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Loosely Coupled Method

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Computers & Fluids 58 (2012) 4562

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Transonic wing utter predictions by a loosely-coupled method

Xiang Zhao a, Yongfeng Zhu b,c, Sijun Zhang d,

School of Engineering and Technology, Alabama A&M University, 4900 Meridian Street, Normal, AL 35762, USA School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China c The First Aircraft Institute, Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), P.O. Box 72, Xian 710089, China d ESI CFD, Inc., 6767 Old Madison Pike, STE 600, Huntsville, AL 35806, USA

a r t i c l e

i n f o

a b s t r a c t
This paper presents transonic wing utter predictions by coupling Euler/NavierStokes equations and structural modal equations. This coupling between Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Computational Structural Dynamics (CSD) is achieved through a Multi-Disciplinary Computing Environment (MDICE), which allows several computer codes or modules to communicate in a highly efcient fashion. The present approach offers the advantage of utilizing well-established single-disciplinary codes in a multi-disciplinary framework. The ow solver is density-based for modeling compressible, turbulent ow problems using structured and/or unstructured grids. A modal approach is employed for the structural response. Flutter predictions performed on an AGARD 445.6 wing at different Mach numbers are presented and compared with experimental data. 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Article history: Received 18 February 2010 Received in revised form 10 August 2011 Accepted 3 January 2012 Available online 13 January 2012 Keywords: Aero-elasticity Fluid-structural interactions Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Computational Structural Dynamics (CSD) Loosely-coupled method Wing utter

1. Introduction The use of CFD within the aerospace industrys loads and dynamics groups continues to increase as improvements in computational power make coupled CFD/CSD simulations more feasible from a practical standpoint. At the same time, utter certication is becoming an increasingly challenging task as engineers have to understand and quantify the aeroelastic behaviors of advanced aircraft designs in the transonic regime. This situation has created a strong need for validation efforts and for the generation of know-how regarding various computational-aeroelasticity simulation methodologies [1]. Broadly, there are three approaches in computational aeroelasticity: fully coupled, loosely coupled and closely coupled analyses. In the fully coupled model, the governing equations are reformulated by combining uid and structural equations of motion, which are then solved and integrated in time simultaneously. While using a fully coupled procedure, one must deal with uid equations in an Eulerian reference system and structural equations in a Lagrangian system, This leads to the matrices being orders of magnitude stiffer for structure systems as compared to uid systems, thereby making it virtually impossible to solve the equations using a monolithic numerical scheme for large-scale problems. In the class of loosely coupled methods, unlike the fully coupled analysis, the structural
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 256 713 4729; fax: +1 256 713 4799.
E-mail address: (S.J. Zhang). 0045-7930/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.compuid.2012.01.002

equations are solved using two separate solvers. This can result in two different computational grids, which are not likely to coincide at the boundary. This requires an interfacing technique to be developed to exchange information back and forth between the two modules. The loosely coupled approach has only external interaction between the uid and structure modules; or the information is exchanged at each physical time step interval without occurring in pseudo-time or sub-iteration. The closely coupled approach is similar to the loosely coupled one in most procedures. Different solvers for uid and structure models are exploited, but coupled in a tighter fashion thereby making it better accuracy for time-dependent problems. In this approach, the uid and structure equations are solved separately using different solvers but coupled into one single module with exchange of information taking place at the interface or the boundary via an interface module. The information exchanged here is the surface loads, which are mapped from CFD surface grid onto the structure dynamics grid; and the displacement eld, which are mapped from structure dynamics grid onto CFD surface grid. The major drawback of the closely coupled method is much lower efciency compared to the loosely coupled method, since the information exchange is made in each sub-iteration within every physical time step. Many engineers and companies have an interest in constructing loosely-coupled simulation methods based on in-house or commercially available tools [2], which may or may not be designed to work together. There are obvious advantages to retain and leverage the expertise and functionality of the best-in-class tools, as


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opposed to developing monolithic applications. The key issue initially was data transfer. Numerous toolkits, frameworks and techniques have emerged to tackle that issue. For example, MDICE [3] allows users to couple arbitrary applications by dening a protocol and library that enable each application to dene objects relevant to the problem at hand, and to dene functions that can be remotely-invoked; it further provides a script language and script interpreter to specify and drive the simulation. But this problem of data transfer can be considered solved, i.e., there are now many techniques and tools for allowing process to communicate. Going beyond the data communication issue, there are several important numerical issues for applying the loosely coupled methodology for aeroelastic simulations. One of these is the representation of the structure and the associated interpolation tactics that are necessary to make sure that structural deections are transferred to the uid mesh in an energy-conserving way [4], at least globally. We have largely diverted this question by requiring that a structural mesh representing the outer skin of the structural model be supplied, even in the case of modal analysis. Then conservation and consistency can be obtained with a sufcient rened pair of surface meshes. There is no requirement that the uid and solid-side surface meshes match; one may be unstructured and the other structured. Another key part of the solution technique is the application of the structural boundary deformations to the uid mesh. The ow solver in CFD-FASTRAN uses a conservative density-based nitevolume approach and incorporates grid-deformation terms into the formulation. The mesh deformation utilizes a 3-D transnite interpolation procedure on the boundary displacements to determine internal displacements of the 3-D uid mesh after the boundary deformations are received from the structural solver. This procedure is in fact an identical implementation of the transnite interpolation (TFI) method deployed in CFD-GEOM (the mesh generator of the CFD-FASTRAN software); this choice was important to ensure that null deformations would not change a grid that had been smoothed. Also it is a very robust method compared to moving the grid by a spring analogy. In this work the performance and issues associated with a loosely-coupled CFD/CSD approach are explored for transonic utter predictions using a commercially available off-the-shelf CFD tool, CFD-FASTRAN. The purpose of the investigation is to explore the numerical and method-related uncertainties in simulations of transonic utter using CFD-FASTRAN, and also to validate (establish the limits and expected accuracy) the use of the tool for this application area on a common benchmark case. Although the general capabilities of this tool have been demonstrated previously for prediction of limit-cycle oscillation and tail buffeting [5,6], these prior works involved research versions of the software and in the commercialization process we ended up doing some things a bit differently. Most notably, the modal solver for the structure is no longer a hand-written code but is instead taken from CFD-ACE+; also, the method of uid/structure interpolation is different.

