the transient responses are quadratically integrable over
o .,; t < 00.
that the tim.e dependence of stress and displacem.ent
solutions is of the form. 3.4 has additional practical im.portance. For
it is known a priori that all of the singularities of Laplace
transform.ed s 'olutions are on the non-p 0 sitive real axis. Thus, in
orde r to invert a transform.ed solution exactly, it is only necessary
to study behavior on this axis rather than the entire com.plex p-plane.
Also, the form. 3.4 lends itself readily to an approxim.ate inversion
m.ethod which will be discussed in Part IV.
3.2. Time Dependence of Solutions for Step-Displaceme nt a nd Step-
.Load Inputs
a. Displacement respons e . In this section we sha ll u s e the
transformed displacement variational principle to calculate 'time de-
pendence of displacements which are given by the series
(a.) ~
u. = f. (x.)q (t) + U. (x.)H(t)
1 1 1 a 1 1
(3. 5)
In thi s expre s sion summation over o. (= I, 2, .. N) is implie d.
f ~ o . ) ( x . ) . are functions of the coordinates x. and vanish on the por-
1 1 1
tion of the boundary Au where displacements are prescribe d, qo.
are time-dependent generalized coordinates. and U. (= U . H) is the
. 11
prescribed displacement vector for which H(t) is the Heavis.ide step
H(t) =
(3. 6)
t < 0
t> 0
It is not required that these displacements satis'fy the equili brium
equations or stress boundary conditions.
Let us now apply the Laplace transformed variational principle
2.79 in order 'to calculate q (p) when the f(o.) are given f unctions:
a 1
For simplicity thermal effects are neglected and zero initial con-
ditions are assumed. The appropriate displacement functional is
- - 1 S { flov- -} S --
I =." Zoo eooe dB - F.u.dB
u L. B 1J 1J flo v . B . 1 1
_ r T.ll.dA
J All
where T. ' and F. are ' prescribed forces given by
1 1
(3. 7)
T. =
1 1
F. =
F . (x.)
1 1
and the transfonned displacement vector is
( )
- 0. - 1
u = f. q +-
1 1 0. P
Also, from 1.100b
p p.v
= 1
s p s
+ Dij + D'ij
p.v P P.v
(3. 8a)
(3. 9a)
where each matrix in 3. 9a is positive semi-definite, i. e. for all e ..
D ij{ s) e e..;::: 0;
fLv fJ.v 1J
D ij e e..;::: 0;
fLv fLv 1J
, ..
D 1J e e .. :> 0
fLv fLv 1J
(3. 9b)
but the matrix made up of the sum of those in 3. 9a is positive definite,
ij (s ) ij 'ij ]
D + D+ D . e e .. > 0; e . . e . . > 0
fJ.v fLv fLv fJ.v 1J 1J 1J
We now write I as a function of q by using the transformed
u 0. .
strain-displacement relations
to find
1 _ .
e .. = -2 (u, . + u . . )
1J 1, J J. 1
(0.) _
e .. . =
E .. ;:
1 [ f ~ o . ! + f.{o.) ]
L: 1, J J, 1
1 ~ ~
.... [U .. +U . . ]
c. 1,J J,l
(3.13 )
The generalized coordinates can be found by mini mizing I
with resp'ect to each q. This leads to the following N linear
alge braic equa.tions,
in which the following definitior::s are employed,
D : ij{s) D1J
C =s {\ iJ.v
a/3 B.0 P +_1_ p
s Ps
Q = S 'Tj/3) dA + S dB
/3 A 11 B 11
p iJ.v
P +-
It is noted that the singularities of Q/3 are simple poles (or
branch cuts if P = P (x,)) on the negative real p-axis, but if the
s s 1
boundary conditions are all on stress, Q/3
Also, froin symmetry of Zij we' have
is independent of p.
tional moduli in equations 3.15' have been left in the volume integrals
since properties inay be functions of x,.
We shall now establish the
dependence of Cia on p, and thereby the time dependence of
First, the following theorem will be proveC::
Theorem I - The singularities of Ci occur only on the non-
positive real p-axis.
The proof 'will be made 'by showing that the determinant of C a/3( Ie a/3 l )
does not vanish when p is complex or real and positive. Let p=u+iv
and substitute this into 3.15 to find
I . ==
1 2
D ij
+ fJ.v
2+ 2
u v
(3.1 6)
(3.17a )
It is noted by reference to equations 3.9 that Raf3 is positive definite
when u> 0, but it is indefinite when u < 0; also Iaj3 is positive s emi -
d e finite for all u and v.
Let us assume that I C AI = 0 and determine the permiss i bl e
at' '
values of u and v. This means that a non-trivial (real or compl ex)
solution y can be found such that
(R A - ivI A)y :;; 0
at' at' a
If the complex conjugate of Ya is denoted by Ya' multiplying equation
3.18 by Y f3 and summing yields
Since Raf3 and I a ~ are real symmetric matrices, Raf3Y aY f3 and
I Y YA are real numbers; in addition, the latter one is non-negative.
af3 a t'
First, assume that I
f3 > O. But equation 3.19 cannot b e satisfied
unles s . v is zero since the left -hand side is rea l while the right-hand
side is imaginary. Now, suppose I y -y - 0 which can b e seen
af3 a f3-
from equation 3.17a to imply that
(3. 20)
But equation 3. 9c requires that this be a (non-zero) positive number
and therefore equation 3.19 cannot be satisfied. Thus, the determinant
of C
cannot vanish unless p is real.
It only remains to show that there are no zeros of I C a(31 on
the positive real axis. That this is indeed the case follows immediatel y
from the fact that Raf3 is positive definite when u> O. Theor e m I
is therefore proved for the most general stress-strain relations whi ch
are thermodynamically admissible.
Further inforI:\'lation about the singularities of qa will now b e
obtained. However, in the following discussion we shall assume that
the relaxation times, p s' are independent of x .
This assumption
permits C af3 (defined by equation 3. 15a) to be written as
c =
with the definitions
F(s) F I
P : ~ + paf3 + F af3
(3. 21)
(3. 22a)
(3. 22b)
and the equation for qo. becoIlles
. 1
p +-
s P s
The following theoreIll will be proved:
TheoreIll II - When the relaxation tiIlles, p s' are constant
the singularities of q are siIllple poles except
at the origin where a double pole Illay occur.
(3. 22c)
(3. 23)
For the present let us aSSUIlle that Q/3 is constant. Also let
a. = 1,2, , Nand s = 1, 2, , M, so that we can write equation 3.23
G -q -
0./3 a. -
(p +-)
in which each eleIllent of Go./3 is at IllOSt a polynoIllial of order
N(M+l). TheoreIll I iIllplies
= G 1T (p + _1 ) r
(3. 25)
: relal)
is the :multiplicity
L r
of the It follows that
qo. can be expressed as a ratio of pOlynoIllials in p given by
qa = ).}
II (p +....!... ) mr
. Y
(3. 26)
The ratio multiplying Qj3/p can be written as a sum of partial fractions
if the order of the numerator is lower than that of the denominator;
if they are of equal order then q will contain an additional constant
a ..
term multiplying , Qj3A>. That either of these conditions is , always
satisfied can be shown to follow from equation 3.23 by letting p - 00.
ri" . .
If jD J [ > 0, then from equation 3. 22c we have
. !-Lv
tion 3.23 shows that qa must behave'like l/pZ.
fr (p +....!...) mr
r:::l Y r
as p- co
and eqtja-
as p - 00; hence
(3. 27 a)
If, however, [ F ~ j 3 [ ;:: 0 (which can only occur if
[ D ~ ~ [ ::: 0) then
constant as p - co (3. 27b)
Conseque'ntly, it is always possible to write qa as the partial fraction
q :::
- . R
~ [ I
and Saj3 are real symmetric matrices.
(3. 28)
The order of the poles of qa can be determined by examining
the behavior of q in conjunction with equation 3.23 as p approaches
the roots of I Gar.>.l. Consider, then, p = E: - ~ and IE: 1 1; with
t-' '( t
P close to -'(t only the term in equation 3.28 which behaves like
E: need be retained, thus
Multiplying equation 3.23 by q {3 and summing over (3, and then sub-
stituting equation 3.29 for qa yields
where p ==
\ ~ F(s)
+ F + F' _ . 1 Q- (t) m t
L +_1_
s p p
p - Ii (3g{3 E:
F g(t)g(t) 2: 0
- a{3 a (3
F I (t) (t) >- 0
- a{3ga g{3
(3. 31a)
(3. 31c)
The right-hand side of equation 3.30 h;;s a zero of .order m
, whose
value ~ u s t agree with the left-hand side. However, the latter can
have only simple zeros at all poles of:q since its first derivative
can never vanish in the finite p plane, which is
1 2
(p rf- - )
+Lz ] <0
(3. 32)
Thus m
= 1 for all finite and infinite values of '(t" It is to be noted
that this conclusion applies even when a root , '{t is equal to one of the,
relaxation time s p
, s
R e f e renc e to equa tion 3. 3 0 shows that this
equality can o c cur only if F{s) == o (this requires
I D ij (s) I == 0).

