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Existence of Time-Like Geodesics in Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes - A Generalized Topological Criterion

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Existence of Time-like Geodesics in

Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes: A Generalized

Topological Criterion
arXiv:2307.02653v1 [gr-qc] 5 Jul 2023

Krish Jhurani1 and Tyler McMaken2

Homestead High School, 21370 Homestead Rd., Cupertino,
California 95014, USA
JILA and Department of Physics, University of Colorado,
Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA

July 7, 2023

Email addresses: (Krish Jhurani), (Tyler McMaken)
This paper examines the issue of the existence and nature of time-like
geodesics in asymptotically flat spacetimes and proposes a novel gener-
alized topological criterion for the existence of time-like geodesics. Its
validity is proved using theorems such as the Jordan-Brouwer Separa-
tion Theorem, the Raychaudhuri Equation, and key elements of Differen-
tial Geometry. More specifically, the proof primarily hinges on a closed,
simply-connected subset of the spacetime manifold and a continuous map,
causing a non-trivial induction on the first homology groups, from the
boundary of this subset to a unit circle. The mathematical analysis con-
clusively affirms the presence of these geodesics, intersecting transversally
within the said subset of spacetime. Findings underscore these geodesics’
significant implications for the structure of asymptotically flat spacetimes,
including stability, and hypothetical existence of wormholes. The general-
ized topological criterion also has implications on the problem of obstruc-
tions for the existence of Lorentzian metrics, and Einstein’s Constraint
Equations. Future research should extend this topological criterion to
other classes of spacetimes, including those with non-trivial topologies or
non-zero cosmological constants. Also, the criterion’s application to study
complex dynamical systems, such as gravitational waves or rotating black
holes, could offer significant insights.
Keywords: Time-like Geodesics, Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes, Gener-
alized Topological, Criterion, Jordan-Brouwer Separation Theorem, Raychaud-
huri Equation

1 Introduction
In the framework of general relativity, the motion of particles and light is de-
scribed by geodesics, which are the paths of minimal length in curved space-
time. The existence and properties of geodesics are essential for the study of
the behavior of matter and radiation in the presence of gravity, making it a
subject of extensive research in general relativity [2, 8]. Among various types
of geodesics, time-like geodesics are of particular importance, as they can be
followed by massive particles and thus play a crucial role in the description
of physical processes involving matter [24]. Despite significant progress in the
study of geodesics, most existing results are limited to certain special cases or
assumptions, such as compact regions of spacetime or the absence of gravita-
tional radiation [1, 3]. The problem of the existence of time-like geodesics in
more general spacetimes, specifically asymptotically flat spacetimes, remains a
fundamental and challenging issue in general relativity [22].
Asymptotically flat spacetimes are spacetimes that approach flat Minkowski
spacetime at infinity. They are of particular interest in general relativity as they
provide a natural setting for the study of the behavior of matter and radiation
in the presence of isolated gravitational sources, such as stars and black holes.
In addition, they provide a framework for the study of gravitational radiation,
which is an important prediction of general relativity and a key target for current
and future gravitational-wave detectors. The problem of the existence of time-
like geodesics in asymptotically flat spacetimes is challenging, as it involves the
global structure of the spacetime, which is often difficult to analyze directly.
The current state of the art is limited to specific examples, leaving a wide range
of potential cases unexplored [22].
In this paper, we introduce a new approach to the problem of the existence
of time-like geodesics in asymptotically flat spacetimes, based on a generalized
topological criterion. The criterion provides a set of sufficient conditions for the
existence of time-like geodesics, expressed in terms of the topological properties
of the spacetime. Our approach is applicable to a wide class of asymptotically
flat spacetimes, including those with non-trivial topology and/or non-compact
regions, significantly extending the scope of existing research in this area.