are integrated into MDICE. This gives us the exibility in choosing different methods for any particular system. For example, many different uid solvers are available to choose for specic applications regarding the related physics and affordable computing times. Moreover, there are a wide range of options for structural modules from in-house codes, public domain structural solvers to commercial ones. MDICE enables the engineering analysis modules to run concurrently and cooperatively on a distributed network of computers to perform multi-disciplinary task. Next, the particular sets of analysis modules used in the current investigation are outlined. 2.1. Flow solver The ow solver used for the current study is CFD-FASTRAN. It is a density-based ow solver for modeling compressible, turbulent ow problems using structured and/or unstructured grids. The salient strength of FASTRAN lies in its high accuracy for simulating hypersonic ows. With the recent enhancement of low Mach number preconditioning techniques, it has been extended to deal with low speed ows [7]. The Reynolds-averaged NavierStokes equations are solved using an implicit nite-volume upwind scheme with Roes ux-difference splitting (FDS), Van Leers ux vector splitting (FVS) or Lius advection upstream splitting method (AUSM) for spatial differencing. Temporal differencing is based on RungeKutta scheme, point-implicit scheme or a fully implicit scheme. Very recently, dual-time stepping algorithm was implemented into FASTRAN for efcient computations of unsteady uid dynamics [8]. Turbulent ows can be simulated using different models such as BaldwinLomax, ke, kx, Menters SST kx, SpalartAllmaras and DES/DDES models. CFD-FASTRAN is instrumented with the famous overset Chimera methodology and 6DOF analysis [9,10], the unsteady uid ows involving multiple moving bodies are resolved efciently and accurately. Fluid structural interaction (FSI) for aero-elastic applications is achieved by FASTRAN in a loosely coupled fashion [11]. The thermal and chemical non-equilibrium models are implemented to allow the nite rate chemical reactions and consider vibrational/electron energy for hypersonic ionizing air ows [12]. The system of integral conservation equations for mass, momentum and energy is expressed in vector notation for an arbitrary control volume dV shown in Fig. 1 with differential surface area dA as follows:

@ @t




~ FQ ~ ~dA GQ n



2. Fluid structural coupling methodology Aeroelastic phenomenon is involved in interaction between several physical and numerical disciplines. The physical disciplines are the uid dynamics of the ow eld and the structure dynamics of the exible surfaces. The numerical disciplines are the computational uid dynamics, the computational structural dynamics, the grid deformation and the uidstructure interface coupling. In this study, the interface coupling between the uid and structure is applied in a manner that ensures conservation of forces, moments, and virtual work. In order to ensure synchronization of data transfer between the different modules, the multi-disciplinary modules

Fig. 1. Typical arbitrary control volume (cell).

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The conserved variable vector Q is

Q q qu qv h

qw qe T

face @QV X ~ F cm ~ n1 ~f DAn1 Sn1 DV n1 Gf n f @t f 1


The inviscid ux vector ~ is FQ

Note n + 1 represents the next time level which means that the above discretized equation is valid for implicit schemes. where

~ FQ qU h qU

quU p~ qv U p~ qwU p~ qeU pU i j k quU p~ qv U p~ qwU p~ qhU i j k


The viscous ux vector ~ is GQ

cm conv ectiv e-mov ing ~ the cell face normal n

T ~ GQ 0 ~x ~y ~z ~ U ~ s s s s q

DAf the cell face area DV the cell v olume

The ux and source vector must be linearized to estimate the uxes and sources at n + 1. This gives:

~x sxx~ sxy~ sxz~ s i j k ~y sxy~ syy~ syz~ k s i j ~z sxz~ syz~ szz~ k s i j ~ sxx u sxy v sxz wi ~ U s sxy u syy v syz w~ j ~ sxz u syz v szz wk   @T ~ @T ~ @T i j k @x @y @z

5 6 7

F n1 F n f f

 @F f   DQ @Q f  @S   DQ @Q cell

Sn1 Sn cell cell

dQV V n1 DQ n Q n dV n
The @F=@Q and @S=@Q are the ux Jacobian and source Jacobian, respectively. Rearranging terms gives:

~ K q

In above equations, q is the density, u, v and w are the Cartesian velocity components in x, y and z directions, respectively, p is the static pressure, e is total energy per unit mass, and h is total enthalpy per unit mass. S(Q) is the source vector, U is the velocity vector, s is the surface stress tensor, q is the heat ux, K is heat conductivity. The over arrow denotes the vector, i, j and k are the unit vector in x, y and z directions, respectively. The shear stress components can be written as

20 3 n  1 * * n   N face n X 6B@ F cm    C _ DQ  @F D  ADQ n n DAn 7 DV n @S DQ DV n1 4@ 5 f f Dt @Q  @Q  @Q   f 1

f f

Sn D V n

f 1


F n n n DAn Q n f f f

dV n rt


For explicit schemes, the second and third terms of the left hand side are not required. For non-moving grids

sxx 2l

@u 2 lr U @x 3   @ v @u @x @y


dV n 0

DV n1 DV n DAn1 DAn
The ux vector and ux Jacobian must be evaluated. CFD-FASTRAN is based on the idea of upwind schemes for convective-moving uxes. In particular, two different ux schemes are selected. The rst scheme is based on Roes approximate Riemann solver and is usually called as the ux difference scheme. The second approach is based on Van Leers scheme and is considered to be the ux vector splitting algorithm. Both Roes and Van Leers schemes are rst order spatially accurate. However there are several methods to improve the accuracy of these schemes. For example, use of ux limiters, together with an appropriate high resolution scheme, such as MUSCL scheme, can achieve second order or above spatial accuracy. Three limiters are considered: Minmod, monotonic Van Leer and OsherChakravarthy. Note that the minmod and monotonic Van Leer limiters are symmetric. Minmod and Van Leer limiters allow up to second order accuracy and discussed together. The OsherChakravarthy limiter is up to third order spatially accurate and is discussed separately. The minmod limiter is

sxy syx l sxz szx l syy 2l


  @w @u @x @z


@v 2 lr U @y 3   @w @ v @y @z


syz szy l szz 2l


@w 2 lr U @w 3


However, Eq. (1) does not reect moving boundaries or grids. Using Leibnizs Theorem, a generic governing equation may be expressed as

@ @t




F cm Q ~ ~dA GQ n





wr max0; min1; r


F cm Q F Q U g Q


The Van Leer monotonic limiter is

For a grid that is comprised of discrete volumes and areas, the generic equation above is transformed to:


r jrj 1r



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Finally, the OsherChakravarthy limiter is presented as



1 1 j min modb; r 1 j min mod1; br 2   3j 3j ; 1j 1j


Eq. (15) can be written as n individual equations, one for each mode, as follows

b min

i 2ni xi zi x2 zi r i _ z i r UT fFg i

) i 1; 2; . . . ; n 26

The value of r determines the accuracy. For r = 1/3, the Osher Chakravarthy limiter is third order spatially accurate. The physical boundary conditions assume that the ow eld is in undisturbed free stream state at an innite distance from the aircraft surfaces in all directions. On the solid surfaces, the no-slip and no-penetration conditions are enforced, that is the relative velocity equals to zero. The normal pressure gradient equals to zero on stationary surfaces. The temperature is enforced at the solid surfaces using adiabatic boundary conditions. At the grid interface boundaries, the solution is interpolated across the boundaries using conservative interpolation. Conservative interpolation seeks to conserve the forces and moments between two adjacent cells. 2.2. CSD model The structural dynamics response due to uid ow actions is analyzed using direct nite-element analysis. The aeroelastic equations of motion of the solid bodies are given by

