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Do The Benefits of Fixed Exchange Rates Outweigh Their Costs?

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Affairs and External Policy,Research,

Economics Public CountryEconomicsDepartment The WorldBank
October 1991


Public Disclosure Authorized

Do the Benefits of Fixed ExchangeRates OutweighTheir Costs?

The FrancZone in Africa

Public Disclosure Authorized

ShantayananDevarajan and Dani Rodrik

Public Disclosure Authorized

Fixed exchange rates have bcen a bad bargain for the CFA member countries. Under reasonable tradeoffs between output and inflation, these countries would have been better off having the flexibility to adjust to external shocks.

Thc Pohcy, Research, and External Affairs Coniplex distnbutes PRI' Working Papers to dsseminate the findings of sork in progress and to encourage the exchiange of ideas among Bank staff and all others intcrested m development issues. 1'hese papers carry Lhe names of the authors, reflect mily their views, and should be used and cited accordingly. The findings, interprctauons, and tonclusions are she authors' own. They should not be atLrhuted to the V,'orld Bank, its Board of Duectors, its management, or any of its member

Research, and External Affalrsj UPllcy,

PublicEconomics WPS 777

This paper- a product of thc Public Economics Division, Country Economics Department - is part of a larger effort in PRE to analyze structural adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa. The paper was presented at the CEPR/OECD confcrence on Intemational Dimensions to Structural Adjustment: Implications for Developing Country Agriculture held in Paris in April 1991. Copies are available free from the World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433. Please contact Ann Bhalla, room N1O-059, extension 37699 (32 pages). October 1991. Devarajan and Rodrik develop a simple, formal framework for clarifying thc tradeoffs involved in choosing between a fixed and flexible cxchange rate system. They apply this framework to the countries of Africa's CFA Zone, which have maintained fixed parity with the French franc since independence. Because a few agricultural products and natural resources dominate their exports, member countries of Africa's CFA Zone have suffered frequent shocks in terms of trade. A flexible exchange rate could possibly have alleviated the costs of these extemal shocks. On the other hanid,CFA member countries !-ive managed to maintain lower inflation lcvels than their neighbors. The framework Devarajan and Rodrik have devised provides a way to weigh these costs and benefits. The inflation differential between CFA and non-CFA African countries has been about 14 percentage points. Devarajan and Rodrik attribute this differential to the problems faced by countries with discretion over their exchangerate policy - namely, that the government cannot credibly commit against using this instrument to pursue its own objectives (which may deviate from that of the private sector). In non-CFA countries, the private sector raises its prices, anticipating the govemment's capricious usc of the exchange rate. The higher prices, in turn, force the goverment to devaluc- and inflation results. By contrast, the fixed cxchange rate of the CFA Zone acts as a credible commitment. The government "ties its own hands" so that it will not be tempted to use the exchange rate, thereby eliciting lower wage and price increases from the private sector. Weighing this benefit against the cosLsof nonadjustmcnt to extemal shocks, Devarajan and Rodrik conclude - from some highly simplified . lculations - that fixed exchange rates have been a bad bargain for the CFA member countries. Under reasonable tradeoffs between output and inflation, these countries would have been better off having the flexibility to adjust to external shocks. Their conclusion is qualified by some of the other benefits of Zone mcmbership as well as by the stylized naturc of their framework.

The PRE Working Paper Serics disseminates tlhc findings uf work undcr way in the Bank's Policy, Research, and Extemal Affairs Complex. An objective of the series is tog :t these findings out quickly, even if pcsentations are less than fully polished. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions in thcse papers do not necesFarily represent official Bank policy. Produced by the PRE Dissemination Cen er

Do the Benefits of Fixed Exchange Rates Outweight Their Costs? The Franc Zone in Africa* by Shantayanan Devarajan (Harvard University) and Dani Rodrik (Harvard University, CEPR, and NBER)

Table of Contents I. II. III. The Issues The CFA Zone The Framework (a) (b) (c) IV. V. Notes References Fixed Exchange Rates Flexible Exchange Rates Welfare Comparison of the Two Policy Regimes 1 5 8 11 12 15 19 25 27 29

The Tradeoffs: Empirical Application to the CFA Zone Concluding Remarks

Paper presented at the CEPR/OECD conference on "International Dimensions to Structural Adjustment: Implications for Developing Country Agriculture," April 22-23, 1991, Paris. Dani Rodrik's work was partially supported by an NBER Olin Fellowship. We thank Jim de Melo for inspiration, and Larry Ball, Emil-Maria Claassen, Alan Winters, and confercnce participants for comments.

DO THE BENEFITS OF FIXED EXCHANGERATES OUTWEIGH THEIR COSTS? THE FRANC ZONE IN AFRICA ShantayananDevarajan and Dani Rodrik A primary reason for structuraladjustment in agricultu:e is the wide fluctuation in the world prices of agriculturalcommodities,which cause sharp swings in the terms of trade of countries that rely on these commoditiesfor their export earnings. A key instrumencin structuraladjustmentis the exchange rate. How and whether this instrumentis used, however, depends on the "rules of the game," that is, the particular exchange-rateregime the country is in. This paper addresses the question of how small, open economies that are subject to sharp swings in their terms of trade should select an appropriate exchange rate regime. We develop a framework to clarify the trade-offs involved, and apply it to the CFA Zone countries in Africa, which have maintained a fixed parity with the French Franc since independence. Thanks to the predominanceof a few agriculturalproducts and natural resources in their exports, CFA member countrieshave suffered frequent shocks in their terms of trade. A flexibleexchange rate could have possibly alleviatedthe output costs of these external shocks. On the other hand, a fixed exchange rate has enabled these countries to maintain lower inflation levels than their neighbors. Our frameworkprovides a way of weighing these costs and benefits. Using our model as a guide, we investigatewhether their choice of a fixed exchange rate was (and remains) a wise one. I. The Issues The selection of an appropriateexchange-rateregime has aroused considerableacademic interestover the last three decades, and the answers provided have shifted with academic fashions.' Throughoutmuch of the 1950s


