FINAL CMS Reference List
FINAL CMS Reference List
FINAL CMS Reference List
All CMS papers include a Notes section that corresponds to each citation in the body of your assignment and a Bibliography. There are different formatting patterns in CMS; be careful to follow one pattern consistently. This document demonstrates the notes-bibliography format. Clarify with your professor which CMS style is preferred. Regardless of style, whenever you use ideas, concepts, facts, or theories discovered or developed by someone else, you must give credit to the originator of that information. The only exception to providing documentation is when you discuss common knowledge. An example of common knowledge is that Confederation in Canada occurred in 1867. If you are in doubt about whether something is common knowledge, provide a citation.
Arrangement of Bibliography
The Bibliography is ordered alphabetically based on the first authors surname. Entries are not numbered. When there is no author, alphabetize the entry according to the first letter of the first major word of a title. (If the title starts with The alphabetize according to the word following The). The bibliography is double spaced and each entry is formatted with a hanging indent.
Reference Punctuation
The authors name is inverted and ends with a period. The title is in italics and each word is capitalized as it appears on the source document. End the title entry with a period. The place of publication is the first location from the title page. If it is a well known location, it can stand alone. If it is a less known or obscure location, add state, province or country information followed by a colon (:). The publisher follows with a comma and then the copyright date followed by a period. Be attentive to the specific punctuation as it is an important part of the format pattern.
Book with One Author
Gibb, Camilla. Mouthing the Words. Toronto: Pedlar Press, 1999.
When citing a source with more than 3 authors follow the first authors surname with et al. to indicate and others. When the source does not include an author, start the citation with the title of the article, chapter, or book. When citing a source by a group or organization, write out the name of the group or organization. When citing a chapter of a book that was written by the same person who edited the book include ed. or eds. after the names of the author of the chapter.
Articles that appear in scholarly journals, newspapers, or magazines are formatted differently than books and chapters in books. The journal, newspaper or magazine where the article appears is also the publisher. Be sure to include the volume and issue number of a scholarly journal and page numbers for
all articles. The volume and issue numbers are not italicized while the periodical title is. Each word in the title appears as presented in the publication.
Articles Online
Format the citation as an article in a scholarly journal including the URL and the access date. The access date appears in parentheses: month/day/year. DeLesi, Matt, J.C. Barnes, Kevin M. Beaver, and Chris L. Gibson. Delinquent Gangs and Adolescent Victimization Revisited: A Propensity Score Matching Approach. Criminal Justice and Behaviour 36 (August, 2009): 808-824. Accessed August 24, 2009).
Newspaper/Magazine Article
When citing newspaper or magazine articles, include the full date and section where the article appeared if applicable. Semenak, S. Feeling Right at Home: Government Residence Eschews Traditional Rules. Montreal Gazette, December 28, 1995.
The format for referencing a website is similar to an article in a scholarly journal. The webpage or website owner is the publisher and may be same as the author. Include the date of access and URL. Library and Archives Canada. Celebrating Women's Achievements: Women Artists in Canada. Library and Archives Canada. Accessed December 6, 2004. .
Audiovisual Materials
Specific information is required depending on which type of source you are citing.
When citing a DVD, follow the guidelines for books but also identify the director or producer as such. Also include the type of source you observed (DVD).
Byron Hurt. Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes. DVD. USA: Media Education Foundation, 2006.
Musical Recording
When citing a musical recording follow the guidelines for books. Substitute the publication information required for a book with the name of the recording company, recording identification number, the type of source and the copyright or production date. Madonna. The Immaculate Collection. Sire Recording Company CD 26440, 1990, compact disc.