Here xi is the natural frequency for the ith mode ni is the corresponding damping parameter for that mode. The solution to Eq. (26) can be obtained for each mode using direct integration algorithm. 2.3. Interfacing between CFD and CSD grids MDICE facilitates a variety of methods to perform data exchanges between various computational grids. These computational grids belong traditionally to the computational uid dynamics, structural, or thermal domains. When these domains are coupled in one coupled engineering analysis, one needs to be able to exchange data from one grid to the other. The grids usually have a different density, data may reside cell-centered or on the nodes, and/or the grids may not coincide. The interpolation library currently supports a variety of interpolation methods, including:  FASIT methods (function matching).  Laplacian Interpolation (function matching).  Flux interpolation (ux conserving interpolation for uiduid interfaces).  Consistent interpolation. (conservative and consistent interpolation for uidstructure interfaces). 2.3.1. FASIT method FASIT methods employ geometrical-based surface tting of values on the interface. Available methods:  Thin plate spline.  Multi-quadrics.  Innite plate spline. The original FASIT system was limited to structured grids and the FASIT gui required the end-user to manually align grids (these limitations have been removed in MDICE computational formulation). This technology has been adopted from the FASIT software with some modications. 2.3.2. Laplacian interpolation MDICE Laplacian interpolation algorithms provide excellent matching of analytical functions based upon a multi-dimensional least-squares algorithm. The relevant features of Laplacian interpolation algorithms are: 100% accurate for the interpolated of linear functions. 2D and 3D interface grids are supported. Zooming (2D3D, Axi-3D) is supported. Mixing plane interfaces are supported. Weighting factors are only computed once (therefore interpolation is fast).  All grid alignment is automatic (accomplished by using fast geometrical searching algorithms).  Unstructured and structured grids are supported.  Data can be cell-centered or vertex-based.      The basic algorithm is as follows (described for center-based codes):

_ MfYg CfYg KfYg fFg


where {Y} is the displacement vector, [M] is the mass matrix, [C] is the damping matrix, [K] is the stiffness matrix, and {F} is the force vector due to the aerodynamic loads and shear stresses. The equations of motion of the solid bodies are solved using the nite-element stress code FEM-STRESS [13]. FEM-STRESS is a structural and thermal deformation solver featuring nite element and modal analysis techniques. It is used to analyze linear statics, linear dynamics, and material non-linear problems. The shell elements have ve degrees of freedom per structural node. These are the three Cartesian displacements plus two in-plane rotational motions. The module uses the degenerated shell type element with eight nodal points to discretize the structure system. This element geometry is interpolated using the midsurface nodal point and midsurface nodal point normal. It is assumed that lines that are originally normal to the midsurface of the shell remain straight during the element deformation and that no transverse normal stress is developed. FEM-STRESS solves the structural mechanics equations, in nite element form, derived from the principal of virtual work. For each element, displacements are dened at the nodes and obtained within the element by interpolation from the nodal values using shape functions. The motion Eq. (23) of the structure can be solved using modal approach. On the basis of modal decomposition of the structure motion with the eigenvector of the vibration problem, the displacement, velocity and acceleration can be transformed to generalized displacement, velocity and acceleration using a transformation matrix, which can expressed as the following:

_ _ fYg UfZg; fYg UfZg; fYg UfZg


Here [U] is the mode shape matrix containing the eigenvectors, _ orthonormalized with the mass matrix, and fZg; fZg; and fZg are the generalized displacement, velocity and acceleration vectors, respectively. The eigenvectors are orthogonal to both mass and stiffness matrixes and if Rayleigh damping is assumed, it is also orthogonal tot the damping matrix. Pre-multiplying Eq. (24) by [U]T, we get

_ fZg UT CUfZg UT KUfZg UT fFg


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 Face centered values of a given function are interpolated to the nodes using a Laplacian operator in the node normal plane expressed as:

2.3.4. Laplacian interpolation-circumferential averaging Circumferential averaging is implemented by:  Creating a phantom axisymmetric grid.  Interpolating local 3D data to the local axisymmetric grid (zooming).  Interpolating the local axisymmetric values to opposing 3D interface (zooming). 2.3.5. Flux-conserving interpolation MDICE ux conserving interpolation method uses geometrical clipping to distribute uxes from one interface to another. The relevant features of the ux-conserving interpolation method are:  The division of ux between a given local face and multiple opposing faces is determined using geometrical clipping of opposing faces (SutherlandHodgman clipping algorithm).  A high order distribution of ux is obtained using the Laplacian interpolation algorithm.  The interpolation is fast (clipping and weighting functions are only computed once).  All local ux is projected into the opposing interface (100% ux conserving). The basic algorithm is described below:  First, face centered ux and gradients of ux are computed using the Laplacian interpolation algorithm.  All nodes from the local interface are then projected into the opposing interface as shown in Fig. 4. This assures that all of the local geometry will reside within the remote interface.  The SutherlandHodgman clipping algorithm is then used to determine the intersection geometry between each local face and multiple remote faces as shown in Fig. 5 (all computations are performed in the two dimensional space dened by the local face normal plane).  The local face ux is divided out to each of the opposing faces by evaluating the value of ux (local face value + Laplacian gradients) at each of the clipped centroids as shown in Fig. 6.  This process is repeated for all local faces. 2.3.6. Fluidstructure interpolation The uidstructure interface algorithm is used to project the forces and moments from the uid ow to the exible-body structure and to feed back the aeroelastic deections of the structure to


n X i1

wi qi q0

where the weights are determined using a multi-dimensional least squares algorithm, the Laplacian interpolation stencil is shown in Fig. 2  Nodal values are used to obtain a gradient (also using a multidimensional least squares t).  The nearest local face is found for each opposing face as shown in Fig. 3.  The opposing face is projected into the local face normal plane.  Opposing interface face centered values are interpolated using the local face center value and gradient along with the opposing projected face centroid as:

qopposing qlocal rq fDs1 ; Ds2 g

2.3.3. Laplacian interpolation-zooming The MDICE interpolation library currently supports zooming (2D3D or axi-symmetric to 3D). Zooming is implemented as follows:  All geometry is entered in 2D Alternative Digital Tree (ADT) search trees. For the case of axi-3D, the nodal coordinates are converted to cylindrical cords before enrollment in the ADT tree.  Face centered data and gradient are constructed using Laplacian interpolation.  For interpolating 2D data to a 3D grid, the search tree is used to nd and interpolate data from the nearest 2D face to an opposing 3D face (ignoring the third dimension).  For interpolating 3D data to a 2D grid, the search tree is used to nd and average data from all 3D faces which are near to the 2D face.

Fig. 2. Laplacian interpolation stencil.

Fig. 3. Opposing face and local face.

Fig. 4. The projection from local face to remote face.


X. Zhao et al. / Computers & Fluids 58 (2012) 4562

fluid faces

F fluid


F solid


M fluid


M solid

Consistency, or virtual work conservation, requires that the virtual work performed by the solid interface is equivalent to the virtual work performed by the uid interface.


W fluid


W solid

Fig. 5. SutherlandHodgman clipping.