and 1960s, in line with prevailingwisdom (and practice) in the international monetary system as a whole, developingcountries maintained fixed exchange rates. More flexible arrangementsstarted to become commonplaceby the late 1960s and 1970s. As the currenciesof industrialcountries started to float vis-a-vis each other after 1971, flexibilitybecame a necessity:pegging to any of the major currencies implied floating against others. During the 1980s, exchange-rateflexibilitycontinued to gain ground among developing countries. In particular,many governmentsexperimentedwith market-based exchange rate regimes, such as auction-basedsystems, interbankmarkets, or pure floats. But by the mid-1980s, the tide turned. Floating exchange rates began to policy makers. lose much of their lustre in the eyes of industrial-country The wide gyrations of the dollar during the 1980s and the short-term volatility of the key currencieseroded confidence in markets' ability to foster adjustmentwith no (or little) tears. The Europeans linked their currencies tighter, and proposals to limit flexibilitybecame widespread. In many parts of the developingworld, exchange-rateflexibilitybecame another name for inflation. In Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina,Mexico, Israel and Poland, programs based on fixed exchange rates. governments introducedstabilization at There are basically two ways of look'.ng exchange rates, with divergent implicationsfor desirable exchange rate regimes. Borrowing Corden's (1990) terminology,we can call these the "real targets" approach and the "nominal anchor" approach. The real targets school views the exchange rate as an policy instrumentin attaining equilibrium in the "real" indispensable


economy, such as in domestic activity, the current account, or the rate of growth. This is the view of the exchange rate embedded in the textbook exposition of the dependent economy model with its juxtapositionof expenditureswitching (i.e., devaluation)and expenditurechanging (i.e., fiscal policy) as the two independentpolicies needed to achieve the twin goals of internal and external balance. The real targets approach inevitably leads to an activist, discretionarystance. The exchange rate has to be managed flexibly: the authoritiesneed to respond to external shocks (such as terms of trade changes) or domesticprice shocks by undertaking the requisite (i.e., exchange rate) and expenditurecombination of expenditure-switching changing policies to reattain macroeconomicequilibrium. Implicit in the real targets approach are two notions: first, that the macroeconomycannot be relied on to generate on its own the real exchange rate changes required by shocks to the system; second, that a nominal devaluation will have real effects (i.e., it will lead to a depreciationof the the real exchange rate), at least in the short- to medium-run. These two notions of how the economy works are encapsulatedin the textbookmodel by the assumption that home-good prices are rigid (upward as well as downward). Putting the two together, we obtain the activist role for the exchange rate called for by the real targets approach. The alternative,nominal anchor approach is based on a rejection of the efficacy of nominal exchange rate adjustments. The case for this approach can be constructed at several levels. At the simplest level, one can deny the effectivenessof nominal devaluationsin achieving real depreciations,thereby


denying flexibilityof the currency any serious economic purpose. But even if it is granted that nominal exchange rate policy has some power in the shortto medium-run, it is possible to argue that the inflationarycosts are high enough to render it a bad bargain. The passthrough from the exchange rate to domestic prices arises from the openness of the economy and/or from the effective indexing of home goods prices to the value of the currency. When the passthrough coefficient is below unity but high, nominal exchange rate changes large enough to be "effective"in the sense of the real targets approachwill come at the cost of unacceptablejumps in domestic prices. A more recent strand of theorizinghas added a new twist to the nominal anchor approach. The literaturespawned by the discovery of rational expectationshas stressed that the policy regime in place will shape the way the private sector sets wages and prices in the economy. In a flexible-rate regime, domestic price setters will take into account the policymakers' incentive to alter the nominal exchange rate in order to achieve some "real" objective, an incentive that typically undercuts the price setters' desire to maintain their relative prices. Moreover, any pronouncementthat the authorities'discretionover the exchange rate will not be "abused" is not reasons, as long as the value of the credible for standard time-inconsistency currency can be adjusted at more frequent intervals than wages and domestic prices. Consequently,the economy will settle at a high rate of inflation, with no guarantee that the authoritieswill end up any closer to their real targets. In this view, then, exchange-rateflexibilityhas a cost and no benefits. It is better to give up discretionand subscribe to a fixed


2 exchange rate regime, thereby "anchoring"the domestic price level.

Clearly, both approachescapture some of the reality in developing countries,and neither can be judged right or wrong in the abstract. The weight of arguments on the two sides will depend on the particulars of each case. Here, we will lay out a simple, formal framework which captures the essence of the arguments listed above and provides guidance as to how the weighting of pros and cons can be done explicitly. We will then apply the framework to the African member countries of the CFA Franc Zone. We will ask: hictory and their (as -wellas knowing what we do about their terms-of-trade their neighbors') performanceover the last three decades, did their decision to join a currency union with France make sense? II. The CFA Zone
3 The CFA Franc Zone consists of thirteen African countries which are

divided into two currency unions: the Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine and the members of the Banque des Etats de l'AfriqueCentrale. Each union issues its own currency. Since both currenciesare the CFA Franc, the two unions are referred to jointly as the "CFA Franc Zone." The Zone is an extension of the monetary authority which governed these former French colonies prior to independence. In the late 1950s, the two Francophone countries currency unions were set up, and the newly-independent of Africa were given the option of joining. All but Guinea, Madagascar and
4 Mauritania did.

