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An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by Example
An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by Example
An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by Example
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An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by Example

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This new book builds on the original classic textbook entitled: An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by C. Y. Chow which was originally published in 1979. In the decades that have passed since this book was published the field of computational fluid dynamics has seen a number of changes in both the sophistication of the algorithms used but also advances in the computer hardware and software available. This new book incorporates the latest algorithms in the solution techniques and supports this by using numerous examples of applications to a broad range of industries from mechanical and aerospace disciplines to civil and the biosciences. The computer programs are developed and available in MATLAB. In addition the core text provides up-to-date solution methods for the Navier-Stokes equations, including fractional step time-advancement, and pseudo-spectral methods. The computer codes at the following website:
Release dateMar 29, 2011
An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by Example

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    An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by Example - Sedat Biringen

    Title Page

    This book is printed on acid-free paper. Unnumfigure

    Copyright © 2011 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved

    Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

    Biringen, Sedat.

    An introduction to computational fluid mechanics by example/ Sedat Biringen, Chuen-Yen Chow.

    p. cm.

    Includes index.

    ISBN 978-0-470-10226-8 (hardback); ISBN 978-0-470-91515-8 (ebk); ISBN 978-0-470-91516-5 (ebk); ISBN 978-0-470-91517-2 (ebk); ISBN 978-0-470-95155-2 (ebk); ISBN 978-0-470-95172-9 (ebk)

    1. Fluid mechanics. 2. Fluid mechanics—Data processing. I. Chow, Chuen-Yen, 1932- II. Title.

    TA357.C475 2011



    To our spouses,

    to our children,

    and to the memory of our parents, who gave us the spirit for intellectual and creative pursuit


    This book is based on the original textbook by C.-Y. Chow entitled An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics, adopted and used by both authors in Computational Fluid Dynamics/Mechanics (CFDM) courses they have taught at the University of Colorado at Boulder and at the University of New Hampshire at Durham (SB). The original text was written in a highly accessible manner with senior undergraduate and first-year graduate students in mind and occasionally has been benefited by researchers in mechanical and aerospace engineering disciplines. Over the 25 years since the original publication, the field of CFDM has seen many changes, evolutions, and advances in algorithmic developments as well as in computer software/hardware. The new book incorporates some of the modern algorithmic developments into the solution techniques implemented in the vast number of examples provided in the text. Concurrently, we tried to widen the scope of the applications to include examples relevant to other engineering disciplines to make the text attractive and useful for a larger audience. We revised the computer programs included in the original text and converted all the programs to MATLAB, one of the most widely adopted computer languages in engineering education. The new MATLAB programs are available on line on the book's web site ( The reader is expected to have a working knowledge of MATLAB programming basics. The core-scope of the new book was expanded to include more up-to-date solution methods for the Navier-Stokes equations, including fractional step time-advancement and pseudo-spectral methods. In summary, we expect the new text to create a unique niche because of its hands-on approach and practical content and to have wide appeal in the classroom as well as in the research environment.

    The pedagogical approach used in this book follows the path of the original and focuses on teaching by the study of actual examples from fluid mechanics. It is our belief that building up from worked examples and providing a hands-on approach allows students to implement simple codes as a very effective means of teaching complex material. This approach is the unique aspect of our book, primarily as a teaching instrument. In addition, more advanced solution procedures can be constructed based on the provided solvers.

    The contents of the current book follow closely the contents of Chow's book, with additions relevant to the solution of the full Navier-Stokes equations. Almost all solution methods presented are based on finite differences. The book should be suitable for a two-semester course in computational fluid mechanics, or topics can be selected for a one-semester course at the beginning graduate level. There is sufficient material for a more advanced course, or selected topics can be included as a supplement to traditional textbooks for courses in fluid mechanics at undergraduate or graduate levels.