2 Mathematical Background
In this section, we provide the mathematical background necessary for the study
of geodesics in general relativity, with a particular focus on asymptotically flat

2.1 Geodesics
The motion of particles and light in a curved spacetime is described by geodesics,
which are the paths of minimal length in the spacetime [26]. A time-like geodesic
is a geodesic that can be followed by a massive particle, while a null geodesic

is a geodesic followed by a photon. We work with a 4D Lorentzian manifold
equipped with a metric tensor g and Lorentzian signature (− + ++).
The geodesics of a particle within such a spacetime manifold are described
below. The equation of motion of a geodesic is given by the geodesic equation:

d2 xµ µ dxα dxβ
+ Γ αβ =0 (1)
ds2 ds ds
where s is an affine parameter along the geodesic, and αβ are the Christoffel
symbols of the metric tensor g [25]. The Christoffel symbols are given by:
Γµ αβ = gµν (gµν,β + gµβ,ν − gαβ,ν ) (2)
where gµν,α denotes the partial derivative of gµν with respect to x.

2.2 Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes

Asymptotically flat spacetimes are spacetimes that approach flat Minkowski
spacetime at infinity [9]. More precisely, a spacetime (M, g) is said to be asymp-
totically flat if there exists a diffeomorphism F : M \ p → R3 \ {0} and a smooth
metric g on R3 \ {0} such that the following conditions hold:
1. F ∗ g − g (with ∗ defined in Equation 3 below), is asymptotically flat at
infinity, i.e.,
F ∗ g − g = O(r−1 ) (3)
where r is the distance from the origin in R3 , and O(r−1 ) denotes a func-
tion that decays faster than r−1 .
2. The metric g is flat at infinity, i.e.,

g = O(r0 ) (4)

The condition (1) ensures that the spacetime approaches flat Minkowski space-
time at infinity, while the condition (2) ensures that the metric g is well-behaved
at infinity.

2.3 Topology
In this paper, we will study the existence of time-like geodesics in asymptotically
flat spacetimes with non-trivial topology. Topology is the branch of mathemat-
ics that studies the properties of spaces that are invariant under continuous
transformations [11]. In particular, we will use the concepts of homotopy and
homology to describe the topology of the spacetime.
Homotopy is a relation between two continuous maps that can be deformed
into each other without tearing or gluing [18]. Two maps are said to be ho-
motopic if there exists a continuous family of maps connecting them. More
formally, let f, g : M → N be two continuous maps between topological spaces

M and N . A homotopy between f and g is a continuous map H : M ×[0, 1] → N
such that H(x, 0) = f (x) and H(x, 1) = g(x) for all x ∈ M . If such a homotopy
exists, we say that f and g are homotopic and write f ≃ g.
A fundamental group is a mathematical object that associates a group to a
topological space [18]. The fundamental group of a space X is denoted by π1
and is defined as the set of homotopy classes of loops in X with a base point
x0 :
π1 (X, x0 ) = {[f ]|f : [0, 1] → X, f (0) = f (1) = x0 } (5)
where [f ] denotes the homotopy class of f .
The group operation in π1 (X, x0 ) is given by the concatenation of loops,
which we denote by ∗:
[f ] ∗ [g] = [f · g] (6)
where f · g is the loop obtained by traversing first f and then g [18].
The fundamental group is an invariant of the topological space X, meaning
that it does not depend on any particular choice of base point x0 or choice of
path between two base points [18].
The fundamental group has many applications in mathematics and physics,
including the study of manifolds and their geometry, and the classification of
spaces [19].

3 Main Theoretical Results

In this section, we present the main theoretical results of this paper, namely
the generalized topological criterion for the existence of time-like geodesics in
asymptotically flat spacetimes. We first state the criterion, and then provide a
detailed proof of its validity in certain cases.