Membership in the Zone afforded these countries the

opportunity to pool their foreign exchange reserves. In addition, the Zone was governed by certain rules which could be interpretedas a means of guiding


monetary policy in these fEedglingnation-states.5 First, government borrowing from the Central Bank could not exceed 20 percent of the previous year's tax receipts. Second, the French governmentguaranteed the of the CFA Franc. Member countries had to convert 65 percent convertibility of their foreign exchange reserves into French Francs and deposit them with the French Treasury. Third, and most relevant to our study, the exchange rate between the French and CFA Francs was fixed at 50 CFAF - 1 FF, the rate which had prevailed since 1948. Changes in this parity required the unanimous consent of all Zone members, includingFrance. In other words, the rules of the Zone made a nominal devaluationvirtually impossible. While other aspects of the CFA Zone have changed over the last 30 years, these three rules have remained intact. Several studies have asked whether the rules have :ad to a differencein the economic performanceof Zone members countries. Devarajan and de Melo (1987) vis-a-vis some group of "comparator" showed that CFA countries had a slightlyhigher growth rate of CDP than their sub-SaharanAfrican (hereafter"African")counterpartsin the period 1960-82. Guillaumont et al. (1988) obtained a similar conclusionby examining a richer set of indicators. Both sets of authors attributedthe differential performance to the monetary and fiscal disciplineengenderedby membership in the CFA Zone. However, in updating their study to include the 1980s, and looking at a broader set of indicators,Devarajan and de Melo (1990) arrived at more equivocal results. While CFA countries continued to enjoy a slightly higher GDP growth rate than their hfrican neighbors,this differencewas no longer


statisticallysignificant for the 1980s. Furthermore,along some other dimensions, the CFA Zone's performancewas noticeablyworse. CFA countries had lower export growth and investmentlevels in the 1980s compared with other African countries. When controlling for the size of the external shocks faced by these groups of countries,Devarajan and de Melo found that CFA countries achieved less current account reduction than their African neighbors. Moreover, they experiencedgreater variability in growth than non-CFA
6 countries.

On one dimension,however, the CFA countries continued to shine:

their average inflation rate was roughly half that of other African countries in the 1970s, and one-sevenththat of these countries in the 1980s. between the 1970s and 1980s, Furthermore,the degree of inflation-reduction higher in the CFA Zone than controlling for external shockn, was significantly outside it. In sum, both the rules of the CFA Zone and the performanceof its members make it an ideal case with which to study the pros and cons of fixed exchange rates. The Zone has maintained a fixed parity with the French franc throughout its history. The relativeperformance of Zone members vis-a-vis their African counterparts illustratesthe tradeoffs involved. On the one hand, Zone members enjoyed lower inflation thanks to the fixed exchange rate regime. OrLthe other hand, they have apparentlybeen unable to adjust their economies to the large terms of trade shocks of the 1980s and have experienced greater variability in output. One reason, no doubt, is their inability to use nominal devaluationsas an instrumentof adjustment. Finally, the comparisonbetween CFA and other African countries is especially apt. For the


other African countries share most of the salient featureswith the CFA Zone except the fixed exchange rate. They obtained independenceat similar times and are roughly at the same level of development. All are primary producers, as are the CFA members. Since they produce similar goods, they faced the same during this period. In short, the other external shocks as the CFA cou..tries African countries provide CFA members with a relativelyaccurate picture of "life outside the Zone". The fact that these two groups of countries are distinguishedby exchange rata regime brings us as close to a controlled experiment as economistscould hope for. III. The Framework The experienceof the CFA Zone illustratesthe main tradeoff invo ied in the choice of exchange rate regimes as indicated in section I: By committing themselvesto a fixed-rateregime, these countries could anchor their price levels and maintain inflation close to the rate experiencedby the country whose currency serves as the peg. However, by doing so they lost the ability to adjust to terms of trade shocks. Had they selected a flexible-rateregime, they would have been able to limit the damage done to the real economy by the ups and down in the world prices of their main imports and exports. That, in turn, would have come at the expense of a higher rate of inflation,as domestic wage and price setters would have lacked the discipline,and domestic monetary authorities the credibility,provided by an irrevocablyfixed exchange rate.7 Did thes_ countries "do the right thing" by joining a currency union with France? We will set u%pa simple model here to provide a partial answer to


this question. Assume that the policymaker is interestedin maximizingan objective function in which both a nominal and a real variable play a role. The real variable could be the current account, output, or the growth rate. The nominal variable could be the price level or inflation. Since presumablywhat matters most to policymakersare growth and inflation,we will cast the model in terms of these two variables. We express the objective function in quadratic-lossform:
(1) W _((f