Also, e quation 3.23 indica tes tha t the d e terIllinant IG
(31 has a zero
at the origin i f and only if IF a(31 == 0 (which requires I I == 0).
If this latter condition e x i s ts q has a double pole at the orig in.
, a
TheoreIll II is thlis proved for the case in which Q(3 is
constant. FurtherIllore, the previous considerations lead to the follow-
/ ing tiIlle dependence of the generalized coordinates:
q =
3. When [ F a(3 [ == [F [ = 0
-1 -t/
-,[ L - (r) '{r
q == Q , '{ S (l- e )
a (3 r a(3
, r=l
The restriction that the Q(3 are constant can be easily re-
Illoved. When Q (3 are of the general fo = given by equation 3.15b,
with p cons tant, then q
s a
contairusiIllple poles at - - as well as
at - - q (t) therefore has tiIlle dependence siIllilar to that shown
'{ r a
* '
This can be shown to be true even when (-lips) is a zero of I G
(3 I
by using the fact that F(s) vanishes in such a case.
in equations 3.33, except there will be additional exponentials with
tiIne constants p Also the. correspondence between the vanishing
. s
of a g iven deterIninant and the tiIne dependence indicated in cases 1,
2, and 3 above will not necessarily be the saIne. For exaInple, if
T . and F. in equation3.15bare z e ro and D
::: 0, then q will
1 1 ~ v a
contain at Inost a siInple pole at the origin; hence it will not have the
terIn proportional to tiIne which is shown in equation, 3. 33co
b. Stress. response. Stresses which are derived froIn the
transforIned cOInp1eInentary principle can be shown to have tiIne de-
pendence siIni1ar to that of the disp1aceInents discussed above. We
consider .stresses that are given by
(a) -
::: f .. {x. )Q (t) + (J . (x.)H{t)
1J 1 a 1J ,1
in which a. is to be s wnIned out (a.::: 1, 2, 0 , N),
(3; 34)
given functions of the coordinates xi which vanish on AT wher_e
stresses are prescribed, Q
are tiIne dependent functions which we
shall call generalized stresses, and on AT the vector (J . n.H is equal
1J J
to the prescribed surface .force, T
It is further asswned that for
each a, the l ~ ) satisfy the equilibriwn equations
l ~ ) . ::: (3.35)
1). J
and t h ~ stresses (J . H(t) satisfy the equilibriwn equations with pre-
scribed body forces F.H(t).
(J + F '. =
1J, J 1
It is not required that the stres ses (J
satisfy cOInpatibility or the
boundary conditions on displacement.
The Laplace transform of the complementary functional,
equation 2.94, is t with temperature neglected for . simplicity)
T<T- 2'
. . O: }dB - r u.o: .. n.dA
B IJ IJ I-'-v J A 1 IJ J
where U. is the transformed, prescribed surface displacement
u. =
1 1
(3.38 )
d h . 1 l ' . AI-'- .. v
. an t e operatllZlna COITlP lance ITlatrlx
is given by equation 1.103a
. and each ITlatrix cOITlposing A ij satisfies the same properties as .those
cOITlposing given by equations 3. 9b and 3. 9c.
The generalized. stresses are obtained just as ;the generalized
coordinates wer.e in the previous discussion. NaITlely, the transforITled
<T = Q
-i' ..2J.
are substituted into r and then the stationary condition or ::: 0
<T <T
provides :us with a Bet of N alg'ebraic equations for the IT , which is
. a
" B Q
a!3 .u
where we define
C ij( s)
1# p
. s .
(3. 42a)
cij( s)
'\' -;-;--!'fl::..:.-V
L 1+T P
(3. 42b)
The similarity between the present set of equations 3.41 and
equations 3. 14 which occur with the displaceme nt principle is evident.
However, an important difference is in the factors J:... and
the right-hand side which multiply the prescribed quantities
, ~
; it is seen that TIp cannot have a double pole 'at the origin. Thus,'
in analogy with the previous theorems I and II we can state two com-
panion theorems:
Theorem III - The singularities of Q occur only on the
non-positive real p- axis.
Theorem IV - When the retardation time s, Ts' are
constant the singularities of Qa. are
simple poles.
The time dependence of the generalized stresses is therefore
Q (t) = '\' T(r)e -t/A.
+ T
a. La. a.
(3. 43)
where T(r) an:d T are constants and the A. are positive constants .
a. a. r
Since a double pole at the origin does not occur there is no term
proportional to time.
* There is another point which should be mentioned concerning the
behavior of TIp at p = 00. It is noted from equations 3. 41 and 3.42
that if Ui'* 0 and [C ~ i J I = 0, then TIp is a non-zero constant at
p '" 00. Since this leads to an infinite (delta function) stre s s at t = 0
we shall rule this out in all of the follOwing work by as surning
Ie tij I > O. However, ' the analysis could be extended. if de sired, to
include this singular behavior.
c. Generalizations. Strictly speaking, the theorem.s in
sections 3. 2a and 3. 2b apply to a restricted class of stresses and
displacements. To reiterate. theorems I and III are rigorously valid
for only those approximate and exact solutions which can be expressed
as finite sums of terms. each of which is a simple product of a space
dependent function and a time dependent function. Except for this
restriction, they are valid for the most general s6:ess-:strain rela-
tions consistent with thermodynamics; it should be noted that the
is replaced by J,
(see first footnote in section 1. 7a) in which
can ' be used also. However, theorems II and
reg.uire, in addition to the re striction cited above, that the finite
sum I representation of the stress-strain relations be used.
the relaxation and retardation time s must be constant;
this requirement can actually be modified in that these time constants
need be, constant only over regions of a body, since the total
volume integrals in equations 3.15 and 3.42 then separate into inte-
grals each having constant values of 7s or Ps'
When the above mentioned conditions are satisfied, we showed
that the time dependence of all solutions is given by a series of de-
caying exponentials, with possibly a term proportional to time. In
"this section we shall discuss the time dependence of generalized
coordinates and stresses ,_when the restrictions are removed. The
most general behavior which is expected will be first postulated and
then the statements will be justified, to s orne extent, on physical
grounds and by showing that the correct result is obtained for special
Consider now the following postulates for stresses and dis-
p1aceme_nts in media which are subjected to loads and displacements
that are step functions of time. Exact solutions as well as approxi-
mate solutions obtained from the transformed variational principles
are applicable.
Postulate I - Thermodynamically admis sible displaceme nts
and stresses in bounded media ,can be repre-
sented by finite or uniformly convergent infinite
ser,ies as given by equations 3.5 and 3. 34,
This postulate appears to be reasonable since one expects
that a thermodynamically admissible stress or displacement field
can always be approximated arbitrarily well by a finite number of
spacial functions (Fourier series, for example), each with a time
dependent coefficie'tl.t. Also, it is exp:cted that when the body is un-
bounded. the discrete sum is replaced by an integral (e. g. Fourier
Postulate, II - ' The most gene ra1 time dependence of the
generalized coordinates is
ao - tiT I
q = S (r)e - d'T + S + S t
a a .< a a
. 0 ,
(3. 44a)
' and the generalized stresses is
Q = seo T (T)e -tiT d'T + T
a 0 ' a a
(3. 44b)
where S (T) and T (7) are spectral distri-
a a,
butions of the variable '7 which ITlayconsist .
entirely or .partly of Dirac -delta functions.
It is clear that the finit e degree of freedoITl case s considered
in sections 3. 2a and 3. 2b are obtained iITlITlediately by setting
where 6( T)
S (7) =
S(r)6(T_'{ )
u r
T (7) =
T(r) 6(T-A. )
u r
is the Dirac delta function,
6( 7) = 0, ,. if. 0
s 00 6(T)dT = 1 .
Thus, the forITls 3. 44a and 3. 44b for the generalized .variables
(3. 45a)
(3. 45b)
(3. 46) .
appear to be a natural :e.;xt e nsion of the earlier results to probleITls
for which finite SUITlS ar e r e place d by integrals and infinite SUITlS.
As additional justification of the postulate, let us exaITline
the case in which certain orthogonality pr operties exist; it will be
sufficient to consider just the stress principle. Suppose that the
spadal functions i?") in equation 3. 34 satisfy the orthogonality
. IJ . .
property (see equations 3.41 and 3.42)
6 uj3 is the Kronecker delta
6 =
1 "
o ,
9- if. j3
(3. 47a)
and the finite sum ( 2 ~ ) in Aiv is to be replaced by an infinite
integral (SOO). W i ~ h this orthogonality property the set of equations
. 0
3.41 reduces to the uncoupled set
(13 not summed) (3. 48)
The time dependence of QI3 is obtained immediately from Stieltjes
transform theory (32) (a,ssuming certain rea'E;onable convergence,
properties of the improper integrals) and it is found to be the same
/ as given by equation 3. 44b.
With the postulates appearing to be valid, we now turn to an
error analysis which makes direct use of them.
3. 3. Relation Between the Error in Approximate Viscoelastic and
Elastic Solutions
It will be assumed in the following calculations that all infinite
series and improper integrals are absolutely convergent in order to
perform the necessary operations, such as interchanging order of'
integrations. Strictly speaking, such an assumption should be verified
for each particular problem but we shall not pursue this point any
further. Use of Postulates I and II in connection with the series 3.5
and 3. 34 yields the most general time dependence of both approximate
and.exact displacements and stresses,
(3. 49a)
(3. 49b)
where, by assumption
u. = fT = 0
1 1J
for t < 0 (3.49c)
For the presentlet us omit the steady-flow term in u
' and
concern ourselves with a representative exact solution
oo ' /
-t.,. ,
ljJ == <,0 (T}e d.,. + ljJ (00)
0 e e
(3. 50a)
and approximate solution
r.OO /
-t .,.
tj; \ cp (7)e dT + ljJ (00)
a. J
a a
where ljJ, ljJ(oo), and <,0(7) are implied functions of x.
which repre-
sent the corresponding functions in u. or 0"" ; i. e. , ,J, is to be
, , 1
interpreted as either a stress or displacement in order to simplify
the notation: It will also b,e convenient to define the t;ansient com-
ponent of the solutions as
square error, ; = (L::.ljJe
L::.ljJ == ljJ - ljJ(oo). Let us now integrate the
- L::.ljJ )2, over all positive time' to find,
a , '
2 [ , J [ - 1 - 1 J
= <,0 (7) - <,0 (T) L::.ij; (-) - L::.ljJ (-) d.,.
-0 e a e 7 a ,.
(3. 51)
where L::.ljJ ( .!..) denotes the transient component transformed with
, 7
respect to the transform parameter = p,and it is assumed that
2,< 00. Now with p on the real axis, p[ ljJ(p)] (=pL::.ljJ+ljJ(oo) }
is identical with an elastic solution whose, elastic moduli or com-
pliances are numerically equal to
" A' ij
or .
Furthermore, ljJ( oo}
is elastic solution with moduli which are equal to Zij evaluated
, , fill
at p = O. Therefore, an important implication of equation 3. 51 is
- 1
if tVa(-r} is one solution out of a sequence of approxim.ate elastic
' solutions which is known to converge to the exact solution
(with respect to 'elastic constants whose values range over the values
taken by Z ij or Aij on the real interval 0,,;; F < oo), then the
lJ-v lJ-v
corresponding sequence of tim.e-dependent solutions converges (in the