    We emphasize that this is predominantly an introductory book that teaches how to implement computational methods in fluid mechanics applications and not a book on numerical computation/analysis. It deals with flow problems that either have to be solved numerically or can be made much simpler with the help of computational tools. Numerical methods and algorithms are presented simply as tools implemented to solve physical problems; detailed analyses and critical evaluation of these techniques are not attempted. Of course, several methods exist for numerically integrating a given ordinary or partial differential equation; the numerical methods adopted in this book are only the simpler ones or the commonly used ones with which the authors have intimate experience and are by no means the complete spectrum of available methods. The book also does not cover in detail more advanced topics such as mesh generation and solution methods for the full compressible Navier-Stokes equation; also omitted are more advanced techniques such as multigrid methods, and other elliptic solvers.

    The authors have benefited from interactions with many bright and capable students who have contributed to this book in various ways to improve the content. Particularly we (SB) thank Dr. Gökhan Danaba genu001 o genu002 lu for his many contributions when he was a teaching assistant for Advanced Computational Fluid Mechanics at the University of Colorado many years ago, Dr. Manuel Barcelos for his assistance in translating the FORTRAN codes from Chow's book to MATLAB codes available on the web site for the book (, and Scott Waggy for his programming assistance.

    The first author (SB) would like to emphasize that the authorship order was designated alphabetically by the graceful insistence of C.-Y. Chow, who came out of his comfortable retirement to play a very active role to complete this project. All the successes of this book belong to him, and the first author will willingly shoulder the responsibility for all the potential shortcomings.

    Chapter 1

    Flow Topics Governed by Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial-Value Problems

    The numerical solution of initial-value problems that involve nonlinear ordinary differential equations is considered in this chapter. In Section 1.1 some numerical methods, especially the Runge-Kutta methods, are introduced for solving the first- and second-order equations. They are applied in Section 1.2 for finding the motion of a free-falling sphere through air and in Section 1.3 to simulate the motions of a simple pendulum and an aeroelastic system.

    To extend the applications from one-dimensional to two-dimensional motions, Runge-Kutta formulas for solving simultaneous second-order equations are deduced in Section 1.4. Simultaneously, we have implemented MATLAB initial value solver ODE45 in the programs developed in this chapter and elsewhere in the book. After the motion of a spherical projectile in the presence of a fluid has been computed, the numerical integration procedure of Section 1.5 is combined with the half-interval method to find the maximum range of such a body. Section 1.6 deals with the computation of the trajectory of a glider, and Section 1.7 is an example from aerodynamics concerning the vortex sheet trailing behind a finite wing.

    1.1 Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial-Value Problems

    Consider the simplest case of a first-order ordinary differential equation having the general form

    1.1.1 1.1.1

    where f is an analytic function. If, at a starting point t = t0, the function x has a given value x0, it is desired to find x(t) for t > t0 that satisfies both (1.1.1) and the prescribed initial condition. Such a problem is called an initial-value problem.

    To solve the problem numerically, the axis of the independent variable is usually divided into evenly spaced small intervals of width h whose end points are situated at

    1.1.2 1.1.2

    The solution evaluated at the point ti is denoted by xi. Thus, by using a numerical method, the continuous function x(t) is approximated by a set of discrete values xi,  i = 0, 1, 2, … , as sketched in Fig. 1.1.1. Since h is small and f is an analytic function, the solution at any point can be obtained by means of a Taylor's series expansion about the previous point:



    where images/c01_I0004.gif denotes images/c01_I0005.gif evaluated at (xi,  ti). f is generally a function of both x and t, so that the first-order derivative is obtained according to the formula


    Higher-order derivatives are obtained by using the same chain rule.

    Figure 1.1.1 Numerical solution of an ordinary initial-value problem.