*)2 +



where W denotes welfare, ffis inflation,y is the growth rate, 0 is the weight attached by the authorities to the real target relative to the nominal one, and i* and y are the policy maker's targets for inflationand growth,

respectively. (&I can of course hb zero.) A welfare maximum is attained when

inflation and growth hit their target levels (if - wf and y



formulationhas well-knownproblems, chief among which is its quadratic-loss of targets. But for our symmetric treatment of over- and under-shooting purposes, such problems are of secondary importance. The equilibrium level of growth is determinedby two variables, the change in the real exchange rate and the terms of trade:
(2) y+ a(e - p) + (r - r),

where y is the (exogenouslygiven) "natural"rate of growth, e and p are (log differences in) the exchange rate and the home-goodsprice, respectively,r is


the (log) terms of trade, and r is the mean level of the (log) terms of trade. The parametersa and P are positive. The terms of tLade, r, is taken

to be random, wi'h variance a2. Note that (e-p) stands for the percentage change in the real exchange rate. An equation like ,')follows from expressing the level of output as a function of the level of the real exchange rate and the terms of trade. To complete the model, we have to specify how domesticprices are determined. We assume tnat domestic price (or wage) setters are rational and but that they can change their prices less frequentlythan forward-looking, exchange rate. Domesticprices are therefore the authoritiescan adjust tl'.. set taking into account the government'sexchange rate policy, but without actually observing the exchange rate that will prevail. This provides policy makers in principle temporary leeway in determiningthe real exchange rate by altering the nominal exchange rate. Further,we assume that terms of trade shocks are revealed after domestic prices are set. The timing therefore is as follows: 1. p is set; 2. r is revealed; 3. e is set. We assume that domestic price setters (e.g., urban workers) are rational and forward-looking. In setting their prices, they are concerned both with maintaining their relativeprices and with adjusting to shocks. In reduced form, their behavior can be summarizedby expressing the change in domestic prices as follows:


(3) p - E(e) + wE(r - r), where E(x) stands for the expected value of x. The first term here captures
9 the relative-pricemotive, while the second term captures the desired

adjustment in home prices in response to the expected terms-of-tradeshock. (w is a parameter representingthe elasticityof the desired adjustmentwith respect to the shock.) Note that p is set before r is revealed, and E(r - 0. Therefore, (3) boils down to: (4) p - E(e). Hence, home-goodsprices (or, equivalently, wages) increaseat the expected rate of nominal depreciation. Finally, inflation is a weighted average of the increases in the prices
1 of home goods and traded goods: 0



- jup + (l-M)e.

We are now ready to analyze the behavior of the economy under the two exchange rate regimes.

(a) Fixed Exchange Rates. The analysis of this case is very simple. Under fixed exchange rates, the governmentirrevocablyfixes the value of the currency, giving up its discretionary ierto alter it. As mentioned above,

rational expectationsin this context imply p - E(e). Given the inflation target of w*, then, the optimal policy for the governmentis to set e


This gives:

p - E(e) - e -

That in turn implies that the equilibriumvalue of the real variable is

(6) y - y + p(r

Under this policy regime, then, inflationstays on target while growth fluctuateswith the terms of trade.

(b) Flexible Exchange Rates. Under flexible rates, the governmentbehaves in a discretionarymanner and determinesthe value of e to maximize its objective function as expressed in (1). When it does so, it takes home-goods prices (p) as given (as they have been pre-set). Moreover, having observed the terms of trade, it selects an exchange rate that is contingenton the realized value of T. Substituting (2) and (5) into (1), we can write the objective function in terms of e, p, and r:
W(e, p, r) - -[pp +(l-p)e
2 r*I


+ a(e-p) +

Maximizing this expressionand solving for e yields:

(7) e (a2 + (1-p)2 1-1
2 ([a 0 _ p(l-p)]p + (l-p),r*+ ag(y*_y)


Assuming that the policymakerplaces sufficientweight on the real target (growth)so that a20 de/dr < 0;


> 0, we get the following results:




1 > de/dp > 0;

(iii) de/dir*> 0; (iv) de/d(y*-y)> 0. For ease of exposition,assume an initial equilibriumwhere e - p - 0. The first of these inequalitiesstates that the policymakerwill react to terms of trade shocks by compensatoryexchange rate policy; a deteriorationin the terms of trade will be met by a depreciation. This is of course the main advantage of flexibility in the exchange rate regime. The second result states that an increase in home-goodsprices will be accommodatedby a depreciation,but only partially. The reason for the partial accommodationis the inflationarycost of depreciation. Third, a reduction in the target value of inflationwill call for an appreciationof the currency. policy to the relationshipbetween The fourth result links exchange-rate the government'starget for growth and the natural level of growth. When the governmenthas an expansionarymotive (y > y), exchange-ratepolicy will have a bias towards depreciation. For the rest of the analysis, we will assume that this is indeed the case. There are two possible justifications for this. First, for many reasons, we could think that the economy'snatural rate of growth is sub-optimalfrom a social standpoint. That could be due to pre-existingrigidities in labor markets or various kinds of distortionary (and unremovable)taxation. The government'sdesire to push the economy beyond the rate at which the economy would settle on its own, then, would be a well-meaningresponse to this sub-optimality. The second justificationis


based on a much less benign view. In this view, the bias towards depreciation derives from naughty motives: gaining political advantage by giving the economy a temporary boost, or allowing inflationaryfinance of budget deficits. Under rational expectations,domesticprice setters will take into account the government'sbehavior, as capturedby equation (7). Setting p

E(e) and taking the expectationof (7), we can derive the following expression for the expected change in the exchange rate (and therefore the level of homegoods prices): (8) E(e)

fA + [aO/(l-p)](y*

where we have used the fact that E(r - r) - 0. This is the rule followedby the private sector in setting p. Note that home-goods inflation will be higher, the greater the divergencebetween the target level of growth and its natural level. That is because price setters will want to cover themselves against currency depreciationsthat erode their relative prices. In turn, the equilibrium level of depreciationof the exchange rate will be (by plugging [8] into [7]):
(9) e - f* + [aO/(l-j)](y*

y) -


2a +


Note that (9) differs from (8) only by the last term, which is the terms of trade shock that cannot be anticipatedby price setters. Therefore,domestic price behavior fully takes into account the systematiccomponent of exchange rate policy (the part due to the gap between y and y), which implies that


the government's expansionary motive creates only inflation and no output gains. But discretionary policy does buy the economy something, and that is the ability to alter the real exchange rate (and hence smooth output) in the face of unanticipated terms of trade disturbances. the equilibrium level of y: This can be seen by solving for

(10) y

+(l-p)2 ])fi(r - r). y + {(ls)2/[IC2,

2 2 Since {(l-,s)/[ac0 +(1-0) 2 ])


1, exchange rate flexibility enables growth to

be less sensitive to fluctuations in the terms of trade than in the fixed exchange rate case (as can be seen by comparing [10] with [6]).