m.ean) to the exact solution. An equivalent statem.ent is that the
integrated square error in the tim.e-:-dependent solution is "sm.all"
when the error on the real p axis is suffiCiently "small" for
o :;; p < 00.
The foregoing conclusion can be readily m.odified to allow for
the presence of a steady-flow term. in thedisplacem.ents, equation
3. 49a. It is only necessary to redefine tV as
(3. 52a)
and; as
L.ljJ == tV - 'tV( oo} - tV't (3. 52b)
, "
With the exception of tVa' the convergence of tV to tV is established
a, ,e
by the previous, results. However, sequence of values for
will also to the correct value if a sequence of associated
elastic solutions with com.pliances equal to c
(see equation 3. 39) '
f1 v ,
has this behavior. : This follows from. the fact that the long-tim.e
. ' ,
(p - 0) value of , tV is the sam.e as an elastic solution with com.pli-
ances (pAiv)p=o.
The 'problem. of relating error in tim.e dependence to error
. on the positive real p-axis can be approached in another way.
Erdelyi (33,34) has derived Laplace inversion formulas from which
I it is possible to expand Li.lj;(t) in an infinite series of orthogonal
. .
functions, whos.e coefficients contain Li.ljj(p) 'evaluated at a discrete
number of positive, real values of p. The only assumption needed
is 'that Li.lJ;(t) be quadratically inte grable, i. e.
S; [Li.lJ;(t)) 2 dt < ro
(3. 53)
which is satisfied by.6.lJ; and Li.lJ; if the . integral$in equations 3.50
e a
are absolutely convergent. These inversion formulas. . lead to the same
conclusion deduced from equation 3.51; namely, a "small" error on
the positive real p-axis implies a "small" integrated square error in
It is clear that the error estimate, equation 3.51, cannot
actually b,e used in practice since it ,requires knowledge of an exact
solution. Rather, it only indicates that a close approxi-
mation to an associated elastic solution leads to a good approximate
viscoelastic solution. It is felt that a stronger statement of what
is meant'by " sufficiently close" must cOD;le from a study of numerical
examples. nlustrations along these lines will be discussed in Part IV.
4. 1. Intr oduction
Som.e num.erical exam.ple s are given in this Part which illustrate
the use of variational m.ethods in obtaining approxim.ate viscoelastic
solutions. It has already been m.entioned in Part II how a transform.ed
viscoelastic solution can be easily derived from. an associated elastic
problem. by applying the correspondence rule. However; as the re-
suIting transform. is often very difficult to invert, particularly when
realistic m.aterial properties are used, we shall first proceed to
develop two m.ethods of approxim.ate inversion, each of which can
often be used as a check on the other, followed by specific illustrations
of the variational process.
The first one considered in section 4. 2 is a m.odification of
Alfrey's rule (9), and the second one is a collocation m.ethod which
is based on the characteristic tim.e dependence deduced in Part III.
Withboth techniques it is necessary to know only an associated elastic
solution num.erically for certain ranges of elastic constants and nu-
m.erical values of the operational properties (e. g. m.oduli) for real,
positive v alues of p. It will be seen that a tim.e depende nt solution
can be calculated with very little effort once these num.erical quantitie s
have been determ.ined. Exam.ples in which the results of these approxi-
m.ate inversion m.ethods are com.pared to exact inversions are pre-
sented in an expanded version elsewhere (35).
In addition to the usefulness of the first ; method for inversion,
for those problems in which it is applicable, it also shows that if the
associated elastic solution is approximate, the "quality" of the visco-
elastic response is essentially the same as that of the elastic problem.
Section 4. 3 gives two numerical examples using transformed
variational principles. In the fir st we derive the approximate trans-
forme d displacementsin a thin plate with mixed boundary conditions.
The transform is deduced using an elastic solution obtained from
the potential energy principle. This example serves two purposes.
For one, the transform, though a very eomplicated function of an
operational Pois son's ratio, is easily i:riverted to illustrate the sim-
plicity of the approximate methods given in section 4. 2. Secondly,
the type and location of all singularities of the transformed solution
are examined. The findings are not used to calculate the exact in-
version (of the approximate transform) numerically, but to show that
the analytical form of time dependence agrees wi,th that predicted from
Postulates I and II in Part III.
As the next example, we use the compleme ntary energy prin-
ciple to calculate approximate stresses in a long, symmetrically
loaded cylinder. Two different app:roximate solutions are obtained
and both the elastic and viscoe lastic' responses are compared with
the exact stresses. This comparison serves to illustrate the relation
between elastic and viscoelastic errors which was discussed in Part III.
To conclude our discussion on numerical applications of vari-
ational principles, it is suggested in section 4.4 how convolution
principles can be em.ployed when it is not convenient or possible to
use the Laplace transform. m.ethod. This latter situation arise s when
assum.ed solutions are nonlinear functions of generalized coordinates
and is illustrated by a one-dim.ensional heat conduction problem..
4.2. Approxim.ate Methods of Laplace Transform. Inversion
a. Direct m.ethod. Of the two inver sion technique s to be dis-
cussed, the sim.plest one is calle d the "direct m.ethod" . It will be
shown to yield good results when the derivative of the tim.e de pendent
solution with respect to logarithm.ic tim.e, log t, is a slowly varying
function of log t. A m.odification of this m.ethod is also suggested in
order to handle functions for which the derivative of their. logarithm.
has this slowly varying property.
'The problem. which we pose is to find an approxim.ate repre-
sentation' of a viscoe lastic response, ljJ(t), from. the integral equation
. tjJ(p).= S: ljJ(t)e -ptdt (4.1)
where ljJ(p) is the Laplace eransform. of ljJ(t) and is known at least
num.e rically for all real, non-negative values of the transform.
param.eter, p. Let us represent pljJ(p) as a function of log p and
/\ -
f( u) == pljJ(p) u == log p (4. 2)
f(v) == ljJ(t) v == log t (4. 3)
w=u-tv (4.4)
which renders 4.1 in the form.
1\ roo W _lOW
f{u) = In 10 \ f{w-u)lO e dw
(4. 5)
where In =: loge and log =: 10glO
The weighting function, 10 we -10
, ~
is drawn in figure 4. 1
which shows that it is practically a delta function if f{v) changes
slowly enough. This behavior im.plies that an approxim.ation to f{v)
A . . w _lOW
can be obtained directly in term.s of f{u) by replacing (In 10)10 e .
with. 6{ w -:: w 0)' i. e. a Dirac delta function located at the point
which will yield an approxim.ate inversion form.ula
(4. 6)
The point Wo is som.ewhat arbitrary in view of the spread of the
weighting function, which is about two decades. However we shall
now calculate the "best" value to use when f is closely approxi-
m.ated by a straight line in the two-decade interval, Iw-w I'<l.
To do so, we first expand f(v) in a Taylor series about the point
v 0 (=: Wo - u)
, . 1 . 2
f(v) = f{v 0) t f (vo)(v-v 0) t 2" f"{v o)(v-v 0) t ...
(4. 7)
where denote differentiation with respect to v. Substitution
of this expression into 4 . 5 yields
./'. , S 00 lOW
f{u) :::. f{v ) t (In 10)f (v) (w-w )lOw e - dw
o D 0
(4. 8)
, ~
All figures for part IV follow the text.
*>!< !
It should be recalled that a delta function is defined such that
) ::: 0 if w*w
; SOO 6{w-w
)dw = 1
where only the constant and linear t e r m in 4. 7 have been retained.
It is seen that the approxim.ate inversion form.ula 4 . 6 is obtained if
the integral in 4. 8 vanishes. This condition locates w at the
centroid of the area under the curve lOwe-lO , which is
w = SOO(lOg t)e -t
Z ;n
o 0
where C is Euler's constant
oo ' -t
C "". - 0 (In t)e dt
(4. 9a)
(4. 9b)
When this value for w is substituted into 4. 6 and the re-
, 0
sulting expres sion is written in term.s ' of the original functions tj;(t)
* aI:'.d ptj;(p) by using 4. 2 and 4. 3, we find
tj;(t).!::! [p.p(p) 1 -c
p= e /t
(4. lOa)
where e .::: O. 56. Due to the ske wed form of the weighting function
it has been found thfl,t a somewhat better formula is
.p(t)::::. [p.p(p) 1
p = O. 5/t
(4. lOb)
It is important to recognize that 4. 10 was derive d using an
about the exact inve rsion .p(t), rather than p.p(p). Since
i n practice this solution will not be known, one m.ust assume that if
* .
The fact that the weighting function is essentially ze ro except for a
two decade interval suggests that this inversion will be good at thos e
times in which the solution (as a function of log t) is linear, or nearly
.linear, for at least two' decades. If there is a strong curvature, but
it is somewhat rem.oved from this linear region., this curvature
should not pr oduce a significant error in th,e linear porti.on.
, -137-
d?(pljJ(p) )/ d(log p)2 is small for p ~ 0 then ljJ{t) behaves similarly.
In the event that log pljJ(p) is essentially linear for several
decades of p when plotted against log p, so that ' pljJ(p).::: Apm, it
can be easily verified for m < I that an approximate inversion for-
mula is
ljJ( t) (4. 11)
OO -m -x'
x ' e dx
While thi s further approximation is valid for many practical situations,
it shouldbe recognized that the approximation is poor when m is
close to + 1.
Finally, we should remark that there does not' appear to be
an easy method of qua.ntitatively estimating the error involved in this
direct method. However, there are some qualitative techniques
which can be used. As one, the approximate solution could be
transformed numerically or analytically, and then compared to the
original transform for p ~ O. If the approximate solution is physically
acceptable, and its transform is relatively "close" to the original one,
it is reasonable. to assume that the error in time dependence is small.
Another check 'on the direct method can be made by comparing the in-
version to the result. of the method which will be discussed next.
b. Collocation method. We would now like to discuss a second
technique which is not as simple as the direct method, but it has other
advantages. For one, it is not restricted to functions whose derivative
is slowly varying with respect to logarithmic time. In addition, the
time dependence is given by a simple series of exponentials which
can be used readily in the Duhamel integral for the calculation of
responses to prescribed loads and displacements that are not step
functions. Thirdly, the accuracy of the inversion can be improved
by adding more terms to the series.
In Chapter III it was argued that with prescribed quantities
as step functions of time, the transient component of both exact and
approximate solutions obtained from minimum principles can be
expressed in terms of an integral
OO -tiT
.6tj; ::; <p( T)e d T
o .
(4. 12)
Assuming that this integral is absolutely convergent, a Dirichlet series
(4. 13)