W fluid F fluid Drcenter


Drcenter fxcen;n xcen;o ; ycen;n ycen;o ; zcen;n zcen;o g

W fluid F fluid Dx M solid -solid
The above equalities apply only to the degree of freedom of the structure dynamics equations. In order to apply the uidstructure interface, the uid nodal forces are rst translated to the solid nodes using nite element shape function as shown in Fig. 7 (note that projection of uid nodes introduces moment on the solid grid)

F solid
Fig. 6. Laplacian interpolation after clipping.

node i

F fluid

node 1 N i nfluid;1 ;

gfluid;1 gfluid;1


node i

r 1 F fluid

node 1 N i nfluid;1 ;

the ow eld. The interfacing is formulated in the most general sense for maximum exibility. There are no inherent assumptions that the uids grid is matched with the structure grid, either through different mesh densities, mesh architecture, or through physical separation between the interfaces as seen with thick shell nite-element models. This means that interpolation and extrapolation are key components of the interfacing methodology. Interpolation/extrapolation techniques typically fall into two basic categories: function matching interfaces and conservative interfaces. In functionmatching interfaces, the intention is to provide the most esthetically-pleasing match between data on two grid systems. The typical test of a functionmatching algorithm is to apply an analytical function to a donor grid and test the error in the same analytical function after interpolation to a mismatched grid. Conservative algorithms aim to conserve a relevant property. In the case of uidstructure interpolation, the goal is to typically conserve forces and moments in the interpolation between two code modules. Consistency or virtual work conservation is also a desired property of uidstructure interpolation. In order for an algorithm to be consistent, the weighting factors for the interpolation of forces and moments from the uids grid to the structural grid must be preserved in the interpolation of deection from the structural grid to the uid grid, in which innite plate spline is employed with the adjustment for force and moment conservation. The result is that the virtual work seen on both the uids interface and the structural interface is equivalent (consistent). The MDICE uidstructure interpolation method utilizes 3 guiding principles based on Brown [4]. They are that interpolation should be conservative and consistent, the uid face pressure is the only correct pressure, and the structural nodal deformation is the only correct deformation. These guiding principles dictate a rigorous method for uidstructure interface interpolation. The current simulation uses a conservative and consistent interface, adapted from Brown [4]. Conservative interfaces aim to conserve the forces and moments in the interpolation process between two grids. In this case, the sum of all forces and moments on the uid interface is equivalent to the sum of all forces and moments on the structure interface.

The remaining parameters are determined by enforcing consistency. For example, nite element shape functions give the deection of uid node 1 as:


solid nodes

Ni nfluid;1 ; gfluid;1 Dxsolid;i r1 -solid;i

The nal step is to determine the method for interpolation from uid face pressures to uid node forces. For consistency, we must nd nodal weighting factors which result in an accurate approximation of the new face centroid position. The Lapacian interpolation provides an excellent approximation:


fluid nodes

wi Dxnode

where wi is Laplacian node to center weight

F node i wi DF cen :
The conservative-consistent interpolation method relies on project off nodes from one interface to another. MDICE currently supports two projects types: projection to nearest node and projection to nearest face. Nodal projection can be applied to once at the beginning of the simulation or at each time step (user-controlled). 2.4. Moving/deformation grid system The inertial effect of the motion of the distorting solids is fed into the ow eld through the boundary conditions at the solid interface, and through deformation of the ow eld grid. The CFD grid is deformed at every uidstructure data exchange accommodating the deformed shape of solid bodies. The six outer boundary surfaces of the deformed grid block are kept xed. The grid is deformed using TFI. The advantages of using TFI are that TFI is an interpolation procedure that deforms grids conforming to specied boundaries and it is very computationally efcient. The spacing between points in the physical domain is controlled by blending functions that specify how far into the original grid the effect of the new position of the exible body surfaces is carried. The grid points near the surface of the tails are moving with

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CFD-FASTRAN fully embeds MDICE for aeroelastic simulations; users do not see it at all. The solution procedure is loosely coupled and involves communication of two completely separate softwares. First, the structural solver advances one time-step using a 2nd-order Newmark scheme, then the deformations (possibly relaxed) are communicated to the ow solver which deforms its meshes then advances the ow solution one time-step using a 1st-order backward-Euler scheme. Fluid pressures are communicated to the structural solver and the loop repeats itself. The structural model may be an actual FEM model comprised of various element types or a generalized linear modal solver can be used. Modal analysis is the norm, because the cost of using a nonlinear and detailed structural model is impractical. The mode shapes and frequencies can be calculated by CFD-FASTRAN or externally input, e.g. from NASTRAN output.
Fig. 7. The node projection from uid face to solid face.

2.6. MDICE architecture Major features of MDICE include the ability to synchronize application programs, manipulate objects, handle events, carry out remote procedure calls, an execute, and a script written in an MDICE script language. MDICE also provides for parallel execution of participating application programs and has a full Fortran interface for those codes written in Fortran 77 or in Fortran 90 (of course, C and C++ are supported as well). MDICE is broken down into several major components. The rst, MDICE proper, is a central controlling process that provides the features described above. Users interact with this central process via a graphical user interface. The second is a library of functions that application programs use to communicate with each other and with MDICE. The environment also encompasses a comprehensive set of MDICE complaint application programs. 2.6.1. Application control The MDICE Graphical User Interface includes facilities for the control of application programs, a drawing area where a visual representation of the simulation is rendered, an object clipboard where information about the various objects created and manipulated by the application programs is displayed, a script editor that allows the engineer to dictate how the simulation should be run, and a status window displaying run-time system messages or warnings. The graphical user interfaces is used by engineers to set up a simulation. Application programs are selected; for each, the computer on which the program is to be run is chosen. Other information is provided, such as specifying a directory to run the program in and any command line arguments the program might require. Once the simulation has been set up, it is run and controlled using MDICE. The script panel used to achieve this control. The script used by MDICE contains all the conveniences found in most common script languages. In addition, the MDICE script supports remote procedure calls and parallel execution of the application programs being used for a given simulation. These remote procedure calls are the mechanism by which MDICE controls the execution and synchronization of the participating applications. Each application posts a set of available functions and subroutines. These function are invoked from the MDICE script, but are executed by the application program who posted the function. 2.6.2. Objects MDICE supports objects at several levels. On the lowest level, objects are simply named collections of scalar data, arrays, and other objects. These objects are called data objects, array objects, and general objects, respectively. An application program can create an object using one of the creation functions provided by MDICE. An integer handle to the object is returned by the creation