(c) Welfare Comparison of the Two Policy Regimes.

Table 1 summarizes the The fixed

inflation and growth consequences of the two policy regimes.

exchange-rate regime does better on the inflation front (on average), while the flexible-rate regime does better on the real side of the economy by reducing the fluctuations in growth rate. The next step is to derive an

explicit cost-benefit criterion for choosing between the two regimes.


Table 1: Consequencesof the Alternative Policy Regimes




y + B(r-r)

exch rate

flexible exch rate

2 Y + t(l-A) /[a2 0 +(1 ,)2]1)


[a/(l-)(y*-y) +(l-,.)2)(r-r)

-0)/[a )(r-r)

The appropriateway to do so is to take an ex-ante stand and ask: which of the two regimes provides a higher level of expectedwelfare, in light of the structure of the economy, policy preferences of the authorities,and the anticipated pattern of exogenous (in this case terms of trade) shocks? It is possible to answer this question using the results obtained so far. For each policy regime, we can plug the equilibriumoutcomes for y and r into the objective function (1) and take the mathematicalexpectation. Let us denote expectedwelfare under the fixed exchange-rateregime by EWf and the correspondingvariable under the flexible exchange-rateregime by



Then after some algebra and simplification, the difference between the

two can be expressed as:

(11) EWf - EWnf

A -


2 A,

2/[a2' + ('-j)21

[(y -y)/(l-p)]12

We will refer to (EWf - EWnf) as the net benefits of the fixed rate regime. The composite parameter A is of ambiguous sign, reflecting the tradeoff between the costs and benefits of the two regimes. The first term making up A

captures the benefit of the fixed-rate regime, while the second term represents the cost. A fixed rate is preferable to a flexible rate regime

whenever A is positive. Note first that the variance of the terms of trade (a2 ) enters on the cost side. That is, the higher is a2, the less likely that a fixed rate Second, the higher is This

regime will be preferable to a flexible rate regime.

(y* - y) the more likely that a fixed exchange rate will be desirable. follows from the greater temptation of policy makers with expansionary ambitions to inflate the economy (and depreciate the currency). A fixed

exchange rate rules out such depreciation, and leaves policy makers better off, even when judged by their own welfare criterion. flexible rates more desirable. Third, a high P makes

That is, when the real economy is highly

susceptible to terms of trade shocks, flexible exchange rates have the edge.1 1 Next, we turn to the effect of 0. It can be verified that:

d(EWf - EWnf)/do > 0 d(EWf


whenever A > 0; whenever A < 0.


EWnf)/do < O


In words, when a fixed rate is preferable (A > 0), an increase in the weight placed on the real target makes a fixed rate regime even more beneficial. When a flexible-rate regime is preferable (A < 0), an increase in the weight attached to the real target has ambiguous effects on the net benefits. respect to A itself, we can see from (12) that dA/do is unambiguously positive: that is, there must exist a sufficiently high rate regime becomes preferable to a flexible rate one. With

4 such that a fixed

This may sound

paradoxical, because the benefit of a fixed-rate regime is lower inflation, not higher growth. But it is an extension of the same logic: when policy

makers put a large weight on output relative to inflation, there will be greater temptation to abuse the discretion allowed by flexible exchange rates and a higher inflationary cost. Countries where economic policy is highly

politicized, where the central bank lacks autonoray,or where inflation has becon.m chronic and its perceived costs low are settings where we would expect

and (y -y) to be high. In the preceding paragraph, we looked at the relationship between 0 and

the choice of policy regimes while holding constant all other parameters, and (y*-y) in particular. An alternative approach, and one that we will rely on

in our empirical analys:s, is to ask how the choice of policy regimes is affected by variations in X, while holding the inflation differential between the two regimes constant. From Table 3.1, we can see that the average

inflation differential under the two regimes is given by:






where the subscripts "nf"

and "f" once again refer to the flexibleand fixed

regimes, respectively. This implies 2 *2 [a+/(l-jAfl(y-y) - (inf Substitutinginto (11) we get:

(11') EWf EWnf (fnf ff)2 (aop)2a2/[a2 + (1-A)2]


It can be shown that the second term on the right-hand side is increasing in

E- tf) Thus, holding (lnf

constant, EWf - EWnf is decreasing in 4.