can be used as an approximation to the solution '.6tj;(t). The present
method makes use of this series for which the 'Y. are prescribed posi-
. 1
tive constants, -and the S. are unspecified coefficients to be , calculated
by minimizing the total square error between .6tj; and .6tj; .
The total square error is
* Actually, a neces sary and sufficient condition on .6tj;(t), in order that
it can be expanded in a Dirichlet series, is that it be quadratically
integrable i. e .
. (.6tj;)2dt< 00
which is less restrictive than requiring that it be given by the absolutely
convergent integral 4. 12.
(4. 14)
with the minimization yielding
i =- 1. 2, ... , n (4. 15a)
so that n relations are obtained between the Laplace transforms of
.6ljiD(l/y.) = .6lji(l/v.); i:::: 1.2, ... ,n
1 1
A more convenient form is obtained by multiplying these by Y

which yields
"fp.6ljiD (p)] / = [p.6lji(p) ] ; i = I, 2, ... ,n
p=l y. p=-l/y.
1 1
or explicitly
_J_ =
[p.6lji(p) ] ; i = I, 2, ... , n
These equations are suffiCient for calculating the coefficients S. and
. . . J
hence dependence of the transient component .6lji(t). To obtain the
total solution, equation 3. 52.a, the constants lji' and lji(co) are
evaluated exactly by examining the behavior of pljJ(p) and p2 , ljJ(p) as
p tends to zero.
Thus, we see that the total square error is minimized by col-
locating the p-multiplied transform of the Dirichlet serie s 4.13 and
an as sociated elastic solution, p.6ljJ(p), at n points
p = l/y ..
this elastic solution given nUITlerically or graphically for 0 <: P < 00,
suitable values of y. can be prescribed siITlply by inspection.
. 1 .
With regard to the er r or involved in this approximate ITlethod, .
it is of interest to calculate the total square error, E2, by using 4.14;
( 4.17)
which becoITles
2 seo . [1 1 } In [- 1 1 ~
E = <peT) 6.ljJ( -) - 6.ljJD( -) dT - S. 6.lj;(:-=-1 - 6.ljJD(- .. )
o . T '( 1 y. y .
. i=l 1 . 1
It is iITlportant to recognize that the sUITlITlation in 4.18 does not neces-
sarily vanish unless exact values of 6.lii(J....) ' are collocated with
_ 1 _ 1 1
6.lj;D(-). Since, in practice, 6.lj;(-) can be evaluated only within
Yi . Yi
certain numerical accuracy , this sUITlITlation is generally not z e ro.
Consequently, if an approxiITlate inversion has been obtained with n
terITls, and itis desired to reduce the square error by using additional
terITls, it will be necessary in SOITle cases to evaluate the transforITls
6.lii{J....) and 6.ljJn(J....) with increased accuracy. When the transforms
Yi Yi .
are calculated with enough numerical accuracy, equation 4.18 shows
that if they are Il sufficiently close
for OS p < eo, the total square
error of the approximate tiITle dependence is IisITlall. n
* .
Of course, it is possible to deterITline the paraITleters Yi by minimiz-
ing the square error 4.14 with respect to each one. However, this
procedure leads to a nonlinear set of equations in which the slopes of
6.liiD and 6.lii are collo<;:ated at the (initially) unk nown points l/Yi.
Thus, it g enerally will be desirable to choose enough values of Yi s o
that the slope condition is (closely) satisfied using only equation 4.16.