    Alternatively (1.1.3) can be rewritten as

    1.1.4 1.1.4


    1.1.5 1.1.5

    Starting from i = 0 with x0 given and Δx0 computed based on any desired number of terms in (1.1.5), the value of x1 is first calculated. Then, by letting i = 1, 2, etc., in (1.1.4), the values of x2,  x3, etc., are obtained successively. Theoretically, if the number of terms retained in (1.1.5) increases indefinitely, the numerical result from this marching scheme approaches the exact solution. In reality, however, it is not permissible to do so, and the series has to be cut off after a certain finite number of terms. For example, if two terms are retained on the right-hand side of (1.1.5) in computing Δxi, the value of xi+1 so obtained is smaller than the exact value by an amount images/c01_I0009.gif . For small h the first term is dominant. We may say that the error involved in this numerical calculation is of the order of images/c01_I0010.gif , or simply images/c01_I0011.gif . This is the truncation error that results from taking a finite number of terms in an infinite series.

    It is termed Euler's method when only one term is used on the right-hand side of (1.1.5). The truncation error is images/c01_I0012.gif , and the method should not be used if accuracy is demanded in the result.

    It is impractical to use Taylor's series expansion method if f is a function that has complicated derivatives. Furthermore, because of the dependence of the series on the derivatives of f, a generalized computer program cannot be constructed for this method. The nth-order Runge-Kutta method is a commonly used alternative. Computations in this method require the evaluation of the function, f, instead of its derivatives, with properly chosen arguments; the accuracy is equivalent to that with n terms retained in the series expansion (1.1.5). The second-order Runge-Kutta formulas are

    1.1.6 1.1.6


    1.1.7 1.1.7

    For better results the following fourth-order Runge-Kutta formulas are usually employed:



    in which the increments are computed in the following order:

    1.1.9 1.1.9

    The derivation of these formulas can be found, for instance, in Kuo (1972, p. 137). In the fourth-order method the dominant term in the truncation error is images/c01_I0017.gif . Unless the slope of the solution is very steep, satisfactory results are usually obtained with reasonably small h. Stability and step-size control in Runge-Kutta methods are referred to in the book by Carnahan, Luther, and Wilkes (1969, p. 363) and are not discussed here.

    Runge-Kutta methods can be extended to solve higher-order or simultaneous ordinary differential equations. Consider a second-order equation of the general form

    1.1.10 1.1.10

    accompanied by the initial conditions that x = x0 and images/c01_I0019.gif when t = t0. By calling the first-order derivative a new variable p, the equation (1.1.10) can be written in the form of two simultaneous first-order equations:

    1.1.11 1.1.11

    with initial values x(t0) = x0 and p(t0) = p0. The fourth-order Runge-Kutta formulas for marching from ti to ti+1 are



    in which the individual terms are computed in the following order:



    Most of the programs included in this chapter have utilized MATLAB initial-value solvers, ODE23 and ODE45; however, we also provide explicit function subprograms that contain fourth-order Runge-Kutta solvers. These subprograms can be easily substituted for the MATLAB solvers by the user.

    1.2 Free Falling of a Spherical Body

    As the first application of the Runge-Kutta methods, the motion of a free-falling body is to be studied. This problem is an example in which a solution cannot be obtained without using a numerical method.

    It is said that Galileo released simultaneously two objects of different masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa and found that they touched the ground at the same instant. If Galileo did perform such an experiment, is the conclusion stated in the story correct? Certainly it is true in a vacuum. In the atmosphere, however, forces are exerted on a body by the surrounding air that are determined by the size and motion of the body, and the conclusion seems doubtful. If it is not correct, which body should touch the ground first, the larger one or the smaller one?

    To answer these questions, we will not repeat the experiment in a laboratory. Instead, we will first formulate the body motion, including the forces caused by the surrounding fluid, and then perform the experiment numerically on a digital computer. Because of its available drag data, a spherical body is preferred for our analysis.