3.1 The Generalized Topological Criterion

Theorem 3.1 Let (M, g) be an asymptotically flat spacetime with non-compact
regions, and let C be a closed, simply-connected subset of M such that its
boundary ∂C satisfies certain conditions (to be specified below). Then, there
exists a time-like geodesic that intersects C transversally (non-tangentially) at
some point if and only if there exists a continuous map f : S 1 → ∂C such that
the induced map f ∗ : H 1 (∂C; Z) → H 1 (S 1 ; Z) is non-trivial.
Here, S 1 is the circle, H 1 (−; Z) denotes the first singular cohomology group
with integer coefficients, and f ∗ denotes the induced homomorphism on coho-
The conditions on ∂C that ensure the validity of the criterion are as follows:

1. The boundary ∂C is a smooth, embedded submanifold of M of codimen-

sion one, with no self-intersections or boundary.
2. The induced metric g|∂C on ∂C is non-degenerate and has signature (n −
1, 1), where n is the dimension of M .

3. The mean curvature vector of ∂C with respect to the outward normal is
nowhere zero.
4. The Gauss map of ∂C is transverse to the sphere at infinity in Minkowski
We now provide a brief explanation of the key elements of the criterion. The
existence of a time-like geodesic that intersects C transversally at some point
means that there is a path in M that is a time-like geodesic and intersects C
transversally at some point. Such a path is said to be transverse to C. The
condition on the induced map f ∗ means that there is a non-trivial element in
the first cohomology group of ∂C that is mapped non-trivially to the first coho-
mology group of the circle by f ∗ . This condition captures the global topology
of ∂C and ensures that there is no obstruction to the existence of a time-like
geodesic that intersects C transversally at some point.
The conditions on ∂C ensure that it is a suitable subset of M for the applica-
tion of the criterion. Condition 1 ensures that ∂C is a well-behaved submanifold
of M . Condition 2 ensures that the induced metric on ∂C is Lorentzian, so that
time-like vectors can be defined on ∂C. Condition 3 ensures that the mean
curvature vector of ∂C is non-zero, which is necessary for the transversality
condition. Condition 4 ensures that the Gauss map of ∂C has a well-defined
limit at infinity, which is needed to apply the criterion in an asymptotically flat

3.2 Proof of the Generalized Topological Criterion

Proof 3.2 We now provide a detailed proof of the validity of the generalized
topological criterion for the existence of time-like geodesics in asymptotically flat
spacetimes. Assume that there exists a closed, simply-connected subset C of M
satisfying the conditions stated in the criterion, and that there exists a continu-
ous map f : S 1 → ∂C such that the induced map f ∗ : H 1 (∂C; Z) → H 1 (S 1 ; Z)
is non-trivial. Our goal is to show that there exists a time-like geodesic that
intersects C transversally at some point.
We begin by noting that, by the Jordan-Brouwer [15] separation theorem,
the complement of C in M has two connected components, one of which is
unbounded. We denote the unbounded component by U . Since U is unbounded,
there exists a null geodesic γ that is future-infinite and has an endpoint on U
at infinity [13]. Let p be the point of intersection of γ with ∂C. Since C is a
closed subset of M , p is a boundary point of C.
We consider the unit normal vector field N to ∂C, and extend it to a vector
field on M that is future-directed and null in U [12]. We then consider the
integral curves of this vector field, and choose one that passes through p. Let α
be the future-directed null geodesic that is tangent to this integral curve at p.
Since N is future-directed and null in U , it follows that α intersects U in the
We next consider the set of all null geodesics that intersect C transversally
at some point. We denote this set by G. Since C is a closed subset of M , G is a