4.3. Numerical Applications of the Transformed Variational Principles
a. Displacement principle-Kantorovich method. We shall now
solve, approximately, a two-dimensional mixed boundary-value prob-
lem. The method of Kantorovich (13) will be used in conjunction with
the potential energy principle to first calculate approximate elastic
displacements u and v. The elastic constants will then be replaced
by the appropriate viscoelastic operators and the boundary pressure
by a transformed pressure. On the basis of the correspondence rule
this procedure yields the approximate, transformed viscoelastic solu-
tion. The inversion of this solution will be accomplished by using the
approximate methods in section 4.2.
Consider now the thin plate shown in figure 4.2, which is loaded
by a uniform tensile stress, . (T , on the edges x = + a, and clamped
o -
along the edges y = ..:!: b. It is assumed to be in plane stress and com-
. posed of homogeneous, isotropic, material.
a) Elastic solution: The elastic potential energy V E' is
WdB - (' T.u.dA
J A 1 1-
where W is the strain energy density, and all other symbols have been
defined in earlier The stationary condition, 6V E= 0, is used
to determine approximate displacements which are taken in the form
. . 2
u = b(l - " )f(p)
.v = b(l -" )"g(p)
where we define the dimensionless variables
" ;: Y..
p = x
(4. 20a)
(4. 20b)
-142 -
It is seen that u and v bot h s.a tis fy the displacement boundary con-
ditions (as requir e d by the variational principle) and have physically
r easonable depende nce on y . f(p) and g(p) are unspecifi e d functions
which are calculate d from the Eul e r equations and natural boundary
conditions of OV E::; O. The s e equations for f and g coul d b e ob-
tained by substituting equations 4.20 directly into equation 4.19 and the n
taking the variation. Howeve r, the s ame set results from the simpler
procedure of substituting them into the general stationary condition (13)
::; -S {(T )ou.dB + S T .. n.-
B 1J, J 1 A . 1J J
T.)ou. dA
1 1
(4. 21)
in which the stresses are to be expressed iIi terms of the displacement
by using the stress-strain e quations,
(T ::; l2p.2
0 .. 1..9-'+ 2p.e ..
1J - V 1J 1J
For the problem at hand, the variations ou. are,
ou ::; bel - "l ) of
2 '
ov::; bel - "l )nog
the equilibrium equations, (J . . 'J
(4. 22)
(4. 23)
(4. 24)
where A. is the aspect ratio, A. == -S' and the applied surface force,
is T ::; (T
x 0
Substitution of equations 4.23 and 4.24 into the
stationary condition 4.21, and noting that of and og are arbitrary,
yields the Euler equatiop.s
a(T aT 2 "
( at + A. a"lx
) (1 - "l ) d"l. ::; 0
(4. 2 5 ~ )
(4. 25b)
and natural boundary conditions
11 2
(0- I - 0- ) (1 - 'l1 )d'l1 = 0
o x p=l 0
(4. 26a)
l 3
'r I. ('l1-'l1 )d'l1 = 0
o xy p=l
(4. 26b)
By expressing the stresses in terrns of displacements, u and v,
and performing the indicated integrations, we obtain two differential
equations corresponding to equations 4.25
(_8_)f" _ ~ (1 - v)f + _2_(1 +V)gl = 0 (4. 27a)
15,,23 15"
(i-v) 4 ,,4 2 (1 + v)f' = 0 (4. 27b)
,,2 IQ5'"g - sg-BI"' -
where primes denote differentiation with respect to p, and th.e boundary
conditions at p = 1,
f _ 3 - 34v+3v
,,(l-v) (4. 28a)
f" + S(l-v) fiv = 0
(l+V) .
It is also required, on the basis of the symmetry in this problem, that
f is an odd function of p while g is even.
The solution of these equations leads to the displacements,
(4. 29)
0" b