the deections of the tail. The deformation of the grid points decreases as you go far from the boundary in all directions, and vanishes at the outer boundary of the deformed block. The TFI routine is invoked automatically when a uidstructure interface is exchanged between application modules. 2.5. Multi-disciplinary computing In general, there are three basic approaches to assembling a core multi-disciplinary software package: (1) creating of monolithic codes which encompass all disciplines within a single software package, (2) coupling independent disciplinary codes using output/input methods, and (3) connecting independent disciplinary codes into modules in an object-based environment. The rst method becomes prohibitive as the number of disciplines increases. The second one is inefcient and frequently limiting because the codes are not tightly synchronized. The third one is efcient and extensible, and forms the basis of the MDICE system. MDICE is a distributed object oriented environment which is made up of several major components. It includes a central controlling process that provides network and application control, serves as an object repository, and coordinates the execution of the several application programs via a MDICE specic script language. The second component is a collection of libraries, each containing a set of functions callable by the application programs. These libraries provide low level communication and control functions that are hidden from the application programs, as well as more visible functionality such a object creation and manipulation, interpolation of the data along interfaces, and safe dynamic memory allocation services. Finally, the environment also encompasses a comprehensive set of MDICE compliant application programs. The multi-disciplinary modules used in the current investigation are integrated into the MDICE [14]. MDICE is a distributed object oriented environment for parallel execution of multi-disciplinary modules. There are many advantages to the MDICE approach. Using MDICE environment one can avoid giant monolithic codes that attempt to provide all modules in a single large computer program. Such large programs are difcult to develop and maintain and by their nature cannot contain up-to-date technology. MDICE allows the reuse of existing, state-of-the-art codes that have been validated. The exibility of exchanging one application program for another enables each engineer to select and apply the technology best suited to the task at hand. Efciency is achieved by utilizing a parallel-distributed network of computers. Extensibility is provided by allowing additional engineering programs and disciplines to be added without modifying or breaking the modules or disciplines already in the environment.


X. Zhao et al. / Computers & Fluids 58 (2012) 4562

function. These handles are used in all subsequent operations on the object. Each object is completely self describing. It may be assigned a group name, user name, and application name at creation time. In the case of data and array objects, a data type is assigned, and for array objects the length of the array is specied. Using these features, applications may examine a new object that is sent to it from an external application to determine how to deal with it. For many, the recipient application may a query an incoming grid object to determine whether the object contains blanking information, or it may query on incoming ow data object to see which ow variables are included. Applications may convert data and array objects from one type to another, or provide updated values for the scalar data or array elements. In this way, an application may convert a newly received array object from double to single precision. Any subsequent receives of this object are automatically converted into single precision regardless of the type being used by the sending application. Since objects may contain other objects, a hierarchical object tree may be built by an application. Once constructed, the object tree may be registered with MDICE, making the object available for transmission to another application. When an application registers an object, the structure of the object tree (but not the data associated with data or array objects) is sent to the MDICE GUI. Applications may themselves create and access the low level objects (data, array, and general objects). However, the preferred method of operation is to dene a set of higher level objects such as grid objects, ow data objects, and interface objects and place functions that create, access, and manipulate these objects into a library. MDICE provides such a high level library (described in the MDICE Libraries section); applications may create these high level objects using MDICE-provided convenience functions without concerning themselves with the low level objects they are composed of. In either case, the application simply receives a handle to the object for use in subsequent operations. 2.6.3. Event handling Most window-based programs are event drive programs. These include graphics or design programs that run on UNIX workstations as well as word processors and spreadsheets that run on personal computers. These event driven programs spend most of their time waiting for the user to do something interesting, such as pressing a button, choosing an option from a menu, or moving or clicking the mouse. Programs integrated into MDICE must become event driven. Subroutines will be called from an MDICE script rather than from PROGRAM MAIN. Object related events such as create, send, receive, and destroy must be handled. 2.6.4. Remote procedure calls Remote procedure calls are the mechanism by which MDICE invokes subroutines or functions that are executed by a participating application program. The user of the system writes such a function call using the MDICE script editor. In order to carry out the remote procedure call, MDICE evaluates each expression in the functions argument list and packs the result of the expression into a message buffer. This is called marshalling the arguments. Next, the message buffer is transmitted to the application, which has previously called MDICEs special control function and is in its event loop waiting for something to happen, such as an object related event or (as in this case) an incoming remote procedure call command. The MDICE library intercepts the incoming message, unpacks the arguments, and calls the applications function. After the function completes, the return value (in this example, a boolean value that indicates whether the solution has converged yet) is packed into a new message buffer

and sent back to MDICE. MDICE places the return value of the function into the expression containing the original function call, and the script resumes. The internal processing required by MDICE to make these remote procedure calls work is rather complex. First, MDICE must know about the procedures that the application programs wish to make available. This requires that a detailed type system be implemented. MDICE must also be able to call procedures that are internal to an application without knowing a priori what the type signature of the procedures are. This requires that MDICE call wrapper functions whose type MDICE does know. These wrapper functions must be linked with the particular application whose procedure is being invoked. In order to spare the application programmer from writing them, MDICE provides a stubber that automatically generates these wrappers. 2.6.5. MDICE script MDICE allows full user control by means of a script. The MDICE script language is easy to learn yet powerful, making full customization of multi-disciplinary simulations possible. The language allows all the standard conveniences found in most script languages: local and global variables, a rich set of data types including integers, real numbers, strings, objects, and arrays of these base types, decisions (i.e. if statements), and loops. In addition, the MDICE language provides for remote procedure calls (discussed in the previous section), execution of portions of the script in parallel (discussed in the next section), application control in form of run and kill commands, and debugging tools such as print (which prints a string to the MDICE status window) and pause (which pauses the script until the continue button is pressed). Unlike most shell script languages, the MDICE script is a compiled language. It is read in its entirety, converted into internal data structures (e.g. an abstract syntax tree, control ow graph, and symbol table are all built by MDICE), and the resulting code is executed. Space for variables and the results of expressions are allocated before a script is run and freed when it is complete. The script is strongly typed. Each expression is fully checked for compatibility of its operands before the script begins running. The return value of each function is also checked, statically if the function has been posted by the named application before script execution (in which case MDICE already knows the type of the return value), dynamically if the function is posted during the run. 2.6.6. Parallelism An additional complexity is introduced by the requirement that MDICE must be able to call distinct procedures simultaneously. MDICE solves this problem by implementing the notion of threads. Since threads are not implemented on all the platforms that we wish to run MDICE on, this is implemented directly inside MDICE. Neither application programs nor users need be aware that this is taking place. MDICE has a thread class that represents a portion of the script to be executed in parallel with other portions. A list of runnable threads is maintained by MDICE. When one thread blocks (when a remote procedure is being called, for example), the thread is placed on a list of blocked threads and a new runnable thread is selected. If no more runnable threads remain, MDICE simply waits for one or more remote procedure calls to complete. As results (i.e. return values) from the remote procedure calls are delivered to MDICE, the appropriate blocked thread is moved from the blocked list to the runnable list. Each remote procedure call is tagged with a reference number to match these incoming return values with the thread that called the function in the rst place. When no more incoming messages are left, one of the runnable threads is chosen for execution (using a round-robin scheduling algorithm) and the script resumes.