    The z-axis is chosen in the direction of gravitational acceleration g; its origin coincides with the center of the sphere at the initial instant t = 0, as shown in Fig. 1.2.1. At time t > 0, the sphere of diameter d and mass m is at a distance z from the origin and has a velocity v. It is surrounded by a fluid of density ρf and kinematic viscosity ν. In a vacuum the only external force acting on the body is the gravitational pull, mg, in the positive z direction. While moving through a fluid it is acted on by the following additional forces:

    1. The buoyant force. According to Archimedes' principle, the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body. It has the expression − mfg, where

    1.2.1 1.2.1

    Figure 1.2.1 A free-falling spherical body.


    and the negative sign means that the force is in the direction of the negative z-axis.

    2. The force on an accelerating body. When a body immersed in a stationary fluid is suddenly set in motion, a flow field is induced in the fluid. The kinetic energy associated with the fluid motion is generated by doing work, or moving the body against a drag force. This drag exists even if the fluid is frictionless, and it has the value images/c01_I0024.gif , derived from an inviscid theory (Lamb, 1932, p. 124).

    3. The forces caused by viscosity. Around a body moving through a real fluid, a region of rapid velocity change exists adjacent to the surface. The velocity gradient causes a shear stress on the surface; the force resulting from integrating the shear stresses throughout the body is termed the skin friction. In addition, in a viscous fluid the pressure at the rear of the body becomes lower than that at the front. The pressure difference gives rise to a pressure or form drag on the body. The total viscous force, or the sum of skin friction and form drag, is sometimes expressed in a dimensionless form called a drag coefficient, which is a function of the body shape and the Reynolds number. Except for a few simple shapes and at very low Reynolds numbers, this function is difficult to find analytically, and it is usually determined through experiment. Figure 1.2.2 shows a typical experimental curve for smooth spheres (Goldstein, 1938, p. 16) in which the drag coefficient cd , defined as the total viscous force divided by images/c01_I0025.gif , is plotted against the Reynolds number Re, defined as images/c01_I0026.gif .

    4. The wave drag. When the body speed is comparable to the speed of sound in a fluid medium, shock waves may develop on or ahead of the body, causing a wave drag.

    If we consider only low subsonic speeds, the wave drag can be safely omitted. Including all the other forces discussed, Newton's law of motion, when applied to a spherical body, has the form


    Figure 1.2.2 Drag coefficient for smooth spheres.


    v|v| is used instead of v², so that the direction of viscous drag is always opposite to the direction of v. After rearranging, it can be written as



    The left-hand side indicates that in an accelerating or decelerating motion through a fluid, the body behaves as if its mass were increased. The term images/c01_I0029.gif is sometimes referred to as the added mass. Upon substitution from (1.2.1) and from images/c01_I0030.gif being the density of the body, (1.2.2) becomes

    1.2.3 1.2.3


    1.2.4 1.2.4

    where images/c01_I0033.gif , and images/c01_I0034.gif stands for the density ratio ρf/ρ. These equations fit the general form (1.1.11) and can be solved by applying Runge-Kutta methods.

    Special care is needed for the empirical function cd(v) in numerical computation. To present it in a form suitable for the computer, the curve is replaced by several broken lines, as shown in Fig. 1.2.2. To the left of the point a, where Re ≤ 1, the Stokes formula

    1.2.5 1.2.5

    is used, which coincides well with the experimental curve for Reynolds numbers that are much less than unity and deviates only slightly from it in the neighborhood of the point a (where Re = 1,  cd = 24). On the log–log plot a straight line is drawn between points a and b (where Re = 400,  cd = 0.5) to approximate the actual curve, which gives

    1.2.6 1.2.6

    Between b and c (where Re = 3 × 10⁵), we assume that the drag coefficient has a constant value of 0.5. The abrupt drop of drag coefficient around c is an indication of transition from laminar to turbulent boundary layer before flow separates from the body surface (see Kuethe and Chow, 1998, Section 17.11). Another straight line is drawn between d (where Re = 3 × 10⁵, cd = 0.08) and e (where images/c01_I0037.gif . Thus,



    Finally, in the high-Reynolds number region beyond e, a constant value of 0.18 is assumed for the drag coefficient.