42{1 +v)
ljJ ::: l7l-34v+3v
and the involved dependence upon the ratio is. especially to be
noted. As a typical result, u/(O" b/fJ.) is plotted in figure 4.3 against
v fo r O. 3 :5 v :5 O. 5 and T]::: 0, p ::: 1, A.::: 1.
13) Viscoelastic solution: To illustrate calculation of
the viscoelastic solution, it is sufficient to consider just the u-dis-
placeITlent with T]::: 0, P = 1, A.::: 1. The transforITled response is
found iITlITlediately by the correspondence rule. With the stress
as a step function of time, its transforITl is
u(p) ::: 0" b J(p) (p)
o p
0" /p and we have
where it is convenient to introduce the operational shear
J(p) = l/iJ,{p), and the function '(i(p), which depends on
p through only Poisson1s ratio according to equation 4.29, viz.,
(4. 33)
in which we have set A;::: P = 1, T) = O.
Since u is numerically equal to the elastic displacem.ent shown
in figure 4.3, for engineering purposes it could be taken as a constant
and evaluated as som.e average value of Poisson's ratio. Then, recog-
nizing that J{p)/p is the transform. of the creep com.pliance in shear,
J (t), which can be m.easured experim.entally, the displacem.ent would
be sim.ply
u{t) .::::. (J buJ (t)
o c
Furtherm.ore, for typical polym.ers, J {oo)/J (0);;:' 1000 so that in
c c
this case the error due to taking ~ as a constant would be very sm.all
relative to the total variation of u{t).
However, since one of our objectives is to illustrate the sim.-
plicity of the approxim.ate inversion m.ethods by inverting a transform.
which is a very involved function of m.aterial properties, we shall con-
sider here the p-dependence of u. In order not to m.ask this dependence
by the large variation of J{p), 'G: will be inverted separately. Also,
it will 'be sufficient for our purposes to calculate just the tim.e dependence
A ,
due to the variation of u because the total solution can always be ob-
tained by using 'the inversion rule for transform. products, which pro-
vides the result
(J b
where we have defined
Ii)p) =
dJ (T)
c u (t-7") dT'
dT v
( 4 ~ 3 5 b )
which is the function that will be the approximate methods.
These methods require that v(p) be calculated for 0::5 P < roo
We shall assume that the bulk modulus is constant and evaluate v(p)
from the well_known relation for isotropic bodies (13)
= 3K- 2f1.(p) . =
2(3K +J.L(p) }
3KJ(p) -2
2{3KJ{p} +1}
(4. 36)
in which J(p) is to be calculated from exper.imental shear data obtained
on glass':filled polyisobutylene unde r constant frequency sinusoidal
,r loading (36) .! Such a test provides the frequency dependence of the so-
called complex shear complianc e , which is equal to the r atio of the
Fourier transformed strain to. the t'ransformed stress. The real part
of the complex compliance, J'(w), is plotted in figure 4.4.
One possible way of determining the operational compliance,'
J(p), is to express J(p) as an integral of J'(w). The integral is derived
by first writing the ' creep compliance as a Fourier sine transform of
J (w) (32) and then taking the p-multiplied Laplace transform of the
creep compliance. Omitting the details of this calculation we find
Real p :> 0 (4. 37)
where J G == J (ro), which was numerically integrated for p real and
, ~
positive, and the result is shown in figure 4.4. It should be noted that
this integration is quite laborious because
J (w)' varies over many
decade s of frequency. In fact, it was found that an alternate model-
* . .
The similarity betweej:l the curves occurs b ecause the integrand in
equation 4 . '37, when expressed in terms of log w, contains a weighting
function which is similar to the one in the Laplace transform, figure
fitting scheme (37) provided the same results with much less effort.
Substitution of J(p) from figure 4.4 into equa tion 4.36 yields the
operational Poisson1s ratio which is shown in figure 4.5, with K
chosen such that v(p =:: co) =:: 0.3.
The transformed displacement puv(p) is now readily obtained
for p real and positive by combining the curves in figures 4.3 and 4 . 5
and recognizing the fact that
(4. 38)
The direct method of inversion yields immediately
whose transient component, I::.u
== u
- uv(co), is plotted in figure 4.6.
An alternate approximation will now be calculated by the col-
location method. An approximate solution is assumed in the form
u (t) =::
where, by definition
S ::::
S.e 1
S.e 1
(4.40 )
The coefficients, S., are calculated from the system of equations
4.l6b, with pI::. U
rep+acing pI::.ljj(p).
Examination of pI::. U
in figure 4.6 indicates that a five-term series (n::::5) will provide a
good approximation with
y . = 1O-(4+i)
1=1.2 . 5
Substitution of thes e time consta nt s a nd val ues for r pt; U
into 4.l6b yields the following system of equations:
1. 001
1. 01
1. 001
(4. 41)
p=l/y .
-+0. 20
+lg 20
Because of the relative magnitude of the mat rix elements, this system
can be easily solved by iteration to yield the time dependence
. 5 6 7
t;u ::: +10-
. t+i.24e-

-10 t
8 9 '

-10 tJ
::: U (t) -0.285
(4.43 )
which is plotted in figure 4. 6. It was found by adding two additional
terms to the series 4.40, with.
. -8.5 . -9.5
y ::: 10 and 10 ,only the short
time behavior of Llu
was affected slightly as shown in the same figure.
. D
In view of this, as well as the reasonably good agreement with the
direct method, it can be assurned:that the Dirichlet series 4.43 repr e -
sents a good to the exact inversion.
y) Behavior of the transformed Let us
now determine the form of time dependence of the u-displaceme nt
by examining the singularities of its transform, and thereby determine
whether or not it agrees with the behavior 3.50 deduced from Postulates
I and II. In order to simplify the analysis, we shall consider the semi-
infinite plate shown in figure 4.7.
For this geometry, the transformed displacement is found
from equation 4.29 and written as
u/rr b == J(p) ~ ( p )
o P
with 'J.{p) given by
where we have defined
and all a., (i == 1, ,4) are given in equation 4. 31.
First, the singularities of u{p) which are seen to depend on p
only through Poisson1s ratio,will be' found. The square roots appear-
ing in 0.
and 0.
give branch points at
v == -13. 9 ~ -2.13, 36.3, 2.33, 1, + 00
(4.47 )
" Also, after a considerable amount of algebra, it is found that u{v)
diverges only at the values
v == 2.33, ' -2.76, -1
o '
(4. 48)
which are simple poles in the v -plane.
-150 -
All of these singularities will now be shown to lie on the negat ive
real axis in the p-plane by using the relation 4.36 and analytical repre-
sentations of K(p) and f.L(p) as derived from thermodyna mics. Sub-
stitution of equations 1.108 and 1.112 into equation 4.36 yi e lds
(s') ( s')
3K (1-2
)- 2j-l (l+v) + 3K'(1-2V)-
(p + -)
P s
2j-l (l+v) = 0 (4.49)
where p , can be a positive real number or infinite and all coefiicien ts
. s
K(s), f.L (s'), Ki and j-l' are positive. This equation must hold for all
values of v, and in particular the real values given by equations 4.47
and 4.48. Setting p = r + is and equating the imaginary component of
4.49 to zero gives the restriction on s,
(4. 50)
11 ' l ' f < 1 d 1. . 1 h
Ince a slngu ar pOInts occur or v,_ - an V> '2 It IS C ear t at
s must vanish at these points. Also, by setting the real part of 4.49
to zero we find that r must be negative at the singularities of u(p).
" Thus, all poles and branch points of u(p) occur on the negative real
In order to determine the behavior of u(p) in the nej.ghborhood
of each singularity (except v = .::: co) we calculate dv /dp f r o ~ equation
. "r' ".
4.49 to find
dv 1
dp '2
3K(s') + j-l(s) r ,
---1;-'-- + 3 K + f.L
(p +-)
(4. 51)
which does not vanish at any of the values, v , ln equations 4.47 and
4.48. Thus, in the neighborhood of each of these values (except
v = ':::co)
) () d
V = V P - P + higher or er terrns
o dp v 0
(4. 52)
so that at each v the behavior of ';i wi th respect to p is the same
as with respect to v; hence, all poles of u(p} are simple, and the
character of the branch points of is the same as for
As indicated in equation 4.47, it is found that u has branch
points at v = + 00; furthermore, it can be that
A 1
as v.,..... + co
(4. 53)
To examine this in the p-plane, we solve equation 4.49 for v, which
3K(s') _ 21: (s)
+ 3K - 2fl
P +-
P s'
3K(s') + fl (s')
(4. 54)
I 1