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For example, if several CFD ows solvers are being used to solve a problem, it is necessary that each perform an iteration over the ow domain concurrently. Each remote procedure to be called simultaneously is carried out by a separate thread. Of course, the end user need not be aware that this is taking place. Using a special parallel script command, one can write blocks of code, each of which is executed simultaneously. Within a given block, each statement is executed in parallel. A shorthand notation is available if each block contains a single expression. This shorthand uses MDICEs semicolon operator. This operator is similar to the comma operator in the C programming language in that each semicolon-separated expression is evaluated; the value of the entire expression is the value of the

Table 1 Free stream conditions for ONERA M6 wing. u1

p1 T1 k1

M1 AOA (angle of attack)

277.06 m/s 14.810 m/s 1.0447 105 N/m2 272 K 0.1 m2/s2 15 J/kg s 0.8395 3.06

rightmost expression. The difference is that each expression (i.e. all the remote procedure calls) are evaluated simultaneously. The entire expression completes when all the function calls complete.

Fig. 8. Pressure coefcients on the ONERA M6 wing surface at different cross section.


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2.6.7. Fortran interface The MDICE libraries are written in the C programming language. In order to call the functions from a Fortran program, a complete Fortran interface is provided. This interface allows all the common Fortran data types, including integers, single and double precision reals, character strings, and arrays to be passed into the library functions. 2.6.8. MDICE libraries MDICE provides four libraries of functions that application programs may be linked with when they are integrated into the computing environment. These are 1. A low level MDICE library. This library implements low level objects (data, array, and general objects), communication (sending and receiving messages between applications or between applications and MDICE), and control (event handling and remote procedure calls) mechanisms. 2. An object library containing a rich set of predened objects. These objects include:  Arrays (double and single precision reals, integers, strings, etc.).  Grids (structured, unstructured, and polyhedral.  Flow data (scalar and vector eld data).  Domains (a combination of grids and ow data).  Boundary conditions.  Interfaces (uiduid and uidstructure interface couplings).  Plotting data (line data and point data). 3. An interpolation library that provides interpolation of ow eld data between different CFD ow solvers or between a CFD ow solver and a structural analysis code. This interpolation library is a critical feature of MDICE. It facilitates a general coupling between ow solvers, i.e., a 3D3D coupling, a 2D2D coupling, a 2D3D coupling (zooming), arbitrarily matched grids (both structured and unstructured), and circumferential averaging for mixing plane treatment. The uidstructure interface features a set of interpolation methods, including a fully conservative (forces, moments) and consistent interface. Provisions are in place to provide automatic grid, data, and unit conversions within MDICE. 4. A memory allocation library that can be used to dynamically check the correctness of the applications use of dynamically allocated memory. 3. Results and discussion
Fig. 10. The treatment for unmatched grid with quite large gap.

Fig. 9. Computational mesh used in this study (mesh on the symmetry plane along the root chord and the wing surface are shown).

ONERA M6 model is designed for studies of three-dimensional ows from low to transonic speeds at high Reynolds numbers.

Structure-side surface mesh

Fluid-side surface mesh

Fig. 11. Surface meshes on the structure side and uid side of the upper wing surface (a one-to-one match is not necessary).

X. Zhao et al. / Computers & Fluids 58 (2012) 4562

-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1



0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Span = 0%


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Span = 25%



-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1

-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Span = 50%


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Span = 75%



-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1

-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Span = 90%


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Span = 95%



Fig. 12. Steady-state pressure coefcient on the upper side of the AGARD wing.

M6 wing is chosen rst for validating the ow solver by comparing predicting Cp over several sections of the wing to the experimental data.

The results presented in the paper are obtained with the third order scheme, Roe ux differencing with OsherChakravarthy ux limiter. A comparison of experimental and predicted pressure coefcients, Cp, for sections 1 through 6 is shown in Fig. 8.

3.1. Steady state transonic ONERA M6 wing 3.2. AGARD wing utter The selected test case corresponds to Test 2308 from the paper by Schmitt and Charpin [15]. These corresponds to a Reynolds number 11.72 106 based on mean aerodynamic chord of 0.64607 m and a Mach number of 0.8395. The free-stream ow conditions at the Mach number and Reynolds number are listed in Table 1. Validation data consists of pressure coefcients at section along the span of the wing obtained in the experiment [15]. The pressure coefcients are compared along the lower and upper surfaces of the wing at each of the sections. The spanwise location of the sections is specied with respect to the wing span, b. The case used for validation is the well-known AGARD conguration I wing 445.6, weakened model 3, a wall-mounted 45 swept half-wing with an aspect ratio of 1.65 and a taper ratio of 0.6576. The cross-section of the wing is a thin NACA 65A004 airfoil section. The experimental data [16] cover a range of Mach numbers from 0.499 to 1.141 and there is a clear transonic dip in the utter boundary well captured by several data points around Mach 0.9. The authors published mode shapes and frequencies for the rst ve modes and suggested a value for structural damping. The actual model was constructed of laminated mahogany with holes


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mesh against a uid mesh. The three points illustrated by the symbol of ball in the uid mesh are beyond the leading edge of the structural mesh. It would have been better to extend the structural mesh so that it was tip-to-tip identical to the uid mesh. The present coupling method can handle such situation as the uid nodes will still receive displacements from the calculated deformation of the structure. The surface meshes on the upper wing wall in the structural domain and the uid domain are shown in Fig. 11. The ow domain had 114,660 nodes with 1550 nodes on the wing surface. The wing section itself had 1323 nodes with 1134 nodes on the surface. The meshes do not have a one-to-one match. However, the leading and trailing edges of the wing of both the structural and uid domains lie along the same boundary and do not extend over the other. The mass of the wing was 1.86 kg. The material properties were obtained from experiments and other coupled computational studies [16,19]. The Youngs modulus was 3.15 GPa along the elastic axis (E1) and 0.4162 GPa along other orthogonal coordinates (E2 = E3). The shear modulus (G) was 0.4392 GPa and the Poissons ratio (m) was 0.31. 3.2.1. Computational procedure Several methods have been employed historically to identify utter boundary. More recently, time accurate CFDCSD methods are being increasingly employed. Such studies start with a steady solution and the growth and transport of energy in and between different modes is monitored. In this study, a similar time-marching approach to identifying utter boundary was used. The wing was let go at t = 0 and the time-accurate response of the structural system at different freestream dynamic pressures for a given Mach number is monitored over the period of a few cycles. The overall procedure for carrying out computational aeroelastic computations can be divided into following major steps. 1. Constructing the geometry for aeroelastic computations and also set appropriate boundary conditions and initial conditions. 2. Perform steady-state computation to obtain initial guess or provide an initial solution for starting coupled unsteady computations. 3. Conduct unsteady CFD computations using steady state results as initial guess and obtain necessary aerodynamic forces on the surface of the wing. 4. Map aerodynamic forces onto the structural mesh. 5. Carry out CSD computation to obtain the deformation of the geometry. 6. Map the displacements onto CFD surface grid. 7. Re-mesh CFD grid based on the deformation obtained from CSD calculations using the moving grid module. 8. Repeat steps 37 using current solution as the initial guess for the subsequent steps. The response is then classied as damped, neutral or diverging and the ow condition is changed to the next step by increasing/ decreasing the dynamic pressure. An undamped neutral response indicates the utter boundary. The dynamic pressure is changed independent of the Mach number and mass ratio. 3.2.2. Static solutions Prior to conducting utter analyses, the steady state uid ow around the wing was evaluated. This steady state solution could also be used later as an initial guess for the unsteady simulation. The steady state pressure coefcient for a freestream Mach number of 0.96 is shown in Fig. 12. The free stream dynamic pressure, density and temperature are chosen to represent the experimental utter boundary point at M = 0.96 published by Yates [16]. Comparison of Cp values along different sections of the wing span shows that the present mesh predicts very similar steady state

Fig. 13. Regions of supersonic ow over the AGARD wing.