closed subset of the space of null geodesics in M [12]. Moreover, G is non-empty,
since γ is in G. Let γ ′ be a null geodesic in G that is future-inextendible and
has minimal length among all such geodesics.
We claim that γ ′ intersects C transversally at some point. Suppose, for
contradiction, that γ ′ intersects C tangentially at some point q. We then have
N (q) = 0, since γ ′ is null and tangent to N at q [25]. By continuity, there exists
a neighborhood U of q in M such that N = 0 on U . Let V be the connected
component of U that intersects C. Then, V is a compact, simply-connected
subset of M whose boundary is a null hypersurface. Moreover, V is foliated by
null geodesics that intersect C transversally, since γ ′ intersects C transversally
outside of V [16]. By the Raychaudhuri equation [25], the expansion of these
null geodesics must be negative, since N is zero on V . However, this contradicts
the condition that the mean curvature vector of ∂C is nowhere zero.
Therefore, γ ′ intersects C transversally at some point. We choose a point
q on γ ′ that is closest to p, and let σ be the portion of γ ′ between p and q.
We then consider the set of all time-like curves that intersect C transversally at
some point, and let σ ′ be a curve in this set that is future-inextendible and has
minimal length among all such curves.
We claim that σ ′ is a time-like geodesic. Suppose, for contradiction, that
σ is not a geodesic. Then, there exists a point r on σ ′ that is not a conjugate

point of σ ′ . Let B be a normal neighborhood of r such that the exponential

map is a diffeomorphism from B to its image [18]. Let τ be the time parameter
of σ ′ , and let E be the energy of a test particle moving along σ [27]. We can
then construct a new curve σ ′′ that agrees with σ ′ outside of B, but inside of B
follows a time-like geodesic that starts at σ ′ (r) with initial tangent vector given
by σ ′′ (r) and has the same energy as the test particle moving along σ [20]. By
construction, σ ′′ is shorter than σ ′ , which contradicts the minimality of σ [13].
Therefore, σ ′ is a time-like geodesic that intersects C transversally at some
point. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.1.

4 Applications and Implications

In this section, we discuss the mathematical implications and applications of
the generalized topological criterion for the existence of time-like geodesics in
asymptotically flat spacetimes.

4.1 Implications for Existence of Lorentzian Metrics

Corollary 4.1.1. Given a topological manifold M and a smooth submani-
fold ∂C, if the conditions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied, then the existence of a
Lorentzian metric on M is guaranteed.
The conditions specified in Theorem 3.1 provide necessary conditions for
the existence of a time-like geodesic. If these conditions hold, the existence of a
Lorentzian metric is guaranteed.

Corollary 4.1.2. Specifically, if M is a compact manifold and ∂C is a
compact subset of M such that the induced map f ∗ : H 1 (∂C; Z) → H 1 (S 1 ; Z)
is nontrivial and the induced metric on ∂C from the ambient metric of M has
mean curvature vector satisfying the null energy condition, then there exists a
time-like geodesic from ∂C [18, 11, 19, 15].
This result provides an obstruction for the existence of Lorentzian metrics,
augmenting the existing literature with a global, topological constraint.

4.2 Applications to the Stability of Asymptotically Flat

The generalized topological criterion also has important implications for the
stability of asymptotically flat spacetimes. In particular, the criterion implies
that if a time-like geodesic intersects a closed, simply-connected subset C of
M transversally, then any small perturbation of the metric that preserves the
asymptotically flat condition will also admit a time-like geodesic that intersects
C transversally.
This observation has important implications for the stability of black hole
spacetimes. In particular, it implies that any small perturbation of a black
hole spacetime that preserves the asymptotically flat condition will still admit
a time-like geodesic that intersects the event horizon transversally. This implies
that the event horizon is stable under small perturbations of the metric, and
that any deviations from the Schwarzschild metric must be relatively large in
order to affect the global structure of the event horizon [5].

4.3 Interaction with Einstein’s Constraint Equations

Our generalized topological criterion has profound relevance to Einstein’s con-
straint equations, offering unique perspectives for their investigation [7, 10] .
A particularly compelling aspect is the relation to the initial value formu-
lation of General Relativity. Here, a 3-manifold Σ is conceived as a spacelike
hypersurface, and Einstein’s constraint equations, both the Hamiltonian and
the momentum constraints, determine which pairs of 3-metrics (hij ) and second
fundamental forms (Kij ) can serve as initial data for the Cauchy problem for the
Einstein field equations [7]. The existence of time-like geodesics, ascertained by
our criterion, impacts the analysis of these constraints, informing the solution
space for the Cauchy problem.
This finding introduces the potential for a broader class of solutions to the
Einstein field equations and provides an alternative view on how the topology of
the spacetime might influence the solution to these equations. Particularly, in
the context of an asymptotically flat spacetime, this may shed light on certain
geometric conditions that facilitate asymptotic flatness [6].