+ 3K + fl
It is seeri that the poles of v(p) occur only when the denominator
vanishes, and that these are simple poles since the derivative of the
denominator does not vanish in the finite p-plane. Thus, at each of
the singularities of v, ps say,
as p - Ps
(4. 55)
In order to complete the examination of u, equation 4.44, we
have only to determine whether or not the poles of J(p) fall on the
-152 -
poles of u(p). T h e form of J(p) is obtained from equation 1.103b,
J(p) = L
(4. 56)
where J(s), J, and 7 are non-negative. We shall also make use of
the inverse of the bulk modulus.
. -1
B(p) = K(p) ,as given by equation
1. 113 b,
. 1 \'
B (p) == KfPI::; ~
(s) .
+ B
l+7p P
(4. 57)
where B ( s) and B are non-negative. Substitution of equations 4.56
and 4.57 into Poisson's ratio, equation 4.36, yields
3J - 2B
2(3J + B)
3J(s) _ 2B(s)
+ 3J
- 2B
!-J 1 + 7 P
(4. 58)
3J(s) + B(s)
+ 3J ; B]
1 + 7 P
Now if p::; - 1/7 , which is a pole of J(p) if J(r)* 0, then Poissonis
ratio must satisfy
Here, at each pole of J(p), Poissonis ratio is restricted to the interval
-1 < v::S: ~ . which is free of the singularities of 4 (p).
To summarize, it has been shown that all singularities of u(p)
are on the non - negative ,real p - axis and that all poles are simple ex-
cept at the origin where a double pole occurs if J in equation 4. 56
does not vanish. With this information, the time dependence can
-153 -
be calculated by :means of the Bro:mwich- Wagner Inversion Integral (38)
given by
u{t) = -Zl . r eptu{p)dp
TTl .) BR
= ~ e
u{p) dp
where 6> O. Since it is clear fro:m the above exa:mination that u{p)
behaves like lip or I/pZ as p - 00, the Bro:mwich contour, indi-
cated by BRI in the inversion integral, can be defor:med to the contour,
' shown in figure 4.8 (38). Writing the integral 4.60 along BR
leads to the ti:me dependent solution u(t);
-tu 1 I
oo L -U. t
u(t) = 0 e S{u)du + . Si e + S t
(4. 61)
where this integral results fro:m branch cuts along the negative real
axis and the series represents contributions fro:m the poles. Further-
:more, it can be shown that the -integral is absolutely convergent for
O:::S t < 00. Thus, the ti:medependence of u(t) is in agree:ment with
the general behavior predicted by Postulates I and II.
b. Stress principle - Ritz :method. As another illustration of
the correspondence rule, we shall apply the Ritz :method, in conj unction
with the co:mple:mentary energy principle, to co:mpute two approxi:mate
stress distributions in an elasti c cylinder and then use the results to
obtain viscoelastic stresses. In a ddition, the approxi:mations will be
co:mpared to the exact solution.
u} Elastic solution: Consider an isotropic, h omogeneous,
cylinder in plane strain with the o uter boundary rigidly supported and
the inner boundary loaded by a pressure, Pi' applied stepwis e at
t = 0, as shown in figure 4.9. The exact elastic stresses are easily
found to be
radial: cr
= - Pi
_ b 2 )
re e
(4. 62a)
tangential: p . + A (A
2 b
= +2
1 e
(4. 62b}
A =
1 - 2v
+ A
(1 - 20
u e
and the shear stress, .,. re' is identically zero because of symmetry.
The approximate stresses are not required to satisfy com-
patibility, but they must fulfill the equilibrium condition,
dcr r cr r - cr e
dr + r =
and the stress boundary condition, . cr =
stres se s satisfying thes e conditions are:
cr " =
Pi at r = a .
(4. 63)
Two sets of
(4. 64a)
(4. 64b}
(4. 65a}
(4. 65b)
with.,. re = in both sets. The coefficients,"a and (3, are determined"
-155 -
~ : (
. by m inimi z ing the c omple menta.ry e nergy V with respect to each
one. For a c y linder in plane strain, the compl e mentary e n e r gy is
,', Sb
V' = . W(21Tr)
2 Sb
= 21T(1 - v} { ~ ( 2 + 2)
E 2 O'r 0'8
w.her e W is the strain energy d e nsity.
* Substitution of stres s e s 4.64 into V , carrying out the int egration,
and minimizing, i. e.
, ~
au = 0
( 1-2v }ex. - I) p .
I -v 1
0.= (4, 67a)
- -L.+ ( ~ - _v_}x.
_(1-2v }(2X.-l)
L. ' I-V I-v
4X. . .
Similarly, for approximation 4.65
(4. 67b}
Substituting these expressions for a. and f3 into the r e spe ctiv e stresses,
we obtain the elastic stresses which are, along with the exact solu tion,
shown in figure 4.10 for v = 0.45 an:d X. = 2.
f3} Viscoelastic solution: We turn now to calculation of
the vi s coelastic stresses. On the basis of the corresponde nce rul e ,
the time dependent stresses are obtained by Ireplacing Poi s son's ratio ,
stresses,and internal pressure in equations 4.64, 4.65, and 4.67 by
transformed quantiti e s and the n inve rting.
For specification of an operational Poisson's ratio, a constant
bulk rn.odulus, K, is assurn.ed along with an operational shear rn.odu-
Ius given by
:: --1
p+ T
(4. 68)
which corresponds to a Maxwell rn.odel. Substituting K and fJ.(p)
into equation 4.36, Poisson's ratio
2v(p) ::
(3 - T )rp + 3
(3 + ~ ) rp + 3
where we . shall take J.l. /K:: 0.6 in order that v (p :: (0) :: 0.25. The
rn. . .
pres sure is taken to be a step function, of rn.agnitude p., applied at
t :: 0 so that p. appearing in the elastic solutions is to be replaced
by p./p. Making these substitutions for v and p. and then inverting
11 '
yields the approxirn.ate tirn.e-dependent stresses:
0" /p.:: -1 + 0.416(2'::' _ lie -0.325 t/T
ru 1 . b
(4. 70a)
0" /p. :: -1 + 0.416(4 {- _ lie -0. 325t/T
Su 1 . 0
0" /p.:: -1. + 0.980(1 _ .!. .!:)e -0. 284t,lr
r(3 1 2 r '
:: -1 + 0 980 -0. 284t/r
O"e(3Pi . e
(4. 7lb)
Furtherrn.ore, it is easy to verify that the exact stresses are given by
2 .
, / :: _ 1 + 0.167(4 _ b
)'e -0. 278t/r ,
0" re Pi
O"s /p.:: -1 + 0.167(4 + ~ )e-0.278t/r
e 1 2
All of these stresses are plotted in figure 4.11 for r/b:: 0.7.
It is seen the equati.ons that the time dependence is in c.omplete
agreement with P.ostulates I aud II. " Furtherm.ore, " the graph sh.ows that
the quality .of appr.oximati.on (13) is better than that of (a) for bath the
visc.oelastic and elastic solutions, which is nat unexpected in view of
the remarks made in section 3.3.
4.4. Numerical Applicati ons .of C.onv.oluti.on Var iati.ona l Principles
The e.ase with which appr.oximate visc.oelastic s.oluti.ons were
calculated in the previous two secti.ons suggests that for mast linear
pr.oblems it is not essential to use ,the conv.olution principles. H.ow-
ever, we shall now discuss two classes .of proble"ms far which it may
be either mare convenient .or else necessary to use them instead of
the transf.ormed principles and related approximate (or: exact) inver:"
sian meth.ods.
a. C.omments on the dynamic ,Problem. " In wave pr.opagati.on
and vibrati.on problems the time dependence .of a resp.onse may be a

rapidly changing and .oscillating function of l.ogarithmic time. In
direct method is not expected t.o yield goad results.
The c.ollocation meth.od can still be used, in principle, if the transient
resp.onse is quadratic;ally integrable. H.owever, many exp.onential
terms may be needed t.o obtain a satisfact.ory solution, which will
require an extremel y accurate evaluation .of the transf.orms
(see equati.on 4.l8). Thus, while the appr.oximate transf.orm may be
'This behavi.oris actually mare .of an excepti.on than a rule far vis c.o-
elastic wave propagati,on probl e ms. In fact Arenz (39) is currently
applying the direct and c.ollocati.on meth.ods to .one- and tw.o -dimen-
si.onal pr.oblems with success.
-158 -
relatively easy to obtain, inversion may be impractical to perform.
In viewof this possible complication, a simpler procedure
might be to assume approximate solutions which consist of prescribed
functions of time along with some arbitrary parameters. These
parameters could be calculated from the condition that the appropriate
convolution functional be stationary.
Let us briefly illustrate this with the displacement principle,
equation 2.111. With temperature neglected for simplicity, but with
kinetic energy included (s ee equation 2.14) we have
1 stlS {[o fJ.v ',l
I = 2." Z .. e e .. (tl-or) + p
u . 0 B lJ fJ.v lJr
tl S j'tlS
- F.(7)U.(t
-T)dBdT - T.(T)U.(tl-T)dA
1 OA 1 1
. T.
(4. 73)
where tl is written for the upper limit on the time integral to em-
phasize the fact that we must restrict ourselves to a definite interval
of time; 0 S; . t S; in the approximate method. As s urne displace-
ments represented by the series
(a. )
u. = C f. (x., t)+ U. (4.74)
lo.l . l 1
in which are functions of x. and t that vanish on A ,
l 1 U
the U
are prescribed boundary displacements, and the Co. are
arbitrary constants which are to be determined from the stationary
iiI = 0
(4. 75)
for all arbitrary variations 5C. By carrying out the inte grations in
equation 4. 73 and the variations, a system of linear algebraic equa-
tions is obtained f or determination of the constants Ca' It can be
shown that the matrix of coefficients which multiply C is symmetric;
this is a consequence of the symmetry of Z f l ~ and the property of
the convolution integral that
(4. 76)
where 0 is an operator ( e . g. an element of zJ:1.
). and f and g
are time dependent functions. It is important to reiterate that I
is made stationary for jus t the interval 0 ~ t ~ t
, and hence the r e -
sulting solution will not be valid for times larger than " t