Therefore,controlling for the inflationdifferential,an increase in the weight placed on the real target renders fixed rates less advantageous. Note means in this context that controlling for the inflation differential adjusting (y -y) pari passu with g$ to maintain the differencebetween the inflation rates fixed (see [13]). We will use the formulationin (11') when we turn to the empirical application to the CFA case. The reason is tiat we can get a rough handle on the inflation differentialunder the two regimes by comparing CFA Zone countries with other sub-Saharancountries with flexible exchange rates. By contrast, (y* y) is unobservable. IV. The Tradeoffs: EmoiricalApplicationto the CFA Zone As we mentioned earlier, there are at least two reasons why a model like that described above is relevant and applicableto the case of the CFA Zone. First, since CFA Zone countries are highly dependent on primary exports, terms


of trade snocks are the main exogenous force that buffets their economies. Therefore our focus on the terms of trade would appear well placed. Second, the presence of neighboring countrieswith similar economic structuresbut different exchange rate regimes allows us to construct a reasonable counterfactual. In particular,we can derive some ballpark estimates of the inflationarycost of exchange-rateflexibilityby looking at the experienceof these comparator countries. We proceed as follows. We first note that the choice of a fixed exchange rate regime implies a certain preference for price-stabilityover the real target (or, in the language of the model in section III, a particular value of 0 in the objective function [1]). We then ask: Given the evolution of these economies and of their external terms of trade, what does the fact that they joined the CFA Zone say about their revealed,ex ante valuation of the outputinflation tradeoff? Finally, we compare the range of revealed outputinflation tradeoffs we obtain in this manner with what we consider to be "reasonable"tradeoffs. We proceed by determining the critical level of 0 at which the policy maker would be indifferentbetween fixed and flexible exchange rate regimes. As discussed in the previous section, it is convenientto work with equation (11'). Setting this equation equal to zero and solving for q, we obtain the critical value of C, O. This critical rate is a function of the inflation

differentialunder fixed and flexiblerates (rnf

rf), as well as the other

parameters of the model. As implied by the earlier discussion, Xc is increasingin the inflationdifferentialand decreasing in a2. In words, as


the inflation cost of exchange-rateflexibilityrises, the weight placed on the real target must increase for the policy maker to remain at the same margin of indifference. Conversely, as the terms of trade become more variable, the weight placed on the real target must diminish for continued incifference. Holding everythingelse constant, a

higher than Xc would

imply that a flexible exchange rate regime would be preferable to a fixed rate regime. We now proceed to calculateXc. We will need empirical estimates of all the other parameters in equation (11'). To get a handle on (lrnf wf), we exploit the structuralsimilarity between the CFA member countries and their neighbors. That is, we use the differencebetween the average inflation rate inside the CFA Zone and in the rest of sub-SaharanAfrica as an estimate of (wnf - wf). For the GDP deflator, this differenceis 15 percentagepoints (the CFA average rate between 1973 and 1987 was 9 percent, the non-CFA average 24 percent). For the consumer price index, the difference is close to 12 percentagepoints. We use with a slight bias a figure which lies in between these two differences, towards the GDP deflator: 13.8 percentagepoints. As for the o2 term in equation (11'), this is obtainedby taking the (unweighted)average of the variances of the logarithmsof the terms of trade of all the CFA countries during 1965-87. The base data and the variances are given in Table 2. We also present the levels of o2 for various sub-periods and individualcountries. With the former,we can ask whether the terms of trade have become more volatile so that the decision to fix the exchange rate in 1965 no longer makes sense. With the latter, we calculate the revealed


inflation-output tradeoffs for individualcountries to see if Zone membership continues to be optimal for some countries but not others. The parametersa, 6 and p are difficult to estimate precisely. Hence, we vary them parametricallyin our calculations. The parameter a represents the increase in growth for an additionalone percent depreciationof the real exchange rate. We vary this from a low of 0.05 to a high of 0.20 in our sensitivity tests. Note that a - 0.20 implies that a ten percent real depreciationwill spur growth--temporarily--by percentagepoints. The two parameter i is the impact of a terms of trade shock on real income, As a first approximation,the direct effect of the shock will be to reduce real income by the share of imports in GDP. Note that this share is also linked to (1-A), the share of tradables in the price index. Under some conditions, the two are equal (see Devarajan, Lewis and Robinson [1991]). Therefore,we set 1-> - 6 in our calculationsand vary P from 0.10 to 0.40. One last step is needed before we can interpretour calculations. It will be convenient to state our results in terms of implied output-inflation tradeoffs,rather than 4S itself. The tradeoffcan be recovered from Xc by between w and y along an calculating the marginal rate of substitution indifferencecurve (i.e., holding dW - 0). Differentiatingthe objective function (1): (14) dw/dyIdW_.0 )

tradeoff along the locus on which This gives us the revealed inflation-output between a fixed and flexibleexchange the country would have been indifferent


rate regime. Remember that Oc is the maxm

for which fixed rates still

make sense (holding the inflationdifferentialand other parameters constant). There!ore the expression dr/dyldw_Oanswers the following question: what is the maiimum increase in inflationthat the government is revealed to be willing to trade off against a single percentagepoint increase in growth, given that it has chosen to join the CFA Zone? tradeoff, we In order to map the values of Xc to this inflation-output need to know y, y , s and
* if *

in (14). It is reasonableto take as the target

.level of inflation,,* - 0. For the actual level, we take w - 0.08, which is period. about the average for CFA countries throughoutthe post-independence The target GDP growth rate (y*) is taken to be 0.05, which is at the lower end of the range of targets in the (usuallyoptimistic) Five-Year Plans of thse countries. The actual (y) will be 0.03, which is about the average performance of CFA countries in this period. Incorporatingthese assumptions,Table 3 presents the revealed inflationoutput tradeoffs for the countries which chose to join the fixed exchange rate regime. Note that for most values of a and 0, the implied tradeoffbetween growth and inflation is exceedingly steep. For example,when a - 0.15 and p is 0.25, dw/dyldW_O is 1.51. The interpretation that for the decision to join the CFA Zone to have made sense (given these particularvalues of a and P), member countries should have been willing to tolerate no more than a one and a half percentagepoint increase in inflationfor a one percent increase in their average annual GDP growth rate. In other words, the implied preference for price stabilit) over output is extremely high. If they were willing to


