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Course Title: Code: Level: Credits: Lecturer(s):

3B2 Fluid Mechanics ME3B2 Junior Sophister 5 Dr Craig Meskell (

Course Organisation The course runs for 12 weeks of the academic year and comprises three lectures per week. A tutorial is given every week. Total contact time is 48 hours. Semester 2 Start Week 1 End Week 12 Lectures Lectures per week total 3 33 Total Contact Hours: 44 Tutorials per week 1 Tutorials total 11

Course Description This course introduces the student to the basic concepts underlying the mechanics of fluid motion. The appropriate scientific principles and mathematical modelling techniques are described and then applied to practical engineering problems including turbines, pumps, pipe networks and the aerodynamics of vehicles. Three different modelling techniques are discussed: fundamental (Navier-Stokes), approximate (boundary layer integral analysis) and similarity (dimensional analysis) analyses. Real life problem-solving skills are cultivated within the framework of practical flow devices and systems (e.g. piping systems, fluid machines, vehicle drag). Environmental and social implications are discussed, with regard to safe and efficient operation of machinery and vehicles. Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Explain the fundamental scientific principles underlying the generalised equations of fluid motion; Reduce the generalised equations of fluid motion to simplified versions in rectilinear and cylindrical coordinates and solve for simple flow problems, including lubrication; Use Buckinghams Pi theorem to develop dimensionless groups and apply similarity and modelling procedures; Generate mathematical models for boundary layer flows, using integral analysis procedures; Estimate skin friction coefficients and drag for aircraft, ships and vehicles; Explain the safety and efficiency considerations around boundary layer control techniques for aircraft; Discuss the characteristics of laminar and turbulent flow and describe flow visualisation methods and techniques for the measurement of turbulence; Analyse head losses in piping systems and estimate the flow distribution in pipe networks; Recognise, classify and describe the basic operating functions and hydrodynamic principles of water turbines; Calculate the hydraulic efficiency and power output of Pelton wheel and Francis turbines. Course Syllabus Generalised Equations of Motion: Navier Stokes equations; Dimensional Analysis: Buckingham pi theorem, modelling; Introduction to turbulence; Boundary Layer Analysis: momentum integral equation, boundary layer profiles and thickness, skin friction coefficient, drag, separation and boundary layer control; Pipe Flow: abrupt head losses; pipe network analysis;

Fluid Machinery: impulse (Pelton wheel) and reaction turbines (Francis turbine); cavitation; Experimental Techniques: turbulence measurement concepts (HWA, LDA, PIV); flow visualisation methods.

Teaching Strategies The course is delivered through a combination of formal podium lectures and problem solving tutorial sessions. In addition every student will perform a laboratory experiment on a scale model of a Pelton wheel. Assessment Modes This module is assessed by a written two-hour examination at end of year and individual written assignment based on laboratory experiment. Essential required text This is the course textbook. Students are expected to have a copy. Fundamentals of fluid mechanics 6e (SI Version) Munson, Yound, Okiishi, Huebsch. Publisher: Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-0-470-39881-4 Other Relevant Texts The following textbooks provide useful addition material: 1) Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 7e Fox, Pritchard, McDonald. ISBN 978-0-470-23450-1 2) Centrifugal Pump Design J. Tuzon ISBN 0-471-36100-3 Laboratories Pelton Wheel

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