b. Beat conduction example. There is another class of problems
in which the transformed prin"ciples (or correspondence rule) cannot be
used. Namely, that class for which the assumed solution is a non-
linear function of the unspecified generalized coordinates. This
application will be illustrated with a one-dimensional heat conduction
Gonsider the isotropic, homogeneous, semi-infinite solid
shown in figure 4.12. At t = 0, the face x = is suddenly brought to
a constant temperature 8 It is "assumed "that the temperature, 8,
is zero for t < 0.
For comparison purposes, let us first give the exact solution
which is derived by solving the heat conduction equation
-160 -
8 =' 0 for t < 0, x=:: 0
8 = 8 for x = 0, t > 0
8 - 0 as x - C X l ~ t > 0
(4. 77)
where C is the specific heat per unit volume and K is the heat con-
duction cQefiicient. The solution is well-known and is given by
For the approximate solution a simple form is assumed which
satisfies the temperature boundary conditions at x = 0 ' and x = 00:
, a.
e (4. 79)
where q(t) is a generalized , coordinate that is , to be determined by
using the variational principle, equation 2.55. For the particular
case considered here, the variational principle is '
(4. 80a)
which is' equivalent ' to
tlSOO (c 88(T) - K 8
(T)) 68(t -'r)dx dT = 0
o 0 8T 8 xz. 1
Substitution of the temperature 4.79 and the variation,
, 8 x
o -x/q
= -- e 6q
(4. 81)
into equation 4. 80b arid r e cognizing that 6q is arbitrary yields
O:> [dq(T) 2 K ] -x + _ 0
o ---;:r.r-x -ex e -
(4. 82)
Performing the integration over x the E'uler equation for q('O
is obtained, thus
2C dq(T) _ 1 + 1
K dT - q(T) q('-'-t---T-'-)-
in which tl is to be treated as a constant parameter.
by first noting that it can also be written as
Taking the ratio of 4.83 and 4.84 we find
- T) = dq(T)
which integrates to
(4. 8 3)
This is solved
(4. 84)
When this is substituted into the differential equation 4.83 and the
result integrated we find
-"2 ( 2 A) K
q l-"3
. = C
(4. 86a)
in which the non-dimens ional variables are defined,
. It is interesting to observe that the weighting function,
I + 1 )
-x q{T) q{tl -T}
is a symmetric function with respect to the point T = tl/2 as the time
variable T range S ove r the inte rval O;S; T ;s; t

,,_ q(T)
q = Ci\t,)
" T
T ::
/' /' /\
(4. 86b)
so that O::S: T ::s: 1. Setting 7:: q :: 1 in equation 4.86 yields the value
(4. 87)
Using this value for q(t
) in equation 4. 86a provides an expression
directly relating q
and 7,
which is plotted in figure 4.13. The values for q can now be used .in
the solution if the temperature 4 . 79 is written as
9 a ; e -X!ci'(T)
(4. 89a)
(4. 89b)
This approximate solution is plotted in figure 4.14 along with the exact
temperature, which, in terms of the variables ;; and r is
(4. 90)
It is of interest to compare the approximate temperature given
above with one calculated using 09(7) as a weighting function in equa-
tion 4. 80b in place of 09(t
-7). Such a procedure is analogous to the
way in which a spacial weighting function is employed in Gale rkin IS
-163 -
method (13). Usi ng e quation 4.79 and 58(7) in equation 4. 8 0b we find
oo (d 2 K) -2
- -x e qdx=O
o d7 C
which yields the differential equation
This is easily solved to find'
q =
so that the approximate temperature is

-1. 225
which is also shown in figure 4.14.
(4. 91)
(4. 92)
(4.93 )
It is observed that for T <: 0.8, 8
is clo se r than e {3 to the
exact solution, except at small values of x. Because of this,
appears to be the best approximation in the sense that
(8 -6 )2cJ.idT < r
(6{3_ 6 )2dX d9
a. e JOJ
(4. 95)
It should be added, in this regard, that the stationary condition on the
convolution functional, equation 4.80, minimizes the transfo rm, T 8'
with respect to. q . for p real and positive . . In contrast, condition 4.91
i s not associated with the minimization of a functional.
is of interest to mention that the same result is obtained by applying
the di r ect method of inversion to the exact transformed solution of
equation 4. 77.
Although further study on the use of convolution variational
principles is needed, this section does suggest that they are useful
tools for approximate analysis.
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! '

0 .2
AT IN :: Wo

-3 -2
Figure 4.1.
o 2
Weighting Fun<;tion in Laplace Transform
with Logarithmic Time Sc.ale
3 .
x . u
1--------+--P :; a'
Figure 4.2. Clamped Plate with Uniform Tensile
Stres s on the Ends
-169 -

= 0
p = 1
A -
I .

0.3 0.4
Figure 4.3. De pendence of Displacement
on Poisson' s Ratio

LOG J'(w)
LOG J (p) -9
LOG J'(w)
______ ____ -L ______ L-____ ____ ____
-2 o 2 4 6 8 10
LOG w; LOG p, (sec-I)
Figure 4.4. Real Part of C omplex Shear Compliance
and Ope rational Compliance for Glas 5 -Fille d
Polyisobutylene at 12. SoC

-17 0 -

v(p) 0.4
0.3 L-______ L-____ ____ ______ ______ ____
-2 O . 2 4 6 8
LOG p, (sec-I)
Figure 4.5. Operational Poisson's Ratio
t:.u v 0 (n = 7)
P= I
A = 1
Figure 4.6.
5 6 7 8 9
-LOG t (sec)
5 6 7
LOG P (sec-I)
Time Dependence of L is placement Due t o
Change,in Poisson' s Ratio

.IF _ X
'I'-b' u
Figure 4. 7 . Semi-Infinite Clamped Plate with Uniform
Tensile Stres s on the End
r 0,

8 + i Q)


8- i Q)
Figure 4.8, Bromwich Contour, BR l' and Equivalent
Contour, BR
- 17 2-
F igure 4 .9. Inte rnall y Pressurized Cylinder
- 0.4 ,..,------,------,------,--.:.-----r-----.
~ / '
A= 2
\..- O-ra
0.9 (.0
Fi g ure 4.10. Radial Dependence of Elastic S t r e ss e s
in Cylinder
0" '
- ~
- L73-
0 . 2
0.7 =
A 2 =
' p.
0" ea
- 0 .6
--- --
-- -
- 1. 0 '--_ _ --'-___ ~ __ _'_ ___ .l.__ __ __"_ ___ _'____"
o 23 4 5
F igur e 4.11. Ti me Dependence of Vi scoela stic Stres ses
in Cylinder
Figure 4.12. Semi- Infini t e Solid f o r T hermal Analysis
/I. q
q: q(td
. I. 0 ,----,----,----r-------,---,
o L-___ -L ____ ~ ____ ~ L - ____ -L ____ ~
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1. 0
T :;
Figure 4.13. Time Dependence of Generalized Coordinate
1.0 ~ - - - - - - r - - - - - - - r - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - _ .
0.8 8
o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ____ L-__ -L __ ~
o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
T =..!...
Figure 4. 14. Time De pendence of Temperature

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