    Here we have chosen a simple way to approximate a complicated function. Better results can be expected by dividing the curve into a larger number of broken lines. Alternatively, the drag coefficient can be fed into the computer as a tabulated function from which the value at any Reynolds number can be interpolated or extrapolated.

    Now let us return to the numerical experiment. Suppose steel spheres are dropped in air under standard atmospheric conditions at sea level; we have ρ = 8000 kg/m³,  ρf = 1.22 kg/m³,  ν = 1.49 × 10−5 m²/s, and g = 9.8 m/s². Because of the low value of images/c01_I0039.gif in this particular example, the effects of buoyancy and added mass are negligible, as can be seen in (1.2.3). They become significant if the experiment is repeated in water or in any fluid whose density is comparable to that of the body. However, for generality these terms are still kept in our computer program.

    The result for a sphere 0.01 m in diameter will be shown. Its motion is to be compared with that of the same body when dropped in a vacuum. In the latter case images/c01_I0040.gif , (1.2.3) and (1.2.4) can be integrated directly to give the solution in the vacuum:


    where z0 and v0 are, respectively, the initial position and velocity of the sphere at t0 = 0. We will choose the initial values z0 = 0 and v0 = 0 in the computation.

    Since the right-hand side of (1.2.3) does not explicitly contain z or t, let us call it F(v), which has a form simpler than the general expression shown in (1.1.11). We compute the position and velocity at time ti+1 based on those at ti according to the following formulas simplified from (1.1.12) and (1.1.13).

    The eight increments are first calculated.


    They enable us to compute the new values:


    According to the above formulas, the variables ti,  zi, and vi are one-dimensional arrays whose elements consist of their individual values at t0, t1, t2, … . However, if instead of printing the complete set of data at the last time step we print out the time, position, and velocity at every time step ti, the same variable names may be used for the quantities evaluated at ti+1. In this way the subscripts i and i + 1 can be dropped from the variables to simplify the appearance of the program.

    In Program 1.1 the instantaneous Reynolds number is shown in addition to the position and velocity for our reference. A time limit TMAX is introduced in the program. The numerical integration is stopped when t exceeds this value.

    In Program 1.1 a time step of 0.1 s is used. To check the accuracy, the same program has been repeated with step sizes of 0.02 and 0.2 s. Since no appreciable difference can be found between the three sets of data, it can be concluded that the result is reliable. Keeping h = 0.1 s, more data are obtained by varying the diameter while doubling the maximum time of integration. They are plotted in Fig. 1.2.3 and Fig. 1.2.4.

    Figure 1.2.3 Displacement of steel spheres falling in air.


    Figure 1.2.4 Velocity of steel spheres falling in air.


    We have thus obtained some results from the numerical experiment of a free-falling steel sphere. The displacement curves in Fig. 1.2.3 indicate that to travel through a given distance, a larger body takes less time than a smaller one. For two spheres of comparable sizes, the difference in arrival times at a distance of 56 m (the height of the Tower of Pisa) is only a small fraction of a second. Such a time difference is difficult to detect without the help of some instruments.

    A body falling through a fluid always reaches a constant velocity, called the terminal velocity, which increases with the diameter of a spherical body, as shown in Fig. 1.2.4. For a small sphere the Reynolds number is relatively low and the boundary layer always remains laminar before the point of separation. At a sufficiently high Reynolds number, when the transition from a laminar to a turbulent boundary layer occurs on a larger sphere, the abrupt decrease in drag shown in Fig. 1.2.2 will cause a sudden acceleration of the body. This phenomenon can be observed in Fig. 1.2.4 on the curve for a sphere with d = 0.07 m around t = 7.5 s. For an extremely large sphere the effect of the surrounding fluid becomes negligible in comparison with body inertia, so that the sphere behaves as if it were moving in a vacuum. In this case the velocity increases indefinitely with time, and a terminal velocity can never be reached.


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