Carter Comedy Workbook
Carter Comedy Workbook
Carter Comedy Workbook
Make a list of your ethnicity, parents nationality, hobbies, your current and past professions.
You may not know this, but Im half ______________________________ and half ___________________________________________________ and that means, I [INSERT BELOW]
You may not know this, but Im half ______________________________ and half ___________________________________________________ and that means, I [INSERT BELOW]
You may not know this, but Im half ______________________________ and half ___________________________________________________ and that means, I [INSERT BELOW]
Re-defining Frustrations
Examples: You may not know this, but entrepreneur is actually a French term, meaning I work in my underwear. You may not know this, but PowerPoint is a Sanskrit term, meaning boring -ass presentation.
What are terms in your industry? What frustrates you about your industry? Industry Terms Annoyances and Frustrations
_____________________________________________________________. (frustration)
Lets take acronyms you use at work and rework them into different meanings. Ford Found On the Road Dead Iowa Idiots Out Wandering Around Make a list of any acronyms you deal with in your job.
Acronyms (cont)
Make a list of any frustrations, hazards, and inconveniences you deal with in your job.
Acronyms (cont)
Now choose an acronym from your industry and put it down the left column. Use the acronyms as the first letters of your industry frustrations and put them in the right column. Acronym Annoyances and Frustrations
Its a scary world out there, weve got terrorism, War in Iraq ... [big, big, small]
There are 3 subtle clues that your relationship is over[small, small big]
There are 3 signs that your dog/cat rules you [obvious, obvious, weird]
There are three signs that youre broke [subtle, subtle, obvious]
Acting-out premises
Take the following premises about body piercing and come up with an act-out for each. 1. Its hard when youre in line at the airport behind a pierced person going through metal detectors because they are holding up the line. 2. Its hard to understand what people are saying when theyve got hardware in their mouth. [reveal at the end where you are] 3. Its scary for parents to see their kid get their body pierced. [Reveal the age at the end] 4. Its hard when your cocker spaniel is co-dependent, I just leave to get mail and she says
Comparison Jokes
Before vs Now
Before, when youre in your twenties and single, youre so optimistic. Youre like, I want to meet a guy whos really smart, really sweet, really good-looking, has a really great career Now youre like, Lord, any mammal with a day job. Carol Leifer
Them vs Me
Articles about celebrities always exaggerate their lives try to make them see so amazing. He worked three years as a dish washer before he made it big. Hey I worked three years as a dishwasher before I became a bus boy. -Nick Griffin
Men vs Women
A women worries about the future until she gets a husband. A husband doesn't worry about the future until he gets a wife Women in their 30s think about having children. Men in their 30s think about dating children. Judy Carter
Comparison Jokes
Men and woman break up differently or men and women
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