Fig. 14. Convergence of total force (Fy) and displacement.

drilled in it and lled with foam. This case has been used for validation of transonic utter by other CFD/CSM codes in loosely and fully coupled time-domain approaches [17,18], but results for CFD-FASTRAN have not been previously reported. Also, due to the compute-intensive nature of such simulations, more investigations are still needed to improve the practical utility of this approach. The present study contributes to that need as well. A relatively coarse grid labeled as baseline grid was used for these initial studies. The grid used for Euler simulations in this study is shown in Fig. 9. The grids for both uid and structural computations do not have to match one-to-one at the uid/structure boundary, but their boundary points should lie along the same lines or curve so that neither mesh extends beyond the other. Otherwise, the accuracy of the pressure/displacement interpolation procedure will be reduced. Fig. 10 illustrates a case where the structural mesh is slightly shorter than the uid mesh. The gure compares the surface grid at the root-chord line for a structural

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Fig. 15. Shape and displacements of the rst ve modes of the AGARD 445.6 wing from both of the present work and Ref. [11].

Table 2 Modal frequencies of AGARD wing. FASTRAN Yates 9.2 9.6 39.1 38.2 48.1 48.3 94.4 91.5 120.5 118.1 145.6 140.2

surface pressure distribution as ner meshes. The grid independence is discussed at the following section. Areas of supercritical ow (M > 1) shown in Fig. 13 also compares well with similar studies. The contour levels resolve Mach number values above 1. Regions with Cp values less than the supercritical Cp are also shown in Fig. 13. Supersonic ow can be observed over a large portion

of the wing. A strong compression can also be observed on the inboard portion of the wing. These results qualitatively indicate that the present mesh is capable of capturing major aerodynamic features of the ow and deemed sufcient for an initial analysis. In addition to the steady state ow simulation, the static deection of the AGARD wing under the inuence of surrounding steady uid ow was studied. The wing was modeled structurally by the rst six vibrational modes. This simulation illustrates the coupling of an Euler ow solver with a structural solver that employs modal superposition technique. Fluid structure interfacing was achieved by interpolating original mode shapes on a structural grid to the uids grid and then using the interpolated mode shape on the


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Fig. 16. Dynamic response of the structural system for varying dynamic pressures at M1 = 0.96.

uids grid. For steady-state simulations, uidstructure coupling took place every 10 cycles in order to allow the ow to develop. For transient simulations, the coupling took place at every time step. The convergence history of the steady state simulation could be observed through the wing displacement and the total aerodynamic force (Fy) and are shown in Fig. 14. The solution reaches a steady state within 200 cycles (20 uidstructure exchange) for displacement and a little longer for the forces. FASTRAN predicted shape and displacements of the wing for the rst ve modes are shown in Fig. 15. In Fig. 15 the scaling factors in x, y and z directions are 1.0, 1.5 and 1.0, respectively. The modal deections from Ref. [16] are shown in Fig. 15, too. The predicted frequencies are compared with results from Ref. [16] and are shown in Table 2. The predicted frequencies compare well with experimental results. At higher modes, the difference becomes larger. 3.2.3. Transient solutions and dynamic utter Time marching analysis was performed to identify utter boundary points and to compare them with experimental data. Since, the experimental data is known, initial tests were conducted at these experimental boundary points. From the experimental data available in Ref. [16], four freestream Mach numbers (M = 0.499, 0.678, 0.96 and 1.141) were chosen. Based on the response at these conditions, different utter speed indexes were tested around the experimental utter boundary points by varying

the dynamic pressure and to arrive at the FASTRAN predicted utter boundary. The utter speed index (V) is given by the relation V = U1/(bsl0.5xa) where U1 is the freestream velocity, bs is the streamwise semichord measured at the wing root, l is the mass ratio and xa is the natural circular frequency of wing in rst uncoupled torsion. Fig. 16 shows the transient response as observed through the actual displacement at a particular grid point. The actual displacement of the wing is used in all the results presented in this work. All results were based on a ow time step of 5.e4 s and one uidstructure coupling per step. This limitation will also be removed in the future. Fig. 16 shows the diverging, neutral and damped behavior of the system for different speed index ratios. Similar procedures were used for all four Mach numbers presented in this paper. Fig. 17 compares the predicted utter speed index and frequency ratio with the experimental values, in which the results on ne mesh is also presented and will be discussed in the following Section 3.3. At subsonic speeds, the utter boundary point is well predicted in terms of frequency, frequency ratio and the speed index. At M = 0.96, the speed index closely matches with the experiments. However, the predicted frequency is approximately 1 Hz lower than the experiments. At M = 1.141, the utter speed index is signicantly overpredicted. Similar results have been observed in several other studies. Many researchers have attempted to include viscous effects in order to get a better prediction for this

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Fig. 17. Comparison of the utter frequency ratio and the speed index for the AGARD wing.

Mach number. However, no attempt was made to include the effects of viscosity in this initial investigation to get a better prediction of the utter boundary at higher Mach numbers. A limited study was undertaken to observe the effect of different viscous models on the structural response. Instead of evaluating the utter boundary, the effect of different viscous models at one ow condition was observed. The chosen case was M = 0.96 and V =V 1. exp 3.3. Sensitive study This study conducts a sensitivity analysis of the proposed loosely-coupled method for aero-elastic simulation. The main objectives of the sensitivity study are to address the effects of physical model, initial condition and grid resolution on the accuracy and results. 3.3.1. Fluid ow model Fig. 18 shows the displacement for three models viz: Euler (Inviscid), Laminar NavierStokes and Turbulent NavierStokes with the BaldwinLomax model. The frequencies remain identical on all three cases. The displacements generally show an increase in the growth rate with highest growth rate for the laminar case followed by the turbulent one. Since the present mesh do not have enough resolution to capture the boundary layer prole properly, it is not possible to make any denite conclusions. However, these results indicate that the affects of viscosity on utter characteristics. 3.3.2. Initial condition Different initial conditions could in theory determine the growth rate of perturbations and hence the utter. To investigate, two cases were studied. In the rst case, a steady-state solution with a static deection imposed on the wing was used. The second case was initialized with uniform ow conditions and the wing present at the neutral (zero displacement) position. This was the same initial

Fig. 18. Effect of the viscous model on the structural response at M1 = 0.96 and V =V 1. exp

conditions used in the steady-state simulation. Fig. 19a shows the actual displacements and the location of the peaks on the upper side of the curve. Analysis of this data shows that the frequency remains the same in both cases. The amplitude levels are different between the two cases. Fig. 19b shows that even though the solution starts at different conditions, the growth rate reaches the same levels in both