tolerate a higher inflation rate for this boost in their growth rate, they should not have opted for a fixed exchange rate regime. The revealed tradeoff is even steeper for a country like Gabon, which suffered the largest terms of trade shocks in the CFA Zone (see Table 2). This is intuitive. The costs of a fixed exchange rate regime rise with the variance of the terms of trade. For Gabon to have joined the CFA Zone, therefore, it must have had an exceptionallylow tolerancefor inflationvisa-vis growth (see second panel of Table 3). Likewise, Senegal's tradeoff is the least steep, because it enjoyed the lowest variance in its terms of trade (bottom panel of Table 3). Sensitivity analysiswith the inflation differential(not reportedhere) does not significantlyalter the results. For example, raising the inflation differentialto its "high" estimate, 15 percentagepoints, raises Senegal's tradeoff for the intermediatevalues of a and 6 (0.15 and 0.25, respectively) to 6.4 percentagepoints. That is, eve- if the gains from joining the Zone were 15 percentagepoints lower average inflation,the Senegaleserevealed that they were only willing to tradeoff 6.4 percentagepoints of inflation for one percentagepoint increase in their GDP growth rate. Our impression is that most African policymakerswould be willing to trade up to about 10 percentagepoints of inflation for a one percentagepoint increase in their GDP growth rate--thatis, to increase their growth from 3 to 4 percent per annum on average. Given that most of the numbers in Table 3 lie below this figure, it appears that the decision to join the CFA Zone reflects bias. Put another way, if the future is going to an excessive anti-inflation


be anything like the past, CFA countries should perhaps seriously evaluate whether they wish to remain in a fixed exchange rate regime. V. ConcludingRemarks We should stress that we have concentrated here on only some aspects of the costs and benefits of the CFA Zone. We have ignored some important benefits, including the savings obtainedby pooling reserves and the attractivenessto foreign investors of a convertiblecurrency. In addition, we have left unmentioned the special relationship with France (and the French treasury) implied by the existence of the Zone. Depending on one's perspective,the latter considerationcan be viewed as either a net gain or loss. Our focus insteadhas been on the costs of maintaininga fixed exchange rate regime in the context of highly variable external terms of trade. We have attempted to measure the welfare costs arising from the inability to adjust the exchange rate, and to pit these costs against the benefits of lower inflation. The inflation differential between CFA and non-CFA African countries has been around 14 percentagepoints. We attribute this problem inherent in differentialto the standard time-consistency discretionarymacroeconomicpolicy. Nonetheless,our highly stylized calculationssuggest that fixed exchange rates have been, on the whole, a bad bargain for the CFA member countries. For most of the CFA members. the inflationbenefits do not appear to have been large enough to offset the costs output-inflation tradeoffs,these on the output side. Under "reasonable" countrieswould have been better off having the flexibilityto adjust to


external shocks. This conclusion needs one important caveat. Our counterfactual effectively assumes that CFA policy makers would have followed the appropriate exchange rate policies in response to terms of trade shocks, had they had the freedom to do so. In light of experiencewith exchange rate policy in the

rest of Africa, this is perhaps a doubtful supposition. Possibly, exchangerate flexibilitywould have brought only inflation,and no output benefits. However, basing the choice of an exchange rate regime on the assumed incompetenceof policymakersdoes not seem very appropriateeither.



1. See Aghevli et al. (1991) for a concise summary of the issues. 2. This is of course closely related to the literatureon "rules versus discretion". See Fischer (1990) for a general survey. 3. The countries are: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, EquatorialGuinea, Gabon, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. Mali left the Zone in 1965 and rejoined in 1984. EquatorialGuinea became a member in 1985. 4. Togo did not join at the outset, but did so after a change of government in 1963. 5. For more detailed descriptionsof the institutionalarrangementsin the CFA Zone, see Bhatia (1985) and Guillaumontand Guillaumont (1984). 6. The unweighted average of the standard deviation of growth for the CFA countries is 7.2 percentagepoints over the entire 1973-87 period. The comparableaverage for other African countries is 5.4 percentagepoints. 7. Our approach is somewhat related to that taken in the literatureon the insulatingproperties of fixed and flexible exchange rates in the presence of domestic and external shocks of differentkinds (see for example Boyer, 1978, and Aizenman and Frenkel, 1985). However, this literature focused on the goal of stabilizing output only, and neglected the price discipline argument for fixed rates. 8. With a slight reinterpretation variables, the model can also be stated of in terms of the levels of output and prices, rather than their growth rates.


We chose the latter because they are the more relevant variables for policy. 9. There is actually a slight conceptualproblem here. Since p and e stand for the changes in the exchange rate and home prices, the relative-price motive is stated in proportional,r :her than absolute, form. This implies that price setters let bygones be bygones, and do not attempt to make up for previous losses (or gains). Tracking these dynamic effects would complicate the model considerably. rate 10. Note that inflation has no direct effect on the equilibrium gro-ith (2). Of course, in the long run, persistent inflationwill undermine economic activity and growth, which is one of the reasons why inflation is included separately in the objective function (1).

11. $ is likely to be large in economies that are very open. Openness therefore increases the desirabilityof flexibility in exchange rates. This is at odds with the usual conclusiondrawn in the literatureon optimum currency areas, wherein greater openness is taken to imply less latitude in manipulatingthe real exchange rate through changes in the nominal rate, making flexibility less desirable.