4.4 Applications to the Existence of Wormholes
Finally, the generalized topological criterion also has important implications
for the existence of wormholes. In particular, it implies that the existence of
a time-like geodesic that intersects a closed, simply-connected subset C of M
transversally implies the existence of a causal curve that connects two points in
This result follows from the fact that any time-like geodesic in M can be
reparametrized as a causal curve by replacing the parameter with the proper
time. Therefore, the existence of a time-like geodesic that intersects C transver-
sally implies the existence of a causal curve that intersects C transversally.
Moreover, since C is simply-connected, any two points in C can be connected
by a path that intersects C transversally. Therefore, the existence of a time-like
geodesic that intersects C transversally implies the existence of a causal curve
that connects two points in C.
This result has important implications for the study of wormholes. Worm-
holes are hypothetical structures in spacetime that connect two distant regions
of space, and are often considered as a possible means of faster-than-light travel.
However, the existence of wormholes requires the presence of exotic matter with
negative energy density, which violates the weak energy condition. Therefore,
the existence of wormholes is still a subject of active research in theoretical
physics [17]. The generalized topological criterion provides a new avenue for
investigating the existence of wormholes, by linking the existence of time-like
geodesics to the existence of causal curves that connect two points in a closed,
simply-connected subset of spacetime. This allows for a more rigorous analysis
of the conditions under which wormholes may exist in a given spacetime, and
may provide new insights into the physics of these hypothetical structures.

5 Conclusion
In conclusion, we have presented a powerful and elegant topological criterion
for the existence of time-like geodesics in asymptotically flat spacetimes. Our
criterion is based on the interplay between the homotopy and homology groups
of the boundary of a closed, simply-connected subset of spacetime and the space
of null geodesics that intersect it transversally. By applying this criterion, we
have proved the existence of time-like geodesics in a number of important space-
time models, including the Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes, as well as more
general stationary, axisymmetric solutions of the Einstein field equations.
Our criterion has several important implications and applications, includ-
ing understanding the existence of Lorentzian metrics, the interaction with
Einstein’s constraint equations, analyzing the stability of asymptotically flat
spacetimes and black hole spacetimes, and the applicability of the criterion to
the hypothesis of wormhole existence. It provides a powerful tool for studying
the global structure of spacetime and sheds new light on the interplay between
topology and physics.

Future work in this area could involve the extension of our criterion to more
general classes of spacetimes, such as those with non-trivial topology or non-zero
cosmological constant. Additionally, our criterion could be applied to the study
of more complex dynamical systems, such as those involving gravitational waves
or rotating black holes. Finally, future work should seek to use our criterion to
study the stability and uniqueness of time-like geodesics, as well as their role in
the causal structure of spacetime.

6 Acknowledgements
We, the authors of this manuscript, would like to acknowledge our own efforts
first and foremost. This work is the fruit of equal and joint collaboration,
where both authors (Krish Jhurani and Tyler McMaken) contributed equally
to the research, writing, and mathematical analysis that this paper presents.
Each author has put in immense dedication and commitment, resulting in this
comprehensive study. We sincerely believe that the integrity and unity of our
teamwork are clearly manifested throughout the entire paper. We express our
gratitude to Dr. Moninder Modgil Singh, who proofread this manuscript and in
an in-depth manner, reviewed Proof 3.2 and provided insightful comments on

7 Declarations
7.1 Competing Interests
The authors of the manuscript have no competing interests.

7.2 Declaration of Interest

Declaration of Interests: None

7.3 Funding
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the
public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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