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Fig. 19. Effect of initial condition on the structural response. (a) Displacement curve. (b) Location of peaks on the displacement curve from (a). (c) The generalized displacement for constant initial conditions. (d) The generalized displacement for steady-state solutions initial conditions.

cases (see gure after 0.3 s) and the actual displacements just reect the initial perturbation levels. These cases were not run long enough to observe any limit cycle oscillation (LCO) behavior. But it would be very interesting to compare the amplitude levels if they reach such a stage. Fig. 19c and d shows the generalized displacements for constant initial conditions and steady-state solution conditions, respectively. It can be seen they are in similar trends as that in Fig. 19a. 3.3.3. Grid resolution Grid independence is associated with the accuracy or even rationality of numerical results. To demonstrate the grid independence of the above results predicted by the proposed coupled method, two more sets of meshes are generated on the wing geometry, they are labeled as coarse grid and ne grid, respectively. The coarse grid is the half of the number of grid points in each direction within the baseline grid. The number of the ne grid points is twice that in each direction within the baseline grid. Fig. 20 shows the transient response as observed through the actual displacement at particular grid point. In Fig. 20, the computed time histories of the actual displacements of the grid point at M1 = 0.96 and V/Vexp = 1.00 are plotted for three sets of mesh. The plots corresponds to the baseline grid, coarse grid and ne grid responses, respectively. The

amplitude of the actual displacements deceases in time corresponding to the coarse grid response as shown in Fig. 20b, this is attributed to the poor solution accuracy on the coarse grid. It can be seen the amplitudes for both baseline grid and ne grid increase with the time matching, indicating the grid resolution at baseline and beyond is sufcient to obtain the solution accuracy for the present wing utter simulations. The amplitudes for the ne grid grow faster than that for the baseline grid. Fig. 21 shows the computed time histories of the generalized displacements for the rst three modes with the three sets of grid. They are generally in the similar trends as that in Fig. 20. Fig. 17 compares the predicted utter speed index and frequency ratio on the ne grid with the experimental values. It can be seen that the increase of grid resolution can improve the accuracy of computational results. FASTRAN requires parallel processing for ows with uid structure interactions. These cases were run in parallel with two nodes, one for the uid domain and the other for the stress solver. For each case, ve utter cycles are needed to make a decision as to whether the response is diverging, damped or neutral. Each run of ve utter cycles took about 6 h of CPU time. Since the experimental utter boundary was known, the search operations were minimized around these points. However, in a case where values are

X. Zhao et al. / Computers & Fluids 58 (2012) 4562


(a) Baseline grid

(b) Coarse grid

Fig. 20. Effect of grid resolution on the structural response at M1 = 0.96 and V =V 1. (a) Baseline grid. (b) Coarse grid. (c) Fine grid. exp

unknown, it might be better to start at a lower speed index and follow an optimized path to the utter boundary in order to keep computational costs to a minimum. Scaling up the parallel run

(c) Fine grid

Fig. 21. Time history of the generalized displacements of the rst three modes at M1 = 0.96 and V =V 1. exp


X. Zhao et al. / Computers & Fluids 58 (2012) 4562 [3] King GM, Siegel JM, Harrand VJ, Lawrence C, Luker J. Development of the multidisciplinary computing environment (MDICE). AIAA Paper 98-4738. [4] Brown SA. Displacement extrapolation for CFD and CSM analysis. AIAA Paper 97-1090. [5] Sheta EF, Huttsell LJ. Numerical analysis of F/A-18 vertical tail buffeting. AIAA Paper 2001-1664. [6] Sheta EF, Harrand V, Thompson D, Strganac T. Computational and experimental investigation of limit cycle oscillations of nonlinear aeroelastic systems. J Aircraft 2002:3913341. [7] Zhang, SJ, Meganathan A. Preconditioning methods in CFD-FASTRAN. AIAA Paper-2008-0701; 2008. [8] Zhang SJ, Meganathan, A. Implicit time accurate method for unsteady computations. AIAA Paper-2009-0166; 2009. [9] Zhao X, Richards PG, Zhang SJ. A dynamic mesh method for unstructured grids. Comput Fluid Dyn J 2004;12(4):58093. [10] Zhang SJ, Zhao X. Computational studies of stage separation with an unstructured chimera grid method. AIAA Paper-2007-5409; 2007. [11] Zhang SJ, Meganathan A. Development and validation of transonic utter prediction methodology using CFD-FASTRAN. AIAA Paper-2007-2015; 2007. [12] Zhang SJ, Zhao X, Lei J. Hypersonic non-equilibrium computations for ionizing air. AIAAPaper-2009-1591; 2009. [13] Yang HQ, Wang ZJ. Interaction of shock wave with a exible structure. AIAA Paper 94-0362; 1994. [14] Siegel J, Parthasarathy V, Kingsley G, Dionne P, Harrand V, Luker J. Application of a multi-disciplinary computing environment (MDICE) for loosely coupled uid-structural analysis. AIAA 98-4865. [15] Schmitt V, Charpin F. Pressure distributions on the ONERA-m6-wing at transonic mach numbers. Tech. rep. AGARD AR 138, AGARD; May 1979. [16] Yates Jr EC. AGARD standard aeroelastic congurations for dynamic response I Wing 445.6. AGARD. Report No. 765; September 1985. [17] Liu F, Cai J, Zhu Y, Tsai HM, Wong AS. Calculation of wing utter by a coupled uid-structured method. J Aircraft 2001;38:33442. [18] Chen XG, Zha GC, Yang MT. Numerical simulation of 3-D wing utter with fully coupled uid-structural interaction. Comput Fluids 2007;36:85667. [19] Lee-Rausch E, Batina J. Calculation of AGARD wing 445.6 utter using Navier Stokes aerodynamics. AIAA Paper 93-3476.

should cut down the wall clock time required to arrive at the utter boundary. This has been deferred to a future study. 4. Conclusions An integrated uid structural interaction simulation tool has been developed in a loosely coupled fashion through MDICE. The MDICE systems modular treatment of computational codes proved versatile enough to easily and accurately couple different ow solvers and various structural solvers. The computed utter boundary of AGARD wing 445.6 for free stream Mach numbers ranging from 0.499 to 1.141 is presented and compared well with experimental data. The transonic dip phenomenon is well captured. The availability of multi-disciplinary modules and the seamless integration made available to the present loosely coupled uid structure methodology have been shown to be well suited for dynamic utter predictions. The present studies are in the preliminary phase. Future work will concentrate on dynamic utter approach frameworks to obtain faster and accurate predictions through the choice of viscous/turbulence models, grid sensitivity analysis and frequency of uidstructure coupling. References
[1] Bennett RM, Edwards JW. An overview of recent developments in computational aeroelasticity. AIAA Paper 98-2421. [2] Huttsell L, Schuster D, Volk J, Giesing J, Love M. Evaluation of computational aeroelasticity codes for loads and utter. AIAA Paper 2001-0569.

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