REFERENCES Aghevli, Bijan, Mohsin Khan, and Peter Montiel, 1991, Exchange Rate Policy in Developing Countries: Some Analytical Issues, IMF Occasional Paper No. 78, Washington, D.C. Aizenman, Joshua, and Jacob Frenkel, 1985, "OptimalWage Indexation,Foreign Exchange Intervention,and Monetary Policy,"American Economic Review, vol. 75, June, pp. 402-423. Bhatia, R., 1985, The West African Monetary Union: An Analytical Survey, IMF Occasional Paper No. 35, Washington,D.C. Journal of Boyer, R., 1978, "Optimal Foreign ExchangeMarket Intervention," Political Economy,December, pp. 1045-55. Corden, W. Max, 1990, "Exchange Rate Policy in DevelopingCountries," PPR Working Papers, No. 412, World Bank, April. Devarajan, Shantayanan,and Jaime de Melo, 1987, "EvaluatingParticipationin African Monetary Unions: A StatisticalAnalysis of the CFA Zones," World D3velooment,vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 483-96. Devarajan, Shantayanan,and Jaime de Melo, 1990, "Membershipin the CFA Zone: Odyssean Journey or Trojan Horse?" PPR Working Papers, No. 482, World Bank, August. Devarajan, Shantayanan,Jeffrey D. Lewis, and Sherman Robinson, 1991, "External Shocks and the EquilibriumReal Exchange Rate," unpublished paper. Fischer, Stanley, 1990, "Rules versus Discretion in Monetary Policy," in B.M. Friedman and F.H. Hahn (eds.), Handbook of Monetary Economics,vol. II, Amsterdam,North-Holland.


Guillaumont, P., S. Guillaumont, and P. Plane, 1988, "Farticipating in African Monetary Unions: An Alternative Evaluation," World Development, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 569-76. Guillaumont, P. and S. Guillaumont (eds.), 1988, Strategies de DeveloRpement Comparee: Zone Franc et Hors Zone Franc, Economica, Paris. World Bank, 1990, African Economic and Financial Data Base, International Economics Department, Washington, D.C.

Table Terms BEN 132 124 129 131 126 125 108 117 177 116 94 124 152 128 115 100 103 92 95 97 92 67 86 BKF 132 144 147 153 147 161 158 155 178 108 94 119 110 107 108 100 89 83 95 95 81 76 88 CMR 104 106 109 120 125 119 98 97 114 93 79 117 147 120 104 100 98 96 94 96 92 62 56 CAF 123 118 110 118 132 100 92 90 98 86 73 103 115 96 104 100 88 90 89 95 87 85 84 of

2 CFA Zone MLI 146 146 157 158 171 181 172 169 182 112 101 129 1'20 120 105 X00 93 ,83 93 i93 t82 74 85 NER 144 170 154 159 155 157 164 170 150 125 128 134 125 135 122 100 100 104 107 100 99 94 83 SEN 133 136 90 112 124 114 106 110 103 128 118 114 113 101 100 100 102 98 99 101 97 86 90 TGO 103 100 103 104 103 100 90 86 93 177 145 125 117 99 93 100 102 93 88 92 86 72 77

Trade in the (1980-100) CIV 101 100 98 105 107 106 88 89 96 93 80 115 146 121 118 100 85 87 92 100 96 105 88 GAB 59 60 45 33 30 28 29 36 35 70 62 66 64 61 72 100 107 102 95 95 90 56 64

1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987

COG 98 93 103 90 89 83 81 71 42 70 64 69 72 67 74 100 106 101 96 97 94 57 64

lOO*Variance[Log(Terms Period 65-87 65-72 73-79 80-87 4.10 0.38 3.60 1.53 6.31 0.34 3.54 0.83 4.40 0.80 3.43 2.49 1.99 1.71 1.84 0.25 5.06 1.20 3.17 3.93 1.73 0.50 3.41 0.54 18.30 8.57 5.35 4.04


Trade)] 8.15 0.54 3.29 0.95 4.49 0.27 0.42 0.14 1.44 1.55 0.72 0.27 3.55 0.46 5.13 1.24 CFA Avg 5.41 1.48 3.08 1.47





Table 3 Revealed Inflation-Growth Tradeoffs

Maximum Increases in Inflation that CFA Countries Are Willing to Sustain for a One Percent Increase in their Average Annual GDP Growth Rate, As Revealed by their Membership in a Fixed Exchange Rate Regime (in percentage CFA Zone beta alPha 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.05 9.71 4.74 2.95 2.08 1.59 1.28 1.07 Gabon beta alpha 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.05 3.37 1.80 1.19 0.89 0.70 0.58 0.49 0.10 2.83 1.37 0.84 0.59 0.45 0.36 0.30 0.15 t.71 p.26 p.75 p.51 0.37 0.29 0.24 0.20 2.66 1.22 0.71 0.47 0.34 0.26 0.21 0.10 9.04 4.15 2.43 1.62 1.18 0.91 0.74 0.15 8.91 4.02 2.31 1.51 08 .82 .64


0.20 8.86 3.97 2.26 1.47 1.04 0.78 0.61

Senegal beta 0.15 0.20 0.05 0.10 alpha 0'.10 34.10 33.38 33.24 33.19 0115 15.67 14.97 14.84 14.79 9.18 8.53 8.39 8.35 0.20 0.25 6.16 5.54 5.41 5.36 3.19 3.74 4.50 3.92 0.30 0'.35 3.48 2.94 2.81 2.77 0.40 2.81 2.30 2.18 2.13


U* =

0 0.03

n y y

=0.08 0.05

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